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- Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction Gene expression and signal transduction (4 hr)

- Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

Feb 24, 2016



Cosma Alexia

Gene expression and signal transduction (4 hr ). - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction - Phytochrome and blue-light responses in plants. พืชมีระบบรับรู้ปัจจัยสิ่งแวดล้อม. การรับสัญญาณ (signal perception). การถ่ายทอดสัญญาณ (signal transduction). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

- Basic of plant gene


- Fundamental of plant

signal transduction

- Phytochrome and blue-

light responses in plants

Gene expression and signal transduction (4 hr)

Page 2: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

พชืมรีะบบรบัรูป้ัจจยัสิง่แวดล้อมการรบัสญัญาณ (signal


สญัญาณ (signal



expression, responses)

Page 3: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction


Page 4: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction
Page 5: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

Five parallel intracellular signaling pathways activated by G-protein-linked receptors, receptor tyrosine kinases, or both In this schematic example, the five kinases (shaded yellow) at the end of each pathway phosphorylate target proteins (shaded red), some of which are phosphorylated by more than one of the kinases. The specific phospholipase C activated by the two types of receptors is different: G-protein-linked receptors activate PLC-β, whereas receptor tyrosine kinases activate PLC-γ (not shown).

Molecular switchesactive- inactive


Page 6: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

Second messenger

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การงอกของเมล็ด lettuce ในภาวะแสงต่าง ๆ

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Phytochrome โปรตีนท่ีดดูกลืนแสงสแีดง สแีดงไกล และสนี้ำ,าเงิน

(red, far-red, blue light)

Page 12: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

Pfr: Ptotal

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Page 14: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

Smith H. Nature 407, 585-591

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Page 17: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

Photomorphogenesis+ Light มจี้ำานวนโฟตอนของแสงส ี

แดง+ น้ำ,าเงิน มาก

- Light มจี้ำานวนโฟตอนของแสงส ีแดงไกลมาก

Pfr: Ptotal สงู

Pfr: Ptotal ต้ำ่า

Page 18: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

Figure 15-79. When activated by light, the phytochrome, which is a dimer, phosphorylates itself and then moves into the nucleus, where it activates gene regulatory proteins to stimulate the transcription of specific genes. (Alberts et al., 2002)

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Jiao Y. et al. Nature Reviews Genetics 8, 217-230

Page 21: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

บทบาทของไฟโทโครมการยดืตัวเพื่อหนีรม่เงา (Shading avoidance)สดัสว่นของ Pfr: Ptotal ท่ีลดลง ท้ำาให้พชืเติบโตด้านความสงูการงอกของเมล็ด (Seed germination)สดัสว่นของ Pfr: Ptotal ท่ีเพิม่ขึ,นกระตุ้นการงอกของเมล็ดการหลับของใบ (Sleep movement)สดัสว่นของ Pfr: Ptotal ท่ีลดลง กระตุ้นการหบุก้านใบ

Page 22: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

Figure 1. Photomorphogenesis as a morphological and as a cellular process. The left photos show the change in form of an Arabidopsis thaliana seedling grown in darkness (top) or in white light. The right hand illustration shows the change in chloroplast structure and diagrams the progress of light signals through two receptor systems, cryptochrome and phytochrome. Adapted from Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants, (c) American Society of Plant Biologists, with permission.

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Blue light responses

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Page 25: - Basic of plant gene expression - Fundamental of plant signal transduction

Photoreceptor: blue light receptors

Cryptochrome Phototropins Zeaxanthins

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