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--Balnouy- Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. J u lli 'Davis Dr. ■ ! B»tM . Idaho • 83706^ Co«^. K -- i- Phone 7.13-0931 Vol . 67 NO. 250 Id ah o ’s Largest Evening N eivspaper TWIN FALLS, IDAHOFRIDAY, JANUARl?.9r.l?7Jr::^ - Buhl CMltHoritf 1-^ • i n BurUV'RupMiT'Piwh -0«kl«v-Mwia*«l~' eTWiau - Fllt< Heyeyen 'hollitW# ........... WefxMl . .Cooiiktc 5M-2S1S oijtl Uui Htnrt,of hi? conlrovor- «ial' reform of U>o welfare uyHtcin. Hut Utc biuii'ul wos luiKiKl on uonic of thu iutiiio assuinpllons Uuil »iiw Nixon's original projection of a Hllin surplus for WASHINGTON (UPI)-Pres- a fi per ^pnt rise In KocUil Idcnt Nixon proposed I''r|day a Scctidty benefits, and no major $229.2 billion budKct featuring a new proKrama. deficit 6f $11.6 billion—the first Instead, the Preiiidont called deficit ever -dcllbor«toly .for dlamantllnK some of the planned by a modern.nepgbll* Dcmocrat.s’ most prized New cun President—in the hope of FrontleV and Great Soclcty pull[ng tluj economy out of Its programs* and placln{{ tholr jolKscurco'slumpbymld-1072. money into an Initial “revenue Ho called It a "full employ* BlwrinK“T)ool of billion for Ujc firjit .......... 'mcnt"budKot*‘~which'hc hopcd-stntcs^nd'localiti(yrto"jipcnd—totn!-$10;fl-billionrtbe-»e«M»<U-.»rimu]«te th would creatc‘‘prosperity with- InrKcly as tliey see fit. out Inflation." He also asked Con(;rewi for nocratlc-controlled force are out of work, u , already girding compared (o th'e present nine* , pro«iidenllal elec- year hi|;h of aliout fl pur cent reo to his plan to imemploytnenl. Huvo )2.D billion by ellmlnatin|( Even If Coni;rcH.s cooperate;!, tfie poQularj school milk pro- Uio projected $ billion jyaiii, tlghtinlnK the Medicaid, deficit could prove overoptimls- . ....... ......... . ... lyjnp. Ujocurrcnt fiscal year turn Into /pro^jram'o^|health care for the tic. Nlxon’K estimato of •rov- ' notnly, nn(‘ ' “-- ---- ' ................... ........... “ ' " a deficit which he concwlet) for'/ . time Frl(Iijy woul(| __Nj*op lal and Qtlier economics. ' enucH would fall ahort, for eled his plan to cjcflmple. If the Groia Nntlon«l ec(Moiny-throuHh--i^otluct=:tlic_totul_viauo_of_ bldl’cflt since World War II. . dofitlit sperdlnK, o frequent «oo<ls and Jiervicca produceil— If thi.H year's deficit doesn't concepljof Dcmocrnticadmlnls* to increjLSO by 9 per cent Nixon's spending plans for heavier spcndini; for dofenae deepen by Jime 30 and if the tratlona, as l> “ full employment Uils year over 1070. tlie fiscal year startini} July 1 {up $1.1 billion to $77.5 billion), new projection hold.s, Nixon budgets' j . Many private economists Included no offsettinj? tflx Improved law. enforceuient. would have spent $30.Z billion in Hla icont^misLs define "full ttoubt the ecoiujmy will yrow, except-for anotlier; curUi on {dilution, a commit* red Ink-in two years. emploj^nent" as a time when 4 tljis much, as Nixon expccts, President Nixon's budget' aaka ConRresa for funds for two Magic Valley atddlea. Ho asked for $60,000 for an Anny Corps of Engineers study of flood control on Iho Big Wood lUver, and $25,100 to fimd a study by the Bureau of Reclamation of the proposed nort}|sklc pumping division extension of the Minidoka Project. ! ■f'rowth ill GNP fell aliort'by $10 billion. Nixon acknowIe<lged, Unit liis iHulget estlinatos also depend on lower interest rates,-- an canier nu)nt!y policy by the Federal Ueserve Board,'and vohuiUiry wagc-prlce restraint ^l)V_hii.HlncRs and organized lal)or. IksidoH resubmitting a re* . quest for a two-cent-per-gallon lncrea,*H5 in tiie lax on Diesel fuel, the only major tax change .. ............... . . . .................. - , . .............. ............ next,year would be n $2.8 -.boost 111payroll taxes lo linnnce mcnt to an all-ynluntoer.army___ Amonj: lhe^(*.-aH.sumptlor\s Is per cent or less df Uie labor just as hl.n estimate of the 1070 billion boost In Social Security _ ' * ' ....... ' .......' ....... I iwyroll tJixes to finance D B per . V; cwnt Increase In benefits, retroactive to thls'Jan. 1, which Congress may well vote to raise Gem dam NFO plans asked hog haul WASHINGTON (UPI)-Presl* tlent,Nixon asked,Congres-i to- day to appropriate $54.0 million PAUL— Angry Magic Valley Caasia, Jerome, Gooding ifnd lipg rai.Kers^llI. supply ncjirly Uncoln Counties will supply ... Iwlf of tJjc hogs "to l)e iuu)d In a about 40 per cent of the NFO to Iwing tlie $281 million Dwor- demonstration by tlie National animals. Oregon, Wyoming and sliak Dam project In Idaho, to. Farmers Organisation »lme<l at Southwestern Itkho hog raisers - near completion. raising prices Uiroughout the 'Die funds were requestwl for West. Uie Army Engineers in the Adams, NPO |uibllcity President’s budget for the fiscal chalnnan In -Uie Magic Valley. kilW:a-Kam«y-Couoty-depiiiy.ilieritf-Thunu*ay ____ ^ »-hnn-ni , , n^early $200^iUulon niiB nl- markotublo hogs wlll^be really been spetij on Utu multi* collected in the Paul area on Close call... V MEffTAL tuiUenl (top) holda Ruti to head of Dr. Stcpbeti lilska of the 8L Paul Itamiey llotpttal after be allegedly shot will also be represented, Adanw said. Hog ral'jcrs will l»rlng their juilmal.1 tor'u-collectlon contof two miles nortli of Paul on Sgt LeAoy Tbleleo grapplefl wilta the 17-year'Old patient, sue- eetitfuUy wresUiiji the gun away, H i« officer wan immediately -promoU«Uft4kutanaat^<Um) voir. U.'«rtn~the'Corpr-tJf“ ! noers budget was $l million to . continue .work on lhc.$l,fi.9 ml!: lion lUrlo Dam. Preconstruction planning of tJjc Stuart Gulch Dam would bo carried out wltli a $2fl.tKW budget request. Funds also were requested for study of tliree proposed flood control proJecLi; Big Wood nivor, $60,000; Hen- rys Fork and. Teton River Bas- in, $10,000, and Spokane Hlver and trlhutAries, $40,000. Tlio Bufeau of neclamatlon’ ................... . requested $10,655,000 to continue Kails Scliool District may have work on Ujc Teton Dam and to drop Its driver 'trabiijng oliter features of tJio lower To* program at Uie.end of the school ton division of the Teton Basin year, George Project, $33,000 for the existing S ta u d n h e r , assfatant- reservolrs. superintendent of schools. Other requests by tlie bureau 'mo state ^ Idalw, which Included $302,700 to continue a relmbursea Uie district for the feasibility study of Uie Soutli* program, owes the Twin Fulls west Idalio Water Development school disb-ict $12,800 for Jast Project, $220,200 to study the Bcmcster’a training, Staudaher Saturday. The Mii^c Valley^ Incliyllnir Driver training periled TWIN FAUiJ'-'Tlje Twin Upper Snake River-Prolect. said. Unless this la repaid and fundq are guaranteed for future "Saturday. Larger transport trucks will collect tlie hogs and take them to h^her^prlced specific dciitlnaUon hu» not been iletcmJncd'al this time. Adamli'iuild. 'llto Paul collection center will gather unUnals from a wido area. Including Bolso, Caldwijtl, Nmnpa and Ulustern Idalio, ad well as li-om Nyasa, Ore., two Utah counties and two Wyoming counties.- Each courity bi the Bolso marketing area has been given a quota of liogs to supply, but the figure was not released ttxlay by Adams. Specific figures will be released on Saturday, however, lie said. The purpose of the demon* sb’atlon b an attempt to boost tlio market price on fat hogs to about $20 tx) $25' per hun* drodwelglit. Prlccs In tlic Magic Valley have ranged around $15 per hundredweight on market liogs, Adams' said. Earlier NFO demonstrations, In which organization members oven furUier. ______ (ConUnucd on p. 5) Spacemen get rehearsal CAPE KENNEDV (UPI)^' Apollo 14'0 Bstronautj', gearings for the nlgbt owl schedule they face In space, wound up.many months of b-aining today with a final reheai'sal of next FVlday's ^trickv_landlng_betweCT two -elassesT-tho-dlatrlct-oannot— t,.ycked-hogfl-to-ll»o-natloi M ister cican. ' rocky ridges on the moon. The weather continued to look satisfactory at the cape for “SondBy's‘3:23 prjnrE9TUiuneh—r tiiQ<i, but hlg^ vrlnds and e i^ t -to-13 foot-jKas were forecasi- for the western aftd inid AUantlo emergency landing zones. “We'd rather not land there, but right now nobody's in a , position to say It'a >a con> stralnt," said a space agency ' qMkesman. The countdown resumed at the “T-mbius 48 houra" mark at 5 a jn . and one official said it was going “amazingly well".for the launch of Alan B. Shepard, StuartA. Roosa and Edgar D. MltcheU. Murder probeat standstill calls up reserves capital, helped raise tjio price at Burley by $1 to $2 up to $17 per hundredweight, Adnms said. Adams said producers' records show cost of producHlon- WIIITE CLAD ASTRONAUTS go through a practice wulon of sorting equlpneat In Apollo 14. Cudr. Alan B. Shepard, ceoteri watches eommaad module pilot Stuart A. Roosa, left, and lunar module Pilot l<jlgar U. MiteheU. (UPl) Callers report ^W ty^tW r^flds^hr —TWIN-FAUaS-^Wlmt-wa®— Un»k«l-uiail-about*8p.m,— described os _a __ ^‘sky Tlic first report was of phenomenpn”^»ur8<Iay ril^jlT^'flash ln tlVe slcy that looked llko caused several Magic- Valley dtlzena concern when tliey -idght^-whnt asH>«’ared to bo planes In distress. The sightings, reported to the Twin Falls sheriff's office, began at l(:16 p.m.^ond con- an explosion” near larger. A “plane on fire." west of Bliss olao was report^' and '-Uie siAlttbig of smoke and a possible plnne on flr<v was reported west of the Hollister Port of Entry. hooding sheriff'a officers told outhorltiea InTwln Palls that a citizen then observed a "100 foot .cited for , drunk dr,iving TWIN VAIAS - Paul E. >0«tyn, 42,. Twin Falls city coUncUman And vice principal of the Twin Falls High School, WM arrested In Boise on tlie Gooding city Ihnlts. Federal Aviation Ad- ministration personnel at Burley said offlcials at Van- d^berg Air Force Base« Calif., reporti^ firing of rockets from there l^imtday evening. Ihey light diffualoh oi^ crystsllxatlon (rf Vapor traQs by continue Uic training, Cars for Uie cIajL>ies lu-e {jrovlded at no cost by Twin Falls car dealers, as a con- tribution to the district's cductiUonal program. At tho'stato lovol, 0 scrnmblo Is ohout »18 l»r humlr«dwol«lll for (un*i hus .bceuii, wllh o ol Uila tlino onil iiumy urowors By United Press roteniatlotial petition presented to tho forcod to soil Uielr liogfl ^ y p t has mobllixod wme legislature to allocato $245,000 below.cost. ^ - reserve military units and gone In Interim financing for driver Adorns said trucks With hogs on war fooling In preparation tralnlng.progr:fiia5 througliout ^jn ijg for the end of tj^e Middle East tlie stjite, occordlng to llarold traveling In coravans and will ceaso-flronoxtFrlday,diploma* Farley, assistant superin- arriving at tlie central tic reports from Calro-Mnld-.tcndcnL-Of-JJllJicJnBkuctlpn.__^ yp^ jQp_nAtn^ nimnt in n.m. -today,------------ -------- Farlny, Hffrbnd-lii-t^Qmmiuid, gfltujHlay-aiKi-wm-bo*roady-for The riyports said, Jjowever, in tho Idaho Department of roalilDinont loto In Uio af- the alert was precautionary and Education, told the Tlmes-Nows tcrnoon. not to bo taken as a ^gn ^ y p t today that the $215,000 would . was preparUig an attack. lYtey pay past bills, I^ludlng Uie said tlte ^y ptlo ns probably,. $12,8Q0 owed District 411 In Twln.. ' vriil agrgfl to a cease-fire lovT'alla, andfUnd drtvertralnlniT" liJlow conthmatlon of tho peace programs until tlie end of tlie talj^ at the United Nations. fiscal year. . ; ' ' ' Tho department of education U also seeking a $1'increase^ in * , driver41cense fe«a and an In- ^ ^ ^^-H nr crease of $1 ih the fee chained Y students to take the driver- •' training course, bringing the foe '.The rapidly rising coat of to $4 per stu^nt per class, ■ly-av«rythlng-needed-,to_Fatlcy-^ . ... ^ 'pALllfe— - Dannlu,appl|qatlQna_Wiste-rOYl?Mfed_| -JEROME- _The._lns- to America. The oatli of office vestigatlon Into the September slaying vf Jerome farmer Reuben Stohler, 61, is “at a- standstill," according to Jerome County S^ie^iff James BTTPairBunlli ^ ' : Bums said *'we have some Ideaii. but you can't prosecute on Ideas." Stohler's body was found Sept. 14 In the basement of hjs, _ farm home in the Barrymore District. Ivan Epperson, admlnlstralor of the Stohler estate, said ___ -■■mter-RrMldoit dore RooMvelt, a ite«plyTiW^*"r7“'““». «« •» WM conMmedcoiuKTvaUonW. opa-atln* . cUliy «t Uw fm n. Morton takes post WASHINGTON (UPI) -Ro- administered by Supreme Court gers C. B. Morton was sworn In Justice Potter Stewart, a as now 'Secretory of Interior former classmato of Morton's today in a White House at Yalo. ceremony at which President Nlyon pointed out that the Nlxon-urgod-hUn-to-meet-the-Intarior-JQopartment-was-esia Pratt to headr to paitrons produce' pnd deliver your newspaper has forced the Hmes-News to raise its mon thly raties by 25 cents. I Despita the alight Increase, $176,000 to 1)80,000 per year, and the additional class fees would return an the $1 Increj^ In licensing ' pratt, who has served as acting 'before J ir ilt'r “not- quite. feed would bring m about director of the SouU> Central unanimous" selection., .............. Community Action ARency Uolchhard «ald hu- HlnceJnn.^wasmimcddlroctor “tlono 0 commendable Job ttmoutay night. acting director and I am con- Pratt joined the SCCAA early tldent he will be able to proylde last year' as senior citizens' the organisation with the director and was then Appointed leadership that Is need^. ul! of^^°Mlch)|lan'” f t ; t t Pratt «.ld he hoped to gel the nrla. have can.^1 U » ------------------------ ------- ---- ^ ^ Twli! FalU ilnce SCCAA’. planning project on ___ ^ ______ _________ . additlona there is still no other dally-and- $15,000—.all of which Would be 9ijsulay newspiqter in Idaho, earmark^ for driver ir^inlng. priced less. --- Farley said. Beginning feb. 1.. your . *'We hope that the small in have c a u ^ the naonth — leis than a penny a level programs to «I*U80 ui urivms wmie in* Optical l U u ^ to trriVil as far day rnore than you now p « r ., July >;*’ Farley said. “TW« la tox«cated. aiwyWT^FalU. Your hard-worlt|ng reaUy a small amount to pay, According to/ Ada County Tt»e FAA spokesman said newspaper boy or hiral cairler officer Tue^y. ’ AtaUttJeroorethan Pcentaa Idaho driver-training ? 1064 t .•«: His selection Was made the qiudlty of the during a meeting of the SCCAA OrtynrUj«‘Twl«'Fa]W>)llce* lased Ml . commissioner, was .. bond foUowtng his arrest. retyrteddMFn,» Uwy<lr«nMio|,, TiinM ^n n t» »Ul)1he- L _ J.H ., Helchhard. Jerome the road, some evaluation and have a good;^ strong rels^on^ip with H)ti board of directors.. The former director, Larry Mack, resignW In December . as among the best in the.natkm, Farli^ said.' cnnaru, «>eruui«. otuck, «» wrwv»...*— ■the'W ariiIdTIvSTpmwnB«t;ofit!B: board.—
20 · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

Nov 08, 2020



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Page 1: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

--Balnouy-D e lu i l f t p , 9

08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. J u l l i 'Davis Dr. ■

! B » tM . Idaho • 83706^ Co«^.K-- i-


Vo l . 67 NO. 250

I d a h o ’s L a r g e s t E v e n i n g N e i v s p a p e r

TW IN FALLS, ID A H O F R ID A Y , JA N U A R l? .9 r .l? 7 J r ::^

- Buhl CMltHoritf 1-^ • in BurUV'RupMiT'Piwh

- 0«kl«v-Mwia*«l~' eTWiau - Fllt< Heyeyen

'hollitW# ...........WefxMl .

■.Cooiiktc 5M-2S1S

oijtl Uui Htnrt,of hi? conlrovor- «ial' reform of U>o welfare uyHtcin.

Hut Utc biuii'ul wos luiKiKl on uonic of thu iutiiio assuinpllons

Uuil »iiw Nixon's original projection of a Hllin surplus for

WASHINGTON (UPI)-Pres- a fi per ^pn t rise In KocUil Idcnt Nixon proposed I''r|day a Scctidty benefits, and no major $229.2 billion budKct featuring a new proKrama. deficit 6f $11.6 billion—the first Instead, the Preiiidont called deficit ever -dcllbor«toly .for dlamantllnK some of the planned by a modern.nepgbll* Dcmocrat.s’ most prized New cun President—in the hope of FrontleV and Great Soclcty pull[ng tluj economy out of Its programs* and placln{{ tholr jolKscurco'slumpbymld-1072. money into an Initial “ revenue

Ho called It a "full employ* BlwrinK“T)ool of billion for Ujc firjit ..........

'mcnt"budKot*‘~which'hc hopcd-stntcs^nd'localiti(yrto"jipcnd—totn!-$10;fl-billionrtbe-»e«M»<U-.»rimu]«te th ■ would creatc‘‘prosperity with- InrKcly as tliey see fit. out Inflation." He also asked Con(;rewi for

nocratlc-controlled force are out of work,u , already girding compared (o th'e present nine*, pro«iidenllal elec- year hi|;h of aliout fl pur centreo to his plan to imemploytnenl.

Huvo )2.D billion by ellmlnatin|( Even If Coni;rcH.s cooperate;!,tfie poQularj school milk pro- Uio projected $ billionjyaiii, tlghtinlnK the Medicaid, deficit could prove overoptimls-. ....... ......... . ... lyjnp.

Ujocurrcnt fiscal year turn Into /pro^jram'o^|health care for the tic. Nlxon’K estimato of •rov- ' notnly, nn(‘ ' “-- ---- ' ................... ........... “ ' "a deficit which he concwlet) for'/ .

time Frl(Iijy woul(| __Nj*op lal

and Qtlier economics. ' enucH would fall ahort, for

eled his plan to cjcflmple. If the Groia Nntlon«lec(Moiny-throuHh--i^otluct=:tlic_totul_viauo_of_

bldl’cflt since World War II. . dofitlit sperdlnK, o frequent «oo<ls and Jiervicca produceil—If thi.H year's deficit doesn't concepljof Dcmocrnticadmlnls* to increjLSO by 9 per cent

Nixon's spending plans for heavier spcndini; for dofenae deepen by Jime 30 and if the tratlona, as l> “ full employment Uils year over 1070.tlie fiscal year startini} July 1 {up $1.1 billion to $77.5 billion), new projection hold.s, Nixon budgets' j . Many private economistsIncluded no offsettinj? tflx Improved law. enforceuient. would have spent $30.Z billion in Hla icont^misLs define "full ttoubt the ecoiujmy will, except-for anotlier; curUi on {dilution, a commit* red Ink-in two years. emploj^nent" as a time when 4 tljis much, as Nixon expccts,

President Nixon's budget' aaka ConRresa for funds for two Magic Valley atddlea.

Ho asked for $60,000 for an Anny Corps of Engineers study of flood control on Iho Big Wood lUver, and $25,100 to fimd a study by the Bureau of Reclamation of the proposed nort}|sklc pumping division extension of the Minidoka Project. !

■f'rowth ill GNP fell aliort'by $10 billion. Nixon acknowIe<lged, Unit liis iHulget estlinatos also depend on lower interest rates,-- an canier nu)nt!y policy by the Federal Ueserve Board,'and vohuiUiry wagc-prlce restraint

^l)V_hii.HlncRs and organized lal)or.

IksidoH resubmitting a re* . quest for a two-cent-per-gallon lncrea,*H5 in tiie lax on Diesel fuel, the only major tax change

. . ............... . . . .................. - , . ..............,year would be n $2.8-.boost 111 payroll taxes lo linnnce mcnt to an all-ynluntoer.army___ Amonj: lhe (*.-aH.sumptlor\s Is per cent or less df Uie labor just as hl.n estimate of the 1070 billion boost In Social Security _

' * ' ....... ' .......' ....... I iwyroll tJixes to finance D B per. V; cwnt Increase In benefits,

retroactive to thls'Jan. 1, which Congress may well vote to raiseGem dam NFO plans

asked hog haulWASHINGTON (UPI)-Presl*

tlent,Nixon asked,Congres-i to­day to appropriate $54.0 million

PAUL— Angry Magic Valley Caasia, Jerome, Gooding ifnd lipg rai.Kers^llI. supply ncjirly Uncoln Counties will supply

. . . Iwlf of tJjc hogs "to l)e iuu)d In a about 40 per cent of the NFOto Iwing tlie $281 million Dwor- demonstration by tlie National animals. Oregon, Wyoming and sliak Dam project In Idaho, to. Farmers Organisation »lme<l at Southwestern Itkho hog raisers - near completion. raising prices Uiroughout the

'Die funds were requestwl for West.

Uie Army Engineers in the Adams, NPO |uibllcityPresident’s budget for the fiscal chalnnan In -Uie Magic Valley.

kilW:a-Kam«y-Couoty-depiiiy.ilieritf-Thunu*ay ____^ »-hnn-ni, , n^early $200^iUulon niiB nl- markotublo hogs w lll^ b e

really been spetij on Utu multi* collected in the Paul area on

C lo s e c a l l . . . VMEffTAL tuiUenl (top) holda Ruti to head of Dr. Stcpbeti

lilska of the 8L Paul Itamiey llotpttal after be allegedly shot

will also be represented, Adanw

said.Hog ral'jcrs will l»rlng their

juilmal.1 tor'u-collectlon contof two miles nortli of Paul on

Sgt LeAoy Tbleleo grapplefl wilta the 17-year'Old patient, sue- eetitfuUy wresUiiji the gun away, H i« officer wan immediately


U.'«rtn~the'Corpr-tJf“ ! noers budget was $l million to

. continue .work on lhc.$l,fi.9 ml!: lion lUrlo Dam.

Preconstruction planning of tJjc Stuart Gulch Dam would bo carried out wltli a $2fl.tKW budget request. Funds also were requested for study of tliree proposed flood control proJecLi;Big Wood nivor, $60,000; Hen- rys Fork and. Teton River Bas­in, $10,000, and Spokane Hlver and trlhutAries, $40,000.

Tlio Bufeau of neclamatlon’ ................... .requested $10,655,000 to continue Kails Scliool District may have work on Ujc Teton Dam and to drop Its driver 'trabiijng oliter features of tJio lower To* program at Uie.end of the school ton division of the Teton Basin year, George Project, $33,000 for the existing S ta u d n h e r , ass fa tan t-

reservolrs. superintendent of schools.Other requests by tlie bureau 'mo state ^ Idalw, which

Included $302,700 to continue a relmbursea Uie district for the feasibility study of Uie Soutli* program, owes the Twin Fulls west Idalio Water Development school disb-ict $12,800 for Jast Project, $220,200 to study the Bcmcster’a training, Staudaher

Saturday. The M ii^c Valley^




periledTWIN F A U iJ '- 'T lje Twin

Upper Snake River-Prolect. said. Unless this la repaid and fundq are guaranteed for future

"Saturday. Larger transport trucks will collect tlie hogs and take them to h^her^prlced

specific dciitlnaUon hu» not

been iletcmJncd'al this time. Adamli'iuild.

'llto Paul collection center will gather unUnals from a wido area. Including Bolso, Caldwijtl, Nmnpa and Ulustern Idalio, ad well as li-om Nyasa, Ore., two Utah counties and two Wyoming counties.- Each courity bi the Bolso marketing area has been given a quota of liogs to supply, but the figure was not released ttxlay by Adams.

Specific figures will be released on Saturday, however, lie said.

The purpose of the demon* sb’atlon b an attempt to boost tlio market price on fat hogs to about $20 tx) $25' per hun* drodwelglit. Prlccs In tlic Magic Valley have ranged around $15 per hundredweight on market liogs, Adams' said.

Earlier NFO demonstrations, In which organization members

oven furUier.

______ (ConUnucd on p. 5)

Spacemenget rehearsal

CAPE KENNEDV (U P I)^ ' Apollo 14'0 Bstronautj', gearings for the nlgbt owl schedule they face In space, wound up.many months of b-aining today with a final reheai'sal of next FVlday's

^trickv_landlng_betweCT two

-elassesT-tho-dlatrlct-oannot— t,.ycked-hogfl-to-ll»o-natloiM is t e r c i c a n .

' rocky ridges on the moon.The weather continued to look

satisfactory at the cape for “SondBy's‘3:23 prjnrE9TUiuneh—r tiiQ<i, but hlg^ vrlnds and e i^ t

-to-13 foot-jKas were forecasi- for the western aftd inid AUantlo emergency landing zones.

“We'd rather not land there, but right now nobody's in a , position to say It'a > a con> stralnt," said a space agency ' qMkesman.

The countdown resumed at the “T-mbius 48 houra" mark at 5 a j n . and one official said it was going “amazingly well".for the launch of Alan B. Shepard, StuartA. Roosa and Edgar D. MltcheU.




calls up


capital, helped raise tjio price at Burley by $1 to $2 up to $17 per hundredweight, Adnms said.

Adams said producers' records show cost of producHlon-

WIIITE CLAD ASTRONAUTS go through a practice w ulon of sorting equlpneat In Apollo 14. Cudr. Alan B. Shepard, ceoteri watches eommaad module pilot Stuart A. Roosa, left, and lunar module Pilot l<jlgar U. MiteheU. (UPl)

Callers report^W ty^tW r^flds^hr

—TWIN-FAUaS-^Wlmt-wa®— Un»k«l-uiail-about*8p.m,—described os _ a __ ‘sky Tlic first report was ofphenomenpn”^»ur8<Iay ril^jlT^'flash ln tlVe slcy that looked llkocaused several Magic- Valley dtlzena concern when tliey

-idght^-whnt asH>«’ared to bo planes In distress.

The sightings, reported to the Twin Falls sheriff's office, began at l(:16 p.m.^ond con-

an explosion” near larger.A “plane on fire." west of Bliss

olao was report^' and '-Uie siAlttbig of smoke and a possible plnne on flr<v was reported west of the Hollister Port of Entry.

hooding sheriff'a officers told outhorltiea InTwln Palls that a citizen then observed a "100 foot

. c i t e d f o r ,

d r u n k d r , i v i n g

TWIN VAIAS - Paul E. >0«tyn, 42,. Twin Falls city coUncUman And vice principal of the Twin Falls High School, WM arrested In Boise on

tlie Gooding city Ihnlts.Federal Aviation Ad­

ministration personnel at Burley said offlcials at Van- d^berg Air Force Base« Calif., reporti^ firing of rockets from there l^im tday evening.

Ihey light diffualoh oi crystsllxatlon (rf Vapor traQs by

continue Uic training,Cars for Uie cIajL>ies lu-e

{jrovlded at no cost by Twin Falls car dealers, as a con­tribution to the district's

cductiUonal program.At tho'stato lovol, 0 scrnmblo Is ohout »18 l» r humlr«dwol«lll

for (un*i hus .bceuii, wllh o ol Uila tlino onil iiumy urowors

By United Press roteniatlotial petition presented to tho forcod to soil Uielr liogfl

^ y p t has mobllixod wme legislature to allocato $245,000 below.cost. ^ -

reserve military units and gone In Interim financing for driver Adorns said trucks With hogs on war fooling In preparation tralnlng.progr:fiia5 througliout ^ jn ijg

for the end of tj^e Middle East tlie stjite, occordlng to llarold traveling In coravans and will ceaso-flronoxtFrlday,diploma* Farley, assistant superin- arriving at tlie central

tic reports from Calro-Mnld-.tcndcnL-Of-JJllJicJnBkuctlpn.__^ yp^ jQp_nAtn^ nimnt in n.m.-today,------------ —-------- Farlny, Hffrbnd-lii-t^Qmmiuid, gfltujHlay-aiKi-wm-bo*roady-for

The riyports said, Jjowever, in tho Idaho Department of roalilDinont loto In Uio af- the alert was precautionary and Education, told the Tlmes-Nows tcrnoon. not to bo taken as a ^gn ^ y p t today that the $215,000 would .was preparUig an attack. lYtey pay past bills, I^lud lng Uie said tlte ^yp tlons probably,. $12,8Q0 owed District 411 In Twln..

' vriil agrgfl to a cease-fire lovT'alla, andfUnd drtvertralnlniT" liJlow conthmatlon of tho peace programs until tlie end of tlie talj^ at the United Nations. fiscal year. . ;

■ ■ ■ ” ' ' ' Tho department of educationU also seeking a $1'increase^ in * ,

driver41cense fe«a and an In- ^ ^ ^ ^ - H n rcrease of $1 ih the fee chained Ystudents to take the driver- ” • 'training course, bringing the foe

'.The rapidly rising coat of to $4 per s tu^nt per class,

■ly-av«rythlng-needed-,to_Fatlcy-^ . . .. 'pALllfe— - Dannlu,appl|qatlQna_Wiste-rOYl?Mfed_|

-JEROME- _The._lns-

to America. The oatli of office

vestigatlon Into the September slaying vf Jerome farmer Reuben Stohler, 61, is “at a- standstill," according to Jerome County S^ie^iff James BTTPairBunlli ' :

Bums said *'we have some Ideaii. but you can't prosecute on Ideas."

Stohler's body was found Sept. 14 In the basement of hjs, _ farm home in the Barrymore District.

Ivan Epperson, admlnlstralor of the Stohler estate, said ___

-■■mter-RrMldoit dore RooMvelt, a i t e « p ly T iW ^ * " r 7 “ '“ “». « « •»

WM conMmedcoiuKTvaUonW. opa-atln* . cUliy «t Uw fm n .

Morton takes postWASHINGTON (UPI) -Ro- administered by Supreme Court

gers C. B. Morton was sworn In Justice Potter Stewart, a as now 'Secretory of Interior former classmato of Morton's today in a White House at Yalo. ceremony at which President Nlyon pointed out that the Nlxon-urgod-hUn-to-meet-the-Intarior-JQopartment-was-esia

Pratt to headr

to p a it ro n s

produce' pnd deliver your newspaper has forced the Hmes-News to raise its mon thly raties by 25 cents.I Despita the alight Increase,

$176,000 to 1)80,000 per year, and the additional class fees would return an

the $1 Incre j^ In licensing ' pratt, who has served as acting 'before J i r i l t ' r “ not- quite.feed would bring m about director of the SouU> Central unanimous" selection.,..............

Community Action ARency Uolchhard «ald f t . t t hu-HlnceJnn.^wasmimcddlroctor “tlono 0 commendable Jobttmoutay night. ’ acting director and I am con-

Pratt joined the SCCAA early tldent he will be able to proyldelast year' as senior citizens' the organisation with thedirector and was then Appointed leadership that Is need^.

u l! of^^°Mlch)|lan'” f t ; t t Pratt « .ld he hoped to gel thenrla . have can.^1 U » ------------------------ ------- ---- ^ ^ Twli! FalU ilnce SCCAA’. planning project on

___^ ______ _________ . additlonathere is still no other dally-and- $15,000—.all of which Would be9ijsulay newspiqter in Idaho, earm ark^ for driver ir^inlng.priced less. --- Farley said.

Beginning fe b . 1.. your . *'We hope that the small in

have c a u ^ the naonth — leis than a penny a level programs to«I*U80 ui urivms wmie in* Optical l U u ^ to trriVil as far day rnore than you now p « r . , July >;*’ Farley said. “TW« latox«cated. a iw y W T ^ F a lU . Y o u r h a r d - w o r lt| n g reaUy a small amount to pay,

According to/ Ada County Tt»e FAA spokesman said newspaper boy or hiral cairler

officer T u e ^y . ’ AtaUttJeroorethan Pcentaa Id a h o d r iv e r- tr a in in g ?

1064t.•« : H is selection Was made

the qiudlty of the during a meeting of the SCCAA

OrtynrUj«‘Twl«'Fa]W>)llce* lased Ml. commissioner, was ..

bond foUowtng his arrest.

retyrteddMFn,» Uwy<lr«nMio|,, Tiin M ^ n n t» »Ul)1he-L _ J .H . , Helchhard. Jerome

the road, some evaluation and have a good; strong re ls^on^ip with H)ti board of directors..

The former director, Larry

Mack, resignW In December

. as among the best inthe.natkm, F a rli^ sa id .'

cnnaru, «>eruui«. otuck, «» wrwv»...*—■ the 'W ariiIdT IvSTpm w nB«t;ofit!B : board.— ■

Page 2: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

Mbzum bique

Angry Jews Routes disrupt

• Russ troupe ,()Bw YdRK,. (Opi)-iije,_7iefii?o rfc

jp ih RRS e e n . . .

Camegl6 HoU mance of a ^ rerdatiM 'wul, , ............................ WASHINGTON fUPl) -

............... Binging ensemble was lilaruptea /rransportoUon SecMlary John

BEIRA. MouunblnuelwH— with tho ntrlckcn orcn. PilotsA t r o p i c ^ ' i P i H i l ^ l ^ t -flitog--^^ said !“ ■ .w ' ,n ( ih ^ » ~ i i , . i IT..I m»n« „ni nmmonlo UiTouglioul Itio iTtiuriKlay to tho now railroad,

theater and telephoned a phony syBte,,, p,ot a seml-publlc -

bomb threal. ■- corporation will operate In anIt was the latest Incident of a to save, Uio vanUhlng

harassment campaign directed passenger trali<.

at nusslan nationals by activist volpo announced that tho Ilail

•mous ' It Corp. (IU II,PAC),

s a id ^ - e a lr ^ r tn e a r ^ ia n 'o ‘ • was flooded and tho only way

of the one that devastated East Pakistan'last .November tore

s th ro u ^ the farm lowlands of northern Mozambique Thursday and took a'fieavy toll of lives, reports reaching hero, said today.

The repor^ said floodwatcrs around the coastal town oi Quelimane; 100 miles northeast of Belra» c<{uAf^,^ihe of palm trees 25 feet .higH along tho coast. Quelimane Itself resembled an Island from th() air,, tho reports said, Tho cyclono named Felice ^-which means hopplness —struck with winds of 60 miiea on hour, wiping out c6 niT>Uri1cfltlons

many road^ were waslicd out and settlements Isolated by tho floodwatcrs.' In Usbon, tJio nowspai Diarlo do Notlcias quoting reports from tljo scone said damage was "^ormous.’’ It

w o ™ ir7 fe r '"V rC lc T '''^ f f i'

or reaching the town from'Ure- w lc a n s T n Mo!^w“ S m s to I ^ " Aniollcs N w outside was by .atlvetanoe. . & ,^„t.Amerlcancull^al tles. K „nsS Cl?;, WaslSg"

'Mozambique, a Portugueso . rw « r* . l“n to Chicago and Norfolk to

possession on Uie soufteast “ i Z l T „ l h ^ l l J Cincinnati,coast of Africa, has an area of 'Hiese routra were left out ofconsi or Airicii, nos an nroa ot 4..1 , iiiuso rouii:.H wuru luii oui 01more Uiun 297,000 sqtiaro miles tl.o orlglnol.IlAIIJPAC networkand a population of 7„170,000, N ice , reacting to a tde ,J ,on^ , j „ transportation

Its - c a ^ ta l Is liu ronco secretary acknowle<lKod „nt; a Marque.^.

Manson slugs4t.» conferoncc U»nt llw

“'S c ? " o r '“ n o u t7 l i r '"“'"P'”".pa^rs in a briefcase uS.^r a ! ; : ; X ‘‘u n ! c : . g C " ? l t a ^ ■"

N j v e m t e T c t a d S 'T l S

own attorney a „ V m e m i L t " " K f “J struggle for Soviet Jewry told OiouRhtful

IjOS-ANGI3LES-(UPI)----Kimorok and it Hot Mnrwon off.— PoHcc-wherc-thc bomb could-bc...eo,nmentHKUbjnittod since Nov.Charles Manstm slugged hii atto^oy and bragged ho .could tear Uio proiuicutor to pieces Thursday as tho Tate murder trial jury began hearing testl* mony on tho punishment of tho hippie leader and three young

Ho turned' in lii.s Kont, punched Kupurok on Uic arm lind sliovod him. 'Ilio attorney shouted "your lionor," and Superior Court Judge Qiarlos H. Older had Manson taken out to an adjoining lioldlng room

fpund and ended Uie converaa- fr^ Qio basic Hystcin deslBnatodtlon by Bayln« “Never AKuin." ,,i has been subjectedthe rallying cry of m ilitant reappraisal with tlio

Ji' 'H*, Kroup.s. „,y finnl dcsltinatlonEarlier, noxious ammonia H|g,iificjintlylncrca.‘HJdt)iQnum«

fumes from 3 bottles wafted cities to which serviceUiroughout U»o Uicater and ^ ju jjg provided by the

fVank Uimm explalnbig'how deep the mud was . . Mr. and' VIn. George Tate, Eako, N^v., making plans for visit by friends . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Yarbrough eating pixza. . * Tom - Majors getting out of annored citf T ; . David Mead walking to work ] ■ . Mrs. Gloria Taylor-

• jroudly^ showing letfw from Twin Falls County jail prisoner complimenting her on evening meal . . . Bill Brown looking throu^ packet of documents; .. Dale Metzger describing . humorous aspects of abroad* casting . . .. Bert- Callen, carrying purchase from grocery store . . Elmer Sommer and Armour, Anderspri registering for n ii^ t class at CSI . . . Marvin Glasscock telling students how to Improve listening haUta,. . . CSI ac-

'countant Lloyd LeClair discussing delays because of moving admlnlstratlvo offices.. . Dr. B.V. Holcomb and Marlin

Anderson, BUfloy, lunching together . . . Herman Bedke, Burley, reading. a .cartoon 'hanging on wall. . . Gl«p Kunau, Burley, hwglngup topcoat In a cafe . . . Wayne May, Burley, leaving for American Falls . . . Gleb^on Anderson, Burley, discussing magistrate court system . . . and overheard "See you next week and remember

_donlt_tJo_any_hoinowork*^^____ __

R a i l l i n k s . . .

•nUNSPORTATION Secretary John Voipe, In hopes of l l a n g C n l i s k s triggering a comeback for passenger trains, rov ls^ the

govemmcnt'H rail passeager network to add major new links on A lr t /* 'V u n i t the West Coast. In the southwest, midwest, and on the Eatit Coast (UPI) ■

women, all of whom have been where he continued to sliout^nt'' p,fCod sovorul potrons from corporation," Volpc wild.

of first-degree Kanarek to "shut up." 'convicted murder.

Manson was hauled from tlw courtroom wltli his arms

7---pinloned-at-hls-flides-in-an-angry outburst sljortly after the first witness tx>ok tlie stand for the penalty phase of tlio trial.

His attorney, Irving Kanarek, had objected to Uio appearance of Bernard "Lotsapoppa"- Crowe, 2a, whom Manson allegedly shot and wounded a month before tlic Tato-IaBianca

..... slayings. It was one of literallyhundreds of ob]ecUon.<i by

Ui'elr seats.

' Manson curlier wns boiling m« * >over Older’s refusal of another I V I i n i m i i n i p a ydemand tluitJtc be permitted t o - - ___ ___

apt as his own uttomoy and l i l K C p O p C l C r C U ' conduct his own defense In tito penalty portion after which the Jury will decide 'on life Imprisonment or deatli for tlw four defendants.

Tfie 3fl-ye«r*old ex*convict continued to argue witli tlie judge and Older advised him to sit-down "in your own l>0Ht Interests."

llte revliied plan, to l)o

served by about l&O trains or » /-vluilf as many as were running a yonr-niidhl«ii of 20.000 In 1929, iM)w will ^

BOISE (UPI) - n io H o u se • sent to Congress for S t U U O n t StiJte Affairs Commltteo Intro- »PProvnl and .sche<lulod imple- duced a bill TJmrsday to raise nientation by May 1.Ujo minimum wage to $1.40 Volpo did not divuU'c the

nixt July 1 and to 11.00 on July names o f cities that will I, 1072. Herve as mtermwilate stops

Atpre.ientU)ominlmiunwago between tlic so<cnlled terminal IdaJio law Is $1.25 per points of Uiese now routes.

Under-legislation setting up Uie corporation, Uic traniiporUi- tlon secretary was ^nly to recomnicnd Uic terminal points, not Uie specific routes connect­ing Uiom.

Bombrips Panel OK ’s

liXJAN (UPI)-A 10-year-bld Utah State University student was injured by explosives early Wedne.'ulay, and Ixgan police and imlversity officials were in- vestlgotlng Ujo incident Tlmrs-


annex lim it

Sawtooth memoria 1 advancesISE (UP I)-A Joint mem- duced one day after Uie llouie reaUon area In tho Snwtoou. „„noratlon has aurced to Introduced In Uie Senuto approved n memorial urging Valloy and Uio establlslimcnt of ,, („idayurgcdCongrcsrt<rtn~lCBlsiatloirTorTrrMrenUon"nr-— n-nntionnl-park-in-lhe-upland-l’— -jK—

cgUUlUon authorlilng cs-. ea even Uioiigh opitonenlfl nrg-. area of Uio SawtooUi, Including iia I th roo cIIIcb hot c h o M n ^

BOISE (UPI)—A joint mem-____ orlal inU*oduced to Uie Senate

T1iur8dayurBcdCongrcsrW"fcn“ act leglslaUon authorizing c<k. tabllshment of a Sawtootli na­tional recreaUon area and u

' national park. - —

11)0 Joint memorial, s p o o r ­ed by Sena. Art Manley, D- Coour d’Alene, and Bill Crook- ham . R-Caldwoll, was iiitro-

But he said • Uiat

ued such a memorial would em harass Idi^io's congressional delegation,-which IQl.4. backed Uic park-recrcation pr(tfKaah .

T1m5 memorial noted "Tlio weight of past study and pub­lic sentiment favors the crea- Uon ot a SawtooUi naUonol rec-

Uio SjiU'tooUis,; White, Cloud’s, Boulders aiKl Pioneers."Tlie memorial also said itwas

west coast of Florida, al.<io left

rnT 'o f « j r £ s “

iimoJ n t K*lnr.|,>n nion Inf» ” Hn(IS a n d OOrS.

BOISE (UPI) - A,bill pro- 'nilsblll.Willlamflsaid, wouldhlblUng a city from onnexing remove one of Ujo reasons for property wltliln 01 days prior to. using Uic rccall provisions ofa city election at which city of- Uie law.fleers are chosen won approval In line wlUi (llscimlons on fe*

„ j . . . of Uic House fiscal Government piill. Hep. II. Ferd Kooli, H-Capt. Max Jonc.«i of Uie Ugan Committee 'hiunuliiy. " I^lse, told the committee Uiere

police Bald pliyslcs student ’niemeiLsuro now advances tp apparently Is no provision for" -■ Uie floor for debate and flnnl recaU of county officers — only

consldcraUon. ,city councllmen. Ho suggested Introduced by Rep. Edw anl' Uint city officials alone should

V. Williams, D-Uwi.ston, it Is not be singled out for rccall butnn outgrowth of annexation of perlxapssomecoiinty recaUpro-Uie I^wlston Orchanls by tlie visions should be written into

:Bflll*was-listed-in-good-t»ndi^-ncity-Df-hL'wl.nton:-----------^ th '

Michael Ball of Sugar City, Ida ho, wh« riding In a car wlUi five oUier students outside Ix-

tlie- - gnn <vhen some explosives Uiey were carrying detonated.

adopted as soon as possible."burg.

Becuusc Uie area wiui nn- Rep. Robert Haakensoti, D-ncxed*tc(o close to a city elec- Cocur d‘Alone, saUK feltUon Orchards residents were Uiero was a means for recall-

Jones described Uio exnloaivofl permlUed to run for Ing county officials,a s ‘l o m S o " aSd S ^Ity Council or even vote Qialrman m.y, Uncoln, R-Jf H.O ‘n « « election. Twin Falls, iuime<l a subcom-

wprn mnnufnrturwl h? n rhom VVlUioms told Ui® .committee mlttoc of Rcps. Israel Merrill,k b - v l T r n f S l ? n ^ D-Blackfoot, and Cliffordisiry lap at uian buito. • representation" and to Scoresby, R-Iona, to a siibcom-

a subsequent recall election In mlttoo to research Uio q'ue.stlonwhich six of Uio seven city and report back to Uie fuU com-

WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rcp._ Orval Hansen, R-IdaJio has ask­

ed Uie House of Representatives' to creato a sUinding committee on tlie environment, it was an­nounced Tliursday. •

_-J[sn!wWJol!»,d:ji3J.pnrt group of congressmen In intro­ducing tlie resoluUon calling for Uie fonnaUon of a committee to centrollze auUiorltv to more ef- fecUvely deal wiUi the environ- tnental problems facing tlie oMintry.

Classes to commence

F II.E n - An adult in- formation clasji will commence at B p.m. Sunday In Uie Clover IjiUieran Scliool, according to Rev. T. D. John-ston, pastor.


more about Uie Christian doctrine Ls Invltwl to uttond, stated Uie pastor, who added Uicro lii no obligation whnt- if^vor.‘

' coun(hhTicn.wcre removed.Magic Valley Hospitals R e g i o n a l O b i t u a r l e s

B r u c e W . W e b b F u n e r a l S e r v i c e s T)B testrepeats

S t. B ened ic l'R

Admitted Mrs. Earl Woodruff, Bulil;

Mrs. Danny Larson, Pocatello; Christopher Rose, Wendell, and Mrs. Leslio Novak, Wbndell, and Mrs. WUlam Olson, Mrs. Norman . Hlntrc, Mrs. Jennie Hltc and Mrs. Marvin Hurlcss, all Jerome.

DUmlssed M rs.' Clifton Allison,

Lakewood, Colo.; Elwood Grlmesrllfifiennahrand'Mrsr Antonia Soloaga and Mrs. J. 0. Freeman, both Shoshone,

nirthiA dau^^tcr was bom to Mr.

---and—M rs^D a n n y Larson,Pocatc)l», and a son was bom to

. and I

CiKiKiii M j^ iiu ir ia l

Admitted Mrs. Paul Scalph, Mrs.

Lyonal Mooso and Mrs. Cecil D.Williams, all Burley.

Dismissed ------- ---- ---------- . ■ .Vn. Mrs. UoyU Cox, Burley; Mrs. lUnoss. Iowa, of a brle^lncM .I> ll Smith nml nnn nnklnv She was bom Sept. 24,1805, at- He was born Dec. 18MM0. nt Gus Engstrom Dcclo a n d * ^ o v e d to Uio Twin Falls. He^llved In Bulil■Uoyd S e r a b a Minidoka project with her until moving to Salt U ko City

Births parents in 1003. Miss Sullivan wiUi his parents In fibout. \m.A'son was bom to Mr. and altonded scliools in Missouri He later lived In Denver and

Mrs. Paul Scalpli, Burley! Rupert area. S ic Albuquerque, N .M . Recently he

M o ( e S u l l i v a i i

JE H O M E - J0I0 Sullivan, 75, B U in ,- n ru ceW . Webb, 21, TWIN FALLS - toVlces for died early Thursday morning at former Buhl resident, died Robert A. Burch were held at 2 St. Benedict's Hospital of a brief T\jesday evening at Nevada, p jn . today at Whito Mortuary

* ■' " • Chapel. Burial was in SunsetMemorial Park.

SHOSHONE - Final rites for L.M . Coates will bo held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday In Uio Pleasant View Cemetery, Burley.

get dx

mlttoe.' Uncoln also told Uio commit­tee he will U-y to sot up a joint liearlng wlUi tlie Senate ^m - mittoe on Local Government imd TaxaUon on a bill to creato a ^tAto board for certificQtlon of Uix appraisers. Ho said lu> will try to schodulo It for tlio morning of Feb. 8.

-attended—normal—schools~in '>no J to low

Mr. Wendell.

Mrs. Leslie Novak,

Minidoku Memorial Admitted

Mary Julllon, Rupert, and Jerald Windos, Burley.

Millie Valley Mciiioriiil Admitted

Rjilph Robert Modiln, Mrs. Virgil-Hurt, Mrs. Kenneth Beaumont, Mrs.' James O'Connor, Mrs. Qiarlcs Crone, Mrs. Rodney Herrett, Clu-lstine Hanel, Mrs. Donald McKnight, Douglas Biggors, Norman Stutznegger, Elaino Hansen, Mrs. !i)ren Hansen, Mrs. C^rl W. Boyd, Mrs. Pierce A. Roan, Mary I^uiso Seamens,Cassio

■~daiMrs. Barbara Svaboda fthd . Sulltvaii, San' FVancl'st^.

Albion and Lewiston. ‘ Survivors include his parents.For several years alio Uiuglit Mr. and^M rs; Roy Webb,

out of Uic state, Uien served in Albuquerque; two brothers, Uie PocateUo School system for Rflger 0. Webb, Nevada, Iowa,

30 years. rctlrlng-lfi^QiurfliMQ* Qnd, RQnalii-.Wcbbi-BurLev^ Slio moved to Jerome In 1000 Uiree sisters, Jane Webb, and

from I^a te llo . She belonged to >Mrs. Sandra McCuUum, boUi Uie MeUwdlst Qiurch and Uio Albuquerque, and. Mrs. Wanda Retired Teachers Associ'aUon. W lllioms, Denvef; puternal

Survivors Include several grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. nieces and nepliows. Including Doyle Webb, Bulil.Mrs. Karloen Dellinger, Funeral services w ill bo Jerome; Mrs.' Noil (Jean) conducted at 2:30<).m.Saturdoy Ryan, Rupert, ond Mrs. Frank at tho Albertson-Dlckord .(Hflzcl).Tracy^BolflC, ondMark _CJjapclJ)y-RcY._f},O^Frnncl.nco,^

MURTAUGH ■ - Funerol services for Mrs. EsUier (Tess) Tolmun, former Murtaugh resident, will bo conducted at 1

LDS Ward Qiapel by Bisliop Roger Tolman. Final rites wlU. bo held in Uio Marlon Cemetery near Oakley.

Friends may call at Uio Payne Mortuary , Burley, from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday tuid at Uio Mur- tauah church Monday one hour prior to servicofl.

:daurt}terrTtupcrtnmd~ Cfljrl Nutsch and twin

......... . ...........pastor of Uio Twin Foils SovenUi

*^0 was preceded in doatlTbj' DaJTTttlvontlBl a iu rd r“ Kln

BOISE (UPI) - n io Senato approved 28>0 'Hiursday a bill to ollminato requirement of re­peated tuberculin skin tests for

.schooLGmpIoyos-whosc.tcst.rd-_ sults.oro nogaUvo.

Elarller, tho House approved Uio measure 60-10.

Sen. Mike Mltohell, D-Uwls- ton, said In 1907 skin test > ‘occduros"wcro“lnstltuted'for Uiree-yoar intervals, but added since that time not ono known case of tuberculosis has arisen for anyone wltli negoUvo skin tosts.

Ho-said recent studios sliow 05 per cent of tho cases report­ed in Idaho come from Uio 60,- 000 persons who have had tho

-disease^r-wKb^HVc-hadTwal’ -tlvc-skin-teata.

Robert K .Ray l, all Twin Fall*.; sjno was p r o c ^ u m ueaui uy uay w c t h s i ^ Common sense and courtesy But Sen. Iwlo Cobbs. R-Boise,

nachel Tracv Elba L ^ Z ' Mrs. Curtis Vaught, and Kevin “ son.he-feU "every prbcauUonS r Bu?/ey and’ Twosa McClain, : both Ila io lton ; vehicle will go a long way s l^ id be taken" to atop UioItefcr ;Paul - George Keith, Bulil-, Mrs. Uoyd towards solving Idalio’a traffic disoase and said If Uie bill were

---------------- R o b e i * l - U l i r < ‘ l l — state- - approved It could bo possible toMichael Burr , Kimberly, and Join G w a b r ^ l . Flpal I > u r c t 1 ^ ^

Robert P. StclnmeU, Eden. rites will bo held at 3:30 jy n . FALLS - Funeral 1 ■ ,---- • - -Dismissed Satui-day In the R u j^ r t «orvici>H for Robert A. Burch.

Steven Hubris, Hugo ^metery. Intends may call at 27. who accidenUll>fdrowned ot

Hofknocht, G. J . Mills, G ’Ixhn* Uie Blue I^kes troUt Fartn orv

s u i i s c iu r n o N HATi^;s

t i i k t i m k s -N k w s

T w in F h IU , Id a h o l ly <’ it r r ir ir

l * r r m o n lh ( D a i l y & S u n d a y )

l l y M a il I ' l i id in A d v u n c r

' ( D a i l y S u n d a y )I M o t i l h ...................6 M » n lh « ...................I Y e a r ................... ....

M a ll tu b fc r r ip i io n i uecrp l> . r d o n ly w h r r r e a r r U r dt*)iv*

r r y ia n « l m a ln la ln e d .

. <2.2.%




Ward, John nlmiien, Mrs: Galen andSaturday untU tbno Tuesdoyi were hold today at tho

.................................................." --------- WiitoMorluary Chapel wlUi thoof services.

Rqv. James Huglies'offlclaUng.cs fiVtliograveslde

(Hevcrloy. and daugliter, Trudy Wolf, Mrs. Inland Muir andtlaurfitor, Gary Joe Cluor, GaU m * •' ' -’ Mllltiiry ritesL. Diamond, Bert P. Fillmoro« IVlary S H m iV I O n S <lt Sunset MomoHal Park wereand Janis Nlehten, all Twin > . ' . by Uie I(to io NaUonal Guard.

Folbi; Mrs. John Dorrlngton BURLEV — Mary Jano IPanaboarbrs were Ij»ri*yandson, Jerome; I>auraJagels, Qifnmnna ni PAiin n'enn Larry Sparks, Dave

n jih l;J o o R ^ residerit/diea’ Thursday In ^m ith Mike Greene, RollMrs. Dean Ellison, lulen. OiUario Ore ' • Cdmpbell, and Jack Haimnon.

r. Blrihs ^ Funeral services will be

Sons were bom to Mr. and ^ , ^ c e d by Payne Mortuary., % ■on‘ " : n d ' ' t e

for aerVjce on Paper O^livery '

Call your carricr

or 733-09.1lB e fo re (t D>m> d a i ly o r

Mrs. Ronald.Brady, Filer; Mr.- and Mrs. Ronald lllpley, Twin FalU; Mr. and Mrs.. Dean AUred, Buhl, And Mr. and Mrs. C^rtU Vaught, Haxelton, and a daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Huri. Twin Falls.

If you.waHc after dark It U vitally lmport«nl to wear light

A l v i n B e c k e r

Bruco l^irson, and Rulon. Ttiompson. Soloist wiis Burt’ Hiiisli ahd org{)nlst was Mrs. WUlaJUder.

RUPERT— AlvtnDecker, SI, A nioderri vehicle, points outdied Thursday night at the Idaho' State Police*- baaMinidoka Memorial Hospital of many safety features, but aa brief llhicss. > driver with old-f^ahloned'

Ho WQS bom Sept. 22,1010 at .driylndsUUfl can cancel most of

i.m i on aun<p

cobrM dothlng, remind the . . ______„ _____________ ________-^Uaho-State PoMe. An, even Cedariiiff, Kjsn.-Funera!-«er>—thm.-Artf-youT'^ving-habita.

better, idea la to have some vices are t id in g - a t , Walk really as up4o-date aa you’reflective material showing. Mortuary. ' th lii? J‘ .

• ■ ’ ■ • I / : - 1- f ’

Twin Falls Cemet^r.ySeUcI a Companion lot while you are legalhtr.

We offer a choice qH lat marker, raltad marker or privulfl above-ground burial. -

2 Adult Gompanion Spaces


® T 9b.O0 ~ ■Twin Cemet 'Asso.

A.W. " B ill''Madlund, Prai, and Mgr.

- _ ^ , 4 3 l M a I a A v a n u . E .- T w in Fo lk ____ 1

Fornn Bureau Insurance Servlcoi' of Idaho cpngrat-' ulatos Agency Manager Eibort Luhr and his agen­cy force on being named “ Agoincy of the Year" for 1970.' This is the third consecutive year iHat this agency has won tho Ag.oncy-Qi the -Year dls*. tinclion. Our sincere appreciation to Eibort and his agents for tho fine service they have rendered to the people of Moglc Valley.

Elb«rl Luhr, Agency Manager

U lan d Heinrich, A itoclaU Agency Manager

Wordell Rainey, Aitoclaie Agency Monager

t). O . Welker; Special Agent

Lymon Engl*, $p«<lal Agent

Kfown, Special Agent

0<>n Nine, Special Agent

Orln Shirts, Special.Agenl

Earl VinM nl, S p M ia l^ e n t ~ ‘

■ John Brewer, Special Agent


Twin roH>



' Martha Ingham, Special Agenl


tw in FaW .

Twin FaHt

Twin Fall*

. Jerome

^ h « K o n * ~




Page 3: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

“ Friday, January W, »97J Tlfiiet-rJewi, Twin Falli, Idaho T

TWIN F A U ^ - Procedures Ihei city bf TViijJftUtand Idaho Department of lUghways will

•follow In ’ proparlnii-.for lin* provement of the West Five Points Intersection wero_

-revlewod'Thursdny.'Meeting on the matter were

Norman Crousloy, urban engineer, depurtincnt of high* ways and City Mnnagcr Joan Milar. ■ '

I • ^rj »vit iwin rfl

je c t S te p s t r a c e d- Mllar. said the city, must follow specific steps'ln meeting qualifications under -the TOPICS fK-ogram for fuhdin« of such hljihway projects. First, the city will be_roqi^reil-ilo. prepare llnformallon and statistics to prove ollKlhlllty, Oosaley said/'Witllo this Is beln({ done, Uio

ptato engineers will proceed witlj (JlesiKn an(f rlKht of wuy

Magic Valley water

tru^t b ill offered

F a m i l y a i d e d

JAYCEES WERE disappointed but Mr. and M n . William 'SprinKer gratefully .aecej^ed a )75 check Thursday, the proceeds from a Jayccc benefit'dancc to help the family with medical expenses following Oie birth and death of quadruplets earlier this month. Here Tom Uiuidclj, left, and Elton Ilobinson, rli^t, prc^nt the check to the Twin Kails couple and daughter Kareri.

Counties ask highway

user revenue

BOISB (UPI) - Two leglH. If torH from the Magic Valley inlroducwl in Ihu IIouh^ Tjiura- (lay , legislation to npproprlnto and hold In tnist for the people certain unappropriated vyatcrs In Uie viille^.

'llio meiiHilre by'ncps. Ver* non Havenscroft, D-'i'utlle, and Karl Greeniiwalt, R-Jeromc,' ‘

' would authorl/u the Statu Pjtrk Itajird to iipproprliite nil the un*


iipproprlated water In the Mjd- iid Can^n , the iNlagra Springs iifea, Ui(/ nig SprlnK^ area, the Box Canyon areii, and — upon, cesHatlon of tho use of water for electrical goiieratlon — tljo ’lljoiisand Springs area;

llavdnscroft described the ineamire aa one. width would

‘'"resoriJe to tho people of Idalio tl)c scenic wonders of Ujo unitiuo 'Hioiisand Springs area." !

acquisition. Mllar said thpse steps will be completed during

i97l..vith-Constructlon to b«£ln, Uter, possibly In 1072. .

The department of highways

h u appiiU[ In a - publlc hearing herO'last fall only minor - objection was voiced* The state highway board approved ,Ujo projept after a full review of testimony .collected. ^

As for tile' North Five -Points Project,, on which a second hearing has been requested by tho city, little progreas has been

EliecledTWIN F A U ^ ~ Frank

■Rarnett, Twin Falls chief of police, has been elected vice president of the Association o f . Publlc-&ifety Communications 0(ficcra of Idaho.

Elecfed president durlnft «• meeting Wednesday In Boise' was lUchard Burns, Idaho State Police offlcei' formerly stationed at Jerome. Ho criminal Identification division director for Uio Idaho State Police lit liolso.

made. Crossley said. .Route studiei have- been

.completed by: englneers...and— these are now ir)4ho planning department where experta a ^ .preparlng-them-ioEi^MenJ^- tation to the highway board?'

It will be-up to the board to coll a second 'henHng when reports are comiilGte, Croasley said.

CARPET PROBLEMS?• PET STAINS •GUM •BURNS •TAR •URINE5t»fim-W(iy'» i«v()lulinno>y /

cltiin oltcKhnn m.llioil IjriilKvi

,FI(uli>(| iltiim goii (la«p inin

10 (rahtilrlad-(ll'l Vtl'uiirn -ci.OCUiitu OfjrH linllDm up. nol lo|i llnwn f)l«nni Wciy innLti youi (nrpdi ihe claon

's fiAM

. m y '



BOISE (UPI) — A spokeamun blllUes to Uie counties, ftff Idaho’s county commi.nslon- Af tlio wimo tlnip, Don. era and clerk.«i naked Uie lepis- Aiiams, Coem* d'Alene, put be-

-dlfncultics, have nsked for a conatriictlon, maintenance and groater ahare of tho local gov- repair. He suggested tliat a lo­

urs Him cicfKs aa^u uiu icyis;;__^ hitihj uociir u aiuiio, pui u«- ernment's portion of Ulc revo- cal option levy on personalllatiu•c-T lursday-^o-dl'Haolvc tJ^D—foro'-Uio-lIouse Committee.-on-^uca to rcpair_Qnd.pavc.fltrcctai_pr.opcrty_Qr..flnlQddcd_rcgIalrnimore Uian 100 locid highway dis- IVansiMrtjition and Defense a Adams said tho county offlcl- tion tax on vehicles domiciledb-lctfl and give their reaponnl- roqueat Uiat cities sharing irf «ls recognize Umt some cities witliln Uielr corporate lUnits be

highway »wer revenues 1)0 re- ‘ qulred to account forliow U}oy spend tho monies under a uni-Airport

aid steps

checkedTWIN FALI^ - Groundwork

ncceasary for obtaining federal funds for future work at Uie Twin Falls Clty-County Airport was dl^ussed here Tliur^ay

have a real problem wlU) street used to help. ;;olve tlie pro­


form system."In looking at tho distribution

we.know that tlie revenue is go­ing to some cities who do no road work,*' Adams said, “who don't have a street department ...who don't even own a pick

Youth to CaHforniawith aeiJeral


TWIN FALL5 — A 17-year-old departmentboy arrested In Twin Falla names.Wednesday for lllcgul Ttie boy is lialcdaau runaway

pos.seasion of marljuanii will be frem-Califomla, Qualls sftld.

^ovc l." .SuR80.tta8 U,„lU,cniBhw„y F..U,, 1 “

■IHo teen-ager, Qualls said, marijuana, a packet of red.had made several sales of white and blue clgarette.papers

marijuana and I^ D In Twin which resemble the American

Falls and has provided tlio flag. . ^

uiier revenues going to some cities arc used loaf removal or lights instead of street Con­struction and repair ho asked

to Moscow Saturday

TWIN FAL1*S— Junior Mla.s oflV ln I'lills, Janice Cook, will leave wltli other . area title holders at 1:55 p.m. Saturday, from Uje 'IVin Fall.i City- County Airport for Moscow and a week oi aixite pageant ac- livitio.<}.

Siie will conjpete Feb. B for Uic'Utlu of Junior M1.hs Idaho, 'Hio daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hnrvey O^ok, slje is spomiorcd by tlie Twin Falls Jayceeal In tliv state contest -she will compete In talent events wltli sewing, dancing iind modeling wiUi all of Uie clothing she will model being cniiomblos ahe has

fashioned Cook, Ifl. la a senior In

'INvin Falls High Sciiool. She compete<l Uils year as Ml.ts Wool, winning tlie stJite title and competed for national honors at Ijis Vegaa, Nev.

englnoor, nnd two Federal Aviation A dm inistration representatives. . ' ' >

Nance Early and Brad Sliaw, Salt Lake City, were InTwln Falls Tliursday to review local plans nnd financing in preparation for airport runway improvement and Uie eventual reaurfaclng of Uie old runway area.

dlstribuUng state highway user revenues bo frozen. - ..Uotlcr Uiis formula, 70 per

ccnt of Uio hlgliway user revo- nucH go to Uio state and 30 per ccnt to local government. Of Uio local government's sliaro, 85 per ccnt goes to Uio counties and 15 per cent to tho cities.

Somo of Uio larger clUes, stating ^>oy are in financial

W hy is this tire different ?

Aerospace education

course set at CSITWIN FALI5 - Tlio College

of SouUiern Idaho la offering a course In aerospace cducaUon which, according to class coordinator, Col. Robert Schrockenberg, Civil -Air Patrol, is not technical In nature.

Ho said Uie clans, which will bo conducted by people from Uie aviation field, who are well- versed in oerospace, comes under g?ncral cducaUon and will bo valuable to all public school tonchers. TIjo class will begin Fob. 4 and ruh for 10 Weeks, meeting a l 7 p.m. on llmrsdays. It Carries two hours credit.

llie main facets of aerospace, including commercial| aviation, general, aviation, 'm ilitary aviation and the Federal Aviation Agency, will be covered.

Guest instructors wlU include personnel from Hughes Air

-Wcat,-tiie. FAA and MountainIIome'Alr Fdrcc Base. /-----

If sufficient biterest is. shown Col. Schrockenberg said a field trip to Uio Mountain Homo base may bo held.

•nio class wUl be held in Room 118, Stilelds Academic Building. Anyone Interostod may obtain furUier InformaUon by calling Uio Collego of SouUiem Idaho, 733-B554.


1 0 0 %


R eg . $ 5 .9 82

9 9

Sq. Yd.


w i i ^ : siii!)inviMf;iiv,\(:\ii»\

in H A W A I I

, for 2 'PersonsV\UI'. ...................................................A D D U r .S S ............ ..

c iT V . . [ . . . . . ! . .............r

D r p u ^ i l l . i i h T I l i i< n , h i n i i a r \ .'{<M I« V t : ,

- - B A N N E R - F U R N I T U R E V ' ■

Tho diflorehco Is In these hlgh-porformance foaturos:■ Shock-cushioning nbllltlos.ii Full grip In all woathor.dFar (eWer punoturos. ■ Long tread IKo (at loasl twice that of rog-— - utar.blas-ply tires).. ■ Plus gasolinepcpnomy (up to'10%).

Radial " X caolhg

\ (lor coMtorl)

Guaranteed 40,000 milesM IC H I^ U N Xthe steel-cdrc belted radidi tire


^\oo\cord boll (lor atrongth . ... andsBloty)

Page 4: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !


Ainericaiv^ The Xientie Sidei- . l ^ a g i c V a V e y 'g H o m 'e N e w t p a p c r , "

- F f ld a v T j a n u a r y 3 ? , 1 9 7 f a I W ’# i i f » r g « n ;P u 6 i i ih « r ~ P H O N E 7 3 3 ~ 0 9 3 I "

O fdc la i C ity w W County K |aw «p ^ *r • _ Mcmb^r o fA u d ll D u rtauo f C irculation and U P lto Section M-1M Cod*. T fiu r«d .4y-lthM «by d t i lg n a lrd « t Ih * <>ay o l I t i t w *«k on M»hlch

ltO « l4M tic ti w il l t>apubllih»d. Pub llthvd d a lly and Sunday, •Kcapt' Saiurdayr'a t D t 'T t iird S lr«« f WMI^— ■ T»Hn P a ll» . td a h o .IJJO t.b y AAaole V a lla y N aw ipapM 'i, InC, E n ta ra d a i Mcond c la t l m a ll rna tla r A |if l l I , ,

U I I .« l l t ) * p o ( t D tfk a in Tw in P a ll» . Idaho, lU O I.u n d a r the *c t of M ardh H ’ 9.

Beyond Belief

' WASHINCiTQN --It Is mildly unfdrtlinalo lliot thoM jour­nalistic, advocatos of a far>out^

-approacli •• to - our - national-- problems found no spflco In

.their antl-mntcrlallstlc essays, for oommeTil- on a'^rMenUy completed—’project—of—the- Naiional Audubon Society.

Iliid Uioy done no, I suspcct Umt even the ii!lef{c<l adults who (Iciiiiint) A|)blo Iloffinan for Prdsldont' ' ’ would ■ havo (ll8C0Vfrc'<J UWit ■ AtnerlciuiH — iLHually picturod uh manufuc- turlnK himKovcrs or (loarrellny. witl) H)iopktH)|)orH — have u Kontlcr Hldu.

' Reference la to the; annU6l and forosts. counting and Urdpmsus.-and I confess at the ^classifying our bird, life to flrid outsk that the mere thoughtJ)f out Where various species of

engagin«-in^8uch-a..vcnturo-U-. blrds are spendlng-the-wlnlef.- enough to cause nw to o r ^ r Tlioy counted an estimated another flagon of horbuttered more tlian I t million featbored rum and turn up the thermostat A friends belonging to about SOO Happily, the - country is r-not—spoQlog.-^s—they—tcUlJgod. wholly populated with such UirougJt snow,.waded Hwamps, craven sit-by-tlie-fires. climbed mountiilns and

'Hie final figures are not yet scrambled through brusli.'In; oneoflhonlccstUiingsabout 'Hioy also, I am sure,

Uio Audubon Socicty is tliat Its i'ollcL*ted Uie greatest collection pace Is unhurried - it seems of ),oad colds west of the delightfully’ understaffgd. iH-iilbwJan stepjxJs. high*salarled flacks. But it is ’niijj Impressos me. I am also estlmHled.that more than 10,000 warmed by Uie knowledge thiit brave volunteers tr«mpe<l fields .j| vast mjijority of tlio bird


Most people never thought they would live long enough for such a thing to happen.

Here, all these years, we’ have been trying our utmost to get out- ofrstate people to hunt in Idaho. We have gone all out, we have ad­vertised, we have begged, we have pleaded.

Then they started to come in

-numbcts._NoW-all-thaUs go ingJo_ change because of these numbers. The Fish and Game Department has presented a proposal to the Legislature that would limit the number of out-Of-state big game hunters to probably 10,000 souls.

Basically, the proposal would also, limit non resident permits tp only 10 per cent of any controlled hunt, lim it the doer-only non resident permit to antlered deer only and bodst the fee from the present $50 to $75, limit the non resident gun license (which allows, hunting for rabbits and other non­game species) to an eight-monlli period ending Jan. 31.

There Is ^olng to be cnntrover.ivover the proposals. But that is not really the point.

Who, in all of Idaho, would have believed 20 years ago that such a day would everarrivc?.That such a proposal would ever be made!

Still O.K.It probably docs no permanent

damage^ to learn the expression O.K. is not as alKAmerican as many had supposed, but tlijj revelation is a bit of a disup- pointmcnt. I f there is one universal expression which is understood in almost'any language, it is O.K., and the thought Uiat this was s t ^ t ly an American invention did something for the ego.

A ■ British . philoloRist has correct^Xlmfnotionby staliiig the

term is derived directly from the West African Mandingo language, in which ‘ o ke” can be translated ns ‘‘all right." ,,

If this philological explanation is correct,\ it probably antedates American usage, which etymologisLs have traced ack to

' the 1R30 political campaign. In any event, nothing has been lost in the translation^ O.K. is still O.K. with

countfira were grownupef, not members'of our great Idealistic college sA. Thoso.wuntws wl»


doubtedly Included children. who had been subjected at tho diaper system of

JoWng (Hsclpllno which put gentle stress on valucs'outside- Ujo realm of tho television. .

Ihe armunent could bo made Qiut I Iac\ tho'credentials for tiwrallling. Not at all. It seems to me that a salute to tho Audubon Society from orio wHo adnltq its bird counters are boiler men c'omes close to the ultimate tribute. Applause from Uto individual who regularly subjects himself to 10-mlle hikes Is mcf-ely predictable

I like bir(U fine. Some of them Rteiil chcrrles, but tiiey look cute doing so. and I do not own sufflclont acreagp to l)o con-

-corned with their sanitary.. luU)lLs/'n»eir songs may not bo recognizable to a city folk, but I have yet to run acro.HS i\ bird singing a rock Job, and tliat Is good enougli for-mo. In ^iort,-l. »Umd four-square in favor of tho Inrk and all oUicrs of his kin on U)o wing.

Nevertheless, I can never be wlUj thoKC! bird counters exccpt in . spirit. The prospect of

spending minimum of seven hours In the field" and*coveHng “a drculaf area fS mAes, in

diameter In . the-dead,ot-wln-_ ter strikes terror, to ray

rheumatism.I have .B^cn some of those

Kasteni swainplands and frigid midwestern—prairies-^from- trHlni>«n(UiLcpla^8. Neither Is suitable, for a ‘'Hianan being unless he is under a house.

Hut tlio bird countera ob­viously are a hATdler breed, and far more' trustworthy than 1 might be. Each counter ts placM on his honor to report only the birds he actually secs and identifies, and no one's word has yet to be found perjuri/jus in tlio more tluin 50 years ’the project has survived. A bird wiitctier clearly Is a unique type' wlio would not tliink of spen(^g tlie afternoon in tho pool hall and then bllUtely announcing

.tluit he had counted H9 assorted robini, spa^rrows and godfrey- Utronted bobolinks.,

Ihc.w good people deserve -m,cdalB, I n t e r n a t io n a l recognition, and all the hot meals Uiey can get. And as my contribution, I proml.<u) that the next time I sec u bird — from Indoors, of course — I will count




lo o (s C 2 v ^


Dear Dr. 'nioateson: Will you pleiuie describe ringworm and, what causes it? Also how to breat It. I haVo a ring on my arm tlie size of a half dollar, and also a rlng<^mped mark on my foot which Is getting larger.

Someone told mo the ring mark on my foot could bo a first signal of diabetes. Pleaso help. - Mrs. D. n.

lUngwonn Is a skin infection caused by a fungus«— jtoveral varieties of fungi may be in­volved In different eases.

Ihe fungu.<> gets a start in one {^a ll spot, tlien spreads, so tlie (U.<icolflred and sometimes Itchy spot grows outward In a ring slinpe. It Is also even possible for anoUier Inside ring td stjirt after Uie area has once healed.

Ihere may be Just ono spot or iU5veral rings.

'Ihere is no homo remedy Uiat Is at all dependable, so, ratJier

_ th||n riinnlini_tlic_..rl»k „of



Calling Bob JohnsonBob Johnson Is tlie Times-NeWs

worker who went all out on a recent date to help a California woman find her father. Seems as tliough she hadn’t seen him for years and wanted to make contact.

Well, to make a long story short, it was this same Bob Johnson who took the bull by the horns and camV; up with the missing father. Everyone was well pleased — as you will remember from Mr. Spectator’s column on the event.

Now it seems that Bob Johnson is getting famous — as a finder of lost persons, that is. Ile liaa had several requests for tliis same llne^bf

, “work” but the most unique is the request he has just recelvcsd. We pirated the letter out of his grasp and Uiought it would keep you busy for a few minut6s. So here goes —

Bob Johnson’s latest would-bo — project in a letterfrom-pocatello;—

belar Mr. Johiifiort:

In my travels I just happened to read a newspaper clipping from

. your Twin Falls paper tliat in­terested mo very much. Now I realize you arc not in' tho missing persons business, but if you see fit to help me. It will really bo ap­preciated by me and all of my family.

Wc are looking for our brother.Ho has tho samo name, as you — Robert A. Johnson. We have reason to beliovp ho is ovor in your

. vicinity, ’1^ 0 last time wo saw him , I he was headed^or Twin PalU, with .

b bunch of fossiled people — I mean - a buncK of pcdple and some fossils.

........ He Is five foot, nine inches talland weighs around 155 pounds. He has some slight baldness, and , probablyjias a paunch on him by now. .

; / Don't bother to loot' Por’rJiim— ar|iund churches, but here t aro

' some hints as to.some of his hang ■Jouts. ■

C he ck b I I " the: r iv e r b an k s an d . ,.

— f is h in g s t r a a n u in y o u r a re a , a n d U

i!t-f ln d-h l n u lh a »a you J»rlll—

surely run Into him at some out-of- the-way beer hall.

If by chance you find this character please put him and his family in their car and send them to Pocatello. We are not sure just how long it has been sinco we have seen him, but you can be sure we will all be rejoiced to see the-guy and familj> Once again.

By the way, his sister Mcrt says if you do happen to find him be sure and tell him to watch Channel Two on Satprday night, as her son Craig will be playing ball.J ^ o u r help In this matter, if you should decide to take tlio assign­ment, will certainly be appreciated and If by chSnce we are rejoined with our lost broUier I am sure we will be able to dig up some sort of an awnrji for you.. To this letter, Mr. Spectator must ndd“ tH«t—it—wns~signcd—Helen- Wcllard, who j u4 happens to be. Bob Johnson’s sistlir. Ain’t fame sweet?

Ulo local level — wjilch In tlicory will attract more good men to city, county and stnlo offices.

WASHINGTON (NEA) — demands for services and a IMt Hovenuo sliaring, or tlio alilh President Nixon’s quarrel wlU) per cent increase in federal of dollars to state and local Urn way government is now revenues — but only of 1 per governments is aimed at giving organized can be summarized cent Increase In stale and local these governments more clout in five major points; revenues. Thus with every and at forcing more decisions at

*' Most programs on welfare. Increase in prosperity, s t a t e ...........................................Job training, elimination of and local governments run racial dJscrimlnation tend ta farther behind. * • benofit bureaucrats more tljan UiQ recipients.

Take_minority employments^ ^says one Wlilto House aide. ’Wliat wo did was hire an enormous number of mlnorlty- employment counselors, not iron workers, but guys who counsel on how to hb-o iron

workers.Or take welfare. Atone Indian

reservation tlie government is spending |8,000 per Indian family. The $8,000 goes to Uie bureaucracy, and tho bureapcracy does all right. But nothing happens to Uie'famllies.



t'That's beautiful, General. No one’s ever put It Uiat way before.”

“TlHs may sound as If It’s

coming from loft field, gen-

WASHINGTON - TJjero Is no problem at U»o Pentagon In organizing bombing and straring raids In Indodilna. Tlie real difficulty is what to call

a c t io n of tho 1 0^ bm' fU » .«V t wo mlRM

up wiUiout mnsldorlhd Uiolr tWIon-io'b^artmcnl lu.,i boon Unmo Conitros.q for Uio raid,side etfectfl set up to supply Uio secretary of Iho secretju-y could announce

dofcnueandhisspokc.vnenwlUi Uiat aU lie was doing was.various alternatives to describe following Uie letter of tlie lawUie air war In Indodilnn. whioli was passed by Congros.*!

..uuiii.K wiiui-vui u. uu » .u . Evory monilns promptly nl I) to mipiMrt nny notion by thonnvUiIno olaa and tlio riisulta o’clock, Uio comnilttoc wh|di is Prosldont tlmt would brln« ourtlnJo S n u L cnllcd DUIJ,(Buronutor l ith n l A.„orlc„n back homo."-moat.pIncca,l«caus<LUio,i>coplo_^l9L;mlf ,to dteuM whnt_Involved had ono idoo.Aa far os Uio d«y » ruld.i willlMrcalled. niiBpoBTCotoncl,

ahoyJincwaii6lunlidon.wiia.Ui____ ..........................................................................., .........., ,....... „pourconcroto lind not to atool. I( laiiiiiHIiliiinikSTIift; ' ^ O n ^ r th in ? < » p l< > - ln ^ r.................................................... “ Wo'vo'got 20 B-52a bombing- offlcthrtfl Jj iirilque suggestioiiy

Cambodia today. Wliat do* wo TUfclliou^t wo.might announce

As a Nixon adviser puts It: Tho Intorstato Highway

System begun as If It had noUiing whatovor to do wiUi

developing sUll more patche»;» you sliould havo your doctor trout It — fungus has always been a difficult thing to treat, bui In recent years more ef­fective medications havo been developed for quite a number of types.

' Since the ringwonn fungus can bo transmitted from person to person, bo careful about Uiat. Bt'cau.HO of Uio one on your foot, assuming that It roally Is ringworm, and it sounds like it, don’t go arouiid tho liouso barefoot. Wear slippers. And only your own. Don't let anyone eUc'Wear yours, either. Tlic fungus could spread to someone el.w.

Don't scratch the spots. Uiat cun spread Uie fungus. It also can open tho way for other types of InfecUon. If the spots Itch too m^ch, your doctor can give you m i^catlon to subdue the itch.

Ringworm on tho foot is an early sign of diabetes.

Dear Dr. Thosteson: I havo had a hiatal hernia repaired. Since Uien I havo mot several people whose doctors tell Uiem that surgery Is not Uio answer, nutnooneseenuitoknow why. I would liko an expltmation. — MrsT’L. A.

First of all, Uio majority o f . hialal hernia cases can bo controlled successfuUy wiUiout surgery — so why have a major

■operation unless you need It?Sec<Md,IUi'o operaUon has to

be dono -with great precision — Uio gap in Uie diaphragm Uirougli whldi Uio guUet passes to connect wlUi tho stomach has to bo made Just Uie right size, nciUiertoo smaUnor too large. Tliercfore this operaUon should be performed by a surgeon wIm bi Uiorougldy familiar wiUi Uio technique;

With the best of care, sometimes Uie operaUon d^cs not work out in as foolproof faiiilon ns beUi Uie paUent and surgeon w l^ .

My own view is Uiat non- surgical methods always sliould be b-led first, and surgery employed If Uiey faU. The cases I liave had operated were severe, did not respond to simple treatjncrit, but were well after tho operaUon. I explain Uiat In my booklet, "Hiatal Hernia and Eiftht Ways to

wanting TTSi5HaTTl?'TGiyono wai copy dan get It bi returrl for 25 cents hi cobi and a long, self- addres.<icd, s tam ps envelope.

Dear Dr. Hiosteson;. I am a man. 75, and weigh 1&8 and am trybig to lose w e i^ t. I have bad night sweats and sometimes have to change undershirts a couplo of Uiiies a niglit. What causes night sweats? — F. H. F.

Better have your doctor check you ovei'. Chronic (but perhaps not obvious) bifectlon Is a. frequent cause. But it wouldn’t bo a bad Idea, ainc9 you are dieUnji,- to check yoltf faaUng (morning).blood su^4r, to rule out low Uood sugar.

AlUMUgli diolesterol has been implicated bi heart attaclcs and oUier cb^ulatory troubles. It is nevertheless vital to human life. For Uiis reason, Or. Thosteson has entitled his booklet, "Control Your CSiolosterol Sensibly." F o ra copy write to him Ui care of this newspaper,i enclosing 25 cents In coin and a long, self-addressed,-stamp<^ envelope.

Dr. Hiosteson welcomes tdl reader maU but regrets, that, duo to'Uio tremendous volume received dally, ho is unable to answer Individual letters. Readers’ quoslions are in- corporatbd in his column whenever possible.


NATUIIALLY Dear Mr. Spectator:Was amused at a picture ap­

pearing In tho Times-News the other day. It listed ono local gent as "president” of a ccrtaln company. So wliat's new? Inasmuch as he is the only employe of tho company he just has to be president. What

olso?...Mr. Amused

^fllVEAWAY-DKiyr.!____Wo have eight pups to give away.

They will be medium sized when grown. They are now located one mile , east and ono mile south of Hanfien. The house on, the corner.Clyde Johnson's placer—;------—. A friendly - affectionate family dog to'be given away. Has black, ourly hair. His mothq^r is a Poodle and thefathpr is questionable. Call Eklen, 82S-S^2-and.ask tor Elmer .Hag«njann,. j--- -— c ;— ----- -

Uioy had dono tlmt, thoy had done Uiolr Job. Wo pourod blllloni Into ii\tcrstato htah- ways. Tlio rcHUlt was that, tho ovcrwholmlmi mnlorlty ol bluo- collar Jobs croatcd In tho last 15 yoara liuvo boon locatod on tho. fringes' of motropolltan aot-

Uemcnta whoroafl tho pooplo lookln|{ for work aro located In tho pontor.

' '-SdrttlAny pro^ama aro now -manaiiod In Waslllniiton, tho fodoral Kov^ornment haa moro than it ca ii' possibly ' do and tlierofore hiovlUibly bogs dqwii In Inefflcloncy, somotlmea In

cbooa. ' ,So muc]i cinphaala la placod

lrof“tho money Is now channeled to W6iihbigtqn. U^at II

saV woVo doing?". . Uiat Uio B*52s wore not bombing “ We’re IntelrdlcUng' eheniy’ In Cambodia but were Juit

supply routes from tho'NorUi?" making a dofenslvo or(biance"Wo said that yeeterday. Wliy ilrop on fixed enemy positions.".

don’t wo say U)o strike'Is a " I like Uio sound of'Uiat. U tXdefensive measure to speed up write it down before wo forgetUio Vletnamliatlon program?" It."

"Wo used tliht plirase throe "Has anyone tiiought aboutdays a«o to explain why our saying that- wo worehelicopters wore supporting neutralizing a freo-firo area?"Camliodlan troops." , . "Neutralizing is a good word.

“ Wliy don’t wo say we’re It has an innotJent ring to it."bombing North Vietnam to " I don't.Wont to top you, butenhance Uie; Nixon policy of what if wo said, we w^rospeeding up tho wilhdrawal 'of neutralizing Catnbodia toAmevlcan boys from Viet- protect Its neutrality?"nam ?" "Wow. Ttiat’s got evorytliing

^ l ia t 'Jnet bttdrBuMt-woukUin iU‘.‘I know you guys thbik I ’m a

raid was made to wipe out hardlbier, but Ith lnk We shouldbo stronger If wo announced tho

it It has becomedifficult iiD^ed to attract the Communist sanctuaries that stop beating around the bushhigh callbilrm^n needed in local were being Used to.UiUd up an and announce weVo bombing

. govemmeiit, where many more offensive. Which Is expected to , Uie hell out of Cambodlif to kill_o fU ie ^^cU lpM i^ bo. laundied after Uie rainy asmanyDlnkaaswecan.abthe

. G ^ ^ p l e are hi^.attracts ............... 'dlriy 'Red'SI0iB7s“Will become'local government because there ^'How would we sq}* It?" " true believers:" :is no tiout (or very litUe clout) "We amid say that our ab* ’ **You want Uie secretary ofexcept |n Washington. . operation tn Cambodia was defense to u y that?"

'As a rule of thumb} every 1 being conducted to limit thtf "Why hot? That’s what we'reper cent i i ^ w in Gross enemy p o t^ la l before they can d£>ing, aren't we?*'NaUenal Produei results In a 1 brina it to bear effecUvely "General, wash'out-your-

-pto4!« t l ncr»M . ln l lW.puhl lc’« m im t M gidly In tlio

^ l»Uy HU. Ix,

“ Tha' marry thing,abdiif'wIM animal tut coals.If, il, tnakes no-dlfference If they'n fmiia(Joft or ge/tuf/w-l^ ,___________ eon,till/ MMih <1

r-. 7 '

Page 5: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

offers '


INCREASE IN BUDGET OUTLAYS SINCE 1962 F r i d a y , J j u i u « r y n . ' f t r i T l i t i M . N . w i , T w i n F a l l i . IK a h o 1


Annual Rate1972 BUDGET

^ O U T C A Y S —

(Continue! froni p. ])

' ~ T h0—amount—<rf-^earm'h«8- .Bubjcct to U)e' S.2 per. ccnt |»yroUtox pold equally by Iho

■ worker ond his employer would rise from the first $7,800 In 'annual Income to $9,000. This means that someone eamlnfj $9,D00 or more wojild pay I4&S In Social Security taxes, br $62.40 more than this year.' Bmploycrs would, have to pay

' equally higher amounts. ,Figuring in the bigger de­

fense budget were groundwork, for an oll-voluntecr anny to supplant Uie draft, presumably

• In nwre ottroctive pay scalcs, n ^ f ty billion boost In naval sliipbullding arid ncxftly $1 billion-more for.research for Uie weapons arseiifill of Uie latu 1970s and early IMfls. NlxriH gave no specific figures7drthe Mst of tlw Indochina warr

Following up on his KtJite of lhc"Unlon icail for "returning power to ’ tlio people," the President outlined plans to turn U billion in now money over to stjito and local govcrnmentfl

-without nny strings ■ attiichwl, plus $9.6 billion in "special revenue sliarlng" to be restrict­ed only to local spending In six general categories, such «s education or urban develop­ment.

Of the $9;fl billion billion, _ representing uboul~ono-ti»ird-of ~ Uie budget's $38 billion in federoT aid to states - and localities, about $5.1 billion would come from programs inltiatwl by his Democratic predecessors in tlie piLit decado. Many of Uiesc, Includ­ing model cities, aid to Appalachia,higliway beautifica­tion, community action and school aid to low-lncome nre«s, would cease to exist 'as separate entitles.

In other areas, ‘ Nixon propose<l:

lle a lU iAn increnjic of $05 million in

aid to schools training-medical personnel arid a $30 million downpayment on nn additional, $100 million effort to find a







1 2 . 1 %

• 1

9 . 0 7 o

• 1 1

0 . O 7 o


7 . 9 %

4 . 2 %

, - - '(111







$229 .2

xon requests

t e er arm y :-WASHINGTON(UPli—Pres- mflney,-Wouid be-ipent-while^. ondraftreformevlythU.year.'

Idcnt Nixon asked Congress restating his dedication to the Much of the new moneytoday to take a step towdrd goal of a volunteer army at Nixon asked jresumably would rcducirig_^aft^alls jo zero by_Mme future date. be earmarked for sharp bi-provitilng J i . t billion Tor an ‘ lie plftna'to~Bend~Congrto -creases In pay and beneDl. for.-eventual all-volunteer Array: leglslaUon on the subject later, ^rst and second , year.enUflted

Nixon did not detail. In his lie - previously announced ho >nen and officers,budget message, , how Uie would submit & special message ' -

— NEW FOR 1971O ur now, pormanont homb olfico .building, 323 Shoshono St. N „

right across fronn tho-Mothodist cH'urch — como soo us.

Now facQ in our organization — DIcl< Piorco, from Buhl, is tho'

specialist in charge of our Lifo-Insuranco dopartnnont to give

you nnoro in professTortal sorvico — como moot him.

ROBERTSON-OBENCHAIN INSURANCE"Your Bridge to Security . . . Since 1904" — — r-

Defense costs”

would increaseWASHINGTON (UPI) — in fiiical year 1972 ---more

Proposing a-bfg boost for thc_ UiandouWc Uic average annuuLNavy and more research into exjJndlture on sliipbulldlngwc«|)0jw of tltc future, Pros- from 19fi4 to 19Ti9.Idcnt Nixon asked Congress 'rtic mllitiiry’s research pro-tmlny to Increase Uie dofen.‘ic grant would be accclerate<l,budget next year by $1.1 billion working out teclinology for thoto $77.5 billion.

Tlie increased budget request followed two years In which the President had sluirply cut buck (ksfense outhiys from a Vietnnm War high of$B1.2 billion in I9fi9.

In addition to proposing to spend $1.1 billion more on defense in the fisciil year beginning Jyly 1, U»e aclminls- tratlon asked Congremi for permission to tiike on an additional $fl.billion wortli of

wimpomi of tlie late '70s and' for Uie '(Uki.

n ie Pentiigon lias been worrying Unit the U.S. research effort was lagging. Last April Dr. John S. Foster Jr., No. 3 man in the Pentagon director of defense research and engineering, raised the fears publicly.

“ I must report to you todiiy Uiat Uie Soviet Union is now about to seize world technologi­cal leadership from Uie United

least $2 billion a year more Uian Uie Uniletl States on military, spiice . and atomic technology.

I rV I - u it programs take a long Uine to Uie Uussluns werd s;H5mlIng u P,mjl Mcdlcaid »"d P-" u,o,,o tun.W would notwlthoul BlvlniinriKuro, i. now ^^linlly bo pjilil out (or somo tionUli Insuranco proKrnnl for ' ‘iJl bwlncomo fnmlllM wlU> ^

“1'Trrr„.‘”,siK:5 “


Qiockod your driver's license and veliicio Insi^tiop sUcker lately, asks the Idaiio Dcpart<; mcnt of Law Enforcement? noUi luive explraUon dates arid a clieck now may save you a citaUon and a trip to court.'

A 32 per cent Increase, to $603 million, In aid funds to strengUicn local law enforce­ment; and. additional $17.2 million to combat organized crime and gambling; lilrlng 523 new FBI agents, strengUienlng U)o federal prison system and providlng ’$9 million worUi of extra Secret Service protection for presidential candidates in 1972.

Porelgu Aid Creation of a now govem-

ment-owried International Deve­lopment CorporaUpn (IDC), operating outside Uie State

- Deportm^t, to administer wiUi oxlsUng mulUnntlonal' bonks $2.2 billion In economic old. Military assistance totaling $1.9 billion would sliift to PenUigon budget. Total foreign aid under new format: $4.1 blUlon.

Civil RlghU I A $300 ifillllon installment on

Nbcon's $1.4 billion prog,ram.' -wat««d^(rtm*by-Oongrta9*la»t*

year, to help ‘southern ^ o o l

_difltricts_.wlUi_iloacgrcgQtlort_ probloma. Ho also proposed expanding from 21 to 102 clUes by tlio end of 1072 tito so-called "PhlUdelptila Plan’.’ which're- quires consb-uctlon ah^ other contractors to hire tho some perccntagd of mbiorUlea that exist In the local labor liuu-ket.

Tratuporiailoa > ■A 17.7 billion budget stressing

Improvements in mass transit Bystema, financing of a quasi- government agency to operate passenger trains and a $281 million installment for develop-

- ment of the Supersonic Trans­port plaq0 (8ST). '

Asricdinte ■IncresLses tniUlort for

food stamps Qv the.neetW a^d 'to dlstribute^ee

______ ies, but naIn spending for fH«e

or c u ^ it f sdtool lunches. Support [payment to wheat. ODttoa aiA) feed grain producifrf TOiid b ^cu t^^$6 8 0 millloo.

flt>( Interest on the national 'dibt toUUng lafl.V HHlAn cdnpared to the itotal

federal budget of $13.9 In IM l. Nlran estimated the govern-

- in$t-deU^woukluf flaCal-tt n -

.............. i i v ' * ' " " , "



WASIIEIlwiii,Mh.i-ii..ui" K h iI Itanil w a .li iiiK fo r r v r r " l i r it .

3 1'c. DANISH WALNUTOrf^BKi^r’ I V I i r r o r - 'K r d ...........:{|'(.C0NTEMI'0|{AllYT r ip le l)r« iif t« r-M ir ro r- IU M l..................

;i pc4 ’r b n c ii i ' r o v in c ia lT r ip le I ) r« S A « r ''M lr ro r ''U rd ....

COLOR TV’s Roposscsscd 2 3 " Consoles1 K n r ly A m < triron 1 D a n is h M o d e rn

V o u r C U c . ........................................»379”THESE AND MANY MORE SETS ALL


E X T R A C H E S T S *26»»





1 in H A W A I I f o b 2| “ DElH)Srr%T1lUCKERS DEFOBK JAN. SoffiT'I NAME V , . ....................I ADDHESS................ . i'.ft! -CITY . ....... PHONE'". . ■

Page 6: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

Telem sion Sched^r= r ld a y ,J a n .] l , I t n

7 p .m . on clii»nnol» 3 0 , 3 and U'1 Thl.— AAovIo; “ Tho. Hound#r*.

mowlo lo ll* t i n ...............................mlddU'Soodmo<.«lo lo l l i llio itd rv o< Iwo j| ln « f s n l,

h o r te w r(an g le r« ,


MAG/C VAitHY jontors, standinQ, Paify Su Scfwol, loft,'arid JoAnn Vinconi, and Suo Ann Johnson, ioal-

~^o~d'wUI~p~arlicipalo~tn~iho~Plano-MaziorClazs-Fob-6— '2i<,— i:^\^Prliyhr

io ho conducfad at CSI Fin&^Arts Contor hy Lowoll ~~ond'Ncfo7ril'FarrrcancorJ-pianist-and'vocalist:----------

ronda In IV A S 'f llm ; Spark ing lh« achon It an gnbrokon roan , which

* l>io boy* aUompI to Ira d s In lor corn ' liguor, a nda hard Io koop dcKldon Io

y lv« up carouftiny,B V w iIn o '. iiDO

3» — T ruth or C om w iuoncci 4 '— T ru ll) or Co(UD<ig«)Co»3 -- N nw i.'W o alho r, Sport* i ~ Ntiws, WnnMinr, sp o rti —713 -- NQi»)y..pnd. llm .H fo fw M r.—■ *:M-..... ................

- _ O B ._ _ A ju lv - C rH n J h --___________3 ~ Andv G r i/ l lf li I I — Andy G rIM IIh 35 — Hrady Hunch

, — Hra<ly Hunch 5 ~ nrady Hunch 75L — M lito rognrt 7» - f'o fU ldoo l-nm lly B — Partrlilo o T a m lly

T:M• JH ~ Mo v Ib : "T h # W ountlort"

3 - w Cv Io ; "T h fl Houndor*"I I — w o vlo ; "Th ft H o underi"35L ~ M ovio : “ P rin ce of P in y e rs "4 — M qvIo ; "P r in c o ot P la y e rs "5 - HAwali rive .O 75L - Pridn7 - Mon r-ro**Sh(loh fl - Tha i G ir l

7 :J03fiL -- Namo ol Ihu G am o ' • 75L C o m n itn l: L lv u ly A r l i 0 - Hoorn 333

35L — Natnu o( Ihu G a m e ,S — Naiiio oJ Iho G«m o ;S L -- W athtncjlon; W oiik In- F<nvl/»w Q — M-iko-Honm lor G r.indd .u ldy

B:307SL — N U T P l.iyhousn 7H — Namo o l tho Gnmt!D - S in ltli r . im l ly

•lOiJO 3D — AAonke«>■3 — Mwtkot* 'S M o nken -4 “ H ardy Ooyi lUOO — ;3SL*— Pink Panthor r';-5 — P ink P a n lh s r J a — P ink Panttm r3H — D a iU rd ly and M utfloy.3 - D astard ly end M uitloy . W — D a»lard ly and MutHoy4 — Am orlcAn Uandtlnnd 7[i — A m erican HandilaruJ

11 lU35U IntiUlrIno l^dltor i — (t^dulrlno r-dilor

3 — JoUont

Sunday, Ja n . S I , I9M '

from Capa K a n n td y 'i Pad 39 at about 1 : A p .m . \) !>'« Illght b»glnt B c c o rd in o 'io 'p Ja n r tn « " a it ro n 8u t i“ w ill le a u e lta r lh o rb lt-at 3 :S0 p .m . ilnd haad fo w ^ d the moon. R e g u la r program nllKoW ould be p re fh ip le d .

lOlM3SL - T h l i it Iho An»w w ,3H - O ra l Hobertt I , .4 — O ral R o b erlt

Special_ 7 0 — S k y lu w k i ----------

B — H ltl«iman

11 — Glen Cam c^ell ' ' liM '7SU — W ofid We L ive In


B — H .H . Pofn»tulAHefnoon

UiM3r>(. - - llluh School H atke lha ll 3(1 — Hugs llunnv and Koad Munnix- « — Lancelot L in k and Socrof Chim p 7H — Lancelot L in k and Socrnt Chin»p4 — Hluh School C liallenuo5 — Yoono A m erica n sB ~ MlQh School Haskntball

* 1 1 - Goidnn Y e a rs ,13:30

4 -- T lino Tuttnul1:00

3H — Porspoctlvo 3 — AnVorlcan Handstand5 — Holler Dnrby 7U - n im11 «7- Modern A lm anac

j 1:303 S L j— Collegu H nskotliall 3H — ColloQo Haskotbnll A - College H askelDnll 711 — Pro H ow lers' To iir Q — f^ro H owlers' Tour 11 — Pro H ow lers' Tour

' •' JiOO 3 — HuQS Hunny and RoAd tiunnD r’ S - CHS Goir ClAStlC

3:00-C nS-O olf-C laaslc-

I lo rToU a^ lOilO

35L - L e i '* T rave l S — L e f * T rav e l '3H — Wago»i T ra in3 — ThU I t Ihe L K e4 — Cam era 4 Kepo rlt ' *■.......... ,11 — P ace the Nation 17H - H ardy Hoy*n — Viewpoint

lliOO7H — Meet tho Pr‘« t t 0 — Meet tho P ress ,I I — Munt the P ress3 — Lam p Unlo M y Fuot4 — OIroctlons’ '3SL — O Irocllons5 — n in vcn ili Hour

ll :J O .3SU - NHC News Special3 — Look Up a/id L ive4 - Apollo I'ruv lo w Special 7H — Apollo P re v ie w Special n — Apollo P rev ie w Special 11 i - Apollo P rev ie w Special5 - H VU Hasketball lllgh llu h ts


2SL — M ovie ; To »n Announced ' 4 '■ M o vie : To Ho Announced

3H — Pro-H ockey ,3 — Pro Hockey

3 - H aw ajl P Ive 0 1 1 ~ G u n im o k e 5 — M ovie ; ■ "Or.,5trangelove'' 7SL - M asterp iece TheatreS — M ovie : "H o m b re " ,■ I ........................t i l l ' • •

3U — AAisiloo Impossible4 -V M ovie : "T h e Quick G un"

ViM3SL - News'. W eather, Sport*5 - News, W eather. Sport*

ilOiM-3 — New*/W *ath*#‘ r 8port*-5." Ncwa.,Wflnthef.i.SgQrls_

7 0 — N ew t,'W eathe r..sp o rt*n - New*. W eather. Sport* .......7 S L - - Fanrfare ’

■'I ipill^ 3 0 - ^ N B W i..W aa lh«-. Sports - _

lOiJO3SL - M o vie : "R io G rande".

lO iM_ 2 D - r r . .E d .S u l l l y a n _ ....................... -

. 3 '^ M o vie ; ‘ *6 addy Long Lag *" 70 - Spor't* F ilm ‘11 - M ovie : "'^hf^Orai* Dottle"

5 — Utah Oasketball Mlphlight* ‘

H aw k"ntoo

'4 — Newsi W eather. Sport* - MlM

S - Pace 10 F fc e • ■ Uill

• 8 — N ew s, W eather. S p tlm ,H im

4 — M ovie : "D addy Long L eg s" - ...................... - ...........H i m — — .• 5 ^ M ovie : "T h e Night W a lk e r"




A L A S K A.o B A JA l

Seniors will participate in Piano Master Class

- Apollo Proviow ' I I - Apollo P rc v ln w -

2SL - World n l H o rto i5 - w o rld of tlo r;.e i.2H - In t iT n j3 In te rns .............l1. — In terns

' 4 - Lovo A tiie rlcan St^lo II - Lovo A m eric .in -S ly lo

»:JQ6 -- Apollo Proviov/

■ lOoO3SL - N ow ii W nijlhor, Sporli 311 — N iiws. W e.ilhor, Sporti 3 — Nows. W ualher, Sports 5 -- N uw i, W eather, Sports

Nows. W oalh ijr, Sport}T W IN K A U .S - M j iK ic Tho. tliroc sonlors.' pnr- Pf’-f”™ '" !! "^‘1“': 'P'''y

■'■Valloy'liliili Bclioil s«nliirs w lir tlclpntllifw-f Sue Alltl'Jolms<)n;-(!lvpT.hort lndividiinlic!mn!i to , K.Sin.r: sSon^parllclBalo In tho Hiuio Master dnuKlitcr ot Mr.-and Mrs. Uicsc six porfonncra. Ulii.l will n - ntos', woaii.or, snorn

aaastoboconductodbyLowdI Wnyno John.wn, Twin Falls; bo InteraitlnK, notordy to Uicm, .L 'n ju "™ ! outand Naomi Farr, conccrt PattySuSchMl.daUKhtcrotDr. but will be ol nm it value to. ,o:npianist aiid vocalist. ' and Mrs. Maurlcc School, Uroso who arcaudltlna. ll.roc of <si-- comm»ii, Ai.n

•Hie master classca will bo Wonddl,'and Jo Ann Vlnccnt, Uic pcrtonncra will be tlio three , 5 - joi.nnv cnV onpresented at Uio CollcHO of clHU^iterof Mr. nnd Mrs. Roger school acniors. Tlie • jomtny c.irsonSouthern Idaho’s Fine Arts Vincent, Filer; ’ - remainlnu thrco Hro tcnchcra J,,'

Center Fob. 6 for nil tcnchcrfl, advanced fltudens imd In­terested patrons of music.

Ixwoll Fnrr will kIvc n pinno mn.itcr of two hour« duration. He will hoar ulx local

DEAR AQDY: My brother’s only son wiis-killed last

year. Ho was IB, and his parents ore still urieving for him.

Wo never mention tho boy’s nnnio unless they do becnuse wo

know how heartbroken they are. Now tiio problem:

A younger sister recently had a baby boy. And what does

iho do? Sho goes ahead and names tlie baby after our

brotber'si'deatl son? Sho and her huubawl thought they were

''honoring” ^lie dead boy by naming ifielr son after him. I

happen to think it was a very cruel and thoughtlofls thing to do because now every tirne my brother and his wife hear that

name they will Uiink of the boy they lost atul Uioir grief will

Iw renow^.I can understand naming o child for a dead fattier or

grandfatlusr to porpotuato the family name, but a coujiln?

Plense give mo’your opinion as I, loo, uni lionribroken.'-NEW ENGLAND

DBAK NKW: You could be mistaken. Perhaps your broiher and hli wile feel henored that a child has been

turned for (heir lo il ion. Judge the deed by (he lolentlon. 1

im sure your sister atid her husband wanted to give only

pleasure to (he grieving paren(s.

DEAR-ADDY: Tlio past year our daughter; who Is 20, has

been datlAg a vury nice young man who is four years older than she. . ' : . .

Last night sho told us sho would liko to go skiing with

him and another couple. This would moan taking a 300-mito .(rip with hlm^nd staying at a resort lodge for several nights.

Altlu) our daughter Is a very dopcodablo. Icvel-heiidod.

girl and wo havo never had to worry al>aut her, 1 am not wholeheartedly in favor of tills sort of thing.

What is your feeling about unmarried couples taking

trips togotlierf "Nice" girls didn't go off on ovornlglit trips with their bpy friends when I was a girl. Havo time^ dmnged

that much in 25 ycHrs? ' -UNDECIDED M OIIIKR

from Magic Valley.Naomi Farr will give a vocal

mantor clnjiii of two hour duration. She hay sent a repreaentative iliiit of her repertoire Uiat »he would like to teach from. Slie will divide lier class into two aectionn, one hour - for art songs and lleder, tliu other ' hour for operatic repertoire. Uic last 15 mlnulen of Uie second hour will be Hpent demoniitrating and dlHcu-Haing

’ newrF6pcrtoTruTiy7^ i»6t<ii‘rFari‘' will serve, afl accompanist for tlio vocal master clafLi.

The evening conccrt will begin at 7:.10 p.m. at Uie college ouditorlum, wltli a reception after Ujo concert in Uie dining room of tho now student union building.

M ovii.': "Cont^y la ln nd"11 - AAovlu: • ''M a r lq r ie M or ninuitiir"

10:405 - Susponio T h o .iln i

11:004 - N cw i, W c.ilho r, Spn rti

11:10 4 - D ick CAvell

11:40M ovie "T h e F f lc t i .o l M u rd tr"

__ )l:M. ..3SL — M o vif ''T h o C ilo rv llr lg .ido ''

? ll - Wido W orld of Sp o rli fl — Wirto W orld ot Spor1&

_ U ^ W jd D _ W o r l i l - o L : ;D o r .t 5 _ 5 - ' A ll Star WrnslMng

J:3035L — Let 's T ra v e l 311 — CHS Goir C la ss ic

• <jM ------30L — Doatli V fllle y D ijys3 — Jo rry Lo w ls5 — World Tom orrow

4:343SL — Somelhino CIso4 - Somellitno E ls e 3H - COS News3 - -_CHS News5 • CHS NowsMl — Colt Tourna inen l n - G oll Tournrtm enl

' i r O o K 'To u rnnm w it • S:DO

3SL - NHC Nows 3H - Uninmod WorlxJ 3 Woel G.imo 5 - News, W cnther, Sporti

$:303SL — Andy W lllinm s,4 — Andy W s

3H — CHS Nows SpocliTl 5 - CHS News Spoclol 3 - A ll in the F iim lly 7H - L .iw ronco Wolk fl -• L iiw rm ice Wolk I I •- LAwrencu Wulk

C venlnu 4:00

3 -. Odtl Couplei:]0

3SL “ .S irnnoc Report 3H - AAy TJiroc Sons3 -- M y Three Sons4 - Ponrl (In lloy5 - Groon A cres7H — NnC Nows SpDClal D Andy W illiam s 11 — To He Announced

7:0031) — Arn i«

; h — NHA llAskulDail D — NHA UASkolball

___ 1 1 ,- ..N 0 A iia sk (! li ja l] . _3:11

71) — A tnerlcan Sportsm an II — A m iir ic .in Sportmnn I I •(- A m erican Sportsm an

3H — C h ild ro t» \ .F IIm Fe s t iv a l3 — C h ild ren ’s F ilm Festivn l 5 — C hlld rfin ’s F llm Festivn l

1:003SL - F ilm4 - F ilm7H — G oll Tournam oni n - Coll Tournam ent 11 •- GoK Tournam ent

1:103H ,— A nim al World

■ 3 - A n im al World •- 5 - A n im al World

4:003SL — Lo t's T n ik ItaskslH nll4 - Lo t's T a lk Hasketl>all

- 3 H —'C D S Nows3 - CHS Nows5 - CHS News

4:303SlL ~ NHC Nows4 - N IIC News .

' 3H — Doalh V a llu y D ays 3 — To Ho Announced5 — Taletit SJwwCBSe

S:003SL — W ild Kingdom 5 — Wild Kingdom 0 - Wild Kingdom - --- 3H - Lassio3 - Lassio 11 — Lassio4 — M averick7H — Jun io r V a rs ity Q u ij

S:30SSL — World ot D isney5 — World ol D ljn e y 70 — W orld of DIsnoy G - World ol D isney 311— Mognn's Heroos

I n C O L O RAN A.B.m)»a raoOUOTIOM


___ L o ^ lr n lg h t - VANCOUVER SUN

N O W SH O W IN G146UakiAve.N. Dial 733-5S70


IM C E K D A V 5 -7 ;0 0 -0 ;1 &S A T U n O A V S - 1 2 :0 0 - 2 :15 -4 :30 -7 :0 0 0 : ID S U N D A V S - 2 :1 6 -4 :3 0 - 7 ;0 0 .0 ; 1&

A D H I K — 4 :2 .2 5 U N D CH 12 - -V6'



U a iu iM ------$3.00


C r'b sst)o w .“ S p e c ta c u la r sp o c la l- eltocts hloMlluht this hard H illing w ar .d ram a . In W orld W ar II H olland , three A lliod noents aro a ss ig n e d to • in l i i t r a t e an un deroround G erm an m iss ile plant.

5 — Arn ie7 :J0

3SL — Movie "O pera llo n Crossbow " 7H - Movie "O poratlon C rossliow " 0 — Movie "O pera llo n Crossbow " 5 -• Movie "O pora lion Crossbow ”

I I —

pianos 2(1 — M ary T y le r Moore3 — M ary T y lo r Moore 11 — M a ry T y lo r Moore4 — Nanny

t:M30 — M annI*

VJLyB,--4\TWIN FALLS. - Canton

4:303SL -- Hocklo and Je c k le Ml - Hocklo and Jcck lo I — Mecklo and Jeck lo

7:0071) - Woody Woodpocker

„ ■ . 8 — Woody WoodpockerColfax No. 13 and Ladlca q — woody woodpocker Auxiliary Patriarchs Militant will meet at 0 p.m. Monday at_ snbMnn

.tlio Bulil Ckld Fellows Temple. ’ 3 — sabrinaS — Sabrina

T iifilr m ission Is to rad io t to >mash Ihe In^tallntion.

M ornlna 4:00

3SL ^ Tom lnoiory 711 — Tom loo lery

■8 •- Tom toolery 3 — Mm'nin5 — tluQs Uunny and Road nunnw u — ManniK

4 — P artrldo e F a m ily5 — Partridoo F a m ily

. • :304 — Tha i G irl5 — Tha i G ir l

9:003D — Gun»m ok*_

TWIN FALLS - Star Social4 — Lancolo l L in k and Sccre l ChImp

7llOClub will meet at 2 p.m. Monday - nugaioos„iU, - ■ ------

Ave.D — O r. DolilllL*

JEROME - Tlio chill supperflcheduled for Saturday by Uio sn - jqsio

Jerome Job's Daughters BoUiel ^No. 14 has been postponed until 4 _ jorry Lewisfuxtlier notice, according to 7h - Troohouso ciub

Mrs. Sonnlch SonnlchSen, ~ ii.ipnv c'oZitJuurdian. . ZH - .Glnbolroltiir*.

3 — G lobutro lle rs ' >> 1 S — G lobutro llers

TWIN FALLS — Magic 4 Ooubledockors Valley Saintpaulla Club , will n - Ooubiixiockors

moot nt'2 pjD , Monilny p7nThome of Mrs. Alice Prepcott, »:ooUniitft.No .1 ' 7» — H.R, PutnstuliUJUWINO. .1. ^ .11 - H.^; Putnslul ^

3SL - Archirt ,TWIN FALLS - Tlie Magic Ju - Artilje '

Valley Snowmobile Qub will ? ” iiioot-Mondayut-8f 30 p;mr«t Uio- Idaho Power Auditorium.

TI10 club urges all area Vuiow jfy crump

n — Hot Wheels

3 — M ission ; Im oossiblfi4 — Odd Couple5 — Carol Hurnott11 — M edical Contor '

? :304 — Th is is Vour L llo •

10:043SL — Nows. W onthor, Sporla 3H - Nows, W oalher, Sports3 — Nows, W oAlhor. Sporls4 — Nows, W oAthor, Sports5 — Nows, W eather, Sports 7U — News, W ealhor, Sporls I I — News, W eather, Sports fl — 'Stranoo Poport

10:1S3H — Jack lo GloASOn

10:303SL — Movie “ Quo V a d ls "3 -- M ovie : To Do Announced4 - - M ovie ; "T h o T a ll Mon*'5 - Jack io C loason70 — Love, A m oricBn Style n - Name of llio Game

11:000 - NOC Nows

n : l i3H — Movie "H ro ken A rro w " , n - M fjvie "40 Pounds ol T ro ub le"

11:305 - Movie "Lo vo Nost"



.^ .n u i—- PH I *- F i l l •- Gd Sullivan. — Science 1970

«:30 . - m il Cosby- H ill Cosby- H ill Cosby

- Qill Cosby7:60

- Honnnra- Honanza- Honania. — M ovie ; "H o m bro "- M oviq ; "H o m b ro "

- M o v i* l ’ ''H om br»"- M o vie ; "H o m ltro "” '- G ion'Cam 'pbell, — W illiam F . H uckley J r .

7:SS. — Com m unltv A lo rl

1:00. AAo v Ib ; " D r . Sirnngelovo- Rd Su llivan- M ission Im possible. — K J k la . F ra n and O llie

HELD OVER 2nd Hit Week!KIm baily RmsJ !■ Ea it la n ti Drive

_______ PHgNew-iimi______

(Positvely Ends Tuesday)- TorUUi op«M 6 :00—C em p U le show 6t30*8 i4S

A r lt lM a ls a l 7> 1 3 .9 :3 0

-------S«»ur<l«v-“ Sundoy------D »«ri open I3 i0 0 no«n

4 <:6m|>Ul« th e w ; l9 .1S-ailS-4i30-Ai4S-9:00

A d u lt s $ I .S O li l 6 :0 0 Then ‘3 .0 0

Fun...Music...Adventure...Purr-fect in every way for evenfonel G ET WITH THE CATS WHO KNOW^WHERE IT’S AT!

DEAIl MOTllRll: Yfa, thtieu hiive chonged that much.“ T w c M t^ r iv c V e u ri. »g o . g l r U o f z r w e r i - tii'ycJ* m o re ;:/r iH fle h ln o -< »w n e i‘ s - U H it t o n d r -

in d f a r le iia m a tu re ( b i n th e g l r U o l 20 a r e tm la y . I f y tw h » v e s e v e r h id to “ w o r r y ,” w h y i t a r t n o w ? L e t h e r go .

~ « it|se c t (h » b e s t , a iH l Hite w o n ’t iU s a p p o ln t y o u .. " W i n n e r s n d m e d

TWIN I'’ALI,.S - ‘ MnKlc

. -tOEAn AnuY: Now tho women nro scrouinliiK for "oquallly” nrwl iHJttcr trcnLnieHt-^Vmt,Hi«y don’t deserve to bo

. treated as. well UK’-wc'vc-bo<in*troutIjiHTUu»u-for-tJu)-iMUJt-50~ yoara. ^

Uecontly a woman camplainotl to you that' her dato rofuaod to tip tho strolllini muHiciaiis after ho bad alroady '

told them thoy didn't liflvo to ploy anythlnR npoclal for inM . * , .u . .u « . -m. .HU dato said.ho wa» choap. Well, If alio wantwl BomothinK ! th ird ‘ Hnd*’Mr8^ Ilnirw ld apoclal played for HER. why didn’t SHE Up. them? ' ‘M rs .^ o d H Ward, fourUi.

Women work, and they carry pur8c«, hut there in never .Eaa l'm id west \vlmJors".ln- anythlng In them except a llp.stlck. Why doea a woman Uilnk . ciudo Mra. H.J. Skoem and Mrs.

■ that Just becauM a njan takes her out ho filiould l>o tlio caHh . W. i DrlBColl, flrat; Mra. M.»ter-for ovcrythlntf her heart deslreti?. Cltfareta. gum.____ Weaver and' Mrs. ,A.V.

ly. Even money for tho toleplio(io>and powder room. W llilaim, s ^ n d ; Mrs. .K.R.

I was with a lady r ^ n t ly and she asked me to buy her a

Vnlley Duplicate BrUjiie club met Wedncjulay afternoon atr>inllcato Hall.____ ___________

North and twutli winners wore Mra. Roy Hill and Gua Averett. rirat; Mrs. Jolm Hahn and Mra. V.L. Kolly, Hocond; Mrs. H.C. Hall and Mrs. Etliol Nelson,

_Cr.umD—4 -^ S k y h a w k s B — S ky lw w ks

lOlOOVII — NHC C lt i ld rw 's Thoairo

— 'N U C-CiillU ran-'s-T lioatro - 11 NHC Ch lid rpn ’6 Thea lre 2SL — ScoobyjOoo 3H — Scooby Doo3 — Scuoby Doo S — Scooby Doo4 — Motor Mouse

package of clgarels. I said, "No. It'a against my principles. I

don’t want it on my conscience Uint I helped you to kl)t

yourself,” She called me a clioapskate. \V)iat'a wrong with

women anywayt^- • —T O U N E D 'O ^

.. /^-DEAB,-TORNEDi Whateivei-. U "'womg with-wome^s*^

Me<b1,c«ocen yM . 1 h»v« ■ buBclt tkat you’re not golo] to

■e« tn H c li ^ t k e m . ' " ' - ! - ' •

Whal's yo«r probleuT Y«m‘U f«el better U you gti U ofT

chefii Wriie io ABBY^ «»7M, Lm A»gel«s. Cat.

l>M i. W » >1 reply MWrtoae utamM .

Watson and Mrs. D.E. Stfindlee, third, and Mrs. M. V. Cook and Mrs, H.E. Burgosfl, fourth.

Page 7: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

Richfield '............. .. •■w , - - I January 29, 1971 'nAei.New*. Twin Idaho 7

fat Boone TO muhonor roll announced

------- lUCHFIELD - Stmester andsU vre«k honor rolU were an­nounced Wednesday by Rich­field Supt. NeU An&eason.

HIghesf" honors for the semester went to Mark D i i ^ , senior, Brenda Hiatt, sophomore, with all A.'s, and CSiarlotiq Davis, Junior,'.with 3.B

, grade Bvaregae.— — Honors'went to~<3iris“Klngr

Cathy Robinson, seniors; Carol Sanders, Junior; DeAnn

Dixoh, Steve Bowers, sophomores; Qieryl Hiatt and David Jones, freshman students.

Students on the honorable mention list are Peggy Ralls, senior; Ann Welhausen, Junior;Nick Hubsmlth, Mickey Holland, Rick Brown, Kelly Prltknoro, sophomores; Craig

J_K ing and Lori Prldmore, fresh­men.

Mark Dixon'and Miss Hiatt .received four point grade averages for the senior and sophonwre c lasps ,; Charlotte Davis, Junior, and David Jones, - fresl^an, also altalnod the highest honors for the six week grading period Just ended.“ Peggy RallsrCJiris'Kingrana----Calhy»RoUnson were seniors o n ..

.Ujo honor roll;- Carol Lyn Sanders, a Junior; Steve Bowers and DcAnn Dixon, sophomores. •

— Itonorflblc-mcntlon_went_to__^ ________________________1--------------- - -.

I Z 3 costume aw ardslunlors; Rick Brown, Bhenda Johnson, ' Kelly Prldmore!-,Mickey. !IoUand, Nick Hub-

Red I winners

, COSTUME AWARDS for being Iho best dressed ■Jhippie were won by, from left, Mrs. Ransom Brown,

A^rj. Fred Bomes one/ Mrs. Mjdgo Claar duringfhe Bela Sigma Phi chapter's, annual social af tho _____ .Burley VFW Hall. The ^o u r ’Bofa .S igmo Phi Chapters arc contpletely equlpp^ and

»n . C oJj/o a n d .M/nfdofco coun^/os wore represented drivers and attendants properly^

of Iho social. ' ___________________

^ r o p t im ls t Club viewed a demonstration of equipment owned and operated by tho Cardiopulmonary Ambdance Service.

Roger ” Porter, owner- manager of Uie ambulance service, told tho Soroptlmlst Qub members that only Hve per cent of ambulances in the notion

fund-driv^ set Tuesday r

BUHL — The Lucerne c o ^ ip ilty wiU.hold its annual . .

. bmd^frivesupperfromStoS:^ p jn . Tuesday,. Feb. 2, at the Uceme Grange HMI.

Chill, salad and dessert will . be served by the women of the Lucerne Grange and the Iiicenie Social Qub.

As has been the custom, in previous years, no charge Is made for the supper. Guests are asked to contribute a donation to the community fund, with _ proceeds divided equally among the heart, cancer. Red Croaa and Muscular Dystrophy.

Cards and games wUl be featured for tlMse wanting to stay after the, dinner.

Committee meml^ers In............. .......-................ . . ...................................... .. .. charge of arrangements includepresented Miss Searle a gift Were reminded of the Red Cross .Mrs. Randall Stewart, chair-

set Feb. 14 inTWIN FALLS - The Pal to OUTSppearanc'e u an Op-. awMlhiartJ Pat and Shtley

Boone PanJlySMW will prejent porunlly to provide a top- Boone ring together. Hie Boonea miMlcal epertacular, “Just flfuWity evening hf en- Glrla, a special fejture, haveFor You," at the College of lertalnment that »U1 be enioyed appeared with the OsmondSoiithem Idaho Gymnasium at g by the entire (ilmlly. Brothers and r e iv e d highp jn . Feb. 14. . He will be singing cuirent hits, acclaim alter their ap-

Hie shoir features Pat Boone, as well as favorites like'*Aprli pearances with the Boonehis wife, Shirley, and their four Love," "LoVe Letters In 'Hie Family Far East Tour. Hiedal/ghters.— CMi'ry— Lindy,' Sand." "Friendly Persuasion."

.Deblv 'W d .Laury. Also ap- Sacred and inspirational songspOarfng as Boone's special are lnclu(|ed in the presen-giwsts lie TTie Love Volume tatlon.8, award-wlnnlng vocal group. Music and romance will ___

Boone sold ho looiis forward themo the eveninij^as teen-age throughout the country.

Ambulance service operations viewed by SoroptjmistsBURLEY — Tho Burley faU. Mrs'. George Cannody, Jorios, president. Members

^l>>U . ■ ... • . . • laa . . l________I.. .1 _ t < i i . . >-> im . ..

girb are Laury, IS, Debby, U, Undy^ 15, and Cherry, 10.’

The Loye Volume 8 group a f ^ ^ d with Pat Boone in Ijis Vegas and are In concert

Bloodmoblle visit to Burley. »jan, assisted by'Mrs. Albert from 2to 6p.m. Feb. 1 at Burley— Stewart, Mrs. Jim Ipearson,Elks I ^ e Hall. Hie Sorop- Mrs. John Thomas, Mrs. Jacktim ist Club members will Brower, Mrs. Jtobert Chandler,

___ ^___ furnish the Juice and donuts Mrs. Jack Hopwood and Mrs. *iThe business meeting was and do the serving during the L yU J^nns .

conducted bv Mrs. W. Gay blood drawing.

from the club.A thank-you note was read

from Mrs. T;R. Nielsen, a club member who was recently in pie hospital.

"Fabulous Fabrics" theme 'The two ambulances uscd by Buriev womensrated. at- Burley. by -tho — -------- i -------- — •------------ ---


operatedCardlop ary Ambulance

smltli,sophomores; Oralg King, lj)r l Prldmore,.,ttml. ..pheryl Hiatt, frealunen. - '*

given at social scheduledTWIN FALLS - The

BURLEY — Members of the largo poslerH and popular vocational school of the College

Service has the latest or newest equipment on the market and all the. drivers and attendwts are trabed to operate the equlpnient," stated Porter.

Part of tho equipment b each ambulance which is used most

contest will be held April 17, hosted by Minico Toastmlstress Club, and tho Snake River

Pjnewoodchampionsannounced”TWIN F A U ^ ~ Scott Andrus

of Twin Falls was named grand

Activities calendars distributed

TWIN FAIXS - A calendar of activities for the Bjiring term, opd Mrs. Jack Yasaltls. was given to each girl when Members of the newly mcmben^ of Bethel No. 56, organized Beta Rho Chapter International Order of Job's were guests.

four Beta.SIgma Phi.Chapt^s -"toen-ogc” hiusic wtd pluycd.of Southeni..Idaho wiU.o(fer .a_-

Daugiiters, met Wednesday evening at the Masonic Temple for a regular meeting.

Carolyn Wylie Is guardian of ■ tlio bethel and Paul Moseley was installed associate guar­dian.

IJn d B -S m lth ,- l if tM }r f t f l -presided at.tlie meeting, with introductions given to special guests; Erma Scott,^vice grand guardian of tlte b^tematlonal' Order of Job’s Daughters'^d Roberta Sliowalter, worthy grand matron, Grand Chapter of Idaho of the Order of Eastern


Mid-winter conference set March 7

In Cassia and Minidoka cotmties throughout the nlglit. course in oxy-acetylene weldingheld their annual social a l VFW The costume awards were sculpture, beginning SaturdayHall, Burloy, It waa announced presented to Mrs. Uansom momingi Jan. 30, 1971. today. Brown. Mrs. Midge Oaar and Primarily designed for

'The social was under th^ ’ Mrs. tVed Baines. Prizes Iji-'women interested b this type ofdirection of Burley-Rupert Beta eluded a b u- of soup, a bottle of sculpture as a hobby, the courseSigma Phi a ty Council, with roll-on deodorant and a bottle of offers basicjnstructlon in setmp

mouUi waalj. and operation of oxy-pcetyleneGames were played welding 'equipment and foun*

tliroughout Uie evening. dation elei^ents of fusionA buffet lunch was servedTmd weltling and tirazing;''’

tin cans, decorated In various' aa.qses will be held In the

designs, were used for drinking glasses and tin cans were used for aali trava. i

Mrs. Lloyd Ramsey, cliainnan, assisted by Mrs. Robert Hilliard

Hie Uieme was "Hippies" ahd Uie hall tvns decorated will)

I K ' U ' N

a b o u t(.he

p e o p l e

y o uk n o w

V alleyLiving

Welding laboratory of the vocational school, conunencbg at 0 a.m. and continuing until noon, for a total of 18 hours on consecutive Saturdays. Cost has been established at $15, plus a $5 registration fee, for a total of $20. Students interested in taking the course for allege

Mark-Seven, a stabilizer breathing machine. This machbe was developed by tlie Air Force to stablllzo air breathing pressures of ser­vicemen wounded in Vietnam which were being flown back to

orthopedic stretcher which Is taken apart at each end and slid under tho person. This typo of stretcher can be extendi to reach seven feet b length, or shortened to handle a short person or child. A person could be lowered out of a l&«tory building strapped to this type of stretcher," Porter said.

A heart'lung rdsuscltatlon

BURLEY The Burley Toastmlstress Qiib members used tho theme "Fabulous

Fabrics" during their meeting Regional speech contest will bo c liunSoVM w S a ^ l i r a t S I ^ b conference room of -Unity held in June at ftoliday Inn, rvm i at ihAUght and Power Co. it was Twb Falla. * Den l at the

Council Seven will be hostbg the regional conference and a committee meetbg had bem set for 6 p.m j;a b /8 at the Colonial HouseV^WrsT John Burkhart,

credit may do so by paying an additional |5 fee, for a total cost

, of $25.Laboratory. equipment Is

furnished, but pai^cipants are required to have their own personal equipment, which consists of goggles, gloves, torch lighter and pliers.

announced today.Ihe blue pencil was presented

to Mrs. T. Wayne Woodland, for her speech, "Polyesters."Other speakers anU topics wereMrs. J.L. Driskell, "Fabulous Twb Falls, is general clialrman Fabrics and Their Results," for the Snake Giver 'Regional and Mrs. John Jones, Interior Toastmlstress Conference. Decorating." The Burley aub 's ^>eech

Mrs. Harlow Cheney served contest will be held March 23 tlio states for treatment. ' as toastmlstress and Mrs. Jack during a dinner meeting,

"Other equipment Is tho Box was the timer. Evaluators reported Mrs. Sharpless.were Mrs. WUma Parrish, Mrs. Committee for the speech Freida Manning and Mrs. contest will be announced. Wallace Siiarpless. General evaluation was given

Table Topics were directed by by Mrsi LoPage Uyton and Mrs. Blabe Jensen and Mrs. Mrs. Spencer Black. Refresh- Sharpless was the table topic ments were served, winner.

The lexicology lesson was given by Mrs. WfiHer Povlsen and the opening exercises were directed by Mrs. Sharpless.

"l8“ a lso 'b ‘ each 'am = THe~burine«i“ meettng“ waB' bulance and Is capable of conducted by Mrs. Manning, m alntabbg tlie life cycle In Mrs. Jensen gave abreathbg and heart-beat, and report on the Toastmlstress

Council Seven V luncheon and meeting held b Twb Falls, hosted by tho Magic Toast­mlstress C lub...It. was ;^n '’ : nounced the council speech

Pbcwood Derby sponsored by Pack 76, Cub Scouts, at Harrison School.

Ihe pack Is'sponsored by the Harrison School PTA.

First-place trophies for the show went to An<rus, Den 1; Mike Gardner, Den 2; Dave Denton, Den 3; Mitchell Nukaya, Den 4; Jeff Walden, Den S; Larry Truehlood, Den 6. and Paul Patterson, Webek».

First-place trophies for b the s\x Dens'and the Webelos, respectively, went to Tom Klcly, Todd Murray, Donnie Heuer, Fred MaroU, Jimmy Crum bllis , Larry TVueblood and Chris Mayerfaoetfer,

was demonstrated by Allan Shilth and Dick. Wade, two attendants employed by Farter.

Some of the other equipment are air blow-up splbts, back

C A R P E T S- j-

Young artists festival

office before Saturday by callbg b person'or telephoning 733-0554, sbce registration will be limited to 10 bdivlduals.

Materials will be fumlBhed by the school, but sculptured projects w ill become the property of tho bdlvidual who

OAKLEY-The Oakley LDS SUkehouse, under Uie direction and constructs them.First Ward Young Artists of Uie MIA music department,

ferenceiaset for March 7 b • FesUval was hold' Wednesday Solos were presented byIdaho Falls it Was announced evening at tho Cassia Ray^nond Severe, Sharon Wilier U j r i l ' l C F m i l

and Jason Fowles, and piano . M U U o I I U U

solos by Desiree loindgren, . . .Doris Nelson, Sandra Robinson j p j I q | g

i„ieTsredpro:."'shouidcontact the vocaUonal school “ >"<' axmy-eUttr

TWIN FAUeS - Ihe Women of tlio.Moose Mid-Winter con-

durbg tho regular meeting Tuesday evening at tlio Moose Home'. ■ .

Ruby Murphy, regent, was b diarge of tho busbess session, witli Mrs. Paul McCollum as pro letn Junior graduate regent,

Mrs. Georgo Long, Junior — ».iianuao ui ____ _______ _____ —- »< <»ji<.«afvu

regent,and Mr&iJflrfillJifedfillfi»_*Ue..Mo«n'jni,,_view-^ ___NeU-Paskclt and NommJIalo. -announced today.m il.lA *•«»< .1 ___ ___

All-day meet held

and Jill Robinson.- Kent fievore presented an tvVIN FALLS - Officers for . - . ,, ... , , r.organ fsolo and Kent and u,c iiaus Frau Qub were b- ^ “ h«>^ bduding

Raymond Severe, vocal duct, stalled during a banquet at

small items.A question and answer period

followed and it was b rou^t out that each ambulance and equipment Is valued at about |W,000. Six men are employed to operate the ambulance service 244iours a day, seven days a week.

The Arm is an Idaho cor- -poraUon and they have radio eiclUng how much ImaglnaUve communications with poiico fun and proBt csir bo s q u e .^

departments. - -

Pegge Searle, *'Girl of the Month" and her mother, Mrs.Orval Searle, were guests. Miss &arle gave a brief summary of

Cakedecorating class setTWIN FALLS - It Is really

out of a pastry tubel the OoUege of Southern Idaho will be starting a class to teach the ' beautiful art of cake decoraUng on Feb. 9 at 715 9)oahone St.

Ihe course will be taught by on, Kimberly,Mrs. John Nelson,

assistant guide.Members'of the child care

committee conducted an auction, under tho direction of Mrs. Katie Blxler. Ttie same committee members served refreslunents.

iiaymona i>ovcrc, vocui uuei, stalled during a banquet ai t . i« ^n i oiwi nwifAtwlnniilWENDEIJ. -M em bers of with rtutoaccompimiment by smltty'8 Pancake Itouse, It was 2 j b , F u t w e T ^ ^ B

- ---- ----------- .r„ie. ............. ......... - ^ \ 'g ^ - s h T ^ r 4 S - a ^ c o ; f n i n r ^ r ^ ^ ^

ham Young University this


tended on oll-day dinner Also featured were a young officers Include Marla mooting ot tho Wendell lOOF people’s double mixed quartet, Dehlln, president; Darlene Hall, witli Mrs. David Powell adult mixed quartet, brass Kirsch, vice president; Judy . . .

sextet and brass quartet.. Ac- Rcgch, secretary and Charlotte* M e G T i n O S © ! comp^lsts were ICcnt Severe, Jorgensen, treasurer. ^LaRue Burch, I.orrab Fowles Luclllo Routh was Installing. SPRINGDALE — Mrs. Ray

and Norma Halo. officer during the candlelight Zollinger wiU host the Feb. 16 . cakes. Interested persons

ceremony. meeting for the Happy should pre-register by calling

----- F-all& - lG C jd— --------. .. H o n i g n a j ^ ^ ^ | ^ l _ ^ _ _____________________ tho^L m :6 5 & 4 extension 294.

and Mrs. Joe Watts serving as hostesses!

Mary Wbters, Boise, • and Mrs. Cora Frith, Wendell, were welcomed as guests,

Mrs., Arthur Koch received the ^stesfl gUtT"

V ;ir ^ r t i iw rs ^ a r ;" ih e " ‘H t J ^ ^ S ? l J S C ° d i C t l « m u or. U.o lending cau«.of

-Dniester recipients of the 1970—71 American Nuclear f

licholarshlps at Idaho owiw m u Defuminit u> me u m i e a _____ '

University, _ Pete Henault, s u le s :n a ii._M ra .- Jo h n ^E c rry - S I^ ^ °

simple scrolls and borders to bUrlcate flowers.

Lessons Will. Include In­struction-in preparing sugar molds, latUce and strbg work, novelty cakes and wedding




POCATELU) - Two MagicAdd a

Mre7 Pearl Ch>fts has been

"wlU. it" accent to I j H l " “

Unljerslty^ _ ...........publicity chairman of the EaAem Idaho section of the ANS reports.

They are Paul Shrimp, Filer,

D U IV u>v <V<IUI,IH vu iu v i Xit n u u U W IU I I I Ht-W IU Wntal.dfiflUifl^runklng so- your lipme with a squard-off 5?*only to rtiSlor vehicle parsoriS table bought at anles.'In the home. fallJi are unfinished furniture store. Ena-

read an article on the new , Eisilbhower dollar.'

T h^n«xtm ^ing Is scheduled Feb. 9 at the Wendell lOQF HaU.

iiu,itiu4utv uiiiiiiuuwu luniimreswre. luia-

’ secret p ^ .

-a Aw»thmajor-wllh* grade point— and-wiU-beTrxllnn«r*meijtbg;^ average of 3.78 and DfU. ':Mrs. M,A. McCloud, Mrs. C^iARupert, a physics major With

. g|-ade point average of S.54.Webb and Mrs. Mary Wilcox will serve as hostesses. .


lATIiXWAllPAINT . . . . . 2 ”I^T T E H ^N ’S I ^ N ^ O m

for2 Persons,. in i l N o t:a l«T T h un Ja iiim xy^K M h A h —

P E T E R S O N ’ S L Y N W O O r T l IA H D ^ A n E

I V D D K K S S . . .

! V V ; V ; V r l ‘ l I (> \ K ^

TH RO tJ& H F E B R tJK \"

ANV. CARMENft $ g o o


m Ie x t t o '

-T H E—

POST • K -

. IN


T fou lh S m d



Registered Nurses, full time, including

Clinic o ffice assisfanfs.

• . ■ . *

Licensed Practical Nurses, evening,arid,.■■ '1

night dufy. ,

M ale LPN o r form er M tidicqI Corpsmen.

Nuries new to Magic Vqllay, ornon-activ# n u r ,« , , —— I— ‘ sp^iraity,wgTT'vii»aiktwtttngairihrbffl»,or»onW»»:y" “

. ■ ■ _ avollabls.

Inquire Director q f Nujrslttg Servira, 208-733-3700 d

Page 8: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

a Tlm«:N«wi, Twin Fullt. Iitoho Friday, J«nukry » , 197|

' ? i ^ A r € ^ ^ ‘P i 4 i i a u c ^YeSicrday’s 3.p.m. Prices . ' .

War«houaea------ Wheat -Barlev OaU-Mlxe^ Corn........-Pintos Great CnUf,..5iftiaU........ /,n_v Ma,»V, D<Mb. M.M.BUHI.

Bean Growers Kflnjfen,lnc. -aifildfl , ‘

' TrinidadBUHIJCV

Benn Growcrn •

.. FWdcra Grain Union Seed


PAIHFIEU) ‘ • Camas Pralrio Grain .

. , KDEN Mor^nn-IJnilsay

FILKU liean Growers O icslern; Brown O.J.OJlldjSeed Idaho Bcati Alli»onFe(M)MUI

' " r.(MmiNG Bcakonllcan

, H^'/r.t.TON- IktanGroweni CoiildaWrh.HC.; JEllOMK

fican Grower.-!Marshall Wrli-wji. Mornan.lJmbiay


. Bean GrowerH •., Ilimsuin Farmers Rlov.

Ma|(lc Vall«y Bean Co,


Bean GrowersPAUL ............

Morf'an-!Jnd.‘Uiy ___lUJIMCKT


1.48 ‘

1.48 ■ 1.48

. l'.4a-,




NQ 2,20 2.1b .

Grain (13c.)NO NQ ______

2.00 2 :0 0 2 .M

NQ .NQ 2.20 2.20 2,15 2.15




North Pinks iWils

8.25 8.00 8.00 R.OO NQ


Legislatiire gets memoOT

o f U . S . f a r m e r L8.25NQ

B.50 .



i.Do 1.00 I.n o '

2.05 2.00 2.10'

l.DO 1.8< hOi

NQ 8.25 8.00 8.00

NQ 8.2S 8.00 n.OO

NQ 8.25 8.00 8.00

f^irmer. The two sponsoring sustaining the health of tlwleglal«ctor8arfrb6Ut^Hcultural American dtltensr", •men. ’ ‘"Hie farmer has Increased

.11)0 memorial says that a production” while he also hasmajority of the world's "paid hlsher prices , for the

does not rccolvc products and scrvlcos ho has

proportionately loss for the products-they grow that he has rcceivcd at any tbne In the last two 'decades ahd many farm families are being forCcd to abandon thoir livelihood In

BOISK — A bouflo Joint chairman of the businessmemorial whlcHi, If approved by comniUtec, Rupert,' have In-boU) UiR Idiiho llousp and troUuced House Joint Memorial.Senate wlJl Iw «ont io IVm. No. 2 which ^ u l d come up for

. Ulchard Nixon and oUier second reading ii? the house this,foderul Kovemment ■ officials, week.. • ■ • . ^luis been I li^troduced In 'tho D>c memorial; directed to the adequate food to receive a utilized. lncludin({higlicr wages agriculture,houap b>'«'‘two Magic Valley IVesident, the (j.S. House and balanced diet and many are to labor, higher rates in It says the plight of.the far-leglslatorfl. Senate, * the congressional starving. Iho Ameri<;an far* transportation and higher

Hep. Jack. Claiborne, delegation fro^ Idiiho and the incr, It says, has been en» In equipment,’ * thechalrnian of- the Houso U.S.Secretaryof Agriculture, la couraged to increase production^ ifrartibtial,:8ay8.Agricultural C^miiilttoe, Twin . a five-point proposal c'oncemUig to help meet the demand of the Die document also statc.s thatFalLH. and Jiep. Sieve Antone, the plight of the Americflh world’s population while still fa n m ra are receiving

mer has not b < ^ improved and has actually deterloi'ated despite higher prices which the consumer is paying for farm (.«;n/iu>djtlca.



1.00 2.00 l.W )









Twin FalVs Livestock

7.00 .8.25 8.00 8.00

J.451. 8

J .«


1.48 .

NO. NQ 2.001.00 '.90





NO 2.00 NO



l.W 1.00 1.90








8.25 8.00

8.56' 8.008.25 8.00





8.00 8.00 8.00 •• 8.00 fl.OO fl.OO

TWIN FAMi{ - G)ws sold steady and bull.s 60 cents to 91 higher at the Twin Falls Uvestock Commi.H.sion Co. sale tills week. .

Feeder steers and lielfers and calves sold strong to 50 cents higher and Holstein steers steady to. ntrong.

Gc(^ to high cholcc-Jileers.27.50-30.00;' standard to low good, 27.00-28.00; iKlllty steers,24.50-2fi.00; fe<l Holstein steers,24.50-20.50; good to cholde heifers, 28.50*^.50; standard to

Machacek, Buhl, 725, M.60; Hulme IVoduce, Hagerman, 752.33.35; 702,34.00; Bob Juker, Buhl, 801, 32.70; Ed Baker, HIcr, 1085, 28.50.

F e ^ r heifers I Clark Mc- Claih, Hazolton,-476, 32.75; Richard Kelly, KUer, 491, 32.70; Evan. Cox. Buhl, 40fl. 32.30; Clyde PerkinS, Murtaugli, 51G, 32.25; Bussman and William.^, 50fl, 32.25; John Pastoor, Twin Falls, 502, 31,75; John Hill.




GOODING ~ A four^jounty beef- sehool will beheld,Keb. 4 and, 6 at the-Magic Valley Packing Co. bi Gooding, county

iluhT,’ 5w7 3 i . » r Daissi agent Ed Koestcr sAid today. BuIjI, 505, 31.30; Ernie Hall, - .............................

Boise, will discuss Cattle Fax, branding and heel fly. whlcli Bends daily market ,.*K»estcr said the public Lh trends and other market data Invited to the afternoon by teletype.from' Denver. program Fob! 6 at the Gooding

On Feb. 8, caiUe carcassoa JUvestock Auction. PartjcJpanLi

fl.25 8,00 8.00

N Q 8.25 8.00 8.00

OwBlcr B. Brown ’ NO NQ NQ NQ

Floyd R. Idle Wrliwr. NQ NQ NQ —w*

KIKkSIIONEBeakon Bean l.W 1.00 2,00' 1.90 7.00 B.25 0.00 fl.OO


_ BeanGrowLTH _ HQ fl.25 fl.OO fl.OO

llaney Seed ' ....... . ............ .................— -N Q --NQ- -NQ -NQ-

Idaho Bean & Elcv.. NW NQ NQ NQInterintii Bean NQ NQ NQ NQ

.Sodth ‘Srdc Bean CVi. 7.UU fl.25 8.00 R.OO

T.F. Feed i Ice 1.4R 2,00 2,00 2.00


Wendell Elov. 1 « 1.00 2.10 1.00 2.20 7.00 B.25 8.00 B.OO


JKUOMK U.S. No. 1*5 U.S. No. Ill

C.J. Maraliall Produce NQ NQKIMHKRLY

Henry’.1 Proiliice ' 2.00 .55PAUL

Magic Valiev IVo<Uice ‘ NQ NO

UUPEUTRnlland Jonog Produce NQ ■ ■ NQMax Herliold. Inc.

TWlNFAI.15• Carl Glib Co, • NQ NQ

E.J>. IlariMir l.RS-2.00 .05

^ _ l^aluiillng of live animals and grading of live cattle will bo will include Fred’Gllbert, TVin

iow Tood 7beif^fl!_25.6^28^^^ nnd explanation of grading will discussed by ; ^onte Baker, Falls, University of Idalw area

utility heifers 23.00-28.00; tagnolll7 ’484,' 3i;20; J.' Wi be hcld-at-10-a.mrFobr4 wlth-’Maglc-VBlley.-Pockrand-Otto-llve8took-jBpeclaliBt,-^-wil)Tcommercial and standard cows, PotorBon, 848, 20.40; Doan Wade Wells, lioUe, University Ftorenco, Independent Meat, talkoncrdasbrceiUng; CJarence'10 00^50- and utility cowu,„Kohntopp, Bulil, 709, 28.75 ; 841, of Idaho IJvestock husband- with special attention given to (Bud)“Wclis, progeny testing.10.00-21.50.’ 28.20, Ed Baker, Itoy, 28.907 ' man; Ollo 'F lo M n c o ,' In-■carcass-lossea-from-hrulsea—and-Hoss-ParkerrbulI-lesUngT-

Canners and cutlers, 15.0ft- Holstein steers: Erban dependent Meat Co.’, TwinKoyser, Buld, 374 , 38.00 ; 483, Falls, and Bill Haxen, Camas | B T ~ 7 . _ ^ ~\ INTRODUCING

-‘ 29.00; utility bulls, 25.0ft-27.50; Hgljt bulls,-24.50-27.50; heavy feeder steers, .W.0ft%11.25; light' feeder steera, 34.50-37:00; common quality steers, 2fi,00- 31.00; Holstein .steers, 25.0ft- 31.75; poorer grade steera, 21.50-25.00; heavy feeder fielfors, 26.00-20.00; JIgljt Icaler heifers, 29.00-32.70; common heifers, 23.00-28.00; steer calves, 38.00-45.00; common

31.75; Stan Bcrtaipiolll, Wen- Couhty extension agent, as dell, 417, 33.00; J. W. Walker, Jwlges.Hansen, 548, 29.25 ; 574, 29.00; Don Schroeder, Buhl, 505, 29.00;

.Jim Pearson, Buhl, 533, 28.10;

After a no-liost lunch a t’the Gooding Grange Hull, common beef cflttJc cUseaso problems

Allen Mooro, Bulil, M8, 28.00;-^w i..pan. 729,27;80; Glenn Fife, Filer, 648, followed by a discussion on Uie27.75; Byron Wright, Twin Fulls, 854; 27.60; Bob Juker, 938. 27.30; m , 27.30; Joe Koch, B uI jI , 1141, 27.20; Leon Wright, Filer, 949, 27.00; G and H

quality steer calves, 31.00-38.75; FupnSr Huhl, 1138,27.00; Hulme vealers, 31.00-35.00; feeder'TVoduce Co., 818, 27.50.

beef cattle futures at 1:45 p jn . Participating will bo Alex Sinclair and Jock Mullowney, nitten and Q)., Twin Falls, and Howard lUU.

At 2:30 p jn . Don Ricketts,


I 0»«ionetJ to (liiplicoU nnluiti way

oi nurting iu(blin(j (iiiimnll I . r««(U up to 0 cnlvAi Of no

—-AI«d ti

D aliyland Pttm iunt M ilk itpJacar P te-lln .Th* fatm«nt«<J llqul<l

r * « J luppU ntant

D A I R Y L ^ ( ) f f g ! J ) ^ E R V I C E

cows. 17.50-22.50.Sellers with average wcit’hts

and prices arc, feeder steers: Bryim Cox,’ BiUtl, 484,^9.00; Bu.<uiman and Williams, Bulil, 537, 38.80; Richard Kelly, Filer, 54 >, 3fl.fi0; W. J. Untlng, iSvln Falls, 554, .■W.7»; Evan Cox.,

'steer calves: Jess Gorman, Buhl, 315, 43.00, 353, 41.70; Glenn Neliwn, Twin Falls, 389. 40.75; L. J. Kohntopp, 432,40.50; Bimman imd Williams, Bulil, 414, .19.60; Lyle Schrtltker, Twin ' Falls, 451, 39.00; Jim Sharp, Filer, 375,39.00; Everett Butler,

‘ QUDTXnONS ARE tirovldod ub a scrvlcc to boUi (armcrii anil buyers. Quotutlons are given tlus Tlmes-Nows dally by e<u.'h buyer. Hie newspaper. In addition, re-chocks each firm twice-weekly. Responsibility for the price listed is solely Uie buyen-'s.' NQ indicates tlio. buyer docs not wisli to quote a price.

Buhl, 548,; S25, 32.00; Buhl.490,38.85; Onrk Mcaain, • Larry Slmrk. Bulil, .528 , 38,GO; '“ tTiVxlSlton, 402, 38.25.

Lyle Schnltker, Twin Fala, 5X3.. Heifer calves: Easterday and 38.50; R. D. Aitee, Well'i, Nev., Baker, Buhl, 300, 38.75;

Livestock•TWIN FAUJi - Uglit fat 2S.(k).30.00; medium feeding

lambs, 21.5ft'22.50; heavy fat heifers, 25.00-27.00; feedinglambs, 20.00-21.00; range feeder cows, 18.0ft-20.50; .stock steerlambs, 22.50-23.00; ranch feeder calves, 34.00-39.50; stock heiferlajnbs, 20.Oft-21.DO; odd ruff calvgi, 30.0ft-34.0ft; and dairyfeeder lambs, 20.00 and down; type calves, 32.0ft-35,00.

i ) 7 4 r w n D r 4 B 3 r 3 7 :4 o r A b r - M c - - - G o n m u r t r » u h i r 2 M r 3 8 .5 0 r a 5 v — Coy, Bdhl7«»rS?»0; 727,‘33,25;, 34,75; 429,-33,25; Evon Cox, Leonard Peters, Twin Falls, ' Buld', 457, 34.70; Jim Sharp, 559, 35.50; 854, 33.00; U e Filer, 335, 34.40; Tom and

- — * Venable, Kimberly, 511, 3J.-M; Francis Sharp, Filer, 317, 34.00; »u«» . Do” fil3.'35.40; - Floyd Ka.ufman, Castleford,

» norlnKnnm. IIaiior- M2,33,50;.383,U,25: J. K. Klrth,

Irninc Bcc lilonU ^M B O , BOys jjg j j DtrtaunnUI.OT, J2.00; Buranantho Idaho State Police. •and Williams 541, 30.85.

light fat e\jves, S.Oft-lO-OO; imd canner ewes and bucks, 3.0ft- 8.00.

X Hogs, 160-220 pounds, 18.7ft- 17.20; 220-240 pounds, 18.20- 1G.70, 240-280 pounds, 15,70- 16.20; 200-280 pounds, 14.50-

CM AH A( UPI )-Uvestock: Hogs 7,500; liarrows and i^lts

steady cxceiii 200-2.30 lbs steady to 25 lower, Uudunces 50 off; 1-3 200-240 lbs 17.75-18.00; about 250 head 200-230 lbs 18.25; 1-3 100-

15.50; 2ttMOO ’poujids, 13.75- 200lbs 17.00-18.00; 2-4 240-270 lbs14.00; sows under 300 pounds, lbs 17.00 - 17.50 ; 270 * 20<r lbs12.00; 300 130 pounds. ,11.00- 16.25-17.00 ; 3-4 21MW40 lbs 15.25-12.00; 33^400 pound.s. 10.00- 10.25. •11.00; over 450 pounds, 8.50- Cattle 1,000, calvcs none;10.00; stags, 7.00-11.50; and steers steady; heifers weak to .boars, 4.00-12.00. mostly 25 lower; cows fully

Qiolco grain fed steers, 28,00- steady; diolco 950-1,200 lb30.00; good steers, 28.00-27.00; steers 29.25-30.00; good and lowconruncrclal steers. 25.00-20.00; ciiolco 20.00-^.50; cIm Ico 850-

djolco fat heifers. 27.50-28.50; good fat heifers, 24.00-28.00;' conuner lal cows. 20.00-21.00; utility cows,; cutter cows, 17.00-18.00; caners, 15.00- 17.50, and bulls, 25.00-28.50. •

Veal calves, 32.0ik38.00; good steady to 25 lower, Instanco^ of; feeder steers, 29.00-31.50;" 50 lower. l-2s 18.00-18.50; 14a/ medium feeder steers, 2fi.OO- 17.00-17.75; 2-4s 10.25-17.50. Sows 27.50; Holstein Rteors, ’

1,0251b heifejfs 28.25-29.25; good nnd low choice 24.50-28.50.

Sliecp none. ^

DENVER (U P I)^ Uve-itock: Hogs 400. Barrows and gilts


i r r i g a t i o n


SCUD SETIncrsasod Q uality ond Yidld» (up to 3 5 % )

(one/m croased/abor savings)Frost Protection

More Irflgcible Acres

''AndertonoM iller" solid sot gives F lex ib illly required to control moisture and w ea th o r conditions.

Uniform application of Fertilizers, herbicides and blighf control through solid set.-

then on po-

i | « M i l | « M i p l . H


3, 25.00- steady to 25 lower, l-3s 11.75- A^

HOISTS j I. 1 _____ I : _______________ i J .

H ♦ I

JThe Pacesettersr o i r m ^ S E A k o N s ^ —



« F O R A LL T R U C K S F R O M P IC K U P S T O 6 1

I W H E E L E R S . . . 2 t o 5 S T A G E C Y L IN D E R S ;

J • No'incraaso of mounting helghli ol tho truck 5b o t jy T - ------------------------ -----------r --------------------------- -----------1

C R O P PRO D U CTIO N CRED ITRogardloss of tlio time of yoar, staying

Americd's most complete line of


ahead of cr^ -producfion ~cosls~ls impor- ‘ ^ont. IPGA knows what It fakos to h^ d off .these costs before they becomo problems,

------------------- We?ve boen.doln0.It.nQwior..oyer:3Q /pars.'

Soo "Tho Man from PCA” f irs t .

anti-roll | | ■uwr.-piuui ^uivi«.u uMu uniform

t [irossuri

I f \ Cyllndrfrt may btf" r>>ountod either injlde or | “ f w t « t d © * t r t K l< - f

Cylinders oqiilppftd witii' ("T " I . . bushings for loal^ roof S|'orvico and uniform! hoist drossuro. S

SERVICE AND REPAIRW ith 2 mobile field presses w e con h ffhd liry tfu rr

breakage problems right on the farm . i

° H A R D IW ES ° W H ia LIMES ° SO LID S E r



5 . ,.,-SUW mO*'QUAUtV

; I BE*toNAB ie i>B ICES...seeUSNOW I



G .I.Your "> nc/er on-A4/Wer" disfributor -

OFFICES ATTWIN FAUS, 7J3-3221 BlacMoot, «5-143S KITCHUM, nt-5441

Page 9: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

Market Review F r i d a y , - J a n u a r y 2? , 1971 T l f n e f - N « w » , T w i n F a / l t , . I d a h o 9 ^

NEW YORK (UPI)-Favora- ble reaction to President Nixon's message to Oohgress

~ W abled' the 'stock" mai-Itel' t6 point higher In' heavy trading

■ FViday.

As tradlj]g the halfway point, advances werb leading declnes by more than a two-to- one margin. Standard & Poor's 500 stock Index was up 0.58 at

M.79, 1 ' , l^ e Dow Jones Industrial

average of 30 selecte<) blud chips was ahead 2.60 at 667.74A three4iour turnover of

. 13.070,000 shares sent vreekly

. an all-ttoe hli{h bt almost 93,000,000 shares with' still -another - houra^t)f— i trading to go. ' "

llio previous record volume for a single week was 92,282,660 shares set in the flrst week of December last year.

Nixon sent Congress a $229.2 billion budget with a built-in 111.6 biUion ^ n c it which ho

: predicted would produce pros­perity "without war and without runaway Inflation."

Nixon called his spending blueprint for Uie 12 months starling July l a "full employment budget." lie said "by spending ns If we were at full employment, we will help to bring about full employ^.

On the nig Bourd, heavily traded American Airlines added

“ MiT‘A^H.Roblnfl'wtf3'Up“Mrand"

Texaco Vi.. Ijsaa active IDM shot up flVi, with Burroughs alicad 1. . Polnrold \%, Xerox 1^4, Du Pont 1%, and Coming Glass 1.

Motors were mixed, but steeb lost fractions. Weakness

D O ^ .JO N II STOCK A V a R A O l*

.u$.42 IH.!

. « } M < I.]

iv UH h130 «** S*W MU. » IV, >t J*W >*, **• 1J UVt JJW MW. V ««

___ 2t\t J - H .

i , i . h „ I f ( ^ t K e rTemperatures

H.M Nat'Jklrl .40 tO.M NilBlKl.M

.71NatDlilll -10

Cran« I.Ua CrowllCoUl Crownr 1.M Cud»hy Ik CortUWr .40 Cviwu* I.W

0»nUlv*f M Dana Cp lu DaM In .100 DayroC I.U OayPtl t 40 O**f«LC0] D«l Mnl 1.10 0«nnltn 400«iedl* I *0Olim Shm I DIabeld .4lo Dltnay .JOg DItlSaa I }0


Duk«l> 140 Dul'ont U DiMinaL 1.44 Dynamic C|)

rauaCp .*0 Catlarn Air l!ail K<kI la i:atooY J.40 iHl'aiANG I bitfaCp |,>0 I All In I.M

II u I>11 ,)4H ..»V » »H< It <i* JO l»v, »I4> IIU. 111%140 ui% s/v, sa I I

44 IOI«n MWS3 U}S }l» >41’I


1QI-, lOl-,- \U}*v Jll^-

«L 31 t34<<:. 34' ...4} 45U, *- U..

Ul J4W 31V, 34Hi '■i41 33W 31V, 3l)»~'kto >Ji.i 3I'« >3 - U« ro 4«W >0 t-

3ff )UI. UM'i lUlIf U

tOf n % 33W- W34 4iW «V, n

II4S XUi MU. If -II..... ........ w u** wiv wm H

Nat Gw .JO .-UI- 3IU .21 NalQyp I.OS M M >4^ U Nall l.*ad I W UUi 30V. 30U- U, ................ »4J 41 -43H 43H '

n !««•IJ 3JU, 34V| I4V,- U.

147 t; «4I*. VOS JSI» JH-II IV.}Jf J4N >4U 34 V- U10} w •• 43*4JJ 37^ 3JV, 3»W .. .10 3t*-< M U —'■i

03 in'! MV. }l » «/|

S) t)U »Mt in'.- U

» J»V. ....a })'% 3>u )»• ...IM 3J'-i 3»'<* 3J''**,'»114 i4i«, m uiu t V*,VI ]St. 3i'»Vi I Ml, • » <«

--H.K--M3 }|i M 3l';ni,

1133 30V, IIV. M'.l- <(,331 nv, Ji M - V,103 Ml. 3I',< M'H , ‘h• 44 U’ II • 11' - WW 3l'l 31'... >1'.- I;,34 33 33« }1it U ilt',+ «.

03 34 3JW SS'i- 'l*03 31«., 3]i 33W+ tk

NalSlMl Maloma* -35 Nav Pw 1.14 H»wb*<ry t NnnqEl ).U NIagAAa >.10 ' NortolhW* i NoA Rk 1.30 NoNICl 3.40 NoSIPW 1.70 Nw na<t 1.40 Norton SI SI

0«c|dPal loOoUfn Cofp Onlo Rd I.S4 OklaCB 1.34 OklaHO 1.3r. OUnCorp-.M OmkTWin II OrRo<k 1.30 OII« Bl Co I Oulbord M I OwanCP .rs Ovxanlll 1.11

Pac Ca« m , I'acLIC 1.40 ' Pacral .Xkl l<acl>wr

-I4SI Iti^ ll<» ...74 141* )3H 14 \ U.]4 341 3SU 34 Uto }» 34V, 3J - '4M 3) }}V, 31 .V

114 3H» Jt»» »1W-53 U'i. U34 >1 MU 31 133 43Vi 43<.i, 431*1— 'W

-3t 301* M«« 30'*f '•*71 411 4l>1 43''! t40 S7« $7 SJ'i * W

33'/.- I»

raik*<t)« .40 FacirM .40q l-alrch Cam I'alrHII .)0d (-alrmoni I I aratiMl II rarro Cp .70 I'IratIn 1.40 Plr«INS .3Sb FItmInu .iO I'llnlkolaC I Flal'wr 1.41 FMC Cp IS riiiaifi-M- I VliMt 3.40 For Wck .10 Fraapris .10 > ru»«iu< \.>0

- P .P - 3«1 ll'«

7S 31lk 33U>0 37'<* 34li J/'» . .44 3* 3iU 3*1. .

............... 41 3J J1»» 31V. ♦ l-iI'CTIT 1.30» 113 31'k 301. 3t“ ........ 1044 14V. 14 •' 14»fc- »»

114 34>'. )7H itS34 4«« 4'V 4U-« 'I4

JO4' 40'-TS?V. 40'. I '•.n i 14l» UU I4<*«'tt«33 31'» 34W 31M7 3(1k 31*1 ' )IV,> 'W

3nw 37W.'37ik-'<.

Aberdeen - Bear Ukc Boise .. -

■Buhl Burley Caldwell Emmett Gooding - Grace Grangeville Idalw Falls ' Hailey Jerome .kimbc'rly KunaMtn.'HomoI^ewlstonl^rm aPocatolloHupertSalmonW. Yellowslono

'n ig h LOW Pr.40 25 '27 i '

. 44 2fl T. 50 2fl 44 27 .. ;39 29 T.49 33 48 2944 2450 34 32 3028 13

' 51 3048 25 48 '2950 2645 3440 3642 2443 26 40 24 35 ID






ByllnitedPrcti Intenatlooal


H a r n i ,

foggy.. .DURING |he night bdow will occur in the uorthem plalni, the

upper Misslsilppl Valley and In the vicinity of the Great Lhkes. Some Uf^t rain is indicated over the state of .Washington. Clear

' to partly cloudy skies elsewh^ro. (UPI)

3 71»4 71' . 7\\4i- 3 J3«. »U-

u 4m 47W 4im4S 41 41» 4JI« 13H. 13V,

117 }IH 31V. 3IH II 1S>'. SS St<

101 34V» 34'341-1 _4i_Ulk-UU-llU-

ManttOI I.M Pann Ctntrl Pannav JCl l>*nDlu m PannPL 1.40

- 'U Paoniell .W ■ PaopG* 3 04

3>«- PapiiCo I «<• Plliaf .40a

Phalp D 3.10 Plillal>l 1.44 PhlllpM 1.30 P»>IIP«I 1.30 Plllibrv 1.44 Polaroid ,33 PPOIfvl 1.40 ProcLC V40 PuS Col M3

Italelgli c

Ulchmond c St. lujuls pc

V4 S4l1 44*40 37M 14V, 37>liO 31. 3IW 34'.143-. }3« 33'1 31**301 13 lHl S3

I0«4 11V. lO'i )0I«3 »'» 3'%

331 UU 'U'.. I7U14 3m 3}<-, 31‘<,

114 UVi M41 34' ‘ ■


More fog no temperature changeMagic Vulloy, Twin Falls an^—tlto lower Wood Hlver Valley:''Oregon. Only partlnl clonrlng Is crease the surface winds to ^kan c i^v

vicinity, Northside .............. ...........1„ .......„,i a .. -------- u w...-ii,« n«o»/ . ■ y

Senttlo cy

Rupert Area:Burley-

.U—Psmo l.*J — 141-34W-M-

CAC Cp |>i CAF Cp .40 Cam Sk 1.J0 Cannall .41 r.DAOII .400 Can Dyiiain. Gn l;l»c 3 40 CnFootJ 3 40 Cao llo«ICp Cao Intir 3! QaoMllli .11 GnA.(nl 3.40d C 1‘uliU I 40

Pullmanin 3 PurawCp .14

M II i;"( II I V, Piirolat I 40 S> 33". 33V, 13>. ...

--O-.O--- --------- Hal»ton-.70113 3I»» » '» 30 -1% Uavllvon .40 174 14 OU Il3l«t U MCA Cofp I 111 UU 37'* I'n Uaading CoII UH U 34 — ' . Hao 111 3">

114 » ( • 3VH .J4i.-« 31'. I4U tm i

14 43V. 43'< 111 ll'i

74'/> 74>/i-- K.M--- I

I37 -»K«-»4V (-»4K— W 4] 33'W 31V. 31

341 30W 30'* MV«'f ««

Foj{ nlglJt am i mornings and expcctcd in Uio afternoons in blow the fog away,ciearlnc afternoons through ' ifiost of tlie valleys while higher Hie extended outlook Sunday

Fog and low clouds through Sjjturday. Little temiwraturc stations enjoy balmy’40 degree Uirougli Tuesday lndlcates .fiSaturday .with some afternoon chnn((c. Highs 35 lo 45. Over- weat^ier under fair skies. Ilighs chance of a weak weatlier front

i. _cloarJ_ng. LltUo l_qmponLturp_niglit lowa.5.to_15. ProbabUUy.of-in Uic.vuUcy3.urc.only-expected_reachlng_.aouthcrn_IdahQ_by_43', ... cltahge, Highs 40s. Overnl((ht n)ea.surabloprecipitation 10per to reach the low 40s In most Ituesday with Uie mild lem>

lows 25 to 35. Near zero chance ccnt through Saturday. nrea.«» with a few reaching the peraturos continuing.. o!. precipitation throufjh____Qutlook-Jlor— Sunday.^n:-UPl>cr-4()a..* K arlj;, niorfllni^ Jo^.^

Wosliington c Wichltii c

High Low Pep.

51 -’20- '. .......f 21' 14

13 09 .02:!c ■52 38

12 11 ....) 16 ^08 ..../ 19- 15 ....

71. ' 20 ....1-' 74 52 ....

y 12 03 ....32. 25 ■....

V 90 6249 29 ....

c 69 45

is: 10 02 .02c 67 42-........

10 14 .....83 40 ;...12 “'09 ....

c 09 -01 42 37,'

36 10 .....32 - .oa: ....30 2S .....

'C. ■ 55 2a1 C 56 45 ....

43i 37 ....47 38 '■....27 14 ....

40 ' -26 . . . .


II 71* 4^

344 Mt« tlW Ml*- V,77 I4t* I3>k I3«. . ...

30 I3li 0«V <]<(>114 ,30‘» »U 30 -319 33V. 31!'* 33Urik414 lit* 40)* IlUt- «k100 3JH 311* 3m.*. U,, . , M i l I I 1 ' << 1‘uliU 1 40 100 33H 31^ 311* I- l*

____ln,Btecl3jcfl6ctcd.p<ior_Indufltry__ on s !M Lm j__ 3 )._ i3 u_u _ i3 » » i_ ! » _

carnlnifs tor 1970 and lourlh 5”'™ ' " ?"• >' ;

Uavloninc I Hay ImJ 3 40 HavMal 1.10 Ulaoal P .40 HWIanal'd 1 UoanST 4]l> UobtHaw .70 HothG l.30o Uockwl 1.40

71 31'* 37«» 31 - '»U 73V, 71V. 73».TT*4 U' 17 SIV,- '.

301 30t» >«*« »V*-f «t17 IIU llVi 11l< ...1 3I'’» 3 i'l .3 i'i-

• 11 1'*

lok for Sunday,Oyllpol .creasing . clouds with probably disslpatln({ Sunday.

Camas Prairie,

with fog continue and possibly -oven j)erotureH were mostly in the 20a Intensify a little tonlglit' tiu-ough ■ to low 30s in all valley arcus.-

...... ...... ....... Saturday, with .possibly some Soil temperatures continuedI I jIcI fog .nnd low clouds have improvement Sunday as a to climb yesterday reachlnn the

settled into the valleys- of Pacific storm system may low ^Os In some nreab of tho Hailey and souUiern Idaho ami east central approach close enough to In- Treasure and Magic Valleys.



creasing clouds dissipating.


Tivin Fnlls



High Low Pr,50 28 44 26

. 37 19



NIiW YOUK [Ul'l>-&alacla<> tiockt on lha N»w York SiMk livctianua.

Salaillultl Mlah Low Lad Chg.

Cart-nr« Cafivic 1.10 Ga l>ae lOu Catty I.Q4<i Clliailt 140 Clan Aldan Clolml Mar CooUVUh I C ^ iy r J .11 Cr ca W IV, Ziktvl U toCrar I'-j

AcmaMk 3u A4ir*«» IStj Admiral Cp Air Prd .»o Air Ua<l

' AlcanAlun 1 AllaoCp .,0<l All Lwl 3 40 Alio J»w 1.33 Alld C)« 1.30 AlllMlSt 1.40 AllltClil ,V>)

' Alcoa I 40 ' Am tU* .30.1 Am Alrl .10 Atlrarul 3 30 A lirc»l 1 30 Am Can 1.30

Am^ac" l’.70

4 U 4m 4SH- '*Ii6 10 3fl»ti M**- '*3; 10 * '•- ' i49 M". 4»V. 49V.-I/O 3U* 31 im • Ml»W» 37>. 33». 33'. ..Ml II 0»* II?.* '*41 M n '- , 3«->- >*91 31'. 31'-J »V .t I*41 34W 34'1 34m '*34 lIH 31 in»> >*

311 II 17' W'»t 1*41V, 41'*- '*

43 U31 13». -

339 irv. 14(«331 79- JIV.

47 14>« 14-ir 39H 39

'391 lOU 39*a- I«l 13'* )}’*

130 H>* 31'*44 14*. 1434 U«* 10

Uotir Cp .M UoyalCC .14 ttoyalOul 3<l

lOS 19' 111. l»'»* 19 1 l«'* 1ft*

93 40(.

149 111*

Mutual Funds

30 - '

314 a ' ilf}| 31V* 31

II U>* 44<* 44'.. t19 371. 37Mi j;V,t

113 41V. 41'. , 4|V,t310 31V, ll'(. 31'-jt149 ION 30ta«

Ct W»Un .90 CraanOI 94 CraylKl Cp I

. CullM 3.10a Cull on n> CulltW l .10

niiilaM I7d llalni HJ I llafcul 1.3(M MarOiy 1.10 Maulilain .11 Haw**l M .30 HlllonMoll 1 Mol>arl 130

41 }1'* 341. 31 ~4 2 30 - 3«»* »*41 V V ' . -11 ll'.< II II'*-W 341. 34'* 34\*» H4 J9W 79'.. 79V,-

417 391* 39I.1 391.* 4,190 311* 3H* Jl'*+ '*

-- H.M--11 31'-> 31'-1 31'.-| ...41 l»l< 19’* 19^*- ^41 311* 33'-> 33V,- '444 17 * 34)* 34\*- ^

141 44V, 41V. 44V*- %19 39V* 39 39V-I I- ';,U 44 l 44H 44141 ':,31 34'.;, 311* 33<*l '437 44U, ' 431* 44‘/,-«-

• 33 41'/. 41 41'.<,-*- •<.

Salawy 1.30 149 111* 34>« 31 - ' iit Jo aM ln 3 3 un.H*. .39.. +. I*StHagU 1.40 I7S >91* )« 39'.'>t <»iandar Atu> 41 Il' i 15 I I '* «Sa»vonia.40 41 14'1 14'* 14'*-'*SaF Ind 1.40 144 37<'. 37 37'* •- '•Schnlav l.40 11 34V, 34'l JIH iSchlum 1.40 49 911* 94^ 91'., «-S C M Corp 141 ll»* H U'i. • '*

• ScoHP*#.>-l--- 1*4 >4'W t s w i n i —Saar» I 30a 300 lOt* >79V* lO'i

I (UPll HI Siarr 43.91 47 04

. . . . . aikad F l>rlCB« on Muiual Fla Crin 141 4 FumU ai quolati liy Filn Cr 4.'i 4 ttia NASD Inc. POUNOgni

THUHIOAV . OROUPiHid AiK Crowlti 14 3; 11


iliallOII 3.40 llarraPc -U SlunalCo .40 SImnt 1.40a SInuaCC 3.40 SmFlhkt-F 3 SoCalUd I'.-i SoulhCo 1.34 SoNalC 1.40 &OU 1‘ac.l.M &o Uallw 3 S0WUI»S .74 toartan Irul IpHamI .I3t) SfluraO .»0a Squll>b IVmJ SI nrrui 1.40 Sid Koliimn SlOICal 3.H

•41';, H II',- '*

137 41'.34 1l<.

39« u r.II UV. 44 44V, t l

331 49i* UV* 49'7-131 17 IIV, 14 - ^119 31V. 11-1 31V.+304 37'* 34t« 37 ■* '143 19 U 'i 1 1 '.- '*

413 37 V, 37'T 37Vi ..49 a\* 47U i lW - '.*

14W 14'-. l4V.-t- '..1043 lO'.j I0U<1304 3I>* 31'

S3 34«4 34'« ]• 39 73V. 73>* 73'


31'-I- li

tv. ‘ ‘ 13 14 3.11 • 14 9 01 « 49 9 19

9.34 10.107 U I 30

13 14 O 49 7.14, 7 13 ■ U 9.11

30 9'.* 9>*

AmHold .40 Aliemt'1 70 AmHoap 34 AMalC* 1 40 Amar Motor AmNC» 3 10 APKolO 04l> A Smalt 1.90 Am SUnd I AmTVT 3 40 A|n Zif%e Co Amatak .40a AMF Inc 90 Ampax

3<i4 11'134 74V,4U J4V, 34 34'..- 133 31V. 3li» 3^*— V*

33 11'» 11’ II 301* 30'*

371 30'*

lioK Ulacin Mol Iruii .33

' llomaatk .40 Monywl 1.10

-Moovar 1.30 KooiUI* 1 JO llowml .700

Idaho P I 4A Idaainaa .40 lllCaoln 1.14 III Pwr 330

33 91* l«* 9311 391* 37V, 34V. I tS3 311* 31 31 - V*

139 »9 MW, » -f19 10 39 V, JO +

314 44'/. 41'-') 41U- I*U I9<* 191.* 191* f »«.

13 3} 34 V. 34V, ...U 141* 14V, 141*- W37 J3'i 31 311 + '■117 43'.1 4I'.1 43'*-

111 141* 14V* 14V* ...91 34H 371* 37)*- I*-

Sid IStiiOhIo 3.70 StaflDro .W JlawWnJ.IO. SludaW 1.30 Sun on Co 1

39* 13W S3'. . .^ --47l*r-4»*,-<

3V.ll 794 70«* 49 V. 70V. f t33 131* I I 13 ■

40 44 43 '. 4) - 1»J 34 34 IJ

H4 U)« S/II 4l'i< 41

34 13'.1 111

100 34V,

13t» II'* ... 1 1 ’ 111 - I )4 34^+ >*

Taruiy. Corp Taladvfv* 3k Tana<o 1.31 Tanaco

33 41't 40Vt 4n i«394 34U 31(. 34)*t331 34'/. 3S** 341*

3043 14<.;, 33V1 34i.<,-f

* .................. ........................ •' IntpCopr la ............. ......................... ..... * .. .......................................... *•” ' ** '•I n M 130

.03 IpMlat04 4 41 Four*(i F 9 9} 1017

■ni I 14 9 40 fRANKLIHAnv Fnd 111 111 CUITODIANiAatna 9 19 10 44 RNTC 111 9 11A»H rtj ' >’3* i t i GwthAFulura 1 ) 1 131 U11I AlUlata 10 19 11^9 IncAl|>)ia 11.19 13 31 rraailamAMCAP 4.11 4U FdMIdpAm Hut 3.33 3 19 FundAm DIv 10 U 11 14 OROUP:Am l;at 4.M 1.44 Com AM axPHBIt ImpactfUNDIi IndCap 1.37 9 04 PilotInc 9 U 10.31 Calawy

43 Can Sac ClbrCr

.73 GROUP m c:

$ » Bal . .'M 9*3 C«m S> I3W .. ..3 11 3 40 Clh PdAm 7.91 149

Crth Ind 19.37 19 37 Cuard 314131.41

Cap Fnd 104 I II MamHQA 4 14 4 94Cwll* 10.1111.19 Ham Cr 7.39 1 07'Inc 13 1 9 00 tIariMM' 114 190Vant 40 10 41.91 llartwal 13 09 1)09Fndlnv I I I 9 41 MIC Lw 9.14 9.U

Aiw Fd 1 II 1.44 la O Fnd 7.7) 7.73Altron 4 37 4 71 HMlUa 10 411147*»■ M*<lloa 3.3) 3.14HOUOHTONi liorac* 11.31 1193Fml A l l l ‘40l HubOin 3.4) 3 74

Prudant lOOMlOO tMU All l i ;O I) ;»PUTNAM FUNOl t<h»r» Via 10 3'tlnully 7 44 1.11 Tachnic 1430.91Cao 14 04 11,1' Trnplln 34 41)4 10Cwll< 9 74 1D4> Towar &U 144Inc 10} I 77 Trantm M l 10)

. Inv 7.11 101 Trav Hq 9.74 10 47 7,Bl-l.49_IuUof..U_llJJ.13 14

Vayu 4 13 7.11 3OII1 CC 319 1 17Uavara 10.10 11.0 4 30IM Cl 191 4 14Ulntrt 1104 1110 Uiilllad 9 91 ID IIUoia LM 4.11 4 70 .Unllund 9 40 10.49 iKMuilr 1131 14 49 UNION SBRVICB

Successful InvestingBy ROGER E. SPEAR


13 39 13 39 (lal 11 34 11 14 Com V II 9 11


i r




9 41 10 31 11 10 14 94 1.30 9 03

llroad 0 13 14 77 Nal lliv 7 31 I.U) UnCap ID ill WhMil 13 43 II 4J



been strong In recent weeks and. this resurgence of Investor Interest could carry over to A-T- 0. '

Mr. Spear cannot'ahBWtf'‘fiU. mall personally, but will answer all questions possible- In hU. column.

Q— I am a 73-ycaf old widow folio returned $1,000 last year<< celeration In demand, better-and con no longer cope with tho and interest on these bonds positioned conglomerates-havenumber of stocks and mutual would total $1,330 annually. If ' 'funds left to mo by my lato capital Kains distl'ibliuonshusband. 1 nood advice badly as remain at least constant .with

It seems tlio bottom is drop^ng tlie 1070 level, your Inwmeout of my Income. Can you give would be about 30 per ccntme any lielp witli my in- higher as a result of tho.vestments? SJl. ' suggested changes. In addition

A— Your 1& separote holdings your portfolio would bo ({reatlyluive a current value of about simplified. ’ ' '>30,000. In 1070, these Issues Q— In 1061 I purchasod In-returned $1,708 in dividend terstate Engineering, now A-T-income and capital K^lns 0 Inc. Should.I take tlie loss or

:i . auia F.i 9 )4 10 34 vndiiit * 77 7 40 dlstributioni, which I assume hold and hope for rocovery?■{•-•■w-nioMir-vuNDiT-- vnnord— ’4 3in:io~y6\rifto>riir'cash“ fBtl\or^han— irS^

*00*9 Inv* 1* 34 1) 43 vikVno Cr 4u 4 70 sharcs. If this Is not'truo A—■ . a v , „ U 'e " y o u sh o u ld n o t ify th e <und -

swiin Inv 9 07-9 4* wBLLiMOTOH In Qucstlon immediately to

19 1130 10 diango the procckluro.

1031 Mil Four of your comnion stock holdings, nCA, Reynolds Metals, Sperry-Rand and

&h Daan 17 11 IM l vinca

Slala SI 44 71 41 00ITBAOMAN TrutI 11.3'PUMDt: WsUy 13 4:Am Ind 3.M 3.9) t>lltn 11.1.FIdcy 4.70 7.34 Wndir 9.7.

ITBIH ROB PDt< Watt Imt 4 li

A-T-O'fl earnings have been erratic in recent years, althougli sales have mo'ved aliead consistently. For the yoiur-Just ended 65 cenis a share. is probable, down from 81 cents In 1060. However, several


irmcoS I tArmiCk .W AOil Oil 1.30 Aitoc Iran* AtlUlchlld 3

‘*ktla« Corp AvcoCp 40d Avnal Irxp

"VabAWII .'lb ■ lUnoor Pun

lUm Ind .30 RaalFowii 1 nackm I3t> BaachAr .71 BalltHlI .40 nandl* 1.40 IVaiv(|U«l Inc na4h 111 1.30 Dlackj.0 .U BMing C .40 AelMCai Ik Bordan -130 n«ro Wr 1>.<, BoifEd J.34 Bourn* Irvc RranlKA .10 BriM* 3 40« Brl« M yl .30 BrIIPal .41d nruniMrk .13 BucvCr 1.30 «u*l Comp BulovaW .40 HurllnJ 1.40 Dufl No ,37b Burroh* .40

C«mp S 1.10

)4I 3IV* 30' 30'.i- «13 ll'M 14V* 14V,91 3>V. 37'1 3fV,• «V, )0'1 )0V**-

1U1'.. 3^

IIV* wv.317 13I.1 13>* 13'1 .

--li.B— .17} 34^ 311* -}4t*I IH

II 91-i 9V*.. 9t*.f I.*40 341.* 31V, 311*- I*34 34 37'-j J l‘1- '■»II 331* 3}'-) 33V, I47 111 141* IIW+I •31 llv* 31'.* l l ' i < '/•SO 33V* 31'/> 3)'1t V*

714 IV, I';, IH+ '1449 3) 31H IIV*-'/.40 irv«. S4V 17V* f >'4

*a9 19'.1 19'-* 19«*-t V*411 49 ai;. 4I'.-I- I*37 37'* J4N S/^**^**11 3II« 34'/> 31V.-*- V*10 3*»* »V* 39V*- »*13 ll'i. 13V. O'. ;,* V* '

m im 11 in** «*31 17V. 14'-> S7V.f1

J07 a i l 4H’J 41'1- I"*11'* 1U*

llak Co/p

Jantian .40 Ja4fl'llo< .»■ JotwMtf 1 30 John Jn .40a donLoon .H J^>a*I.L Sri Jo*l*nl .70 JoyMlg 1.40

KayMTK .40 Kaliv^ 1.30 kanmll .Mg Kahncll 3.40 Karr Mc IW KiddaW 3</il KimtiCI 1.30 K L M 3.33(1

TkCutUl .40 Taxlnttr .10 - TanUlll I.U Taxtron .90 Thiokol .40 TImkan I.IO TranaCo .90Tram 1 .11

Can - : 3.30CaroPL 1.44 CarrlarC .40 CalarTr I.JO C*lana«« 3 CaftH («va 1" Carre 1.40g

. CartaIn t .M Ca**na .40 CFI til .lOa ChmJPI 1.30 Cha*aAAan 3 Chaa Ohio 4 Chrl* Crall

371 }iv* 33'4, })v**- V*-\9 JJ‘4,-34V. 34V, . «

3j« ,m*‘ 11'.*31 ii''! 3m m / '*1 •

, 1U 41 44V. 41 - I*U 3;v* 37H 37V**- V*

3H 111** 114‘* 111 +

93 33V* 3)H 31'’J+ UII 49'/. 4l'.i U>*« V*14 3M* 37V. }7V>- I.*340 40 37 V, 40 -«3W307 47V, 47'* 47Vi«- V,171 4JV* 44'/| 47V*-f,'A-

■'13 331'. 33li.^bi».','4....110 II'* 17V*^{,ri*

93 30>.. 3I«* 30 -f V.44 IIW 111.* IV

1 tHl 19'.1 19V ...U 31 33>'. 3) * I*

14 47'/. 441* 47'*«33131* 311'.. 331 171.1314 13)* 311* 3)'-*f '*)7 im IIV* ...

337 44'.* 41V. U1*4 'A309 UV. 3IV* UV«f 1*141 11'* 14Vi 111** 1*304 31V* 33V* 311* H .

----- J . J — . .1 . . . . ,7 " .14 17-1 uV* i r m <*91 DU. 31 • 33I.H- '*

313 4) 41V* 4IW- V*111 44>.1 *i</i 44<.u«

, 40 4V* 44V, 41'* *• V,34 im 11'* 11'* ...S 39 39 39 ...

119 14»* i l l* 141* f--K.K--

41 39'* 34W 39 -f V|33 31V, 3SM. 31V.-*-14 311 371 371-f '*4 31V, J11 31'.-.- V*

91 39V 3<l* 39'-*+I I17 311 M'* }•'* ...

191 31V* 3i U'*'«' '*47 133 1311. 131'- ...70 » '* 37V* 3I'.*I V*41 131* 31V* 11V,- '*90 17'* '141- U'.'1-l14 ll i^ 31'* 31'*-*' '*U 441* 41Vi 44'*-)- V*

191 431 41V, 43111 37^ 371 37l'i- V* _____ ^ . . .

--L.L-- --UI»hCn .404111 141*. 14'* 141-t- V* UlahPL 1.9344 m * HW tH*t V*

101 SI*- 'S 1*< 33 I7H I7>* 17V* ...

41'* 411*

:-'tr*n4llro(v TranUn 1.30 Trani W Air trlCon 1.31b THW Irvc U 30(hCan Fox

UAL Incorp UnCarblda 3 Un ei*c 1.31 Unocal 1.40 UnPac Co 3 Unlroyal .70 U Alrcr I.M UnBrarul .40 UId Corp .W U&Cvp*m3 US Iniiui .40 USPIyCh .14 USSmll 31t) USSta^ 3.40 US Toti 1.30 UidUIIIII .93 Uolohn 1.40

VCp 1.40

Stk Fnd 1.93 4 a Itl OROUPiAna tcl 4.13 4 91 fluitll 3 91 4 10Rabion 90« 9.31 Inc 4 1) 4 73n»vrock t31 «.13 Tr UH 3 31 ...tlaacon 13 410.41 Tr Shr 11.99 13.10naruaf K 1 37 1.37 Imp Cap 9.14 10.01narbthr 4 09 4 44 ImpCr 4.91 7.40nialr Fd 4.43 7.33 Inc n««l 4 91 7 43Bftd SIk 4.13 4.70- Ind Fnd 4.99 4.UBO«l SI 103 1.77 Ind Am 4.91 19t IlMl Fdn 11.30 l3.3S-lnl»oon - l.ul 9.40notl Fd 1.4* 9.3* InvCAm 13.»4 14.31Hrogm 3.U 4.D0 Inv Culd 1.17 137BULLOCK Iny Ho* 13.10 13 33PUNDIt INVBtr OBOUriBuick 14.14 11.S1 lOSND 434 4 41Cdn * 19.07 30.M lOSPr 4-0) 4.UOlv Sh 3 U 3.99 Mul 9.7) 10.11Nal 10.11 11-SS Slock 1| 4> 30.39NYVan IS.I7 1444 SalacI 9.’31 9.93

Bui Fnd 4.07 7.34 Var Pay 7.00 7.41CC Fund 9.10 9.14 Inv Ra* (ll >(l)

.... ... ».M *41 Itlal Fd 30.39 31.03io^ iovi 10i*.l-W Cap Inv J.44 3.79 lyyFd 7.91 7,93

471 31'* 30V. 31 -74 IIV* IIV. « » *- '*U 4I<* 40 40 —IV,

307 - 34V. « '4 3*'*-« '*49 11V* n i 11'*+ W33 31 341 31 + <*11 40Vi 40V* . 40V*— V*

919 171* 171 17H+ W14 - 41* 4V, 4H ....33 34V. 31 34V. I 111

130 UV* 171 -111- W13 SOI 39V* 30 + 1

’ 3*3 U 33 V, 34 I '*1U 10V. 101 10'/} ...

o .u —334 31V. 301 3m+ U,174 44'* 43V* 44U.+ 1U 31V* 311 31V* ...113 371* 371* 37 V. ...333 411* 471* -ai*+ V*314 31V. 31 31V*+ V*331 3m 341+ 1143 II nVi.

Cap 140 140 Wlnlld 4.11 4 14Stock 13 41 11 41 WllCOn 4 47 7.07

Sit OBOUP: wnrih 3 77 3 77Cr 4 94 7 43 2ltglar 10 01 1103Sum 10 19 1117 X-Bh- divldandj X-lacti 7.39 7 91 Unavallablai

Syncro 9 04 9 90 S Slack Iplll.

Wall Street


ContiKt'tht. F*rm&4ilM d*p*rlm *n t' lo f oo(npl«(4 Bdv*r«lsln0 covwAo* of yow fBCni t « l« , .h * n d . b llU , n tw «p ap « rC0V«rBg» (ov*r >0,000 rcadBra (n MbqIc VbIUv) BdvMtcW bHIlng.-Atr'

w #( on« ip *c l« l lo w r* l« . Gvwv tfeltnveuia^lto '^pOsfi'T jf'tt^T rf'T hoald llfrprofltrlirthrcnrrent— twwTmnfrF»rmXBt»nff«-wrwl

the nine mutual funds: bullock year> In acWUon the company's- s*v* »>♦<«•• wit.National Securities Plre P r o te c t , Safely and

Sper.^ ... - ____ _ ___ _ ___Western Union, yield "below 5 measures, which have been per c ^ t and should bo sold. I Instituted by management

Fund, - ____Growth and Wellington Fund. The capital released should be reinve^ed In Transcontinental

'Gas Pipe Une B ^so f 1D91 or other similar bonds. The eight Issues remaining In your port-

Securlty Systems group, con­tributing about 30 per ^ t of sales, has experienced an ac-< .

L E G A L N 6 T IC E

Film shown

CHANMINO l>UMD<<Balan^ 11.41 1349 Com SI I.U 1.14 Owth 10« 1.11 Incom 7.41 1.34

114 lO't. 13 U 49 9 IV.

_____ ChtVlltfUAO-—34J-J?ii_34,Vi_Jfi1i-. Vi— UtOJ d iUy-ClnCaal.14 30 34'* 37V. 31'* ... Maonav )3aCITFInI.M 31 44 43^ 4)l»-t >k Mir Oil 1.40' - --- S9 441* 44 44V.- W, Marcor .M

31 30V* 3) + u. MarMld 1.70J91 31V. 3*1*-V* MiraliF 1.IQ171* UV. 14V.->* MarlAAri.io17V* 44V* 44V*- V| Maiiay Par

Laar Sla .10 LahloPC .40 L*4t Val Ind L*4im 1.10b LlbbayOFL Libby McNI Moo My J'.l Lino Tamco Llttn In ]</|l Uckhaad

.Uai*.Th*l.LonaSCam 1 LonaSO 1.34 Lou Nath 4a LuckyS .90g LukniStI M Lyka Voung

AAaCV H M 1 IS ')/ 37

31 ' 71* 7V. 71*+ 1134 101.* 49t* 10, +1114 11V* i]i* n -i-'u-711 J41 311* 341 + 1V*343 UV, nw )1'*- '*

..3)l .39 3IU. I l l* - I*14 3 30V, M'* 3011 V,74 311 311* .31W+ 1II 14V. I l l UV, + 1Vi13 341* 311 341 ...4 30W^9^* 30V*+ '*M 71* -n* )v* ...

lor**^ I ■ \ ^ U 'S rLm 1.30

Varlan Aiaai VandoCo .40 VlclorCC.U ViHlac I.U

WallW .l............WavhW ).34 WMlAIr 10k W«B»nc ).30 WUnlon 1.40 WMI Cl I.M Walvac 1.M Way*rh4 .W WhalPItt Sll Whirlpi 1.40 Wh Con* .40

NEW YORlj; '• (UPl)-The pronounced turnaround in inves-

30:4430:41 tor psychology continues "una­bated," Mosirow it Co. says. Tho firm advises bivestors to

:ii3i 4j expect “normal corrections and periods of consolidation" but It

tuvi »i ./ »j 19 li upward trend ofcuti S3 laii 1U9 tho market has been esta­

blished and confirmed." Moslr-»v .. ^ ...... ow continues to urgo a "fully

^ ll** »v* 331*+ '* Bl 1143 Knk Gih r9i t.H Invcstcd posltlon."i L t i __ «•'»+ * COLOHIAL La- cm t07 9,91 ^ _____

PU H O li La* Ha* 11.40 141) ----~ ' .03 4.39 Llbrlv S.91 4.41

.71 11.71 Lila Or-Cwth

141 431141 31 ..333 34 ,^3^ 331*+ M.30 391 391 39W ...

114 331 33H 33'40 391* 3«1 39<*-4 U.31»* 33V* 33 3314+ 1

IIH 41'* 47'*. 47'*—IISI 33V* 311* 33<*- 194 571 1*1 1>1 + 1V*44 V 34H. 37 + A* Cap 444 7.31

Fnd Bo* 1.97 9.11 Frof»l

I.U 133Nil

»pu»0 9.31 10.3# Cu*t nl 19.11 30 03 Cu*l B3 19.11 31.43 Cl>*l B4 1.49 9-37 Cbtl K1 7.U 1.17 Cut! K3 4.91 1.34 CutI SI 17-93 19.11

CutI S3 7-4) 1.33FrortI 71.3011.)! Cull S4 4.41 4.IIST Oo* n.03 13.04 Polarl* .314 3 |jSpacl "|.*i 9.11 Unlkr 7.10 7.79

31 31»* 331* . . . . . ..Ill. .341*.. 341 . 34M.t <* ' 43 UV* 34 34. ... (Of 441* 441'44>*-1)41 74 .rj'* 731+H 31 34 34V,+ V* 194 i;^ S7 171

10.71 11.71 Lila Or- t.41 1.94.01 4.11 Lila In* 7.40 1.31

me, 9.M Ift 10 LlfK Naf 10.1711,11Vani 4,73 1,14 Ling Pd 4.39 4.39

Colm O *11.41 1) 41 UOOMIIIAVLHI• f —t.m-., . . . . . .

"As far us the stock market Is concerned, tlicre’s a now man in tho White House tliis yedr—wo think we’ro going to Uko lUm a lot." Fllor ]f)ullard & Smyth says, llio colnpany


. TWIN FALLS ^ w ln g different Unds of mix grains raised in the M a^c Valley area. were shown by Sk>ecklH[aslaiti atthe Twin Falls Grange meeting Wednesday night.

Hie flln) also depicted flelds of turnips raised for stock feeding. Ttic noxt meeting Is scheduled for 6 p jn . Feb. W. .

(and) sliould bo watclied,' Hutton advises.

N O T IC B 0»» F U a U C A U C T IO M .Notlcf Is hwvbv qIvm bv VIctof

SlMkton that on* 19S7 Pontlsc 4^ooi' Md*n, ld«H>lltlC4itlon No. KI57H»«4/ will b« sold to ttie hlghMl biddw i v

^ Pilmfl 0'' P*briMrv s. 1971 «t I0:00A.M. at 3W Soutti Loeuit SffMt, Twin PbIII/ IdBho, tor a SIOO.OO storao* Han. 'PUOLISH: Jan. 31, » I, 31, |»7t.

JANUARraO , _D C S S Il e S T A T I, f A U l

A4lv*rti*«m «n li JanvM rv 3 i A«MtWnMr«i W m«, V U n . '


FEBRUARY3 IR N iS r IL U S . N A 2 IIT O N Atlv«49(*M»vMli M K u a rv 1

Can Int *M.90 30.90 Cap DV 10 S4 10 U Mul 14 04 14.04

1.31 1.49 Lulharn II.IIO.M • .] i! .1 ?J i l l !*“ believes President Nixon Is not

ClllatSv 3,30 Clly Inv* ,10 ClavaCI 3.34 CocaCot 1.44 CelpaU 1,40 Collin Hadlo CollnlillM

404 31 IS 391

S :;s ;7b, I7V>

141 401 39V, 4011- V* 130 31V* 33Vi 33V* I '* 113 311* 31'* 331*.... 41 . )7^ 14V* 37 + I* 33 30V. J01 301- '*

^3.’]ll* 30V* 311i H' 40 11....13h. 13l*~ 1 ....... .... 141* 3117V> 141 14V*-

SlM'i 31V* 141*+ »* Mavlo i.ltea 1011 341* 31«, 311 • »-i:40o — ui-^ i-sivv-iiva-K-v*— Mccrin.30--J4"30l I9i*“ 30l

WtilHakr Cp WICkM Cp 1 WInnDK r4l Woelttrfi 1.30

Kat'onCp .10 lalaCorp .44 Zayra Corp TanlltiB 1.40

Despito tlie rapid dcscent in on pabt'uary i, i»7i Interest rates* "there Is no

quouoof jwtcfitlaUmfiytflEiUa line at

Col Oat 1.74 Comtolv .40 CmwC 3.30(1 Comiat .10 ContEd I.M ConiPd 1-30 ConiNO I.U COAim Pm 3 ConI Air Ln iCotiCan 1.40 Conll on 11 CoAlrl Data CiMnCI 31a Can Brd .30 CPCInll 1.70

,f4l4 34 371* 341 + 1V.IIV, 14 111<J'* 4m 411*-I-

‘>14 17V. 17'/. 171 ..193 31V* 34* 341+313 411' 40V* 411+ H

' 13 39H 391* 39i.<|- >* -31-llU-.aiU-llV4 UVk-130 17‘* 14V* 141*- 114 411* 40'* 4IV. + m 749 391 3«V4 J94V- V131 14V* 1 H UV 44 3im 31 3in 33 33V* 3 I* 3U 71 31'* 141* 37

... 341* 37V* 37V. f- V*33 37 14V* U(*l- KU 49 ]0V* 30 30

•13 - '*. NEW YOBK (UPO-»*l*C**d40 - 111*. IIV* .111* KW-.9/ 4)1 41V* 41Vi- I*

CmSIFd 411 1.37 „a ./V, -,. COMMOMWLYH1S4 14V, UV. 14V*— V* »«USTi 4)9 741 71 71 -31 >00. 14V*- 141 . 14U+ 1 Ct U

£■»>» Co'i.n I.i. w.rbwi ,,m I n only Koln* lo try to rov llillM ^ Ino ot tho IcniliiiK wlnjown oY

!! Si; SS iiilT S ' r S K r n s s “ " . " IW i iS J >li« »«>nomy bm olso koop major money ccntcr bnnkn,"m 1. »<* ‘ J’ ,' " ts :: ?: il"wn wogos nnd prlM». "IIU Pai„o, Wobbcr, Jnckson t

.1 M udt. con. inu n.» n.ij ‘ ..oj 4m succcss Ifl holding tlowH wajios 'Curtis Inc. sayjj'.-'nicrororo tlio

S r Hs E t- S c r ; , l " mi JII s a r . i n s pn™!. wiu^hovo . dlr«H company fo“ S « ,- o « or two 1 , I ju i ; ; ; J p o n U i o , pxl“ » _ o r ..quartcr^lnl.cuU-ln-bolh lha.

cwfi D.I .14 j.H Mpbflw, 10..I II.u common stocks, tho compuny prbno and' rodlkount rates. c^o,y, bcllovos. dcsplti [£o rocont >bul-

KSoSPn'iJiJ n ! ! ' . I . )lent almospliero''bl the bond13.3013 M Mul shr* 11:7311:73' TTlero are signs U>o market market, the comoany ^inectB

NOTICB 0»*SALH Notlca It hareby olvwrthaf Nw'-' thwast Crane, Rtoglno I, Transport Companv, Route No. 3, Twin Palls, Idaho, will tall to the hlghail bidder* the following:

1940 CorVNlr NO. U0/6V0I3431U \9U Duick No. 64034246 19«0 Quick No. 4A4-037-39S I9S7 Cadillac No. IDA MII9 IMJ Pofd M ton No. None <940 AAercury No. OJ34NS()0407

Dodge No. n43«ooir 19&3 Ford No. None 1957 Plymoulh No. I&1M7I3 19S3 Po.d U Ton No. Fjjq.1794^ 19«0 Rambler No. 74«U

Said iBle will be held «t 13:00 noon

WoN a MMa^r^ith

ttB»UABV4 e v i l in & MAX>ftll LARK A^v«Ht**mMtt ■’•brvMry 3 , Au4tUf**Mi Werf. lilert, '


f e b r u a r v s

J. J. av ilAdvartlMmMh 3 •AvKlioAMrti Wert, blere.

^ pN a Meeawwilth


A « }veH (4e m M lire lm M ry4 * AvKtUn*«f«i Wert, lilw«,

Wail A

PUBLISH: January 31, 39 «. 3), 1971..


AdveftUm^vli NbnHi.y 1 , Au<tUm»e<i C el. tvMl O ro n I,


. Low L'aM

t Commodity Futures. V 11 a.m. Tbdxiy

34 M 13W 33 + V*'74 im 131 13V.4.1

Craola 3.40a DayDlxlyn Corp Equ Cp .Ud. PadfalmoAt Oil fInCpfB .30 Pord Can 3

, PranlW Air


---- May Idaho lPotatoe« -Mar. Maine Potatoes May Maine Potatoes Feb. Uve CatUe June Uve CatUe '

--- . IPeb. agga--— ----- -Mar.cdm M arrw W t Mar.aWer. ... ^

• July Silver____ — —

,..tsi.bS1.40'.m o


4.68 4.603.69 166

3,2s a.l6,32.50 33.1031.70 31.4S

- 3*00 “ 3100.US ^ 153 165 W 167 166160.70 161^ 186.30 161.10164.70 166J0 164.70 165.50

Ii>w , 11 a.m.

4.66 3.60 ^

3.21 * ,3147 31.70

~J140 ■" 163 Tfc 166%

-X_ Quolallont from touli N. RIttan Co., Twin Follt-- -- r ------------------------------ -------------!----------

Oraw Hydrl • HMkyOl .It

KalMrl>v43l kkbyind .14 UkBnt .30b' L*« Nall cp •MeCul Cp SI

- MaMPW I Meh*rh A u r NaW ParkM Oeklpll.4irf Pa<NW l.(U P^rla t t .») Prtawm t>vA

.IMNaeve* 1nd« thettuck On- •»lltr«nO«V .tiand Malel tiathem In* Synle* .40a TectMldr tn

37V. 371 37U+ V*}| I 4U 4V4- V*30 141* 14W 141*+ 13S 34V* 341 34U,-f 1T 101 1014 W1-*- U.

U 13V* 13U ni+-V*. » .SI 4H . » .- li

1 - ir 1^ “.!S 33VI. 334* 33Vfc-f 1

I3M 741 74 741-I-9U.101 4U. 4H 4Vk ...

—m - 3 T v r - --

II I4H 14 14 ■I) 14 I3U 111* .e Siv* ISU, 311— Wto II -30V. 30V4 ...4S tv* av* •M4- W74 4|V* 411-1

IIU, 1S1 HU.— U,

HowABD H I lk 7:34 7 .f i ROW h ig h s .- th e s e tb a c k s in D o w

owih I*:*# iS:*# i " « r . J : i l l :» i Jo n e a u t i l i t ie s , a n d th e *Iw«lak«

iroci<f>dh3414.41 ^ aocani S.44 s .H B v e r a g o . ^ T u r t h e r w e a k n o s s in“ r t f ' l ? : ; } l 2 : i J : . t h e t r a h ip o r t a t lo n In d e * w h i le '

i l S i l S M th e b u l ^ l a U c o n t in u e to r la e6M i?d 4.14 4.73 Ha«»i IT IS.34 H.M c o u ld bo o f so m o Im p o r ta n c e


C«nl<Mt 733.7490 M 43^«IS7

l i ,-i a 4V4 4U, 4H-i- 1 IW I64U, tft4Ut I04U.— V4

4 U 11 I7H U 1 . . . 4^401 .•40U,._40V4-h.

-lSl“l3Vt — ......... ..

Bflt Proo 3.W 4.31 101 Vm f.33 lO.lfJ* — ^ . ''•Irtld 10.11I1.M IM Pnd 1S,»>1S.I0

fin Bur 9.VI -M1 On« Wm 14.SI 14.SIftDILITY ONaJI 11.4] 11.41OROUP Opf»AIM:v40.WII.M B»*M 13.)< U.M rt1 144 evarti oTc Sac f.H 10.UCap 11.13 I3.»1 Pac* fd 7,44 |.»P*«( 7.01..... ..PaulRw 1.H I.Purtd

P u r M I0.)4 11.19 Phlla P4 l] .N 1S.3• lA lem - ».U.-fc*l-- PJIorm 9.17 ve.»4-----

’ 2^ Plo* t t 11.4* »1.4e9U • W M OOH AM K plon S n l 7.01 7.44

- l i - ^ » * »> H.9J 11.03 •

’' S ' ' S t si P i.r s s . l iS lir ,

4« 13U I3H l)VV~ %lalPVe 10.7911.79 Owtti , }4.0e94.0«'

- • “ .................. . . . - I,)4.N 34.M

-Never thoughthe’d take a ‘government’

f e r n

He didn*i. . . some ^ o p le don't undet'stand that

the Federal Land Bank doesn't lokn government

money. N o federal funds are involved. -We are ^

completely farrner owned, i

X o n ^ t o n L o ^ i . . . aUowcaLpQ?siblc.cQaL«.>-Jol—^

any worthwhile'piirpoM.


Page 10: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

lO T * ln F a ll t . Iduho F r id ay , J » n u » r y » , 1971


n am e b ishopPORTLAND — Bishop W.’ Jan. 5 of a hoart attack.

Maynard Sparks, odmintstratdr— 'nio resident bishop''for the

of the United Methodist Churdi I*ortland area will be elected at In the Seattle area, has been tlio regular western Jurisdic- appointed Intcrlni Ushop of the Uonal 'confcrcnco for Uie 10 F^rtland arcQ, pendin({ ap* v/estcrn stales, to. be hdd In provaloflhe Council of Bishops. July,.1072, according to Bishop

He will replace Bishop Oiju-los V. Golden, San PVan- Everett W* Palmer, who served cisco, president of Uie Western the. Portland .area from July, Jurisdictional Colleyo of 1968, until h b imexpected death Bishops.

Blsliop Spjirks will now direct U»o work of 300 Methodist ministers and 71,000 members in Oregon, Idalio and Alaska in addition to admlnlsterihK the work of 101,000 United McUiodisU In WunhinKton and nortJiom • Idaho imd-the over- sous confurunco In Sierra

I ^ n o . West Afrlcn.Final approval of his now

imlfjiiment Is contingent upon official npprovnl of Uie 43 active bisljops In the United States, witii Uio vote <}3£|)octcd to bo taken by' mnll w)on, Bishop

Golden Hiild.A native of llockwood, Pa.,-

riov. Sparks la H Kraduatc of I-ijbanon Valley Colioye; 'Ann- ville. Pa ., and Union

Baptists at Shoshone

setranniversary playBy MELBA TIIORNE

~Tiinef-Newf Cq]_N arra^£are Howard Adkins and Gary McDohaW.

nras' depicted Include

Aoi,-T. V. Strunk, Half l ^ k e , "Carla HaJihrPam’H61trn6b^~

Parkhurst, Donna Pierson,SHOSHONE - As a 76 An- ____ _____ _______ ____ ______ ________

nlver6ary ConMnemoratlon, the ' creation, -Indian with . Hdy Mary Beltla, TaoU Carraway, Shoshone First Baptist Church Tanaka and Camp Flro fttrls' 'PennyClaJton. DcAnne Braun, will jj^esant a miulcal play at 8 presenting tiie lattci'; mining Q w i Uusteun, Shirley Gaskill, Jan. 31 at-tlio church, tableau, witli Jack and Steve aielly Sweet, Carol Tulnman

Tlio illny cnllllod "Hock and Kollo'y; Idaho ttrrllory tableau _and Stieryl Davllbon.

Ijivn!'wa«orlKlnnlly written by ._ w lll ,_ D 8 n — l^arltKurjif us Swc^t'Carol Tuinciian mid -TVIrs. lJloIla Kfasoy, 0 member |>rosldont I.Incoln; railroad, Sicryl Davillion,

Of tiie church for more tlian 60 lubloau with tlie Kelley lioys years, and‘It has been revised reatured; a pvlbltlonby Mrs. L. M. Hatmakcr, local' Bcone • with Sunday School school tcachcr. Mrs. Hatmakcr children demonstrating just ashas served as the coordinator u,oy lUj Mrs. Kln.wy w a s ____

. for Uie nresentutlon. Mrs. Anna child, and Uie Idaho Statehood Mrs. Charles Hansen,

J ^ l . s s lc k will flcono._witlLStovo-Ai}dorsPri.Jj^^tljtne?^;„JgnLCK_Jgatfi.of the pageants Ujo longest |>rcsldent Harrison and Terry programs. Ii>ls Jones, hair

HOpklns and Bill Murphy the lioy ScouLs.

Mrs. Merle McKeudrlck, Ivan Hopkins and Mrea. Frank Ijuio will iM-ovide, slides; WlUUu.n Tanaka Is providing the Indian’ dress; Fred Van ICngelen and

living residont-member. llie story depicts Uio life of

U)o church from Its beginning, in story, picture and song, and tjikes Its title from Uiu names of tlie horses tluit transported the nev. Howard iy)wlcr, circuit

Charter memijers of the cimrch are depicted by Mr .and Mrs. Bennie Iliiy Webb, for Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hash; Mr. and

l * r e | i a r elam b

.-churcluwas-first begim.

. Since the church history

COOKS FOR TIIE imliual Bawiue dlancr Saturday at St. 'covcp:thc-75-J/oar 'iipan,-l»ri- Edward, Catholic diurch, Twin Kails, arc, (rom lett, Tom « dorublo Intonnntlon l.i In- Kalange, Unk McGlnaU, Franknorcnco aad Bob Itamoy. They ‘^'"dcd on ttm history of IJncoln will cook the Iamb for the dinner on a iplt In /rout o( tlie parish !!!>d surrOundinR urqii.

hall. The dinner will bo served from 4 to 8 p.m.




i ^ i e t y

Tlieologicul Seminary, Dayton Ohio, and served In the Evangelical United Brotiiren Qtfirch in Pennflylvanlii. In 1058

~~lic was electeU'to tho blsliflprlc of tho EUU church at Harrisburg, Pa., and assigned to Sacrmncnlo, Ctilif.

Ho becamc rcsldcntrbishop of Ujo Seiittlo area in lOflS after imiflcntlnnoftlio Metlmdist find Evangelical Unltoil Bretlircn

-^urcliea. ____________

Presbyterians in T.F.

to iilstall officers

styles; Gene Hjirri.>j, in charge of Qunpflro girls.

Rev. and Mrs. -Wesley Jo|inf«)t», the Rev. Janjcs Holt, Ronald Janklns, Mrs. Ralf I^cko nnd tlio lilgli school

, , ....................... ............................ choriw, mu.Hlc; Richard Jonesprwteher of-the-area- wlien ■ U»e--Mfg Jjcjijcrt-Gchrlr, fof Mr. and and Ronnie iJcott, iislicr8:'Marjl

M ra .T .B .Beck;— Clarence • Joncs nnd Pam Hoit^ offering; Magoffin, for S. A. Beck; Ed Kathi Jones and Dlanh Ihiak, for Silas D. Perrlne; Magoffin, program (»lrls; Itev. Ronnie Scott, for Robert J. Jamcii Holt, Dan Parldmrst, McMahon, and for Ujo Bowler • Mrs. Dan Kelly, Mrs. Ijirr^ family, Marjl Jones, Unda Bjirdsloy, Mrs. T.. Struck luid Webb, Susan. Parkhursl, Terl Victor Boziuto, stjiging; Dale

Mrs. aeovu Peterson-Is Uj'b Ursen, Richard Jones, Ijirry Blair, lighting; Susan Hiit- director of tho chortw wlU> Mrs. .Webb, Calvin Webb, Dan cltison. Carmen Kinney andfiarlan<l Blalr.._and .-MrSi .Magoffin._______ -___________ L ..Pcnny._Elzscn._art;—Penny—Wesley . ' Johnson ac- , Others to participate arc Flxsen, job’s (lainjhtcr's par- cnmpanlsLs.T. V. Strunk, Omer Unda Webb, Ronnie cott, Larry Ucipatlon, wllh Mr. and Mrs. Sliook and Mike Kinney play Webb, Paul Brammer,, Dan Paul Bancroftand Mr. and Mrs. - 1 n .1 tr um'c'n fn 1 n ifnfi b or aT~Kclloyr&mf6rd"CohrtcUrMtke ‘“ ne.'rter'JohiuaiHenTis'hosL^

SHOSHONE - Tlie quarterly report of the Women'Missionary Council for the Siioshone Assembly of God Qiurch allows Ute variety of projects and extent of their work, all Uie way frqm helping missionaries tx) fumlslilng their own fellowslilp hall kitchen. ,

Hiti women distributed 200 pieces of gospel literature during Ujo last qujirter of 1070,08 well as giving three Blblcs.Value of household and clothing Items sent to tbe district Commissary at Nampa was lM ^ N n « » rc n c .W2.M, wlU» 1134.03 designated *^cv. Joe Chastain



for T.F.TWIN FAL15 - The Kord-

smah Quartet, a splritunl singing group will present an evening of gospel Hltu{lng at7:30 i.m. today in tlic First Qmrch

Elder Richards

to talk at meetTWIN F A M ^ — -.Elder volved m the mortgage banking

Franklin D. Richard!], as Injslneas. He was pre.sident of as'iistant to tlie-Council oil 12 of the Northwestern States

4iajoodslmwBcJUmis,-472uuuili__{V: °iljg?LPjBi)^-9f,PI^y .^-'*. V.. -.Jlm.LDS^Qui^i^vvilLspcak-at—misslDn-wlum-appointctl-to-hlssent to misslonarica; HOfl.57 “t ® Uie'PwlnFallsstakuconfcrence prcjicntcl

TWIN FALLS - Newly' elected officers of Uio First >

' Preshyterlah Qiurch of Twin------F n l l .T - w i l l- b e “ o rd a in D d " n n d - ln -~

atalled at tlio 11 a.m. Sunday wopfihip services.

Elders arc Qiarles Alrhart, Mrs. Helen llionie, Walter Burdick, Robert Warberg, Mrs. Ben Mottern' and Mrs. Alvin SmuUiy. Deacons include Mr. nnd Mrs. William Scruggs,, Mr- nnd Mrs. Matt SmiUi, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parloto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keener and Mr. and.Mrs. Kenneth Dunken.

.llie .sermon tlUe will bo • ‘‘Called to Serve." Tlie choir,

under Uie direction of David Folllngstiul, will fling "0 Savior, Hear Me" by : Gluck. Holy communion wllli be observed.

Tliere will tie no service at 0:30.ajn^Uii«-Sunday-only.-^---

New congregation

will meet aFY

value of a large box of Clirist- mas gifts sent to Juneau,

. Alaska dilldren’shomo; |116.2{I box of Christmas gifts sent to tho Fort Hall, IdJiho Indian Mission. . .

Tho group suppor,ts rnonUiIy a pastor to the Cuban refugees in Miami, Florida, also a

“ Uruguayan Blble student:------- : — - v — y,--- - vSomo ot tlw other project.i “ >»»• trios, and quir-

lm:ludodfumlBl.lnil food tor, 100 tcts aa well n» in.itruracntal

guests ot Uio fellowslilp ■ day numbers.

8ccvlcfl-in-Novcmbd-,-and.cucli________________________________month membei's bring a designated Commissary item ofwearing apparel or a household— iM - W .C J x C . t l i---------

p.m. Ho Kiild anyone can par- Uclpate *clUier .by phoning or appearing at tho cliurch. Tho ciiurdi’a phono niunber is 733- (}’ § 3879.

The Sunday momlnij service at 10:45 a in . will feature a solo by Mrs. PennV Stevens.

At 7 p.m. Sunday a musical scrvlco la planned. There will to

Feb. fl and 7.Elder Richards, a Salt Ijike

City attorney, once seved as commissioner of the

Federal Housing Ad­ministration and has been in-

item, reports Mrs. Jjunes Page,WMC secroUiry-treasurer.



.aidesFIIJ)R — Now conimlttcei

for Uie coming year have been announced by Mrs. Reuben Uennan, president of tlw Peace LuUieran Woman’s Missionary Uague. • . •

Mrs. Virgil Anderson and Mrs. T.D. Joluistort will bo hi diarge of Clirlstlon growUi;Mrs. Walter Mueller nnd Mrs.

-Earl-Mosqn^nltamulldTTMrtfr-nnthomnd-tivaitBuUstr .Ernest Hioete, Mrs. Earl Rev. Del Storey, pastor of the

programs c h e d u l e d

TWIN FAL!^ - A special musical program Is scheduled for 8 p.m. Saturday nt tho First United Brethren church featuring the musical cvimgellsm of Rev. Lonlilc AiKleraon, former night club entertainer. •

Hie progriun will Include solos and quartet numbers and Rev. Anderson will speak on a

present clmrcli po^lUon in lOTiO Part of Ills church aaalgnnn}nl is supervision of missionary work in Central Ainerlai, Mexico and Spanish-fipf^aklng areas of the United States.

Tlie conference Keuiilon will be lield )it 10 a.m. Siuiday In the stakeliouse, 42o Maiu-ice SI. N. ‘

Lloyd A. Hamilton, stake T ? I _ \ ^


'TWIN F A U ^ — Calvary wlUi Campus Crusade for Qirlst . features a complete Sunday Bible Chapel, a recently at Whitworth College and schoolprogramat9:45ajn.and

organized church in Twin Falls served as youUi pastor of SouUi is celebrating Its first six monUi Hill Cliristian Church In anniversary by moving Into Uio Spokane.YW.YMCA cliapel.- for Sunday Itie Calvary Bible Quipel

morning imd ovening services.Rev. Dean Brolnard, youUiful

pastor, said Uie church began wlUi six fjmilllcs last July, who felt Uie need to establish an Independent Bible teaching church In tho Twin Falls community. WlUi sbrong'.em- pliasls on teaching Uio Sirip- tures as a Kuide to pracUcal ■QiflsUanllvlhg, UiTciiiu^j has





Douglas and-Mrs. Del But­terfield, special projects.' Mrs. John Orthcl( Mrs. Harvey Maxson and Mrs. Joyce

~HartHng,'Bpccial occasions, and

Mrs. Paul Kalbflclsch, Mrs. ' Eddls Lamiiiers and Mrs. Ralph . Plolstlck, ' kitchen maintenance.


m4ni"ilTp1^likh'tw"'i;^d” hla 2.500,OOO-mcmbcr Amorlcan(nmlly iniido to Uio Gospel I-uthonmaiiu-ch has ordainedCrusade convention In its first woman minister. S ic IsDnidonton ,.F Ia ., where he llarbnfn Andrews, 3j aspoke at tll6 Invitation of Gerald vict m of cerebral palsy who

Dersllne, national known works from a wIiDclclialr. b iiirch recreation rooms/ - ^ M i i i i^ J l i i d r o w » - U - U io - M c o n d - y ! i H ™ J :S £ £ S f f lo n ^ ------,,,-

woman la North America to bo ■ 'nie ob. O W Stt m octN wW ordained Into tho I,lltlieran be at the home of Mrs. Voung.



givenRICHFIEIJD - Tlic week of

prayer and uelf denial program was held Tuesday by Uie Rich­field WSCS at Uie home of Mrs. Myrtle Riley, unit president.

Taking part In U>e service were Mrs. C. M. Prldmore, Mrs. Eugene Alexander, Mrs. Roy Young, Mrs. Marvin Webb, and Mrs. I^loy.

A special offering was taken for Laity ministers work' overseas and pensions for. deaconeases.

Tentative plans were made , for a fellowslilp dinner at 1:30 'p.m . Feb. at Uie Mctliodlst

grown from Uip original six to 10 families, ho said.

"Moving into Uie Y Is our first step In Uie direcUon of a more permanent locaUon and stan­ding In Uio community," Uie pastor said. Itie congregaUon lias been meeting In liomos of members, but Uio Increashig size has necessitated moving

“into- B-more-perm anent—and

SHOSHONE - Members of ocntrallied fiiclllty.

Uie United Metliodlst WomenwlUj-Vpoiisor-ui--lntcrnatlonal_™“ ^,--P?^^^ _ Spokmo^ dinner nsa-Iumtralslnii project, Waali., wlUi abjichclor’silcKroo

Uie cvchlng of Feb. 17, officers PfyclwlOKy and roMlvcd his

announced after Uie January W f I*™

-ovonbig -family liour at C:30 p.m. in addlUon to worslilp services nt 11 ojn. jmd 7:30 pan.

"Adult leadersliip ‘ is often a real problem wiUi many larger churches, but wc have been blessed wlUi an abiuidance of : teaching and musical talents among our members," the pastor said.



9:45 •Sundiiy S<liool

1 1 :00 'M ofn ino Wonliip

(S :30- Jr Sr. Voung PaopU't •'

7:30 -Evdiing Wartliip S«tvi(p

Konnolh C. Himpio,P a l lo r

7 9 3 .1 9 )9"whofto *v«r a.i.r«

meeting.Named to

cgfnmlttee for Uiln event arc Mrs. Ktldle Tanaka,

Gilbert Person ni)il Wallace Flxsen.

Mrs. Clarence Tanaka Is o new member of Uie group. •

Tlie program featured Rev. Ilardy ‘Huimpson, who.spoke on some of Uio beliefs of tho MeUiodlst church. Mrs. Everett Kldner gave Uio devotions.

Conftcrvatlve Baptist Seminary,

tho planning Po^an^l* . . . .t arc assuming the

pastorate here In December, Rev. Bralnard served as a resident counselor on tho staff of Youth Adventures, working among dolUiquent teen- igcrs in Oregon. Ho also has worked

Dinner setKINO J I I I .L ■- A poUuck

lliere will not be a mcetln* In dinner wm bo hold followingFebruary, becnuie of dinner, services Sunday In UioMrt. Eddie Tanaka and Mrs. basement of Uip KlnB llUlClarence Tanaka aro tho United Presbyterian CJiurdi.hostesses for Hie March Awards for attendance rocordsmoetlnij. will bo presented.


Tivin Falls church, said , , ,numerouji Inquiries haVo'biien >«""}itry.

made by Inti^cstod persons In Magic Vnlleyaa ttt wlien the nuxt'JubllwJ BliiR-sejwlon would— TWIN-FAl.LS-*“ -‘‘Uve” 1»-1», and Uie Saturday night tlio subject of the lesson-sormon program la Uie first one Uils ‘to be delivered at tho Firstyai\t. . amrchofCfirlst.SclontUit.atn

Hie public Is Invited. a.m. Sunday. ,


CHURCH SUPPLIES____M a g ic V a lo y

CHRISTIAN SUPPLY ^7A3M(>i<i Av*. M. 7.'l3-3677

, 9 .4 5 A .M . -M i OO A.M t-

• Twin m i O O iH l CHUHCHItv«<liur<hof#lVlVAlIlMt’' iii.lio und

-CM Wofil ov«. KIFI1370 KC Sun-inyinl-P.OOAJA,______

rf«* liuH« ky Wu. • K .m J-C.ll 733.1733 w y j j- n o •

FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD1. Shaup Av«i El ' ' * . Y w lrtfa lU ,



Mbklng a mlitako on your Incoma Tax return It liko faklrta d wrong turn; you never know whore you'll end up. ThU year go itralgh) to H & R DIOCK for guaranteed occurole tervlce. Don't end up loti on your return. Let H & R BLOCK put you on Eoty>SiLesji

I f w m ake eqy o ro r i Ifcat co it you any |>«wnUy <r wltl pay ll ia t ^waW y ar Iw lira ifT


FILER ANChFliLMORE—W»«KOAVS 9 A.M. • 6 - SAT. 9-5 - Ht. 733 0104 "




Young's Dairy Products Co.N34II. Av*.W - Twin foil! - 7H3 1632

1 Lynwood Shopping CenterIdnho't Mott ConipUl« Shopping C«nt«f ‘ tllu* loU » Divd. & FtUr Av«, — Twin foU*

Leslie Davis & Son^ , form Equipmtnl

I9fln' .E iiiobilti 'Dlv<l, — T\yin FnlU. — 733-R405 ■ 11, • ' ‘ r

<• • •

Buttrey l^oods. , Blu«toViiS»i«pplngC«nt*f — Twin Foil*

.Wilson Bates Appliance Store, inc.Moving ■ Monofcli • PhiUo • Kj|<K«n Aid

Twin Fol lt- - — Bufl*y » . ‘

. ■ I

Volco Builders SupplyCvtiylMny Fa luiW Anylfiinfl .

Twin FoHi — Jvromii — Bufiay

Osco Drug’ 705 B tu*laU iB W . N, •

,1WIN FAllS 7.13 0347

s - Walls NorthwestLnestock Supply ^

■303 4thAv«,W._^--TwlnFelU — 733 Jfli9 -


Holiday Inn>350 BJu« Ibkcl BU<I No. — Twin F a l l i 7 3 3 04S0

* • I ■ • V

Southldaho Production Credit Association

34A Thlfd Av«, E, — W in ralli — 733 B411.

Buhl Sponspr A n d y - B o b ’ s M o tor C o .

Twin Ftilli — 733-4113


.. V ^ THIS SUNDAY . . . . . . ! ■.. . . .r

■ » , 4 1J BWodwey So, — Boh( — 343'4318 . ■ ■ I-

Page 11: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

l l l n ln p

C a m a N

C 'nN N ifi



Jp ron i< r

- I J n r o ln -

iH in ld o k n

T u i n

i W a g t c ^

- FrrdAyrJanuary-n»r'»r»-'

DyMDCpnOBERTOON potatoschoolot tho Holiday Inn. centrotions'in southeastem and agricultural burning; however. _ ^ _ tlme«-News Staff Writer He said not only fanners a re ' northern Jdahb. The complaints Eiguren said .there can be

. T W tNFALi^ - - p u w i c i y Owned fitf for* rccclvBd' shdwed the-public's—burning of plant Ufe In op«- Idaho ajr pollution control a free waste disposal syatepi^, concerrt with'the problems of space only-when necessary but director, said farmers are Mwy big Industries throughout the burning. Eiguren said, and - not for disposal only, lie did not receiving a subsidy b-om tho~the state are. tho biggest the health department went to explain what U considered public by using the air as a free polluters, ho said. ^ the farmers to "try to look at necessary burning.--dlsposal arca, when burning He-said the problen^:.oj_ttie_avfrflll flltiintlfw ~— Wheiuthere Ja-bumlng. ll ls'

^■fields” ■;---- - ■ — ----- agrt^niltmiwl-tairnliut—bccamc--..He.aaid-fevidancfl pointed' to -Uie respon^bllity of the person— Eiguren,'an'official \dth Uio eWifent losi year when massive the fact that *'large scale open burning the materia) to do so'

Idaho Health Department, burning on hUII days caused burning will have to bo cur. spoke l^ursday at the annual high particle and smoke con- tailed," and It will have to

eventually bo done away with.Tho public's tolerance In Incoming shorter and pollution .levels that wero once thought bafo ore no- longer considered safe, Eiguren said.

linder conditions when there will bo a reasonable amount of smoke dissipation. 'Hiat person also must follow federal bur* nln|{ rc|{ulatlons. If thd burning bccomG^''6 nuisance, restric­tions may bo Imposed he said.

Eiguren said U)o state's plansaid LbcccnrcJiow burning . for agricultural ..biirnipg. a

regulations of the amounts of long range plan ti-phase It out', waste Kolng into the air and there can bo no open bumln^j except for certain catcKorles such as forest managomont and ^jyrlculturo.

Thure arc regulations oti



T i r e s d a x

altogether, when a reliable and strltablo substitute can bo found to clfmlnato agricultural waste.

Ho said Uio short rango plan calls for' llmKlng. burning, to certain areas at ccrtain times',., nJJovringTinJy'smalt ncroagcs to* bo burned.

llio sUite Is now trying to • develop a pollution control staff to toll Uio fanners and In* dustrlcs how to copi’ wltli tho problem of air pollution. At present, there arc nine mcm-

bcr» who will (live dlrocllon imd e ,g o i ie n , W oI Iha ll.ia ih D.partn.»Di'i Air

' Olvl.lon. . . ld th.1 .gricullm il b«nlpg will

™unly i„c« t can pn i. In. dnrini! a talk In Twin Kail.,

Burning rem arks

formation on to tlio farmer in Uie form of correct biUTilng

'7^UPEUT"="ThC"llEd'Cross—procedures’nndtbncs:--------Bl()o<linoblle will be at U»e Eiguren sjild resoarch Is now

-Rupert Civic gymnasium from 2 IwtnK conducted on the'prolem until fl p.m. Tuesday, Mrs. of elim inating agricultural Dprotljy Burton, bloodmoblle waste by means oUier tlum chnlrmffii, said twlay. .. burnlntj. But this research is

Minidoka County has a quota limited by lack of funds, ho said, of 125 pints of blood, but Mrs. Ho said IJjcjjtatc hopes to gel—

|.—Burton snld 2Q0 plntH are needed Uic job done as ffwt as possible^ and "Umlt Uie adverse aide cffecb."

P a tr io t icDlSPloAYING PLAQUES received from the Burley Exchange

Club Thursday for Grant Fillmore, left, project chairman, arc Hon Jonea, third placc winner; lUic Shelby, first place, and Loma ‘nirner, second. The awards were for the merchants' window displays depicting the theme “One Notion Under God."

Burley merchant trio citedGleason Anderson, new

Cassia County magistrate judjie, discusijed l)ic new court re(prm at Uie luncheon. He wild

BUltI.EY — TJjree Uurioy Grant Fillmore, cluilrman, cronse patriotism amdni; merchanlH received plaques prejiented Uie awards to \Uo citizens, according to Hay from Uie Burley Kxcliange Club Slielby,. rcpre.u*nUng Fred’s, Bound, local president.TImrsdny for patriotic window ftrstphice; liOrmtTurner.ofthc . . jcym nm u ic mnuiiajii. nc mmj

“ (lisplays on the llietiie oi ''OniT'Fabric CtiderTaecbirdTniWTlon--- Mnyw— GUTllJ— n^bcrttion— hl!TDffiCL':nDwrlcmdics-nll-court—.'NutlDci Undfcr God V/cck.". Jonea. of Von Engclen'H, third, signctl ,a proclamation cases formerly handle<l by city ^ ^

Tl»o patriotic campaign Is declarlnu the week’s ob- judj{e, probate, judge and llie project wat sjjonjared by undertaken annujdly by Uu>-sgryanct) for Uie public ami tha>- jusUces of Uie |wace.

Uie cliib, ' Excluin"** Club to try (o In- ' iCxcluuige Cl^ib. ’ - *

tflvflll Uie largo demand made rccenUy. Since Uie last drawing Uie hospital has used (U) pints, site uiid.

Elden Hunter, Rupert, is scheduled for open heart surgery at Uie University of Utah Mcdlcal Center and will need-20 p l ^ of whole blowl, It may bo donated at Uupcrt and Uie blood centers', will U-ansfer Uie blood, Mrs. Burton said ..

OUier-area resldenb needing p ^ "Iblood replawments Include 1 ^ 1 ^ / I Jame3*Stev9ns, 10 pints, H.-V. ■; ■ *• Bcflver, J5, and Dean Sclioflcld, four.

Mrs. Biu-ton said slie has an urgent request for type 0

m hlorwl nooiled for open

programPark job p J a u g g g fstart set

'I’WIN FALUS - Preliminary developinent_ of the Dlorke’s Ijike 'recrealloFuil area In n -stago coiu{tr(iOtlon-{ betiln tills summer, C|ly

Bald Mountain area

closeS io veHicles-

- JeromeGrange se, to rebuild

burned hall “

Manager Joan Mllar said today.Mllnr has Yoturnod from

PorUnnd whore he met wiUj officials of Housing and Urban Development to discuss financing of Uie program. Ho wild Uie city will bo eligible for fundln({ on a reimbursement luisls of up to 50 i)cr cent of all . . .costs. Financing will be under » Pwnanent structure.

-TWIN FA M ij-M em liers of Ilurljor House of Magic Valley luivo /yinouncod plans to cm: luirk on a l)ullding program.

Mrs. Boy Shaub and Daniel Meehl, co-chairmen--of-the board of directors. ^ Id today1C organization now luis

In . matching federal funds avallablo wlUi imotlier |11,000 donated by community or({nnlzaUons and individuals. Many of Uieso lunds wero doiuitod wlUi a now building In mind and they hove boon ac­cumulating until the orKmiizaUon could look tqward

luis served well for temporary use, alio siild. It docs not meet., Gtate licensing requirements juid must olliier undergo costly remodeling or repairs or bereplaced,-8ho_aal(i._U_ls_?>ow

Mrs. Sluiub said with tlu)

rental but is offered for sale by ■thtrowner*Bnd“cottld’be-«M>ld-at— —

any time forcing Harbor House to move out and close. Even after repairs, the building plan of Uio present conv^ed home Is not fully satisfactory for Harbor House foster home use. site said...Itoard moxnbersbave,yoted to go ahead with the flrst $25,000 phase of the building', expected to cost between 140.000 and

KETCHUM *- Sawtooth NaUonnl Forest officials here today issued a jiocond statement on closure of Uie Bald MountaUi ski area to n)otor veliicles. In­cluding snowmobiles, which Uiey aald Uiey Iwpo will clarify undcrstjin<Ung of iui earlier rcleaw. -

'nic area Is closed to ‘ all vehicles, according to both news releases, and Includes an

' area of about 2,000 acres.' Forest spokesmen here today

said many snowmobllurs took

ski area were closed to unauthorized motor vchlcle travel by action of forest supervisor E.A.? Foumer on Jan. 20.

"Tills Is public land which Is operated as a public ski area by Sim Valley Co. It has been developed and used for Uils purpose for more Uian 30 years. In the past, Uicre has been praotlcally no Rnowmoblle use on Uie area and UtUe has been anticipated for U>e futuroi Tho closure Is «a restrlcUon of boUi summer and winter vehicle_____ offense to Uie headline in U i e ..........

: TlmeS-Newtf“ Jnn~2fi“ 0n~Uie— use7’— the— Toro'S!article. Tlie hondllne said, statement continues."Snowmobllbs ordered out" and ' -...........carried Infonnatlon concerning the closure of tho Bald Mouit-

■ tain ski area and some areas in ' I the Chains National Forest.

Ih. Uie.second report, today, forest officials cmpliaslzed theclosure applies to all vehicles _____ .. ___ .

' mnrf'BtJjtcdr*‘Many'local‘peoplo— fnmourski'arca^understood from the-article a summer travel In Uio past'has large part of Uie SawtooUi resulted In serious damage to NaUonal Forest could no longer roads, ski i-una, vegetaUon and be used for srtowmobilbig. Tills caused soil Erosion.Is not so. Actually only'about *'None of this damage

'The closure was made primarily to stop unauUiorlzt^ travel on Ute ski area during Uie summer months using 4-whecl- drive vehicles, motorcycles and trail macliincs. HUs acUon was taken to protect the Im p o r^ t

b’avel. Summer travels^ grcaUy Increased Uie Uu-ent that forest fires mlKht be started whlcli could destroy valuoble ski area Im ­provements and oUier forest values. During recent summer nu)ntli8 there has been van­dalism to ' restaurants, buildings, rcsU^ms and ski lifts. "

“Tlie vehicle closure will help control future vandalism. In addition, the area roads are unsafe for general public travel and past public summer U-avel

servlcc— haa-lncreased-tho hazard to workers who must use tlte road.v for ski area development and management. •

"Ttie news release mentioned the .need to protect s n o w m o b l l o r s f r o m

snowfllldcrs. Cold Springs Gulch h/is areas of serious avalanche

when It Is complete.This summer, work w ill'

probably be restricted to general Improvement of the

SHOSHONE - Magic Grunge BOISE ^ llio NorUi Sidewill rebuild Uie grange hall News of Jerome captured Uireewhich was burned shortly Uiird-placo ■ awards and one ..before Christmas, Mrs. Paul second-place commendation In road, picnic areas Jind sewageBancroft, secretary, sJild today. Uip nnmuil competlUon of the system, he siild. Septic tanks

Bulldlng^plans were con> fdalio Press Association among art)currently used for rosb-oomsldered at Uie last meeting and weekly newspapers In the state, facilities, Mllar said, and UjIs oUier plans will bo reviewed In 'Hie NorUi Side News was sytem will conUnue wlUi ad-Uie next few weeks, die said, sccoml In quality of editorials dltlonal st^ps Uiken to aas^e

Ed Sieor was appointed to and Uiird In tlio nows writing,InvesUgato Uie possibility of plioto and advertbiintj cam-water being piped Into Uie new pidgn categories. Tlie Mountain building when It Is under con- Homo News took first plpce Instrucllbn, news'wrlUng, while Uie Lincoln

Tho resignation of David County Jourmil, Sliosliono, was camping areiw, possible caperMllcheU was received as an mimed second In general cx- »*nd travel trailer spaces.execuUve commltteo member cellence for newspapers wlUiand Sljeer was appointed to fill circulation Uuui B50. the vacanby. Mitchell has Hie Valley News-Tlmes ofmoved to Twin Falls. Meridian led all oUier weekly

Until Uie now hall Is com- newspapers In number ofpleted, Uiero will bo just one awards, and won Uie Uilrdmeeting a monUt, Uie next one annual Socretary-Managcr’sto be Feb. 12 at Uie liome of Mr. Award for general excellence, jmd Mrs. liJuls'Couch. 'I’he awards were presented

returns from tho coming JamboreeFeb. Ifi. leand 17,Uie directors arc confident of Bb-etclilng tlie $11,000 to 112,500 to meet the full federal funding avaUable.

SJic said directors luiye no choice but to begin now on the building program. Tlie present structure used by-Harbor House

budget for. tho community facility comes from the county Uirough a tax levy, but other* funds luive been donated. .

Mrs. Shaub sold she hopes the community will support the combig benefit Jamboree and other organizations offering assistance toward the building


Uiere can bo no polluUon to Uie hikes for swimming and fishing enjoyment. •

liOter dovelopment stages call for hiking traiU, overnight.

Event set

vnlMs or this Intcmniloniilly haiorili.nilMuIdb«lr«volcdby Mr. and Mrs-.WlUImn Kornw lodny diirlnK the us.TOClullon’«

Farmers’'TWOTicreMfthirtoW^ounWir-T'CBuitdd—frow^rtflwrniibUo—in y o n i r w t « ^ ^ ------

In Uie canyon tottont below. •

trance to U>e area. It la felt Uiat should a hazard exist arid avalanche control work be iwderway on Uie jskl area Uils ^ould seriously endanger

HAZELTON ~ -nio Valley Presbyterian Qiurch will bold a coffeo hour- In the newly decorated basement room after Uio morning wo'r^ilp Sunday.

y- .- i— — r.— ■■■,___ Members—and friends arec. uro

- Jupnrtmiint ot journal l»m . nov. and Mm. LymanUrilvorslty of Idaho. WlnWo.



ilN H IO » » I

prpjeets included in budget

at Jierome New Gem r ^ e panelJEROME -“ AnmmPFiv.-

-m ers ' Nlglit program, ttpbh-sored by Uie Jerome Cliamber of Commerce, Is sdiedulod for S p.m. Monday at Uie NaUonul Guard Armory (n Jerome.-Glen

BUniJKV . .I’ resldont linfs and facilities, and $27.3 “ W llilamH.Clagelt,Idjill6 Falls °sald*Mav^^*^” ’•i/iHuftriwHn iKn wouldbo allocated foropcratlon area manager for U»e BPA. Tlie featured entwialmnent ....... .............. - t *. _____

luid maintenance. ' Ttie proposed Heyburn line U jjjyw r will be Uio “Girls from* Horso llao ln /c^ iU ss ion lJan . Uiut wenton pt Uie mocUng but , -The figures for fiscal year would carry power at iJahIa" with Oscar Castro 25 sliow wlUi Uio hewest iticm- Was hot In/ormed about the billty of hand Uckels for fair

1972 show an Increase over the volts to provide additional Nevos, provided, bv Cactus ber absent commlsaloneri ap- trips. ' -............. _______

fiscal 1071 budget-July 1, IWO ttervlce and transirtlsslon Wev. proved a trip to Puerto Rico Minutes of Uie meeting show aM rfnti. oftnlacted at histoJune30,197l-toUllng|U8.B capacity> Uie area. Tlie iww a „eetbig of^the food com- for ono .of fts membersi and v{}heldon, ^nd . cpmntlssion- n r w n ^ i n u ^

..............- .................. • ' Phoenix, Ariz^'for ers I ^ t e r Brown, Sandpqlnt, » ^ r iheir M perienc^

Nixon's budget, delivered to the Congress today, Includes a request for. MM,000 fQr work on Uie Unlty-Heyburn power- b-ansmlsslon line of the. Bon- nevlUo Power AdtniiUstiration

member not invited\ ' -.v ' _ . ' ■ . ' ‘ ’

UQISE (UPI) ~ Bocordfl of a Mulonosald late-Thursday he l)rown Uien moved Uuit Klahr Phoenii..Shftlrinn Bald. *‘l dttn’t- ■’M darir iee tlng " of Uie Idaho was told about “some things" and Sheldon go to PhocnU ,. believe ,t|iat wo’rfl goliig to go r

.Jo;.-,.-....!— — * a---w..t ArU., to investigate '*U>e posdi- on t l ^ Ttibi was to lnve»- \tlgali a' change in Mate p/oca* j ' Pari -<^utueT procedure. We Were going to consult with the . Arizona commission on aome of

» d a r . .Klahr, C aldw ^ .1-

(BPA), as well as f^rprojoctfl In million, Richmond said. would complete a 57-mlie. anoUiei-to PUie BurUy,*! Weeks In Idaho. BPA projects under 134.000-volt power loop to S t V ^ ^ 'areas. consideration Include the supplement the present system •• *

.'Hie preddent's budget asks Dwor^ak Dain In northern of two similar lines linked by afor il2I.S mllWdri for "BPA Idalid i corfiitructtm d ra*^ iwanUaIiy''o|p^flt^“ 34;N»iVolt

' prolects f9r ttie fiscal year mile transmission Ibe In the network,b o n in g July 1. according to Unlty-Heyburn area,BPA AdmlnlsU^tor Henry R. transformer additions.lUchmond. replacements at the East ..... . . , __ _____ ________________________.......... ........ .. . . , __ _________ „ ______ ,

. ,O fU ictoU l,H«mlUlon would Burley, Declo and • Weeks for . the Southern Idaho- i-n,* event la frw to idl Jerome called Sheldon, executive Browrt la a member of the lUe- da l rate* for thU thing ^ I'm alon In tbe p u t , with tbe e a e ^

go toward construeik«-of-new— auWUtlonli,.- wordlng.~U^:-Mlnldok*PTojoctarea. Claggett coxmtyTnen7-flr7i . r V r 1laBbel— *»w^twy:oWhfr<K«unU^rt^>--gal praCtlpes-com^^ iam llU r with, U.!* _ aead aoiOfc.-i-— '— — --------- ^ . ■ . aftld.^ . . ‘ will be tfiir dlscuas other rtiattars.--- ----- ni^UoiwI aModaliph^-• ' When asked a b o u lW lr ip t f f M S - i r n s S i i j ^ ^

■ ■ ■■ ■ .......... .............................................................................................. . . . ^

help prepare the dinner. ‘ tended. . • . buf (n Puerto Rico, but said' _AI»ut.lOQP(mnd5»t beam <riU _ Malone, Goodine, ap- During the meeUng, comml»- aJrimlMlOMm'only "voted tobe pripared, along with .M polnfal-ty GovTCedlT);-Ai-

, „ . pounda of cheese and about 70 ............. ............... i...u„ . . . .1 1.., v i .k , ih . i . 1.

J . Une would enaWo BPA to meet c ird lng 'Jo U cry Flem ing,t system rellalpllity regUlrenientf -oi^ef of

pounds of cheese and about 70 drustb thecomn)lSslon Jan. 11, mode by Klahr that Brown at- -----• said he was not bivlted to the tend a meeting of Uie NaUonal When asfced what lhe\cort

meeting and was Informed of It Association State Racing would be, Sheldon aald, “ I \«al- — , --- -------------

only later that night when he ‘Commissioners bi Puerto RJco, ly know. ;h*v®;

"1 doubt-very much that well make this trip."

-ReTefrfa^to^ ttie to Rico, Sheldon uld tt!wu "(abrly, vital" ib it Brown In­tend, adding, ‘i t hat be«l tfa»


Page 12: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

— W“ TI»t»**‘N»wi, Twln-F«U|ir-l<i»ho ----- ;-----

Presideiit seeKs

draff^xlension•WASHINGTON (UPI) -Pres- He voiced hope this would hel^

* ' 'Idenl'T^lxon'Mked CongreBy~istaWlah-wi all-VolWtetf aiYny-^•Ihtrsday^-ertend'the-tlraft—bjrthe Bunnjrer*DHOT9;--- -—

(or two more yearfl and In a message to . the now

would' oboUsh ■ undci Btudent^tetGnrrents ani

-tlons—for-^diy.inity— ttiidentii,

appropriate $1.5 bUlion to make Congress, Nlion. alao renewed the military more attractive. Ids request for l^gifilatlon that.

nro, HST m eet in hospital rootn

Congress refused hla request (or this last year.

The President said the $1.5 Ulllon Would go (or a 50 per

£ y • ■ T W C ^ n r ^ ' ^ -cont pay Increase for enlistedi5pirO, TMiJ 1 m eet .J r ^ service and “other programs to ,

cnhance tlie quality of military life."

He also proposed a national

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (U P D - '‘Holookcdvery well Indeed," ^ ^ / i ^ d o t Z l v ' e S Vice P redda t Spiro T.Agnow Aipiow said. " I wa» so ydry .J„7 . Hawmv met Hairy S T runum .br Iho pleased to see both the " l l " J T l l ' i L , first time Ihuraday, In the 6^ President and Mrs. Truman year-old former President'S' alert and very relaxed. It was hospital room. Agnew described ' the first time I had o diance to IVuman as “alert and very meet either of them, and I rdaxed." , enjoyed It very mud). It woa

When asked what th?" two very enjoyable for me.*' • men talked about, AgneW said: A^ewt in a speedi Wednes-

— " I think that should remain day, descrilwd Truman as “one the-private reserve, but-let—o/—th r most candid and

mo say his candor hasn't effective statesmen this country diminished.’’ lias ever known. There's only

Agnew made an unannounced one person' I've known in my trip to neseard) Ho^ital where Jlfetbne more candid than

__TVun)an_js recuperating from Hart-y TVuman, anil tljnt - i«\biteslinal aljpicnt. • happens to be my inbtlicr-ln-


scfieduie toldTWIN FALLS - Knothole ’ S . . ’“ f iK

Saturday w«re a - by Oiad Browning, Twin Fal r6£f£fitlQ ^ dlT6CtO T'^ " ^

P r o j e c tlia y m e n A

Kent State report

ordered destroyedCLEVELAND (UPI)-A fe-

deral Judge Ihursday ordered - d e s tru ^n of a special state .^grandjuryroport on the killing,

of four Kent State University students because it would ‘‘prejudice" Uie 25 persona

Uie sliootlng doallis of the students last May 4 by Ohio National Guiirdsmcn. .[

The American Civil IJbcrtfes Union (ACI-.U), whf^i fllod thu suit diallcnging the report and is defending several of Uiose

country Instead of having each local board call up whatever lottery numbers It needed to fill 'its quota.

Hcp.’ F. Edward Hebert, D- hpad of the House Annod

&rvlces Comitilttee,- has said he would support abolition of student defennents. Out ..the request for a unlfomn national draft call was expected to run Into more opposition.

“The objective of tlUs adinl* nistratlon Is to reduce draft calls, to '2cro,-subjcct-tO-tliC- overridlng considerations of

, . national security, and aa long M w c need tlie draft to mako-jt ,

_jis-fair—and-cquitablo_afl_wc______ ______________________________can,” tJje President said. TWIN FALI-S — 'Spring ski between five'and slx' feet of

Nixon said that nobody know fashions are expected to hit Uie snow wlUi four inches of new precisely vt^cn conscription aloi>es in Magic Valley tills snow having fallen last could £^d. The currt^t draft .weekend as resorts report weekend. The area is open autliorlty expires July 1, 1(^1. spring-like ski cgndltions and Tliursday througli Sunday wiUi

A |1 J9S MILLION check was deposited Wednesday In First Security Bonk» Twin Falls, (n repayment for Interim (loanciog for the College.of Southern Id ^ o commona and dormitory. Compleitng'thetrantactloDBre, from left. Herb VanSlyke, OS! business manager; Mike, Gray, CSI housing commission chairman, and Kenneth Newman, bank manager. Housing and Urban Developnieot bonds were sold to obtain the funds.

Spring ^arb appears

at Gem ski resbj^fe

mo*’/ tifm y v» Khulf* ' Moopwt BoWiy'* nulUfi v» L»rfv'» 9• V* PBMitol I’tnliP*nlh»f4 knU Cratu'k Cr»«p« vi WIIII»'t' * Wolv*rlnx; 10 a.m.. C*rt*r’« CooKat* v« si: Brfwirty* No. I •l>«» HocW»l«

WUtm«n't WatutI; II a.m.. C'ook* Ci;uih«r» v» Klmb»fly and Tlidmai Torp^doM v» Vnoon,. G ra in 'i C.orlMai vt »Dfibhlwi.

FlHh grad* play wllh U'« "oon u*'"* '[) HoWJ Sioart Jonlor itliool anil ai - oth*f» In O'Ltarif JimW Ht«li School Incloda; N00N,,.Kiml>*flV V»Pylhoot; I a.tVi., lUfry'i HoWat» v* CulnMiMI’t Coi>lil»f«. Lulliaran vt Hdin t . HollhoU aniJ Saaition’i DartiDnl v»

InvitedPALM SPRINGS. Calif.

(UPD-Mrs. Martin Slpatra, FVank Sinatra's mother and a former New Jersey Democratic Party functionary, 'will bo Vico President Agnew’s guest at the . launching Sunday of ApoUo 14.

Tlie vice president and thesinger's mother became friends

enrlia- ■ thUTnonth' 'when "Mrs.- - Sinatra cooked him on Italian dinner at the desert home of her son.

Tim'* Tlg*<l v« Munn't ... ... . ManlMi UawtU't Cooltl noon.Anu*|t VI Hon'l f'l»« Oyan IOnloxt v» n*<i>ll«l‘t nobcalt and n»al‘« naavi^l v» IIm Mki'I Bulltiooi, and 1 p.m. Mlka‘« Uonk«vt v* tl«nl*y'i St*alaf«.



AGIMf, 7S3.7371

Mf« dlo«'ff m ov4 .— ham llM r«j-r:^

W « M»e«« f a m l tU t

Indicted and prevent a fair. Indicted, said it doubted wiic-trial. (her a fair trial was now

U.S. District Judge William possible.'K. Thomas ^ d although the “Tliu only altemutlvo of thegrand Jury violated its oat)} ol courts will be eitlicr to dismisssecrecy ho would not halt all of tho charges or proceetlprosecution of. those Indicted wltli someUiIng loss Umn a fairbecause tho Indictments "were trial," said Benson Wolman,

septate and self sufficient" head of the Ohio dinptcr of thoCromthcbodyof the report Into ACLU. ..

Byrd Senate winner,

H H H r e a p ^ b e T i e f f e

dfcate mowiriobiling ls"go6d to ' excellent in tho Kotchum,. Hailey, Fairfield and South Hills areas for ■ the coming

, , . . . . . . ...... , ......... weekend,New pay increase for enlisted temperatures. tho CSI ski program opening Snowmobllers ore asked to

m oi would be effective May 1, All ski areas nro in operation Uils week and the Junior sU observe areas which are closed 1071, along witli Increase.*! In and skiing Is listed as good to school three week program to the machines for saloty otallowance far personnel in the excellent. — ------ - resuming Saturday., Buscs-wUl_opcratorfl....anil_protectlpn_of_lower enlisted, grodes. Pomerelle reporbi seven and run Saturday at 0 a jn . from other recrcation and private

Tlie IVesident pointed out ono half feet of snow at tlio top Lynwood shopping center. Road biterests.(iiat members of tlio anned ofski runs with five and one half conditions are good but snow forces got a 7J) per cent across at tlie lodge. No now snow has tires are recommended. , tlie board basic pay increase fallen since last weekend Soldier Mountain has between last year at a cost of alUjough several inches fell at G4 and"00 Inches of snow and no approximately 11.2 billion. Ho tliat time to cover Uie hard ice now snow in tho past two weeks, said his proposals would result base. Snow tires are recom- Roads are mostly bare and dry in a total $2.7 blljlon Investment mended but Uie road in good, but wifli a few muddy spots. All Ujat would substantially reduce Sunday will bo Twin Falls runs arc open and well packed.Uie prejusit Inequity In military County day witli special rates to The resort operates Thursday

all residents of Tw(n_ Falls througli Sunday. Weatlier la county, l^ic area operate^dally listed as cloar and warm, except Mondays. Rotarun has a 35 inch base

Magic Mountain, In full and no new snow In Uie past two operation tlii.^’ weekend ha.s weeks. Itoads are bare ancl dry

and snow tires are not

Races ser

WASHINGTON (UPI) —Ttie pliroy'a own career—not in tlio Ug winner from fallout gener- field of national politics so ated by tho bitter feud between much but in tlie Senate arena Sens. Edward M. Kennedy and wlicre tho fonner- vlco pres- Robert C. Byrd may well turn ident and lOfifl presidential

~*out to bo,fonner Vico President nominCd prdVioiuly had served .Hubert H. Humphrey. 16 years.

In a' major upset which No one over expected tliat stunned Senote lil»rals. Byrd Humpliroy, on his return to tho

"■ deposed Kennedy as the assi- • Senate, suddenly would materi- ' stant Democratic floor leader, alize as a wallflower or u quiet

In that confrontation. Hum- back-bencher. His cxpcrience phrey, newly clected as*-a ' .senator from Minnesota, played a minimal role. Along with his colleagues, he cast one vote—a

vote (or Kcnno<ly.But Byrd’s victory may have

major btipllcatlons for Hum-

r S ' ” ' ■ ■ “ i l l f r j r . ' t e 0,

J w a c h i n e s E t a i r t t h t n ^ l d i ^ i ^ ^

“ ’C d T S r ^ u r s e ra^^J"r„"= .iPnr— d“t S S n ^ ' a ^ K ^ w S

now"»Sor.rasTal?e^“ n U ? ^ „ Sand not likely to chance. That MorIc Valley Snowmobllers “" “J* P“ |t a l T a and High ^ o wcota. ^ a d s are

Into which Hmnphrey-ls llkely Co™lry ^owmobllera.Inc, cdlfo ^ ” non*{mnctionod “ wls are open.

Askcd’ll Dyrd'a victory would on 6 'S4 mile speed oval * ‘»'esl scrvico reports

Tax boost

opposedRICHFIELD - *nje Richfield

(trftngo adopted a resolution opposing any increase in property taxtis at a meeting at tlie home of Mr^ and Mrs. Rupert Goicoechea Wednes(iay. T})o resolution was in

..,.M „uu» ,.u, woporntlon with th e ■ Idaho'

-nocoesary. Skies ore olear-and.. weaUwr ideal. Tlio area !..> In T ^ i " BmHby, u ocal artifact

nliilit okllnK each Tuesday and Indian artifacts.Tljo next tnoetlng willbc Feb.

10 at tho Golcocchea residence. Delamar Hardy will show films.

Ih e ire H ER ELEVIS Saddtoman Joans

Boot Cuf — Pro-shrunk Sta-Prost — Sanforized

All sizos— Brown, Groon and Blue Donim

t E E S T B p p i ' c i j ' - -----------in 0roWn, Groon and Bluo Donim

Ladios — BrusiiodDonim

In Purple and Assorted Stripe Patterns

la d y lees — M iss Lady LeesAll Flaro-Styloi

AirSizos — Sliorf, Modfum, and Toll Frontier Looi — 5i*o» 23 to 30

PETERSEN'S-WESTERN-ARRAREL__________ A nd G i7m _________

340 Main Ave. South. Ph. 7HS-\7\9



AlmanacBy United PreM lutemaUotial Friday, Jan. 29, the

29th day of 1071.Hie moon Is between its new

phase and first quarter. ’Tho morning stars are

Mercury, Venus, Mara and Jupiter.

Tho evening star Is t u m . Uiose bom on thiir^ato afe

under the sign of Aquarius.On thisday IniUstory: .In 1900 basoball's Amertcon

Uague was founded.In 1063 Franco cast tlie first

of many votes ogainat Britain's entry Into tli« Common Market

^ ____of Europe. Rrltain still is not amemtier.

In 1064 un unmanned Saturn « rocket was launched. It crashed

on the moon four days later.In IMO tho Ubo'r Department

— — reported-a_Jumrt in -prices, of.• nearly 5 per* cenrto mark'tlio

worst infiatlon since tlto Kprean ■ War year of 1051.

A thought for tdday: Poet .-EUfl-Wlicclcr^WUco*. saJd, “It ever has been sbice time began, and ever will be. till time lose breath. That love la a moon ...

• — no more to^a-matt-TTT-aiwHov*- to a woman is life or death.”





tkwTTiot-dcmnnd-TJtich-a^role— compel-hlm’-to-movo-lnto a b\it W>SA rules will beand h is ’Constitution does not lender’s role outsido the leader- used witli classes for 400 and 500

alilp, Humplirey said, “ I hove cc machines added, no great designs” and indicated ^Rfglatratlon and qwilifying he would await developments, will be hold from 0 a an. to

One of Uieso dovolopnvcnts Sunday with driverscould weU be a move by meeting at 12:30 p j« . and race HumpJiroy to chalJengo Byrd Uino at 1 p jn , for Ujo whip Job In 1072, unless Seventy^ve troplilcs will be unexpected presidential aspira- nwnrdcd. I ^ c h will bo served

tlons materializo. Many feel track,that Huinplirey, with a reser­voir of good feeling built up . over the years, could take Dyrd.

But tlten, most had tliouglit that Byrd could not dofoat Kehnedy.- If Mansfield ever decided to- step down, Humplirey certainly would abek the loader VJobrSO' would Byrd. ■ ‘

permit It.But wltl) Kennedy In Uio

Senate loaderslilp, tlio liberals had tlio best-known possible advocato In Uie councils of power. Witli total exposure available almost at beckoning, Kennedy could have presented tlie position of Senate liberals 03 tlio 1072 elections ap- proached.

With Byrd in Ujc leaderaliip, tho liberals have noUilng. Senate Democratic Loader Mike Mansfield votes liberol

■ end pushes liberal legislation— such as the l&-year-old vote— but ho has riover been considered, a leader of tho liberal Uoc.


TH E PLACE1o buy your new


WIU3 10T0RC0.n M W t r



Formerly ~ Ccsi’ler-l’ aclcm ttJCp^


Buhl, Idaho

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• > i n O

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- it> f«ilir . r .


CairCbllect— Day or Night Phono S43-49S8


GLASS BELTS/POLYBTER CORDUp to doublo tho miloago of unboltsd tiros.Four full p ly polyosfor cord body........tworuQ<]odgl<]&s fibor bolts........low. wido Sorlos70 profllo lo r botlor cornoring ant| control.



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. look on 1970 cars.


g l a s s B E L T S - p O L Y E S T E R C D R D

W I D E B E L T 6 0TO UGH GlastboHod Palyostor cord construction holds tread firm ly ag.ilnsr tho road lor fast starts, quick stops, botlor cor-

-noring jnd control.;--- ' .DROAD 8-groovo Q-lnch luportractlon lroa<*....racy-tool<lna Sorlos 60 Prolllo ....Up to 20% widor and 5% lowor than most

D O N ’ T



N .w s .r i« 7 8 p ro . ‘ S P r c iE INTRGOUCTORV PRICE


lilo for batter corn* ei'lna and control.'

---- Up to XG% wldor-----than,mpst rww-’ csr til

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Page 13: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !


Li Wend^ll ^ forfeits two gamesW E N D E l . L -^ T h fl G o o d in ,

, H ig h S ch o o l S e n a to rs h a v e th e D ig S i x C o n fe re n c e le a d in h a n d to d a y a n d h a d 'l t a b o u t 24 h o u rs

" before'ttoyStere'tomeet-lherr:-> W en deU T r o j a n s • t i i a " s h o w d o M j" fo r th e le n d : T h e T r o j a n s a ls o w i l l f o r f e i t S n t u r d a y n i f j t ' s g a m e to,

- F r i d a y , J a n u a r y 3 9 , 1 9 7 T T l m M ' N a w s , T w i n F a l l i , I d a h o 13

• k J i n b c r ly .W e n d e ll , a f t e r p lfa c ln ji m o s t o f

N E W Y O R K ( U P I ) - THo B o sto n P a t r io t s tu rn e d d o w n 17 t ra d e o f fe r s to g ra b S t im fo r d ’H h o n ild e d J<m H u n k e t t u.<i (ho

shoot 66s to tie for

San Diego open leadS A N D IK G O , C a l i f . ( U P I ) - n in e s o f 32-34. p la y t i l ls |( i« n e . U*’s b e t t e r t lin n

Plunkeii First d a d r a f tresigned

to dral’lNKW VORK (UPI)-Jlm

____PhinH«tli. StJmforU .qiuirlur;back Rclccted No. I in the collDKiiitc draft 'niur.wlHy by Uh) Patrjot*}, s.ild hewas "rcsii'^cd" to playinj? for UnytCHm thnt-pick^ him and Unit he would l>o ready to piny Rocond strinR if necejis/iry.

Plunkett WJL1 in Mow York--- when-Bojilon-(XK»cli-Jolm-Mu2ur_

calle^ him from BoiiUin siliortly after 10 n.m. to inform lilm Uuit tlie PatriolH hixi Kcloctod lilin. Plunkett fudd he would Iw very hnppy to play in Bo.‘;lon oven Uiou['ii he i;rew up In California' and haa seUtom

_pUjyod^in cold wontlior.‘•I jiiat wanl to pijjy pro"bn)l'

and I've lx)cn reaiBned to the fact Uuit I would piny for ihc team tiiat pickwl me," Plunkelt

said.He odded it would l)c a hlf{

help to t'o to a teiun which iia» a .votoran qiwrtcrbijck like Joe Knpp, wlio Hijjncd a' loni;-term contract wiUi tiie Pairiots last &en<^n.

“Kapp has been playing a

lon({ time and he has quite a bit of knowled^'c and Unit's ^omg to help someone new like me,"

_____K i m k f l U . f f l l d .____ ____________When asked what hTs reaction

will be if he winds up on the bench behind Kapp, Plunkett

----Wilri7-"'Hlccrrveryon«r-else-rd-llke to play right away, but.if I've to alt on Uieiwnch tliat’s what I ’ll do." •

Fans buy

more time

for SpursS E A T T L E ( U P I ) - T l i o D en-

v o r l^ u r s h a v e been te m p o r a r l ' l y re s c u e d f ro m th e b r ln k “ o f e x t in c t io n b y a s u b s ta n t ia l a m o u n t o f f in a n c ia l su p p o rt f r o m c o n c e rn e d D e n v e r fa n s to ta lin g m o re th a n 150.000, W e s te rn H o c k e y L o a g u o p re s ­id e n t E u g e n o K in a s e w lc h an-^ i>ounce<l T h u r s d a y . •

I n l i g h t o f th e f a n s ' a c t io n , K in a s e w lc h s a id S p u r s p re s - Id e n t B e n n e t t K ln ^ a n n o u n c e d th e c lu b w i l l p la y It s h o m e -a n d - h o m e d o u b le h e a d e r a g a in s t S a lt

• L a k e C i t y F r id a y a n d S a tu rd a y , l i e s a id K ln ^ i s h o p e fu l . Uio S p u va w i l l c o m p le te th e c u r r e n t

_ B o a y )n .

S a l t L a k e a t y I s a s e llo u t , D e n v e r ’s f i r s t .

T i c k e t s a le s fo r t l ic r e m a in ­in g 10 lio m e g a m e s h a v e iie e n re n e w e d .

K in g a ls o re c e iv e d a v o te o f c o n fld e n c o f ro m c lu b p e r s o n n e l.

I t s t e a m o n s u s p e n s io n fo r U ie w e e k , " I n f o r m e d G o o d in g i t w o u ld , fo r f e it t h e y a n l^ 1 1 )u r - .

f i r s t p ic k I n p r o fo o tb a ll 's H o se IJ o w l w e re s e le c te d on U»e o f p r id o ’.' in lie ln g U ic f i r s t *sd a y a ftc rn o o ’r t . , . . c o l le i i ia t c d r a f t T lm r s d a y w h ile f i r s t r o u n d . s e le c t io n . R o 'w a s lu u n e d ia te ly W e n d e ll o f f ic ia l s w o u ld s i jyf o u r p l a y e r s f r o m th e O h io P lu n k e t t . ‘ th e H e ls m a n T r o - h a ile d b y 6 w n o r .n U ly S u l l lv n n o n ly U ia t th e b o y s In v o lv e d w e re D a v y E ic h e lb e r g e r a n d R a lp h 'n u d p u t IC lc h e lb e r j 'c r a n d -sp e n d in g y o u r l i f e ,ln a N e wS ta te t e a m P lu n k e tt b c flt In U io p J jy w in n e r , w ild ho Jot a n d g e n e r a l m a n n e r Cleori^e su sp e n d e d fo r Ujo w e e k fo r J o h n s t o n , a c o u p le o f n o n J o h n s to n a ^ t r o k c l ih e n d o f Y o r k o f f ic e ."

■ ■ ■ S a u e r a s "b e in g fu r t l ie r ad - I r e a k in g o f t r a in in g r u le s . R u t w in n e rs lo o k in g , to c a tc h a se ve n p la y e r s t ie d a t f iv e u n d e rv a n c e d tlu rn Jo e N a m a t l i a t t l i is re p o rL s a ro u n d U je to w n in - ra in b o w , a lio t s i x u n d e r p a r M s 07 and tw o In f ro n t o f s i x t ie d | C | T 1 1s t a g e o f h l s c j i r o e r . ’ ’ C o a c h J o h n d ic a te d th e re h a d l)e e n so m e 'H i u r s d a y to s h a r e th e f i r s t n t G8 . S ix te e n p la y e r s l ia d (19 l ^ U C O l l l C lM a z u r s a id , "W e h o p e P lu n k e t t d r ln k l n f f . O f f lc la J s « d d no t a l l ro u n d le a d In t)i<* IJ5 0 .0 0 0 A n d y w jd 20 w e re t ie d a t 70 a s BJ ofw i l l do fo r u s w h a t N a m u U u lId U ie t e a m m e m b e rs h a d been W lU ia m s - S a n D ie g o O p e n g o lf th e ^ a r i in g f ie ld o f H 4 sh o t p a r r i i ^ c tfo r th e J o t s . " - in v o lv e d b u t d e c lin e d to s p e c if y to u m m n e n t . o r le s s , o l - > C . l i r s t

P ^ im k e tt 's d u e l in g _ p e r fo r - in d iv id u a ls . . , E l c h e lb e r g o r , a W -y e a r-o ld K ic h e llH irg e r , w h o tnisse< l.jn a n c c in U»e R o s e l io w l w h e n l l i e In c id e n t ,w o « rm n o re d to s l jo t m a k e r .o u t o f W a c o , T e x a s , e x e m p tio n s ta tu s th is y t Ja r b y /|«* I l l I. fvi I I h e p a s s e d S ta n fo rd o v e r O h io h a v e o c c u r r e d A l lo w in g a n o w s t a r t in g h i s fo u r th y e a r tw o p la c e s , s j in k a lO ft-ya rd tw o "S t jjte w a s one o f th e .m a in d e c o ra t io n w o rk p a r t y ^o^ a on U t« ,p ro to u r , m a d e h i s w a y iro n s lm t on U ie p a r fo u r - t n

.................................... r e p o rte d to ' a ro u n d T o r r e y P in e s ’ | « . r 3(W fi H evenU . f o r an e a g le a n d \ v id, p a r e n t s - o f - 7 2 la y o u t on a perfe<H g o lf in g b ird s a t N o . 2 , 0 . U , 12, find

d in c u iis lo n to o k p li ic e j iw t ton tw o o f l h 6 p la y e r s . “ “ -' i l4»y ln - a 4 4 2 r w h l l« J o h n s to n , a - ^ ia .- W ls - o n ly - m ls ta k c c a m e on i , id o o r f f - o r - - n i i t i1 n n r i .- ; i » h f » r -............. ........................ . . n *A , m in u te s b e fo re U ie d r a f t . 'H ie ' IV o Ja m i a n d Goo<llng h a d 2 0 -y e a r-o ld ro o k ie «l*-‘c t r i c a l • j j ^ w ho h n a l l v e a rn e d• r r “ ; ; r W « l . , r o . C c M e J to ™ t o r U ,o c n r ,ln o o r f r o m n o w Y o r k , h a d „

^ s c o u L s h o d (o r l l io W ilo S U i lc W i i j y R iim u w |U i M ro c o rd a 1 1 1 ____________ _ _ | t r y . b a io ! td M v c n b lr d lo s lu ii l

PUil Uound1 llojItMi- Jim J'lunl.«lt, d1>.

JJdw. 0n«4tii -Archil Mfo'ilnu. i|li.3 Mmjilon-0»« I'ailorlnl,

nl), ! anla Cl«r». * lltHUIo • J f). Hil l . wr. Artioii* SUI«. S Mic»i»rtlH«rr(l, (H. t. N»W VMt. JeU— Jnlin Ulgolnl.'rJ'' K»nm ]■J0« 1‘fotH, (ill. Ni: UOUiil»n». I t'lllilHJfuM -Prank L»wn. wr, r.ramlilina 9 Gr t^ n l l t y t i rom 0 »nv»f) - John nrocklnotnn, r(i, Ohiu Slal*.

10. Lo« Aro«>»» Hfom ltU)> Hul)«<twin, M).n CMlcaoo-Jo« Mooff, rli, Miiuiijft.Dwiver Ilfom f.fwn |lavl-M*'’v MonI

'Atlanta Krom N«w York Haynioml Ufiiwn, Dl». Wait To«a» ilata W Oaklanil Gr©u Slouuti, Ll», ioulliarn C«|. M D»1tol1 Lo» Aou#l»».. Ihrojolt l ' hl l i i t l i l [ ihl»f I r t n k Harrli. OH. •Ilnttnn Cnliaue- 3'- Miami nat>nli

” n ?,’ iSan f-rancltto Al llratiar. M U . Auliurn. }4 ' IMillailalpnia Hrom Mimmnial Wvck

" im iilp p i Norlhiirn____: i V ; i , a R n l n s t u t i- o d o ^ m d t l l c l r la s t s c lio o l D t l lc la la liy

io'ijlhafo UnlvarHIV Lnutjiana' ' • ->•;— ‘ ‘ ' ‘ • ' • * — •

(.ivvpin.'tj — — - • •Cinclnnall-VtlOjOH— liollandu,.'’!'— I'‘L ^

l«nn»»»a» SI. 1* Kama* C l lv - -li"o ' «*> ^Wnuhl. ur Mnullon IT St TliOtl'ptOfl. ilti '•ClanU- IJAlph

i-Norm lUw York Watf r«Ka<

■CliAn(ll6r~V.T~TlnijHii^n—<;al.»- 'hiiaitolpl'io Harold Carmi tiael,

SOgltirrn, t Now ''ti l/nt/' , il l . Taxat.

- t e a m -

. Oaklaxil —

Younul>ln< Chtcaoo-ll»<l<U L«»- II"' Louitlana Cr»*n Hay- Dav» Dawn, wr. Tixin»»W« St 13 Sat. Di»go -CluKk OU«ii. wr. Arkanvai' U Clovclitnd lloli JaCOti». k , Wyoinlno 15 Clndr.natt - CCorneUin Craly, Uli. l lik It Ntw orlnani (from KaniAi City)- Hot) Nowlanii, wr, Oreuon

SI. Louii- Jamoi Cnocti, dii. Colorado It Hounon ((rom Uew Vork GUrr»») Larry Walui*,, t, Moruan SI. 19. Gr»«n Hay (from Oakland I Jan'ct Jolinino, wr, nnhop, 30 CtiicauQ llrom L0» Anu«loH Oomil* Forru, rt), PilUDurol' 3» D«lroil

__l) r o w n lr . .W h » L » » * :J- '...T\}ic'kefUii>rdti: ..... .I raiicitco John W.iUon, t. OklahoiDA 34 Mmnevota -Gone Mack, ID. To»AV Itl Caio 31 Dollat mil Cnltici. I. Catawha }< llallimlifo Gordon (ifxlutl, wr, MlchiyAri tilalo

Carolina J1 San 1 ranciuo- Tim Andar \nn, HI). Ohio St. 74. Mlnnotola - t«o Haydon. rb. Ohio SI. 3S DalUt - Tody Smith. (It. Southern Cahl. 3* llalitmnra 'Loonard Dunhii), ill), North Ta>ui SI.

ta<ond Hound - .I lloiton -Jullut Adaii'l, ilt, To»a»

SoiJthBrn. J. Chlcauo--(lron' Now pr- loans! 'Jamet tlarriion. rli, Mltiourl J llullalo. Jart Whilo. It, Oi>io Slals Doiroli~‘-“ itromrtiiiBii«iphi«t-o<Thnmpton, c guaril. Clamtori. S. Now Orloanv (Iropo HouHwO--Sam Holdan'.Oiiard. r.rainljHnu 4 W«w York JoU - Jiihn Mttonnu. ol, . Tampa > Atlanta ■- Ken llurrt)w. wr. San Oicgo Slalo B I'llUDiiroh' Jack tUin. Ih, I'onn Slalo. V,Denver (Jwiohl Harnmn, wr. Toxai At(.10. Chicago Cnartat l ord. tit). Mouilon.II San I rancltco (Irom Grwn Day) —I'mif Jansl. OU«'<l, Wathlnulon. 13 Waihlnoton-Cliarlit "Cottnii" Spayror. wr, Ta«av 13. Kama* City-(Ifom San Oraaol - W.Uiar Voi/nu, di. W i l l U m I ' in n 14 Clfvalanil -no CorniH, rU. U.' o rWaihmgion IS Cinclnnall-Slave L'awion.Ouarrt, Kanta* »« Kaniat City- SCott L>wi(, (Un CramUIInu U St. LDul*-Oart Dcardorl, ol, Mlthlo»'i. II N»w York Giantt -Wayr>i WAIlon. Ol. AI)llone Chntiian 19. Oakland-ViHa Plano, ih,Howling Gr»4n Cr**n Hay llrom Lot Anuolatl - Virgil Holilnuui, lu, Gramblinu Jl Miaou olio Slow*, wr, Iowa Stale

'13 Datroit -Charllt Wiavar, It), Southara Calil. 31 San rrandtco, Jo* Orduna, rU.

-.UlUf*Vk*..JJ^I‘Jl|IIU*!Bllj« (trom Minna Mlal-Hanry Alllion. guaril. Skri DI*Oo Slal«3iDalk -iiaacThomai.dll,nikhop Collars 31 HalllmoraAUnlj, da, Tatiar ' *- - ■ .

h o rs e r a c e t r a c k ,-rMfii--

- ......... .. ....... 'n—when—Jolin—Um niH-ax-Conforoncor-WondeU-lirocklngton, Jack Tatum, Tfm nlso will dfop two games behindAnderson «nd Hayden were ValJey in tlio Uttlc Five Con-all selected on Uie first round ference wlUi a 2-2 records whileand M m Wliite wn?i Uie Uilrd Kimberly will Improveplayer selected on Uie second record to 2-2 Ih thal'circulir a y*>round. 'Hie forfelts'are the'flr^t In | l ' / \ l ^‘ Tatum Jmd Andersorl are Magic Valley since Bliss i

defensive Uaclw but they declined to meet-lUchfield In a

Jali Scnlt AII*rila-Wo»

Ciiotvon, wr, Oiiko, » I'liuijgro'* Worthy turn, rtO. Mf C lu r o ,I . Mlnitiljil’i. V D»nw«r - _ _ _ _ _ _

wm improvo n»Hcii,"di.~Clnclnt>atl U. 37 nalllmora --------- .1..-1.... i ‘ — - ' • , . . .c . . .1 ................................((rorit iMfa/nd - Oao McCAii l fy. r>>. No/lh

V ^ / ~ i »*vc ii uiiuitst) 4UHJ

S r | — | l - 5 i r C “ 4 7 “ ~-------- to o k a b o g e y on th « pa r-fou r- lO U i

in lop 7w hen h e m ls S e d a p u t t o f le s s t iia n tw o fe e t . I l l s b ir d s c a m e on N o . l , 2 .G ,a , 1 3 , l 5 a n d l8 .

^ ^ 6 7 g ro u p W as m o d e u p o f

H o w e v e r one is l i k e ly S a tu rd a y In Ujo R e n n lo n In d o o r M eet In P o c a te l lo .—I ' u o o tU ie s w U t e s t n U le r s s t lU -

A u s lr a lf a n ’ B o b ' S ir a w “ ( 3 4 ^ ) r C l ia r le s C o o d y ( 3 5 - 3 2 K L o s A n g e le s open w in n e r lio b b y

r u n n in g w il l d is p la y U ie l r w a re s fo r a n e x p e c te d 8 ,0()0-p lu s c ro w d In U ie ' M ln id o m e .

C o a c h B o b Ile e te n h a s be e n In c o n s t a n t ~ c o n t n c t ~ w it K - P a d f ic - C o a s t C lu b m i le r Jo h n M aso n a n d k-eports t l ia t M a so n h a a -

, , , I . , , , * ^ 0 C o lle g e o f S o u U ie rn Id a h o lu j^ „ (32-35) B o b D ic k s o n (33 - be e n p o in tin g a l l h i s in d o o rc o u ld n 't s to p P lu n k e l t s p a iw ln g r e m a tc h a f t e r U ie T ig e r s u se d a G o ld e n E a g le s h a v e b u n c h e d u p 3 4 ) u m G a r r e t t (3 5 -3 2 ), J a c k w o r k t i l ls y e a r to U io J a n u a r yIn U ic R o s e B o w l. g a m e - lo n g fu l l c o u r t p r e s s to fo u r o f th e i r f iv e s t a r t e r s In to M o n tg o m e r y < 32 -3 5 ) a n d 30Ui In v it a t io n a l M e e t . '

G r u m h l in g ,U ie K m a ll U u l . i l a - iw s t a 111-24 d e c is io n 12 y e a r s U ie to p s e v e n ' In In te rm o u n ta in G e o rg e A rc h e r - (3 3 -3 4 ). “ M a so n lu w a lr e a d y ru n 4 :01no BC lio o l w h ic h Is s e c o n d o n ly a g o ; . C o l le g ia te A U ile t ic C o n fe re n c e 1 1 ,0 (M 'g ro up In c lu d e K e r m it in d o o rs th is y e a r . S in c e h e 'sto-Nolro-DiHno-att-a-lrainlng-

Bill Veeck


race job

ground for pro players, had two of the first eight players selected. SouUiern Dillfornla wa.*j t)je only oU»er school to have two players selected on

Uie first round.Wliile such powers as Texas,

Notro . Damp and Nebraska failed to have a player selected on Uie first round, seven of Uie

_Rtyljstlcs^ __-Zarlcy_.-(33'3fi),„_dofond lng_l^cnp^ntlng to qur_mcct'Uiat1 . v Sid Hansen of Ii^astero Utah, champion Pete lirown (34-34), indicates he sliouW have a very

I J C C I O l o o s Ls tops at 22.0 average, followed Dow Finsterwald ( 35-33), fast time here,” says Uie ISU': !• ,— ^ byKcnGuberoriMxioat2land open champ Miller Track Coach and Meet

lid Palubinkasof Ricks at 10.9. g^ber (33-35), Bob Oiftrled 'fif Director. "Ho says you can lookBut Ujo next four spots are New Zealand (31^6) and Bobby on our big scoreboard clock andowned by the Ugles. -niey Nichols (33-35). , tell right away if he’s going toinclude Halpli Palomar 10.8, Nicklaus, putting better do it. Mason says he'll run the

Steve Hcgens 18.5, Ron Behagen ujju, he had previously, was In -17.2 and Tim Ilassott 1G.3. u,o jp-oup tied at 69 along wiUi

SHOSHONE — 'Hie sb-ong • Despite that, Uie Eagles rank champ Dave'^Stockton

flr8M+-players picked were Declo Hornets wound up Uiolr last in total offense with M while 1670 player of the year -rv, * u .u a k u ojm p .•= ** from small colleges-ijm Indica- dual wrestling season Thursday points per outing. But they also umy cagper had a two under 70 burn Uiat one as fast as ho can. Uon of how extensive pro night wlUi a 30-12 decision over have a 13^)olnt bulge on Uielr u.S. Open Oiamp Tony Ho says' he ll be trying for 57

scouting has become. Uie Slionhone Indians. _ nearest wmpetlUon In polnt^.jacklln, who iQst out to Brown seconds on the last lap."

For those having trouble with addition that adds up to a 3:U mile, assuming he doesn't have .lrouble_wlth. Pocatello's over 4000-foot altitude. He’s run 3:57



I llullalo (from llotion iiir.ouyh Oakland t-0ruc» Jirvjj. Ci WlHli'ngltin. J. »4aw Oriaani-Hlvlan Laa, dt>, ('ralrla Viaw. 1 San Franciuo (Iroin Phlladal- Ciitial—Sar Dlcktrion, wr, SoulHarn Call*. * ■ Houiliv'~ti"'n Dlckay, ol». Kantai Slala. S. Ilullalo-Jini nravlon. rb la, W*tf Virginia, t. Naw Yor'k Jat»- Ciirli (^arau(>oulat, ub, Hrigliam Young.} Ailanta—Lm Harl, qb, Ouka. |. i'lltiliurgii—Slav* Oiult, 47, Dalawara Slalf. 9 SI. Loult llrom Danvtf)—Jim Livatay, wr. HIthmonil. 10 fifaan Bay— , Charlla Hall, at), I'lllihuroh. II. Uo« Ang*ii« llrom WaihlnQlon)~Pavt Elma* - (kirf. lib. Taunt AIM. IJ. ChicaOfr-Tony McOaa, U . tllitiop. I). San Dl»«o—AAlli* Monloomary, rb, Kantat Slala. U. ClawalihiJ-raul tfaroba. wf p, MlcJilflir*. l i Clnclr\r«*li—K*n Andarun, qU, Augut- tana (III.) U. Clavaland (Irom Kantai Cilyl—CKarlaa Halt.c lb. lloudon.Oallai itrom II. Louiil—lain Sc«rt>ar. rb, Naw Manlco. II. Naw York Olanlt- Uofinit Ho<nitiv> LouJi>«n«.

_ lt_0«k i«n4—Warran. Kowil. _t.. .t'Hin Slal* 30 Chicago (irom Lot Angalatl— Dob Nawl^, Dl. Nabratki. }l. Dairoll-Al Clark, Ub. UaiUrn Mlchloan. }I. Miami, Oaia Farlay. Hi. WhI Vlralnl*. }]. Sart Franciico-Wlllla^'arkar, c, Noffh Tak»i Slala H . Mlnr'aiOta-pdilla lUckaft, wr, Alcorn ALM.-g). Oallii-DIII Cragory. til, Witcontin )1 ' naHlmora—Karl Oouglaii qb, Taiat ALT.

Faurlh Round(Irom notion] L

......on. .1. Dallat I .Oriaani) Joa Carlar, TD. Gnmbllno. - Moutlort Larron JlCkun, OT, MUlourl. 4. Naw Oriaam Krom Bullalol Ctrloi nail, HR. Moution. S. Philadalphla Happy F^Kk , K. Tadai. «. Maw Vork .;af« Hill lapalac, Ull. Tanti. 7. Atlanla/MIkt I'oKhad, OT. Kaniai Stila (Plitibi^Q). I- Pittiburg Jarry MullitM, TU, loulharn Caillorr la. f. Danvar CiMlhut Joi<ntonrt

~Vi5Cck7~fom baseball clubs in Qcvcland, St. Louis and Qilcago.-loiown for his sliowmansliip, surprised guests at Uio annual Boston baseball writers, by announcing ho was through wiUi the racing business “as of this moment,’’

Veeck, an annual guest at Uie affair, said he had attempted to buy Uio racetrack In East Boston but'had been unable to eome up with U)o $14,000,000

selling price.Veeck also took a poke at

Massachusetts politicians for

are no amateur politicians In this state," ho said.

Veeck noted Uiat the race track had paid about~l9.5 million In taxes to Uie slate last

flrst lap In 5d seconds and the middle two In 60 seconds each. Ttiat should give him a 2i59 with

'^ 0 yards log6~&nd he says he’ll

I io v n n t B i l l i / M c k m id H iu r - O " ' ” P o W ” *-’ ' ™ " H o w c d . t l i o y a r c i iv o rn id n g « ' ) „ u ,c 1 0 ,0 S a n IMoKO o p en onP l u n k o t l . U l o j l ^ ^ poupd .1 w h e re D c c lo s T u r n e r p o ln ls p e r g u ro c a n d n l lo w ln n u ,o f i r s t c j t r a h o le o l u p ln y o K ,

r . “ S S n r c s id e n l o f S u ( ( U D o w n s W n r t e r t a c k " , w e n t a s d e d s lo n c d S lio s lio n o 's S w o m c r . 0 5 .4 , n o t ln c lu d ln « M o n d a y 's a ),o l a tw o o v e r 74 a n d s o ld ho.....................h o r n i r r i ic i ! t r a c k ' -------------------— o n p o o lo d , w iU i A rc h lo M a n n in g - Ito U i .h a d e n te re d U io m a tc h g n in o a t U ta h S ta to . , w an . U io ro u g U y il is g i ia tc d w ith

of MiMi.q.slj?pl selficto<l second ^defeated against in-diatrlct.

by New-Orleans and Santa d a re ’s Dan Pastorinl Uiird by Houston. Manning was picked In tlie baseball draft by Kansas City and Manning said he is considering the sport, alUiQugli tlie Saints are taking It for granted he'll play

football.Pastorinl was Uio last quar­

terback selected on the first round. Buffalo had the fourth pick wide U)ls H compellHonT .Slioslione will parUcipato in

Uie Big Five tourney at Valley Monday and the Dig Six meet jit Wendell' Thursday. Declo will participate Tuesday In a quadrangular meet at Burley.

w u4 th o ro u g W y d isg u a tc d > na .H se tt i s U ed fo r U il rd 4000-foot a lt i t u d e . H e ’s

r « l io u n d i~ w lth “ "1 2 “ p o r " R a m c . ic ic h l i lb c f ife r c r e d lte d l i l f f t t n B o u td o o r s " a l 'a e a ' le v b ir w h ile P la o m a r I s s ix t h a t 10 an d ro u n d to h is s h o r t g a m e .Bohagcn sovcnUi with n.4. „ i chipped oMopllonally

CST goes Into Uio weokond jjo said, and did. with « oncifamo load In the n„ got to within two foot wiUi ICAC. Hiey aro 3-0 followed by , jUp ^nd 12-for bh-dllSnow at 3-1, Ricks 2-1, D iiia ^2, i„ ^ th ln Inches on 17 tor a

nosults of (lio„ matches, Mesa I-J and Eastent Utah M . unr four11 *..1 tl-.» I- MVHm pm »uu».

Slioslione men listed first, in­clude 101 pounds, Shoshone n f > • forfeited to West: lOfi pounds, i t d l l I \ l V 6 r Sioaiione forfeited to Kuwana;

and t f ^ 'Arizona State’s ~ H5 pounda, Shoshone fo r fe lte d - v ^- ^- ^ m. 1 " receiver j;D . Hill. But by to Mathews; J21 pounds, Bot- ^ a-

d>-«p G-f ;

On his eagle' at seven, Elchelberger said ho Uiought he hit the “too gQod," but It landed on the green about 15 feet short and rolled right on Into the hold.'


has novice

skate titleBUFFAU)...N .y . (UPD-

Terri KuUcka, a sleepy eyed!

- Johm aoii.-«ho_ gcadunti!d ■ "from Te«a> A t M and makeshis home in suburban Jaokson narrowest _ ofB cvu u u ju ii ia a w u jiK u c u u i, w iu i * n is n o i iie u i B u u u ro a n j b u k s o h _ •

Uio major one behig between OaskiU was ^cislonod by S. q u e NNS PERRY-flie Haft HelghU, N. Y., said ho never Ku /n ah in 0//inA n/i iv tfl Mathowsj H I DoundSi Fam* ___ »!.<. iriAnnAii n f K a m m in r* Novlce Men s UUe In thefflshingtonandLosAnKolos. Mallows; Powds, F m - Rivey' Trojans defeated the slopped dreaming of becoming-The conlllcting philosophy worUi was doclslonod by Wddj c i e L Feri^ PUota 34-18 In a a ^ ig o ife r .

betw«n G«>rg« ^ e n ^ d Ixs M8 fiwata - .........................- ■■

Angeles owner Dan-Reeves, Osterhout 0-3, 168 pounds,“I always Uuught I could

^ niiK«tu(i wMiuc* f — nigni. make It,” ho said, "and after■‘I'say overv year that this whloh resulted In Allen's recent Danlols was docJslonod by Haft River took the lead by this round I ’m convinced I can

will ^ my iMt lUustrated In the Osterhout lO-l;- 170 poun(b, wlnnUig three straight matchesdinner "ho said "This time it’s Redskinj-Hamsdeal. Allen,now ga rne r was docisioned by 129 t„ j u poind* and . .r j o a l I ' T h a n r T t o the Jl«lskln general manager- Turner M i W .p o u n c b U w e Glenns Ferry couldn’t catch up. A - 4 t O U r n C Vl»ln™wlth vmi.” coach, traded linebacker Marita doclslonod^terhout^M; and Glenns Fetry wiU compete in . . {

' i K ' ^ Z v a t l o n a h . c l u d e d -die choices over the next two decisional a^enk 7^.

waihinaioj)!' wj/npi- winti<*r. c. Miuii. seasons for six of his formor --- -----------iipti Ti. J » .y DU. c o u n t r y s a i r s t H o rse r a c e fo r . in M ii/ li; ! ■ llmA rk ,n u t . t: , L04 A ng .irf ( i r « i . crM o fn m n lo lo c k o v s o n lv p la y e r s . I i io y in c iu u o u .U IO- .................. ^ ----------- lemaie locKeys oniy. cntiro Hams’ starling iineback- C r » ; m » » *

j o f o u r n c r

________ ... . . . Angala. ....... _ .B iV l. llavtwofti*/, a n , Tan»t. n.Naw

.................................... .Clign?''



^Kimberly-KIMBERLY - H ie Valley

vikings won tlie first six mat' ches Tliursday nlglit to -settle things early and went on to defeat the Kimberlv Bulldogs 2^19 In a dual wrestling match.

Both teams will compete b • the U ttle Five Conference

tournament at Valiev Monday.Itesults of the m a t ^ s , ‘

Kimberly men listed fli*st, In­clude 101 pounds, Kimberly

.forfeited to Dloxham; lOS pounds* Black pinned Hunt: 115 pounds, Shewmaker was dMlsioned by McClain; 123 pounds, Johnson was dedsloned

MUler; 129 pounds. Young was pinned by Waters; ISS pounds. Heath w^s dedidoned

....H I pounds,' Led­better dedsionM Black; 148 pounds, Aldrltt declslonad

‘ Okeliwry; 158 );>ounds, Heath wai dedsioned by Call; 170 pound, Retn#teln declsloned

y pntmHs. Sto a la Wcp

by terfelt,'and heaVyMlht,

^ S light we« b7 ----

CaiKornia. Naw Orlaan* (Irom Lo* AngalH) Don Uorrlun, QT, Taxat- ArllnolOA. 31. Miami Jot Ihtlimann. OR. Moir* Oama. JJ. tJalroll L»rry Woodi. DT. Tannattaa ttala )]. San rrancluo Tony lurrlt, KB, TolxJo. U . Mlnnaaola V i n e * t in, ' Co n na c ll c ul - 3 iDallai Adam Mllchill, T, Ml«iUilppl.-U- I'llttliurg (Irom naltlmoral Dvulol‘1

NFL teams

make eight


Jack Pardofl and Miixlo Dauif- han and starticg defcnslvo tackle Diron Talbbrt.

Allen, who likes to go wiUi' voterans while Reeves believes In building uround youU), was

Weber r ip

BSC 77-61

tho Uttle Five tournament at ( q b c n l t t V c d Valley Monday and the Big Sin 'league meet at Wendell j j j g i ( e g

Results of the matches, , OAKLEY-Ttio sixth districtXilimna Fm-v men U»t<^ tlrst, A- basketbalHoumamont will .................

includs 101 pounds, ReUch was use both So Burley and Mur- Unrk Henrv 18~s.i

declsloned by ttoiboUi 108 laugh high.scbool gymnasiums ijjv ittom , N . Y . ; S m third,po un ds , Glenns Ferry (orlelted to decide Iheir representatives ij,i,rin Rriinitel !4 ot

fc Sheridan; 1 » poinds. HelU- to the .Uie meet this year. ’m anw « id .c ls io n « )by H ^es j report, Oakley Coach ^Neal °o“{ .

122 pounds. Greer pjnned Wyatt. ........... . n ,m p jiM d, N.V.. and Patty

Championships.Kubicka, a fouT'^ear *Vet«r>

an” on tho Ice, won a key Judge's vote by a mere hundredth of a polnt—lfl.84'to— 16,34—lor a comeback victory- over the.l^year-old Carlow-boy who weiit into the free skating compeUUon wiUi a modest lead.'

Terri's slim margin on that key boUot gave him three first place votes and two seconds from Uie Jive Judges. Carbw'• id-_lwo_ “ ‘ • “

raUHdiI noiloA—Tim Uaily. ll>. Notra D«ma.

}. I'lllthura <lrom Haw Orlaartil-Larry nrown, la. Uantat. }. nuKalo—Dor nlf Graan, I. l>ur(iua. 4 PHllail*Ull>li-To"> SiitllaliaroK. I, S*n Ola«o ttala, S. Moutlon—Wliiia Armtlrwio, rli. Oram- lillnu. t. Cincinnati [Irom Naw Vork-Jaltl

a c c u s e d o f io a v ln g b c h in il a n ' L o s j m a n ; 120 p o u n d a , H lv e r U H ie e v e n t w iU b e g in F o b . ! 4 ’ , 5 ' „ i ' c u i v w a t vo ld R ju n ta iT O fo r n o w c o a c h w a j d e c U lo n e d b y K . S m i t h ; 135 and 26 a t B u r le y w ith th re e

N .w v a '„ « . . . , .w in . Tommy f t o U ir o B u t In one S t a t i o l^ o f iS o m Andemn w m varsity bail games e a c h night S “novJm WoJ!m^

C...CI.....M „„>m r ,^ . .o .— . . . " • ‘I' l l ' '* 'fcUyr-d«.-Tu4i*oa* 7-Allinf|-T_"mihuro-M^lvTn’ Hotnlal'! lV**Morlh ' »»vanl»i thoicaa lr»

o^t of Its own *,^5 the Novice Women’s division.I U io f i r s t h a lf a n d

1 77J11 Big Sky ffctory ■njursday

- . ______ Proaumabiy, boUi sides aro " ' f f ' j j . Duramus ..was Saturday.loWaihlngton lprlinabacharMarllrj h a p p y . ' ^ r U ^ U I n n • " * “ “ ■ '

_______ __________ ___ ^ “ i i ,S d i7 lfi-vls w ardeiU l0Ited-M urL_wW. Wm wWle liandlng l ie X s S ^ by Ward; 1 « pounds, J o h n ^ pm e s l?n«ms drn tcho ™s foryouUi ' ^ ‘>7 ' ^ .o is l in e d . Itobinson; 158 and thr

. and ono varsity three Jayvee matches


I tcnllh ar d ll>» Vlkittg*' ta«.i>»a. anu , llKlli cholcat In Ilia lt ;i ilrall ar d anu

oU'i third rouAd choUa-M WJ-. . . jIMrjuiatl .................... “ ■l>nilaUair>hla ior ftia L'«ulM‘

ruiivJ cltolc* In )«M and fhllaiUlphla'i morut arvl third round ctioica* In KII.

Mlnnatola tratlad qitartarliacb 2ak» nr*lkow«kl Irom H« rMarva lUI lo Qraan HaV-tM' ■ tulura drail (hoica,

a u /U la irU ta ro ftf iifV M i- aill Snv*/t and a lOlh round cholca to Oakland lof

also m^de two d^als involving, quarterbacks. The

to i>>hia tor ftia iTauiw’ »«ond £q|{|os scnt Veteran Nonn

Snead to Minnesota and . ob­tained .young Greg Barton from the Detroit Uons’ taxi squad.

Sojourner and company.Hie M Sojournqr baffled BSC,

'fr6»rt tho oponln(?’ tlp-and-hlsJ' '

a ,f t w i i , ip n b i co n n e c te d 'w i th d e c l s lo n e d ^ y P a t t e r s o n ; 170 A f t e r a la y o f f , th o to u rn a m e n t^ ____ _______ t l ip f r f ip jit fo u r Biuit.*! f ro m th e O le m is F e r r y fo r fe ite d w il l r e s m n o M a r d i 2 a t B u r le y

II rtillu‘d6ItihUi, which mode . . . y “ ~ "rn‘_i *(rto~K~Roblnsonr~l88-poundS|-wlth two Jayvee and ono varsity- “''“''K n e W ond U eynQvw fcrreit;. match and could wind’up al

ir heavyweight, Hamilton won by Burley March 3 with thef o r f e i t . ' c h a m p io n s h ip g o m e s in both

r i K p r t ' ’ T Id a h o , s ig n s .3[Jro n 'co s h o o t e r s b u t S to v e

W a l la c e .■ B r o n c o s t a r R o n A u .it in w lw c a m e In to U ie co ntQ st a v e ra g in g 24 .5 p o in ts p e r g o m e , w a s

G r e e n B a y s e n t q u a r t e r b a c k ' s tu m p e d w iU i 11 fo r tho n ig h t . a id i n g o f th r e e fo o t U « ii;;n « rfd ^ iJ 'n d ” o r ih . W h D o n H o rn to D e n v e r fo r W ith S o jo u rn e r a n d M B o b p l a y e r s f r o m W a l la W a l la

“.‘i. defenslvo end Aiden Roche In a.. Davis cloHring the boarjta aftrf CoiAmunity Ool|«ge to Vandal I# LM A n o t in W B a rn .' . ^ 1 d e a l t h a t In v o lv e d t f a d ln g .e a c h a lm o s t o i f i r y Bbot— W e b e r o u t- ,

compulsory figures evenf bn’ Wednesday.

John Mliha Petltevlchrtwic®'. a runnerup, took a narrow lead a^r the compulsory phase of the Senior Men’s event.

Carolina A tT .». lluMalo (Irom DaowK)-' Oanwar Iradad dalanilwa a;iij - i . ,. . . sQ vu ru i UVU.TIIIUIUU ’ u iiu ru i lU ----, , , , ," i'.rK''K;::K!;'.,;3 u m d piunSthi» d e a i .m c k e d < « “ < » 8 « in « i- - w i i i ie

nfu, and chose dofon.iv« oi,d ----------a r -

Mn. 13. &an DIaoo-Hav W|illt. lb,14 CUtfalarxl-llan flrown, wr,

r'u/dua. 15. t»n Dlwo llrom ClnchA«l>>••KM Alack. d«, Dufaa, U. K anu i C^y-

Mlka AdamU, fti, Morlhw*«l*rn. 17. SI.Loult'-Uocky Walltca. lb. Mitaourl, II.Ian rrancltco (from Naw Vorit Olantil —OwM’O* Wall*/ lb, Maw Maulco Slala- t«.Oaklaftd-Bob Wom«, |«, Sla/\lord. >0 GraMi Hay <lrom lot Anoalat Itirobdii Wathl(volon>—Jim StlHw*»on, lb, Ottio Slala. - V . CMV*II-P*U >4»««JI,. o,Mlchloan. ]}. MltUbura (Irom Miami)—Ualpl> Anda^aon, Ul), Watl Taxai tiala.}} San l>ranclKo~M*rlv Hull, lb,

ritu^fg Urptn Mlnntteta)- f i n arlilac, It). MltllMlMtl, » . Dallal -non Kadilal, Ibn tlanlonl. U, Ralllmor*-John Andrvwt, It, lndl*n«. '

J C g r id c ie r sMoscow;University of

Idaho head football Coach Don Hobblns announced Ihursday


schools involved ,wUl meet Monday , in Burley to decide flrst'TOuhd pairings.

' oiikTHMdl. Tfi';ita«lutliy. ..W«»hiftUlo(i;Ra<lik!niJ«Ji_1. Naw OrlaMI Don Moor1<a«d. HB, <hol<«, . .• MIchlMn. 1. I^lladalpltl* JocU Smllti, C,Troy Slal*. 4, Hovdon WUIIa A|«>iand»r,'B'«, Alcorn AtM, S. C lik *« (trom _ .Kulfalo) Carl TB, MmmIoh, 4- ^

Olaoo Slal*. .,■■ PIIHborgh Or*o Hannaman, T. Or«oon Slala. •. DanVvr Harold miHiM, D», MIchlMrt Stata, 10.0/tM Biy Scolt Hixilar, QB, ' ' '

oISi a*i)f.'iwj? 9uiira' first round pick. Suill- .nretoundedliolse iWO-and the _van, the Patriot owner, said , Bronws frlgW Ifr c^t running back with i5 speed In

Ihe three are Jerry Hall. MO—jfcftthugpye roBch ahooting> Weber broke Into a S3*

ha tt one year contract and lO pblnn 'd“Jii8ft>efore haif-has to be worried hbout the time. . ____team's success next year —the Boise’agamehopesdledwhen 3B(k»und offensive tackle

-choice of . wbeJhir -to keep . lUm-MaxwcU, who. M , ____,Plimkett or traded him for points and no



'ard dash; Tom Doud, 6-3_____ ve end ' from MUtonvFrMwatef, Ore.', aiid CUtf

MUml, 0„ f l , T - • -110, ^ • n a a - "

>. N. TMai SO/tM Biy Scolt Hixilar, QB, Alabama. ___________ _ __________)l, W*ahinotoA Cenway Hayman, O, Drakt «0. N. TMai Sfala U

li. Jffim W, AUmphla Slal*" ........... - - — - ciomwn 4 . V lrp U li *4

^ann U . Pr|i>c#W 43 (ow« tH»quawv« fO, Otraul T4

points andplayers who mjght help the tennUaion, fouled out with 11 team-................. mhutei to play,

’Hurt leftoRly.the M WallaceCItvaland Jay Olkori, DB, Boilon

*'J!!?!*:,.?' i*J'

I immediately Sullivan uid Maiur

leaning ■ In thetradliig Plunke- --- —

*brlfllsmFpM?iaitScM=IiFlh»--<tatacoripg.-_Bnm «nH itlil^ BowlaT ' ■ : OuMboiimled Mqi IWO.

direction of lo fire things up (or Bo|k and he Plunkett until .his never managed that despite G L O B E S E E D

= tA H O :K eaco .;.-



20yMn«xp«rl*n€*in valtsy —'quality work— -

for less on trodor, trucfe, **. e n d o u to , c o U


OR SH AT . .2 V4 V A N BU R EN

^-^1W IN .FAH5.„.....

Foryoiircnryoi;rliomc> (iu r life. iM d y m irh t ' .i ith *

State F.irni is nil you need to know nhoiit insiii nncR.


Page 14: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

•U t lm M -N e w a . T w in F s l l i , Idaho Ja n o a ry 29,^197J.

^ E I D C E ^

G A S O L IN E a l l e y

By Jacoby

The Fine Art _OiJleception-

N O IiT lI . • - 2t» .4 A » CV K 7 4

♦ A Q H4>Q 10ti 2'

y v v ^ r KAST

A Q J lO K f ) A H i 2v i o s ' V Q J It a

♦ 10H2 ' ♦ t) 7 (1 5

^ A 9 : i . t- * J r ,

SO U T H (I>)

A K i


4 K J 4


4 .K H 7 4

■ N o rth 'S o iit l i vtitiinnililo

\Vr>t< N orlh

1 N.'I’.

PlIKM 3 N.T. P«n9- I'uu i -


0 ,.o . Un»{ |i;a(l-- 4 .Q

Th i! fitiulent ducked tho first spade, but lie hud to win

• the second wlOi his k ln i;. Th en ' hR”\v c n t^ v c r ’ tD"ilum “ m y w ith tliomoiids in prdor to lend tho dciico of c liilis townrd his

_____k in [{._J ’ lio _k ijii’ hold and l ie _lt*(i l)ncU second c liih . West pinyed low and nfter n slif'ht pi'riod o ftiio iii'h t (he student plaved (h iinn iy 's 10, lin st o L h ifi,ja c l i.a iK l.le iJ .liis Jn !i(_spnde to set up two more spade tr ick s .fo r his pnrtnor.

The student had to pl/iy a tlHrd clul) and West ea.slied liis ace and Iho two {(uod spades. - '

■‘Should I ‘ have jjiiessed that West had ducked with tho club ace? ’' askod th r

------snidont:------------- " • ■••No,” tlie Professor re ­

plied. “ West made a vei-v' (.'00(1 play when he refused


to lake your kliJ|». You can't h(! h lank'd for ^oini* wroni;. llovyover, you j i id p lay thohand p oorly .'’ — - ....................

;— n(rvou ‘‘Kno^whnt“ tlurFtii:'' (lent (lid Wroni:? • .........

IIo should havo playi^d the k in j' of clu)>s from his hand a l (r ick three, Instead of

. loadini! a diamond to (hui)<■ h\y so as to 'p lr ty f^luhs fro m

tiie re . 'W e s t m lj'T if J ia v t ! been- •

s h lir p e n o iifih to d u c k w ith-

'o u t i ' 0 1 n ( ' ^ itlto p ro lo n i'e d

s tu d y but. i l la d o u b t fu l .

I Io w e V Q r , for. the (HU! p laye r /'ood to » iakethat p lay there a re many more wtu) could spot what declarer w as up to when )ie i;oos out of h is w ay lo lead the suit from dum m y. In that i'ospcct (he student had helped the defense a trifle .

yt^evtpaftet tnUii>ihe >tnn. j

Now uvuilobltf through (hit nawi-

puper. "Win Sndgo wlib JACOBY

MODERN." Fof your cQpv,.„iond

nome, addroii, Zip code ond $1 to:

"Win at Bridge," c/o (Nama N«wi-

paper), P.O. Box 489, Dept, (firit

~ tfi‘r8V(fl{jltl lftC0t Zlp coda),' Rodio-

C iU Stolion, New York, N.Y. 10019

,b ^ n ' 'b e r s _

. Aniwaf lt,Pr«»lM i f i iu t i '

— ‘ /divtiion------3fl CilrtaBnUUh

k in« (D lb .) *'aOAll.42 Franca and --

Spain, /or ' ■ «xamplo

44M«ttar (U t ln )

4(1 Uuihy clump 47 Choral



' W O L D IT / .'' W O M IIN A R U N O L O M G E R 6 l-A V J iS TO MEM'i B E A S T U V APPIZTITJHS.*'.''

V O U 'R E L lB E R A T E C > /r

THAS^ NlCE.liUTl. AH ( jO r T A l G lT G O lK i' , V JIFM A M , C O O K lK l'- j

(conii)./ontj) ? i . iupply

n B u ro ii .n u i.i l. “ T H e rm u n r

a i IM n*r* G«lnb'llnuamofl (Hoinnn) „ ^


T liu )>i(ldii)K hill) Ix^oii:Wr&( North tCast Koiitli

-t-V— DW»~-- Pnw;— ] AP«f.!i 2 V r«!.!i ?'

You.'S'o iilli, hold:4 K 7 4 3 V 7 , « J 0 R f l X K I O C I

Whut do you «lo now ?,. A —m«l clulta. Vo»rVnrtnrrr U fo rc iiic yriu (o tiiil. H«').poiu!! V

T O D A V ’S Q U K S n O Ny o u r parfni’r wifJi

II jum p to /our W liiil doynii do now?

A iih u rr Tom orrow

rTvNNV'/ L m i Y T.IiniS

Yc?o \







WE LlK(2<i IT., U O O K AT T H E

w a :v W E O GTA.R.IMG

ACT IT ! y



•see? I S10CKEP n.WITH F o o p ANP



/ T u 6 T LIOTCN t o my R A P lo \

r/LL I COMC BACK, ((ONE//,.y '


. TtlAT * 7 0 0 , 0 0 0c a l l / ,

J.L&r-VOQK.B iJ T [ TH C 03H T > 0 0 S A lD NOU'D -hia/ca-i-;(ir^xfuvEODy-Ar>AiN-

- H\-

THAT15 R G H T .. I W AS

—JasrjJEUV lN a— * .7VIE G O C O ,O iD m v s !





-1HB CAI»fTAl.,CA»L,


INTO TH' P iM X ,H iO U G H !

%)OLP ^T ..I SH£»ULPA MAPGr co r I ai'CAA-cAJtair oG i^OUG^ ! / M i: WHGRG i n ' B L M

2 O fJC O f T>i0ap.


"Stop usTng up a ll tho lig h t, B i l ly l "

\ \


^ V X e O f f

Ti O ii\ m '(\ cam fm m \ ih d a . j y W/ f^6HIATRl^T^m.P t^AaV (MILK TIWS owe! V



WE'U. M A V e t ^ A •GOOD O E E Q Ib C A V .

------ N—0

_ m m jo p - /> voaA/C/eAWVUMtf T uJCLU ^ S . OOOfieC tflMPUVWAWe FtWM.LV y TVJl MSiC 1 crpA^EC’ \ CAWrT WSGJ» UF*CTOPPCP ) -----__ - -Q0l6T6Pt r HAP ArrAOAEC?,) OOtLEPl Vt?U TVU-T VM

.Oa.WMV-V, AWKltTLe />' NCKU ATTCWJPv',HATTCCr/ /> -to -nAS S POfX . COUMW6LUC UT- PtfAPtO^(.PA^^-rc>«/v< PAV</^ epiAPV'/*«WT.'


0 Notion (Kr.) lUCruultow ' arroM'110/ tho dawn

in iir iliB lx Iu iiy 20in(Honuii))22 10c«.nti;,^4 IturlH iK ity 2.’i llB w a iiB ii

tlirtigh ______2Ft l-'BiilihK aoanon S4Ilontaiii 27 ituuveoly city 57 I-jUblliltcd

(vur.) valiia

» O^elto'i

30 Vervo 3 ir iU o u t a

ulHritf ntilp34 ln*ect ..........aDHelfwr 40DIood veua l

‘41M«adow 43 V«|teUU«45 Body of aides 47 Tlsrow 4i) SirfKinu voice 40 Approach 'W) Samoan ' Maport52 Trim53 Untia

1 r 3 ^ 4 & 6 7 e 9 W11

l i 13 H15 16 17

10■ L

20“ 21 2 7

i24 25 26 27 ■ 28 29 36 31


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i 3

44 46 ■L47 - 4 a~ 49 • 50 ■l ' '

82- 53 54

65 56 57

5B 59 60

61 62 6329


Your Dni/y Aclivity Guide AccortlinQ to ll\a S fo ri.

To duvclop niciiCKjo for So turdoy,

f<.'0(l wortlii corresptiivJing fo numiwrs of your Z a lto c Ijirtli iign.

^ UAY 205-20 31.42



,» JUtJS jl

i-A-7ni7«5^ SS.S6-67.

ilO/.v; JULY 3


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17.23-1444, -l(g

S T A R G A X E l C * ‘ ^y C I.,\Y II I’O LL.AK'-

K Vour Daily Aclmly Cuid* H 'I According (o Sluri. -»

>:->51-61-79 04

’ ,/TAUBlliAflt. 10

. WAV JOw.U-13 25 37 •r-j46 .Sn A9


MAV M£ £

To develop m essage for Sundoy , rend words corrcspondino to numbers

of your'Zodioc birih sifln.I II 31 Pdiinpi2Yo.. 32 Wm3D«lti« 33V.Kif -4 PiKUJO 34 Ar«5 Don't 3i)0.ornil»

( S A n 3 6 W K c c K7^ul i _ IPTi.n l l l ' u t v l i l e 3 1 1 W i l l 9 You 39 ImlxQIfd

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!■ 23 P«fn(aric# 24 You25 Allstnoon26 Tliinkmg 37 CKilixuit 211 l’toclic«»

Z 29 D«1ov 30 Y«k

420143A44 Sotittanlinl45 To.iflu'46 Ttirni 47Youf 40ConnM:lt49 Not50 l’t»uing51 I'nrt52 Wov iJCan'l54 Horrv55>gt56 D*cm«M 5/ Ami

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_ f l9 OMiciol.lnm_ ‘VOCouiilrfct

^K el/trJl

ocf. ;jo>fiQ> 3 32-44 A3/T.



7-17-24-34/0 4557.70 '<P\u u rrA tmHOV.____ v T ^ '

JAW. I* I7.l8-J7.3fl J9-7382 87'


3* B- 9 53^ UiUA 1 .

rtieasH I. I#

30-41.42-71/O 74 77-M-89V$

CARNIVAL by Dick Turner



ALCOMOLIflM IS A>J ILLNE60/ ©TACIB/ A m ricwr Kictps





CURC ? ^

^ i 3 6

' 'W e ll, m arrlH gB c e rta in ly d o s t gfve a m a n a t a n »

~6rair«fl6HrT7"rlh“tartrl’Bi~ijn T n y ---___ __ r V fln«np» compunv. now!''

" T

Page 15: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

A D D E A D L I N E SFOR ^ ,


T( eto' Deadllnet apply to tronsiant or wontt adt andcommerciol adi no l^gar 10 |nche(> •___________________H you want your ad jo appear!

MONDAY(Ads must bo rec^ved by 11:30 A.M. Salurdoy) .

TUESDAY(Ads must bo received by 11:30 A.M. Monday)

WEDNESDAY(Ads must be roceiyod by 11 ;30'A.M. Tuosd 'y)______

THURSDAY '(Adsjriust bo rocoived by 11130 A.M. Wednosdpiy),.

FRIDAY(Ads must bo rocolvod by 11:30 A.M. Thursday)

S U N D A Y C la s s ifie d S e c tio nAll od* lo appear in tha , Timat-Nowt Sundoy CUmHied__

Section m u ll bo rocoived by . . .

11:30 A.M. FRIDAY

P h o n e 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1

M Yr»N O SIS '— Stop im o k ln o , lo w w o lg h t , ( i i.v * lo p bn H « r i lu d y

^ t ia b ftS . Call.734 3 M 5 _b t p Mon. Vr\.

AS I M AVt: cortio If l know lh « jov And b lo id n u t o f Cod In m y life Ihrouuli J n u t C h r lit . m y con' ic lence li-l^ lhoc’ lno n i« . If I hftvn wronued you In A nyw ay. I «m 'tru ly w rrV ., P lea te fo ru lvn rno.

Cod U n o l iloAd ..MOOtiH MOIMNSON TW IN r A L L S

I f i t F iu n d : _ 1

-L0M-*---SNOWM06lLING-»oJ* nslweon ko lc lium and Tw in F a ll t , Nnma brand Skldoo' Phono 678 7 » l . H (iwardl

N lin O A S EM V IC C M AN ? So0 liidA yi Vi/flnt Ad* for llin w rvtco you wnnt.

l .n S T ; V e L l ,OW L a bor >Hor f ipnW.N am e C an d y ,' R e d C n tla r .

..H e w a rd I 73)034^

S p c c la l N o t lc « t


I'nr w elohf. im o kin g and m em ory. Mtono W3 0 « 0

Core) o l T h a n k *

Wo' wnnt to nvp ro ik our dno(X)it npproclAtlon lo a ll wtto helped in Aliy w ay w ith the search lor our lovfxl onot, Iw fh l)v a ir and In Iho SnoCUnachln'n Soarctt and Heicue olldrt ;to Ih o ’m rviv fr im d c who did to much In u m any wav<> to eX' p r« « j sy m p a th y and un-

— (lar&l«ndlHO>— -la - Ih o ifl-M io A itistM l In tilt) com fortlno laal r lio s .Tho Fa m llio s ol Clayton and Carw n D u lly

IfJ o ra lo fu l approciatlon loi’ ' tho — l<indoMi-and-«ymt)»fhy.-0 »oiM»-ui

(luring our rocnnt haroavem ont. Ilio fa m ily of Ihn la to 'A llco E . U ry w lU iet to pub lic ly thank a ll wtioce m o ssag o t. c a rd s . Ilo w o rs and

_ o H o r * __ l .oJPJJtj__ ]pllghion our w r ro w .

P « r « « n a l

U N W ED M A T G R N IT Y c a ro . doctor, hospital and living P lan In Mountain M anor, In c .. I*. O. Ilox 310. Mountain t-lomn, IdMio I’ltone 5B7-S130.

P H IV A T H D G T C C T IV C . C iv il or c r im in a l c(isc& , confidonii>>l. W rilo P. O , lion 113A, T w in l- . illt .

U n S T L IN I ; P R O D U C T S ? U rak e ..^ (1 f'ptrolnum P ro d u c it, 513 4th

Avenue Wo&t, T w in l- f l ll i , 733 M3H.

^ r « o n o l .

COM IN G SOONI ja y Bee Satire -~Or««tlflO-CardSr D e e lw t m ay ca ll-


F A C IA L A N D B O D Y h a ir removed - b y v ie c l ro ly t l i . Sw ingin ' Set Salon..

S A L ES M A N W A N T G D i Exca ilen t — eppor’t u n l t i e t r - hio>t— ln«om *f-

,M anaa»m »n l opportunity U you q ua lity . Fo r appointment ca ll 3J4- $345,

P r i v a t e In ve s llg a ld r — J4 Wour S e rv ice . AJI confidentia l. Phone 713,AA31 — nloht 733 S;73.

A L£ p U O L ■ fiaFle (U

4 (X A U Q > m u iO U tr-

8130p .m . Fo r furthcO lnfo rm allon , 733-4030, A l'A f to n ^ d lloor. 733' 7W I. • . ;

E X E R C IS E the n e w . w ay. HanI ix e f c l ie an\| hea lth ' equipment ip^od biko , m a tia g n ro lle r .'b e lt v l lt r s lo r . a c llo n cyc io , B A N N E R ro rn llu re . 733-14J»,

B a b y S it t « r « — C h i ld C o r * 1 6

JA C K I. J I L L N u rte ry . L k e n u d - ch ild c a re . ClUJdren 3Vj . p re .’

school, n04 10th A ve . E a i t . 733- AA47.

W IL L I IA n V S IT in n»y home,' Age }< I to S, 733'4S}8-

4A) North Lo cu st, phone 733 9010. 733 7080.

H A H V S IT T U R W A N T E D : 0:00 a .in- lo S:30 p m . Phone 734 334A. 311 A lh .

W IL L DO B A B Y S IT T IN G lor 'In tant* In m y tiom e. Phone 7J4-3IB4.

WOUUO L lK t ;-n rfo ltlo r- |ad y -to ~ » lt' w ll ii chlUtren In m y hom e S days por wuek, from 8:30 5:00, with rW e fm c o . 733-4136.

E m p lo y m a n t A g » n c U t ' ' 1 7

*h C R 3 0 ftN C L —3n»t.V IC tr o l*-M no lr V a lle y , &34 Blue Lakes North, phono 733 5S43.

M A G IC V A L L E Y P la ce m e n t — Con»uH»n»«; Bow740, * « » n d f lo w ,

B ank of Idahb B u ild ing . 733-4530,

H U ip W a n la d

S A L E S G IR L S W A N T E D . High p ay, low Iw u rs . Apply Rodney F a i r ­c h ild , 537-3rd Av.nnun C a l l .

O P P O R T U N IT Y tor equlppod builnoss m anager. M ay become part ow ner. W rite Box 3363. Idaho T a ils , Idaho or phone 533 8I&5, aftoc-5;00 p.m

BAN DS OR M U S IC IA N S , any and a ll types. Pt^one 733 41S7.


Help Wanted IS

3 B A H T G N D E R S o r bouncers, part or fu ll llm o , JO y e a rs or older who would be Interested In sharing a 3 bedroom House, 733 4157.

D R E A M A M IN U T E . Aboot an ^O'iiViikri'n tSshl&fS Jewelr C

JU IT a i * t l to th e 'n u m b e r below s te r t i ,you on ttie w ay today lo

Jkw e lry D irecto r, 733 9341.

A T T E N T IO N ; H o usew ives,M olhers w ork from hom e 3 h o u rs .d a y , S tan ley hom e p roducts':^ 47 401B,

W A N T E D r OM of school or college ulM fo rp art- llr t ic day siUfI at A 4. W Hoot U#ef as ca r hostess. Phono 733-34S1 for appointm ent.

E X P E R IE N C E D m a le d ry cleaning ' presser lo r S a lt Lak e . W rite

detailed qua lifications to Fu rg is , < 3435 tfloh land O r, Salt Lak e C ity ,

U lah ^106, . . '

C X I^ tR IC N C E D , re liab le m an for. da iry .' 3 bedroom house. Contact U ic h a rd M a y . R t . 1, Paul> idalio-

- t*lK)ne 43fl 3»31.

W H E R E IS Y O U R AVO N R E P R E S E N T A T IV E ? M aybe you don't have one. Perhaps YO U

.should bo Iho one In your neigh­borhood lo ' s e ll a l l those custom ers, in lo rested? Call 733- 7413 or w rite P h y ll is M c in tu rf, Route 3. K im b e rly ,

TWO E X P E R IE N C E D tracto r men- ' Must have re le renees a i^ own

ir a n s p o r ta lia n . 733-4441. L R .S o rw m n .

D IS H W A S H E R W A N T E D ; app ly In .^ I'r ip n ,p o lo's C * le , l41 r4ioshone

Hemas For Sal*

P i^ ld a y , j a n u ^ r y T ff, 1974 ; T I m e i - N e w t . T w l t ^ F d l l t , Id f l t fQ I j

50 Homes For Sol*C O R N ER L O T , d o se In. 3 be<Jri>im' -ho m er U a ro e o rp e te d llwlno room.-

d rap et . b irch k itche n .g as fu rnace . Im m ediate possession. USOO, Call Haro ld L e lth ly 7M3440 of LA N D O P f IC e O P ID A H O R E A L T O R S .

I 733,07T4, e c ro s i form Sears .

E X T R A N IC E oiOU. hom e. clOM In - i • b#<lrooms - o r - 3 - bedroom*-dIws

T>iere w ill be o | ^ house at the p roperly lo c a te a a l 406 Madison In Tw in P a lls from 1 ;0 0 p ,m . to 4:00 p .m , Saturday »he 30th and 10:00

I I you need • U ro a horns o r somo renta l p roperty don't overlook th is . Complete descriptksn In the 33rd an(T 34th T im e s N e w s .

• a lty 701 Shoshone 1 B3705. Ptione 344'

40 A C R E S c h o ic e s u b d iv is io n p ro p e rty n e « t to C o lle g e of Soulhorn Id aho ,a lso , lO A cres next to Robert Stuart J r . High In Tw in F a l ls , Idaho, Phone 334 4410, F l le f , Id a h o .. ' ■

B R IC K , ca rp et, liv ing room , b e d ro o m s, u t i l i t y room and firep lace m ain floor. Bedroom , fa m ily room , storage In basem ent. Consider C . l ,o T 'contact K L IN K E

.A G E N C Y , 733'B391 or 733 B734,

C U T E 3 bedroom. F ire p la c e , ca rp et, garage . N orthwest a re a . 117,300, A C E R E A L T Y , 733-5317.

GOOD 3 tiay se rv ice station co m :, p inie w ith iKKly and paint shop. Tools large and sm a ll-inc lu ded - C a l l V irg il 433-4137, M o unta in S tales R ea lty 733 5974 " M L S "

D U P L E X . L ive m ore for le ss . 3—3 bedroom un ltsi'new gas fu rnaces, c lean and p resen tly rented at >90 & I7S . Good investm ent. C all V irg il 433 4137 or B il l 733 B033 MQunlaln

- Slale>-Re«lty-733-5974-»M L6*‘ •

E X P E R I E N C E D H O M E IM P R O V E M E N T teleplvone so lic ito r, S3 per tiour p lu s libe ra l com '

- r t i 11 »IonT733 5 a : : . ---------------- ----

N E W L IS T I N G . R o a l C ulu 3 bedroom homo w ith 3 bedrooms in lu l l , f in ish e d b a se m e n t, la rg o rocrefliion room , gnrauo, fru it Iroes, Only JIO.SOO. C all Eunlco Coopor 733 49AOor LA N D O F F IC E

—O fi- I DA H O -R EA L-rO R &-7a3-flM*r across from Sears '

o r-3-6edroom e-plw* b e au ty s h o p ,s p a n ' basem ent', e|}jm lnum sld inq. Must see to e p p re d a te t P r ic e d at O N L Y I t s , 700, C a ll to d a y : N ad ine Koepnick 733-7397 o r LA N D OP F IC E O F ID A H O R E A L T O R S 733- 0714, Across from Sears ,

E > f c K » t e ) fli-'iUiMr,- buym .fS O Mill . lU iM R. buy m e re . In

K im berly choice location , Atl t>ricK ^ bedrooms- Pu ll basem ent. Each ye rd n ice ly fenced te r p r iv acy . Carpeted — bullt-lns. Prem ium c o n s tru c t io n . S u p e r a t t r a c t iv e In ilde and out. L iv e In 1 s ide , le i the ottier s ide pay the b il l. Coo-

-venfen i te rm t ,‘ M urry on th is — It w o nt la s t . • ,

TWIN FALLS REALTY733-3662Evenings

George Haney 733-4609Either Boyte 733-S408

W ACRESW Ifft » ’'w e ll, ldif8l ........—potato-oroond.-South of-MountaJo,---

R>me 119.000. ^ o n e S3) 4)13, evenings.

W E .H A V E a la rge cattle O i jif l ii In ■the sa m e e re e . P u rch a se

. ^separately o r together to m^ke the finest co w ,ca lf feeder operation ava ilab le . O ver B.OOO deeded acres and over 10.000 A U M 's. Fo r In formation c a ll Dave L u t i 334,4494.

■ I HaiO F F IC E OP ID A H O R E A L T O R S 733 Q 7U 'a cro ss from Sears,

•0 A C R E S fa rm fu ll w ater. East of H a ie lto n . 3 bedroom hom e. A^chlne shed, co rra ls , 130.000, STO C K M EN 'S R E A L T Y , 334 4445. Rodney P au ls >35 S574, Cttrlyle

•.Butler B3S J573.

P A T R O LM A N FO R C ity of Kel- Chum . M an ' 31 years or o lder - H Igiisctiool education - P refe rab ly sa m e , p o lice e x p e r ie n c e o r t ra in lnu . S ia rlln o sa la ry 1500. Appiy to Dennis H aynes, Chief of Po lice , Ketchum , Idalio , o r phone 736 3309. C ity under s ta le re iiro m ppt. UnHorj«is lu rn ithed ' and m M iita inw l.

WANTEDGnintmdii to mil Iciiiii iniil conutiic- linn tiicicliiniiiy in-Twin rnlli Aiaci. Soiciry (itui (Oiiiiiiiitinii. Tfoiupoilii- tiOM lurnnliail Hniplolijnlion nntl i<«- turoii{« Apply in perion:

Monday, January 25tli[Ilium 16(1. ttoliday lnr>.

Iwio Fnlh 7 00 ()m 10 00 I-n.

F o r m W o ilt W a n t e d

CUSTOM HAY liuuimg, t i l lx r Innu ot (liort tiQul. r W Fanlhectlona,

C U S T O M M A N U R E H A U L IN G Loo's Cu ilom Fa rm in g , F ile r .

DON M cD ow ell, cuslom p low ing.

d U S T O M M A N U R E H A U L IN G L lll ib r ld a e Cuslom Fa rm ing .

— 733 1343 ____

W o lk W a n U d

S H E E T R O C K IN G . ta p in g , piastorlna- Ptiono 733 0879 or 733- 1409.

P H A R M A C IS T desires lu ll t im e w o rk. Youno. w ith excellent e x . porience and ro fe rw ice s. 733-1457.

E X C E L L E N T , E X P E R I E N C E D t r u c k , d r iv e r ne e d s lob> by Febr.u#ry .6 lhr Pttono _____

OppertunllUt 30

V) P R IC E . 4 candy m achines, I7.S0, Not one year oldV Jusper S m ilh , 733 9383.

A P A R T M E N T S - 13 u n ils , downtown location, 160,000. W ill t ra d e .'A C E R E A L T Y . 733 5317. .,

FO R S A L E B Y U U IL D C R B rand new 4-plex. Interested pa rtle * U^ould re a l ly ch e ck th is one out • L o c a te d '4 th s t re s t U«»t and M adrona, 734-3335-

U P H O L S T E R Y SH O P, com pletely s locked . A ll power equipped. W rite Box F-13 c-0 T im e s New*.

M e n * y W a n t « c l

W O U LD L I K E LO A N lor Investm ent purpose. High In terest paid. W rite Box F-14; c-o T Im ei-N ew s,

N O R T H E A S T — 1 A C R CB rick___— 3 liedroom . ^ baths

Ir'emendoijs fa m ily room , electPI<T h e a l, tile roof. Th is home is nea rly new . Assum e la rge percent an n u a l -p e rcen ta g e re te lo a n . Asking 130.000.

D U P L E X — Good lo c a t io n , 3 bedroom unit w ith ua^*oei- Let Ihe rent from one m ake most o l the p'ayrtlSnTs, Owner m ay c a rry tom e w llirgo o d b uye r. 133,SOO, -


733-5045 — 733-1340 - 733-5457

Mil Avenue Cfast, 3 B ED R O O M with spare bedroom in basem ent. »10,500.

FELDTMAN;REALTOR5911 Stv}slu>ne North 733-198B

S H b R T A C R E , 3 Bedroom , haths, la m lly ro o m , 3 fire p la ce s , double garage c irc le d rivew a y by app l. only,

G O L D M E D A L L IO N — 3 bedrooms, V / }b a lh s ,‘ la rge corner lo l, b rand spankon n»Wi_AV)VOrigh t in .W E-A LSO have 3 bedroom and a 3 bedroom homo, good term s.

WESTERN ------ REALT-V-Cb.------

390 A C R ES With 130a cres irr ig a te d . Ideel row crop cattie combination. Good outbu lld lno s'. L o ve ly 4 bedroom b ric k home. Owner w ill

'co n sid e r 't r a d e . C a ll E lm e r Sommer 733-5597 or LAN D O F ­F IC E O F ID A H O R E A L T O R S 733- 0714,. across from , Sears.

STO C K RANCH iOO A cres, c o r ra ls , 3 bedroom hom e.

3 tenant houses. Plenty of cheap W etef. Near Snake R iver, 310head of cattle can .also be bought. Call lo r p a rticu lars .

30 A cres IwtweuM Jerom e and Tw in Fa ils on H ig liw ay 93 lor (10,000,-

_ ' l ' h n R p A L E s t a t el34 4600 331 So. Lincoln

Jero m e , Idaho


M O V EDto lh e lrn o w location at

495 So, Idaho Wendell, Ida.._ J u s l .N o rih . o t_ ih f(- .e levB lo r_ .and ..

In terstate BON,See Us For Your Real Estate Needs , . .M a rk K o ll. John WertDenKotjor' Walter Ke ily

Ronnie Koil 536 3374

A ft .h rs ,G e o , Co u l d , : 733 9443

R t O U C f O r O R Q U I C K s a l e : . n « i c L finm<r-in hiodliantl iocalion. 1634 \q ll. ol lijKir ipo(», torpel llitouglioiit^ 3 bailrnoHM. lal ut iliow you 'Ihit lienuly lodoyl . 537,900.00


6 3 3 lllut Inbel Nnill> 7 3 3 - 5 3 3 A ' Dick Meiierim ilh, {Ifo ltir 733'QDA9

• 7 3 3 ' 3 4 3 5 - ? 2 2 4 U f , • 7 3 : 1 - 6 3 7 7

^ M r , ( 1 . 3 0 A D O S o t 0 0 0 ^ 1 0 0

E A ST OR0<\ E a s t F a lls — S liM lrooms w ith lourth In fin ished basem ent, plus fa m ily room , double g a rag e , own

-w*lir-)iU0-M<u«4>e-fe«I^LMded- w llh e'xii*as. Owner transfe rred or couldn't be bought for 130.950. Convenient terftis by assum ing e xcellent ex istin g loan.

On West W eism an —r4 bedrooms with oorgeous fin islied basem ent, 3 beths, double garage , 3 ornate firep laces , ideal fa m ily ho m e .. Convenient to lovely p a rk in ­cluding sw im m ing pool. T ru ly a gorgeous se ll in g . I33 .900w lll never boy m ore.

E N JO Y T H E co m lo rt and con- veninece ol a groutui floor la m lly room . Th is lov«ly b rick hom e hes

'm a n y e x c e l le n t fe a tu re s , 3 bedrooms, 1'- baths and ra d ia n t f ire p la ce . A ttached garage and patio . Choice locatlo«i. You would expect to pay m ore — only *33,900.

O N L Y 3 bedrboms but com pletely c h a rm ln q . B e a u t ifu l new c a r ­peting In ttve liv in g room and dining room. G as fu rnace aod g arage , A llra c t ly e landscaping and good location . Eve ryo ne w ill like th is hom e. P rice d to s e ll l t i l . 500.


in g 'l ls t ln g s

. 733:3662 Evenings

Goorgo Honey 733*4609 Esihor Qoyle 733-540B

B R IC KJ Bedroom B r ic k . F a m ily room w ill) firep lace ,' lots o l new car- petino/ u t ility room, ga rage and fenced y a rd . E xce lle n I K im b e rly location,

T A Y L O R A G E N C Y ,' M em ber o f Tw in F a lls

" M L S " Service Donald T a y lo r : Broker 433 S3B9 E V E N IN G S ; «Ron T a y lo r 433 S403Mason Smith 433 5717

K's SpecialsN eal, 3 bedroom b ric k • M ar- ningslde A rea - L a ra e low In terest loan. 114.000,

.Schooli- 44

F IN IS H H IG H -SCHOOL in Ih e p r iv acy ol your Home. Dip lom a A w arded , Free brochure eKplain* h o w . W r ite A m e r ica n School

. D istric t O ffice , Box 7444, Bo ise . Idaho 13707. ‘

A T P G U A R A N T E E DgroundsO tool. — H e b r u e r y - ia , ' - U , ~ 15.- 1130.

C A P IT A L F L Y IN G S E R V I C E , IN C - , Room 303, T e rm in a l B u ild in a , Bo ise , Idaho. 134'43ll.

Olh*ir Inilructlon 46

A T \ L I T T L E M O R K T I IA I^

9^ P E K V C O P Y

(Delivered to aJiome)

It ail adds up to one thing . . . The TIMES-NEWS (IVIagiiJ Valley’s Home Newspaper) serves an entire FAMILY while the other items above only one person.

Y E S . • i • a t s l lg i i t i y itnoi^W^^

D R IV E R S N E E D E DT ra in now to d r iv e sem I t ru c k , local and over the road . D iesel o r g a s j.e x p e r ie n c e helpful but not n e ce ssa ry . You can earn over t4.S0 per hour after ahort tra ln h ia . Fo r In te rv iew a id ao o llca llon . ca ll M l- 333331a. o r. U ir lle Safety D m t .. United S y l le m t . In c , .c o O .M .T .A .

-C re d it-U n l6 n - '-B ld o i< -» 3 J-W .-7 M - South. Salt L a k e CliV> U tah, B4101

.U « lp W a h t a d 18


7 3 3 . 5 3 2 ?Oorotliy Kolqr . 733-6040 G o n tf'C G tv t ie r------ ' - 7 W - 4 0 1 ? -


' O v t f 3,000 square feet floor space w ith e v e ry th in g fo r g ra c io u s

.. .llv ln o .. 1 bedroomi< 3 f l r e p lK t f ctoubTe g a rao e . lovely covered patio , underoroufd k p rlnk lln fl. Letf M show you a ll the eM trai In th lt beautifu l hom e, - ,

pILER3 b*droo«,«, built.In ppplhnc**, carp<l«il,.Uriia lol. HUSM.

Beth W ickham 733-5<r< Edna Irish . 733.0882

C. L O O N E V R E A L T O R

Hal'p W q i i t e '— ) •

p c r c t o p j ^

ohie nk'ust a g r e e . . i t ’s a B I G B A R G A I N






B E E F OR D A IR Y'130 Acres in good wintering a rea . V e ry nice 3 bedroom modern

-hom ei-CM d^ut-bulld lnos-AAostly- hnv end p asture , A yood farm — V43.000, 39 per cent- down.

P E TE R S O N A G EN C YW endelM daho

5J4 3071

3 A C R E S on m ain hlohway- M ake oood t ra ile r p a rk . Also has beer license and v a ry n ice bar.

W E S T E R N R E A L T Y CO..U 4 M A IN S 0 U T H

- 733 3U 5 - Don W allace 733 »4U

Oav« MumUtt. Rtoktr Pleaie <all 733-4079 (anytime)

Ann HolfmnUe' 733-3010 |ltom«)

1-ACRES..arm re ad yT o iRow crop farnTreatJyTo^oTo'W ^'^"

•or you In the sprlno^ V e ry oood build ings and deep so il. C lose to In le r ita te W,

Also 3 la ro e fa rm o perations. Row crop o r ca ttle operation potential. A dequate w a te r for fu r th e r deve lopm ent,-

D IC K S T A F F O R D ' 733-5197 .

B R O K E R JO H N S E 2 ; Y o u r

JO H N L U T Z , R E A L TO R S333 Addison A ve .

Drop In or P ho ne : 733 0534

T R A D E S W A N T E D :130 acres,' consider trade lor lo lo 30 a c re s . 300 a c re s for 4u to m a c re s . 30 a c re s consider neat 3

- b e d ro o m -h o m e - ln -W e n d e « ^ W e _ have two «0 a c re fa rm s . Lo w down paym ent. Good term s,

W E N D E L L R E A L T YS34-3374

BenKo ber .Jo h n W e rt. a i - l U t W aiter K e l ly 53i-373lR onKo ll S3&-39S5'

F IL E R •3 bedrooms w ith fu ll b ase m m t. t a c re s , Onlyl3«,SO O, term s.

4 bedroom. \\U baths , 3 f ire p la ce s . 3 c a r o arao e , 1347 Law nd ale , Tw in F a lls , O n ly OOjSOO te rm s . .

K IM B E R L YTwo fine' 3 bellroom t'ornM ,

- b a lh s .- O P E N - A L L _ O A - Y . .T .H U fL . S D A Y . Low or no d o w i pay/ment If you qua lify tor P H A . W est of M ain M La k e Stree>, K im b e rly .

C a ll: 73)4343 . A7IB39I67im«( eveninal,

B A iL E Y R O B E R TS• r e a l t y4 IS M aln S tree t, B urley

- 670-8391 [

Farm* P«r Sol*

MO A C R 6 8 pum p la n d w ith sprlnktlna equipm ent. V e ry o ^ d •o il. R e aso nab lyp rlce d . W rite Box P-15, c -o 'T im es N ews. .

B U H t 40 A C n e S . 40 shares w / e r . north slope . Above ave rage land . 3 bedroom tw m e , ,Oarao«< b«rn< lo a fin o sh e d s . F in e c o r ra la .

W 6 » T - 6 N D - D 6 A L T V .- Ptwne U i-U 0 9 for appolnlm enl.

H A V e 3 acre*. }■ bMlroom t>eme,

C d to nd ltten , Oood c e r r t la , »e barn anjJ* W e ot out

bultdlnoe. M ile and • half .from Twin Palla. Will •xchiHtg* lor • home In town or wiythlno of value. No money n e cM ta ry . D ick AAwsenmlth 7»-S>N or '7 3 0 - ^ .

A cres. H mtt* m « : f r o n lK t . Good honte and corrals. Aot* crob Of stock, to acre* c< U lv a t ^ ^ S r ^

'■’orcftefd.-Teriwa >'»'».... PBUOTM AN — R B A L T L . . y n Shoshone Mertti 73»;1tU

’ S H O P T H B B U SIN B S S P IR B C T O « V P Q R T H O $ BT h a r d t o p i n d i t k m s

BO A C R tS fu ll sha res ol Tw in F a lls w a te r . ISO head range rlgh ls for I

. months. R anch Is in m ostly hay . and p astu re . Ueautlful 3 bedroom

1 m llk ino b a rn . G ra ln e ry co rra ls for 100head, t'/'i m iles from to w n ,lLB l us tell and show you this one to aay . Priced at U3.SOO. Te rm s ava ila b le ,

L Y N W O O D r e a l t y410 B lue LakeeN orH i ' ' '

733 9311 A M TER H O U R S :R .J ,S ch w e n d lm a n -> U 7100 ttarleyAA M hers m s 4 7 3

130A C RG stock ra n ch , fu ll w ater r ig h t, eucellent setUp for beef o r d a lr y - r a n c h ln g . V e r y g o o d -3 bedroom ra n c h ho m e , fu l ly m ^ e rn . C o rra ls and loaUng sheds

iS3,000 w ith te rm s,D R V D E N A G e N C Y

403 South Lincoln Je ro m e . Idaho

334-5333R ayA ssend rup 3344k33Roger Drown 334-3404

For the beti In farms, It'a HARNBS.

Laan. 733 1340^Foooy* 733 40tS Tony, 433-S4M Earl, 433 5 ^9 1043 Blue LakeeN orth ' ' 733J737

-TRAbS>«AAALL-tMMer.«nd-lefr-approM lm alely 43 h tlot^, io r . mobile hom e. PI>on« 734'3117.

Uta and AcrM fM S 4

) A C R E In P lle r . 3 b«drooms, out build ings. I4 .S00 . W ith te rm s , H i


FOR S A L E OR lease , i a c re s , large 3 bedroom home in Buhl. . , S i l ' M13.

• iM itw M i r t y

■ Com fn ercU l hroperty - A S P B C I A L iV

tman-RM ltora n y \ m

S IN O L B LO T -Sunset M em ortat' ' p«-k • Vafley View District. Phone 7U-M37 • 9 iM • 7100 p m .


r HIOBAW AY c*mper. .(nsutMed, Sleeps X Jack ! Included. U>S. S37- u n after S. 9S7-4M4, .

N EW inO'CAVBAAAN r C«b«ver ■ cam per. I 1000. n>ohe 7S4^nL

d .S m ^ V 0 L K tW > O 8 N C A M P B R B U I . .i- V

w a n Y b d U 'o r i r C tm p v ' ir a l lk

Page 16: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !


S K I - O O O

S(|I»| - Si-rvi(v" n<iiil(ilt • J miUt Soulli ol Kaiaiiiiii




lorry I’xlarioii .174 2.17H - - B3.1 IVAl


ales and Seri

FARM ANE115 Blue Lakes B lvd .

fice Live "[Sdp i> n U R R

)CITYN . — T w in Falls, Idaho


,---- ---- Nev«rfcU»*d- ■—---

Tunc up — overlioul- ■ wind-

llllfllll — pluui — IilloHO'l —

Ooitli — Sotlii —Mifili--

Kali It t — Cowl (apair — {l«llt


i99^Wo.Hhot6ii 5irNT“ 7 33 - 5 0 9 9 •

POLARIS SALES^•rvic* on oil Snowniohilck

BIAS IU S MOTOnSIIS fllU w lflliK l I I I 'C I I

D & G , -A U TO M O TtV E



of M agic ValloyG o o d Soloction o( Now

COM E IN TODAY! ni2ndt««.$Mib . 713 09S

muoBiiiD smsisERVu;(





CALL 733-7481 FOR RESERVATIONS^~ ST Iirp r«v rG oocrsE rtcnoN S T JF N E W T rus ta

MACHINES AND SNOW MOBILE CLOTHING.S A V E !! SA V E !! SA V E !!1960 Floral A ve. 733-7481

: s i ( i ! i i i \\iMi:ii v,\ (,\ iioN

in H A H A l lfo r 2 P e rs o n s

l.iihu' riiim .Itu'iiiii'' IKMh St:

-BobWs-afcl-ltoll-SflbESWMI-: ■. , . . , . . . . . . . , . . . 7 ,v i ) i ) n i > > . . . ’ .........................................

c n V .............................................. I ' l i o M

TOP CHOICE KOHLER OILEtpflcia lly m a d f fo r 2 cyclfl ongin«t.

R«gular 051 qudrt.............................. NOW 6 9 ^ quartiiMireo SUPPLY

3 LENS GOGGLESY iillo w , greo n , tm oked ,

B *O u la r J 4 .9 8 . . . . . . . . S p . t l o l P d t .c i 3 ; 89U i i d 1 0 H P A t k n i Arrowy^.

SN O W M O BILE............. . . .=495G o o d U l» d 300CC HIBTH S n o w m o b ile B n g ln . 5 1 / J 9 S


s k i- i t a d



ERICKSON MOtOR- 530 Moin Setjth

PUit* 733>40’SO TWinralli'

mQ a -

M AGIC MOUNTAIN—nil. Slilinu ll goad lo ■Kcallant. Jr. Ski PiogKim Sulurduy. Tiia (>u« will UitvnLynwood Shopping Caiilar nl 9 a.m. Moglc,!* .bpaii Ttiuiidny (hfoUQlt Sotufdiiy. ,.

f tA C D C I I C *'*'*' 7 W3 tl. Ml III* lop (ind 5 I /? (t.I V / l V l C K t L l « C ~ ~ ' (>l til* b a i« . SitoW llra« ur* naadad. I^otacuil it (or tifoiili-

(ul waulliar w ilh Umpatulura Ml 35 le '40 tUgraai. SItiIng U vacy good lo ancallaiil. Diit laiivai f(0(ii Naw lon'i Sporlitig Caiilar on Stilurdoy (it 7i30 u.tti.

^ ^ • ^ 1 f N I c n No m ow . 75 liu lia t ol Ilia lop in>d 43 incliat mI Ilia buia.b K ~ ~ * Snow llt«« riaadad. Waitlliar li good (iiid cUur Slillnn it good.

Ilu» Ucivat Sdlutituy «ij 8 <i.m. Jfom N aw lo ii'i Sporlitig CanUr.

73 indiai (tl ilia lop, 60 Indiai <i| Ilia Roundliouta «(id____________ .t|l<

ir MMil lUiliifi It vary goo<l lo aH(«llanl.


STIN)(EH STATION' on Ilia wuy

Sliotliena, liliilio



LEE'S SERVICE786-3393 Hailay, Idaho


DISCOUNT PRICESfa i l Cauihaui S«/nc»

736-9959 l/ZMfaSautfialHitckw-tHrj.?!




lhnS«utliftU«lckM 1KS2U

SNO JETSa le t o n d S«rvic«

_____ ervice'.M ain 334-3573


E V IN R U D E* M ERCURYAUo Cold Waulhar Clollilivg

B U D & M X R K '^ u d iw iiiH ih iiL m i i i i

ski-daaSalat and S«rvlt0 ‘B K C O S A I I SJ im By<«— B«n Edglar

Ooodlng 934.4910



BR A K E & PETROLEUM PRO DUCTS, INC.Ai/^no* W*»#— — --------- 733 .J038

Page 17: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

— O in

BUY'THB'BESTrAlfiiwaiinwO Travt< QuMn cwnptri. Now In ktocli. S po r lim an .L o do o tJO M .

' Sprlngi. Hag»fm«n. tdAhcr.

Mobil* Horn*!

I OR SALE: s' 35' 3 tMdroom irAHef. C«rp«Ud and lurnlihed.

antwvr, 543 4fl».

73] 33M)Qr 931 Eattlsnd Driva.

>953 BUDGRR V hxtl trailer hoow, ^H»pl*tdV lurnlihBd. »900. 3Ji-

4 ba lht. 34 x SJMstioolln tfiobilo home. 733 333A owenlno* adfrf 6 p.m. or on WM^kundi.

3$M .................furnlUied. Vcrv nice ......celleni condlllon. S«e a1 Lloyd'i

. Circle Ua. l. Uuhl, aHer 5 p.t


1971 FleetwoodCustom . . .


734 3440 O p .n 7 cloyi 0 lo 9

— ^1.9-7-1-ACAbEMl-B Y S K Y H N E

------------64'-x-14'--------, : ‘5995

■ M A GIC VALLEY MOBILE-HOMESTra'^el Tra ilo rt -Mfibilw Homot

' 3 1/4 M<lei WeU o( W ell 5 Pointt Opon 9-6, ui>l«ti by iiijvanco

nppoinlmanl I‘li<;n0 733-6141

C d m p « rs / 63

KITTRAI.LBR HOUSE. 34'x 8'.5m Hanien,' 3 blockt South on Rock

. aiakR(Uid.lbtock.E^»t.>4Z3'S3A'

N O T A 13th M ONTH S A IE . . .

_ J J Q L ^ C l £ A a A k C £ - l

S A ie . . ,

. ' N O r A Y E A R tN D ' ' SALE . .. BUT

e v e r y d a y LO W P^ICESII

. All Unlit have upgraded 'Downtnylon c«rp*»-- T-.— ......• AJI jmlit have uporaded-lur-n ltu r* . ---- ................................... All Display .Unit! are heated for Vour vlei lna pleoii/re.'


Rupwl, ld».' m *7U


, A T E W A Y .



SPECIAL!!L„24'. xJO '

d o u b l e W ID E ;

KIT .<* 3 bedrooini

r..'" All QOi— *• Alatkan pock iniulation—

*• " S»ofm window**' Corpiol

■ ^V aS S 13 .995 * "


n 3,200W e C a r ry ;

Matl*H«, Kit, Tommnrodi.Travdme. UonJ(ijr>n«r, Tarry.

Op«n. 7 doyt n W»»li. Ev*nlno« kj/ Appoinlmrnl . . . 733-3410 niak* □! Aililiian. Twin fnllt

y F riday . J a n u a ry V , 19JI T lm n - N it i: i , Twin F a ll i , Id th o IT ,

■*W,»¥«et4f->:6S“ RiHYT“ *II utlUlleifurnished. SI35month. 733-

FOR RENT I Sleepinu roomi warm


bedroom, kitchen and full bath. Air conditioned. Heal and water furnlihed. 733 1473. '

W A N ^ O HHNT your Ap«rtmor>t7 I'lAce A WamI Ad todhy- I

LOOklNG-r^OtHan apartment-or- ItoUM? Call Qull|cl 7il-3940. '

MODfiPH,' and ^b;»droom apart­ment. Heat, water and Appliances turnltiiod. 734-3S9& t>etwevn S9

TWO nUDROOM. PUl'UlIX, relrluerated air conditioning, carpeted throuahqut. no imall

• chlld on. pay your own utliitlos- '* t130 itor' indnllir 3 blocks from

Lynwood lUioppInu Cmtor. 733- 3»9I days or 733 S460 evonlngt,

STUDIO Ar>AHTMUt4T. All utllitiM lurnlUioi/! Close In. Women only.

. rttonv 733 aS3B.

Aparlm anK—-Unfurn> - 71

NCW FOUR PLCX. All bedroom, stove. rofrlow*lor. fully carpoleU and drnped. ample

_p»rl(lnB. LoCA(©d 4ih Cast and Madrona. Contact ownnr - location or 734 33JS.

UNrURNISHlIO } iMidroom (Juplox. Excellent locailon. Carport; new carpel, waslior-drver hool'up. Aditlls. No pets. 733 7044 aft nr S:30

— Furnlth«<l

-TWO BOOMS and bath. Water and. sanllatlon (urnlUind. F‘tione 334- 4143 or 334-5070.

Ho u m i— Unfurnlthad

V C R Y C LC A N 3 tMdroam house Willi full batrvnont, close. In. ttSO month. 733-7IW).

S M A L L ' 3 hodroom . ito v e , re lrloo rA to r, w ater And s.inliAtldn furniU ieiJ. lA i month. A rfu ifi . 733 5«<.



18" Canopy Camper Regularly $170.95NO W ONLY $149.95

Custom moao comport to your tpocificotiont.TI»oso prices include cargo door, fully iniulalod, wood

paneled, iliding glosi windowt with icreenv. •

G R A N T C .D A Y LEY & A SSO C."DEAURS WANTED"__________ 67g-9324, Burloy

3 DEDRO O M duplex — A v a IIa I)Io t'el>rwirv il2 5 per mwMIt, plus u tllltle * . Pnone 733-3B91.

DIRECTORYBolow you 'will find many* wrvice* available from Maoi«T'Volloy Butlnoue*. Check with our Butineu Directory when you're in need of service, The firm* bolow offer the finest in service and qoalify.product*. Check with one ond seel


-Check with us . . .A P P LIA N C E S B R V IC e

R E P R I .C G R A T O R S . w a ih e r t . dryersl. ranges. R eaw nab le ra te * . 30 yeA rt evnM -iiyic*. Call Del

R E F R t G G R A r O R S , f r e e m e n , ranges; w a sh e ri. d ry e rs . V G R N 'i Appliance R e b a lr . 733 S4M. B7S F ile r Avenue W est.'

e u T C H e n iN O

Prescott AAoblle Outcherlno Cattle and Sheep

Phono 733 7191 or 433 4931


C L IiA N w ith ite a m . Ex tra c rd T rrd U f ’of carpet Instead ol soaklno It

C L E A N IN G . 733 3341..

S TC A M W A Y M ET H O D deep cleans - -cAV-pet. uptw lstery . m attresses . . Steam C v o e fC le a n e r i.P t to n e 73]'



A LM A H A R D IN — O iir y v r K to r . I P ____— N oflh—W atiilngton,— iwlft-Jialll- - k o n ^ C

P l« n # 733 4741.


GRADEf< w ork o f any hind for Fa rm e rs o r Com m erc!i)l. Theo W lcke l, 6}B.7M3. .

n z H A U L National t ru c k .— Ira lle r re n ta l. Kem per — M attlc t Texaco ,

04 SttoUione S ir* * ! W est. 733-9943:


F e n it l ie law rtst P lne th eep m anure spread, Ev e ro re e n i shea red , toj to ll . M e V E H S LAN DSCAPIN d 7JJ-I7SJ.


H U G H ES ,- M obllf Hom et. Lo ca lly owned. In iu red c a rr ie r . Lo ca l and Ipng d js tan ct . 733 3773.^______


F O R S A L E : G ra v e l m a t e r ia l i . Smith Sand-lM G rav e l. I37-4I&4, H agerm an. ;__________

I8 W E R t B R V I c e

ROTO R O O T E R sew er se rv ic e . S ew e r l in e * and s e p tic ta n k c lean lna . A lso , a ll types of e x .

■ cavatTonTlM 354r6r'7jT3509;----

F O R R E N T ; S M A L L H O U S E . Inquire at 900 R o bo rlu tn . lluh l, IdAlio-

Reotns—Board ond Room 76

C LO SE-IN . cloan, oxcollont slenplna ro o m s. P r lv a to e n tra n c e . A ir c o n d lflo n ln a . >3? 4fh A vo nuc Norlh.

W an tx l To Rvnt;------------88 C a llU -.

V W > n r - T O - R E N r W 'p u V c h is e . P astu re o r range tend for 300 head

L E A S E O R REN Tim fornlthed 3or 4

assu red . 733-4333,

W A N T E D D Y Fe b ru a ry 4ih a 33 bedroom Unfurnished house or epa rtm ertl. W ife VKceitent hows* keeper/ Ptione 7)3-5445. t,

GOOD Q U A L IT Y 3 bedroom home w ith la rg e fenced y a rd o r In c o untry . 334 5374.

fartn lmpl«n;i«nU • 90N B W H O O S r B A C C O -T tA Y '-C ho p ­

pers . Chops wet o r f r o n i l ’ hay.' D em o nitra tlo n . anytim e, Robert Schutte . C u rry c ro ii ln g . 733-397B.

104$ N E W H O LLA N D se lf propelled h a y ^ ln c k o r .-C K c e jlw t condltlo .i.

S A V d C O S T L Y re p a lr in e x t Sprlngl Store ve u r cu ilo m fa rm equip­m ent Inside this w in te r . A lto rep a ir w o rk a va ila b le by< experts. C en tu rvA uto m o tlve M « c h ln * i 361 Wett Add lton . 733-.V570.

'H A C T O R W tlP A IR And palntlno . Phone 73 4.3039 or 334-54;.^,.,

ID A H O T R A C T O R tA lv a g e .C a th for > u ied tra c to rt . Used p a rtt at big ((Itco unts . 733.B393.

M O L Y N E U X M a ch in e ry T ra c to r r e p a ir in g , a l l mi t>l«no 733-7547.


SPECIAL! A1969 ALLIS CHALMERS1-400 Tractor and-loader

r . v . : r . r ; 7 T : t s s V e i i ’


1902 Flortil Avo. 733-7547

Hoy. G rain cind F««d 94

S H A V IN G S , 5 H H C D D C D b a r k , saw d ust. N o s t lc k t . P trier NlelW n-- I’ hone c o lle d ,' 587-4949. AAountaln Home.

l o a

too fc—O B rT e R - t ie a d - M o u te tn - Sprlneer -heller*, wtlohlng from

..1.0W .to 1.350 pouftd*. otcloseup helfert. lor sale o r trade. Some Je rse y and O u ern tey Springer H ilfe r*. I now .hav* two HQMce companies to tell xowv fhrough. I can finance Irom Biff'S* y a r s . See me for further In

3|I1S. Jero m e .

40 H E A D O i: GOOD ce lv e y sto ck CoWs. S3S0. Phone 3J3-4370,

FO R S A L E : Springer Je rse y h e ife r . Top 4-H w inner la s t 3 y e a rs . 334- 3 3 * ji l» « r '< '

sa le . A ll k inds. Ptione )34 4 3^4-40M ;'Jerom *‘ -

R C G I S T E R e D - H O L S T E I N springer he ifer- W E S T P O IN T

'H O L S T E IN S . Phone 534 374B. Wendefi/ m orn lno* o r evenings.

FO R S A L E : I H olstein Cow, m ilk ing now . w ill c a lve In A bg in t . 433-S034 a fter A p .m .

I GOOD YO U N G A N G U S stock cow s, tom e w ith CBlve*,-«37-4497 mornlnQS or evening*. '■

H O L S T E IN S P R IN G E R h e if e r s treU ien In M a rch . Robert Schutte Curry cro ssing , 7 33-397}.

W EA N O O W ISCO N SIN H O L S T E IN ca lves o r tio lsteln angus cross Shipped on a p p ro v a l.-A lt . aucSi_, W rite lor free price l is t , van- derburg C attle , North P ra ir ie . W it, 53153,

W A N T E D T O B U Y ; H a lf blood — SlM M fcf^ TA L-helfers . PISone-BOl-

753 1317, We a lso h a v e S IM - ‘M E N T A L sem enT W e contract ca lves w ith semen furn ished . Call m o, John Stocking, Lo g an , U tah .

i^ R ES H o r Springer cows or. he ifers ,, G uaran leed , Buy or trade tor

— sp ring ers or-beet.- H ap-or C lyde Hughes. Hufil. S4J-MJ1 o r 543 5949.

FO R R E N T — Irrigated pastu re for ~ 1 1 0 'yo a r lln u s “ o r “ 7 0 'c o w s . tV V

g r a iln g along t id e . B3S-SS11. .even ing s.

C A L V 6 S naby And grass ca lve s , a ll k inds.

■'/I w est, south ol K im b e rly . 433- SU 4 , 433 SM9. 0 & 0 C attle .

S TR A W , S A W D U ST , A N D WOOD C H IP S . Eco n o m y a n d u t i l i t y lu m ber. Oellvorod. 734 304S. 334- S3AS, 334 4AI0.

= U R N IS H E D P A N E L E D Sleeping room lo r s in g le , ro sp e ctab le perso n . A c c e s s to to lophono, te le v is io n , w a sh e r and d r y e r . P r lv a lo o n trA n ce . R e ad y Fe h rua ry 1. 175. 733 3768 for AP polntmont.

STR A W F O R S A L E . Phone 139-5113, H a ie ito n .

H A Y F O R S A L E . Ut" and i i d crop . Phone 334 5144.

BuBin«UrOHU« R«nlol« . 80

_ ______ry . .M achine, 341 W est A ddlton, 733- 5070.

I X C E L L C N T S P A C U tor beauty pa rlo r .w a tch m a k e r ,o r w tiat have you, contact C A M E R A C E N T E R , 733-4931.

Form* For Rent 84

A P P P O X IM A T E l V ' 300 a c re s c u lt iv a te d ground- 3 bedroom modern tw m e. l»t»oho w eekdays, a fter 5 p .m ., »?5 SSW. •

r r ig a te d ,d e ttT -t t9 “ T ic re » -

tu itable fbr potatoet. 50 acres «u ilab le-fo r g ra in or b eam . S34- 30S1.

U g h ( ln d u * t r> o l Equip. 89

C R A V E N 'S Sew er S e rv ice : Septic lank • tew er line c leaning . Power equipm ent. Ire e Inspecllon . 733- 3053.


H O S P IT A L b e d t. w heel c h a l r t , com m odet, c ru fch e t. etc . Rent or ta le . C row lev l»harm acy . 733-M71.

W H E E L c h a lr t , exerc ising equip.—mml. cf uldiM..wnLkefj.lQf.Xflil c..

tale. Klnotborv'^PMarmac^,^li7M jln E a s t , 733 4S74 o r 733 9

T R A S H A O A R 0 A O K S H R V IC B

P A R K S A N D SONS v . *733 4441. C o m m e rc ia l and re s ld e n l la l hauling -r--con la lftert specia l h au ls — In tide or oufslde c ity l lm il i .

t r b b t e t i v i c B

i E - o - u ic i : ,T r im m in o , To pp ing artd ■Renioving. Free *s t|m a te s . Phone 733 4S4I 01* 733-5940.

V A L L E V T R E E S E R V IC E Dangerous l ^ s . G ive Us A C a li,

*■ 733 33JU

T R U C K I N G . A N Y T H I N G t ia te w ld a . Phone H . ' J .v PhU iips.

” 434 4977 o r W . E . U eeler. 434 3731.


W E A R E T H E A U T H O R U e U D ealer to r Hoover, F ll ta x and K i r b y Vacuim > c fe a n e re . We le rv lc e and repa ir a ll m a ke s . A good se le c llo n o f I'ebullt vacuu m s. V *cuum C le an e rso f Idatw . Corner o l Blue L ak e s and 3nd-iAva^ue E h U . C a ll 73]-1037.


S H A N E ’S Sharpenlno S e rv ice , J43- Sth Avenue N orlh , 733-3454.

V A C U U M S E R V IC C 'C a n te r , pa rts , re p a ir* on K irb y c o m p e d . Most o thers . T w Ir t 'F a ll t . 733-4041.

u p h q l * t b r y


T 2 4 H O . t l R ■ ^ v l c e ; ; "■ Call our 24 hour antw^fing terylce. The odvefllier will b« nolHled »o coll'you. if-ihe »«l«pHone oi-ony od- viflUer In Ihli DIRECTORY It ho<

' 2386, Telephone Antwering Service In Twin -Fallt, Doy _ _ _ or N i o h h . _ . ______ _______


JD 140 ic ra p e r . 15.000 Hancock I E 4 tc ra p e r . 17.100

C A S E , model W« loader, U.OOO IH C modfll T D IB C raw le r w ith

jD ^ o't'a npe. isooo” ^C a u 530 llackho e . 14750 Fu ll lin e o l n4w John Deere Indus­

tria l Equipm ent.

e l l i o i t : s _111 Overlnnd Ave.; HutUy, tdniio

^liOM 670-5505

r« tn

« ro llab io m arket lo r vour baled h a y , ID A H O A L F A L F A P R O D U C T S . IN C . Just north ol



t-ebruary SIh and 4th at Stockland Union S to ck Y a r d s , S p o k a n e , WaU»inoton. — .The c lin ic on Febura ry Sth w il l be of econom ic in terest .to a ll phases of the livestock Industry Including the consensus iudglng of BO polled Hereford bu lls , wtilch w ill be toid S a tu rd a y , F e b ru a ry 4th at S lo c k ta n d . Spokane . Sponto red by;


ASSOC. 'iw ix in

D ayton, WaUiington

H o n — 104

Ren 733 4 0 U .

B U Y O R sell your horse* u*iere •-ouVe treated ■ • -

143. even lnat

JN E 4 H O R S E and 3 d e |u>(e 3 h n Jw T ru e T fS n T r a l le r t . Ron K o ll. 534-3438, vyendell.

FO R S A L E : 3 Ouarterhorse m a re s , I O uarterhorse f i l ly . 1 Appaioosa ge ld ing. Reasonable. 334-4345,

W A N T E D T O ,B U Y : Used covered 3- h o r * e t r a l iy w it h landem aVIeand e le c tric b rdkes. W rite Bo k 334,

-H allev . <------- ’

R E C IS T E R E D 'Q U A R T E R 'H Q R S E r f i l ly , 3t/j y e a r t . Hancock breeding. Ideal lo r ,e n g llth o r lu m p in g .'334- S1B4 evenings and w eekends.

P«fB ahd Pet SuppiioB (10

P O O D LE e ^ O O M IN G , stud ser v ic e . I p u p p ie s . C h e rl M il le r , Ken ne ls . West Redcap corneri K im b e rly , 433 5104.

A KC S A M O V E D S .m a le and tem ale . not re la te d . Raised w ith ch ild ren . (75 e a ch . 334 3B01.,

A KC G E R M A N S H E P H E R D pups. B la ck s — tri-co lo rt. “E x ce lle n t blood llne t.

R E G IS T E R E D B L U E A ustra lian Shepherd fem ale . N atural H eaio r, 4 m onths old , 543-4094.

A K C R E G IS T U R E D L a t irH d o r pups. _ 3-5-7 months old . 781-4431. box 493.

K e lch u m , Idaho.

A K C R E G I S T E R E D n r it ta n y S p an ie l p u p p ie s .. C le a r L a k e s Pow er P la n t . 543-4954.

(w a rd in g , stud se rv ic e .

Shepherds,-Sam o yed es, G erm an Sliort H a irs . Eng lish IH>lnters.>ind Short H a irs c ro ss . M A C 'S K E N ­N E L S . 534 3317. W endell.

^ P O O D LE S . t35 apiece, m a le s . 310 M aurice S i..N o rth . 733-54B9.

FO R S A L I- ; L ab rad o r. 15 m onin*, le m a le . tra ined . Phone 678 5313 a lte r 3 p .m .

R E G IS T E R E D V IU S K IE S .' I weeks o ld. Wonderful dog for ch ild ren .

-)33 .9 i3fl................ .................................... ...........

U On'S K E N N E L S ; Gun dogs — O b ed ience t ra in in g . B o a rd in g , Have tom s dogt for ta le , 733 3330.

UvM lM kW dnUd ....... 1 U

& lA l)~ A N ii^ L ~ p lck u p . We s e rv le t N o rthslde .'3em et Scott, 934-5IB9.


‘ ib A H O H iO E B . T A LL O W 'D E A O A N IM A L P IC K U P

PtWfi* collect 713 4835

Appliance* & KH Equip, 120

N EW A N D U S E D eppHancet. H all • o f M usic and /^ p tlance . 733 4931

K t r i c range . (35.

Kenm ore gas rang e , iM k s like ney/, t l l B a t C a in 's 733-7i;i.<

F r ig id a lre . 40". rim go . re a l good, recondllloned wid guaranteed ,.t9a a i C ain 's 733-7111,

F rig id a lre copper d ry e r Im peria l ~m odel rAUtom Atle-ey<le,-ne-vent>

199 at C ain 's 733 7111. ]

Hotpoint autom atic w a u ie r . good s liap e , guaranteed , 148 at Cain 's 7337111.

Furniture & HH Good* 137

T A B L E AND C H A IR S ,l ik e new . 14$. W hirlpool w a sh e r, t95. 733-3955 or te e at 451 >id Avenue North-

P a ir o l tu rq u o ise n a u g a h yd e re c lln e rs . need some w o rk . 110 each . U haul at C a ln 't 733-7111.

Furnllur«& HH Oo«dc.. v |3 2 /

U N F IN I S H E D — F U R N IT U H tf^ -----h ighetl qua lity , good .se lectio n . 'M arv Carter M n ie ,-W M -K In *-----berly Road. 7 3 1 ^ 3 , i

H ID E -A B E D , a rm ies* bed deveno, mahogany drop leaf tab le on ly . A ll In good condition. Claude Brown Fu rn itu re , i

W A N T E D ; U sed fu r n l lu r e , ep- puencetrbeby th ings, coal s to ves, >

*e n tlq ue t. R epelrlng . uphotttertng', ^ aye s Fu rn itu re . 733 4010.

Muftlcal InitrumentB - 124-'-V T G N TION rP la n o 'lr tC H il'irN e W '

Grand Piano, beautilu l walnut lin lsh , w ill te ll on cost plus basis .

__W riie FAWSON MUS^iC COM ­P A N Y , 138 North M ein . Pocatelio , Idaho 83301. ^

N AM R n U A N D co n io ie p iano . Assume low m onlhly paym ents, a ito , Hammond organ lor sa ie : W rite CKi Credit M anager. 1J<

N E E D . AN O R G A N lo r your Church? We have 3 beaul/llui. like' new naldw ln O iurch organs — lu ll t l i e . I walnl/t, I blond o a k . At less lhan '/> p rice . Claude Brown's M u iic And Fu rn llu re , 143 M a in - A ve . E .

E L (£ C T H IC C Q G A N - t tA R G A IN . L ik e new , asiutne low m onthly paym ents. Aiso console piano. Plwine 343 5A41 or w rite A dlustor. 413 North O rchard , Uolse, Idaho.

r U Q N IT U U E U P H O L S T E R Y . Free e s f lm a fe i, pick-up and d e live ry . Phone Ja£k Calton 733 7803.

d r o w n ' ftaugahyde so"la bed, t4$. L ik e ne w c lu b c h a ir . *15,

k itchen te t. 139 .-B lo n (r(fro p Jee t> d in ing room table and 4 c h a irs . 175. G . E . d ry e r , \w rk s lln e , »4S. E a r ly A m erican to fa , t35. Claude B row n 's M usic and Fu rn itu re , 143 M ain A ve . E a it-

} M A P L E TW )N beds) w ith good Sim m ons boM'sprlrM}t and m at- I r e t s e s . A ll fo r tl5 Q , t e r m s . W IL S O N .D A T E S , 733 4146.

llvatlock Wanted

E A R L Y A M E R IC A N 9 piece liv in g —foom -group: Include* Sofa ; che ir ,-

o ttom an. 3 m aple tab les w llh 3 ' lam p s, and a 38 x 53 p ictu re

(coun try se ttin g ), A ll th is for only »5.93 per w eek. Banner Fu rn llu re , 733-1431,

H A V r—t r U M B B It— and—s h a v in g s — S T U B H 5 T R U C K IN G . PJione 487 3U 5. R ich llo ld . idaiw).

S E L L O R trade for c a f , p ickup,—Anvtnino-f^DKior-D loa, so)v><-fliltli-

Iw a rs . 334-5384.

SA W D U ST o r wodd Chips lo r c o rra l bedding. Reasonable ra te s , L a r r y S h e rk , 543-4338 a lle r 6 o - m ,_______

AutoB For Sal«

OATS F O R S A L E , Phone 334-3144.

FO R S A L E - Corral b id d ing — Wood ch ip s o'r shaving*. George C la rk . S43 5453 o r Dennis C la rk , 543 S473.

C U S T O M S T E A M g ra in ro ll in g m obile — m olasses, A I H a sk e ll, 43J’5<80. K im lM rly ,

‘A n l m o r B f f i ^ h V

A U r r F I C lA i ; Breeding lo A B S great* p ro v e n s lre i.n a t lo n ’sh lg h e s l type production s ire s . A lto a ll b reed so l beef a va ila b le . B uh l. S434103.- Je ro m e . 334-3453; Shothone, 114- 75S7; B u r le y . 478.9353; H a ie ito n , 839-5303.

S EU EC -T-'-s lres '- lnco rp o rated . A ll b reed t, d a iry , beet. W a lle r Le itch . 543-46Sa,

C allle

300 H E A D preg-lH led t lo c k h e lle rs . Phone 934-5314,

so' H E A D GOOD, b ig . young stock cow s. Fe b ru a ry caivino- (3*0 , 733-


W E A N E D H O L S T E IN lie lfe r ca lve s , 3 m onlhs old and up. 703 473-5055. Fa llo n . Nevada.

F O R .S A L E ; R o is te re d Angut bull, one 3344450, Buh);_________________


T O S m iV K V O l ! ! !

Farhv Impletnent*



I • - JOHNOEKBC 730 0 U ie l 1 — fOHD 4000D I£SEl I - SUPER "M 'G o t 1 — M ASStV FIBG U SQ N "4 0 " '

londer ond Buck l(o« (Demo)

1 - MASSCVTCBGUSON 135 O o f lOemn^

1 — M ASStY rEBGUSO N 35 Oo»I — /MASSCV fEffGUSON <43 O itw l 1 — MASSCY FERCUSPN 145 Dietel 1 -i- MAfiSEV FEROUSOM 33t>i#»l,

ov«»houl«<l ■.1 - MASSEY f IRGU SO K 50 G«i

, . . . , SAVE ON U5ED SWATHGRS , . .1 — MASSEY FEOGUSON --34" I — ME&STOKI "-SfiO" 14 If wiili

' 13 It. \y|tli waler (Qolfd , conJiiion«rengine ' .

1 _ |N T tB N A T iO N A l"3 0 1 " 14 ft. » - H E S 5 T 0 M 13 tf.

. . , SAVE O N USED STACKERS A*.I — N EW hOUANO 1048 StocUr.

S .I I propelled. 9 high. -1 — N EW HOllAN O S-P ‘ '104S".

• 8W gh; , .e ic SAVIMGSIII

GOOD SUPPIY OF NEW STACK^HS AT ------------ --------^ ^ f A R t Y B U y f f t S A V / N G a r h - ' — -


' Vour ^^Qiiey FetflU^on — Nev> Hollond Ueoler^ 3 0 Kimberly ood . ■ , 733-8687



Jini Scoil It no longer wilii IDAHO HIDE AND T A llO W CO.

For pi(impt picltup ol dead or'd uie'ot»'onim<ii» coli


IDAHO HIDE AND '----- -TAllOW-GO;-----

I S P A N IS H lia rd w o o d and uphoisterod c h a irs . Pecan corner tablo. Now condition. 734 3100. 733 4754.

Auto* For Sole

Auto* For Sale

W I L L S4-Day Used C ar C I O S E - O U T

-Those price reductions are good Friday thru Tues-' day only. Don't miss these tromo'ndous sovings on top quality roconditionpd automobiles.


*5 5 3

^ ^ '9 3

1970 COUGAR 2 Door 'Kordlop, V I) engine, oulomotic Iranimii- lion, power iteermg. tpoiUr, (adio, henler, bucb«i iiQ ii , Book 13Q>5 . . . NOW

1966 COMET 2 DoorV-fl engine, tia n ja rd 1 fornn»lnlon . NOW

1968 MERCURY Monloroy4 Door. V-0 engine, nUtomolic Kanimit- lion, power t1e<ring. powar dilC broket.

nook S1V U NOW

1966 DODGE Monaco4 Door. V-0 «t)gine, power ileering, rodio,

—tienterond oirxor>ililioning— r-,—r-NOW —

1964 CHEVROLET BolAir-i.Daax-Sadan_-Via-enoinfi_fadiQ»-lnQii ( U a n ...............................'* . . . . ‘ . . NOW

1966 PLYMOUTH Fury III3 door liordlop. V-0 engine, radio, heoler, power iteering. oulemollt and lodory oir to'ndJhonJng.......................... ..... . . . _N OW _

1965 PONTIA.C lomans. '3 Door l<a,«ilop.V-B engine, rodio, l>u(kel teo li am) coniole, very cleon . , . NOW *1 0 7 61966 CHEVROLET

Cl Cnrnlno, V-8 engine, ra ilia , lieoler, t lm i p .................... . NOW

1970 HORNET’ 6 ^ lin d e r »ngine, power lUeridg, oulo-

f^ lo , "an ’cT’ ^eoleTT .....................NOW

m alic, tranim riilon, iSorp

1969 PONTIAC Firebird 'V-B ertglfve, oulomotic Irantmitilon, 4>u(ket leo ti, roniole, power Ueerlng, vinyl fool, factory olr (onJiliortlng, Boobt Over S3000

..................... ......................... .. Our"PtJ(e .

*• I Motor Go.254 4tti Ayenoe W e i i r r r . . . . 236>tuhorteSt.W e*f , . ^


'66 CHRYSLER . . $1495Town and Country (Inlionwogon, full power,/loctory oir-condilion- ing. iuggnge rack.

'68 MERCURY . . . S168S

lloor th ill.

' '6 5 C H EV R O LET rr*S 1 0 a 0' SS tmpiilo 3 door hoidtop, 337

V-R engine, automolic trunimil- lion, power tieering ond broket, lo c lo ry o ir-condilion ing, vinyl lop.

■69 DODGE . . , J2990'Chorger DT. V-0 engine, ouiomol- ic irnnim lttion, power tl«ering and brnkei, foctory nir-condilion- ing.

'65 CHRYSLER . . $1250' 300 4 doorhprtllop , V-B engine,

aulom olic tran im itiion , power titering ond broket, ealrn deon.


N EW Yam aha pianos; Used plano'si Vox gu itars and a m » lllie rs . K L H stereo record p la ye rs . W arner M u ilc , 131 Shothone North.

GOO D S E L E C T IO N o f used HaJnmond Organ* * - .X m a s trade* in s ..M A M N 6 H ;S , .M U S IC . T w in . F a J lt . ■ •

FO R S A L E ^ T K G e lK lr ic T 'o u ita r w ith am p iitie r. 195. Ciiir GooBlng."’ V14 4814. evenings. .

Radio and TV Set* 125

R A D IO S A N D S T E R E O S FO R car and hom e. New and used T V 's . E x c e lle n t b u y s , C A M E R A C E N T E H .

1966 A D M IR A L . B L A C K and w hile portable .19" T .V . w ith Hand. Exce llent condition. t45. 314 Ash • S ire e l. 733 3703,

31" Z E N IT H b lack and w hite TM TV w llh neW; p icture tube , U 9 at C ain 's 733 ^111.

Gariage Solf •

H O U S E H O L D F U R N IS H IN G S , .Bu iom atic w ash e r, beds, e tc . tools, d ishes, other odds and ends, 734- 3884.

700 Aulol ifoi Sola

S P R IN G H AS S T A R T E D r____O ur Prigyt Provo It . . . ,

'67 m e r c u r y -. •.•. -11660Mnnierey 4 door Imrdlop, V-ll

-1967 -TOROMADQ.,..$2595-Dduxe, lull power, loctory olr-

power ilue/lng tind-b inktt, toe- . ,~lory (iir-cor>dilinning,

. '60 CHRYSLER . . S2550'66 FORD . . . . . $1235 N ewpon'4 door hardtop, 363G o ln iie 500 3 door liordlop, 353 Y-0 enylne, oulomolic trunimit- V-0 engine, outoniolic Ira n tr r ilF ' power ite e rn g , power

-lieu’ , power tie e r in g , power briiket, fuctory a>r-(ondilioning.b ro k ii, vinyl lop. gll vinyl cuilont interior.

'68 CHRYSLER . . $2995^00 4 door liordlop, 440 V-S en­gine. aulomolic linntniiiilon , pow- er tieering nnd broket. 6 way power U 0 I, lactory uir-corfdiiion- ing, one owner.

6-fORtr-Mutlong hordlop, V-B englr

-lom oliclrarttm iitian ,“(lower Heir* ibg, real good.

'67 QUICK . . . . . $2290Electro 7 2 } 4. door hprdlop, full po>,Jl(r, factory ‘ air-cotidilloning, e ilro good iKroughout,

'69^CHRYSLER . . $3795New Port Cuilom 4 door fiordlop, 383 V-B engine, oufomalic fron*- mittlon, power ilsering, power broket, 6 woy power i«o l, loclory alr condilionlng, 19,000 octuol milet.

'69 DODGE . . . . $2695Coronet 440 tlolionwogon, 383 V-0 engine, aulomatic tronimit* tin n . power ile e rn g , power

443 coupe, V-8 engine, 4 ipeed , Iro n im itio n , co nto le . bucLel teoft.

'68 CHRYSLER - . . $2995Town and Country tlolionwogon.

'69 CHRYSLER■ Town and Coi440 V-B engine, lu ll power ond ioclory nir-tondilioning. orte’bwn*

m il l io n , po w er ite e r in g a m broket, loclory oir-condilioning,

_riS9-DATSUM_______4 door ledon, big engine, oulo- mulic Iranim iiiliin . bucket IronI u a i i . nice,

'69 PLYMOUTHFury III 3 door Ixirdlop, 316 V-B

_e no ine»_au io m p lic-tian im iiiio n i_ power ilH rin g . loclory ulr-condi- lionlng, - vinyl top, foctory wiir- rnnly.

'68 OLDSMOBIIE . $269591) luMury Sedan, lu ll power, loc­lory tilr-condilioning, vinyl lop.

'69 CAPRICE . . . . $2795Ckevrolel 4 door Kcydlop, 350 V-B engine, oulomotic Ironimli-

- Iio r»r"J»ow *f—» U » » in g ;—p o w * f ’’ broke], lodory oir-condilioning,

enlrn ihnrp. '

Q P IC K UPS Q P IC KU PSV/'IN teRN ATION AL •' *•4 wheel drive, V-8 dngine. 4 Ipeed fronimliiton, ImIi-oui liubi,. low miUoge.

'68 DODGE 3/4 TonPickup, V-B engine, 4 ipeecT |ronKTUition, Keovy doty tpringt,

•"Tl»*rs«d'\eheetfr’Bqi»lppid*'fijr-- Comper,

''*67 FORD F-1004 wKeal drive, V-S engine, 4 ipeed Irontmliilon, iock-out kubl, trailer kilch,

'64 DODGE 1/2 Tonlong wide picltup, V-8 engirt*, 4 tp**d ..harnm lulcn, ^octo«y cqb

CHEVROLET 3/4 Ton lortg wkie pickup, V 8 engine, 4 kpeed 't ra rftm liilo n , tra lle i

'66CHEVROIRTl/JTtioP ltlup

i o ^ ' L u . p k lu p : 6 , 4 ipeed troftwn^iW, <

c«Jlent(onditk)n, ,

B o b R e e s e 's “ ^ c l n ^500 Bl<^ 3nd AvanlM South

* «<nny Moon « Joa Bulla, • WInil El|l>

OPEN EVENINGS .'xiL.7.0Q P jA .- I

' i r

Page 18: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

I I / ifn O T - N e w a i T w In f a l l * . Id a h o ! F r id a y , J a n u a r y 39, 1971

O o y l Thing* To E o | V

R E D p o t a t o e s - iiw . ' • “ “ ' T r ' : e o d tn it« b > . fV io r th .'^ W «U ol w«u 5 P o m t y - ' ■ “ •

knd .cabbitga'

T H E R E IS . loday'i

i s . a r e K LW^i-,Apt.

’ K L n U Y tor you In

I'M L O N E S O M E — Com 0 on out P « U J o h n iio n . 3 0 4 ''S o u t h W aih ln aton (A irport H oad). 731'?w sr ■ , '

S A L L Y 'S A N T IO U C S , J3aS 930 .Hound d irtinu t t l i l e t , c h A lr i .

- h u tc h c K . d l i h o i . . W Bih _ l la n d » . o ther f iirn ltu r* .

TW O W O O DEN wait tH«|)ho(itit Wllli c ru n k . In working condition. 175. • Bcti. B37-49IS.

A N T IQ U E S u l i i on <i)ntlunm«nt- Yo ur p r ic v yuarantand. Saa our la ro a co llection . H ay** f^urnlfora.

MU«<«»onMU> Fo« S a if 140

T A K n S f ) IL aw ay the Otu* lu M ra " w a y from c s rp *t» and ui>hol»l«rY.

Went a le c tr l/ ; ih am p o o u r » t . C re anaw all'*- . . ’

STA N D -U P cruU ie il carpet w ith our new H OST cleaning — C Icant without w ftl« r . Went in ach ln« IV W ILSO N -H A T tlS . Tw in T a lU and Jerom e

t^ LU IH -Y io fl MdlM-loht are carpet* cleanpd w ith Ulue Lw ttrff. »ent e le c t r ic it iam p o o o r I t .

,K H I ;N O K t ‘» H A ttO W A R G .

LO ST b r lo f» f-ca rp *t-e o tw » -*---—• re ilo re lliotn w ltli lliua Lu M rf. R an t e le c t r ic th a m p o o e r t>. G W U U N A W A LT5 .

i r cA rpeti look dull and d re n r. rem ove tp o ti a i they appuar witti U lue L u i t r e . Hnnt « iln ctric

— H »» tt il)o o o r"» 1 ;—n ia c k e r '* - A p - plianco and Fu rn ifo ro .


S C R A P , ( l iE N U IN E , ip l i t , to w hid * (e a fh e r ' J a r fln lt^ ltia » ro c k po llttilnu . 334 4«77.

- r y P R W a iT e u .o l lU a d * ik , adUa^X- addlng m a ch in e . l>none 734 3100 " 733 47S4.

C USTO M (^ A IN T IN O . C a n , tru c k * , p ic k u p t , d a n lt rem oved

. r 0 a (o n iib ly . T r a c to r * , t r a l la r hoUM. Phone 473 S&34.

D R IV t lW A Y ,G H A V L :1- lo r vtle -R tw nc 3 2 fs U 6 . . . ^

:kup » . Y , i05 filiothofto St. South-

NO H JS K . S ta rk tre o t, p lants. O uaranteed rep lacn tnvn l. Order >»ow lor »prlno p lan llno . 433.J<M.

A »74 50 V A L U t l l 1350 paud Web- t ie r ' t D ic t io n a ry . Deluxe Ed illon- Novv o n ly .lV VJ Mi^ny W lie D ruo . Lvnw ood Shoppinu C en le r.

CLI.-AN D U C H r C A T H l'R S lor p illo w *. 313 SIh A vn . W m |. 733- 3148.

.SH A M PO O v o u r ow n ca rc f^ ^ pro le (* lanA l r e iu l l* . R ro t a C larke *tia m p n o u r w it l i co m pan io n va cu u m . Dnnnftr l- iim ltu ro , 733- 1431.

STO W a w ay b»d lor r « i l . 13.00 a W M k. Uatfner T urn iture , phone

W C R E I J U IL D hyd rau lic U c k i at A b ljo t l 't . A u lo S u p p ly , 30S SlioUione St. South.

V X 13 L IN O L liU M rug* . a*u>rlod la tte rn* . »4.95. U A N N C R I^UR-

IT U R C .“ TW ln ra ill7 7 3 5 1 4 3 t . • ' '

for SoU 140

- ? l= D 'V r E A M ‘ c lw n w T -T o r h ig h p re « tu r« w a *h « r* . Spec la liied Eq u lp m m l, 7 da y* or tven lngt-

S la rt your tru»J now . We have developed b thort color film IhBt w ilt thow you how ta obtain Ih it

.^ r i!a lls l lc .u o a l.j:B lL L

RON YO U N G. - M3 4 m Collect. .

Mlfc»lian»ou»Wonl*d 141

W A N T E D T O D U V : A m e rica n F ly e r toy t r i l ln v Pbone 734-3454.

W IL L S e t U ON con*lanm ont or.wHI buy Bnylh lno o l va lu e , ^ Im barly A u c t io n ' C e n te r , W c * | M onros 'lr « .» ,'4 3 3 m ' '

Mi»c«lian*eut fot SqU 140

Wont«d 141W ILU B U .Y - {}lre c l-o r_A u ctlo h -V o u f-

COIN C O L L E C T O R S I b id co in*. boi>ghl. *old a n d . traded . Iree appral*a l g l'> w . W rit# tton 801, Tw in F a ll* . Idatto «330t.

^ • 1 andW 99d I4 J f6r Sol*

DRV-SfiA60NBD~4lref> lM «-W (M >4. A ll k ind *. Phone 733 4MA; , ~

CASH rO R S C R A P M E M U Co p |J c rT B r a * V.'A t um t n 0 m j— Rad ia to rs, H a lte rle * , U lc .

H .K O t 'M C L C O . s ~ 'IS JSn d 'A vM U Jo South

S p o r t t n g O e e d t ,

O IL S T O V E . M utt hoat 4 o f S room huuM . Spark* or S le g le r.l Mu*t

CASH FO R o |d^blk«»" H A t^ FN C B V K E Y A N D .D IK E SH p f* . 3J* 4lh

• Avw^uo W ntt. .

MlM«lion«oU8 For Sola .140



Kolchuri', Idalto J A N U A R Y 30 , F EB R U A R Y i6lh & 9 lh

HOURS 12:00 to 4(30SKI APPAREL,■'SKI UOOTS,,200

OlOUSES AND SHIRTS FOR 10‘ «ACH REGULAR HOURSi Tuoidoy* anci Saturdays

1 2 fb 0 p .m .to 4 :3 0 p ,m ._ ._ _ ___

O NTHE ALLEY NEXT TO THEc h r is t ia I vI ia o n t h e s u n v a l l e y


lA CK TO-SCNOOU IT E M S are «o find In the W«nt A d i.

K J^ S T L B -S n o w — K ln g — P lb « ro l* U - S k l i . 310'*. AAarker blndlno*- f>hon« 7 3 )'|^ $ A lt if ' 4 p .m .



W71 N B W - A R R W A U S .- P lb a r lo rm . and Sidew inder boat*. Ev ln ru d * and AAercury m otor*., B U D AND M A R K 'S .’ V o u ri E v tp ru d e and M arcu ry D e a le r. 1143 D IuetLake* N orth , 733.» m . '

IN S lO E - f t io r a 0 * - n o w - « v a l l a b l | . . Don't tat P a ll and W inter w eather d am *fl# your- bo a t, cam per or c«nt>p t r a i le r , S e * . u* to fJay l C entury A utom otive M ach ine. 361 W e*t Addl*on. M7D. ■

C H R Y S L E R bo at* and m o to rs . S ta rc ra ft boats. Cam per tra ile rs H a r le v 'D a v ld io n m o to rc yC le s .

_ J K ROM E— I M P LEM eN T 8. M AR II^ A .

MoteVcYcIn le o

P O L A R IS M ustana , 373, e lectric s ta r t , eKColUnt cond ition .'Phone 733 5454. . . >

PO l A h IS SN O W W O R ILC - C o li: NnW *oa is, good condition. 1300. 733 05M or 343 3nd Avef>ue South.

L liA V IN G • Must ja c r lt lc e ■ t’ o la r i* C o ll. M m ia n O .a n d ira lle r . M «to o llo r. 733 014A.

I^ORSALE7 7 5 T N T S K I-D O G ’

’ ilion______300 ncludi militk O N L Y ............................S1200

» 3 4 0 TN T S K l'D O OW>ll> tlid*.

t lK E N E W ....................... $ 900

u-W id o T ra c k JO H N S O N _Rntil Qoorl tliiiii« . *

' S A V E ................................ S325

' W ILLIAM C aO P ER ....... .......... 67Q--.SQ17.

Hoyburn, ldol»o

Boat* For Sole17 FO O T nliK’nlnum lio a l ,.1 0 hor-

atiliowor M o rcu rym o to r. »400- 733-

NOWU tliB.fimo to hove your cyclo iiofvic®dr. — ......... -

B RID G ESTO N E a H O b A K A Sold'* e n d Sorv ico

W« jorvic* <ili 9-eyeU m olotty iLt.

' C Y C L E "A N D ■ .TP A ILER C E N T ER

7 53-5567 ■ ' H IW A Y 3 0 W EST , 2 )/ 4 m ile i

patil I jo ip ita l..

PRE-SEASON SALE!196V tiondli Mni.Troil. (ir>J wtiila. ■ ic v llin l ciinilitinn. low lorVoungiiat 0 ( Irtiil u i* Only S I44 . ,1VA0 ti:ow oinli,350 <t Twin Sfroinli- U rts i,i« i, (ilio flX sllanI lor uie,tianulitul (>l><|i nnd wliila jiiitli. lliit 1 i l (ililo luU ly m .e x a ll in l coniiiljon. only 531)11

Beolf For Sol* 16 Trucks

-FO R S A i i ' ; i ? « O i*vro ler.p .ic>t^<_ V 8, 4 *peed. 36.000 m ile*.543 4 7 ^ _____________

1949 C H E V R O L E T ) ^ ton p ickup, V 8, autom atic , power steering and brakes. S43 444b

A u Io 8 For SaU -300 Aulot For Salt

I ." iW rn T m p I , 500 cc Iw, l 6V i

cc Ynioolio Cnclijio, « W n i S966


ERICKSON MOTORSi2a-/.\omJlve-ioul!i_______7J3J0QQ.

■“A u k o rF o r S a U - — 3 0 0 — A u l o i For S a l* 200 Aufo«,F< r SoU 300 Aulot For Sale 3 0 0 ' A u to t For S a le '2 0 0 ' A u to * For S a l« _

1971 VOLKSWAGEN(or only < „

- »1970 'doliverod in Twir> Folk


'3V6‘.V Oo()f lionllop.. 3 to (linot* lf{)m

1970 CA(>RICE4'(loor. looiUii. luw miUnof. t»' toiidlilonln^.'— ..... — ------

1966 COMET4'dnor, 6 cylitiiUr tn(]i«*. ildiiiinrd lr<inimiiilon. 0<i* own«>., !jli(ir|it

1969 .FORD .'A-TonSliort wid« lina,


1969 CM C Vi -Tonlonu wid« l>n>.

. .R»nll>;,n

1968 GTO' - -Ln(iil«c).

U«nlly ihiKpl

1968 FORD XL7'<ioo( lxirii<op. luo(Ud

----ipfiuditig-nif tondrtioniMg—...... -

1969 FORD 'A-Tonlon(| wkU bni


1969CAMARO '7’ilnnr luirdtcip, lnuit«d indudmu (ii( (ntiiiiliooinu, luw ni1Uou«

1968 FORD yj-Tonlong wi(l«.bo<.

R*olly nic*

YOUREE664 Main Ave. So.

MOTOR CO. 733-6811

o Kolly H ouk O JqcIc C ox o D a le S o f'cnso /r







1965 C O M ET Colienlo 2 Door H a rd to p Sport C ou pe , V-0 on-

g ino , it o n d o rd trontm iis io ii, lo tt o l econontica l a n d trouble

free m ilm lo ft in th ii ono . i • & ^

Wai $a95 . . ... . [ .. NOW ^ 6 9 5 ■** . »

1966 CHEVROLET Im p a la 4 D oo r S o dan , 2 lorie po in t, im a ll

V-8 o no ino . o u tom o lic Ir a n tm it iio n . now car fro d « in , io ld

......., NOW M ,1 8 8 -1969 CHEVROLET Chevello 4 d o o r sodon , b o au tifu l m aroon

w ith m o ic h in o interior, fully e q u ip p e d , very low m ileogo,

W as $2395 ........... NOW * 2 0 8 81966 F ORD Folcon 4 d o o r te d o n , brigKt rod f in ith , aconomi-

ca l 6 cy linder ong ine, s ta nd a rd t ro n im ijj io n , new cor trade- ,

* 9 8 8 'w o i $ i29 5 ■ . . . . . . . . : N O W '

1966 LINCOLN Continental Coupe,' fully equippe'd including automatic tranimiiiion, ton finiili with molching all vinyl

Was $2395 ........................ N O W n 8 8 8

1965 CHEVROLET Impala 4 Door Sedan, be'aiitjlul blue with matcliing interior, power steering, power brolteiJ

NOW * 8 8 8

1971 Mercury Monterey2 door hardtop, beautiful light ivy gold with darlt.groen nylon top. malcliinQ

.................................................................................................................... ' ' rc-O-Mo'

1971 Mercury Marquis

gold Icotlilir interior, fully equippocf million, whitowoll belteu tiro&, power ttsoring, ( tioning, radio, body side moulding!, tinted gloti. deluKo whoel covert, power

. . , . including vinylV/oof, Merc-O- M □tic Jron im illio n , whitowoll belteu tiro&, p o w er ttso ring , p o w lr diiC b ra k tt , a ir condi

■ vontitolion lyitem.

Save Over M 100$ 3 9 9 4

■i door sodon, loft whito Finish with dorlt blue halo roof, 429 V*B engine, Merc* O-Motic tranimiision, and of courio in equipped with power ileering, power brakes. p6wor window, 6 way power seat,.power trunk release, air condition- iiiq, lilt steering w.hool. fonder skirls, electric clock, remote control side view*mirror.This is probably Amorico's most booufiful motor cor and vo'u can sdvo at loost one full year depro- cioffon if you buy now. Over $1200 ..................... * 4 6 8 9 “

Wos $1095

1965 DODGE 4 door stalionwaoon now cor trodn-in, 1 own- jr. economical V-8 engine, outomolic transmission, ^owe s 10 wring ‘ ................ "

Was $1095 . N O W

1964 FORD Falcon Stationwogon, siren red finish, imoll

V-Q enoino, standard transn)ii*'on. t f O

Was $795 ..................................N O W J O O

1963 FORD Country Sedon Stotiohwogon, oKCellent trans­portation. runs gOod, V-B engine, automatic transmission.

* 7 8 8 '

* 5 7 7

• 1 0 0

1971 MERCURY MONTEREY4 door tadon, liiit wnt tinniiri't Driver Traiiv ino cof, only u(ad nbout 3 nionlhi, v#ty low milai. Ijaciulilul inncoon malnllic iinitli. Wn’va'

■6(itiipn*d^t\ir»ptfiim*^rciB»~c(iV“w iiir400”7~ banal V Q enDino^Uidl lurtt on ragulat qoio- . Iina, Marc-O'MnIK Irnnimliilon, G7E) wliile- woll lliai, powar Heerino, rndio. dacor Qfoup, tinUiI.glaii, powat iruiiL taitnia, daluta in-

__Jciioi_^nUJlJmvJulL4ua{iQntv(-oad-ik«i.>ai—bean faoiiiarttl.

And you can savo almost

' * 1 0 0 0on this fino qutomobilo

Was $695 .................NOW1960 MERCURY Monterey 4 door sodan, excellent transpor-

lotion. . . • ' . t ‘

Wos$195 NOW

I960 MERCURY Monterey i Door sedan, excellenl trans­

portation. 1 f\ /\

-'.Was $195 . . . . : ........ NOW ^ l U Ul969 0lDSM0flll,E 9fl 4 door Luuury tetion, Bfloutifu). un- morred blue finish with vinyl sport rool, bKand new arrival,

boo^itifiil matching blue nylon interior, individual front seats, ol courje it's oquip7>ed~witli power itM^ing, power bTdkVsT” power window, power seat, air-conditioning.

1966 PONTIAC,* Blue


Pricod To Soli . . .

* 3 8 6 8beige finish, full power, eKcellenI 1

M 2 6 6

n995These Are Just A Few

Of O ur G reat Buys , Duri irg Ou r DenrrcrSali^

Hurry In To^ay

7m Mrtin Avpniie EastT h e E a s i e s f . P l a c i s I n T h e W 6 r t d T o B u y A C a r

^969 M ER C U R Y C O U G A R r^ o u tih i-y a lh w -w ith go ld bucko t.. seats, floor shift automatic trnnsmisiion, power steering, wheel covers, very low mileage.

Thoison S p o ciq l P ricod . .

^1966 MERCURY. MONTEREY 4 door sedan,. Oeouliful local 1 owner, exfremely clean in .and out, an oxceplional aulo-mobll.., $ 1 1 Q ^

Priced To S o il........................ .............. I I x w/1965 OLDSMODIIE 9fl 4 Door Ho/dlop, Silver-grey finish with luMurioui malching inlerior, factory oir tondilionino,.’ , pow er »lB*rif)0'.'powar brakes, power leol, power window*,

w : r $ i l 9 ^ ^ r T 7 . ^ o w - H r 2 8 8 -

n?55"CH RVSL6R N«wPort >'^oor hardlop, light bubyblue finith; dark blue top, medUim blue Interior, V -8 enQirie. outo- moHc tforiirrtlitlon, power ileerlng, power broket.

W a s $ 1 0 9 5 . . . . i NOW ^ 7 9 0194V CHEVDOIET Camoto, B»aull(ul unntotr«d blu* .llul*!' w(lh whit* vinyl Inieiior, «»lt«ni»iy low mll«ao», tu t k . l n o li , radio 6 ■ c y U tr^n 'g lm ,' nulomollc Ironim lillon, pow sr"

r U ., -.......NOW * 2 0 8 8

Phbne 7 :^ 3 -77 0 0:

Page 19: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

PrWay. January n . m i Tlm*t-New». fw ln ' Faltii. rdahtj'

._T rw «k f.. .196

FO R S A L B on* \9U Seoul p ickup , |p w -w h ** l d rlva , e x c tlla n t con­d itio n . Fo r (t* t« ll» , c a ll 7M-MSI d a / t lm * . p lg h li 7 3 A .U II .

» i 9 d H E V R O L E T Vi toA p ickup . V ( . 4 « M . Phon« 376 S W .

^96ff C H E V R O L E T p ickup . H m v v

iril condlllon. Phon# B15-5*3SrT A N O E M b R IV ^ l>4-

T G R N A T IO N A L , m odtl \77. Mllh la ' w a tle fn i|le »g « and front and C M II« f««dlng boK, M E IL LA N D I . l i v e s t o c k . P ho n . C M ll« fo rd ,

: S3fU93.

C H E V R O L G T -o le k u p , oood Condllton. oooit l l r a t , phon* 733 3/^4 evffnlnoi.

I9S3 d M E V R O L E T lonu-whsel baM , t r 'a n im lM lo n , 3 ip « « d

c iM n ; ra^dy' tor M ork. new .. - ih o rt block re c in t lv — lM l- L- iaS .

IN T E H N A T IO N A L , lonO'Whee) b a u , U M ' m o lor. S ip o e d :jran -»m l»*lon, 3»R«ed a k Ib , M ralah l

, d ir . T b e u u n lli a ra good Mcond tru c k ! - prICK) to te ll . In ip K te d for ) « n . A lto m lic» lla n a o u i truck•qulpm w t.-svtieeli, filth W ioeli,ta<idle ta n i. Me. 923 D«Lonu SirM rt. In land Em plro Showi, 731- 9S30.

.1944 F O R D '/jton p ickup , V-B. Autom atic IrA n tm ltt lo n . ca ll S43- 0 ) 1 A ik h r Don. d p .m .. 5^-

. 4837.

I9i> DOD Oe hoavv duty ton. V . l , Autom atic. auMlllnry ta n k i, 13.S u U l l r e i , 0Kce ll*n l condition. tUOOm s n j .

'9S4 , C H E V R O L E T ' t ra ile r p u llw , rab u lll ano lns. d lf fw e n tla l ■ and b ro w n i* . M U S T S A C R I F IC E I f^ no 433 4U5.

A u to ft For Sola.

_W W C H U V ttO LU T . J door. 3 ip »«d .

- C H E V R O L E T SS. 3W. My

7441 b«for« S ;3 0 ..

19^ C IT R O E N ru n i w e ll, great a « i m ileag e . Needi tom o tudy w o rk. 14J0, 733 7333. •

1943 C O N T IN E N T A L , lu ll pow er, a ir . 41,000 actual m lle t . L ik e new . 71J-3003 or 734 3781.

I9 A 8 . D O D G E C H A R G C R . A ir Conditioner. 14,000 m lle i . Phone' 73J 3525. •

1970 M O R N ET H A M IIL E R . Phone 734-S304 a lte r A p .m .. Sun V a lle y .

1947 M ARO ON C O U G A R . '3fl9', 3- toeed tra n u n itd o n . S liSO . Pitone 334 &049.

COOR A IN T A K E M A N IF O L D .t i lu h - . r i u r type w llfi Ito lley carburetor

And ctirom e a ir c le a n e r. tlOO. 433- 51S4. a lter 4.

‘ R E P O S S E S S E D 1944O ldtm oblle Je l S tar tport coupe. See at 51 Soulh lOaho Street. W endell. To be u id on tea led bid U a ilt . Phono 534-&441 before 5:00 p .m . during week lor fu r llie f In form allon.

1943 P O N T IA C C A T A L IN A . Real good m e c h a n ic a lly and i l r o i . ' fn tpecied Nov»m bDr. U 35. 334- 4355. even lng i.

-T A K C -O V e R paym ent* on 1949 Q ievrn le t Nova, p riced * | H39S.

■^noHe 43j:XO«r^-----— ----—

CA R 'C O L L E C T O R S . Fo r ta le by ovbner. 1957 Ford S ky lln e r . AAotor and re tractab le top In good con­d it io n ; need i palnt^Iob. Only cath o l le r t conildered ar>d tub ject to Vour Intpectlon. W rite Ook F-13, c- 0 T im e i-N ew t.

1948 O LD 5M O U ILU 443. V e ry c lean , m o lor A - l.g o o d tlre t . low m ileage. 733-4417.

1943 F O R D Sprint 3»9 c c . 4 tp eed . bucket le a l l . t7S0. IH ione 733-1844.

A u lo i For Sola - .200 A u to tF o r ^ U . .............200 . A u Im F« r ;S o lf_

JW J P O N T IA C G T O . iU lJn C h ,

»»rl J E E P « T E R *o f b a la n c* o l cen4r*c4. V e K lcU too tm « ll fo r MV fa m ily . H v M n4-44aS d a v u -n 4 - Sa»1 evenJno*.

1048 B L U E C O R V e T T C . 408 ,oeari, 37.D00 m ile* . 1 ow ner. Ptione 733- ■WS. d a y t o r 733-W57, even lng i.

1971 V O L K S W A G EN D U G , 3.500 m ile i , t ie re o FM rad io . «197I, 734- $419, Ketchum .



A TL E O a iC E M O TO R S ,

flooding. Idaho

SEE THIS M . . .81Q Moin Av«. South

Twin Fall*

1963 CHEVROLET(mpald 4 Door S*<lan, V-fl, auloo maU-}

$375Brockman's Auto

■na'iTd’Ti’a lls rS c jto irAID Mnin Av«. Soulli, Twin Fallt

7J4-3167 \1 (Ih nmJ Ov«rlartd, (lufUy 47D-Vs74

...... W O fr»CM AN ._...........D R O T H C PS

P o n liac C a d llla cGM C

R upert, ld*l«o, 434 3474

lATE MODEL Uied Cars 8. Pidkups .

MqW and Uiadh o n d a s

- COMPtiniVE PBICtS "■ . COM PltlC fABIS *H D StlV lCE •


MIUPR HONDA SALES42d-ST)'9| Hao..n, IJo.

: ......1 ^ ------------1—





D im A l im i l SAVE * (Oil 'M 4-4I13,OOOOIN O f

' 'b lR E C T tA C T O R Y -B E A L E R








.1962 1966






Ifalrlane 4 door, V8. tiondard tronimliilon, radio, good fire*

Muttang 2 door hardtop, V6. automalle.power iteering. a ir cortdllloning. vinyl r o o f .....................

Buicb 2 door hardtop, V8 , aufomollc, power (leering, rodTo, a ir conditioning, iharp . . . . . . . . .

Dod(^e Slotionwagon. V8 . oulomollc. power iteering. powef.brakai^ radio, vinyl Interior ..........................................

O ldi 98 ,4'door hardtop, V8 . automalle, power tieering, power.braket, air conditioning/loaded .

Piymouth Sloilor>wa^on. V8 . automatic, power ileering, rad io ' . . . .

O ld i 98 i door hai^diop. V8. oulomatjc. full power, a ir condllio^iing, vinyl roof

VW Bug 2 door, bucketteatt, radio, AAog wh«eU .............................

Mutlang 2 door hardtop Fatlback, V8 , automatic, radio, good l i r e i .........................

VW Bug, 2 door,bucitol toolt. one owner, clean .................















“ GalaJtlo'SOO 3 doQrhardtop7 V8r»tondai tronimitjion, rodio, vinyl interior . . . .






VB. automatic, (bower tieering, radio . . . ■

Ford Cuitom Slalionwagon, VS, ifandard tratiimit»ion, vinyl in te r io r .....................................

Olds 4A7 2 door hardtop, 4 tpaed, powor,*toering, radio, tow mileage, i h a r p ..................... ..... „

Mercury Marquis 2 door hordtop. V8 .automatic. Full power, a ir condition ing .........................................

Ford Country Sedan, Stationwagon,.V 8 , automatic, radio, one owner ...............................................................

Pontiac 2 - I-2 2 door hardtop, V8 ,4 speed, radio, one owner, s h a r p ...............................................................

Chevrolet Stationwagon, 6 cylinder, standard tronimission,radio, lots of transporlation-. . ...............................................................

Pontiac 4 door. V8 ,aufom atic , pow er steering, rad )o , a rea l buy . . ■

Plymouth Fury 3, 2 door hardtop, V8 , automatic, radio, sharpest 65 in town . . . .'

Galaitio 200 2 door hardtop. VB, automatic,pow er staerinQ, p o w er b rakes, a ir Conditioning, tow miles . ■ ■

Mercury Monterey 4 door hardtop, V8 , automatic, power steering, power brokes, air conditioning, remoinder new warr.

Montego MX 4 door. VS. automatic, power steering,pow er brokos, ro d io , low m ile a g e ......................................

Pord 4 door, sicmdo'rd'ira'ns'miulon,’ ‘ 6 cylinder, one owner, low m iles .......................................................

Ford Golaxie 500 4 door,.V 8 , automatic, power steering, r a d io ......................................................

Ford Gafaxie 500 4 door, VO,automatic, power steoring, radio, sharp . . . .^.............................

Chev, 4 door, VB. automotlc,lots of car for the money ........................................................... .........................

^ 5 6 0 ° ° .

^ 2 9 6 0 ° °

$ 1 4 6 0 0 0

U60°°M 4 6 0 ° °

$ 7 6 0 ° o

n 4 6 0 “

M .3 6 0 ™

n 0 6 0 ° o

1 1 1 6 0 0 0

- 5 5 -6 0 0 0 -

* , 1 5 6 0 ° °

n 1 6 0 ° °

^ 6 D ° ^

M 8 6 0 ° °

$ 9 6 0 0 0

$ 9 6 o ° o

$ 1 6 o ° o

Autos For S a l* 200 Aulpt Foj S<il«..... : aoO Auto* For SoU '_______3(00.

$ 9 6 0 ° °

* 3 4 6 0 ° °

* 3 6 6 0 ° °

* 3 0 6 0 ° °

*360°°* 7 6 0 ° °

* 1 0 6 0 ° °

* 6 0 ° °

T R U C K S ,Z l 5 6 6 _ b i ;

Chevrotel long wheel base K-ton, 4 speedy ■Vhitdi-jnlffQri^radib-^^^.,.,. . . ■ ■ ,





For f loftg uiix««l bosa W-ton, V8 , automatic, radio, hitch, mirrors .

VW Window Bus, 4 spead, extra seats, clean-..................................

Ford long wheel bose W'tdn,4 sp««d, big 6, hitch, eKcepfianoll/ sharp .

Dodge Mi-ton, automotlc transmisiion. hitch, 6 cylinder, cleon . . . .

International Vi-ton long wheel base, VB, automatic, radio, hitch, HD throughout . .




T960 1969

Ranchero Squire pickup. VB,outomatiC|t radio, low-mileage ..........................

GM C long wheel bate 2*lon. V6 ,4 speed, ^speed axle , 900 rubber . ......................................

Ford long wheel base W*ton with camper shell,V6 , automatic, power sVeering, radio, air conditioning .

Ford long wheel base ^'ton V8 .4 spsad. power steering, radio, h i t c h ......................................

..Ford-({i>ton,.3.speed,-.................................................. . . . . ..6 cylinder, hitch, a real b u y ...........................................................

In^ernationol Travelall, 4 spa'fld, V6 ,radio, immaculate inside ond o u t .........................

- * 8 6 0 ° °

* 1 8 6 5 ° °

$ 9 6 0 0 0

. * 1 2 6 0 ° °

$ 9 6 0 0 0

* 2 3 6 0 ° °

, * 2 9 6 0 ° °

$ 9 6 0 0 0

* 2 6 6 0 ° °

. * 2 6 ’6 0 ° °

* 1 6 0 ° °

* 2 4 6 0 ° °

1 9 6 4

1 9 6 0

1 9 6 8

1 9 7 0

1 9 6 8

1 9 6 5

1 9 6 6

1 9 5 9

Chevrolet long wheel base V -ton, 4 speed,V8 , hitch, radio, ready to go : .................

GM C long wheel bote K'ton', 4 speed,V6 , hitch, gob'd rubber . ; ...................................... . .

-^Ford U-jon, V8 . 4 (peed,----------- — .................hitch, radio, mirrors, nice .................................. • ■ -

Chevrolet long wheel base K-ton, 4 speed,V8 , radio, hitch, 13,000 actual miles, sharp .

Ford ’ton, 3 speed, . > .6 cylinder, shell camper, real cifcirt . . . . . . .

Chevrolet l^i-lort, 4 speed,6 cylinder, hitch, mirrors, lols of e x t r a s ................

Ranchero pickup, 3 speed,6 cylinder,‘one owner, (h a rp ......................... ■

Chevrolet 44>ton, 4 (peed,' 6 cylinder, hitch, camper s h e l l .................


*1960°°*2660° ^*1260°°*1060°°*1160°°



Bi 11 Wo r km a n F O R D• ,1243 Blue. Lakbs Blvd. North

-OpenrWeekdays-^Til-7^P.M. — ----_733,-5140-

END-OF-MONTH SAI FA T A c e H a n s e n G h e v r o le t

yVh e re Vo I u m e SiP les Ma ke It Ppssi b le Eo r_ U Sj to. Se 11 For Less Where You Get The 1 Buys Oh The T Car, Lowest Prices.on New CqrS and New Trucks.

' Stock.#M 68

1971 MONTE CARLO COUPETinted gloss, V-8 engine, outomotic trans­mission, power steefring, speciol wheel cov­ers, glass belted, whitewall tires, radio.

List, Pricci $4041,25 S Q ' A O O Volume P r ic o ........................ ' O v J X /


S to c k iM 6 9

1971 Caprice 4 door S port Sedan

400 V-8 ongino, oufornotic transmission, power stooring, power brak'ds',',tilt steering wheel, power soot, power windc^ws, factory air conditioning, tinted gloss,'glass bolted tiros, radio, vinyl top.

List Price $5418-45. Volumo Prico . . . .


s.ocM 1-202 1 9 7 1 C H E V R O L E T T o n

Slock #1-1571 9 7 1 C H E V R O L E T Ml T o n | "

Long wheel base Flaetside pickup, V -8 engine. 4 speed Irons- nfiission, front stabiluer, heavy duty rear spring, full foam seots, gauges. < !;!;

List Price $3592.05 Volumo P r ic e ..................................

list Price J3437.50 $ 0 0 7 * ^ Volume Price ..................................................Z Q / O

1971 CHEVROLET 14 Ton


long wft4«l bo(« FUcUida pickup, 330 V-8 tnQin*. uU< mol>< Ironitniiiion, pow«r itaanng, till tUaiIng, pnwtr ciiu broket,Uludlid Price S4890.30Volume Price . . . . . ‘......................... ... .

Stock 1-166

1971 NOVA 2 DOORCOUPE. .V-6 engine, aulomotlc transmission, radio, rally


Volume Price .. * 2 9 4 0 1 9

VEGA stock #1-148 '

1971 V EG A CLUB .COUPE. Radio, whitewall (Ires, stondard (ransmfssfon.



1955 FORD1/3 ion pickup, V-0 •ngln*.

A ip««<l (>uiw»iy cUnn.

I ^ i! f...*280l i ■'■“l9 6 rp b N T IA C .

V-0 tnginf, automnlic Iranimit- lion, pow*r stt«fing, pow#r

^ brali«i, loclo(v air conditioning.g v o iU M E • $ ‘1 t c r \

PRICED . . I D O K J .

. 1962 PONTIAC4-door tIntlonwoOon, V-0, outo molit tfonimiuion, powif iU«r ing, A tii(« on*. .


I 1967 C h e v r o le t * IV, TON, long wl>«*l boM M*«t- :

-■% pkkup. 6-cylindkr, ilondard

1966 CORVAIRCorta coup*.

4 ipM ci trantmiitlon, todio, buck*! u a U .

.V O LU M E-----PRICED. . . . ^ D O U


■if 1 GUYS

^ 1965 PONTIAC iItmani tinrdtop (0up«-‘ .

336 VO «ngin», 4. (pMd l>oni- million, powar ilM'ing, <kicm«

wh««li, iko'p.

:: VOLUME. / p R ic e r i . . . .

1970 CHEVROLETV3 ton coilom ipoft 4 wt»**l ddw pUkup, 350 V-B tngln*.

\4 ip*«d t(onimi(iion, lock out hubi, buck*tUQti.

gg^T*3 f f 5 |I J iJ b H d s m o b il e '

_-Cullau.5«pnmtt9i^±9p^*ill*<_V-0 ingln#, ^utomotlt lionimh- lion, pow«r ’it**ring, (a<tofy

air tondillonlng.

' S ' •• *2195~ t9 7 0 fO R D - • r

Torino hardtop c«uf>« GT..V-S «ngln«. oKtontolIC ltantmlul«n, - - ,pow«r ilttrln^ . pow*r diic

1970 CHEVROLET4 wttMl dflv* t/3 ton, long ;

350 V-B «ngln«, 4 ip*«<j million, lockout l>ubi.



- mliiton. powtr lUafinq^ f mog wK**U.

l; ^ r■*2560i----- 19A3IMPALA-\ 4 door t*dan . V-8 ingln*.

\ ing, powtf b>ok»t, p»i**r »«il. ’■ en« own«r oy>d tka>p-'

VOLU'ME - S A C / S l .p R ic e o . . . . ^ O O v


1963 CHEVROLETH T0t4. F U t ild * long wKm I b«i« pUkup.l6’<ylind«r, 4-ip«»d troni- mliilo/K.Hl<*l-

S VOLUME <1 o o n S ’ VOLUM E,. PRICED I ^ O U '4 PRICED . .


N O W . . .

i 1965 MOSTANGI ^ ^ , •389' V.1 ,

j i i K . : . '7901

313-AAain Ave. West Twin Falls Phone 733-3033y ■

Page 20: · --Balnouy-Deluilft p, 9 08-209 Idrto Stftta HlatoPt,«4t Soo. tUO 'N. Julli 'Davis Dr. !

: . r •

■ '^ 20 TlinM-Ndwi,.TwlQ falli, IdBho Friday. January 29, 1971

.W orfc w ear' • ; ■ - A

seldom blueNEW '-YORK~<tJPI y:=Work~cftPe<r-apparel-ln-fll*-ofrlta. 22

' ' clothes have como a long way companies, and a spokesman ' since overalls.- said early resulta were favora-

Allhough work'clothes are b io.' *010 company also is usually thought of as blue- experimenting with juni^uita

____ co lla r.-m o re-m o n ey —a s m u c h - Jo r repa lrm cn-by-hopM i t wiU-«s $100 mlUlon, according to flnln eafller entrance Into one source-^s spent o n ‘‘white- customer homes,^

collar" work clothed. E.I, du

WASHINGTON (UPF) - IVanspo^tlon'Secretary Jolui A. Volpe Thursday revised the

government's rail passenger network to add major now links on the West Coast, Southwest. Midwest and ICnst Coast in hopes oI' lrlKgorlnji ‘ tlie all-

ger tr^iln. yolpe flddod Dimcnucr train

ISU adull

r n e t r e v i s e d

in November. Volpe'oipe said, "because_Of_lhe__

Pont de Nemours & Co. esQmates |700 million is lal(J out annually for “cnreer apparel" for 12 million white- colj^r workers. Some |6O0

Airline stewardess unifpnns ore the most flamboyant and bpst known career - apparel garments. Uranlff, which has had few qualms about "flaunt­ing I t / now dresses Its girls In

courscs set

million Is spent .to outtll <d slioos that do;i’l motch.‘__III! - .1 I.. - tl - ...I___ 'n .nmillion blue-collar employes.

Research for du Pont by I>r. Paul A. Fine, a moUvatlonul research consultant, indicates white-collar career opparel has Improved employe morale, created a feeling of esprit do

, Mrps and rcduccd at»enteeism.■ "We have found Uiat brlglit, smart uniforms are n terrinc recruiting aid,” ' said Ii)u

. Garcia, ^^co president of public relations for Uranlff Airwoys, Inc. ■ '•.■Ihe reason most cited by companies for adopting white- coUar af^arel is "corporate Image." Banks, airlines, public

utilities,' Insurance companies, hotels—companlesscllingessen- ilalljrThe same' product or ' service—consUintly look for new ways of projecting a sharper, public Image. And employes who deal extensively with the public are corporato symbols.

• American Teleplwne & Tele-

_ graph.Is. cxperimcntlnu wlUi

Tlie banking industry, proba­bly realizing' staid outfits wouldn’t do much-for morale, is close ' behind Ute alrllnus. Tellers at the Natlonal-Bank of Nortl) America choose from 12 different combinations. One is a mid-calf loriguottQ wltli zipper which allows the wtearer to “reveal as llttlp or as much leg as desired.” .

Male employes for. Ujo Flrst^ Ilome.^tead Savings and Ii)i>n' Association in New Orloan.i wear double brcaBle<lVoyal ,bluc

bl«;iflrs. A real estate' firm in' Houston dresses it^ maM workers In lime green doubld* breasted blazers with dark greert slacks-doslf^ed, tiwy_ My, lo'hiatchfemalb outfits.

Most companies pay for tlie first set of wbrk,- clothes and €?mployc’s pay for replacement. In cases where employes pay or sliare tlie cost, such os tlie 50-50 split offered by Uie Oreijon Mutual Savintjs Bank,' the price Is usually at cost.

NamedGORDON lltiFFAKEH boa

been appointed Vico proslilent ™ iN KAM-S - Six Idalio

and.cashlw ol tho rdnhp State stalo Unrv(SValty conllnuInKBank; Glenns Ferry, Uoyd education classes have hud higliJensen, president, said today, cnbugli rcglstrotion to warrantHuffakor and his family will tcudiiiig Uie classes, Mw-vlnmove to Glenns Kerry fmm Glasscock,coordinator, rciwrta.Boise, lie has been affUlated •n,o classes will be held on thowith banks In Arizona and previously deslKnatod nlftl>Ls atU a h iu

. News

Of. Record

Uio Colle({o of .Southern IdalU).'Ih^ claR!M;s are Anthropolo(»y

338, Victorian Mterature »[447, Abnormal Psychology 301,' Individual Testing (110, Audio Visual Ed g442, and Supervision of Student TcachcrH 538. ’Hje student teachcr supervi.Hion class hi for University of Idalio

serylce b c tw ^ Seattle and San destined to become the allrtinieDiego., .New Orleans and Lo^ comeback in the. story, ofAhgeles, New York and Kansas American transpbrtatlon.”aty , Washington and Chicago Vplpe's de<^on to add newand Norfolk and Cincinnati. ser^ce to his proposed rtet-

Tliose routes were lef( out of. work; which now goes toUie original network plans by Congress, came In the face of^Uie semlpuUlc Itall Passenger pressure from the Ia9[maker8

i^<Hjillpac),^created—by— ^-cflmmimHiej-lftft-arithnut.Congress last year to save the rail service uijder the originalpasscri^er railroads from obli- preliminary network announced vion.

Iho .Wesl Coa.Rt of norlda -nlsb ■ was Ieft“ without" trainflcrvico in - Volpe's original ' network'; But, ho said thisotnl.H.slon' was 6n error and, 1 C O l | l » - i n p i

service would bo provided to , GHAND HAPIDS, Mich.Tnmpu-St. Potorsbur« from (UPI)-A Grand Bhplds districtWiaml. • judge ruled Wednesday'that an

llio now networknidll operate Ailn Arbor artist did not act inabout 160 passenger trains'; half contempt of the American flagns njany as were' running a by using it for part of one ofyear ago, and down from a high his creations,of 20,000 In 102fl. U e artist, David Gasowski,

Volpe said he thinks the now 25, dubbed the exhibit bisystem will lay Uie foundation question "J . Ii^dgar Hoover, thefor what "In mv opinion Is All-American Crime Sweeper."

thoughtful comment^bm ltted since Nov. 30, the systen) designated at that time has been subjected to Intense reappraisal with Ute result Uiat- my final designation significant­ly Increased the number of^ citles to' which service, will be ■pcoiddad bythe corpor«lion,lU^

A U T O t r u c k

■ S P E C IA L IS T S .

All typ«t ol GIoh

Foec pickup and D»llv«n , ,| ! ^ r , f lA I IO t M o f l ia p J I» y . -

Half of tho world's telepltones are In North America.

-Id's teiei

VSaErGLASSCO.m M Ktt. Swtk Tail 7M-ZZN ’

For a baoutlful loealien With *oty occ*ti


LAZY i MOBILE HOME MNCHIllw« l ik f i N. aW Wi(klii|l*a N. •« ibt IU« I m J

• Modern Conveniences • Underground Utimies-{for information call


CASSIA COUNTY a e rk 's Office

Marriage— Hcimscs' were only,issued to Heed LiMor Bair mid aiakoapenre, EnKli.Hl) m for lind/iSue Jamisom boUi Bgrloy ^ cretllta, has been addwl to tho and Jolui njjymond DocrflinKor o^jor six clnm>.s. It will be <md Joyce Klalne Parton, boUi taughtonMondiiyniglit and will Burley. " moet Fob.'l.’lh room 117 of the----- ---------------------CSI-cludsroom-- buUdlng^-TJio-

7 rcglfitrntlon for will iMJ, Magistrate C^urt at the first claas mocUnK-

Diu-wln S h u l^ , M, Jerome, p,,ysic„| education for’ tho WM (Inc,I 1200 for drunk -.noniniiy „|||

*lvlnB. Ho wm nrrc.itcd about. („u^|,t at tho Paul Contor on TIrarsday by Jcramo Nl„bt!i,

poIlM alter h a car » n ^ k Uiroo d a w a arc cancclod

pa rk ^ yoWclcs on West M n ln ^ „ lack at number ol students Street, Jerome. , enrolled, GljLiiJcock said.

r n



T H E G IR L S F R O M B R A Z I U ^



2 , 0 0 0 " ' ’

IN CASH DRAWINGSICv<*ry 15 MinuloK he^innin^ al 12 noon until 1 n.m. Trci* nnd regimcroften I I I Horttc Sim Cliih or CaotuH