Top Banner
« Oaerailo- »ht* fleer WarBel .- A saSaSa«it^.«««'«»«.!-CaaaBarl«lia taw TTislrr- "rtt-rcheal« : I im tbl Vt-MMBItoti M.tlTal tmelHs-encer. Iviti i> »i « SS C.'.ki». 1 V.i ..«AltoMiy II. UV». ffgjgg a. Seo>nn~Ur.kK Sirs I lee', it *-*.' ¦«* ;. ... ioforina'.i in may a;¡ .c» taw id* "i ibeT American merchants. VVith your **'** » lseicct jour well kn; wn journal aa the eo»-rn*' ibrtrtia-liwlio «¦. «*OB*rej taa «sfasriag la» ,;'¿P to thf* Aaaericaa e iiaiaaattj. The fol- ".¡JJlTftcts have ! ia my banda by a (.¡uhhouacuftt-isi-ity: Within a few weoks put au aträn**." ment Ina beeii rtttumrcati'l b«'»*-< a t'.ia «uiHeri of (* lili anrl l eompan) of m;r:hants of Val- parti» * . . «-«sup¬ ply the California m*irk«.-t with il mr. Having mi ^hto.n m.nths,by a Btr. . ' s markot. m.<¡ .( ptcm.: aa a- nt-ary I labile m ii-j of art »meat is thut Tl ¦¦ j ear u great. a«aal.for . ¦< Butt th« i, a*, the com- I it! wheat ¡-e, wh". the I ] that bu . o "a id .'t vu ininui'ac- asa, and are principally owned by Americsn snd English proprietor!. Tne «le mills is about in quality, is ».') ia¡ mx i.iai.ufa;-'. "it.vl States. :.i ti.oro aro two o R i- iri'jntiily fur cii ri «otne i,0Í0 barr«.!«, and at tho capital, *'Httr kte'*;.ve establish- taeLta ct-aaged in manufa.-ta.-iir.' ke eapo-t. He- H'j. » urr' a u .inner of minor milli . li une ixmsumptun. ippears that there .:. winch mutt Bad a m*. r . ; tiacipal belog «rr.-at ;!u -t a- La that market be n ist .Ztravvaaot "mV itt>a ruinous D í '.-» to ei a above, by w loiuppi) to " time nxaofotj " the entire pro I of tho Caüfir. ía marliet is "»tirua'..-.! !¦> thea i gentleman to ba nnt kf t. .»'.,|. 0 barrels fosa ration, up-i- jbanilt n oro per month. 8uch is tit ir argument Bt-d calcuiati'in. 1 unis i!«-r it important thtttthí above facts sho-ild »be known tbrou'-'hout tho ¡.ited States, in ordor tl «.i Am- ricen de epare for a harta i a. Ha ........ itj* with loma lotellueot American shippers of thii city, they aro already of opinion tala attetapt at mon<>poly «wili have the eÜ'ect of stimulating imtead of deter¬ ring Airn'riian d«*aUrn from shipping flour via "Cape Horn." I presume the American ihipper Will liit!-(!ly lurremler «uch a market as Calif irnia affords without a co..t-.»t. K ¿perieiice ha« demon- atrated that flour can be shipped irotn tho States to California around the " Hora'' in a perfect «tato pf preservation and iweetnen. Some arguo, in¬ deed, that the Ion»; aea voyage, ariaing from the scceaaity of crossing the equator twice before it readies iti destination, will cauie it to lour, and reinler the flour of Chili thoreby preferable. It an error. If you will refer to tue report of aalei of American Hour in California, you will find that it tin been eold there aa dry and ai iweet as when it left New-York for that remote market. I con¬ versed, but a day or two airo, with an intelligent tnercbsnt, Mr. Griffin, ol Brooklyn, who recently ahippedone thouiand barrel! from .New-York. Ho informell ote tint he mid the same, aa lound at .Then he ibipped it, lor t teeit'yJive tUtllars per bar- rti- That objection i«, therefore, futile. Surmiiei are ol no avail in the lace of tact*. It hai been provea to be perfectly practicable. Already two or three cargoea of flour from tha States have stopped at this port "in traniitu" to "San Fran. i«.u, since I ha»e been in the Consu¬ late, and when here it was in the moat marketable condition. So it remain! fur the future to show Whether the American dealer will surrender to the "Chile..«/ tliie new an«l umiiiputed market. Will not Oiegou, Australia, and the Huaiian pouei- aious. too, attempt a competition f llout verront. I rciiiaiu vour obtidlenl »»«rvatit. /.. w. I'OTTElt, IT. B. Cssasat. The (.rent Freahet In l.aaUlnna. Static or the Hivir..The St. FrancitvU/e iLs.) Chronicle of the IMh in*r_ has the following: j. tivt-r bai roc« d«*«l aoiiie two or thr«*e inche« »ni in the past week. Many think, however, it is BttriboUbte to a break in the ("rajid Levee sbovo tbi» place in the parish ol l'ointe Coupée. We hh«,. ur.b-ritood that tho water at the crevaiie ii Borne twenty foct deep, and running through very rapidly The amount of damage luitained by »linter», icatteri-d over a vait reirionof country, ii incali-uleble. The Union Ußagt Oauttt of Saturday says: We uinlorstand that anoth.-r c.i'vaise ocourr-.i i,i Weil liatón U-.uire on W«»dne»day evening las';, Bear LobdcH's store, some 13 miles al>ove this pli.e. The l\anklin Planter»' Banner of the nth init. before it waa known there that the Grand Levee bed «riven way. thus «ximplaine.l of the danger of too much wat«»r: '.TUe water in the Teche is in many places en- ttroirbiaa upon tho banks, and the swelling tide looks threatenbig. Plantations on the north side of the Techo are invade«! by the (lowing waters, front aud rear; some planters have already auf ferod much, and will suffer severely if the water makes any further inroads ui>on their crops. 8hould the Grand Levee bresk, our planters, particularly those on the north side of ««Isa Teche, and on the Boul. ami in the lower part of the Pariah, will luf fer treat losses, and be put to great trouble and in- eoevenience.'' In relation to the crevaiie at Grand Levee, the riajtemim S-ntmel of the lath «lyi; The come quenco of thii break, it ia feared, wili prove diiattroua in the extreme to the planters ro- aiding on the west bsnk of Grosse Tete, in tine Ilberville) Pariih. Tne «rppoiite bank, wo believe, l k'renis «.. «-rll .we.l The bayou had riien love¬ 's! inche» lince the break, and at lut account* wai atili r.iirg. Seven cr eiitht mchei more and vait wrtacea will be iwaliowed by the flood." ¦-.o*- Ciioi.tut Uim A..*is.~ltiinottobedisguiiod Or ouputed that there have be«a lèverai caiei of chol.ra »nuur city whichtermiuated fatally within abelaittwodiy.. CoMi'icrtMt. ,lam w .> 7j" "' able «, eoU-May t. fcmi. v*.rU ,lf l^^nVtíSíZ an the Vltl. ol June there were near'nft "oaS. ner day of cholera here. \ ,',t,rjRV there*were . few-very few mwmparuwu. Probably It« be but a lew casea dam.g tie > ear. Ti Siukrn'i'e (Teijn ) l!« <¡n- v( Friday, til«*?!.! init. lay« We regret that our duty to the'oommu- aity ii a pabHc jour. V¡»t. i a*npa]| ui to anuounce the of the cholera in our city, ftn çai-t hove incurred of a fata! character. »B» The Parkir Tvamim ¡..\.Although aome twenty or thirty witnesses were exsmine«J yester day, nthing matenai was elu ited. The mtmier in wh-.rh thu eaaminatkn haa been conducted is wvir^Wa«Tb*'vWe,,c* ia*f»-* Si ven in ,>V«?.Ä ¡V «î« day. each in relation to^ chart!^T?íU,re,^0li,D,on, No intimatn h^rikLth° .^^P'1 wit" cveriiaulitig of cha«»i«teri £a~ fl*w th*t thil 6 ««-aciora wm ,«,. «^ a,nclode4Í the »«ool and «aear wea^fo7^./<>,l^la/..*y. aert.on tte*t C,V,P * lh*t i . ^:*^tf jom «.¿7ï»r= ..... «A. \- w . . ... * "; «I «tat aaawTa. -*-.-.... W mfeimtntlnmi LEGAL NOTICES._ Srri'.FMK covín tr> "Ae aesrse« <¦' Am »i «S... r. A .i'-iitawaalr-aaaat».aahy -.f «h» '.¦«» of«»» Tor«., ».*. s I l>*-y «treat tee Ma« to th*«o«iUier1y atl* Uwe» «,l bagaran Br-.».«-»y aal ti.anarn h alraat. a tLa Third Ward of m aainoa-r« of Ca'jrott* «atl Aassss BM«t,« sse. - IBM a .¦¦-. . M II - « rul«of Um »reinal. ta 1 ,rk.»nt».« o* là* Mi J«, ofSep- .r»..»r.i 1 IL« t"\: r-i.ou of Um Art .»< f «I»« Ait to »n.e-f «a Act »at."»4 a- Sri to r»-4-ir» aa«T»Ta! '»- N-» Inri into »a» Art. »M" « Ut» ». r.«U»od Aaaaaant» tn»o«A~t»rao( the loi« »»a»»«»- ..-,» Aaaateanteal. »I- - '. .«a»»"i'.f «¦Mal laan.'-H» .--.¦¦' - Jr.) ¡il M) l II IM >.. ) PU COL'KT. -Il th« aiAitsr ni th* I la« - . lia«**»ail I - I tb* ÎUia »-Í N«» T^.rk. kt Si*. .«1 H -¡i-INis .r hr, ¦'¦ »I Cesirt«!« ¡ lay, or sa ttmunmta Ctatt«! taa * fur t'ja ai i. loe-t ol Cr-n.ii-,«au.u«r» t A»*»»»- « «il ! al rniiiar ; that th* uaiur« «ni Mitut ».»ncfroia red. 1**.» »'"I "t* '.\ «ri. ..( i m liai, ur ,.!».. »ftk* Ci.) of N«» York, by . » - . -.r»»'.«-H K..«.ia in th« City of ÎU- t -t »Oiaip-i««,.»»«,'- p«a«aj April la l«'«. I-aMO, "».» V«r«, Jnr.« Vh, ISBA j«n Ur« HIÎISRT r. DAVIES. CuruMl toths Corp.irsl.o3. _ilim». «-HUI J...«KI'H STORRS sgs".-! WILLIAM PfaKEKT ORAT «ad a.ate la Muaint .-i . tarree tupnmsCetuXof th» St»ta of Ne» York, 1 will »«ni,.«, l, »t llo'el d M. »t Uot M-r » V-.rk, al: lh»t rr'Uin lot oilar. Mr-« rsrseI .. leBewe, ttar'rinirir si » .rteer. .1 »tant w».t»r\ .».-,¦. wr.t ,,n,rr of Horat.o atrat-î. sari H .,., .-,.-¦ , »r«t»rl)' »lang tl.e nort«>-r tal* al II .¦,.» aorlhsrg aerelata1 w t>i <.r-«n»ich «t.«tIRj i.ea, Uiao-e «aalerly pATallel with Hora .ü.erly l-arail'. !.». to tb*m«rtli»r'y «.-la .: II irai TH')«* -«.-rT Jos« A. \V»m. Plant.« a Attorney. I .»1»« P IBI.If ADMINISTRA TOK'9 Of'KICE. No. 7 N«»a«.i ttSmUL. s .¦» Iif-m.) ri»en, t.. tli«. relative« aod next km of M4RY J Kl IV ol Ut« I '¦¦ »..«* l.-rk, widi.w, dei-es«».!, s»l wl,.,is .i iDtaalate, tint 1 «han apply to II* virrog»»» oi itaoa -pon that«« Ut» .if tit« u.J l th* Datad Hem V rk..' j.o.,«»«w J\»S»:s S H «.VKK. il.v Adm n.atrator. Pi 111.I» ali«4IM-IllAT«iK'S OITfU » t,,,!.. WILLIAM I> IU,I HI «] 1 .L»!l «|.(.l. to DaU Be« Tork. Ju-» II, l**.i ...wtw «Aséis A Ilium I irAtor. «y ,, K -I > »It! IllhiV K K \ V -1 1 «wJ H 11.IL« 1 L. 141 »111 VI« t, Dala firm \ -. York «t tl ,«»,|Lri -> iltak» nilrii-ril ('r II.. .- M ..... ..'.\i H kTUl W jfl lar- » _i«. Cliamlie«. .'-S.» 1 irk. «It i.KI'l It IV-i. .l«l.»..f.!^.n."'ttl».l, «ad sal Liai au a.l.» i.ii.'i.l I,»- i-, i. ...I..1 »»ainal Um aula ol John Kora» r... llat» «if Jlsw-T. --.rsawill »»».¡j. ha debt», unira» appear ao-l harr,« ami, »'.«. .' '¦" I»"». w '¦' publK-a'. -.1 that to» payment oftnydebu du» to k.m ¦.. ..r be ... ¦..r .-J .. i.TbtJ-lealii I»»». »nd »mJ. Dated the v - er, laut. CHIKl.Ks RHODE! n..i.. »y lor Attacl Cred.tor. BY OKIH K -rt jf tlis .--.., ,- -, -i, p r-nant to th« pro- ll.r «tstata «t-tin,r.«>nr atUc Imtttnu .ieVsat abaron-''nx.- "- cwale.1 ¦ alan attacbinsnt haaiaanad «arsinat II I IA.M BKOWB, a re»»l«nt of ttaa Sut« of tire- -ill tMaold for th« p»yn»tt of bia dabu, un».. Im appear and d.»«n»rr» »u. u «tlahnwit, «*»; to Is«, ..no4 Uus aata-*, and that for Li« um, i-l «ny property or r-gliU m fti-Uo« belijaring lit (Toparty by him to* furbie3«a kg U». «nd »r»to.d.- liale-i, tl.- aOetlt d«v of No»*tal>er. lte% i_)l»»Vai BAK.NAUIia riBIDJBB. Alt AtU'ii sgCrsditor 1.N Ft KM AM K of »n or1»r of th» Sumare* of lh» County ol >rtr York, nul»'* ut h»r»t)vri»»n Ut all par» hxring rUun* I \1- .--Hill. ....- i' i. » -t N-w York, dax«**Md,to ».th ib« ».. ;. h»r» tl.ere..f, tl.« labacnker,el l«s -4 \\*i|.atiea*t,in Ui* Cityol New York, o.n» b*lo~«l>» llt.'i day of AUAttal nalL.DaUd, New York, tttirusry », A. D. ItW. M-|«« JKASE C. SMITH, A Im -iiatnlor. 1' lb« Surr-if-iU of to« County of NV» 1 «»r. to «Il paraont lis» ng claim« egaiwtHE>KY Hl.»ikl» »t» ir:-i-» 'S»» y -rk. dácaassd, Ui« ««m« »ith Toucher» lh«r»tof to tb* »»U» ntier, at her «¦-» York, «a or bttfor*the . » -th d»y of etirch.lV... n.t ¡«wOrr.-, IIUUIUM m » » .iratril. IS l'l l«sl AM K .1 an r-»r of th« SurroraU of th«Couoty«-l S'.» York, Dot»-« ji»«n to »II prraona h>« n* <-l«im« erainttlHADDEl'S B. WAREHAM, l*U ol Ui« er-nOrn. nraeot tl.« aanoe, »ith voucher« tjiereof. to Um »ubacrioer. at »on öftre. Ho. 13 Baeamss «trial, a th« ol RswTest, :»l ..» --V. J.iy .I l»-,an,t»tr n«lt- -I.' Na» r»t d»y of May, lfifA AURA* WAKtt!«.«. y«I l««rt*»ii» Aaraisuitrat-.r IS Pl'RS! ', s i K of «n ordar of the S irr-«au Jt u>*C««iñty of .Sa» Yolk. ' .^ arr.a ar«,-i«t ¦ OTT S. CAJÎKON, hU s .... MTjttlMM t -J.* tie- ene» of í'etin .s.rie, »t r,-r^er T>. H A»»r.»« > Um tvrantMt gu«t i«i«...It»t*J *4«w York, the ¦ OTT CAKÍIOI». )Fl. IV l»«-»AT« ZETVa SKARUt. { L1 Pl'RSl' A.SCE of «n »rd.r of Um SurrogaU o/U.« Coaoty of *4a». Its PI York -.11 pert-OS« ba«u«at c.«_ns agaia*t AN, lau ol Um City of «W*J NA1HIMI.I. II ISAM.laUoi Um City ei S-» ) t !-.:«a*sdLto srettrnt Ui» ».».. » meet V- th« «UO-HTÜMI, »t UM oatc* of SUpiMfl Casatrrlriaj. Xnl. No. Waii-atl.aS, in lb* I Hew. 'M,.r»U.a UWi.iL day of Aual^al imaL.LlaUei, .Saw Y. 'k. «.-.. at! tuj r r Sty,IBB _*t lunmm»_SATHAhIELPITSAM, Eiecator. I rrorsu of Uis Cosaty of ti is. vv'l'.T. "'*""vl ' »''««j slI«Mrt»a«he»iMcla«BBiegaia»l - Clj of «swlorl..l«ras»-J.U. * »T ,", '. "' «te I¦. ».-.- . /Now. ¦> Oecemms _»L-D*ud Usa . Ol sj ivu ; , , <"*'* eiLBuiT L. h a mam , . t.llllAll «a ... .1 r ».- » . -I It '.- -'¦ at »at .Dm seeaoi. »- ». ¿iw^.oilaïka«. »»«»«-.ut, «ísc,^»i m -rolMi tMit.Htm York. Hi» Jl. 1B40. -.»- JASIL- I in si, l; f. ce*»». N j\ iTK'l IS HEK1 .1 ".;» KS. ». Urn . . ,. a.-, .-r IH'.-t i IIH --.i »a. »..i.-.. _aaeaMrttw: ..- r.-rw .,.,, ,,. , --. '. S- . Y r«. '- -». a ratal Paeroary as, l«AO r. B l.kicAl!* -t-«at«l«wlt. IN l'l RSI AM E ol BJi «irdaM of Um SurrtjgaU of UM »»*** Y««rt, sou«* m hereby |rs«a to . «t«n»»l>ll IX A MORI!«, latr of Um t i; Í »..1 »o» i1«»,a»«»l,t» »r»ta»r ,- rtSHa fr .,.««» arka»««a»u_ta_*_.*r |»r»ti»ii .'.'»..¦ s.- BAK1 » «. AdraTUBM'-l..-^ lili aalla, J*.«a«*»l TO LET. ¦ A VALUABLE HOTEL TO RatKT.-«» old «and rx'P*i»«r botwl, known m die«w»nke« Hooae,.^lavtna^boen rotn-tTod to and locautd ootn« .nctite««»nmi-r of M»tr- «nd Huron »trtj«««, IB the CttTOC It, ..¦ l~» wltl« « »*w *.rv| hiis»»rneot twel«ro fee« hlfti, and . l«rft> orlillOori taoUl »i»i«*rino. of twenty-tw») roon«, m | ...,,.¦ sat i B '-..»-.». ->¦«, w*-.!-*-. ¦ i ¦. r»air to rant The location . mo« c«*ntral and con*ent'*nt one M rlr >»» f,»nnd In i*i«* r-'ly, and no pain« «h«ll be »pared ta th» *«.«rii|«»<«i»nt «etLptiltiagltta thebet»* p««*triie s.vie K'»ru»nTi*. Se «pply to th*» uoder«!rood was »bo owner |>tao2wr MICHAEL WAUM. . KAKT OF A ilOLHK~TO LBT. TO Tktrtv ¦.-: >: ras üoor frute Br jad way boom new and eoBvec!«*nt. the lid. 3d and lth»;orto*. with ->nc*. !.«**- meet, a ".ter or «eparaie Htatret leave the /«r»n» «-»«»y «rerrr'ruiet Arply on the premia«»», or of J. J. COLt-MAN. «v» Wail-st from 12 to 1 o'irJock. 'cv if «MB TO I.HT Two geotettl thuw«Un t hoanes eonia.Q» Ki I: » ra improvement* lu Hudson-place, ¦*¦**¦" .Tl.:.-.y foarth-M between Ninth and Tenth »veouett. I. ply U> J. W. LATâON, 173 BriMdw»«, or .- and evetlng upon the premlte«. my7 3awtf . TO 1 KT -H-- oral f-r.foi bou»e« with Crotón wa¬ ter, lir In Thin- ' irtb at '.i«tr*n tr. Nir'*i 81 1 Tenir, «venu«*« Apply lo J. W LATSON, ITS H- « Wl or - «-* l 1 »twtf £I1.IMÍI)-.1 «ult cf room« «ultatile for an ln»a- rinv, locttodln Willit or in Broadwav, üstwam Maider lane and Wail «t Apoly at the Of. -*» i ihe Citizen»' r .re ln«urar,-.e CompBjy,ü7 Walt**. |e*mf T . tl> - i->r «a ,r,-t. m*/*lf FUK S ALK. «AHHflT*»K«Htl».-F r ». I., th« 11. ... ... ... -,.» rjj « lot! <,' |roai . I payment BulldlD«»wlil beereeled bye | I »I f.. »T'l.-r,.«- -- ?- york,al7»Ld N «V.M. .. M ¦; t -; tarnlog, leave D»iri i«n «i ¦ K«"f*"r to »ei, ROBT. H V.Í.TOS, »Winn t. .t.-* IBiPea l-*t. je ¦ hs MAT HH I?ATE MALK-A valua.iebou.ëauïio. »iiniit-o on ic» em tide of Tn'.rd-avenu«*, ». feet touia of Thirtyieverth it sud lot '..elnir In I'.zs «*9 fest frant nd r.-nr i.y |o0 f»-i ir Sentr-, the bout. It ¿5 feet by j: foal A poruon of the pur» otmy r.r. r«-m«ir or "'ond and morurtge. gor price t- o ''.ril er i'tni'-'.itrtipply to A J. BLKECKKlC Jatts 1 w Auctioneer, 7 Broad »L «KOH »»ALK A new on«v»t>rv cm***, w «. «sd J, acrei of food lar.d. S/e uunui*« walk from the dftjv.l of Tarryioavu. There a fine . -.'.(.and attretti.i of pure «pririK water, krown tîie Andre Brook, running through the premi*«« ; liso, t.-. . - i «i-»»ra- -. Possession given Imiueuiaitlr. and I, . .«quired. MFOH BALI -m too iowb of I*, i :t 4j miles fromHnr wait, »n.i - .... New-Haven . « of 1 sere »f go»d lard and wr- wllh«toiilAaery Th«h<>o*e in gnni ord**r. Il oa la« {>..¦ told low as tne tub- »rrll^r h»»«,-i'!.».'f"r !t lltealreef ir.BBICKBOlf, !"-')u*ii-st. Êl-'OK-Al.F. Anelevitadbu «...tfrne v'.'W of a fr ..-ti Tarry* town, on the Bedf rd rutd, wllh fiom f.>-ir lo fveirre* of ¡til, to nil l.'iu purchtser, if a lar«r«tr quao- there It a brick hi..t*». t.»>«.-.»- i.«-w, ¦ lold wl'.h IL Inquire of the wli«crllif- i. M«« lm"| BXBVT RUCKWKI.L. ÄPOM HAI.K OR HVCIIAM.K ' --vacan. I.Ka il N'h» .',".,rk. VVI ¦n, four i-v, 4-tiory l.ilrk an las >n Nirui-*l l'art of ih» pur- rli«»f ntemtrt may rt-r.i»ni "'. .."»rii'«jr»* Apply IwTlKaB' MUltKIS k 8TF.VÍ-; «¡S, 67 \V«i!^|. MVAI.l AKI.KMBWAUK I'ROI'KltTV KOR BAlalV.five I story Imns for m.b, wgeiher or »rT-*rnle\y. Term* icade eaay. Inquire al tîO Wil- l!tm-«t. Newark, New-Jer»ey. job lm*_CATHARINE fOWLKR «¦VlLDINfl HITKiAON BALE In *x»m«ufiM t..»tsar.leal paru of Brooklyn. Section» »I .«¦.»ra. lot* U'irfihur ran be bad for tma.1 ujti»y In . n«V!.I".rl..>.».». Apply at ¿i I'lnesL up »lair* Jal4 Im» FARMS FOR SALE. fit.OL^TKV«KATO^ITI^E HL'DMO.N.-ror *ale a f»rm of about 8U acre* in tie vUtgo of Hnttingt, 21 milcsfrom the rity. The house lauow, built of stone l-i die motitubiianiiai manner, In modorn «tyle, wllh 13 room*, «nd has on« of the moil coramandlng vlrws of tb« tivtir «nd adjarent »cenery. Il unite« uau»ual utcuireaoü« rro«pa»rl with convenience and retlrtiment. The around« art. in the findet order, weil »uppiled with a ertaat var1»ty of fruiL The whole or part will be »old on application to Ua« propiielor on the premlte«, «l Hasting» ,>n the Hudson, N.T. B-ySiilm* ALKXANDtR BIRNIB. 11-AK.TI KOK NALK-ln Wayne Township, Pa». rtko-i-ij Wp .*!» Cn. N J containing iSO «wr'»»s in a healthy atv* rarja* ^^ «ni location. D«*ar Patterton . *»' ml le» from thl» city. The iiui;dinif»<-on»t«t if »»tone hou»e, ¦ barn \<> by 44 feet, cow- h.ruae. and otber bulMing., a.l In s;o<>d ortter. Crops of all Mats wl.I be «old wlib the farm. lVrs-ir.s wishing t «.- ! f»rm will dow«-i! to rail and extTiln« befor" purofiaslnr *it«-«Al.ere. Rtffrences csn be htd of I) 8. lljnromb, *u l-il-t-rty-st Nrw-Virk; «if C. Hughe«, Kroad *». Newark, N.J.; of Will:»». C.'r.Mr'.v«^, Crossroad », l.onr la'.inl, andon therr'nii»'*». "f I'«»" lm*l rJKNBY DOREML'S. ! &IIIK PAI.K UK K \ 1:11A *t <. K f of city propor- iv, oí. Sttirti I«.aril, » Mauttlal country «eat within 1 of a n.ile of Totie-i k Beml«y'* Ltmlng, where two a»rni ait ply dailv, cornitung of 15 acre», a mrw modern lv\-o-*iory beute, with wlrg attached, bul't bv dtyt'work; i t.u:t barn, ctint,»houte, fow,-hou»e and other out'., ra, and a inctt all kind« of fruit Is a!iur.dan.:e. The «ttuttion for viewenael benrpmetl Icqjlratt v L- ticgton-av. before 'JA it. or «.1er J I'. M. of . n I *tj_J. f. WM1TEBEAD. aPOH »AI.K l*«l YO>KKK!«-TwosmsJlfiri»»i ». ret, Ins llgk »"«le ol ci.ll.tuon, j of a B»Ue from tluai'i I on ii.e ll«r.-ui Raii- rold, wid oc.e. .», itrr. i.e. wl'.h vtri'Uit taJt of.':'..L and well wf»red. ntutKtd 2 . m '. .T.kertvi Itee. Inqulrool" MVR'JN KINCH, 11>. Nttttu-tt. or olUie »ubtcilimr tl V. nker«. ¡I» HENBl TRKNCHARD. S KOK HAI.K, uh EXCHANOCÖ KuR CITV ¡'HOI r.KTi ..A alixAi Farm, of ¿i" or .1<> acre«, nui- «*.M In Du'.rhetM C ouc-.y, between foughkeepeie and Hyde Park, tw . Sietmb >«l and Ral Car land- lug Farm well water"! t-.d t.iir'««»red gor parüeuiar«, Uxr.treof A. M. KAN»Nlk\t>, litiSeí-vj . I- before 9 A M., o lo 7 P.M., or »lio «jlsxion. S TO LET, OK KOK »AI.K-An elegant new three »tory and am.- hou»e with basement and coun* tares itr.:nThirty-«econd «t between Broadway and Fl*lh-»v. nota t)r.ithed and ready lor ocrupatloo, wilh all fte modem InrrroveiiikDl» Price il>V»"i Ir. jitreof CHArl T PLATT, 1,111 Broadway, Join Sw * between Tbirtytecoud and Tblrty»thlrd »la '1ANO-KOKTKH KOK MAI.B- IPerton* about purcbailne Plano« will hod fit to their «dv»niage lo call ai BENNETT I'kCi)MPANVHM«nuf«ru.ry,|Sjriillon-«»T| (east »lie oT Broadway,) they have a large atMortmeoiof Botewood Piano« conttaniiy on hand every Inttruntenl warranted for two year*. B fc Co h»»e iheonatw of store Iban 1,'tvi person* they will refer lo. who b»t"e pur-*-««»»d Piano« o. them, all of which bave |lveo anlvertal »ai:if»»» Bon ; but when «ny doubts areexpre««ed aalo ineirq-iaùty, Use pavmect m»v be withheld unlii unlii «uco douui« «re r«> eioteJ Oíd Placo« «arhanf«-! N«rw and Mcjcd-ba*^l Piano« to let. nVti JlJUvO-FOKTKïl-Parion» »boui par» I lebssinf Pisco« will find ti o their tdran- liatje to ctii tl R. Glenn à Co'* M «cufíelo. . 'ry 1** Buiiun-it. (wast of Brotdwtv A XeceraJ utottmeel ol Mahoracy and Boeewxid P'ar it tocitactly on bind, which win be «old low for cash or is- aroved paper. Oealen «applied on liberal term«, lay ST B. «JI*ENN k Co. 1*4 Faltoa-SL ÏTO «KKEMWICH-fsT. c^TOTÜtiy» J. it C. KIUCHER'B (late Nuons à Flscber'«) manufactory and ware-room. Flano-Forie wllh reverte bridge «cd pa¬ ient tub«, well calculait*»! for keeping In Une. PUno-Fortae tuned, repaired aid taken In eicfiange. my29 Im* luto, rery «fflfí BBaC Baal' I ! IS r nOOooWan\\\m^Kmsn\bsstmg' KOK «.ALE-A very fine toned p Nuces it C'ark makers, will be s.Id cheap. Apply to ANÏUUNÏ J BLKECREB, Aucnoneer, 7 8r J«d »L MArsOS KOUHALK ANDTOHIRB -mâaâammneml'l eaailBBBB^B«l'k« "' "'"'^^^mTw^oai H to f octavo«, In ro««wo..d «nd ma» I I at I ibogaaycaae«. JAB.TH«)XPfll)N k CO m*T km* lai« Tailman Rtrdt.l. 7 Bt. cl«y-«L oppotilM Um Atlor-Uous«, "': tOTOCt Bl] H A-lll«l>AHI,K HATH.-Jj« fiai*ried, ih« MIL u.o*i*p.«*iidld arucle ever offered. Eletraat Fr«*eeh .^ 8;.k Hattet the .w p-i.-a of ii. ui.« '¦¦.- at ft A'«n an article at f. *i. N*at Hatiat 92. BKO»VN J«22 1 IS» Ctnal-tl. one doo« (rom «JuUivtB. Jl !*T KEt EIVBD frosB Baxoe «J^rriiarry, a lot of the beat iloglni Canary Binli ever Imported. ,A.*o len Bu'.'dlncoi»«, that wmstitj iwo or »firtx»«*«»> Ml catvaa, la^ctMker wtth other fancy r.:'d««nd ea««.. lo i.e »old ai Sáó Bowery. _Jo* ><»* taaiL_».TI1K I.AKC.K*«Ta»wr»*nenioiBed«i«*ds, tJffiVHBedi.Mau-itMeeand Fiwbers «var «-^erei lnr ^^ ^*^««.e.itM.\Vlh**ABi)'B War«»iV3«3n.l^Cüai- fcaai-« -or. of Mal'-erry^t. The aiMmtion of boas«-keeper« and otreri is pirtJcuiirly caned to Wil'Jj'i pa'enirlrtt scd left tvr-w brttdead. Old b«T»J» r«»»*»3*irtvl«vd ; «*oU «rttole* sajeaad retail _ Jai. HB* IN riK-lTÂ.NCI. of as .fter M th. Sirrugal« «-!' d>« Cotai*» t»f Sen i -rl,} »»»ra to all i».r»oas kavatf cbuas »I I »\ II « «asa« watt. .m»-l»»f» Ili.rauiT loiSwa«»- J »-. > . N r.U ami», all« t*m Iti."« »»i».-DaU«U>'» ..IBM ...R1HA VtlUIT, ., ... rirr i- N H Ki r aivaa. »ua»ii*«s u a*, »a «a »»«»».. ,.r»»i ui.tkiM l«»«».««^ a «« ?»'«-. ti.. irxaU FOR CALn^ORNU^ otéT&tk Vou CALIFOIt^IAa-Througl» ticket« a3a«Ba___lbr Sao Fraariaco s_ Panama, to leav« New. Tori Joiy 1, by «teezcthtp Creeceat Cttv for ChBgra« end «te«meh:p Oen W«rrea from Peneaa to Sea Frenclaco raay at had on*, to J*!}**^_DO LE A CO. «S ri*-sjt-aL »a_____k?,*s,UÖ*- *." Li** VOn IAN FRAN- J___li¿C18CU, via CHAORER-Tha new «asi JA ¦¦¦¦imgT"^.*T puttinV&Ï.V'''-30'1 «*»^«.Captain H. Windlet. W,rl\ià,££___**-«»1'" tune..Capt. RoU.II P-veoa. Vjïïy?J*z r iina *. ****** Ne-w-To«. end Cbaa-rea, a-fiáí;£?¥*.?"* *»*** »»**» U*-»»»**» *.*»-*>--. -.-». t-aai« pacha .¡¦JJ-a IB« Pscafie-a «aatl-ooaU-y Una i-rixajrh to gen Frea» asoocsD batbi or rasa to csassbi. -- Cbstrokee. Paiiele'Bhhv *R4srie^i-«Mgulaju»lna..$12400 ||* So rormui.. Sa-oon »la . 100 00 Mit» lee wer Ceils.. rjo nçolto&Zi^ U ** ^""H* ". ***". **. l»rt'* .taerere (foac<J wi_ aaanressas ea_ boerd).(65 00 teal OS lat^l_f-t>-»-> ,Ct»--rr_» .»' <»¦>..» r-M f«*<~ Ex pacte« «a the lit-une* ere tjoriae by peasnggoie For freight or ttaaes^rTaprTy to UOWLAND k ABPINWA-ata, M SotUm.. (I 1? r«V_^s_MAI_ «TÊÂMSIIir COUPANT. f a ma . l -cl'f ' ¦*¦*«-. «.all »teeia-ntv-lT-A« cefPtTVÄVT-;V. hi??8 *>-. «..Cap4.Cwil.ler Pelaría, art » -1.-»ñ.^ JA.:.. » u«jrus....Capl To*. B«id«\ f r í,"mÍÍ1,*'"' 6"" tt'n«-«« Ca.-t R.L Whltory. ¦U*. IM BU»....Cao». J A.e'întenit-ri u .'ora a aoi»l-s_tonta_> li_» ire, Worte Pineras ana port* .n Californie rasesagera !n the After Cahla ire fareliba»! baaVeaRj e Pestvr.,-.«'» la lb« Bleerage ute -alione e* ere fjrnUhftd 10 üm) crew, and ..eeieni pillow. Ali paaaeagara wlli lie «pace for pertoLei baegefe frets, to Ote extent o' wslghl. D'il exc-edleg In ir.eruureiii.-r \ inn r-.uU r»-..» . oigà-s^-i orrnorcbextdl*«v,wh»siiak.«o, f .,¦» « '..n, a_d le per Baal. --¦ el «pocie. Plckagea ». .all Ml «tees.» l»i Hi« » for mala HI llaga Cabin. Bi'ga. fusage from Pecase to Ren Ble* o.- MeieUan.):.-« Bin SanDler/o. 2V1 121 Baa FracclAV». »si 150 .1c itoras to be laadea will be la-en-i!.*gg%_e Cbarges af embarking axd deber klag end el! peraonaT port tbern «e, lHwluJiLg Qeeltb f «tu uo¿ Lou bare, to lie paúl ny the pattara» r*»re No pettege tec-red until paid for. Apply »line of. See of the Company, New« York, M R-uth-et. .u'if si*A*lH. TH HOI ««»ft liINK KOKHAN FR»\N- r*Ar?J/>i ;.. \i\ c HAUKE«], DIRECT.The **ll*lllll*l*mWl-,sr.rn<lM aiesi-,»i:p CHEROKEE, Henry W'lDdle, rooirnm il»r, wB i»sve her dock pter I. Njrtn Hiver, for Chaire* direct, on Mucday, Juiy a,el 3 -»'clock. Puseogers are particular'» rer,uest»Mlo hsveiheir t'tg^ege on boen! iiie Saturday p'»-»loae. HOW I «.NU l L8P1NWA1.L, -I »n-1 ó .- MA it KuriKK C ITY I.IPfK FOrt sn 'KRANCiSCOviaCHA'lllKSDIRECT-T'ie "splendid iteemhlp CRESCENT CIT. IX-.I bai_»ii, Ceea. b _der. will leeve for lev, Joiy 1, el 3 ... :l.M-.k, fr »m her dock pier 2. N. P irf.'i''«M.i'r?ti!..-.'.i ]et DRW J IKiW'ARD í SOS. ii ÍMelwey. _r,.. 1 OH »".N KlilMlsl'O, ».um8ati Kren- _BX_..-.i< " »1 'i ibe ( R-g.-mt . Kre-i-r'n ian<l-«d »1 i4«uj ".".-'.-¦ Tie A perk.-i-a»!i/> I'IjARENDUN, II 8. Broau, u,uo.r. le u»)W receif.rg ire Igln «I pier 1, N. R Pt««e',.er» «Ti '. Wild to BTOld tie w( » r*.y teelofl. r with th-dtl.-'-r ..f rr-»»ir, llie Is-itri'i», «frill ii-.d ll - C:«r»ndon . firtt r»i« vajse.. b«viag -«"»ry c in forcerryll » rstreefiKT» »he will prrveed direct lo »jan Frenci««¦. under Uva able er>mmaivd of Capt brown. A »1 U »a'e ps»»airinia> ¡1» celru'si'-d on. r'or fr » oru ^ R ¡l HI ITI R «'*areV,a_«l J. BEliKNAP 8.SIIT- )e!5 1m* T .r'.me H'ii:<«!ngS. ___t U.IFIIKMA FAHNK^IaKHMCAN pro» _JH_cure tlcketl for »tete room Iterlhl In firtt caltln for mmjmm>-. n "f:<, on iijerdilieipltjodid pack- t t LAKEN DON, coverlag ell expatie« till leiilod In I r l-rtfisii, t.y eppying atibe Ctlifirnie Pestergfr Of- K oidwiy. InforaiBtlonclTUlari greilt. AENOtP Bl'l'ITM. i:\( lUSIONS. -IT-0 »MKWYOHK BAY ( KflKTHKV ,."sli -_j>KX(:l"R»ION..The »learniioei JENMV fc«*.."- -UNI) w 11 rin dally 10 the Cemetery, from Hi« t rat pier a-mve Barclay-eU el 1", », H aod 7 o'clock, leevtrg it» Cemeierv tt «, 12\, U, tnd 6 o'clock. On ian- dev »be wlil leewe 11» foot of Hammond-it. at the Bhote bo'ure toui.'i'-i^ at her rfg'ilar pier. Fare it« cenl*. Toe pobüears re«p«tifuily li.viied to vltlt tbe grouodi. Lot* .'.£ at iheiow price of il't, pavalrle ai $2 per in n'.»i. N. B .T.le J»Boy l.ind eta be enir».e.l for Evening Ex- cunloue <)rt>e ol ibe Compioy, 2*9 Broadway. All par¬ lor« ere forir.d tmatlrg env one nu B.-conrii ol tli» a'i)ve boat. iBTJk] JAH T. I.KETK. rr««»»-j» FI«4HIJ»I4. IIANK-4. ARK.INI1K «MKÑf.-Tir aeesietmer BUKFAIaO Will ****S«««*«ala«aB.irlin aver7 day, escept Baturday, loavlr./ Canal et at 7 o'clock, UreoS, 7|, Caibeiine, 7 4, Pier No. 3 North River, HA. M. relumteg liy 6 P.M. i.Dl» 1 Bend will ha "n hoard. R-fr»tbmer.ta, dlaner end .--iow. der will be provlded. Fere IS c»nu etvcb w»y. ~ -tT**^ »TO LET VOK KXfL RSIO.N-i-The A____r~3C'ew.: ««ge uii.BOA, lyi'.g BBaBB.H--'.'-., ftmt of Haiumond-il. For rtart'r ilersln. quire of the Cs| uln on iioerd, or on board steajn'-otu Ltl- CeorWei nf Ceder-et. Je.2llm« _ -rpse.» KXt l K»alO>«4.-The~ñes7«o.i ñm k *T* « « 8T NlCHOtiAS 'sn ^'^^^m .'s-tered for excu'sl.trs on m.Jd-*rete term«. Apr1? at 141 U.-a-nw'ch-at. orto Captain on hoard. _ J.l.'w Si HHrrffi-rHfc" i; h-i i » ad. m|...:».aSrj_Kol KTH OK Jt'LV E .^-¦4-*.riioiss- To a- 1 rrota P'u alt-1 phis f»r Ki 111 IK« .ttr«, «n.t lh>- .:n» retdOcUoa betweeo N»wn-k Bid stj way rMattoa ar.»i i'iii.aiie.i'bie, with either of tbe foil »w« 1: i treic« Leaflag N^««--Y.''li on the .A M aid I P. M and 0B It» I'.h J li} »thai en-i ) A.Ü. irslr s fri.rr. Lib«,Il -si llei-:rr.:r.. f om Ph'.ltaelphleon Hi- Ith J y :n lb» 5 P.M. trail.»-.;. ibe 'nh »r.d oil July la ibe o sad I A. M. «rid 5 P. M Tísica. u «v nutrís. In addition |o the utuil deity trami, wiia lacreiied sc led»!.», ihere wl.l ttr lira I the 4th July: Len-lng Newer! e' 6 A M »IP Mwlll P. M New.Voraet7 A. M P M. sr.d 1 I IV M. E,izel«ethio\»-n at 5 P. II and lui P. U. NewYork at P M etd Hi, 1* M. R«hwiv»M' P. M. a 1.1 i e il. New-York »t 18 P M. «tid 111 P. M. Now¦ll,-untw!rk»t4P. M New.York-UHiP. .M Or: Friday niornlni!, 5ib Joiy, ¦ treln wlU leave N'ewerk a I M renrnlrg from New-York «'. 7 A. M. je. lw tiT~-"ja(»HIFKITII'S WKflTERN .^¦""¦¡lalNE, ItUO.Coatlnuet to carry! ¦gfiTdt ot all de»re|pt.oni tty Canala and Reij-oadt fr..m N -w-ïurk, bollón end Pblledelpbleto \> eiiem Nt-w-York, .acie Ohio, Keciuck/, Ten- nesea-e, M'rhigen, Indlane, llll-iote, Mistoarl. low«, Wis- contm, slic-ioíaar.d tañada »Veit. The connection upon the Lekeefr. m Buffalo to Cleveland, Bendueky, Toledo, Drtri .1 end Upper Laeee U uinurpa**«*d. Refereace being btl 10 er.tiexed cerd. :.«.-».Ip, corner Bouuv« lt New-York K URIKFITH, Agent. "s'.i. 8«rdu«ky and Toledo Line S;»vi »r, ULEEN CITY.Cap!»Thus. O P UR1FFITI1.CWLfaitle, SUPERIOR.Cent. Wettt. OHIO.Capt.Richarde TROY.l'apt-U« 1' One of the ebove Iti cl«s« eteemere will leave :oe Sendu» r iledo dock, touching ai Interine.leia port*, deily et » A. M. Passengera Ucketed through from Bucslo 10 C'.nctnratt. For freight or paaeege, apply on boerd. or to J.NO M URIKKITH/Aseot, »yJl eadtDl Irmg Wberl end Slup Canal, Buffalo. aPOH.IIKKl.PMll> L'NK OF '^BARUES-T.'ie l.srge CLINTON. CapU 'UlUe'.e, ev-ry Alon.ev. EXCHANOE- C«pL Roaekrer.t. .-very Tburedey; POU«JHKEEP*ilE, Cbcl Hoí-rec. every Seturdey el "> oV..»»-iA, from fool o.'lli.r.-B;-e. for patseBgera ani freight. Tbe elrov.t Bsrge« ere eiegenily furnlabe.l with «late- 11- &, ,ou» end cooiforiteiile ceo..-a, a;J ere ex» p.«**ly fiiitu up for Ibe comfort »cd cooveüie_ee of peav .engere eec errlve el Poii«bkeen*te lo um« for lita stage« 10 ttharcn, Pine Plein« end New Jlilford. For fut-icer ief«trmatl.n, apply ob l.oerd »be Berge«, or to WI!.LIAJW80N k VAIL, '61 Waat»«t._fe.1 6m Ni.W JKK««1». K -NEW-YORK AND PHlLADEL- PHIA DIRECT.-U. S. Mail L M through ta 4 honre Fere reduced 10 A.) H for i it clase $2 > tor 2d claie, sis Jt-reey City and New-Jersey Railroad. La-ave New-Yotk el 6 end 3 A ¡A. and 5 P. M fron foot i«-at. Leave Pbiiede.pbla et 6 eod JA. M aid 5 P. 11 f«/ol of Cbeetnat-eL Jeáff lm« dO MAT! HEM '. U'ATCHKd Î-I hsve JnsC n- ¿s^k yageolln Liverpool en ¡avolcaof Êh í Pe.-> i.t Lev a h ucbet, wklch I era ss__g at tha mau%mp\,ug low price*: eTrae.-«.-e.e'.re:»<i Patent Lerere.?.>» ' A vert fite Ptuent Laser (Loulot. cea«*«). Rtiwrygixid PkieciLerer, warrenied.I> « ... .. ihG 1 Pit-tit Lever,ea lew ea. >> '."] BIlvtN- Lap'B« W»trhe« jeweled. i-irer Det«r!ie<l Levrre 13 Jewel«. A arfRrAea eold by me are warrertad to give eelUfacilun I») the » over, or the money will be reflwd«*!. JOHN COX, Welch I »»por-«»', .»I B .»«»ry. yet XtnaoA* between Prtns-a i»B.^Ho^u»^i-^M-J»t T. âRILniJ^AL^PRED W. "CHTMANN, »»-«KiMBeker ei,d Jeweler, i-«wpex-iXJ.,y .«-.. «.»._. l«a«WB«r«»_d'J:erabli. _ generea. .^«».--«.í*? removed fro- 9eu)170 Cm^-tl.beimeem*i^*a rk-eu. wttera be ees»p«. oauel, et hi« <tA Me, B large a««or*_ieLt of loe gold r»nd tl'.rer muuien, j»rwe.r** end eilverwere. of every rjaeíripti»-. *»*\*Tk_^o_i « Bi ttj« Itrntrat fmmla prtrea. fc-retr ._ cl« »«ra-iaJ « raejrt-satad r*v*. «trbei, Jtrw«lry «s- *»Uww'v"^"í_a'4> .ras-r»-- « ,0.1 im AW< a . ..or«, «.I»»-«-»! «S^i»***?S7mW. f-ll ih»-iogbIa,ea ta iJJls city- T_.*f J..'"^,!: A^r-rAelf-iMbeerild » *W_»rrhr^ J, Wvea. SJRTapply lo Mr. THOMraOti l^n^-, .ri KK O' »IH VU «'* \ *_»H2__Í___. INAla SUPPORTER* lV»r ^^¿Wefml% se^caniprare, t-ao»« ha e»ar*»-»»«l They .' '. ' ouii-ak-pede All leoa-(t«as>P»«l) protapi-y utaanindio lüCaosts«. Jai: isa' TR»4VELIi\G. NKW.VOKK «Sx KRIK »XAlsV aOAB -RJEW ROUTE TO BLFFA- hO~anma¡atAnnngomaol.Cominea. nao Mocdiy, Miy nta, 1150. Leave New fork tor Bingrjaaio**, Clmlra, Core'ng. fl«t» Ban, Bni-aester, Baffalo, and tiitatrmedlavte pl»tc«*« daily. J^aundayiexteptttd) by ttteambt»«*THOMAB TOWtLL, boot pier foot of D«w>*vm Brtt«aiatnudnpp«K<-«ab<wd«aab<<«i. Eiras.tT.uiit. at« so A. M «**op*jt*»4r oery it r.«ainont, enfferti«, Cbe**cr, OoiibinL MlMletowrL/Fcrt Jervta, Nar- «vwabort, Depot«, lanit'Wo, Bliiglvtrntcn, Owsgo, w«, verly, (F»«et««*-y»rti*»t,i Eiritira and Jefferwjo, irrMaf ai Oe» Be.« «t 10 3»> F M. Ptssecter» for Buffalo taking- tr-ta Train will take the Error*«* Trata frota «Ubny ai Üttaeva, seal arrive ai 6 o'clock text morning. War tttp Mail Tasiit.Ate 30 A.M. flopping at all lb« .ató«»»».turtTinj al Cornln« Um *«tnïee»r«nlaai»ti"*''o'clk. Wat Tbaib ai 3 Si) PJB. tor «Jtkvvtiie saá atl tn-erm«*»*}» «ie«ration«. Nicht Eiraes* Tatm, at 5 P.M. «wpplng Piennoot, Buffern«, Ctwwer,»), Mid. letowii, OUsvliie. Port Jer» si«, and aii (he itaiioo« VVe« of Port Jem«. Pas»-.-.«"Tt for B-iffslo by th!« train proceed to Oenevs, dine ther» ana lake Oie Exprès« Train fro« Albany, arrt»nn«v ai Buffalo Beitev»«oing Puteoger* for Ithaca. Cavuga Bridge, and town« oo Cayuga Lake, take th« can of the Caynga and BoaenMhaao* Ballroad «l O wego. which leave lmmiM'al«>t| oe live »rnval of the F.rie train». Paasentrers for Ttoo«*« Lyeooung rooBile«. Pa. lake the ««art of the Corning not BioMburg Railroad ai Corning. rJiage« leave NtrrowtWg, Depiwlt. Lanesboro, Blnghamton, Owego, Wavetly, (Fie- lorrvlllr,) Elmtra «nd Corr'ttf on arrivai of the traîna. TRAIN» TO NEWVURlf». F.xriist Tbaih leave« Oeceva at 'i i" A. M. »lopping a fa-tory-rllle,) Owego, Binghamtori .'.'. N.-r.-wt'i-i-e. P-i Jerv-i M «9o«»«)k«o, Che»t«,r. Biifferna, and rterxoct irrtvin.- in ."lew Torkf." I- P M Way in Man TstiN leave« Corctrig at»*1 A.M. »top» plrg at »': the itar*-«*»», tad arrtvea in New-York al 3 45 PM. Nicht »"farts Train leavea Qeuevaat 3»> PM aid P M »toprï-g »t all tie ration* we«i of Port fo, ü«»*h«rc, Ch.»jt«r, buffernt ai-d '. »rrl-tr.g ln New-York «li A.M. WAVT«»ik,le»Te«<)t¡rrl¡|.'»t4 (»AM «topping at all .I*." "«.«ad »rrivirg in New-Yorl ai 10 » A.M. tw A BpectJ Train on Monday rioming leave« Port In New* Y. Ik «\ W V iT'*" " *~ lb" m*a0h*> "^ l Mawioaevi B.,., . invn NewtrurRb at 5 AM and » 7 m *".? * r m ronnecitng with the traías going West Leave Che..-» at ai» A M and 1 15 PaTand *3aP M br on «rrlv,-. f IMnjita« from the West FretsUt ¿ntio leave N-w «ran at S A m *rd »he.teran y,ru ' l****"""*"TW . .r,'"";,T Taaiits !.*.?* from pier foot Duan**t ai S P M r -"*¦. Ro'hetter tnd Buffalo, and all place« «A ett, lak. y >:tr re», freight train* «nd U fbrward«d i > FILES MINCXT.BuperlntendenU SO'CLOL'KI.INI KOItlll llNONand INTERMEDIATE LAMDINOS-The »tean'hoat HI DSON, Cap«. Wm. U. Ma , will leave the »leamboal pier fool of Cedar-tt. on Meed a". UVdnetday «nd Frldiv, and tbe «teainer 00- Ll MBIA, CtpL C. F. King, on Tuesday, Tbureday and ai o'clock, r.-'.iiet-iinâ* wiib the «tage« at New- burgh, K:i.f»i..n I'd CiKklil. H'iiioít Rexkshirr Rtti.antn Tbe p«ts«tf"iá»ar iralnt of iht« Road, tfter March 2% will leave II i.lton «nd We«: Stockbi dge dtilv. (t«ui.d»v* excern»d,) m follow«: Leave Hudson at 7 A. M. and . ¿¿ F. M «nd W'osl àuxk- bridge «t 7 A. M a ...I I I' M irai. t. w'.iii ps»»«>nger ett atlached, will leave Batlioaall] A M »r.J We«t Siockl.ridgtv «t \n SO A M Putengert by the rooming train from \Yt»»l Bt'tckbridire, mav take the day boat for Naw. Yolk. ..r ilie ' f..r Pough. keep*ie and Ibent« by RaUioad U) New-York, by 2 t/ctaeB P. M. Kare by lauer roule from [ludion, not exceeding fa ^ Passeiiger» by the evening train will find the «learner« COLUMBIA »nd Hl'DSON aiwayi waiting fir them, «nd tbe fare of lb.»« boats will lie a* low any other «venios; hokt un the river.fiom $0 50 downward lb« line boats may »et the example. Through ticket» fr.-iti West Sux-kbrldge to New-York. $1 S<>, «cd ihe same fare In returning;, .'«.avenger» «boula recolieri thai tin« fare include« beriba, which U excluded In liie fare« of other routes The ualm from Hudson, Inith morning and evenlr.f can» nrct with ibe train* of the \V «Hiero R.«^* a* heretofore. r ivArmiMAN, Bum. VErT-MOMKl«*! ANO E-)»4E.\ RAIL. »ROAD..PASBENOEB TRAIN«* "I P -Leave New-York foot of Cort- lande. I A M. and 1} P. St.; leave Newark £| A. ML and 5| AM PttsertcE« Trains Down.Leave Dover6.15 A,M and 1 ii P. M | Morrlsiown. t> M A. M. and 2gS P. M.; Madi¬ son, 7 A. M. and I M P. M; Burnmit. 7 20 A. M. and 3 ««IP. Mlllvlile,7*)A. ha.andS.15P Ja.¡ Orant-e, 7J«> A. M. and 3 S6P.M. r FseieiiT Train..Leave Dover 3 A. M.; leave Now» York ll| A M. Oititue Hoass Cai..LeaveOranir« 1 A M. and l.*"» P M leave New-York 11 3V A. M. and 5.15 F. M. 1'astet.ger» by th«>«e trade« «re received and delivered each way at North and South Orange, Millvtlle, Summit, Chatham, Me<i!»«n. Morrtttown, Munis Piains, DenvlIIe, Rock «way and Dover. At Dover «tage« connecting; with the A. M. paa«»»t*fer train le»ve for Buckatunny. Stanhope, Newton, Hacket«- town and Hope Daily, Milford «nd Owego oo Monday«, Wednesday» and Friday», and for Sparta, Jobnsooburg, BI»lr»town, Columbia, Delaware Water Uap, Slrong*. r .nt'm.tng lo the I.ackawanna Work«, passing through Bart'invire, Stanhope, (P»J Smith« Tavern, Ne*. giaaviil«, Clifton, Uunmure, Hyde Park to Providence on T'ietdays, Thursday« «nd 8«turd»y«, nd returning meet the P M train« for New-York Ai Denviiie «tage« leave for Powervtlie and Booolon on the arrival of the A. M «ad P. M. trains from nd meet the A. M. «nd P. M. trains for New-York. At Morr.t-i'wn s'.SB*« leave on lb« arrival of tbe A. M. r«.«.. ,'i'r ',-r.(,,' M-'i'hur <-*.a-r «J .-...,! .y'< Moun¬ tain. WMbiatrtoa, Beivldere and Itasiun, daily, and ui«>ei II.« P. M irtdta 'orNew-York. Ai»« lor aassing Ridge on ihe arrival of the P. M. train, returning next moraicg, connecting wllh ihe A. M. »rain for Nrw-lork. I I BA TRAIN FOR SCHOOLEYS MOUNTAIN. In adci;' ¦' la lbs e'-ove train*, an extra expreu train a lui.."'.-" running on Ju.y bih next nd cuoUau* un- Lttava New. inrk from the foot of Cort!«n4-it it in A.M.; («trark un ihe arrival «/I toe «> A. M i/aio from Pinta* da a pY'iri»edlBg dlr-c.iy to Morrl«town «nd Dover, where carriage* will be in retdlne*« to convey p««seuger* «y** MountaiB, «rrtvlig In lii» foe dinner. | »¦-.-. | rhtf Df Will rerer.-. and deliver psjseia- at la« following fjL'.'.or.i Uranee, M.11ville, gum- «m, Mad:« a, M jrriauiwn «nd Ro.-kaway. lining, wtil lit««'« Dover at 5 P. M. and Morrtainwn t « P. M. »lopping for ptsaenger« «i ail iha regular «la» Bot« s: "i the 7j P. M train to New-York. Putecger« are lo procure ikelr ucket! before taking their leal« ln lbs cr.r«. Ticket» will be received only on the diy when purchised. Je IS if_ CCNTBAL BAILROAO OF N Jr.KSr'.y aU»tlJlt.S ARRANOEMKNTS. commencing April I, 1«V> Tbl» Road etleiid» from t .i*«belhp««rt 35 mile« to While Hi'Uie. N. J. red'iclng Ibe «laging between the ter* mlnu« of the Road and Kaston to 25 mil««, «nd t > School- *;.'. Moii3i»ln in I une* Thi« Une lettre« New-York by ateanboat RED JACKKT. ¡-'«-r I N. River, tnd connect« win Ham» oo the N«w Jeriey Railroad, a bleb leave New. York frosa !.. «of < ocilaal «t. «i »he «ame hour. A new route to Bchooiej'« Mountain, with leu itaging lhan ny otber. Pt»«rN(.i:a Train I> Passenger* will leave New- Ytna by «ie»ml«o«l from »1er I. N. R. or by the New-Jirny ItBlll mal fool iltt CiinaaBS»! si S all and 5 P.M. ; leave at.'wn at A M. and ñ P M. PtssiNoea Train Down .Leave White House at 5.15 AM.anu 4iP.M.; North Branch tt 5 «** M. »ni l-jj p .'.' Boroerrlll« at I" A M. »nd 2 i'> P M. Bound Brook at«. ...A M »nd J-tiPM Pialnfield »t *i 4'i A.M. «nd "¿.to PM:W»«th> -nd JP.M. lliuaiiethiotvnal 7.15 and I".>»A M and''.¿.i'P M. Tl-e f-eight irai« l with passenger car* »ttached will le»»e «A H . \ .' A M B -:-v 1 -¦', P.iliitield 5.1Í, rt, by i'.e«*, at 7JM A M. Ritunitng, leave New York, by iteamboal Red Jocket, from pier 1 North Blver, at 1 P M. All freight from New-York, mtendel to go by ih!a line, mod be (i ihe ktsM n l.j oc.o:k lo :.jure being lakaa th'oogh ü-»tdsy. Stages will be In readme«« on the «rrival of the 9 o'clock .raie from New York st the W ntia Hot*« to convey pu» seig»r« to Kuton, Wllke»t.»rre, Retblehem, Allentiiwn, Mauch Chunk. Pa ird to Fiemiag'.on, Lebanon, Clinton, Milford, BethVhem, Blo»rjin«bgr(. New lis-nptoo, Wash¬ ington, acd Belvidere, N.J. On Tuesday, Thursday and Baiurdty to Delawire «V tier «J«p, Siroudtkurg, Bkriontv v.->, S'tchore, Ds.ívtUe, B'JCkKiwn,andLackaivaii-ialrgn Work*, Ac. Pa. MB. All baggtge tt the risk cf the owners uaili dellv* ered Into ibe actual potatttttiun of tbe Agents of »he Com¬ pany, and check« or receipts given therefor. a3 rttl.TIKK AKUAMiK.BKXT, .«JAMDKi't AND AMbOY RAH "^ROAD..Chang« of Hour, and an ad dlt*or.«l Line from .'lew-York lo Phliadelphia «rt« «letm. boat JOHN POTTtR to So ih Ambuy, tlteoe« .in tr«t rale aaaa io Camdeu and Phii.deliyhi«. Oc ird siasr Ttairsday, '.It». April, lb« Flrit Llnewu Nor.k River, al7 A. M. using car* «iSootk Au.lauy for Ciuadao tuO Pbi.akle.ii'ua, tu.pp.iig ¡a i*a« Of nd tal down passe .Igor» ai tee u»ua. U.u»rtneol«i« pitcon, arriviijg in Phbideuiiiaaboui Uuouu. Se. aun Line Im*.mg .. «.«uve at lj P M. nd ruBBleg by miming llntt«. «rrlvlng In Pi»il«d«pah», «booi «*F- M Far« through by «itlitar Une.«Ç * | rwaW dee« i»a««»a«aa.,............_«.««»».»«.» ¦»*£ . Bre.k*Miiaiddin*i«rpnrvldttd«ia bt-aard «anathisi bbbj 'rSLlSBBeSSI for MrosooU^mkomo ««. St Wggg% rvefrooiF.w-York.F^e^^ a>«tMby«t.w*t»«rTP»ANaPORT Capt. J. **«W, it tl .'e^k P M FW« Il 50. M .os ot*b«ggage ».lowed eaea Z22r.L * He -arn«v:«t the r.k .fit. otmer, but oothln, ocuved or saesHmoe tt bagga*' *^^xJttmru*» ¦pnttre' _ta34«fj_1- BLiSa«- .t-oiDa*» a.ií» a ti bo y aAiiv _'»"'i« LINK *-* Pt'.id-'.phii al 7 r T.:'./ :ioea. AM. tnd !t o-el'»«-!*, P.M. by ¦ H- JOHN P'/TTliB, dtily, «laiid»y«', fait» No I North Biter. Far*» »trit ein» ear« BS<, uut car«, tu a34 tf . HI 1.1'** KfcUKY, TiLLETLDLEM í«i*a FURT Lii>:-I e«u*«mi«i« FRANK, **t-pi Roger», wLi f»ii M .«¡Low» Indiaf a4a*hir>eeetn-«t: frtxr. N. Y.ftKitof 8pr»x«;-«».| Frora Fort Lee Motd»y, 6.10,2 «ad 8, M«»nd«y, 71 1. and U. T»r»da>. lb, 2and6. |Tue«day. 7j. 12 tod H- <.Ve«lL«itd«y, 10, . tnd 6. I Wmi;,<«day. 7», 1. «nd tt, irtaltv, 7J, il nrtdti .v.i IFrldav.ïj. l»y. 6, 10,2 and 6. »«lurday. 3*. 7| U tad H ,.-, V- tz.d Í l-r-MK*. rUOAJaHlLLÇBSJE» - »p.«-r:u.'i ilt*«»Oa«T» ARROW, «¿M 8. A Vervalim. and I WALL« »W, Cap« J. Mntwil. « Hi »w New-Yors f»«o»ai tooxot BebSa» - -ry day, at 7 and I ^"-Jf" aetliP.M. T«»«^a«>A«S^«iiA««we*.«»«»«* way- jp.» ^nr atKit invan» rtueM\¿r^n mn*¿3lmsnnt\tr4trme,v»\,\v>i> »'S íL «^¦"«.¦¦^¦.¦¦, Lea»- New-1 or* ti 7. A S. 1*. '¦.*".."¦ 1.1 -al-itB, « 6, ' «u>d 7 oc.otu, P M I»«»**- ZSimmt' tJiime « T* a io. 11 A M. sai U t, 1.1S . as4 . *-««¦ TRAVELING. ^SPP%StLW.\UUl\ AND C IUKLBt4»Mai iia£rr * A M PACKET LINE * New aSt__5 .»» .1 ..raael.-la c«~twmi »».. of use wU_Sras»aJ*_ depertura «rf _*, Bte«__,lp SOl'TI«*a3wE_^._ï _* Berry, wlil he»v.«iWba aBraflow«^^^^"' c**"" .*. A«l>*>a»i«ra. C»er4a,|^/^,»f_y_. rje«d,y. Jona 11, et 4 PM. TtearteW7__« ".* rrld.y.JrjBe.I.eilPlt. It^a^rJ!*,?- MoBdey.Jolyl.eMFM ^iitullu Tbartdey. July 11, at 4 P-at Satui-dev. Jely A Tuesday, Ju', IS. For frelgti apply on board, at Pier No. 4, Nortfc ai-a, and Ax pasme« t«» .*. je« ijyl*) iFOBFORD. TILESfON à CO «I _r<fi»*T^,>,T,»D «TATBM MAIL I I «SB <T|TTr*i.-ffOM CHARLESTON To IU\ ANA. ** ****4lllllllmlllll"»iA\ ANNAH AND KEY WEST -TbetalarT d'«J ifeamihip ISABEL, I.las1 ten» burden, coeUMBasd by CapL William Rolltce will cuntaeact bes- regalar irle« on Monday. Oct. !. end tall rtralariy fro» Caarleatoa, a C f.«r Havao« .«ti tee 1st end i5thof«aeh nunia, eesi fraa Heveas to Charlearen oa the s A end _i From Cbaritsatoa sad Sev-eiyjab to Heve*e.|e. Krom Ceerieeioa sad Savaaaah 10 Ray w«at., it. tor perticnlere epply to 8POEEOBÓ, TILESTON A 00 «Sottet In Cberlee'on to MC MOKECAla. Agesuin H«TB__, DRAKE. HKOTHERS A CO. r«*Mtsgea-, irevmg Herecna bv Ihn enp reu reach Baitt- more by Um» lead route ibe fifth day, or by «««tint ibe "**¦**_¦'. Northerner or toalkerner, reich New-T«iri la same dm«. j. HlK KIM.SST4I1 JAMAICA Dl« -,KLcJ-Tl"»'I,*''»*»i',-,*^*^s«hiB CREaXRNT __,,*-,,T*. \r**2*na baitssss. Cbaa ii^dard. Coas- nsender, wll, ¡«ère tor Cbagre«, au»ppiDg el Port Rovel to i? VtUm7""Jt *nd»?*"*. -.*¦ M»**»«Ut, 3ut, i, et S »yrioci, from her d.d. pier No a. N R Pupa««»-» araly to tellPàWtjyl J.HOWARD A SOrHT Br¿edwey. . _a|T__Je «"'OR HO«4TO«4 Vie NEWPORT^ »-»_vfr.1 rA" R,,'KK -Rî *". .,,!***-**,'<1 an* "^..^^.*.tup«>rt>ri.««»ain*rs BAY BTATE enl EM¬ PIRE STATf' f , »attlreo.:,1! and laeed, pea-Ueularlp adaplASd to the Nevf^eritsa of L«<ng la ¿ !; connec'.btr with the Fell Riser end O.J Colony Railroad a -¡'.»tance of \1 mile* to Boston ooly Leave pier No. M North River, near the Hsuery The steamer BAY STATE. Cepi Wra Brown, oa Tue«. deve Thu.sdaye. end 8«_rdaye et 5 P. M fheeteemer EMPIRE STATE, Capt BeoJ Breytti. on Moadeyt, Wt«dnead«ve and Frideve et i P.'M Thl» Llr.e It (be only ooelbal runadi-eri Newport. Tbete iteatuert ere fitted wtlh »«ate-r «»ma, and every arreng»*.eci for the eacvriiy and c«.mfbrt of pr«aes-gs«re, who ere ««ff.trdeal by thlt rtjau» a elgtt'a ml or. board, end 00 errtvel at Pell Rt»er pmcaad per reU» road, i**«d»lng Boaton eer'y the following mitrelng-. or cea r-rneln ob board »e-.tlng their breakfast if wished for, an¬ tr*«» alerting of the eccomi_ode»l«>n treln at »t A wMchi-«ch««B<>«<MBle»»oulBa A.M. r«tï*?î$'ZVi?'U.*u7l:*ma lu ***»*'-> tUs_aa»r,wbo re- eelvee end Uckeu the baggage, and mco_d_i'«« tha aarreloltsdeerinetton ^""»»", *-" »aw*BB^__l The rate* for paeeage end the prVe of state roo~ie, Iba same aa by oiler line«. ¦**. "***" A tteani'r run« In cona«cuoa with u.L» Un« to r_e ! from Providence, dallv, eirept Sundays ^^ Freight to Boelos It taken el the same ratea ea bytba o'.ber regular lliea, and forwarded v..h great»».- exr>a_- don by en Expre** ftelgh» Lain, wMrh leave* Fell R:-ar everr morning. (»»tanJay exeep'ed) *; lo/daeh, for Bottoe and New Bedford, arriving el Its dralineiioc el or «boat 11 A. M. For freight apply on board, or at the «»aw *. Pit», % North Rlv.r For »tele room« or berth« apply on board, or If 11 It dct,red to lecure them ahead, application may be marie TISDAiaE A BORDEN. Arr-nts, . _TO «ad 71 Wem at KK4.I I AK MAIL LINK ¦¦> rWEEN BOMTON AND NEVVTOsUL ría Siontniri.tfl and Pro«r*k]enca..Inland root« «vtihoui ferrv, rbeng« of eurt or bargege- -Tba eteaniart C YANDEX!!.*. Csptsla Joe! Won«, «asi COMMODORE, CapL Wllllan» II. Freiea, In e«*4i_eeltae wlib the Btonington and Providence end B<»e;r»n end Prvrt. decce Rellroade leaving New-York dally, (Saadays aa> ceptcd.) from Pier'. North River, firtl wtierf ebov« Bate lory Plera, el 6 o'clock, P. M. end Sujnlnrton al I o*. clock, P M. or upon Iba arrivai of ihe me." ireirt fro» SctetoB. These «teamere were built expre««ly m the rostig end ere in every respect partlruierlv Maptea u, ibe aavlfe« llnii of L«.fig-l».a»i«l Sourni The e«'.-'>!itrii.xt«iioni for pe»s» .engere ere cummodlttue and comltriebla.the officert oa» pal-Ie and experleBCad. The rtute'telng the ihortaat «_4 «um direct between Boaloe «nd New-York. pett«-««rt are aoraltled to arrive la ample lime for Ihe morning Bnaa at ¦feuiboela «nd raliioade running to *rerlou« point« frnaa ihoae due«. TheC. VANOKRBtLT wll! ie»ve New-YorR Tueada»,. Thjraday end Saturday Leave MtonlngtoB Mo*» day, WeJn-edey end Friday. Tha COMMODOsVa. «ni leave New Vork Monday, Wedneeday end Frldey. " Btonlnglot Tueedav, Tburedey and Saturday. N. S .Pia« aengere on the errlvel of the tteameri el 8l«onlngtoiL SI». caed liaineallstely Is the tplendld railroai. curt to Pro» deoce end Boaton, A a«arg«ga-m««lar acc»»mpei-Je« «a« tre'n to «nd from B-teton. For ¡ «Atae*-», berth«, r^eta-roo« or freight. eppllreUiine meylte made lo ib« agamí oa Ife wharf, end el the office, Betiery-plac«, BE PIIWWSYIaVA-flA RAIX.RC 1850. PIONEER AND BRPREeB LINE TO PITTSBURSH. Leevee PHILADELPHIA Dally, et g o'clock A. ¦_ sea. 4 P.M through In »»' boars The cars on ihn PanMytva» bis Railroad er« of the verr beet end mott comfortabta Aa> «rripuon. New peekeu aeve beee placad on ihe line and foruiehed wltb eepectei referrmrB to tha comfort im «onvenlecce of trevelere elfordlag ibe aatureoca of a csalak end egreeeble Journey 10 Pittsburgh Every erfon will be mad« to render ihi* the mo«t deetraMS ratai«*» to kh«i »A'«tat. For teat* epply el Tli Merket-it. end NE. corner ffMnf end CbeaBtit, Philadelphia WM. COLDER A CO. For ticket« «nd ftirthar Infor.»«Hon acply el T Weatal. New-Vork. mil If R. H. H INDES, Ages». "EW-YOHK AND *4KV*.1IA VEN RAILROAD -On end eftar Wedneedey, April 24. the foliowlaf -._r.« will !r»ie tbe Cecel-el 8te..on, n-a/ U-na-iway Pessecger« also received et ibe New-York end Heilem Rellrued Orllco, Twenty eevetti et 1. AccousmodaLon Train et H A.» for New-AocMlia, Mamari/iierk, Rye, Port Chiatir, Orrvruwicb,, Derter., Norwelk, Weitpnrt, Bouihport, Pelrfteul, BrUga- pj.-L Suftlf ird, Mllford and New-Haveo. Paewtoger« frota .be vV'ay-Slallon« for Albany, and ihe 8:aium ..«o ine lioaa- etoclc end Neugatuck Rallroaale, will lake uMa Train ead ilop at BrIJgeporL Peteengertfrom Way-üuilooefor Boa- ion, P.-ovlijiice, W'orceatlar. Hartford,Springfield arid Coa» necticut River Rellroade wLi take ihla Train end jola Ex- prett Train at New-Haven. 2. Expreaa Treln el 8 o'clock, A.M. for Siauiford, Brldgt*. port, Albeny, end IIou»»u>nli: au.« Naugaiuce Ralirijada, New-Haven, Hertford. Spring-field and u»uaatcil»-ul Riser Relicoed, Worcester, Providence anal Bo*utn S AcrouiEjodeiloD Train el 9 A M for N«w-liavea, eod Inlermodlate Butlone, Hampden, Cheshire. S-tuihtngtae, ?.»Invine, Fernilugton, Avon, TarlCtdl.a, and Col jjarltta Middletowii, Hartford end Sprlngnald. A Exprea« Train al S P.M. for Stamford, Norwelfe, Bridgeport, end Houaetonlc end Neugatuck Railroad«, Hew-llaven. and Sletlona on ibe Cecal Kellroad, Hrartdord, SpilBgfirid, W orreeiar and lioetuo. S. Accommodation T. alia at 4 P.M. for N«w Hevea ead ell tbe Intet-n-.ed»te Statlone t Cotrimutetion Treln el 4-V» P M. lor XrUfSfwrl ea« iBaerBisdUl« Stallone TRAINS TO NEW-TORK. 1. Ci-mmniatlon Train el 5 IS A.M. from Brtdger>qr«, ¦lopplcg at ell the iBlermedlale Stallone. 2. Acccianjodaiion Trala at riló A M frota New-Hare«, tu pplng at ail iLtermadieieSieilons, receiving Passengers f ¡a T.'- IgaSa. I Ri::"Js1 m Br:.!»;epi.rl 1 AccummodelloB Trela et 9.VI A M. from N«w-H«v«ra, Itopptng el el! the Inlernjeillate Statloue reeetrtut Paa« »engerí from tha Hertford mod N«w-llav«tn, Cenel RaLrned, end Ntugeiuck Rellroed. 4. Expreaa Treln all 10PM. (ta i-oanivttria wiui iba Eicras« Train from Boatos,) from New-Ha-rea, ttopedag ei Brtdgeptirteud Btemford, receiving Paaamgara from Amt H.juiatonk Railroad el Bridgeport b. AccouunodeiloB Treln el 4 3d P M (racrarlnf Pasaars- »ers from ihe Ac. 0ii.rucKiali.1L Treln from Boetouj from f; w-IIeve.i. «topping at all the Inlermndlata Sietloas. I. Expreaa Train et 8 10 P M. (or In c.-r»ert1orj sei» Be» si-»,Treinfrom B«j«ton,)etupplng «iBriilgepoi-t NorweM end Stamford, errlvlng in N«w-York el 1130 PM. Evrje» log Train from Ptuefiald eoonae» «tith tli» Treat al Bridgeport Passenger» are reajoetled to prornr« ack«s»t»at>*^*.»lag Beau In lie C«/e |a30tfl R. ». MAS-Ott, t»**4._ -KA riAl'O AND PATKIWOII ÍAND PATERAON AND Hi'DleON -RJVER RAILROADS.Oa «adearn tth of M»y, ihe iraln« le»v« m follow« I^7oBÚaero.»»l»04«l ¡mu* Nee,.Tort «I -etfr^iSatiB.A.« 7^cl«Kiaut-a.A.M l»«yrio«*«»»BT_i.A.» 4s_H#.«I« ^.yrJoeklSaln.PM J «o'clock..-.PM -Or on _eerrt»*aJ«Vtl>« Eria iraina «-..Lag «seas. U0" Bl'NDAT TRAIN! |^aveSuiT«rTi«l»p4ils- I lesava Ne-.York «I I c cl<*:s is tniB.A.M a «rri-aci. .....PJM PATERBiJN TRAINS Leave Peiereoii al Lear» New-fork «4 74 o'clock.AM 9| «yrioci.AM 1 o'clock.PM «»/duck. PM ret . PM TRAINS. V O'clock...A.M. llaraeiaL SI &r:.oe.t A.M. Pal'n D**rK)t 13 tveloek at. Pat'e Dep.H. ?Ao'eiiackPM PtwlnDapct I«Vela«in.P.M Market«», SINDAT'. Leev Piier, ». ».>«». New-Tor* as To,el«-»a^»jktil^jl«yiîforA.AAI »cl* P M. ÏU.OU Depot, j flocioek.P.M. B .On Mouday morelngtU « firm irais froat ¦Vjjfetra'« leave at 7 4fi attla. or oa «M bitivbI of um ton Jen» train. »sTi«l«y<iiiXkPa»i. we»jvfr'--m!N»*'--«''>'a; wdj nos mna «..any «teUor. actrtl; of P»jiar«oB,4~c«p4et Hoooku .|_) traía« wblcïla«»« New-Tori el H ¿ejotk Antena I a'clork PM will iw le am« to wee* tha Er» treena aerara- ead evening, golBg »A «se, «I Saler t'a Otoos «ayi V .UAk.l-INK «TBAVIKMM FOR AL. AMY I»*)..T»>ap»ai»«a.lei«ia-i-a»sNEW. .»OILD, Cep*. al>!h»»v, «cd ALIDA Cap!. .-a-ui i_,-a _)*. wharf foot of Cbejaberaat dally Sur.- naTt «Adî*l_StesJm?W^ Ptmx, N^bergl». \^. «- ,- I ... -. bmaua l«j« .. n.i. « .-.: C .«- eaT.^îrtv.ire^îaay. at «é P. »*»>s»«!íiaf »»*U»a Ea- P«TÄ^i»JIs»o;s«l RsAlroads for Bafatogaa-I l»«»^«_y« of NEW-WORLD, M-radeye WadBaadeys ss-aliVjiiaji, of AJalDA,Tii«»adaye Tltaradaya «adBasar- UJ*rAJJ partout ma AitatA traamg enypmmm oarat. e.»ui:i of the »»J»««Tve l»»aM«-l»ltrw-Y«x*.May. llaO. B-ryawlea FOH K tiTi-OKT ne., St .' -i N ri V\ s-d If* -'»s S H T^-r.ew etsa-gesBg eiisamere COMMODORE ead FAIRY UCEEN «J- ea>nuau« 10 run lance « wee« he- twaea Potrúend SB» taa abo*ra «Aasas. merits PorUaad al |«*-»>BtJtae«wJx»iacfTue«d«y«ars frldey »Vkrr.jfor »a IBr« th.*'.»j«h alii U firxdihad ha atibar of in« MtMenbert JIMEST HANFORD SlrVwie «aaj-ietat Bubiob, ISAAC »AINSLOW, Jr *rt Paarl-at. Naw York, 1H». mv_ at.ÎSlo« 1 AI HT tVOsi NALKa-TM yacei B RE EZB amm\ rigged, copper faalaaad. oeayear old, 1_ ¦»»-late/eiotSuxii Sbeiiia]«iMiBaatX|te«ill__ae Mam. tott t- 'Bcreedeap. end wall foaad la «-vary rttapaet Borforthar ?uiACu\mru .1?.y 10 BBjatv ,.-.A.,i A UUtlieaJtObs I e.4KWUl»
1« claa.llcOaerailo-l« »ht* fleer WarBel.-A saSaSa«it^.«««'«»«.!-CaaaBarl«lia taw TTislrr- "rtt-rcheal« : I imtbl Vt-MMBItoti M.tlTaltmelHs-encer.

Mar 14, 2020



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Page 1:« claa.llcOaerailo-l« »ht* fleer WarBel.-A saSaSa«it^.«««'«»«.!-CaaaBarl«lia taw TTislrr- "rtt-rcheal« : I imtbl Vt-MMBItoti M.tlTaltmelHs-encer.

« Oaerailo- l« »ht* fleer WarBel .-

A saSaSa«it^.«««'«»«.!-CaaaBarl«lia taw

TTislrr- "rtt-rcheal« :

I im tbl Vt-MMBItoti M.tlTal tmelHs-encer.Iviti i> »i « SS C.'.ki».1 V.i ..«AltoMiy II. UV».

ffgjgg a. Seo>nn~Ur.kK Sirs I lee', it

*-*.' ¦«*;. ... ioforina'.i in may a;¡ .c» taw id*

"i ibeT American merchants. VVith your**'**

» lseicct jour well kn; wn journal aa theeo»-rn*' ibrtrtia-liwlio .« «¦. «*OB*rej taa «sfasriag la»

,;'¿P to thf* Aaaericaa e iiaiaaattj. The fol-".¡JJlTftcts have b« ! ia my banda by a

(.¡uhhouacuftt-isi-ity:Within a few weoks put au aträn**."ment Ina

beeii rtttumrcati'l b«'»*-< a t'.ia «uiHeri of (* lili

anrl l eompan) of m;r:hants of Val-

parti» * .. «-«sup¬

ply the California m*irk«.-t with il mr. Having mi

^hto.n m.nths,by a

Btr. g« . '

s markot. m.<¡ .( ptcm.: aa a- nt-aryI labile m ii-j

of art »meat is thut Tl ¦¦

j ear u great.a«aal.for . ¦< Butt th«

i, a*, the com-I .Í it!

wheat¡-e, wh". the

I] that bu.

o "a id.'t

vu ininui'ac-asa, and are principally

owned by Americsn snd English proprietor!. Tne«le mills is aboutin quality, is ».') ia¡

mx i.iai.ufa;-'. "it.vl States.:.i ti.oro aro

two oR i- iri'jntiilyfur cii ri «otne i,0Í0 barr«.!«, and at tho capital,

*'Httr kte'*;.ve establish-taeLta ct-aaged in manufa.-ta.-iir.' ke eapo-t. He-H'j. » urr' a u .inner of minor milli

. li une ixmsumptun.ippears that there

.:. winch muttBad a m*. r . ; tiacipal belog

«rr.-at ;!u -t a-La that market

be n ist.Ztravvaaot "mV itt>a ruinous

D í '.-» to eia above, by w

loiuppi) to " time nxaofotj " the entire proI of tho Caüfir. ía

marliet is "»tirua'..-.! !¦> thea i gentleman to ba nntkf t. .»'.,|. 0 barrels

fosa >¦ ration, up-i-jbanilt n oro per month. 8uch is tit ir argumentBt-d calcuiati'in.

1 unis i!«-r it important thtttthí above facts sho-ild»be known tbrou'-'hout tho ¡.ited States, in ordortl «.i Am- ricen de epare for a harta

ia. Ha ........ itj* with loma

lotellueot American shippers of thii city, they aro

already of opinion tala attetapt at mon<>poly«wili have the eÜ'ect of stimulating imtead of deter¬ring Airn'riian d«*aUrn from shipping flour via"Cape Horn." I presume the American ihipperWill liit!-(!ly lurremler «uch a market as Calif irniaaffords without a co..t-.»t. K ¿perieiice ha« demon-atrated that flour can be shipped irotn tho Statesto California around the " Hora'' in a perfect «tatopf preservation and iweetnen. Some arguo, in¬deed, that the Ion»; aea voyage, ariaing from thescceaaity of crossing the equator twice before itreadies iti destination, will cauie it to lour, andreinler the flour of Chili thoreby preferable. It i«an error. If you will refer to tue report of aalei ofAmerican Hour in California, you will find that ittin been eold there aa dry and ai iweet as whenit left New-York for that remote market. I con¬

versed, but a day or two airo, with an intelligenttnercbsnt, Mr. Griffin, ol Brooklyn, who recentlyahippedone thouiand barrel! from .New-York. Hoinformell ote tint he mid the same, aa lound at

.Then he ibipped it, lor t teeit'yJive tUtllars per bar-rti- That objection i«, therefore, futile. Surmiieiare ol no avail in the lace of tact*. It hai beenprovea to be perfectly practicable.Already two or three cargoea of flour from tha

States have stopped at this port "in traniitu" to"San Fran. i«.u, since I ha»e been in the Consu¬late, and when here it was in the moat marketablecondition. So it remain! fur the future to showWhether the American dealer will surrender to the"Chile..«/ tliie new an«l umiiiputed market. Willnot Oiegou, Australia, and the Huaiian pouei-aious. too, attempt a competition f llout verront.

I rciiiaiu vour obtidlenl »»«rvatit./.. w. I'OTTElt, IT. B. Cssasat.

The (.rent Freahet In l.aaUlnna.Static or the Hivir..The St. FrancitvU/e

iLs.) Chronicle of the IMh in*r_ has the following:j. tivt-r bai roc« d«*«l aoiiie two or thr«*e inche«»ni in the past week. Many think, however, it isBttriboUbte to a break in the ("rajid Levee sbovotbi» place in the parish ol l'ointe Coupée. Wehh«,. ur.b-ritood that tho water at the crevaiie iiBorne twenty foct deep, and running through veryrapidly The amount of damage luitained by»linter», icatteri-d over a vait reirionof country, iiincali-uleble.The Union Ußagt Oauttt of Saturday says:

We uinlorstand that anoth.-r c.i'vaise ocourr-.i i,i

Weil liatón U-.uire on W«»dne»day evening las';,Bear LobdcH's store, some 13 miles al>ove thispli.e.The l\anklin Planter»' Banner of the nth init.

before it waa known there that the Grand Leveebed «riven way. thus «ximplaine.l of the danger oftoo much wat«»r:

'.TUe water in the Teche is in many places en-

ttroirbiaa upon tho banks, and the swelling tidelooks threatenbig. Plantations on the north side ofthe Techo are invade«! by the (lowing waters,front aud rear; some planters have already aufferod much, and will suffer severely if the watermakes any further inroads ui>on their crops. 8houldthe Grand Levee bresk, our planters, particularlythose on the north side of ««Isa Teche, and on theBoul. ami in the lower part of the Pariah, will luffer treat losses, and be put to great trouble and in-eoevenience.''

In relation to the crevaiie at Grand Levee, theriajtemim S-ntmel of the lath «lyi;The come quenco of thii break, it ia feared, wili

prove diiattroua in the extreme to the planters ro-aiding on the west bsnk of Grosse Tete, in tine

Ilberville) Pariih. Tne «rppoiite bank, wo believe,l k'renis «.. «-rll .we.l The bayou had riien love¬'s! inche» lince the break, and at lut account* waiatili r.iirg. Seven cr eiitht mchei more and vaitwrtacea will be iwaliowed by the flood."


Ciioi.tut Uim A..*is.~ltiinottobedisguiiodOr ouputed that there have be«a lèverai caiei ofchol.ra »nuur city whichtermiuated fatally withinabelaittwodiy.. CoMi'icrtMt. ,lam w .> 7j" "'

able «, eoU-May t. fcmi. v*.rU ,lf l^^nVtíSíZan the Vltl. ol June there were near'nft "oaS.ner day of cholera here. \ ,',t,rjRV there*were .few-very few mwmparuwu. Probably It«be but a lew casea dam.g tie > ear.

Ti Siukrn'i'e (Teijn ) l!« <¡n- v( Friday, til«*?!.!init. lay« We regret that our duty to the'oommu-aity ii a pabHc jour. V¡»t. i a*npa]| ui to anuouncethe of the cholera in our city, ftnçai-t hove incurred of a fata! character.


The Parkir Tvamim ¡..\.Although aometwenty or thirty witnesses were exsmine«J yesterday, nthing matenai was elu ited. The mtmierin wh-.rh thu eaaminatkn haa been conducted iswvir^Wa«Tb*'vWe,,c* ia*f»-* Si ven in

,>V«?.Ä ¡V «î« day. each

in relation to^ chart!^T?íU,re,^0li,D,on, No intimatn h^rikLth° .^^P'1 wit"cveriiaulitig of cha«»i«teri £a~ fl*w th*t thil

6 ««-aciora wm ,«,. «^ a,nclode4Í

the »«ool and «aear wea^fo7^./<>,l^la/..*y.aert.on tte*t C,V,P * lh*t

i. ^:*^tfjom «.¿7ï»r=

..... «A. \-w . . ...

* "; «I «tat aaawTa.-*-.-....

W mfeimtntlnmi

LEGAL NOTICES._Srri'.FMK covín tr> "Ae aesrse« <¦' Am »i

«S... r. A .i'-iitawaalr-aaaat».aahy -.f «h» '.¦«» of«»» Tor«., ».*.s I l>*-y «treat tee Ma« to th*«o«iUier1y atl* Uwe»

«,l bagaran Br-.».«-»y aal ti.anarn h alraat. a tLa Third Ward ofm aainoa-r« of Ca'jrott* «atl Aassss

BM«t,« sse. - IBM a .¦¦-. . M II - « rul«of Um a«»reinal. ta 1 ,rk.»nt».« o* là* Mi J«, ofSep-

.r»..»r.i 1 IL« t"\: r-i.ou of Um Art .»<f «I»«

Ait to »n.e-f «a Act »at."»4 a- Sri to r»-4-ir» aa«T»Ta! '»-N-» Inri into »a» Art. »M" « Ut» ». r.«U»odAaaaaant»

tn»o«A~t»rao( the loi« »»a»»«»-

..-,» Aaaateanteal. »I-

- '.





¡il M) l II IM >.. )

PU COL'KT. -Il th« aiAitsr ni th*

I la«-

. lia«**»ailI



tb* ÎUia »-Í N«» T^.rk. kt Si*. .«1H -¡i-INis

.r hr, ¦'¦ »I

Cesirt«!« ¡ lay, or sa ttmunmta Ctatt«! taa I« *

fur t'ja ai i. loe-t ol Cr-n.ii-,«au.u«r» t A»*»»»-« «il ! al rniiiar ; that th* uaiur« «ni Mitut

».»ncfroia red. 1**.» »'"I "t*'.\ «ri. ..(

i m liai, ur ,.!».. »ftk* Ci.) of N«» York, by. » -

. -.r»»'.«-H K..«.ia in th« City of ÎU- t -t

»Oiaip-i««,.»»«,'- p«a«aj April la l«'«. I-aMO, "».» V«r«, Jnr.« Vh,ISBAj«n Ur« HIÎISRT r. DAVIES. CuruMl toths Corp.irsl.o3.

_ilim». «-HUI J...«KI'H STORRS sgs".-! WILLIAMPfaKEKT ORAT «ad a.ate la Muaint .-i . tarreetupnmsCetuXof th» St»ta of Ne» York, 1 will »«ni,.«,

l, »t llo'el d M. »t Uot M-r» V-.rk, al: lh»t rr'Uin lot oilar.

Mr-« rsrseI.. leBewe, ttar'rinirir si »

.rteer. .1 »tant w».t»r\ .».-,¦.wr.t ,,n,rr of Horat.o atrat-î. sari H

.,., .-,.-¦ , »r«t»rl)' »lang tl.e nort«>-r tal* al II.¦,.» aorlhsrg aerelata1 w t>i <.r-«n»ich

«t.«tIRj i.ea, Uiao-e «aalerly pATallel with Hora.ü.erly l-arail'.

!.». to tb*m«rtli»r'y «.-la .: II irai

TH')«* -«.-rTJos« A. \V»m. Plant.« a Attorney. I .»1»«

P IBI.If ADMINISTRA TOK'9 Of'KICE. No. 7 N«»a«.i ttSmUL.s .¦» :» Iif-m.) ri»en, t.. tli«. relative« aod next oí km of M4RY

J Kl IV ol Ut« I '¦¦ »..«* l.-rk, widi.w, dei-es«».!, s»l wl,.,is.i iDtaalate, tint 1 «han apply to II* virrog»»» oi

itaoa -pon that««Ut» .if tit« u.Jlth* Datad Hem V rk..'j.o.,«»«w J\»S»:s S H «.VKK. I» il.v Adm n.atrator.

Pi 111.I» ali«4IM-IllAT«iK'S OITfU »


«] 1 .L»!l «|.(.l. to

DaU Be« Tork. Ju-» II, l**.i...wtw «Aséis A Ilium I irAtor.

«y ,, K -I> »It! IllhiV K

K \ V -1 1 «wJ H 11.IL« 1 L. 141 »111 VI« t, Dala

firm \ -.

York «t tl

,«»,|Lri -> iltak» nilrii-ril ('r II..

.- M

..... ..'.\i H kTUl Wjfl lar- » _i«. Cliamlie«. .'-S.» 1 irk.

«It i.KI'l ItIV-i.

.l«l.»..f.!^.n."'ttl».l, «ad salLiai au a.l.» i.ii.'i.l I,»- i-, i. ...I..1 »»ainal Um aula ol John Kora» r... llat» «if Jlsw-T. --.rsawill»»».¡j. ha debt», unira» b« appear ao-l J» harr,«ami, »'.«. .' '¦" I»"». w '¦'

publK-a'. '¦ -.1 that to» payment oftnydebu du» to k.m¦.. ..r be ...

¦..r .-J.. i.TbtJ-lealii I»»». »nd a« »mJ. Dated the

v - er, laut. CHIKl.Ks RHODE!n..i.. »y lor Attacl Cred.tor.

BY OKIH K -rt jf tlis.--.., ,- -, -i, p r-nant to th« pro-

ll.r «tstata «t-tin,r.«>nr atUc Imtttnu .ieVsat abaron-''nx.- "-

cwale.1 ¦ alan attacbinsnt haaiaanad «arsinatII I IA.M BKOWB, a re»»l«nt of ttaa Sut« of tire-

-ill tMaold for th« p»yn»tt of bia dabu,un».. Im appear and d.»«n»rr» »u. u «tlahnwit, «*»; to Is«,

..no4 Uus aata-*, and that

for Li« um, i-l «ny property or r-gliU m fti-Uo« belijaring lit(Toparty by him to* furbie3«a kg

U». «nd »r»to.d.- liale-i, tl.- aOetlt d«v of No»*tal>er. lte%i_)l»»Vai BAK.NAUIia riBIDJBB. Alt AtU'ii sgCrsditor

1.N Ft KM AM K of »n or1»r of th» Sumare* of lh» County ol>rtr York, nul»'* ut h»r»t)vri»»n Ut all par» hxring rUun*

I \1- .--Hill. ....- i' i. » -t N-w York, dax«**Md,to».th ib« ».. ;. h»r» tl.ere..f, u« tl.« labacnker,el l«s

-4 \\*i|.atiea*t,in Ui* Cityol New York, o.n» b*lo~«l>»llt.'i day of AUAttal nalL.DaUd, New York, tttirusry », A. D. ItW.M-|«« JKASE C. SMITH, A Im -iiatnlor.

1' lb« Surr-if-iU of to« County ofNV» 1 «»r. to «Il paraont lis» ng claim«

egaiwtHE>KY Hl.»ikl» »t» ir:-i-» 'S»» y -rk. dácaassd,Ui« ««m« »ith Toucher» lh«r»tof to tb* »»U» ntier, at her

«¦-» York, «a or bttfor*the. » -th d»y of

etirch.lV... n.t ¡«wOrr.-, IIUUIUM m » » .iratril.

IS l'l l«sl AM K .1 an r-»r of th« SurroraU of th«Couoty«-lS'.» York, Dot»-« i« ji»«n to »II prraona h>« n* <-l«im«

erainttlHADDEl'S B. WAREHAM, l*U ol Ui«er-nOrn. nraeot tl.« aanoe, »ith voucher« Um »ubacrioer. at »on öftre. Ho. 13 Baeamss «trial, a th« olRswTest, :»l r» ..» --V. J.iy .I l»-,an,t»tr n«lt- -I.' Na»

r»t d»y ofMay, lfifA AURA* WAKtt!«.«.y«I l««rt*»ii» Aaraisuitrat-.r

IS Pl'RS! ', s i K of «n ordar of the S irr-«au Jt u>*C««iñty of .Sa»Yolk. '

.^ arr.a ar«,-i«t¦OTT S. CAJÎKON, hU s ....MTjttlMM t -J.* tie-ene» of í'etin .s.rie, »t r,-r^er T>. H A»»r.»« >

r» Um tvrantMtgu«t i«i«...It»t*J *4«w York, the

¦OTT CAKÍIOI». )Fl.IV l»«-»AT« ZETVa SKARUt. { L1Pl'RSl' A.SCE of «n »rd.r of Um SurrogaU o/U.« Coaoty of *4a».Its PI

York -.11 pert-OS« ba«u«at c.«_ns agaia*tAN, lau ol Um City of «W*JNA1HIMI.I. II ISAM.laUoi Um City ei S-» ) t !-.:«a*sdLto

srettrnt Ui» ».».. » meet V- th« «UO-HTÜMI, »t UM oatc*of SUpiMfl Casatrrlriaj. Xnl. No. I» Waii-atl.aS, in lb* I Hew.

'M,.r»U.a UWi.iL day of Aual^al imaL.LlaUei, .SawY. 'k. «.-.. at! tuj r r Sty,IBB_*t lunmm»_SATHAhIELPITSAM, Eiecator.

I rrorsu of Uis Cosaty ofti is. i« vv'l'.T. "'*""vl ' »''««j slI«Mrt»a«he»iMcla«BBiegaia»l

- Clj of «swlorl..l«ras»-J.U.* »T ,", '. "' «te I¦. ».-.-.

/Now.¦> Oecemms _»L-D*ud Usa

. Ol sj ivu ; , ,<"*'* eiLBuiT L. h tú a mam ,

. t.llllAll«a ... .1 r ».- »


-I It

'.- -'¦ at »at .Dm

seeaoi. »- ». ¿iw^.oilaïka«. »»«»«-.ut, «ísc,^»i

m -rolMi tMit.Htm York. Hi» Jl. 1B40.-.»- JASIL- I in si, l; f. ce*»».


j\ iTK'l IS HEK1 .1 ".;» KS. ».

Urn . . ,. a.-, .-r IH'.-t i IIH

--.i »a.

»..i.-.. _aaeaMrttw: ..- r.-rw .,.,, ,,. ,--. '. S- . Y r«. '- -». a

ratal Paeroary as, l«AO

r. B l.kicAl!* -t-«at«l«wlt.

IN l'l RSI AM E ol BJi «irdaM of Um SurrtjgaU of UM»»*** Y««rt, sou«* m hereby |rs«a to .

«t«n»»l>ll IX A MORI!«, latr of Um t i; Í »..1»o» i1«»,a»«»l,t»»r»ta»r ,- rtSHa fr .,.««»arka»««a»u_ta_*_.*r |»r»ti»ii .'.'»..¦ s.-

BAK1» «. AdraTUBM'-l..-^ lili aalla, J*.«a«*»l


old «and rx'P*i»«r botwl, known m die«w»nke«Hooae,.^lavtna^boen rotn-tTod to and locautd ootn«

.nctite««»nmi-r of M»tr- «nd Huron »trtj«««, IB the CttTOCIt, ..¦ l~» wltl« « »*w *.rv| hiis»»rneot twel«ro fee« hlfti,and . l«rft> orlillOori taoUl »i»i«*rino. of twenty-tw») roon«,

m | ...,,.¦ sat i B '-..»-.». ->¦«, w*-.!-*-. ¦ i ¦. r»airto rant The location I» . mo« c«*ntral and con*ent'*nt one

M rlr >»» f,»nnd In i*i«* r-'ly, and no pain« «h«ll be »pared ta

th» *«.«rii|«»<«i»nt «etLptiltiagltta thebet»* p««*triies.vie K'»ru»nTi*. Se «pply to th*» uoder«!rood was I« »boowner |>tao2wr MICHAEL WAUM.

. KAKT OF A ilOLHK~TO LBT. TO Tktrtv¦.-: >: ras üoor frute Br jad way boom new andeoBvec!«*nt. the lid. 3d and lth»;orto*. with ->nc*. !.«**-

meet, a ".ter or «eparaie Htatret leave the/«r»n» «-»«»y «rerrr'ruiet Arply on the premia«»», or of J. J.COLt-MAN. «v» Wail-st from 12 to 1 o'irJock. 'cv if

«MB TO I.HT Two geotettl thuw«Un t hoanes eonia.Q»Ki I: » ra improvement* lu Hudson-place,¦*¦**¦" .Tl.:.-.y foarth-M between Ninth and Tenth »veouett.

I. ply U> J. W. LATâON, 173 BriMdw»«, or.- and evetlng upon the premlte«. my7 3awtf

. TO 1 KT -H-- oral f-r.foi bou»e« with Crotón wa¬ter, lir In Thin- ' irtb at '.i«tr*n tr. Nir'*i 81 1

Tenir, «venu«*« Apply lo J. W LATSON, ITS H- « "¦

Wl or - «-* l 1 »twtf

£I1.IMÍI)-.1 «ult cf room« «ultatile for an ln»a-rinv, locttodln Willit or in Broadwav,

üstwam Maider lane and Wail «t Apoly at the

Of. -*» i ihe Citizen»' r .re ln«urar,-.e CompBjy,ü7 Walt**.|e*mf

T. tl> - i->r «a

,r,-t. m*/*lf


«AHHflT*»K«Htl».-F r ».

I., th« 11. ...

... ... -,.» rjj «

lot! <,' |roai

. I payment BulldlD«»wlil beereeled bye| I »I f.. »T'l.-r,.«- -- ?-

york,al7»Ld N «V.M. .. M ¦; t -;

tarnlog, leave D»iri i«n «i ¦ K«"f*"r to»ei, ROBT. H V.Í.TOS, »Winn

t. .t.-* IBiPea l-*t. je ¦ hs

MAT HH I?ATE MALK-A valua.iebou.ëauïio.»iiniit-o on ic» em tide of Tn'.rd-avenu«*, ». feet touiaof Thirtyieverth it sud lot '..elnir In I'.zs «*9 fest frant

nd r.-nr i.y |o0 f»-i ir Sentr-, the bout. It ¿5 feet by j: foalA poruon of the pur»

otmy r.r. r«-m«ir or "'ond and morurtge. gor pricet- o ''.ril er i'tni'-'.itrtipply to A J. BLKECKKlCJatts 1 w Auctioneer, 7 Broad »L

«KOH »»ALK A new on«v»t>rv cm***, w

«. «sd J, acrei of food lar.d. S/e uunui*«walk from the dftjv.l of Tarryioavu. There I« a fine

. -.'.(.and attretti.i of pure «pririK water,krown a« tîie Andre Brook, running through the premi*«« ;

liso, t.-. . - i «i-»»ra--.

Possession given Imiueuiaitlr. and I, . .«quired.

MFOH BALI -m tooiowb of I*, i :t 4j miles fromHnrwait, »n.i - .... New-Haven

. « of 1 sere »f go»d lard and wr-wllh«toiilAaery Th«h<>o*e I» in gnni ord**r. Il

i« oa la« {>..¦ told low as tne tub-»rrll^r h»»«,-i'!.».'f"r !t lltealreef

ir.BBICKBOlf, !"-')u*ii-st.

Êl-'OK-Al.F. Anelevitadbu .» «...tfrnev'.'W of a fr ..-ti Tarry*

town, on the Bedf rd rutd, wllh fiom f.>-ir lo

fveirre* of ¡til, to nil l.'iu purchtser, if a lar«r«tr quao-there It a brick hi..t*». t.»>«.-.»- i.«-w,

¦ lold wl'.h IL Inquire of the wli«crllif-i. M«« lm"| BXBVT RUCKWKI.L.

ÄPOM HAI.K OR HVCIIAM.K ' --vacan.I.Ka il N'h» .',".,rk. VVI ¦n, fouri-v, 4-tiory l.ilrk anlas >n Nirui-*l l'art of ih» pur-

rli«»f ntemtrt may rt-r.i»ni "'. .."»rii'«jr»* ApplyIwTlKaB' MUltKIS k 8TF.VÍ-; «¡S, 67 \V«i!^|.

MVAI.l AKI.KMBWAUK I'ROI'KltTV KORBAlalV.five I story Imns for m.b, wgeiher or»rT-*rnle\y. Term* icade eaay. Inquire al tîO Wil-

l!tm-«t. Newark, New-Jer»ey.job lm*_CATHARINE fOWLKR

«¦VlLDINfl HITKiAON BALE In *x»m«ufiMt..»tsar.leal paru of Brooklyn. Section» »I .«¦.»ra.lot* U'irfihur ran be bad for tma.1 ujti»y In .

n«V!.I".rl..>.».». Apply at ¿i I'lnesL up »lair* Jal4 Im»


fit.OL^TKV«KATO^ITI^E HL'DMO.N.-ror*ale a f»rm of about 8U acre* in tie vUtgo of Hnttingt,21 milcsfrom the rity. The house lauow, built of stone

l-i die motitubiianiiai manner, In modorn «tyle, wllh 13room*, «nd has on« of the moil coramandlng vlrws of tb«tivtir «nd adjarent »cenery. Il unite« uau»ual utcuireaoü«rro«pa»rl with convenience and retlrtiment. The around«art. in the findet order, weil »uppiled with a ertaat var1»ty offruiL The whole or part will be »old on application to Ua«propiielor on the premlte«, «l Hasting» ,>n the Hudson, N.T.B-ySiilm* ALKXANDtR BIRNIB.

11-AK.TI KOK NALK-ln Wayne Township, Pa».rtko-i-ijWp .*!» Cn. N J containing iSO «wr'»»s in a healthy atv* rarja*^^ «ni location. D«*ar Patterton. *»' ml le» from thl» city. The

iiui;dinif»<-on»t«t if »»tone hou»e, ¦ barn \<> by 44 feet, cow-h.ruae. and otber bulMing., a.l In s;o<>d ortter. Crops of allMats wl.I be «old wlib the farm. lVrs-ir.s wishing t «.- !f»rm will dow«-i! to rail and extTiln« befor" purofiaslnr*it«-«Al.ere. Rtffrences csn be htd of I) 8. lljnromb, *ul-il-t-rty-st Nrw-Virk; «if C. Hughe«, Kroad *». Newark,N.J.; of Will:»». C.'r.Mr'.v«^, Crossroad », l.onr la'.inl,andon therr'nii»'*». "f I'«»" lm*l rJKNBY DOREML'S. !

&IIIK PAI.K UK K \ 1:11A *t <. K fofcity propor-iv, oí. Sttirti I«.aril, » Mauttlal country «eat within 1of a n.ile of Totie-i k Beml«y'* Ltmlng, where two

a»rni .¦ ait ply dailv, cornitung of 15 acre», a mrw modernlv\-o-*iory beute, with wlrg attached, bul't bv dtyt'work;

i t.u:tbarn, ctint,»houte, fow,-hou»e and other out'., ra,and a inctt all kind« of fruit Is a!iur.dan.:e. The «ttuttionfor viewenael benrpmetl Icqjlratt v L- ticgton-av.before 'JA it. or «.1er J I'. M. of

. n I*tj_J. f. WM1TEBEAD.

aPOH »AI.K l*«l YO>KKK!«-TwosmsJlfiri»»i». ret, Ins llgk »"«le ol ci.ll.tuon, j of a

B»Ue from tluai'i I on ii.e ll«r.-ui Raii-rold, wid oc.e. .», itrr.i.e. wl'.h vtri'Uit taJt of.':'..L and well wf»red. ntutKtd 2

. m '. .T.kertvi Itee. Inqulrool" MVR'JN KINCH,11>. Nttttu-tt. or olUie »ubtcilimr tl V. nker«.


S KOK HAI.K, uh EXCHANOCÖ KuR CITV¡'HOI r.KTi ..A alixAi Farm, of ¿i" or .1<> acre«, nui-«*.M In Du'.rhetM C ouc-.y, between foughkeepeie and

Hyde Park, tw . Sietmb >«l and Ral Car land-lug Farm well water"! t-.d t.iir'««»red gor parüeuiar«,Uxr.treof A. M. KAN»Nlk\t>, litiSeí-vj .

I- before 9 A M., o lo 7 P.M., or »lio «jlsxion.

S TO LET, OK KOK »AI.K-An elegant newthree »tory and am.- hou»e with basement and coun*tares itr.:nThirty-«econd «t between Broadway and

Fl*lh-»v. nota t)r.ithed and ready lor ocrupatloo, wilh allfte modem InrrroveiiikDl» Price il>V»"i Ir. jitreof

CHArl T PLATT, 1,111 Broadway,Join Sw * between Tbirtytecoud and Tblrty»thlrd »la

'1ANO-KOKTKH KOK MAI.B-IPerton* about purcbailne Plano« will hodfit to their «dv»niage lo call ai BENNETTI'kCi)MPANVHM«nuf«ru.ry,|Sjriillon-«»T|

(east »lie oT Broadway,) they have a large atMortmeoiofBotewood Piano« conttaniiy on hand every Inttruntenlwarranted for two year*. B fc Co h»»e iheonatw ofstoreIban 1,'tvi person* they will refer lo. who b»t"e pur-*-««»»dPiano« o. them, all of which bave |lveo anlvertal »ai:if»»»Bon ; but when «ny doubts areexpre««ed aalo ineirq-iaùty,Use pavmect m»v be withheld unlii unlii «uco douui« «re r«>eioteJ Oíd Placo« «arhanf«-! N«rw and Mcjcd-ba*^lPiano« to let. nVti

JlJUvO-FOKTKïl-Parion» »boui par» Ilebssinf Pisco« will find ti o their tdran-liatje to ctii tl R. Glenn à Co'* M «cufíelo.

. 'ry 1** Buiiun-it. (wast of Brotdwtv AXeceraJ utottmeel ol Mahoracy and Boeewxid P'ar it

tocitactly on bind, which win be «old low for cash or is-aroved paper. Oealen «applied on liberal term«,lay ST B. «JI*ENN k Co. 1*4 Faltoa-SL

ÏTO «KKEMWICH-fsT. c^TOTÜtiy»J. it C. KIUCHER'B (late Nuons à

Flscber'«) manufactory and ware-room.Flano-Forie wllh reverte bridge «cd pa¬

ient tub«, well calculait*»! for keeping In Une. PUno-Fortaetuned, repaired aid taken In eicfiange. my29 Im*


«fflfíBBaC Baal'I ! IS r

nOOooWan\\\m^Kmsn\bsstmg'KOK «.ALE-A very fine toned pNuces it C'ark makers, will be s.Idcheap. Apply to

ANÏUUNÏ J BLKECREB,Aucnoneer, 7 8r J«d »L

MArsOS KOUHALK ANDTOHIRB-mâaâammneml'leaailBBBB^B«l'k«"' "'"'^^^mTw^oai H to f octavo«, In ro««wo..d «nd ma»

I I at I ibogaaycaae«. JAB.TH«)XPfll)N k COm*T km* lai« Tailman 1» Rtrdt.l.

7 Bt. cl«y-«L oppotilM Um Atlor-Uous«,"': tOTOCt

Bl] H A-lll«l>AHI,K HATH.-Jj« fiai*ried, ih«MIL u.o*i*p.«*iidld arucle ever offered. Eletraat Fr«*eeh.^ 8;.k Hattet the .w p-i.-a of ii. ui.« '¦¦.- at ftA'«n an article at f. *i. N*at Hatiat 92. BKO»VNJ«22 1 m« IS» Ctnal-tl. one doo« (rom «JuUivtB.

Jl !*T KEt EIVBD frosB Baxoe «J^rriiarry, a

lot of the beat iloglni Canary Binli ever Imported.,A.*o len Bu'.'dlncoi»«, that wmstitj iwo or »firtx»«*«»>

Ml catvaa, la^ctMker wtth other fancy r.:'d««ndea««.. lo i.e »old ai Sáó Bowery. _Jo* ><»*

taaiL_».TI1K I.AKC.K*«Ta»wr»*nenioiBed«i«*ds,tJffiVHBedi.Mau-itMeeand Fiwbers «var «-^erei lnr^^ ^*^««.e.itM.\Vlh**ABi)'B War«»iV3«3n.l^Cüai-fcaai-« -or. of Mal'-erry^t. The aiMmtion of boas«-keeper«and otreri is pirtJcuiirly caned to Wil'Jj'i pa'enirlrttscd left tvr-w brttdead. Old b«T»J» r«»»*»3*irtvl«vd ; «*oU «rttole*sajeaad retail


Jai. HB*

IN riK-lTÂ.NCI. of as .fter M th. Sirrugal« «-!' d>« Cotai*» t»fSen i -rl,} »»»ra to all i».r»oas kavatf cbuas

»I I »\ II« «asa« watt. .m»-l»»f» Ili.rauiT loiSwa«»-J »-. > . N r.U ami», all« t*m Iti."«

»»i».-DaU«U>'»..IBM ...R1HA VtlUIT,

., ...

rirr i-NH

Kir aivaa. »ua»ii*«s u a*, »a «a »»«»»..,.r»»i ui.tkiM l«»«».««^a «« ?»'«-. ti.. irxaU

FOR CALn^ORNU^otéT&tk Vou CALIFOIt^IAa-Througl» ticket«a3a«Ba___lbr Sao Fraariaco s_ Panama, to leav« New.

Tori Joiy 1, by «teezcthtp Creeceat Cttv forChBgra« end «te«meh:p Oen W«rrea from Peneaa to SeaFrenclaco raay at had on*, to

J*!}**^_DOLE A CO. «S ri*-sjt-aL

»a_____k?,*s,UÖ*- *." Li** VOn IAN FRAN-J___li¿C18CU, via CHAORER-Tha new «asi JA¦¦¦¦imgT"^.*TputtinV&Ï.V'''-30'1 «*»^«.Captain H. Windlet.W,rl\ià,££___**-«»1'" tune..Capt. RoU.II P-veoa.Vjïïy?J*z r iina *. ****** Ne-w-To«. end Cbaa-rea,a-fiáí;£?¥*.?"* *»*** »»**» U*-»»»**» *.*»-*>--. -.-». t-aai« pacha.¡¦JJ-a IB« Pscafie-a «aatl-ooaU-y Una i-rixajrh to gen Frea»

asoocsD batbi or rasa to csassbi.-- Cbstrokee. Paiiele'Bhhv*R4srie^i-«Mgulaju»lna..$12400 ||* Sorormui.. Sa-oon »la . 100 00 Mit»leewer Ceils.. aß rjo

nçolto&Zi^ U ** ^""H* ". ***". **. l»rt'*.taerere (foac<J wi_ aaanressas

ea_ boerd).(65 00 teal OSlat^l_f-t>-»-> ,Ct»--rr_» .»' <»¦>..» r-M f«*<~ Ex pacte« «a thelit-une* ere tjoriae by peasnggoieFor freight or ttaaes^rTaprTy toUOWLAND k ABPINWA-ata, M SotUm.. (I 1?r«V_^s_MAI_ «TÊÂMSIIir COUPANT.

f a ma s« .l-cl'f ' ¦*¦*«-. «.all »teeia-ntv-lT-A«

cefPtTVÄVT-;V. hi??8 *>-. «..Cap4.Cwil.ler Pelaría,art » -1.-»ñ.^ JA.:.. » u«jrus....Capl To*. B«id«\

f r í,"mÍÍ1,*'"' 6"" tt'n«-«« Ca.-t R.L Whltory.¦U*. IM BU»....Cao». JA.e'întenit-ri u .'ora a aoi»l-s_tonta_> li_» ire,Worte Pinerasana port* .n Californierasesagera !n the After Cahla ire fareliba»! baaVeaRj

e Pestvr.,-.«'» la lb« Bleerage ute-alione e* ere fjrnUhftd 10 üm) crew, and

..eeieni pillow. Ali paaaeagara wlli lie«pace for pertoLei baegefe frets, to Ote extent o'wslghl. D'il exc-edleg In ir.eruureiii.-r \ inn r-.uU r»-..»

. oigà-s^-i orrnorcbextdl*«v,wh»siiak.«o, f .,¦»« '..n, a_d le per Baal. --¦ el «pocie.Plckagea ». .all Ml «tees.» l»i Hi« » for mala

HI llaga Cabin. Bi'ga.fusage from Pecase to Ren Ble* o.- MeieUan.):.-« Bin

SanDler/o. 2V1 121Baa FracclAV». »si 150

.1c itoras to be laadea will be la-en-i!.*gg%_e Cbargesaf embarking axd deber klag end el! peraonaT port tbern «e,lHwluJiLg Qeeltb f «tu uo¿ Lou bare, to lie paúl ny the pattara»r*»re No pettege tec-red until paid for. Apply »line of.See of the Company, New« York, M R-uth-et. .u'if

si*A*lH. TH HOI ««»ft liINK KOKHAN FR»\N-r*Ar?J/>i ;.. <» \i\ c HAUKE«], DIRECT.The

**ll*lllll*l*mWl-,sr.rn<lM aiesi-,»i:p CHEROKEE, HenryW'lDdle, rooirnm il»r, wB i»sve her dock pter I. NjrtnHiver, for Chaire* direct, on Mucday, Juiy a,el 3 -»'clock.Puseogers are particular'» rer,uest»Mlo hsveiheir t'tg^egeon boen! iiie Saturday p'»-»loae.

HOW I «.NU l L8P1NWA1.L, -I »n-1 ó .- MA it

KuriKK C ITY I.IPfK FOrt sn'KRANCiSCOviaCHA'lllKSDIRECT-T'ie"splendid iteemhlp CRESCENT CIT.

IX-.I bai_»ii, Ceea. b _der. will leeve forlev, Joiy 1, el 3 ... :l.M-.k, fr »m her

dock pier 2. N. I» P irf.'i''«M.i'r?ti!..-.'.i]et DRW J IKiW'ARD í SOS. ii ÍMelwey._r,.. 1 OH »".N KlilMlsl'O, ».um8ati Kren-_BX_..-.i< " »1 'i ibe ( R-g.-mt . Kre-i-r'n ian<l-«d »1 i4«uj".".-'.-¦ Tie A perk.-i-a»!i/> I'IjARENDUN,II 8. Broau, u,uo.r. le u»)W receif.rg ire Igln «I pier 1, N.R Pt««e',.er» «Ti '. Wild to BTOld tie w( » r*.y teelofl.

r with th-dtl.-'-r ..f rr-»»ir, llie Is-itri'i», «frill ii-.dll - C:«r»ndon . firtt r»i« vajse.. b«viag -«"»ry c in

forcerryll » rstreefiKT» »he will prrveed direct lo »janFrenci««¦. under Uva able er>mmaivd of Capt brown. »1 U »a'e ps»»airinia> ¡1» celru'si'-d on. r'or fr

» oru^R ¡l HI ITI R «'*areV,a_«lJ. BEliKNAP 8.SIIT-

)e!5 1m* T .r'.me H'ii:<«!ngS.

___t U.IFIIKMA FAHNK^IaKHMCAN pro»_JH_cure tlcketl for »tete room Iterlhl In firtt caltln formmjmm>-. n "f:<, on iijerdilieipltjodid pack-

t t LAKEN DON, coverlag ell expatie« till leiilod InI r l-rtfisii, t.y eppying atibe Ctlifirnie Pestergfr Of-

K oidwiy. InforaiBtlonclTUlari greilt.AENOtP Bl'l'ITM.


,."sli -_j>KX(:l"R»ION..The »learniioei JENMVfc«*.."- -UNI) w 11 rin dally 10 the Cemetery, from

Hi« t rat pier a-mve Barclay-eU el 1", », H aod 7 o'clock,leevtrg it» Cemeierv tt «, 12\, U, tnd 6 o'clock. On ian-dev »be wlil leewe 11» foot of Hammond-it. at the Bhotebo'ure toui.'i'-i^ at her rfg'ilar pier. Fare it« cenl*. Toepobüears re«p«tifuily li.viied to vltlt tbe grouodi. Lot*

.'.£ at iheiow price of il't, pavalrle ai $2 per in n'.»i.N. B .T.le J»Boy l.ind eta be enir».e.l for Evening Ex-

cunloue <)rt>e ol ibe Compioy, 2*9 Broadway. All par¬lor« ere forir.d tmatlrg env one nu B.-conrii ol tli» a'i)veboat. iBTJk] JAH T. I.KETK. -¦

rr««»»-j» FI«4HIJ»I4. IIANK-4. ARK.INI1K«MKÑf.-Tir aeesietmer BUKFAIaO Will

****S«««*«ala«aB.irlin aver7 day, escept Baturday, loavlr./Canal et at 7 o'clock, UreoS, 7|, Caibeiine, 7 4, Pier No. 3

North River, HA. M. relumteg liy 6 P.M. i.Dl» 1

Bend will ha "n hoard. R-fr»tbmer.ta, dlaner end .--iow.der will be provlded. Fere IS c»nu etvcb w»y.~

-tT**^ »TO LET VOK KXfL RSIO.N-i-TheA____r~3C'ew.: ««ge uii.BOA, lyi'.gBBaBB.H--'.'-., ftmt of Haiumond-il. For rtart'r ilersln.quire of the Cs| uln on iioerd, or on board steajn'-otu Ltl-CeorWei nf Ceder-et. Je.2llm«_ -rpse.» KXt l K»alO>«4.-The~ñes7«o.i ñm

k *T* « « 8T NlCHOtiAS 'sn^'^^^m .'s-tered for excu'sl.trs on m.Jd-*reteterm«. Apr1? at 141 U.-a-nw'ch-at. orto Captain on hoard.


Si HHrrffi-rHfc" i; h-i i » ad.m|...:».aSrj_Kol KTH OK Jt'LV E.^-¦4-*.riioiss- To a- 1 rrota P'u alt-1 phis f»r

Ki 111 IK« .ttr«, «n.t lh>- .:n» retdOcUoa betweeo N»wn-k Bidstj way rMattoa ar.»i i'iii.aiie.i'bie, with either of tbe foil »w«

1: i treic«Leaflag N^««--Y.''li on the

.A M aid I P. M and 0B It» I'.h J li} »thai en-i ) A.Ü.irslr s fri.rr. Lib«,Il -si

llei-:rr.:r.. f om Ph'.ltaelphleon Hi- Ith J y :n lb» 5 P.M.trail.»-.;. ibe 'nh »r.d oil July la ibe o sad I A. M. «rid 5P. M Tísica.

u «v nutrís.In addition |o the utuil deity trami, wiia lacreiied sc

led»!.», ihere wl.l ttr lira Ithe 4th July:Len-lng Newer! e' 6 A M »IP Mwlll P. M

New.Voraet7 A. M 1» P M. sr.d 1 I IV M.E,izel«ethio\»-n at 5 P. II and lui P. U.NewYork at I» P M etd Hi, 1* M.

R«hwiv»M' P. M. a 1.1 i e il.New-York »t 18 P M. «tid 111 P. M.

Now¦ll,-untw!rk»t4P. MNew.York-UHiP. .M

Or: Friday niornlni!, 5ib Joiy, ¦ treln wlU leave N'ewerka I M renrnlrg from New-York «'. 7 A. M. je. lw

tiT~-"ja(»HIFKITII'S WKflTERN.^¦""¦¡lalNE, ItUO.Coatlnuet to carry!

¦gfiTdt ot all de»re|pt.oni tty Canalaand Reij-oadt fr..m N -w-ïurk, bollón end Pblledelpbleto\> eiiem Nt-w-York, .acie Ohio, Keciuck/, Ten-nesea-e, M'rhigen, Indlane, llll-iote, Mistoarl. low«, Wis-contm, slic-ioíaar.d tañada »Veit. The connection uponthe Lekeefr. m Buffalo to Cleveland, Bendueky, Toledo,Drtri .1 end Upper Laeee U uinurpa**«*d. Refereace beingbtl 10 er.tiexed cerd. :.«.-».Ip, corner Bouuv«lt New-York K URIKFITH, Agent.

"s'.i. 8«rdu«ky and Toledo Line S;»vi »r,

ULEEN CITY.Cap!»Thus.O P UR1FFITI1.CWLfaitle,SUPERIOR.Cent. Wettt.

OHIO.Capt.RichardeTROY.l'apt-U« 1' .«

One of the ebove Iti cl«s« eteemere will leave :oe Sendu»r iledo dock, touching ai Interine.leia port*, deily

et » A. M. Passengera Ucketed through from Bucslo 10C'.nctnratt.For freight or paaeege, apply on boerd. or to

J.NO M URIKKITH/Aseot,»yJl eadtDl Irmg Wberl end Slup Canal, Buffalo.

aPOH.IIKKl.PMll> L'NK OF'^BARUES-T.'ie l.srge CLINTON. CapU'UlUe'.e, ev-ry Alon.ev. EXCHANOE-

C«pL Roaekrer.t. .-very Tburedey; POU«JHKEEP*ilE,Cbcl Hoí-rec. every Seturdey el "> oV..»»-iA, from foolo.'lli.r.-B;-e. for patseBgera ani freight.Tbe elrov.t Bsrge« ere eiegenily furnlabe.l with «late-

11- &, ,ou» end cooiforiteiile ceo..-a, a;J ere ex»

p.«**ly fiiitu up for Ibe comfort »cd cooveüie_ee of peav.engere eec errlve el Poii«bkeen*te lo um« for lita stage«10 ttharcn, Pine Plein« end New Jlilford.For fut-icer ief«trmatl.n, apply ob l.oerd »be Berge«, or to

WI!.LIAJW80N k VAIL, '61 Waat»«t._fe.1 6m


through ta 4 honreFere reduced 10 A.) H for i it clase $2 > tor 2d claie, sis

Jt-reey City and New-Jersey Railroad.La-ave New-Yotk el 6 end 3 A ¡A. and 5 P. M fron foot

i«-at. Leave Pbiiede.pbla et 6 eod JA. M aid 5 P.11 f«/ol of Cbeetnat-eL Jeáff lm«

dO MAT! HEM '. U'ATCHKd Î-I hsve JnsC n-¿s^k yageolln Liverpool en ¡avolcaof

Êh í Pe.-> i.t Lev a h ucbet, wklch I era ss__g at thamau%mp\,ug low price*:eTrae.-«.-e.e'.re:»<i Patent Lerere.?.>» '

A vert fite Ptuent Laser (Loulot. cea«*«).Rtiwrygixid PkieciLerer, warrenied.I> «

... .. ihG 1 Pit-tit Lever,ea lew ea. >> '."]BIlvtN- Lap'B« W»trhe« jeweled.i-irer Det«r!ie<l Levrre 13 Jewel«.A arfRrAea eold by me are warrertad to give eelUfacilun

I») the » over, or the money will be reflwd«*!.JOHN COX, Welch I »»por-«»', .»I B .»«»ry.

yet XtnaoA* between Prtns-a i»B.^Ho^u»^i-^M-J»t T.

âRILniJ^AL^PRED W. "CHTMANN,»»-«KiMBeker ei,d Jeweler, i-«wpex-iXJ.,y .«-.. «.»._.l«a«WB«r«»_d'J:erabli. _ generea. .^«».--«.í*?removed fro- 9eu)170 Cm^-tl.beimeem*i^*ark-eu. wttera be ees»p«. .« oauel, et hi« <tA Me,

B large a««or*_ieLt of loe gold r»nd tl'.rer muuien, j»rwe.r**end eilverwere. ofevery rjaeíripti»-. *»*\*Tk_^o_i «Bi ttj« Itrntrat fmmla prtrea. fc-retr ._ cl« »«ra-iaJ «

raejrt-satad r*v*. «trbei, Jtrw«lry «s- *»Uww'v"^"í_a'4>.ras-r»-- « ,0.1 im

AW< a . ..or«, «.I»»-«-»! «S^i»***?S7mW.f-ll ih»-iogbIa,ea ta iJJls city- T_.*f J..'"^,!:A^r-rAelf-iMbeerild » *W_»rrhr^J, Wvea.SJRTapply lo Mr. THOMraOti l^n^-,

.ri KK O' »IH VU «'* \ *_»H2__Í___.INAla SUPPORTER* lV»r ^^¿Wefml%se^caniprare, t-ao»« ha e»ar*»-»»«l They

.' '.'

ouii-ak-pede All leoa-(t«as>P»«l) protapi-yutaanindio lüCaosts«.

Jai: isa'

TR»4VELIi\G.NKW.VOKK «Sx KRIK »XAlsVaOAB -RJEW ROUTE TO BLFFA-hO~anma¡atAnnngomaol.Cominea.

nao Mocdiy, Miy nta, 1150.Leave New fork tor Bingrjaaio**, Clmlra, Core'ng. fl«t»

Ban, Bni-aester, Baffalo, and tiitatrmedlavte pl»tc«*« daily.J^aundayiexteptttd) by ttteambt»«*THOMAB TOWtLL,boot pier foot of D«w>*vmBrtt«aiatnudnpp«K<-«ab<wd«aab<<«i.Eiras.tT.uiit. at« so A. M «**op*jt*»4r oery it r.«ainont,

enfferti«, Cbe**cr, OoiibinL MlMletowrL/Fcrt Jervta, Nar-«vwabort, Depot«, lanit'Wo, Bliiglvtrntcn, Owsgo, w«,verly, (F»«et««*-y»rti*»t,i Eiritira and Jefferwjo, irrMaf ai Oe»Be.« «t 10 3»> F M. Ptssecter» for Buffalo taking- tr-ta Trainwill take the Error*«* Trata frota «Ubny ai Üttaeva, sealarrive ai 6 o'clock text morning.War tttp Mail Tasiit.Ate 30 A.M. flopping at all lb«

.ató«»»».turtTinj al Cornln« Um *«tnïee»r«nlaai»ti"*''o'clk.Wat Tbaib ai 3 Si) PJB. tor «Jtkvvtiie saá atl tn-erm«*»*}»

«ie«ration«.Nicht Eiraes* Tatm, at 5 P.M. «wpplng .« Piennoot,

Buffern«, Ctwwer,»), Mid. letowii, OUsvliie. Port Jer»si«, and aii (he itaiioo« VVe« of Port Jem«. Pas»-.-.«"Ttfor B-iffslo by th!« train proceed to Oenevs, dine ther» analake Oie Exprès« Train fro« Albany, arrt»nn«v ai BuffaloBeitev»«oing Puteoger* for Ithaca. Cavuga Bridge, andtown« oo Cayuga Lake, take th« can of the Caynga andBoaenMhaao* Ballroad «l Owego. which leave lmmiM'al«>t|oe live »rnval of the F.rie train». Paasentrers for Ttoo«*«Lyeooung rooBile«. Pa. lake the ««art of the Corning notBioMburg Railroad ai Corning. rJiage« leave NtrrowtWg,Depiwlt. Lanesboro, Blnghamton, Owego, Wavetly, (Fie-lorrvlllr,) Elmtra «nd Corr'ttf on arrivai of the traîna.

TRAIN» TO NEWVURlf».F.xriist Tbaih leave« Oeceva at 'i i" A. M. »lopping a

fa-tory-rllle,) Owego, Binghamtori.'.'. N.-r.-wt'i-i-e. P-i Jerv-i M

«9o«»«)k«o, Che»t«,r. Biifferna, and rterxoct irrtvin.- in ."lewTorkf." I- P MWay inMan TstiN leave« Corctrig at»*1 A.M. »top»

plrg at »': the itar*-«*»», tad arrtvea in New-York al 3 45 PM.Nicht »"farts Train leavea Qeuevaat 3»> PM aid

P M »toprï-g »t all tie ration* we«i of Portfo, ü«»*h«rc, Ch.»jt«r, buffernt ai-d

'. »rrl-tr.g ln New-York «li A.M.WAVT«»ik,le»Te«<)t¡rrl¡|.'»t4 (»AM «topping at all

.I*." "«.«ad »rrivirg in New-Yorl ai 10 » A BpectJ Train on Monday rioming leave« Port

In New* Y. Ik «\ W V iT'*" " *~ lb" m*a0h*> "^ l

Mawioaevi B.,., . invn NewtrurRb at 5 AM and » 3»7 m *".? * r m ronnecitng with the traías going WestLeave Che..-» at ai» A M and 1 15 PaTand *3aP M bron «rrlv,-. f IMnjita« from the West FretsUt ¿ntio leaveN-w «ran at S A m *rd »he.teran y,ru

' l****"""*"TW

. .r,'"";,T Taaiits !.*.?* from pier foot Duan**t ai S P Mr -"*¦. Ro'hetter tnd Buffalo, and all place««A ett, lak. y >:tr re», freight train* «nd U fbrward«di


LAMDINOS-The »tean'hoat HI DSON, Cap«. Wm. U.Ma , will leave the »leamboal pier fool of Cedar-tt. onMeed a". UVdnetday «nd Frldiv, and tbe «teainer 00-Ll MBIA, CtpL C. F. King, on Tuesday, Tbureday and

ai o'clock, r.-'.iiet-iinâ* wiib the «tage« at New-burgh, K:i.f»i..n I'd CiKklil.

H'iiioít mû Rexkshirr Rtti.antn Tbe p«ts«tf"iá»ariralnt of iht« Road, tfter March 2% will leave II i.lton «ndWe«: Stockbi dge dtilv. (t«ui.d»v* excern»d,) m follow«:Leave Hudson at 7 A. M. and . ¿¿ F. M «nd W'osl àuxk-

bridge «t 7 A. M a ...I I I' Mirai. t. w'.iii ps»»«>nger ett atlached, will leave

Batlioaall] A M »r.J We«t Siockl.ridgtv «t \n SO A MPutengert by the rooming train from \Yt»»l Bt'tckbridire,

mav take the day boat for Naw. Yolk. ..r ilie ' f..r Pough.keep*ie and Ibent« by RaUioad U) New-York, by 2 t/ctaeBP. M. Kare by lauer roule from [ludion, not exceedingfa a»


Passeiiger» by the evening train will find the «learner«COLUMBIA »nd Hl'DSON aiwayi waiting fir them, «ndtbe fare of lb.»« boats will lie a* low a« any other «venios;hokt un the river.fiom $0 50 downward a» lb« line boatsmay »et the example.Through ticket» fr.-iti West Sux-kbrldge to New-York.

$1 S<>, «cd ihe same fare In returning;, .'«.avenger» «boularecolieri thai tin« fare include« beriba, which U excluded Inliie fare« of other routesThe ualm from Hudson, Inith morning and evenlr.f can»

nrct with ibe train* of the \V «Hiero R.«^* a* heretofore.r ivArmiMAN, Bum.

VErT-MOMKl«*! ANO E-)»4E.\ RAIL.»ROAD..PASBENOEB TRAIN«*"I P -Leave New-York foot of Cort-

lande. I A M. and 1} P. St.; leave Newark £| A. ML and 5|AMPttsertcE« Trains Down.Leave Dover6.15 A,M and

1 ii P. M | Morrlsiown. t> M A. M. and 2gS P. M.; Madi¬son, 7 5« A. M. and I M P. M; Burnmit. 7 20 A. M. and3 ««IP. M¡ Mlllvlile,7*)A. ha.andS.15PJa.¡ Orant-e, 7J«>A. M. and 3 S6P.M. r

FseieiiT Train..Leave Dover 3 A. M.; leave Now»York ll| A M.Oititue Hoass Cai..LeaveOranir« 1 A M. and l.*"»

P M leave New-York 11 3V A. M. and 5.15 F. M.1'astet.ger» by th«>«e trade« «re received and delivered

each way at North and South Orange, Millvtlle, Summit,Chatham, Me<i!»«n. Morrtttown, Munis Piains, DenvlIIe,Rock «way and Dover.At Dover «tage« connecting; with the A. M. paa«»»t*fer

train le»ve for Buckatunny. Stanhope, Newton, Hacket«-town and Hope Daily, Milford «nd Owego oo Monday«,Wednesday» and Friday», and for Sparta, Jobnsooburg,BI»lr»town, Columbia, Delaware Water Uap, Slrong*.

r .nt'm.tng lo the I.ackawanna Work«, passingthrough Bart'invire, Stanhope, (P»J Smith« Tavern, Ne*.giaaviil«, Clifton, Uunmure, Hyde Park to Providence onT'ietdays, Thursday« «nd 8«turd»y«, nd returning meetthe P M train« for New-YorkAi Denviiie «tage« leave for Powervtlie and Booolon on

the arrival of the A. M «ad P. M. trains from nd meet theA. M. «nd P. M. trains for New-York.At Morr.t-i'wn s'.SB*« leave on lb« arrival of tbe A. M.

r«.«.. ,'i'r ',-r.(,,' M-'i'hur <-*.a-r «J .-...,! .y'< Moun¬tain. WMbiatrtoa, Beivldere and Itasiun, daily, and ui«>eiII.« P. M irtdta 'orNew-York.Ai»« lor aassing Ridge on ihe arrival of the P. M. train,

returning next moraicg, connecting wllh ihe A. M. »rain forNrw-lork.

I I BA TRAIN FOR SCHOOLEYS MOUNTAIN.In adci;' ¦' la lbs e'-ove train*, an extra expreu train

a lui.."'.-" running on Ju.y bih next nd cuoUau* un-

Lttava New. inrk from the foot of Cort!«n4-it it in A.M.;(«trark un ihe arrival «/I toe «> A. M i/aio from Pinta*

da a pY'iri»edlBg dlr-c.iy to Morrl«town «nd Dover,where carriage* will be in retdlne*« to convey p««seuger*

«y** MountaiB, «rrtvlig In lii» foe dinner.| »¦-.-. | rhtf Df Will rerer.-. and deliver psjseia-

at la« following fjL'.'.or.i Uranee, M. 11ville, gum-«m, Mad:« a, M jrriauiwn «nd Ro.-kaway.

R» lining, wtil lit««'« Dover at 5 P. M. and Morrtainwnt « P. M. »lopping for ptsaenger« «i ail iha regular «la»Bot« s: "i the 7j P. M train to New-York.Putecger« are lo procure ikelr ucket! before taking

their leal« ln lbs cr.r«.Ticket» will be received only on the diy when purchised.Je IS if_


commencing April I, 1«V> Tbl» Roadetleiid» from t .i*«belhp««rt 35 mile« to

While Hi'Uie. N. J. red'iclng Ibe «laging between the ter*mlnu« of the Road and Kaston to 25 mil««, «nd t > School-*;.'. Moii3i»ln in I une* Thi« Une lettre« New-York byateanboat RED JACKKT. a« ¡-'«-r I N. River, tnd connect«win Ham» oo the N«w Jeriey Railroad, a bleb leave New.York frosa !.. «of < ocilaal «t. «i »he «ame hour. A newroute to Bchooiej'« Mountain, with leu itaging lhan nyotber.

Pt»«rN(.i:a Train I> Passenger* will leave New-Ytna by «ie»ml«o«l from »1er I. N. R. or by the New-JirnyItBlll mal fool iltt CiinaaBS»! si S all and 5 P.M. ; leave

at.'wn at 1» A M. and ñ P M.PtssiNoea Train Down .Leave White House at 5.15

AM.anu 4iP.M.; North Branch tt 5 «** M. »ni l-jjp .'.' Boroerrlll« at tí I" A M. »nd 2 i'> P M. Bound Brookat«. ...A M »nd J-tiPM Pialnfield »t *i 4'i A.M. «nd "¿.toPM:W»«th> -nd JP.M. lliuaiiethiotvnal7.15 and I".>»A M and''.¿.i'P M.

Tl-e f-eight irai« l with passengercar* »ttached will le»»e«A |« H . \ .' A M B -:-v I« 1 -¦', P.iliitield 5.1Í,

rt, by i'.e«*, at 7JM A M. Ritunitng,leave New York, by iteamboal Red Jocket, from pier 1North Blver, at 1 P M.All freight from New-York, mtendel to go by ih!a line,

mod be (i ihe ktsM n l.j oc.o:k lo :.jure being lakaath'oogh ü-»tdsy.Stages will be In readme«« on the «rrival of the 9 o'clock

.raie from New York st the W ntia Hot*« to convey pu»seig»r« to Kuton, Wllke»t.»rre, Retblehem, Allentiiwn,Mauch Chunk. Pa ird to Fiemiag'.on, Lebanon, Clinton,Milford, BethVhem, Blo»rjin«bgr(. New lis-nptoo, Wash¬ington, acd Belvidere, N.J. On Tuesday, Thursday andBaiurdty to Delawire «V tier «J«p, Siroudtkurg, Bkriontvv.->, S'tchore, Ds.ívtUe, B'JCkKiwn,andLackaivaii-ialrgnWork*, Ac. Pa.MB. All baggtge tt the risk cf the owners uaili dellv*

ered Into ibe actual potatttttiun of tbe Agents of »he Com¬pany, and check« or receipts given therefor. a3


"^ROAD..Chang« of Hour, and an addlt*or.«l Line from .'lew-York lo Phliadelphia «rt« «letm.

boat JOHN POTTtR to So ih Ambuy, tlteoe« .in tr«trale aaaa io Camdeu and Phii.deliyhi«.Oc ird siasr Ttairsday, '.It». April, lb« Flrit Llnewu

Nor.k River, al7 A. M. using car* «iSootkAu.lauy for Ciuadao tuO Pbi.akle.ii'ua, tu.pp.iig ¡a i*a« Ofnd tal down passe .Igor» ai tee u»ua. U.u»rtneol«i« pitcon,arriviijg in Phbideuiiiaaboui Uuouu.

Se. aun Line Im*.mg .. «.«uve at lj P M. nd ruBBleg a«

by miming llntt«. «rrlvlng In Pi»il«d«pah», «booi «*F- MFar« through by «itlitar Une.«Ç *

| rwaW dee« i»a««»a«aa.,............_«.««»».»«.» ¦»*£ .

Bre.k*Miiaiddin*i«rpnrvldttd«ia bt-aard «anathisi bbbj

'rSLlSBBeSSI for MrosooU^mkomo ««. St Wggg%rvefrooiF.w-York.F^e^^a>«tMby«t.w*t»«rTP»ANaPORT Capt. J. **«W, it tl

.'e^k P M FW« Il 50. M .os ot*b«ggage ».lowed eaeaZ22r.L *He -arn«v:«t the r.k .fit. otmer, but oothln,

ocuved or saesHmoe tt bagga*' *^^xJttmru*»¦pnttre' _ta34«fj_1- BLiSa«-

.t-oiDa*» a.ií» a tibo y aAiiv_'»"'i« LINK *-* Pt'.id-'.phii al 7

r T.:'./ :ioea. AM. tnd !t o-el'»«-!*, P.M. by¦H- JOHN P'/TTliB, dtily, «laiid»y«',fait» No I North Biter. Far*» »trit ein» ear« BS<,

uut car«, tu a34 tf

. HI 1.1'** KfcUKY, TiLLETLDLEMí«i*a FURT Lii>:-I e«u*«mi«i« FRANK,**t-pi Roger», wLi f»ii M .«¡Low» Indiaf

a4a*hir>eeetn-«t:frtxr. N. Y.ftKitof 8pr»x«;-«».| Frora Fort Lee

Motd»y, 6.10,2 «ad 8, M«»nd«y, 71 1. and U.T»r»da>. lb, 2and6. |Tue«day. 7j. 12 tod H-<.Ve«lL«itd«y, 10, . tnd 6. I Wmi;,<«day. 7», 1. «nd tt,

irtaltv, 7J, il nrtdti.v.i IFrldav.ïj.l»y. 6, 10,2 and 6. »«lurday. 3*. 7| U tad H,.-, V- tz.d Í

l-r-MK*. rUOAJaHlLLÇBSJE»- »p.«-r:u.'i ilt*«»Oa«T» ARROW,«¿M 8. A Vervalim. and IWALL« »W,

Cap« J. Mntwil. « Hi »w New-Yors f»«o»ai tooxot BebSa»- -ry day, at 7 and I ^"-Jf"

aetliP.M. T«»«^a«>A«S^«iiA««we*.«»«»«* way-

jp.» ^nratKit invan» rtueM\¿r^nmn*¿3lmsnnt\tr4trme,v»\,\v>i> »'S íL«^¦"«.¦¦^¦.¦¦, Lea»- New-1 or* ti 7. A S. 1*. '¦.*".."¦1.1 -al-itB, « 6, ' «u>d 7 oc.otu, P M I»«»**- ZSimmt'tJiime « T* a io. 11 AM. sai U t, 1.1S . as4 . *-««¦


*New aSt__5

.»» .1 ..raael.-la c«~twmi »».. of use wU_Sras»aJ*_depertura «rf _*, Bte«__,lp SOl'TI«*a3wE_^._ï _*Berry, wlil he»v.«iWba aBraflow«^^^^"' c**"" .*.

A«l>*>a»i«ra. C»er4a,|^/^,»f_y_.rje«d,y. Jona 11, et 4 PM. TtearteW7__« ".*rrld.y.JrjBe.I.eilPlt. It^a^rJ!*,?-MoBdey.Jolyl.eMFM ^iitulluTbartdey. July 11, at 4 P-at Satui-dev. Jely ATuesday, Ju', IS.For frelgti apply on board, at Pier No. 4, Nortfc ai-a,and Ax pasme« t«» .*.

je« ijyl*) iFOBFORD. TILESfON à CO «I

_r<fi»*T^,>,T,»D «TATBM MAIL I I «SB<T|TTr*i.-ffOM CHARLESTON To IU\ ANA. ******4lllllllmlllll"»iA\ ANNAH AND KEY WEST -TbetalarTd'«J ifeamihip ISABEL, I.las1 ten» burden, coeUMBasd byCapL William Rolltce will cuntaeact bes- regalar irle« onMonday. Oct. !. end tall rtralariy fro» Caarleatoa, a Cf.«r Havao« .«ti tee 1st end i5thof«aeh nunia, eesi fraaHeveas to Charlearen oa the s A end _i

From Cbaritsatoa sad Sev-eiyjab to Heve*e.|e.Krom Ceerieeioa sad Savaaaah 10 Ray w«at., it.

tor perticnlere epply to8POEEOBÓ, TILESTON A 00 «Sottet

In Cberlee'on to MC MOKECAla.Agesuin H«TB__, DRAKE. HKOTHERS A CO.r«*Mtsgea-, irevmg Herecna bv Ihn enp reu reach Baitt-

more by Um» lead route ibe fifth day, or by «««tint ibe"**¦**_¦'. Northerner or toalkerner, reich New-T«iri lasame dm«. j.

HlK KIM.SST4I1 JAMAICA Dl«-,KLcJ-Tl"»'I,*''»*»i',-,*^*^s«hiB CREaXRNT__,,*-,,T*. \r**2*na baitssss. Cbaa ii^dard. Coas-

nsender, wll, ¡«ère tor Cbagre«, au»ppiDg el Port Rovel toi? VtUm7""Jt *nd»?*"*. -.*¦ M»**»«Ut, 3ut, i, et S »yrioci,from her d.d. pier No a. N R Pupa««»-» araly totellPàWtjyl J.HOWARD A SOrHT Br¿edwey.. _a|T__Je «"'OR HO«4TO«4 Vie NEWPORT^»-»_vfr.1 rA" R,,'KK -Rî *". .,,!***-**,'<1 an*"^..^^.*.tup«>rt>ri.««»ain*rs BAY BTATE enl EM¬PIRE STATf' f , »attlreo.:,1! and laeed, pea-UeularlpadaplASd to the Nevf^eritsa of L«<ng la ¿

!; connec'.btr with the Fell Riser end O.J Colony Railroada -¡'.»tance of \1 mile* to Boston oolyLeave pier No. M North River, near the HsueryThe steamer BAY STATE. Cepi Wra Brown, oa Tue«.

deve Thu.sdaye. end 8«_rdaye et 5 P. Mfheeteemer EMPIRE STATE, Capt BeoJ Breytti.

on Moadeyt, Wt«dnead«ve and Frideve et i P.'MThl» Llr.e It (be only ooelbal runadi-eri Newport.Tbete iteatuert ere fitted wtlh »«ate-r «»ma,and every arreng»*.eci for the eacvriiy and c«.mfbrt of

pr«aes-gs«re, who ere ««ff.trdeal by thlt rtjau» a elgtt'a mlor. board, end 00 errtvel at Pell Rt»er pmcaad per reU»road, i**«d»lng Boaton eer'y the following mitrelng-. or cear-rneln ob board »e-.tlng their breakfast if wished for, an¬uí tr*«» alerting of the eccomi_ode»l«>n treln at »t A M»wMchi-«ch««B<>«<MBle»»oulBa A.M.r«tï*?î$'ZVi?'U.*u7l:*ma lu ***»*'-> tUs_aa»r,wbo re-eelvee end Uckeu the baggage, and mco_d_i'«« thaaarreloltsdeerinetton ^""»»", *-" »aw*BB^__l U»The rate* for paeeage end the prVe of state roo~ie, Ibasame aa by oiler line«. ¦**. "***"

A tteani'r run« In cona«cuoa with u.L» Un« to r_e! from Providence, dallv, eirept Sundays ^^

Freight to Boelos It taken el the same ratea ea bytbao'.ber regular lliea, and forwarded v..h great»».- exr>a_-don by en Expre** ftelgh» Lain, wMrh leave* Fell R:-areverr morning. (»»tanJay exeep'ed) *; lo/daeh, for Bottoeand New Bedford, arriving el Its dralineiioc el or «boat11 A. M.For freight apply on board, or at the «»aw *. Pit», %

North Rlv.r For »tele room« or berth« apply on board, orIf 11 It dct,red to lecure them ahead, application may bemarie i« TISDAiaE A BORDEN. Arr-nts,

. _TO «ad 71 Wem at

KK4.I I AK MAIL LINK ¦¦>rWEEN BOMTON AND NEVVTOsULría Siontniri.tfl and Pro«r*k]enca..Inland

root« «vtihoui ferrv, rbeng« of eurt or bargege- -Tbaeteaniart C YANDEX!!.*. Csptsla Joe! Won«, «asiCOMMODORE, CapL Wllllan» II. Freiea, In e«*4i_eeltaewlib the Btonington and Providence end B<»e;r»n end Prvrt.decce Rellroade leaving New-York dally, (Saadays aa>ceptcd.) from Pier'. North River, firtl wtierf ebov« Batelory Plera, el 6 o'clock, P. M. end Sujnlnrton al I o*.clock, P M. or upon Iba arrivai of ihe me." ireirt fro»SctetoB. These «teamere were built expre««ly m the rostigend ere in every respect partlruierlv Maptea u, ibe aavlfe«llnii of L«.fig-l».a»i«l Sourni The e«'.-'>!itrii.xt«iioni for pe»s».engere ere cummodlttue and comltriebla.the officert oa»pal-Ie and experleBCad. The rtute'telng the ihortaat «_4«um direct between Boaloe «nd New-York. pett«-««rt areaoraltled to arrive la ample lime for Ihe morning Bnaa at¦feuiboela «nd raliioade running to *rerlou« point« frnaaihoae due«. TheC. VANOKRBtLT wll! ie»ve New-YorRTueada»,. Thjraday end Saturday Leave MtonlngtoB Mo*»day, WeJn-edey end Friday. Tha COMMODOsVa. «nileave New Vork Monday, Wedneeday end Frldey. "

Btonlnglot Tueedav, Tburedey and Saturday. N. S .Pia«aengere on the errlvel of the tteameri el 8l«onlngtoiL SI».caed liaineallstely Is the tplendld railroai. curt to Pro»deoce end Boaton, A a«arg«ga-m««lar acc»»mpei-Je« «a«tre'n to «nd from B-teton. For ¡ «Atae*-», berth«, r^eta-roo«or freight. eppllreUiine meylte made lo ib« agamí oa Ifewharf, end el the office, 1« Betiery-plac«, BE


1850.PIONEER AND BRPREeB LINE TO PITTSBURSH.Leevee PHILADELPHIA Dally, et g o'clock A. ¦_ sea.

4 P.M through In »»' boars The cars on ihn PanMytva»bis Railroad er« of the verr beet end mott comfortabta Aa>«rripuon. New peekeu aeve beee placad on ihe lineand foruiehed wltb eepectei referrmrB to tha comfort im«onvenlecce of trevelere elfordlag ibe aatureoca of a csalakend egreeeble Journey 10 PittsburghEvery erfon will be mad« to render ihi* the mo«t deetraMS

ratai«*» to kh«i »A'«tat.For teat* epply el Tli Merket-it. end NE. corner ffMnf

end CbeaBtit, Philadelphia WM. COLDER A CO.For ticket« «nd ftirthar Infor.»«Hon acply el T Weatal.

New-Vork. mil If R. H. HINDES, Ages»."EW-YOHK AND *4KV*.1IAVEN RAILROAD -On end eftarWedneedey, April 24. the foliowlaf

-._r.« will !r»ie tbe Cecel-el 8te..on, n-a/ U-na-iwayPessecger« also received et ibe New-York end HeilemRellrued Orllco, Twenty eevetti et

1. AccousmodaLon Train et H A.» for New-AocMlia,Mamari/iierk, Rye, Port Chiatir, Orrvruwicb,,Derter., Norwelk, Weitpnrt, Bouihport, Pelrfteul, BrUga-pj.-L Suftlf ird, Mllford and New-Haveo. Paewtoger« vV'ay-Slallon« for Albany, and ihe 8:aium ..«o ine lioaa-etoclc end Neugatuck Rallroaale, will lake uMa Train eadilop at BrIJgeporL Peteengertfrom Way-üuilooefor Boa-ion, P.-ovlijiice, W'orceatlar. Hartford,Springfield arid Coa»necticut River Rellroade wLi take ihla Train end jola Ex-prett Train at New-Haven.

2. Expreaa Treln el 8 o'clock, A.M. for Siauiford, Brldgt*.port, Albeny, end IIou»»u>nli: au.« Naugaiuce Ralirijada,New-Haven, Hertford. Spring-field and u»uaatcil»-ul RiserRelicoed, Worcester, Providence anal Bo*utn

S AcrouiEjodeiloD Train el 9 A M for N«w-liavea, eodInlermodlate Butlone, Hampden, Cheshire. S-tuihtngtae,?.»Invine, Fernilugton, Avon, TarlCtdl.a, and Col jjarlttaMiddletowii, Hartford end Sprlngnald.A Exprea« Train al S P.M. for Stamford, Norwelfe,

Bridgeport, end Houaetonlc end Neugatuck Railroad«,Hew-llaven. and Sletlona on ibe Cecal Kellroad, Hrartdord,SpilBgfirid, W orreeiar and lioetuo.

S. Accommodation T. alia at 4 P.M. for N«w Hevea eadell tbe Intet-n-.ed»te Statlonet Cotrimutetion Treln el 4-V» P M. lor XrUfSfwrl ea«

iBaerBisdUl« StalloneTRAINS TO NEW-TORK.

1. Ci-mmniatlon Train el 5 IS A.M. from Brtdger>qr«,¦lopplcg at ell the iBlermedlale Stallone.

2. Acccianjodaiion Trala at riló A M frota New-Hare«,tu pplng at ail iLtermadieieSieilons, receiving Passengersf ¡a T.'- IgaSa. I Ri::"Js1 m Br:.!»;epi.rl1 AccummodelloB Trela et 9.VI A M. from N«w-H«v«ra,

Itopptng el el! the Inlernjeillate Statloue reeetrtut Paa«»engerí from tha Hertford mod N«w-llav«tn, Cenel RaLrned,end Ntugeiuck Rellroed.

4. Expreaa Treln all 10PM. (ta i-oanivttria wiui ibaEicras« Train from Boatos,) from New-Ha-rea, ttopedagei Brtdgeptirteud Btemford, receiving Paaamgara from AmtH.juiatonk Railroad el Bridgeport

b. AccouunodeiloB Treln el 4 3d P M (racrarlnf Pasaars-»ers from ihe Ac. 0ii.rucKiali.1L Treln from Boetouj fromf; w-IIeve.i. «topping at all the Inlermndlata Sietloas.

I. Expreaa Train et 8 10 P M. (or In c.-r»ert1orj sei» Be»si-»,Treinfrom B«j«ton,)etupplng «iBriilgepoi-t NorweMend Stamford, errlvlng in N«w-York el 1130 PM. Evrje»log Train from Ptuefiald eoonae» «tith tli» Treat alBridgeportPassenger» are reajoetled to prornr« ack«s»t»at>*^*.»lag

Beau In lie C«/e |a30tfl R. ». MAS-Ott, t»**4._-KA riAl'O AND PATKIWOIIÍAND PATERAON AND Hi'DleON-RJVER RAILROADS.Oa «adearn

tth of M»y, ihe iraln« le»v« m follow«I^7oBÚaero.»»l»04«l ¡mu* Nee,.Tort «I

-etfr^iSatiB.A.« 7^cl«Kiaut-a.A.Ml»«yrio«*«»»BT_i.A.» 4s_H#.«I«^.yrJoeklSaln.PM J «o'clock..-.PM-Or on _eerrt»*aJ«Vtl>« Eria iraina «-..Lag «seas.U0" Bl'NDAT TRAIN!|^aveSuiT«rTi«l»p4ils- I lesava Ne-.York «I

I c cl<*:s is tniB.A.M a «rri-aci. .....PJMPATERBiJN TRAINS

Leave Peiereoii al Lear» New-fork «474 o'clock.AM9| «yrioci.AM1 o'clock.PM«»/duck. PM


V O'clock...A.M. llaraeiaLSI &r:.oe.t A.M. Pal'n D**rK)t

13 tveloek at. Pat'e Dep.H.?Ao'eiiackPM PtwlnDapctI«Vela«in.P.M Market«»,

SINDAT'.Leev Piier, ». ».>«». New-Tor* as

To,el«-»a^»jktil^jl«yiîforA.AAI»cl* P M. ÏU.OU Depot, j flocioek.P.M.B .On Mouday morelngtU « firm irais froat ¦Vjjfetra'«leave at 7 4fi attla. or oa «M bitivbI of um ton Jen»

train.»sTi«l«y<iiiXkPa»i. we»jvfr'--m!N»*'--«''>'a; wdj nos mna

«..any «teUor. actrtl; of P»jiar«oB,4~c«p4et Hoooku.|_) traía« wblcïla«»« New-Tori el H ¿ejotk Antena

I a'clork PM will iw le am« to wee* tha Er» treena aerara-

h» ead evening, golBg »A «se, «I Saler t'a Otoos «ayi


.UAk.l-INK «TBAVIKMM FOR AL.AMY I»*)..T»>ap»ai»«a.lei«ia-i-a»sNEW..»OILD, Cep*. al>!h»»v, «cd ALIDA Cap!.

.-a-ui i_,-a _)*. wharf foot of Cbejaberaat dally Sur.-

naTt «Adî*l_StesJm?W^ Ptmx, N^bergl».\^.«- ,- I ... -. bmaua l«j« .. n.i. « .-.: C .«-

eaT.^îrtv.ire^îaay. at «é P. M« »*»>s»«!íiaf »»*U»a Ea-P«TÄ^i»JIs»o;s«l RsAlroads for Bafatogaa-Il»«»^«_y« of NEW-WORLD, M-radeye WadBaadeys

ss-aliVjiiaji, of AJalDA,Tii«»adaye Tltaradaya «adBasar-

UJ*rAJJ partout ma AitatA traamg enypmmm oarat.e.»ui:i of the »»J»««Tve l»»aM«-l»ltrw-Y«x*.May. llaO. B-ryawlea

FOH K tiTi-OKT ne., St .' -i Nri V\ .» s-d If* -'»s S H T^-r.ewetsa-gesBg eiisamere COMMODORE ead

FAIRY UCEEN «J- ea>nuau« 10 run lance « wee« he-twaea Potrúend SB» taa abo*ra «Aasas. merits PorUaad al|«*-»>BtJtae«wJx»iacfTue«d«y«ars frldey »Vkrr.jfor »aIBr« th.*'.»j«h alii U firxdihad ha atibar of in« MtMenbert

JIMEST HANFORD SlrVwie «aaj-ietat Bubiob, o»ISAAC »AINSLOW, Jr *rt Paarl-at. Naw York, 1H». mv_ at.ÎSlo«

1 AI HT tVOsi NALKa-TM yacei BREEZBamm\ rigged, copper faalaaad. oeayear old, 1_

¦»»-late/eiotSuxii Sbeiiia]«iMiBaatX|te«ill__aeMam. '¦ tott t- 'Bcreedeap. end wall foaad la «-vary rttapaetBorforthar ?uiACu\mru .1?.y 10

BBjatv ,.-.A.,i A UUtlieaJtObs I e.4KWUl»