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BASEBALL fJnJwnWy of Iowa, Friday. 4pm. Saturday 'p m \’ollimp 24 COMMITTEE ON WATER SHOW PLANS FLOATS Fraternities Will Cn operate in Carrying Out Plans of * Carnival. CAMPUS HISTORY THEME Elaborate Plans Matte to Por- »ray* Events Since Found- ing of. College. M. S. C. Library Bast Lansing, Mi ah. Michigan Slate News I frtATIRB Fair («nicht and Friday with inrmdRf r load!ness . I late Friday. Povdbly an- I I . .111.4 1. I THI'RSnAY, ÜPRlti 2«, 1032 Number 10 Not,¿ Lecturer ANNOUNCE LiSTlR**'*** to C in te S e e le . * * I W H [¡,,tm ¡l ff OF DATES F0Rlsd, ... SPRING P A R T I E S ! ^ “ 7- - " " " - - ' ship Since '2 fr • im/ nun/ n Paul Youth VauRhil. M - LAST LECTURE HERE TUESDAY Fntz Kunz will Speak at 8.15 * Student Books Are Not Necessary. Dean Cor rad Releases Schedule of Social Functions for - Spring Term. CALENDAR IS FULL Lift Promises Lively Season Ahead for Socially Minded. >>U t e r m is t o I»«> rrowri- i uiih many s(«ial ownts, iirnrsiinjf t » thjei p a rty li>t in Dcuin ( o n r a d ’s ufTie**. \vhi;-h ' omplt ted yesterday. The t vents a re as follows: Apt •<-> Kappa Ijeit« benefit Union TTe-iporiitn Open house: F*i * Sigma informal party; " ultv rlub. Phi Kappa T.iu, In- itial dance, house ■t <\ fi Alpha Oamma Rho spnna Little (heater: Alpha rht iPRS open lm\ie. Sophomore " party. Union 'lay 7 Kappa Alpha Thetft ing party, tittle theatre: Delphic Delta Alpha spring j Students and alumni at the Uni- versity of Detroit are mourning the death of the Re\ John P Mr Nichols. ; S. J . president of the institution ! since 1921 His denth. which oc- jcurred Tue.sdny night in Si .)o««ph'6 ■hospital, Ann Arbor came as the . ’ immediate result of a heart an »ck I and climaxed a period of several i months of uifferinc from broken health. In his career as president of Det- roit University. Father has witnessed and been largely res- jx/n.sible for the remarkable «rovuh and cl*'. ‘liniment ot that insn.iiiioil When he arsumed the presidency in 1921. the university was housed in a few downtown buildings At the time of his death the institution embraced 80 acres «t the outskirts of the city of Detroit and his p’an to build II}> a $40 000,000 rol’ege sys- tem had been one-fourth realised The untiring efforts <*f Father Mr Nichols to develop the Univer- sity ot Detroit info one <¿f the major educational institutions of the middle west were undoubtedly res- ponsible for the break down in health which resulted in I t-, death 'REGISTRATION IBREAKSSPRING TERM RECORDS Figure* Show 2,913 Student. Enrolled; Liberal Art. ¡3 Larged Dim,on LIBERAL ARTS LEADS Engineering Enrolls Second Largest Number; Home Economics Third. m m **? APPLIED SCIENCE AND LIBERAL f^eapePtun ^ SOPHOMORES TO WRITE EDUCATION EXAMS NEXT WEEK Ur. Bettcy Sagged. Careful Selection of C.mpu. Tree.. ;r^ % z ' undrr^'he Achievement Te.t. to Be Given Here hy Rockefeller Foundation tand'CApin. r>i»n should be on Tueaday and Wedniday Are Part of Nation-wide Survey; Importance ia Streaaed. II. t v , d.-aii o !,.«■!:! Hr Be by i he «a me kind of hi arc foreign to ! opinion of Dr. iphomor« Uberai Arts and Applied Science stil- are scare next Tuesday and rased it id ay fro«» the rtffice ihe rejriAtrar list the total dance for the term at 1:1. This sets an all-time • fd for piinji resist ra- il which exceed« tin' previ- record of 2,78« students, last year, bv 127. the of Ma Ir lay 13 spanali Women’s League ing party. Union lav 14 SuMim Kappa spring iv Little t lien ter. Trimotra open sp; rhetrt Kappa Nil open houw; mpit- .prim; term party Kerns ••! Phi Delta Thrta open hnu-*/-. tominn of*n house. Pi Kappa open house MesjyeriHi) spring tv house; Officers club lav 1R Horn«' Economies rlub quet Union lav 20 Alpi a Chi Sigma spring !v. Little the»ire Pin Chi Alpha n house; Spartan Women's Lea- cn-ed p fm old armnrv fay 21 Alpha Oamtna Delta ng party Little I healer: A.- nn prmn pn; ' • home Zeta Teu i* p'ing iMirty Ma-onic temp r i> spring ;«ir'v lion *• Siam - I ha Ejw lot open hou-'-e Henman house Chi fit’te«« open houfec ■ e. Phi Kappu T.iu spring parti’ -r phviean sprm* party lu-n c lay 27 Un«otj Uteiarv wvwty ng party laute tpeatrr. dinne' al' ueflb r military men Eh ' Wmi Mars Vlavo ha i -prtr .* Via;- Ma Mei men Boi n in st Louis. Missouri, in 1875. he graduated from Si. LouU university and Si Xavier university. Cincinnali Before being ordained in the priesthood, in 19W he was » ht .ill Si Xavier In 1913 he went to Cam- pion college. Prairie Du Chene. Wis- consin In 1915 he was transferred to Marquette university. Milwaukee where he became dean in 1919 NOTE CHANGE IN SENIOR EXAM DATES Examinations for «eniors who fail to make a B average dur- ing the «pring r<*nn will be given during '! '• laut »wo das« pertn/1 of the week ending June 4 not Of the week ending June 11 as dated in the ratal* gue Cancel- lation ot plan A for (lie 75th anti ver-arv célébrât irm arrotini* for ihi* change Stili ■ 61« Ing da thu stain Er. • Th by tila «Ch * 679 «pe the reg. A me; cha mit ,i.-•*-d To ifird il» j pol nt and Ihr i Home lui with 508 t department f vlih 405 r.:'ir.ber of regi ie,rm 974 -ophomor 477 seniors. and F igiire- alar* sii i HP8 11 i and ned l'or spring »* ordtng to a prevU bv Professor I. hi COUNOLFILES HONORARY LIST Will Continue to Gather Infor- mation on Campili Groups UNÏ •rin af'er revi-tration im* ¡« pr**bHbly dm ,ew registrai ton m ie* whtch <■ auch practices more dt.Hr ult j i former year*; lor tin* mi- «udcntf» are careful to rrgjtoet clnvUf* correctly ut the proper TOWER TO HOLD ALUMNI SHOW R. 0. T. C. SHOW SET FOR MAY 30 Annual Horte Show Will Be Held Memorial Day for One Day Only Qui«» • recently a he;iIII 111Ml -nid n it i nnwixtd iree near mil was rui down in ordev io small > :H»e»h tree in«»i<- run» There iiire many beerh ,»qod hu» tins, was n only 'am pus a' M. S ( lia « long ot ed fo r luivinn one *)f [ pp ti numlx •1 Of Varieties of rotini ry but >his* reputat Ion nil Im*!.ng for the ins¡t ten »s and new ¡deriÿ of f>n o f . |11t, many Norway s v»tead pruee va riet 1 rssurh as jack pln-s. elm. i■ot ton wood, pin talk Ilf ernia <rees be plurled ro rirty arid beaiu\ W orin usti ay, May ?» itnd I. In order thut they may write Mi if i od by the college officiala Hchool4 in , the cnuntry. All ■iftl »'xam inetions •»«•irtyr. •»injunction With »»Ih»- i»l»'nt- in the two cilvisionM will be required t«> li net Ion and will hr» excused from all classe« °• n li»»th »lays. Any students AG CONVENTION PLANS GIVEN . h o i.l) Convene Here May 5 and 6. it.-nd the exams i the maximum *-h although the »illy occupy the ioth days* !1 be made up f six i) tes; i hi- ftpvttve- in certain libes and WILL PRESENT UNUSUAL FILM Complete plans lor the thirteenth tintisi Junior Farmers' W- amina ent» and iniitructors of the vira- Svvvn Aria Club lo Show Gtr- ' ' ' . . ' l l n ' , ïl,!t Vxfi.bit' wm" mar Production Here will b- hri.i win. view -» whm ii Neat Month. t ml b\ the Amer;* : Um’«va I ;».* a cirllege raRipuft pro- mt ion and heretofore limned al- o*t »‘lit i rely to Little Theatrr ui Ids in vai'iouH sections of th* imtr.v the promised sliowmg ..f nan- moving picture T’ it her agricultural ACtlvitie*? will la pen Thurvfluv and Friday Mav md 9 Winner» of the judging content • chi»’!» w;il be held during the courrt f the pr»*Krani will be sent t«> the ■f a »igatfd by th*’ Generai Edtu’alion Board and the FUjckefeller Founda- l’>tan J B Johmton. L'ni- CebiiuM <*f Dorctòr Caigan ' bv O " national eompetttlon later in »he Seven Arts club «órnenme about tlie pruu* Their expense-, will be paui nuddlv "i i In- ..unit,« ownUi at, ,,,,t „[ rollcctwl n-um * lit not t<* la.* im v e d As yel i ile« of the siiowing ire tentati omu-ed thn' ¡i , to be present y ram and operami'! uh delegati* to •-;»» . J the college* Each riu- Thursday morning win la* given H record will remain .with ’-hi- er lo livestock and grain judging ! » ii*-uá- career* and wUl be ref r éd ,. . ,f rPM i. [ r ,»u, with exhibit« and demonstratum#*^ , ... j; t¡t *ugi.;v 7m- Tin». pu neermg VfTort in the field of Mir vtrlom departments t the ay : -¡m student take *ne uaily artutic moving picture work 1ivi»ton tej.f* in ail nrlousney* os ‘.tie ri’-ults tt w * rete», ..-d m IfSWI bv n O **»»« Tn# program fnr Ttnrrada» nfte^- ni4iJ[ ha*« imparcant tx-Hiirig up- ■— -Wtt-Blrwrop >M. tnr „ Vacatlrawl Anri- "V h T " , achieve some thing sflcntion next be given and the peaking Contest in the da»e* .r<- i. follows 1»e?il (0 min- ; te»f Pm1 1 on minute«; lary in 11 WILL DATE NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS Thi» Policy Adopted in Order tr Asiure the Dispotal of All Wolverine«. tremrly colti- •• and «raded 11« T|»’ Farmern of An, r , Harry «.i»>M*n Lloyd Rue/Jnk neri cure Htowe CI»rer.» e Warner Harold Hender*i»ott Wtlbur M Ur like ! '4 m ’ J \rlien Tsken in Horor of Fif- tieth Reunion of Beau- mont's CU*s BAND CLUB HOLDS SPRING INITIATION )ndurt Nine Neophytes at Form al Ceremonies in Union Monday. •he new member* H**’ near and tv * nded ¡or the unii i.«*« lunched at- the rKi»«-. »der« are Ö***** H‘+ * ri ürrh M 4 T V A uten 14 34 E n Pavo* d TIi W Î Rane SOPHS APPEAR STRONG IN INTERCLASS MEET The Inter-cia*« track* started ^ ?e*dav and w:ii be fYrt.vhed Saturday The »oph.imorr* w-cm to have the stronge.«t linr*up a *ho* i hr freahn'irn are r;>iri to turni.5 H«ne tough competition In a meet last winter between the first and •econd rear teams the »phomorts »on cut by about teu pouu* __ . profits mir.'»! *»«■ $4 * i’f ■*1 parkin« H> ‘c»n JffT'fiv» <g ' 00 TYrf* *b -* V> and 'tudeti te odnutted free Dale Movie- - •w> r.ew rharu Professors O » H**namsn an* v * Feeerran ’or*, the lunicr* «... . * an.msl r.utoendrr ría** »« T *»•*•<! *'• April > »h>u .... -n, r'j..’. ■>. ror-, f”'*c\e livestock t'h'Op” 'i<r »WC**1' tu*n of the l>»roit stock vardr While there »bet rtMtM some he packing planta, the Detror ^reamerv Co and other points oí mteraet HOLD SfECIAL PARADE FOR JUNIOR FARMERS K medial m.iuarr ;»a.'»de «■»;: be ieid TYi irvtiv Mav Y 4 odcrl i. a feature of the annua* Junujf Farmers Week program Th»* «di •aae toe place 4 the reguiar Tue*- lav ariernonn review Officiai* f*f the exiciventimr *nd -neniher» oI the Htate Board >,* Agriculture hare been aakod u> re- .je* tne units The poho <d re- ervm< «raU wtU be ,carr>d our a* || previOAi* fetMtXKJW Prn(«Mtfg L C Emmons Tuesday night spoke to the math student-» of Albion cotleg* on watutuai M«“ ■ emetics He was accompanied by O O Speaker and 8 E Crowe aiao of the math department Council, s 's*- ca i tied tba? •f>c «*•< retar y be inatructc*1 >« wri'** 'he ''m*1 »'. Board r«iuwtiD| »*•*• i .. ma< r.#-e dance« he field dariritf ’ »•. • *m »n w.*.,« » ’’rn ba*e»>s,, M S. C ART INSTRUCTOR RECEIVES SCHOURSHIP Vf I * » BchnJmer rh ' urVa in art her» recently jxad . ahc/iorsTup tor 'f»e ««jinmer *t Harvard unirerstty Durtn« ».he paN- • tnter ber *n»k ha* attracted '<»r< uderabìe sttentton vM p «Zie ex hibited eith thè Mirhigm Art tal* u- Detroit (t.nce gradui» ung f-.*»n Oregon «tate cnitr«r in 192« elth » H A degree in Home ecx/n er..« » Mi** fiehulmervh boa auerded of thè ieoding «rhouia of ar* n thè* Hhe received jhe 'Irere* Moater ot Aria tn Vfine Art» at Coi - .jnMa university in V29 after n* toimng a srhoiarahtp frorr. thè Ari BtudeMa' Leatue al New York Durine tbe «amime- | in o alle at- tendod tbe Cttoutnord sehoot oí Ua Angele» Btudytng rulpture ormì tea» year ohe studied ài thè ttoiver- Mty ot Oregon og i Poundatton tdMiarskjp Adva»u>- pi'* rm** mdu a ,*ade pub.x i re beute '•»** •JV je-aathi** NI 4*Jn« ai FORESTERSBAN FORMAL ATTIRE A«naal Shindif" I* Prewnf Many Odditir. of Dren tad Attion CAP AND GOWN ORDERS MUST BE IN BY MAY S f >rd. r , .,..1 w . muit be in » - Tt. i'%d* < May ï if the ugia- *~r u> b*- here m rime f <tr the set.k*¡r »«ingout an May 25 Measurement* •and ardors are taken a! Hurd« Clothing *h p A ftve-Uortar de- paakt l* jequired wi’ fj each */rder two doUar* of wh*th will be r*- fandedr Ju F«: ; rt: .» bukineaa meeting Th ir*/!«' • thit' mg and *he F F A filate Ora»*' ai Contrat conduced h\ ’he AT Zeta chapler and I«ei»*»r*rne* • Ihibllr «peaking .n !f«e aftern**e Frwla> will be given over to p.* *en»atlon of »*.»rd* '"e<t,*>r» > nst allât ton of new ■■ ’’ u r»* Get eral hraduuar*l'c-' fnt ’>.Sh ever-.' will be in »fie Old !.,tn»rv rtuildl SENIORS TO ISSUE i ANNUALBOOKLET 1 'Itn Uniqar Design for Com- mencement Program and Record. book- annual F»»iw«tf v Hh hdig ‘ta- .nia* er 41. evening m 'he »>kl Armory -.»rom • tlKMe ««, to »*e »ne «V iti % hignught ;• . g** uariiea w r Ite Uri* - íes *ny- »hing »Juri »*es'f *he iisual • Woi- Irr».* i» Oai.ned \^hi' •lie pr*«r«*’'* « high lhrm*el»«i »re writ en in lumber- .*** k termlnntoty <tn Wrd«-»T Agáin*' fn#f*»e venekw H.» «topa \ Au y of oree* he» plaid vhiri * rt/ aiti he found lb arge » jinbr r* .4» the HT,-in- t «ram «i« «*•* under *ay Fai; Uuriv *n fam/ei« mythokgi evi . .moer.vk baa tuid '-barge <4 »OURNALIST HONORARY APPOINTS COMMITTEE id rdbiH te<ugn ch ’ hr U*’< *jfS’ •• HU a- hi > he Bunt md flru.k* 'he 1*in> hich ;»r* tr i*.:a*e Frew eat« u> be n* ruled real '»a* f»/tm aCl added Evan gun* ace mied . .* a r»r» '4 ir*e coa- K:w»»r^ band bf Ja/ kv»n will 'mi m *h pa’ per uri>*<. tut 'he lunct* on ( KuotP» ot honor .nclude Frasi- tient *r,d Mr* R « «*'•» *>« sitd M?-» Jc*+ph C*/a. M r and Mrs 1_ C Emmons. Mr and Mr». F A Herbert, and Mr and Mrt. H 8 Newins TOP COAT». M M Ir-m COATS FANCY UOAE tir. POCB POO fl— 111 B O b At the nati/mai vihveti'.nn ot F Dei la P., m .at hi nattnnai horuirarv >• urnafuuc fraternity nki n»** D C recently fmir delegates were apputnted U» .* nat- »rial nmmi"*' »»> ondut( « »ur- '*•> o’ , '•nUege navpàprrr adver»uung kji »fieir reH»e*tjve wctloru The findings of the '•nmmittee are ex- P*wted to prnve -,t value *<» pert/idicalA tn e l ling apa/e to ad- vertisers The men amadnted to this m a- mi tote ore Clarence Van Luptk. Michigan «tato Cortege O W Cor- nell. Oeorgle Tsch* K W Wei.- Penn 8»ate and M. Nearmtn. Mlddleburv coliege Ih Vermont The report ot thla nmwitm will be ant to the Orami WaKoMol Edi- tor of the Epallag. natkmaf aovan of the fraumtty, for pubbcatton neat foU. dark and r,e f;,v <iifTerenc-e be bii'dineEach will be *4 material F»/r ».he covm t ot the Itoaumont »a/wev *.-liege *raj afe Ountled tfir .o.v* numerala The ».ptroductorv pagr i* foikrwed bv an !tjvtiatir/n to the nnuncncv- meat pffarrmm Next u « llet o( oU wniOT activities The roll fol- low» with T.e i»»officers and cmr* mittee»Hated fir«t. AU members oí hr graduating • taaa an* lieted ac - ordina u> divmuna ot the cortege and by hume tóeme A new idea ha* been eurted owl U* tlie iato page of the booklet. A «cene ot the Red Odar t» UadovtKi an the page m erajr with the words of the Alma Mater suportmpomd B green. SHIRT* 4X0 SBOBTS. 90».

Michigan Slate News - Michigan State* lit not t

Dec 03, 2020



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fJnJwnWy o f Iowa, Friday. 4 p m . Saturday ' p m

\’ollimp 24


Fraternities Will Cn operate in

Carrying Out Plans of

* Carnival.

CAMPUS HISTORY THEMEElaborate Plans Matte to Por-

» ray* Events Since Found­

ing of. College.

M . S . C . L i b r a r y

B a s t L a n s i n g , M i a h .

Michigan Slate News I fr t A T IR B

Fair («nicht and Friday with in r m d R f r load! ness .

I late Friday. Povdbly an- II . .111.4 1.


T H I 'R S n A Y , Ü P R l t i 2«, 1032 Number 10

Not,¿ Lecturer ANNOUNCE L i S T l R * * ' * * *t o C i n t e S e e l e . * * I W H [ ¡ , , t m ¡ l f f

OF D A T E S F0Rlsd, . . .SPRING P A R T IE S !^ “ 7- - " " " - - '

ship Since '2 f r

• im/ nun/

n Paul Youth VauRhil. M -


Fntz Kunz w ill Speak at 8 . 1 5 *

Student Books A re Not


Dean Cor rad Releases Schedule

of Social Functions fo r

- Spring Term.

CALENDAR IS FULLLift Promises Lively Season

Ahead fo r Socially


>>U te rm is to I»«> rrow ri- i u i i h m a n y s (« ia l o w n ts ,

i irn rs iin jf t » thjei p a r ty li>t in Dcuin ( on r a d ’s ufTie**. \vhi;-h

' o m p lt te d y e s te rd a y . T h e t v e n ts a re a s fo llo w s:

Apt •<-> Kappa Ije it« benefit Union TTe-iporiitn Open

house: F*i * Sigma informal party; " ultv rlub. Phi Kappa T.iu, In­

itial dance, house ■t <\ fi Alpha Oamma Rho spnna

Little (heater: Alpha rh t iPRS open lm\ie. Sophomore " party. Union'lay 7 Kappa Alpha Thetft ing party, tittle theatre: Delphic

Delta Alpha spring

j Students and alumni at the Uni­versity of Detroit are mourning the death o f the Re\ John P Mr Nichols.

; S. J . president of the institution ! since 1921 His denth. which oc- jcurred Tue.sdny night in Si .)o««ph'6 ■ hospital, Ann Arbor came as the .’ immediate result of a heart an »ck I and climaxed a period o f several i months of uifferinc from broken health.

In his career as president of Det­roit University. Father has witnessed and been largely res- jx/n.sible for the remarkable «rovuh and cl*'. ‘ liniment ot that insn.iiiioil When he arsumed the presidency in 1921. the university was housed in a few downtown buildings At the time of his death the institution embraced 80 acres «t the outskirts of the city of Detroit and his p’an to build II}> a $40 000,000 rol’ege sys­tem had been one-fourth realised

The untiring efforts <*f Father Mr Nichols to develop the Univer­sity ot Detroit info one <¿f the major educational institutions of the middle west were undoubtedly res­ponsible for the break down in health which resulted in I t-, death


TERM RECORDSFigure* Show 2,913 Student.

E nrolled ; Liberal A rt . ¡3

L arged D im ,on

LIBERAL ARTS LEADSEngineering Enrolls Second

Largest Num ber; Home

Economics Third.


EDUCATION EXAMS NEXT WEEKUr. Bettcy S a g g e d . Carefu l

Selection o f C .m p u .


; r ^ % z ' undrr^'he Achievement T e .t . to Be Given Here hy Rockefeller Foundation

tand'CApin. r>i»n should be on Tueaday and W ed n id ay Are Part o f Nation-wide

Su rvey ; Importance ia Streaaed.

II. t v , d.-aii o !,.«■!:! Hr Be

■ by i he «a me kind of hi arc foreign to ! opinion of Dr.

ip h o m o r « U b e r a i A r t s a n d A p p l ie d S c ie n c e s t i l ­

are scarenext T u e s d a y and

ra sed it id a y f r o « » th e rtffice

ih e r e jr iA tra r list th e to ta l

d a n c e f o r th e t e rm a t 1:1. T h is sets an a l l - t im e

• f d f o r p i in j i r e s is t ra ­

il w h ich e x c e e d « t in ' p r e v i-

re co rd o f 2 ,7 8 « s tu d en ts ,

last y e a r , b v 127.

the of

Ma I r

lay 13 spanali Women’s League ing party. Union lav 14 SuMim Kappa spring iv Little t lien ter. Trimotra open sp; rhetrt Kappa Nil open houw; mpit- .prim; term party Kerns ••! Phi Delta Thrta open hnu-*/-. tominn of*n house. Pi Kappa open house MesjyeriHi) spring

tv house; Officers club lav 1R Horn«' Economies rlub quet Unionlav 20 Alpi a Chi Sigma spring !v. Little the»ire Pin Chi Alpha n house; Spartan Women's Lea- cn-ed p fm old armnrv

fay 21 Alpha Oamtna Delta ng party Little I healer: A . -nn prmn pn; ' • home Zeta Teu i* p'ing iMirty Ma-onic temp r

i> spring ;«ir'v lion *• Siam - I ha Ejw lot open hou-'-e Henman

house Chi fit’ te «« open houfec ■

e. Phi Kappu T.iu spring parti’ -r phviean sprm* party lu-n c lay 27 Un«otj Uteiarv wvwty ng party laute tpeatrr. dinne' al' ueflb r military men Eh ' Wmi Mars Vlavo ha i -prtr

.* Via;- Ma M ei men

Boi n in st Louis. Missouri, in 1875. he graduated from Si. LouU university and Si Xavier university. Cincinnali Before being ordained in the priesthood, in 19W he was

» ht .illSi Xavier In 1913 he went to Cam­pion college. Prairie Du Chene. W is­consin In 1915 he was transferred to Marquette university. Milwaukee where he became dean in 1919



Examinations for «eniors who fail to make a B average dur­ing the «pring r<*nn will be given during '! '• laut »wo das« pertn/1 of the week ending June 4 not Of the week ending June 11 as dated in the ratal* gue Cancel­lation ot plan A for (lie 75th anti ver-arv célébrât irm arrotini* for ihi* change

Stili ■ 61« Ing da thustain Er. •

Thbytila«Ch *679«pethereg.


,i.-•*-d To

ifird il»

j pol nt •

and Ihr

i Home

lui with 508

t department f

vlih 405 r.:'ir.ber of regi

ie,rm 974 -ophomor 477 seniors. and

F igiire- alar* siii HP8 11 i and

ned l'or spring »* ordtng to a prevU bv Professor I.



W ill Continue to Gather In fo r­

mation on Cam pili



•rin af'er revi-tration im* ¡« pr**bHbly dm

,ew registrai ton mie* whtch <■ auch practices more dt.Hr ultj i former year*; lor tin* m i- «udcntf» are careful to rrgjtoet clnvUf* correctly ut the proper



Annual Horte Show W ill Be

Held Memorial Day for

One Day Only

Qui«» • recently a he;iIII 111 Ml-nid n it i nnwixtd iree nearmil was rui down in ordev iosmall >:H»e»h tree in«»i<- run»There iiire many beerh

,»qodhu» tins, was n only

'am pus a' M. S ( lia « longot ed fo r luivinn one *)f [ ppti numlx •1 Of Varieties ofrotini ry but > his* reputat Ionnil Im*!.ng fo r the ins¡t ten

»s and new ¡deriÿ off>n of

. |11t, many Norway sv»teadpruee

va riet 1rs■ surh as jack pln-s.■ elm. i■ot ton wood, pin talkIlf ernia <rees be plurled rorirty arid beaiu\

W o rin usti a y , M a y ?» itnd I. In o r d e r thut th e y m a y w r i t e Mi i f i od by th e c o l le g e o f f ic ia la H ch oo l4 in ,th e c n u n try . A l l

■iftl » 'x am in etion s •»«•irtyr. • » in ju n c tio n W ith »» Ih»-

i»l»'nt- in the two cilvisionM will be required t«> li net Ion and will hr» excused from all classe«

° • • n li»»th »lays. Any students


■. h o i.l)

Convene Here May

5 and 6.

i t.-nd th e e x a m s i th e m a x im u m * -h a lth o u g h th e » i l ly o c c u p y th e io th d a y s *

!1 be made up f six

i) tes; i hi- ftpvttve-in certain libes and


Complete plans lor the thirteenth tintisi Junior Farmers' W - amina

ent» and iniitructors of the v ira -

Svvvn A ria C lub lo Show G tr- ' ' ' . . ' l l n ' , ïl,!t Vxfi.bit' wm"

m ar Production Here will b- hri.i win. view - » w hm ii

Neat Month.

t ml

b\ the Amer;* :

Um’«va I ;».* a cirllege raRipuft pro­mt ion and heretofore limned al- o*t »‘lit i rely to Little Theatrr ui Ids in vai'iouH sections of th* imtr.v the promised sliowmg ..f

nan- moving picture T ’

it her agricultural ACtlvitie*? will la pen Thurvfluv and Friday Mav md 9

Winner» of the judging content • chi»’ !» w;il be held during the courrt f the pr»*Krani will be sent t«> the

■ ■f a

»igatfd by th*’ Generai Edtu’alion Board and the FUjckefeller Founda-

l’>tan J B Johmton. L'ni-

CebiiuM <*f Dorctòr Caigan ' bv O " national eompetttlon later in »he Seven Arts club «órnenme about tlie pruu* Their expense-, will be paui nuddlv " i i In- ..unit,« ownUi at, ,,,,t „ [ rollcctwl n-um

* lit not t<* la.* im ved As yel i ile« of the siiowing ire tentati

omu-ed thn' ¡i , to be present

y ram and operami'!

uh delegati* to •-;»» . J the college* Each riu-Thursday morning win la* given H record will remain .with ’-hi­

er lo livestock and grain judging ! » ii*-uá- career* and wUl be ref r éd ™ ,. . , f rPM i. [ r ,»u, with exhibit« and demonstratum#*^ , ... j; t¡t *ugi.;v 7m-Tin». pu neermg VfTort in the field o f Mir vtrlom departments t the ay : -¡m student take *neuaily artutic moving picture work 1ivi»ton tej.f* in ail nrlousney* os ‘.tie r i ’-ultstt w * rete», ..-d m IfSWI bv n O * * » » « Tn# program fnr Ttnrrada» nfte^- ni4iJ[ ha*« impar cant tx-Hiirig up-

■— -W tt-B lrwrop > M . tnr „ Vacatlrawl Anri- " V h T ", achieve some thing

sflcntion nextbe given and the

peaking Contest in the da»e* .r<- i. follows1 »e?il (0 min-; te»f Pm 1 1

on minute«;

lary in 11


Thi» Policy Adopted in O rder tr

A siu re the Dispotal of

A ll Wolverine«.

tremrly colti- •• and «raded

11« '» T|»’ Farmern of An,r , Harry «.i»>M*n Lloyd Rue/Jnk

neri cure Htowe CI»rer.» e Warner Harold Hender*i»ott

Wtlbur M Ur like

! '4m ’ J

\rlien Tsken in H oro r of F if ­

tieth Reunion of Beau­

mont's C U *s


)ndurt Nine Neophytes at Form

al Ceremonies in Union


• he new member*H**’ near and tv *

nded ¡or the uniii.«*« lunched at- therKi»«-.»der« are Ö*****H‘+ * ri ü rrh M4 T V A uten 1434 E n Pavo*

d TIi W Î Rane



The Inter-cia*« track* started ̂ ?e*dav and w:ii be fYrt.vhed

Saturday The »oph.imorr* w-cm to have the stronge.«t linr*up a *ho* i hr freahn'irn are r;>iri to turni.5 H«ne tough competition In a meet last winter between the first and •econd rear teams the »phom orts »o n cut by about teu pouu* __ .


mir.'»! *»«■ $4 * i ’f

■*1 parkin« H> ‘c»n JffT'fiv» <g ' 00 TYrf* *b

-* V> and 'tudeti te odnutted free

Dale Movie- - •w> r.ew rharu

Professors O » H**namsn an*v * F e e e r ra n ’ o r * , th e lu n ic r* «... . * an.msl r.utoendrr ría** »«

T*»•*•<! *'• April > »h>u . . . . -n, r ' j . . ’ . ■>. ror-,

f” '*c\ e livestock t'h'Op” 'i<r »WC**1' tu*n of the l> »ro it stock vardr While there »bet rtMtM some he packing planta, the Detror

^reamerv Co and other points oí mteraet



K medial m.iuarr ;»a.'»de «■»;: be ieid TYi irv tiv Mav Y 4 o d c r l i. a feature of the annua* Junujf Farmers Week program Th»* «d i •aae toe place 4 the reguiar Tue*- la v ariernonn review

Officiai* f*f the exiciventimr *nd -neniher» oI the Htate Board >,* Agriculture hare been aakod u> re- .je * tne units The poho <d re- ervm< «raU wtU be ,carr>d our a*|| previOAi* fetMtXKJW

Prn(«Mtfg L C Emmons Tuesday night spoke to the math student-» of Albion cotleg* on watutuai M«“ ■ emetics He was accompanied by O O Speaker and 8 E Crowe aiao of the math department

Council, s 's*- ca i tied tba?•f>c «*•< retar y be inatructc*1 >« wri'** 'he ''m *1»'. Board r«iuwtiD| »*•*• i .. ma< r.#-e dance« he field dariritf ’ »•.• *m »n w.*.,« » ’’rn ba*e»>s,,



Vf I * » BchnJmer rh ' urVain art her» recently • jxad . ahc/iorsTup tor 'f»e ««jinmer *t Harvard unirerstty Durtn« ».he paN- • tnter ber *n»k ha* attracted '<»r< uderabìe sttentton vM p «Zie ex hibited e ith thè M irh igm Art tal* u- Detroit

(t.nce gradui» ung f-.*»n Oregon «ta te cnitr«r in 192« elth » H A degree in Home ecx/n er..« » Mi** fiehulmervh boa auerded of thè ieoding «rhouia of ar* n thè* ■ Hhe received jhe 'Irere*Moater ot Aria tn Vfine A rt» at Coi - .jnMa university in V29 after n* toimng a srhoiarahtp frorr. thè Ari BtudeMa' Leatue al New York Durine tbe «amime- | in o alle at- tendod tbe Cttoutnord sehoot o í U a Angele» Btudytng rulpture ormì tea» year ohe studied à i thè ttoiver- Mty ot Oregon og i Poundatton tdMiarskjp

Adva»u>- pi'* rm** mdu a

, *ade pub.x i re beute '•»**•JV je-aathi** NI 4*Jn« ai


A«naal S h in d if" I * P rew nf

Many O dditir. of D re n

t a d Attion



f >rd. r , .,..1 w .muit be in » - Tt. i'%d* < May ï i f the ugia- *~r u> b*- here m rime f<tr the set.k*¡r »«ingou t an May 25 Measurement* • and ardors are taken a! Hurd« Clothing *h p A ftve-Uortar de- paakt l* jequired wi’ fj each */rder two doUar* of wh*th will be r*- fandedr

Ju F«: ;rt:

.» bukineaa meeting Th ir*/!«' •thit' mg and *he F F A filate Ora»*' ai Contrat conduced h\ ’ he A T

Zeta chapler and I«ei»*»r*rne* • Ihibllr «peaking .n !f«e aftern**e Frwla> will be given over to p.* *en»atlon of »*.»rd* '"e<t,*>r» > nst allât ton of new ■■’’ u r »* Get

eral hraduuar*l'c-' fnt ’>.Sh ever-.' will be in »fie Old !.,tn»rv rtuildl

SENIORS TO ISSUE i ANNUAL BOOKLET1 'Itn Uniqar Design fo r Com ­

mencement Program and


book­ annual F»»iw«tf v Hh hdig ‘ta- .nia*er 41. evening m 'he » >kl Armory -.»rom •

tlKMe ««, to »*e »ne « V i t i % hignught ;•• . g ** uariiea w r Ite Uri* - íes *ny-

»hing »Juri »*es'f * he iisual• Woi- Irr».* i» Oai.ned \^hi' •lie pr*«r«* ’ '*« high lh rm *e l»«i »re writ en in lumber-

.*** k termlnntoty <tn W rd «- »TAgáin*' fn#f*»e venekw H.» «topa \ v»Au y of oree* he» plaid vhiri * rt/ aiti he

found lb arge » jinbr r* .4» the HT,-in­t «ram « i « «*•* under * ay

Fai; Uuriv *n fam/ei« mythokgievi . .m oer.vk baa tuid '-barge <4



rdbiH te<ugn ch ’

hr U*’< *jf S ’ •• HUa- hi > he Bunt md flru.k* 'he

1 *in>

hich ;»r* tri*.:a*e Frew e a t «

u> be n * ru ledre a l '»a * f»/tm aCl added Evan gun* ace mied. .* a r »r » '4 ir*e coa-

K:w»»r^ band bf Ja/ kv»n will 'mi m *h pa’ p e r uri>*<. t u t 'h e lu n c t* o n ( KuotP» ot honor .nclude F ra s i- tient *r,d M r* R « « * ' • » * > «sitd M?-» Jc*+ph C*/a. M r and M rs 1 _ C Em m ons. M r and Mr». F A Herbert, and M r and M rt. H 8 N ewins

T O P C O A T » . M M I r - m U « COATSF A N C Y U O AE t i r . P O C B PO O f l —

111 BO b

At the nati/mai vihveti'.nn o t F Dei la P., m. at hi nattnnai horuirarv >• urnafuuc fraternity n k i»** D C recently fmirdelegates were apputnted U» .* nat- »rial n m m i" * ' »»> o n d u t( « »ur-

'*•> o ’, '•nUege n a v p à p r r r adver»uung kji »fieir reH»e*tjve wctloru The findings of the '•nmmittee are ex- P*wted to prnve -,t value *<» pert/idicalA tn e l ling apa/e to ad­vertisers

T h e men amadnted to this m a - m i tote ore C laren ce V an Luptk.M ich igan « ta to Cortege O W Cor­nell. O eorgle Tsch* K W Wei.- Penn 8»ate and M. Nearm tn. M ldd leburv coliege Ih Verm ont

The report ot thla n m w itm will be ant to the Orami WaKoMol Edi­tor of the Epallag. natkmaf aovan o f the fraumtty, for pubbcatton neat foU.



r,e f;,v <iifTerenc-e be b ii'd in e E ach will be *4material F»/r ».he covm

t ot the Itoaumont »a/wev *.-liege *raj a fe Ountled tfir .o.v* numerala The ».ptroductorv pagr i* foikrwed

bv an !tjvtiatir/n to th e nnuncncv- meat pffarrmm Next u « llet o( oU wniOT a c tiv it ie s T h e roll fol­low» w ith T.e i»» officers an d cm r*mittee» Hated fir«t. AU members oíh r grad u atin g • taaa an* lie ted ac - ord in a u> divm una ot the cortege

and by hum e tóem e A new id ea h a* been eurted owl

U* tlie iato page o f th e booklet. A «cene ot th e R ed O d a r t» UadovtKi an th e page m erajr with the words of th e A lm a M ater suportm pom d B green.

S H I R T * 4 X 0 S B O B T S . 9 0 » .

Page 2: Michigan Slate News - Michigan State* lit not t

■ t a t « N « w aw Found«! lu I y**

C ltrrtirr Vnn lo p lk

Amor late EHi»’" H»v■i'll.*it

d ic a t fs th a t th ere a re acm e p re ­ju d ices npntnst th e aeries o f fore ign film s bein g ahow n here.

A question th a t h a s been heard here m a n y tim es sin ce th e aerie» began Is “ A re the su b titles in a foreign la n g u a g e ? ' 11m* an sw er, ui course, is no. Each film Is carefully edited In E n g lish

Another consideration that ha» no doubt kept students away froir the presentations thus far Is thn' \ the pictures are silen t However the films were made to be presentee without dialogue and there Is r maximum of printed mutter pre­vented on the—screen. The virtu» of the pictures lies In the super! acting they display

Anyone who saw the first twr pictures will testif\ that the .film; are not confined to pageants o medieval knights and ladles cram p i'<i wiih dusty formality, but (ha


t 'n lv eriit.v o f Iowa** barrbuM nine iect the Kotsinen F r id a y night «>n Hate's diamond b t 4 o 'clock A sec­ond game wtl be p layed Siturdxv •fra Inst the B jx irta iw . gam e starting it 3 p m


Fratereity Men W ill C o a p e l

Agent* to Hove C reden ­

tia l* Verified .

1)1 id chant linderst

¡ter that • Ta ri


st I id en t

h ad a responds

\ction was taken at tlu* last l it ­ten m tenui y Council meeting to

G o lf learn M eets Notre Danse protect students from the f lv -b y - lashte weilders Satiublay. April 30 night salesmen who often deRccnd

up.iii fraternity houses.Through cooperation with W N.

Sweeney, purchasing agent of the college, the council is having u r timber ol recognition carda printed. These will be given l>y Swoenoy to ale. men presenting s a t i a factory

credentials. Without one of theac cards an agimt will Iv branded on questionable and unworthy of doing business wiih. students

TheF o g H o r n



led Cedar golf cours.

T en n is team meets the Universi *f Detroit n e tn v n this afternoon < he collegi» courts. M ichigan’s *«■ Us team imxde*. Bixirtan Cotll luturdny. April 3f)

I M illenni s in d e n l f lu i i

JO E K O L L E G E .loe K o llege M l on ■ wUMNnm «rail. F u r m a t, fem ale , b o ttles an d all.



B lu e K e y . n a t io n a l cam p u s a c t iv i­tie s h o n o m ry . h a s m ade a rr a n g e ­m en ts w ith se v e ra l fra te rn it ie s o f th e eam piis to th e U n ivers ity u f Iow a bn.sebali team d u rin g the week end. T h e team a rr iv e d here tod ay to p lay a tw o g am e series w ith th e S ta t e n ine F r id a y an d S a t ­urday. Tlu* m em bers o f th e J a p a n ­ese team that, p layed here a ye a r ag o w ere ta k e n ca re o f by B lu e K e y In th e sam e m anner.

T h is erg alligation is also working w ith R ig g s, m a n a g e r o f th e U nion.

The Passing Show


th e rem ain d er in a n im aginary landscape.

F o r recom m endation , one person s la te d th a t h e h a d seen the picture tw elve tim es a n d w a s w illing and even an x io u s to see it again—vn . high p ra ise . I f a m u sica l score cu:, be collected fo r it »most of ;|, m usic is W agn er, b y th e w ay. n wel­com e note to W a g n e ria n *> the .; fectiven eos o f a n a lre a d y great p i- . turp will be in creased .

id dramas With flesh and Ttundnv evening. May 1. at

\< H IM I ' I l N I TESTS

(• I la usuai screen Vc ip »air theaters, hut ii with a finesse hare

AnieriCiin actors r hoped Unit With th»1 tllees cllsjKJSi'il of. I hi' marked increase in a

ijjie next picture of i Seven Arts Club is

deci . for Its efforts th is c a m p u s liln

iv would have t

is a M o n -p r i to the pro

u d ch t s ina i

Room 1 f>7 in Peoples church AI! i Lutheran students on the campus are invited to attend

Z<Mil«ig> f l u b meets Friday. April 20. lit tIt« Kellogg hurt sanctuary at

h ||I|M Della “ Spring Joli” t» held in Union l>ellroom Friday ning April JO ibofits to go to « ii ' Admission si no

lesi nan appi o be referret igeili in tile



H r , . | | « I lik r h r ll f a r « h . m m 1» to w-k-0 ' » tro p h y c u e to r th e U nion w in . lobby. B lu e K e y an d th e U n ion will

And tipped down a sh o t # f co lleg iate p u rch ase th e case, gin . t t

.loe K o lleg e tr ip p ed a t th e Ju n io r PredictionFrom .

H ugged in h is a rm h is red h ot mom. sw ap p ed h is p in a n d a couple o f

keys.lle 'd get lo ts m ore w here h e plched

up these.

by Crowley Carried Out

•tag•d to the pur- ______i- Did Library Prediction of Couch Jimmy Cr<Indent cannot Joe K o lleg e strode a s th e Sen io rs lev that the 1932 football rule

d io have no dealing:, m arch ed . changes would not be noticed to»n an not recognized by ( up an d gow n d rap ed , h is d ip lo m a any extent by the spectators were i f folly o f laiylng any- e lu lch rd . borne out in u regulationhim is apparent. Put a ll th e d ip lom as, an d a ll th e practice game staged here. Severalnitty Council inembeis keys, hundred spectators that witnessed

the exhibition were questioned a.s to



Inter-fraternity •nturdRV evening 1 h e U n io n lm;

Club Foreslnt « annual shm «lu to ta a id Saturday evening in Old Arm-

li * \p la ll i th e p la n 1«» th e ir h i*»du a l hoi isos so th a t illi t l ie l id unv o n « ' i( I f 11unlzcfi b y ■ i»u n o u s Mtlt-.s-•li xxi! ■ave o n lv the uisrlxi*.s ft.

I 111 a e ll«. n wa;. taken iin a n e i lo r t«TOP tlx in c r ca h in g n u m b e r o f

in d ie s XX« rked upon co l l f g o a lp -iii-» b\ a*. e i i is x «iio arc in I he e i i v

o n ly d a y o r tw o a n d lo a v . 'o n 1] »a im * o f ih c i f merchan-

c a n bi» «!<’t« irm in c d .

Je e * .Pour Jim* K ollege.

We Mill don't hclicv

how I he change» 1 game and tin great

i answers upheld _CTi the story ' The eliuniuitiou

I e flee led III •M jorlty ot the ley s forecast

the "Hyingabout i the absent -minded piofcssor block'' I., ¡» typical point. For yea who hung up his socks and then the "flying tackle” ha been fo discovered that he had forgotten to j bidden, yet infraction* of tl take them »»IT.

port iit dents ft .should Ii .* t.udf n! » should i the w I It

I O » Al S l’ A R T W OANCRItS

F ra te rn ity M ans ions Seen as A id in E n d in g W ide S p rea d D epression

i tu ilei educa ■

Brotherhoods Reach Deep

Pockets to B i i ld New


i*»ti i i i n n

s in f o r m u i l i t t le t.o c o l le g e bl­ » Hi Sippe;

lu a jo t te a m ol. ut ic a » it f o r in i h e past vea

! ui n ew fr u te rn it.x h o uses lu tv r v..- ea rn ( h in . with iii. i.

in s u p p o rte r*t ie n d im c o lis i ru e ! ion « a i l in gm o d e r i i c o n v e n ie n e e » h s xx

u»m t il ion iuu « g r e a te r ' d is ta n c e s f r o m th e cir io d ic in te rva l.» 1 h» A c T h e O r . s i u i t i id f r i t lxIli'ii,- N p fr it. im . i l ig pnugrn m vu ti l th e « ou s t I«III.» Hull cu- O'. (» .«lo'IHHl llOUs*' OiM'll«*«! ( ;

ut Idi tu c o i Ui IP:< I T h is x» «•11-k n o w n g r

le« id ed w a n e lu b ro th tu s in ¿Ja Im m d d és ig n é «in a lis i« li to a c c o ll i m o d a le («u t

u p p er çia.vitiHMI th r e e t «• a ro o m nit 1110*1 CHM*:n i i i l lx a ware a l i t t le less p r iv a r x fo t mi n ieIx 'i i few v e in s wlu> d e s it i ‘d m o n ro ilu «« » )tt.‘ i'('t’ ixt-«l a n d c e r a te i r o u g e 'malli x- T i »11 'h r s u p p o f e lu d ed q u a r te r s tot «e. k

K a m Hi K u p on D a m m « »,

uuest rom u i • p riv a te ta llo . ’ ■ yet, but voon I nil-Hedged and property They h i for 42 men. lev. an incln-

telephonc n in era tor fide! - an Innovation

v campus fri’


flou.I hex thou

S U N D A Y AT T H E P E O P L E S C H U R C H\ hiive— Thet ft : ‘10— I d M t*(um *— " T h e S lu rp « SK-

M ora l W ith in . '

12:110-—t I, H cm cnt. p i o u i e n l ot N oxo l.iiem « ( *»..« i l l speak on in d u s tr ia l ( o n d i (io n s . s . t . I.,

i i. V.—Stun St reel Huuhes Ihe IMnec of T ra d itio n « in I . i h . "

,« ;.ln -7 .*h— >. ( I ” | elio xv-h in a n d S e rv ic e .”7 0* — I he l ir e -u h < h ih. Lin I hurle*» S tr e e t .

it evponditur baikground Io

Announce Program O f P io p lcs Church

Fo r Com ing W eek


MOTHERS DAYSunday. .May 8th


R e l i e v e it o r n o t

c o c k - e y e d

Ye». e h ik lrrn . if happen ed in : Vlr. U'al|M»le*.H »Iam . I t seem s ' a liu sky ch a p by Ute n am e o f Ley iim i H ey» w as asked b y Ih e | p ro fesso r to proceed io Ih e b lackboard . H e w as th en In ­stru cted to w rite a sen ten ce on ■ Ihe board w ithout ta k in g Ills ' eves o ff th e assem bled studen ts. Itey * I m ean L ey ) is a football p la y e r a n d not a pro fessor an d couldn 't do it. <11*— I. you cou ldn 't d o it e ith e r) . T h e pro- frxi>or. in sisted th a t i i be done, so H ey H ey • ! m ean L e y ). p ro ­ceeded co rk -e y e d ih ro u g li ih e fo llow ing sen ten ce: "T o d a y Is not T h u rsd a y .” T lte pro fessor, st ill not satis fied , in sisted on m ore to rtu re a n d ask ed fo r a i »im plicated sen ten ce. A g a in H ey i • you know w h o I m ean) flo u n ­dered ro c k -e y e d th ro u gh th e fo l­low ing sen ten ce :"T o d a v is m il S u n d a y ." H e w a s su re If w asn 't I — he knew people d id n 't h a v e Io look co rk -e y e d In S u n d a y scKo?d.

A ll in a ll it w a s a g re a t lesson in w hy te ach ers h ave to look ra c k -e y e d —• it 's a n o ld ed u catio n custom .

W IL L H U R A N T Will Dunint. the lumou.» philofco-

ifier. iold Mu lug.*11 sta le .student* t Inal term that money figuratively wax “ Ilie manure we spread over flic ¡iifid to muke the fiower.s of culture grow." on e wonders if more m an­ure spreaders wouldn't come in handy At lh» jwe.sent tim*' P fw ob* ally we would lik< to ride on on»’ of the manure spreaders around that inmoiis corner to prosperity <M»>- l»< we hud better leave this subject- - th*'ie s an odor connected with it •

H IIO C K IN Gi l l llio se w lio a tten ded tlie

open house put on bt one of tin* f ta t e r n it ir s d ow n D etro it w ay la»! sa tu rd a x n igh t h a d a

»ItorkhiR" kinhI tim e. D on't take us w rong, it w as only the stati* electricity

% m o l . i t i

the inonuug I lie class in oriuth- oiogx if fiat turn ir bird -4 mixassem bled iii the thind .IW Il Oil H h M dl o lProle; mu Whooais wh a poise like a pigeon

tilehave beett .‘)0 seldom nolle« d iIihI penalties have been Very rare. Hai ­ring the use of defensive hand ab« ve tIk* shoulder effect)» the tech­nique ol the lineman but the spec­tators doe.» not uppreelut»' the change. Only once during the game did a bull carrier lose ills looting when mu in the grasp of an op ­ponent and the calling of the dead ball was noticed by oil!y a scal- tcring *»f tin* watcher».

There was a change In the man­ner of .starting the game at tlie opening c f the first a i/ l, thud periods and after touchdown» that came to the attention o f all Th«’ hew rule permits the bull to iu* put in play with kirk iiom placement* drop-kick or punt W ith a strong and accurate kicker «»•■- Ala- Eltouitz in the ranks Couch Crowley has di - c-ided to use the punt and employed it is t li«* practice. Although an­other wa* dome the kicking. 11» ; did nut appear Io be any great ad­vantage in tins style. The kicking team did not have time to m u : the receiver before !»• had caught lh»* ball und xx.o on lu.s way back

N ew O fficers of M ary M ayo Hall

Feted at D inner

"Tartu lfe" is in nearly every way a better picture than "JeaiUie d Arc.” The ».’haracterizatlons. the action, the pace, the stcry. all are more in tlie real field of tlie mo­tion pictun- and al! are more de­veloped th an in "Jeanne." E v e n the exqu isite photogruphy of th e forme* picture is at times .surpassed - fo i example, in that scene in winch the placing of tlie camera behind a candelabra and the outlining of the actors' figures ugaiust the tuii Whitt wall produces an effect <■: minimi­zation; we feel that we are watching the remote emotion- of two 'tohiU’d dolls. This device used often in 'Tu rtu ile" is. I believe quit«- lor*

».'ign to American films.Charact«‘rs Remembered

The ouly fatili 111 the pictun* a fault shared by “Jeanne"- -is iis ex­treme slowness ot tempo on ly ut times, however, is the. loo notice­able. I believe tiiat we will have to accustom our solve,» to the slownwss of nearly all Kuropeon film , if we wish to go u full undcisUindiur • the chalaclci it) them. W( |}o 'ixvav non. an American film with u scum* ol K»H»d ciitcrtttiiunctit. per­haps. but not often do we remember individual characters, u we unde­niably do from such pictures as 'TartuHc' ■ the simpleton husband, th»' sensual Tarluffe. the determin­ed and intelligent wife, the singlc- niJnded and cnergentlc s«*rvnnt will nil linger in our minds when the plot ol the play will have ix'en fo r ­gotten. This depai tni' iit tmr* serx - odly recommends "TattuH’»*

New I’ ieluri'H ( amiiig A word about “ The Cabinet ol

m Calgerin” which will be present­ed in about three weeks Fi'om. an unprejudiced advance report we can tell you that the picture lias prac­tically th«* most unusual plot ever filmed, the most beautiful and strik­ing photography, and some of the best acting A great deal «.f the ac­tion L'kcs place ;n ¡1 madhouse and

Light Ground Ties

Tin* .smart note for summ* backgrounds are white* an light pasttls— solid color iifkv figures and stripe liaml-sewn, resilient, sii)

tips. Refreshinglin»n e w


Suede Leather Jackets

Our zipper-front i» 1 o u s < are the talk of the Soft suede Italher in n markable quality— clear . color—free from “spot«.“

New “Cossack'* Gouts ii finest quality, $8 .9 5 .

M AY BROS.“ T l ie M «il S l o i e o f t h e lo w i f

23ä S W ash in gto n Ave.

w l i a t m a k e s a c o l l e g e l e a d e r ?

Inaugurating a ne chi a pus. the girl» cl Muyo hall entertain**« dinner last Thursday ’ heir newly elected officers arc Harriett le n t . Helen Oliatore, x Alii’r Blum rich, tre France.* Folsom Itulh

|V«U M ia t u fo rn iu 1 hcnor ol icers Til* i?tln. pres** • président

Pauli. Heir Solomon. h< Solomon i

MaxDouda tnd l a

i* re pic»

d tu if '

t h « mu*I po|»uUii im .Iv to M l ( « r « « l t ir r v r d in Ihr d in ing-r«om a o l Am rt it*n <oll*<||e*. n l i n « < Ink* und Iru tM iiltlM a tr >uid' by K a llo ir i in B « lt t * I rM k Ih r » Inrliid»' K r lln < r*» ( in nf la k « » , r i . r ft*.in 1 u k r« B i f f K i i i i r i . i W Ii r .1. » i iu m b U i «n i l K r l l n « « ' «WHOLE WHEAT Cm...» AI»o Kalfrr IU « ta fffr— if« l coder (hot lets you »Irrt«

Lh I


Prot \ n id ht.»

h red «'gall

x light of little lull 'an m ake Dy lecturing

party a. -

lo. kit 11Mu: . i CVan both gi

HelmlhtrcN» and dent and Mi Elisabeth Coi

Vanntllg bag Lh nlargì)

Pe r s o n a l it y , o f c o u n « . A n on- g a g in f a lt itu d e to w a rd other«. K oundte«« e n e rg y f o r c la s s and cam p u s a c t iv it ie s .

G o o d h ea lth is the b a s is . S o fe w have it. C o n stip a t io n fre q u e n tly cause« h e a d a c jir« , lo ss o f a p p e tite an d e n e rg y , s lee p le ssn e ss .

- Y e l it can be o v erco m e so e a s i ly -by e a t in g a d e lic io u s C ereal,

Kellogg's A U Br a n . T w o teb le - spoonfuls daily w ill p ro m o te r r |e > lar habits.

Try it with milk or c re a m Ash that Kellogg > ALL-BRAN b e serve-* at your fraternity h ou se o r cam pti restaurant.


I li­ la mu uhm»i un

W ith that he w a v c u rc lu f ix

hill with field «

Ih r« bad a piano, a »! •»•».• saxophone.

I I* Y O N D I IC Another local wjronty > t.

nui«' last Saturday rvcnin hill'd a jHipular campus ore they <*l the beumuu: cuuntrt H. itlu i than UK*'» I Im* Hr*! .fit»


M’n poised IlM» huddled • hh.vlx TIN

id lh*« x,A*ctr

» quick x 1 togciJicr. sound rtre


■ maker danecn

th e pho* i A. d*»/ rira whack

u like to «

M A Y F E S T I V A L4 D a y * — M a v l \ 1 9 « 2 0 , 2 1 , * 3 2 - * * 6

H IM i\ 1H T O H H M. A N N \I U iO Ulu "K arl \ Mi*«r*

G u s ta * f i t t is i , (a ! I » im - tin F red erick s u n li. t ire It. (ondati«*»

E rie l)e | ¿sm arter. A**t t 'onduetnr Jt lrcn • « ondui tor

a hex Ibarruw

% B I G R A N D P u r • ( tU rh ig sn N ts lr 'x s«*ro

. n u r » prides it -e lf on “ Ih rv u in g '' a a ap b tua» parties. L ast w a lar- da* night Ike« h ad one o f them . % b o m b o f Die g irts were

m haupinc It up «a«*. I l —I. th a t 's Use wro-ig o e n ie in r . A ny a n « .

l i f e« m ir

is like th at toiitoin*««

. a.a s o m a m m ■ a

■ Teddy's Retreati » M O K E * a n d n H E E I S

In Ih r harne U M P lace


Ladre t d b j r JBeag W ore

S M IN O — I .A C O

M l C. u r o « t i m

B U R T O N ’ S



E Rliul .. Uh ..i Utit .

wiuit be 4*4»'. .Am* * » «.<«) V»wd. X»

2 2 1 S t i t t lh W a s h i n g t o n \ x «




G r a c e E . L y o n C a f eSrmOI i'uriHMi 1-klM (or lh , ChiMtoa

GOE'i \ u i N e tt iv i«; (Voi..

ii ì . i i . i i i . i .ii i ..

Kl I'ri KOIXiKlis


IIENIAMINO OIGIJ "A li'Mtiill. Ir iHrt

» K K 0 K K K K J u ; * ; i .. M l i, i

n i l . M X S

X Ml.ulltlltK I Mu tl!

JOHN ( li v id i:.Aiiuri-.«»



( « IT T A O K A DOVADue «.; Amertca

I’ A I.M E K I H K IS T IA NA in > th n i A m cnca HI lU t

.'M igra n»»

.S op ran «• »luparu-


< 't w i t r u l l o

I f f i O t

T c n « ntenor


B i i r i t u n .

U a -


Or K »ni-.

H a» **1

TU». I M t l . M - l l t I IM .HAI I S K IS mmn U l H I l K K . . l y r w m i U W M . r t » » r t r r r -« R I L H H K S 's n t M I W I . I H O H t > ¡ M V K » . .

" l-M .B M H i U t r m IN « IM H I.» « IT » u t K I T J ' tl.IU RukT K m » k . «

T h e « K I i l | < » tn ron im em o raio n o f th B h « a le n a sa la S H itrM ir« Of Hs •• Ittn*»-er

"i M U R A I I A k 'l A n l .V Im ertean prendere» r u n d w le d ë *Ms eoa« poser G ^ S n » UoLxl

t h e “ h l M P M O N K N A U i r M m i S f c ts n t l .A I K W T t P V « M » R ( H I L b H L S

. mm- > :.M . t u * ’ H I M . » ^ . » m , t . « M 'i ■” m » M » I U M M M n n » . . i r i rU k-

1 M » » I * > » . S I S » . f m M r n l .•» Naur. tau ( I t o MtrMto»

E a s t L a n s i n g S t a t e B a n k CAPITAL and SURPLUS$ 1 4 1 , 5 0 0 4 ) 0

Page 3: Michigan Slate News - Michigan State* lit not t

(inter Fraternity Council Hop,1 Foresters’ Annual Shindig Are

Headliners of̂ Social CalendarllaPP* De*u Sp r* H J*k> H n p c n w t t a d f lu Tan Oprn House

Booked fo r F r id ay E v e a k f ; A lp lu Phi u> Hold

w ith


S p r io j T en u P arty Saturday

tn the Kappa Delta Spring J.,it Friday eveninp mnual Forestry Shindig and the Inter-Frater; i term party Saturday evening.•r of society term parties and <*|h »•lit will not be lacking on the campus this Hesperian« and the I’hi Kappa Tau* wiil h«

. on - F r i d a y e v e n in jr *;he Alpha Phi sorority

I aimed its spriny term for Saturday. Phi Sitr-

morary will have an in- I yatherinjr in the fac- isibrooms Friday eve-

Spartan League Announces Date

For Spring HopTrrm Parly Scheduled for May

13; Cirnimitlees, Guests Listed.

i 'a g e T h re e

s aC o l le g ia n s S c h e d u l e d to P l a y f o r T w o P a r t i e s OffPr Course In 0NED̂^D

.. „ . . . . . . . . . . . / o « a i f • a REPORTED A T H O S P IT A L(iirl Scout \ \ ork ~ -

£ H !

f . , . « . , - Howard Bymgton ol the Heaper -

Iff Local ( n-cds 1 m" : uken 111 *•“;mca ses Monday morning of thi* we» k mid was taken to the hospital. He dors no* have g severe case pu*

Innovation Proves Popular; to • j a -• i? remain there for a*

• ».«• on % c a v noted on the campo1

ro^u be Given May 2 to


•m m *rSSm




I he VI. v i i «fi un pu- "mil ir-mak

if : * p l.* ’ D*r Ih»* K a p p a D e l la a p r in e l u t e i f r a t e rn it y Ita li • i tir«!.* - Itn th»■<1 J ilt I*r id a » e v e n in g an ti f o r th é e v e n t * w i l l Ih* h e ld in th e I n io n

Kappa Kappa Oamm«» jit< rtaln their fathers Saturday ,j * rr“ ''* lit; them to lhe ba.-ebah gait.* a (-:> v is «' ,, iiin iiooii. and to the chapter .,•., i dinner Ip tin? evening

ii* h Honoraryi«. Fete *•**■.' •».

Margaret Shertnan enter- I his • :member* t f La Cofradi.. • c honorary, at lier home. »12

i ; ane, Tuesday evening iron D-rta • i» jo o'clock. B iwnaii gsiRK nvraureme:. ‘ played and Spain.-!» song-- " iu*m*

Refreshments wert .served. t»i • *i »' <• lit•, gucftta were. Mr and Mr ha‘* ml Shout. Mr.-. Ethel Ra hk. *•'«. err. . Mr Alice Leather.-

TO HOLD MAY SING X 1>.ew (HIicefs A tAT TOWER M O N i ) / A n n u a l C e re m o n y

Men's and Girla Glee Clubs tr

Join in Concert Monday ia ?Morning.


Frxhihit in Union is Work or

Youthful Art Class.

V. u . < . A. to Hold Mother-Daughter

Breakfast SoonI Delta t n U t U in .

»..tomai Inspector K.ippa Delta society will ik,:»o

Scagin. national inspector - , Delta at a tea te» be gi .1 afternoon. May 2 b e t»«» ours of 3.30 and 5 30 Mi

!.. coming from •>( .nt. 011 Sunday and will :• intil the following Thur-oa- 1 will be poured by Andre 1 ih All Panhellem» repr»

.1 . and p a t r o n « a r * .¡.

■ip|i.i Kappa fiam m a« ■«Iti f M in i tlu irur

K..pps» Gamma nouse on Sa turd.»2.1 Nat** Fry'.1.1 played for dm;

Mrs iM ks Case Lei

Bobbi»-. daughter ni M- • P Lawrence will fce •

• • dinner 011 Thuntcav • Kmpiw Kappa Oirnna M

. • is ali ui-tru«'* : i: ? -h (ii-i»artment

|humo n- llrM ■etili-; Monde’

: rcting Of til* M i . . * , ni assoctatton * »> heid . •••

m Economica builduikt Moi«uu

* ptoaruin constated a( .. ;t.u klarj Ma.» hall CQHétatMi bi Wmilrad Oetteiuy oi thè l«sn> nin dcpartitient. durine » ni' r . tv e an cxpUmalU*: tia

. ;.a - «md decoratlun-

ut h y Jm te l'aik*-

Wom en’s Honorarv To Kntertain Ten

Outstanding Coed.

. \ . T o H o ld : ; i l B r e a k f a s t C h u r c h M a v 7

S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 3 0

F o r e s t e r s ’

“ S H I N D I G91

ha|>o;i l)< II - I .No» cl ! ) . I, -

F o r ‘‘S o r i n g icM

M i i m o i î ' r o j e c l vV ? l l R e c e i v e d

I h ( i r a d h e a d e r ?

ANNOUNCE o r c h e s t r a


V lp h a P h i K n t r r ia m -

■ iio it v

TAX S I .5 0

imi Dr nk?

i V o u r a n i « |



S o p h

S p r i n g T e n n P a r t y

M A Y 6


Nate Frye'.- (¿olddiggcr-

A re You <K»ing'.’. . - iV w y y y w w w .- i- iV * ^ - ■ a v / .v .v .w .- .

e.* nrt»«w a»M««««w « v w ^ w w w y w a w (v> A a w i(s * .w ^ (‘.*.v.**v.v.*^ ‘*. ..............

I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y P a r t y

Union Ballroom

S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 3 0

T a x $ 1 . 0 0''■'.W V W V W (VSW W W ' A W » V W W W M * ( I W W V . 'A W r t 1. / . V W / T i 'A ’. V W A

- » ¿hS P^ c mjtrék


"¿ft ’ M *Fy-1*

A fé -JtZ: w S id *

: y y y i r

*■ > *I # *e*.v«a J. ; W•>*av j, •* Y ?v. vif

«¡f - ■«"‘V-'-i ■- -ir S-*

• t e

n e s s ? r t a s t e

s a y o f sm o k e rs

They £ei&t/y. . . a h y o u c o u l d a s k F 0 ** • " * » wikUwr t > u n U u n w O i




Page 4: Michigan Slate News - Michigan State* lit not t

State Meets University of Iowa in Two-Game Series ¡|KOBS PLANS CHANGED LINE-UP


Squad Faces Shakeup as Result o f Slum p in P lay ing Form

When Luther College W ins 3-1 in Tight G am e;

Teachers Defeated by Large Score.

A i i 'B Ih t lo a m fr o m Io w a , (h is t im e th e I 'D iv e r s it y , w il l fa c e iMichiprttn S la t e in a tw o - jra in c a eH os horn F r id a y nticj S a tu rd a y . T h i - s e H es i*« t it^ i.'rst f l f * i\ g a m e s th a t w i l l he p l a y i f i w ith W e s te rn C o n fe r e t ia e ten n is th is s ea son . N e x t T u e s d a y th e S p a r ta n s m ee t th e t ’ n lY e r s i ly o f M ic h ig a n n in e at A n n A r b o r .

C oach Kol> • || S o| lin g I hat h is m en h a ve r e c o v e r e d stir* l io ie n t ly f r o m a -‘ I •!<» I d rt ih ° ' —.b il l# th e y to d k ffls t S a tu r d a y gumr-; K- m .exp ec t* to u>.r either

a t th e h an d s o f I .o th e r c o l- ‘ j ¡ TltV ' v Vle g e , w h ich In c id e n ta l ly i< p ^ ib u iiy that peit Srtwea n o th e r To\vn S c h o o l, mm -tort Friday

W h im not d e f t l l i ie ly d e a d - The PrRluN rn.'uunif’r ‘ will star*

ed upon a l in .-u p . < Vmcfc •» ;■ VM,k /“ ?“ tl", * ! ! ! " ! 's 'l!Koh ptomiM- n Kluikeup for th.* nwnjira w i -

f i f f UK o i w m s 'm X » m X ' X ' v W w lu illn it Slurni»Bnt! plans to go Lp no ¡itlie pitm- tn When the ftiwrtnn infleUi nult' set th«' pttnrh buck into tlit* squad eneti up in the Luther nun« Sniur-

Thotmh In- hi« - pot rteeulrtt Upon dm the hutting nbilliy ••«•m.«! u —1 Is stiiffihti bfttterv for etthe« oi thr dlsitppetif Pm tin- mm time tin


Intra-m ural Sports |

The M on their e season by ri»

xtctv. 20-2 n •»elet.v .stmt efl u <i flip . o " * I Ite I*

I In Hesp *1*1 fillmtn the union

ti baseball game

I r t i r H i t i i W » » ■ »J

H I Sa n d BV j

U A T « PO RTS 3 1 M M TOIt ST

he Mon In.vs


M O D E L SIn the following



RlackW hite") t o $2 ..r»0

S P E C IA L W hite Broadcloth

Shirts .SI.til

M V R C 7 Sl A N S I f t t . A f t l ’ i ® | ! A '.T I ANO INT.

Kolisttien pliiyecl pi r >

this M'ftaon. the tenm seemed pow erless in hitting the hull

After trimming the Tearhri? « Central State tin^Thui'ndnv. tu t the Michigan St rite team was fore»’

♦lust ahum everyone but the ho hov eot ¡t chiiuee to plnv ngidm Cent m l su ite kritoa used twenty two men. including three pflghci and it1- tunnv catchers An ehtlrel new tetihj. with the ekeoptloti i John Madohhn «• ».hurt top plavc tin In-t three inning-- o( the emu

MeCusitn started on the moot for the Spartan?tom h< in

m hi I»

It-, the fin ii the Koti in

Ine<t to hold themI ü. I- I ut In-» fi;

The Luther gaule u;i different Mori The An hie Dei; **tm Lut

M i c h i g a n S t a t e

UNIONT h e S t u d e n t s ' H e a d q u a r t e r s


RELAY MEETSDistanc Sfj.tal Goes to Phih

drlrh ia ; Rath, H oleomh to

Compete at Drakr.

MILE TEAM PROMISINGcompete at the Penn Relays In P h il. id e lp ln it E m ltty mid Urdus

Pes town wliere the Peak •


( \ F K T K R I \ S E R V IT Et


R E - S E L L H< tots S T O R E

We still have a few

FeltM. S. C. Pillows

left at2 5 % Discount

State College Book Store

Read Any Good Bookfiitm (tnr I rndiai I ibrary

Cigars B illia rds


III SYn Si me Athletic team* v ill > ft v.eok ■»•ltd (• hockful of nil .snorts. Tinekmen will io Phllfldelplils and Pes r the Penn and Drake r* •

basebnT! tenm will ta k e inlveiMiy Of Iowa Pride>■(Jay and the Un I verniti ■ »! n«*vt Pursday; the ten:.,- meet Detroit today and Hnturdoy; and the golf


Handily From Detroit.

u p

. ( hm!. \ i h ngii

■Si» ’

; « .L\ltt | s-> riffln mil prnbahl’

New M r n Show P rom iiin «

Ability in Spring Fool

ba ll W ork -ou li.

FINOS NEW CENTERT i e several hundn-l «qtrrlntmx j

that line the -idrlnK- »1 curb •>! the

City College

« ih» st adnio

in whiih Due

¡e«V o f IT fe< t I

» In <1op

I limi;He‘»»»rtpefltl

• l«>wa Saturday and will ftttrmpt to kern mil. Ill two % ear* of

he l.a* lint l«el • inm* game »»» Ili* Ten nppo

n -oi •. Anri has tiiins HI an'ount I I «.nr win« against I'm

m liv of Ali. Iuguli.

I APsicae un.versiI y b.< »outing the Und

The Japs will pi f will n«>i ventun

to he turned out at ih l* •bool moulded into shape Training wine of the lln -.l nn ie-

nl that Ir- hie. had Hilde? him sincehi

. • rieh. Ciro

.hmm\ pia

'I! •ant .• naliiiniil ehmnplnn I id if they're as good inn was they may V iiiiuiJ ( liampionshlp '!

« IT T I V That Michigan state will have

a capable distance runner nevi year »a * proven Saturday when Ioni Ottev. running on the fie?hmati team in a iih ingulu meet won three races, lie ran the h ilf mile in ’ :0 | I, the mil.- in t.-'LYU. and the two miles 10 im « Ire-hm hi I «-cord llia l heat tin- old mark set I" 1W« hv latti l en I* III «•« h w ho is now eoa» I» «•I Iti«- distance mim



Che n< w iti ’ I <• * io I Frank Butler wick « ’tied " Norton Rm R«

olds, und Art Repliera, are t-hf i coiner» who me dtsptnving plent form nit I he vnrsil y TVte unpr nient shown by the veterans of

CrowleyM u tie r a » 'h in t g o Ire? h u t.«n

iH oh-.ih lv be at the center t*vdI »

Ind21!) pounds, mid has n no?

for football Sideline coaches lia i marveled at the imiltUmilitons ahtl in . el the lad mal Crow lev is n p t pleaded It It» continues to d. velop there ix n |Mwslhility that h wih suppliint the veteran Btuld Meter* al the pivot ixwttum

Whether Butler heat »nit Motet or not CrowwV wUt he a: uie.l at

i In the

«II » V


l id i Isi ite - volt team didn't rio so

ve li in i»s onenin* match wtth lite Ititi versi ty pf Allchigan team III*- tee-, m - f l vere surtkI P } »«« " IJuss Turi ili « a » thr ntiii Stali man who wa- »ut his Mite siiiirtìa«

hut • I»* .ally in the Held

IL\TT I\ '(Ì M l l i U . l sThr hasrhall tram ’s hats wilt

cd hcf«irr %prhir 11.11 «•( I uthrr ridlegr sattirrini and n* a rrault ti.» tram lint ting average sank trom well above ..100 to vet lo» til*- hr I «-is lit g a tur

IL- th e la

< ap t lo h n M a d o n a . «s %Im It»..« it/ II»< harlcF (irilTin p I l m Alct amt. Äb I lout Alorsr. » deraId Alcfashn. p .K rllt I anger, !!h.1. tin ila fiter ■ t Iterwyn Pemberton, p l l a m fo rd . » liar..Id ( utlilirrtson. II I Ita r 1rs Fa w ert I. rf


4 1 !.141.333


.l! fOOt -I. r.’asing Moat of


Here, MEN,sm oke a

man’s smoke •

A P ir r n 'I o f good tohwrb I* dis­

tinctly a man's smoke. T h r

women (long mav tnrv wave!) nave

taken over most

o f our masculine

p n v i l f g f « . But

pipe smoking sti ,

iaelongs t o us.

In every walk

o f life you ’ ll find

Tt»# p.p*¡« not f.w that the men atpr*»»v *)«*, jjlr |(,p P*fv

smokers. And most college men agrr»

that thr pipe oflers thr«'st pleasure:

a man could ask o f It.s smoking

W hen you srm-ke a pipe, hr sue

you rltiHtse the tolracco that wail go

you the greatest

enjoyment. In 42

" Bu °w 1! s' "i»a a 1 t«*d° 1« »■ ''of ! lu^Usst '4 colleges•:'-kW’s in »la te eollegiHje etrrle* It-i Edgeworth is tlte fall b\ Ktxirts writer*. an«'1 hk ex jar- . tem r slnHild mak * him one of the W W lte You cm our*itnmiiu liu fn ifii 111 • 1» eount.n Fuv n dgew orth •hts year , ,

F l Klewtrki, Hanicmn. k and w h e re v e r g o o d Hues Rrvnold*. t hru ,.»• iw,. f .-h . tohacco ls to |j men who are likeh to break into the

'tegular lineup next fa ll .KTwtiki O r (or a special tt-•#« dw «-.■*» •» 1..V shown rnouul. stuff uunnke hint . . *:■ #••.. •;«■>»

j contender for honors Reynolds »am ple packet,•lwed mak» « him well adaptetl f«*? write to larus &: Bro, Co., 105 S.hack field work with Monitett. '.»nc-tnd McNutt *" "I whom have plenty St . Richmond, v a. Nunplr is tree


■Con*inucd from iinv*' D June 4 Tin ta Kappa Nu *prln

parr Uttllr thentrc: Dehdi« »p.rtn parts, luusc; Trttnotrn .»im-h hf>u«! ttcrmtnn spring parfv Union. Utnc I Herat 1 ?awiet> ojien house I**.» sin iita Phi *pr»ng. party, hi him I'!Della T h rt« opeh house Fn A phiah apting parti

.tunc n Funomian spring part; , ...L n m M ) Chi iqwill* P»r<- R*‘WTd *

house AJI o/J« i m rJckrimilitary department has to foot p»«kage"tc FT sothe Mil this year . . % homerun ha« yet to he hit on Old College field this wtsnn W ith Krx s trrlr out of rompr tit ion wtatr will not have a »huttlr hurdle relax team this sear . %nri **o on.

hr th«' cokeAnolhet of the brljght spots the

■.'••itnii grind hn? horn th«’ cltowing ■ i An Bwss. who divides he- time between ih r football field and the track. T lte hug«* Benton Harbor h-.cklr has taken on ¡»bout 10 pottnris and now tips the . tic at 220 Hi •it\I»- of piav recalls io mind such si nr tark'i»’- a- 1 trrhi’ i | Htiaight and Hugh Blaeklock brilliant tackle per­formers Of the old Michigan Aggie

SPORT SP IG O T 'Alton Kirchet I* anthidrstran*,

thrnwtns eguali» well Irti or right huitdrd Kog Kea«t.dash man is said to hr one of the tinesl pr»>tperts «inre the da vs of Hohn 4>rim and lr<-dri> \lderman Tont tMiev al-wajr* run« with a «top «rut«h in It»« hand Kuss KevnaMu,who is showing up linei* aa a hiitu.i.k in spring training, was an all stale quarter at llln t N«*rthrtn Tw«» In «sehallpia«ers iode a couple of 1 a«airy horses after thr ganir last Sat­inila* and two member« ln Ihr m ilitari department were pul wit *1.«- ut». 1» I .st for two da»« fur 11.

Thr M-«»r«-U*»ard on the t*asrhall field Ita« been lived up Thank« Frtm . . tin»- prugwllient nwintmer on thr rampwa has let hl« hair grow long. Me ha« tu« ned aewthetk lia. ha,lu ... ».cren splash and Per- |w»tsr pageant laid night wa— i halt bed and otilv two btt« . . . . I tir rsdtege wont In io irr liarM in an) way in the h o v shew Im aiur« an« m**r« T W

Olympic-Rainbnw Recreations B I L L I A R D S - B O W L I N G

Join the Happy Crowd* at Our Howling Alley*TW O LO CATIO NS

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Rex’s Subway Lunch

Back in the spring of last year w e never dreamed that it was possible for us to offer clothes of the quality we nresent this season at so low a price*-.

All $20.004 PIECE SPORT SUITS AT $20.00

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Student Night ALL


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.g g o # " lu lu S yH f L AM IK N S T t t

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, W