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New Media and Advertising Individual Assignment Public Relations & Advertising 1213238 LEE SOOJIN

이수진 glass lock

Aug 07, 2015



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Page 1: 이수진 glass lock

New Media and Advertising Individual Assignment

Public Relations & Advertising 1213238 LEE SOOJIN

Page 2: 이수진 glass lock
Page 3: 이수진 glass lock


• I t i s a su b s i d i a r y b r a n d f r om Sa mk wa n g Gl a ss , CO.

a n d i t wa s l a u n ch e d i n 20 0 5 a f te r R&D p e r i od for 4

y ea r s .

• Gl a ss l ock ea r n e d $10 0 .3 mi l l i on i n 20 12 a n d th e

sa l e s a r e g r ow i n g s te a d i l y .

• Sa mk wa n g Gl a ss , a moth e r compa ny of Gl a ss l ock , h

a s 46-y ea r -ol d g l a ss-ma k i n g - te ch nol og y a n d i t s ma

i n b u s i n e ss i s ma k i n g a n d se l l i n g k i t ch en su pp l i e s .

• Gl a ss l ock h a v e b e en so l d i n 8 3 n a t i on s su ch a s

USA , Ca n a d a , Ch i n a , Eu r op e a n d th e r a te of t h e

a n n u a l a mou n t of e x p or t i n ov e r sea s i s mor e th a n

20 %.

“Clean & Fresh”

_as a company

Gl a ss l ock i s a b r a nd of a i r t i g h t con ta i n e r s ma d e u p of g l a ss .

Page 4: 이수진 glass lock

Glasslock airtight container has various shapes of

containers such as round, rectangular and square one

etc. And all of the lines are popular for the food


• It is not stained from the food colors and there is no tr

ansition from the foods' smells.

• Glasslock is made up of non-toxic glass.

• It is safe although you want to cook any foods with Gl

asslock using a microwave.

• Users don’t be worried about the environmental


“Clean & Fresh”

? _as a product

Page 5: 이수진 glass lock

“Clean & Fresh”

There are Glasslock pages for Korean, European, Indonesian, and Thai. In this section,

I'm going to analyze the Glasslock's Facebook pages, usually based on Korean page.

Generally, Glasslock pages have a litt

le brand popularity. Contents of Korean

page are also not that popular. (Most of t

he contents have just about 20~30 Like


Korean page has 1070 Likes.

USA page has 212 Likes.

Indonesian page has 227 Likes.

European page has 14 Likes.

Page 6: 이수진 glass lock

I n p r ev i ou s 3 mon th s ,

o T h e r e h a v e b e en a l mos t 1~ 3 d a y s of i n te r v a l s b e twe en e a ch of th e p os ts .

o T h e p a g e h a s 10 40 L i k e s , b u t th e r e a r e 467 p e op l e wh o commu n i ca te v i r t u a l l y i n th e

p a g e .

o For 3 mon th s , th e r e we r e on l y 6 commen ts Gl a ss l ock g a v e to con su me r s . Fu r th e r mor e ,

th e con su me r wh o g ot mos t of t h e r e sp on se fr om Gl a ss l ock wa s sa me p e r son , a n d i n fa c t ,

i n fa c t , t h e p e r son p a r t i c i p a te d i n ev en ts or p r omot i on s p a g es of a n oth e r compa n i e s

h e l d . A n d th e r a n g e of r e sp on se t i me i s 9 :30 A M~ 3:0 0 PM .

o T h ey u su a l l y u se p h oto a n d te x t fo r ma ts . Some t i mes v i d e o wh i ch a r e fo r e n te r ta i n men t

su b sc r i b e r s fe e l we r e u p l oa d e d .

o T h e p a g e a r e u s i n g fr i e n d l y l a n g u a g es . Bu t i t i s n ot v e r y i n for ma l o r n a u g h t y n u a n ce .

“Clean & Fresh”

? _overall information

Page 7: 이수진 glass lock

“Clean & Fresh”

Criteria of investigating

1. Interaction

- Contents that communicate with customers such as telling some stories or asking some questions.

2. Emotion

- Contents that make people feel various emotions. Regardless of products’ or services’

characteristics, all successful social media managements make consumers experience various


3. Entertainment

- Contents that users can enjoy, think about and remember the brand.

4. Relevance

- Contents that include the usage of the product or remind the product.

Glasslock’s Facebook fan page is used to advertise the brand for customers, pro

mote new designs of the glass containers, and interact with the customers who u

se Glasslock.

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“Clean & Fresh”

T h e mos t p opu l a r ma r k e te r -gen e r a ted pos t

wa s t h e p r omot i on p a ge wh en Gl a ss l ock

r e n ewed th e i r fa n p a ge . I t i s e v en t

con d u c ted a bou t 3 mon th s a go. T h e t e x t i s

sa y i n g t h a t su gges t i d ea s a bou t h ow peop l e

wh o h a v e s i n g l e l i fe s t y l e ca n l i v e we l l . Ea ch

of t h e t e n w i n n e r s h a d b een su pposed to g e t

a Gl a ss l ock ‘s eco tu mb l e r . A d d i t i on a l l y ,

w i n n i n g ch a n ce i n c r e a sed for t h e p eop l e wh o

sh a r e t h i s pos t .



O I n t e r a c t i on : T h i s p os t i n t e n d s to

ma k e con su me r s r e sp on d to ma k i n g

r e n ewed p a g e .

O En te r t a i n men t : Qu es t i on wh i ch

d ema n d s c r e a t i v e wa y to l i v e we l l

h a v e some sen se of e n te r t a i nmen t .

O Emot i on : I t i s h a r d to ma k e a n y

emot i on a l mov i n g for t h e con su me r s .

O Re l e v a n ce : T h e p r od u c t s i n t h i s

v i d eo a r e Sw i n g Bot t l e s i n G l a ss l ock .


Analysis for this post

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“Clean & Fresh”



T h e secon d popu l a r ma r k e te r -gen e r a ted pos t wa s

t h e l a t e s t p os t of Gl a ss l ock ‘s fan page. The number of

L i k e s of t h i s p os t wa s a l mos t 15 t i mes mor e t h a n

t h e n u mbe r of L i k e s mos t p os t s h a v e .

Con ten t s t e l l s a bou t t h e sh a pes of g l a ss p r od u c ts

a n d p r omote s t h a t Gl a ss l ock w i l l g i v e Glasslock’s n ew

p r od u c t , M i x i n gba l l , fo r t h e p eop l e wh o l e a v e i t s

c r e a t i v e n a me a s commen ts .

- I t a l so sa y s t h a t ch a n ce w i l l g r ow i f p eop l e l i k e

or sh a r e t h i s p os t .

O I n te r a c t i on : T h e pos t sa y s to t h e a u d i en ce

t h a t ma k e t h e n i ck n a me of t h e p r od u c t . Peop l e

a r e ma d e to t h i n k a bou t t h e sh a pe of n ew

Gl a ss l ock . A n d r e a l g i f t s for t h e w i n n e r s mea n

th a t t h i s p os t i s for r e a l i n t e r a c t i on w i t h t h e

a u d i e nce .

O Emot i on : I t i s h a r d for r e a d e r s to h a v e a n y

emot i on e x cep t for s i mp l e j oy fu l n e ss .

O En te r t a i n men t : Rega r d i n g t h e q u es t i on of t h e

pos t , p eop l e b ecome fu n n y t h i n k i n g a bou t i t s

sh a pe a n d mor e c r e a t i v e i d ea .

O Re l e v a n ce : T h e pos t i s c l e a r l y r e l e v a n t w i t h

t h e b r a n d , Gl a ss l ock .


Analysis for this post

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“Clean & Fresh”

T h i s i s t h e t h i r d popu l a r ma r k e te r -gen e r a ted pos t . I t

wa s u p l oa d ed on 27th Sep tembe r . T h e con ten t i s a v i d eo

t h a t two g i r l s i mp r ov i se t h e son g , A i r p l a ne , wh i ch i s a

sh or t son g of ch i l d r e n . T h e K or ea n t e x t mea n s t h a t

r e a l l y , t h e se a r e a h a l f of t h e a i r a n d a h a l f of t h e

sou n d . T h e bot t l e s a r e t h e p r od u c ts of Gl a ss l ock .



O I n te r a c t i on : I cou l d n ot f i n d a n y

commen ts for t h e con su me r s r e a d i ng th i s

pa ge . T h e r e a r e j u s t on e -wa y con ten t

a n d t h e t e x t l i k e a t i t l e of t h e v i d eo.

O En te r t a i n men t : Di f fe r e n t f r om oth e r

con ten t s i n Gl a ss l ock s fa n p a ge , t h i s

p os t i s v i d eo. We ca n see t h a t c r e a t i v e

i n a for m of t h e con ten t i s i mpor t a n t for

t h e popu l a r i t y .

O Emot i on : Re spon ses of t h e r e a d e r s of

t h e Gl a ss l ock s fa n p a ge sh ows th a t t h e y

en j oy t h i s v i d eo. A l so, t h e wa y of t a l k i n g

i s so f r i e n d l y t h a t t h e compa n y ca n

a pp r oa ch con su me r s p e r cep t i on e a s i l y .

O Re l e v a n ce : T h e p r od u c ts i n t h i s v i d eo

a r e Sw i n g Bot t l e s i n Gl a ss l ock .


Analysis for this post

Page 11: 이수진 glass lock

O I n te r a c t i on : T h e r e i s n o

i n te r a c t i on . Ju s t a sh or t

i n for ma t i on e x i s t s .

O En te r t a i n men t : T h e i n for ma t i on

i n t h i s p os t i s n ot i n t e r e s t i n g or

fu n n y a t a l l .

O Emot i on : No emot i on i s ma d e .

Mor eov e r , r e a d e r s ma y t h i n k t h i s

i s n ot r e l a t ed to t h emse l v e s a n d

th e y w i l l n ot wa tch t h e h ome -

sh opp i n g p r og r a m.

O Re l e v a n ce : T h e r e i s n o

Gl a ss l ock p r od u c ts . T h e r e i s on l y

s i mp l e sch ed u l e of t h e h ome -

sh opp i n g .

“Clean & Fresh”

T h i s i s t h e l e a s t p opu l a r ma r k e te r -

gen e r a ted pos t . I t wa s u p l oa d ed a f t e r t h e

r e n ewa l of t h e Fa cebook fa n p a ge . T h e

con ten t s i s j u s t a p i c tu r e , a n d i t on l y d e l i v e r

t h e i n for ma t i on t h a t Gl a ss l ock i s g o i n g to b e

on t e l e v i s i on h ome -sh opp i n g ch a n n e l fou r

d a y s a f t e r t h e d a y wh en th i s p os t u p l oa d ed .

T h e r e a r e ma n y pos ts l i k e t h i s i n t h e p a ge .

The least Popularity


Analysis for this post

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“Clean & Fresh”

1. Zi p l oc s Fa ceb ook fa n pa ge

Ziploc’s Facebook fan page is communicating really successfully. Thanks to tha

t point, 1,028,023 people like the page and 4,273 people are talking in this page.

The fan page is used to inspirate many household or people who are interested i

n practical living. The page’s manager seems to do his/her best quickly updatin

g the visual page, and the page’s main picture has been changed during writing

this report.

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“Clean & Fresh”

Useful information (Recipe)

& interesting form (Video)

O Interaction : Style of writing is so friendly. And it’s trying to communicate with consumers. O Entertainment : The information in this post the newly made recipe Ziploc created. That point can attract many consumers’ attention. O Emotion : The most important point is “Friendliness”. This is not showing, but recommending and telling to the audience. O Relevance : ‘Fruit Sandwich’ is stored by keeping in the Ziploc product. There is clear relevance between the contents and the brand.

O Interaction : There are direct comments to the specific consumers and individuals. Ziploc is calling each person’s name. O Entertainment : Ziploc is trying letting people entertain and relax themselves. O Emotion : This kind of contents can move others and get rid of the barriers in the consumers’ minds. O Relevance : There is little relevance. However, it makes people mentally relaxed. And it will ultimately make the brand “Ziploc” friendly to the audience.

new key

new key



new key

Little relevance,

but relaxing


<Comp e t i tor i n t h e s i mi l a r p r od u c t>

3,041 Likes 1,047 Likes

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“Clean & Fresh”

2. Eba y Motor s Fa cebook fa n pa ge

Ebay Motor’s Facebook fan page is used to inform many luxurious or historical c

ars. And it also provides useful information for the motorholics such as advertisi

ng of new TV program which is relevant with motors. Most of the talking people a

re men. However, their age spectrum is really various and they like the page reg

ardless of their wealth or social status.

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“Clean & Fresh”

Using the words like copy-


: “It’s photo finish ~day!”

O Interaction : Style of writing is like our talking in daily life. And this content intends to replies of the audience. People are replying with lots of excitement. O Entertainment : It is a quiz. Text form like this can stimulate the consumer’s interest. And they would not percept the contents in the page as advertising. O Emotion : The tone and manner of the content is very luxury. And the word “It’s photo finish ___day!” make the motorholics look forward to the next post. O Relevance : There is clear relevance. All the post is about the car and the nice drivers.

O Interaction : It also has a quiz form. And the writer wants the consumers to want to solve it. O Entertainment : Finding answer, the people can talking and chatting each other. In this process, they feel the entertainment. O Emotion : The product looks very luxury and the driver can be a role model for the motorholics. O Relevance : Ebay Motors is the brand which sells all products about the motors. The post including the role –model-like elements is really Facebook fan page managers’ viewer-attracting strategy.

new key

new key

Contents including the target’s

role-model-like elements

<Comp e t i tor for t h e soc i a l me d i a s t r a te g y >


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“Clean & Fresh”



<Entertainment> • Historical elements

- People feel interested in this kind

of the contents.

<Entertainment, Interaction> • Text form of a quiz - This stimulates people s creative and it will be able to entertain them. Also, all the quiz needs the replies of readers. So, it can be useful for interacting with the readers.

<Entertainment> • Using various medias for

contents - Glasslock used not only

picture for the posts, but also videos as content s media.

- This strategy is good for attracting various

spectrums of targets.

<Entertainment, Information> • The quiz such as ___model. - The elements were luxurious

cars. And it considers consumer s minds.

<Emotion> • Quick visual renewal

- Audience can be easily sick and tired of the old visualization. So, quick renewal would prevent this.

<Relevance> • All the posts are related with the brand. - People will perceive the brand effectively.

<Relevance, Emotion> • Lack of emotional contents & Too many brand-relevant contents

- Relevance of the contentsis essential elements in the brand fan page. However, if the page always updating this

way, consumers will be sick of the brand someday. - Sometimes, it is important to stimulate emotions of people. And it

can be realized by using contents related with people s life style.

<Interaction> • No comments related with the contents

- All the comments in the page were not funny or interesting at all. Comments in social

media should stimulate consumer s minds. It will be real interaction

between the company and the audience.

<Entertainment> • Using just one kind of media - The page was filled with only

photos of cars. - Facebook fan page which includes

monotonous contents make consumers cancel their Likes of the fan page. <Entertainment>

• Using various medias - Video, photo, text, link etc. <Relevance>

• Contents relative with their products - Some posts of Ziploc were not directly related with

their products. - Relevance is important. But, if the posts are used

for relaxing people tired of so many informational advertisements, this is not that bad strategy.

<Entertainment, Emotion> • Not quick renewal of the visual page

- There are always only products-related contents. And only the posts are being updated.

- Variety of visual tone and manner is also important. Facebook fan page is also advertisement.

<Emotion> • Too much informative posts

- Nowadays, people are living in the waves of information. Therefore, consumers

need to take a rest from those tired contents. - If they feel relaxation, they will have positive image

of the company.

<Relevance> • Attracting early-adoptor

- The page is only focusing on the models of cars. To some kind of

industry, this strategy can be dangerous.

- But, there are many early- -adoptors and motorholics in the motor industry. And this strategy would be successful for Ebay Motors.

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o Using the words including word-policy can be preventive for being tired of the contents in the brand fan page. - Text starting [It is photo finish ___day!]

“Clean & Fresh”

Insights from SWOT o Each strategies from SWOT analysis does not be applied to the communicational strategy in the fan pages of other industries. The strategy which is in a weakness area can be in the strength area in another brands of products or services. Ex) Giving only informational contents is harmful for the consumer industrial brands. However, it can be good strategy for motor industrial brands because people like early-adoptors are enthusiastic to the motor-related information. For Glasslock, relaxation from too much information would be important.


o Using various media is good for making entertaining contents. o People are interested in the posts which are practical or helpful for their daily life.

Entertainment o Using various media is good for making entertaining contents. o Quiz is an effective tool for stimulating the consumer s creative and interacting with the consumers. o Direct comments are essential for interacting with consumers. Emotion

o Emotional insights such as human-mind-based contents are good for relaxation. o Classical contents stimulates curiosity and gives luxurious feeling. o Upgrading the visual of the fan page refreshes the consumers.


o It is OK to upload the contents unrelated to the products or the services sometimes. - However, the contents have to remind some impressive feelings related to the brand.

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“Clean & Fresh”


* Practical contents o Some contents have to be practical or helpful for people s daily life.

Entertainment * Quiz o Quiz is an effective tool for stimulating the consumer s creative and interacting with the consumers. * Comments & calling each consumer s names o Direct comments are essential for interacting with consumers. * Promotion o Promotion which gives real prize has high participation rates.


* Classical item o Using classical items will enlarging imagination of application of Glasslock and give them luxurious feeling. * Visually Upgrading o Upgrading the visual of the fan page refreshes the consumers so that consumers don t become tired of Glasslock. - Visual page now is always just a picture of the products of Glasslock. * Emotional approach o Using just informational contents will make the readers sick of the posts made by Glasslock. - There are no early-adoptor among the Glasslock users.


* Uploading brand-unrelated contents sometimes - It is OK to upload the contents unrelated to the products or the services sometimes. - However, the contents have to remind some impressive feelings related to the Glasslock.

Applicable Insights from SWOT _ : How to improve your client’s brand Facebook Page?

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“Clean & Fresh”

* Comments & calling each consumer s names o Direct comments are essential for interacting with consumers.

* Practical contents o Some contents have to be practical or helpful for people s daily life

* Classical item o Using classical items will enlarging imagination of application of Glasslock and give them luxurious feeling.


Enter tainment


The post which is inspirational and

contain practical information for our

life will helpful for preventing

people s avoiding advertisements.

And Glasslock will respond all the

comments each consumer wrote.

So, I suggest,

Sangr ia mak ing posts.

Application _ : Sa mp l e con ten t s i n c l u d es t h e i n s i g h t s 1

Page 20: 이수진 glass lock

“Clean & Fresh”

리얼 상품주는 프ㅗ모션은 참여율을 높임 --> 모든 과정이 sns에서 이뤄지기보다 백st에선 (sns) -inspirational, practicalcontents로 샹그리아 - 스윙병에 담음-사이다 넣어서 --> usp살리기 --> most ppl remind the 반찬통 이미지, 하지만 다양한 제품이 존재함을 알 숭 ㅣㅆ음 일상적인 감성적인 컨텐츠로 회피 막자 -폴리시 지켜서 컨셉유지하되 비주얼 리뉴얼을 1달에 한 번하기 -현재의 제품사진 말고.

Application _ : Sa mp l e con ten t s i n c l u d es t h e i n s i g h t s 1

3. Slice each fruits so that pulpy and juice of the fruits can be

mixed well with your wine.

4. And then, put the slices of fruits into an any water bottle in

your house.

5. Put it in the fridge and ripen the mixed wine for 2~3 days.

6. If the wine is ripe, pour it into your Swing Bottle with soda.

Usually, people mix the soda right before they drink the Sangria,

however, you do not have to do drink that way. You can store it

in Swing Bottle!!

Although you pour all of the amount of your soda you want,

carbon dioxide in Swing bottle will not fly away.

Now, enjoy luxurious and refreshing Sangria!

It is a sunny Monday!

The theme of today is ...

Romantic Drinks!! :D

Well, I fell in love with drinking Sangria every night these days!

Have you heard about Sangria?

Originally, Sangria is an popular Spanish fruit wine.

I am going to explain about how to make Sangria.

Before reading, Swing Bottle of Glasslock will be greatly helpful.

1. First, you have to prepare a bottle of wine and soda. Oh!

You do not have to buy expensive one, because you will mix it

with various fruits!

2. Second, You need the fruits you want to add to your wine. I

am going to prepare an orange, lemon, apple, and grapefruit.

Wow.. Feels Fresh!!!!!

* Sample post

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“Clean & Fresh”

Application _ : Sa mp l e con ten t s i n c l u d es t h e i n s i g h t s 1

* Pictures I will upload to the post - Sangria and Swing Bottle

* Sample comments for the consumers

Consumer A : Wow~ It looks so delicious~! Glasslock : How about steak for today s dinner?

Consumer B : Shape is artistic. Can be practical item. Glasslock : Actually, Swing Bottle is also nice for interior item in the kitchen ><

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* Visually Upgrading o Upgrading the visual of the fan page refreshes the consumers so that consumers don t become tired of Glasslock. - Visual page now is always just a picture of the products of Glasslock. * Emotional approach o Using just informational contents will make the readers sick of the posts made by Glasslock. There are no early-adoptor among the Glasslock users


“Clean & Fresh”

Application _ : Sa mp l e con ten t s i n c l u d es t h e i n s i g h t s 2

The intro fan page of Glasslock has been

always the picture of the products in

Glasslock brand. After renewal 4 months

ago, it has not been changed. Consumer

can be easily sick of the monotonous


So, I suggest,

Renewal a t least once in a


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Application _ : Sa mp l e con ten t s i n c l u d es t h e i n s i g h t s 2

“Clean & Fresh”

* Sample renewal for the intro page of Facebook

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* Quiz o Quiz is an effective tool for stimulating the consumer s creative and interacting with the consumers.

“Clean & Fresh”

Application _ : Sa mp l e con ten t s i n c l u d es t h e i n s i g h t s 3 Most of posts in the Glasslock s fan page

are all product-related contents. This is

good for clear relevance and advertising

strategy. But, in social media,

communicating is more important than

advertising the brand name. Therefore, the

more consumers do not avoid the posts,

the more successful the fan page is.

For this purpose, quiz is nice tool for

refreshing consumer s attention. And I will

sometimes upload brand-unrelated posts

which can stimulate people s sensibility

So, I suggest,

Emotional post conta ining a



* Uploading brand-unrelated contents sometimes - It is OK to upload the contents unrelated to the products or the services sometimes. - However, the contents have to remind some impressive feelings related to the Glasslock.


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“Clean & Fresh”

Application _ : Sa mp l e con ten t s i n c l u d es t h e i n s i g h t s 3

It is rainy Sunday..

Hey, you, living alone man!

What do you think on a day like today?


I miss my family in my hometown.

Especially on today of all days, I want to eat bean-rice my

mom made

* Sample post

Consumer A : My mom sometimes gives dried side dishes. Glasslock is useful for containing them. Glasslock : Wow ~! I am happy to hear that. We would try to make more useful instruments!

* Sample comments for the consumers

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“Clean & Fresh”

Application 1 * Sangr ia mak ing posts.

* Emotional post conta ining a question.

Application 2

Application 3

* Renewal a t least once in a month.

- The plan will be helpful for interactive, entertaining, and emotional effects. - For example, it can prevent people s avoiding because the content is practical and not an advertisement.

- The plan will affect the consumers emotionally. - For example, many people these days easily get tired of advertising and a monotonous visual cannot attracts their attentions. Therefore, the fan page s renewal at least once in a month can be helpful for refreshing their perception of Glasslock.

- The plan will affect the consumers emotionally. - For example, many people these days easily get tired of advertising and a monotonous visual cannot attracts their attentions. Therefore, the fan page s renewal at least once in a month can be helpful for refreshing their perception of Glasslock.