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I. (>::. ~. - :.pf_eh'etarlum·:-· ··'-. -. teacher alms to . \'.:' ... ,~- ~-improve' facility-:·. ~THE._ RENEGADE' °:m 0 '\ SupremitC<>Uri ,_ :':. ·.· ' . to decide sex . .o=r,-t11e:1nter~et ·- .. ;_ .. . . - ,.·: ·-Page a: ' . ·-Page2 . . . ~:. -. Vol. 68, No. g BakersficloColle e May 2. 1997 ;.CB~ :fjf.lty• reacts to. president's f itir,g By i,~-;,~} Dl~ter: ', . .. ~ho' ·;ere- the~':iri ~aie .J:e ~,(: surp;rised when hehwd iha;the'inist~ Foll~wi~1 an ~ight·h;u{cl~sed thai room witti the ~~an.ceiior. h~~;ill. · .·/ Slie. als~- s·~ia that·W~glii\~:-\ FeaturesEditor : . < .. ,: . c;< ,, .. · .wantelto tatkio ttie·m.'.' Academic . : ees did not reconsider Wright.'s res: session; trustees voted .4-2~ I .10:ui>: . had inore power than ille 'accumula- .. ign:llion is'only'partofthc prob km.=: . . - 'While rep~eseritatives of Bake;s~ ·. se'naie Preside~! .·Kaie· Pluta s.tid. . ignation. : . . ' ' . ' . . ' . ' hold their March decision to remove • tive po-;;;er o( huridr_eds of. faculty, : 'Tsuspecl that lliey think/we're ' .. field College· ·atiended.last week's · '_' from BC_ w·as questioned at. . .. I .reaHy th~ughi that they we're . Wright as president. . . . ·---: student and community rnembcrs.''. all going to goi:'011 okay we losi' - board meeting, none were called to .. all only district employees.'.':. . . . going to .reconsider th~ir_ decisio!l,u - Before the I a.m. decision was . Dumler s'aid because of Ch.ancel- are goirig° to. g~ a,.;,.ay and provide information to iiustees be· •Pluta. added that;those employ- -. - '11'1~ only people that were con- : announced, some faculty members -lor Dr. Jim You.rig, confidence in him· this is_· going to die down over the . fore the board voted to reaffirm the:. ees, ;,report directly to Dr.: Young . suited by the board on Thursday were were optimistic that Wright wouid. is. at an all-time low faculty. · ~ummer,'.' Dumler said, - 0 1 don·1 removal of the college president · - arid ihey serve at. tii_s pleasure." . . - tliechancellor'scabinet, pe-0ple who be given ano,ther chance .. · - · · "i thought confidence had gone as . think it ~ill though.The issue'wasn't . "Wh_at I still find upsetting is that . George :Driver/a .'professor of· work directly uhder_the chancellor," .. ! still had hope. I thought thaJ low as it could," she said. "It's now ·just Dr. Wright; the. issue· was a so many BC people were there wail: ·. computerstudies'whowasthere,also • hesaid.'"Noo~efrom BC was called maybe all of this had done some- ,i_n the basement ifs not Jusi on 1he mong VO.te of no confidence in the . ing to be cal]ed in and not a one was; said that BC wasn_'t properly repre- in even though all our'top adminis~ .thing," English Professor Gloria floor anymore. ~fay be he isdiggiriga .chancellor:" · · . .. , .... ·. .including the three vice p~esidenls : sented at the me.etingand he_v;~. _ trators were sit~ing in the· audience. Dumler ·said. "But I think alone in new basement." · .. : _ .~ ...... \\'.RIGHT/Page 2 Jttotl ft\. W.tnter · . . . - . . . . . . . . MedieV~I Play·· explores isslJe of . wecllf h-vs-.::fa:r:r,ny-~ - ' By Ian .Nemeschy . ·. · . Rip sfatt'wrife'r:.: ' .. -"'.- \;I· ·t:,:·-~t-~·ta···.;·'-'··:<· -- .·II. ·. .·.W[f,t~;;.~tlt'rtf ]]~Rli~~~uS . LiJn_in\i?fotd'this_se~es~~'.-she. and their:.:;'.• .. ·:- ..... ' s:ud It was because she loves the .• -. 1 . ·t· .. ·· .. h·. ·- .-._,, .- , · play) s.- > < ·,,_ : :':; :-:;.:; / ., ·. re ~. ions 1p~~ ·· .. - .- .. Ari11t1af .. art::sh-ow disl)1c1ys tale.:nts .. - . ·-:.: ' .=-. -'.-.::· >- ' : :,. -' '.. . 1-·.· : __ By_lanNemeschy ·, .. =~.-·-· .. -·; . Rip staff writer- 0 '', \;. ..- < ': ; . The Annual St~deii'i .Art 'Show/ · ~hich starteiJ_of8pril i_t.includes ·. ·. ne:i.rly 100 work's by. Bakersfield College_ 0 students~~W:hict-i_'are 'a_W, . . . p;icked (ot6:TheJVylie' anl May··· . ·_ L<iuise·Johes .Art Gallery'in the . · · Bakersfield C:1:;fleg~ libhry.· < 0 · . - ·. The_ sho~·s ·coordliiator, Nancy - ·: ·: Magner, whci has taught ari history. '.;liisa°deivi~ginto'a'verydyss . ·.~eann1e·Mus1ck' . .. ·. f~}fi:;:~.~j1fl&1[~ht > ,•,, director ~:___~ ;;_ wealth'?.It alsodeals.with the cqn;...;:_t1im and.ha{a}l!i_sJr.ets;_Musick said,_:. and artappre'ciation a~ BC for_eight years.was' the-iumou't c . .. ·and said/'Ne~i yeir'we·1f ha,.:e-to .:have iess:;::;~: ;, :' ' . :.-:< - Th~_~rkpridispliywas'selected-:- .•.. •A -by BCarfinstructorsoverthe schooi ':; ' · · ·. sequence "9fjhat :iiedsion:·; said_ ;~ere really i_s :d~ve t~~re::.:. _:·.:·· · .-:• . th.e director/ who 1aught:s1age .'.::: :Iben; also i~ betw~n Rich- . . makeii'p ~nd'intrciductio~ to act~• ardand PhfljpJheKingofFriuicebut_. 1ng 'for 0 the·: last: three 'year's.·at - the'homose;uality is .i.~plied, as is . . Bakersfielcf College.:' .. . -:: . •.. : the relationshifbei\\'.eenllenry and . :;~Th~familyiscontemeda~ut .·.-ti:i(mistre's!i':Theplayiiidude_ssoine - lands a~·d prope'rty. instead -o(' _mature 13nguageb_ut ..iddswould not •. . J~~e:·· ' i :-., - : : - ••• : ••• : '~ see anything ierribly embarrassing.' .. Theplay;wh.ichoi,;;ne4Jburs~ there _are'(lo obstene gestures," she .. day'at~lfie BC Indsior .Theater. is . ~aid.: > ': : .. .. . . . . . about King Henry:iI o[Eiigland > .··'Th~ co~tiimes'are:exquisite arid·: (w'no·'united":iWof tngland :and:, in period,'.' said Musick: : -:: . : ,, . hair ~rFrance):and :tiis wite: · The set is neutral-with ·no "(alls : :- - ·· ·. ~-- ·: El~or: o'rA·q~it.a,irie' ~nd _their : )ml ,fer' props and i_t_suggests ~aliiy: : .., ' three :SOOS' Richard: the Lion-' rather'than looks real. . - . ' . :;-ear:. :-, ~:::-. . ! . - . - - . -:_ .·., . . •· The .i,ft fol"ins'c:fo<I ispl a:y~are pai Tit~·::·.· ings, cerimii:s;sculpfore'. plioiogra-· .'. phy,computergraphitj:jewelryand - .. . prints'. Some of the works .are ~The ... Coming·:·which isan an .ipocalyptic,. · .. · · ·. ·acryiic:. by :theriyl iRogers: :·My; . 'Friend .Two: Faced;. which is 'a ce::.: '' ra_mic :- .... ~ork ·tiy_;Aiysia_sarnaru·:-'·._ : "~igfi.l_aod Day,'' i photog~aph·or · :_ Garc~_C1rcle by J<ris.Dale and '.:Hey-~ .. ' Mike I Got One,'(ait acrylicbyJerry . . - Moore o( fly fish(ng. . . · ... -. · • - One of che seteciors of woric'for hearted.~ffrey_oJBri_ta!}niaand _·. .. •. a_~.n~qnto r~_alism::·said . - -. ·-o -- . . :' ~-- - -::_- .-_ ·. - . ·_- - . : : .. -.-~-~-~-· -~·ln-~Y'!h8_Rlp lhe shov.·.was:pro~ess.or ,-\_! Naso''·- ··. John. 'Jlle play' f(?Cll_SCS on the_ ri- l'v!usick. "I wa~ to bring'all auentio11 , ca_t~em~e M._.Melo and C~1e Gonzalez pe~(?rm a S?ene from_ L•.~n ·~ w.rnter:.. ·. = who has taugh't basic drawing and · . val!)'. betw~n !ohn arid Richard _and foi::us to the fharaccers and their · · · . ·· -. - · · · · ... · · - -• •rundemeiitals in color ai BC since . : for.the throne wiihEleariorwant- relaticinships.'.'_. __ , : , _ .- _ . _ .. -Laiiy Thomas Rfc·h~. Nathan other plays in:Bakersfieid and has and Sat'u~fis W:c:11 as~f~y 8, 9 : · 1968. o~~ofhisstudents:~rrcai1s: _ :·ing Rich;~ for-~ng and H~·riry. , _:: ·Th~- ·~astj(!C.l~des:_~akers~e!d )J'~li asGeoffrey,Kevin Goodwin as ~:!irected. at· sa·n Diego State and and 10:.Tick~is .:are .56 general . · has an: acfylic· titJed .;'Cube's ·and '. pushing John for king: .. ' . ·. - .. Comm'unity; Theater O President John: Enrique'Acosti~ Philip and. Brigham Young Universi'ty, this·is .admi~ion;-_S3Jor_~tud~hts .μid' .. ·.· Space"' in. the 'show. The painting'' · · · · · · · · ··cec··-,1-,aG· ·o·n·:.~,e·s·as·A-lias .. · · he_r_firs. tprod.- uction.a_t_.Bc ... ·· .- .. seniorcitizensandfreeforthose · ·· · · · · i.' 1 b · :. Although Henryimpriso.nedhis Catnerine .M. Melo.~ Eleanor. pro- . t.aJ . : ' ...•. '. ' ' • '' ' ' - ' .. ' • . w~ an assignment e•ven to . JI s y · · - · · ·· · D · --R · H - While Musick· has. directed lhtc . The piay con_ tinues 8 p,m. today • with' a GA DES .card. For 1i_cket . · · . · SeeAR ___ T _ _ ·_I. P_ag· e.2_ w~_f~ (C?_r waging ci~_il war agai_nst ·_ fessional actor an yan as. enry: _ · . _ .= _ • : : __ •• : , __ _ _ .-·· .. · Ful'lF.SSt breaks even• . - . ·:: . - · .. _ . '; -._ -,.. _-_. --: ; . . ... _ .. ,- .. - : .. _: - .; : . . _. ·. - ' . . .- >----~ .. 'Despite l~ck of profit, ' .. , . . . - ·,· -. -- - fL:,_. · .. ; __ ~$12;000-~carnival.: -~:'< :- /'WJ~J~r~ .v~ry._.YE1!Y:b~RPY: . -_. 'establishes; an. event/ ; with the way that itJ1.:1~ed_ ' fotthe-·future' .. ' . ·' . out."· . . . . . --·-· - .- · --Dr.:Lou Farmakls. . · By ~n~I Tldwell '-.· . -. dean Of Sttide.nfs .Rip-staff writer_~ _ . _ . · .. · · .~Despitea$6,S00donationfromstu~entgov· ...:.._;_;_.....:.. __ .... ;;.; ..... :..,_..; .... __ ..; ..... ; .... __, cmmen~·BakcrsficldCollege barclybfokc even e-.·ent lhai is family orient~ and i~ also gave. aftei'rCs firit'cva-.~.'.day Family FunFest.: them an opJ)Ortlinity to su the campus._ he : - -.- according 10 college officials. - : . - ' : - . sai~ c ' - -- . . . . ~~---- --. ··: nie'i.ncome from food 6oothsand camiva.F--"we didn'i kno'11,i'whano· expect," h_e. - :: ' -: · rides was expected to equal the-~ cost of ·said:''We~very, Yeryhappy'withtheway-, · . . _ SI 2,000. . . . . . . . . tlut it iumed ouL" . . _. _ . - ''More or IC$S, lthinkforwhat we started off He agreed !Jut there arc changes io be_ · _ _. . . . .. with; where our mindset was to actually get this made next year, but this was to set the. c. ·. :-- .:.. thing ~pand running and proy~ acomn'umtiy~- stagctora.isemoneyfor_co-iurrkular activi: .. ...: C: e\'enlthatc.1ngrow,"saidBartAn<irus.interim. lies. -... ' .·- . ·. :. ~- . - -di~torof roident affairs-:-----· - . ---· . ~- '"Our goal truly was_ to be able 10 -. .. : . Costs for the event included secarity OffiC- .. even SO ~t WC COUid CSJ~lish aij cyenl for . en, a stage-foe entertainment and lighting and. the future." he said. "Our feeling is that~- s.alaries for some staff and publicity. . . thin_k is that once our fiip.l figures are in we More than $4,000wa.s spent toad,·ertise tJ:le ·arc ~Y going to come at the bruk ev~n · event: This included the li\·e br~I of local point..,,. . _ radio station KUZZ, A odru.s said. In additfon to the $6.500 gift from student NI wooldsaytheadvertising was a good step go_vemmenl, _the Associ~ted Students of forward " he maintained. · B"akenficld College also loaned the event ·. 1nea'ctua1amoun1generat.edbyth'ecamival $8,SOO to be repaid during the nut ihree .. rides was $3,650, an amount that 'represents 20 years. percent of the toul tickets sold for American Despite the lack of profits, Andrus also . . Traveling Shows. The carnival ~y keeps. was ~tivc aboot the event.. · 80 percent of all ticket sales- Andrus said there no major prob- - ' Dr. Lou Farin.ilis. dean of students, md he Je"ms. · . practicallylivedai the event Hesaldthosewho. NL.ikeevenhingthere's alwaysat,.mchof . attended the event were encouriging about I ittk fires to put out," he saili. - , . -. · · : . • . OOUI P'ht "1p coatinuing it again next year. The community There wefC unexpected problems such as Jay an~ Christian Martinez shQot hoops. ·· ·· showed appreciation that BC would hold an See CARNIVAL I Paze l - -~-- -;,.,~ i f~g~~l~~,;·.;.:.:~:~' . ~·,;:,\~,;:;}.~,it-:;~~:..~>~:,,,:;., ;j':,, 7 ~c"-.?.i>~i~~~~~J.i..·,;-.;,~ i:~';i'; . .-)·-~{:ik.s-i'.i.c~~-,c~;t}i.;.;i~~~·1~~;;J.:.-j::;i ,,:,,,_: ;, -- --·~- - . . .. .·-. . --Student- S(]rvives.---.~:. hea'rt;frclnsf.)lclrlts· , - ,;"..-..:..-x--·:...--:;.....e.. --- ::---.- .. -.:-..-.:. •. - ·-:- -. ·,-- .......... ___;_ "":.--"'\..~~· .. ·"'.-- ..... ,_:...::~:- .;..---"":" .. --.~ •• -, - .-- ,- - -. By Danny Dieter ·· _ . : .. : · 1iz.ed, arid they had me see a . Feature·s Editor · · - : '. .• ·. . . . specialist at lJCL\:' ~: .. : ·~ · . Most 16-year-olds are worried . Ii was there ·.w~ 'she was ·i 'about passing their_dri\er's test. :.havingabiopsyfosecifshew~ . Bakersfield Coilege student· An: a~didate foe a.~ transplant gela Schafer relnef!lbers v.:~rrying" -that she went into cardiac ~t .' about !iving cc/see .. : '.1'heykeptmein~bospital .Three y,·~ks before her _16th and me-it.the top 0( the. birthday, &fut~.~now-20, says donor list and. fh~ mi trans: -: she went to a locaJ doctor COfll- ·. plant within three days_." . .. . . · pi:uruniorasoreihrro1aoouoob1e·, ~-- Af1cilh~ ifanspTanOhe was· ,~· -- ·. ~- breathing: . . . . . . ' bacf in school within thr~ . -- . ·:All of a sudden· I got really . months: . _ . . . . . sick,- Schafer says.-11134 irouble . "1bey keep you in ~1-~ori · eatfng because l_had bli_sters in my for three _months," she said. . . throat,andmyheartswel~_really .. ;Whic~ _muns no-.goingjo ·: .. - - ----- .. big. I think they said to the size of· or. pt~ 1,ike the i:na}I. . a C3Iltaloopc::-.-,-~ -~- -,---·c·c - . witfiou(wcariri.g a'roask-" . :- -- - The r.ldio)Ogy-JTUjOC says that ·. _.Schafer says that for a while while 16 She couldn't ea1 and lost . e\'c:rything was goioi fine until weight. wdghing only 85 pounds. . last year 11,Heo she went i_n for a · Since then, the BC student has annoaJ check-up.·· · · u ndetgone' two heart transplants. · 1hey di<I an angiogram and The operations came as a fast re- .they said that my arteries were sort. she says, ' - clogged. When Ibey did that my . "l went to a doctor hae and he .. arteries closed back up." really v.'OUldn't do anything foe 1be doc~ thca pot a v,ire · me. He told me.. "You'_rc going to . mesh-like subsuncc in her ar- c& and this is you are going t.eries to keep them open until to io through.' " she coold hive another tram- -. She $3id het mo(he{ knew of a planL . , · doctor in Fresno.and took her there. '1 got it in June.. - w says . Tha1doctorlhenscnthenoUCIA about the sccood tra.nspl.anl "l ·. "He saw me. tnd put me, io had ont rtjectioo, bm it Wlltl 'l the hospi wand they gee me subi- See HF.AllT I hie l (..• ,

CB~ :fjf.lty • reacts president's itir,gsaid ·..( ~ ~ College. ...

Feb 23, 2020



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Page 1: CB~ :fjf.lty • reacts president's itir,gsaid ·..( ~ ~ College. ...


(>::. ~. - :.pf_eh'etarlum·:-· ··'-. -. teacher alms to .

\'.:' ... ,~- ~-improve' facility-:·.

~THE._ RENEGADE' °:m0'\ SupremitC<>Uri ,_ :':. ·.·

' . to decide sex . .o=r,-t11e:1nter~et ·- .. ;_

~ .. . . -


·-Page a: ' .

·-Page2 . . . ~:. -. ~ ~

Vol. 68, No. g BakersficloColle e May 2. 1997

;.CB~ :fjf.lty • reacts to. president's f itir,g By i,~-;,~} Dl~ter: ', . .. ~ho' ·;ere- the~':iri ~aie .J:e ~,(: surp;rised when hehwd iha;the'inist~ :· Foll~wi~1 an ~ight·h;u{cl~sed thai room witti the ~~an.ceiior. h~~;ill. · .·/ Slie. als~- s·~ia that·W~glii\~:-\ FeaturesEditor : . < .. ,: . c;< ,, .. · .wantelto tatkio ttie·m.'.' Academic . : ees did not reconsider Wright.'s res: session; trustees voted .4-2~ I .10:ui>: . had inore power than ille 'accumula- .. ign:llion is'only'partofthc prob km.=: .

. - 'While rep~eseritatives of Bake;s~ ·. se'naie Preside~! .·Kaie· Pluta s.tid. . ignation. : . . ' ' . ' . . ' . ' hold their March decision to remove • tive po-;;;er o( huridr_eds of. faculty, : 'Tsuspecl that lliey think/we're ' .. field College· ·atiended.last week's · '_' from BC_ w·as questioned at. . .. I .reaHy th~ughi that they we're . Wright as president. . . . ·---: student and community rnembcrs.''. all going to goi:'011 okay we losi' - board meeting, none were called to .. all only district employees.'.':. . . . going to .reconsider th~ir_ decisio!l,u - • Before the I a.m. decision was . Dumler s'aid because of Ch.ancel- are goirig° to. g~ a,.;,.ay and

provide information to iiustees be· •Pluta. added that;those employ- -. - '11'1~ only people that were con- : announced, some faculty members -lor Dr. Jim You.rig, confidence in him· this is_· going to die down over the . fore the board voted to reaffirm the:. ees, ;,report directly to Dr.: Young . suited by the board on Thursday were were optimistic that Wright wouid. is. at an all-time low faculty. · ~ummer,'.' Dumler said, -0 1 don·1 removal of the college president · - arid ihey serve at. tii_s pleasure." . . - tliechancellor'scabinet, pe-0ple who be given ano,ther chance .. · - · · "i thought confidence had gone as . think it ~ill though.The issue'wasn't . "Wh_at I still find upsetting is that . George :Driver/a .'professor of· work directly uhder_the chancellor," .. ! still had hope. I thought thaJ low as it could," she said. "It's now · just Dr. Wright; the. issue· was a so many BC people were there wail: ·. computerstudies'whowasthere,also • hesaid.'"Noo~efrom BC was called maybe all of this had done some- ,i_n the basement ifs not Jusi on 1he mong VO.te of no confidence in the

. ing to be cal]ed in and not a one was; said that BC wasn_'t properly repre- in even though all our'top adminis~ .thing," English Professor Gloria floor anymore. ~fay be he isdiggiriga . chancellor:" · · . .. , .... ·. .· .including the three vice p~esidenls : sented at the me.etingand he_v;~. _ trators were sit~ing in the· audience. Dumler ·said. "But I think alone in new basement." · .. : _ .~ ...... ~~e \\'.RIGHT/Page 2

Jttotl ft\. W.tnter · . . . - . . . . . . . .

MedieV~I Play·· explores isslJe of . wecllf h-vs-.::fa:r:r,ny-~ -' By Ian .Nemeschy . ·. · . Rip sfatt'wrife'r:.: ' .. -· -"'.- \;I· ·t:,:·-~t-~·ta···.;·'-'··:<· -- .·II. ·.

.·.W[f,t~;;.~tlt'rtf ]]~Rli~~~uS

. LiJn_in\i?fotd'this_se~es~~'.-she. and their:.:;'.• .. ·:- ..... ' s:ud It was because she loves the .• - .1. ·t· .. ·· .. h·. · - .-._,, .- , · play) s.- > < ·,,_ : :':; :-:;.:; / ., · . re ~. ions 1p~~ ;· ·· .. -.- ..

Ari11t1af .. art::sh-ow disl)1c1ys tale.:nts

. . - . ·-:.: ' .=-. -'.-.::· >- ' : :,. - ' '.. . 1-·.· : __ By_lanNemeschy ·, .. =~.-·-· .. -·; . Rip staff writer-0

'', \;. ..- • < ': ; . The Annual St~deii'i .Art 'Show/

· ~hich starteiJ_of8pril i_t.includes ·. ·. ne:i.rly 100 work's by. Bakersfield College_ 0students~~W:hict-i_'are 'a_W, .

. . p;icked (ot6:TheJVylie' anl May··· . ·_ L<iuise·Johes .Art Gallery'in the . · · Bakersfield C:1:;fleg~ libhry.· < 0 · .

-·. The_ sho~·s ·coordliiator, Nancy -·: ·: Magner, whci has taught ari history.

'.;liisa°deivi~ginto'a'verydyss . ·.~eann1e·Mus1ck'

. .. ·. f~}fi:;:~.~j1fl&1[~ht > ,•,, director ~:___~ ;;_ wealth'?.It also deals.with the cqn;...;:_t1im and.ha{a}l!i_sJr.ets;_Musick said,_:.

.· and artappre'ciation a~ BC for_eight years.was' the-iumou't c .

.. ·and said/'Ne~i yeir'we·1f ha,.:e-to .:have iess:;::;~: ;, :' ' . :.-:< '·

- Th~_~rkpridispliywas'selected-:-.•.. •A -by BCarfinstructorsoverthe schooi ':; ' · · ·. sequence "9fjhat :iiedsion:·; said_ ;~ere really i_s :d~ve t~~re::.:. _:·.:··

· .-:• . th.e director/ who 1aught:s1age .'.::: :Iben; also i~ betw~n Rich- . . makeii'p ~nd'intrciductio~ to act~• ardand PhfljpJheKingofFriuicebut_.

1ng 'for 0

the·: last: three 'year's.·at - the'homose;uality is .i.~plied, as is . . Bakersfielcf College.:' .. • •. -:: . . · •.. : the relationshifbei\\'.eenllenry and . :;~Th~familyiscontemeda~ut .·.-ti:i(mistre's!i':Theplayiiidude_ssoine -lands a~·d prope'rty. instead -o(' _mature 13nguageb_ut .. iddswould not •.

. J~~e:·· ' i :-., - : : ~~ - ••• : ••• : '~ see anything ierribly embarrassing.' .. Theplay;wh.ichoi,;;ne4Jburs~ there _are'(lo obstene gestures," she .. day'at~lfie BC Indsior .Theater. is . ~aid.: > ': : . . . . . . . . . about King Henry:iI o[Eiigland > .··'Th~ co~tiimes'are:exquisite arid·: (w'no·'united":iWof tngland :and:, in period,'.' said Musick: : -:: . : ,,

. hair ~rFrance):and :tiis wite: · The set is neutral-with ·no "(alls : :- - ·· ·. ~--·: El~or: o'rA·q~it.a,irie' ~nd _their : )ml ,fer' props and i_t_suggests ~aliiy: : .., '

three :SOOS' Richard: the Lion-' rather'than looks real. . - . ' •

. :;-ear:. : -, ~:::-. . ! . - . - ~ - . -:_ .·., .

. •· The .i,ft fol"ins'c:fo<I ispl a:y~are pai Tit~·::·.· • ings, cerimii:s;sculpfore'. plioiogra-· . '. phy,computergraphitj:jewelryand - ..

. prints'. Some of the works .are ~The ... Coming·:·which isan an .ipocalyptic,. · .. · ·

·. ·acryiic:. by :theriyl iRogers: :·My; . 'Friend .Two: Faced;. which is 'a ce::.: '' ra_mic :- .... ~ork ·tiy_;Aiysia_sarnaru·:-'·._

: "~igfi.l_aod Day,'' i photog~aph·or · :_ Garc~_C1rcle by J<ris.Dale and '.:Hey-~ .. ' Mike I Got One,'(ait acrylicbyJerry . . - Moore o( fly fish(ng. . . · ... • -. · •

- One of che seteciors of woric'for hearted.~ffrey_oJBri_ta!}niaand _·. .. •. a_~.n~qnto r~_alism::·said . - - . ·-o - - . . :' ~-- - -::_- .-_ ·. ~ - . ·_- - . : : .. -.-~-~-~-· -~·ln-~Y'!h8_Rlp .· lhe shov.·.was:pro~ess.or ,-\_! Naso''·-

··. John. 'Jlle play' f(?Cll_SCS on the_ ri- l'v!usick. "I wa~ to bring'all auentio11 , ca_t~em~e M._.Melo and C~1e Gonzalez pe~(?rm a S?ene from_ L•.~n ·~ w.rnter:.. ·. = who has taugh't basic drawing and · . val!)'. betw~n !ohn arid Richard _and foi::us to the fharaccers and their · · · . ·· -. - · · · · ... · · - -• •rundemeiitals in color ai BC since . : for.the throne wiihEleariorwant- relaticinships.'.'_. __ , : , _ .- _ . _ .. -Laiiy Thomas ~ Rfc·h~. Nathan other plays in:Bakersfieid and has and Sat'u~fis W:c:11 as~f~y 8, 9 : · 1968. o~~ofhisstudents:~rrcai1s:

_ :·ing Rich;~ for-~ng and H~·riry. , _:: ·Th~- ·~astj(!C.l~des:_~akers~e!d )J'~li asGeoffrey,Kevin Goodwin as ~:!irected. at· sa·n Diego State and .· and 10:.Tick~is .:are .56 general . · has an: acfylic· titJed .;'Cube's ·and '. pushing John for king: .. ' . ·. - .. Comm'unity; Theater O President .· John: Enrique'Acosti~ Philip and. Brigham Young Universi'ty, this·is ,· .admi~ion;-_S3Jor_~tud~hts .µid' .. ·.· Space"' in. the 'show. The painting''

· · · · - · · · · · ··cec··-,1-,aG· ·o·n·:.~,e·s·as·A-lias .. · · he_r_firs. tprod.-uction.a_t_.Bc ... • .· ·· .-.. seniorcitizensandfreeforthose · ·· · · · · i.' c· 1 b · _· :. Although Henryimpriso.nedhis Catnerine .M. Melo.~ Eleanor. pro- . t.aJ . : ' ...•. '. ' ' • '' ' ' - ' .. ' • . • w~ an assignment e•ven to . JI s y · · - · · ·· · D · --R · H - While Musick· has. directed lhtc . The piay con_ tinues 8 p,m. today • with' a GA DES .card. For 1i_cket . · · . · SeeAR ___ T __ ·_I. P_ag· e.2_ w~_f~ (C?_r waging ci~_il war agai_nst ·_ fessional actor an yan as. enry: _ · . _ .= _ • : : __ •• : , _ _ _ _

.-·· .. ·

Ful'lF.SSt breaks even• . - . ·:: . -· .. _ . _· '; -._ -,.. .· _-_. --: ; . . ... _ .. ,- .. - : .. _: - .; : . . _. ·. - ' . . .-

>----~ .. 'Despite l~ck of profit, ' .. , . . . - ·,· - . -- -fL:,_. · .. ; __ ~$12;000-~carnival.: ~ -~:'< :- /'WJ~J~r~ .v~ry._.YE1!Y:b~RPY:

. -_. 'establishes; an. event/ ; :· with the way that itJ1.:1~ed_ ' fotthe-·future' .. ' . ·' . out."·. . . . .

--·-· - .- · --Dr.:Lou Farmakls. . · By ~n~I Tldwell '-.· . -. dean Of Sttide.nfs

.Rip-staff writer_~ _ . _ . · .. · · .~Despitea$6,S00donationfromstu~entgov· ...:.._;_;_.....:.. __ ....;;.;.....:..,_..;.... __ ..;.....;....__, cmmen~·BakcrsficldCollege barclybfokc even e-.·ent lhai is family orient~ and i~ also gave. aftei'rCs firit'cva-.~.'.day Family FunFest.: them an opJ)Ortlinity to su the campus._ he

: - - . - according 10 college officials. -: . - ' : - . sai~ c ' - -- . . . .

~~---- - -. ··: nie'i.ncome from food 6oothsand camiva.F--"we didn'i kno'11,i'whano· expect," h_e. -:: ' -: · rides was expected to equal the-~ cost of ·said:''We~very, Yeryhappy'withtheway-, ·

. '· . _ SI 2,000. . . . . _· . . . . tlut it iumed ouL" . . _ . _ . - ''More or IC$S, lthinkforwhat we started off He agreed !Jut there arc changes io be_ · ~

_ _. . . . .. with; where our mindset was to actually get this made next year, but this was to set the. c. ·. :-- .:.. thing ~pand running and proy~ acomn'umtiy~- stagctora.isemoneyfor_co-iurrkular activi: .. ...: C: e\'enlthatc.1ngrow,"saidBartAn<irus.interim. lies. -... ' .·- . ·. :. ~- . - -di~torof roident affairs-:-----· - ~ . ---· . ~- '"Our goal truly was_ to be able 10 ~ - .

.. : . Costs for the event included secarity OffiC- .. even SO ~t WC COUid CSJ~lish aij cyenl for . en, a stage-foe entertainment and lighting and. the future." he said. "Our feeling is that~­s.alaries for some staff and publicity. . . thin_k is that once our fiip.l figures are in we

More than $4,000wa.s spent toad,·ertise tJ:le ·arc ~Y going to come at the bruk ev~n · event: This included the li\·e br~I of local point..,,. . _

radio station KUZZ, A odru.s said. In additfon to the $6.500 gift from student NI wooldsaytheadvertising was a good step _· go_vemmenl, _the Associ~ted Students of

forward " he maintained. · B"akenficld College also loaned the event ·. 1nea'ctua1amoun1generat.edbyth'ecamival $8,SOO to be repaid during the nut ihree

.. • rides was $3,650, an amount that 'represents 20 years. percent of the toul tickets sold for American Despite the lack of profits, Andrus also

. . Traveling Shows. The carnival ~y keeps. was ~tivc aboot the event.. · 80 percent of all ticket sales- Andrus said there ~~ no major prob-- ' Dr. Lou Farin.ilis. dean of students, md he Je"ms. ·

. practicallylivedai the event Hesaldthosewho. NL.ikeevenhingthere's alwaysat,.mchof . attended the event were encouriging about I ittk fires to put out," he saili. - , . -. · · : . • . OOUI ~ P'ht "1p

_· coatinuing it again next year. The community There wefC unexpected problems such as Jay an~ Christian Martinez shQot hoops. · · · · showed appreciation that BC would hold an See CARNIVAL I Paze l -

J· ~:~!~ -~-- -;,.,~ i

f~g~~l~~,;·.;.:.:~:~' . ~·,;:,\~,;:;}.~,it-:;~~:..~>~:,,,:;., ;j':,,7~c"-.?.i>~i~~~~~J.i..·,;-.;,~ i:~';i'; . .-)·-~{:ik.s-i'.i.c~~-,c~;t}i.;.;i~~~·1~~;;J.:.-j::;i ,,:,,,_: ;,

-- --·~- - . . .. .·-. .

--Student-S(]rvives.---.~:. hea'rt;frclnsf.)lclrlts· , - -· ,;"..-..:..-x--·:...--:;.....e.. --- -· ::---.- .. -.:-..-.:. •. - ·-:- -. ·,-- ~ .......... ___;_ "":.--"'\..~~· .. ·"'.-- ..... ,_:...::~:- .;..---"":" .. --.~ •• -, - .-- ,- - -. By Danny Dieter · · _ . : .. : · 1iz.ed, arid they had me see a . Feature·s Editor · · - : '. .• ·. . . . specialist at lJCL\:' ~: .. : ·~ ~ ·

. Most 16-year-olds are worried . Ii was there ·.w~ 'she was ·i 'about passing their_dri\er's test. :.havingabiopsyfosecifshew~ . Bakersfield Coilege student· An: a~didate foe a.~ transplant gela Schafer relnef!lbers v.:~rrying" -that she went into cardiac ~t . ' about !iving cc/see .. : '.1'heykeptmein~bospital

.Three y,·~ks before her _16th and me-it.the top 0( the. birthday, &fut~.~now-20, says donor list and. fh~ mi trans: -: she went to a locaJ doctor COfll- ·. plant within three days_." . .. . .

· pi:uruniorasoreihrro1aoouoob1e·, ~-- Af1cilh~ ifanspTanOhe was· ,~· -- ·. ~­breathing: . . . . . . ' bacf in school within thr~ ~ . --. ·:All of a sudden· I got really . months: . _ . . . . . sick,- Schafer says.-11134 irouble . "1bey keep you in ~1-~ori · eatfng because l_had bli_sters in my for three _months," she said. .

. throat,andmyheartswel~_really .. ;Whic~ _muns no-.goingjo ·: .. - - ----­.. big. I think they said to the size of· ~ or. pt~ 1,ike the i:na}I. . a C3Iltaloopc::-.-,-~ -~- -,---·c·c - . witfiou(wcariri.g a'roask-" . :- -- -

The r.ldio)Ogy-JTUjOC says that ·. _.Schafer says that for a while while 16 She couldn't ea1 and lost . e\'c:rything was goioi fine until weight. wdghing only 85 pounds. . last year 11,Heo she went i_n for a · Since then, the BC student has annoaJ check-up.·· · · u ndetgone' two heart transplants. · 1hey di<I an angiogram and The operations came as a fast re- .they said that my arteries were sort. she says, ' -clogged. When Ibey did that my .

"l went to a doctor hae and he .. arteries closed back up." really v.'OUldn't do anything foe 1be doc~ thca pot a v,ire · me. He told me.. "You'_rc going to . mesh-like subsuncc in her ar­c& and this is you are going t.eries to keep them open until to io through.' " she coold hive another tram-

-. She $3id het mo(he{ knew of a planL . , · doctor in Fresno.and took her there. '1 got it in June.. - w says . Tha1doctorlhenscnthenoUCIA about the sccood tra.nspl.anl "l

·. "He saw me. tnd ~ put me, io had ont rtjectioo, bm it Wlltl 'l

the hospi wand they gee me subi- See HF.AllT I hie l

(..• ,

Page 2: CB~ :fjf.lty • reacts president's itir,gsaid ·..( ~ ~ College. ...

. . ·

. -. ~-·

May 2, 1997

- ·. _ .. -- ----4~----~. ,·. --------- ___ ..._, .. ·----...L..-•--

···· V\lfll_CJI-I.T: ··Fcicl.iify-iy~nts f r_ustratipns.: • • _- -.' •. '.·-_.;.c_·_· :._,:;--·; :,._ : '. ·· .- ·-.-;,-__,~,_-1·.,.·_ a·.::-_"·:.,~~-'- ---~·: ,'· _ ·.~.-.·-.-. · -·,,'.· .-,:· • .·.-'.·." ··_· :.·-.·.·_ ·>-. Conttnu~ from ?a&e I . . . . "llllought that goirig into it there ioiaround cainpusTve had several

'Clthet facultyrriembeisagree that . was a very slim duinc~ io none that students ask how they can get 'in- . Wright) ~orced r~slg~alionand the he would be.reinstated.''. Beeman volved." . • . . . . . . boaf:d' s refusal)o reinstate him has . s.aid. '.1 think i!'s a wrong inov~. but . The issue. o·f shared governance been harmful to BC, •.· .· ... · .• .. . _ ·.· I also rccogni~ that as a first year also was a hot topic at' a faculty · . ' ''lth\nk that it l~ just cornplciely faculty 'mcinber it is niy°Job to con; -. meeting held Tuesday.< - -· •• - . devasta~ng.''.1113th prof~or Sonya tinue o~ arid k~p on t~tiingi'. : -.• According to Pltitil; faculty fout1d

. Chri~tlan said: ;:I havc.~orked with -· The ihing (acuity. oii'tiiiat money spent on i1dministra-faculty 00, different com.rilittees and· · could :say about· the. m~ting and . iionon a Statel'l[de level ]s Ii little less I.think .1 can,~ery_comfortably and. Wright's removal in general was the thari money· sperif for instruction. -conficrently say that ithas affected a . support ihat stu'dcnts arid.the com· But hi the KeriiCommunily College· lot offa~ulty apd ~tudents. . . . mitriiiy have.shown for BC>.· .. · Disirict :administration costs are· . ·.·.- "Ii~ink that the effect is going to ASIIC- ·yice president -Tony tiigher; she'said. ·. . . ..

.. be hcreforquite a while and Bakers- r.fonarco sitid that student and com- . · ''Statewide· ilis ·almost a 50/50 fi~ld College is going to take a long . ritunity support is playing a big part s.plit on how much is spent on sup, time tO T~Vei from this." . . in 8 jletition campaign he is coordi· port Wjth a smidge rilore for inStnJC· :

. History professor Randy Beeman nating to recall some trustees: : . tional,'' 'she said. ··o~i'district it is-• said that he had a feeling the VOie . "We know that WC have a core - $24 million for in.structiOl)al, and . would come ·back. with the same group of students who. arc con- S28 million for administrati ,e and results as before. · cerncd," Monarca.said. "And walk· . support,"

. •. -·· . •. -- . . . .

WoLil.d .you like to earn as ·• you Jearo this sum.mer? · The~ apply today for a ..

special ec. summer class :" ... t_b@t.'_°(~~~t1e~$-~yo.u ___ ~_bbut c

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High s~bool ~tudents can learn ne~~ reporting, corilputer and photo -· sk:ills · during·a· ~· thr~week·Bakersfieid· CoUege-su!i)ro~eti::lass;-·· --.June 9-2-7; A total of$500 in ·scholarships will be awarded to the .: =most promiffiuv students, · -

Co-sponsored by-The Bakersfield Californian and The Dow Jones Newspaper Fund, the workshop's goal is to encourage high school

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This is the only college class in Bakersfield that is offered at no cost to students. Deadline for applicati!)ns is May 16 .

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.. \ - . .

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P··1·N·· 1·0N ·. - . . . . , . ~ . . ' ~- . . . . , ~ i . ~- : . ;-' ( . . .:.,:. --,: ' . . -. . . . . .• . . ,. . . - . . . '... . ' . .· .. - .~:: . . ''

.. r~.. .- - . > . . . .. . - - . . .

By Nlcll~le Perry . ·. .· enter the realni of full frontal. . anatomy: useo,as ~ tea~h:ing too( Opinion Editor·· •• midily(ail(ound on the il':let. . in both medical aridari studies.

In late- March, :ihe U.S. Theymaintai~ihattheactwould. ·. Bui.'~hat actualiy qualifies 'as Supre~e Co~rt ~eiit io work io bar{muclimore thanpom.· - . "art .. may be a maiter<>f opinion ..

· decide• ihe .constituiiona.Jity of .·. This deoaie·eiisentially asks· -• Hugh Hefner's ('Playboy" .. · ihe C<iminunications Decency.- the question;' _what· is publishes pii:tures:bf folly nude -Act. . . .. . . . . porn!)graphy? . . . :;omen on f1.s)1omepage,. · '. ,; ._-i111e\ct caii b:e seen in two · ·· · ILis)afe'io _say that~what · :Michelangeio's '.'David" is a ways .. ,Eithe(thisact wi_H keep . s&me wou.ld c!eern indecenlis 'th.rec-ii riiens i cin al nlik°ed . chi ldre·n: ·rrom ,, accessing ._ often ~ io oiiiers. Picitires .. depiciion ofain:m wliidi ~lien poteniia1iy: offensive ·sexu'al 'Sfratght Jroni the ."Hus tier" · Aypediritoanysearchengiriewill • material ion ilielntemet:-:-or it homepage. surely cannot be produce several firicls. : .. · •. - . will ·sfrip-ttie'~!fnformation-.. , placed in the same category as _, . ..:~Jh{'.But. ,--;, Superhighway" or' its title as statues and historic art forms; . uridi:phe same ~trkt guidelines leader ofttie.mass media fuiure but 1,e'i(made' of stone 'and. a block that would deriy acc~ss of thi Firstl\'meridment. . . ·.pai~t.'oi°composedofrealflesh; to Miss October' aiso .wo~ld .

Those -arguing fof the all may be·tlie same io the re~irict a-coilege sttiil~nt from. Communications Decency ·Act ... Supr~'me Court, ...•. ·. . . ••... . . . ciownioa~ing ; Renai ssani:e belie_vethatthelntemetba:sically •. ''.-'llta(_s~hat makes.the.issue : artwork for all 'art.appreciation

, giv~s anyone free tange to-die so difficultto pinpoint. Nudity . final: . . . . . . WorldWideWebofsrriut. kind .~dptof;inityaiemadedif'ferent - . ·-.. At B-akersfield Colleic-the

. of lik~ '.giving ii kid a: preferr'ed: . •· !>y t:~angirig context.:. : . : ' '····· .. is~ue has b~n tried in the frbm' - customer'. card to' ariy adult. Sometimes ·col9rful language '·of Cyber Patrol, a censoring ci~II iights.· A-loi of th~ sites. st~de;isafuutolh~rsiuderitsand . ih1im to leaVe the CO!THT;oris.'' .

entertainment stor(iii\ theworic( ·helps "make" a story or put an ~oftware which ~as later that weren:t ev7n pornography the 'vie;lng of. offensive Lea;ihg ihf commons iri~y . Oniheotherhandjupporters ·oiherwise weak argumentinto ··. removed. ,form .the·. library oran'ythinglikethal-werebeing material; it isn't much of.a solve BC's problems,· but the

_ of groups such as the Center for _ full perspective. Case in pojnt, . computers. . . .•... ·· · -·· .·· . ~-- taken 6ff, like. hajiry and that __ problem. . _ __ .· · , _SupretneCouit lias a much bigger_, Democracy- and ·Technology,· Dennis Miller. B_ulthis doesn't - . .'David· Amaya.a SClinputer _- . sort. - . So, -·after careful_ .. 01.Jsually iftliey view . issue to decide; . _ believe thai this act blurs the . niean that becausea persori cominorisswdentoperator;said, deliberation it was taken off pomographyihey goto the bacL· . Who's speech \viii be lines of the First Ame~dment, can he/she should spout off at "A lot • of - pcopie ·; thii s~mesle,r." · computers> . . protected 011 the Inierriet? prohibiting a.dulls from lheir ·. will. . . . complaining about it [Cyber. Amaya~said that although ,;Our policx is that they can't . Cybergeeks_ ev~rywhere are righ.t tospeak:is they please and.· Nudity is an everyday part of .• Patrol] because it vi_olated their . complaints~e siiil maie by .· view it but jfthey do, we ask . waiting lo firid o'ut..


····~·· - -- W!NwoflM ···-

11197 JACC · -~Anrd

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. .

Emily Ree<! : - : -Ecfrtor In Chief ·. c - · ·· _

Merl~·_ · Campus Editor

Dann -Dieter -Feature. Edilo<

Ellae Palos Copy E~or

·- ~-- ~ --- Llxey Swatl - - - ·. Pholo. Ecjtor -

. -Rtp0f1efl: Dav& Bernal, Brandy J. . · England, Jeremy Meadofa, ran ~emeschy, Clod'; Sargeant. JeMa Swart, Cyndi Tldwem . ·

PhotogBPhers: Colin [), Bl"fO(I Gibb&na, tMs Riey, Doug Sct111z, Bobby Tamayo, Alan Waters ·

c.1oonllta I ArtJata: Bryan Bem. David Cna, Suzy Kish Selon .


~~~~= ·Pholo MvlMr. cu.y Chriatle

-'-~-GADE .FEErii3AcK -06 you think rap music_ has gotten too violent?·

Kmtyn~ UtemurelTheater: "Rap muslc has not gotten too violent Paople should be able 10 lislen to wt",atever they want to.•

David RNd, ThNter. "Some rap music~ gotten very violenC like gangster rap. It's go( · too n"Ud\ agamt women, raOglon. and sex- I wood say almost

. prejodlce.".c - ·.-

. Courtney POl'19f I Theeter: , think lhal rap toward women Is getting too violent. the derogatory remarks and the constant degregat· ing of women, lhars kinda wroog'

Matt~ - "No. rap l'T1JSi: Is ~. lik&

folk rrusic. ft rep e s e rots the times and WMl's going on."

Page 3: CB~ :fjf.lty • reacts president's itir,gsaid ·..( ~ ~ College. ...

.,;.~····~ .. ·~-·,:·· .......... '~ .. _. __ . __ ,,.,.__ __ -.. , ... ····.-· ..... --.... . ' . . • . t: .. " ..

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··- ·---·-··--·--·· ' . . . . - . -~-- ---------·

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r . . -

.. :· . ·:· .. ;~:_ :· __ - . ... =" .~ . : ...... ·-'._:-,,:.'· .·_: -·

. . . . . . . . . . .

BC professor reaches for the,st8f.$ Str'o· . b•· .. ·,·.·a··.-,,.- -·$.. . Afterih~shlwhiani.wcrsany .·

· 9 ffi questions: To his surprise.'som~ ··• ·. t"o .... '"'g'. a·,a·· e·: . . uriexpec~ ques~oiis hay"c aciu· . . · .. >up r .. : .· _allyc~ii,iefrornp~n~:., ;:<,::-. p· · 1a·· n" ·e· ··1a··n· 'u' m" -- ·. '""I:hi:y're watching too._many .

.. ·. - .·. . . . . . . of those \ate'nightshciwstatkinii By Cyn~(Ttilw"eil ·-. ' .· ... alxitii spaceships behind comets.

· Rip stall writer _ ~ · __ .. . . or an asteroid going to hit the . Nick' Strobe l's cybs sparkle earth in thi:'year 2000," he said.

,,.;lien he l~ks at ~a~iifulpic- . The\ues1ions do.~epcnd on · . turei of the stars a:nl plarie1s:. the age group: While third:grad· · . Ani:twhenhetalksoffutureplans. . .· -ers usually have their hands up forttie B"ai:ersfield Colle'ge plari- . :_ right away, seventh-graders inay

-elariuin~hidace lights up_with· -~'~j~]5.i~1~Ji~:~?n:1astal~~?t . hope - ·. > . . .:c/:: : quesllons . . - ... ··. . . . ·.

Strobel. who came 10 Bakers-_ . :••ii;s, not'c~ilo ~k q~estions .· field College lasl-y~ar. teaches ' at th~rige.•'._\ -· . . , .. . .. : ... .istronom/ and ruris' the. plan- . - .. ,The planctaifoin is lcica\ed _in

· etariuin: He said he finds that his • .. the Maili and Scielli:~ Building . passion witJilways t,;,_the beauty . •· on camp~s. Blueprints dale the .

of astronomy. • . - .· . - . '· , . structure lei 1962. ·- . . '.'ltw"as always)he gorgeous - .. ~collegewaritstoha'venight

.. pictures. The_re ar~ so mariy g<ir'. • shows fo! the; public, as ii did 1_0 . geous 1tiings ouftheie_~ridljust ,... :- .. yearsago,forevcnissu9hasHate- ·

wanted 1ofind oui, wi:11:wha1 are · · Bopp: This is ~hy a:ma~~vc~fs . those 1h°fng{ like?whai;s mak· , · : : needed fcir' the t96<is-s1yte <Iii, . iJig )hem look:that:way?" said / pia/ systems now .iri place;' he - Str<:>bel,aprofessor_ofastrori<>_my -, said ':•-<,; '"' . . .. · .. · -:ana pnys,ca1 sc,ence. . . . . . _. .· ·· sJotie1 ~'ais !he sysiem works;-- -· .. - -·

He r~alled ilie fir.a iime he --ti~/ the gears·· have worn down . . . - . . visitedaplaneiari~ininSanFran::·. overtinie.-Spitz,themakerofthe; .

cis~o . ." . . . c . : . . . stir projectcir, -is. the only corn' . ."lthought1ha1_wasreally"cciol. pany .left that. makes t_his .'60s ..

]! 0

didn\ (js( long eiliiugh, i,"ii1 ·. ·. . model. ·th6se thing~:neveido." .·. . Stiobel'~;;,,,°i~h list" in~lu'des·

Thafwas the suininer tiefori: . all refurbished equ,pm~ntthat will . eighth or_'_riinth g'.ade: w,h.e~ he > BC '~sfro~"omy pr,ofei~o"FNicksirobe1\iands i~frcintC>f'the planetarium\ ~att~m of stars. •. have to come froni Spitz. Refur,

_ reallygothooked,allhe11me1_he ... ... . · .. · " ... · · " · · . ·.- · · · · -. - . ·. ·- •. - bished equipmeni."iiis more do-· Voyagei.spacecraft:1as travel- . . - :·,-.-. · j / ... _ . ahle"''tliaripiird1asirigconipletely ·

. ing near Jupiter,' Tt,e pictures· .. __ wl·e.os_suoldns}hae·_,tiree._-_rpe··~_~aat_scho .. fitte,n',Os_ na~~ouft.tihh. __ ee. - ''.They're· W8tChirig tOO many of thOSE!_.late "n_ ight' tha~igh1.:,> f k-, • I I .. newcquipmerit~hesaid._ ... -from :the~Voyag~_i- aie·w)iai .. · . . . . '"" . h. .. 's' t"atk'•ng" a"b•o"ut- sp" a"cesh'1p-·s beli·,n-·~ ·c'o'"'m· 'ets"o-, r ... laiio-n:-:~:~pon ~ni:~_oJ_t!~:.:_heas_· _: }~~~l founh~. that a new ,s~t Strobel·said turned him :on to . planeiariurn itself.,_:. . . S OW I _ _ . _ . • U ... _. · . ·.,, · . -· .. ·- ·.• .... proJCCIOr, whic _ cfc!ites theil1&,t<

.. iistr611orny: ' < ·: i .,°. C:: ~. _'. '. PeoP.le ofien ~~n_fu_se ari obse_r-: an aste~oid going to hit the earth in the. ye~r ~09.0.!'.... . '. 1he_du~tffS'?~ SI.mi t!ie B,g Dipper'..·- sky.,would cost $3()(),000. A riew --:-::-:He_ th_eri _be~~il to ie1 ~very·~Vatory.~it!t.a pl~e_tanurp.beca~sc __ ~:...,:.,~;.;..~;.:.-::...:a~. . . . ·. . ;.:...;;.;Nick:strobel~w~1h IS ~~tu~llyt~ o r~rsa.~a2ut~m11ed sy~le!11, to run thee:

ihingonas1ronomy,t,u111w_asn'1 1hey-bo1h have a _dome; .he_ said. _.. , - -. ., , .: ,. - :. : JOr, Dep_~ndml- 0 n the ,s~ason, whole show wo'!_l_d:"C~st_ another · ---u~til gr?duate sch°°'l thal h{bec · _ >. si~g_enis ask to)ring their ca~era .·· BC professor . 'Slr<J}J'.;I w,11 point \}UUhe bnghtesl. ~50,?9D, not co11nti~~· .additional

_": caine"interestcd in teaching the·. or tclescoi:se i_nto the planetanum, · · ' · '.- '· ·.· :-- _si.irs:, .· .. . . _ . . . · :. . hghtm_g costs. .. '~ · ...... · .· ., •. subj~i. Hew~~ 3-,~~~her'.s aide _ thinking ii is anobservatory;w_hic~ .- ... ''I Jowii's;pii~tof ct;fusioni'.. . Sriobei ~ohdrictf pla~ei~;i~_m·_ • ·_, . ':·1rori;°" ,s_up we' llshowOrfo~: . _: Compared tothatcxpense:the . : a11he University of.Washington. : o~ns_ 10 the night sk'y. . . _ . ·.·,. _ • He often hears .other misconcep:. . _ tours _fore etemenwy school c~,1- , ,f ~01,_w~_II Sh()W~~me_~lher?~CS, .. · to)al ~o~t of refurbished equip-. · .. 'The first year_(" was really .· · •'.-.But he said the only, thi~g tl!a1· . tions as he : gives . tours of~ · .iren iwice a w~k-,Th~ r~m seats:·· : ~c e~pla1~~4: : . ? > · . . , .. _. mcnl. is est.imated a_t $65,000, a. . terrified of that, getting in front •. they would get a clo_se look at is the . Bakersfield's only planetarium to - I ()()children and 60a_d~lts._Thr_ough_ : _ .. -. He!)ften poin~-~ul Bet~lgu,ese, mucli more feasible expense for , of everyoody and,having"io talk .. little dots \}n the planet.arium's ·_ elemeniary school students. For ex·.· his presentation,· he_ t~ies lo show : . which stu~e_nts e:nJOY,./ ' ; . _. .- . : .. the coUe~e. ~e s.iid ... ": .·.·. . • _·

: about "different things." screen, where he-shows slides and arriple," riiany siudents don'.1 realize.·. different aspects of.astronomy by . . The k,_ds_ alway: get l! kick o~t · t,ioney to fond the renovation. ,. · (ventualiy he found that he . • -projects the night. sky. Unlike an the sun fs completely gaseous. · . :comparing t~e _ size of plan~ts and . _ ?fthatbecausethey ve been wa1ch- v.:ould _come from existing f'.unds_

· enjoyed teaching. and. students · .. observatory; which has a telescope - . When he explains that the sun is·. · stars 10 the earth. He also adds· a ing the Saturd_ay mom,n_g cru:to_on. · ... at !he district. · · . - ·. · _ . ,,;ere resp<indingwenio liim,- ·: ·_.-- in the ~enter; ;i planetarium has a . all. gas, the~ often have _quiuical .• little humor to interest the SlUdents_. . ·. -<'HOI.V can you_h,3'!~.~lle JU.IC~, .-:· ·: Slrl:lbel}I~ is seeki!'g ~_si~-'.

Instead of researching as; . _ starproiector_that proJcctssiarsomo looks on their faces, he said. :Every show stans ou1°wiih a tour of be_etles. guts aRup there·. he said Ulllce frolll. pnvate and govern: . uonoiny; Strobel decided he · the dome; acting as a metal screen. · '.They don't quite believe it." . how the ~ightsky v,:ould appear on_.-. they wonder,. · .· 'ment sources.

"', • • • ' • a • ' •

'Vo,c~no' offers lava but no plot - . '•- .. ;~·-·-~:··:~$: ;.•_·-_,. ----:-- ·-

First ~irig Bear F'r:Ni-Wc:IN .. · : : June6~f, '. .. ~ [);ir,:ing '. N:lli>-e Ails & gaits

: . Olllllr.ll Awarei'ocss ,-N~ffe Fciods · ·· · •-. ,--". F.imiiy~ :~wtdi: ·


. ; GRADUATION SPECIAL! ·• . . · $55 dbt: CJci:. -

-~-" tm.~ri~ ruroorn ~ -~--.,-~....,.,~or~) ; ~" .. :.,.- > . .::_·.:...~:...:.~: . .:c ....... ::.:.:._:,::·.....,.:,._.·_ -·-·:--.~ _--:-.,-

,; . By D!iv~ Bernal

locauon: . ·. Bc:nAJ!iuetBOS)sai3l3 BC soccer Roi,,,, Sdmd (o()5) sgg.m4 fields off . '.-e,in.:,;J; [email protected],:,ro Hairy S1. •· -- ·•• ni:@587-02:!t

CALLJ27--0681 r~~ ~sk for the "Graduation Rau"

. Rip-s~ff wrfter· .. ·,· · . _ . "· .• There·s,:somclhing that really·>: bothers in{abou1~ii·ui~ disasier"

. flicks coming 0~1/' . : '. - - ·- . • •

0 Ycs, ~el< · . ·,hein and spend millions ori thein; so : .

. -imclhirig must !,egoing righL '.'.Vpl· .- .

. -- E11.Plov11Eiai·, _ -_ st:EKINCiFIN~NCIALAID? _ ·, .Don't limil.your possibil1ti_es for fi.:

Girl Scout Resident c::amp : nancial aid! Student Financial Ser· In· ,n~ ~~uritain.s, .) h;;-~( from vices' profiles over 200,000+ ind,­BaJ;;cr;fieid, scieks counsel~. iif~- _._v:ic!U3l .awards ·frQ~ pri_vate & pub-: guards,cooks, wrariglcrs and pro- :nc =tors. Cail: 1-800-472-9575 .·· gram staff. ju~e 13;August 19: · ext. F60035. ·

·_ . ·<:an<>"'. is'o~e-mii,-lhai fits in so nicely" . :· with the typicalaisastci-flic"'tc g~nre. · so- 1 will 1e1t._you what bothers nie

about "Volcano'"'and maybe discover what bothers mf;bout lhese fil~s in

Competi_tive:salary, room and -Rf-Sf ...... AR ___ C...__H ft-f P--'0-ftJ_,;,,,S--board. Mllithave experieilce v,1>r't::; ing with ,;;hildfen, Girl S~t back· lJrVISt IJnry al ldtilDIIIDa Ill U.S. .. d h I f I. . . : - lf.1711'11'!CS·AU~ groun ep u .. _. . . : Cr:.rc.i..t:,;ifoQydll'lll/WC<>CXXl

·. genera!,_ .7 :. . . • •

.. Firs( the plot (_ibis won't fake ~-. lo~gj: ; Tomrriy"°Lu Jo~bniars· as · Mike Roark. the dir~ior of the or: . _fice_~fiomcrgcncy Manangerticn1 for .. ·

. (SOS)';;}~ ~~a ::t.126. . $& J8Jc;~~l;W2 . - for mc,re infon_niti9n:.. o-,....,llJX)b:--

· -, .. Los.-Arigerer----.- ·---' ···'- ----·-: --- · H~ ha/;:~aughi~r (Gaby:.'· l-lous111c · . -Hoffniirin. ·:sl~~iess in_ Se,:,nle-); . . . . . - ·· . --~ ·- ,: ·-.,, .·.' ••. , > .~- 0:5. . -~·, i ·, :- ,, ·.~- PholoCOlll189yoftinn11eth c.,ntury Fox ;:=::::=:::::;:::;:::;:::::::;:::::=; an e~';"'f: an~ a~ernandingjobthat Tommy Lee jones"carnes Gaby Hoffillann· away from the flames·d~ring '\folcanci." . Come home to the occup,~ an h,s umc. . . -. . _ , . - , _ · _ -· . . . . . · . - _ North Ridge Apartments!

~--.:.._Thenthiseanhqual<e!J~n.}_~~-~!!,i]ig,ihat both<:~ me abool disaster . much time docs a movje_ically need OK."maybc not:. . : ...... · . ' ' Grw I bcdroomap<s.doselOBC! . . . .l~ La Brea ur pits rise in tempera- nicks. the. bon<ling-:-_ I don't waru'io . t~ spcn<l convinciiig-meili:aiihis"'dj:-· :-onciiiorc7aiio this is~ laslp11¢' . -Compjete wlstovc,· fridge; dish­

·- rurond somcpeopledieinagaslealc--. give 1oo"much away, 5() ru move on. --S.UlU could actU3llyh3ppen1_J('s ~...: I.think .. Mike_Roark_a.nitDr .. Arni_..:_ . washer. patio. laundry facilities. . and he meets a beautiful scientist•· You bow:,.;\'otcano-· fanLliy, Let'~ke<:p°it at th_ai. l'm_not _ Barnes (Heche) ire hangiag from a - ··"fooL & SPA--Siartirif:il S315!

(Ann<: Heche. "Donnie Brasco'')and .. doesii:1 need me 10 spoil the ending ... convinced, so don•t push iL Just . tad<ki. inches abovc'this· . Mention this ad&: well waive the s~ tells hirri something ,s wrong and Coun1 on Lhc fac1 that way 100 many - blow up stuff and get on with i1. This gru_ lava. Ouch, right? I mean, the . Processing Fci! Yous.av~ S20~. ... need I go on? OK. volcano erupts · people will die.. but somdlow, ihe was never me"anllo be rcalistfc any- rubber aild meul are burning around . FREE RENJ'-Find 001 how!

· 3850 •._'Q'' s-t . inthesrrect.peopledie3Jtd1hclaugh- · people waareabout will li,e to see way. . .· thcm.carsaredecomposingandthcy u""' 1erensues. · · - anowrday: And you know what else gets to are just sweating. OK. 1',e never 323-3ID ·

Mallsgci&stroycd.museumsget Orl~peoplewho~veproblems me? Here'sthispoofoflavapouring btEn close 10 lava. tiu1 something Uiseffi.All(OUt -demolisllro and hou~ get lava- - will.barely ~apedca!fi to become ou1intothestcect.afountai_nofspans tells me if I was. I would burn up

· t,c;mbcd. Our heroes somehow avoid bencr people because of it. and de- arc shooting hundreds of feu in the crispy and quickly. · the second«grec bums and try to · ,·ote their entire life 10 saving plants air, ash is blanteting· like a · One thing that "Volcano" doesn't s.a,·e the city; .Of som<:thing. The sleazy pcopJe"gct gray SOOWSlorffl, and 00 One in Lhe do i.S ever talcc it.self 100 seriously,

· · .. OK. how do I review this movie ii though. but ihey needed to · entire pla,;e has the brains to call it a· and at lc.ut I can respect i1 fOf WI.

. ·.

without spoilint: the ending? Lc11ne 1ha1 lesson, so it was good t~y died. vol=? _Hello! What other opiion -There's= thi)lg, . think. it's a disastu flick. and every bugs me. is there? Molten rock is buming Hey, that's one thing ~volcano"

• disaster flick wt I have seen so far · OK. so I'm bothered by SOlll<!· your nes11. and you're calling it a gas has over these other disaster nicks! brings people ftt)m all different walks thini else. I know tlu1 you need to. · 1m? Morons! Wouldn't you talcc And at it realizes llut the of life IO bond and work togelhu IO set up the plot and incroduce every- . one look aod say, "Yer. : .. icano:· . euct same thing a few weeks be· mtle safe. That 0 s one . one you don't want 10 die, but how fd figure~= in LA. w.:iuld. fore!

/. I I

We pay you to lose ,night! . Wanted: 30 people who are serious about losing weight. All n:irural, doc:

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--~M~a~y!2,~1~9~97~.-• ... millllll .... illlllll ........ l!lll .... llllllllll! .. 111! .. l!!il .... ~~ .............................................. . 1'liE RENEGADE RIP Pago 6

·- - - --- -- - - .. --, -· -- ·:·_ •. ·_ . . . ·•. . ~t. :. . . . - . • - - . P·a·· ·R· ·T· ··s··.-.-- . -:--·-:--:: . ·i . . -:-··-,\ ~-~-·. . ..:... --- _ _._

. . ~-· •. ·j) - -~ ~--.·~· ',: .. · :.: ~· . - . ' ~ ' -,,

. .. . - . . ·.: ·. . ·_,· . . . · ... "; .... - . . . . : . . . . -

' I

Left to right, Jacky Woori Richard Rodriguez arid Tracy Bmwn enjoy victory duri~gbenefit game. . - . . . . . . .

_· P.hotos by Chris Riley I The Rip


The Rolling Chariots rolled right past · . KathyMorelti,BCadaptiveP.1;. teacher the BC Renegades during a recent benefit. and coach for the Chariots, ;aid ihe March basketball game. . · 12 game raised $800 for the team.

To even tlie playing field .. the 'Gades ."It was a lot of fun," she said ... · took to the court in wheelchairs in what· · ''The Renegades were at a disadvantage was a freewheeling e~ent for all. bec~use they had never played in a· wheel·

. . . - . . . . ·. :

chair before, but they picked it up in the second" half." · · · ·

The game also was educatio~al, she added. "ii made people, especially the Renegades,

appedate what people in whe~khairs go through. everyday." ·

~-~~:.-2Gades:.vie~f0fc:GC>nferehce~Utle-~ · ._,): L\ · - .... ,.,: -\. · ,·.·· -/"::/.J.·. · .· - .. ·_-__ · .. ·· ·, · - .. , asb8.Seb8.II com9Sfo 616se '<\;:''2'";'.;1aw1, ,,Hi .. ·.······ ..... ·.·.· f .... · ... ····· =r,i:~~~::t. . .. ,,~~tnZ;i;,::,::t~;'k .. ~-4~-~-. !.,,II~~, -~lt a,,, · Uff •

With twogames lert in the base- win,'' said coach Tnn Painton: . .- ;'::1',·.,r~,:;·O\''l.·-·.=_:,~~;''.,·.~,.-_:_··.m:··:11.·:.r ,,-1.11~",.'.··_;;·-.:.·_··_·'···· 311-d .. r' u·· .· . , .11... . .··_ ballseason,the.ReQ·egades~liop-, .. Key-player.;ii(tliegatn~_wd~ . , ,.: , . __ · .. ing t~ wiri i conference ch~mpi~ . Duran, wlio gave ~ great peifor~ • 'orishiptitic:>. : :. {(-· - . _ rnanceiri1tiest.artingp1tctiingr<>le ~· , :, .:J' . ,_.· , ·. · - I . .···.<In thebeginning.-_we,~ere a .. an~C.J.'Martin;an_otherpitcher. . ,, ..--~/;,J\.·"~--';,\{:}:-,-:':'.'(.'·.:·. -.·, ·. : . ; - - · .·.'. -' · _·, . littie;..sfiaky;'' shid)airile:Du.ran;-:c"After.Duian wasinjti~~MartinC ; . .1,·.\',S.:::..:·7 ·'>-;' ·.cnY c · ,., · . _· ~-· '. · · . . ' ' .

. .. tJ~;~i;~~it;~;ai:~r;!t:~· ::~~=js~~!tjt~~~-· . , . ,,~ ,, tt:·::_,_'..?;·:-'\_:r;-·,_····· · ... _--.,. ·.·!·_._:_· __ .·,_·_ •.•.... ·_._··_·'.' __ · __ ·. : ~t_ g· ·a·_.... : __ : good -now'." The riext two games .• chance to win, according to - - . ' . ~

.· -coming up, we haye to win those Pain!O_n:' ./. . . .· •.• :·--_ .: ...• ,J~. Todwayw~'re playing w~·re ,nu! game look off in -the firs! ._ 't:),i::[::/ ...

- _. g~~f ~0 ~t£~: :s:6·s,:sliortstop, -t~:~~:r~t:a:a1:;!ii'.( :~: :. : ·:,: .. ·.·~·,.~.,.:, .• :.'·_,_'_::·_,_.·-.= •. _,_._: __ :'·: .. :_1_:_"·_-_, __ \.~.:_;_·~-~--.·.·_:_:_ .• :_,:_?.•~-~_<t \;_) : ,.-_- .·· agreed:-,~ ... _. .: :··,·-_·.-: .~ :Cand'made-it'toseccind.Anthoriy. : .. ~,·---.·- '',• ({,,· ' ~· .. :'\ ~~~ti~as~:o:r_-.=_

·:we're 'c1oirig re~lly welL .·At"vedo; aitoJffielder,aisoma:de · .'f·};/'.-U · -- . . ~ red ~~t. op"t~ __ _ .· 'we;ve got:i g~di:inceto ;i~ it .. a: hiland ~ad{ tiis w~r. 10 ti~t..,. ""·""~- "· c · · ... ·.• - • ·-·· • · ,..,.,

_ -:~i{t::~rit~~?t~:e:i1;;;: :: ~ei~~r:~r~thno ~1~~1~ ;: 1

_,.1.,_ ._;I_;_f.t.~.t_;tlif ){t.:., . , . .: ,, ? ::~~~:(.:: _ ( -. · -,·_:: _,-_-_ .. _ ,-~--~ -~>-. -,ThatwillbenrsttimeinRenegade .. a.ndAcvedohorile-, ·. , , - , .. ',-,,a . ,,.,,·/;: ... · . . . < ... ."-_<'.!·- '' •..

,: history a ieamever hosted the . ·Missionstartiidtoplay hardball - · r-·,:: ~' >··r- -.. :-:·

· _.··pia;~:~-6:k)~:i~~a~~em3.n for0

'~~a~::_-1::d~~~:tstf!i~~} .- t'tI(:}(PJfr'·'"' ~--'-ihc 'Gades, called the season a -to left_field iuid made hi_sway 10 .··. ., ;,.,

_"pretty go~cf yeari·: · . . . . second. nien Kevin Serr hii one . ,, ; . ,, ... • -"'As of Monday; the ··Gades were :. that brought in Solis and him~lf., : . tied for fi_rsl place in conrerence . Mission kepi the presstiie on· play with College of the Canyons when Kirk Romo made a home aniGtcndale College: · -- run in the shth inning.

All .three teams had a 15-8 The Renegades came back in _ record. But this week "will deter- the eighth inning with hits by

niine'. which team is No." 1 as ihe . Acvedi? and Andy Diaz. ieains head into their-final ga~s. Mission tried to catch up with

-The Renegades showed their hits by Tony Pulido and Jose . 'winningspiritduringarecentgame Sandoval, but it was not enough

against Los Angeles Mission's to win. Fr_eespirit The team won 6-4 nver

GI- _Mercuryi)

~Tamr,otn..~ BC's Tony Diaz anticipates the tag of a player while

playing College of the Canyons recently.

Love football? Can't live without it? Then earn college credrt this fall while covering .exciting Renegade football. Reporters and

p~oto·graphers r:ieeded~ can 395-4344 for details •.

. ' I.


Page 4: CB~ :fjf.lty • reacts president's itir,gsaid ·..( ~ ~ College. ...


fir1c9 epntinues Mond,ay . . · A Cinco de M~yo mi~ifestili~I ~ill~ held Mon­

day frori] IO'a'.m. _to 2 in the Bakersfield College Campus Center: . . _ . _ .. - -. _

There will be mariachi music; folkloiico dancers and charios along with afood booth tiythe BC Cinco de Mayo commitieC: .·. : . - - . .

. . For more :infomia1ion,calL Silvia or Cristina at

. Student coni~sers.have produced worksfor _;,ind. ·. ensembie, suing orchestra, string quartet, piano duet . ·. and saxophone qu1nteL.: :

Musicwi)I be performed by BC music facuity and . students, as wen as amateur and professional musi· . ciaos fromllie coinmunity. . . ·.· .· .........

Admission· is free.'- - . for. informa1ion coniact iolinGerhold, Music

. Deparim~nt Chair, at 395-4533. · 395-4532 or Angela at 395~568. . .

• · , __ . • . _ •.• Sli~merclasses expandecl Musrc deadl_1ne to_d,ay_ aa1cersfie1d collegi is exp~nding iis -summ~r ·

. Applications are due today for ,vocal performan_ce course offej-jng to southw~t Bakersfield beginning scliolafships io be award«! by the Bakersfield <:ol- June 16. . . '_ -· .. -· ,:. . · ·.: : .' :i i . · - .. ·. . -

- !egeM~sie[lep.1Ttmenff~r 1he'i99f98schoo1 year.~':: • ·Sou1h:west clas~~s· will ·meet:Mond~;: through · _ Twelve S300 scholarships will be awarded, in· . -Thursday evenings June; 16 throu'gh July -25 al -

eluding four io a balanced quartet of voices from iri·, -, Ridgeview· High School, 8501 Stine Road. -comi_ng students and four more to a bal.anc«I quartet • . ·- .. The nun'tber of meetings' per week will vary,

.ofco~tinuingstudents: _·,. . . . . •.. ·.. depending on the class .. -· ..•.. : ' . The iemaini_ng scholarships wiU go io talented - Foi-more informatio~:ca11 395430i.'

singers _wh~ might 1101 fill OU! a baJanceiiquartet Or . . .

. whose .~trengths I ie. more in. musicianship. than. in ·. PowWow ~et for June . ,·-otce.· · · · · · · · · ... -: · - · · · · · ·

· Auditions for scholarship~ wi]I be held on SatUI· : . The fjrsrjtana.irig Bear P~.w\Vo"'. _;,·ii! li{pre: ··. daf May 10 ~i'Bakeisfield Coliege ... - · · . senfed .by the members of The Native American . For more information, contact Dr. Ronald Kean; CulturalAwarene~s-ClubofBalcersfieidCollegearid director of choral aciivhies, at 395;4547, theStanding Bear Powwow CommitteeiThe e~ent

. . :.. .· • .•· . ; ,· _ ·.· .. · , ;. . . .. .. will talieplac~June6-8on the main campus~! l~OI

•. Coniposer~:plan_re,cit~L'.'.~;-_'c-__;;:Pa~:::e~;;:i1 b<> held f~~5°to I~ p.m. Jun~6: .. _ . •Bakersfield Collegf wiUpresent itslhird annual lOa.m .. 10 10 p.m.June 7, and !Oa.n\. io6p.m.June Student Composers' (:oncen7 p;m'Tuesday in 1he · ... 8. . . ' . Fine.Arts 30 Recital Hali. · . : · ',_ .: · · · · No drugs. alcohol: fireanns or dogs will be per·

This year's. concert .win feature compositions . mi tied, . . . created tiy inusic studenLS using .ieccntly acquired. ·. for ~ore 1~fonriatio~. ~~n Ben Al bf ire -~i 589-. computers· and composing·soft;_;.ire. :_ : . ~'. .: . · · 3181 or Rohen Schmid at 539:2214 .. _

May 2, 1997

~ ~. ; _:~ .,_.- _____ '<· :~ _·_ -~~\>': CustodianJinds' : on campus., . ' . . oth~r items from her office on April stu.denrs. lost. 'ptJrse Theemployeesaidthebinderwas. 17. ·

not to go out of his office.' · The teacher told_ campus police . \\: 13;ki~tielic~jj;g; it~dem · campus police have-noleiids and that she hadione to her office aiouri~ .

.. ha'd_ he_r p~rslretGmcii 10 her.after "·, •. . .· . :;.,.,,,~. iite binder has not b~n. recovered, 2: 15 a•m.' when siie, noticed a door· . . ·. :

• ~ __ ,..., ·-"'-· - .:..she~~t;;~~~c:aJ:;;he had ie;, her · f;t;/, ";( :::~_'°- . }rf -Mil:fsiri::g-ursti:(baffleF,.. op~h~~:stie·walke.d in~icie:she-~0:-:---··-·

putse u~aitended in FACE JO be- ,t,"-',·· '"''· .. :''.~ . •• },_·,_0.· ... ci_blog· y .. · teacher . . _ .. l(CSicedts·.·w:ienr·eenun~sbos'1n:forpo·.-.em.naacondf'eeihatatb1h,ee, .. ,· •. ·._ : • tween 3 arid4:30 p.rn'. . .· : : . e • . Wh. ·.·h· .· . ·ed. h . - . . ·. .·. '·A.'.sociologv 1e .. ac. h.ei reported a Thetestshaveno\beenfciund.No · ens;'_r,etum. ,l epursewas .. __ ._. , gone. - .•. theft oqo Sociology 40 ·ie~ts ~nd

. -~A custodian found !he purse in- - . Bindefr\.tolen tiorn.

Tdp·,~to~:c.1001) THINGS: 0ABOUT. . - - ... ~ : . ·.· . . . . ... : . . '·. -~ . . : BEING a 63-YEAR-OLI> . · ; -MbTHEi(·,-

'10: EiabY crying? Tumdown youf hearliigalci.~ . 9. At movies, you get botit ''chlld'' ariil o,senlor citizen'; : . ' discounts. . . . . ·.. . .. : .

· . s: You•Uipar~ cli11<1 '.'When) was your· age•::." speech, : ~ s1nce'yoij'don'tremem1>eYwhenyou were tier ag-e. -: '. 7. Baby + your dentures,; ltllarloiis "glant·toothed . ·--

monster baby." ·.- - ' .. · . . . . . .

··sidealrashca'nbuilt.intothemen;s . . . . ' . ~aihroomloc'atedintheScienceand :. ·. teaChSf'S Office\ . Engineering Building and turned it . . A Baliersfi~)dCoilege erilpioyee .· .·into campus police. . . . had a b'inde·r :itoleri' outof his office

_The student picked up he( purse on April 16: 17: . . . _ . . ~ onApril 3. ·' ... .. . ·. ~- - • : -_ Th~birider'<:o'iiiairicil'a'rcc·ord of

Approxim.ately S 10 was_ stolen.- .- · where all the equipment was locat«I .. ·, . . . . -


30 day programs · -Start at $30-·

6. Get to.replace MlchaefJacksonJn Guinness '.'Weirdest. -•. Pregna11cy_ln History'.' category,. .· .. _ . ·. 5. By. the t(me your -daughter's.old enough to .start dating .

rea11{creepy guys, you'll be dead. - . 4. Three words: shared nap ilme. · · .... · · . . ... :. · -. ·. 3; C.r~ai c:hanci{fo start_ UBrlrig Your Daughter to iiie Rest.

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RENEGADE. ··ec-~trackteain: .advances to --wsc finals

Wright to ~re$ent gracts far last time By Emlly Reed - . . Ahhough th.IS grad~~,i~nmirks . . :According(() the,claim, ..... ~~hiis that th;y~ad n~I s\,okt:n with\o~ng · 1.i:s: ~iliren wh:eri: h~ becon'ies :Ill . ;,h is. a. move to.ward c;osure on Editor in Chief.·, th~ end.~ of Wnght'_s presidency, it demanding cornpe~s.fiion f~r e,m:i- regaic;lirig his performance.' ... ·. .. employu orihe: Kem Community . aUof this.''. said Wright. .

When Bak~~field CollegePresi: 'does'not mark his end af BC .. Ac· tionaf· distress;· loss .'o( earnings. · ·. · Wrightsaysheatiempt«ltowith- 'College [lis1ric1," 'smith. said- in. an. ' Neither. Young nor Wright. said dent Dr ... R.ick W. right .. p· rese_nis this cordlngtoW.·,in .. ten.'m.Pre. si.d. ·.en.i .pre·sen1·an· d future·,·.·dam' age 10.repu' ·dra·w·t·h. e 'r'es··1·g· t'. :b· t . . . .• t . · . ' ... ,· - ::_, .: . . h. -· . ·.· . . b.l .... h · . . na ,on u was unsuc- ,n erv1ew ... , :<' · 1 ey am,c,pate :uiy pro ems wu year's 300 gradua'tes .with their di· Dr. Robert.Allison has spokenwiih •. iation,.'cos1s: ge'ri~ral and 'special CC$Sful/ : ' - .. · . . , ·.· •,. _ .. ·.. According ·10 Smith,' th/disLrict - !heir mutual a1tendancea1 the gradu-plomas. it will markthe end of an . District Chancellor Dr,'. Jim Young damages and attonieyfees. . . Ori March) 1 theboard\oted 10 has 45 days 10 respo_nd tot.he claim ation. ·· -era .. : and plans~ assign Wright to a psy- . According 10 ihe ciaim; '.'Or: . aci:ept the resignation and on April before 11 goes toeitheifederal or stiite . . .. ''.That'.s not a place where politics

This year makes the I.5th and fi. chology teaching position as weli as -Youngthreatenediis future andth:it · 25 reaffirmed it's vote.. · -> . •_··· i coun. Smith sayshe is confident that need. to be:" said Wright ... · nal time that Wright wili participate a technology. mentor for faculty at of his famiiy if.he did not~ forthwith, · · Smit!i'claill)s th.ii. these actions :the districi wil I /eject it .. : . ·.: .• . . · .. ':We both are 'going 10 be there 10 in graduation as president:: .·. · . . •; BC next year. . .... ·.·... . . -.. . execute .a r_esignation 'w'hich was tci viol.iced Wrighi'sU.S. ai:id state con- . ' Wright and hi~ lawyer emphasized congratulate the students.'' . . . . · Despite his removal. Wrighi said ... ·. '"My heart is at BC ... said Wright.• .· be withheld pendi.rig discussion o( stitutional rights:. - .··· .·· .:• that this daim'is noi a way to gel his . Des pit,, th~ faculty's no Confi-:·. his focus a.t the May 22event will .riot•· !'Jtdocsn't make anydiffer_ence what · ·-alleged performance related issue~.-- ··-''Said conduct by the.Chanceilor· · job b~ck:as presf dent but· met~ly Ii- . '.1eni:e voie and repeat«l ,vocalired .. be. on himself but.on the gr_atluates. chair I sit in,", .· '· - between the Chancellor and Dr. a·nd .the 'iloird. of Trustees was un- · naricial compensation foi his .losses. antipathy for him by faculty mcm-: .. ".!(will be a tough night but my The 50 percent 'pay cut which Wright'' : · . ·. ·.·. ·. . • l~wful,' reiaiiatory and imended io. .·. uj don't_thiilk anybotl/thinksJ:11 be,s, Young doesn't see any comp Ii·. focus is going to be on the celebra· Wright has received. bf retreating to · Wright claims that Young lied chill lh.e free exercise of speech and 'getmyjobback,"_saidWrighi,. 'Tha.t's cations with his attendence at 1he tion ·.'. our students," he said. "I'm the faculty m_ay be augme,nt«I by a aboui the alleged performance is, . ·expression _by Dr, Wright and em· water !)ver ihe darn.''. · . : . . .. event.· going to congra_tulate them on a very $2millionclaim.which Wright's law- . sues and discussions with the board. ployees of the District," according . Young said he.'would 'not com- .. j Ii now hoth_i~g_of any of that: so

- significant accomplishment in their yer, William J. Smith of Fresno. has, When Wrightcontact«I board mem- . 10 the cbim. . . . men! on 1he'claim because ii'is pend· l can't really comment on that:"' he lives." filed with the KCCD. bers on .this issue: .they confirmed "Hedoesn't leave his rights as·~ ing litigation with !he district. . . said. . -

Vaclav· elected


Ath 1$tiC director, fpr[ler ASBC l 'tD 11· >· nr <r ·· P~ident.·· . : . 00. .· .a .coac / ~rr~ 1re.i ... Reyl:;.1 .•• sa.··.t'.n_.a.:INl·_ .. we.·.·.mn:.,~e·:sr···c··· .. _·.h.·.,· .. y·:·'· •. ~.:.:.· .... ·.· .. ·_··

By Jeremy Meadors: belng ri.itileiicdi;ccio~ ar{~o;·~u-iied for him. :r · Rip siaff writer - . . . and that ifhe had it io<io all o;er again: he · · •. The Bakersfield.CoUegeSt~derit.

. . ·arf°Bowsei wishes he coui~ hav~ would_h~ve c,oashed footb~II a~d kft.the ath- . '. Affairs ()rfice "-nnouncec:i .the Stu/ had a glass office on top of the: le11c director JOb 10 someone.else:. . ··dent.-body•'ele_c_tfori. cefults; on··

· -fi.eld house.- looking down into ..• , -'Jjie ~~s,hJor·his replacement nei1ei 11 · ... Wednesday aiKiRobert Yada/canie Bakersfield CoUege'.s M,emorial Stadiuni:~· applicants,·according toDr, Sandra Serrano, . . ·. ouiont<)ji~Associ;LedStudents~f .·

. . J_1_ see111s :i fiitin(pl~c.e for a man-who·•·.· vice presideoi of _stiid~nt}ery,ces: .. ·•. • ,° ::- ,· _: . : Bakers.field Co[legeprel.(der1i': . •. . .. ·' •· dcdicaled-his~30.year,1:areer-1ci'.1e.aching-.-· -·Seirancisaid s~{ ~\l,kJ.:\Y..:.~ad,;'.er.:,..his~:.:...

young men ihe· fundarriemals of football- 'another seme;tir whiic::ihe.seaichfoi- a new· -. :: cipponeni Gary Cu'nningharn; who : .. and life/·. : ·. :'. : • .. · < _.; • ... ; · .: . direcio~ w;;;'cofup1e1ed; tiu_ihc·il~i;~ei!. 1-ie/ • ,e<'eived 202,'otes:sa¢1a~: ~nilio: ·

·:i aske<i ir 1,iiei;.vou1.i1>ui1<i it_and s.ul> said 6~ wciu.ld ~e1i~ilhthe.1ran;i1i~n wii~ri a. • -.. ciatc_ 1us1ic:e ori ihe .• s1uc1eni c::our1: that I ':',:ould ~1ay ifthefdid,".hesaid: ''But. _ new at~le1i-c·di~1ori; fqun~'.. ·: .: - ·. , · ··-. : wvsth,{;iice iire}ideni o(thc:f996 they saidrio'.":· > :,< .... · · . . .'· ... _Ac0irding :to Se~no,,tli<:° pay range fore,. ·: Aztec.a ,<;l,u_b; and a ~ember of : . -Bowser.(,O,will reiire as BCdirectorof . Athletic director, whicllis afacuity position:)s: • .. :· ,ME;C::ffA, 1~e !nter,,ational Stu-·•''. aihletics auhe end of ihis,'s~r'nester, , : •. SJ6,700 to $55,400/ depi!nding upon thi . ; dcnt,s-A_ss~fafipiiarid the 1996 BC .

- .· Bowser plailoirkeepJng ~u~y: du.nng. applicant's educaiionaitiai:kground and work·.··. . c,ncoci~~Jayo_C!)mmittee:iAcioiil- _· . his retirement by managing his rental pro(>'' :experience> She'Said theicoUege is seeking·. . · .. ingH:i'his prin.ted:_campaign state· erties ~nd uaveHn{He ais_o plans on golf: · .. someone with a master's degtei and related . . . rnen,: he p[Omise~ as ASBC prcsi: . ing' twice a V.:eek, he.ri during football > alhietic._ex~rience. The riew director would ·. deril to:ma)<e sure stu'de~is on cam-. ', season:--:-;·?~::iC:'c'· ~. ·_ ~ \;: • .._.. :"· Work'fu1r~itie aid n7>1 reano~ed.10-~fi'orin"- / pu~ arcv:~1linformed.and _that 1heir ... lcouldn'i golf during foot ban s~n any cciaeli_ing duti~s. . .. --.. -........ ··.. . voices are_heard.. . : . : : : .

, becatis~_being a football is a Se yen: <· . '.'The ~iggest problem here is ihe press~re: . ,- ·, :cfaudi,.i(-,y~{"'.OnthevJCepfC.'\i:-; .. · .. · day-a-week job,''. he said, ' · : ·-.· ' . .·.· to fund and SUPJ}O!t Co-<:il[ricular,''- Bow~er : · 'de_!ICY o_f legi,lation \\ith 326·

· .Being a football coach ·is.what Bowser s.aid. '.;What we need isa full-time f uridraiser." .· 'defeating. s1u_den1°scna_1or· of. busi, .. .· .. always'wanted to do ;1.nd he said he really - .. D.r. Rick Wright, BC president, saidf urid:. - n_css/public '. adijiinistration, J51hr1 ·.:. -

.·. missed the contact with footbailplayers . raising will be ·a duty: of. the riew athletic Me~vigy. v.11() lla_d).35. ,otes. In her when )ie_d¥id_ed to qui1_coo.,ching. re.main- · director; whoalso ...-rnhave the responsibility· · s1a1errWm Leyva saig that the . athlelicdir~toTand pass the)OJ'Ch. toionf . of the athleti{departfllent's 15.SJ><?l!S tearllS , .. "'it!~ tri~¥ ~~1~g_e.~ anYc.°!£3~'.· tiine assistant coach Dallas Grider.·· · and genderequityconcems. The new director. . zation is ·1o'ie[in\o!,·fcL : · ,·: . -·

••.. ·, · .. 1 W()ll't miss being dir.ect()r of athlet- also Wi!l1Je'expected 10 coord(nat~ all 'ho~ , ·' ,· :f()r the :vice. pre_si~_ncy. of Ii·,-. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .· .· .. · . . . . . .· .. · . . . · .... jest Bowser said. "I don'i ihirik I am a : sporting events and some away e,·ents. .: ,nan:ce; ini:u'inbehi David Bums:

; ·· ::· .: .:.. -~~,::.:,::.::,;:,·/cc,;_.',:.:,~~-:' .. c/<jf, :·,,;~·:.:">'..: .:-a;:..c:.:;,:CMaRlley fni<, Rip :: great athl~tic director." - · . . • _ . :_ Serr.itno said she admir~ the way Bowse~: . : .. rec'feierl:287.v0t~,wh1le liisoP.J:,o:0: - ·.·· .. Carl Bowser p<:>59$ m ~elT\onal. Stadium .where he coache~for 30 years.·. l{es~d that the adminisuati,·edut,esof - See BOWSE i Page S • ' ne~t;~lian Jose11hscn, ~e<:ei,ed 18_0

· · · · .. votes·, Bums saidjn. his campaign

: . - - . ~·.

;: .. By Jeremy Meadors_. · Bowser, nor coach DaUas Grider . . Rip slatt writer'' . · .. · . > woul~ comm~nl on tlle inci~!}L .

. A former Bakersfield. College _... '~11Stiri said thatafterllie i_ncident: _ · football player has.liledadairri with occ~ Wynn went home. and had .

. -the.Kern Community College a friend phofograph his bottocKS,. . District's insurance carrier'for air' ,which stm had the wnting on them. .: . alleged lµzirig thai.he main- .. In-a phone'interview witli The/Up, .

. ___ _-,_ _ '. iain~tookptac_einjhe~~-~at:~!!S.!i~~!~~ii~-2!1.Y!'>'!!.'!'.s _ . . . classified employee. , .- • buttocks from the photos, which he .

Milton Wynn.a former BC wide saldread;"'Dl".forDi\'.isionl, ''AV"· ooiver, filed ihe claim_ with the. for Antelope Valley:·,.;here Wyn~ district on'April II through his 1:iw- · n,ed prior io BaJ::ersfield. "Milt" .·

. 'yi:r Stephen Austin. The claim cte, . and ;.BC.'.' . -. - - .. --· . ~ribes the'attaclc;which ocomed iri- ·a_ "'We think there was :i lot of ani· -

. _ -· th.efi~c!~-~on_tl_O_!:~:J\ca,_rd- -~ity_~~U~ ~!:kid is .. a.~ .. ing 10 the cl;µm, thc atucl: included good football player," said Austin. several foo~balf players and BC '1think_i1w~becauseofjealousy.".


· equipment manager Ray Maranda, . Wynn. a 6'3,- 200-pound fresh· The claim said that !he employees man, did not swt for the Renegades.

and students uped the player's wrists He was, acrordi ng to Austin. heavily · and ankl~ aod bent him over a bench. recruittd by Grider to play footbal I WhileWynnwasbert10,·er,theclaim at BC. Aostio said Grider even of· said.th1:playen-procwJedtoinsult fered to let Wynn stay at his home. theclaimantandcallhimnames;and while he looked for a place to live. . further mocked and scorned the 11\is is not like a rear~ auto claim.ant; and further. pulled down a.:ciden1," said Auwn. 1hert is a cl a.i marit' s pants and undcnhorts and (()( more i nvol,ed here." WTOle on (his) buttocks witha marker Wynn now plays for Los Ange Jes and slapped and hit him." Valley College in Van Nuys, uum

The incideltl. a.xording to the 'WhichtheRcnegade.1pl.lyeachyur. claim, was videolaped and photo- Dr. Sandra Serrano. vice preii • graphed.and ~al insults we:e made dent of sl\lOO\tsavices, investigated to Wynn, who is African Arneriwl. · the incideflt and coonsded the·

Neither A!hletic Dir«tor Carl en on what Is accepuble behavior.

you come from," said student · ~to Medin.a. . .

OnMayS, 1862asma11Mexi· can Anny was victorious Offl French uoops in Puebla. Mexico, which marked a hisioric a.nd moral victory against European inter· veotion in Mexico. Cinco de Mayo has since become a holiday for Mexican-Americans so they remember their heric.age.

Bakersfield College started celebnting May I with Mariachi San MMCOS and pinata.~ f ~ vi· ties IWlmed on May 2 with a

, Jenmy IIM6on (The Rip

Jess Soto Ill and sister V'ictoria ride Dude Monday.

Selena irni tat or contest. Monday fe.a­nrred perl'orming charros. mariachi music and dancing, along with a Me,:ican-style booth f eatnring came ,SW !aCO,$ a.nd ho(ctwa.

"Basieal ly, it's part of the origi • nal tradition. The food. c:harros, bright costumes and dancing. ft said Rodrigoez.

Ballet Folkloriro perl'amed on

Monday. wearing their unique handmade Mexican dr~ses, ~~ rraj~ de liJtcrtl.

'1be dresses and music are from I al isco, a state in Me,:ico," said danctt Lupe SanchCl.. "They rqircscnt lhe happiness of the state. Thal."s the ruson for the bright colon and cheedul mu­sk*

Stateme'nt thal hii'has bi:en pr()l)d It>. assist iri th-e fund_ing andpl3.C1~irigof numeiou]; S:tudeiit and club activi~ ties includinii the": BC Fu.rifesi •

. . Homecoming arid Spring Fljng: . --- lncumberit Maii~i Espinoza re" . ~ 'c:e'iveil 24.0 ,·otesaiid defeated Meri'· - - -

Renee 1..opez.;-~lio hail 2fr vo1es:: . Espinoza has four semesters of exc .. perience witll the BC_ stu&ni°gov: eminenL She wroiein he{campaign • . .staie-~nt that _lier· experie~e of . working with 'a variety of s.tudents -froni different cul!Ures and ethnic -goups v.ill allow her to' S.Cf\'~ the

. students bcUer. . ' . ·.· . . . . A 11 othttcandidates were~ nchal · -

lenge<L Taiasha R.ay woh the posi­tion of vice president of activili~.

· She has worked in the Siudent Af. fairs Office for almost three years . .. Thomas Benchtold.was elected ___ .....

as trustee Ii aison all4 pl :uis on pro, viding a deli= jcmcnrre _between - - · the Board of Trustees and the stu··-

. dents ofBal:ersfield College. . As chief justice, Daruel Williams.

stakd goals are 10 repre=t the in­.,~ a.nd concerns of the students or Bal:mfield Colic~ .. ·

The new associate justice, Alison Sheehcy. sutod wt she will bring a voice of c:omrnon =se and reason which needs to be added to the ASBC goVtfl\!nenL

Olhcr elc,;:ted senators include: . Courtney Porter for fine and pu·

fooning arts, Tina Carroll for Sap­ Scm=, Doug Valdez for social science and philosophy and Cody Colchado; 1 r. for health and

. . pbysci&J cdue.itioo.

Page 5: CB~ :fjf.lty • reacts president's itir,gsaid ·..( ~ ~ College. ...

!F i0,·l. t:.

[:J __

~ ... -,'.-:.•'• :;;:_,

Page2 May.9,1997

PINION (Jpset about 'Ellen?' Blame Iler, not meclia By N;c-tiol0 Perry. ;,Elien'; 'plays· her usu.ii uncom~ . can;; 6iJne ~if~~;i~e medi{: . sex~al~.J~·;;e ~n~~i~ '·) p~blic ..

· OpiniorrEditor . . . . .·· fortable self imd a bunch of''gay . Nothing moie iru~ cotJl<lbe said C<lis~lays of affedion; but kd la~g ·. . . • ''Yep:i'rri gay,'' declared Ellen humor! couricsy of guest ap~ of ihis;,,~~!(iss~~·. . . . . . and Ellen~arimake out with each ·DeGeneres oil Ja'st nionth'scover . peararices b)' ~d Jang and Mel- . ·Peopl~~yeryw_h¢r¢arege:11irig: · cfiher during a Los \ngele"s diri~

. ofTiinc magaihic. No;youdon't .. 'iss·a Etheridge at a sort of lesbian . all upset'atllie media's co_verage · nerfor a gay organiiatiori as the ·say. It's true? Ellen DeGerieresis . lollnge:· :•. · .· . · ..•..... : .. of -"Eilen." ii•s noi the media's · media ~overs the everit? . . gay: : • .·· ·.· . . . .·.·. l'in·an ''Ellen" fan, sort oF fault: !?ri~;~se~tiaiftyispe.rsonal iEii~nDeGen~resi~completely

After a \~hole season of hint· I'll catch the show when· i;rri • business:Whenapersonchooses .atfaultf~rthfs mediacircuf But ing aboui the • 1ead. charact~r's · horiie o'r I~member to wat~li. I. · ·.. to,openly admfi to a hciiriosexual ·you'\varit io,kn'ciw soine.ihing? ·. <

scxual,ty. 'the writers of ''Ellen"· ..•.. too: fine! DeGcneres' raliibljng, _ lifestyle; it's going !~grab atten- : .She did it pufl)(?{ely. $he v;anted ·.· ha,·e. finally decid~d. 'that 'neurotic.humorarriusing,butaf- .• ·. ' tion.-Takethissame.scenarioarid' thisall·oolwarofmoralsandthe Dcdcncrcs' chabctc~ \vou id . 'lerthe media circus surrounding' ' a~d a}Ighi>rc;>fiie actress and _YOU publicii{~hi1:h ~a!;:_rolfowed. ' rnmeout. ·. ' bothDeGcnereshe~Jfan'dher getarrie<liafrenzy.> .. · ... ·.·.: I'mnotsoineGodNaziwho's .· /In ad~pcratc.ait~rnpt to save··:..:show'scharacter.~ idon;tthink_ ·· ·. __,Itallco,n1e~downtothedo~blc frying togo·around cond_eoini~g- . the sitcorn ,vhich has becil down she's as great as_she used fo be. standar_d .<?r t,he p~orninaritly_ people~a'usetheirsexual prac· ,. ·. in th~ ratings, ~-riicrs we~li9work · · .. ,\Va.ii.Stop the letters to the -, ·. · ·. : hete_rosexual society we liv_e in. · ticesare different frcim mine, but

.on th~ episode of a!l episode~: an · editor about gay pride and niy . It.would be inappropriate for me . I do.n'.t agree' iha.t beca~se a show~vhich would haye • living in Donn.a Reed. land: It\ . . tcidisdose 1hieve'iits~flast night. . son is openly gay she should feel «Ellen"·opcnly admiuirig to.her· . not because of her homosexual- . ·. with my ~yfriend, but ii's OK ' the need to be openly tasteless.

· 1rue>s~;uali1y: .· . . . ity, ifs all aboutthe way she did for an openlygaf coupte_lo have . In a societfthat has taken so . , Whai cam~ to be ,vas an aver· it. -·•· . · . · · ·. . · a lciver's spat and yell across the long_ to lean toward accepting.

. . age show, compleic with irip to • In the episode,"Elten". is . co_rripuier. commons about the homosexuality as awa;; it . the~apist, the. typical awkward s~aking tci hertherapist, played·· · even(in graphic ·detail?. . may be best to take Ahemaiive

malc-f~malcreiationshipinwhich by Oprah, who says it all, Yo11 lt;s seen'as tacky if a.h_etero-. ·Lifesty!'e tOi°in small doses.

.· C3angsta·rappers p8.y ·price-for· viOlence"ifclifeStylei;>.iyrics· c.

By Daooy D ;et,, . . , . •. . . • . . . • . . •' 4 ! I . i~ . ,...;. .; . .;,,; ; .,,.,,for • a rug< • ••• ·"'"' ,;,,;~ ooi.fu ,; ' ;,;,; ',;,,,:,\;~; •ffi<'~ iai,id ,k . ;,,,..,; ;,,.; <l,o s.,a,,;;, "''~ •t . Features Edito"ri .• . •. #1%·.· · • · · . · . · · · · · · . '.· tlie"same tired ones aboill•, NorthCaroI11iawhi[ewaitingfcirBad 'apartment,arrestingeverybodyin.iL .·hisW_estCo'a,st,rivi\]:TupacSbak~r: - -c:faiigsu· rappers are finall{stari-: . . . . . . . . ··"'-; gtiiis and bitches; . \ < ·· Boy Chainnaii Sean ,;Puffy'' Combs , . This is ~hat does'~;t inake sense ·.. Tupac -was>igned with [)eath <

-i~g 10 pay ·,he· price for living'1k. .·.· , ' ·. · ... · , . ,' ·\ Biggie.whose re3[ name 10 cai[ abotlt signing lo the [abet .. ··.·.·· inr~Ji- Mi>str;ippershavelivedlifein Row records; whoseCEO Marion .lifestyle ch.ey glorify in their fongs:· . ·.·• _ -. . .:. . ·· ~':_)sChlis_ ·.•·:. io_ ph_er_ WaHac_e:s~ed ;utas_ ... ·.· "Puff~.· called me on_ a·M_ ._onday;_· .... lh_. egh~:ttobarc_lydodgiii'gbullets'ifod · "Suge"Knight allegedly _hii iies t~ · · Tup· ac • Shak~r is. dead.' Noton_1cius. · · .. W 11 . 'd. th · I .. b . . . S.. h 'th· fi all . . . ... · .. · . . . .':.. 0 . 'adnigdealerinBrooklyn,N.Y: An · a acesai m earuc e,wntten Y. e5<:ap1ngcops. O\'I ency m Y iheBloods'streetgruig: In fad the B,LG:_is dead ~n.d ~u~e Knig?t .. one . career th-~ihe is_ ~fraid, MTV news . · article in the May issue __ of · Vib~ Cheo Hodari Coker,'\., I was gonna make it big and get a linle l>rea~ng ·· nightTupac was shot, he wascaugh1 ?f the ondUSII)' S '.0P P(oducer SJS 10 . ·_claims "thac.Warren G shpwcd Ult in. : magazine tells how Biggie barely stay.til_l·Tuesday'because j,tw'as the.- roo'!l.from that life, what do they do? on c'amera along with Shakui- beat-JJII • :.: .. ' -, ' ·.· .·.··•· •... ·· .... ' .·· FortLauderdale,weai:ingbodyarmo( ,• rrtissed going to jail before_he signed'. _first of the T?Onthand v.e were gonna ~ey go back ·and ruii:i the_ir new life ing C_np member _Orlando Ander::

All ~n all ih,s_m,ght begoodfor. , before' going on stage_ tci"i.apea per: 3 contr.ic.l with the Bad Boy record get th'os_e crackhead' S welfare'. by associating with the gangsters and son, who was Lhought to have SIO!en the rap_'.nd~stry.h ~as scar~pumer: • foim~ce for Spring 13i~ Jams. label. : . . ·. ._ . ·.·. ... check.s.,O : . . . . . · · . pus~rs._ ·. · · • · ·. · · . · · a Death Row pendant frorii a Blood · · •. .· ·

. . o~s.a~ISIS, '."'c:"rweekqu?te,s ~Ce•: " Maybe this win .force_ me'm 'ro·try . Wallace was staying·and"dealing ·. He-decided to leave anyway and .• ••Biggie's dealh came only _seve!1_ ear~r in the Y~·-· : __ . --~--:_ __ :"----· ·-·-'-·as saying this ,s the first 11me•mh1s-----:-: ~----·--·-- · -~,-----·-·-·--,--:-,•:""'- ----~-. ---·.----· -. - --. - · ~ · - · . ·

\--~ ..

. :Hydt~U Ii cJ ifr·.' lnpt ::~~~1:~1-t~f :it~~ ... ~f~ t~:f i~ud:1eJ~'.n~n::1~ti;t .•.. Off ic,ai isets .••.. ' . ::~::;;r/~dicacw some ·s~rt of ··. ~7~t~~\t;~n:e:~t;~:nl•

. 'nee,ci~ re'pai f •··.· ::h:ic~:r:a:tw~0J~::-!h~: ' ;:~;~~~!~~~-n~oi~e'le,el in the ; f a¢f ~:${ r9-iQ8t ~::.~:;~~~h::g::t;~J:;~~t ~::ir!~1:!i :t:: ~!/

.. . : _: ,°: .' ~ < ;. .. c1n be replaced. Tharik yoLJ .•. · . , Here are· a few.-sugg_estioris· to ._. . . ~ ...... · . . 'i-atherlhancensorship. Our plan is io the p,;;,fo-i(s)y_e~us hints or tips_. ' I h:fre"been)llending Bakers- ' ' .. ' .· l>ustin <;ombs <. keep the noise level dow~::":::: : . •. . • Th_~ May:Jnd, ·~Sf:·.o_f the;~_P '.· have a news sen_:erforthe_fallse~es-: 'on caring for childrenoffe~ by- .. i . .•. '

'-.r,··1d·c··11'·•c···, ....... ·.·: · ··.· .. ·.•.:BCStudent. · .. . ·:' '.· . ., ·,,, · .. · contarnedsomem1smfonna11on ··ier ,. -... ·. · · · .... ,,.,h·'· -:1····· N.·.· ·, ·· ·.· . 't-~_,<>,,__egc.J.Qr_ql!fl'c..~11!~.u111e, .•. ~.,-"---'--c~~-c-···, -"''',. .. __ ...... ·-·· .. ..,._. J .A mandacoryclass on. How to,----~.- ... -,--,-.-·----,--,----:···,._. - . . , .. ·-·,: ·~- -: .. _ ... , .•. • ·, · .,.· -.•-: .•.... ·.,· a wor..,_ op,or c 11uc,- ot on y •--. now, and I milstsay thac the ma- ' . ' ;· ' '' ' '•.< .. ' .. ' '. ' : . th' i'b . . ,. f ' h ' ' - '. th : ', which.If eel ob11gcd _lo correci. ' . . : .Ifs_tude_nts havcqiles_ I.ions ;eg'aro, .. can_· . ne)"_ p_arentspartak_ · .. · c::_ i_n. a_· fas·_· ..... ·· .· ., ..... ·.· c·· ,, ....... · .···· .. ,. _.use_e,rary, rom owtouse e ·. NWb' .. bl.ked'the . . jciril)' of·111y .expcrjenc'.'5 af .Be.... . ommons . '·:-. c/ ~tairwellsto l?eing q~jel in}ii1 pans'',: .· .· 0 ' 5. 'Sites are.' QC .• In, ··.·. irig such issues, I encourage them to_ ' cinatirigjoumeYofhuinandcvel­: havebeengood_.'::·\·>·.: .'- \:: . ,>,·,; .. ·,c,_ ,.·ofthelibrary.: -0 •. • .:: •• • __ conµnonsor_anyofth~labs.onc~-.·speak'rcime',.oLtOe·E?ail me cipmenlb_utlheyrniy(earnt~be~ .. ,u .. n.·fo.~una.· telyi. "_-'ra ___ ch~.r_• •. d.ark .. :'_de __ s __ e_. rve ·qu1e __ t._ ."· · i~ig_ns.ih_ .. a .. i rei.J.'.'QuJe. rP ___ l<'#i'. •... PIIS. ;_.s_. ~den __ ~. can. free_.·· }Y,access. ,, .· .. · tn· ([email protected])._ .. co_me mo~ responsive parents,

c\oud ~asd~scendedupo_n tllyoth'. _- · .. '. - . ·.: .: . : . ·. .· : • ~ .,· ~- and ''Please respecfotheisllidenl.s,"' ~orm~on_ from an_x site, howe~er, > . . . . Carey Allen More import.mlly,childabuseand • e,;,,j5e _cleai: coUege h~rizon ...• : : '': -, a111 ~n old~r _s~ud~\ "'."h_~ .h~ :. 3. Laige' sign's thal li~i }oss~ble }fthe site includes images o~fe_nswe- -.• Director, Insti-ucti?riai ' death~ may redu~ g~ily. ~n'I .

: _I _of,the· . ~n ~ki~g <:lasses-at th,~ .collfge _ violations i>f tli~ Cl.'J"'9'00SjJOlicies: _to_those:iro~_nd !hem, weex~t Siu· ·. . . . · .. Techn~ogy ~perations · child_ren deser,;~ it? : .. · ·

-~all_y_ ~h!lJ,enged'' .-.'t~d··.·en"IS.,on .. ·~ .. <<sine~ J~_n,ua1y 199, ~'- ' .. -~m.' . ve~y·.•. -.-- .. • .4 ... T' alki···n. g iha,_·.·. is SI' o~.--' as it '. ~e_n~ to·t. urn off' ,~e_ ..... l!U' t~ load' •.. of .·· .w· · .. ' -· ... t.·.·.· .... :_._."· . . : .. ' 'k. ·. '' ' . . ,- T!isb Hamlin . -pus.lnsp1te~f13C sbeste!fons~o ~- pleased w~th ~ new~brary.·-. -:·,·starts;not when itgets mit'of hand:·. images'.-''~':··:-.• •T'''?< , :· n er see $ · < B!cstudcot make the campus more accom- : . However, I am not very pleased . 5 N ·. hiidre allo ed : cl 'ihc ..• The computer u_se P?'!~Y ~mts• . ' h-''I'd: ': •. .' 1 · _,., ._._.. '· .. > . m_·. oda~n. gir_ .• _'_:_ebee'' ".~_xiie': ri.~.r(~ing' ::·wi'ili r.h~ nqise,lev,el Lh .. a.I .. P. r!vail.~\. ". s_ e~f to:. ' n w' ·. ' "_"'er' ' . 00

_, .. that ''dis·p'I' a __ .yin'g ?n_-~.-'~_n_iot: ···. c_. '.· .. t._ .. _._c_ ... _a. s_. ses ' .· p· ·.···" ·. '.t .. ·,.k·,_. - . 'ac~n!Hi_tJOUS problem with ltie,ek. durtng the hou_';i that the co~mo~ .. · ; 6. No more lhan two students at ages,5?undsorm~ges~tc:reatc ,. ;. : i ·.'.> • - .·. :. ' . ' ~ ' aren :: I es· "ev,;nor 'in 1h_e l!u' !Tl.a. niti~. Build· .··are". pe' ~. ;·_ ' - .- ':: >··:: :_.·"_"-=. /~,:-. __ 'one'co. ·_-mpucciat·~-u.·me.- :::_• ·. ·.· .. ·::c :' an' atrn .. _os~ere' _o·f. di_._~.-·· '!'f_o ·. rt,. or.·.-~~- ', ·:.· _.-.Pimn __ lS:-.s.hou' ['di:o.--rin,cc1w,ith'",clii' le(", -F. ~-' .· ·.:--.F-. :_,_.~-.... t: ·. ".' .. ·.·_-.- •·. ing,: _ ·_:_ ·:_--_- ·: _., · There~estudenrslltatr~l(~o . 7, No talkin&while;iilki~g rassmen1foroll)ersrsp~hll;>1ted ... de~elopinerit!___ . , __ , ~- ·· .. un .es· ":,/· .-·· ' Thehydrat1liC;lif1; as it_ ifso ·. _use the commons_ for an area;9f)through Lh"e roinmo~. . .••.. ·. - . --.:~~.weencou_~ter~'}'~_erytsd,s_- '.•-:Since Bakersfield's rate or child_ ,. This.letter is'toihank BC ;,,;d'

.. aplly nam~. has .c~u~ · me- io SIU~)'.and nol just a m~.~ng P!ac~ . 8. No loitering In the c6~mons ·. ~laying inappropn~te !mages, )"C .· abilsc .arid infan! iticirtalily is rising,.· everybody' who ~jpcd host. the . miss rou~hly fivte hours -or phi- . loconve~and disr_urb toose trying··. for ~ny reason. Friends can be mform ~m of the po!icy, and ask wouldn't. ii be morally sound for .• fiisi annual Fu.nfisL It was 8-reat .. I h ·1 ··th···· ·este(·A ,.· ··k··· ... · ... ·· · .... · .· · · - , .. · . ·· themtoc11herrumlheunagesoffor. ·· 15· 1 talc. hildde 1 ··.··. · .. ·:··,. · ,.,· · ..

'osopyc_asses.,._,~se':'?_ . \. OW~·.: ·, .. .< .· •.. ·.wattedforouts1de .• -·· ;c.:~ieavetheWeb~iie.:'' .. ·' 'ne_"'!"1"C~.o_ e_ac '· ve~p- _tohave_asafe,funplace_tota};e' . luc,k "o~I~ h~v~!'; I na\C an un- , · . 1.~on_J ful rhaq should ~av;to ·. · l am su_re that ther~ are more . .· · . .. · . · . · • · · .. · . ·· .. m_ent course? : · .·. , . . : · rri)'. son fonhe evening. togelhei ·

· der~tanding 1nstru~\O_r :· ~ho . ··. as~ o,~e °'f the, .workers_'", the . suggestions.that could be made,· i. ; . We d~lc -~ offending IJSU· . . : II should be especially n:ianda· . we awesomc::'riighL i ·. ·,. hclpSl)lC,~\"r~ome_t_hi_s proplem_ ... , commons!Oplcaseasl;othctpeople .. These ,'lie the Qnes that come to .. : I.O. o_nly}_f.therei~ ~~ ~fusal • IOI)' for _tcenS: Better yet, child de· 0 " •• My hope is thatih8cwiil lx:a ...

.. ·.· rhave,h.earf th:i_t ano~ stu,;_ : co be ~uiet. ·.·.·. . . .·. . . . . inind because' of things thai have . to. adhere to ~- pohcy, which.all v~lopments~ldbeofferedatlocal. ~nd annua.l Fu~est iiexfyear. _dent got stusk .,_n the elevat()r, loo:. . It IS very difficult to "".orlc on a happened while using the commons.. ~rs~ reqw~ !O ~ and agree . high sch<lols to every srudenl, NOT· , My°scin and [ will be firstfo line: C?~ue_nt!y;every tim~I board . paper . he~ring : •a 101 of . ltis a sorry statement that a letter . wnh pnor to being tss~ed a user- just cxpe,:tirig _teen mothers, . . . I just wanted to let yo~ know your .. lh_ ,s mecha~1c_al mon __ suo_ ,s.'.IY ~ as~_ extetn~ noise. I s~uld not __ . like this even·has IO be written. I.D.. . . , Now_.notevery new parc_nc n=1.s· .hard work was ippreciitted.

lf I k w II h b CD t I t In addition, a student v;roie in to •-L H · ld myse. _quesuo~s _1' e.·' I _11. a~e. 10. _nng a O ,seen D ' Laura to ..... e ~ course .. owe~er, ,twou. Lisa Thompson work th,s 1,meY · drown ou11he other students. BC Student . su·ggC5t that his inability to find our on_ly remforce and cnhgh!en th(:,r ·. BC Student

' •, . -·-- . - .. .,. ............... .- -~--

Repo~·rs: Dave Berna!; Brandy J. . • England. ·Jeremy MeadoB, Ian ~meschy, Cindy Sargeant, Jenna Swart, Cyndi · Tidwell

Photog~eB: Colin [)o(sey, 0(yon . Gibbeos, Chris Riley. Doug Schttz, Ta mayo. AlaJl W alle,s

cartoorilsU I Artists: Btyan Bel. Omd Cruz. Suzy Kish Selon

. Kathy Freeman Adviser

Robin Johnson .Rodnev ~ Business Manager Photo Lab Tecmlclan

; ' •

;·.'GADE FEEniiAcK--- - .·-,·· · LEm~sw..fu;J THE'RIP-··:-· ·1s prim·e time·T.V. r~ady foragay lead.character?

. Belinda Lopez, Unde­cided: "Yes, because

· lhere are more gay peopkl in the commu­nity and we need to address that they are human:

Marilyn Franklln, Undecided: "Yes, peopl& should be able to make their own decisions because you shouldn't be Judged.·

Juan Ocampo, Unde­cided: "Nci, I don't think there should be any gay characters on T.V. Ifs the wrong example to set for an the mllllons of viewers."


Dem Mh Oorie, . Buslne&a Admlnlttta­tlon: "No, I ike it the way It Is because I don i feel that one person wil make a cflflerence.•

Daniel Dunker, Human Services: "Yes. It doesn't mailer what your sexual Orienta lion Is."

May 9, ,1997. TBE RENEGADE·RiP ·Page3

' ' '

...... ,_ . - ---- . . .. ... -··--·-··--·· ···---·-----------.----·-··-·-~ ....

'. ,

l..f!~Sons learnec;I' the hara way ........ ··. Wr_i_gMt's•' u ~f a.i r dismissal • teaches.· .. carllpus c1ctivism, 'citi?erl.$Q,rp, .u,nity. By Emily Reed Editor in chief •. ··E' 'ew things cin_unii~ acoiiununitYof,

.} 3;000 'pedpie:_:war; ·natural··

. w~:a1~0-winremembert1owtour other trustees' refused to listen '

'tothosewho:eiected them and Were,sp easnyJed QY :a Heavy~ handed charicellor arid a'mean- ' spirite•q t,oard pr~~ident, ' ' '

·. . \ iersfNid 'the unfair disinissal' of a. pop~Jiir coll~ge preiident are ~9ine ofihim ... • . : There's ne1que~tion tliatBaicersfield Col~····. iege President l>r. Rick ·\Vright 'got a_ ia~· ' deal wher1 t~e Board of Trustees . voted,. -twi~e, to r~move as college p~ide~t These iesso~s go' f~ bey<i~d the iext~lc The.decision.was made de.spite numerous · reading ofp'olitii:al s~ierice classes an_d iire. · fac:ulty; sttideni aJ1d community pleas on sure to tiavea much more lasting effect. .·

·wng~c~fbehalf. . : , · ;;, ·> .. •-Anotherissucbtoughttottiet'oreground •• Ho:,vever; as Wright himself said; Ufe's . . by 'these <,Vents is. shareil. governance;

ncif-f~it. As he starts to·i"aki thls motto to' . Thr1Jgh thl hard work of Academic Seit~ heart and ~~e this transition in.his life, the ·• •. ate Preside~! Ka'fo Pluta'. we Warne aware

.c~inpus'.conununityrilusfdo the same.> 'thaiour 6~n'dislrict chanceltor opposes · Realizing' now iliat the damage' is done·. this· iiilporiant law, , .. .

we must iook at what we have learned from· . · Students and fai::uhy have become more··· ·. this experienc~. On(of the greate~tlessons •• . informed about the ii rights inlhe ,gover~ . that we have learned froili this ordeal is how riance process and aie working hard to

. to be informecl citizeo{arid voters.· · . . . implement this Jaw_. These actions i_aught . .,The next Uine:we to to ilie.voilngbocilh\ us lh;teveryone has a righuo exp~ss their

. .tb~ect_trlisteesfoiourdisttict;HarveyHall·, . positions ....... ··_.·.·.. .. . . . . . . won'tjustbe ''that guy·who'p_wnsJiaJL :. Whal we need'to, more than_

.,Ambulance'.' but a· courageous man, whO:. ·- ever, IS. rema.m united and' give mt~nm ~c

alongwitiJJohnRodgeis,opposedlhechanc . ' Presicfent'b;_ Robert Allis~n ou.r contin-' ceHor and tried twice to save our 'president ued suppo'rt:, · · .. · · , : : ' .

We also will remember how four other . -· Whoever becon1es_ l~e n_ext president of . tiusteesrefusedt~listelltcithosewhoelected:· BC will have'averydifficult timeba!anc0 •

' the in and were so easily led bf a heavy~ . L.;_.;..... __ ....;,.;....;.....a;...,;.,....---'.,.........,.,.-:--.,....-:-----------,-====~:;:;::-;;;:-' .• · 'ing What he feels.JS right against what the_' handedchanceHorandamean-spiritedboard . :...chanceilor.tells him to clo:'-- J ·. · · · president. . ··. . . .·. .. . . . students demonstrated the ii ;ight io !:ie 1icard by ness this process firsthand. .. . . _, we caii only hope lhar person win have . Anotherinvaiuablelesson whic~ we have walking ou_t of class in protest of the trustees' lndi viduals who never dreamed of becoming . tlie· moral courage to lead BC in the best•

learned is thai of due pr~ss, or not-so~due ·. actions. More students and faculty aue.nded trustee . politically active got up in front of an Lincciopera- possible way •. no. maller what the conse~. · proc~ss; •as in this case. _More than 1,000 •. meetings thanever before and were able to wit· tive _board· and passionately spoke their minds.. quence.

_'./ __ ·. :·':\ ~ l·li::: ;'.'.~ ,, ·~~,'> , I'• ... ·.:. ... : ii .. ,, · .. ' ' I' ·· · .•~ Jorgour.s1ippoddurfnglhQ96-9TJchool • •• "! '. · ·:,_:, ~··&:-,',y;;;·_ .. .;J.r:;o. ;,/ :', ... }";.~ . .- .• -•• ·" ·,. .. . . · . ··. · · . •· ..

. ... ,, .. ......... .

·- .,·:~~>>-'-- ' ··.BOffUS .. ·. '·, ·.---:(, ;" .. : · · PUrchas·e · . ". . . CLASSIJ:IEDS

. . E11PLOY1.Eitf:/:\/} · .. • /:::?RESEARCH REPORTS Girl Scout Resident Camp ·: .i..vatL.tnryd61b,lllllonnU.S.

.. • .· .. -....... · · c ... , . _ . IU1111JACS·Al.lSIIUCll . In.the 'rnou"niafos, 1:hour.frorri 1, , 0mc.wiT~...,, ..... ,11cuCXIO •.

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The first Standing Bear Powwow will be held June 6-8 at the BC campus .. Call 589-3181 or 589-2214 for information on times and events .

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Page 6: CB~ :fjf.lty • reacts president's itir,gsaid ·..( ~ ~ College. ...


· $.1iBESSED .. IJUT? - J~QicotJrtselors offer advice·forfinal e~ams ~~!tJ!~~ri::: . .• .-.· . ' ·. • --------~

. : \Vhiic "students 'are happ)'. thai c:;;..:..;_;.-"""'":'--: .. ..-----another school year has. come_and ·. gone, manyhre pulling theirhairo~t :" arict'gritting their preparyng-for .

. the next. two hellish weeks ahead:

kn;;~st:~:.::·i~~;d ~~ hid st~i •. /~· · ·. ~.. ·.· .. ·.· ... ·.,,::::,-. de~r~ pani~king andSunning tor · - · · "'.1-· ·

covcreversi~·ce lcacher.rnientioned 'f.!" ~ -it at thebcginning:or"l!iis semester... . ·p.

Alttio_ugl)lJi}~ciavoid~~!~,Jhere._ : u· - · f, · a~e,;~~so~r~~;\J~e:t~~Lo~y ·_ .- __ - .....•• · .. ·.· ·:-.-~

m'i~d ts gelling eriougii'sleep/ said - . . pl: Hoolyse:p;ivajian, 'a Baker~field ·.·.·.. . . - . . •. I

~o~~~~~ ~~:1~0{~~~1~:!s; rr: ,;,;.J)..: \~ ,.. \\ so1ha1youhave~~~u~hstudytimC:' ·~~·· ·. Davaji~n also recommends put:: · · * --

· ling your soc bl life on hold. : -·. · · . ''Somi:tfo1es lhat' i dirficuli wnai'

you have afamily;bul you.wail( to . mak,e your sJudying and pr;,para-tion your priiirily."-. .· .. - . .

• A stressf~l-ri11,ai ihat stude~ts .L -- : _ : ___ often",dci)s.:_c-ran'1mj~gJ~tl'!S_!jiQ..:.~;...... . . . weekS of the semester and drinking .

cup after.cup of caffeine. .· -BC student Cassie Daniels said

she 'drinks ; lot of lea arid studies .· ... r~ally h~d .) .

. ; .• drink a poi of teaadayan·d cit . . -~ lot'orlandy. i aiso take [!ia~y .•. -

breaks_;·:_ . . . . . . . · Dr. Lou Farniakis, dean of stu.,

.. de~ts; noted th~ulie.increase ~f~tress . . during finalsweek ledw_more·re- -

. • . ported crime inddents most lilc'ely • ·. -• : due'iostudentsrioi'geitingaa&Jue;iie :· : . · · - sleep ~doacli~g up on caffei~e. - . . · - -: "Prep:uirig in ·advance for fi~als .

-. -··:.ZSind]eariiing•time management _;·'-s--~ - . <!Ssenti.i_i(ortinals,._ ·: said F . .iim'akis,.·.. . . - · ·

I h d . . _siny_ - . 'Kish I Th_ e Rip uAs ong as t c:slu cnt is being . realistic andallotirig theinime by .•. 'aie several oth~t way; io ::"i:1~r11>eri oi~eTii:iht~~n,er.-<·

. woddng out. a leisure_ time. they r;,du~i: s_tr~ss during firuils such~·· .···. ' ''.TheintisiirtipofUiiiwaytoelimi- -shou-[dbefine>'.:'-·_. , ' .· -. ;el\eri:ise,eating the right types of nate stress i(io begin studying for

. - .· M~y ?,fthe c_ou_n~lo_rs ,.agr~ ._. -food, such as apples and grains in- . finals the first.week of the semester: . lhat ~n~kmg coff~ or.tea_ t_o-JtaY ;stead ·of ch'?Colate,,taking a biealc ifyous!iyup-lO".datcinyoui°cl~ses . akrt IS_nol a g~ S!Udy l>,eha."JOr. . ands!Udying i_n groups. . . , . ·. by reading an·d gofng 10 c)ass .. then . . '"It would !><c hel_pfol to a~o~d. Many"srudents'areapatheUcwiieri. spend an ~~ur ~cii:weeksynthesizC -s.[!mular_i'.; h_k~ c;1ffetne .an~ ~ngs. it comes .10. SHidying. : . . . ·. ing th'e materials you learned, your hke that:, sa!d K~thy Roselhni,· EiC::· -~ ~ "!,don't care _anymore. ·(don'i . : job will be much e_a.sier."·:'-:':,- '' ' · counselor._-. - . · · · .. : : C3"Ca_ OO_ :.ul the. fina_ ls"_was_ th.e lypicai . .. . H. url_ bert. sug.gesttxfto. J.ook fo; ;

"l also recommend visualization . . . . . . . . ' .. - . . .- c<1tfunentgivcnbystudentsi~class- .• main ideas and topics and concen: . such as ,m~gtntng_alrlp 10 the beach __ rooms and iri the BC_ libraiy: : _ . _irale on !he materials -being reiuL ·. · or JllOUM.atnS .. )'ou can dose your. : '.'0~e:ofthe prob!ems is that Stu-, ·.· .. '.'EaJagood,breakfasthighinprc>;:

eyes_~talceadeepbreathforabout dents proc~linate and then try 10 1:in,andlow-f.iLhhelps.themindio-­.. 1en m1nute&.Th~1,wiU redllce strffs : srudyfor.the~~arn righlbefore finals .. work beuerwhen you t.a!;eanexam," •

and reduce your blood pressure. · · · _ w~k _slaying up la1e,'' said Emily· · HurJ.bert said ..

ai,i,,stitt wins_top~award •... , ._:ih/i?°e;;/Ji.R•~-.-i,i;,i;;~1;r":, · --- _ - '' . '_ ·- caiifoiliidn·l~1 ~;,'~e~. · · 0

loca)_ ;in-ci rcg{o_nal awards by Win~ - -"It just shows that ali . - The~-e~;p.iper siaff won a toia! ningoneofthetopjournalismawards. ,- · . : of2JJACC-state; liJACC-rcgiona( inihcsiatef<Jrn_ewspape_rex,ellence th_ose Wedl'!esday. - _-_ and t"3JSein i>rC:S:s C.lutiawardsdur-

·. fr'?m t~e}o~rnali~m·J\~s~~ati•on·of -pightS pfprqdUCtion •. i_ngthc_aca<ierni(Y~:>·.:_; \. -. Co!llm~nuy C:ollege,s.- , . : .. ·· . .d. ff " . - - ,_ ·::'· Srudents _participated .1n tJmed ·

.The studeni newspapersiaffl'o'as· pal_ 0 ;: ; _. . . - ·newsC!)mpetitio~sasparto(thesl!'te . awarded~Pac~ttcrAwar~,JAC:S,:s.-:.-- ·, 0

' • ~ "'.':".".Emily :Reed .. compctition'.·_'fht!'Slatewide JACC·· tophonorthausb~upontJ\etotal-. · _·. .." d .. ·.··, • · ·. ··. ·. on-thc:spot and bring-in competi· of mail-in and·on-tt:,e,spoCconlcst . ·. · · ,e 1tor in.chief: tion-awards include: . . .·.

·. aw~ds wori by C(Jrrtmunily col_lege: . . - . ··. - . . - .... -. - - ' . 'Tl!e P~iter; Tht R~n;g#t . n_ewspa_p<;r._SltJdents thfougl:iout the_ tl!ose_\1/~n~sd~)' nigh.ts _of pr<l<luc- · Rip; firstj>lace, bnng-inpho1o;Chris :state: .-· .. _. ' : · ; · •. _ ~ ·: .·. - : · lion paid _of.f.":.~ · : _ . -· · Riley; ·first' place. bring-ii, photo ii··.

...... !.tis the ~r_st.timc_that Ba_\e?~el<f : _ RCC<l ~\~I!~ (Jf 1~-~i~ snide!l!S ·· )ustrali.ciii, Chris Riiey; third place, College ~ won tll_e pres!•s1ous · whohavewonl\leprcsogiousawards: . copy"ediling, Elise~alos;honorable award,w~ch thcoigan1z.ation gi_ves : Shcwasawardcda$5(XHACC ~ mentfon; Cioni pagcciesign, standard -

.• ; -,oonly,fC?lir-coHeges ayeai, - fer 5cik?larship in recognition of her- sii.e.EmilyRecd;secondplace.ncws-. -.: --'- BesidesBC.(l(}icrcit!Ccgcs_~hich :' sk.i.115 _as a ~~;: r,diior and page :- story; Jeremy~ Meadors; an_d -lhird

won~ award forncwspape1.-excel- ~designer; (?iris Riley, a !)hotogra- place, opinion wriling, Jeremy: Jericeiriclude_Contiaeosia,Palomar. pher, won a California Newspaper_ ·Meadors .. ·· · . · .· '

· and°CotiegeofiheCanyoos.~· , __ Pu!)lishers ~iation summu in- : . S!a\e mail-in.awards were: gen·. - Before a newspaper can be con, -. temship award, which will pay his ' era1 e;,:cellence. The RtMg* Rip;

. - ~sidcred for a Pai:esetler; ilmus1 win salary as a photo" intern a1 a newspa-- - firstp!ace,sportsne....i; story.Susana ·> - .. -- · --aswewidegeomleiall=awari:L---per mCahforrua iliii summer;_arid-~Gina;-foiinh place, spons news:·

. ~_a top honor th.ii 1r.e Rip stiff a.Ls,L. Meri Lopcz,CampusEditor,reccived ._ phoio. _Max Becberct; _honorable . · won this year: -~ . .• . ·. • a $1,0!)0 college scholarship from•·· mention-.' sports feat= story, Elise

. -~ Pac~tter pre.senution was -TuDowJonesNewspaperFundfor :Palos;firstpfau.phoiosiory/&ay.° ·. ·made during JACC_:s-Mnual_state- her wort during last summer's BC - Mu Becb=:r; second place. infO!-.· wi<kjoumalism{ornpetilionhcldre· Summer Mullicultural J~alism -mational graphk,_Bryari Bell; hon· cently at Cal_ifornia State Univenity, Worhhop. · orable mention, inside ·page desigo, · Fresno. - In addition lo these bonon. Recd stan<Wd siz.e, E4 Naff; invesligatiye

The i~1ense two-day even1topped has b«n hrred as a Ba!t rsfeld Qui- · news, Susaria Gana; thin! place, front a yw of ho~ for~ Rip staff. -. fomian sunubci reporting intmi this pagedesigo, Tht Rougadt Rip; sec­

The nc~paper has won this year. - year; formu Rip pbo(ograpber. Mu oGd place, editorial cartoon. Mark a IO!al of 53 local, regional and sut.e Becherer, who tranSfcmd this se- Riley; hooorable IDClltioo, edicorw award, in areas such as in vesti gati ve mester IO finish his education at CSU, car1oon, Mart Riley; hooorable men-­news, pfto!ography, copy_ editing, SanJose,hasbwlhiredasasummcr lion, e<fitorial cartoon, Mart. Riley; page design and eJitorial cartoon, as ~ography i_nt.em fO! ~ <Alifor- hooorable mention, featw-e photo, well as three outstalldingjournalism nian;a.nd Riley"s becncho- Chris Riley; honorable mention. honors forstudcnts. sen -in the top 6 percent for the Chris Riley;· honorable maition,

"Ifs a tribute ro the suff s t.tlent Pltou,graplur's Fonan But of Cc/. photo feature column writing. Emily and- hard won." said Emily Reed, ltgt Pharography An,,u,al. Riley Recd; and fourth place, ::. dc¢.i E4it0! in Chief. ~r,just show$ that all completed a pho!o internship at~ news storylscrie3, Elise Palos.


. May9, 1997

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! What would you lll<e to see In The Rip next year? E-moD us at rip [email protected] I

.. - , - .. ------- ---·--·----·-·---

May 9, 1997 !;'age 5

~.~p-~· c·.,·o.· .. ? .. :R.•· - .. ···T-.--·. ·.·s-.. -.·---- --~ '_ -.. . ':, .· . . /· : .·

. _ . .,,,. . . . -.·.. ,.- '. . ·.-· .

N1aking trac~s .. - ... · .·· ...... · · advancesto--conferericeJihals

By Nlchtile Perry··_. . our o~ ~ditio~: We}Jst ~k-a:vi~loh' iap.'i ·. . ... Opinion Editor.; ;; .. Pa.111 Kelley, women's coach:-said of the tcam,O'We

"J?ie Rerie"gad':0

luckand field I.earn broke°several ·. hadareturninggroupci(vcryialentwsophomores. They·· records .it last weekend's Southern California pre:.-· -wa1ned10 go two years in aiciw ~nd~fc~1cd;and they liminaries; advancing to.the finals:•·. . · · ..•.. ·. _·• · accorriplishcd that. We broke two schoofr~ordsiwe've • The women's tC:arn has had a parti~~larly success- '-gone u"ndefeated, i1\ ¥n a g~eai ~~asoni' . .• · .

• ful season to follow up last year's irnpres.siverecords .... --The. men's _icarn also·_ has doiie" well in _"the field. For the pas! IWO COnSf;C:Utive years ihc learn has compelilion andqualifed several in track •.•..

gone aU1he wa'f t.o Western State Conference finals. Hammer diiowerPreslOn Georgrscoredtwo per- .. ''We. haven'! _ lost a dual meer yel/'- said Tina sonal bests Saturday. Grorge said he was "preliy confi·

Watkins, r~ord:holder for the I 00-rneter hurdles al dent" aboul llis upcoming ~rformance at the Slatelevet _ 14.§:'!. scc~nds. "L~i year we ncv~rlos1; this year.we: - f'resh111an_J311!al (l~n~.~a,~ a good ~?nJespite _ _ haven·,. either. ·we're happy 1hat we're a hamstring pull;which has hindered his seasonperfor· ..

that has gone to Western ro'r IWO)'cars. We're a team niarice. He did, however, quaiify in the JOO-meter and -· of six sophomores's our last year running track 200-meler sprints. · _ . . . . . · a1 BC. We're going lo miss_it.". "I had my injury,otherwis·e-,Icould have been better

Latonya Sumlin, 1,500.metercompeti!or,said with than this," he said. I' I 'warit 10 ~reak the school record jn a beaming smile, "We took a victory lap at confer- the 200. I'm not that far away from i1. If no1 this· year, ence. We won by al leas! 100 points. So, we slarted I know I can nel\t yeari' · · · ·


·Spftlja11·.tal(~j··•tol)st,pt~s,·.·.V\f i.ns set ~CQrtl By D·anny Dieter·. - . -.. · -.. _ - ... · ·.·. · .. -.-.. . . - _-. . ,. ~:' - .. · - : . - _ ...• 2:0 defi~i;to pull ah~ad 3·2. ' · ·

. ~~atur.~~ E~~·~~0 : : •·. <: ::_ --..:~Ue~LthaJ.itis.cine_of mibette'r.'seasons;J'.ve--:-~ ··1iaimost went inioe~~ainnin_E~ --· _:c , ·Ba~ersfield CoHege,s;soft_ball_; ·-.·· :.- d• ·.· . 1. ·.·,.-· .. · .. 1 ... ·'.'·· .,1·,:.:cb· ..... ·. bu_tourcenterfieldcrh11agapper. ·•

1eam is endi_ng one· ofttie. bes1 sea- .... 1mpro~~ ..• a Ot Sll'!_Ce ~St year: V~ .. een . between center and right field and sonsinBC'shistory,"afacltheteam Working a'[ot harder at practices."- . - . 1hensfie<mae_rr<>iscored,"Yaksitch atlribu1es 10 hard_ wor~ and _e~pe_ri- ~ _ _ . · ' _ ,.. · . -:- · , · , : said .. _''So~ho~ "'":'. th~·winning run in ence. ~. . -''. ._ . : ... · ... ·. , . - . , ·" , . -\.,arey Jiuij1II, p~tc;her the _n.101h mrnng. _ _ _ _ . . _

"I'·-> .·· ... · . .. . .· . .. . Jtistbecausethe1eaniha.sclinched could ·,walk,,0 said catcher -Jody. . _ "We~ had 29 wins on the year : working :a lot harder at pia~1ic;s:· · . th~ chainpion;hip doesn't n{e;in that . Yaksitch.-''('ve beenori cluo )cams: .. which Wasas,:°hoolrecord,''shesa,d. ' Althoughtheieampiodu~ed~oirie_· _- the season iso,er, so players keep or( .

.· the Bakersfield Babes and_ oiher or- Taylor said 'tlia1 many of"lhose starsr'(~ylor saidth~t· part. of. the: Jiraclicing. - . • · .· .. · ·.. . . ·.· • ganiz.a1ionsaridaio1ofoiherpJayc6 .. wins came off lhe arm :·of Carey success wasbeca:useofpl3)'Crs·who' :··:"Champions have to be good:· ..

. on 'this' teini have piayed_ in h]gh . Hukir.-i:; ~-:: :_ .. ·.. •. . ..• stepi)ed 11P._When ll~eded and got the - Yaksitch said. . .. · •... ·· .• _- -- schoot:ana.we are all.pretty good · .. · ,0V1ehadou~1andingpi~hingthis ··jobdo~e._. . . . . . .. ·. ·we.hle roing to Long Beach .

individually.'.'. . . . . . .. . . yea(with Caref Huliill; \v~p h:id a .•. _.Adrian R~yes isohesti~~player.· Friday'and \o.e-play:i game at 2. We -. · They are conference champions :_ ERA o(o,1L'·:she_said:'. "AJlin all a . ''l've:orily, lieenj-ri a foupk pf play Moorpark.'' .. : _ . , .... .

. with a record of 16-2 .. 2~-12 overalL fantastic ytai." · .- : : . · _ .. . . . . _ . games,'' she said.:·:~n-iias in;_[; - :A I though - I hey' Ye b-e~ten - .... · -TheteaiirsharesfirstplacewithAJlan----"-HukiU.herself'said ihat'thihvas-:did~whai°lhad to·do.'~. - .. f\1oorp:jfktwicethisseason;Yoksilch-· --~ - Hwc~ki -. - . - . . probably h~r.personai best s~on Players iniervi~we,:ls.iid thai 1he : s:iid the •pbyers can'Llake them . . According to head coach Sa.nclra sin~ she has been phyi~g 1~e game. one.gamethatstoodoutln iheir minds lightly." .. · - .. ·. . -. . . ·.-

- Tayfor/no other. Ren~gade softball '."I.feel that it is one of iny bettir·' was the championshi11 game against '. ."That doesn't mean the)" ;uen'.t . . teamhaswonmoregamesiri~slngle seasons. l'.ve improved a lot sine~ Allan.HancocL In.tlial game: BC goi~{to com.: b3ck ready for us;·

last ye~, .. Hukill said.· •.·i•ve been . came back.iri_1he fiflh·i~ning from a . she said·. - .. - ... -. . . , . . . . . . - - .- . . - - . ' - - . . . . ,

.·aQ\Jll,~ER: AthletiCdJr~ptPLsaY§JarevJel!1<:> E:lG qfter ye~t§ ()fboachjQg• . Coniinuedfi'<>m Page L.~•-· ~ ~-~~:C,,,,, __ ,.,:_,;;_;;_, .-- __ ,_. _ __ ____ c~--.J- _. . ·~ ,-- ·-:- ... 7 ,-- • • ___ She_safd.t.hai)c,ivser il}lrii~ja,ie_iy,pa~ked _~iand : ~befoil!_i:~_!._s_\"~ed_2.~~akini.i~9! ifh~_m_:id~)he hole,:

. gets along with_people-and said.she kne~ho'W much : " •• '. no one kllOWS jfthe hole 'was·. -... h~eaded for Long Beach/ 'a 10:Jiciurdriv~'~ iobe with , lfhe did,_he was t~e youngesi person to eve;own·a he niissech~ving:contact ~ith stuclenis sin~ l~ving ·• th ' .· - • b ·Jo · · ·-c : 'I - tarted:snea.l{ ng' .· his 1Vife; Mari.on. for '!'e birth ofhis grandchild. ,'. . · pair o,fwir_e-i:ut1.1:~:·· _ , .,· . . . . _ . . .· .- . •·· . coaching. :- - - . . . . . . . . . . - _, .. ~re •... e _re,_ .· ar ~: . - -, _ . . , '. · .- '"'Tha(shov,, close he is lo his'child~e11 and grandchil-- · ... - Bowser ~id he "still_planso·n auendihg BC e,,:ents· .·

-·. The rdati(lnship B.ow.ser shares w,th his students . lri_ or If h.e made the. hole. If he did, . dren. Likegoing on:fis.hing iiips io Alaska withhisson. includingfooibalJ games whe~ he is noi tm·eling; He -is~vif:nt in his offi~. Rookiecardsfo: soine o°f~is· he was the youngest person to ever : !',nd h:'s btt~,thai i,,~y fith f~tball players as welL. :said he wiJi Sf>!:_nd s<>me of his_ 1inie_ v.i1n i.iarion at. players _wh~ ha-:e. gone on to profess1onaf careers : . · __ . ,,. . . . --<.· . - · . _ ,, _ · . - _ ·. That's something he In~ todo with all athletes. He was .1he1r condomm1um near S~nta Barbara. _ad9rn _his walls: Photos; new aiid oJd. of s1udents arc •· OWn a pa1rqfw1re-cutterS: : .... ·. - _ : _ . able Lcidevelop ~lalionships with piayers." .. ' - · .. ,.·... . .- )The_ mainrea.scin I sia)ed here is that Bakersfield _­

. pioud!-Y..<l[s~lay_ed; because he '.'d_idn\~ave.anywin_- :· ~Dr. fUi::f Wright~ e:c president:· •(Wrig:li_!,.t9 _one ~u~o~us siory he heard at>out is_ ho,m•:'' he ~d,? enjoy the ~ommuni!Y· and_ my·. dows mh1s office to see the students. - · ·. . . - ··· .... · - · - -- ·- ., ·- - · · · · -- · - - -- · · Bowser s childhood and said It showw that the coach . fnc.nds arulfam1ly are here.The opponum1tcs for me· . : Hci said thathehas·enjoyedspendinitime ;,;ithliis ' was· a lifel_?~g Renegade. • . . . - _ ha,e been p~etty good here .... and th~ quality oflife players and thal there wai inuch. more than just · '. Besides c:iiing about-sruderits, he al~~ is dedicafed to . . . :·drl Bowser has t>«n•a Renegade for a long, long lpsbeen ,'ery good:' - - .. . .. · .

. foottiaU lo.worry about . . -. . . .. _ his family, said 1>errano ... _ _ .. .. . _ . . . > lime," Wright said .. ·. . - - ,_ :: ·. . _ .- . . ; -Bowscr could ha~·c left to coach- at his alma ma1~i . . -.. ':The-whoie"auitiide is verf sa:od.''nisaid, "We ' .·• •. "' don't know oo:i many people laiow how do·se he··: . "He_used ,~·crawhluo~gh a hoieinlh" fence when the : Cal J'o1Ysan y,is Obis0 butopfed io ,;s,ayhome;•at have quaiify iithleles in.this program'. (The athletes) - is to his children.'' she said, "Carl took a trip to-yie ._ Renegades used to pJa{a·1 Griffith Field (at Bakersfield BC where he and his children ·a11ended: - · ·

· that doh.ave problems: you hope football can stretch ·• Russian River where he goes io meet with sorridricnds · High School). Hdigured out how to:move up because - .·. '.The whole run hasn't been a job." he said. ")t's . them 0,11; help_lhem improve socially; teach them .. everyyearandnosooncrihanheunpackedthegcarfroni eventually he giaduaie,ftci.watcrtioy. . . . . -been a gre3( job wi1h good people .... I've jusl been

fight and wrong:: . . . . . . . • his car; he got a call that his daughter 'was in labori' i . : 'i)ne thing that no on:e knows is if the liol" was there . doing my work and ha,·,ng fun." -


. ~ . _- - Specializing in Groups & Students : .

4450 California:Ave.Ste. F ~: BC RN & L\fN _ •.. 32i.1587

s1udents get a .·· . _ (Located in the Mervyn's Plaz.a) •. 20% discount - . . .. - . . . -~- -ciriirnifonru - - OPEN-=Mori.-Fri. lOa.iJHip:rri,Sa( 10a.m.'5pJIL .

. Cb~;,.,111/,,Ho,1.1 g,.,t/.,/ :_ -.:, __ 9/nna'.s-ea,d~·-& 9/fts--'-~-~- __ :_ -,--- - ~- ·--· Mailing&ShfppfngCenter·· - -- - - -

Grrd W.'Ciion of CNdJ & gift, for. •.......,

__ (;,aduaffon ..:.... 9/n~ -~ <]J)edding 9/ome CVew; &. CoDec!ib!e

Don'1 forgtt . .. Mother's Day· May 11 & Father's Day· Juoe IS.

l..caa:I in the ne.v I 0% 0 FF on all ~Shc::win8 Caill:f with Edwards Graduation gifts

Cinema. 9000 Wing ~oa. 664-022d

~~ I,. • ~• . '

\I t11 111· 1 1,,, ''* ·•·• ...UPI II •Ii •

'i Of I . . .

BC graduation ls 7:30 p.m. May 22

'Bot.ii •struck. Presents .. : _ . 'rf,e eeat-of ute tbrotJgf? H~"°P -. and open rnic sessions for pQGts and rnc's -_ . ~,,___ .. JeM"y's. PiZz:B a-·P0~.18i7 Chester:Ave

· oo ~ay 1~. ·s p.rn - 2 a~ .· . · .. · .• · .. ru and IWef" t:3.oo €iooo · . ru and cJndel" $1.oo

. .

MI-RAN DA . . . . Educational Qmsultmrts-- - --

· -http://,!lh./. .. - - -

~·~·'7~·~.[J.,,,,, .. ·~~ - ..; .. . ~~·~'T<YnJ·'T~ -

2619 San Pablo, Bak~rsfleld, Californla 93306 805 873-9666

,,u: Ill,,,,,.·· '' I fl c ,,11' , ... '' / ,,, ,.,1, I

r cask • $15 a. :,uar nnt eke rt1ca __ - I I F.ara ap to s 1 ?CVmo.. I I Mm -~ • Fri. 8 &.m. ·S p.ni1Tua. & Ton. h.J!I. ~ p.m. I Sa. 9 a.m. ·l Jl.Ill I I DoNle Plasma v.mi_ • 11111X1 ~ 501 34~ St. I ·

I hanl.., l11r n·atlin:: H,,. lfr11,·g,11l,· Ri11!

-"End of Semester Cafeteria Hours

. f;fonday, ~fay 19 . ·All sites OPEN/Food carts CLOSED ·

--·--~- -- ·. . . _-. -- . .,. " --

. J\itsday, May io . : · · Food Court & p.rn:-CLOSED

Cans-CLOSED . Staff Dining Room,--OPEN

Panorarro Grill=OPEN until 6 p:m:· ·-

Wednesday, May 21 Food Court a.rn. & p.IIL'-:---(:LOSED

Carts.,.,-CLOSED ... ____ ---·· Staff Dining Roo~ED­

Panorarna Grill~PEN until 3 p.m.

Thursday, May 22 All sites CLOSED'Honor Brunch & Commencements

Friday, May 23 Staff Dining Room-Food line OPEN 9 a.m.·2 p.m..

Honor coffee Bar--OPEN,7 a.m.-9 am.

May 27-30/Jgne 2::5/Jurx 9:J2 I -• Free Medical o.eck-U p >.aaot Ila:, Mi:m:r!ol !bjmi I I •FrteBloodPr=~ . . . 861-1091 . · I StaffDiningRoom--OPEN,9aiIL-2p.m.

C&sh Pa HOOOf coffee Bar-OPEN. 7 a..m.-9 8..fIL

L. _:._ __ )'IllCQb __ ~&'mil ~-diif~ ____ _J . ._----------------..1 " l

~i;1-J:;;0;~~~*w.~~~~~}~~_i;.~~~~~··:·)~ • .. ; _: .. " ~i··:~4;.-;-J.:~~~i~~.,)~~~~~~~i~{~~.i;k'.;::, i, '.

Page 7: CB~ :fjf.lty • reacts president's itir,gsaid ·..( ~ ~ College. ...

. I


:, . .. _ '

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1. ::f .

{:_- ..

I .


. ' ..,, ....... ' - ~ .. - '"\ ....

·- .. --·-----·-·- ·.· ··- --·---·~->·- -· ·-·-·-

.. 1W6ci:>ri~rts:set·1~r -M~y:16.:__ : .1ni~te'.s1ed_s~~hts shouid contact thei·~ cilunse1ors : · _ • · .. · . , . ,.· " , · · ·.., ,_,,, · • · ·. • · • ·, · • > ... , · · , . . or call Gruber !lt the Center for.Professional t)evel-

·. 'TbeBakersfi~ld(;ollegel,nstrumental~partm~~t _· opirient, 395-4160.: · · PopsConcertw11lbeheldFnday,May 16at7p.m.111 _ : ::. · ->· .. , · .. the BC;Indoor lllcater.- .. Ti~kl~ are ayailable at the. . Serriestet ends ·wfth brunch : .· . :door and at the Ticket Offi~.-.. . _. . . . .. _.. .. . .... _ . . . . . , •. On the same day;the Bakersfield College Chorale . · -.Th~~ay, May_22 \\'HI be thec_nd of the semester

&' Chamber Singers' Spring O:incert will be held at". for BakersfieldCoUege._ Theannu,al Honors Brunch : 7:30 p.m. · ·. > ' . . · : : . . . ·.· . , will __ bc.held_"~t I0:30 am. in'lhe C:ampus Center ..

The coricert will be tield at ,St Paul's Episcopal ··Commencement will be held at 7:30p.m'. at Memo-Church on the comer of 17th~ B streeti: Tick~ts arc ·. rial Stadium._ . :, _. '. . _. _ . _ . . . . •. ·. . . · _ _ ..

. available at the door. General admission is $7; se- · · · Tickets _are limited and Ori ·a firstcome basis ..

. niors/students\vith i.D. is $4,children 12 and under · They are'availa~le ?fter May: 12 at the BC Ticket are fru, as are·s'c: faculty: .. :, .' . _·.. . : . ' office:·_·.·,;·. . . . . . . .

. . ·~ riw<O irifo<inatio,,'t rt1

•·.····· i .• Si~dE!nt :Yiins ,11er~h'1~a,rd\ _' ~0.r_~ic;>Jl~ -~lflln_g C>!(~~: ... · _ ---~- ~akersfield College student.\YO!l first pl~ m)

. Job opportunities in.the fi~ld of corrections have .. a national liter.icy contest sj,onsor¢dby the League i. been skyrock.etingever since the.lx>?m_!n public_ and ... for_1~·n9yatjon·.~ooiingthef(!StBC stude_n_iio~e· :· private: custodial· facilities ·began in- the" l 980s, .. · first place in the contest; said BC professor Rebecca !

. Bakerfieid College and the Center for Professional. Mooney:::- .. · ·., . .· . . . ,' . . De~-el9prrien.t of B~e~field Coliege have created a . . ·_ "BC _h~ only _had ohe. honor~ble mentign · be- .

·state~ertified training program to "give those inter·: .. fore.:· she_sa_id, .. and _ifs ~ri four )'eais now/' .... •· ested iii a .. correcti..1s the best chance at . · TonyMonarcow:on$150atthe"locallevelofthe. ·.getting'ajob:>: '/ ... -:: _.- .c" ·-: : ·_ _ .. _. _ . contestandS5Cl(fatthdn~t,ionillle;efforhispersonal::

L_\f-~'.1~: · .~ft~_-_ •. ·.

: .,. : ; •.• = . >: :-.~·

· ; : .· -I'rogram Director John Gruber has been working·. essay on «euthanasia..· assisted sujcide and tlie right·· .. for more than a year with local a:;;d-state Jaw enforce· . to chopse death ov<:r:siiffeiing.''."·.> ·, : . : •. . ·.

menl officiai_s in developing a. tr~nirig: progra~ that · • · :n:ie essa{will be"pub!Js~ed ?JQn&witfi the other· r-:::==:c:::::::::::::::-1 ~ :-~~!It<! me'et ~e increasing staffing n~JE..!he correc- . naii~iial~jilaced. iiitiies ~ in pj~~ica· , _ _

tions field.- · : . . . ·_ . _· . . _ _ tion, produced thi~ year by Bakersfield College: A · ·.. Bakersfield cci11ege · is: ·recruiting .siudents right · ctiffereni campus tiosts t1te ~-ofoes"t ·every year. · 0

•. _ ·:

· now for the_ initial program, which will begin in June· .·· "_It's· qui1e'. an honor. and quite a dislinctiori. ~ a _ at ap.proximately the same tirri~ as the summer ses- . surp_rise to say the l~ttsaid M?naico. :-,:::. · sion. The 'summer session covers 136 fiours of in, : ~.Mooney: who is ·going t~ be" in charge ·or the· . srruction, t!iree clays· a\v~k tor•si)( weeks: ; . · · ·• publication during . the s·iimm.ei;: ,mnou need . The·· college is taking applications immediatey. ' · Monarco's awar1 ai_ a recepti?~ held Tues?ar:: .

. ' . ' . . . . - . . . - .

. '~:':::·~_.,.._:.,,:_:< _. --~

. .,. ................. ·• .... - ......... ~- ....... -"\ !• ., ., .... , .

'~ ···-- ·-. ·- -· ... ,. ··-· ---· ·- ··- ·-- -- ------ - -· - -··· ---· ---·· .. -- -- - ____ ._,


attai:~ .is unknown. '

... .. . . . -~->//·:· /· -',: ~> ..... · .. • >·~~-.-_·,,

·. Fivefstudents·start -_. ::\.'.-:_~ -- -

. : . k ~n_fro~iation on a campus ··. . streei Mo.~~ayerupted inti a fightfii~_ -the BC.cafeteria on Tuesday:/· ~: -· , 'Acco~ingtoBC studentVincent · · Brown; 2i; hb and ,/friend. we~e· lea~ing;"_camp~s'whe~

0they ~e -

aci-~ss two meii stan<!-ing i!!._ t!J~ middle of the road. . . ' . . . _:-...:;: .' .

Co~ch reports. · · ·ripJ?ed .!r~~k}nat_. ... . · · . c~v~y reca11_s that when he P iaced .-·

the pole vau [ i mat .on the. track in . . -· A . Bakersfield College track ' February there was no damage. _. . .

coa<;h_ reported to campus police a .. · Two photogra.phs attach~ to the · .:....~le yault mat that had becn__y_an~:. .• "- ~li~-~P2rt s!J9~-~~the. prpperty_. :-.:: ______ _

· ized. • · · · · · damage. · .•.•. · ·_ ...... · . _· ·. . . Bob Covey,_ men's .. track coach, 111e estimated value of daJJ1age · _

· .. not.iced around three weeks ago that . . of the ~le vault mat has not been . a"poie vault mat had been cut in reported; and no suspec~ have bee~ .

Bro~n-.asked,ttie.meri td.move .. · ... ·. · · '; ' · . · ·. ·-•· · . · off the road, tiut iiiey rerusea. some . administrators. and);arnpus police

wor_ '$_~ere; ixchang~ and 13rriwn , · about the fight aiid was given a wain~ . · ·_. i_ng:- · ·· _ _ ·_ · · · ·

and his friend tc;f1.:_ · >. · · · · · · .. ' oii·,'.fuesday~: Brown :and :his . . . ~gt Jess Soto> hea,(of9J11p_~s: :

· Mar1tRiley/The_Rlp: r· ·d. · .·th•.:-· · .. ·.d· .th. po __ hceco_uldnotbereachedforcom-. nen saw e two men ms1 e e · · · · . · .. · · ·

~~~~:~~;= > .. ·· . !~~r~t~t£r~ ;'",, - -: 1 o~. ~;~ ·¢;1r£ A~~rdlrig t~ .glrlhlend; ·not e~actly "a m~n . .r~g~:~:1 Sa)o ini~utes, according. ' . . ~ MAR y . KA y. :·. . . :c,f_steet·~- :-~:-: . . : . . < : -. ·, ·_ . . .. . ·. Brown said 'that ,·ctiairs we;e : . · Ileach skin care. . : ·:

9. Janet. Reno: In the late '80s appeared on "American · · thrown -~d he. was· pushed iotoa · Alice ·Peck . i · ... · . _Gladla_to~''.}is ~Ice.~., :'\ . : : · - . .·: . ~ · .. _·._ . . _ . ·man; spiUj°ng hiscoffee. , . ... 831--9687r. · \· .) : .

. . 8. Wendy's founder, Dave Thomas: Wendy's real father: : ~-- .':Hethenrarito_administration for: ·-· -· ···-:->'-·_M_ayorM.cCheese/· ·.:>:~:,_<: .. : :.: -:--~~--'·. --~ ·' .. :··. ,' . JolritheR/pstaffnextf~li

- _ 7._ Ralph .~eni:ies: Does not kn~w how to pronoµnce own:' . :. Brown said. he had talked to the · Call 395-4344 for Info. · · · . : _ f'i8rri6:. ··: ·.;;_, , C• . . . , ••• ~ • .. . • ' ..... "'-----'-'-'--'-----'-----'-,----'

.: 6. ~uzzi; Zoeliir: ·Jua(slgned $50 million endorsement : .. ,,·-.--dealwlth-KFC ,. · .. ,·---,,.-· .... ,.- .. ·- ····-- -

. ·s. Alex Trebelc Ori~·1J~tt<1\l0Vin sex because 11 wasn'it · .. fo the ·form of a quesUon. _· ,· .. . . . 4. Hugh Downs: Life story.Inspired _the movie "Booty . Calf" . ; . ' ·- ·. - . . . . . 3~ · Dan· Rat!ler: 'oniy r~~tly le~rried tll~t A~strla an.d ·:

: : . Australia are two different countries>· . . . 2. BJU Gates: ~e's a www ciot virgin dot com. ·•... . _. .:.-:1. David Letterman:-.Was Ellen De~nerea'. laat boyfriend~:

. . .: _.. - ' . . . . · . .:. . . ,- ~ - ·. - ·: .... _ .

B,C i~ 'exp.tjtding_ its. -' ' summer the

<_·so~thwest.- ':·· :

: ·.class~ will be : ~ • .. Qffered 'at Ridgeview

. i.. ___ -.-. -. Re-_ -prlnted----wtth--pem,--1u-1on-_ ... rrom .... _-"The---~-s-_how".---_-wtth-_ -. o-lYld-. -_-Lettennan_--,-1_ · ·Hi~- Scho?l.

I _:: Find out the latest Read:The. Rip! .1.'---'·_--c_a1_·1_.;.a_9543____;.__01_1 _ __,

threedifferent~.Thedateofthe · ·caughl .

. _- __ , Att9riti0n' _-- -· Hig-~ Sch~ol -­

--- Stlldents: -.·--WQtild ·yo.u)ike t9 earn as you le~rrj this suinmer? :Then apply)oday ior·a .-

. _ ,·spec1ar_-~·c· ·class·_: -: . _.t_haf·_teaches .. you·· about_ . . . communlcatlons:c·areersl- .

. ·--·~-

-~~: Nyim-;;;,/~-~ln Lmi Sch,;;f···-· .-'-. .;;....;...;;......;.;.;...;;;.._....;;.;;;.:;....;...:.;=;.;...;..;...;.:.· ·;...;.· ··;;:..--;;..;.·. ;;;..;-·.;..;.;;;;.;;;.;;,;

-ti,/sli·tfii tlmfto-prepare: R&filsier __ .·~-- ~DAm- --::~~ Tuesday, May 20- .. :

nowfor-ths LiJw· School Adml"ion ·rest(LSA1],

TIME: · 5:15

. High school students can learn news n~porting, computer and photo ~ duriiig:.a-~~week B$:ersfieid· College~summer-class;~ -June 9~27 :A ·total of$500in echnJonhipswill be awarded to the·~ ··mo~ promisin1 students.

_. ·_- For full Information on theLSAT, and for de1a//$ about Ca/ifomla Paclffc School of Law, come to our lnfonnatlonal meeting.

LOCATION: 1600TruxtunAve. 1atfloor Bakarafleld, CA ·



Co-sponsored by The Bakersfield Californian ~<J The Dow Jones: . Newspaper Fund, the workshop's goal is to encourage high school juniors and seniors from all ethnic backgrounds to pursue newspaper careers. The outstanding workshop· student is eligible· for a $1,000 national scholarship! . . . .

This is the only college cl~ in Bakersfield that is offered at no cost . to student.a. Deadline for applications is May 16. · ·

To receive an appllcatlon, call 395-4344 todayl . . .