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... m- - aBBB. (" Special AdvorUsomonts TTri'KA!, 11) Tn R CITIZENS 01 'wiKookilN on nriuU' 01 inn amu ruiioN ro iMiRon(Tu. rusnnioN Of 1IU 1'iHHt. ,' AItntttUiribIUin!f UtBiftrf h.Uittb J mnH I f Aiaorlmoa M . ! tlflili j I nj.M lW I aacnli ln0 iMI.W'.Mta f P ' jmbi t rri t"llL,et HiMiiaiot w t TU oLJni6ra at rcatdviil tbil H ! I !? 1 f tj at - rr I k tt) ?im ef Up iMoHitlea I ktiB t Utirt tfttbt tttfiaair ftm tu atrto J yiirrn uafaa b h t)l cib tfc rli ( tUoU ice.nt-Wtit.- tk I' tiuB4ruks, 1 Id Mtmfaimait UrtlitM U.lrcf mr ritr YTt.Btlt tttaliilol nlmelr' IWdilei-io- It AMcU'i a fr i U mi Miin moatr. f U( rir. don.t ablet- - tU urn " lot iiaWtaat r (If moat uitaat. n dlaltUnn-- m lui,cttfcim. peli.aBi tit MMirlt ilbut .. It: 41 lo45l .i. IV, $) lfk. W 1.91 rn. it. MM if iowwutv' la rtrruirr. . W.M1.U i,HV'.' liMtrcb llM, l ;i4, (otMpiiMM la tff. IV . tVt9, u rrifai hI)nbit,iSW. H lTi,iv S. arafata. Itljftlr l.J 4ILM i,it' tl i4i lUruttbrtt tiiAoiK lUi Ih t ttifr ri !( nfilbi f lt ar. m ai-- then, ii.4 Ur lll rr4.1 jtfa ? lbt a rn! aiftfium ill doubt', iiU ruliiiM tblmmMibdtk Bill 1Mb wii 41 M4 la lb fetB)0lh ll I tMifttr laar4 ( a,-!-- t tl I'rlbuitd 4b f j if ! tvoreevibi 1 tnnr and Wartri of Itat ! fiat, arid Bta ttimcaihaf ratttv t ar? l'h a til Mil it cat aUat t,0 tn i!- - iif unr 7b nofitUe r 1, ll tlttl t d f (btll wiLlittilnif itd Ut llpp i iiaU thttaar I - wy i fit n J t4 v coo tm--i- t f Tt at cm lb lit Mr iri. irjtajbtN itturotirj rtliaf ih-J- t d UiitUer la i la t lb pib fr htrd "Uur tvf14 uu 'J riU lt4i d lalars ! Ibarfra4 j for Utot i f viU lit a 1 tln.4 , ar hi! n f"t I4 ltr ( rtfetf. irti of trim f ttfibtp iiotiuid wnoH idid Jul htnili kt fa tuf. uu ft tb tib1 at fcoit IB tut i if au- - tftftJ tit al Jiia4ili jr Uc .! TLa Actrart frf (4.114 4 nn.tittt llr Vtu.4r U41f 1H ill t ioi H.vkl B.tal litl la I iM. ll v(m1 ! , Irf k.r llm JlSGC ltt-- H t., iM ill Tl P .'? . ribbot ti U p f tf tb PkpflBltatfiU ( tht tetania iti itftutt raiu who, frwk kHltfMtiratlTStill W, il. '.OJMi u K taaa, t" m q bi tVt Sac th enilii' W tU iJii ! af ntt, Lkiiiilf viaiti lttrtBih Ik H V, ilirir, iit it t(Ir atri lit wb It act tbU sir rvoi.. i. i I tui ttn ! wetk t" io it tuca ift tl U tit totio lfclr ititfcr'rtioe ta tt tnuicf thtlr abUtf Tiaa i diB !IM at' ta rij. aibti I4tl4f tinMlf a4a AnUacfi iri VMa lb tar bu4 ma thai It tMid u. ai4 tatli n itro It viiaiii t ui r 1 tiJ !l (or lli nU4 a 4 tha UlatiM, aa4 Hit kkU dm t L a ! I" ttuiai f Utu Uiit aai f4r to ! i lli raaa uwa ana. aa 1 taM4 ik vllw'i brt ti it U ahttlFtlcc mt) ba Mitt to tl io Klur tf icur 4Utrkt, t Itt of 1 scdtlilft a4t r lo Iter taal lUlli. 0arl Attv 9t lUtr lu ali-- tliMarir. i lb tiba vt u AiMAtiA,. ifi ft n;tilib. I t UlCk. jhiistvN', H,M'.l;V yfHK.UK, vu m ur.u c. T C UlMMi, ltt'dll ALU.N miiii Tib llu.lHT. TA AN ARTICLE I0R THE I A!MIsZiT aatlatattwa rf cnaa lti lo N VihI aa4 "W ulliajjaiiU va t (Xffitib(4 puiUba ft vi caVliMd OMrcKTNr kis umov . 1 Um hi fMl'hatvtd IUaU, ur ra. Viba ft.4 10 tla 1 b Mtla t( met la tb wW, a tti B kata b1 it Ul iUiif ttuit ll tLttf lb tia4 o4 U- - sooib aal aofl aad aliar ar(fiftltl(l It fin l ntI avert, rliU an faalof Klilai It Ta t lA at tt foatU ta .u-- Obrat, S UUlKibufH. at M a a lf bUl. I3j ' r)V'il:l IH- l- '. UAlTF i at Ik lttcl.4 4 A vu t ib4 Lull IUB 1 S l T jtt all, 4 m a lai bljfc is taaiUt t.i4lllba, tt a ILlri jr. to lijo aul rtiaUa. W LI AM Y IIK4UI. fcl W alilu r, "DC GfiriHE g M?N Ah Vuf on A l,yoJ I'ncf X tju OKUM 5im AiAJIZH LKniJItE- - J-- JUi4 tf lariM 144 at ll .Nv Vark A$ iwr ll A4tM.iu.i8i oi bJb af Tk er niBi'i a if lit Uctur U1td llu4 in UmIiiU. i iit Umi l4lllula yor atb - Ti. A (uitU Au'ibu f it ' in ii.a" WiL.4ar. Ik. ta f U Un4 uiuiU,i Ikuib JUMXK ' Tuaa'ltt, ltb Mvbklf iW tl JUbiliilih'i iuu.B'.(f tta(.MobatrbaUf hiatal U ka for ila ! u.mtia I'cllait IU html! lll It laiiiul IOILClaUlf of l Km) llcktt tto t hi ! tb M wat ri ri liiuti at. 1 Ditt r, llaiaiuiB 4. i o I'iMl'i. ua&ir si. U.J live , p'tt L - 4ti Ilro4"v , bdltbtr 4i C.. a'4 limaiF 1 f (tf, Ul'llit oi U attaayaul Ulk t CmmiI L Mitk, lifblii ft, i 4ar klfb Ataoaa fiatl I) ll lata, llutat Utile oti i 1'atk Ko , UMfisab Hl liUltaori 111' tiau it cat, k Iio at il Am oa la-4- i loiiHai Td 8ar 11 UiVL hra.y iubriiL vO ta, il ha datnand lo ib aalKIIIfa la ltlf (IS polUMXWIE MALI' At AHEMJ ib tiil acitoirrt. tl.i Jnitituiwu rwia vtnrfibi I iir ( Uapirnn t r. Il 1 i.ietJi tai) tv laloiiqiba romrxnoltj tht. Cartur ih iriuu iif la id rt hn lu vioftcd, iMol i tnjt a ltrbiui iu a rtuJlo, and l. 0i mJi ua jct'b Vr iul aiwui aa4 ynac, a ia, Ibal 'la i,(ruar Ufja roia of ' taclian, wilb r firpJ t. m Utu iHQinidi Yluia oih-t- a. rtoii ti)t-- aa atia art an.J m tlair Itmtiftuii a Hi J in ttiv uuutr ; auit-ii- aUtbii ll M..IK ON An tttit In Kat UFi laruttnOBt Ht iiK. tUi fkUoion, aift .Mr 11 UlJUill atf, a.Ui ct U-- Jj' i.uu t . l '.culii roaiauiw al trairr r'"Mfvi l.l.i U r II l VABM K. e ') ci trufiaa. l'cufcMii.l N V Aut-ii-l i Jb. W Mull AND HLAl 1 J ful tull (tmuct H'J otlu ct iv tht inI(v filLiJ ai tin ratila f. 11 mt lntipf mi ! da 1 I Ml i lUe aibbi t w ta . c ntitiaiu aJvut trtit 5i tie ! 9 j vaa , ilit t t auff Ui fwdi- - 'liar.La.i r lte loU rw o1f l I'tpt'T.' II tull.f idu au4 (ti it- vitc l. lhf ta I Vl'l ilt Ur'lUrlotl, t backtu ibJUUlalvl.U fUlKI I, tt' U, 1 . f M, H m l III Vi I It ' toauv 1U ci !'.! fiau J i iib (ab a jriM toiu a. Ii Pialvil t AUft. irM.f"iinol 111 oi- - a Will r t'rr li a 4 ilfbMii 1 nl fl, bi Ki"rti rft. ill tli ibtlh ( v( 1'rke 6 r t, (o. irllit, labi, I'.M tid, OiJiii afBt lliiiiuali til r t'i,'M. a tb ih 'r ,mUt f iroi-i- liitc tromp atfnuti,Mii ttt itr ara4 lt rtialul if k'J A4lrii.f.Q A IV A URL. N, So 4jT tia-- a it ll laa 1 it e ua, 1 al dm Sti:ki nnsi'iAND r.i.riThn yimnu I L cuUr .1 cr dil l (i i u uJ ii.bllilia r I'lloti i til Hi i mi tial pi' lir lljit vntunaahi nt V. rutba Newiavan IIhiIi. )'aoitlila aj tl JbU tlaTCtv 4i nj tn u. Sta(ir 'utliLi I iibttl aJ r(ai t aval iVaui. llaa at ll. t ajiab B.i ot lla V'lK LUb or naiif t Iiilr-- A ilI bf ibt'r I i IHUi . t"r-ar- dl. A MVI. Allllutu li.. . . dt) tr4 r- - fiv.iifoilat imi . ij do 'lb l Ik au 0ltibilii'a lib! i, t ut i 4 tug 'uit - aiiiau Jb ial Haiti' tt ilili eltj 1 if Ittu iiQ'n.i Ui tl iai fla jata, aal ii it at irilUi lb atitlt-r- i la niUl t4 crttl'ltr 'tt-- i i tarll ui it. alwf fljuni , Ik a I iiLtittbeia ra& ,.tr if r a ttitftal It ltibti tU.v a(jiviuf ia au otiaat ul I cm Utoiiu'V nil t ct v4 altudtvi Btf li'f iuJeivioui t la i. tn urn . CllAr ' KMKK j tS3 vi Aim trt. t air nv voiu; si s, nji r. ; t rsis I J. liAhiat li iiiiii Mit.l.atia4 rpm: oi.ulst i rnri.T: imr" uih IlOHTAM fO KWHYM H'Vl On ll a Mai V Jihbal , 14T, il fl'll MITU AUthJi i.N. briD iitalkaj ll ffi "I 11 rnt. wji iwotui l a (. Uifii, riaail lauvli4, mi I M AKUf wBrlvduMt tt p'Mnt i j. jlur a auinbr af )an tlui p'r ba bad Urffi r ituUtloil Ibin lb Kiubinai tt of i.l Ua cfiw Ui pubtUbiJ iu ihla owJQtrraudla rlr 'i t arraat cniibarcf Knt rtriuiicf Ptw inarhlDti vb cbawair ibttar' luu witlt il OMitflal I.lttul ail ta l'to'UlU'd fuu l I filitd Malta Ia taut (jfike, bi, ftr a er tin., ten iL wcik ttliitf a M tiaoui auj lovtotoi. 1 bla Ibia iv ttim' 4t ul ta ' atU Ltti tla I auliiUari io riioi t'i f iui f tub ti m ip Ofatr 4 tubt irjanfa, ullaa J llliilM tl work auJ la alawtJ lwrii(Jiai I adari, lb) Ibt iiuiik to ib L.aiLuia, BibUtMtUlri B4 IkVCUUiI. u Ltittolut. I'll cirf It uui.1 a luik I Tuiutut it oi rA) yt aiil irvajal I enJi.4 uftirl4, jbrila at aii t. Nwa aiartt-- a l.umi w bit N.'i A, Li, I' lUba a t9. 31 raikiaa, Na )Wik. IATIN'-- "I N.N "To.t Tablliktri al tbo rtlr...illh, AUKHiCA.N, act a ifiuu wpi. auritac battuia li rrj t"unl Aftf.f f f latatrrtati i)iara(t J'iWbbiali tf UaaiwtOoi Ian tb ibt am Va i r 1 ul4l, iata.i cliru viiabta auvnr tlaa ifii k. AmJrtaa k'f . A O 443 K M la k It s V'V rjKMrii I U' ri r X t ua t i. a I t I 4 I'WUlM AbiHIIUI Ulk. llll.M t'l AMfhll'iN WIKFIM A'tviion Bd tit.!' ADl,nrch'i I'iM'I'iii if tt ilil An, in V.liiv' uiiiliiff. ' luu itii.tlnl Mil till" V AM Al'K" Till Allir. "i i.,.rni,ii ' CKl.t II HC 1M A 1.1 1 1., bin . -l . Wik HIMlKdilll'I.N - Urirlitlil if Wi. If. .SlW IHKK fllKAIKK. -- ' Kralldillm Ml.Ul'i uAKIHti.- -" It, llt l.n.1." IIKtt I'titi at Hull I Iriitpii. I nilAIIH Al IIII.ArH-l- b, Wtfllll Nulr A allin lb, VaBdt.liil hi, ml" ,rl "ta lid ill,." I IIAKLKY WIIIIK'LnylSATIi'N I Hot I'f -- lVtt. H, Itl. iui. ,f,titii'iiiiiiii Ar. IHSV I'AbTOli'B A IIUI.CIC -- "K..i. diM. Ar. UtTII AVrSI'S ON UA Hill T llul-ort- l,', IllltliCt. BOBIIk d,blM. buriMU,! HAM KUtMlhCO VSIIU'I.1-- J lliUu',n Pur. J, lus. ,,ir,a, tu kPl.l.l tll.OS'H MINHIIUI.H, 'll Hrol,r bt w Atto,ii,!,r. srw Milnllk N, Von l.V. iui linvpr U,Uuirili Ki'i:ci,ii, nui' lr. J. II. Srhenck, or I'hlladpliihla, Ile. W ipicifullf luferma tLo pullis aai all pffactat ami Bl I uoi l'listtia, tint bi lll vls',1 Si York fsr csn It lulu Ion em Tueilar, at bi, r)uu, Na oilkr.J il ,lnal, li. in t k tt. to 1 1" tl Ur Uitsact's mr Jk rsta la bit .011111117. coulbi, coutt, ron.amii'las fTt hu ire ared io him Ihi aoufi lem of tl rem- - All Ite., ayarrwbaro. All alvlti trie, tul tar 0 jl tiaoilialloD if tbi Lubii with hliltnil II romll.r hi clialte ll ct A full aJPflr tf Ir A, tbpsck'i millelai mi bo olinned it b.i isctr, ,t B; aTllirei. "ri m (roter .1: ItaUei'o llidbcl I'renibiui 0J Pralna UtrMrti ll(l s Sett A'ork 1,1 sV j While wnlllnix fur a coush ' lo u ns II M latao," foa ir, ellea aoalac iba leads of Lau B luicl Itn, llallai trj al oara Jaras'i Lxprctirtnn f a ,'iia rura for all cioflli aul colli. feoldafiir t! bin :ll f Nirtoca llradarbco aie liulunll) cum 4 tr o ia do e Ifa t A 3is)ol Mat al ', i.icat I . j Ii,k4e il'Ouily. eo u by all 11 ug,lsl IT " The Set Weed sevtlnc .llnrbloea nre aa ou atlitbillou al tbiu ua stirr, 014 lm d ear tin Invallda' 1'rnyellnif t hairs nn II heela, lor in aadeat daar u.a cli n la) luta'iti.' LariiMt. lairtfar. Palpal raietiiii nr.n 61 ' la 1,n, r W. emlth, Mo tjtVillltinil li't! Urnpsy nnd llrntel Can be Cured Ly lloatti'. CarstlTa, at t SlEt.t Iloi. Pi si S1 I lliacoaiuiaad, u.,11. 1'ilea at per tinla I The 1 litre Ma, blue I n 'a l.uek Sill h lawlu, ni.rlilba. 1.1. lAa llutt k. . r. u.lrlut! au'ar et Ita ila log uitcbiiiij, I1 ''J llndar, N, York .' u t L." '.."' ..',, i iiplllaiUu" In a .ko-- t ,mf, , ,. n H full W' llsiadleaissdciS'tit! 4 oii.ut 11. in'i 1.I1 nariaHo Jut. I V .11., ,b, u .1 in a .i, i', t ., . ,,. r ,",,""" m -- " " w , W heeler A llaon l.nel. Milch setrloi 4 Mull l,a na llallMliali Uakb.w, 1... Iu4.l.. ., f tiiiTnew yojk uk ,"JT .""ULNEX roit A M." CM TIL Y.KAU! THE OLDEST DAILY MORNING PAPER In rteir Yurh ll. ivui .hi jiii KiiL nr ri'iiMfnci, AM) WII 1101 I' I.MI1MI0.V, Cheap est Daily Wowspapcr In tLo World! tiic: sew vonit uri ifoknrna rirv Tfitilitr fr olitninlnjf thft iipwi f th iliir Irmii cr vM of lli M, h llirr 1, AlUnlir I aMr, li.r trip- - r .pli or liv Mml, nml nniai HIE u llnl.K, ill ucuini jit (urni, AT OMMIAl.r I UK I'lllCK rf ptnfr flty rifr. 'I'hi- - hun ! !, MMfilir. t'f n'Ril; k iiiurtt r million i inii. untl tin. V iiiuf (it finiilc li'r I i ! Mi'K it i ittnt' riii.tpnu ui h kUimO uirilimn ol iUvcr(iiii( iaiiI tu 1 fullllij. 1111. I'lJK l i r ll.r aw-r- . ! 1.' I "it 'i (ntivo ul.iv tr luiintlitil lit ii irilr.i y' fv.wi ; tiirr. i.l i li iui nil In tllwnt 111" Hill'. M.,r i Mmli rf ur l ill Hlf ll. fl'l IM'I.I.Vi: I l!si. I'Ull Wl'l K.iir.u.t bj innll itt M I )i II. I. A IN i 1IIK I'llll Ki KJII AUVMriM.MI rt. Mi.ii.lin tn liHuttnn. hltoM IUI.N- - ll'ln IIKIV IIM.1 I.I.NK. Ir iai S iii, iIiiiii r.Miiril mirfiiifiiiii lid titiiv f hiiiijii ivr nuii'iUvviutiUU ot unmiiAt Mrii;tli llw IMllorMl DiT'i'""''!' t Till; SI N I lie rlinrgr l .! ! I'll I' In mil In Ivbiiltl i nliillilllm nUPhl hlitlillil ln uilillfKPil. All liiirm rrUftitm in niltirliin,MiiiH. luriipuoii. ur wit uf tin pi liln.1 liuli l,..lllfftl, lrtliM I. AlllltlMt-l- l tu tLt 1 tvlThtvl, SIllsl'S S III Mil. Cornet of iknMii uii I I'uIiimi ' 2i s Yi,rii i TI1K NKV V01JK SUN. "It -- blnra far UI," "7uilAV MOHMNtlT FHI llT l.7 To AiUrrtfai ra. Ol k friPinJ, lio null tlnlr iiilti'iii,-UUUt- i unl in), M In UijUl k1)I (u IiuIiiI I In in In railv. ftn knp our uthm omu untl' .1 lull limtrfni Miniri tiitiiin i,f i,'lrrtli'inM., Imt laiiimt iiKU lo iluijUy tUi;iJi uuU., tut Iu tn lu 11'. Hrln I Irrtlac. Tnr ,rr fur bulJiuk' uur tti' Imi n ai an liirflai nll that tlm MtrlliPlit L'il ill'lit to tliriu la olllioat n rpu'llll I lip b III- - irta of nuc jrtinu liurill) pnaicil n,ij rf tbi an vf .te licit riiiun,auci'. fiu'y a atiurt tluat ii: rl,ii,al aluo tlm iiviltuoi; N'iiiiiiiiImt nit). tioiia wiro IihIi' in tlili ami ulluT St.itra, .t kii are now !oao iihi tlm rf 11111 of tie elrclimi fur tlin irfiaint ir. St Uain,alilii atiuiiiVi tjrat upon tin lipt. IhcirlrrUi ia In tLut Sim iwciirrinj: uu the aiTonil iuoaila in liirrL- - tliri'ii vtik, finiii lo im,rru 1 lie New IUin(iUiri i'i tlnli ulrA5i 0J1. tra a ilii'i ill f en uf ifiti r a', tor the rcwon tliat ilia in, a,r,Ul a., 1111 , t nli. of Itn of iiollU'h.1 m the coaiitr) ut U u' '11'" i'y tlial iuii :i C4ii ui tliat Stitte m aliVAAalll (liiiw iiniliileuon toniM-riiini- ita atirii, tli Nun Uai, aliir, I n, prrltv ii lil i iIimiIi',1. iiolitui.llt, tbn I IL'lli'ul liuionlj li'lli ao MaaU. that Un pit t ia ulitij'til In ,llt tiniratil It, In it rl irla. Hut tlnr" - 11 ,ir, ml mti,rrf. &i. lacVil In tlm iti f.unn 111 IhMl Mutt t IJ.n . . 1 tlm. 'Ihcru li ii iiUlnii it tl,i li.i-- ial ,.iiM, 11,111 fr.mi 4 po,ilii)L I" r nntiiii'A lor llntrrnwr !nuh li Ja fair to riiil.v ai iiVtu tin atnui;tl ui il iiiaiM, to Mm iitorj to thii lli'iuoiirjta. lo rv Arm two proiiiiiirut cimllililci for Mm 1. iioiiiiua lJoii. IK.nn i iiN4 ami imuiral Mtiiu. IKiiiiimiv. I lirn inru wrie laiKiJ liji uipiing f. tlona In tlic ji.itl.1 . &..1I LJ)U Mtlf linni' to MOIIIU ' (Ui rai'Ui'lai, Alter it utter ami enutnl j l' tint !! till IflllTtl'.UII, Jl tllRIMAN ri mil u lure u vnty of tult, out of iiliuiit ". li lmntlint iW. rhnUu "Ilm Ml ti inrly llini ai riianl thfl c'lipr of rou m'. prai'tina nml efiiMvl to fiulorw tlio noMin ill in, )r Si t Kin iianv of lila frt. lulu n It tti L'lul tli 1 'ruioor ivr t'omim-tl- , i.iiulmti il llu j. JwiN It. his-- tin, ami ii1'.iii;Ii iliejr m,l utt npnuly rii.lorrn tli l.ttr, it la unJrii.'ii. tint h roimlilernWo .lata of tin- - Sikviim fiiitlun ailltoti forS'is 1 t lit. Iho IUiIh ui Iin0"r I.l at liar viil only l,ua, oiu of a tulnl la'j of .,1,1 1, UDll jt mil tliciofuic lenoeii ! ilii. tli Umuoi'tiiU ilo mi rripiiri it rirj ! l.irt tin In mill w airy Hie htjtf I'mi imliiit r.jllint, .Si llamptliuo iu Uu I'lre lion hat, tliv iLtj tm in. tor'ni'i In- - 114 tl lirai Mobl ly 111 Apil llir 11111,'val la ilit Stntiiil In-- (!" 11,11 1I40 rrtu'.l ia iluiill fi.l, iilil.omli the ham 1 lire kliliil m f.itor of ll.p li.iUn alt Jjljoila Itl.uni fol loita I'ouiiei in ut 1111 tl.a nat Muuilay iu April, itnj will ttiie the lUiiimlt a iwm 1; tirtiiry. Vircim,-- tt.unla wnt. ti mtinia hi'inif Ui fumlliTliiiiiilat 111 Mitt, .mil in, 1.1.1, tlo tlietai'lt olciin 1, a uu the 1.1 M i.iUt in J iue. ' .Nnpoltin'a i rcilt. 'he ftili'iaaa of thu I inprrnr on tin- - a ii'inbhui; ot Ibe Friutlt lgiatitt iri 1. , uiurtatu' of that ik'.wiouj .in I plaui rulir Iho innuunr .11 wl.i.n lm arkuowlail . a hiK hun li moil in tin i. 11, ,tn at rap,' ia 11 iikul ty pirtrmli il tMiolni 1104 rr.,1 pre .iriiatiuii 1 he cnilratoi In ' initeitti tinii'Dt cmpitB'hi' Bfiia to tl'lnk waa )u lily liuiilu'ile on the ai I ol r'ranr hut lie .tilnilli that "the Uuppy ta ut llitt obttlceil Arro coiiiiiroiuiii il h? un liuua ptcloai foucurrfLif ol Irrumit lure ' He j might a well tinre auiil plainly tl.,it hlU fir rebellion t it hi ltit 1 tonn iii-i-i ami imlMtoretl to cireute Ibe jil m f oh- - ' taii.ii n foutliolil for 1'iuure un lhi fonil ni'iii, but tliut with Id Jownfall of thu n billion, liii McAlraq ttlmiuo col- - Upml siiu, nml bfcaino utterly livpi li a, Ti , .,a one ' luji.tpltioua 'll ' ' .' t lir 1.1 tpi t ' ,' , 'I a a Ike Kinprror aaya that in gnat were tl eaarrlHrfauVmatnliil that he "ipnif tanroualy ' ilMcriuinril to rn alt bla anuy. 'Ihla la nil aiuualni( e. mt oration. In iinnrli aa he agnnl lno"l tiluc-lanil- to nlthilraw ).. troupa In ilifriiiire tn tie urfitit if 11101 ptranrra of nur o 11 Ilm, t on tlutt micttlon ll,i t.ile of utltiiia in l.oinpf the l.mpi tor lilmi.a iiitlafaclort. but Iiavms tnifoie 1,1a 1,111 the ginning tmlilury imptitlaiire of I'lliailn. h- - Ixtruya lua Jrnlu'lay tf that ponrr by the for the perHituatnin of the Auatnati empire. In regard foluihry the llmprrur tblnka Iho tlteal 1'umraof I urope ahoiibl art in roiirerl ta protett the I hrUtinna ntiil at the aati.ii timeiniinl.ini the authonl.t of the I'orte, ami pietint the ilillirully lioru lt'itilin( to ami emu plir.illou en the pari nf ollnl nationa I he tune of the ipenb toeraril the I'opo la 11,010 lentlderale tluiii liiijiht bate brtli eirie,l. Itnplici that ttbile telii'retinii mil lo the ilue of tlr l'npe na the of the Chun b, l'timi, ttill uiliiln lua temporal ptmir 'He ln.tor apeuka hopefully ot tie ilitertml ntiil finau 1 ml affaira of I route, nml of hi r I'.ui-fu- l ia I lallona null uiber iwiii but at tin aame time he m)t thi i.alu Jed ntia mutt lie lm leaxil. Mien It la ri'ineiiibercil Ihut Xtpi'lf mi hna Intnri ibly l.i M tl.i a.11110 tone aa t the unj roli.ibilit,ta 1'f ttm hie pnal 1 fill p oliatatlou ill' hatf li'l itliklit. I Ilia I'ltilau Kctcll. 'I ill. aciouiita tf the l'i uiau outhriiili in In lunil uie co M,Kn Ami liaRiiiiiitait that it la iiiiMtaihli to liiriii tteunu approiuiiato lilrn of lt I'll, til. (hero it rull'.i icnt tl' ill ure. hittettr, to proft1 that the lliitith (Iiim 1 anient la mluiiely alitmeil, nml fiom llua laet tto mav out lmle tlml t lf op liaitjr b,ia nuiuel the n.ttnre of .1 reriiablo it'lrllioii. Me ai-- iiotbitiK iu the Mm tin far, tit indieate that Iho inotriiiciil la Ai in ral on the piit of the Iriali l'limm 1, or ilm a it itpp- - nr lo bi of tery leiiniileble prfiairt.mia. o mfi r lhat the xciteitieiil in I'ltu.!!)! 11 Inteil iijioh die frnr f hat II may bieouie. i.ilber than of ita ri'H nt IliuKllltllile htl'l, it ahotllil bo remetubl'rrii that all tki tietta upon Ihu mbji t eon.ea llituiih 1 uj(liu IiuikIk. ami tloit it ' inem Intly tin. iiiloreat f Di'litul to lelltlte the elif.ri tor nf llio outbreul. a, iiiurh n poialltit- - Ilm only Oispoti 'i tthlib apul,-o- f the 'liiati'eiila iniiiterli ally ia tLc one ilatril 11. tlm IVIi mat nit, tu Hie elVtt that 'Alet uikht biimliril I'l'iiliiiia, ui ilr eolii innnn of ( ol. n t iinhiiii, li.iru ftrrati tl to the fnmutjiu ruiiKo of lulls riinnlr x ntar In Killamey In the County Iter t." The (.iMamo'ii'd uf thia ilupaltli itiplua Ibe aajil il)hl liumlieit are ultl. uilltafb' lurtii i,r it pait of the iiitutTiit force. If that liumbil rompriaeil the vhotn Imilt, the ilelllillt Hrtulo ttntint pr, bablt hate bienolteil iu tlio iltapalih i ho IVntana, niitnln ring about iilil luimlr ,1. ite V tbluk, linnet rr. lhat the aitualinii 11111) be anniini il liji thtia ' A (oreo nf tcteral huiiJtril Kenlatia hate bfeu colltctoil , the ilumijltl 01 it'toii naa uecu iuimiu, ami me atroiift natural popitum le the inoutit.tiui mar Killartu t bna been e'lerHi! for tin rallying uliit. 'I'lm 1 rr ut foitn of the iiiiiireuia umouiita to nntl in eompati aen tlth the alieuth of lln llrillall ill lot already 111 lirl.iml. Ita lafal or rupture, if left tn ita ottn rerr.ur e. can only bo .1. iiinitou of u itt ilaya. Hut it 11 ipulo plum tb t lltonuor nml Lia mi u expert tie lihth 1'euiaiia uen erallv to rue at tliia aignal not onlv iu Ki rr ami I oik, but IhrujhoU tl e itlaml. The) eipict lhat the toli'h vrhiel they lintn light-ei- l tti'l inllimo llin putrkiliini of all In html atitlr-aua- the (n opla uf that liuhappv luilli trr ic uiuiv in one bobl. vi;?o una ami ileter-miu- t a. blutv for lilieitr unit Imlepeutlnm'e. Ilimfit tbi, expei'tutian n,ll bo reittli'il, the aiitl alom tali tell, liiulu ia guoil reaioi It will enl, aa all meli ellolU Jl lliab palriotl Lko pietlilllalv tint rit ia 'allure, iluapioiutmi nt, greater op proaaio 1, 11ml perauuat aullul.u tu tlm leail leia. Wo tear llua reault partly from tbn fail llutl Iho ituuilei'llob antioa lo bo ouly lloial, a ol partly f out lle ttluu furn' uf I Itritllb lol'tiera ttbicli &utt vaubaa uvery lottli a.l halultt iu Irelaml, lemly at a mu tiieiil'a 1. lu'o lo tuUu the tie ,1 agaiuat an iuai leu tebtlliun. Tbo only hope lor lielaml that tta cull ceo ill the priMiit lUotemeril ia lataau upon the hyputhtaii that the outbreak in Ketry it pint of .if-ner- plan, riurt3ie,l by the IiiIi banana nml tauluat.'ig uu up riamc tliluLilhnut the eouiitrt. It m.iv I, lhat the ii to thru tlm mtli uata oil tln-l- i guanl bv attraiung tlu-- n to the mountain, v.' Killamey, ami ll.mi. .1 tlm opportune un o, to raiao ita, proii flag on in ery lull tup in lielaml. Time aill unu ileiiito thia pi. lut, uml in tho iiwmil ao mhl.o llu liijmla uf IreUiul iiui tu buibl hope, upon tht lejHirteil reault. U. tto eee lothlng iu tb.t 'Ulltlatlon atlwllg fl.lllli In Lear them. Ili'Utf for the -- lli. Tin. rilitua .0f .Vett loiL La .Mt lea- - ,,)mli'il ttith Hilar uaiial gi nrroeil;' to tue iituumli of tin nullum Kebai L, inun'- - ki,l. Illl,iily liAl,;i'l'iTnllv l"i-- 0 ll'IMnot ui it buiuanu auit cbauiablu eiitaip ,oa, attua! the rotiiitiy a imbbi i xampiu n. ou Itibuiing tu the leliuf of ill, tteaa, uu urn ter ttheie it tAiktiu I' ia u latt beyuuiljia pule that thelo la a viry larj' ib ,tiluto jd fjiniuo ttrukfii lopulition at tho hAili'i. Iu tlm N, tlh thrre in i mp.wiilltit abulij ano' nud proipi ilty, It ia tividi utl.t wr ilutY tu a'lul aubttiuit. i i omlort Iu ll.ufi aullrriiig people. Tie UAtural bein rolem. uf many Iui iliuililra Lhii thttked by pulito.,J uiikidiratiii,i- - 'nit in it caet III. o Una pslitli, ahuuld bo totally ig-- I lion il. Il ttill bs Hair i liouli to talk aiitki nud ii tu iho South wbeu liar at irviiiy tt'iuitk.iud child j ilnn bate b&ta led and cared for. Tlm umuuul of dutiaaa ia tery gnat uml tlm (illil muit Iw U propt'rtiiin. I y to thai pU'ttMil time the find tullt't'inl iu Ibia illy nitMiuita tu only thirty ouo tlmiiiaud dui laiaa cutiti ibut u pitifiilly ttiijll lur au wealthy a city jl N'rw Yolk 1 he aubji ct iliuuld Uut bo nlluHii) ludrop hero aud bu foiltotltu. but thouldlt' urgiil uml niiati-- Uli III all bate dun,' Iheir duly, ui.uic ll.i' path ol duty ia iu plain. Icntltib! Ike ( Hr. , uutuiia'ly hrgu viodu, tioni the i ity will tin in tbuHpilug riaiil'iu,; iai"l,t 'rum lie dull. nt. uf liU'iui . but clin ih In, iu the euuiiuoualt lugb lauti Alir.i u iiii- - l.erol pupla who have liteil in ihla . itj lur yi an are now on iho lookout ir bmiii'i lid llroukltu. Willi iiuabuigb. Jertav Cut, llobnkeo, New.llk. 1'atiraon. nml oihi r u(lc"uiiing and town, vtnhinraiy lOtniniluttalinn ol New York. rcmotal la not a mintrr uf ihoU-- bot of t I'llirru. a largo c'aaanl paople, cvei J walk ol life, nbn cannot aflord to illlll the reuti no a ilmabilel. nml Unco no nltrrBAtlvi lajt to go o iHldii of llio citr fur liotnei. It ould bo far better for the city If mllibla or- - tolutuiHlatioll1 I iilll'l be bid title ut it , lm! al ii.,e Tl it pi , li '' ti v. . I, I ,1 ' a ' ' t . tt ' a i , . ' u . a ' ... , nnat be rich If he eon afford to lite clie-- I where than io a tenerucst houie, and eren itlin dwell In the latter are obliged to Ithoi oyer a large proportion ef their Inrnnie to the ftrariiioue owncri of (Le wretched apartment!. Hut the time la not diatant when all thia will be changed lliorbllant tcnlidrlte people from the tily , drcrcaae uf population diiuiiiialieadpuiaiiilforhonara Inuniiltioii of ilrmalul bitliga ilottti prieea. and bene the welalit of tke latidlotda ararue will fall UJijU their etrn ihouldira iu Ihi etiil, Inlwaile la the The Ittr.Mau (Itzl.ln accuaia the 'outli of ingratitude toward Mr rr.AMim, and al !lndratnhla ili'iiatlnn aa peaila raatbefuie wine. The (larrtR leteita fiom (he Houth eriijnuniala. aa "a fair type uf Ihem alt " the following eitrutt i tho Aiigutta ((In I Sriliar.L' " lawk at the man . lie ultra the uiuniigr mint of lua donation to Maaahurtta men - Maaui huaitta' Ite wanta tn grt the eon trol of the Southern ymith, that liu may make Yatikt of thctu " Tina errtalnli ahowi n ineftn aplrlt r,n tho part of the particular louriial ipiotc I. b it the Auguata M'NTIM'i. ia no' a fair type of them all," On the tontrary though tyn urn in receipt of wine threo luiailicd and lllty riiiillierii pHpert only In u few eju'eptmnal caaea luite we noticed any ill tntilinl or miiateful rointneuta on the IVAiaitiT gill. The IIai rn atguea fiom intiilln ieut data, ulid dm a inanlfeit iiijifllt i to the moat nf tho reapeclablu Ju'imala of the )iuuli by whom Mr l'i tiailil'a mniilfuenie la nl an dautly uppuiiatiil nnd idiiured. iLc Tna An iuii"Haiit error nteitta In the tepnrt tmblitlicd ill the .Vett Yoilt puptra nl Ibe prnteidinga mi the Tat bill ill the ltmte of Uepiiai iitatltia on 1at llimailay etemiiic 1 hr lull plopoaed tuliluute that pruwalnlt nf tktl l Mating law lit wl.ii It the lillilnt gin l ntnpitli'ea to add Ibe lay lo the prllo i hargeit tu entiaiitnara la tu li rminate on the iwiii ,,f pnl next. I lie lltuik liowi'ter, alter eonaldi tiiblo debate llrucV mil that pillt ol the piloting bill, Ibe lllllt lullig that the tlnlit of gua euiiipu men In inlil on the tui la it rmlmiteil on tin mih uf Vprll. ,lm,; Ak plllilid the wunl mil Ikpla.ed Imlore the wold ' teriulliftliMl. luaklliv tin piliigiapb Mad eiiiUlt the oppiiaiti of What ttaa wlitten I'oed ter the t'leple. 'ihi n .eiy of Atlk(aata the laimton Ml u i tl Iimi- - bate, at tl.i intii;utlnn nl Mr ' Hairy I'luater, afnolntid it (.'oiuiiiitteo tu lli't'lire into the anpply uf loikl, prodilrid in tin, nml ulliet eemitrira, ittallabbi for the troiking elaan a, a pionoaal which rnoiii' lm lula llaeif lo all lbireralilH nn iluubt ol the fai t llat our people lire lll'ili I f. 'I. nml now, wbeii theie ia am h a giiieuil umtemctit llni'iigbuiit the noiiitrt foi Hie reiluttlou nf ;r, tin f, ur Ibtt tin U' or illg 111 HI lll be In nolae t iim thu nil Aa will uuud i ut by Mr t heater inn many auhalutire utaibtide lot muirtab uu ut deatriltl d almplt lui'lll-- e Hu an rail nul be biought Into tilarkela ttheie they would Uriliif prirea ttbi, li w uld reioillierale the pur, hiikar, I epei iallv milk Hut then ta Inure than llua, lur III tn nit pnrta artnle . e .it- -. ,..! i il. ..I..I....I i.... 'I III, I Oil ,1 111" llllllj l ,IF,, l, I', U ll' ,. lire abaiduti ly ill apirn d 'Intake it tingle illiulraiiou, tit la, which ire ao highly piinl in IaumIuii, ale iliNotlaiiil tuled urn teau itiul if caught fur annui mt nl ara thrown attiiy ll Itteleaa, Aglllll, in lllllliy pliteea miialiTnntiiN geotv abuiiilaulty. but t'hev are imt utiliaul beciiiui- the people liaye it dread or ilielike ef nil ,( toad, toola.', tona of wn tcrcteaaea grow, but tin t ale only tit for cow a Many p.irti of our nut atruiui with ali, 11 liah. wliuli inn In laiihlil with wj't liillr tiunbleiiuily that tumble n not taken hat tiieieloro, ia moat latolillal la Ihut the raaCHlreea uf one part kholllil be lltllirn lor tin benrtit lit itliother ll'ttiadot being uatbev now are, neglected or deapuid e rcnllv dn not a'i loiicli tyiinl new nrtielca of liHid introduced, ua that old uml known unia aluuiul bo pruimily apprti land, ami (kat tlie fiv.pln bo tbuttii that thiua tin r hatn lHei. wimi tu li etl ure really ol greal tal lie. Itread w'll evi r remain tbn alull of I. In. Imt blind bv itaell ia III i)p4 tare la t our working rIaaMi lai taught where to look for a n halt, nml they uilfiiuly want mu tluug mure, tyhb 1 in reality ia one uf the nmat uf all tlu- - iniiat be Inuj'il bow tu cook it. One pha, ol tho lllillil allow a ftmptoma ol aaaliiuing ttlilrh we cnittlv dread . loud tamiot be eatimaltil lit an many gruina of latlait or in nun, ol iiilrugeu neither nt tliek, am capable ol lioiirikhlltg the bodv Aa bnve befor maiatid in mil artirloa on ill I'llllliaopbt it Komi ' , pi ril'lll'e la Hir tn ub aa to what eoulalna moat nouriab lnrU' and i Imal adaptiit lor anpporling Ihe Itlin nug lli'tn What la ttallted la thai tli njiHuuiiii of m ilutrii'l ahoiibl in matin Ktallabbl ill liollivr, lur lealiytho Iguoiat ee iliplayed lltlilattay in pelteillv arlt niching thu. i nritilneil with impruthd mi uua of pieaertutiuii and tr.iiikit, will ,tu low li Nl relieve, thuLgh Ihev may Hot per lii lit iituedy. the pre, i ut ilclu umu a il thi divt ul our wniklt.,' tlaxra Ibe Future uf .lilnareolrt. A writing ubimt the prn nuud lu'lruad btltviiu St 1'aul '.l.nii . and thr lnMU, it lalke Hupetior fcita " Ihut a nilglily i tt willaoonbi built oi t i Wutera of the wott cud of Nipt imr mut It upaiatt ut Vi all intelllgi'l un li Mlliuicota la Ul t,! I'lm I'lijlaud I tb bri'ltiUlutl, be lion long and In tuiuial it wuh ttool tim- ber ttuolrl lllllla. ami l( a itfall that .tea Inglardniin alunilc: lil.o i lead iu that tlonctahiu,.' Main am' lay th, IniimU Honajf the ;'iat iuiunor ityul the l..k t Ifie uf Hu tiiimt. , boidi ting on tho vieat at' if Iiki Su1h;i or i ui'U'll bet li r til III II the llilriln- l- Wllllela beillg wuriuwir at !l o inuulli ul ', laoua litter than all M 1 alll Illlll ahorto owili tu tie I let that tlol take doi-- not ll inotir the l'i"l pa ttit ll,' stnt laaiiHm Ited liner if the orl hi wlili li la put , w hem,! rt tied I ft w tf. li will ate it!' lna m.iuil! ieut Hat ju blU'i up. and lle.1. PiUolattill iittinei ii.iinik.ui mi ' Attitlra nt arte hurliigllrbl itttta,.) Armary Tho Itltil'UwtN aaya. I In annul V la gltlug atiwCviiiiltment lo L.III ' men and no teiliutlut ul Hi lone I, ibible nt pn Ht'iit. 'Die luauul icturu ut a na breei h loailer, ulteree Imui'lin old ripm' old rule imitket, baa le n , uiueutt'd. i; ' ab.mi 'JIM it il ty ura .'low U'rned nut '1'ie new iiicio comblitei the (Aieelleuciea ir Hie ul 'ercil muakiit M'teuun by Mutter tt'iioier i.llln. (.ml Hiuwa ,ol vii" of Col ilyrilitn a Ifclcly iinetited uxeiMtitilt ra. Iintiii, Her 'an'a i.iriin.i mIikII oni'utor and .tllm'a bri'eli bloi k Mr Allku'i lirrrebluider hilt' ''' pleua, lurj iy till tullibiuaflel iho iiuitbii ia ii'duiialiu i ibe am pliUmwu inuk n.; the gnu leak lUtUU tugi'toiltut rn. pair Wllboil impalriiig l'. elttirliycu-aa- . Iho tt n nun nla mud will, the romlnuv tiou gun louMt rtaiu Ha acmrtm lorlm.i rungo bring, bate pnnn, ti i,iatiivli.'M ami IUI ellinlar unci iAU lb"" In tut teaiili" With it lar;,e auiiply uf cariiulgea clean ut tnia gnu can tually be tired H unci .11 tin ra ninliiuii, or I.Ktir in Ih" l"Uk ruu Hun the spi'inrr II peallllu' iiMo, bui tial I III' ill tliaiiliiiy wonbl prohibit not 1. or 1 HUH a a liiltlilln Hie nlten'd limaket la holieted tu b aa goo I a tin ei h Nuttier lur u,e in the airtlee n any tint baa yef Peon intriiti'd. uml the giitiiiiinetit baa then fore liu in I'iifioli for linking How guna, bu' till for Iho pii.ent iniiely troi.alurui Hie o,d mica into unrih I'l.iib ia. Oua ut tbe pr ,ieaiea ut tbn work murium, the ubl uile bote ia aiiinolhetl down, and the t irrt'i ia "leitifuieed nnd inuib atreugtht lied by dririiia' in it tube nut more tbaii aix hun dredtlil of au ilnn tlitik tthlill iatllluly amirid ul both end. Ilm idea baa lint linn li uppntition nmong artentitie innu, but pruvea tu be a practical and taliiahlo nun, i the iun hartcl being made ill thia way ua good ai. or better than new. While the bore ul the gun la retimed by llio operation tu Ally himdietltha, or ixatlly ball' uu imli ill diameter Ilm amuiiut uf powder i Hi tlm cartridge uaed i, iiicreaied frum lite gi.ilu. (Hie iibliilloirauiei in aeteu, tha ball wiiiglung lJ gialiu. Caitrldgea aulllcieut In teit tlitiroUj,lily ull the rrmodrlod gum me inmly ut Hie armory, and between ouu and two lli'.ii-aii- 't arc nnd daily for Ilm put poai ll,v hauimer of tho eouibin ttluii k n , n .1 atriku tin run nf the arlrntge, . - t ii ii illy Ibe i if" but theitiitn ,. , p' i e,l i mi o ie jail'" ' ui a'e a ai la auro to ba buaj for a long time tn rnme. aa there are altogether about une million Iu the varfnua buildinga nn tho arniorr grounda Thli largo aggregatolncliiileiT00,n09 intule loader! In the nraenal which haye tieyer lieen uaed, 'JOO.OIX) of which iw hard uaage in the war, but haye been repaired, ami O0,) of the lama kind whirl, hate not ti t bren oterhaiilml Bhljuuenta nl obi and decrepit puni totitlnue tu be receited frnm tha yarimu nrrennta throughout the conn try Theaa alnjiineiila tin lude many ' irbcl guua and other ae, eh ttephiea Anionir aome which hnycret entlrcotiu hi ate two W ilhatua biierh loiidiugemiiioti of rebel manttfai litre teviral curioua rebel nkea (not ilohu Ilrown'), and aoiuo cartrolge huga made by ollthcrll ladiea out of piece, of obi calico. There are nmong the nbl guiia, rebel and federal, aomn whoae Itarrela are twiated aoaa tomnke a reaprrtabli let ter K. ami uthera with their birrcla com plelely imrforateil by a ball In a rot ran di I rretly at right anglia with tbe lolllae a ball would take Iu paatlng through the barrel 1 he large low preaanro engine at the water diopa la nii'ii to be remnyrtl to Intrinan ,S W. roller a department rn the hill 'I wo pnwerful Knonlti ateatn punipa, uianular-tnre- at W nrren, will alio lm put In, uml will be especially xutu tide for ipllck me in cnae of lire, before tha largo ateinn tiro ia ready for actlun. The tmllitig lliop, where nlltelypa ie leeentlT occiilred an m count ot a vertical eight-inc- h iml pulling apait. haa Uin itretigthened from Hie ground up, mid ia now conaidert d a rfi i tly aafe Cofoiiel lit titrtii haa trunafi ned tho al, irking del, iirtmei.t tu Ihe new ahop tu ar redcial atn et. and la makiii; other rhniigia In ae, un a none e impleli, ayatemiatioii n'nl llaai.ticatlou nt llio work i r.TTntt i'itMic!.ipiMtMA. The wmrm nnd A nrlrnltarul t'ruatieela I ill'forula rrni'ocle- -l oblotl Mania for the I'nrta I lhltiilloo I'retertloa He lunudad for the ilterland Itcule ant Ike rnclrtc nml I Idea : rede A -- tnle C apt. lot leb"l.oeal .1lallrr- -l ountry Inrl' tttaia,, I'te, Hli I'ltinrt.,!,. Jan. Kih Ihi? V'n have heard uf coillao uf Ihe ravigea nf the recent groat ktormon theennt and the inti norof tlml Slate I Inia barn aucivided by Ixuiitlful Spring wealher, whlrli haa rfiteiiaiiew lmietiu to xegeiatioii and to nil agricultural Inlereata thrnughnut the "Male. Tlieaiuieaa which liaa Htlendiil the .ttiwth atul lapuitutiuii nf cneala during tbe pait yiar, bai gn ally i iicotrgiel our fariuera, who itru anwta a iiitu li lurgtr tiiautity uf lull J with wheat and billet. Iliiiii haa eter bi tora bet u enwti Iu any one kiacou. Iu the Niiithoiu pnitinna of the Mate, the young; eenpt ure already hi ex- - elteiit couilitoui. uml luaiiy firmoie bate tnriii'd Iu their yoiiHgealtle in ptaiure the trope, foriuir expttuiiitv bating piuitdit tery HiltntitUKi'iiik. Many ot tho roadi thioiiuliout the Male were badly cut up by tin lain heaty raiuc, and in tliia i ny tbediuurfi) t" atleeU ami ninila i latltunteil ut rJ.'.laHi. 'Hie Karallou lalamla in the lower bay were completely cut nd Iroiiiioinmuiili'iitiuii tvilli the in.liu land by the florin vtuich ralaeil tin aiir- - inuiidiiig 'tntrri tu the blight of ".' fnt above high ttater lunrk Tor more tluiii a , looiiib no had tombed time and Ihe light lion.,' kivper uml oilier ii'iupaiila uf tbiae Ubilula were li'illli ed alluit to their luat cruet- - Mr 1'alkrr, llio lllllll biil-- o keeper, urrivrd in Ihia ritt a few il.n a ugu by a lug. which Iu Hingeil to reach tli la liHid. to tenew Ida atm k of iiroyiiiou,. Uu reporta the nppeiirance on tlio lalauda ul a petiillurapcciea uf bawU. emtller than the illumuu hawk, nliltli xviia ploilllcillg gleat itialniitiou aliluligkt the iloiiu atie fuwla t'airtiugoir many of much laiLi-- t aio tluiii llaeif Nunn apecimeua bate liceu i aptur rd fur niuiuiliatiou by lialurallata iu llua illy. T'lie (iolden City, which allied from thia port on tbe luili ltutant, took aeyerul apei I un ii" of California proiliuta finm dilleriut loiiutlra Iu tho state tu the Agricultural lit pattluent at Washington. Ainoug tbeaa weia apirita lurpeiiliue, Callforuia lifa, I'rt'iicli pruiiea, i unary bud, millet uml tlai ai ada, poppy beada and lio, xvhita mutt ird aped uml bo'r.tx the laat luimeil nrticle hat- ing been found rcci iitly iu great nbitmluuca in I jihe county T hero wi re alao lent aaiu plcaufnatite led and white wii e Among them wi ro two aamplca of red Mini a made from tbn Illack inllmlel grape, olio of hail bei'U healed to II1 de.rera, Kahr. in uccoriliitice with tha unw rreiirh theory. Alan apeclrnena nf llrtiidy, coloietl, and purn aa n came from the t il I Appli- cation haa been made tn Pepirtmetit tn lend if poinllde 1 ir prnpogv tlou in Ciilifornia. Mp until ollxea, Mnlian allium h. Calabria liquorice. Krench tea.i I,, Itoideuiin pruiiea uml (oik ftturua. itla tt built er new tiirntiri uf acedi ur plauta inny hayn been receited Iroin foreign tne'a up to the lime nf aemling '1 be cliui ito nml anil oft alifnrnlit admit ut the growing of any jdant or fruit known in I'urope . ami many ot then eoiild no doubt be profitably ralacd hero if llin Department would only taki the nccr nary trouble tu eui them lor diatribulion. A Ann aai. rtuient of Callfurula cabinet wooda hat 1 eeu prepared for tka i'urii l' hlbitlon anions tthirb aro laurel roiowood, luahogany, black walnut and utliar Import nut I'oinihprolil wooda which aie ao ubuiul ant Hi tho f.ale aa to be uaed for tirewond In many p.titi of ll. 'Una la purlie tlarly ihe cull wltll laurel, which. II It la brl eteif, hal no aiiparlor i.i Iho world for tnUlnit ami ithei wood purpoaat. In ita iintitn alati. It irel la one uf tbe niot beitu Illlll ttouda klottn HI the trade. It when i polialu'd reaeml llig k.ttili wood, l.t.t bating a rii tier iippeaianre ami iiutre nt an mat ami cheap prinaa it call be ataitieil ao aa to mak iinitationa ol tnabnany, aattn wood, blaik waluu. lurpta ami roaewuod the inn latioua being pel feet when uililn .1 n lo reiiilre tlm cloeal acrutiuv ut an miitt ill wuoda to dlfctlllgUlall tlillll llulu ihe gi itiuiiu article Ihe allbjet t nf tl'erallieil intliltlrr ia ri efivituf coukiderr.ble attention thriiiglmiit ' l' fottlia aa It laa..!! in other acctioiia of H-- I iimii K'Tith-l- y tint ptccinit, u.M ila ven tlio lily loutiinrcl il pn ducta c' tho SiAa ctpurted Ufl yttr. hnwevcr, bile the extort of tn aai.ri' miinunted iu round unu ben tu ll may tin' io w ia uu rri auiltiuiil piodiii'iiou alii"d nt r,'il.'l 'i' uml the inallliraclj ifa ol Iho Mala a, ri' iliill tu y iil.ulNl.lliHI un-- T he mere tax nil llio manufacture, tifAii Kram lacu alcna law wna over J.'iaalival, ami Iheaat la Unl talua wua one ju.iai nam I ho uu I d ra lax ptld by l t "Jtv latt tiar vaa tl','l!rtf 'K Tin nti'iifla fur thu wluuo Malt tieio utcr t''.('ilV tt Among llio loat llla,itiirti ; lulcieata a.1 lla Stale may meatuMi? tboao of aIk, tutlun, uila tini ii iLLla Piter ttpo foiimltitvi coiitei in rii lug. cauuliJ nulla uml bout itud alua' fatv loriew. Murai ni.'Wita hiyc been itpjfd to Califoi ma lur new ittteniii'tia thin lo any utbrr state ia piij'ijrtiuu to iiorvilatmu, and mi i i al of tin ,; iciilloua hitya, pn.vnluf gieit prat Ileal tali, forming tUt Itaiki of it In oixtitu lamuiuia nml gnlkK un mxtnt lm pulao to Iwftue aii'i'liaiutiu On tliaubpi'l thu Sail tTitOil'tu Hiltl'TI Hniiiraa. Without diaiKallied Iniliiatrf, CO alate at talua to tbe )lj:heat order of plofpirity i T he South grev yeak by tlot'oaiug ltt cu crju a tu tho iiivi 'li tiuu of oua vr ttt u re it itaplci I. luailo uu aubaUutiil gain, fur the twaixa yi ua prior iu IttaV (hit h. ia itliuoat ax, luiitcly detoud tu mi lung dun oi two a'l'ainihipa a uaintb ir rtwl awuv marly atl that aim had In ahuw III Ibe line ot home pr.Oillirtt. II, T tri'.KUli' I'onvibiited to tho uui'd a wealth, aud built up Hi- - national credit ngalutt llin lua uf war iuit loft l In' Slate tb it yielded it but little in bet ii Ihe tiUmtiilt ul geuunm 'plu,elit llin i.iliril Hidllaliy beaaH llio iro.iuou ul leal vulnea It widi'uoil the ilelil fur emplnyiupiit ami the Indiuo-m- i nl Inr peiinaiient reaideuce Imprnyed tlio blghwayi fortratel. chcckail tbe nomadic liiidi mica of our population, madn the wagoa uf labor, nml n nib rid the I waya ol hung uiuto confuruiablu iu anni 'tart and moril lawa Koundnea and fa- ctorial ipraug up. wbrie onlv bl icltauiilli ahupi bad beeu. The achool home anil , i hiirch conteited Hie Weill with the. gam tiling deli! it li'l drinking aaloout, and iu a largo degree dliptaced theui. iho plow tnrned up tnori mil than tho ink, uut to ruin but cntkli it. 1'iually, iualiad of acini 'uuall our pruducta In a lew patkagti by alMinrr, we eiuplovetl durlug tha aacutnl half ut laat year a ileal of 1'.' ahlpa to lend tha aluglo article of wheat to Europe, A "I.l and tlm Atlantic btatca. and aro now (hip- ping Hour to Now York by tho Iathluui Tliean am the lubttauiiil tiiuuipha uf Inliur directt'd in a taiutv uf cliauiieii, imteai of btiug tontinodtu unu and tliey it, muutlir Ihe retention of a larger pmikiri mi of our u ild prodm t at home Iti.ill wi . mi p ,. I retain when a were u i a I . , . II i tut ai u ' li ui s ' mill more rapl'L llalLrmdi ai coming in to fnrilllalt tranaiiortatlon, and thiteby allimilalo pnaliictlori nnd luimlgratlou Milling ia not niiik Into dlirepiito, but rubied to the rank "f n lyatrniatie induatry and riiiitrollrtl by Intrltlgi ore, patience a'.tl tapital. wlulo ugricidture. and nntiiifac ture, and trade feel Ita invigorating Infill cine w.lhout lutlenng frotuiti tiiinitmba ' j 1 he great mortality anion': ih Idreuiaat tractmg a,nne atfi iition Ihron.-hnu-t the Male, and aa much of it is tracable to tha 'awlll milk' diet width thoj rnein iininy fimlllea hate lately rouiludnl ti try the ' experiment of keeping ma or 'n re i iwa fur tin Ir own ii. c. and let the I ulk nen gn I to graaa Whcie tin, haa leu tried, aenr rcaiMindlng imprnreniput In the health and a proHirtioiialedecriaao in the ma tabty of , tbe little onea haa been very perieutilde. Ihe proper protection uf thi Uterland lloillo to tun I'ai lllc ll liuicll dlti itlld here, and the government ia adrited togltethe builncaa luto tbn liamla of men who hatn ipent their livea In the great Wiatem Trrrl tonea, and who know bow io ileal with tlm Indiana, the ftilleat protei toui wunld lm gained at the attnlleat coat, ua theae men, knowing tho Lablta u tho red aklna would never allow Iheinieltea to be ilrawn into ambuab nr be taken hi .i.rprian b tin lav-ug- To eniura vteu ihe indiiU'ieiit pru-to- t t Inn which la now alt uled require! at lemt ttiu Viilted Klatra ivbllera fur etrry rid ,V In that ernaaea the rn He and then our cart are ouiielniilly guctd and our hearta 'likened wllh the itory ol wl.oleaale luniaartei It la believed tluit if llin enllrn route waa divided into aeetluni of ." niilea uml Ita priiteclinu and deltlico -l nut Iu men familiar with the miiutri ami with tho j hthilAof tha ludiiiia, tnoie eltininnt pu,tfo j tiou would be aetilire I al far leaa coal thuil j the goteriitucnt i an now rt mler Tl ia pro lection lua now become imlitpenri do lo the aecunty anil eiicnaa uf the inimn ami iigritulliual Inlereata of imr gnat W t at, rn and I'aeiltc St ttt a T he (loteriiineiil'a i tlotta to ae, on ai oal nig atation In the Medltii ia totii lm tided by the California plea, but aliothrr lilnilai fftutloli ll ilelnaliile I ,u lue I ittluc j tor tlie i uiteiiii lite aud roll 1 iu ur the new In I iiujttirtntit inter touriu oprl cd up with the tolllitrlelof Atla. T bla htte, aa wull itaolder Nlatca, bna got it very largn elephant uu I. a lunula, in the hnpeiif a Mate I upilol building, wlm b la tu iiiuun iif erectiou at hi crutiiciiio Al though Iu html lor aeteral yeara. It baa unit rem bed the acolld alol y. itud the nrll tial i atimate nl,iaal baa lieen awilll itaid up. nnd it will reipuro a fiuttur peiu,,! of al'tillt leu tculA and all additional exi'.iill luie ill I'.M '. 11 H tu lllilali il Hie tiut Ifiiiiuetit would unw I ke tu i.rl nd of ita elephant, uml you Itnitki tb" kira. villi jour llarlini Hiidgu und I w it llunry u cuu eaailv imagiue win. t iline uppvara to be uu the imrcakc iu thia lia'itlily I'lii' io am now 17ft piiaonera In the loiinlr Jail -- it largi r iiiiuibor Hun It oti r lieflilt inlitullli'il al line UUio Of the hi polbeineu kept by the titx.uti imly are lur Hclivo dut at au t mu tiuu, laid ll ta liuw piopnaad to incitaao tlieil ! liuiubi'r ai, ua tuietiiie latter proti ct,on to ' tbn citirciia. Thedog lilliaallCe haa bet olile an great ll, San Krauilkcu that tbn tily uu , Ibuiltlta bate tin In pioked up uml dealroyil u.l tlie teir louiul. litiiing the imuii.i ul Deiemiicr '.111 witn .u potllideit. ot t mil IVwpih ledcimn.1 nt a) i euib uml tin re 11 ullnter wi le doalruveit. Sat ruUleutu I .ea Ibnii yl u yt ir, iiuil mi ua ner uf utie who rt.llkoil to'pat tak laat year waa tiled and iiiiiI lined $1 aud uoala, lua uoala iimouiltiug tu S" .al aii t'XpetiaitHexpurluit'iit ' Iu in m tottna ami plan am tliia State l.i, t.lllnHUU Hindi! Ill ubaeivlllg the Sain i b.Hli pieialU Hilt tu a gnat extent, and or, nmy buaiutaa ta trauaatted un that day ua readily aa uu any uther Au ellutt vraa i ri ' eutly mado iu Souuru to Imltico biniiinaa i ten tn clme their alorea ou numiut, ami nturly all a, emeil tu be dillgbted with the idea, but alter it brief tnal they returned to the nbl putha. A tumprulilikO il liuw being tiled tu get them tutloae after 1 n't lock oil Siimlat iillirnooii, Spanking ot Sunday re- mind,' lua that a ttiy prodiictitu ledgo uf iletuuiiuaetl tuaita waa aliutkat Hungry llullow, Id Dorado County, uu Sumluy, Ub iliat., from whit ll lill ulvraga uf y.,UiJ a day bate been taken i ter Intt'. Duortiuui fiom thu t luted stulua Amu la tery freipii'iit In Una legmn, niul they generally maiiage to eludn puraiilt. but uu Ihe ,'Uli lut nine deaerteia Iruiu the Klgbtb lulled statu Catulry, atallotietl ut Tort Iti'iullug Sliaatt Contitr, were itrri'ilid at Cbltnaml lodged In bill 'Ihehotrea uml i'iiill)ineiita whiib tliey had earned oil wulu uiau itcotered. Tho itage belweon Stockton and Cop iieropolia (Sliaou'a Ilue) waa atopped by lilghwayiiiJii or 'intd ugenta" ou tbn ,,tli imt., ttilhlu four mile, uf the latter pi ire. unit rubbed uf $K brluuglug tu Weill. largo t. (o beildea other luuperly beluug I Ing tu the paiaoiigela, whu wtn rudely unit red uut uf tlio aliige while tbe rulibera coolly ici to woilt with bamiinr ami iIiupI to buak open ihe aafe limy would hat, blown up tbo whole concern liutvor tlm ru troatlea of tha driter to aparo lua tehicle A fatal atlray la reported from irginia City, wliuli took idatu toward thniluao uf laat luuutb. T'ttubitilhera. tleruuiii, u.iincd Sleiueuger, net upiod a ranch neai I'uie Cink, .Nctaila I uuuty, aud, aa it frnpieut ly happiua uut here, two oilier brothcra, named Andrew a, di lerituueil to ibare tho rant'ti or to poiaoki it altogetbrr Accord- ingly, about llio ctt.aeut December, the two Andrew! luailo their api.i nlalite, well armed, at the reildencu of lue Stilurngeia, where they commenced a ipiurrel with one of the llermana, tho olhel baillg ubaeut at th tirua, which leaulted mono uf thu abut dead ami the utbar mor- tally ttuuiidrd, while Mi'lni ni r hlinaelf letelted a ahot Iu Iho bock uf tho neik, which, liottoycr wua i.ot i jtiinlerfd fatal. Dining the progiraa uf u ball ut Mammoth. in the ubote coiiiitv on ( lirtatinaa night, a drunken ti Unw n uued Until comtiienoeii an iiiiliacnmiiiatn Hung iutn the parly priirnt uml kiirneiled ill ai unit injiirinx n tr Ayrek hefoie ho waa Sin li ia lifu in ( a,.iuruia. tiuti iln A Horrible lirnib. A miuli iau belong ng tu nun ot the I'ren, h rcginniiti baijuit met wlili nu oxtraordi li.nj death ut Vila Ciuz lit) wai tuaged to plat ut a ball, and helug tery timely wrtit cut into the gardeu, nnd lludiug a w iter 1 ottle ou tho tot rate tonU it up ami drink t'et'ly Suddenly bo ralaeil uleaof iigout, and uiMtn uaalatnnce ixrritiug it waa fouml tlntt un cuomoim ceutipcdu hail ttxed Ita mnmlllilea In Ida lliroat The ani-- I nial had taken up ita abode In llin neck ol thu bottle, and ttaa waahed lulu bll mouth iu the ait uf dunking A aurcon whu waa i altetl waa ubliged to cut it to piece, but tbe poNou from iho bite lunaed death in a lew lioilla Ttt Nodal Ktlt-t- lal ure. 1 he Ciiii'icuuti llua.-- , iu i iiiuiui utin up. . ou Ibia toja wb cli la now iillractiL iu ''.iiiicli attintH u. aiyi. ' Ihe i urrerrf literary ami lot tal diveriiena ef women iu tun that cmlea me only culou .kttd tu reudrr lliem " uttutctlte i lillireii,M though too maiiy meu uro luuml it bo do tint ruapect in tlm a the purity ul childhood. It I, 1 crania uf lb wi akiieta which auch a lilo lutlifta upon tliaiii that they becuinu aa "uu I bit," iu llin handa of a i ertaln clan of at luou, wkoae I luef dall,nt la to plav v tb tluiii tor aai h atakca aa ure eaaily aw-p- t fioin the btard bt thoa" who aro re arraual ueithi i bi touaiiunte, bv tear, ur i i.. 'flierola a clan of idle ttotnei; both alngle and thou whnhtiel ttle realiw- t lor tluir 'malltll lelllluna whu im.igiiii' themaeliea ao putt m iti r llio acta uea.i.a iri men that thiy cuu n.lke iuui(i. at! ul tb ir pit aa ure They glury iu auch i.iiuiie,t,, ami are juat uitt eaoimli to aiippoao thiy hattl iiule a con im it. wbiu ill 'att, tUu,u vbunt tliev iliuiiabt tu bite lumpnicd batj only luau playing with ibrao " aitractiro tiiildrtu." Muat meii know bow tu deal with cuqvottea and ton often tho man ia found who pat a thi'in ttearly for their paiua Napuln ti the (!t at aid that atatcfim li alinubl not be aought amnng literary or aiieniiile men nor wivea among coiputie. Mm geuirally how to liter iloar uf tlu'au il.uzlll g liamula Ilia lex ibuuld repudiata theui aa tharuugh ly aa they ahotihl repudiala tho corre,mnd inKclaiinf the mianiline gander, wlmaiui at cou,iu an witn fir baier tnotirea " ll yuu marry a woman," laid the Hainan Coniul to lm iud, "let it bo one wlm baa leon enough to mpcrlutend tbe ultiu.r uf a meal uf tlutuula, laato unough to dreaa her. aelf, prldo enough to waah before breakfaat, and icnio euuugh to hold In r tongue win n ihe hai uuthiug tn lay." Ibe great ueetlnf the timet ii for a lyitun of morals cppllcd hi rigidly to in in ui In woman. Tbere ibould In uu letting down of tho tlrtus reipilrod of but man ahuuld bu lilted to itilttel llcudei Una. the loda uf morula preeirlhad fur womtti ia not li air broad enough Fein ile inuralt in popt'ailt und, i ''iud aro a'! in. lo ml m oni, w r l ut V . , r i ' , ' i " i li t uv a -- i .' the lsaipid luorallala. who have beta the iiiatruetnri uf mankind, ia taught, ' lhat ia all 1.CK1I, an far al it gnea : but, the neglett of the lolld duties of lifeotca atom more xtnlatlou of the virtue ao y Imiitcil utnn than all other rallies ' oinbineil. Tlie truly ' tit til woman who haa good health la Hit' pendent enough to pieaerve heralf .Sot ao with tb ! "genteel,' who bate beu brought up perfnt atrnngera to practical duty and not qualihpd to employ thnr time hi any benefit ml tnancrr Aa aaul of J the Devil, that nf alt the men he ilibeil for he liked tho idler but became be bll the I bare huok . ao It may be aaul of the Idle won. Hi Hi a atill mote emphatic aenie. I W loin our main moraliati bold woman to j inch unit cbaatitt, and caat bar off unlraa ahe bo alaive atuplnun, wby do nut our i fi'liiale tuoraliala rxait tbe iam fealty to I virtue from man I It ia nut neteiaary lor hiul Iu be abova lutpi.lou, not by a innlltl erabte. Theio la nu pruaput uf man'i re laxiliu lua view! ai tu wolnatl, atul wi ae. no utlier luoda of irlf delenra fur woman t ban to at t on the prluciioe uf aatica fur H e tfooao ahall ba aaute ulao fui the gun ler Ludpr the preaent aortal rtnn the women urn all Ibe tiuie tbetublug lb aarpeuta that sling tbom to death, "Alua ' when axil inert aie atrnnfr 'u lifu ia guud, nopleuatir i luug ' the I'laloa ami Ibe Wcitrra Traab-ra- . Mr lie) worth Dunne work ou ' tlW Ami tu a ' na, tho followin; paaaar i " lly daring iugenitity and patieneo, the weatern trader haa pimlieil a way tor ll acrnaa thia ditticult trail of laud ; luak nig an o,eniiig for tratleand travel between Ihe Atlantic and l'aclti. nceaua. Ila haa domi tliia feat aa a private tuan, without help Iroul the Itate, witlumt rhceri frutn any learned Ualy, nt a tort of blood ulid iiniiiey ahull tan never bu counted upon i, trili. and for thii teaaim tie wnateru man thinks nothing nf blood, not iniicti i.r tieuaiire, when be legards tkcui n, being tlitl'ttid 111 a blllluiaa that will hay Ilo I. llllg Ida life in bu ua id, thi! rtckleal, ' tilloir, aaearitig oeer much, brim- - IlilIU Willi b'lp wln-l- l help i of use, I, . caieli a, of blutnl eituat lua own oryouri ' tar bet uml au A ab, almmt beyond a ("Inline "1 1. - pith through tho ptaille hal been pitted by him, itgain and agiiti, with botiea but tho tr.lce of Ida pa"aage, of lila ailferiug. ilia away nut of eight with the autumnal linweri Xutnre li hern ton itrntig for man to do mure than throw a t nil iijnin her lati laeiitie whb b may aloiw Hselt 'iritdiiyln the fiuni li grin", nmong tlie grat a.tnd. end then vutiiib from algbt tike tt.e track uf it a ip at eii. Hie 1 run le la not iran'a home. I ten if he hid timo to plant ami reap it, he i mild Innllv grow n lil.iile of grttoa, a atalk ol liullatl rotu, tu. tboao opt li ttatt, win re Inyiltiilaof lotUsta elalter tliinugli the nil, tle'totiriiiE Iu tbtir Imugrr itiry gicrii leaf unit Iwlg " I oabtr.'l t.'M Aloact lltbnal "Teihaccir.'' Ihe Mayor uf Toledo t) , ou 'doiulay, Hie fnllowlug no'o from an uiiuatti uf the . ail -- i oulliied there tor gland . eny I TniltKj, Vebcry U'. I'"7. Mi, Sin 1 taku the upcrtiiuilt of wniiii I uae lew line, to you tu let yuu no thai 1 batu ben luiilliicd twinty one duva nml I haye not luul any Senteua nor hat v imt l ii b ,11ml titer ..or lam hot uuder any bail Aa nial ua 1 tan bud out aud 1 doiit no ' tthithii I am held u, a tntiieaa ur whut if I mu held aa a pnaner I Would like too have in v Stuteiik kn that 1 will no when tnr time i, out and it I am held nt a wltnc-- c I tti.h ton would father put me on the i.luiu ing till I hate my trile or lei mo out ao that I i all get Soluo tiibaoo I dout think that there lai ny daugir of mt runin n way I w, uld rather litu uu one meal aday untl tob.ti o Hum gu w ith out no more at present 1 re- main yoiiie ubident Stirvont. letuiun Aikii 1'riiner. tery Stuall 1 alb. He la iu a dreury waato of bald meteoro-lolcu- l itatemeuta, a morais of niigbleiia' adulra, a labyrlutbuf iriiaoriuua and uugen-erou- comiiieiita uu the doing! of other pittalla nt scandal ilonlitleas, how ' ever, not tntindi'd for real damige--iti- r I louiul bun. l.el ua drop uietaphur gu Into I any aociety . not ncita-aril- y iutn1 that nf tbo fciiburbuu " liuw " ol kcuii detuilieil vlllaa, ol that nf iho ainatl coiintiv town, or the colonial g u rtaun, but Into tho lionu a and umotig the ' lamilleaol l.lgll-l- l gelitlelueu. ill, pun till tn litin to the geiieial louteraation it name of a mutual futud ia mentioned, nml ' autut thing w bull he ur iho, b,a ur her In luuguiga bate a ild or done, in commented upon with a fleedotn whttli to be Hi any way lustillable, preaupiMihca u thoioiigli kiiutvlnlgo ol all able! uf tho caae alttl the minor worriei ot life, pertains babiea, and tbo like are aura In hato tht ir full abate vf the cuuverauliuu. Ofcollisit cnnti iauti"ii ubullt nur uwu past, present, and futiirt i, ktii, ily legitimate, in f.u I it i ittuioat too llua tint it u to lie wished that egotism were it mole prntall liijr tlio Hi such inter, oulai II there be cntiioraatlon which altniiltl bo tho exception and not tho lule, Itia the tarrn go w liith, In tial many huitiea, ia iliibcd up for Iallv cntiaumption. II anyoiia tblnka we 'xaggente, and Ihut atnall talk auch ua wo hato been diacriblng ia ipllte ilniiei iv aary, let lulu rndoator tu abstain foi lour uml twenty liotira only trout duimaui,. oltitr people! altalrs, and he will tlml m tho tlilbtiilty he eucuuuteia a proul of thu truth of what we h itn alle"ed. Ami thia peruicioiia habit if Indulged in, obtains Ihe mnilery. Ihe mind btconea unrrt itetl, tho mentul vialon la contrattetl, the ritlect-tt- e tatultiri am pmaliitd by disuse At lirat too lilvtolook up tlie'tlcllili'a b it k is aoon at delicti au that ere long he cannot. Wheu iu health, he rclused tu gate ou (lud s world an aepk for leato ia from t by tlie li.'.ht of tbe glut iuui inn. hnprelerrid b'y tho aul of lua iiiiioralda uititlciat light to guo iixniily tutu the nilntitlii nu the little plot ol ground immediately around him , ami now, etrli it he can rabto lua head, he ia dax'ltd bt the extent nnd aplendor ot the prospect nth mil to lm gate, and without a sigh or it atlilglo ahriUKI litik tu lua uttn uallua aplii'iii uf ubkcitalluli A llor-e'- a Petlilsn lo bla llrlvr "Ho 'i up tho hill, wUipmonut coming ilottu lull, hariy me not, on letel luad, ap.un mu not ; louao iu itnbln, for;et lue not of hay ami oorn, rnh me not . ol i lean watei stint mo not. with iiioiigouud water, mglritiun nui , of soft dry bed, depute me not. tired ami hot, wash me not If auk or tnlil. chill mi' not wuh bit nml r, ma oh ! ieik me not s uml when you ma angiy . sli iku lue not ' Wliv UaiiK l.adlra Marr An exiliaiife aayi the that tutinc ladiea aaeiu to have a habit of itailtig I, simply became they cannot help il, ua to kitp ill Iba laalilou that ara (nmpelled to wear audi a buueh ut aim! ul tho back of the head that the natural ball' ia drawn to Iln highest tousion. ami a the skin of tha toiehead la ill iwil batk, tl.o oi alula uia ,ret au upw ltd tiiuluucy that leatu. the luipres. amu thai Hie gills look bobl uml iieico. Ita all a inittuko The dear creuiiiir, are pur ua gentle and loyuble u they our wete ami ibey wi ild bo xmt williug to lower their owillda if thny tmihlilu ao. lll.u'it tilling Ihe treiiunduiii hill that is bnuii'I tn lli,, head iu inch a disadvantageous position Whfti thowatcifnllagot iguuiod lit It. hum. the girls will '!;as iniakiyid ua Iln liii liifmo iho adtcut of that tuui. : d,n uf tuklillu. A llltu'd Itrme. The I'lill idclphla .Sill, o! fi.i, ,'l,l tile following lucideut A yuiiig mm wu, bfinra Al.liriiiin I una yesteidav Peg.ltelhi n.ilu""! ai..n Ilo lanpy. A lltila khitir if i,i.m.i,.v uaknl him u.i lliiuadai night, at I will ll, ami ( hrs'iut a leula, to but 11 piper I he iblld wai but niiii. toars old, and llio wind via, flitting his ll"tli ih jh Ins t un red oter itig Dalamy, it was deposed aei,,,1 tha cliil'l a Inimllo uf papiia. ami Ihu .v tin in inio the gutter Ihe boy ttMitullj itiiim, urated, when Deluuny kkkod hun lulu the atret t kuniiel, fiom whnli he eaiapod only after glen! danger of bciu; cm uiuudor by a pasat ng,r railway car," buuic gentlouiou, wiiiieasliig tb, oiciirienre. i aun dthe iirresi ut Uelaliet Ho wua tukeli to the kiatit'ii-lioiue- , win r0 during Uu night Lohul uu uppuituuily to pumlcr utcr In, lieaiilass-nsa- , uud yesterday uiuruing ho was n,,li i . edloguebiil iu Hie huudiod dullais Iu auawtr at toiirt. eaalslje III I'ltflhiml. 1 we f 'cars agu wunbti ni-- tvia worth about f Ol per ton, and were iisad n'lly for ininurr flmy aro now wurth in Ini liltul t'' ' P' i' ton, tu be cmi-- ml u.i n ' into .'li It is uetlm ii, i in i ' ' ii, 'I ..I I ,"l a v I. I ' . : J a a uu .. , . ,, 1 atrrppfct, It would etna,! ana third tit the ll woolen mill! 1 tbe I'nltcd Klntdnm. ami J bring illitreaa upnti tbe IVeat Hiding in 1 Yorkshire, is freat as that lately aiiflend I In t.ancaablra frnm tbe want of cntton It Is rllsrloaed In the teimrt on the Iau dt 11 I HlhibilUia of Iw. that ellty-flv- c lm. mi poundi of abotldy ate annually conmn.i d in Hngland a grea'ler quantity than tbe whole . wo,.' prodm t of tho I m'ed s.atcs In l'i', 1 m tstiuiated by the i en-- jt Flaaat'al Siwi, "ilarkala, ic 4 I Nrw Yiimr Saturtlay. b. IS, T M. ij Tbe afternoon quotations uf the ger.eial , I Stock market, compared with tbosf of lei- - terday afternoon ibow a decline in ricen of from ,Vlo.vj I'er cant (lovttnaerta t were itrady In rates and active ef sale. ) Hold timed at 13o(( a 137. Ihe export if gn'd aud silver ban for tbe week amounted to $a.l'7. tbo receipts from California, tTVi.Oun, the pirnuuli out of the Treamry I llticn for gnld tntereit on the public d 1 1. tHi.OnO The loan mail-- waieaiy nt r pfr "V cent on call an I at .' for governtnc nt f olla-tera- Tlie ducnunt demand wai active, the bi at bills paiamg at '". with etceptloi al tranaictloni at rdaj perient for Infrfii r gradi a there wai little or no demand. l'"i- - enliange closed dull for the clean, cr. Ielgn at fiO days on KonJon were qiinttd at lO-- X a in'Ja' for bankors'. On 'Change to- day Flour was dull and loe a l.V lower. Wheat dull and 'ie a 1c lower Corn it shade firmer (lata le a He. lower, fork iiuil. lleef steady, laird unchanged, at.,l Whiskey quiet and itpidy. eALia AT THU ,TOCK tlCIIASfJE. U rtstf adiae A m)lt li.'le, 11, IT Cla Ot.0li! t"l f tiCOO t 'St.ra.l !', lI lSe M. a. 'i I M l'. eil-t-- i pa, t) da.. IcVa- - w n, . . a, fit, d,, .. , it i, Ota da ) ftt, i pa, ,n , I iamf t It ,, I'llj is) 4, li'l I 1V3HK Ir.t 1 In as Hi .twin ' Ifoxj la Hurt'', tin Mr.!a"it( Keol Teau fc. Haw Apt, I'M da. ... l,s? t CoiMOs.lctaP.K t1a tu da H" i no fa.!, . ) 11 da. if-- i II- -, 1 CI Ok'S Mill. II Utrineillf a ' WOO la 1' ft da Sin 1K N.y.l' efc"t !i, V da . . II , ini rrlafd M.'; yt n AHaaiic tl. a li- - 10 Eelald U.. lid SO da . S tuO Mirb I.' s..n III llUlnl. I i' 4se Vleh a Vt II I" da y lir,rill'l 11 4'1 da- - " a lii U All U.M 1 ii da . it J lla'b kta ev tm mi a. ttsi', a m.Klste V. Y tot 101 da tlrlK en IVaan lliak IS J it Keallnc tt.. IK . II I'k Coinluau'lH, 1 0 aai d 1,4 ft I'll Nailoatl I1 . I" d I 4'V II Ilk. S.Amarlta. li! vm rno ll IS'. 1!l llllin Co 4'ia It- -' ,1, IS, 111 la Ideas a da . Ide rt', I n da. f ', I m d,) . ten Mki II da Mist, IV 0 If a It N. la.. It tan ten. l.t, ti it an di... ila II I, i i n.ui j i ' J" n 1M IMIleili.ri.l.l 4i j da ..1e 7' IS do. it, I si Cts A I'llis. It IV MV t llad.C lit 1 I 40 ' IW Mail t alan tal. iS M do. I , tun da . 4S in da da.. ..tvesst, lag da a 4 M Ueriu, uia. ti I al do k HJ III Ian It H", 5 dn Mr ! . M iMs) da. .lit cjpr.s iii)Ar fl 1' 'il'ima. A U rao us'iisit rf . vi iiuiu a i nu BB in ds. tl ' n e g d " I 0 nelfa kl.a). .HO XI i" i V i ui da. n' :ni "ti mi ' m I 1 We,' laiaa Tl 4", ll d, tl 4" to s.r.Oo. It... .! . in ao i ' a, M PM Fala 1' 'S la da 13 V. M KM s .. .ti Ml) H d' fArt da id', (mil ixil'll 1 to da MO ', H ds i3 1 IS Til .l 1'it. K 41 IU rt' M.I f luu.l.o lis la ii p. 4 4 si da.. 7I' ia da aJ I 1!1 do Tl'. 4 sj Co t W pf, I' s . I Illlll da. Ill's '. da el' -. tm da.. . Ila i i On M' ' 'r TO dt si T', til da II IS, IBB. 1.01 Retdln' It I'll I SI da tit's JBB .M T II 7.AC llooicatle ,1farketalhoieante l'rlce. jfl OrciiaervniS VSr- -. I.f, ta H Cafes. 10 Java. It'.ati'a I unarr, ITSHStg Bfl (iv fair lorruaaMIStll'. Uaraiaiko. IT ,ll - aTM railaw. ld tits' Orliut 4 Mlddllor, Cr.laad.9l. da Matlla. 'TKA.ewf Pry ,ad. f ta al Tt oltt'Pil da. t Maakatal. 1. Per It Ma It lai. So s. aa. It Wats t, 1,1 id barrioit 41, , BJ )H t -I- 'nMa tVlica. SVctlki t.l,kft.l da Ills BJ 1 fit Cruda Spatm. li tat Til, blaaalad do, 1 HOat a 1BH l.srdOII, I :al tu. taataat. I IS,1 tj ear ollaa. Bf I'at'elaaat, cnuto. 19alsi,ida riilaad. ItllJ- Id laod rrasinanl Ha,f, w ra. Mil, tl Mall c P Ll. ar.. lTru ?, uo i rork. elar. in naritpatirr s.,m. m.i WOfaUTt a. wtn, n tj HJ)ST Pnier. Wen. Bj iiu,ltati mm. ol ta laacr. Ta41 Ctaaia. ejmnioa talailuia. ISair lara. aarlb 11,1V. Auoari -- Cora. IfHttllS Havana, I 'Salt Si- - IB. flaad luliia, l.talfac lair Hi. Ml Fwlt t' llall1, . Tlaiotbr. ata Tra,l,rn i 8 .Vis Nl. ll.ti'id T T Ja 91. B) U dfMl Potto Hire 4Sn. Unirsvada, 4 ir B rlewcrooMa llrlato,. HOaHTl, H lakasM. - X.alkttr, I, all llatiaa, TitV fj Kaad I. .1,1.8', ataiter Laalara airirso, -- a- -- i Uanlbara BJ pin, , ItltiaiO 0 t XMiliaiiitia bit board, liflia ia WMutanp niarebaoiabla Mt batrd. lton,si,rs (I,arlaa. tioiaboui I'oalar lad W aataltesrl, acd blabk, tatsiaClijO. C'bsrrr ' earda andklank I. li.tjlai. Oak ,oa a.1.. tj uuaUial tttli a aad tiiali, B rionjoo n:ick w.inut. t j.iii M lftlra''aaiaiii M tlisa. CareUOb dtlasei. 10 er, m 1, to Co, Itsoraoa, xalj tiji. Alton, a M 4 fl t lurk's llland. CaOa 1'k.tlla lot,. rar raoad. ITVj- t- , da Collate', esla. 0ia dn Kamlle, Se Hcpa. e,w rrvo "itTI 1SAA d'. , lta. Ilia, Italia, I tta 1 tr .Upsi.r, IITtllfl Bl lor laisil lot, , ,ir, IKiallj taaiai.clir to BU iv:a i'aim. it",?,""'' ;n.',,r,. ,,,h' """" "irlari .a, , II can. ara, nr, in.l ,,, rt.a al lila pM. ',. i .rrow in, , ' "aHaaeael lilt n,r,n , o M.ll, , XlllUui.tuiU al tn'ilu k, I M ' V L'AI I t'lHAN 11, vna't-- t , 1..,- - . rf , Jl t aifailj ilahL'lllifklu In u . I 'ti '..,,, J I pr efe H ira reltll... ail fi'eid, tl p., M Iba.. tl 1,1. I ail,,,, j, , , ' ' .! finiolat aul I'm .1 i. ..,",. Val fu'lr luri sal io ,utu4 Iku I ,, 1.: ' S lliil tail l.liee, llctlei 11, eu I ,.".' , "a .V , ' o'clo ,1 k, 'a't,,i I'l.AltKr- - ..."'' -- Uu - 1'inautl, dnubierei ,ud .!.... aao.i, .i,ra,!.VA ,.,. ' "'." V, '. ' i'ls 11 sllcaiip is, t, pi il,, f., ,.:: ,", " " " . '..'. '. . : r?""cla.t. ""''- - "" W u a. . , lllA'tH.1 Oa ltnr.dt-- . I' !, I.t ., . . Jill luinlul illa, an, ,. . , . , 'I., ,, , ,, UTl.,:.,i"".,,,,u.'.-,i- l ""' 'a. of 'Is f ml at,j,, 1, i r.B.e,,aud..flor.J,ln . ., , 10 iiieoil ila lateral, .1,1, u, , . 'a.b!i .Isla irillajco. .. ,7 ,,, a w" aio a if, K,l,. 13, 11 11 t j.. tlullAk Al Ai o'li I JJtu,r , . aiaa.1, V. , ,i, , J, hu r. Mi . .,' , ' t i ' """ '' '''" I iriiiiui, atU'.kiik, kllU.ui iur,l 11 no ,i- - 11 I in!"i?sr"N-.n- ". ."" i' i i. i' ' f'ea j 1. I ?.'," , V"Hi a, dlj.'s"0 ' 1 .Voal"!!1 l"' '.""T f-- "'' l ! tti,vsi:iiiifjii!u,m k " " " 'Ti j SI ti. 'l reildc P r",u,.'fu,r;.?M.","i,;.ii'.'' '"' " 1 ...'!v".".,".rJ,l v '. ;"' ',"', ' '(,', ' - I j
1 m- - aBBB. (" Special AdvorUsomonts TTri'KA!, 11) Tn R CITIZENS 01 'wiKookilN on nriuU' 01

Apr 18, 2018



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Page 1: m- - aBBB. (" Special AdvorUsomonts TTri'KA!, 11) Tn R CITIZENS 01 'wiKookilN on nriuU' 01

... m- - aBBB.

("Special AdvorUsomonts

TTri'KA!, 11) Tn R CITIZENS 01'wiKookilN on nriuU' 01 inn amuruiioN ro iMiRon(Tu. rusnnioN

Of 1IU 1'iHHt.,' AItntttUiribIUin!f UtBiftrf h.UittbJ mnH I f Aiaorlmoa M . ! tlflili j

I nj.M lW I aacnli ln0 iMI.W'.Mtaf P ' jmbi t rri t"llL,et HiMiiaiot w

t TU oLJni6ra at rcatdviil tbil H ! I !? 1

f tj at - rr I k tt) ?im ef Up iMoHitleaI ktiB t Utirt tfttbt tttfiaair ftm tu atrtoJ yiirrn uafaa b h t)l cib tfc rli

( tUoU ice.nt-Wtit.- tk I' tiuB4ruks, 1

Id Mtmfaimait UrtlitM U.lrcf mr ritrYTt.Btlt tttaliilol nlmelr'

IWdilei-io- It AMcU'i a fr i U miMiin moatr. f U( rir. don.t ablet- - tU urn

"lot iiaWtaat r (If moat uitaat.

n dlaltUnn-- m lui,cttfcim. peli.aBitit MMirltilbut .. It: 41 lo45l .i.IV, $) lfk. W 1.91 MM if iowwutv'

la rtrruirr. . W.M1.U i,HV'.'liMtrcb llM, l ;i4, (otMpiiMM

la tff. IV . tVt9, u rrifaihI)nbit,iSW. H lTi,iv S. arafata.

Itljftlr l.J 4ILM i,it' tl

i4i lUruttbrtt tiiAoiK lUi Ih t ttifrri!( nfilbi f lt ar. m ai-- then, ii.4

Ur lll rr4.1 jtfa ? lbt a rn! aiftfiumill doubt', iiU ruliiiM tblmmMibdtk

Bill 1Mb wii 41 M4 la lb fetB)0lh llI tMifttr laar4 ( a,-!-- t tl I'rlbuitd 4b fj if ! tvoreevibi 1 tnnr and Wartri of Itat! fiat, arid Bta ttimcaihaf ratttvt ar? l'h a til Mil it cat

aUat t,0 tn i!- - iif unr7b nofitUe r 1, ll tlttl t d f (btll

wiLlittilnif itd Ut llpp i

iiaU thttaar I - wy i fit n J t4 v cootm--i- t f Tt at cm lb lit Mr iri.irjtajbtN itturotirj rtliaf ih-J- t d UiitUer

la i la t lb pib fr htrd "Uurtvf14 uu 'J riU lt4i d lalars ! Ibarfra4j for Utot i f viU lit a 1 tln.4 , ar hi! n

f"t I4 ltr ( rtfetf. irti of trim f

ttfibtp iiotiuid wnoH idid Jul htnilikt fa tuf. uu f t tb tib1 at fcoitIB tut i if au- - tftftJ tit al Jiia4ili jr Uc .!

TLa Actrart frf (4.114 4 nn.tittt llrVtu.4r U41f 1H ill t ioi H.vkl B.tallitl la I iM. ll v(m1 ! , Irf k.r llmJlSGC ltt-- H t., iM ill Tl P .'?

. ribbot ti U p f tf tb PkpflBltatfiU ( tht

tetania iti itftutt raiu who, frwkkHltfMtiratlTStill W, il. '.OJMi u

K taaa, t" m q bi tVt Sac th enilii' W

tU iJii ! af ntt, Lkiiiilf viaitilttrtBih Ik H

V, ilirir, iit it t(Ir atri lit wbIt act tbU sir rvoi.. i. i I tui ttn !

wetk t" io it tuca ift tl U tit totiolfclr ititfcr'rtioe ta tt tnuicf thtlr abUtfTiaa i diB !IM at' ta rij. aibtiI4tl4f tinMlf a4a AnUacfi iriVMa lb tar bu4 ma thai It tMid u. ai4tatli n itro It viiaiii t uir 1 tiJ !l (or lli nU4 a 4 tha

UlatiM, aa4 Hit kkU dm t L a ! I"ttuiai f Utu Uiit aai f4r to ! i lli raaa uwaana. aa 1 taM4 ik vllw'i brt ti it U

ahttlFtlcc mt) ba Mitt to tl io Klur tf icur4Utrkt, t Itt of 1 scdtlilft a4t r lo Itertaal lUlli. 0arl Attv 9t lUtr lu ali--

tliMarir. i lb tiba vt u AiMAtiA,. ifift n;tilib.

I t jhiistvN',H,M'.l;V yfHK.UK,vu m ur.u c.

T C UlMMi,ltt'dll ALU.N

miiii Tib llu.lHT. TA

AN ARTICLE I0R THE I A!MIsZiTaatlatattwa rf cnaa lti lo N VihI aa4

"W ulliajjaiiU va t (Xffitib(4 puiUba ft vicaVliMdOMrcKTNr kis umov .

1 Um hi fMl'hatvtd IUaU, ur ra. Vibaft.4 10 tla 1 b Mtla t( met la tb wW, atti B kata b1 it Ul iUiif ttuit lltLttf lb tia4 o4 U- - sooib aal aofl aad aliarar(fiftltl(l It fin l ntI avert, rliUan faalof Klilai It Ta t lA at tt foatU ta .u--

Obrat, S UUlKibufH. at M a a lf bUl. I3j' r)V'il:l IH- l- '. UAlTF

i at Ik lttcl.4 4 A vu t ib4 Lull IUB1 S l T jtt all, 4 m a lai bljfc istaaiUt t.i4lllba, tt a ILlri jr. to lijo aulrtiaUa.

W LI AM Y IIK4UI.fcl W alilu r, "DC


M?N Ah Vuf on A l,yoJI'ncf X tju

OKUM 5im AiAJIZH LKniJItE- -J-- JUi4 tf lariM 144 at ll .Nv Vark A$

iwr ll A4tM.iu.i8i oi bJb afTk er niBi'i a if lit Uctur U1tdllu4 in UmIiiU. i iit Umi l4lllulayor atb - Ti. A (uitU Au'ibu f it '

in ii.a"WiL.4ar. Ik. ta f U Un4 uiuiU,i Ikuib

JUMXK 'Tuaa'ltt, ltb Mvbklf iW tlJUbiliilih'i

iuu.B'.(f tta(.MobatrbaUfhiatal U ka for ila ! u.mtia I'cllaitIU html! lll It laiiiul IOILClaUlf of lKm)llcktt tto t hi ! tb M wat ri liiuti at. 1 Ditt r, llaiaiuiB 4. i o

I'iMl'i. ua&ir si. U.J live , p'tt L- 4ti Ilro4"v , bdltbtr 4i C.. a'4 limaiF1 f (tf, Ul'llit oi U attaayaul Ulk tCmmiI L Mitk, lifblii ft, i 4ar klfb Ataoaafiatl I) ll lata, llutat Utile oti i 1'atk Ko ,

UMfisab Hl liUltaori 111' tiau it cat, k

Iio at il Am oa la-4- i loiiHai Td 8ar11 UiVL hra.y iubriiL vO ta,il ha datnand lo ib aalKIIIfa laltlf (IS

polUMXWIE MALI' At AHEMJib tiil acitoirrt. tl.i Jnitituiwu rwia

vtnrfibi I iir ( Uapirnn t r.Il 1 i.ietJi tai) tv laloiiqiba romrxnoltj

tht. Cartur ih iriuu iif la id rt hn luvioftcd, iMol i tnjt a ltrbiui iu a rtuJlo, andl. 0i mJi ua jct'b Vr iul aiwui aa4 ynac,a ia, Ibal 'la i,(ruar Ufja roia of ' taclian, wilbr firpJ t. m Utu iHQinidi Yluia oih-t- a.

rtoii ti)t-- aa atia art an.J m tlairItmtiftuii a Hi J in ttiv uuutr ; auit-ii-

aUtbii ll M..IK ON An tttit In Kat UFilaruttnOBt Ht iiK. tUi fkUoion,aift .Mr 11 UlJUill atf, a.Ui ct U-- Jj' i.uut .

l '.culii roaiauiw al trairr r'"Mfvil.l.i U r

II l VABM K.e ') ci trufiaa.

l'cufcMii.l N V Aut-ii-l i Jb. W Mull AND HLAl 1J ful tull (tmuct H'J otlu ct iv tht inI(vfilLiJ ai tin ratila f. 11 mt lntipf mi ! da 1

I Ml i lUe aibbi t w ta . c ntitiaiu aJvuttrtit 5i tie ! 9 j vaa , ilit t t auff Uifwdi- - 'liar.La.i r lte loU rw o1f l I'tpt'T.'II tull.f idu au4 (ti it- vitc l. lhf taI Vl'l ilt Ur'lUrlotl, t backtu ibJUUlalvl.UfUlKI I, tt' U, 1 . f M, H m l III Vi I It 'toauv 1U ci !'.! fiau J i iib (ab ajriM toiu a. Ii Pialvil t AUft. irM.f"iinol111 oi- - a Will r t'rr li a 4 ilfbMii 1 nlfl, bi Ki"rti rft. ill tli ibtlh ( v(1'rke 6 r t, (o. irllit, labi, I'.M tid, OiJiiiafBt lliiiiuali til r t'i,'M. a tb ih 'r ,mUt

f iroi-i- liitc tromp atfnuti,Mii ttt itrara4 lt rtialul if k'J A4lrii.f.QA IV A URL. N, So 4jT tia-- a it ll laa 1 it e ua,1 al dm

Sti:ki nnsi'iAND r.i.riThn yimnuI L cuUr .1 cr dil l (i i u uJ ii.bllilia r

I'lloti i til Hi i mi tial pi' lir lljit vntunaahint V. rutba Newiavan IIhiIi.)'aoitlila aj tl JbU tlaTCtv 4i nj tn u. Sta(ir'utliLi I iibttl aJ r(ai t aval iVaui.llaa at ll. t ajiab B.i ot lla V'lK LUb

or naiif tIiilr-- A ilI bf ibt'r I i IHUi . t"r-ar-

dl. A MVI. Allllutu li.. . . dt)tr4 r- - fiv.iifoilat imi . ij do

'lb l Ik au 0ltibilii'a lib! i, t ut i 4 tug'uit - aiiiau Jb ial Haiti' tt ilili eltj

1 if Ittu iiQ'n.i Ui tl iai fla jata, aalii it at irilUi lb atitlt-r- i la niUl t4crttl'ltr 'tt-- i i tarll ui it. alwf fljuni

, Ik a I iiLtittbeia ra& ,.tr if r a ttitftalIt ltibti tU.v a(jiviuf ia au otiaat ulI cm Utoiiu'V nil t ct v4 altudtviBtf li'f iuJeivioui t la i. tn urn

. CllAr ' KMKKj tS3 vi Aim trt.t air nv voiu; si s, nji r. ; t rsisI J. liAhiat li iiiiii Mit.l.atia4

rpm: oi.ulst i rnri.T: imr" uihIlOHTAM fO KWHYM H'Vl

On ll a Mai V Jihbal , 14T, il fl'll MITUAUthJi i.N. briD iitalkaj ll ffi "I 11 rnt.wji iwotui l a (. Uifii, riaail lauvli4, miI M AKUf wBrlvduMt tt p'Mnt i j.

jlur a auinbr af )an tlui p'r ba bad Urffir ituUtloil Ibin lb Kiubinai tt of i.l Ua

cfiw Ui pubtUbiJ iu ihla owJQtrraudlarlr'i t arraat cniibarcf Knt rtriuiicf Ptw inarhlDti

vb cbawair ibttar' luu witlt il OMitflal I.lttulail ta l'to'UlU'd fuu l I filitd Malta I a taut(jfike, bi, ftr a er tin., ten iL wcik

ttliitf a M tiaoui auj lovtotoi.1 bla Ibia iv ttim' 4t ul ta ' atU

Ltti tla I auliiUari io riioi t'i f iui f tubti m ip Ofatr 4 tubt irjanfa, ullaa J

llliilM tl work auJ la alawtJ lwrii(JiaiI adari, lb) Ibt iiuiik to ib L.aiLuia,

BibUtMtUlri B4 IkVCUUiI. u Ltittolut.I'll cirf It uui.1 a luik I Tuiutut

it oi rA) yt aiil irvajal I enJi.4 uftirl4,jbrila at aii t. Nwa aiartt-- a

l.umi w bit N.'i A, Li, I' lUba at9. 31 raikiaa, Na )Wik.

IATIN'-- "I N.N "To.t Tablliktri al tbortlr...illh, AUKHiCA.N, act a ifiuu wpi.auritac battuia li rrj t"unl Aftf.f f flatatrrtati i)iara(t J'iWbbiali tf UaaiwtOoiIan tb ibt am Va i r 1 ul4l, iata.icliru viiabta auvnr tlaa ifii k.

AmJrtaa k'f . A O443 K M la k It s V'V

rjKMrii I U' ri r

X tua t i. a

I t I 4


llll.M t'l AMfhll'iN WIKFIM A'tviionBd tit.!' ADl,nrch'i I'iM'I'iii if tt ilil

An, in V.liiv' uiiiliiff. ' luu itii.tlnl Miltill"

V AM Al'K" Till Allir. "i i.,.rni,ii' CKl.t II HC 1M A 1.1 1 1., bin . -l . Wik

HIMlKdilll'I.N - Urirlitlil if Wi. If..SlW IHKK fllKAIKK. -- ' KralldillmMl.Ul'i uAKIHti.- -" It, llt l.n.1." IIKtt

I'titi at Hull I Iriitpii.I nilAIIH Al IIII.ArH-l- b, Wtfllll NulrA allin lb, VaBdt.liil hi, ml" ,rl "ta lid ill,."I IIAKLKY WIIIIK'LnylSATIi'N I Hot I'f

-- lVtt. H, Itl. iui. ,f,titii'iiiiiiii Ar.IHSV I'AbTOli'B A IIUI.CIC -- "K..i.diM. Ar.

UtTII AVrSI'S ON UA Hill T llul-ort- l,',

IllltliCt. BOBIIk d,blM. buriMU,!HAM KUtMlhCO VSIIU'I.1-- J lliUu',n Pur.J, lus. ,,ir,a, tu

kPl.l.l tll.OS'H MINHIIUI.H, 'll Hrol,rbt w Atto,ii,!,r.srw Milnllk N, Von l.V.

iui linvpr U,Uuirili

Ki'i:ci,ii, nui' J. II. Srhenck, or I'hlladpliihla, Ile. W

ipicifullf luferma tLo pullis aai all pffactat ami BlI uoi l'listtia, tint bi lll vls',1 Si York fsr csn Itlulu Ion em Tueilar, at bi, r)uu, Na oilkr.J il,lnal, li. in t k tt. to 1 1" tl Ur Uitsact's mr Jkrsta la bit .011111117. coulbi, coutt, ron.amii'las fTt

hu ire ared io him Ihi aoufi lem of tl rem- - AllIte., ayarrwbaro. All alvlti trie, tul tar 0 jl

tiaoilialloD if tbi Lubii with hliltnil IIromll.r hi clialte ll ct A full aJPflr tf Ir A,tbpsck'i millelai mi bo olinned it b.i isctr, ,t B;

aTllirei. "ri m

(roter .1: ItaUei'o llidbcl I'renibiui 0JPralna UtrMrti ll(l s Sett A'ork 1,1 sV

j While wnlllnix fur a coush ' lo u ns II M

latao," foa ir, ellea aoalac iba leads of Lau Bluicl Itn, llallai trj al oara Jaras'i Lxprctirtnn fa ,'iia rura for all cioflli aul colli. feoldafiir t!

bin :ll fNirtoca llradarbco aie liulunll) cum 4

tr o ia do e Ifa t A 3is)ol Mat al ', i.icat I . jIi,k4e il'Ouily. eo u by all 11 ug,lsl IT "

The Set Weed sevtlnc .llnrbloea nreaa ou atlitbillou al tbiu ua stirr, 014 lm dear tin

Invallda' 1'rnyellnif t hairs nn II heela, lorin aadeat daar u.a cli n la) luta'iti.' LariiMt.lairtfar. Palpal raietiiii nr.n 61 ' la 1,n, rW. emlth, Mo tjtVillltinil li't!

Urnpsy nnd llrntel Can be Cured Lylloatti'. CarstlTa, at t SlEt.t Iloi. Pi si S1 Illiacoaiuiaad, u.,11. 1'ilea at per tinla I

The 1 litre Ma,blue I n 'a l.uek Sill hlawlu, ni.rlilba. 1.1. lAa llutt k. . r. u.lrlut!

au'ar et Ita ila log uitcbiiiij, I1 ''Jllndar, N, York .' u tL." '.."' ..',, i iiplllaiUu"

In a .ko-- t ,mf, , ,. n Hfull W'llsiadleaissdciS'tit! 4 oii.ut 11.'i 1.I1 nariaHo Jut. I V

.11., ,b, u .1 in a .i, i', t ., . ,,.r ,",,""" m -- " "w ,

W heeler A llaon l.nel. Milch setrloi 4Mull l,a na llallMliali Uakb.w, 1... Iu4.l.. ., f

tiiiTnew yojk uk,"JT .""ULNEX roit A M."


In rteir Yurh ll.ivui .hi jiii KiiL nr ri'iiMfnci,

AM) WII 1101 I' I.MI1MI0.V,

Cheap est Daily Wowspapcr In

tLo World!

tiic: sew vonit uriifoknrna rirv Tfitilitr fr olitninlnjf thft

iipwi f th iliir Irmii cr vM of lliM, h llirr 1, AlUnlir I aMr, li.r trip- -

r .pli or liv Mml, nml nniai HIEu llnl.K, ill ucuini jit (urni,


rf ptnfr flty rifr.'I'hi- - hun ! !, MMfilir. t'f n'Ril;

k iiiurtt r million i inii. untl tin. V iiiuf(it finiilc li'r I i ! Mi'K it i ittnt' riii.tpnuui h kUimO uirilimn ol iUvcr(iiii( iaiiItu 1 fullllij.

1111. I'lJK l i r ll.r aw-r- . ! 1.' I "it 'i(ntivo ul.iv tr luiintlitil lit ii irilr.i

y' fv.wi ; tiirr.i.l i li iui nil In tllwnt 111" Hill'.

M.,r i Mmli rf ur l ill Hlf ll. fl'lIM'I.I.Vi: I l!si. I'Ull Wl'l K.iir.u.t bjinnll itt M I )i II. I. A IN

i 1IIK I'llll Ki KJII AUVMriM.MIrt. Mi.ii.lin tn liHuttnn. hltoM IUI.N- -

ll'ln IIKIV IIM.1 I.I.NK. Iriai S iii, iIiiiii r.Miiril mirfiiifiiiii lid titiivf hiiiijii ivr nuii'iUvviutiUU ot unmiiAt

Mrii;tlillw IMllorMl DiT'i'""''!' t Till; SI N

I lie rlinrgr l .! ! I'll I' In mil InIvbiiltl i nliillilllm nUPhl hlitlillil ln uilillfKPil.

All liiirm rrUftitm in niltirliin,MiiiH.luriipuoii. ur wit uf tin pi liln.1liuli l,..lllfftl, lrtliM I. AlllltlMt-l- l tu tLt1 tvlThtvl,

SIllsl'S S III Mil.Cornet of iknMii uii I I'uIiimi '

2i s Yi,rii i

TI1K NKV V01JK SUN."It -- blnra far UI,"

"7uilAV MOHMNtlT FHI llT l.7To AiUrrtfai ra.

Ol k friPinJ, lio null tlnlr iiilti'iii,-UUUt-

i unl in), M In UijUl k1)I (u IiuIiiI I In inIn railv. ftn knp our uthm omu untl' .1

lull limtrfni Miniri tiitiiin i,f i,'lrrtli'inM.,Imt laiiimt iiKU lo iluijUy tUi;iJi uuU.,tut Iu tn lu 11'.

Hrln I Irrtlac.Tnr ,rr fur bulJiuk' uur tti' Imi n

ai an liirflai nll that tlm MtrlliPlit L'ilill'lit to tliriu la olllioat n rpu'llll I lip b III- -

irta of nuc jrtinu liurill) pnaicil n,ijrf tbi an vf .te licit riiiun,auci'. fiu'y a

atiurt tluat ii: rl,ii,al aluo tlm iiviltuoi;N'iiiiiiiiImt nit). tioiia wiro IihIi' in tlili amiulluT St.itra, .t kii are now !oao iihi tlm

rf 11111 of tie elrclimi fur tlin irfiaintir. St Uain,alilii atiuiiiVi tjrat upon tin

lipt. IhcirlrrUi ia In tLut Sim iwciirrinj: uuthe aiTonil iuoaila in liirrL- - tliri'ii vtik,finiii lo im,rru 1 lie New IUin(iUiri i'itlnli ulrA5i 0J1. tra a ilii'i ill f en uf ifiti ra', tor the rcwon tliat ilia in, a,r,Ul a., 1111

, t nli. of Itn of iiollU'h.1 mthe coaiitr) ut U u' '11'" i'y tlial iuii

:i C4ii ui tliat Stitte m aliVAAalll(liiiw iiniliileuon toniM-riiini- ita atirii, tli

Nun Uai, aliir, I n,prrltv ii lil i iIimiIi',1. iiolitui.llt, tbn

I IL'lli'ul liuionlj li'lli ao MaaU. that Unpit t ia ulitij'til In ,llt tiniratil It, In it

rl irla. Hut tlnr" - 11 ,ir, ml mti,rrf. &i.

lacVil In tlm iti f.unn 111 IhMl Mutt tIJ.n . . 1 tlm. 'Ihcru li ii iiUlnii ittl,i li.i-- ial ,.iiM, 11,111 fr.mi 4 po,ilii)LI" r nntiiii'A lor llntrrnwr !nuhli Ja fair to riiil.v ai iiVtu tin atnui;tlui il iiiaiM, to Mm iitorj to thiilli'iuoiirjta. lo rv Arm two proiiiiiirutcimllililci for Mm 1. lJoii. IK.nn i iiN4 ami imuiralMtiiu. IKiiiiimiv. I lirn inru wrielaiKiJ liji uipiing f. tlona In tlic ji.itl.1 .

&..1I LJ)U Mtlf linni' to MOIIIU '

(Ui rai'Ui'lai, Alter it utter ami enutnl j

l' tint !! till IflllTtl'.UII, Jl tllRIMAN

ri mil u lure u vnty of tult,out of iiliuiit ". li lmntlint iW.rhnUu "Ilm Ml ti inrly llini airiianl thfl c'lipr of rou m'. prai'tina nml

efiiMvl to fiulorw tlio noMin ill in, )rSi t Kin iianv of lila frt. lulu n It

tti L'lul tli 1 'ruioor ivr t'omim-tl-

, i.iiulmti il llu j. JwiN It. his--

tin, ami ii1'.iii;Ii iliejr m,l utt npnulyrii.lorrn tli l.ttr, it la unJrii.'ii. tint hroimlilernWo .lata of tin- - Sikviim fiiitlunailltoti forS'is 1 t lit. Iho IUiIh ui Iin0"r

I.l at liar viil only l,ua, oiu of a tulnlla'j of .,1,1 1, UDll jt mil tliciofuic lenoeii !

ilii. tli Umuoi'tiiU ilo mi rripiiri it rirj !

l.irt tin In mill w airy Hie htjtf I'miimliiit r.jllint, .Si llamptliuo iu Uu I'lrelion hat, tliv iLtj tm in. tor'ni'i In- - 114 tllirai Mobl ly 111 Apil llir 11111,'val la ilitStntiiil In-- (!" 11,11 1I40 rrtu'.l ia iluiillfi.l, iilil.omli the ham 1 lire kliliil mf.itor of ll.p li.iUn alt Jjljoila Itl.uni folloita I'ouiiei in ut 1111 tl.a nat Muuilay iuApril, itnj will ttiie the lUiiimlt a iwm

1; tirtiiry. Vircim,-- tt.unla wnt.ti mtinia hi'inif Ui fumlliTliiiiiilat 111 Mitt,.mil in, 1.1.1, tlo tlietai'lt olciin 1, a uu the

1.1 M i.iUt in J iue.

' .Nnpoltin'a i rcilt.'he ftili'iaaa of thu I inprrnr on tin- - a

ii'inbhui; ot Ibe Friutlt lgiatitt iri 1. ,

uiurtatu' of that ik'.wiouj .in I plauirulir Iho innuunr .11 wl.i.n lm arkuowlail

. a hiK hun li moil in tin i. 11, ,tn at rap,'ia 11 iikul ty pirtrmli il tMiolni 1104 rr.,1

pre .iriiatiuii 1 he cnilratoi In ' initeittitinii'Dt cmpitB'hi' Bfiia to tl'lnk waa)u lily liuiilu'ile on the ai I ol r'ranr hutlie .tilnilli that "the Uuppy ta ut llittobttlceil Arro coiiiiiroiuiii il h? un liuuaptcloai foucurrfLif ol Irrumit lure ' He

j might a well tinre auiil plainly tl.,it hlU

fir rebellion t it hi ltit 1 tonn iii-i-i

ami imlMtoretl to cireute Ibe jil m f oh- -'

taii.ii n foutliolil for 1'iuure un lhi fonilni'iii, but tliut with Id Jownfall ofthu n billion, liii McAlraq ttlmiuo col- -

Upml siiu, nml bfcaino utterly livpili a, Ti , .,a one ' luji.tpltioua

'll ' ' .' t lir 1.1 tpi t

' ,' , 'I



Ike Kinprror aaya that in gnatwere tl eaarrlHrfauVmatnliil that he "ipniftanroualy ' ilMcriuinril to rn alt bla anuy.'Ihla la nil aiuualni( e. mt oration. In

iinnrli aa he agnnl lno"l tiluc-lanil-

to nlthilraw ).. troupa In

ilifriiiire tn tie urfitit if 11101 ptranrraof nur o 11 Ilm, t on tlutt micttlonll,i t.ile of utltiiia in l.oinpf the l.mpi tor

lilmi.a iiitlafaclort. but Iiavms tnifoie 1,1a

1,111 the ginning tmlilury imptitlaiire ofI'lliailn. h- - Ixtruya lua Jrnlu'lay tf thatponrr by the for the perHituatnin ofthe Auatnati empire. In regard foluihrythe llmprrur tblnka Iho tlteal 1'umraofI urope ahoiibl art in roiirerl ta protett theI hrUtinna ntiil at the aati.ii timeiniinl.inithe authonl.t of the I'orte, ami pietint theilillirully lioru lt'itilin( to ami emu

plir.illou en the pari nf ollnl nationaI he tune of the ipenb toeraril theI'opo la 11,010 lentlderale tluiii liiijihtbate brtli eirie,l. Itnplici thatttbile telii'retinii mil lo the ilue of tlrl'npe na the of the Chun b, l'timi, ttilluiliiln lua temporal ptmir 'He ln.tor

apeuka hopefully ot tie ilitertml ntiil finau1 ml affaira of I route, nml of hi r I'.ui-fu- l ia

I lallona null uiber iwiii but at tin aametime he m)t thi i.alu Jed ntia mutt lie

lm leaxil. Mien It la ri'ineiiibercil IhutXtpi'lf mi hna Intnri ibly l.i M tl.i a.11110 toneaa t the unj roli.ibilit,ta 1'f ttm hie pnal 1

fill p oliatatlou ill' hatf li'l itliklit.I Ilia I'ltilau Kctcll.

'I ill. aciouiita tf the l'i uiau outhriiili inIn lunil uie co M,Kn Ami liaRiiiiiitait thatit la iiiiMtaihli to liiriii tteunu approiuiiatolilrn of lt I'll, til. (hero it rull'.i icnt tl'ill ure. hittettr, to proft1 that the lliitith(Iiim 1 anient la mluiiely alitmeil, nmlfiom llua laet tto mav out lmle tlml t lf opliaitjr b,ia nuiuel the n.ttnre of .1 reriiabloit'lrllioii. Me ai-- iiotbitiK iu the Mmtin far, tit indieate that Iho inotriiiciil laAi in ral on the piit of the Iriali l'limm1, or ilm a it itpp- - nr lo bi of tery leiiniilebleprfiairt.mia. o mfi r lhat the xciteitieiilin I'ltu.!!)! 11 Inteil iijioh die frnr f hatII may bieouie. i.ilber than of ita ri'H ntIliuKllltllile htl'l, it ahotllil bo remetubl'rriithat all tki tietta upon Ihu mbji t eon.ea

llituiih 1 uj(liu IiuikIk. ami tloit it ' inemIntly tin. iiiloreat f Di'litul to lelltltethe elif.ri tor nf llio outbreul. a, iiiurh npoialltit- - Ilm only Oispoti 'i tthlib apul,-o- f

the 'liiati'eiila iniiiterli ally ia tLc oneilatril 11. tlm IVIi mat nit, tu Hie elVtt that'Alet uikht biimliril I'l'iiliiiia, ui ilr eolii

innnn of ( ol. n t iinhiiii, li.iru ftrrati tl tothe fnmutjiu ruiiKo of lulls riinnlr x ntar InKillamey In the County Iter t." The(.iMamo'ii'd uf thia ilupaltli itiplua tli.ltIbe aajil il)hl liumlieit are ultl. uilltafb'lurtii i,r it pait of the iiitutTiit force. Ifthat liumbil rompriaeil the vhotn Imilt,the ilelllillt Hrtulo ttntint pr, bablt hatebienolteil iu tlio iltapalih i ho IVntana,niitnln ring about iilil luimlr ,1. ite V

tbluk, linnet rr. lhat the aitualinii 11111) beanniini il liji thtia ' A (oreo nf tcteralhuiiJtril Kenlatia hate bfeu colltctoil , theilumijltl 01 it'toii naa uecu iuimiu, ami meatroiift natural popitum le the inoutit.tiuimar Killartu t bna been e'lerHi! for tinrallying uliit. 'I'lm 1 rr ut foitn of theiiiiiireuia umouiita to nntl in eompatiaen tlth the alieuth of lln llrillall ill lotalready 111 lirl.iml. Ita lafal or rupture,if left tn ita ottn rerr.ur e. can onlybo .1. iiinitou of u itt ilaya. Hutit 11 ipulo plum tb t lltonuornml Lia mi u expert tie lihth 1'euiaiia uenerallv to rue at tliia aignal not onlv iu Ki rrami I oik, but IhrujhoU tl e itlaml. The)eipict lhat the toli'h vrhiel they lintn light-ei- l

tti'l inllimo llin putrkiliini of all In htmlatitlr-aua- the (n opla uf that liuhappv luillitrr ic uiuiv in one bobl. vi;?o una ami ileter-miu- t

a. blutv for lilieitr unit Imlepeutlnm'e.Ilimfit tbi, expei'tutian n,ll bo reittli'il,the aiitl alom tali tell, liiulu ia guoil

reaioi It will enl, aa all meliellolU Jl lliab palriotl Lko pietlilllalv tintrit ia 'allure, iluapioiutmi nt, greater opproaaio 1, 11ml perauuat aullul.u tu tlm leail

leia. Wo tear llua reault partly from tbnfail llutl Iho ituuilei'llob antioa lo bo ouly

lloial, a ol partly f out lle ttluu furn' ufI Itritllb lol'tiera ttbicli &utt vaubaa uvery

lottli a.l halultt iu Irelaml, lemly at a mutiieiil'a 1. lu'o lo tuUu the tie ,1 agaiuat aniuai leu tebtlliun. Tbo only hope lorlielaml that tta cull ceo ill thepriMiit lUotemeril ia lataau upon thehyputhtaii that the outbreak in Ketry itpint of .if-ner- plan, riurt3ie,l by theIiiIi banana nml tauluat.'ig uu upriamc tliluLilhnut the eouiitrt. It m.iv I,lhat the ii to thru tlm mtli uata oiltln-l- i guanl bv attraiung tlu-- n to themountain, v.' Killamey, ami ll.mi. .1 tlmopportune un o, to raiao ita, proii flag onin ery lull tup in lielaml. Time aill unuileiiito thia pi. lut, uml in tho iiwmil aomhl.o llu liijmla uf IreUiul iiui tu buiblhope, upon tht lejHirteil reault. U. tto eeelothlng iu tb.t 'Ulltlatlon atlwllg fl.lllli In

Lear them.

Ili'Utf for the -- lli.Tin. rilitua .0f .Vett loiL La .Mt lea- -

,,)mli'il ttith Hilar uaiial gi nrroeil;' to tueiituumli of tin nullum Kebai L, inun'- -

ki,l. Illl,iily liAl,;i'l'iTnllv l"i--0 ll'IMnotui it buiuanu auit cbauiablu eiitaip ,oa,attua! the rotiiitiy a imbbi i xampiu n. ouItibuiing tu the leliuf of ill, tteaa, uu urn terttheie it tAiktiu I' ia u latt beyuuiljiapule that thelo la a viry larj' ib ,tiluto jdfjiniuo ttrukfii lopulition at tho hAili'i.Iu tlm N, tlh thrre in i mp.wiilltit abulijano' nud proipi ilty, It ia tividi utl.t wrilutY tu a'lul aubttiuit. i i omlort Iu ll.ufiaullrriiig people. Tie UAtural bein rolem.uf many Iui iliuililra Lhii thttked bypulito.,J uiikidiratiii,i- - 'nit in it caetIII. o Una pslitli, ahuuld bo totally ig-- I

lion il. Il ttill bs Hair i liouli totalk aiitki nud ii tu ihoSouth wbeu liar at irviiiy tt'iuitk.iud child j

ilnn bate b&ta led and cared for. Tlmumuuul of dutiaaa ia tery gnat uml tlm(illil muit Iw U propt'rtiiin. I y to thaipU'ttMil time the find tullt't'inl iu Ibia illynitMiuita tu only thirty ouo tlmiiiaud duilaiaa cutiti ibut u pitifiilly ttiijll lur auwealthy a city jl N'rw Yolk 1 he aubji ctiliuuld Uut bo nlluHii) ludrop hero aud bufoiltotltu. but thouldlt' urgiil uml niiati--Uli III all bate dun,' Iheir duly, ui.uic ll.i'path ol duty ia iu plain.

Icntltib! Ike ( Hr., uutuiia'ly hrgu viodu, tioni the i ity

will tin in tbuHpilug riaiil'iu,; iai"l,t 'rumlie dull. nt. uf liU'iui . but clin ih In, iu

the euuiiuoualt lugb lauti Alir.i u iiii- -

l.erol pupla who have liteil in ihla . itjlur yi an are now on iho lookout ir bmiii'i

lid llroukltu. Willi iiuabuigb. Jertav Cut,llobnkeo, New.llk. 1'atiraon. nml oihi ru(lc"uiiing and town, vtnhinraiylOtniniluttalinn ol New York. rcmotalla not a mintrr uf ihoU-- bot of t

I'llirru. a largo c'aaanl paople,cvei J walk ol life, nbn cannot aflord to

illlll the reuti no a ilmabilel. nml Uncono nltrrBAtlvi lajt to go o iHldii

of llio citr fur liotnei. It ould bo farbetter for the city If mllibla or- -

tolutuiHlatioll1 I iilll'l be bid titleut it , lm! al ii.,e Tl it pi , li '' ti

v. . I, I ,1 ' a ' ' t . tt ' a i ,

. ' u

. a ' ...

, nnat be rich If he eon afford to lite clie-- I

where than io a tenerucst houie, and erenitlin dwell In the latter are obliged to

Ithoi oyer a large proportion ef their Inrnnieto the ftrariiioue owncri of (Le wretchedapartment!. Hut the time la not diatantwhen all thia will be changed lliorbllanttcnlidrlte people from the tily , drcrcaaeuf population diiuiiiialieadpuiaiiilforhonaraInuniiltioii of ilrmalul bitliga ilottti prieea.

and bene the welalit of tke latidlotdaararue will fall UJijU their etrn ihouldiraiu Ihi etiil,

Inlwaile la theThe Ittr.Mau (Itzl.ln accuaia the 'outli

of ingratitude toward Mr rr.AMim, and al!lndratnhla ili'iiatlnn aa peaila raatbefuie

wine. The (larrtR leteita fiom (he Houtheriijnuniala. aa "a fair type uf Ihem alt "the following eitrutt i tho Aiigutta((In I Sriliar.L'

" lawk at the man . lie ultra the uiuniigrmint of lua donation to Maaahurtta men- Maaui huaitta' Ite wanta tn grt the eontrol of the Southern ymith, that liu maymake Yatikt of thctu "

Tina errtalnli ahowi n ineftn aplrlt r,n thopart of the particular louriial ipiotc I. b itthe Auguata M'NTIM'i. ia no' a fair type ofthem all," On the tontrary though tyn urnin receipt of wine threo luiailicd and llltyriiiillierii pHpert only In u few eju'eptmnalcaaea luite we noticed any ill tntilinl ormiiateful rointneuta on the IVAiaitiT gill.The IIai rn atguea fiom intiilln ieut data,ulid dm a inanlfeit iiijifllt i to the moat nftho reapeclablu Ju'imala of the )iuuli bywhom Mr l'i tiailil'a mniilfuenie la nl andautly uppuiiatiil nnd idiiured.

iLc TnaAn iuii"Haiit error nteitta In the tepnrt

tmblitlicd ill the .Vett Yoilt puptra nl Ibeprnteidinga mi the Tat bill ill the ltmte ofUepiiai iitatltia on 1at llimailay etemiiic1 hr lull plopoaed tuliluute that pruwalnltnf tktl l Mating law lit wl.ii It the lillilntgin l ntnpitli'ea to add Ibe lay lo the prlloi hargeit tu entiaiitnara la tu li rminate on theiwiii ,,f pnl next. I lie lltuik liowi'ter,alter eonaldi tiiblo debate llrucV mil thatpillt ol the piloting bill, Ibe lllllt lulligthat the tlnlit of gua euiiipu men In inlil onthe tui la it rmlmiteil on tin mih uf Vprll.

,lm,; Ak plllilid the wunl mil Ikpla.edImlore the wold ' teriulliftliMl. luaklliv tinpiliigiapb Mad eiiiUlt the oppiiaiti ofWhat ttaa wlitten

I'oed ter the t'leple.'ihi n .eiy of Atlk(aata the laimton Ml u

i tl Iimi- - bate, at tl.i intii;utlnn nl Mr' Hairy I'luater, afnolntid it (.'oiuiiiitteo tu

lli't'lire into the anpply uf loikl, prodilrid in

tin, nml ulliet eemitrira, ittallabbi for thetroiking elaan a, a pionoaal which rnoiii'lm lula llaeif lo all lbireralilH nn iluubtol the fai t llat our people lire lll'ili I f. 'I.nml now, wbeii theie ia am h a giiieuilumtemctit llni'iigbuiit the noiiitrt foi Hiereiluttlou nf ;r, tin f, ur Ibtt tin U' orillg 111 HI lll be In nolae t iim thu nilAa will uuud i ut by Mr t heater ll.niinn many auhalutire utaibtide lot muirtabuu ut deatriltl d almplt lui'lll-- e Hu an railnul be biought Into tilarkela ttheie theywould Uriliif prirea ttbi, li w uld reioillieralethe pur, hiikar, I epei iallv milk Hut then taInure than llua, lur III tn nit pnrta artnle. e .it- -. ,..! i il. ..I..I....I i....'I III, I Oil ,1 111" llllllj l ,IF,, l, I', U ll' ,.lire abaiduti ly ill apirn d 'Intake it tingleilliulraiiou, tit la, which ire ao highly piinlin IaumIuii, ale iliNotlaiiil tuled urn teauitiul if caught fur annui mt nl ara thrownattiiy ll Itteleaa, Aglllll, in lllllliy pliteeamiialiTnntiiN geotv abuiiilaulty. but t'hev areimt utiliaul beciiiui- the people liaye it dreador ilielike ef nil ,( toad, toola.', tona of wntcrcteaaea grow, but tin t ale only tit forcow a Many p.irti of our nut atruiui withali, 11 liah. wliuli inn In laiihlil with wj'tliillr tiunbleiiuily that tumble n not taken

hat tiieieloro, ia moat latolillal la Ihutthe raaCHlreea uf one part kholllil be lltllirnlor tin benrtit lit itliother ll'ttiadot beinguatbev now are, neglected or deapuid ercnllv dn not a'i loiicli tyiinl new nrtielca ofliHid introduced, ua that old uml known uniaaluuiul bo pruimily apprti land, ami (kattlie fiv.pln bo tbuttii that thiua tin r hatnlHei. wimi tu li etl ure really ol greal tallie. Itread w'll evi r remain tbn alullof I. In. Imt blind bv itaell ia III

i)p4 tare la t our working rIaaMi laitaught where to look for a n halt, nml theyuilfiiuly want mu tluug mure, tyhb 1 inreality ia one uf the nmat uf alltlu- - iniiat be Inuj'il bow tu cook it. Onepha, ol tho lllillil allow a ftmptoma olaaaliiuing ttlilrh we cnittlv dread . loudtamiot be eatimaltil lit an many gruina oflatlait or in nun, ol iiilrugeu neither nttliek, am capable ol lioiirikhlltg the bodvAa bnve befor maiatid in mil artirloaon ill I'llllliaopbt it Komi ' , pi ril'lll'e laHir tn ub aa to what eoulalna moat nouriablnrU' and i Imal adaptiit lor anpporlingIhe Itlin nug lli'tn What la ttallted la thaitli njiHuuiiii of m ilutrii'l ahoiibl inmatin Ktallabbl ill liollivr, lur lealiythoIguoiat ee iliplayed lltlilattay in pelteillvarlt niching thu. i nritilneil with impruthdmi uua of pieaertutiuii and tr.iiikit, will ,tulow li Nl relieve, thuLgh Ihev may Hot perlii lit iituedy. the pre, i ut ilclu u m u a ilthi divt ul our wniklt.,' tlaxra

Ibe Future uf .lilnareolrt.A writing ubimt the prn

nuud lu'lruad btltviiu St 1'aul '.l.nii . andthr lnMU, it lalke Hupetior fcita " Ihut anilglily i tt willaoonbi built oi t i Wuteraof the wott cud of Nipt imr mut Itupaiatt ut Vi all intelllgi'l un li Mlliuicotala Ul t,! I'lm I'lijlaud I tb bri'ltiUlutl, belion long and In tuiuial it wuh ttool tim-

ber ttuolrl lllllla. ami l( a itfall that.tea Inglardniin alunilc: lil.o i lead iuthat tlonctahiu,.' Main am' lay th, IniimUHonajf the ;'iat iuiunor ityul the l..k tIfie uf Hu tiiimt. , boidi ting ontho vieat at' if Iiki Su1h;i or i ui'U'll betli r til III II the llilriln- l- Wllllela beillgwuriuwir at !l o inuulli ul ', laoua litterthan all M 1 alll Illlll ahorto owili tu tieI let that tlol take doi-- not ll inotir thel'i"l pa ttit ll,' stnt laaiiHm Ited linerif the orl hi wlili li la put , w hem,! rttied I ft w tf. li will ate it!' lna m.iuil!ieut Hat ju blU'i up. and lle.1. PiUolattilliittinei ii.iinik.ui mi '

Attitlra nt arte hurliigllrbl itttta,.) ArmaryTho Itltil'UwtN aaya. I In annul V la

gltlug atiwCviiiiltment lo L.III ' men andno teiliutlut ul Hi lone I, ibible ntpn Ht'iit. 'Die luauul icturu ut a na breei h

loailer, ulteree Imui'lin old ripm' old ruleimitket, baa le n , uiueutt'd. i; ' ab.mi'JIM it il ty ura .'low U'rned nut '1'ie newiiicio comblitei the (Aieelleuciea ir Hie ul'ercil muakiit M'teuun by Mutter tt'iioieri.llln. (.ml Hiuwa ,ol vii" of Col ilyrilitn aIfclcly iinetited uxeiMtitilt ra. Iintiii, Her'an'a i.iriin.i mIikII oni'utor and .tllm'abri'eli bloi k Mr Allku'i lirrrebluiderhilt' ''' pleua, lurj iy till tullibiuaflel ihoiiuitbii ia ii'duiialiu i ibe am pliUmwuinuk n.; the gnu leak lUtUU tugi'toiltut rn.pair Wllboil impalriiig l'. elttirliycu-aa- .

Iho tt n nun nla mud will, the romlnuvtiou gun louMt rtaiu Ha acmrtm lorlm.irungo bring, bate pnnn, ti i,iatiivli.'Mami IUI ellinlar unci iAU lb"" In tutteaiili" With it lar;,e auiiply ufcariiulgea clean ut tnia gnucan tually be tired H unci .11 tin raninliiuii, or I.Ktir in Ih" l"Uk ruu Hunthe spi'inrr II peallllu' iiMo, bui tial I III' illtliaiiliiiy wonbl prohibit not 1. or1 HUH a a liiltlilln Hie nlten'd limaket la

holieted tu b aa goo I a tin ei h Nuttier luru,e in the airtlee n any tint baa yef Peonintriiti'd. uml the giitiiiiinetit baa then foreliu in I'iifioli for linking How guna, bu' tillfor Iho pii.ent iniiely troi.alurui Hie o,dmica into unrih I'l.iib ia. Oua ut tbe pr

,ieaiea ut tbn work murium, the ubluile bote ia aiiinolhetl down, and the t irrt'iia "leitifuieed nnd inuib atreugtht lied bydririiia' in it tube nut more tbaii aix hundredtlil of au ilnn tlitik tthlill iatlllulyamirid ul both end. Ilm idea baa lintlinn li uppntition nmong artentitie innu, butpruvea tu be a practical and taliiahlo nun,

i the iun hartcl being made ill thia way uagood ai. or better than new. While thebore ul the gun la retimed by llio operationtu Ally himdietltha, or ixatlly ball' uuimli ill diameter Ilm amuiiut uf powder

i Hi tlm cartridge uaed i, iiicreaied frum litegi.ilu. (Hie iibliilloirauiei in aeteu, tha ballwiiiglung lJ gialiu. Caitrldgea aulllcieutIn teit tlitiroUj,lily ull the rrmodrlod gumme inmly ut Hie armory, and between ouuand two lli'.ii-aii- 't arc nnd daily for Ilmput poai ll,v hauimer of tho eouibin ttluiik n , n .1 atriku tin run nf the arlrntge,

. - t ii ii illy Ibe i if" but theitiitn,. , p' i e,l i mi o iejail'" ' ui a'e a


la auro to ba buaj for a long time tn rnme.aa there are altogether about une million Iuthe varfnua buildinga nn tho arniorr groundaThli largo aggregatolncliiileiT00,n09 intuleloader! In the nraenal which haye tieyerlieen uaed, 'JOO.OIX) of which iw hard uaagein the war, but haye been repaired, amiO0,) of the lama kind whirl, hate notti t bren oterhaiilml Bhljuuenta nl obi anddecrepit puni totitlnue tu be receited frnmtha yarimu nrrennta throughout the conntry Theaa alnjiineiila tin lude many

' irbcl guua and other ae, eh ttephieaAnionir aome which hnycret entlrcotiu hi atetwo W ilhatua biierh loiidiugemiiioti of rebelmanttfai litre teviral curioua rebel nkea(not ilohu Ilrown'), and aoiuo cartrolgehuga made by ollthcrll ladiea out of piece,of obi calico. There are nmong the nblguiia, rebel and federal, aomn whoae Itarrelaare twiated aoaa tomnke a reaprrtabli letter K. ami uthera with their birrcla complelely imrforateil by a ball In a rot ran di

I rretly at right anglia with tbe lolllae a ballwould take Iu paatlng through the barrel1 he large low preaanro engine at the waterdiopa la nii'ii to be remnyrtl to Intrinan ,S

W. roller a department rn the hill 'I wopnwerful Knonlti ateatn punipa, uianular-tnre-

at W nrren, will alio lm put In, umlwill be especially xutu tide for ipllck me incnae of lire, before tha largo ateinn tiro

ia ready for actlun. The tmllitig lliop,where nlltelypa ie leeentlT occiilred anm count ot a vertical eight-inc- h iml pullingapait. haa Uin itretigthened from Hieground up, mid ia now conaidert d a rfi i tlyaafe Cofoiiel lit titrtii haa trunafi ned thoal, irking del, iirtmei.t tu Ihe new ahop tu arredcial atn et. and la makiii; other rhniigiaIn ae, un a none e impleli, ayatemiatioiin'nl llaai.ticatlou nt llio work

i r.TTntt i'itMic!.ipiMtMA.The wmrm nnd A nrlrnltarul t'ruatieela

I ill'forula rrni'ocle- -l oblotl Mania forthe I'nrta I lhltiilloo I'retertloa Helunudad for the ilterland Itcule ant Ikernclrtc nml I Idea : rede A -- tnle C apt.lot leb"l.oeal .1lallrr- -l ountry Inrl'tttaia,, I'te,

Hli I'ltinrt.,!,. Jan. Kih Ihi?V'n have heard uf coillao uf Ihe ravigea

nf the recent groat ktormon theennt and theinti norof tlmlSlate I Inia barn aucividedby Ixuiitlful Spring wealher, whlrli haarfiteiiaiiew lmietiu to xegeiatioii and tonil agricultural Inlereata thrnughnut the"Male. Tlieaiuieaa which liaa Htlendiil the.ttiwth atul lapuitutiuii nf cneala during

tbe pait yiar, bai gn ally i iicotrgiel ourfariuera, who itru anwta a iiitu li lurgtrtiiautity uf lullJ with wheat and billet.Iliiiii haa eter bi tora bet u enwti Iu any one

kiacou. Iu the Niiithoiu pnitinna of theMate, the young; eenpt ure already hi ex- -

elteiit couilitoui. uml luaiiy firmoie batetnriii'd Iu their yoiiHgealtle in ptaiure thetrope, foriuir expttuiiitv bating piuitdittery HiltntitUKi'iiik.

Many ot tho roadi thioiiuliout the Malewere badly cut up by tin lain heaty raiuc,and in tliia i ny tbediuurfi) t" atleeU amininila i latltunteil ut rJ.'.laHi. 'Hie Karalloulalamla in the lower bay were completelycut nd Iroiiiioinmuiili'iitiuii tvilli the in.liuland by the florin vtuich ralaeil tin aiir- -

inuiidiiig 'tntrri tu the blight of ".' fntabove high ttater lunrk Tor more tluiii a

, looiiib no had tombed time and Ihelight lion.,' kivper uml oilier ii'iupaiila uftbiae Ubilula were li'illli ed alluit to theirluat cruet- - Mr 1'alkrr, llio lllllll biil-- o

keeper, urrivrd in Ihia ritt a few il.n a uguby a lug. which Iu Hingeil to reach tli laliHid. to tenew Ida atm k of iiroyiiiou,. Uureporta the nppeiirance on tlio lalauda ul apetiillurapcciea uf bawU. emtller than theillumuu hawk, nliltli xviia ploilllcillg gleat

itialniitiou aliluligkt the iloiiu atie fuwlat'airtiugoir many of much laiLi-- t aio tluiiillaeif Nunn apecimeua bate liceu i apturrd fur niuiuiliatiou by lialurallata iu lluailly.

T'lie (iolden City, which allied from thiaport on tbe luili ltutant, took aeyerul apei I

un ii" of California proiliuta finm dilleriutloiiutlra Iu tho state tu the Agriculturallit pattluent at Washington. Ainoug tbeaaweia apirita lurpeiiliue, Callforuia lifa,I'rt'iicli pruiiea, i unary bud, millet uml tlaiai ada, poppy beada and lio, xvhita mutt irdaped uml bo'r.tx the laat luimeil nrticle hat-ing been found rcci iitly iu great nbitmluucain I jihe county T hero wi re alao lent aaiuplcaufnatite led and white wii e Amongthem wi ro two aamplca of red Mini a madefrom tbn Illack inllmlel grape, olio hail bei'U healed to II1 de.rera,Kahr. in uccoriliitice with tha unw rreiirhtheory. Alan apeclrnena nf llrtiidy, coloietl,and purn aa n came from the t il I Appli-cation haa been made tnPepirtmetit tn lend if poinllde 1 ir prnpogvtlou in Ciilifornia. Mp until ollxea, Mnlianallium h. Calabria liquorice. Krench tea.i I,,Itoideuiin pruiiea uml (oik ftturua. itlatt built er new tiirntiri uf acedi ur plautainny hayn been receited Iroin foreigntne'a up to the lime nf aemling '1 be cliui itonml anil oft alifnrnlit admit ut the growingof any jdant or fruit known in I'urope . amimany ot then eoiild no doubt be profitablyralacd hero if llin Department would onlytaki the nccr nary trouble tu eui them lordiatribulion.

A Ann aai. rtuient of Callfurula cabinetwooda hat 1 eeu prepared for tka i'urii l'hlbitlon anions tthirb aro laurel roiowood,luahogany, black walnut and utliar Importnut I'oinihprolil wooda which aie ao ubuiulant Hi tho f.ale aa to be uaed for tirewondIn many p.titi of ll. 'Una la purlie tlarly ihecull wltll laurel, which. II It la brl eteif, halno aiiparlor i.i Iho world for tnUlnit amiithei wood purpoaat. In itaiintitn alati. It irel la one uf tbe niot beituIlllll ttouda klottn HI the trade. It when

i polialu'd reaeml llig k.ttili wood, l.t.t batinga rii tier iippeaianre ami iiutre nt an matami cheap prinaa it call be ataitieil ao aa tomak iinitationa ol tnabnany, aattn wood,blaik waluu. lurpta ami roaewuod the innlatioua being pel feet when uililn .1 nlo reiiilre tlm cloeal acrutiuv ut an miittill wuoda to dlfctlllgUlall tlillll llulu ihegi itiuiiu article

Ihe allbjet t nf tl'erallieil intliltlrr ia riefivituf coukiderr.ble attention thriiiglmiit' l' fottlia aa It laa..!! in other acctioiia ofH-- I iimii K'Tith-l- y tint ptccinit, u.M ilaven tlio lily loutiinrcl il pn ducta c' thoSiAa ctpurted Ufl yttr. hnwevcr, bilethe extort of tn aai.ri' miinunted iu roundunu ben tu ll may tin' io w ia uu rriauiltiuiil piodiii'iiou alii"d nt r,'il.'l 'i'uml the inallliraclj ifa ol Iho Mala a, ri'

iliill tu y iil.ulNl.lliHI un-- T he mere tax nilllio manufacture, tifAii Kram lacu alcna

law wna over J.'iaalival, ami Iheaatla Unl talua wua one ju.iai nam I ho uu I

d ra lax ptld by l t "Jtv latt tiar vaatl','l!rtf 'K Tin nti'iifla fur thu wluuoMalt tieio utcr t''.('ilV tt Among llio loatllla,itiirti ; lulcieata a.1 lla Stale maymeatuMi? tboao of aIk, tutlun, uila tiniii iLLla Piter ttpo foiimltitvi coiitei in riilug. cauuliJ nulla uml bout itud alua' fatvloriew.

Murai ni.'Wita hiyc been itpjfd to Califoima lur new ittteniii'tia thin lo any utbrrstate ia piij'ijrtiuu to iiorvilatmu, and m ii i al of tin ,; iciilloua hitya, pn.vnluf gieitprat Ileal tali, forming tUt Itaiki of it Inoixtitu lamuiuia nml gnlkK un mxtnt lmpulao to Iwftue aii'i'liaiutiu On tliaubpi'lthu Sail tTitOil'tu Hiltl'TI Hniiiraa.Without diaiKallied Iniliiatrf, CO alate attalua to tbe )lj:heat order of plofpirity

i T he South grev yeak by tlot'oaiug ltt cucrju a tu tho iiivi 'li tiuu of oua vr ttt u re ititaplci I. luailo uu aubaUutiilgain, fur the twaixa yi ua prior iu IttaV (hit

h. ia itliuoat ax, luiitcly detoud tu milung dun oi two a'l'ainihipa a uaintb irrtwl awuv marly atl that aim had In ahuwIII Ibe line ot home pr.Oillirtt. II, T tri'.KUli'I'onvibiited to tho uui'd a wealth, aud builtup Hi- - national credit ngalutt llin lua ufwar iuit loft l In' Slate tb it yielded it butlittle in bet ii Ihe tiUmtiilt ul geuunm

'plu,elit llin i.iliril Hidllaliy beaaHllio iro.iuou ul leal vulnea It widi'uoilthe ilelil fur emplnyiupiit ami the Indiuo-m- i

nl Inr peiinaiient reaideuce Imprnyed tlioblghwayi fortratel. chcckail tbe nomadicliiidi mica of our population, madn thewagoa uf labor, nml n nib rid the

I waya ol hung uiuto confuruiablu iu anni'tart and moril lawa Koundnea and fa-ctorial ipraug up. wbrie onlv bl icltauiilli

ahupi bad beeu. The achool home anil ,

i hiirch conteited Hie Weill with the. gamtiling deli! it li'l drinking aaloout, and iu a

largo degree dliptaced theui. iho plowtnrned up tnori mil than tho ink, uut toruin but cntkli it. 1'iually, iualiad of acini

'uuall our pruducta In a lew patkagti byalMinrr, we eiuplovetl durlug tha aacutnlhalf ut laat year a ileal of 1'.' ahlpa to lendtha aluglo article of wheat to Europe, A " tlm Atlantic btatca. and aro now (hip-ping Hour to Now York by tho IathluuiTliean am the lubttauiiil tiiuuipha uf Inliurdirectt'd in a taiutv uf cliauiieii, imteai ofbtiug tontinodtu unu and tliey it, muutlirIhe retention of a larger pmikiri mi of ouru ild prodm t at home Iti.ill wi . mi p ,.I retain when a were u i a I

. , . IIi tut ai u ' li ui s

'mill more rapl'L llalLrmdi ai coming into fnrilllalt tranaiiortatlon, and thitebyallimilalo pnaliictlori nnd luimlgratlouMilling ia not niiik Into dlirepiito, but rubiedto the rank "f n lyatrniatie induatry andriiiitrollrtl by Intrltlgi ore, patience a'.tltapital. wlulo ugricidture. and nntiiifacture, and trade feel Ita invigorating Infillcine w.lhout lutlenng frotuiti tiiinitmba ' j

1 he great mortality anion': ih Idreuiaattractmg a,nne atfi iition Ihron.-hnu-t theMale, and aa much of it is tracable to tha'awlll milk' diet width thoj rnein iininyfimlllea hate lately rouiludnl ti try the '

experiment of keeping ma or 'n re i iwafur tin Ir own ii. c. and let the I ulk nen gn

I to graaa Whcie tin, haa leu tried, aenrrcaiMindlng imprnreniput In the health anda proHirtioiialedecriaao in the ma tabty of

, tbe little onea haa been very perieutilde.Ihe proper protection uf thi Uterland

lloillo to tun I'ai lllc ll liuicll dlti itlld here,and the government ia adrited togltethebuilncaa luto tbn liamla of men who hatnipent their livea In the great Wiatem Trrrltonea, and who know bow io ileal with tlmIndiana, the ftilleat protei toui wunld lmgained at the attnlleat coat, ua theae men,knowing tho Lablta u tho red aklna wouldnever allow Iheinieltea to be ilrawn intoambuab nr be taken hi .i.rprian b tin lav-ug-

To eniura vteu ihe indiiU'ieiit pru-to- tt Inn which la now alt uled require! at

lemt ttiu Viilted Klatra ivbllera fur etrryrid ,V In that ernaaea the rn He and thenour cart are ouiielniilly guctd and ourhearta 'likened wllh the itory ol wl.oleaaleluniaartei It la believed tluit if llin enllrnroute waa divided into aeetluni of ." niileauml Ita priiteclinu and deltlico -l nut Iumen familiar with the miiutri ami with tho

j hthilAof tha ludiiiia, tnoie eltininnt pu,tfoj tiou would be aetilire I al far leaa coal thuilj the goteriitucnt i an now rt mler Tl ia pro

lection lua now become imlitpenri do lothe aecunty anil eiicnaa uf the inimn amiiigritulliual Inlereata of imr gnat W t at, rn

and I'aeiltc St ttt a

T he (loteriiineiil'a i tlotta to ae, on ai oalnig atation In the Medltii ia totiilm tided by the California plea, but aliothrrlilnilai fftutloli ll ilelnaliile I ,u lue I ittluc j

tor tlie i uiteiiii lite aud roll 1 iu urthe new In I iiujttirtntit intertouriu oprl cd up with the tolllitrlelof Atla.

T bla htte, aa wull itaolder Nlatca, bna gotit very largn elephant uu I. a lunula, in thehnpeiif a Mate I upilol building, wlm b la

tu iiiuun iif erectiou at hi crutiiciiio Although Iu html lor aeteral yeara. It baaunit rem bed the acolld alol y. itud the nrlltial i atimate nl,iaal baa lieen awilll itaidup. nnd it will reipuro a fiuttur peiu,,! ofal'tillt leu tculA and all additional exi'.iillluie ill I'.M '. 11 H tu lllilali il Hie tiut

Ifiiiiuetit would unw I ke tu i.rl nd of itaelephant, uml you Itnitki tb" kira. villijour llarlini Hiidgu und I w it llunry u

cuu eaailv imagiue win.t iline uppvara to be uu the imrcakc iu

thia lia'itlily I'lii' io am now 17ft piiaoneraIn the loiinlr Jail -- it largi r iiiiuibor Hun It

oti r lieflilt inlitullli'il al line UUio Of thehi polbeineu kept by the titx.uti imly lur Hclivo dut at au t mu tiuu,

laid ll ta liuw piopnaad to incitaao tlieil! liuiubi'r ai, ua tuietiiie latter proti ct,on to' tbn citirciia. Thedog lilliaallCe haa bet olile

an great ll, San Krauilkcu that tbn tily uu, Ibuiltlta bate tin In pioked up uml dealroyil

u.l tlie teir louiul. litiiing the imuii.i ulDeiemiicr '.111 witn .u potllideit. ot t milIVwpih ledcimn.1 nt a) i euib uml tin re11 ullnter wi le doalruveit. Sat ruUleutu I .eaIbnii yl u yt ir, iiuil mi ua ner uf utie whort.llkoil to'pat tak laat year waa tiled andiiiiiI lined $1 aud uoala, lua uoala iimouiltiugtu S" .al aii t'XpetiaitHexpurluit'iit

' Iu in m tottna ami plan am tliia Statel.i, t.lllnHUU Hindi! Ill ubaeivlllg the Sain

i b.Hli pieialU Hilt tu a gnat extent, andor, nmy buaiutaa ta trauaatted un that dayua readily aa uu any uther Au ellutt vraa

i ri ' eutly mado iu Souuru to Imltico biniiinaai ten tn clme their alorea ou numiut, aminturly all a, emeil tu be dillgbted with theidea, but alter it brief tnal they returned tothe nbl putha. A tumprulilikO il liuw beingtiled tu get them tutloae after 1 n't lock oilSiimlat iillirnooii, Spanking ot Sunday re-mind,' lua that a ttiy prodiictitu ledgo ufiletuuiiuaetl tuaita waa aliutkat Hungryllullow, Id Dorado County, uu Sumluy, Ubiliat., from whit ll lill ulvraga uf y.,UiJ a daybate been taken i ter Intt'.

Duortiuui fiom thu t luted stulua Amula tery freipii'iit In Una legmn, niul theygenerally maiiage to eludn puraiilt. but uuIhe ,'Uli lut nine deaerteia Iruiu the Klgbtblulled statu Catulry, atallotietl ut TortIti'iullug Sliaatt Contitr, were itrri'ilid atCbltnaml lodged In bill 'Ihehotrea umli'iiill)ineiita whiib tliey had earned oil wuluuiau itcotered.

Tho itage belweon Stockton and Copiieropolia (Sliaou'a Ilue) waa atopped bylilghwayiiiJii or 'intd ugenta" ou tbn ,,tliimt., ttilhlu four mile, uf the latter pi ire.unit rubbed uf $K brluuglug tu Weill.largo t. ( o beildea other luuperly beluug

I Ing tu the paiaoiigela, whu wtn rudelyunit red uut uf tlio aliige while tbe ruliberacoolly ici to woilt with bamiinr ami iIiupIto buak open ihe aafe limy would hat,blown up tbo whole concern liutvor tlm rutroatlea of tha driter to aparo lua tehicle

A fatal atlray la reported from irginiaCity, wliuli took idatu toward thniluao uflaat luuutb. T'ttubitilhera. tleruuiii, u.iincdSleiueuger, net upiod a ranch neai I'uieCink, .Nctaila I uuuty, aud, aa it frnpieutly happiua uut here, two oilier brothcra,named Andrew a, di lerituueil to ibare thorant'ti or to poiaoki it altogetbrr Accord-ingly, about llio ctt.aeut December, the twoAndrew! luailo their api.i nlalite, wellarmed, at the reildencu of lue Stilurngeia,where they commenced a ipiurrel with oneof the llermana, tho olhel baillg ubaeut atth tirua, which leaulted mono uf thu

abut dead ami the utbar mor-tally ttuuiidrd, while Mi'lni ni r hlinaelfletelted a ahot Iu Iho bock uf tho neik,which, liottoycr wua i.ot i jtiinlerfd fatal.Dining the progiraa uf u ball ut the ubote coiiiitv on ( lirtatinaa night, adrunken ti Unw n uued Until comtiienoeii aniiiiliacnmiiiatn Hung iutn the parly priirntuml kiirneiled ill ai unit injiirinx n trAyrek hefoie ho waa Sin li ia lifuin ( a,.iuruia. tiuti iln

A Horrible lirnib.A miuli iau belong ng tu nun ot the I'ren, h

rcginniiti baijuit met wlili nu oxtraordili.nj death ut Vila Ciuz lit) wai tuagedto plat ut a ball, and helug tery timelywrtit cut into the gardeu, nnd lludiug aw iter 1 ottle ou tho tot rate tonU it up amidrink t'et'ly Suddenly bo ralaeil uleaofiigout, and uiMtn uaalatnnce ixrritiug it waafouml tlntt un cuomoim ceutipcdu hailttxed Ita mnmlllilea In Ida lliroat The ani-- I

nial had taken up ita abode In llin neck olthu bottle, and ttaa waahed lulu bll mouthiu the ait uf dunking A aurcon whu waai altetl waa ubliged to cut it to piece, buttbe poNou from iho bite lunaed death in alew lioilla

Ttt Nodal Ktlt-t- lal ure.1 he Ciiii'icuuti llua.-- , iu i iiiuiui utin up.

. ou Ibia toja wb cli la now iillractiL iu''.iiiicli attintH u. aiyi.' Ihe i urrerrf literary ami lot tal diveriienaef women iu tun that cmlea me only culou.kttd tu reudrr lliem " uttutctlte i lillireii,Mthough too maiiy meu uro luuml it bo do tintruapect in tlm a the purity ul childhood. ItI, 1 crania uf lb wi akiieta which auch a lilolutlifta upon tliaiii that they becuinu aa "uuI bit," iu llin handa of a i ertaln clan of luou, wkoae I luef dall,nt la to plavv tb tluiii tor aai h atakca aa ure eaailyaw-p- t fioin the btard bt thoa" who aro rearraual ueithi i bi touaiiunte, bv tear, uri i..

'flierola a clan of idle ttotnei; both alngleand thou whnhtiel ttle realiw- t lor tluir

'malltll lelllluna whu im.igiiii' themaelieaao putt m iti r llio acta uea.i.a iri men thatthiy cuu n.lke iuui(i. at! ul tb ir pit aaure They glury iu auch i.iiuiie,t,,ami are juat uitt eaoimli to aiippoaothiy hattl iiule a con im it. wbiu ill'att, tUu,u vbunt tliev iliuiiabt tu bitelumpnicd batj only luau playing withibrao " aitractiro tiiildrtu." Muat meiiknow bow tu deal with cuqvottea and tonoften tho man ia found who pat a thi'inttearly for their paiua Napuln ti the (!t ataid that atatcfim li alinubl not be aought

amnng literary or aiieniiile men nor wiveaamong coiputie. Mm geuirally howto liter iloar uf tlu'au il.uzlll g liamulaIlia lex ibuuld repudiata theui aa tharuughly aa they ahotihl repudiala tho corre,mndinKclaiinf the mianiline gander, wlmaiuiat cou,iu an witn fir baier tnotirea

" ll yuu marry a woman," laid the HainanConiul to lm iud, "let it bo one wlm baaleon enough to mpcrlutend tbe ultiu.r uf ameal uf tlutuula, laato unough to dreaa her.aelf, prldo enough to waah before breakfaat,and icnio euuugh to hold In r tongue win nihe hai uuthiug tn lay."

Ibe great ueetlnf the timet ii for a lyitunof morals cppllcd hi rigidly to in in ui Inwoman. Tbere ibould In uu letting downof tho tlrtus reipilrod of but manahuuld bu lilted to itilttel llcudei Una.the loda uf morula preeirlhad fur womtti ianot li air broad enough Fein ile inuralt inpopt'ailt und, i ''iud aro a'! in. lo ml moni, w r l ut V . , r i

' , 'i "

i li t uv a -- i .'

the lsaipid luorallala. who have beta theiiiatruetnri uf mankind, ia taught, '

lhat ia all 1.CK1I, an far al it gnea : but,the neglett of the lolld duties of lifeotcaatom more xtnlatlou of the virtue ao y

Imiitcil utnn than all other rallies 'oinbineil. Tlie truly ' tit til woman who

haa good health la Hit' pendent enough topieaerve heralf .Sot ao with tb !

"genteel,' who bate beu brought upperfnt atrnngera to practical dutyand not qualihpd to employ thnrtime hi any benefit ml tnancrr Aa aaul of J

the Devil, that nf alt the men he ilibeil forhe liked tho idler but became be bll the I

bare huok . ao It may be aaul of the Idlewon. Hi Hi a atill mote emphatic aenie. I

W loin our main moraliati bold woman to jinch unit cbaatitt, and caat bar off unlraaahe bo alaive atuplnun, wby do nut our i

fi'liiale tuoraliala rxait tbe iam fealty to I

virtue from man I It ia nut neteiaary lorhiul Iu be abova lutpi.lou, not by a innlltlerabte. Theio la nu pruaput uf man'i relaxiliu lua view! ai tu wolnatl, atul wi utlier luoda of irlf delenra fur womant ban to at t on the prluciioe uf aatica fur H etfooao ahall ba aaute ulao fui the gun lerLudpr the preaent aortal rtnn the womenurn all Ibe tiuie tbetublug lb aarpeuta thatsling tbom to death,

"Alua ' when axil inert aie atrnnfr'u lifu ia guud, nopleuatir i luug '

the I'laloa ami Ibe Wcitrra Traab-ra- .

Mr lie) worth Dunne work ou ' tlW

Ami tu a ' na, tho followin; paaaar i

" lly daring iugenitity and patieneo, theweatern trader haa pimlieil a way tor ll

acrnaa thia ditticult trail of laud ; luaknig an o,eniiig for tratleand travel betweenIhe Atlantic and l'aclti. nceaua. Ila haadomi tliia feat aa a private tuan, withouthelp Iroul the Itate, witlumt rhceri frutnany learned Ualy, nt a tort of blood ulidiiniiiey ahull tan never bu counted uponi,trili. and for thii teaaim tie wnateruman thinks nothing nf blood, not iniicti i.rtieuaiire, when be legards tkcui n, beingtlitl'ttid 111 a blllluiaa that will hayIlo I. llllg Ida life in bu ua id, thi! rtckleal, ' tilloir, aaearitig oeer much, brim- -

IlilIU Willi b'lp wln-l- l help i of use, I, .

caieli a, of blutnl eituat lua own oryouri '

tar bet uml au A ab, almmt beyond a("Inline "1 1. - pith through tho ptaille halbeen pitted by him, itgain and agiiti, withbotiea but tho tr.lce of Ida pa"aage, of lilaailferiug. ilia away nut of eight with theautumnal linweri Xutnre li hern tonitrntig for man to do mure than throw at nil iijnin her lati laeiitie whb b may aloiwHselt 'iritdiiyln the fiuni li grin", nmongtlie grat a.tnd. end then vutiiib from algbttike tt.e track uf it a ip at eii. Hie 1 run lela not iran'a home. I ten if he hid timo toplant ami reap it, he i mild Innllv grow nlil.iile of grttoa, a atalk ol liullatl rotu, tu.tboao opt li ttatt, win re Inyiltiilaof lotUstaelalter tliinugli the nil, tle'totiriiiE Iu tbtirImugrr itiry gicrii leaf unit Iwlg "

I oabtr.'l t.'M Aloact lltbnal "Teihaccir.''Ihe Mayor uf Toledo t) , ou 'doiulay,

Hie fnllowlug no'o from an uiiuatti ufthe . ail -- i oulliied there tor gland . eny I

TniltKj, Vebcry U'. I'"7.Mi, Sin 1 taku the upcrtiiuilt of

wniiii I uae lew line, to you tu let yuu nothai 1 batu ben luiilliicd twinty one duvanml I haye not luul any Senteua nor hat v imtl ii b ,11ml titer ..or lam hot uuder any bailAa nial ua 1 tan bud out aud 1 doiit no

' tthithii I am held u, a tntiieaa ur whut if I

mu held aa a pnaner I Would like too havein v Stuteiik kn that 1 will no when tnr timei, out and it I am held nt a wltnc-- c I tti.hton would father put me on the i.luiu ingtill I hate my trile or lei mo out ao that I

i all get Soluo tiibaoo I dout think that therelai ny daugir of mt runin n way I w, uldrather litu uu one meal aday untl tob.ti oHum gu w ith out no more at present 1 re-

main yoiiie ubident Stirvont.letuiun Aikii 1'riiner.

tery Stuall 1 alb.He la iu a dreury waato of bald meteoro-lolcu- l

itatemeuta, a morais of niigbleiia'adulra, a labyrlutbuf iriiaoriuua and uugen-erou-

comiiieiita uu the doing! of otherpittalla nt scandal ilonlitleas, how '

ever, not tntindi'd for real damige--iti- r I

louiul bun. l.el ua drop uietaphur gu Into I

any aociety . not ncita-aril- y iutn1that nf tbo fciiburbuu " liuw " olkcuii detuilieil vlllaa, ol that nf iho ainatlcoiintiv town, or the colonial g urtaun, but Into tho lionu a and umotig the '

lamilleaol l.lgll-l- l gelitlelueu. ill, puntill tn litin to the geiieial louteraation itname of a mutual futud ia mentioned, nml '

autut thing w bull he ur iho, b,a ur her Inluuguiga bate a ild or done, in commentedupon with a fleedotn whttli to be Hi anyway lustillable, preaupiMihca u thoioiiglikiiutvlnlgo ol all able! uf tho caae alttl theminor worriei ot life, pertains babiea, andtbo like are aura In hato tht ir full abate vfthe cuuverauliuu. Ofcollisit cnnti iauti"iiubullt nur uwu past, present, and futiirt i,ktii, ily legitimate, in f.u I it iittuioat too llua tint it u to lie wishedthat egotism were it mole prntallliijr tlio Hi such inter, oulai II therebe cntiioraatlon which altniiltl bo thoexception and not tho lule, Itia the tarrngo w liith, In tial many huitiea, ia iliibcd upfor Iallv cntiaumption. II anyoiia tblnkawe 'xaggente, and Ihut atnall talk auch uawo hato been diacriblng ia ipllte ilniiei ivaary, let lulu rndoator tu abstain foi louruml twenty liotira only trout duimaui,.oltitr people! altalrs, and he will tlml mtho tlilbtiilty he eucuuuteia a proul of thutruth of what we h itn alle"ed. Ami thiaperuicioiia habit if Indulged in, obtains Ihemnilery. Ihe mind btconea unrrt itetl,tho mentul vialon la contrattetl, the ritlect-tt- e

tatultiri am pmaliitd by disuse Atlirat too lilvtolook up tlie'tlcllili'a b it kis aoon at delicti au that ere long he cannot.Wheu iu health, he rclused tu gate ou (lud sworld an aepk for leato ia from t by tlieli.'.ht of tbe glut iuui inn. hnprelerrid b'y thoaul of lua iiiiioralda uititlciat light to guoiixniily tutu the nilntitlii nu the little plot olground immediately around him , ami now,etrli it he can rabto lua head, he ia dax'ltdbt the extent nnd aplendor ot the prospectnth mil to lm gate, and without a sigh or itatlilglo ahriUKI litik tu lua uttn ualluaaplii'iii uf ubkcitalluli

A llor-e'- a Petlilsn lo bla llrlvr"Ho 'i up tho hill, wUipmonut coming

ilottu lull, hariy me not, on letel luad,ap.un mu not ; louao iu itnbln, for;et luenot of hay ami oorn, rnh me not . ol i leanwatei stint mo not. with iiioiigouud water,mglritiun nui , of soft dry bed, deputeme not. tired ami hot, wash me not Ifauk or tnlil. chill mi' not wuh bit nmlr, ma oh ! ieik me not s uml when you maangiy . sli iku lue not '

Wliv UaiiK l.adlra MarrAn exiliaiife aayi the that tutinc

ladiea aaeiu to have a habit of itailtig I,simply became they cannot help il, ua tokitp ill Iba laalilou that ara (nmpelled towear audi a buueh ut aim! ul tho back ofthe head that the natural ball' ia drawn toIln highest tousion. ami a the skin of thatoiehead la ill iwil batk, tl.o oi alula uia ,retau upw ltd tiiuluucy that leatu. the luipres.amu thai Hie gills look bobl uml iieico. Itaall a inittuko The dear creuiiiir, are purua gentle and loyuble u they our wete amiibey wi ild bo xmt williug to lower theirowillda if thny tmihlilu ao. lll.u'it tillingIhe treiiunduiii hill that is bnuii'I tn lli,,head iu inch a disadvantageous positionWhfti thowatcifnllagot iguuiod lit It. hum.the girls will '!;as iniakiyid ua Ilnliii liifmo iho adtcut of that tuui. : d,n

uf tuklillu.

A llltu'd Itrme.The I'lill idclphla .Sill, o! fi.i, ,'l,l

tile following lucideutA yuiiig mm wu, bfinra Al.liriiiin I unayesteidav Peg.ltelhi n.ilu""! ai..n Ilo

lanpy. A lltila khitir if i,i.m.i,.v uaknlhim u.i lliiuadai night, at I will ll, ami( hrs'iut a leula, to but 11 piper I he iblldwai but niiii. toars old, and llio wind via,flitting his ll"tli ih jh Ins t un red oteritig Dalamy, it was deposed aei,,,1 thacliil'l a Inimllo uf papiia. ami Ihu .v tin ininio the gutter Ihe boy ttMitullj itiiim,urated, when Deluuny kkkod hun lulu theatret t kuniiel, fiom whnli he eaiapod onlyafter glen! danger of bciu; cm uiuudor bya pasat ng,r railway car," buuic gentlouiou,wiiiieasliig tb, oiciirienre. i aun dthe iirresiut Uelaliet Ho wua tukeli to the kiatit'ii-lioiue- ,

win r0 during Uu night Lohul uuuppuituuily to pumlcr utcr In, lieaiilass-nsa- ,

uud yesterday uiuruing ho was n,,li i .

edloguebiil iu Hie huudiod dullais Iuauawtr at toiirt.

eaalslje III I'ltflhiml.1 we f 'cars agu wunbti ni-- tvia

worth about f Ol per ton, and were iisad n'llyfor ininurr flmy aro now wurth in Inililtul t'' ' P' i' ton, tu be cmi-- ml u.i n


into .'li It is uetlm ii, i in i' ' ii, 'I ..I I ,"l a

v I. I ' . : Ja

a uu .. , . ,,

1atrrppfct, It would etna,! ana third tit the llwoolen mill! 1 tbe I'nltcd Klntdnm. ami Jbring illitreaa upnti tbe IVeat Hiding in 1Yorkshire, is freat as that lately aiiflend IIn t.ancaablra frnm tbe want of cntton ItIs rllsrloaed In the teimrt on the Iau dt 11 I

HlhibilUia of Iw. that ellty-flv- c lm. mipoundi of abotldy ate annually conmn.i d inHngland a grea'ler quantity than tbe whole .

wo,.' prodm t of tho I m'ed s.atcs In l'i', 1m tstiuiated by the i en-- jt

Flaaat'al Siwi, "ilarkala, ic 4 I

Nrw Yiimr Saturtlay. b. IS, T M. ijTbe afternoon quotations uf the ger.eial , I

Stock market, compared with tbosf of lei- -

terday afternoon ibow a decline in ricenof from ,Vlo.vj I'er cant (lovttnaerta t

were itrady In rates and active ef sale. )Hold timed at 13o(( a 137. Ihe export ifgn'd aud silver ban for tbe week amountedto $a.l'7. tbo receipts from California,tTVi.Oun, the pirnuuli out of the TreamryI llticn for gnld tntereit on the public d 1 1.

tHi.OnO The loan mail-- waieaiy nt r pfr "V

cent on call an I at .' for governtnc nt f olla-tera-

Tlie ducnunt demand wai active,the bi at bills paiamg at '". with etceptloi altranaictloni at rdaj perient for Infrfii rgradi a there wai little or no demand. l'"i- -

enliange closed dull for the clean, cr.Ielgn at fiO days on KonJon were qiinttd at

lO-- X a in'Ja' for bankors'. On 'Change to-

day Flour was dull and loe a l.V lower.Wheat dull and 'ie a 1c lower Corn itshade firmer (lata le a He. lower, forkiiuil. lleef steady, laird unchanged, at.,lWhiskey quiet and itpidy.


rtstf adiae Am)lt li.'le, 11, IT Cla Ot.0li! t"l ftiCOO t 'St.ra.l !', l I lSe M. a. 'i I

M l'. eil-t-- i pa, t) da.. IcVa--

w n, . . a, fit, d,, .. , it i,Ota da ) ftt, i pa, ,n , I

iamf t It ,, I'llj is) 4, li'l I

1V3HK Ir.t 1 In as Hi .twin 'Ifoxj la Hurt'', tin Mr.!a"it(Keol Teau fc. Haw Apt, I'M da. ... l,s?t CoiMOs.lctaP.K t1a tu da H" ino fa.!, . ) 11 da. if--i II- -,

1 CI Ok'S Mill. II Utrineillf a 'WOO la 1' ft da Sin1K N.y.l' efc"t !i, V da . . II ,ini rrlafd M.'; yt n AHaaiic tl. a li- -

10 Eelald U.. lid SO da . S

tuO Mirb I.' s..n III llUlnl. I i'4se Vleh a Vt II I" da ylir,rill'l 11 4'1 da- - " alii U All U.M 1 ii da . it J

lla'b kta ev tm mi a. ttsi',a m.Klste V. Y tot 101 da tlrlKen IVaan lliak IS J it Keallnc tt.. IK .II I'k Coinluau'lH, 1 0 aai d 1,4ft I'll Nailoatl I 1 . I" d I 4'VII Ilk. S.Amarlta. li! vm rno ll IS'.

1!l llllin Co 4'ia It- -' ,1, IS,111 la Ideas a da . Ide rt',I n da. f ' , I m d,) . ten Mki

II da Mist, IV 0 If a It N. la.. Ittan ten. l.t, ti it an di... ila III, i i n.ui j i ' J" n

1M IMIleili.ri.l.l 4i j da ..1e 7'IS do. it, I si Cts A I'llis. It IVMV t llad.C lit 1 I 40 '

IW Mail t alan tal. iS M do. I ,tun da . 4S in da

da.. ..tvesst, lag da a 4 MUeriu, uia. ti I al do k HJIII Ian It H", 5 dn Mr ! . MiMs) da. .lit

cjpr.s iii)Ar fl1' 'il'ima. A U

rao us'iisit rf . vi iiuiu a i nu BBin ds. tl ' n e g d "I 0 nelfa kl.a). .HO XI i" i V

i ui da. n' :ni "ti mi ' mI 1 We,' laiaa Tl 4", ll d, tl 4"

to s.r.Oo. It... .! . in ao i ' a, MPM Fala 1' 'S la da 13 V . MKM s .. .ti Ml) H d'fArt da id', (mil ixil'll 1to da MO ', H ds i3 1

IS Til .l 1'it. K 41 IU rt' M.I fluu.l.o lis la ii p. 44 si da.. 7I' ia da aJ I1!1 do Tl'. 4 sj Co t W pf, I' s . I

Illlll da. Ill's '. da el' da.. . Ila i i On M ' ' 'rTO dt si T', til da II IS, IBB.1.01 Retdln' It I'll I SI da tit's JBB.M T II 7.AC

llooicatle ,1farketalhoieante l'rlce. jflOrciiaervniS VSr- -. I.f, ta H

Cafes. 10 Java. It'.ati'a I unarr, ITSHStg Bfl(iv fair lorruaaMIStll'. Uaraiaiko. IT ,ll - aTM

railaw. ld tits' Orliut 4 Mlddllor,Cr.laad.9l. da Matlla.

'TKA.ewf Pry ,ad. f ta al Tt oltt'Pil da. tMaakatal. 1. Per It Ma It lai. So s. aa. It Wats t,1,1 id barrioit 41, , BJ)H t -I- 'nMa tVlica. SVctlki t.l,kft.l da Ills BJ

1 fit Cruda Spatm. li tat Til, blaaalad do, 1 HOat a 1BHl.srdOII, I :al tu. taataat. I IS,1 tj ear ollaa. BfI'at'elaaat, cnuto. 19alsi,ida riilaad. ItllJ- Idlaod

rrasinanl Ha,f, w ra. Mil, tl Mall c P lTru ?, uo i rork. elar. in naritpatirr s.,m. m.iWOfaUTt a. wtn, n tj HJ)ST Pnier. Wen. Bjiiu,ltati mm. ol ta laacr. Ta41 Ctaaia.ejmnioa talailuia. ISair lara. aarlb 11,1V.

Auoari -- Cora. IfHttllS Havana, I 'Salt Si- - IB.flaad luliia, l.talfac lair Hi. Ml

Fwlt t' llall1, . Tlaiotbr. ata Tra,l,rn i8 .Vis Nl. ll.ti'id T T Ja 91. B)U dfMl Potto Hire 4Sn. Unirsvada, 4 ir B

rlewcrooMa llrlato,. HOaHTl, HlakasM. - X.alkttr, I, all llatiaa, TitV fj

Kaad I. .1,1.8',ataiter Laalara airirso, -- a- -- i Uanlbara BJ

pin, , ItltiaiO 0 t XMiliaiiitia bit board, liflia iaWMutanp niarebaoiabla Mt batrd. lton,si,rs(I,arlaa. tioiaboui I'oalar lad W aataltesrl,acd blabk, tatsiaClijO. C'bsrrr ' earda andklank Oak ,oa a.1.. tj uuaUial tttli a aad tiiali, Brionjoo n:ick w.inut. t j.iii M

lftlra''aaiaiii M tlisa. CareUOb dtlasei. 10 er, m1, to Co, Itsoraoa, xalj tiji. Alton, a M4 fl t lurk's llland. CaOa 1'k.tlla lot,.rar raoad. ITVj- t- , da Collate', esla. 0ia dnKamlle, Se Hcpa. e,w rrvo "itTI 1SAA d'. ,

lta. Ilia, Italia, I tta 1 tr .Upsi.r, IITtllfl Bllor laisil lot, , ,ir, IKiallj taaiai.clir to BU

iv:a i'",?,""'' ;n.',,r,. ,,,h' """" "irlari .a, ,

II can. ara, nr, in.l ,,,rt.a al lila pM. ',. i .rrow in, ,

' "aHaaeael lilt n,r,n , o M.ll, ,XlllUui.tuiU al tn'ilu k, I M ' V

L'AI I t'lHAN 11, vna't-- t , 1..,- - . rf, Jl t aifailj ilahL'lllifklu In u . I 'ti '..,,, JI pr efe H

ira reltll... ail fi'eid, tl p., MIba.. tl 1,1. I ail,,,, j, , , ' ' .!finiolat aul I'm .1 i. ..,",. Valfu'lr luri sal io ,utu4 Iku I ,, 1.: ' Slliiltail l.liee, llctlei 11, eu I ,.".' , "a .V ,'o'clo,1 k, 'a't,,i

I'l.AltKr- - ..."''-- Uu -


,ud.!....aao.i,.i,ra,!.VA ,.,. ' "'." V, '. '

i'ls 11 sllcaiip is, t, pi il,, f.,,.:: ,", " " " . '..'. '. . :r?""cla.t. ""''-- "" W u a. . ,

lllA'tH.1 Oa ltnr.dt-- . I' !, I.t ., . .Jill luinlul illa, an, ,. . , . , 'I., ,, , ,,UTl.,:.,i"".,,,,u.'.-,i- l ""' 'a.of 'Is f ml at,j,, 1, i r.B.e,,aud..flor.J,ln . ., ,10 iiieoil ila lateral, .1,1, u, , .'a.b!i .Isla irillajco. .. ,7 ,,, a w"aio a if, K,l,. 13, 11 11 t j..

tlullAk Al Ai o'li I JJtu,r , .

aiaa.1, V. , ,i, , J, hu r. Mi . .,' , ' t

i ' """ '' '''" Iiriiiiui, atU'.kiik, kllU.ui iur,l 11 no ,i- - 11 Iin!"i?sr"N-.n- ". ."" i' i i. i' '

f'ea j 1. I?.'," , V"Hi a,dlj.'s"0 ' 1

.Voal"!!1 l"' '.""T f-- "'' l!

tti,vsi:iiiifjii!u,m k " " "'Ti jSI ti. 'l reildc P

r",u,.'fu,r;.?M.","i,;.ii'.'' '"' " 1...'!v".".,".rJ,l v '. ;"'',"', ' '(,', ' - I
