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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «УЛЬЯНОВСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» ГЛАГОЛ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ (формы, виды, функции, система времен) Учебное пособие для студентов, обучающихся по: направлению 09.03.02 «Информационные системы и технологии», специальности 24.05.07 «Самолето- и вертолетостроение» Составители: Н. И. Воронцова, О. А. Зотова Ульяновск УлГТУ 2018

ГЛАГОЛ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ функции система времен · общие сведения об английском

Jun 22, 2020



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Page 1: ГЛАГОЛ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ функции система времен · общие сведения об английском


МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение


ГЛАГОЛ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ (формы, виды, функции, система времен)

Учебное пособие

для студентов, обучающихся по: направлению 09.03.02 «Информационные системы и технологии»,

специальности 24.05.07 «Самолето- и вертолетостроение»

Составители: Н. И. Воронцова, О. А. Зотова

Ульяновск УлГТУ


Page 2: ГЛАГОЛ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ функции система времен · общие сведения об английском


УДК 811.111(075)

ББК 81.2 Англ-2 я7

Г 52

Рецензенты: кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры английского языка Ульяновского государственного педагогического университета им. И. Н. Ульянова, С. Ю. Канина; кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры «Романо-германских языков» ФГБОУВО «УлГПУ им. И. Н. Ульянова», Т. А. Полуянова; кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры «Общенаучные дисциплины» ОСП «Института авиационных технологий и управления» Ульяновского государственного технического университета, Э. Н. Зиновьева. Утверждено редакционно-издательским советом университета в качестве

учебного пособия

Г 52 Глагол в английском языке (формы, виды, функции, система времен) : учебное пособие / сост.: Н. И. Воронцова, О. А. Зотова.– Ульяновск : УлГТУ, 2018. – 169 с.

ISBN 978-5-9795-1800-8

Учебное пособие к практическим занятиям составлено в соответствии с программой дисциплины «Английский язык». Содержит сведения об английском глаголе, системе времен английского глагола, фрагменты аутентичных текстов для грамматического анализа. Пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлению 09.03.02 и специальности 24.05.07. Печатается в авторской редакции.

УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.2 Англ-2 я7

© Воронцова Н. И., Зотова О. А., составление, 2018

ISBN 978-5-9795-1800-8 © Оформление. УлГТУ, 2018

Page 3: ГЛАГОЛ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ функции система времен · общие сведения об английском



ВВЕДЕНИЕ ............................................................................................................................ 4

1. ОБЩИЕ СВЕДЕНИЯ ......................................................................................................... 5 1.1. Формы глагола ............................................................................................................ 5 1.2. Виды глагола ............................................................................................................... 8

2. СИСТЕМА ВРЕМЕН АНГЛИЙСКОГО ГЛАГОЛА .................................................... 14 2.1. Действительный залог (Active Voice) ..................................................................... 14

2.1.1. Группы глагольных форм настоящего времени .......................................... 15 2.1.2. Группы глагольных форм прошедшего времени......................................... 27 2.1.3. Группы глагольных форм будущего времени ............................................. 40

2.2. Cтрадательный залог (Passive Voice)...................................................................... 54 2.2.1. Группы глагольных форм настоящего времени .......................................... 54 2.2.2. Группы глагольных форм прошедшего времени......................................... 61 2.2.3. Группы глагольных форм будущего времени ............................................. 69

3. СОГЛАСОВАНИЕ ВРЕМЕН В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ (SEQUENCE OF TENSES) ................................................................................................................................ 74

3.1. Формы глагола в Future -in-the-Past в Active Voice ............................................... 76 3.2. Формы глагола в Future -in-the-Past в Passive Voice ............................................. 79

4. ОБРАЩЕНИЕ ПРЯМОЙ РЕЧИ В КОСВЕННУЮ ...................................................... 83

5. EXERCISES (Level II) ...................................................................................................... 88

6. FRAGMENTS OF TEXTS FOR GRAMMAR ANALYSIS .......................................... 106

7. TESTS .............................................................................................................................. 120

ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ .................................................................................................................. 155

БИБЛИОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ СПИСОК .............................................................................. 156

KEYS .................................................................................................................................. 158

Приложение А. Таблица неправильных глаголов .......................................................... 163

Приложение Б. Времена глаголов английского языка. Действительный залог (The Active Voice) .............................................................................................................. 167

Приложение В. Времена глаголов английского языка. Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice) ............................................................................................................. 169

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Настоящее пособие по английскому языку предназначено для

студентов самолетостроительных специальностей университетов, в

которых обучение иностранному языку осуществляется в два этапа:

общеобразовательный (первые два семестра) и профессионально-

ориентированный (все остальные семестры обучения, число которых

бывает разное). Данное пособие может быть использовано при

обучении грамматике английского языка для формирования

соответствующих языковых компетенций.

Пособие состоит из нескольких разделов, в которых даются

общие сведения об английском глаголе, система времен английского

глагола, задания на отработку каждого из времен, упражнения двух

уровней сложности, а также фрагменты текстов для грамматического


Цель предлагаемого пособия заключается в том, чтобы

расширить возможности будущих специалистов для решения

информационных и исследовательских задач, поставленных перед

современной отраслевой наукой и современным наукоемким


Каждая новая грамматическая тема открывается таблицей, в

которой материал дается в предельно сжатом и систематизированном

виде и закрепляется упражнениями. В приложениях представлен

систематизированный материал по всем глагольным временам как в

активном, так и в пассивном залоге, а также список форм

неправильных глаголов. Пособие сопровождается ключами к

упражнениям повышенной сложности.

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1.1. Формы глагола

Глаголом называется часть речи, которая обозначает действие

или состояние лица или предмета.

Формы английского глагола делятся на личные и неличные.

Личные формы глаголы выражают лицо, число, наклонение,

время, залог. К личным формам относятся формы глагола в трех

лицах единственного и множественного числа во всех временах

действительного и страдательного залога в изъявительном и

сослагательном наклонении. Они служат в предложении сказуемым и

всегда употребляются при наличии подлежащего, с которым глагол-

сказуемое согласуется в лице и числе.

I live in Russia.

He studies mathematics.

She is working in the laboratory.

The experiments were completed two days ago.

К личным формам глагола относится также форма

повелительного наклонения, так как она служит сказуемым, при

котором подразумевается подлежащее you.

Mix these ingredients in the jar, please.

К неличным формам глагола относятся инфинитив (the

Infinitive), герундий (the Gerund) и причастие (the Participle). Они не

могут выступать в предложении в роли сказуемого, а выполняют

другие функции.

The engineer has come to the mechanic shop to repair the engine

(инфинитив в роли обстоятельства цели).

They discussed different methods of repairing engines at the

conference (герундий в роли дополнения).

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The worker repairing the engine was the most skilled in the field

(причастие в функции определения).

Английский глагол имеет четыре основные формы:

1. инфинитив (the Infinitive) – исходная форма глагола, употребляется

с частицей to, соответствует русскому «делать»;

2. прошедшее неопределенное время (Past Indefinite), соответствует

русскому «делал, сделал»;

3. причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle или Participle II),

соответствует русскому «деланный, сделанный»;

4. причастие настоящего времени (Present Participle или Participle I),

соответствует русскому «делающий» или деепричастию «делая».

По способу образования прошедшего неопределенного времени

(Past Indefinite) и причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle)

глаголы делятся на две группы: правильные и неправильные.

Правильные глаголы образуют вторую и третью формы

посредством прибавления к основе инфинитива окончания – ed:

to answer – answered – answered

to work – worked – worked

to expect – expected – expected.

Окончание – ed произносится:

а) после звонких согласных (кроме d) и гласных звуков как [d]:

opened [oupnd], followed [‘foloud];

б) после глухих согласных звуков (кроме t) как [t]: helped [helpt],

asked [a:skt];

в) после звуков [d] и [t] как [id]: waited [‘weitid], intended


При образовании второй и третьей форм глагола следует

соблюдать следующие правила орфографии:

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а) если глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на немую букву – e,

то при прибавлении – ed эта гласная выпадает: to hope – hoped, to live

– lived;

б) если глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на – y с

предшествующей согласной, то – y меняется на – i: to try – tried, to

study – studied; если же перед – y стоит гласная, то – y сохраняется: to

stay – stayed, to play – played;

в) если односложный глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на одну

согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком, то конечная

согласная удваивается: to stop – stopped, to nod – nodded;

г) двусложные или многосложные глаголы, оканчивающиеся на

одну согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком,

удваивают конечную согласную только в том случае, если ударение

падает на последний слог: to permit – permitted, to refer – referred.

Неправильные глаголы образуют вторую и третью формы

различными иными способами: to feed – fed – fed, to speak – spoke –

spoken, to build – built – built; у некоторых неправильных глаголов все

три формы одинаковы: to put – put – put, to cut – cut – cut.

Неправильные глаголы необходимо заучивать в трех основных

формах (см. Приложение А).

Четвертая форма глагола (Present Participle или Participle I)

образуется посредством прибавления окончания – ing к глаголу в

форме инфинитива без частицы to: to stand – standing, to enjoy –


При образовании Present Participle необходимо соблюдать

следующие правила орфографии:

а) если глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на немую букву – e,

то при прибавлении – ing эта гласная выпадает: to hope – hoping, to

live – living;

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б) если односложный глагол в инфинитиве оканчивается на одну

согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком, то конечная

согласная удваивается: to stop – stopping, to nod – nodding;

в) двусложные или многосложные глаголы, оканчивающиеся на

одну согласную с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком,

удваивают конечную согласную только в том случае, если ударение

падает на последний слог: to permit – permitting, to refer – referring.

1.2. Виды глагола

По своему значению и роли, выполняемой в предложении,

глаголы делятся на смысловые, вспомогательные, глаголы-связки и

модальные глаголы.

Смысловые глаголы имеют самостоятельное значение и

употребляются в предложении в роли простого глагольного


The ground crew prepare the aircraft for the flight.

Вспомогательные глаголы не имеют самостоятельного

значения и служат для образования сложных глагольных форм. К ним

относятся глаголы to be, to have, to do, shall (should), will (would).

The material was subjected to welding.

The plane has just landed.

The flight engineer said that the plane would not take off.

Глаголы-связки служат для образования составного именного

сказуемого. Основным глаголом-связкой является глагол to be. К ним

также относятся глаголы to become, to get, to grow, to turn (в

значении «становиться»), глагол to look (в значении «выглядеть»).

I am a student.

The days become shorter in winter.

The captain looked ill.

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Модальные глаголы употребляются в сочетании с

инфинитивом смыслового глагола. Они выражают возможность,

вероятность, необходимость, желательность совершения действия,

выраженного смысловым глаголом. К модальным глаголам относятся

глаголы can (could), may (might), must, ought to, need, should.

Модальные глаголы являются недостаточными, так как у них

нет всех форм, которые имеют другие глаголы.

Инфинитив, следующий за этими глаголами, употребляется без

частицы to. Исключение составляет глагол ought, за которым следует

инфинитив с частицей to.

В 3-м лице единственного числа настоящего времени модальные

глаголы не имеют окончания – s.

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы not,

которая ставится непосредственно после модального глагола.

Глагол can и его форма прошедшего времени could

употребляется для выражения возможности или способности

совершить действие и переводится на русский язык посредством

могу, умею, мог, умел.

Глагол may употребляется для выражения разрешения и

переводится на русский язык посредством могу или для выражения

предположения и переводится на русский язык сочетанием может

(могут) с инфинитивом.

The passengers may have a rest in the terminal. – Пассажиры могут

отдохнуть в аэровокзале.

Глагол might употребляется в придаточных предложениях, если

глагол в главном стоит в прошедшем времени, и выражает

разрешение или предположение.

They said damaged engine might be the main reason of the crash. –

Они сказали, что главной причиной крушения может быть

поврежденный двигатель.

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Глагол must употребляется для выражения необходимости

совершения действия в силу обязанности, долга, а также для

выражения приказа или совета. Переводится на русский язык

посредством должен, обязан.

The captain must file the flight plan.

Глагол need употребляется для выражения необходимости

совершить действие со значением нужно, надо. Употребляется

только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.

The workers needn’t do that hard work.

Глагол ought to употребляется для выражения морального долга

или совета, обозначает должен, следует, следовало бы.

Passenger Relation Agent ought to be more polite to passengers.

Глагол should, как и глагол ought to употребляется для

выражения морального долга или совета. Should употребляется в

речи гораздо чаще, чем ought to.

If you had lost your airline ticket, you should appeal to Airport

General Manager.

Как было сказано выше, модальные глаголы не имеют всех

необходимых временных форм, для этого употребляются их

эквиваленты (заменители).

Эквивалентом модального глагола can является конструкция to

be able to (быть в состоянии что-либо сделать), которую мы можем

использовать в любой временной форме.

The ground crew is able to prepare the airplane for flight.

The ground crew was able to prepare the airplane for flight.

The ground crew will be able to prepare the airplane for flight.

Эквивалентом модального глагола may является конструкция to

be allowed to (иметь разрешение что-либо сделать).

The pilot is allowed to use the manual controls.

The pilot was allowed to use the manual controls.

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The pilot will be allowed to use the manual controls.

Эквивалентом модального глагола must являются глаголы to

have to и to be to, которые имеют некоторые дополнительные оттенки


Глагол to have to означает долженствование, вызванное

обстоятельствами, вынужденную необходимость, часто переводится

на русский язык приходится, пришлось, придется.

The aircrew sometimes have to land their aircraft in emergency.

The aircrew had to land their aircraft in emergency because of

heavy snowstorm.

The aircrew will have to land their aircraft in emergency if the

weather is foggy.

Глагол to be to означает долженствование, связанное с

расписанием, планом или по предварительной договоренности.

Употребляется в Present Simple и Past Simple.

The preflight briefing is to begin at 10.15 A.M.

The preflight briefing was to begin at 10.15 A.M.

Задание 1.1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения.

Объясните употребление модальных глаголов.

1. I know you can do it because you have the courage.

2. Ben can’t be still sleeping! It’s time for him to go to college.

3. She gave Mary the names of several friends whom she could trust.

4. Mum, may I have another sweet?

5. I told him that he might go home.

6. Must I send the fax and write the contract today? – You needn’t send the

fax, but you certainly must write the contract.

7. I think we must rely only on ourselves.

8. Have a seat, please. I have to make a call before we leave.

9. Do I have to have another check-up, doctor?

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10. We are to decide it right now.

11. What am I to tell my parents?

12. The report says the country should think twice before joining the

European market.

13. People should consult three things in all our actions: justice, honesty

and utility.

14. Everybody thinks that I ought not to complain.

15. Molly hesitated. Ought she to accept this present from a stranger?

16. Do you really need my help? You needn’t worry, I’m fine.

Задание 1.2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях

соответствующими модальными глаголами (can (could), may

(might), must, ought to, need, should в утвердительной,

отрицательной или вопросительной формах.

1. Students … bring textbooks into the examination room.

2. … I smoke here? – No, you … . Smoking is not allowed.

3. He … answer the teacher’s questions yesterday, but he … answer the

same questions today.

4. … I borrow your umbrella?

5. The teacher told the class, «If you make a spelling mistake, you … write

the correction three times».

6. He sees very badly; he … wear glasses all the time.

7. Railway notice: Passengers … be in possession of a ticket.

8. You don’t look well, you … consult the doctor.

9. He … to help them, they need his help.

10. «… we discuss this question now?» – «No, we … . We … do it

tomorrow afternoon».

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Задание 1.3. Замените модальные глаголы соответствующими

эквивалентами, обращая внимание на обстоятельства времени в


1. It was a fine day yesterday, so we could have a picnic. (tomorrow)

2. The apples are rotten; we must throw them away. (yesterday)

3. We might stay at home, but we didn’t want to. (tomorrow)

4. Something was wrong with the car; he couldn’t start it. (two days ago)

5. I haven’t written the composition. I must write it on Sunday. (tomorrow)

6. May they visit the museum? (next Sunday)

7. We can’t wait for them any longer. (yesterday)

8. They must go to the station immediately. (an hour ago)

9. Children may not go to the park late at night. (yesterday)

10. I couldn’t swim well when I was a child. (now)

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В английском языке глаголы могут иметь два залога:

действительный (the Active Voice) и страдательный (the Passive


Глагол в действительном залоге показывает, что действие

выполняется лицом или предметом, обозначенным подлежащим: They

build thousands of new houses every year in our country.

Когда подлежащее является лицом или предметом,

подвергающимся действию со стороны другого лица или предмета,

глагол употребляется в форме страдательного залога: Thousands of

new houses are built every year in our country.

Для выражения времени совершения действия – настоящего,

прошедшего и будущего – в английском языке существует

своеобразная развернутая система глагольных времен (Tenses).

Глагольные времена делятся на четыре группы: Simple Tenses,

Continuous Tenses, Perfect Tenses и Perfect Continuous Tenses, которые

отображают характер действия в настоящем, прошедшем и


2.1. Действительный залог (Active Voice)

Рассмотрим указанные группы глагольных времен в настоящем,

прошедшем и будущем времени в действительном залоге (the Active

Voice) (см. Приложение Б).

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2.1.1. Группы глагольных форм настоящего времени

Таблица 2.1.1

Глагольные формы настоящего времени

Времена Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

Present Simple

I (you, we, they) ask. He (she, it) asks.

I (you, we, they) do not (don’t) ask. He (she, it) does not (doesn’t) ask.

Do I (you, we, they) ask? Does he (she, it) ask?

Present Continuous

I am asking. He (she, it) is asksing. You (we, they) are asking.

I am not (amn’t) asking. He (she, it) is not (isn’t) asking. You (we, they) are not (aren’t) asking.

Am I asking? Is he (she, it) asking? Are you (we, they) asking?

Present Perfect

I (you, we, they) have asked. He (she, it) has asked.

I (you,we,they) have not (haven’t) asked. He (she,it) has not (hasn’t) asked.

Have I (you, we, they) asked? Has he (she, it) asked?

Present Perfect Continuous

I (you, we, they) have been asking. He (she, it) has been asking.

I (you, we, they) have not (haven’t) been asking. He (she, it) has not (hasn’t) been asking.

Have I (you, we, they) been asking? Has he (she, it) been asking?

Формы глагола в Present Simple

Present Simple употребляется:

а) для выражения универсальных истин, общеизвестного факта:

The sun rises in the east. – Солнце всходит на востоке.

Americans speak English. – Американцы говорят на английском.

б) для выражения обычного, регулярно повторяющегося

действия, относящегося к настоящему:

Every day students attend lectures. – Каждый день студенты

посещают лекции.

She never drinks coffee in the morning. – Она никогда не пьет

кофе утром.

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в) для выражения действия в будущем времени, если оно

является заранее намеченным и решенным:

Next week they start learning English. – На следующей неделе они

начинают изучать английский язык.

The lecture begins in an hour. – Лекция начинается через час.

г) в расписаниях (отправления и прибытия транспорта, учебных

занятий, телепередач, концертов, спектаклей):

Flight 365 arrives at 10.30. – Рейс 365 прибывает в 10.30.

Для указания на повторный характер действия в Present Simple

часто употребляются следующие наречия: always – всегда, usually –

обычно, often – часто, seldom – редко, sometimes – иногда, never –

никогда, а также словосочетания: every day / week, month, year –

каждый день / неделю, месяц, год.

Утвердительная форма всех глаголов (кроме глагола to be)

образуется от инфинитива без частицы to, в 3-м лице единственного

числа глаголы принимают окончание – s: he reads, she writes, it swims.

Отрицательная и вопросительная формы образуются при

помощи вспомогательного глагола do (does в 3-м лице ед.ч.):

They do not (don’t) live in London. He does not (doesn’t) live in London.

Do they live in London? Does he live in London?

Задание 2.1. Объясните употребление Present Simple в данных

примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Every morning the sun shines in the window and wakes me up.

2. I study English at Glasgow University.

3. The library opens at 10 and closes at 7.

4. People use the strangest things as bookmarks.

5. She drives to the country at weekends.

6. He knows several foreign languages.

7. Usually the lectures begin at 9 o’clock.

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8. Your children usually ask a lot of questions.

9. It often rains in the valley.

10. From time to time it snows in the South in winter.

Задание 2.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. Sam usually (make) a lot of mistakes in his dictation.

2. Tom and Mary (play) tennis three times a week.

3. He always (loose) his keys.

4. Usually I (listen) music in the evening.

5. We again (think) about our exam.

6. You (get up) early in the morning.

7. I (smell) the roses.

8. They often (go) to the mountains on their holidays.

9. She (be) always on duty on Mondays.

10. The students (have) three lectures every day.

Задание 2.3. Поставьте предложения задания 2.2. в отрицательной

и вопросительной формах.

Задание 2.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Present Simple. Помните о порядке слов в

английском предложении.

1. I / my / every / friends / go / hall / the / to / Saturday / and / dancing.

2. Live / parents / in / his / Chicago.

3. The / during / sun / the / day / shine.

4. Corner / the / stop / bus / at / the.

5. Children / school / the / Spanish / learn / at.

6. Not / tennis / they / together / play / do.

7. Return / in / nature / to / spring / life.

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8. They / the / do / way / know / not.

9. Of / jet / a / noise / lot / engines / make.

10. Nine / the / not / train / does / leave / o’clock / at.

Задание 2.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


ask get up go make play speak say sit try watch

1. Peter always … late on Sundays.

2. Ann and John sometimes … tennis at weekends.

3. My mother often … French at home.

4. Small children … questions all the time.

5. Sarah … to London to see her mother twice a week.

6. I … more mistakes in English when I’m tired.

7. That child never … «Thank you».

8. He … in the same chair every evening.

9. She … to go skiing every year.

10. My father … TV most evenings.

Формы глагола в Present Continuous

Present Continuous употребляется для выражения:

а) длительного действия, происходящего в момент речи:

The students are writing the test now. – Cтуденты пишут сейчас


б) длительного действия, происходящего в настоящий период


He is studying English in London. – Он изучает английский язык в


в) будущего действия, когда выражается уверенность в его


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We are going to Paris on Sunday. – Мы едем в Париж в


Present Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного

глагола to be в настоящем времени (am, is, are) и смыслового глагола

в форме причастия настоящего времени (Participle I).

При образовании отрицательной формы после вспомогательного

глагола ставится отрицание not.

The baby is not (isn’t) sleeping now.

При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный

глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Is the baby sleeping now?


Следует иметь в виду, что глаголы, выражающие чувства,

восприятия и умственные состояния, не употребляются во временах

группы Continuous и Perfect Continuous: to like – нравиться, to love –

любить, to hate – ненавидеть, to want – хотеть, to feel – чувствовать, to

see – видеть, to hear – слышать, to think – думать, to know – знать, to

understand – понимать, to remember – помнить, to forget – забывать, to

believe – верить, to seem – казаться и некоторые другие.

Задание 3.1. Объясните употребление Present Continuous в данных

примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I want to lose weight, so this week I’m not eating lunch.

2. I’m tired. I’m going to bed now.

3. John is ill but he is getting better slowly.

4. Please be quiet. I’m trying to concentrate.

5. He knows several foreign languages but now he is speaking French.

6. Who is that woman who is standing next to the window?

7. After three days of rain. I’m glad that the sun is shining again today.

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8. Hello, Pete, where are you going? – I’m hurrying to school.

9. What are you talking about? – We are discussing the new film.

10. Look! It is snowing. It’s so beautiful.

Задание 3.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. Hurry! The bus … (approach).

2. Listen, he … (speak) Chinese?

3. The children … (play) football in the yard now.

4. They … (listen) to a new record in the living room.

5. They... (laugh) so loudly. Did I say anything funny?

6. At the moment John … (fly) over the ocean.

7. Can you hear those people? They... (talk) about the catastrophe.

8. Look! Somebody … (carry) your bags.

9. Our parents … (come) back from Turkey.

10. He … always (forget) things.

Задание 3.3. Поставьте предложения задания 3.2. в отрицательной

и вопросительной формах.

Задание 3.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Present Continuous. Помните о порядке слов в

английском предложении.

1. (She / work / in Peru this year?) – (No, she / study / in Mexico).

2. (You / study / English at the moment?) – (Yes, I / work / hard).

3. (They / listen / to the radio?) – (No, they / play / CDs).

4. (Peter / wash/ now?) – (Yes, he / have / a bath).

5. (They / live / in Madrid at the moment?) – (Yes, they / learn / Spanish).

6. (David / sing / in a group this year?) - (No, he/ work / in a restaurant).

7. (Denny / write / a composition now?) – (No, he / read / a newspaper).

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8. (Granny / make / strawberry jam at the moment?) – (No, she / make

/apple jam).

9. (Jack / listen / to his teacher now?) – (Yes, Mr. Brown / explain /

something to him).

10. (He / read /a book / in his room / now)? – (No, he / prepare / his exam /


Задание 3.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


come sleep go look for wear work at return move

prepare spend leave

1. Look! She … such a funny suit.

2. It’s so quiet in the house! Where are the children? — They … .

3. Let’s have a break and go out to lunch together. — I’m sorry, I can’t. I …

a very important project.

4. You … always … late. Don’t you realize it’s not polite to keep

people waiting?

5. Jane … from her holiday tomorrow. — Oh, yes, we … to meet her at the


6. As far as I know, he … a new job. So he is likely to be interested in your


7. What … they at the moment? — I have no idea, but it seems to be

something special.

8. I … to a new flat at the weekend.

9. He … just a few days in Paris.

10.When … ? — I don’t know actually.

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Формы глагола в Present Perfect

Present Perfect выражает действие, совершившееся к настоящему

моменту или в период времени, который не закончился. При этом

имеет значение результат действия, а не время его совершения.

Present Perfect часто употребляется с наречиями

неопределенного времени: ever – когда-либо, never – никогда,

already – уже, just – только что, not yet – еще не, since – с тех пор как,

today – сегодня, this week / month / year – на этой неделе / месяце /

году и др.

They have already had dinner. – Они уже пообедали.

Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола

to have в форме настоящего времени have, has (для 3-го лица ед.ч.) и

смыслового глагола в 3-й форме (Participle II).

При образовании отрицательной формы после вспомогательного

глагола ставится отрицание not.

They have not (haven’t) had dinner yet.

При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный

глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Have they had dinner today?

Задание 4.1. Объясните употребление Present Perfect в данных

примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. He has passed the interview and he’s happy.

2. The manager hasn’t come yet.

3. They have known it all the time.

4. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me.

5. I’ve studied telexes from Paris and I’ve come to a decision.

6. Since I’ve known you, you’ve always been a workaholic.

7. I hope we haven’t made a mistake.

8. The weather has been terrible lately.

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9. Have you ever tasted African food?

10. Is Kathy here? No, she has gone out.

Задание 4.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. I’m afraid I (forget) my book at home.

2. They (already / inform) me about the accident.

3. He is the most handsome man I (ever / know).

4. Kevin (already / leave for) Manchester.

5. He ( receive) four letters from her this week.

6. I (hear) much from him since he left Paris.

7. We (see) some good films recently.

8. They (wait) for you for half an hour.

9. Alan (work) in the bank for a year.

10. Mom (have) a headache since she came from the theatre.

Задание 4.3. Поставьте предложения задания 4.2. в отрицательной

и вопросительной формах.

Задание 4.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Present Perfect. Помните о порядке слов в

английском предложении.

1. (I / not / play / since / tennis / last summer).

2. (I / know / for / her / more than ten years).

3. (I / not / since / eat / anything / lunchtime).

4. (You / for/ live / in this town / a long time?).

5. (Jill / be / since / a good friend / we were at school together).

6. (You / see / since / Jack / the party last week?).

7. (The cake / be / for / in the oven / thirty minutes).

8. (The car / break down / twice this month / already).

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9. (I / the money / just/find / which I was looking for).

10. (The little girl / eat / never / caviar).

Задание 4.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


decide go away fall forget prepare write not send

appear stop break not see

1. I … the letter but I … it.

2. Tom just … .

3. I … him for three years.

4. He … already about the accident.

5. A lot of new houses … in the town since the time he came here last.

6. What a pity! I … my watch.

7. He already … what to do with the cassettes.

8. What … you … for the dinner?

9. The rain … . You may take off your cloak.

10. Something … on the floor. Look, what it is.

Формы глагола в Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous употребляется для выражения

длительного действия, которое началось в прошлом и еще

совершается в настоящее время. Переводится на русский язык

настоящим временем.

The pilot has been trying to land the helicopter for 2 hours. – Пилот

пытается посадить вертолет в течение 2-х часов.

При употреблении этого времени всегда указывается период

времени, в течение которого совершается действие: for an hour – в

течение часа, for a month – в течение месяца, for a long time – в

течение долгого времени, долго, давно, since yesterday – со

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вчерашнего дня, since 5 o’clock – с 5-ти часов и т. п., а также в

вопросах, начинающихся с how long? – как долго? и since when? – с

каких пор?

Утвердительная форма образуется при помощи

вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Present Perfect (have been, has

been) и 3-й формы глагола (Participle II).

При образовании отрицательной формы после первого

вспомогательного глагола ставится отрицание not.

The airport has not (hasn’t) been operating since the beginning of

the snowstorm.

При образовании вопросительной формы первый

вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Has the airport been operating since the beginning of the


Задание 5.1. Объясните употребление Present Perfect Continuous в

данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I’ve been living next door to Jane for five years but I’ve never spoken

to her.

2. Marie has been going out with Steve for a year now, and they are

planning to get married.

3. This fund has been helping people for generations.

4. The inspector has been keeping a watch on the house for the last few


5. «I have been keeping this bracelet specially for you», said my


6. I have been waiting for a holiday so long.

7. Where are my letters? Have you been hiding things from me again?

8. For over three centuries farmers in the Philippines have been growing

the finest tobacco leaf in the world.

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9. The telephone has already been ringing for ten minutes.

10. We have already been walking for three hours and we have already

walked 15 km.

Задание 5.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. It (snow) since morning.

2. Your friend (wait) for you for over an hour.

3. My elder sister (study) German for five years.

4. Kevin (look for) a new house since June.

5. The children (play) football in the yard since it stopped raining.

6. My husband (repair) his car since he came home.

7. They (stay) at the Hilton for a week.

8. The amount of crime (increase) for the last few years.

9. The famous detective (travel) in America since the beginning of autumn.

10. Oh, dear! They (quarrel) again all morning.

Задание 5.3. Поставьте предложения задания 5.2. в отрицательной

и вопросительной формах.

Задание 5.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Present Perfect Continuous. Помните о порядке

слов в английском предложении.

1. (I / read / this new novel / for the last several days).

2. (Jack / talk / to the marketing director / for two hours right now).

3. (He / repair / the ceiling / for the whole morning).

4. (We / save / the money / for a holiday / for a year).

5. (Jill / not take / his medicine / for the last week).

6. (Father / drill / holes in the wall / since noon).

7. (I / try / to find / my documents / since Friday).

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8. (They / learn / Japanese / for a couple of years).

9. (I / wait / for his answer / for six months).

10. (The / vegetables / boil / since 10 o’clock).

Задание 5.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


take grow redecorate sleep prepare work cook sell

look cut

1. Colin … for a new job since December.

2. Tom … tulips for many years.

3. They … on it for over three years now.

4. The neighbour … the grass for ages.

5. The children … a music lesson for two hours.

6. Our grandmother … something tasty for two hours.

7. Our neighbours … their flat since last month.

8. The company … computers for two months.

9. The children … since they came back home.

10. I … the experiment for three weeks.

2.1.2. Группы глагольных форм прошедшего времени

Таблица 2.1.2

Глагольные формы прошедшего времени

Времена Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

Past Simple I (you, we, they, he, she, it) asked.

I (you, we, they, he,s he, it) did not (didn’t) ask.

Did I (you, we, they, he, she, it) ask?

Past Continuous

I (he, she, it) was asking. You (we, they) were asking.

I (he, she, it) was not (wasn’t) asking. You (we, they) were not (weren’t) asking.

Was I (he, she, it) asking? Were you (we, they) asking?

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Таблица 2.1.2, окончание 1 2 3 4

Past Perfect I (he, she, it, you, we, they) had asked.

I (he, she, it, you, we, they) had not (hadn’t) asked.

Had I (he, she, it, you, we, they) asked?

Past Perfect Continuous

I (he, she, it, you, we, they) had been asking.

I (he, she, it, you, we, they) had not (hadn’t) been asking.

Had I (he, she, it, you, we, they) been asking?

Формы глагола в Past Simple

Past Simple употребляется для выражения действия, совершившегося или совершавшегося в прошлом, а также ряда последовательных действий в прошлом. Переводится на русский язык прошедшим временем глагола как совершенного вида, так и несовершенного.

I finished my work two hours ago. – Я закончил работу два часа назад.

The man left the house, took a taxi and drove to the station. – Мужчина вышел из дома, взял такси и поехал на вокзал.

Для выражения прошедшего действия употребляется с такими обозначениями времени, как yesterday – вчера, last week – на прошлой неделе, two hours ago – два часа назад, the other day – на днях, in 1945 – в 1945 году и др.

Утвердительная форма образуется при помощи 2-й формы глагола:

He easily passed his exam yesterday. – Он легко сдал экзамен вчера.

They bought that old house in 1960. – Они купили тот старый дом в 1960 году.

Отрицательная и вопросительная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола did:

Did he easily pass his exam yesterday?

They didn’t buy that old house in 1960.

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Задание 6.1. Объясните употребление Past Simple в данных

примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Mr. Smith fixed his car yesterday morning.

2. She studied English two years ago.

3. Last week Mary wrote a funny story about her family.

4. Who rang you up an hour ago?

5. One of her brothers made a tour of Europe last summer.

6. Queen Elizabeth was born in 1926.

7. Antonio Stradivari made wonderful violins.

8. Steven’s friends came to his birthday party last night and gave him

wonderful presents.

9. Last summer I went to the Altai Mountains to visit my relatives there.

10. The customs officers at the airport in New York arrested that young

man when he arrived.

Задание 6.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. Last Tuesday he (be) upset because of bad news.

2. A week ago they (discuss) what to think about that accident.

3. Our football team (win) many games last year.

4. I’m sorry I (miss) the volley-ball match yesterday.

5. I suppose Sam (arrive) some time ago.

6. We last (speak) to Bill an hour ago.

7. Someone (steal) my bicycle last week.

8. I (ask) him to dinner several times yesterday.

9. The milkman (leave) four bottles of milk for us yesterday’s morning.

10. The students (pass) all exams last term.

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Задание 6.3. Поставьте предложения задания 6.2. в отрицательной

и вопросительной формах.

Задание 6.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Past Simple. Помните о порядке слов в

английском предложении.

1. (When / you / leave / the party?).

2. (When / you / finish / your exams?).

3. (I / wait / for an hour, but he / not / phone).

4. (You / watch / the news on TV last night?)

5. (Mark / stop / smoking last month, and he / start / playing tennis again

last week).

6. (He / ask / me a question, but I / not / know / the answer).

7. (I / live / there for a few years, but I / not / know / the language).

8. (She / come / to my house yesterday, but she / not / stay).

9. (What / you / say? / I / not / hear you).

10. (What / you / do yesterday? You / go / to / school?).

Задание 6.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


play have lunch not help not smoke finish visit watch

live be eat not sleep

1. Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past three, but she … it later

yesterday afternoon.

2. Every day I help Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy

with my exam. So I … her much.

3. Tom isn’t playing tennis tomorrow afternoon, he … tennis yesterday.

4. We generally have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we … later.

5. Now my brother smokes a lot, but he … before.

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6. The Frasers live in a four-room apartment, but last year they … in a

small house in the country.

7. I don’t eat meat at all, but the other day I … my friends and … pork


8. We rarely watch television, but last week we … a lot of interesting


9. The weather is nice today, but it … bad yesterday.

10. I sleep well, but last night I … at all.

Формы глагола в Past Continuous

Past Continuous выражает прошедшее действие в процессе его

совершения в определенный момент или период в прошлом.

The boys were playing football after their lessons. – Мальчики

играли в футбол после уроков.

Past Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного

глагола to be в прошедшем времени (was, were) и смыслового глагола

в форме причастия настоящего времени (Participle I).

При образовании отрицательной формы после вспомогательного

глагола ставится отрицание not.

The boys were not (weren’t) playing football after their lessons

При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный

глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Were the boys playing football after their lessons?

Задание 7.1. Объясните употребление Past Continuous в данных

примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. It was snowing when we went out.

2. It was night. The stars were sparkling.

3. What were you reading on holidays? – I wasn’t reading anything, I was

enjoying my time.

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4. While Grandma was making tea in the kitchen, her grandson ate the last

piece of cake.

5. Chuck was having a shower at ten o’clock in the evening.

6. The telephone always rang when I was cooking supper.

7. While he was having a swim, somebody came and took away his


8. Alec was not at home at seven o’clock. He was working.

9. When the telephone rang, she was sleeping.

10. There was a strong wind outside and the rain was beating against the


Задание 7.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. When I arrived, Tom (lie) on the sofa and (speak) over phone.

2. The police caught Dan when he (rob) a shop.

3. He couldn’t speak because he (lie) of laugh.

4. Between one and two I (play) the piano and heard nothing.

5. When I got up that morning, the sun (shine) brightly and birds (sing).

6. When you rang me yesterday, I (have) a bath.

7. Somebody stole the money from Dad’s pocket while he (sleep).

8. I (sit) by the window when I heard the noise.

9. It (rain) cats and dogs as I (walk) towards their house.

10. Just as Tom (cross) the street, a car came round the corner.

Задание 7.3. Поставьте предложения задания 7.2. в отрицательной

и вопросительной формах.

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Задание 7.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Past Continuous. Помните о порядке слов в

английском предложении.

1. (At 8 o’clock / Ann /write / a letter / to her friend).

2. (Carol and Denies / play tennis / behind the hotel / the whole evening).

3. (I / fall asleep / when / I/watch / television).

4. (It / begin / to rain / when / I / walk / home).

5. (We / see / an accident / when / we / wait / for the bus).

6. (George / fall off the ladder / while / he / paint / the ceiling).

7. (Last night / I / read / in bed / when / suddenly / I / hear / a scream).

8. (What / you / do / at that time yesterday).

9. (It / rain / when / I / got up).

10. (Jane / wear / a really beautiful dress / at that party).

Задание 7.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


wait not play shiver not drive reply pass work not

listen try teach

1. I glanced at Mary who … from the cold.

2. At six o’clock I … for Jennie at the station.

3. On coming up to the house I saw a man who … to unlock the door by


4. The student … to the question when the headmistress came in.

5. He … very fast when the accident happened.

6. The goalkeeper … attention, so the opposing team screamed.

7. She … her examination from 6 to 7 yesterday.

8. My father … me driving when our cousin came.

9. He … in the garden all weekend.

10. I … , so I missed what the teacher said.

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Формы глагола в Past Perfect

Past Perfect выражает прошедшее действие, совершившееся до

определенного момента в прошлом или раньше другого действия в

прошлом («предпрошедшее время»).

Past Perfect часто употребляется с такими обозначениями

времени как: by 5 o’clock – к пяти часам, by Monday – к понедельнику,

by the 8th of March – к 8 марта, by the end of the year – к концу года, by

that time – к тому времени и др., а также в придаточных предложениях

после союзов after, before.

By the end of the year they had completed their experiments. – К

концу года они закончили свои эксперименты.

After they had equipped the laboratory, they began new experiments.

– После того, как они оборудовали лабораторию, они начали новые


Past Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to

have в форме прошедшего времени had и смыслового глагола в 3-й

форме (Participle II).

При образовании отрицательной формы после вспомогательного

глагола ставится отрицание not.

They had not (haven’t) finished their dinner by 3 o’clock.

При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный

глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Had they finished their dinner by 3 o’clock?

Задание 8.1. Объясните употребление Past Perfect в данных

примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The train had left by the time we reached the station.

2. She had typed the text and was looking through the files.

3. When the postman came, I hadn’t finished breakfast yet.

4. Mother had cooked supper and was watching television.

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5. He explained that he couldn’t pay as he had spent all his money.

6. The work was much more difficult than we had expected.

7. They left after we had discussed the program.

8. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining.

9. The builders had finished the work by the end of the day.

10. Among the letters was one that had not come by post.

Задание 8.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. She felt a bit better after she (take) the medicine.

2. The weather was awful, but by the time the film was over, the rain


3. They got home late. The children (already, fall asleep).

4. You (be) at your mother’s place by 10 o’clock.

5. When I got up that morning, the rain (already stop).

6. Thomas wasn’t at the party last night. He (arrange) to do something else.

7. They were fed up. They (just, have) dinner.

8. Sorry, I am late. My car (break down) on my way here.

9. I met Jim two days ago. He (just, come back) from holiday.

10. After we (discuss) it on the phone, I wrote him a letter about it.

Задание 8.3. Поставьте предложения задания 8.2. в отрицательной

и вопросительной формах.

Задание 8.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Past Perfect. Помните о порядке слов в

английском предложении.

1. (He / thought / that/he / lose / the / money).

2. (Kate / gave / me the / book / which / she / buy / the / day / before).

3. (When / we / came / to / the / station / the / train / already / leave).

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4. (On / my / way / to / the / institute / I/ remembered / that / I / leave / my /

report / at / home).

5. (Poor Oliver / laid / unconscious / on / the / spot / where / Sikes / leave /


6. (When / they / entered / the / hall / the / performance / already / begin).

7. (Lanny / said / that / he / get / his / education / in/Cope Town).

8. (The / boy / wanted / to / act / the / main / part / in / the / play / because /

he / organize / the / theatre).

9. (Suddenly / he / remembered / that / he / not / ring up / her / in / the /


10. (She / thought / that / Gert / and / Lanny / quarrel).

Задание 8.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


have not phone go forget come back never see make

often hear of meet leave already buy give up

1. Jill was afraid she … her key at home, but she found it in her handbag.

2. Dad wasn’t at home when I came back. He … out twenty minutes


3. I wasn’t hungry because I … breakfast.

4. Peter saw an urgent message on his table. Somebody … it the day


5. I apologized I … her.

6. He told me that he … a fortnight before.

7. I knew him at once though I … him many years before.

8. We spent the night in Klin, a town we … but … .

9. They couldn’t believe he ... his job in the bank. He … a good living


10. Mr. Jackson said that he … everything for lunch.

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Формы глагола в Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous выражает длительное прошедшее

действие, начавшееся ранее другого прошедшего действия,

выраженного в Past Simple и еще происходившего в момент его

совершения. Переводится на русский язык прошедшим временем

глагола несовершенного вида.

The dispatcher had been watching the plane for a long time when it

suddenly disappeared. – Диспетчер долго наблюдал за самолетом, когда

он внезапно исчез.

Past Perfect Continuous образуется при помощи

вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Past Perfect (had been) и

причастия настоящего времени (Participle I).

При образовании отрицательной формы после первого

вспомогательного глагола ставится отрицательная частица not.

The dispatcher had not (hadn’t) been watching the plane since the

very morning.

При образовании вопросительной формы первый

вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Had the dispatcher been watching the plane since the very morning?

Задание 9.1. Объясните употребление Past Perfect Continuous в

данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Mrs. Jackson was one of the best teachers at the school. She had been

teaching for twenty years.

2. My eyes were getting tired. I had been reading for two hours. I decided

to make a break.

3. The boys had black eyes and torn trousers. They had been fighting.

4. She put aside the sweater which she had been knitting.

5. They had been driving all night when finally they saw the lights of a big


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6. The boy had been reading the task in physics for a long time but he

didn’t understand it.

7. We were tired as we had been walking for more than an hour. It was

time to rest.

8. At last he got the opportunity he had been waiting for so long.

9. My grandfather stopped smoking last year. He had been smoking for 50


10. By the end of their journey they were very tired. They had been

travelling for two days.

Задание 9.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. Alice (type) this text for 3 hours before Mark came.

2. Anthony (wait) for his airplane for 3 hours when its delay was


3. I saw many huge puddles. It (rain) hard for half a day.

4. Ben did not even realize what a hard time Molly (have).

5. Mary (train) for a year and she was very fit when her ex-boyfriend met


6. Sally’s husband (fix) the car since early morning.

7. Nick and Molly (talk) on the phone for an hour when the line broke.

8. Bob tried to stop Dan who (shout) for the last ten minutes.

9. Steven felt tired as he (sail) for several hours.

10. Jane (try) to find her mother for years but she failed.

Задание 9.3. Поставьте предложения задания 9.2. в отрицательной

и вопросительной формах.

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Задание 9.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Past Perfect Continuous. Помните о порядке

слов в английском предложении.

1. (He / drive / for / ten / minutes / when / the / accident / happened).

2. (The / snow / freeze / on / my / window / for / several / minutes / so / I /

couldn’t / see / well).

3. (I / play / the / piano / for / half / an / hour / before / my / uncle / came).

4. (George / mend / a broken / window / for / an hour / when / the phone /


5. (They / walk / along / the / street / for / several / minutes / when / they

/saw / an / unusual / car).

6. (The / snow / melt / all / day / until / the / evening / came).

7. (We / play / tennis / for / about / an hour / when / it / started / to rain).

8. (The / rain / pour / all / night / so / the morning / was wet / and /


9. (She / learn / English / for / three / years / before / she / went / to / the /


10. (Alice / answer / questions / for / some / minutes / when / the /

schoolmaster / came / in).

Задание 9.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


pay / bills stay / with her friends cry smoke / cigar try to steal / the

car talk not attend / classes save cycle / quite fast renovate


1. She returned to the house where she … .

2. Sue … until she reached the hill.

3. By the smell in the room and his guilty expression I could tell that

Alex … .

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4. The principal called Carmen into his office because she … .

5. I had to give Peter some money when I found out that he … .

6. He told the police that he … . He said it belonged to his brother.

7. When I last went to Moscow, they … St Basil’s Cathedral.

8. Although she tried to hide her face, I could see that Clara … .

9. For years we … about buying new carpets, and last weekend we finally

went out and ordered some.

10. Bill … since Christmas to buy a new bike.

2.1.3. Группы глагольных форм будущего времени

Таблица 2.1.3

Глагольные формы будущего времени

Времена Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

Future Simple

I (we) shall ask. You will (they, he, she, it) ask.

I (we) shall not (shan’t) ask. You (they, he, she, it) will not (won’t) ask.

Shall I (we) ask? Will you (they, he, she, it) ask?

Future Continuous

I (we) shall be asking. You (he, she, it they) will be asking.

I (we) shall not (shan’t) be asking. You (they, he, she, it) will not (won’t) be asking.

Shall I (we) be asking? Will you (they, he, she, it) be asking?

Future Perfect

I (we) shall have asked. You (he, she, it, they) will have asked.

I (we) shall not (shan’t) have asked. You (he, she, it, they) shall not (shan’t) have asked.

Shall I (we) have asked? Will you (he, she, it, they) have asked?

Future Perfect Continuous

I (we) shall have been asking. You (he, she, it, they) will have been asking.

I (we) shall not (shan’t) have been asking. You (he, she, it, they) shall not (shan’t) have been asking.

Shall I (we) have been asking? Will you (he, she, it, they) have been asking?

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Формы глагола в Future Simple

Future Simple выражает действие, которое совершится или будет

совершаться в будущем.

She will take her exam in two days. – Она будет держать экзамен

через два дня.

I shall send him the telegram tomorrow. – Я пошлю ему

телеграмму завтра.

Употребляется с такими обстоятельствами времени как

tomorrow - завтра, some day – когда-нибудь, in two days – через два

дня, next month – в следующем месяце и др.

Образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола shall (для 1-

го лица ед. и мн. ч) или will (для остальных) и инфинитива

смыслового глагола без частицы to.

При образовании отрицательной формы после вспомогательного

глагола ставится отрицание not.

They will not (won’t) start experiments next week.

При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный

глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Will they start experiments next week?

Задание 10.1. Объясните употребление Future Simple в данных

примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. It’s late. I think I’ll take a taxi.

2. Shall I answer the question?

3. We don’t know their address. What shall we do?

4. Our test will not take long .

5. I’m afraid they will not wait for us.

6. Diana will come to the party tomorrow.

7. You will arrive in Paris tomorrow evening.

8. The boy will remember this day all his life.

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9. Perhaps they will buy a new house this year.

10. He will be fourteen next year.

Задание 10.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. I’m sure I (find) Jim at the hotel.

2. We (book) the tickets in advance.

3. I think it (rain) tomorrow.

4. Everybody thinks they (get) married.

5. There (be) still many wars in the world.

6. Dad (present) Mag a personal computer for her birthday.

7. There (be) drugs for every kind of disease in 50 years’ time.

8. They (hear) about it in the 12 o’clock news.

9. I read in the paper that they (increase) the price of gas again.

10. I’m sure you (have) a good time staying with Richard.

Задание 10.3. Поставьте предложения задания 10.2. в

отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

Задание 10.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Future Simple. Помните о порядке слов в

английском предложении.

1. (I / will / go / to / my / doctor / tomorrow).

2. (He / give / me /a / complete / examination).

3. (The nurse / lead / me / into / one / of / the / examination / rooms).

4. (I / take off / my / clothes / and / put on / a / hospital / gown).

5. (Dr. Setton / measure / my / height / and / my / weight).

6. (Then / he / take / my / pulse / and / my / blood / pressure).

7. (He / examine / my / eyes / ears / nose / and / throat).

8. (He / listen / to / my / heart / with / a / stethoscope).

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9. (Then / he / take / a / chest / X-ray / and / do / a / cardiogram).

10. (Tomorrow / he / call / me / and / tell / the / results).

Задание 10.5. Put the best phrase from the box in each gap. Start your

sentences with I’ll.

phone for a taxi help you to look for it go with

give you a name of a language school carry some of them

give you some money ask her to phone you tonight open a window

make you a sandwich

1. A: I want to take these books home, but they’re heavy.

B: ___________________

2. A: I feel sick. It’s so hot in this room.

B: ____________________

3. A: I want a cup of coffee, but I don’t have any money.

B: ____________________

4. A: I’m hungry. I didn’t have any lunch.

B: ____________________

5. A: I want to learn Japanese.

B: ____________________

6. A: I’ve lost my passport.

B: ____________________

7. A: It’s ten o’clock. I’ll be late if I walk.

B: ____________________

8. A: I want to speak to Jane. It’s very important.

B: ____________________

9. A: I want to go to the museum, but I don’t know the way.

B: ____________________

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В придаточных предложениях времени и условия, относящихся

к будущему, после союзов if, when, as soon as, before, after, till (until)

глагол в придаточном предложении употребляется в Present Simple, а

в главном предложении в Future Simple.

He will buy a newspaper when he goes out. – Он купит газету,

когда выйдет из дома.

I know you will have trouble if you make a mistake. – Я знаю, у

вас будут неприятности, если вы совершите ошибку.

Задание 11.1. Выберите правильную форму глагола: Present

Simple / Future Simple.

1. Will you call on us when you (will come / come) back from London?

2. We (shall improve / improve) our pronunciation if we work at the

language laboratory.

3. Unless you work hard you (don’t pass/won’t pass) your exams.

4. Steve will probably phone us this evening if he (will be / is) at home.

5. You (will enjoy / enjoy) the film if you go and see it.

6. He won’t answer your questions till he (finishes / will finish) the work.

7. Jane must eat her breakfast before she (will go / goes) away.

8. We shall all miss you when you (will be / are) away.

9. He will give you his book if he (has / will have) an extra one.

10. Jack won’t be able to do this work unless you (help / will help) him.

Задание 11.2. Поставьте один из глаголов в каждом предложении

в Present Simple, а другой в Future Simple.

1. «I (stay) till the wind (change)», she said shortly.

2. They (go) straight home after she (do) the shopping.

3. When I (find) somewhere to live I (give) you my address.

4. As soon as he (learn) the truth he (let) me know.

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5. John (miss) his classes if he (fall) ill.

6. We (play) tennis this evening if it (stop raining).

7. I (pack) my things sooner if you (help) me.

8. If the weather (be) nice tomorrow we (go) for a picnic.

9. He (write) a letter to his parents after he (pass) his exam.

10. I know you (have) trouble if you (make) a mistake.

Формы глагола в Future Continuous

Future Continuous употребляется для выражения будущего

действия в процессе его совершения.

I shall be preparing for my exams in June. – Я буду готовиться к

экзаменам в июне.

Future Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного

глагола to be в будущем времени (shall be, will be) и смыслового

глагола в форме причастия настоящего времени (Participle I).

При образовании отрицательной формы после вспомогательного

глагола ставится отрицание not.

They will not (won’t) be having dinner at 6 o’clock tomorrow.

При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный

глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Will they be having dinner at 6 o’clock tomorrow?

Задание 12.1. Объясните употребление Future Continuous в

данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I’ll be still working when you arrive.

2. This time tomorrow he’ll be lying on the beach.

3. They’ll be watching television from eight till midnight.

4. I’m going to speak to you. I’ll be waiting for you in the garden.

5. Alice has caught a cold. She won’t be singing at this concert.

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6. Lucy has bought a ticket to London. She’ll be going by train this time


7. Don’t call at me tomorrow. I’ll be painting the fence all day long.

8. You can come to me tomorrow at day time. I won’t be working.

9. My mother is coming by the 6 o’clock train. I’ll be meeting her at the


10. Will you be taking care of the child in my absence?

Задание 12.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме. 1. This time next month I (have) a rest in Florida.

2. She (wait) for you if you come.

3. I’m going to stay outdoors tomorrow because my brother (practice) the

piano all day.

4. They (have) an English exam at 10 a.m. in the room 31.

5. I’ve bought a new book and I (read) it the whole evening tonight.

6. We (revise) this material the whole month as a preparation for the exam.

7. It (get) dark in an hour or so. Let’s come back home.

8. Be careful. They (watch) you all the time.

9. Peter is very busy. He (fix) his car the whole morning.

10. She is ill. She (stay) in bed for the next week.

Задание 12.3. Поставьте предложения задания 12.2. в отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

Задание 12.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов, используя глагол в Future Continuous. Помните о порядке слов в английском предложении. 1. (At / about / 8.30 / I / watch / the / football).

2. (Don’t / phone / me / between / 7 and 8). (We / have / dinner then).

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3. (Do / you / think / you / still / do / the / same / work / in / five / year’s /


4. (He / pass / his / exam / from 2 to 3 / tomorrow).

5. (So / you / stay / in / Paris / on / your / way / to / London).

(How / long / you / stay /there)?

6. (We / drive / to / London / from 8 to 9 / next / Monday / morning).

7. (Perhaps / they / visit / their / friends / at / that / time).

8. (The / mechanics / work / on / the / cars / before / the / race / starts).

9. (The / actors / rehearse / the / second / act / at 3 o’clock / tomorrow).

10. (We / would / better / go / out / tomorrow / because / our / neighbour /

practice / the / piano / all / day).

Задание 12.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


talk about say carry out drive live enjoy try watch

open organize

1. Mary Slater … her work on the radio tonight.

2. I’ve got a job in Stockholm so I … there for the next two years.

3. The council … road repairs over the next two days.

4. Matsuki … their first factory in Europe next year.

5. I … more about that topic in my next lecture.

6. Tom … to win his third gold medal in the next Olympics.

7. It’s odd to think that this time tomorrow we … to Madrid.

8. I won’t have time to meet you next weekend, I’m afraid. I … the school

timetable for next year.

9. I want to ask my friend to come with me and I feel sure he … the

holiday with us.

10. They …the football match from 6 till 8 o’clock.

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Формы глагола в Future Perfect

Future Perfect выражает будущее действие, которое совершится

до определенного момента в будущем.

Момент, до которого совершится действие может быть

определен такими обозначениями времени как: by 5 o’clock – к пяти

часам, by Monday – к понедельнику, by the 8th of March – к 8 марта, by

the end of the year – к концу года, by that time – к тому времени и др., а

также придаточными предложениями времени и условия,

выраженными в Present Simple (так как в таких предложениях

будущее время не употребляется).

By the end of the year they will have completed their experiments. –

К концу года они закончат свои эксперименты.

They will have completed their experiments when new equipment

arrives. – Они закончат свои эксперименты, когда прибудет новое


Future Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола

to have в форме будущего времени will have и смыслового глагола в

3-й форме (Participle II).

При образовании отрицательной формы после вспомогательного

глагола ставится отрицание not.

They will have not (haven’t) finished their dinner by 3 o’clock.

При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный

глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Will they have finished their dinner by 3 o’clock?

Задание 13.1. Объясните употребление Future Perfect в данных

примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. They will have repaired your car by then.

2. We shall have left by the time you arrive.

3. I’ll see her on Monday. She’ll have already worked.

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4. I’ll have already done the work by the time you come back.

5. I still won’t have finished reading the book by four o’clock.

6. He will have left by now.

7. Will you have written the essay by tomorrow?

8. We shall have arranged everything by that time.

9. Students will have finished their study by the end of December.

Задание 13.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. The train already (leave) by the time we come to the station.

2. They (pick) all the harvest by the end of September.

3. I think I (pass) my driving test by the end of the week and we can go by


4. He used to have black hair but now I think he (get) completely grey by

his forty.

5. We are trying to save some money. By the end of the year we (gain)

2,000 $.

6. We (paint) the whole house by the time they come back from their


7. This disease is spreading so fast. By the time of the week more than

hundred people (fall) ill.

8. I hope they (build) the bridge by the end of the year.

9. He (sign) the contract by two o’clock.

10. The secretary (type) the letter by the time the meeting begins.

Задание 13.3. Поставьте предложения задания 13.2. в

отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

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Задание 13.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Future Perfect. Помните о порядке слов в

английском предложении.

1. (I / read / magazine/ by / the / that / time).

2. (They / by/ my / get / telegram / morning).

3. (She / reach / the / learn / news / before / this / letter / her).

4. (By / 2020 / I / live / in / for / twenty / Moscow / years / already).

5. (This / chess / last / game / be / going / to / ages. They / by / not /finish /

it / then).

6. (I / hope / I / prizes / win / a / lot / of / before / I / be / twenty).

7. (Perhaps / I / my / have / own / exhibition / age / by / the / of / twenty-


8. (I / wonder / if / I / the / be / subject / of / TV / a / documentary / by / the

/ time / I / be / thirty).

9. (Maybe / I / become / by / world-famous / the / of / thirty-five / age).

10. (I / hope / I / millions / make / of / pounds / my / from / pictures / by /

the / age / of / fourty).

Задание 13.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


Do write translate cook forget paint read make finish work

1. By the end of this year Mr. Brown ….. for this company for fifty years.

2. By this time next week I ....... my work.

3. What ....... by the time I come back?

4. The decorator ........... the room by Tuesday.

5. We ...... the article by Saturday.

6. Tom ....... his third novel by the end of this year.

7. Don’t worry! You ......... all about it by this time next year.

8. Hopefully, he ................ dinner for us by the time we get home.

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9. I ............. this book by tomorrow night.

10. He hopes he ............. a million pounds by the time he is thirty.

Формы глагола в Future Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect Continuous выражает длительное будущее

действие, которое начнется ранее другого будущего действия, и будет

еще совершаться в момент его наступления, при этом всегда

указывается период времени, в течение которого действие будет

совершаться. Эта форма глагола употребляется очень редко.

Future Perfect Continuous употребляется с такими обозначениями

времени как: for an hour – в течение часа, for a month – в течение

месяца, for a long time – в течение долгого времени, долго, давно.

Переводится на русский язык будущим временем глагола

несовершенного вида.

By 10 o’clock the students will have been waiting for their teacher

for an hour. – К 10 часам студенты будут ждать преподавателя уже в

течение часа.

Future Perfect Continuous образуется при помощи

вспомогательного глагола to be в форме Future Perfect will have been

и смыслового глагола в форме причастия настоящего времени

(Participle I).

При образовании отрицательной формы после вспомогательного

глагола ставится отрицание not.

The students will not (won’t) have been working hard when the

exams begin.

При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный

глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

Will the students have been working hard when the exams begin?

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Задание 14.1. Объясните употребление Future Perfect Continuous в

данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Do you think you’ll be tired in the evening? – Yes, I’ll have already

been working for eight hours.

2. They are leaving for Moscow in May. When I come there in September,

they’ll have been staying in Moscow for four months.

3. By the time you get here the people will have been waiting for an hour


4. By May he’ll have been riding that bike for five years.

5. By Christmas I’ll have been working for this company for twenty years.

6. By next year he will have been working here for two years.

7. By 11 o’clock she’ll have been waiting for five hours.

8. Mark will be tired when he gets home because he will have been jogging

for over an hour.

9. By Friday I will have been working on this project for two weeks.

10. How long will you have been studying English by the end of this term?

Задание 14.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. By the time he arrives in London, John (drive) for five hours.

2. By Friday I (work) on this project for two weeks.

3. By 5 o’clock I (do) this crossword puzzle for three hours.

4. You (discuss) this problem for two hours by the time I get there.

5. By 2018 you (live) in this country long enough to participate in the


6. By the time we join him, he (paint) the room for one hour.

7. By next week she (study) in this class for three months.

8. When he returns to the store, she (work) there for several hours.

9. By that time we (swim) for three hours.

10. By the end of this year I (run) my own company for ten years.

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Задание 14.3. Поставьте предложения задания 14.2. в

отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

Задание 14.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Future Perfect Continuous. Помните о порядке

слов в английском предложении.

1. (By / time / for / tomorrow / this / travel / twelve / I / hours).

2. (By / the / an / you / get / the / people / time / wait / for / hour / here /


3. (By / the / time / my / parents / arrive / from / Spain/ I / learn / Spanish /

for / a / year).

4. (Before / go/ to / competition / they / coach / train / them / for / the / two

/ months / the).

5. (On / the / of / write / her / 1st / novel / for / seven / May / years / she).

6. (He / the / for / by / cartoons / three / watch / hours / 8 / p.m.).

7. (She / by / ten / eat / the / her / pizza / cook / for / minutes / time /you /


8. (By / 7.00 / cricket / for / eight / play / they / hours / pm).

9. (They / the / for / over / hour / by / time / talk / an / Jack / arrive).

10. (In / five / try / summer / job / Jane / the / to / find / a / new / for /


Задание 14.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


Drive paint work repair work revise smoke celebrate watch snow

1. Tomorrow it ........... for four days.

2. Next April Sue ......... for this firm for ten years.

3. We …… for six hours by the time we get home.

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4. I ......... this film for the third time when you return home.

5. Tomorrow Peter ........... his house for a week.

6. Miss Carrington .............. as a teacher for twenty years next January.

7. Mike ......... that Italian car for four or five days tomorrow.

8. Robert ......... for five years next month.

9. The people of this area ........... the harvest festival for a week tomorrow.

10. In two hours you already ............ for your exam for the whole day.

2.2. Cтрадательный залог (the Passive Voice)

Рассмотрим указанные группы глагольных времен в настоящем,

прошедшем и будущем времени в страдательном залоге (the Passive

Voice) (см. Приложение В).

Времена страдательного залога употребляются согласно тем же

правилам, что и соответствующие им формы действительного залога.

Формы страдательного залога английских глаголов образуются

с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем

времени, лице и числе и 3-й формы смыслового глагола (Participle II).

2.2.1. Группы глагольных форм настоящего времени

Таблица 2.2.1

Глагольные формы настоящего времени

Времена Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

Present Simple

I am asked. You(we, they) are asked. He (she, it) is asked.

I am not (amn’t) asked. You (we, they) are not (aren’t) asked. He (she, it) is not (isn’t) asked.

Am I asked? Are you (we, they) asked? Is he (she, it) asked?

Present Continuous

I am being asked. He (she, it) is being asksed. You (we,

I am not (amn’t) being asked. He (she, it) is not (isn’t)

Am I being asked? Is he (she, it) being asked? Are you (we,

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they) are being asked.

being asked. You (we, they) are not (aren’t) being asked.

they) being asked?

Present Perfect

I (you, we, they) have been asked. He (she, it) has been asked.

I (you, we, they) have not (haven’t) been asked. He (she, it) has not (hasn’t) been asked.

Have I (you, we, they) been asked? Has he (she, it) been asked?

Задание 15.1. Объясните употребление Present Simple Passive в

данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Is this room cleaned every day?

2. I am not often invited to parties.

3. How is this word pronounced?

4. Cheese is made from milk.

5. There’s no need to leave a tip. Service is included in the bill.

6. In the Russian Federation elections for President are held every six


7. It’s a big factory. Five hundred cars are produced there every day.

8. Most of the Earth’s surface is coved by water.

9. The park gates are locked at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

10. This road is used very often.

Задание 15.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. Two hundred people (employ) by the company.

2. Many accidents (cause) by careless driving.

3. This company (own) by a much larger company.

4. An island (cover) by water.

5. A computer (use) to do this job nowadays.

6. A lot of money (waste) on armaments.

7. The boy (punish) for misbehaving very often.

8. A lot of houses (build) in our region every year.

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9. The famous lecturer (greet) by the students warmly in every university.

10. It seems to me that music (hear) from the next room.

Задание 15.3. Поставьте предложения задания 15.2. в

отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

Задание 15.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Present Simple Passive. Помните о порядке

слов в английском предложении.

1. (Hockey / play / in / winter).

2. (Don’t / phone / me / between / 7 and 8). (Our / rooms / clean / usually /

here / at / that / time).

3. (Mushrooms / usually / gather / in / our / woods / in / autumn).

4. (Flowers / sell / in / shops / and / in / the / streets).

5. (Bread / eat / every / day).

6. (Many / interesting / games / always / play / at / our / PT / lessons).

7. (Books / by / R. Dahl / read / with / great / interest).

8. (Where / old / letters / keep)?

9. (Why / those / rules / always / forget)?

10. (I / often / ask / for / help / by / my / brother).

Задание 15.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


tell use discuss export write see visit like make speak

1. Warm clothes … of wood.

2. How many languages … in Russia?

3. The work the students do …with tutors.

4. Such people …by everybody.

5. Millions of cars … from Japan every year.

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6. Tests … every month.

7. The old textbook still …. .

8. Even the most remote places on earth … by tourists nowadays.

9. I’ll do as I … and I’ll be alright.

10. She often … in his company.

Задание 16.1. Объясните употребление Present Continuous Passive

в данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. A new hospital is being built now near the airport.

2. It seems to me that we are being followed by a stranger.

3. Why can’t I enter the room? Is it being painted now?

4. All the family is in the hall now. The Christmas tree is being decorated

with great pleasure.

5. Ann can’t use her office at the moment. It’s being redecorated.

6. The results of a very important experiment are being discussed now.

7. A very delicious fruit ice cream is being sold all over the town now.

8. The lost tourists are being looked for at the moment.

9. Readers’ questions are being answered by the writer at his conference

just now.

10. I can’t drive my car. It is being repaired in the shop now.

Задание 16.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. What strange sounds! – Oh, our piano (tune).

2. The witness (question) by the police-inspector now.

3. Why are you standing here? – Our luggage (examine) at the Customs


4. I’m so nervous. My grandma (operate) at the hospital at the moment.

5. The most difficult examples (explain) by the teacher in the class now.

6. A very important experiment (complete) now in the laboratory.

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7. Look, what exotic flowers (plant) in the park!

8. New tasks (plan) by the President for our government at the moment.

9. The airplane (load) now with medicine, food and toys for sick children

in Syria.

10. A very delicious cake (cook) now in the oven. I’m eager to taste it.

Задание 16.3. Поставьте предложения задания 16.2. в

отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

Задание 16.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Present Continuous Passive. Помните о порядке

слов в английском предложении.

1. (Our / pavements / widen / by / the / workers / at / the / moment).

2. (Most / of / old / trees / in / our / street / replace / by / new / ones / this /


3. (Another / modern / supermarket / build / in / the / central / district /


4. (The / professor’s / speech / listen / to/with / great / attention).

5. (He / operate / at / hospital / now).

6. (The / little / orphans / look after / with / love / and / care / at / the /


7. (The / exam / take / now / in / the / next / room).

8. (Don’t / worry! / The / plane / fly / by / the / most / experienced / pilot).

9. (The / boy / teach / at / home / because / he / is / ill).

10. (The / last / sentence / of / the / test / now / translate / by / the /


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Задание 16.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


build use knock down serve broadcast answer visit

clean close sell

1. Switch on the radio. The President’s speech … now.

2. Look at those old houses! They … .

3. A new ring-road … round the city.

4. The room … at the moment.

5. The computer … by the teacher now.

6. The customer is going to try the dress. She … with great care.

7. This summer the museum … by thousands of tourists.

8. Ancient paintings … well now.

9. The politician is surrounded by people. He … their hot questions.

10. Do you hear? It’s our gate that … with such creaking.

Задание 17.1. Объясните употребление Present Perfect Passive в

данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The preparations for the party have just been finished and the guests are

already arriving.

2. The paper hasn’t been read by anybody yet.

3. The suit hasn’t been worn for a long time.

4. I’m happy as I have just been allowed to stay here for an extra day.

5. Have you ever been taught to play chess?

6. I have just been advised to keep to a diet.

7. I can’t believe my eyes! My book has just been published.

8. I’m not going to the party. I haven’t been invited.

9. This room looks different. Has it been painted since I was last here?

10. Why have you come today? – The date of the meeting has been


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Задание 17.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. The commission (show) already the new machine.

2. Look at the book! It (tear).

3. Carol has got a new position in her job. She (promote).

4. The company has reduced its employees number and all salaries (cut).

5. The most difficult examples just (explain) by the teacher in the class.

6. There are no more trees in the park. They all (cut down).

7. What happened to Clare? She (throw out) for stealing.

8. The old inn (replace) by a new hotel.

9. The collection of ancient paintings (sell) to raise enough money to erect

a monument.

10. This library (visit) by readers for years.

Задание 17.3. Поставьте предложения задания 17.2. в

отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

Задание 17.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Present Perfect Passive. Помните о порядке

слов в английском предложении.

1. (Our / garden / take over / by / the / neighbour’s / cats).

2. (Doctors / give / a / new / pay / rise / by / the / government).

3. (I / send / a / telegram / by / my / father).

4. (This / strange / man / see / twice / this / week).

5. (My / husband / just / offer / an interesting / job / in / this / firm).

6. (That / rude / boy / never / teach / good / manners).

7. (This / room / not use / for / ages).

8. (This / special / edition / (write) for / children).

9. (John / (not ask) any / questions / by / the / teacher / at / this / lesson).

10. (The / sick / man / just / take / to / hospital / by / ambulance).

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Задание 17.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


make bring back explain iron not make send install cancel give maintain 1. The announcement … yet.

2. The match … because of rain.

3. A great number of important experiments … in this laboratory.

4. Anybody … the rules of the game to you?

5. I’m very disappointed by my new friends. They … my skates.

6. The explanation of these strange facts … yet.

7. … the new apparatus already in the laboratory?

8. The temperature … at the point of 20 degrees since the beginning of the


9. You … your dress yet?

10. Invitations … to all the old pupils to be present at the school’s thirtieth


2.2.2. Группы глагольных форм прошедшего времени

Таблица 2.2.2

Глагольные формы прошедшего времени Времена Утвердительная

форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

Past Simple I (he, she, it) was asked. You (we, they) were asked.

I (he, she, it) was not (wasn’t) asked. You (we, they) were not (weren’t) asked.

Was I (he, she,i t) asked? Were you (we, they) asked?

Past Continuous

I (he, she, it) was being asked. You (we, they) were being asked.

I (he, she, it) was not (wasn’t) being asked. You (we, they) were not (weren’t) being asked.

Was I (he, she, it) being asked? Were you (we, they) being asked?

Past Perfect I (you, we, they, he, she, it) had been asked.

I (you, we, they, he, she,it) had not (hadn’t) been asked.

Had I (you, we, they, he,she, it) been asked?

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Задание 18.1. Объясните употребление Past Simple Passive в

данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We were woken up by aloud voice during the night

2. The roof of the building was damaged in a storm a few days ago.

3. You were invited to the wedding. Why didn’t you go?

4. Originally the book was written in Spanish and a few years ago was

translated into English.

5. The letter was posted a week ago and it arrived only yesterday.

6. While I was on holiday, my camera was stolen.

7. Where were these photographs taken?

8. All flights were cancelled because of fog.

9. My family lived in Scotland but I was educated in France.

10. The bridge was destroyed during the flood.

Задание 18.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. The electric light bulb (invent) by Thomas Edison.

2. The class was too large, so it (divide) into two groups.

3. The house burned down. According to the police, the fire (cause) by


4. A hunter (kill) by a bear.

5. The police (inform) that there had been a mistake.

6. Nick’s camera (steal) when he was on holiday.

7. The road (close) five days ago.

8. He tried to attract their attention, but all his efforts (ignore).

9. The Sales Department (reorganize) two weeks ago.

10. Some mistakes (make) in Ann’s composition.

Задание 18.3. Поставьте предложения задания 18.2. в

отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

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Задание 18.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Past Simple Passive. Помните о порядке слов в

английском предложении.

1. (The / book / lose / when / we / moved).

2. (How / many / questions / by / you / ask / during / the exam)?

3. (Many / cakes / eat / by / the / children).

4. (When / he / was / young / Ron / bring up / by / his / grandparents).

5. (She / accuse / of / stealing / money).

6. (I / offer / the / job / but / I / refused / it).

7. (Pat / distress / by / the / news / she / got / yesterday).

8. (How / many / people / kill / in / an / accident)?

9. (Different / proposals / add / to / his / report).

10. (Very / interesting / books / exhibit / when / we / were / visiting / the /


Задание 18.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


pay make repair invent check found erect publish

purchase discover sell out

1. When … radio…?

2. America … in the fifteenth century.

3. The book …first in 1965.

4. The picture … at the auction in 1961.

5. My computer … by my friend yesterday.

6. A few war monuments … before Victory Day.

7. Our luggage … by a customs officer.

8. Cambridge and Oxford Universities … in the thirteenth century.

9. We … to empty all our suitcases.

10. Four thousand dollars … for his homestead.

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Задание 19.1. Объясните употребление Past Continuous Passive в

данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The exposition was being opened when we drove up to the picture


2. He couldn’t go out as his suit and shirt were being cleaned.

3. The policeman noticed that the suitcase was being carried by the porter

in a most strange way.

4. When I came to the skating-rink he was being taught to skate by his

elder brother.

5. I drove up to the shop just as it was being closed, but the owner was

kind enough to let me in.

6. She watched television while dinner was being prepared.

7. When I came into the kitchen I smelt something delicious. My favourite

cookies were being baked in the oven.

8. They were being taught drawing at that lesson.

9. The students were being examined in this class.

10 .The traffic lights were being repaired all day yesterday.

Задание 19.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. I didn’t realize that our conversation (record).

2. Large areas of forest (destroy) during last decades.

3. The tennis court (use), so we couldn’t play.

4. Two new engineers (introduce) to the head of the department when I

came into the hall.

5. Last month her child (look after) by her grandma .

6. The patients couldn’t enter the doctor’s office because it (clean and air).

7. The paper (examine) attentively because of a lot of breaking news.

8. The matter (discuss) with great interest some days ago.

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9. Early vegetables and fruit (sell) at the supermarket all day yesterday.

10. The earth (cover) with heavy snow during two last nights.

Задание 19.3. Поставьте предложения задания 19.2. в

отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

Задание 19.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Past Continuous Passive. Помните о порядке

слов в английском предложении.

1. (The / airplane / couldn’t / take off / because / its / landing gear / repair /

after / a / minor / accident).

2. (The / experiments / with / uranium / carry out / by / Marie Curie / in /

the / end / of / the / nineteenth / century).

3. (Madam Tussaud’s / exhibition / show / all / over / Great Britain / from /

1802 / till / 1835).

4. (The / runway / clear / of / snow / during / two / days / already / but /

there / was / no / success).

5. (The / damaged / engine / repair / in / the / hangar / when /the / weather /

suddenly / grew / nasty).

6. (Young / trees / plant / in / the / park / during / last / weeks / of /


7. (The / pavements / in / our / town / widen / by/ the / brigade / of /

workers / from / morning / till / night).

8. (How / many / articles / translate / by / the / students / of / that / group /


9. (His / jokes / laugh at / continuously / at / the / yesterday’s / party).

10. (The / robber / pursuit / by / the / police / during / two / hours).

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Задание 19.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


clean shake gather interview teach feed not pay

follow write paint

1. Looking back he found that he … .

2. She … by the manager when I arrived.

3. The windows … while I was there.

4. When we entered the classroom the test … by the students.

5. The buildings in the street … by the number of explosions last night.

6. The walls in the room … all morning.

7. When the doctor came to see the baby, it … by its mother.

8. Last semester the students … two foreign languages.

9. A lot of mushrooms … in our wood last summer.

10. She found that she … the same wage as he.

Задание 20.1. Объясните употребление Past Perfect Passive в

данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. By six o’clock all the experiments had been completed.

2. By three o’clock the trucks had already been loaded.

3. When I entered the kitchen, I saw that all the pies had been eaten.

4. By the middle of autumn all the trees had been planted.

5. She showed me the picture which had been painted by her husband.

6. She said that the new timetable had not yet been hung up on the notice


7. By three o’clock everything had been prepared.

8. The papers had been looked through and corrected by the next lesson.

9. After the facts had been thoroughly explained to her, she no longer felt


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10. She told me that those newspapers had been carefully put away where

they would not be lost.

Задание 20.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. He said that Grandmother’s letter (receive) the day before.

2. The yearly plan of this plant (fulfill) by the fifteenth of November.

3. As a letter of credit (open) by the buyers, we could ship the goods.

4. The event (report) by the newspapers before they arrived home.

5. All the students (examine) by five o’clock.

6. I was told yesterday that he (offer) a job in our institute.

7. I (teach) to play chess by the time I was four.

8. All the money (spend) by the end of our vocation.

9. It turned out that a new show (organize) by Mary.

10. By six o’clock the winner (announce) by the committee.

Задание 20.3. Поставьте предложения задания 20.2. в

отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

Задание 20.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Past Perfect Passive. Помните о порядке слов в

английском предложении.

1. (She / not introduce / by / the / hostess / and /felt / embarrassed / as / she

/ herself / didn’t / know / anybody).

2. (This / book / was / devoted / to / his / brother / who / kill / in / the /


3. (The / girl / was / crying / because / she / make fun of / by / her /


4. (The / letter / write / in / a / hurry / that’s / why / it / was / difficult / to /

read / it).

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5. (By / this / time / 5 patients / already / operate).

6. (The / theatre / build / before / we / arrived / here).

7. (By / the / time / he / arrived / the / letter / already / receive).

8. (After / the / apple / eat / the / girl / took / her / doll / and / left / the /


9. (When / I / came / home / the / dinner / already / cook).

10. (The / news / told / me / before / they / were / published / in / the /


Задание 20.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


entrust rob sell out not open explain not invite offer not

sleep in recall redecorate

1. She didn’t go to the party last Sunday as she … .

2. The rule … to the students before the lesson was over.

3. The room looked different. It … .

5. We could not buy this book. It … .

6. I thought that James … that job.

7. The shock came when the boss told him that he … .

8. No case … to him for years.

9. Brian told me he … in the street.

10. The museum ... by the last April.

11. He could see that the bed was empty and … .

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2.2.3. Группы глагольных форм будущего времени

Таблица 2.2.3

Глагольные формы будущего времени

Времена Утвердительная форма

Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

Future Simple

I (we) shall be asked. You will (they, he, she, it) be asked.

I (we) shall not (shan’t) be asked. You (they, he, she, it) will not (won’t) be asked.

Shall I (we) be asked? Will you (they, he, she, it) be asked?

Future Continuous

Не существует Не существует Не существует

Future Perfect

I (we) shall have been asked. You (he, she, it, they) will have been asked.

I (we) shall not (shan’t) have been asked. You (he, she, it, they) shall not (shan’t) have been asked.

Shall I (we) have been asked? Will you (he, she, it, they) have been asked?

Формы группы времен Perfect Continuous в страдательном

залоге (the Passive Voice) не существуют.

Задание 21.1. Объясните употребление Future Simple Passive в

данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. If you aren’t careful what you are doing with that hammer someone will

be hurt in a minute!

2. A new dormitory will be built next year.

3. A lot of beer will be drunk at Sam’s birthday.

4. How many winners do you think will be chosen?

5. A lot of workers will be employed by the company very soon.

6. Where will you be sent by the company next year?

7. When do you think this book will be bought?

8. The new museum will be given a new collection in three days.

9. Many people will be invited to the party.

10. How much money will be spent during their journey?

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Задание 21.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. A lot of garbage (throw) in some minutes.

2. Mr. Anderson (inform) about the Court’s decision very soon.

3. Nick (introduce) to our friends soon.

4. They (tell) what to do.

5. The origin of the Universe never (explain).

6. The invitations (send) to the guests.

7. The car price (control) by the Government.

8. The new definition (determine) later.

9. His adventures (describe) in his new book.

10. They (take) sightseeing in an hour.

Задание 21.3. Поставьте предложения задания 21.2. в

отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

Задание 21.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Future Simple Passive. Помните о порядке слов

в английском предложении.

1. (I / don’t / think / the / time / machine / invent / soon).

2. (The / new / highway / complete / sometime / next / month).

3. (Language / skills / teach / in / every / school / of / the / city).

4. (This / material /use / in / space / exploration).

5. (Tropical / trees / grow / in / the / new / park).

6. (New / articles / publish / in / scientific / journals).

7. (The / news / announce / tomorrow).

8. (The / Physics / exam / give / next / week).

9. (New / radioelements / discover / soon).

10. (A / new / school / establish / next / year).

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Задание 21.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


punish steal meet give catch launch examine publish

tell send

1. Don’t worry! The burglars … by the police soon.

2. Get your passports ready, they … by the officer.

3. Mind, you … if you disobey my order.

4. I wonder when my project paper … .

5. Don’t leave your bicycle outside. It … .

6. The new spaceship … in Florida in some days.

7. The delegation … at the airport.

8. The committee informs that the food … to Africa next week.

9. You … two hours to make your decision.

10. They … of my future plans soon.

Задание 22.1. Объясните употребление Future Perfect Passive в данных примерах. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. The old castle will have been restored by the first of June. 2. Forty per cent of cars will have been produced by the beginning of

September. 3. The new block of houses will have been built by then. 4. The coffee will have been made by the time you get up. 5. The parcel will have been delivered by 9 o’clock next morning. 6. The luggage will have been packed by the time we leave. 7. Obsolete computers will not have been used by the end of the year. 8. The marathon distance will have been run by the best runners only by

the evening. 9. Don’t worry! Your car will have been repaired by tomorrow. 10. Will the main hero of the book have been killed by the end of the


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Задание 22.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. The workers (pay) their salary only by the end of the month.

2. This famous writer’s books (sell) certainly by the end of the week.

3. I promise that flowers (send) to her by seven o’clock.

4. Such clothes (wear) by the end of the season.

5. The text (translate) by the end of the lesson.

6. This talented designer (spoke of) by the end of the exhibition.

7. The new airplane model (construct) by the beginning of the conference.

8. The President speech (broadcast) by 10 o’clock.

9. The final test (write) by the end of the lesson.

10. The table (lay) for dinner by six o’clock.

Задание 22.3. Поставьте предложения задания 22.2. в

отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

Задание 22.4. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

используя глагол в Future Perfect Passive. Помните о порядке слов

в английском предложении.

1. (The / damaged / units/of / the / plane / replace / by / the / evening).

2. (The / runway / covered / with / heavy / snow / clear / by / the /


3. (The / struck / airplane / pull out / from / mad / by / the / end / of / the /


4. (The / committee / make / to / come / to / the / decision / by / 9 o’clock).

5. (The / report / about / the / accident / finish / by / the / end / of / the /


6. (New / articles / publish / in / the / scientific / journal / by / the / end /

of / the / month).

7. (The / news / about / the / catastrophe / announce / by / the / evening).

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8. (Early / vegetables / deliver / to / supermarkets / by / the / very /


9. (The / important / investigations / complete / by / the / end / of / the /


10. (The / construction / of / the / new / plant / finance / by / the / end / of /

the / next / year).

Задание 22.5. Глаголы, данные в рамке, поставьте по смыслу в


discover take away prepare deliver paint learn pay feed

fix install

1. All the walls in the house … by the end of the week.

2. The documents … for discussion by 8 o’clock.

3. I believe that some new interesting places … on the earth by the end of

the century.

4. I wonder if I … my salary by the end of the week.

5. I hope that the snow … from the streets by the end of the winter.

6. The astronauts … to the spacedrome by 8 o’clock.

7. New modern traffic lights … all over the town by the end of the next


8. The date of the premiere … by the end of the next week.

9. Don’t worry! My role … by 10 o’clock.

10. All the animals in the Zoo … by the evening.

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В английском языке время глагола в придаточном предложении

зависит от времени, в котором употреблен глагол в главном

предложении. Употребление времен в придаточных предложениях,

главным образом дополнительных, подчиняется правилам, которые

называются правилами согласования времен.

1. Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом

настоящего времени (обычно Present Simple или Present Perfect) или

будущего времени (обычно Future Simple), то глагол в придаточном

предложении употребляется в любом времени, которое требуется по


He thinks that it often rains here. – Он думает, что здесь часто идет


He thinks that it rained yesterday. – Он думает, что вчера прошел


He thinks that it will rain tomorrow. – Он думает, что завтра пойдет


He has said that it often rains here. – Он сказал, что здесь часто идет


He has said that it has just rained. – Он сказал, что только что прошел


He has said that it rained yesterday. – Он сказал, что вчера прошел


He has said that it will rain tomorrow. – Он сказал, что завтра пойдет


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He will think that it often rains here. – Он подумает, что здесь часто

идет дождь.

He will think that it rained yesterday. – Он подумает, что вчера прошел


He will think that it will rain tomorrow. – Он подумает, что завтра

пойдет дождь.

2. Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в

одной из форм прошедшего времени (обычно Past Simple), то глагол

придаточного предложения употребляется в одной из форм

прошедшего времени (Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect)

или будущего в прошедшем (Future-in-the-Past):

а) Для выражения действия, одновременного с действием

главного предложения, глагол придаточного предложения

употребляется в Past Simple или Past Continuous:

I was sure that he knew her name. – Я был уверен, что он знает ее


She thought that he was waiting for her at the station. – Она

думала, что он ждет ее на вокзале.

б) Для выражения действия, предшествующего действию

главного предложения, глагол придаточного предложения

употребляется в Past Perfect:

He was sure that she had left London. – Он был уверен, что она

уехала из Лондона.

She thought that he hadn’t received her letter. – Она думала, что

он не получил ее письма.

в) Для выражения будущего действия по отношению к действию

главного предложения, глагол в придаточном предложении

употребляется в одной из форм будущего в прошедшем (Future-in-the-

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Past), выражающих будущее действие по отношению к прошедшему


They said that she would take her exam in two days. – Они сказали,

что она будет держать экзамен через два дня.

They said that she would be taking her exam at 9 o’clock. – Они

сказали, что она будет держать экзамен в 9 часов.

They said that she would have passed her exam by 9 o’clock. – Они

сказали, что она сдаст экзамен к 9 часам.

They said that she would have been passing her exam for an hour

when they arrive. – Они сказали, что она будет сдавать экзамен в

течение часа, когда они приедут.

Future-in-the-Past образуется так же, как и все будущие времена,

с той лишь разницей, что вместо shall/will применяются

соответственно should/would.

3.1. Формы глагола в Future -in-the-Past в Active Voice

Таблица 3.1

Глагольные формы в Future -in-the-Past в Active Voice Времена Утвердительная

форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная

форма Future Simple-in-the-Past

They hoped I (we) should ask. They hoped you (they, he, she, it) would ask.

They hoped I (we) should not ask. They hoped you (they, he, she, it) would not ask.

Did they hope I (we) should ask? Did they hope you (they, he, she, it) would ask?

Future Continuous-in-the Past

They hoped I (we) should be asking. They hoped you (they, he, she, it) would be asking.

They hoped I (we) should not be asking. They hoped you (they, he, she, it) would not be asking.

Did they hope I (we) should be asking? Did they hope you (they, he, she, it) would be asking?

Future Perfect-in –the-Past

They hoped I (we) should have asked. They hoped you (they, he, she, it)

They hoped I (we) should not have asked. They hoped you (they, he, she, it) would not

Did they hope I (we) should have asked? Did they hope you (they, he, she, it) would have

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would have asked. have asked. asked? Future Perfect Continuous

They hoped I (we) should have been asking. They hoped you (they, he, she, it) would have been asking.

They hoped I (we) should not have been asking. They hoped you (they, he, she, it) would not have been asking.

Did they hope I (we) should have been asking? Did they hope you (they, he, she, it) would have been asking?

1. Когда глагол в дополнительном придаточном предложении

выражает общеизвестный факт, он может быть выражен в Present

Simple и в том случае, когда глагол главного предложения стоит в

прошедшем времени:

Galileo proved that the earth moves round the sun. – Галилей

доказал, что Земля движется вокруг Солнца.

2. Правила согласования времен соблюдаются и в тех случаях,

когда придаточное предложение подчиняется не главному

предложению, а предшествующему придаточному. Время глагола

придаточного предложения, подчиненного другому придаточному

предложению, зависит от времени глагола этого другого

придаточного предложения, а не от глагола главного предложения:

He says that he told his publisher that he was finishing the last

chapter of his book. – Он говорит, что сказал своему издателю, что

заканчивает последнюю главу книги.

Во втором придаточном предложении глагол was finishing

употреблен в Past Continuous, так как он выражает длительное

действие, одновременное с действием told первого придаточного


He said that the publisher knew that he had finished the last chapter

of his book. – Он сказал, что издатель знает, что он закончил

последнюю главу книги.

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Во втором придаточном предложении глагол употреблен в Past

Perfect – had finished – так как он выражает действие,

предшествующее действию knew первого придаточного предложения.

3. Глагол в определительных, причинных и сравнительных

придаточных предложениях может употребляться во временах Present

и Future и в том случае, когда глагол главного предложения стоит в

прошедшем времени:

The professor told the students about the experiment which the

university is carrying out. – Профессор рассказал студентам об

эксперименте, который проводит университет.

He was not able to translate the article because he does not know

English well enough. – Он не смог перевести статью, потому что он не

знает достаточно хорошо английский язык.

My brother refused to go to the theatre as he will have an

examination tomorrow. – Мой брат отказался идти в театр, так как у

него будет экзамен завтра.

It was not so cold yesterday as it is today. – Вчера не было так

холодно, как сегодня.

4. Глаголы must, should и ought употребляются в придаточном

предложении независимо от того, в каком времени стоит глагол

главного предложения:

He tells (told) us that we must not be late at the lecture. – Он

говорит (сказал) нам, что мы не должны опаздывать на лекцию.

He says (said) that we ought to visit our Grandma. – Он говорит

(сказал), что нам следует навестить бабушку.

I tell (told) him that he should consult a doctor. – Я говорю

(сказал) ему, что ему следует посоветоваться с врачом.

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3.2. Формы глагола в Future -in-the-Past в Passive Voice

Таблица 3.2 Глагольные формы в Future -in-the-Past в Passive Voice

Времена Утвердительная

форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная

форма Future Simple-in-the-Past

They hoped I (we) should be asked. They hoped you (they, he, she, it) would be asked.

They hoped I (we) should not be asked. They hoped you (they, he, she, it) would not be asked.

Did they hope I (we) should be asked? Did they hope you (they, he, she, it) would be asked?

Future Perfect-in-the-Past

They hoped I (we) should have been asked. They hoped you (they, he, she, it) would have been asked.

They hoped I (we) should not have been asked. They hoped you (they ,he, she, it) would not have been asked.

Did they hope I (we) should have been asked? Did they hope you (they, he, she, it) would have been asked?

He said that the bridge would be built next year. – Он сказал, что

мост будет построен в будущем году.

He said that the article would have been translated by 6 o’clock. –

Он сказал, что статья будет переведена к 6 часам.

Задание 23.1. Объясните употребление времени глагола при

согласовании времен в данных примерах. Переведите

предложения на русский язык.

1. When he learnt that his son always received excellent marks in all the

subjects at school, he was very pleased.

2. When he learnt that his son had received an excellent mark at school, he

was very pleased.

3. We did not know where our friends went every evening.

4. We did not know where our friends had gone.

5. She said that her best friend was a doctor.

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6. She said that her best friend had been a doctor.

7. I didn’t know that you worked at the Hermitage.

8. I didn’t know that you had worked at the Hermitage.

9. I knew that you were ill.

10. I knew that you had been ill.

11. We found that she left home at eight o’clock every morning.

12. We found that she had left home at eight o’clock that morning.

Задание 23.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной


1. I knew they (to wait) for me at the metro station and I decided to hurry.

2. I didn’t know that you already (to wind) up the clock.

3. I was afraid that the little girl (not be) able to unlock the front door and

(to go) upstairs to help her.

4. He says that he (to know) the laws of the country.

5. Sarie understood why Lanny (not come) the previous evening.

6. She asked me whether I (to remember) the legend about a faithful lion.

7. He understood that the soldiers (to arrest) him.

8. He could not understand why people (not to want) to take water from

that well.

9. I suppose they (to send) a dog after the burglar immediately.

10. He said he (to leave) tomorrow morning.

11. She says she already (to find) the book.

12. He stopped and listened: the clock (to strike) five.

13. She said she (can) not tell me the right time, her watch (to be) wrong.

14. I asked my neighbor if he ever (to travel) by air before.

15. The policeman asked George where he (to run) so early.

16. The delegates were told that the guide just (to go) out and (to be) back

in ten minutes.

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Задание 23.3. Постройте предложения из данных ниже слов,

соблюдая правило согласования времен. Помните о порядке слов

в английском предложении.

1. (My / friend / asked / me / who / play / the / piano / in / the / sitting /


2. (He / said / he / come / to / the / station / to / see / me / off).

3. (I / was / sure / he / post / the / letter).

4. (I / think / the / weather / be / fine / next / week).

5. (I / hope / it / change / for / the / worse).

6. (I / knew / that / he / be / a / very / clever / man).

7. (I / asked / my / sister / to / tell / me / what / she / see / at / the /


8. (He / said / he / stay / at / the / Ritz Hotel).

9. (They / realized / that / they / lose / their / way / in / the / dark).

10. (I / thought / that / I / finish / my / work / at / that / time).

11. (Victor / said / he / be / very / busy).

Задание 23.4. Перепишите следующие предложения в прошедшем

времени. Обратите внимание на зависимость времени

придаточного дополнительного предложения от времени


1. Mike says he is sure Ann and Kate will be excellent guides.

2. He says they have made good progress in English.

3. Oleg says that in a day or two several English students will come to pay

a visit to their school and he will probably have to act as an interpreter.

4. Ann says she has just met Boris in the street.

5. She says Boris told her a lot of interesting things about his travels in the


6. Nick says he is going to the hotel to see his friends, who have just

arrived in St. Petersburg from the USA.

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7. He says they have not been here for a long time.

8. He says they were friends at school.

9. He says he will take them to the theatre on Sunday.

10. They say they will write me a letter when they return home.

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Речь какого-либо лица, передаваемая буквально так, как она

была произнесена, называется прямой речью (Direct Speech).

He says, «The ship will arrive at the end of the week». – Он

говорит: «Пароход прибудет в конце недели».

Речь, передаваемая не слово в слово, а только по содержанию, в

виде дополнительных придаточных предложений, называется

косвенной речью (Indirect Speech).

He says that the ship will arrive at the end of the week. – Он

говорит, что пароход прибудет в конце недели.

Прямая речь The ship will arrive at the end of the week

представляет собой самостоятельное предложение.

Косвенная речь that the ship will arrive at the end of the week

является дополнительным придаточным предложением, при этом

главным предложением являются слова He says, вводящие прямую


Таким образом, косвенная речь, представляющая собой

сложноподчиненное предложение с дополнительным придаточным

предложением, подчиняется в полной мере правилам согласования

времен (Sequence of Tenses).

Кроме того, необходимо иметь в виду, что при обращении

прямой речи в косвенную указательные местоимения, а также

наречия времени и места в прямой речи заменяются в косвенной речи

по смыслу другими словами:

в прямой речи в косвенной речи

this – этот that – тот, этот

these – эти those – те, эти

now – теперь then – тогда

today – сегодня that day – в тот день

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tomorrow – завтра the next day – на следующий


the day after tomorrow – послезавтра two days later – через два дня

yesterday – вчера the day before – накануне

the day before yesterday – позавчера two days before – двумя днями


ago – тому назад before – раньше

next year – в будущем году the next year, the following year –

в следующем году

here – здесь there – там

В прямой речи: He said, «I shall write the letter tomorrow». – Он

сказал: «Я напишу письмо завтра».

В косвенной речи: He said that he would write the letter the next

day. – Он сказал, что напишет письмо на следующий день.

Если в словах, вводящих прямую речь, употреблен глагол to say

без дополнения, указывающего на лицо, к которому обращена речь,

то to say сохраняется в косвенной речи:

He says, «She will come in the evening». – Он говорит: «Она

придет вечером».

Если же после to say имеется такое дополнение, то to say

заменяется глаголом to tell в косвенной речи. При этом следует иметь

в виду, что косвенное дополнение после to say употребляется с

предлогом to, а после to tell – без предлога. Глагол to tell перед

прямой речью не употребляется.

В прямой речи: He said to me, «She will come in the evening». –

Он сказал мне: «Она придет вечером».

В косвенной речи: He told me that she would come in the evening.

– Он сказал мне, что она придет вечером.

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Задание 24.1. Объясните правила перевода из прямой речи в

косвенную в данных примерах. Переведите предложения на

русский язык.

1. He said, «I work hard». He said (that) he worked hard.

2. He said, «I am working hard». He said (that) he was working hard.

3. He said, «I have worked hard». He said (that) he had worked hard.

4. He said, «I worked hard». He said (that) he had worked hard.

5. He said, «I am going to work hard». He said (that) he was going to

work hard.

6. He said, «I will work hard». He said (that) he would work hard.

7. He said, «I can work hard». He said (that) he could work hard.

8. He said, «I may work hard». He said (that) he might work hard.

9. He said, «I have to work hard». He said (that) he had to work hard.

10. He said, «I must work hard». He said he had to work hard.

11. He said, «I should work hard». He said (that) he should work hard.

12. He said, «I ought to work hard». He said (that) he ought to work


Задание 24.2. Переведите предложения из прямой речи в

косвенную, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных.

1. «I hate both of them», the boy said.

(The boy said that he hated both of them.

The boy said that he hates both of them.

The boy told that he hated both of them.)

2. Al’s mother said: «Where did you get that hammer»?

(Al’s mother asked him where did he get that hammer.

Al’s mother asked him where he had got that hammer.

Al’s mother asked him where he got that hammer).

3. «You may have the money», said the woman.

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(The woman said that he / she may have the money.

The woman said that he / she may have had the money.

The woman said that he / she might have the money).

4. «It’s the only beautiful story I’ve ever heard», said Cyril.

(Cyril told that it’s the only beautiful story he has ever heard.

Cyril said that it was the only beautiful story he had ever heard.

Cyril said that it was the only beautiful story I had ever heard).

5. Eddie said: «You will lose your ticket, Alan».

(Eddie said Alan that he would lose his ticket.

Eddie told Alan that he will lose his ticket.

Eddie told Alan that he would lose his ticket).

6. Mary said to the children: «You’ll be telling me next he’s a balloon».

(Mary said to the children that they’ll be telling me next he’s a balloon.

Mary told the children that they would be telling me next he’s a balloon.

Mary told that the children would be telling her next he was a balloon).

7. «Oh, Michael», said Jane, «she’ll never tell us if you talk like that».

(Jane said to Michael that she will never tell them if he talks like that.

Jane said Michael that she would never tell them if he talked like that.

Jane told Michael that she would never tell them if he talked like that).

8. «How is it that they’ve forgotten it all?» said John.

(John asked how was it that they have forgotten it all.

John asked how it was that they had forgotten it all.

John asked how it is that they have forgotten it all).

9. «Switch off the light», she told him.

(She told him to switch off the light.

She asked him to switch off the light.

She told him switch off the light).

10. «Behave yourselves, please, till I come back», said Mary to the


(Mary told the children to behave themselves till she comes back.

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Mary asked the children to behave themselves till she came back.

Mary asked the children that they would behave themselves till she came


Задание 24.3. Переведите предложения из прямой речи в

косвенную, используя модальный глагол или его эквивалент.

1. I think I can help you.

She said that __________________________________.

2. You can’t use your notebooks while writing the test.

The teacher told us that _________________________.

3. May I ask you for a favour?

He asked if ___________________________________.

4. You must be at home by 10 o’clock.

Mother told the children that ____________________.

5. Will doctors be able to cure cancer in the future?

The patient asked if ____________________________.

6. Must you be leaving so soon?

She asked me if _______________________________.

7. We’ll have to work late tomorrow.

The salesgirl said that __________________________.

8. What time must I arrive there?

I wondered __________________________________.

9. You must all keep together.

The officer reminded the soldiers that ____________.

10. We must catch the early train not to miss the sunrise.

My brother said to me that _____________________.

11. Can your friend speak French?

The man asked Pyle if _________________________.

12. I can’t stay any longer.

He said that ________________________________.

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Active Voice

Exercise. 1. Choose the correct verb form.

1. I work / am working at the local library for the summer.

2. We don’t go / aren’t going to the theater very often.

3. Stacy gets / is getting ready for school, so she can’t come to the phone.

4. I read / am reading a newspaper at least once a week.

5. Do you practice / Are you practicing the piano for two hours every


6. Nadine and Claire do / are doing quite well at school at the moment.

7. A good friend knows / is knowing when you are upset about something.

8. How do you spell / are you spelling your name?

9. Water boils / is boiling at 100 C.

10. The equipment overheats / is overheating in hot weather.

Exercise. 2. Put the verbs into the correct form: Present Simple or

Present Continuous

1. Tom usually (play) football but today he (play) tennis.

2. What language they (speak) in Holland? What language he (speak) now?

3. The professor (speak) five foreign languages. Right now he (speak)


4. My friend always (tell) a lie.

5. I usually (drive) to my work. Be careful! You (drive) too fast.

6. She, as a rule, (wear) smart hats. But today she (wear) a funny-looking


7. I (do) a lot of work every day. Don’t worry! I (know) what I (do).

8. Every Sunday he (watch) birds in the forest. Be quiet, the photographer

(watch) that bird. He (want) to take a picture.

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9. You (eat) fruit every day? What’s the name of the fruit you (eat) with

such pleasure?

10. You (remember) where he (work)?

Exercise. 3. Choose the correct verb form.

1. I think I’ve heard / been hearing that song before.

2. They haven’t arrived / been arriving yet, but they should be here soon.

3. You’ve written / been writing that e-mail for over an hour. How long is

it going to take you?

4. Have you talked / been talking on the phone since eight o’clock?

5. Jo has already invited / been inviting Shirley to dinner.

6. I’ve read / been reading an interview with Brad Pitt, but I haven’t

finished it yet.

7. Have the boys played / been playing computer games since this


8. I’m sorry that I’ve broken / been breaking your cup.

9. I haven’t listened / been listening to their new CD yet. Is it any good?

10. Pedro has had / been having English lessons since he was five years


Exercise. 4. Put the verbs into the correct form: Present Perfect or

Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I (think) the proposal over these last few days.

2. I (look) for my gloves everywhere, but (not find) them yet.

3. Nora (sit) at the office the whole morning but nobody (phone).

4. What you (do) all this time?

5. Who (touch) my things on the table again?

6. It (rain) since last Sunday.

7. I’m happy to meet you. I (hear) so much about you.

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8. I (learn) French irregular verbs for two hours and (learn) only ten of


9. The Prime Minister (make) a tour of Europe since last Monday and

(visit) three countries so far.

10. How long you (work) at our office?

Exercise. 5. Put the verbs into the correct form: Present Simple,

Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous

Tom: I 1) .............. (search) for a house for a week now but so far I

2) ............... (not / find) anything suitable.

Sandra: Why 3) ........... (you / want) to move?

Tom: Well, the people living next to me 4) ................ (be) the main

problem. They 5) ............... (always / argue), especially at night.

Sandra: Oh, dear! 6) ................... (you / ever / complain) to them?

Tom: Yes, but they 7) ...................... (not / stop). They 8) ............. (keep


making noise. I 9) ........... (not / be able) to sleep well lately, and I 10)

............. (feel) sleepy all week.

Sandra: How awful!

Exercise. 6. Choose the correct verb form.

Edison, Thomas Alva (1847–1931)

US inventor

Thomas Edison (1) started / was starting work on the railway when

he was twelve, selling newspapers and snacks. There were long periods

with nothing for him to do, so he (2) built / was building himself a little

laboratory in the luggage van. He could carry out experiments there when

he (3) didn’t sell / wasn’t selling things to passengers. He also (4) joined /

was joining a library and (5) read / was reading every single book in it.

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One day, when (6) he waited / was waiting at a station, he (7)

noticed / was noticing a small boy. The boy (8) played / was playing by

the track, unaware that a train (9) approached / was approaching. Edison

(10) ran / was running out and (11) grabbed / was grabbing the child

just in time. The child’s father was so grateful that he (12) offered / was

offering to teach Edison to be a telegraph operator. Edison accepted the

offer and soon he (13) had / was having regular lessons. After a year, he

was good enough to get a job in the telegraph office. He continued to read

and experiment whenever he (14) had / was having time.

At twenty-one he (15) left / was leaving the telegraph office to

devote all his time to being an inventor. He (16) went / was going on to

invent the electric light bulb, the phonograph and the movie camera.

Exercise. 7. Put the verbs into the correct form: Past Simple or Past


1. I (sit) on the bench for half an hour and then (begin) reading a book.

2. You (see) him this morning? Yes. He (stand) in the hall laughing.

3. He (come) in and (see) Nelly who (draw) a strange picture.

4. I (not understand) what Mr. Green (do).

5. Nick and Fred (drive) along the road.

6. She (set) the table at six yesterday.

7. The businessman (fly) to England yesterday.

8. I (not to hear) what he (say). I (type) at the moment.

9. When it (happen)? It (happen) when you (talk) to your secretary.

10. We (walk) in silence for 5 minutes, then he (speak).

11. I (tell) him he should not read while he (eat).

12. The mouse (hide) while the cat (watch).

13. The train (strike) an obstacle on the line, but it not (stop) because it

(travel) too fast at the time.

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Exercise. 8. Put the verbs into the correct form: Past Simple or Present


1. He (forget) his French since he (leave) Paris.

2. Years ago he (be) very poor, and (not know) how to live. He (become)

very rich now.

3. I can reach my work easily now, as I (buy) a new car.

4. The man you see there is the man to whom I (lend) the money. – When

you (lend) it to him? – I (do) it yesterday.

5. I (lose) my keys and cannot remember where I (see) them last.

6. He cannot see well as he (become) short-sighted.

7. He is a man who (live) a remarkable life.

8. What you (do) last night?

9. I (not play) much football since I (leave) school.

10. You (hear) from Jane lately?- Yes, I (get) a message from her last


11. I (get) a fax from Boston an hour ago, but I (not answer) it yet.

12. It’s the most delicious cake I ever ( taste).- When and where you (buy)


13. When you (get) this wonderful ring? – I don’t remember. I (have) it for


14. How’s Jack? When you (see) him? Oh, I (not meet) him for ages.

Exercise. 9. Put the verbs into the correct form: Present Perfect or

Past Simple.


Twenty-five years ago few people 1) ........ (realise) that computers

were about to become part of our daily life. This short period of time 2)

............. (see) enormous changes, in business, education and public

administration. Jobs which 3) ................ (take) weeks to complete in the

past are now carried out in minutes. People who 4) ........... (spend) all day

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coping and checking calculations are now freed from these boring tasks.

Students 5) ............ become as familiar with hardware and software as their

parents 6) ........... (be) with pencils and exercise books. Computerisation of

public records 7) ............ (enable) government departments to analyse the

needs of citizens in detail.

Some of us may wonder, however, whether life 8) really .............

(improve) as a result of these changes. Many jobs 9) ............ (disappear),

for example, when intelligent machines 10) ........ (take) over the work.

Employers complain that clerical staff 11) ........... (become) dependent on

calculators and cannot do simple arithmetic. There are fears that

governments 12) .......... (not / do) enough to ensure that personal

information held on computers is really kept secret. Certainly, many people

may now be wondering whether the spread of computers 13) ......... (bring)

us as many problems as it 14) ......... (solve).

Exercise. 10. Put the verbs into the correct form: Past Simple or Past


1. The house was very quiet when I (get) home.

2. We felt happier when they (leave).

3. She gave him the book his teacher (recommend).

4. They (finish) the translation by five o’clock.

5. She got a message saying he (pass) the exam.

6. We (go) out to ask them for a drink, but the pub (close).

7. At six o’clock he (know) they were not coming.

8. She (go on) with the story where her Mother (stop).

9. Tom wasn’t at home when I (arrive). He just (go) home.

10. Margaret was late for work. Her friend (be) very surprised. She never

(be) late before.

11. There was nobody in the sitting-room when I (get) home. Everybody

(go) to bed.

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12. I didn’t recognize him. He (change) a lot.

13. By the time we (arrive), the party (finish).

14. Last year my family was in France. We never (be) there before.

Exercise. 11. Put the verbs into the correct form: Past Perfect or Past

Perfect Continuous.

When I entered the house something smelt awful. Someone 1) .............

(cook) and 2) (burn) the meal. I 3) .................. (visit) the house once before

and 4) ................ (meet) the family but I didn’t know what 5) ................

(happen) since then. The house was a mess. The children 6) ............ (play)

in the living room and 7) ........... (leave) their toys on the floor. Someone 8)

............. (leave) all the windows open. It 9) .......... (rain) for hours and all

the curtains 10) ............. (get) wet and dirty. I asked the children where

their parents were. They told me that mother 11) ............... (be) in hospital

for the past two weeks. Their father 12) ............. (look after) them since

then. Obviously he 13) .............. (do) his best, but he couldn’t do any

better since he worked all morning and had to leave them alone most of the

day. I had to do something to help.

Exercise. 12. Put the verbs in brackets into: Past Simple, Past Perfect,

Past Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous

Sally Deeds 1) ........... (walk) home late one night. She 2) ............. (be) to a

dinner party at her friend’s house. The city streets 3) .......... (be) empty and

4) ........... (rain) slightly. She 5) ............. (look forward) to getting safely

home to bed because at dinner her friends 6) ................ (talk) about

dangerous murderer who 7) .............. (escape) from the prison the week

before. Her friend Mark 8) .................. (offer) to walk home with her but,

as she 9) ............ (live) only a mile away, she 10) ............... (tell) him that

she would be OK. She was about halfway home when she 11) ..............

(hear) footsteps behind her. She 12) ................ (stop) and 13) ...............

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(turn) around, but she couldn’t see anyone and the footsteps 14) .........

(stop) as well. When she continued on her way the footsteps 15) ..............

(start) again. She 16) ................ (begin) to feel afraid. She started to run.

The footsteps 17) ............. (get) closer. Suddenly she 18) .............. (feel) a

hand on her shoulder and she 19) ............... (scream) in terror. «Sally!

Sally! It’s me Mark». He tried to explain that he 20) ................ (be)

worried about her and 21) ............. (decide) to follow her home. But Sally

22) .............. (can/not) hear a word because she 23) ...............


Exercise. 13. Put the verbs in brackets into: Present Perfect, Present

Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous

1. There are a lot of dirty dishes. We (not / wash) since morning.

2. I telephoned her after I (think over) her offer.

3. He gave up smoking after he (smoke) for 20 years.

4. You (finish) your work?

5. She (make) already coffee by the time her son got up.

6. We (be) here since 10 o’clock.

7. At last he (finish) his book. He (write) it for ten years.

8. How long you (wait for) when the bus finally came?

9. I didn’t want to see the film because I (see) it on TV.

10. It (snow) since last night, it’s not safe to drive.

Exercise. 14. Put the verbs in brackets into: Present Perfect, Present

Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous

1. We (be) here for a week and (not / meet) any interesting people yet.

2. As soon as I (find) out any traces of him I shall let you know.

3. When we (pass) all our exams, we’ll have a party.

4. If it (not / stop) snowing by tomorrow morning we (not / reach) their

place by the evening.

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5. They say that they (bring) our tickets by that time.

6. The plane from Paris (arrive)? – No, but they will announce when it


7. He (pass) his exams only by the end of this week.

8. How long you (stay) here? – We (be) here a week tomorrow.

9. By 8 pm they (play) tennis for five hours.

10. I wonder if they (complete) the repairs by the end of the season.

Exercise. 15. Choose the correct verb form.

1. Oscar says he is doing / will do the washing-up after dinner.

2. I’m a bit scared because I am seeing / will see the dentist this afternoon.

3. What are you going to do / do you do this evening?

4. Shall you tell / Will you tell Rupert I’m sorry about yesterday?

5. My dad will grow / is going to grow a beard, but my mum doesn’t like

the idea.

6. I have to revise tonight because we are having / will have an exam


7. I am remembering / will remember this day for the rest of my life.

8. Do you go / are you going to Australia next Christmas?

9. I’m sure you are passing / will pass your driving test. Don’t worry.

10. If you want me to, I will complain / am going to complain to the

manager about it.

Exercise. 16. Fill in with Present Simple or Future Simple

1. When he .......... (finish) school he ...................... (go) to university.

2. I ....................... (send) you a postcard as soon as I ............. (get) there.

3. When ...................... (she / be) back?

4. The plane ............... (leave) at 7.00.

5. We ........................ (leave) as soon as he ............................... (arrive).

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6. He says he ................ (telephone) us before he ............... (leave) the


7. She ......................... (stay) at home until she ......................... (feel)


8. «When .................... (you / visit) them?» «Probably next week».

Exercise. 17. Put the verbs in brackets into: Present Simple, Present

Continuous or Future Simple

Gary: What 1) .................... (you / plan) to do after the exams?

2) ..................... (you / stay) in London?

Angela: No, I 3) ......................... (leave) on Saturday. I’ve bought my

ticket already. I 4) .......................... (visit) my brother in Wales. What 5)

.................... (you/do)?

Gary: I think I 6) .................... (start) looking for a job. I 7)

.......................... (need) some extra money because my mum 8)

..................................... (come) here in August. She 9)

.............................................. (stay) with me for a month. I 10) ............

(plan) to show her London.

Angela: When exactly 11) ............................. (she / arrive)?

Gary: Her flight 12) .............................. (arrive) at Heathrow airport at 4.30

p.m. on August 3rd. I.................. 13) meet her there.

Angela: You’ve missed her a lot, haven’t you?

Gary: Yes. I 14) ............. (look forward) to seeing her.

Exercise. 18. Complete the following dialogue using Future Simple or

Future Continuous.

Jack: Can I phone you tomorrow, Suzy?

Suzy: What time?

Jack: Well, I’m not working tomorrow so I 1) ............. (phone) you at 9

o’clock in the morning.

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Suzy: Oh, no! I 2) ........................ (sleep) then.

Jack: OK. I 3) ....................... (call) you at noon.

Suzy: Well, I 4) ...................... (wash) my hair.

Jack: Perhaps I 5) ...................... (come) and visit you in the afternoon,

then. What 6) ........................... (you /do) around 3 o’clock?

Suzy: I 7) .......................... (get) ready for my aerobics class.

Jack: Well, if I phone you at 5, 8) ........................... (you / be) at home?

Suzy:No, I’m afraid not. I 9) ......................... (visit) my aunt in hospital.

Jack: When can I see you, Suzy?

Suzy: Phone me tomorrow evening. I 10) ..................... (not / do) anything


Exercise 19. Use the Present Simple Passive or the Present Continuous

Passive of the verb in brackets.

1. Papers (deliver) usually at 8 in the morning, they (look through) at the

moment and you’ll get yours soon. 2. Dresses (make) preferably of cotton

in hot countries. This wonderful costume (make) specially for this

performance now. 3. What strange sounds! – Oh, our piano (tune).

4. Where is your car? – It (fill) in the garage at the moment. 5. Tea (lay)

usually on the balcony in fine weather. 6. We are finishing the last

preparations for the party: the lights (switch on), the floors (clean), the

tables (lay). Do you think we’ll be ready on time? 7. I’ve got two questions

to you. First: «What language (speak) all over the world?» Second: «What

language (speak) in this room?» 8. The witness (question) by the police-

inspector now. 9. The old motor-way (use) by many people, but it’s not

very convenient, that’s why a new ring-road (build) in the city. 10. Our

luggage (examine) at the Customs now. Any luggage going abroad (check)

usually here. 11. We (give) a lot of advise by our parents. 12. All the

contracts (sign) by the President. 13. You’ll have your copy soon, the

contract (type). 14. You can’t use the fax now, it (fix). 15. Lots of people

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(operate on) in this clinic. And now unfortunately my uncle John (operate)

on here. 16. Most cameras (make) in Japan. 17. What are you doing here in

the hall? – My room (clean). 18. Can you hear footsteps behind? We

(follow). 19 This bill often (refer to). 20. He is such a nice chap. Why he so

often (laugh at)?

Exercise 20. Use the Past Simple Passive or the Past Continuous

Passive of the verb in brackets.

1. Many towns (destroy) by the earthquake in Italy last year.

2. The helicopter (construct) in Russia. 3. He (throw) out of class for

cheating yesterday. 4. The pop singers arrived at the airport and (welcome)

by thousands of fans. Flowers (throw) at them all the way to the exit.

5. The exposition (open) when we drove up to the picture gallery.

6. He couldn’t go out as his suit and shirt (clean). 7. The petrol tank (fill)

last week. 8. The policeman noticed that the suitcase (carry) by the porter

in a most strange way. 9. The naughty boy (teach) a very good lesson by

his friends. 10. When I came to the skating-rink he (teach) to skate by his

elder brother. 11. His cousins (fine) for exceeding speed limit yesterday.

12. I drove up to the shop just as it (close), but the owner was kind enough

to let me in. 13. They (award) the highest prize. 14. She watched television

while dinner (prepare). 15. When I came into the kitchen I smelt something

delicious. My favourite cookies (bake) in the oven. 16. The windows look

dirty though they (clean) yesterday. 17. Steve and Sue couldn’t play

football on the lawn as it (mow). 18. I (ask) a lot of questions about my

private life. 19. Mr. Day couldn’t wear his favourite trousers as the (clean).

20. The computer program was very easy. It (learn) in a couple of hours.

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Exercise 21. Use the Past Simple Passive or the Present Perfect Passive

of the verb in brackets.

1. The decorations (complete) an hour ago. 2. The preparations for

the party just (finish) and the guests are already arriving. 3. The baby

(feed) an hour ago. 4. Christopher (feed) yet? – Not yet. 5. He (not see) for

a week already. 6. The paper (not read) by anyone yet. 7. The suit

(not wear) for a long time. 8. This fact (not mention) in his last speech.

9. I’m happy as I just (allow) to stay here for an extra day. 10. She (teach)

music in her childhood. 11. You ever (teach) to play chess? 12. I just

(advise) to keep to a diet. 13. The sportsmen (give) instructions before

the match. 14. The motorist (disqualify) some five months ago. 15. I can’t

believe my eyes! My book (publish) already! 16. I am not going to

the party. I (not invite). 17. The first baths (build) by the Romans.

18. Where is my bicycle? It’s gone. It (steal). 19. This room looks

different. It (paint) since I was last here? 20. Why have you come today? –

The date of the meeting (change).

Exercise 22. Use the Future Simple Passive or the Future-in-the-Past

Passive of the verb in brackets.

1. The child hopes he (give) a computer by Santa Claus, but his parents

made up their minds that the boy (present) with a new scooter. 2. The boss

assured the staff they (tell) about the coming changes. «You (tell) of my

future plans», he said. 3. Don’t worry! The burglars (catch) by the police.

– Hm, but they are sure they (not catch). 4. Get your passports ready, they

(examine) by the officer. Do you remember we were warned that our

papers (examine) here? 5. The whole state hoped he (elect) a congressman.

6. Mind, you (punish) if you disobey my orders. 7. I wonder when my

project paper (publish). 8. The child (bring up) in a respectable family.

9. They made sure that the child (bring up) by decent people. 10. Don’t

leave your bicycle outside. It (steal). 11. When he turns up he (tell) the

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truth. 12. The new spaceship (launch) in Florida in some days.

13. The delegation (meet) at the airport. 14. No one expected that the flight

(delay). 15. We felt happy that the car (repair) the next day. 16. Did he tell

you if the money (pay) in September? 17. The committee informs that the

food (send) to Africa next week. 18. You (give) two hours to make your

decision. 19. The young man added that flowers (send) to her every day.

20. We were assured the dog (look after) well.

Exercise 23. Use the correct passive form of the verb in brackets.

1. For two years Andrew (to tell) that his brother was dead. 2. Switch on

the radio. The President’s speech (to broadcast) now. 3. The clock was

broken, but it (to repair) at that moment. 4. I must go. I (to wait) for the

whole morning. 5. The students (to examine) in the class now. 6. Ping-

pong (to play) often this summer. 7. That concert (not to broadcast)

at 7 o’clock yesterday. 8. The football game (not to play) now because of

the rain. 9. How long the problem (to discuss) at yesterday’s conference?

10. Where the new play (to rehearse) now? 11. The whole text

(to translate) already by all the students. 12. When Mother came home, all

the rooms (to decorate) for Christmas. 13. The experiments (to complete)

by 6 o’clock tomorrow. 14. Our luggage (to check) already by the customs

officer. 15. All the pictures (to sell out) at the auction by the end of the

day. 16. The old castle (to restore) by 1st of June. 17. By what time

tomorrow the documents (to sign)? 18. This library (not to visit) by readers

for years. 19. The house burnt down. What do you think the fire

(to cause) by? 20. When we got to the stadium, we found that the game

(not to begin) yet.

Exercise 24. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

1. He will show us some new magazines. 2. They teach the children French

and German. 3. His parents have sent him parcels with fruit twice this

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month. 4. He noticed they were looking at him. 5. They are waiting for me

at the theatre. 6. They think well of this boy. 7. We have just looked

through these magazines. 8. I don’t like when people laugh at me.

9. People will talk much about this film. 10. I suddenly realized that

someone was addressing me. 11. In a minute the head of the expedition

will be giving each of us instructions. 12. We have been writing the test for

an hour and a half. 13. At last came the day they had long been looking

forward to. 14. They will stage this play at the beginning of next season.

15. They are building the bridge over the river. 16. We were looking at

the man with great surprise. 17. Have you given the exercises to all

the students? 18. A large group of young people joined us on our way to

the station. 19. They had prepared everything by three o’clock. 20. They

have built excellent shelters for tourists in these mountains.

Exercise 25. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form.

Professor Higgins, who 1)…………… (award) a major science prize last

month, 2) ………….. (invite) to take part in a conference which

3) ………….. (hold) in London last week. He 4) ………………. (meet) at

the airport by a driver who, unfortunately, 5) …………… (give) the name

of the wrong hotel to take the professor to. A large reception

6) ………………. (organize) for the professor, and at least 200 eminent

scientists 7) ………………. (invite) to meet him that evening. The poor

professor, however, 8) ……………… (leave) at a small hotel in a rather

bad area, and when he asked to speak to the Head of the Conference

Committee he 9) …………….. (tell) to try somewhere else because he

10) ……………… (not/hear of) there. Luckily, later that evening, the

driver 11) ……………. (send) to the hotel where the reception

12) …………… (hold), and when he 13) …………….. (ask) what he had

done with the professor, everyone realized that a mistake 14) …………….

(make). The professor says that if he 15) …………….. (ever/send) another

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invitation to a conference, he hopes it 16) ……………. (organize) more


Exercise 26. Fill in the correct passive form of the verbs. (A florist is

taking a telephone order from a customer.)

Customer: Hello, I’d like to order some flowers, please.

Florist: Certainly, sir. When would you like them 1) …………. (deliver)?

Customer: Can they 2) ………….. (deliver) on Monday?

Florist: Oh, I’m sorry, sir. No flowers can 3) ………….. (send) on

Monday because it’s a bank holiday. The shop will be closed.

Customer: Oh, can they 4) …………… (send) on Friday then?

Florist: Certainly, sir. Where should they 5) …………… (take) to?

Customer: 47, Hanson Road, Croydon.

Florist: Okay, and who should they 6) ………….. (address) to?

Exercise 27. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets using the

rule of Sequence of Tenses. First read the whole situation.

«All right, if you want the truth you can have it. I .................... (to do) it and

I’d do it again. I told you I ................... (to stop) at nothing to prevent Sophie

from marrying Larry. He .................... (to think) he ................... (to make)

a new woman out of her. What fools men ............... (to be)! I .........................

(to know) that sooner or later she ......................... (to break down).

It ......................... (to stick out) a mile. You ......................... (to see)

yourself when we ......................... (all, to lunch) together at the Ritz how

jittery she ......................... (to be). I ......................... (to notice) you looking

at her when she ...................... (to drink) her coffee; her hand ......................

(to shake) so, she ..................... (to be) afraid to take the cup with one hand.

The idea ......................... (to come) to me when Uncle

Elliott ......................... (to make) all that fuss about that damned Polish

liqueur. I ......................... (to think) it beastly, but I (to pretend)

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it .................... (to be) the most wonderful stuff I ......................... (ever, to

taste). I .................... (to be) certain that if she .................... (to get) a chance

she .......................... (never, to have) the strength to resist. That’s why

I ......................... (to take) her to the dress show. That’s why

I ......................... (to offer) to make her a present of her wedding dress. That

day, when she was going to have the last fitting I ......................... (to tell)

Antoine I ......................... (to have) the zubrovka after lunch and then

I ......................... (to tell) him I ......................... (to expect) a lady and to ask

her to wait and offer her some coffee and to leave the liqueur in case

she ......................... (to fancy) a glass. I did take Joan to the dentist’s, but of

course we ......................... (not, to have) an appointment and he couldn’t see

us, so I ......................... (to take) her to a newsreel. I .........................

(to make up) my mind that if I ......................... (tofind)

Sophie ......................... (not , totouch) thestuff I ......................... (tomake)

the best of things and try to be friends with her. That ...................... (to be)

true, I ......................... (to swear) it. But when I ............................ (to get)

home and ........................... (to see) the bottle I ......................... (to know)

I ......................... (to be) right. She ......................... (to go).”

Isabel ......................... (actually, to pant) when she .........................

(to finish). “That .................. (to be) more or less what I ......................

(to imagine) ...................... (to happen), I ........................ (to say).»

After W. S. Maugham

«The Razor’s Edge»

Exercise 28. Complete the following text with the correct form of the

verbs in brackets (Active or Passive Voice).

Over the past ten years, this area 1) ………. (experience) severe flooding.

Houses 2) …………… (damage) and roads 3) …………… (destroy).

The local authority 4) ……………… (decide) to introduce a flood control

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system. At present our workforce 5) ………… (build) a dam on the west

side of the town and dikes along the river bank 6) …………. (heighten).

We must complete the work within two months, so at present we

(7) ……….. (work) 24 hours a day. We 8) ………. (believe) that these

measures will solve the problem in the short term but on 1st May we

9) ………………. (start) work on a new watercourse. The plans 10)

……….. already ………. (draw up) and we 11) ……….. (be) ready to start

next week.

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Going to an airshow can be a great experience. This is true, not only

for the aerial demonstrations, but also the opportunity to see a wide variety

of aircraft on static display. At these events, one quickly realizes there are

many kinds of designs created with a particular mission in mind.

An aircraft is a vessel designed to move through the air. An airplane

is a popular example of this type of vessel but there are many others.

Helicopters, airships, and hot air balloons are also examples of different

types of aircraft. An airplane may be one of the most recognizable types of

aircraft. These vessels have fixed wings and propellers. Their body styles

can greatly vary as there are many types and sizes of airplanes used for

numerous reasons. These include seaplanes and jets.

Most airplanes require a runway for takeoff and landing. Some (like

the Harrier) don’t. Seaplanes are an exception. These flying vessels can

take off and land on water. One type, known as a floatplane, has floating

structures extending from the bottom of the plane’s body to prevent it from

touching the water. Another type, known as a flying boat, tends to have

floating devices under the wings because part of the body rests in the


There are various types of aircraft that you can find in today’s skies.

There are the helicopters, twin pistons, turboprops, executive jets, airliners,

and cargo aircraft. Let’s take a few minutes to distinguish each of the types

of aircraft one by one.

Lighter than air

Lighter than air aircraft or aerostats use buoyancy to float in the air in

much the same way that ships float on the water. They are characterized by

one or more large gasbags or canopies, filled with a relatively low density

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gas such as helium, hydrogen or hot air, which is less dense than the

surrounding air. When the weight of this is added to the weight of the

aircraft structure, it adds up to the same weight as the air that the craft


Originally, a balloon is any aerostat, while the term airship was used

for large, powered aircraft designs – usually fixed-wing – though none had

yet been built. The advent of powered balloons, called dirigible balloons,

and later of rigid hulls allowing a great increase in size, began to change

the way these words were used. Huge powered aerostats, characterized by

a rigid outer framework and separate aerodynamic skin surrounding the gas

bags, were produced, the Zeppelins being the largest and most famous.

There were still no fixed-wing aircraft or non-rigid balloons large enough

to be called airships, so «airship» came to be synonymous with these

aircraft. Then several accidents, such as the Hindenburg disaster in 1937,

led to the demise of these airships. Today a «balloon» is an unpowered

aerostat, while an «airship» is a powered one.

A powered, steerable aerostat is called a dirigible. Sometimes this

term is applied only to non-rigid balloons, and sometimes dirigible balloon

is regarded as the definition of an airship (which may then be rigid or non-

rigid). Non-rigid dirigibles are characterized by a moderately aerodynamic

gasbag with stabilizing fins at the back. These soon became known as

blimps. During the Second World War, this shape was widely adopted for

tethered balloons; in windy weather, this both reduces the strain on the

tether and stabilizes the balloon. The nickname blimp was adopted along

with the shape. In modern times any small dirigible or airship is called a

blimp, though a blimp may be unpowered as well as powered.

Heavier than air

Heavier-than-air aircraft must find some way to push air or gas

downwards, so that a reaction occurs (by Newton's laws of motion) to push

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the aircraft upwards. This dynamic movement through the air is the origin

of the term aerodyne. There are two ways to produce dynamic upward

thrust: aerodynamic lift, and powered lift in the form of engine thrust.

Aerodynamic lift is the most common, with fixed-wing aircraft being

kept in the air by the forward movement of wings, and rotorcraft by

spinning wing-shaped rotors sometimes called rotary wings. A wing is a

flat, horizontal surface, usually shaped in cross-section as an aerofoil.

To fly, air must flow over the wing and generate lift. A flexible wing is a

wing made of fabric or thin sheet material, often stretched over a rigid

frame. A kite is tethered to the ground and relies on the speed of the wind

over its wings, which may be flexible or rigid, fixed or rotary.

With powered lift, the aircraft directs its engine thrust vertically


The initialism VTOL (vertical take off and landing) is applied

to aircraft that can take off and land vertically. Most are rotorcraft. Others,

such as the Hawker Siddeley Harrier and F-35B, take off and land

vertically using powered lift and transfer to aerodynamic lift in steady

flight. Similarly, STOL stands for short take off and landing. Some VTOL

aircraft often operate in a short take off/vertical landing mode known as



Airplanes or aeroplanes are technically called fixed-wing aircraft.

The first heavier-than-air craft capable of controlled free flight were

gliders. Besides the method of propulsion, fixed-wing aircraft are generally

characterized by their wing configuration. The most important wing

characteristics are:

1. Number of wings – Monoplane, biplane, etc.

2. Wing support – Braced or cantilever, rigid or flexible.

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3. Wing planform – including aspect ratio, angle of sweep and any

variations along the span (including the important class of delta wings).

4. Location of the horizontal stabilizer, if any.

5. Dihedral angle – positive, zero or negative (anhedral).

A variable geometry aircraft can change its wing configuration

during flight.

A flying wing has no fuselage, though it may have small blisters or

pods. The opposite of this is a lifting body which has no wings, though it

may have small stabilizing and control surfaces.

Most fixed-wing aircraft feature a tail unit or empennage

incorporating vertical, and often horizontal, stabilizing surfaces.

Seaplanes are aircraft that land on water, and they fit into two broad

classes: Flying boats are supported on the water by their fuselage. A float

plane's fuselage remains clear of the water at all times, the aircraft being

supported by two or more floats attached to the fuselage and/or wings.

Some examples of both flying boats and float planes are amphibious, being

able to take off from and alight on both land and water.

Some people consider wing-in-ground-effect vehicles to be fixed-

wing aircraft, others do not. These craft «fly» close to the surface of the

ground or water. An example is the Russian ekranoplan (nicknamed the

«Caspian Sea Monster»).


Rotorcraft, or rotary-wing aircraft, use a spinning rotor with aerofoil

section blades (a rotary wing) to provide lift. Types include helicopters,

autogyros and various hybrids such as gyrodynes and compound rotorcraft.

Helicopters have powered rotors. The rotor is driven (directly or

indirectly) by an engine and pushes air downwards to create lift. By tilting

the rotor forwards, the downwards flow is tilted backwards, producing

thrust for forward flight.

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Autogyros or gyroplanes have unpowered rotors, with a separate

power plant to provide thrust. The rotor is tilted backwards. As the

autogyro moves forward, air blows upwards through it, making it spin (cf.


This spinning dramatically increases the speed of airflow over the

rotor, to provide lift. Gyrodynes are a form of helicopter, where forward

thrust is obtained from a separate propulsion device rather than from tilting

the rotor. The definition of a 'gyrodyne' has changed over the years,

sometimes including equivalent autogyro designs. The most important

characteristic is that in forward flight air does not flow significantly either

up or down through the rotor disc but primarily across it. The Heliplane is

a similar idea.

Compound rotorcraft have wings which provide some or all of the

lift in forward flight. Compound helicopters and compound autogyros have

been built, and some forms of gyroplane may be referred to as compound

gyroplanes. Tiltrotor aircraft (such as the V-22 Osprey) have their rotors

horizontal for vertical flight, and pivot the rotors vertically like a propeller

for forward flight. The Coleopter had a cylindrical wing forming a duct

around the rotor. On the ground it sat on its tail, and took off and landed

vertically like a helicopter. The whole aircraft would then have tilted

forward to fly as a propeller-driven fixed-wing aircraft using the duct as a

wing (though this transition was never achieved in practice).

Some rotorcraft have reaction-powered rotors with gas jets at

the tips, but most have one or more lift rotors powered from engine-driven


Tasks for the text.

1. Read and translate one of the paragraphs of the text.

2. Write out of the text verb constructions in the Active Voice.

Define the tense of the verbs.

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3. Write out of the text verb constructions in the Passive Voice.

Define the tense of the verbs.

4. The sentences of the text given in present tenses transform into

past tenses.

5. Write 4 different questions (General, Alternative, Disjunctive,

Special) to the sentence in italics.


Although there are many aircraft designs flying today, most of them

share a common assembly of major parts that all pilots should be

thoroughly aware of. Ever since the early days of aviation, an aviator's

primary training included the fundamental knowledge of what each part is

called, its function and where it is located.

Each major part of a fixed-wing aircraft serves an important purpose.

For example, the propeller helps move the aircraft through the air via

thrust. The wings are lifting bodies which help keep the aircraft airborne.

The horizontal and vertical stabilizers contain vital control surfaces; and

the fuselage is a major structural component containing crew and

passenger areas.

The importance of knowing each parties reinforced when you

undergo flight training and student pilots are always taught the necessity of

performing a good preflight check of the aircraft. Knowing the function of

each component allows you to understand what looks good and what might

appear abnormal. In addition, to truly understand how an airplane flies, you

must first study the major components and the forces involved with flight.

Airfoils are surfaces, which by design, produce lift. If you understand that

concept, then you'll realize that various parts of the airplane produce lift in

some form or another. The same goes for learning about each part and how

it fits into the overall wonder of flight. Doctors study the body's anatomy

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well before they begin treating patients. So, why wouldn't you need to

know an aircraft's anatomy before leaving the ground for the first time?

The wings generate most of the lift to hold the plane in the air.

To generate lift, the airplane must be pushed through the air. The air resists

the motion in the form of aerodynamic drag. Modern airliners use winglets

on the tips of the wings to reduce drag. The turbine engines, which are

located beneath the wings, provide the thrust to overcome drag and push

the airplane forward through the air. Smaller, low-speed airplanes use

propellers for the propulsion system instead of turbine engines.

To control and maneuver the aircraft, smaller wings are located at the

tail of the plane. The tail usually has a fixed horizontal piece, called the

horizontal stabilizer, and a fixed vertical piece, called the vertical

stabilizer. The stabilizers’job is to provide stability for the aircraft, to keep

it flying straight. The vertical stabilizer keeps the nose of the plane from

swinging from side to side, which is called yaw. The horizontal stabilizer

prevents an up-and-down motion of the nose, which is called pitch.

At the rear of the wings and stabilizers are small moving sections

that are attached to the fixed sections by hinges. In the figure, these

moving sections are colored brown. Changing the rear portion of a wing

will change the amount of force that the wing produces. The ability to

change forces gives us a means of controlling and maneuvering the

airplane. The hinged part of the vertical stabilizer is called the rudder; it is

used to deflect the tail to the left and right as viewed from the front of the

fuselage. The hinged part of the horizontal stabilizer is called the elevator;

it is used to deflect the tail up and down. The outboard hinged part of the

wing is called the aileron; it is used to roll the wings from side to side.

Most airliners can also be rolled from side to side by using the spoilers.

Spoilers are small plates that are used to disrupt the flow over the wing and

to change the amount of force by decreasing the lift when the spoiler is


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The wings have additional hinged, rear sections near the body that

are called flaps. Flaps are deployed downward on takeoff and landing to

increase the amount of force produced by the wing. On some aircraft, the

front part of the wing will also deflect. Slats are used at takeoff and landing

to produce additional force. The spoilers are also used during landing to

slow the plane down and to counteract the flaps when the aircraft is on the

ground. The next time you fly on an airplane, notice how the wing shape

changes during takeoff and landing.

The fuselage or body of the airplane, holds all the pieces together.

The pilots sit in the cockpit at the front of the fuselage. Passengers and

cargo are carried in the rear of the fuselage. Some aircraft carry fuel in the

fuselage; others carry the fuel in the wings.

Tasks for the text.

1. Read and translate one of the paragraphs of the text.

2. Write out of the text verb constructions in the Active Voice.

Define the tense of the verbs.

3. Write out of the text verb constructions in the Passive Voice.

Define the tense of the verbs.

4. The sentences of the text given in present tenses transform into

past tenses.

5. Write 4 different questions (General, Alternative, Disjunctive,

Special) to the sentence in italics.


According to a survey conducted, Virgin Atlantic emerged as the

best airline brand for 2009, with British Airways tailing closely. Some of

the other names that came on top in various categories include brands like

Emirates, Singapore Airlines, EasyJet, Qatar Airways, BMI and Swiss

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International. These brands have been assessed on different criteria like

reliability, quality and distinction.

What adds to the overall rating of airline brands is the service that it

offers its customers. This is something that can be achieved by good cabin

and ground staff, choice of food, variety of entertainment on board, large

number of destinations and high flight frequencies, among other services.

Building a popular airline brand requires long term commitment and

sustained efforts. It has been seen that passengers value authentic service

and airlines that deliver what they promise. Communicating a high level of

service and setting high expectations without the basic infrastructure that

can support such claims can only lead to disaster. Airlines that differentiate

themselves from other companies and live up to their promise stand a high

chance of becoming the best airline brand.

Airlines that ensure that they retain their clients by providing

consistent good service have a better chance at success than others. It is

important to note that customer experience starts from the time of booking

a flight, to the check-in process and then in-flight experience. While

retaining clients is important and a frequent flier program helps in the

process, airlines also need to concentrate on first-time fliers too in order to

expand their clientele.

Contrary to what most airline officials believe, spending more money

on customer experience is not necessary to win over customers. It is the

consistency in service that can set an airline apart from the others.

Airline brands that plan ahead of time and are prepared for predicted

fuel hikes and other events stand a better chance of providing value to their

customers as well. Last but not the least, airlines that formulate a

marketing strategy and interact with their customers through online social

media or events can get valuable feedback and more insights to further

improve their services.

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Tasks for the text.

1. Read and translate one of the paragraphs of the text.

2. Write out of the text verb constructions in the Active Voice.

Define the tense of the verbs.

3. Write out of the text verb constructions in the Passive Voice.

Define the tense of the verbs.

4. The sentences of the text given in present tenses transform into

past tenses.

5. Write 4 different questions (General, Alternative, Disjunctive,

Special) to the sentence in italics.


Meteorology is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the

atmosphere that focuses on weather processes and short term forecasting

(in contrast with climatology). Aviation meteorology (MET) deals with the

impact of weather on Air Traffic Management (ATM). It is important for

air crews to understand the implications of weather on their flight plan as

well as their aircraft.

Weather conditions concern all aspects of ATM operations, for

example, by variations in head and tail-wind components, through changes

in pressure and temperature values at airports, and in imposing low

visibility operating conditions. Adverse meteorological conditions have the

greatest impact on the ATM system creating disruption and the consequent

problems of disturbed flow rates, lost capacity and induced additional costs

One of the greatest threats to aircraft operations are thunderstorms.

Relatively recent meteorological studies have confirmed the existence of

microburst phenomenon around these dangerous weather phenomena.

Microbursts are small scale intense downdrafts which, on reaching the

surface, spread outward in all directions from the downdraft center. This

causes the presence of both vertical and horizontal wind shears that can be

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extremely hazardous to all types and categories of aircraft, especially at

low altitudes. Due to their small size, short life span, and the fact that they

can occur over areas without surface precipitation, microbursts are not

easily detectable using conventional weather radar or wind shear alert


The life cycle of a microburst as it descends in a convective rain

shaft .An important consideration for pilots is the fact that the microburst

intensifies for about 5 minutes after it strikes the ground. Parent clouds

producing microburst activity can be any of the low or middle layer

convective cloud types. Note, however, that microbursts commonly occur

within the heavy rain portion of thunderstorms, and in much weaker,

benign appearing convective cells that have little or no precipitation

reaching the ground.

Characteristics of microbursts include:

1. Size. The microburst downdraft is typically less than 1 mile in

diameter as it descends from the cloud base to about 1,000-3,000 feet

above the ground. In the transition zone near the ground, the downdraft

changes to a horizontal outflow that can extend to approximately 2 ½ miles

in diameter.

2. Intensity. The downdrafts can be as strong as 6,000 feet per

minute. Horizontal winds near the surface can be as strong as 45 knots

resulting in a 90 knot shear (headwind to tailwind change for a traversing

aircraft) across the microburst. These strong horizontal winds occur within

a few hundred feet of the ground.

3. Visual Signs. Microbursts can be found almost anywhere that

there is convective activity. They may be embedded in heavy rain

associated with a thunderstorm or in light rain in benign appearing virga.

When there is little or no precipitation at the surface accompanying the

microburst, a ring of blowing dust may be the only visual clue of its


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4. Duration. An individual microburst will seldom last longer than

15 minutes from the time it strikes the ground until dissipation. The

horizontal winds continue to increase during the first 5 minutes with the

maximum intensity winds lasting approximately 2-4 minutes. Sometimes

microbursts are concentrated into a line structure, and under these

conditions, activity may continue for as long as an hour. Once microburst

activity starts, multiple microbursts in the same general area are not

uncommon and should be expected.

Microburst wind shear may create a severe hazard for aircraft within

1,000 feet of the ground, particularly during the approach to landing and

landing and take-off phases. The impact of a microburst on aircraft can be

sever as the aircraft may encounter a headwind (performance increasing)

followed by a downdraft and tailwind (both performance decreasing),

possibly resulting in terrain impact.

Tasks for the text.

1. Read and translate one of the paragraphs of the text.

2. Write out of the text verb constructions in the Active Voice.

Define the tense of the verbs.

3. Write out of the text verb constructions in the Passive Voice.

Define the tense of the verbs.

4. The sentences of the text given in present tenses transform into

past tenses.

5. Write 4 different questions (General, Alternative, Disjunctive,

Special) to the sentence in italics.


Perhaps few things are as scary as an aircraft fire. They are serious

business because, unlike an automobile, pilots don't have the luxury of

stopping their aircraft in flight to solve the problem. Reacting quickly and

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correctly is essential to effectively deal with the emergency. When a fire

erupts, you may have little time to consult the emergency checklist, and if

you're confused or uncertain about the procedures, your reactions may be

slow and inappropriate.

There have been several well-known cases of aircraft fires, including

a UPS DC-8 that burned-up after it landed at the Philadelphia International

Airport in 2006. Another classic scenario occurred during the tragic

accident of ValueJet Flight 592 which crashed into the Florida Everglades

after an in-flight fire developed shortly after departure.

Pilots can face four types of aircraft fires — fires during engine start,

electrical fires, in-flight engine fires, and post-crash fires. It's important

that you understand the proper checklist procedures for each type and the

reasons behind the checklist items.

Starting a fire is a matter of combining fuel, air, and an ignition

source, so removing one of these ingredients will extinguish it. Most

emergency checklists try to do exactly that, but the checklist is also

designed to help minimize damage, deal with the smoke, and get the

aircraft on the ground quickly and safely. The cockpit voice recorder

transcript from the Valuejet crash provides us an example of how quickly

an in-flight fire can spread to deadly levels.

A fire is more likely to occur under the cowl when a component

fails because of age, fatigue, or improper maintenance. An overheated

turbocharger or a crack in the exhaust system or a cylinder can ignite the

spray from a broken fuel or oil line to create a fiery blaze.

Electrical power from alternators, generators, and batteries

constitutes another potential heat source. With power routed to virtually

every part of the aircraft for lighting, deicing, radios, landing gear and flap

motors, and fuel pumps, the electrical system is another prime candidate

for starting fires. Insulation, adhesives, and fabrics make great fuel for fire,

as does the insulation on the wiring itself. Leaking fuel from a primer or

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fuel-flow gauge, or dripping fluid from a brake cylinder are also excellent

fuels that an electrical spark can ignite.

Although the engine and electrical system constitute the primary

ignition sources, they aren't the only causes of fires. On ValuJet flight 592,

oxygen canisters bumped into each other, ignited and the fast-spreading

fire caused that fatal crash.

Tasks for the text.

1. Read and translate one of the paragraphs of the text.

2. Write out of the text verb constructions in the Active Voice.

Define the tense of the verbs.

3. Write out of the text verb constructions in the Passive Voice.

Define the tense of the verbs.

4. The sentences of the text given in present tenses transform into

past tenses.

5. Write 4 different questions (General, Alternative, Disjunctive,

Special) to the sentence in italics.

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Test 1 Поставьте глагол в нужном времени (Present, Past, Future Simple) 1. Some people still think the sun (go) round the earth. 2. I ( play) tennis every weekend. 3. He (not / speak) English. 4. Paul (be) on holiday. 5. You (not / be) right. 6. The play (be) funny. 7. I (not / see) her in the morning. 8. I (meet) her two days ago. 9. Yesterday she (buy) some new clothes. 10. I (give) her some chocolate when I met her. 11. Two days ago I (take) my books back to the library. 12. Last night I (sleep) at a friend’s house. 13. He (not / feel) very well yesterday. 14. She (have) only a toast for her breakfast yesterday. 15. My sister (go) to France last year. 16. She (read) a lot when she was a child. 17. They (talk) to us tomorrow. 18. He (help) write a letter in English after lunch. 19. I (get up) at six o’clock tomorrow. 20. Next Sunday we (go) to the park. 21. She (help) us, but not today. 22. My mother (come) to see us next year. 23. She (go) to the cinema with us after work.

Test 2 Выберите правильную форму глагола (Present Simple / Present Continuous) 1. It (often/rain) in this part of the world. A. is often raining. B. often rains. 2. Take your umbrella. It (rain) cats and dogs. A. rains. B. is raining.

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3. Granny is in the kitchen. She (make) a plum-cake. A. is making. B. makes. 4. My wife (often/make) plum-cakes. A. is often making. B. often makes. 5. Can you phone a bit later, please? Jane (have a bath). A. is having a bath. B. has a bath. 6. Run downstairs. Your sister (wait) for you. A. is waiting. B. waits. 7. I don’t know Spanish, but I (learn) it now. A. am learning. B. learn. 8. John (still/work) in the garden. A. is still working. B. still works. 9. Dad (usually/work) on Saturdays. A. is usually working. B. usually works. 10. Usually I (have coffee) in the morning, but now I (drink) tea. A. am having coffee. A. drink. B. have coffee. B. am drinking. 11. We (sometimes / go) to the cinema. A. are sometimes going. B. sometimes go. 12. What she (do)? – She is a secretary at our college. A. is she doing. B. she does. C. does she do.

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13. Why you (sit) at my desk? Could you take your place, please? A. Why you are sitting. B. Why do you sit. C. Why are you sitting. 14. We’ve got tickets, and tomorrow evening we (go) to the cinema. A. go. B. are going. 15. … you do anything tomorrow afternoon? I (play) tennis with my friend. A. Are you going to. A. am playing. B. Do you do. B. play.

Test 3 Выберите правильную форму глагола (Past Simple or Present Perfect) 1. We (not / have) a holiday last year. A. didn’t have. B. haven’t had. C. hadn’t have. 2. My parents (be) to the USA many times. A. have been. B. were. C. have being. 3. I (buy) a new dress last week, but I (not / wear) it yet A. have bought. A. haven’t worn. B. bought. B. wore. C. had bought. C. didn’t wear. 4. … it (stop) raining yet? A. Did it stop. B. Is it stopped. C. Has it stopped. 5. Don’t worry about your letter. I (send) it the day before yesterday. A. sended.

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B. have sent. C. sent. 6. I (lose) my glasses. I (have) them when I came to the college this morning. A. losed. A. have had. B. have lost. B. had. C. lost. C. have. 7. When Jill (finish) school? A. When had Jill finished. B. When has Jill finished. C. When did Jill finish. 8. When I was a child, I (always / be) late for school. A. have always been. B. was always late. C. had always been. 9. I can’t find my umbrella. I think somebody (take) by mistake. A. took. B. takes. C. has taken. 10. Are you tired? Yes, a little. I (paint) the ceiling today. A. have painted. B. painted. C. paint. 11. We (not / see) Peter this week, but we (see) him a couple of weeks ago. A. didn’t see. A. saw. B. haven’t saw. B. have saw. C. haven’t seen. C. have seen. 12. Have you got any money? Yes, I (borrow) it from my brother. A. borrowed. B. have borrowed. C. did borrow.

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13. Where is Jane? She (go) the shops. She’ll be back soon. A. went. B. has gone to. C. has been to. 14. My husband (work) in the bank for three years since 1990 to 1993. A. has worked. B. had worked. C. worked. 15. Mom (lose) her car keys, so we have to open the door by force. A. has lost. B. lost. C. losed. 16. One of the passengers (die) in that accident. A. has died. B. died. 17. My sister and her husband (be married) since last Christmas. A. were married. B. have married. C. have been married. 18. … the post (come) today? A. Did the post come. B. Has the post come. C. Has the post came.

Test 4

Выберите правильную форму глагола (Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous) 1. He knows Africa well because he (travel) a lot there. A. has been travelling B. has travelled 2. You (write) this composition for two hours and can’t complete it. A. have been writing B. have written

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3. John is still repairing his car. He must be tired. He (repair) it all day. A. has repaired B.has been repairing 4. Alice promised to come, but she’s absent. Something (happen) to her. A. has been happening B. has happened 5.The children are drawing. They (draw) since they came home. A. have been drawing B. have drawn 6. ........... they (tell) anything about their summer plans? A. Have they been telling B. Have they told 7. My aunt (have) the big house in the country. A. has always been having B. has always had 8. He (write) a letter for two hours. A. has written B. has been writing 9. I (lose) 10 kilos. A. have lost B. have been losing 10. She (call) on her clients since this morning. A. has called B. has been calling

Test 5 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола (Past Simple / Past Continuous) 1. When we were in Canada, we went / were going skiing every day. 2. About four years ago, I decided / was deciding to become a chef. 3. Georgia had / was having a shower when someone knocked at the door.

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4. Holly and I ran from the house to the next taxi because it rained / was raining heavily.

5. Two men argued / were arguing outside, so we went to see what was happening.

6. Daniel called / was calling you at one o’clock yesterday, but you were here with him.

7. We ate / were eating breakfast when a letter came through the letter box.

8. As I walked past the window, I saw that Paula made / was making a cake.

9. I dreamt / was dreaming about my favourite band when the alarm clock went off.

10. While I practiced / was practicing the trumpet late last night, a neighbour came to complain.

2. Поставьте правильную форму глагола (Past Simple / Past Continuous). Last night I 1) ............ (be) alone at home. I 2) ............... (lie) on my bed and I 3) ............................. (watch) TV when I 4) ................ (hear) a strange noise. The noise 5) .............. (come) from the kitchen. I 6) ................ (go) downstairs, 7) ................. (pick up) a heavy vase from the table and 8) ............... (head for) the kitchen. I 9) ............. (open) the door very slowly. Then I 10) ................. (see) someone. He 11) ............... (search) in the fridge. I 12) ............... (be) so frightened that I 13) ............... (drop) the vase I 14) ................... (carry) and it 15) ................... (crash) onto the floor. The man 16) ................. (turn) towards the door and I 17) ................ (see) his face. It was my husband!

Test 6 Выберите правильную форму глагола (Past Simple / Past Perfect) 1. I (wake up) early and got out of bed. A. woke up. B. had woken up. 2. I got out of bed an hour later I (wake up). A. woke up. B. had woken up.

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3. We were late. The meeting (start) an hour before. A. started. B. had started. 4. She was the most delightful person I (ever / meet). A. ever met. B. had ever met. 5. That morning she (dress), (phone) somebody, and went out. A. dressed. A. phoned. B. had dressed. B. had phoned. 6. That morning she went out after she (phone) somebody. A. phoned. B. had phoned. 7. He was tired because he (work) hard in the garden all day. A. worked. B. had worked. 8. The sun (set), it (get) dark, and we went home. A. set, got. B. had set, got. 9. The Hills were in a hurry, but they (take) a taxi and manage to arrive exactly on time. A. took. B. had taken. 10. The Hills managed to arrive exactly on time because they (take) a taxi. A. took. B. had taken. 11. He said he (break) the lamp post. A. broke. B. had broken.

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12. We asked Peter to come with us, but he refused. He (already/promise) to play football with his friends. A. already promised B. had already promised 13. I saw a nice kitten when I (open) the basket. A. opened. B. had opened. 14. After I (write) all my letters, I went to the kitchen to make coffee. A. wrote. B. had written. 15. She (hardly / finish) speaking over the phone when telephone rang again. A. hardly finished. B. had hardly finished.

Test 7

Выберите правильную форму глагола (Past Perfect / Present Perfect) 1. Aunt Polly punished Tom Sawyer because he…naughty. A. has been. B. had been. 2. Why are you looking so unhappy? – I…my purse. A. have lost. B. had lost. 3. Tom was upset because Judy… A. hasn’t come. B. hadn’t come. 4. Mother asked the children if they… some biscuits for tea. A. has bought. B. had bought. 5. I…some photos to be developed. Are they ready? A. have left. B. had left.

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6. Tell Tommy about these wonderful islands. He…about them. A. has never heard B. had never heard 7. I’m so happy to see you again. I…you since I left Berks. A. haven’t seen. B. hadn’t seen. 8. She said she … him since she left Berks. A. hasn’t seen B. hadn’t seen 9. He couldn’t find his watch. A. has lost. B. had lost. 10. He the Prime Minister. A. has written. B. had written.

Test 8 Выберите правильную форму глагола (Past Simple / Past Continuous / Past Perfect Continuous / Past Perfect) 1. I (talk) over the phone when they brought me her letter. A. talked B. had talked C. had been talking D. was talking 2. They (sit) in the room when the taxi arrived. A. sat B. had sat C. had been sitting D. were sitting 3. He quickly forgot everything he (learn) at school. A. learnt B. had learnt C. had been learning D. was learning

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4. I visited Brazil in April. I (stay) at a nice hotel for a fortnight. A. stayed B. had stayed C. had been staying D. was staying 5. I (stay) at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter. A. stayed B. had stayed C. had been staying D. was staying 6. The musician (play) the piano for a whole hour when we came in. A. played B. had played C. had been playing D. was playing 7. Alice closed the magazine and rose from the sofa on which she (lie) for more than two hours. A. lay B. had lain C. had been lying D. was lying 8. A man (be) unconscious for a few minutes when an ambulance arrived. A. was. B. had been. C. had being. D. were. 9. We (walk) along the forest road for two hours when we saw a house. A. walked. B. had walked. C. had been walking. D. were walking.

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10. I (talk) over the phone for a whole hour when the porter knocked at the door. A. talked. B. had talked. C. had been talking. D. was talking. 11. I hardly (finish) speaking with a porter when the phone rang again. A. finished. B. had hardly finished. C. had been finishing. D. was finishing. 12. First I (answer) the phone, and then I read your letter. A. answered. B. had answered. C. had been answering. D. was answering. 13. And I began writing to you instead of you going to the seaside, as I (plan) before. A. planned. B. Had planned. C. had been planning. D. was planning.

Test 9 Поставьте правильную форму глагола (Future Actions)

1. Tim has broken his leg and stays at home. Sorry to hear that. I (visit)

him tomorrow

A. will visit

B. am going to visit

2. The match (finish) at half past nine, so I will be at home by ten o’clock.

A. will finish

B. finishes

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3. My elder sister (come) next summer.

A. will come

B. comes

4. It’s Julia’s birthday today. She’s bought much food. She (cook) a lot.

A. will cook

B. is going to cook

5. My bags are terribly heavy today. Really? I (give) you a lift.

A. will give

B. am going to give

6. Do you know Kate’s phone number? I’ve bad memory for phone

numbers, but I (look) for it in my note-book.

A. will look

B. am going to look

7. My uncle has bought bricks. He (build) a house in the country.

A. will build

B. is going to build

8. Has he decided how to spend the money? Yes, he (buy) a car.

A. will buy

B. is going to buy

9. What time (leave) the next bus for Bristol?

A. does the next bus leave

B. will the next bus leave

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10. Haven’t you taken my key? I can’t find it. Just a minute. I (look) for it.

A. will look

B. am going to look

11. Jack didn’t pass his exam yesterday. Oh, what he (do)?

A. will he do

B. is he going to do

12. There is somebody at the door. I… open.

A. will

B. am going to

13. The population of our city (reach) one million by 2025.

A. reaches

B. will reach

14. Our next lesson (be) on Monday. A. is B. will be 15. The phone is ringing. I… answer. A. will B. am going to

16. I think I (do) it. A. will do B. do 17. Tomorrow (be) Friday. A. will be B. is

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18. Sam’s plane (arrive) at midnight.

A. arrives

B. will arrive

19. Why have you brought your guitar? … you (sing) at the party?

A. Will you sing

B. Are you going to sing

20. I’m sure we (enjoy) our visit to the Zoo.

A. will enjoy

B. are going to enjoy

Test 10

Поставьте правильную форму глагола в придаточных

предложения времени и условия (Future Actions)

1. We (have) time for tea if he (be) in time.

A. will have, will be

B. have, will be

C. will have, is

2. If you (be) late, I can walk your dog.

A. will be

B. are

C. is

3. If you (eat) less bread, you (lose) weight.

A. eat, will lose

B. will eat, will eat

C. will eat, lose

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4. If Pete (go jogging), he (forget) about his health problems.

A. goes jogging, will forget

B. will go jogging, forgets

C. go jogging, will forget

5. Could you ask Jane to phone me if you (see) her tomorrow?

A. see

B. will see

C. are seeing

6. If our team (work) hard, we (not / lose) the next game.

A. will work, won’t lose

B. works, won’t lose

C. work, won’t lose

7. Your parents (worry), if you (be) late in the evening.

A. will worry, will be

B. are worry, will be

C. will worry, are

8. He (be) a lawyer when he (grow) up.

A. will be, grows up

B. is, grows up

C. will be, will grow up

9. I .......... (tell) you all about my holiday when I ......... (get) home

A. will tell, will get

B. will tell, get

C. tell, will get

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10. When he .......... (see) her, he .......... (be) very surprised.

A. sees, will be

B. will see, will be

C. sees, is

11. Call for an ambulance if he (feel) worse.

A. will feel

B. feels

C. feel

12. Mrs. Clay (go) shopping today if she (finish) her work earlier.

A. goes, will finish

B. will go, will finish

C. will go, finishes

13. Watch the football match on TV at 11 p.m. if you (stay) at home


A. will stay

B. stay

C. would stay

14. I’m tired, but if you (make) me strong coffee, I (go on) working.

A. will make, go on

B. will make, will go on

C. make, will go on

15. If Dad (buy) a new car, we (go) to the seaside by car next summer.

A. buy, will go

B. buys, will go

C. will buy, go

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Test 11

1. Выберите правильную форму глагола

1. Jim was cooking dinner in the kitchen while Jo ……. the dog.

A) is feeding C) was feeding

B) has been feeding D) had been feeding

2. I ………. dinner with Tom tomorrow.

A) am having C) have had

B) have been having D) had had

3. You can’t leave the table until you …………. your dinner.

A) finished C) are going to finish

B) finish D) will finish

4. Dave ……….. in Manchester for several years before he decided to

move to London.

A) will have worked C) had been working

B) has worked D) works

5. Don’t phone me tonight. I ………. for my French exam.

A) will study C) study

B) will be studying D) will have studied

6. They …………… Paris twice this month.

A) have gone in C) have been to

B) had gone to D) had been in

7. Harry was sunburnt because he ………… on the beach for six hours.

A) had been sitting C) has been sitting

B) has sat D) is sitting

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8. Mary is a good girl. She ………. her mother with the housework.

A) is helping C) had always helped

B) always helps D) always helped

9. Those cakes ………… delicious! Can I have one more?

A) tastes C) tasting

B) are tasting D) taste

10. John ………….. questions! He’s so boring.

A) has always been asking C) is always asking

B) always asked D) asks always

11. It ………. The garden’s all white.

A) has been snowing C) had snowed

B) snows D) was snowing

12. He’s a famous singer. He …………. a lot of concerts so far.

A) is giving C) gives

B) has given D) had been giving

13. By the time we arrive home, she …………. cooking.

A) will have finished C) will have been finishing

B) is going to finish D) will finish

14. Before he knew what was happening, the car ………. into a tree. A) has crashed C) has been crashing B) was crashing D) had crashed 15. While Paul ………… the carpets the doorbell rang. A) hoovers C) has been hoovering B) was hoovering D) had hovered

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16. ………….. to the bank later?

A) Will you be going C) Do you go

B) Have you gone D) Did you go

2. Поставьте правильную форму глагола в скобках.

Ken: What 1) ................... (you / do) this evening, Carol?

Carol: I 2) ......................... (go) to the circus. Do you want to come?

Ken: No, thanks. I 3) ....................... (already / be) there.

Carol: Did you enjoy it?

Ken: I 4) ..................... (enjoy) it more if my little sister hadn’t been with


Carol: Why?

Ken: The circus was very good, but while the clowns 5) ..................

(perform), I suddenly realized that my sister 6) ........................ (disappear).

Carol: Oh, dear!

Ken: I could’t find her anywhere. I 7) ................... (look) for her about ten

minutes when a policeman came up to me and told they had found a little


Carol: Where was she?

Ken: When they found her, she 8) .................. (try) to climb into the lion’s


Carol: Oh, no! I’m sure you 9) .................... (be) happy when she starts


Carol: Yes, I will. She 10) ...................... (start) next year.

Test 12

1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. John is a good boy. He .......... his room before he leaves for school.

A) is always tidying B) always tidied

C) always tidies D) had always tidied

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2. We ................ for Paris at 7 o’clock next Monday morning.

A) had left B) have been leaving

C) have left D) are leaving

3. You .......... things! Can’t you be more careful?

A) are always losing B) had always lost

C) always lost D) has always lost

4. These flowers...............nice. What are they?

A) are smelling B) have smellt

C) smelt D) smell

5. Mr Jones ..........New York. He’ll be back on Friday.

A) has been in B) has gone to

C) has been to D) has gone in

6. She ......................hard all day so she was too tired to go to the party.

A) is working B) has worked

C) had been working D) has been working

7. Tom was painting the garage while I .......... in the garden A) have been working B) had worked C) work D) was working 8. Susan works in a theatre. She ......... a lot of famous actors so far. A) met B) is meeting C) has met D) had met 9. We ............. our tickets weeks before we went on holiday. A) were booking B) had been booking C) have booked D) had booked

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10. ............. to the library? I need some books returned.

A) Had you gone B) Do you go

C) Will you be going D) Have you gone

11. There are books all over Tom’s desk. He...........

A) has been studying B) had studied

C) studied D) had been studying

12. They ...........with friends at the moment.

A) are staying B) have been staying

C) stay D) will be staying

13. I love this house. I ............ here all my life.

A) am living B) have been living

C) have lived D) will have lived

14. My brother ................ for a large company.

A) is working B) works

C) has worked D) had worked

15. Where ................. your holiday last year? A) have you spent B) did you spend C) had you spent D) were you spending 16. He .......... at five o’clock yesterday evening. A) worked B) was working C) had been working D) has been working 17. There was no money left because we .................. it all. A) spent B) had spent C) had been spending D) were spending

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2. Поставьте правильную форму глагола в скобках.

Geoff, John, Dave and Darren (1) ..................(work) in Spain for three

months when they (2) .....................(decide) to go travelling around the

country. They (3) ................. (just / make) up their minds where to go

when Dave 4) ......... (receive) a telephone call from his mother. She said

that she and his father were planning to visit him for a week. She asked if it

was okay and of course Dave said yes. She 5) ................ (tell) him they

would be arriving on 21st May, the first day of the holiday, and would be

staying for one week. Dave 6) .............. (finish) talking to his mother and

they all sat down to rearrange their plans. «We can put off our trip until

Tuesday because your parents 7) ............... (leave) by then», 8) ...........

(suggest) Darren. «Yes, this (9) .............. (be) the best solution. After all,

there (10) ................ (be) two weeks left to enjoy ourselves», said Dave.

Test 13

1. Поставьте правильную форму глагола в скобках.

Steve: What are you doing this August, Mary?

Mary: It looks like I 1) ............... (stay) here and working. What about


Steve: Well, hopefully I 2) ............... (finish) all my work by then, so I

3) .......... (be able) to go to Holland for a while.

Mary: Great! I 4) ........... (go) there last year. 5) .............. (you/ever/be) to

Holland before?

Steve: Well, we drove through it while we 6) ........... (travel) to Germany

but we 7) ........... (not/stop).

Mary: I didn’t know you 8) ............... (be) to Germany.

Steve: My cousin 9) ............. (live) there for the last six years and I visit

him every summer.

Mary: What does he do?

Steve: He 10) ............... (work) in a cafe.

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2. Поставьте правильную форму глагола в скобках.

One summer morning Meeks 1) ........ (come) from the West to

New York to find his sister. She 2) .......... (be) Mrs. Mary Snyder, a

widow, aged 52, who 3) ......... (live) for a year in a tenement house in a

crowded district.

At he address somebody 4) ........... (tell) him that Mary

5) ..........(move) away longer than a month before. No one 6) ...............

(can/tell) him her new address.

On coming out of the house Mr. Meeks 7) .............. (address) a

policeman who 8) ........... (stand) on the corner, and 9) ............. (explain)

his difficulty to him. 10) ............. «I (recently / make) » a lot of money and

I’d like to help Mary as soon as possible, 11) ........... he (add). The

policeman 12) ........... (pull) his moustache and 13) ............... (tell) Meeks

about Juggins.

He 14) ......... (say) that Juggins 15) ........... (be) the leader of a new

school of detectives. «Juggins 16) ........... (solve) some very difficult cases.

I 17) ......... (take) you to him», the policeman said.

«If I 18) .......... (find) your sister, you 19) .......... (pay) me to hundred

dollars. I 20) .............. (try) to solve your case. The disappearance of

people in the city is the most interesting problem I 21) .......... (ever, work

at)», 22) ............. (say) the famous detective, 23) .......... (rise) and

24) ...... (put on) his hat.

In fifteen minutes Juggins 25) ....... (return) holding a little piece of

paper with Mary’s new address. After Meeks 26) .......... (pay) his bill, he

27) ......... (ask) the detective to explain what he 28) ........... (do).

Test 14

Выберите правильную форму глагола (Passive Voice).

1. The day before yesterday we (invite) to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.

A. are invited

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B. were invited

C. invite

2. Look! The bridge (repair)

A. is being repaired

B. is been repaired

C. has being repaired.

3.The letter and the parcel (post) tomorrow.

A. will be post

B. will have been posted

C. will be posted

4. Margaret (know) to be a very industrious person.

A. has been known

B. is known

C. is been known

5. In Greece the Olympic Games (hold) once in four years.

A. were held

B. are being held

C. are held

6. The problem (study) for three years, but they haven’t got any results.

A. has been studied

B. has being studied

C. was studied

7. This book (republish) by the end of September.

A. would been republished

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B. will have been republished

C. will been republished

8. The doctor said that Tommy’leg (X-rayed) the following day.

A. will be X-rayed

B. would be X-rayed

C. will have been X-rayed

9. A police car came when the injured man (carry off) the road.

A. was being carried off

B. was been carrying off

C. has been carried off

10. I (bear) in a small Russian town not far from Samara

A. was borne

B. am born

C. was born

11. Dad phoned us and asked if our luggage (already/pack).

A. was already being packed

B. had already been packed

C. was packed

12. What a pity, John won’t come. He (tell) about the meeting beforehand.

A. should have been told

B. should be told

C. should been told

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Test 15

1. Поставьте правильную форму глагола в скобках (Passive Voice).

The Tower of London

The Tower of London 1) ............. (build) by William the Conqueror

in 1078 as a castle and palace. Since that time it 2) ................ (expand) to

its present size, and (use) as an armoury, a zoo, a royal mint, a prison, and

a museum. At the time when it was a prison a lot of people 3) ..............

(lock) in the Tower for their religious beliefs or suspected treason. Anne

Boleyn, Sir Walter Raleigh and Elizabeth the First 4) ................ (shut up)

there, too. Spies 5) .................. (imprison) in the Tower during both World

Wars. Some of the prisoners 6) .................... (allow) to walk in the

grounds, live in comfortable rooms and receive visitors. Many convicted

7) .............. (publicly / execute) on Tower Hill. They 8)..........(behead)

with the block and axe, which 9) ................. (keep) and ....... (show) in the

Tower Armoury now. The Jewel House 10) ........... (situate) at the Tower.

The collection of the Crown Jewels 11) ................ (keep) in it. Saint

Edward’s Crown, the Imperial State Crown, and the royal scepter 12)

.............. (guard) there. Saint Edward’s Crown 13) ................ (use) for the

coronation ceremonies. 3000 precious jewels 14) ................ (contain) in the

Imperial State Crown. In 1671 a daring attempt 15) ............. (make) to steal

the Crown by a man named Captain Blood.

2. Поставьте правильную форму глагола в скобках (Passive Voice).

There are many ways of shaping plastics. The most common way is

by moulding. Blowmoulding 1) …………… (use) to make bottles. In this

process, air 2) ……… (blow) into a blob of molten plastic inside a

hollow mould and the plastic 3) ……. (force) against the sides of the


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Toys and bowls 4) …………. (make) by injection moulding.

Thermoplastic chips 5) ………… first (heat) until they melt and then

forced into a watercooled mould under pressure. This method 6) ………..

(suit) to mass production. Laminating 7) ……. (produce) the heat-proof

laminate which 8) ……… (use), for example, for work surfaces in

kitchens. In this process, a kind of sandwich 9) …… (make) of layers of

paper or cloth which 10) ……….. (soak) in resin solution. They 11)

………….. then (squeeze) together in a heated press.

Thermoplastics can 12) ………… (shape) by extrusion. Molten plastic

13) ……… (force) through a shaped hole or die. Fibres for textiles and

sheet plastic may 14) …..…… (make) by extrusion.

Test 16

Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

1.You will ........ speak Spanish in another few minutes.

A) can C) be able to

B) have D) ought

2. I’d like........ skate.

A) to can C) to have to

B) to be able to D) could

3. Nobody answers the phone. They out.

A) should C) can

B) would D) must

4. I’m sorry, I......have phoned to tell you I was coming.

A) should to C) had to

B) ought to D) could

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5. To my mind, the government........take care of old people.

A) ought C) must

B) need to D) may

6. I......... get up early on Mondays.

A) am able C) must

B) have to D) may

7. The policeman told the woman she........worry.

A) needn’t C) couldn’t

B) needn’t to D) mustn’t

8. ..... you mind passing me the salt?

A) will C) could

B) should D) would

9. As you .........remember, I was always interested in scientific


A) may C) must

B) have to D) ought to

10. Little children like books with large print. They ....... read them more


A) should C) can

B) must D) have to

11. ....... I speak to Jane, please?

A) could C) must

B) shall D) ought to

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12. My dentist says I .......... eat so many sweets.

A) needn’t C) ought not

B) mustn’t D) shouldn’t

13. Why hasn’t Mr. Grill got in touch with us?

I don’t quite know. It ..... be that he has lost our phone number.

A) may C) must

B) ought to D) should

14. Liz seems to be avoiding you.

I can’t tell you for certain. She... have been hurt by my words about her


A) should C) might

B) must D) needn’t

Test 17

Выберите правильное предложение в косвенной речи.

1. John said, «I’m sorry to disturb you, Eliza». A. John told that he was sorry to disturb Eliza. B. John told he was sorry to disturb her. C. John said to Eliza he had been sorry to disturb her. 2. He said, «Where’s Jill going?» A. He asked where was Jill going. B. He asked where Jill went. C. He asked where Jill was going. 3. Sally said, «I would like to buy it». A. Sally said that she would like to buy it. B. Sally said she would have liked to buy it. C. Sally said that she liked to buy it.

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4. «If I had any instructions, I would know what to do», said Mag.

A. Mag said that if she had had any instructions, she would have known

what to do.

B. Mag said if she had any instructions, she knew what to do.

C. Mag said if she had any instructions, she would know what to do.

5. Robby asked, «Bobby, do you know «Old Barn»? It’s on the

Shrewsburry Road».

A. Robby asked Bobby if he knew «Old Barn» that was on the

Shrewsburry Road».

B. Robby asked Bobby did he know «Old Barn»; it was on the

Shrewsburry Road».

C. Robby asked Bobby where «Old Barn» was.

6. The doctor asked, «How do you feel?»

A. The doctor asked how did I feel.

B. The doctor asked how I felt.

C. The doctor asked how I had felt.

7. «Will you be free tomorrow?» Colin asked Richard.

A. Richard asked would Colin be free the next day.

B. Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day.

C. Colin asked if Richard will be free tomorrow.

8. «Don’t open the door or answer the phone», said her parents.

A. Her parents said to her not to open the door or answer the phone.

B. Her parents told her not to open the door and to answer the phone.

C. Her parents told her neither to open the door nor to answer the phone.

9. «Why hasn’t he locked the car door?» the policeman said.

A. The policeman asked why he hadn’t locked the car door.

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B. The policeman asked why hadn’t he locked the car door.

C. The policeman asked why he didn’t lock the car door.

10. The students said, «We wish our exams over».

A. The students said they wished their exams had been over.

B. The students said that they wished their exams have been over.

C. The students said they wished their exams were over.

11. Tom said, «Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood».

A. Tom told Jerry that he had been his best friend since their early


B. Tom said that Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood.

C. Tom said that Jerry had been his best friend since their early childhood.

12. «Where is the nearest bus stop?» the old man addressed a policeman.

A. The old man asked where was the nearest bus stop.

B. The old man asked a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.

C. The old man told a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.

13. The teacher said to us, «Be quiet, please».

A. The teacher asked us be quiet.

B. The teacher told us to be quiet.

C. The teacher said to us to be quiet.

14. «Could you show me these jeans, please?» said the boy.

A. The boy said to show him those jeans.

B. The boy asked to show him those jeans.

C. The boy asked if the salesgirl could show him these jeans.

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15. «If I were you, I’d stop smoking», Jeff said.

A. Jeff said that he were him he would have stopped smoking.

B. Jeff said that if he had been him he would stop smoking.

C. Jeff advised him to stop smoking.

16. «Don’t swim too far, dear», asked Dad.

A. Dad asked him / her not to swim too far.

B. Dad asked him / her don’t swim too far.

C. Dad asked him / her if he / she wouldn’t swim too far.

17. «Ann’s sister did nothing except complain», remarked Tim.

A. Tim remarked that Ann’s sister had done nothing except complain.

B. Tim remarked that Ann’s sister did nothing except complain.

C. Tim remarked Ann’s sister had done nothing except complain.

18. Shop assistant: Would you wait half an hour, please? Customer: All right. A. The shop assistant asked whether the customer would wait half an hour. The customer said that it was all right. B. The shop assistant asked if the customer would wait half an hour. The customer agreed to wait. C. The shop assistant asked whether the customer would wait half an hour. The customer said that it would be all right. 19. Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith, «Don’t wear your best trousers in the garden». A. Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith not to wear his best trousers in the garden. B. Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith that he didn’t wear his best trousers in the garden. C. Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith not to have worn his best trousers in the garden.

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Test 18

Выберите правильное предложение, соблюдая правило

согласования времен.

1. I knew that Mercury (be) the closest planet to the sun, but I did’t feel

like answering the question.

A. was

B. is

C. had been

2. Mike hoped that his friend (help) him with his car.

A. would help

B. will help

C. helped

3. We didn’t know the score, but we were sure their team (lose) the game.

A. has lost

B. had lost

C. lost

4. Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt (be ill) for five years.

A. was ill

B. has been ill

C. had been ill

5. The children were afraid of making any noise – Mum (sleep).

A. was sleeping

B. slept

C. had been sleeping

6. He gave all his money to me because he (trust) me.

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A. would trust

B. trusted

C. had trusted

7. We were told that Andrew (go) to enter that college.

A. is going

B. went

C. was going

8. The police found out that Bob Slant (live) in London’s suburbs at that


A. had been living

B. lives

C. lived

9. My parents decided that we (celebrate) my birthday on Sunday.

A. would celebrate

B. shall celebrate

C. celebrated

10. The pupil wasn’t able to do the translation because he (not / know)

some special terms.

A. hadn’t known

B. didn’t know

C. doesn’t know

11. Ann hasn’t been informed that the lecture (not / take place) on Friday.

A. hasn’t taken place

B. wouldn’t take place

C. won’t take place

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В настоящее время на рынке труда востребованной и

конкурентоспособной является личность, обладающая критическим

мышлением, способная вести диалог, определять суть проблемы и

находить альтернативные пути ее решения. В связи с этим система

высшего образования призвана развивать критическое мышление,

направлять студента на овладение творческими способностями для

решения жизненно важных задач.

Иностранные языки, в частности английский язык, позволяют

развить критическое мышление у студентов технического

университета, в ходе преподавания которого успешно формируется

высокий интеллект, творческий подход, ответственность.

Работа с данным пособием вооружает будущих инженеров

практическими навыками владения английской грамматики, которые

необходимы студентам для профессионального общения на

английском языке.

Тексты пособия отобраны из оригинального английского

источника с учетом их информативности. Тематика текстов

определяется объемом и уровнем знаний, которыми обладают

студенты первых, вторых и третьих курсов самолетостроительных

специальностей университетов.

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1. Блинова, С. П. Тесты и контрольные работы по грамматике

английского языка : учебное пособие / С. П. Блинова. – СПб. :

Издательство «Союз», 2002. – 256 с.

2. Голицынский, Ю. Б. Грамматика : cборник упражнений /

Ю. Б. Голицынский. – СПб. : КАРО, 2003. – 544 с.

3. Зверховская, Е. В. Грамматика английского языка: Теория.

Практика : учебное пособие / Е. В. Зверховская, Е. Ф. Косиченко. –

СПб. : БХВ-Петербург, 2014. – 304 с.

4. Качалова, К. Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка

с упражнениями и ключами / К. Н. Качалова, Е. Е. Изралевиич. – М. :

«Ладком». – 2012. – 720 с.

5. Литвинов, С. В. Тесты по грамматике английского языка.

Видовременные формы глагола / С. В. Литвинов. – М. : АРКТИ,

1999. – 64 с.

6. Маслова, Н. В. Древо английской грамматики (практический

курс) / Н. В. Маслова. – М. : «Новый отсчет», 2000. – 192 с.

7. 500 упражнений по грамматике английского языка с ключами

и тематическим словарем / Авт.-сост. : Оваденко О. Н. – М. : ООО

«Юнипресс», 2002. – 432 с.

8. Hashemi Louise, Murphy Raymond English Grammar in Use.

Supplementary exercises with answers / Louise Hashemi, Raymond

Murphy. – Cambridge University Press, 2004. – 144 p.

9. Eastwood John Oxford Practice Grammar. Intermediate with

tests / John Eastwood. – Oxford University Press, 2006. – 439 p.

10. Evans Virginia English Grammar Book Round-up 5 / Virginia

Evans. – Pearson Education Limited: Longman – 2003. – 209 p.

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11. Evans Virginia English Grammar Book Round-up 5 (Teacher’s

Guide) / Virginia Evans. – Pearson Education Limited: Longman – 2003. –

77 p.

12. Evans Virginia English Grammar Book Round-up 6 / Virginia

Evans. – Pearson Education Limited: Longman – 2003. – 262 p.

13. Brieger Nick, Pohl Alison Technical English Vocabulary and

Grammar / Nick Brieger, Alison Pohl. – Sommertown Publishing. 2002. –

148 p.

14. Vince Michael Macmillan English Grammar in Context.

Advanced / Michael Vince. – Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2012 – 241 p.

15. Fire (Articles) [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа. –

16. Interesting Airline Brands (Articles) [Электронный ресурс]. –

Режим доступа. –

17. Meteorology (Articles) [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим

доступа. –

18. Parts of an Aircraft (Articles) [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим

доступа. –

19. Types of Aircraft (Articles) [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим

доступа. –

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Задание 23.2. 1. Were waiting. 2. Had already wound. 3. Would not be,

went. 4. Knows. 5. Had not come. 6. Remembered. 7. Would arrest. 8. Did

not want. 9. Will send. 10. Would leave. 11. Has already found. 12. Was

striking. 13. Could, was. 14. Had ever travelled. 15. Was running. 16. Had

just gone, would be.


Exercise. 5. 1. ’ve been searching 2. haven’t found 3. do you want 4. are

5. are always arguing 6. Have you ever complained 7. don’t stop / haven’t

stopped 8. keep on 9. haven’t been able 10. have been feeling.

Exercise. 11. 1. had been cooking 2. had burnt 3. had visited 4. (had) met

5. had happened 6. had been playing 7. had left 8. had left 9. had been

raining 10. had got 11. had been 12. had been looking after 13. had been

doing Exercise. 12. 1. was walking 2. had been 3. were 4. was raining

5. was looking forward 6. had been talking 7. had escaped 8. had offered

9. lived 10. (had) told 11. heard 12. stopped 13. turned 14. (had) stopped

15. started 16. began / was beginning 17. were getting 18. felt 19. screamed

20. had been 21. had decided 22. couldn’t 23. had already fainted.

Exercise. 18. 1.’ll phone. 2.’ll be sleeping. 3.’ll call 4.’ll be washing. 5.’ll

come. 6. will you be doing. 7. ’ll be getting. 8. will you be. 9.’ll be visiting.

10. won’t be doing.

Exercise 19. 1. Are usually delivered, are being looked through.

2. Are made, is being made. 3. Is being tuned. 4. Is being filled.

5. Is usually laid. 6. Are being switched on, are being cleaned, are being

laid. 7. Is spoken, is being spoken. 8. Is being questioned. 9. Is used, is

being built. 10. Is being examined, is usually checked. 11. Are given.

12. Are signed. 13. Is being typed. 14. Is being fixed. 15. Are operated on,

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is being operated on. 16. Are made. 17. Is being cleaned. 18. Are being

followed. 19. Is often referred to. 20. Is he so often laughed at.

Exercise 20. 1. Were destroyed. 2. Was constructed. 3. Was thrown out.

4. Were welcomed, were being thrown / were thrown. 5. Was being

opened. 6. Were being cleaned. 7. Was filled. 8. Was being carried. 9. Was

taught. 10. Was being taught. 11. Were fined. 12. Was being closed.

13. Were awarded. 14. Was being prepared. 15. Were being baked.

16. Were cleaned. 17. Was being mown. 18. Was asked. 19. Were being

cleaned. 20. Was learnt / was learned.

Exercise 21. 1. Were completed. 2. Have just been finished. 3. Was fed.

4. Has been fed. 5. Hasn’t been seen. 6. Hasn’t been read. 7. Hasn’t been

worn. 8. Was not mentioned. 9. Have just been allowed. 10. Was taught.

11. Have you ever been taught. 12. Have just been advised. 13. Were

given. 14. Was disqualified. 15. Has been published already. 16. Have not

been invited. 17. Were built. 18. Has been stolen. 19. Has it been painted.

20. Has been changed.

Exercise 22. 1. Will be given, would be presented. 2. Would be told, will

be told. 3. Will be caught, won’t be caught. 4. Will be examined, would be

examined. 5. Would be elected. 6. Will be punished. 7. Will be published.

8. Will be brought up. 9. Would be brought up. 10. Will be stolen. 11. Will

be told. 12. Will be launched. 13. Will be met. 14. Would be delayed.

15. Would be repaired. 16. Would be paid. 17. Will be sent. 18. Will be

given. 19. Would be sent. 20. Would be looked after.

Exercise 23. 1. Was awarded. 2. Was invited. 3. Was held. 4. Was met.

5. Had been given/was given. 6. Had been organized. 7. Had been invited.

8. Was left. 9. Was told. 10. Hadn’t been heard of. 11. Was send. 12. Was

being held. 13. Was asked. 14. Had been made. 15. Is ever sent. 16. Will

be organized.

Exercise 24. 1. To be delivered. 2. Be delivered. 3. Be sent. 4. Be sent.

5. Be taken. 6. Be addressed.

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Exercise 25. did; would stop; thought; would make; are; knew; would break

down; stuck; saw; were all lunching; was; noticed; was drinking; was

shaking; was; came; made; thought; pretended; was; had ever tasted;

was; got; would never have; took; offered; told; would have; told; was

expecting; fancied; didn’t have; took; had made up; found; hadn’t

touched; would make; is; swear; got; saw; knew; had been; had gone; was

actually panting; finished; is; imagined; had happened; said.

Exercise 26. 1. Has experienced. 2. Have been damaged. 3. (have been)

destroyed. 4. Has decided. 5. Is building. 6. Are being heightened. 7. Are

working. 8. Believe. 9. Are starting. 10. Have been drawn up. 11. Are.


Test 1.1.goes. 2. play. 3. doesn’t speak. 4. Is. 5. aren’t. 6. Is. 7. didn’t see.

8. met. 9. bought. 10. gave. 11. took. 12. slept. 13. didn’t feel. 14. had. 15.

went. 16. read. 17. will talk. 18. will help. 19. shall get up. 20. shall go. 21.

will help. 22. will come. 23. will go.

Test 2. 1. B 2. B 3.A 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. B, B 11. B 12. C 13.

C 14. B 15. A, A

Test 3. 1. A 2. A 3. B, A 4. C 5. C 6. B, B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. C, A 12.

B 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. C . 18.B

Test 4. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B

Test 5. Exercise. 1. 1. went 2. decided 3. was having 4. was raining 5.

were arguing 6. called 7. were eating 8. was making 9. was dreaming 10.

was practicing; Exercise. 2. 1. was 2. was lying 3. was watching 4. heard

5. was coming 6. went 7. picked up 8. headed for 9. opened 10. saw 11.

was searching 12. was 13. dropped 14.was carrying 15. crashed 16. turned

17. saw.

Test 6. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4 B 5. A, A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. B 11. B 12. B

13. A 14. B 15. B.

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Test 7. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10.A.

Test 8. 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. A 13.B.

Test 9. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. B

14. A 15. A 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. B 20.A.

Test 10. 1. C 2.B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. C 13.

B 14. C 15. B.

Test 11. Exercise. 1. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C 11.

A 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. A Exercise. 2. 1. are you doing . 2. am

going 3. have already been 4. would have enjoyed 5. were performing

6. had disappeared 7. had been looking 8. was trying 9. will be 10. is


Test 12. Exercise. 1. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. C 11.

A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. B Exercise. 2. 1. had been working

2. decided 3. had just made 4. received 5. told 6. finished 7. will have left

8. suggested 9. is 10. will be

Test 13. Exercise. 1. 1. am staying 2. will have finished 3. will be able

4. went 5. Have you ever been 6. travelling 7. didn’t stop 8. had been 9.

has lived 10. works; Exercise. 2. 1. came 2. was 3. had been living 4. told

5. had moved 6. could tell 7. addressed 8. was standing 9. explained 10.

have recently made 11. added 12. pulled 13. told 14. said 15. was 16. has

solved 17. will take 18. find 19. will pay 20. will try 21. had ever worked

at 22. said 23. rose 24 put on 25. returned 26. had paid 27. asked 28. had


Test 14. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. A

Test 15. Exercise. 1. 1. was built 2. had been expanded, used 3. were

locked 4. were shut up 5. were imprisoned 6. were allowed 7. were

publicly executed 8. were beheaded 9. are kept and shown 10. is situated

11. is kept 12. are guarded 13. is used 14. are contained 15. was made;

Exercise. 2. 1. is used 2. is blown 3. is forced 4. are made5. are first

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heated 6. is suited 7. produces 8. is used 9. is made 10. are soaked 11. are

then squeezed 12. be shaped 13. is forced 14. be made

Test 16. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. D 13.

A 14. C

Test 17. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. B 13.

B 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A

Test 18. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. C                                       

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Infinitive Past Indefinite Past Participle


1 2 3 4 5 1 arise arose arisen возникать 2 awake awoke, awaked awoke, awaked будить, просыпаться 3 be was, were been быть, находиться 4 bear bore born рождать 5 bear bore borne выносить 6 beat beat beaten бить 7 become became become становиться 8 begin began begun начинать, -ся 9 bend bent bent гнуть, -ся, сгибать, -ся

10 bind bound bound связывать 11 bite bit bitten кусать 12 bleed bled bled истекать кровью 13 blow blew blown дуть 14 break broke broken ломать 15 breed bred bred выводить, разводить 16 bring brought brought приносить 17 broadcast broadcast,

broadcasted broadcast,

broadcasted передавать по радио

18 build built built строить 19 burn burnt burnt гореть, жечь 20 burst burst burst разрываться 21 buy bought bought покупать 22 cast cast cast бросать, кидать 23 catch caught caught ловить, схватывать 24 choose chose chosen выбирать 25 cling clung clung прилипать, цепляться 26 come came come приходить 27 cost cost cost стоить 28 creep crept crept ползать 29 cut cut cut резать 30 deal dealt dealt торговать, иметь дело 31 dig dug dug копать 32 do did done делать 33 draw drew drawn тащить, рисовать 34 dream dreamt, dreamed dreamt,

dreamed видеть сны, мечтать

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Таблица, продолжение 1 2 3 4 5 35 drink drank drunk пить 36 drive drove driven гнать, везти, ехать 37 dwell dwelt dwelt обитать,

останавливаться подробно

38 eat ate eaten есть (принимать пищу)

39 fall fell fallen падать 40 feed fed fed кормить, -ся 41 feel felt felt чувствовать 42 fight fought fought бороться, сражаться 43 find found found находить 44 flee fled fled бежать, спасаться

бегством 45 fling flung flung кидать, бросать 46 fly flew flown летать 47 forbid forbade forbidden запрещать 48 forget forgot forgotten забывать 49 forgive forgave forgiven прощать 50 freeze froze frozen замерзать,

замораживать 51 get got got получать, становиться52 give gave given давать 53 go went gone идти, ехать 54 grind ground ground точить, молоть 55 grow grew grown расти, выращивать 56 hang hung hung висеть, вешать 57 have had had иметь 58 hear heard heard слышать 59 hide hid hid, hidden прятать 60 hit hit hit ударять, поражать 61 hold held held держать 62 hurt hurt hurt повредить, ушибить 63 keep kept kept держать, хранить 64 kneel knelt knelt становиться на

колени 65 know knew known знать 66 lay laid laid класть 67 lead led led вести 68 lean lent, leaned lent, leaned прислоняться 69 leap leapt, leaped leapt, leaped прыгать 70 learn learnt, learned learnt, learned учиться

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Таблица, продолжение 1 2 3 4 5 71 leave left left оставлять, уезжать 72 lend lent lent давать взаймы,

одалживать 73 let let let позволять, сдавать в

наем 74 lie lay lain лежать 75 light lit, lighted lit, lighted зажигать, освещать 76 lose lost lost терять 77 make made made делать, заставлять 78 mean meant meant значить,

подразумевать 79 meet met met встречать 80 pay paid paid платить 81 put put put класть 82 read read read читать 83 ride rode ridden ездить верхом 84 ring rang rung звонить, звенеть 85 rise rose risen подниматься 86 run ran run бежать 87 saw sawed sawn пилить 88 say said said говорить, сказать 89 see saw seen видеть 90 seek sought sought искать 91 sell sold sold продавать 92 send sent sent посылать 93 set set set помещать, ставить;

заходить (о солнце) 94 shake shook shaken трясти 95 shave shaved shaven брить, -ся 96 shed shed shed проливать (слезы,

кровь) 97 shine shone shone сиять, светить 98 shoot shot shot стрелять 99 show showed shown показывать

100 shrink shrank shrunk сморщиваться, сокращаться

101 shut shut shut закрывать 102 sing sang sung петь 103 sink sank sunk погружаться, тонуть 104 sit sat sat сидеть 105 sleep slept slept спать 106 slide slid slid скользить

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Таблица, продолжение 1 2 3 4 5

107 smell smelt, smelled smelt, smelled пахнуть, нюхать 108 sow sowed sown сеять 109 speak spoke spoken говорить 110 speed sped sped спешить, ускорять 111 spell spelt, spelled spelt, spelled писать или

произносить слово по буквам

112 spend spent spent тратить 113 spill spilt, spilled spilt, spilled проливать 114 spin span spun прясть 115 spit spat spat плевать 116 spilt spilt spilt раскалывать, -ся 117 spoil spoilt, spoiled spoilt, spoiled портить 118 spread spread spread распространять, -ся 119 spring sprang sprung прыгать 120 stand stood stood стоять 121 steal stole stolen красть 122 stick stuck stuck приклеивать, -ся 123 sting stung stung жалить 124 strike struck struck ударять, бастовать 125 strive strove striven стремиться 126 swear swore sworn клясться, браниться 127 sweep swept swept мести 128 swell swelled swollen пухнуть, раздуваться 129 swim swam swum плавать 130 swing swung swung качать, -ся,

размахивать 131 take took taken брать 132 teach taught taught обучать, учить 133 tear tore torn рвать 134 tell told told рассказывать 135 think thought thought думать 136 throw threw thrown бросать 137 tread trod trodden ступать 138 understand understood understood понимать 139 wake woke, waked woken, waked будить, просыпаться 140 wear wore worn носить 141 weep wept wept плакать 142 win won won выигрывать 143 wind wound wound заводить (часы) 144 write wrote written писать

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Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect ContinuousPresent swim (-s)

do / does [always, every day, usually, sometimes,

often, seldom, never]

The boy often swims in the



swimming are

[now, at the moment, at

present, from 6 to 9]

The boy is swimming in the

lake at the moment.

have/has swum

[already, still, yet, ever, just,

recently, never, since,

for] The boy has

already swum 2 kms.

have / has been swimming

[for, since, all morning/day/week] The boy has been swimming in the lake for 2 hours.

Past swam (-ed) did

[yesterday, last week, last

month, two years ago]

The boy swam in the lake yesterday.


were [all the

morning, from 2 till 5, when you

came] The boy was

swimming in the lake all the morning.

had swum[by, by the

time, before, before you came, after, already, just,

till/until] When we came

the boy had already swum

2 kms.

had been swimming[for, since ,how

long, before, until] The boy had been

swimming for about an hour when they


Future shall/will swim

[tomorrow, next week,

next month, in a year]

The boy will swim in the

lake tomorrow.

shall/will be swimming

[from 2 till 4 o’clock

tomorrow, for a long time, when

you return, when she comes]

When you return the boy will be

swimming in the lake.

shall/will have swum

[by 3 o’clock, before you

come, when she comes]

By 3 o’clock the boy will have swum 2


shall/will have been swimming

[already for more than 5 hours]

The boy will have already been

swimming for more than 2 hours when

they come.


should/would swim

[tomorrow, next week,

next month, in

should/would be swimming [from 2 till 4

o’clock tomorrow, for a

should/would have swum

[by 3 o’clock, before you

come, when

should/would have been swimming

[already for more than 5 hours]

Mother said that the

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Таблица, продолжение Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous a year]

Mother said that the boy

would swim in the lake


long time, when you return, when she comes]

Mother said that when you

returned the boy would be

swimming in the lake.

she comes] Mother said

that by 3 o’clock the boy

would have swum 2 kms.

boy would have already been

swimming for more than 2 hours when

they came.

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Indefinite Continuous Perfect

Present am (is, are) invited am (is, are) being invited

have (has) been invited

Past was (were) invited was (were) being invited

had been invited

Future shall (will) be invited - shall (will) have been invited


should (would) be invited

- should (would) have been invited

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Учебное издание

ГЛАГОЛ В АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ (форма, виды, функции, система времен)

Учебное пособие

Составители: ВОРОНЦОВА Нина Ивановна,

ЗОТОВА Ольга Алексеевна

ЭИ № 1102. Объем данных 0,9 Мб

ЛР № 020640 от 22.10.97

Подписано в печать 30.05.2018. Формат 60×84 1/16.

Усл. печ. л. 10,00. Тираж 50 экз. Заказ 479.

Ульяновский государственный технический университет

432027, г. Ульяновск, ул. Сев. Венец, д.32

ИПК «Венец» УлГТУ, 432027, г. Ульяновск, ул. Сев. Венец, д.32

Тел.: (8422) 778-113

E-mail: [email protected]