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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION WHAT IS AN AGENDA? The truth is tl1.llt.with1n its slim pock,et-sized case, the AgendA is 0 powerful comput,er, r,eady progralmled to carry out many clever jobs. (And if you want to, you can even programme it to do other special ised tasks). But you need not worlY about that, What really matters to you is that it can doa OlJlnbe r 0 ve'r use fu ohs for yOU' -and that it is designed in way w ich mClkes it very ,easy to 'Use. * Portable filing system and self-organiser You Ciln and carry around with you all sorts of information: phone numbers and addresses on places you vislt (people, hotels. restaurants, shops) ,. train or plane timetables price lists, rate taLlest lists of stock items jokes, winelists. hobby details * '* con f i dent i aI i nfof01a t ion. c red i t Cd rd nUOlbe rs etc. etc. All the above. and much murc, can be filed and org,nised for you by the AgendA, You ca n exam ine th i S 1nforma t i on on the AgendA's dis play screen through an extremely quick and versatile isearchl system - incredibly it takes on average only 4 or 5 keystrokes to find a particular p'ec,e of in forma t i on. No more sea rc h i 09 th rough pages of e'ntri es (0 (ten fi 1 'ed with ch a nged items and de 1 e t ions) to find the phone number. addre ss or other information you need. Or. if you wish. any of the information can easily be printed out on a printer) or transferred onto a parsonal computer. And. whenever you wfsh j you can in just 3 seconds make a copy of all the information in your AgendA - no more nightmares of what would happen if you lost your address-book or orgaoiser. * A ointments diar key your appointments into the AgendA. It will automatically rut them in Ume and date order and,. at il single key strok.e. show you today's appointments (or any other dayls). You can a1so ask the AgendA to sound an ala I'::) to remi nd you of any nur,,h;; of ntmell ts. And l t autclila t i ca 11y keeps a record of al1Y past renl; nd ers you have 110 t re s ponde d to. - 1-

'* f t...Hitachi 6303 microprocessor, operating at high speed Internal 100 year clock/calendar with audible alarm Display 80 characters (4 lines of 20 characters per line) Liquid Crystal

Jan 28, 2021



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    The truth is tl1.llt.with1n its slim pock,et-sized case, the AgendA is 0 powerful comput,er, r,eady progralmled to carry out many clever jobs. (And if you want to, you can even programme it to do other special ised tasks).

    But you need not worlY about that, What really matters to you is that it can doa OlJlnbe r 0 ve'r use fu1·ohs for yOU' -and that it is designed in ~ way w ich mClkes it very ,easy to 'Use.

    * Portable filing system and self-organiser You Ciln ~tore and carry around with you all sorts of information:

    phone numbers and addresses i~form~tion on places you vislt (people, hotels.

    restaurants, shops),. train or plane timetables price lists, rate taLlest lists of stock items jokes, winelists. hobby details*

    '* con f i dent i a I i nfof01a t ion. cred i t Cd rd nUOlbe rs etc. etc.

    All the above. and much murc, can be ~utomatically filed and org,nised for you by the AgendA,

    You ca n exam ine th i S 1nformat i on on the AgendA's dis play screen through an extremely quick and versatile isearchl system - incredibly it takes on average only 4 or 5 keystrokes to find a particular p'ec,e of in forma t i on. No more sea rc h i 09 th rough pages of e'ntri es (0 (ten fi 1'ed with ch anged items and de 1e t ions) to find the phone number. addre ss or other information you need.

    Or. if you wish. any of the information can easily be printed out on a printer) or transferred onto a parsonal computer.

    And. whenever you wfsh j you can in just 3 seconds make a copy of all the information in your AgendA - no more nightmares of what would happen if you lost your address-book or orgaoiser.

    * A ointments diar key your appointments into the AgendA. It will automatically rut them in Ume and date order and,. at il single key strok.e. show you today's appointments (or any other dayls).

    You can a 1so ask the AgendA to sound an ala I'::) to remi nd you of any nur,,h;; of ~PlJoi ntmell ts. And l t autclila t i ca 11y keeps a record of al1Y past renl; nd ers you have 110 t re sponde d to.

    - 1

  • * Notepad Use t "lr: AJendA ; nsteil:1 of it no tel',1d ot the bac k of an e,." c11):):' to k~cr " list vf thing::, you have to do - LlI'd of the pOInts you heY": to dlSC1155 various people.

    When you have donl~ a task. sil'l,lly delete the itell~ 'ilnd you ti"lIie it deall II $ t 0 f tile r!?mil in; 119 l tems .

    • Calculator - and expense record The AgendA works eliSa normal pocket calculator.

    And you can usef t to ke,ep.. :rec,ord of your expe,nse,!o. As w; th everything else you do on the Agenda ~ you C(HI pri nt out your' e. pense' account at the touch of a but~)n. .

    • Reports, letters. records - and word-processing You, can use your ,AgendA for ailY short ,or' long piece of W' '1 U n9. uk i 09 advantage of the tremendous time-sav;,ng' features of Hs very powerful buii 1t- i n word~process ing progl'amme - edi t'ing I ; I'lsert i 1)9 or de 1et i n9 words t movl'og paragraplls etc. -

  • microwriterDD


    AgendA is an easy-to-use electronic personal organiser with a

    powerful database; a flexible action list; a diary/organiser

    with alarms; a calculator; a word processor and a full keypad,

    including easy-to-learn rapid text entry keys.


    Dimensions and Weight

    Length: 175mm Width: 85mm Depth: 22mm Weight: 290 gm

    Power Supply

    Built-in rechargeable Nickel Cadmium batteries - can be used

    for about a month on a single charge.'

    Battery charger supplied suitable for UK (US and Continental

    versions available as optional extra).•

    Adaptor for disposable batteries available as optional extra.


    Hitachi 6303 microprocessor, operating at high speed

    Internal 100 year clock/calendar with audible alarm


    80 characters (4 lines of 20 characters per line) Liquid

    Crystal Display

  • Memory

    Resident on board memory: choice of 32K or 64K bytes

    Two built-in "drives" for optional 32k RAM Memory Cards, with

    long-life lithium batteries, for security back-up or off-line

    storage. Can also be used to expand the fully - usable memory

    up to 128K. Even larger memory available through use of ROM


    Communications to Printers or Personal Computers

    RS232C or parallel interfaces via optional cable connectors.

    Flexible printer driving allows most features of all printers

    to the fully exploited with minimum effort.


    Silent elastomeric membrane keyboard comprising: a-z alpha and

    punctuation keys; separate numeric keypad; special-purpose

    function keys; separate rapid text entry Microwriting chord
