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A TT TA TT " SPEOIRL NOTICES.Acl- TcrtlneiiicntA . for tlicua rolumn nlll be- flkrn t , nt II ISISO ! p. in. for the erminenncl until H p. in. for the morning nnd Sunday edition- .AilterlliitTi . , by rrqaratlnB A nnmlmred ( heck , can Unto nn cr nOdn fined to a numbered letter In cure of The lice. An * tucr to ntlflremcil will bo ( Irllrorod upon indentation of tlio check only- Rated , 12c n mini , lint Innertlcn , lo a word lien after. Nothing tiilieu for 1 thau 20a for Ilrnt Insertion- .llieoo . iiU > crll cmcnt must tun rntuccu- tltrly. - . WANTED MAIS HELP.B- ALAUY . PAID WEEKLY TO LIVE MEN ; experience nut nccf > ary. Apply 1516 Douglas- .UM1 . A3t ) WANTED ,. TWO KXl'EIUENCED MKN TO- ll wentern city anil farm properties ; lllwrnl Inducement * : reforcnces required. Addre N. 10. Onmlm lleo. J.1111 _. UNucbirTTKuiTu nnra CLKIIK , is TO 20 YIIS old , muni 15 n rualler. Address Mnfhclr. cnre- of piMlntiin 8S. II-M1W a WANTED , A MAN TO HOLK'IT POH THK- lilcwnlk buslneta. l.llicrnl commlmlon paid. Call lt m 626 , 1'qxton Mock. U MIM 2 < * WANTHD. " cTT.ioitk von oiNKitAt : < MB IN- chandln" Bluie In country town ; youni ? ninn- profprrwl who flicakn Diitilali otvl Ocrniani Into wnRcii nnd experience. AJdrps.i N 31 , care Omaha llro. IIM15- IHELP. i . AUK YOU IIONK T. 8OHEII. 1NWJSTHIOU8 ? If no. cngflKe with us for IS93 ; J300 a month.- U.W . ) a yenr ; you can m iltc It euay : six hours n day Our ngcnts do not complnln of hard tlmc5. Why ? T.iey nrc nmUlnn money llln our Perfection Ululi Wnnlitr , the only practlcnl family wnslicr ninnufiicturid : wn hca drlej and pullshcs dl hea perfectly In two minutes ; no experience neccnnary : n child of 8 operates It ennlly ; cheap nnd durnble : wclclit. thirteen pounds : inndo of anti-rust sheet steel ; capac- ity ¬ IW p'ccos ' ; Jl'.OOO for KB equals every fam- ily ¬ wants one ; you don't have to ranvaiw : as noon as people know you lmvi It for sale they fend for n dluli was'ier : rarh agent s territory proteclwl ; no competition ; we fur- nish ¬ sample ( welfilis six poumli ) In nice case to Indy aKnls to take orders with , onj RKent made J2H.5S first ten days. Addrcsi for fiill particular * I'crfcctlan Mfc. Co. , Ennlewo3d. III. . . FIFTY atin.s ron AI.IJ KIMJS- of work. Canadian nmployinent OHIce. 1522 Douglas street. C-MI03 M22 ron oiNEiAi.w- ork. . . 102S Hoiith ; 0lh Aye. C 118 2i * riHBT-crTTsR onir.HT fiCA"NHINAVIAN Y.- W. . . homo. Olllco 1 18 Capitol avenue. Tl'7l , | ' ' WANTBD. aim. KOR OF.NnnAI. 1IOUBI3. work ; rcfcMtnces required. 1130 S. 20th tjret. 138 28 FOR RENT HOUSES.H- OUSES. . . F. K. DARLING. BARKER BLOCK.- D . 12o HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis company , 1305 Farnam. D 128 HOUSES ; BENAWA & CO. . 308 N. FOR RENT , 2113 CAPITOL AVENUE. 11 rooms , modern. The O. F. Davis company.- II. . . E. COLB CO. LARGEST LIST IN OMAHA.- D . M681 2700 AND 2TCB FARNAM STREET.- W. . . M. Rogers , 1323 Fninam street. D M323 PLEASANT DETACHED MODERN 8-ROOM house ; nice lawn , barn. Inquire 2003 Pierce st. DS47- 6ROOM _ HOUSE. INQUIRE 2711 DOUGLAS ST CENTRALLY LOCATED. 10-ROOM HOUSE. modern Improvements. Inquire 712 N. 19th- itrcet. . D M333- I _ _ ROOMS. 634 SOUTH 17lh STREET __ _ D-313 M2 * PLEASANT MODERN C-ROOM 2ND STORY flat ; beautiful lann and Khade. 2121 Miami street. D M71- 8NINEROOM _ "MODERN HOUSE. 1533 sifEif- man avenue. S30 ; 10-room modern house , Bur- littte - ( , rear Sherman avenue , > 25, Byron Reed Co. . 213 South Hlh street. D M7SS M18- SOlt MASON , BEST LOCATION , 8 ROOMS , modern , Inwn , J:7.69. $23 Now York Life- .D8Q25 . ONE TEN-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN CON- venlences - , newly painted nnd papvied. 950 No. 2th tit. Ono six-room house hack of above ; rent very low. Imuilre KllUennuy & Co. , room J. Continental blk. DSII.I- IOUHHH . POK HUNT. PllOM IW.M TO J2500. Bee Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Kiurmm M- .D . Ms.C'J 30 VERY DESIRABLE HOUSES VACANT MAY 1st. j ; II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. Then *3 < 8- .DS77 . FOR RENT FLATS AT NORTHEAST CORNER ot llth nnd Howard utrcctK. Newly papered nnd painted. Inquire room 311. 1st National Bank llldir. D-87S 3 FOR RENT. DESIRABLE G-ROOM MODERN cotlnco. one block fl-uni park. 3001 Poppletnn- avenue. . _ ___ ___ D M37- 4WST I'ROPiMtTY FOR "RENT. SALE OR KX- rlinnKe - with Kl'Uablu | Investment Co. , 405 N. Y. Life. D-M970 30 REDUCED TO J13.W, CHEAPEST AND NKAT- c - t C-ioom cottagu with bath In city. 30,15 Call- tornla - et. DmOtMO- Mol"ERN Eiairr-liooM HOUSE , $33" " I-ER month. Inquire 2G1G Capitol nvennn.- D . 122 20 * FOR RENT I-ROOM HOUSE nTTl ! IW AOIIES all fenced. Rood well , date to Heluxjl nml street car. J. A. Lovgren , 001 N. Y. Lift- . % 1 D121247- ROOM. . ALL MODERN. OOOD LOCATION. till Jones ntroet. D- 12127- FOURROOM BASEMENT , til S. 24TH STREET D-M13I Ma * _ _ MODERN TI3N-ROOM HOl'SB. BRICK. G"AS" balh , laundry , furnace ; hanl wo > l Hours ; 33. OJ : k > s , 1W1 Capitol nvejiue , lu FURNISHED HOUSE FROM JUNE 1ST. TO fginllvllhout yminit children ; rufprenrra re ¬ quired. 710 N. 2it Bt. It H5 30 * FURNISHED HOUSES.3- TOR . HUNT. FURNISHED HOt'SE OF EIGHT roomf , near Ilnnscom park , every mndcin ron- venlrneo. - . fully und liundnoincly furnished. Will rent only to small f.unlly from May 10 to Nov. 12. AildrcBs N 27 , llee olllce. 098 21 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS. Ml S. 13TII 1-370 M3 _ _ _ FURNISHED ROOM. WITH ALCOVE ; MODI- ern. . M7 So. 25th uve. E MC2S 20 * 6OUTirFoNT ROOM. HARNEY- .BM774 . 30 * PLEASANT ROOM. 1319 DODGE- .M01)BRN . E5752- IJ6 " CASs E MS05 MIS * FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, all conveniences. Kultable for two or three EenlU'inrn ; rint very leasonuLle. ' 617 No. 20th- .15S7C21 . I , * rURNISHED. UNPSll. 7. $10 , $11 203 N. 17TH- .B533,1 . * FOR RENT. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms. 2G21 Farnam street. 13 MU2 2S * FOK RENT, ROOMS , WITH BOARD. 2225 .j381' ' _ ! ' 94J 25 * NICELY FURNIfiHIU ) FRONT ROOMS AND iKiud. 122 N. 13th. F Mprj 25 * BUITE OF ROOMS : ALSO SINGLE ROOM , -with board , In prtvnlv fumll > i reference. *. 2.S14 Farnam utreet , F 11113 IS * UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT TOR RENT. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS.- C . IClTDodKO street. ! HIM 16 * UNi'TRNISHED ROO.MS. OJ N. 20TH- .15M13J . K 27 * 3 LAHC1K I'Nrt'UNIHHEti ItOJMS. SI'lTAltLU for IlK'it ' hniisckrepliiB , cheap to tUht pnrty. FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT. BRICIC STORE BUILDING , 22x100. with Ilibt-i'lufa ehelvUtR and counters. In bust bimiiirfH location In North IK-iul , Neb. There will In) 400 ncrt's of tieets uruun In tlm nclxh- l orlixxl , which will clrculala can.ildcrahj monry. In addition to the ivgular f.inu trada. Ky Iwltrr location ran IHI found for dry goods , hoot * nnd Rhae * nnd cents' fuinlkblnus. Apply IQ N. J. Joluison , Alum. Neb. 1M11G- RENT. . THE 4-STORY 1IH1C1C 11UIH ) . Inc. (1C Furnani itr-jet. ThU building hu a Brrpruof cement ba "ment. cumpietd menm hftllnf ; water on nil lloois , ta > . etc Apply at thu % fflco cf The ! . I- SU- TOR RUNT-FIRST OLAS-S THRUU-STORY and bunomml brick store bulUInx at 1005 l i j i nam street. Hullable for uny l.lnd nt builnrii *. ' Inyulie room 311. First Nation. ! Ii nk II < jr- I 3 li | WANTED TO RENT.- VHAT . A CALL THER15 IS FOR HOUSES ) IP you want yours rented list them wllh J , It. Pnrrolle. IMugln block. K M258 A31- IMALU HOUSE OR COTTACJB OF 0 OR rooms , with fair convenience ! . Addres * L O , lie? omc * . K37'- AST HOfSBS FOR RENT WITH G. O. WAI * , lace , J12 Brown blk. Have calls for collages.- K . 777 STORAGE.1- TORAGE. . . FRANK EWERB. 1214 HARNEY.- M . * 13- 2nrsr BTonAOB nt'ii.DiNa m OMAHA , u. s- .r . - ' . bonded warehouoe ; household KOoOa stored ; lowv t rates. 1013-1016 lt131- TO"Kfl STOnKD DUtltNO SOMMHIt. TBI * SCO. K07 Douglas. Ormha Stove Repair Works. V322S- TOTtAflB AND WARBIIOURn CO. . > th & Jones St . General storam & fonvardlnir.- M . 5(4 WANTED TO BTTTJ- .VANTHD. . A STOCK OP QOODB WOHTII ll.COf- lto I60UO. Address M 1> , Omaha Her.N KM- riticKs PAID FOR SECOND HAND furniture. I. Bnissell , 1IM Dodge St- .N . HW M10- iVANTni ) . TO IltlY 7 TO 9-llOOM MODKHN- housf , vicinity of llnnscom park ; mu t bo a- barcaln. . Address N 21 , Hee olllce. N M10223- iVANTKD AT ONCI3 FOR CASH A FIRST class second hand phaeton , mutt ba light rnnuuli for one horse nnd Rood at new. Ad- dress ¬ Hex No. 6, Slanton , Neb. N1I321t- ODKRN IIBSIDKNTK NEAR HANSCOM park ! must be clieapj description nmt- prlre. . Address N 33 , lice. N-1IS 2- IFOK SALE FURNITURE.'U- RNITUIIB . AND CAUI'ETS CHEAP ; AL- most - now. Call 10 to 13 n. m. Account of re- moval. ¬ . CSI South Ijtli Btrect , corner Jnnen- .OM111 . 23 FOR SALEHORSESWAGONSETC , 2 SEAT OPEN CARRIAOn TO HE SOU1- at cost. J30.00 ; also good Concord liuckboard , 7000. Drummond. P MC23M11- OIl - HAMS. 8HETLAND PONYrciTY imOKE ; phaeton and harness. 1810 Hnrney street.- P . Mill 21 * OR HALB. OltAY. HIOHT-YEAR-OLD HOUSE , weight 1IW. Call afternoons , 43th and 1'opulc- ton avenue.Vm Anderson. P M13i 25 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 100 & CHICKEN FENCE. WIRIJ. BETTER & cheaper than wood. J , J. Leddy , 403 S. Hlh. QMG51MnylG- WnOSIAN PIANOS , BRIDOBPORT ORGANS Woodbrldga Bros. , 117 8. 17th. q-134 HARDWOOD COMBINATION HOG AND chicken fence. Chai It. Lee , 9th and Douglas- .Q153 . FOR SALE. A NO. 1 2ND HAND W-IIORSB power steel boiler , as good an new. Adrtres"- I' . O. lox eS3. Q-M630-M11 ron SIALE , 2 pitiisii cows. 2so WEHSTER- street. . Q-145 CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. DR. II. WARItEN. CLAIRVOYANT. RE- liable - liuslncis medium. Sth year at 113 N. 16th.- MME. . . CLAYTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD reader. Reads cards like an open book. Tells your mission on entering. 223 N. Hlh. MEDIUMS.- DON'T . BE HUMBUGGED I1Y FORTUNE- tellers , traveling fakirs , etc. If you are In any trouble send n stamp to Mr. William Garflld6- 3D Sixth avenue , DCS Molnes , Iowa , the moi wonderful iiicdlum on earth ; free advice , but udk no questions. Located for years.M129 5 * MESSAGE. BATHS. ETO. MADAM SMITH. 502 S. 13TII. 2D FLOOR. ROOM 3 ; magnetic , vapor, alcohol , steam , sultiherlne and sea baths. T M973 2i NEWLY FITTED BATH PARLORS ; TURK- Ish - and electric baths for ladles and gentle ¬ men. Madame Howeil , 320 S. 15th St. . 2d floo- r.TM333M5 . * MADAME LA RUE , 1017 HOWARD ST- .T . 639 Mil * MRS. DR. LEON HAS OPENED ELECTlilC massage and bath parlors na n first-class In- btltuto for health , refreshing nnd restful P6UIB from 9 ru m. to 9 p. in. ; first-clans ns'lst- ants.. 412 N. 14th street , near Chicago street.- T . M983 27 MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1411 DODGE T-M113 C* TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATHS : ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-110 Bee bldg.- 13S . PERSONAL.M- ASSAGE. . . ELECTRO THERMAL BATHS chiropodist. Mme. Post. 319Vi S. 15th st.- U . 137 THE UELLE EPPERLY CORSET. MADE TO order from measure. 1903 Farnam street. U138- VIAVI co. , sic mn RLDO. ; HEALTH BOOK fiec ; home treatment , lady attendant. U 133 CURE FOR LADIES. ISIS CHICAGO ST- .UG13M10 . * MISS MINNICK'S DRESSMAKING PARLORi 2119 Farnara st. Prices reasonable. U TS1-M13 * CUT FLOWERS B.tmjuet , hall , residence und grave decorations 1S13 Vlnlon street. Telephone 7T8. U M335- A BOOK ON RHEUMATISM , GOfT , LUM- liap" . Hf > nt fifu to thii o nendlng tlu-lr nclihes- to E. M. Cheamun Mfe. Co. , Plttsburg. I'a- .t'M132 . 23 * MONEY TO LO AN KKAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Drennan. Love Si Co. , 1'axton blk- W142 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. D.ivls Co. , 1W3 Farnam st. W-143 VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS J. W. Squire , 2IS Bee bMr. | W 144 CITY LOANS. C. A , STARR. Ell N. Y7 LHE- W115 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA prupcrty. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Fainam- W146 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIS1PROVED CIT prvpt'ity. W. Furnani Smith & Co. , 132t) Farnar- aWl I r- ANT11ONV LOAN & TRUST CO. , 518 N.Y.LU'U loans at low rat'.s for choice security In Ne brnnkii and Iowa farms or Omohu city proper ! W-141 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATL at C per cent. W. B. Mclkle , l t Nat. Bk.bld ? WltS- FO SALE. 100.WW BONA-FIDE EASTERN IN- testers' names , who have money to Invest. Jus- compiled. . Full particulars upo.i tequest. In- vestors' Dliectory Co. . 10 Wall street. N. Y- .VMW1 . A25 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS horses , wagons , etc. , at KJUO.SI lines In city no leniovnl of goods : strictly conlldrntlal ; yo can pay tha loan off at uny time or In an- uinount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . . 3'X ' Bo. ICttl St- .X150 . J. R. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 RAMCJE BLOCK X-152 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FL'RNl ture. pianos , horses , wagons or any kind o chattel secuilty nt lowest possible rates , whlc >vu cun nay back nt liny time nnd In an amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. Room I. Wlthnell block. X151- MONEV TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND pianos. Fred Terry, 430 Raines MOCK. X1M BUSINESS CHANCES. CLEAN STOCK OF MUSE. BOUGHT. SOLD or exchanged for land. If you want to R Into or get out of business write us. W may have what you want. II. O. Mi-Gee , l _ Mal. > St. . Council Bluffs , la. Y M100 A23- DO YOU"WANT A MONEY MAKB T niCIHT klneloscopes made JS.OuO.W In three months Write "Edison Klnetosrapo Co. , " room 5* Sheely Jilock. Omaha , Neb. YM657- IK"YOU WANT"TO DIsI"OSE"OF STOCK"01 nierchandliia quick addrcm M 20 , Omaha Bee- YJISW YO SELIOROCKRY STOCK , GOOD LOCA lion , cheap , fixtures nnd elock complete butcher rhop attached. Addiiu , H. E. Human SI7 N. V. Life Bids. . Omaha. Neb. _ Y M323-M23 * WHY NOT SPECULATK TTfHOUGH A RK- rKinslblc | hous nnd get reliable Infnrmatln- as to the market by having your name placed o our list for u dally market bulletin , also sen for our manual on margin trndlnic In grain provisions und blocks ; both sent free. C. U BtRnwII & Co.. suite H. Traders Ride. . Cn1 c so. . Y MS80 25 * FOR S.U.H. A NICKLY LOCATSU AND WBU arrunzed resUurant. or will not lo rellaW P rty. N 28. Bee. _ Y M S6 21 * Fo'lt SALE OR TRADE. 3000.00 STO"K Ol Uf'.ils ' und shoes In city of 0000. with coed lo cation. For further luforiuiitlon addresi Flshe tt Ijtden. Red Ok. la , YM9TT- T CAPITAL IfAH FORCED V la cffer an Intereit In our lm > lns < . Ilunlnen Is pay m 104 per cent en prc e-t capital FK fill puitlctilnrs call or addrex our a tentt II U Cu ! & Co. . 1M N lith it. Y-MS 11-13 [ is like Corpparip jf Capdl- brifliapcy of fj ? up" to- ap5 2i wfty SAHTA CLAD5.- if . ) fj) ( > pur b f apd SANTA CLAUS SOAP 6cU made BUSINESS CHANCES.C- ontinued. . . 5.000 TO J100.10 CAPITAL WANTED ; IN'TER- vlew - solicited ; now enterprlsn ; ! rrltlmate butj- nesa - ; resptjnHltilo mnniiKement and 10 per cent guaranteed. N 3 ! , lleo. Y 143 30 RECEIVER'S SALE , FROM THIS DATE I will sell at private sale oil the bar fixtures , refrigerators , bottle cam * , nnd olllca llxturcs ; nlso nil the * unlliilalitxl stock , machinery and shafting , with 2 15 H. P. Detroit electric mo- tors. ¬ . N-lonirlnir to the llrm ofTnllncc & Co. , Incorporated , loonted nt 411 and 413 S. 10th St. , Om.Lh.i , Neb. . April 23. UUJ. John Jenkins , receiver , for & Co. , Incorporated.- Y . MIST M2- IFOK EXCHANGE.- TEN . CLEAR LINCOLN LOTS AND SOME money to trade far boots and shoes. O. C- .Hazard. . . Hebron , Neb. g-MKi 27 * WILL TRADE VACANT IX3T OR COTTAOE for finnlturp of B-room cottage , C. C. Shlmer. 211 N Y. Life. H-M13G 25 LOT C0xl23 , CLBAR OF ALL KNCUMHUANCES for horse and phaeton. Address N 31 , llee. FOR SALE KEAL ESTATE. EXCHANGES AND SALES ; CITY PROPERTY farms , merchandise. Garvln IJros. , 210 N. Y. L- .RE155 . FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. 912 N. Y. L. UEDI1M7- VC * ARE SELLING 11ARGA1N3. AND IT means money to buyer and seller to see us. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Fnrnnm street.- P.i3 . MC54 30- ABSTRACTS. . THE m'RON REED COMPANY.- BARGAINS. . . SA LK OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ertles - and faims. Jno. N. Frenscr , opp. P. O- .UAROAINS . , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ; sale or trade. F. 1C. Darling , Barker block- .RE . Ii6 WILL SELL IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS nrar Omalm at prices that will surprise you , If taken within 2 weeks. J. II. Sherwood , 423- N. . Y. Life. RE-M72I SNAPS , 5 TO G MILES FROM OMAHA I' . O. 40. 50 or 120 acres , Improved , J30.W per acre ; 200 acres. 135.00 per acre ; 250 acrei. KOOO per acre ; C 10-acre tracts , J73.00 to J100.00 per acre.- Mugt . be sold. 910 N. Y. L. bldg. ReM2v- lbirsTu.n HOUSE 2010 HARNEY STREET, o rooms , modem Improvements barn for four horses , clly water , south front , low price , rea- sonable terms ; posseiwlon Immediately. Apply Robeit Cowell.JUIl Harney St. RB-M903-30 * TIUCl TiaC3EST BARGAIN IN KOUNTZE- Place. . Elegant horns on Wlrt street. Fine bulldliiB silo In Uanscom Place, east fiont. high and Hlclitly. SO , 75 or 150 feet frontage;' ' tha cheapest property In the addition- .Ilcautlful . cast front lot In western port of city at n snap- .Fidfllty . Trust Company , Bole Agents. 1702 Farnam Street- .RRM9M . 1 BICYCLES.- M. . . O. DAXON , 402 N. 1CT1L 16- 0VICTOR'I1ICYCLE3. . THE FINEST OF ALL bicycles. Omaha Ulcycle Co. , 3M N. 16lh street. 16- 1STERLING. . BUILT LIKE A WATCH. WEST- ern - Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard street. SEE THE VISIBLE BALL BEARINGS ON Relay Special. Will liarnum & Bro. , I''O N. 13th. 73- SREMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO. . 116 S. 15th street. * lr"31_ A. L. DEANE & CO. . WHOLESALE AND RH- tall bicycles , 1110 Farnam street ; bicycles sold on easy payments. 1C3 LAWN MOWERS AND BICYCLES , GET THEM In good running order at the Acme , 512 S , 13th- .611M10 . WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO. . 2(16 CUMING. 604 MANTELS , GRATES AND TILES. WOOD MANTELS. ORATES , TILES FOR FIRE- places , vestibules and large lloors ; write for catalogue. Milton Rogers * Sons , Omaha. M2- 6ISTEAMSHIPS. . TO EUROPE. GAZES' TOURS. ESTAB. 1811. Select parlies semi-monthly. Independent tick- ets ¬ , all routes. Hotel coupons , passports , pro- grams ¬ , free. Monthly Gazette , with maps. lOc.- H. . . GHZP & Sans ( L'td ). McCasua & Sr.aldlnir. 1504 Dodge street. M40C M5 * D2NTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLLEGE DENTAL SURGERY , FREE Infirmary ; dentistry at cost. 18th & Cap. nve. 17- 9MATHEM ATHIC AL IN STRUM KNTSA- LVA. J. OKOVBtt , ENGINEERS AND All- chltccU' - supplies. 313 S. 15th street , Omaha. Mm- HOTELS. . HOTEL BARKER. 1STH AND JONES ST8. 75 rooms at 1.50 per day.- b . ) rooms at 12.00 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. R m and board by vt > ek or month. Frank Hlldltch , manager. 171- A ETNA TlOUSB ( EUROPEAN ). N. W. COR.- 13th . and Dodge. Rooms by day or wee- k.FLORISTS. . . FOR PANSIES & VERBENAS GO TO J. W. & K. E. Arnold , 120 N. 15th St. Tel. 132. 531 M 9- UWDERTAKERSAND EMBALMBR8I- I. . K. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1613 Chicago St. , telephone 90. 1S5 SWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMING , TEL 1000- .1M . M. O. MAUL UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM- cr - , 1417 Farnam St. . telephone 225. 16- 0C W, BAKER , UNDERTAKER , C13 S. 16TH ST. 1(7- JUrt.1. ( . . D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL _ omce to 209 S. 16th st. . Brown block. 163 TUB "BEST is TUB CHEAPEST. "NOSMdk'a No soot. 2,000 pounds of the best Wyoming cool. J4.M , delivered. Just think of It ! You have to pay that for dirty , emoky coal. If- cm 2 are Icteiestrd In the fuel question us Uierldan , coal , 1605 Farnam street. M403 OARPJSNTJiild ANJJ BUILDKK3. C. U MOHIULL. I'Al'EIl IIANQINQ , HOUSE elgn palnllne. brick work , plaatfrlng ; off , H. I , Uarlcer blk. ; tel. 731 ; ( hop ISI1 IiarJ , tel. 408. 163 CONTUCTINQ & HL'ILDINa , CAHI-KNTKIl jobbing anil rufrlgi-rator work a epeclalty. Lock llox IW. Omnlm. M321 4 BUILDING &LOAN AHSOOIATION. MOW TO OUT A IIOM1-2 OR 8ECUIIK GOOD Interest on cuvln s. Apply to Omaha L. & U. A Vn. 1701 lleo bid ;. U. W. Nattlnger , Sec. . 17- 3EIIAHES IN MUTUAL L. & U. ASS'N I'AY <, 1, 8 r r cent when 1 , 1, 3 years old. nlwnyi redeemable. 1704 Parnam et. Nattlnger Sec. 174 DKESSMAKINO.M- 119. . . n. A. CONNOLLV. FOIlMUnLY MISS bmllh : artistic drt-simaklnir. mom 10 , Ilush > man block. N. E. lith nnd Douglas : prices rrsronable. U145 9 * MHH. a A. LUCAS HAS IIKTUHNBI ) AND oprnetl parlors at 10M pouglas strett. where she will bo pleased to M her former friends.- M1J7 . M3- JHtUSS MAKINO IX I'AMILIES. 431S GRANT U MIW tut * CARPET CLEANING. CHAMPION STEAM CAIUT.T CLKANINO WKS. 718-720 M. th St. Tel. 033. Service suamntceil. U. S. O. Kulm, Mgr. ; Put Ward , foreman. 125 M2- 3ELECIKIOAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENOINKKUS AND COXTRAC- ors for electric llxht nnd motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western J51oc- trlcal - Supply Co. , 1315 Howard at. 178 SHORTHAND ANU TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OV SHORT HAND. N T. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 174 SHADE TREES , FBUITS , SHRUBS.- P. . . It. MARTIN , 1* . O. HOX 331 , OMAHA ; 3HD home west D , & D. Institute. M90C A 2S MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES , anonon p. aiiLLGNiuocic. UANJO AND guitar teacher. 1911 Cass street. M109 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRROUS IinSILVEIlED , 713 N. 16 177 ELOCUTION ELLA DATH.9COML NT'L B1C.1S & PARNA- M.PAWNBROKERS. . . IL MAHOWITZ LOANS MONEV. 418 N. 16 ST. 373 DENTISTS.D- R. . . PAUL. DENTIST JOM HURT ST. ISO This extraordinary Rejuvcnator Is the most wonderful discovery of the ago. It has been endorsed by tholcadlncrscientificinenofKiuopo , , MI and America. ff&* * _ nudyan is purely vogo- table- .Hudjrnn . ctop5- Premaliireness of the discharge In It ) days. Cures 1,0 si * AFTK- Blonitlpatlon ( , Dizziness , Falling Sensations, Nervous Twnchlug of the * yes nnd other paits. EtrenKthena , Invigorates and tours the entire Bystom. cures Debility, Nervousness , Kuilsalous , and covelopcs and restores went orgaiu. I'nlus In the back , 'OJRCS by day 01 night are Hopped quickly. Owr 2,000 private endorsements- .rjematurcnesn . means Impotency In the first stago. It Is a fymptomof seminal weakness and barrenness. It can be stopped lu 'JO days by tbo use of Hudyan. The new 'discovery was made by the Special- ists ¬ of tlioold famous II ud coil Medical Insti- tute. ¬ . It is the strongest vltallzcr made. It Is very powerful , but harmless. Sold for Sl.OO a package or d packages for M.OO ( plain scaled boxes ) . Written guarantee Riven for a cure. If- yoabuyslx boxes and are not entirely cured , six more will ho sent to you freeof all charges. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 1032 MARJCET ST. , SAN FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA. I Lawyers and solicitors. SUES & CO. Dee BulMIng , OMAHA , Nub. Advlco FREE RAILWAY THE CARD Leaves iMUKLINOTO.V & Atu | OmahalUulon Depot , 10th & Mason SU. | UnuliqI- 0:15um : Denver Exprets , uTiaurT <; ; 5pmLJllc. Hills. Mont. & Puset Snd. Ex 4lupn : Sipm Denver Uipieaa 4lupn 6M6pm.Nebraska Local ( exc-pt aund.iy ) . 7:45pn : 6:15am..Lincoln : Local ( except Sunday.U:2JuB ) : 2j45pmi.Fu t Mall ( for Lincoln ) Dally. .. . Leaves ICHICAOOrBURLINGTON & g.lArrlves"- OmahaUnion ) Depot , loth & Maaon Sta. | Umaha- 4:45pm : Chicago Vestibule SiSOoin : Wim Chicago Kxpreis 4:15pm : 7Wpm.Chicago : and St. Louis Express. . :i am llSam : 1'aclHo Junction Local C10pm Fast Mali 24jpm ; Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. . * ST. 1AUL.IArrlves | OmitliaUnlon | Depot , lota & Mu on Ula.l Omaha 6X : i m Criicago Dinned : :30arn ll10am.Chicago ; Expreai ( ex. Sun. ) .,. , 6:00pm : Leaves ( CHICAGO & NOaTHWEST-NTJArriveT OTnahaUnlonUepot. _ 1811) ) (i Mason SU. | Omaha llOSam , . . .. Eaaterri. Express. ... , Bl30mn 4:00pm : Veitlbiiled Llrrltp.1 t:40im : : Uam Mo. Valley .Locu , 10:30pm : 6:45pm : Omaha Sueoiol Chicago 315i ; ni Leaves CHICAQO. R. IF* PACIFIC. lArrWea'- OmahalUnlon Uepot. IQtli tn Mason riLB.I Omah.- ill:00am..Atlantic KxptLSI. lex. Sunday ) .. 5:6 : pn C:25pm MKllt. Hipfegj : :35jn i-.aopm..Chicago Ve flbuled Limited. .. . liSJpm- Wfc T. sun.10:35an ) : ; 25amNebraska. Passuncer ( dally ), 4Sopm.8Ioux City Exprta ( ex. Bun.ll65am ) : t10pm St. Paul , i-tpilied 103jqn " " " l * SlbJTVALLEV , lArnvts Omalial Depot. Utfc and W D ter du. | Omaha 2:10pm : Feat Alall , a'J'I, -Jxpreas 4:5Jpm : 2:10pm. : . ( x. Sat. ; .Vyo , elex. . Mon. ) . . 45pro : :05am..Norfolk Eii-rk (ex. Sunda > ? ,10JOan : C'.lOpm. ; ExpresV7.y : : ; : Leave * I K. C. . ST. J. & C. IJ. I Arrive. jOinahaJUnlpn Depot , 10th & Mason B: . ( Omaha S.-uOutn Kansas City ljy Uxpreaa ; $; 4tpmK. C. Night Ex. yl U. l > . tx&m Leaves I MISSOURI "PACIFIC. lAITlves _ Omaha _Deppt , 15th and Webster Bts. [ Onmlial- OMOain. . . , . St. Louis Bxpresa . 6ar : l:30pm : . St. Louli Bxpress . 6OSpm : JjlOura . .j Nebfatk * Local ( ex. tiun. ) . ; 00an- L avf'I'8IOUX ClTY " & PACIFia"JArrlve OnuUuil Depot , 15th end Wtbuter ms.JMUmahal- fptn. ! . . .... . 3t. ' Paul ' Limited . 1035am Leaves SlOUX CITY & * PACIFIC lArrlves Oni haUplon | Depot , lOtli & Ma onStj.JOmaha- "l Sam . Sioux City Passenger. . ..T..10:3Jpn- TUipr : atP _ ulLlmlled- L _ : > ves V ONION P"ACIFU; : OmchalUnlon Depot. 10th A Mason St . | Orrtil.a- U.uVAin . . . . Kearney Express . Ib0um . Overland Flyer. . . . t :35pn lOOpm.Bca'tce & Stromsb'K Bx. ( ex. Sun ), : ipm 130pm. , .. ,, . Pacific Express . I0ii : m . . . . Fast Mall . ... . . lArrlvet l Union Depot. 10th ft Mason Hts.lOmnlu .... .Ct , LouU Cannon OalI.UUoiu ; : CITY AND SUBURBAN RESULT Mr , L , Cannon's Bay Colt Eotnindor Wins tbo Rich Stako.- IE . OUTRAN A FIELD OF NINETEEN Unit n G'lino llnuli nt tlin rinUh with Stow mnrkct Who Mm Second by Half n Length llnccs- nt LONDON , April 21. The followliiR Is tlio remit of the City nml Suburban tiamllcnp ut Epsom today : Mr. L. Cannon's bay colt Kc- minder , by Melacon , out of Postscript , 4 rears old , carrying 8 stone 9 pounds , won ; Mr. n. 1. Darnalo's chestnut colt , Stowmar- kot - , by Timothy , out of Lcnax , 4 years old , carrying S stone 9 pounds , second ; Mr. It- .McCalmonta's . Irish Tar , a bay fllly , by Graf- ton - , out of Pride of Klldare , 4 years old , carrying 7 stone G pounds , third. Nineteen horses ran. Mogul , shortly otter the start , settled with the lead , which he held to the top of the hill , when Hard of Avon drew to- ran. . Lord llcughton's Eau d'Or , a chcst- Uemlmler - , who drew out , followed by Slow- market , and won by half a length. Four lengths separated the second and third horses. Son ot a Gun wns fourth. Time : 2:10 : 4B. The Hyde Park plate of 500 sovereigns , for 2-ycar-old colts , 8 stone 12 pounds ; miles. 8- slone 9 pounds , llvo furlongs , was won by Mr. Kalrle'a Itadlant. a chestnut fllly , by Springfield , out of Uadlant. Eight horses ran. Lord Iloughton's Kau d'Or , a chest- nut ¬ fllly , by Hen d'Or ' , out of Chasse Catte , and Mr Weaver's brown fllly , Miss Archer , l y Herald , out of Noisette , ran a dead heat for second place. Foxliall Keenc's bay colt Dimity was also started. The crowd present was the largest ever known at this event , and Included the prlnco- of Wales , the duke of Cambridge and hun ¬ dreds of sporting notabilities. Willie Slmtns , the colored jockey , In the employ of Messrs. Dwyer and Croker , was among those who witnessed the race.- KKSULTS . OM TIII'J HUWMXO TRACKS- .Lous . Shots Get the Kim nt lny ! Dlntrlct- 'Ilirco .TuukcjH Injured. SAN FRANCISCO , April 2l.LonR nhots won all except two races today. Claudius nt 30 to 1 WHS the extreme outsider. In the 2-year-old race there wns a grand tumble. On entering the Htretch Marionette , ridden by It. Isom , stumbled and threw the boy. Vlrgle A , with Lloyd up , and LonoUe Illly , Coady riding , also full. Isom and Lloyd were not badly Injured , but Coady's arm was broken. He hud Just recovered from a previous accident In which his leg wns broken. Summaries : First race. seven furlongs , selling : Claudius , IDS ( Hennessy ) . 30 to 1, won ; Mul ¬ berry , 109 ( Slonnc ) , 4 to 5. second ; Hed Glen , 91 ( Chevalier ) , 3 to 1 , third. Time : lS7 : % . Del Nortc , Charmer and Alary S also ran. Second race , live furlongs , Helling : Ner- vosp - , . ' 2 ( Isom ) , 4 to 1 won ; I51ue Hell. 101 ( Uoyd ) , 10 to 1 , second ; Lulu , 103 ( Coaily ) . 4 to 1, third. Time : 1:02. : Mamie Scott , Julia Martin , Illly. Norlee. Hue Abbott , Gypsy Girl , The Drummer. Dr. Gardner , ISdwnrd S and Swift Sure also ran. Third race , four and a half furlongs , 2-year-olds : Her Majesty , 115 ( Slonne ) , S to I. won ; Monitor. 82 ( Jones ) , 4 to 1 , second ; William 1'lnkerton , 118 ( Covlncton ) , 9 to 5, third. Time : 0:56. : Lenoke , Illly, Vlrglo A , Marionette and Miss Urummcl also ran. Fourth race , mile and a sixteenth , handi- cap ¬ : Lovedel , lit ( Curr ) , 7 to 10. won ; Fllrtllla. ST ( Jones ) . 15 to 1. second ; McUglit. 113 ( Flynn ) , 8 to 1, third. Time : l:47 : i. Mldu.i also ran. Fifth race , live and a half furlongs. sell- Ing - : : Banjo , 100 ( Hlnrlchs ) . 8 to 1, won ; Willie S , 101 ( Slonne ) , 8 to 1, second ; Gold Bug , 109 ( Coffey ) , S to . , third. Time : 1:08. : Quar- tcrstaff. - . Circe , Heallzatton and Seusprny also ran. Sixth rare , six furlongs : Captain Rccs , 10DFlynn ( ) , 3 to 5. won ; Howard , 110 ( Glenn ). I to 1, second ; Mount Air , 90 ( l. om ) , C to 1, third. Time : 1:11. : Royal Flush. Nelson , Rev AHa and Mayday also ran. NASHVILLE. Tenn. , April 21. At Cum ¬ berland park today the weaher was fine and the track fast. Two favorites , a second choice and two third choices Mulshed In front. Trainer Tucker , who has charge of Flelachmnnn & Sons' horses , did not like Jockey Thorpe's rldo on St. Maxim yester ¬ day In the Duncan Hotel handicap and put II. Williamson on Ray S In the third race. Ray S was a 4 to G favorite , but he finished next to last. Results : First race , selling , llve-elphths of a mile : Ressle Nichols ( (5 to 1) won , Pat Tucker ( (2H to 1) ) second , Guilty (3 to 1) third. Time : 1:01 : % . Second race , four furlongs : La Salle (3 to 1)) won , Utopia ( S to 1) second , Dennis ( (3 to 1) third. Time : 0W. : Third race , one mile : Molllo (3 to 1) won , Rasper (2'Xj ' to 1)) second. Shining Belle ( (10- to I ) and Terrapin ( (0 to 1) ran a dead heat for third place. Time : 1:11. : Fourth race , selling , seven-eighths of a mile : Dr. Work ( (3 to 1) won. Rainmaker ( (3 to 1) second , I yon ( (3'-j to 1) third. Time : 1:28. : Fifth nice , six furlongs : Metropole (8 to C) won , Helen W ( (12 to 1) ) second , May Thompson ( (7 to 5) ) third. Time : 1:11' : * . MEMPHIS , April 21. The feature of the day's racing at Montgomery park was the I'eabody handicap , worth $1,475 to the win ¬ ner. Weather cloudy and warm. Track fair. Attendance 4000. Results : First race , six furlongs , Felling : Silver- smith ¬ ( (5 to 1) won , Hilly Rennet (23 to 1) ) second , Mips Clark (9 to 5) third. Time : 1:17. : Second race , purse , four furlongs : Faslg ( S to 5) ) won , Sir Dllke ( (15 to 1) second , Driftwood ( t to 1) third. Time : 0:6114. : Third race , the Peabody handicap , mile and an eighth : Figaro (5 to 1) won , Rhett Geode ( (30 to 1) ) second , Sister Mary (8 to 5) third. Time : lMVt. Fourth race , live and one-half furlongs pursa : Oath ( (2 to 1) won. Urania (2 to l second , Ashland ( (3 to 2) ) third. Time : 1:0314 : Fifth race , two miles , over < "lght hurdler Squarefellow ( (3 to 1) ) won , Ell Klndlg ( (2 to i second , Templemorc ( (3 to 1) third. Time : 3:4Hfe. : ! Sixth race , seven furlongs : Kthel W (5 to 1)) won , High Test ( (13 to 1) second , MoU (5 to 2) ) third. Tim" : 1:31. : WASHINGTON , April 21. The books illi a big day's business at St. Asaph today and Wgyig ** EXPECTANT MOTHERS. > . That our wnnderful remedy "JiOTflERS ' ' FIllBND , " which makes child-birth eaiy mar ft be within the reach of all wo hare reduced thu u * rrlco to no Hollar per bottle. . Bownro of traujn , counterfcltiandiubitltutoi.- 'TAKB . ' NOTHING BUT MOTHERS . . . BOLD BY ALL DUtTCOMTfl. ... HTWrlte for honk "TO StOTRKttS" mailed free. TIIK IIUA1 KIKI.I ItKGIII.ATOli CO. , Q Hole Proprietor ! , Atlu- ntPAINLESS DENTISTRY. BAILEY THE DENTIST M floor I'uxtonl- llocU. . 10th & I'arna , , German spoken. Lady attendant. Tel. 10S3 Teeth extracted without puin patient icmain- Ins conscious. Ureattit local anaesthetic ever discovered. Thou ands sounding Its praise. U cc by no other dentist In this part of the Unite' Rial's. All dental operation at lowest retas U years experience. Seven yean la Omaha.- Jv . ° renc J1"1'1' ' CALTHOS frw. aud H Ivcal Ruaranteotliatt.AiTHOi will RTRV. ' " " ' rrf. A lml..lon , CL'ltK- I 'it it ami fav.atiifitd. . * < dr . VDN MOHCO. .. n lo liarrlrlD AcrfiU , OntUK U, C- hOrtlflrnlo of Publication , Baltimore , In the state of Maryland , 1m complletl with the Insurance law of thl Htate nnd is authorized to transact the lius Iness of imrety In this state fq the current year. Witikoas my hunt ! and the seal of th auditor of public accountH the ilay and yea above written , KUQUNK JIOOUK. Auditor 1'ubllo Accotintfl. A-25M tt fet the best of the hrRiimenl. ns only two favorites won. It wns olllcinlly Riven out lint the trnck will continue to run nfter May U. The UCOIIHC front the Jockey club expires on tlmt date , nttd the tnnnn rera will thrn mnkc nppllcfttlon to the Western Turf cotiKress. Hfforc tlolnfr s o , however, the truck be enlurf d to n mil mile , ns required by the rules of tlmt nsyoclatlon. When the license Is oblnlned It will rnce lx ilnyit n week , In opposition to Alexander Islnnd , nnd will permit the milking of n- 'orelsn l0ok. U-nultfl today : Klrst rnce , live ftirloimx : Wheeler (3 to 1) won , .Mubfl Olt'ti ( S to 5) second , Cucko ( U to 1) third. Time : 1:03. : Second rare , one-hnlf mile : Unndn (15 to 1) ) won , Ilerotlc ( (15 lo 1) second , llvrml ( (5 to 2) ) third. Time : 0:50. : Third race , Fairfax Make ? , 1.000 , seven furlotiK.i : Owlet IS to E ) won , Tln o ( even ) Eccond , 1'nladln ( (10 to 1)) third. Time : 12S. ; I'-otirlh rnce , otio mile : 1-Htlc Mat ( even ) won , Kilkenny ( (7 to B ) second , Bolltolre (8 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:42. : Fifth race , six nml one-half furlong * : Klmj ( lold ( l! to 5) ) won , llammlc ( (6 to 6) croml , Ornui ( (10 to 1)) third. Time : 1:23. : Sixth race , live furlongs : Tancred ( (2 to 5) won , Kttnlrc (12 to 1)) si-i-oud , Lady Adams (SO to 1)) third. Time : 1M. : ST. KOIMS , April 2-Hesults ( at Hast Bt. l.miln ; Firm race , purse , three-eighths of n mile : Charlie Jnly won , l'i-op o' n ay second , Jttibe Hornock third. Time : 0:35- : % . Second rnce , llvc-elRhths of a mile , soil- IIIK - : Itepubllc won. Conductor MeSwccney second , l <ttkc I'arks third. Time : l:0u't. : l ourth race , haiullcnp, one mile : Mlra- beau won , Hey del Mar second , Hobert l-nttn third. Time : IMS. Fifth race , three-tuiartera of a mile , sellI- IIK - : Montolla won. Henry Jenkins second , Ulllv Simderlnnd third. Time : 1:21- .ItOHY. : . . Ind. , April 21. First race , seven- sixteenths of n tnlli : 1'ete Clay won. Deluge second. OeorRC H third. Tims : 0:41'i. : Second race. live furlongs : Little llllly won , Slicnaudonh second , Morao third. Time : 1:0.1 : , Thlnl race , live furlonRs : Helen Wren won , Foxliall second. Caesar third. Time : 1:0.1. : Fourth far * , six furlotiRs : Charm won. Golo second , Tit for Tat third. Time : 1:1 : ! 'J. Fifth race , fifteen-sixteenths of a mile : Our MiWKlt- won , Chvno second , Jim Head third. Time : 1:3SV- 4.C.A.IIIS : . : OF TIII : NATIONAL i.ic.uun : . llnttnil Out I IIP Onmo nml Taken tinIletid if llui Prorioslnn.- CINCINNATI. . . April 2l.Plttsbtirfr batted In streaks , while the hits made by the Ilcds were scattered. Both batted equally well- .lawyer's . wlldnesa cost three runs , and a heavy rally In the seventh gave the 1'ltts- burrjcrs - tlio victory. Attendance , 2300. Score : Cincinnati . 1 l 0 1 0 0 1 t 0-fi Pittsburjr . 2 1)001041 ) 0-8 Hits : Cincinnati. 11 ; rittsburrf , 2. Errors : Cincinnati , 3; I'lttsburR , 0. Kurncd runs : Cincinnati , 2; I'lttsburcr , 4. Two-base hits : Gray , Miller , 2 ; Hey , Ileckley , Cllimmun. Three-bane hits : G. Smith , Hey , 1C. Smith , CecUIey. Stolen bases : Ueoklcy. First base on balls : Off Pwyer. G ; off Ivlllen , 2. lilt by pitcher : Dwyer, 1. Sacrlllce hits : Heck- ley - , SiiRden. lilerbnuer. lintterles : Dwyer nnd Spies ; Klllcn and Sugden. Time : One hour and Ilfty-Ilvc minutes. Umpire : Kins- lie.HAMMING'S WOUK GILT KUGKD. DAIriMOHApril !: SI. Ualtlmorc de ¬ feated Uiooklyn In u hotly contested name. HemmlnK'M work was the feature. He not only held his opponents down to one rim , but led his team In batting , with tuo doubles nnd u single. Attendance , BNW. Score : Haiti morp . 00102000 - 3- llrooklyn . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Hits : Ualtlmore , n; llrooklyn , 8. ISrrors : Ualtlmorc , 2; Brooklyn , 4. Earned runs : Baltimore , 2 : llrooklyn , 1. Three-base hits : Kelly. Two-base hltS : Hemming. 2; Shock. Sacrlllce hits : Duly. Stolen bases : Mc- Graw. - . Struck out : By ( lumber ! , 1; by lldnmlng1 , 2. Bus * on balls : Oil' Gnmbert , 1 ; elf Hemming , 3. Double plays : Kecler to- Brouthers ; McGraw to Jennings to Brouth- ers ; Burns to Corcoran ; Urlllln to Daly- .1'assed . balls : Hoblnson. Batteries : Hem ¬ ming1 nnd Hoblnson ; Gumbcrt nnd Grim. Time : Ono hour nnd forty-live minutes. Umpire : Murray.- SICNATOK8 . COMING NICELY. WASHINGTON , Ajirll 2l.The Washing ¬ ton team continued In good form today and took n game from the rhillles by a score of 5 to 4. Attendance. 4500. Score : Washington . 1 0040000 G Philadelphia . 0 00010300 1 lilts : Washington , 7 : Philadelphia , 12. Errors : Washington , 3 ; Philadelphia , 2. Earned runs : Washington , 1 ; Philadelphia , 1. Two-base hits : Abbey , Hasamaer. Ham ¬ ilton. Three-base hits : Salbach , Italman. Stolen bases : Nicholson , 2 ; Thompson , Ham ¬ ilton , Cross , Cartwrlght. Sacrlllce hits : McGulre , Nicholson. Double plays : Boyle to Hamilton. First base on bulls : Off Mc- Glll - , 7 ; off Stockdale , 1 ; off Malarkey. 1. Left on bases : Washington , V ; Phlladelplila , 10. Struck out : By Stoclulale , 1 ; by Mc- Glll - , 9 ; by Malarkey , 2. Batteries : Mular- key , Stoc'kdule and McGulre ; McGlll and Buckley. Time : Two hours und live min ¬ utes. Umpire : Keefe. BOSTON DOWNS THE GIANTS. NEW YORK. April 24Hu.ile was In good form today , and with any kind of decent support the New Yorks should have defeated the Bostons. The features were the catching by McCarthy and Duffy , and I.on-f'H and N ash's batting. Attendance , 5000. Score : Boston . 0 0003200 0 5 New York . 0 00000120-3 Hits : Bohton , 6 ; New York , 3. Errors : Boston , 7 ; New York , 3. Earned runs : Bos ¬ ton , 1 ; New York , 0. First base by errors : Boston , 2 ; New York , 4. Left on bases : Boston , 5 ; New York , 6. First base on balls : Off Stlvetts , 4; off Husle , 2. Struck out : By StivettH , 4; by Husle , 7. Three- base hits : Nash. Stolen bases : l owe , Col ¬ lins. Ganz-1 , Stlvotts , Davis. Double plays : Lciifj to Lowe to Tucker. 1'acsed balH : Fa ml Batteries : Stlvetts nnd Uanzel ; Ituslc anil Fan-el. Time : Two hours and lour min ¬ utes. Umpire : Campbell- .Hl'TCH . STILL A POWEH. LOUISVILLE , April 24. The home team ontbatted the Colts today , but bad base run- ning ¬ kept the Ecoru down. McOermott pitched a fairly good gnme , but received > oor support. Hutchison was very effective at critical stages nnd received giltedgeds- upport. . Weather , fair. Attendance , 1120. Score : Louisville . 0 00001000 1 Chicago . ' 8 Hits : Louisville , 11 ; Chicago , 7. Errors : Louisville , (J ; Chicago , 0. Earned runs : Louisville , 1. First base on errors : Chi- cago ¬ , 4. Left on bases : Louisville , 8 ; Chi- cago ¬ , 4. First base on balls ; Off McDer- mott - , 2 ; oft Hutchison , 8. Struck out : By McDermott , 2 ; by Hutchison. 2. Three-base hit : Glasscock. Two-base hits : ilyan , Donahue. Sacrlllce hits : Cole , Donahue. Stolen bases : O'Brien , Stewart. Double play : Glasscock ( una.ssli-tcd ) . Hit by pitcher : Anson , Everett. Wild pitches : MeDermott. Passed balls : Cole, 1 ; Dona ¬ hue , 1. Umpire : McDonald. Batteries : Mc- Dermott ¬ nnd Cole ; Hutchison und Donahue.- Tlmo . : Two hours.- M'DOUGAL . WON'T DO.- ST. . . LOUIS. April 24.Costly errors and the weak work of McDougal In the box lost today'H game for the Browns. In the first two Innings the Spiders pounded McDougal hard and often , but were unable to do much with Stnlty. who pitched the last seven Innings , until the eighth , when several more runs were piled up. Attendance , 3,000- .Scure . : St. Louis . 0 00001020-3 Cleveland . 43000003 2-12 Hits : St. Louis 7 : Cleveland. 15. Errorn : St. Louis. 5; Cleveland , 1. Earned runs : Cleveland , 5. Two-base hit : O'Connor- .Threebase . hit : Burkett. Stolen bases : IJttrkctt , Chllds , Dowd. Double plays : Qulnn to Connor. First base on balls : Off Mc- Dougal ¬ , B ; off Staloy. 3 ; off Wallace. 2. Hit by pitched ball : 1W McDougal , 1. Struck out : By McDougal , 2 ; by Staley , 2; by Wallace , 1. Passed balls : ..Peltz , O'Connor. Batter- ies ¬ : McDougal , Staley nnd Peltz ; Wallace and O'Connor. Time : Two hours nnd two minutes. Umpire : Bctz. STANDING OF THE TEAMS.- Played. . . Won. Lost. Per Ct. Plttsburg . fi -1 1 M.O Baltimore . 4 73,0 Boston . 4 75.0 Cincinnati . r 00,0 Chicago . C fiO.O Brooklyn . 4 W.O Washington . 4 2 2 tO.O Louisville . B 40.0- St. . Louis . 5 40.0 New York . 4 1 3 23.0 Philadelphia . 4 I 3 25.0 Cleveland . B 1 4 20,0 Games today : Boston at New York ; Brooklyn at Baltimore ; Philadelphia nl Washington ; Plttsburg at Cincinnati ; Cleve- land at St. Louis ; Chicago at Louisville- .flalnmmil . ( lrt lilt Ittivmign , ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 21. ( Special Tel- egram. - . ) The tables wore turned today , St. Joseph winning the Rnme from Omaha by- n fcore of 18 to C. The game was Interest- Ing - from start to llnlsh. Donnelly was knocked out at the box , nnd Hussln fared no bettor. Hlagle pitched the entlrle game nnd had the Omuhas at hi * mercy. Logui- nnd .lonex mada home runs. Score : St. Joseph . 3 -18 Omaha . ,4 1 0 0 0 U 0 0 1 o Hits : Ht. Joe , 19 ; Omaha. 9. Errors : Bt Joe , 0 : Omaha , 3. Batteries : Ht. Joe , Slagle und CrelKhton ; Omaha. Donnelly , Uussle and Pace. Attendance , 25- 0.Iirnrrr . niuu rut .So Ice , NEW YOIlK , April 2I.A big crowd Bftth"red at the New Manhattan Athletic club this evening. The principal feature o the night was a battle between Jack O'Keefe of Deliver nnd Eddy Sweeney o Brooklyn for lx rounds at 121 pounds. The Denver man weighed fully HO pounJs Therf wii ! not much of anything done In ho llrst round. The vrrstrrn tnnn cnmo icar fan Unit Sweeney twlco by hlitlnir low n the third round. Sweeney fought like iv Trojan In the third. O'Keefe's left cyo vns "bunged up" In the fourth from Swee- ley'x - left hand lab.i. U was * nil one way n the llfth. as Swroney ininohed right nnil eft on the fnro of his ndversnry. lite last wind of the same order , nn l tlto udscs iiHreed on Sweeney ns the winner.- OK . CONKY ISLAND ci.tin STAKKI- .Nomlnntlon . * Itccclvrd for thn Lvrnt to- Ilntr lliuidlrnti Dnlrlri.- NKW . YOltK , April 2l.In the Coney Rlaml club slnkes , closing April 22, tlm lumber of nominations received up to thU Into nro : Suburban handicap, 21 ; Juno inndlcnp , 47 ; Grass Inaugural stakes , 25 ; Swift stakes , 30 ; Spendthrift stakes , 23 ; Zephyr stakes , -IS ; Spring slakes. E5 ; Juno takes , 59 ; Vernal slnkcR , 43 ; Daisy stakes , S ; Tntisy stakes , Dl ; Flight stakes , 12 ; Scp- ember Makes. 25 ; Autumn stakes , 92 ; Flat- ttsh - ) stakes. 63 ; Great Knstern handicap , 77. The entries for the Suburban hnndlcnp are OR follows : Gideon i Daly , Kamapo. h , B , Iltmnymcud or I'ontlnc-Annlo P ; T. U. K F. | . Kenne. Domino , lir c. 4, by Ilmynr-Niinnlc Oroy ; llorail | | o , bc , , by Mr. PIckwIek-Uouiid Dance ; John K , Mc ¬ Donald. Ituhlcon , ch hI , by linn < l'lr.I- llle - . U ; Onyrck Mable Sir Walter. 1 > h. i, by MliUothlati-U'isnlln ; Fiisllcor. b c. 4, IV Hayden-Kdwards-Grenadlne ; Krlt stn- ile - , Luzznrone. i-li c , 4 , by Spendthrlft- tylnnwny - ; Fred Foster , Dr. lllee. ch h. B , iy Onondngu-llonnle Lee ; M. M. Allen , tnssetlaw. lip h , fi , Wy St. Sltnon-Maniuen ; ticmton stable , Soup and Dunce , bg, 4, by I'he Hard-Heel and Toe ; Georwe K. Smith , Candelabra , b h , fi , by Kyrlo Daly-Abra ; J. t J. H. Ituppert , Sport , oh g. 6 , by Wlnfrod- Soucl - ; l iiik'ilnlc , br jf. by LonKfellowSInr- liiltn - ; tiotham , ch c , 3 , hv IroauolsTrnde- vlml - ; II. D. Keech ( i Co. , Kd Kearney , ch c , I , bv Tom Ochllttoo-Mcdu n ; l'hlll | 1. Dwycr. Declare. br c , 4 , by itrntfordi'lnraVllllnm ; Jennys , Dutch Skater , b c , 4 , by Dutch ; ) . V. Connelly , Klorn Thornton , ch f. 4. by Ilillun-lOlsiibn ; Sonsatlon utrtb'e , Ilernld , i h , I. by Knight of Kllerfllle-I.ilcy Jackson ; St. Asajih stable , LlKhtfoot , 4, by Klnder- Olkboni - I iss ; John 10. Madden , llollowny , > S 3 , by liOiiKfellowTropliy- .l'vn . lnnr < nnil n ( Jimrter U'lllinnt n rail.- I1UKFAI.O . , April 21. The wrcstllnR match at Turnhall last nlRht between Hobby IJeakca- of Sliver Creek and James Gllllgan of llavcr- illl - wns one of the most stubbornly contested of nny on record. Tlio men began wrestling a few minutes after 9 o'clock nnd tugged nt- ach other two hours nnd fifteen minutes vlthout cither winning a fall , At the end of that time OllllKan gave up and Denko.i- vns declared the victor. The match was for 250 and the Rate receipts. Two Vriick Ciilornil Toniim. The Lincoln Giants , the crnck colored team of the capital city, have challenged the Wllcox & Draper Shoo House team , which s also composed of colored players. The Wllcox & Drapers have demonstrated that they are n hard lot of nuts to crack , nnd when the two tennis meet u Kreal amateur contest can be safely counted on. It lias tot been definitely settled yet when thu nine will take place , Hllhoiifjh the Wllcox- i Drapcrn have accepted the Giants' chal ¬ lenge. Miivlii Knoi-hs Out .tloRiirthv. ALTON , 111. , April 2l.latrlck Slavln ot San Francisco nnd Jack McCatthy of Chi- cago ¬ fought late last night on an island near this city at welterweights. The light astcd nine rounds. McCarthy was knocked out by n blow on the point of the chin.- I . , iij ( ifnlm I'wliii ; l IlrAd- .DKNV13K . , April 21. "Long John" Kwlng- .irother . of the famous "Illicit" Kwlng , and it one time pitcher for the Now York base mil club , has Just died In this city of con ¬ sumption. The remains will bo sent to Cincinnati , , l.tinc Mit-veiMlH Ljnrh.- WASHINGTON. . . April 21. President Young of the National League has ap- pointed ¬ John Long of the New Kngland- pague n base ball umpire to succeed Um- pire ¬ Lynch.- Deitvnr . 1'oitl Itnfinift ICHldcd- .DENVlOIt. . . April 21. Three pool rooms In this city were raided by the police this af- ternoon. ¬ . The proprietors will resist the at ¬ tempt to close their places. (55 Hours mill 'O is- tlio tlnio i now made by the Burlington Route between Omaha and Spokane. 21 hours and IS minutes faster than any other lino. Tickets and full Information at 1324 Far ¬ nam Street- .irilKK'ii . VUTl'UT Of I'.lUKHfn HOUSES .Movement of Hogs fuiuparei Well with the Srtinn I'.irlixl I. : t Ycnr- .CINCINNATI. . . April 2l.SpeclaI ( Tele- gram. ¬ . ) Tomorrow's Price Current will pay : Western packing for the week , 223,000 hogs , computed with 130,000 the preceding week , nnd 230,000 for the corresponding time last year. From March 1 the total Is 1'J35- OXt , - , against l,9ffiK ( u year ago. Prominent places compare as follows : 1'LACKS- nns.ui 1895 1801. city , Omaha it. LoulH- 'Ini'ltinutl . ... lullutupolls . . Milwaukee . .. ( Trdnr H.iiililB- St. . JOBCpll .. . Slotix ruy . . . . St. 1'jul- Ollunnva The total western packing for the winter season ending Marcli 1 has been " iai.000 hogs , nn Increase of 2,307,000 over the pre- ceding ¬ year. Average weight. 232.72 pounds , an Increase of 15.17 pounds. The manufac ¬ ture of meatH Increased 2 ! S,000,000 pounds nnd of lard C5000.00 ) pounds. Stocks of meats In thu west on Mimh 1 were 411,000- 000 , - pounds , an Increase of lil,00i,000 ! ) ; of pork 2ia,0it ) barrels , an Increase of 111,000 ; of lard .iS.OOO tierces , un Increase of B7030. The western packing for twelve months end- Ing - Marcli 1 was lO.OOJ.rxK ) hogs , and In- cludlnjr - the eastern packing nnd seaboard slaughterings the aggregate amount reached 21019.000 hogs , for which was paid the amount of } 232000COO. Dlhlt.- LUETQENANMrs. . . Elizabeth , beloved wife of Charles Luetgenan , aged 22 years. 8 months. Funeral Friday , April 2G, nt 8:30 : a. m. , from residence of Mrs. Llzzlo Cole, 1022 South Tenth street , to St. Jo- seph ¬ church , Seventeenth and Center streets. Interment at German Cathollo- cemetery. . Married , nt the residence of the hrldc'H mother , Mrs. C. F. Noedham. CIO North Twenty-third street , by Itev. John William *, ( Jeorge 1C. Hlnclc and Virginia A. Needlmm Wednesday , April 21 , 1B95 , at1 o'clock p. m. No cards. TIIK Hi : A LTV INSTUUMKNTS placed on record April 21 , 1835 : n E Trench nnd wife to 1'rederlck Sfhm-ldrr , lot 13 , block 15. Central tmllt. , ! 1,00} 11 K MunninR anil wlfn In U C Kite's , lot 3. block t , II-wl's mi ndil 1 J J Mourn in Alma Rlniccr , lot 18 , Albright ft A'H il ndil . . . SCO AV (1 1cmi.lcluii nnd wlfu lo Eleazcr Uilv. lot 11 , block 1Valnut Hill 8,009 A K Jonas to M II Julias , lota 1 anil 2 , block 3. Kuminlt 1'Ucr 13,000 Mary Frank l > ElUabuth l.'undoii , lot 12 , block 33 , Kmilh Omaha WO i ; M Reed nnd liunbuml to W ( Dunn , lot 0. blnrk 3. 11'- ' & It's M mid 373 John l.nMVity nnd wlfa to .1 A Wrlzen , lot 28 , bind ; I , Obeino & Ii' add 1,700 1) W Merrow an. ) wlfu to M J McUanlel , Ir.t 34 , Nelwm'H ndd 1 M J McIXmlel to Ilrldgut ( < nul , nnmc 2.DOO QUIT CLAIM DREDH. Norah Itoiirlhnn to John Hourllian , lot 1 , Mlllor'H rutxllv 1 Haine to fame , lot 13 , block 1 , Ambler IMaee. 1 II J TwIntlriK to W O Miller, lot 1C , Mock 15 , UniiHcoin I'lacu 1 J I Nlchol to James Nlchol , lot C , block 1 , Hartford add 1 Bnmo to Hame , lotu 4 and 5, block B , New- port - add 1 Master In chancery to J II Morlicad , cH lot 14. and all lot IS , block 0, Heed's l t add HOM County treasurer to J K Toy , lots t and 10 , blnek 1 ! , ArnUer IMnce ; lots 4 and 5 , llren- niti - 1'laio ; lot 13 , block 7, Albright's Annex ; lot 9, block , Hrligi' 1'ltce ; lot 12 , block 3, Clarendon nddi lot K, tlo.k 1 , and lot 0. block 4 , Denman' * I'Ucv ; lad 1 nnd 2, block 4 , Dul'oni 1'lttco ; lot E , block 20 , Florence . . . . Total amount of transfers 5U,7J2- A Bore Throat or Cougb , If Buffered to- progresi , often results In an Incurable throat n r lung tremble. "Brown's Droncrnlal Troches' glvo Instant relief.
1 TT TA TT "SPEOIRL NOTICES.Acl-TcrtlneiiicntA. for tlicua rolumn nlll be-flkrn t, nt II ISISO! p. in. for the erminenncl until H p. in. for the morning nnd

Sep 16, 2020



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Page 1: TT TA TT "SPEOIRL NOTICES.Acl-TcrtlneiiicntA. for tlicua rolumn nlll be-flkrn t, nt II ISISO! p. in. for the erminenncl until H p. in. for the morning nnd





for tlicua rolumn nlll be-

flkrn t, nt II ISISO! p. in. for the erminenncluntil H p. in. for the morning nnd Sundayedition-


, by rrqaratlnB A nnmlmred( heck , can Unto nn cr nOdn fined to anumbered letter In cure of The lice. An *

tucr to ntlflremcil will bo (Irllrorod uponindentation of tlio check only- Rated ,

12c n mini , lint Innertlcn , lo a wordlien after. Nothing tiilieu for 1 thau 20afor Ilrnt Insertion-


iiU > crll cmcnt must tun rntuccu-tltrly.





PAID WEEKLY TO LIVE MEN ;experience nut nccf > ary. Apply 1516 Douglas-



WANTED , . TWO KXl'EIUENCED MKN TO-ll wentern city anil farm properties ; lllwrnl

Inducement * : reforcnces required. Addre N.10. Onmlm lleo. J.1111 _.

UNucbirTTKuiTu nnra CLKIIK , is TO 20 YIISold , muni 15 n rualler. Address Mnfhclr. cnre-of piMlntiin 8S. II-M1W a

WANTED , A MAN TO HOLK'IT POH THK-lilcwnlk buslneta. l.llicrnl commlmlon paid.

Call lt m 626 , 1'qxton Mock. U MIM 2 < *


cTT.ioitk von oiNKitAt: < MB IN-

chandln" Bluie In country town ; youni ? ninn-profprrwl who flicakn Diitilali otvl Ocrniani

Into wnRcii nnd experience. AJdrps.i N 31 ,

care Omaha llro. IIM15-





If no. cngflKe with us for IS93 ; J300 a month.-U.W

.) a yenr ; you can m iltc It euay : six hours

n day Our ngcnts do not complnln of hardtlmc5. Why ? T.iey nrc nmUlnn money lllnour Perfection Ululi Wnnlitr , the only practlcnlfamily wnslicr ninnufiicturid : wn hca drlejand pullshcs dl hea perfectly In two minutes ;

no experience neccnnary : n child of 8 operatesIt ennlly ; cheap nnd durnble : wclclit. thirteenpounds : inndo of anti-rust sheet steel ; capac-ity


IW p'ccos' ; Jl'.OOO for KB equals every fam-ily


wants one ; you don't have to ranvaiw : asnoon as people know you lmvi It for salethey fend for n dluli was'ier : rarh agent sterritory proteclwl ; no competition ; we fur-nish


sample ( welfilis six poumli ) In nice caseto Indy aKnls to take orders with , onj RKentmade J2H.5S first ten days. Addrcsi for fiillparticular * I'crfcctlan Mfc. Co. , Ennlewo3d. III.

. . FIFTY atin.s ron AI.IJ KIMJS-of work. Canadian nmployinent OHIce. 1522

Douglas street. C-MI03 M22

ron oiNEiAi.w-ork.

.. 102S Hoiith ;0lh Aye. C 118 2i *



. homo. Olllco 1 18 Capitol avenue. Tl'7l , | ' '

WANTBD. aim. KOR OF.NnnAI. ; rcfcMtnces required. 1130 S. 20th tjret.

138 28







HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THEO. F. Davis company , 1305 Farnam. D 128

HOUSES ; BENAWA & CO. . 308 N.

FOR RENT , 2113 CAPITOL AVENUE. 11rooms , modern. The O. F. Davis company.-








. M. Rogers , 1323 Fninam street. D M323

PLEASANT DETACHED MODERN 8-ROOMhouse ; nice lawn , barn. Inquire 2003 Pierce st.




CENTRALLY LOCATED. 10-ROOM HOUSE.modern Improvements. Inquire 712 N. 19th-itrcet. . D M333-



_ _

_D-313 M2 *

PLEASANT MODERN C-ROOM 2ND STORYflat ; beautiful lann and Khade. 2121 Miamistreet. D M71-


"MODERN HOUSE. 1533 sifEif-man avenue. S30 ; 10-room modern house , Bur-littte

-( , rear Sherman avenue , > 25 , Byron ReedCo. . 213 South Hlh street. D M7SS M18-

SOlt MASON , BEST LOCATION , 8 ROOMS ,modern , Inwn , J:7.69. $23 Now York Life-



-, newly painted nnd papvied. 950 No.

2th tit. Ono six-room house hack of above ;rent very low. Imuilre KllUennuy & Co. , roomJ. Continental blk. DSII.I-


POK HUNT. PllOM IW.M TO J2500.Bee Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Kiurmm M-


Ms.C'J 30

VERY DESIRABLE HOUSES VACANT MAY1st. j ; II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. Then * 3 < 8-


FOR RENT FLATS AT NORTHEAST CORNERot llth nnd Howard utrcctK. Newly paperednnd painted. Inquire room 311. 1st NationalBank llldir. D-87S 3

FOR RENT. DESIRABLE G-ROOM MODERNcotlnco. one block fl-uni park. 3001 Poppletnn-avenue. .



with Kl'Uablu| Investment Co. , 405 N.Y. Life. D-M970 30


-t C-ioom cottagu with bath In city. 30,15 Call-


et. DmOtMO-Mol"ERN Eiairr-liooM HOUSE , $33"

"I-ERmonth. Inquire 2G1G Capitol nvennn.-


122 20 *

FOR RENT I-ROOM HOUSE nTTl ! IW AOIIESall fenced. Rood well , date to Heluxjl nml streetcar. J. A. Lovgren , 001 N. Y. Lift- .

% 1D121247-

ROOM. . ALL MODERN. OOOD LOCATION.till Jones ntroet. D- 12127-


MODERN TI3N-ROOM HOl'SB. BRICK. G"AS"balh , laundry , furnace ; hanl wo > l Hours ; 33. OJ :k > s , 1W1 Capitol nvejiue , lu

FURNISHED HOUSE FROM JUNE 1ST. TOfginllvllhout yminit children ; rufprenrra re ¬quired. 710 N. 2it Bt. It H5 30 *




HUNT. FURNISHED HOt'SE OF EIGHTroomf , near Ilnnscom park , every mndcin ron-venlrneo.

-. fully und liundnoincly furnished. Willrent only to small f.unlly from May 10 to Nov.

12. AildrcBs N 27 , llee olllce. 098 21


1-370 M3___

FURNISHED ROOM. WITH ALCOVE ; MODI-ern. . M7 So. 25th uve. E MC2S 20 *


.30 *


.M01)BRN. E5752-



FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOM ,all conveniences. Kultable for two or threeEenlU'inrn ; rint very leasonuLle. ' 617 No. 20th-.15S7C21


I , *

rURNISHED. UNPSll. 7. $10 , $11 203 N. 17TH-.B533,1


FOR RENT. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHEDrooms. 2G21 Farnam street. 13 MU2 2S *

FOK RENT , ROOMS , WITH BOARD. 2225.j381' ' _ ! ' 94J 25 *

NICELY FURNIfiHIU ) FRONT ROOMS ANDiKiud. 122 N. 13th. F Mprj 25 *

BUITE OF ROOMS : ALSO SINGLE ROOM ,-with board , In prtvnlv fumll > i reference. *. 2.S14Farnam utreet , F 11113 IS *



IClTDodKO street. ! HIM 16 *



K 27 *

3 LAHC1K I'Nrt'UNIHHEti ItOJMS. SI'lTAltLUfor IlK'it' hniisckrepliiB , cheap to tUht pnrty.


with Ilibt-i'lufa ehelvUtR and counters. In bustbimiiirfH location In North IK-iul , Neb. Therewill In) 400 ncrt's of tieets uruun In tlm nclxh-l orlixxl , which will clrculala can.ildcrahjmonry. In addition to the ivgular f.inu trada.Ky Iwltrr location ran IHI found for dry goods ,hoot * nnd Rhae * nnd cents' fuinlkblnus. ApplyIQ N. J. Joluison , Alum. Neb. 1M11G-

RENT. . THE 4-STORY 1IH1C1C 11UIH ) .Inc. (1C Furnani itr-jet. ThU building hu aBrrpruof cement ba "ment. cumpietd menmhftllnf ; water on nil lloois , ta > . etcApply at thu % fflco cf The ! . I - SU-

TOR RUNT-FIRST OLAS-S THRUU-STORYand bunomml brick store bulUInx at 1005 l i jinam street. Hullable for uny l.lnd nt builnrii*. 'Inyulie room 311. First Nation. ! Ii nk II < jr-

I 3 l i |




A CALL THER15 IS FOR HOUSES ) IPyou want yours rented list them wllh J , It.Pnrrolle. IMugln block. K M258 A31-

IMALU HOUSE OR COTTACJB OF 0 ORrooms , with fair convenience !. Addres * L O ,lie? omc* . K37'-

AST HOfSBS FOR RENT WITH G. O. WAI * ,lace , J12 Brown blk. Have calls for collages.-








2nrsr BTonAOB nt'ii.DiNa m OMAHA , u. s-


- ' . bonded warehouoe ; household KOoOa stored ;lowv t rates. 1013-1016 lt131-TO"Kfl STOnKD DUtltNO SOMMHIt. TBI*SCO. K07 Douglas. Ormha Stove Repair Works.


TOTtAflB AND WARBIIOURn CO. .> th & Jones St . General storam & fonvardlnir.-




.VANTHD. . A STOCK OP QOODB WOHTII ll.COf-lto I60UO. Address M 1 > , Omaha Her.N KM-

riticKs PAID FOR SECOND HANDfurniture. I. Bnissell , 1IM Dodge St-


HW M10-

iVANTni ) . TO IltlY 7 TO 9-llOOM MODKHN-housf , vicinity of llnnscom park ; mu t bo a-

barcaln. . Address N 21 , Hee olllce. N M10223-

iVANTKD AT ONCI3 FOR CASH A FIRSTclass second hand phaeton , mutt ba lightrnnuuli for one horse nnd Rood at new. Ad-dress


Hex No. 6 , Slanton , Neb. N1I321t-ODKRN IIBSIDKNTK NEAR HANSCOMpark ! must be clieapj description nmt-prlre. . Address N 33 , lice. N-1IS 2-





-now. Call 10 to 13 n. m. Account of re-


. CSI South Ijtli Btrect , corner Jnnen-.OM111




2 SEAT OPEN CARRIAOn TO HE SOU1-at cost. J30.00 ; also good Concord liuckboard ,7000. Drummond. P MC23M11-

OIl- HAMS. 8HETLAND PONYrciTY imOKE ;phaeton and harness. 1810 Hnrney street.-


Mill 21 *

OR HALB. OltAY. HIOHT-YEAR-OLD HOUSE ,weight 1IW. Call afternoons , 43th and 1'opulc-ton avenue.Vm Anderson. P M13i 25

FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS100 & CHICKEN FENCE. WIRIJ. BETTER& cheaper than wood. J , J. Leddy , 403 S. Hlh.


WnOSIAN PIANOS , BRIDOBPORT ORGANSWoodbrldga Bros. , 117 8. 17th. q-134

HARDWOOD COMBINATION HOG ANDchicken fence. Chai It. Lee , 9th and Douglas-


FOR SALE. A NO. 1 2ND HAND W-IIORSBpower steel boiler , as good an new. Adrtres"-I' . O. lox eS3. Q-M630-M11

ron SIALE , 2 pitiisii cows. 2so WEHSTER-street. . Q-145



liuslncis medium. Sth year at 113 N. 16th.-



. CLAYTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND CARDreader. Reads cards like an open book. Tellsyour mission on entering. 223 N. Hlh.




BE HUMBUGGED I1Y FORTUNE-tellers , traveling fakirs , etc. If you are In anytrouble send n stamp to Mr. William Garflld6-3D Sixth avenue , DCS Molnes , Iowa , the moiwonderful iiicdlum on earth ; free advice , butudk no questions. Located for years.M129 5 *


3 ; magnetic , vapor, alcohol , steam , sultiherlneand sea baths. T M973 2i


-and electric baths for ladles and gentle ¬

men. Madame Howeil , 320 S. 15th St. . 2d floo-r.TM333M5




639 Mil *

MRS. DR. LEON HAS OPENED ELECTlilCmassage and bath parlors na n first-class In-btltuto for health , refreshing nnd restfulP6UIB from 9 ru m. to 9 p. in. ; first-clans ns'lst-ants.. 412 N. 14th street , near Chicago street.-


M983 27



exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-110 Bee bldg.-13S





. ELECTRO THERMAL BATHSchiropodist. Mme. Post. 319Vi S. 15th st.-



THE UELLE EPPERLY CORSET. MADE TOorder from measure. 1903 Farnam street.


VIAVI co. , sic mn RLDO. ; HEALTH BOOKfiec ; home treatment , lady attendant. U 133



MISS MINNICK'S DRESSMAKING PARLORi2119 Farnara st. Prices reasonable.

U TS1-M13 *

CUT FLOWERSB.tmjuet , hall , residence und grave decorations1S13 Vlnlon street. Telephone 7T8. U M335-

A BOOK ON RHEUMATISM , GOfT , LUM-liap" . Hf>nt fifu to thii o nendlng tlu-lr nclihes-to E. M. Cheamun Mfe. Co. , Plttsburg. I'a-


23 *


real estate. Drennan. Love Si Co. , 1'axton blk-W142

MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THEO. F. D.ivls Co. , 1W3 Farnam st. W-143



MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHAprupcrty. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Fainam-


prvpt'ity. W. Furnani Smith & Co. , 132t ) Farnar-aWl I r-

ANT11ONV LOAN & TRUST CO. , 518 N.Y.LU'Uloans at low rat'.s for choice security In Nebrnnkii and Iowa farms or Omohu city proper !

W-141MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATLat C per cent. W. B. Mclkle , l t Nat. Bk.bld ?


testers' names , who have money to Invest. Jus-compiled. . Full particulars upo.i tequest. In-vestors' Dliectory Co. . 10 Wall street. N. Y-


A25 *


horses , wagons , etc. , at KJUO.SI lines In cityno leniovnl of goods : strictly conlldrntlal ; yocan pay tha loan off at uny time or In an-uinount.


. 3'X' Bo. ICttl St-.X150



MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FL'RNlture. pianos , horses , wagons or any kind ochattel secuilty nt lowest possible rates , whlc>vu cun nay back nt liny time nnd In anamount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO.Room I. Wlthnell block. X151-

MONEV TO LOAN ON FURNITURE ANDpianos. Fred Terry , 430 Raines MOCK. X1M

BUSINESS CHANCES.CLEAN STOCK OF MUSE. BOUGHT. SOLDor exchanged for land. If you want to RInto or get out of business write us. Wmay have what you want. II. O. Mi-Gee , l_ Mal. > St. . Council Bluffs , la. Y M100 A23-

DO YOU"WANT A MONEY MAKB T niCIHTklneloscopes made JS.OuO.W In three monthsWrite "Edison Klnetosrapo Co. , " room 5*Sheely Jilock. Omaha , Neb. YM657-IK"YOU WANT"TO DIsI"OSE"OF STOCK"01

nierchandliia quick addrcm M 20 , Omaha Bee-YJISW

YO SELIOROCKRY STOCK , GOOD LOCAlion , cheap , fixtures nnd elock completebutcher rhop attached. Addiiu , H. E. HumanSI7 N. V. Life Bids. . Omaha. Neb.

_ Y M323-M23 *

WHY NOT SPECULATK TTfHOUGH A RK-rKinslblc| hous nnd get reliable Infnrmatln-as to the market by having your name placed oour list for u dally market bulletin , also senfor our manual on margin trndlnic In grainprovisions und blocks ; both sent free. C. UBtRnwII & Co. . suite H. Traders Ride. . Cn1c so. . Y MS80 25 *

FOR S.U.H. A NICKLY LOCATSU AND WBUarrunzed resUurant. or will not lo rellaWP rty. N 28. Bee.

_Y M S6 21 *

Fo'lt SALE OR TRADE. 3000.00 STO"K OlUf'.ils' und shoes In city of 0000. with coed location. For further luforiuiitlon addresi Flshett Ijtden. Red Ok. la , YM9TT-

T CAPITAL IfAH FORCED Vla cffer an Intereit In our lm > lns < . IlunlnenIs pay m 104 per cent en prc e-t capital FKfill puitlctilnrs call or addrex our a tentt IIU Cu ! & Co. . 1M N lith it. Y-MS 11-13

[is like Corpparip jf Capdl-

brifliapcy of fj? up" to-



wfty SAHTA CLAD5.-



) fj) (> pur b f apd







5.000 TO J100.10 CAPITAL WANTED ; IN'TER-vlew

-solicited ; now enterprlsn ; ! rrltlmate butj-


; resptjnHltilo mnniiKement and 10 per centguaranteed. N 3 ! , lleo. Y 143 30

RECEIVER'S SALE , FROM THIS DATE Iwill sell at private sale oil the bar fixtures ,refrigerators , bottle cam * , nnd olllca llxturcs ;nlso nil the * unlliilalitxl stock , machinery andshafting , with 2 15 H. P. Detroit electric mo-tors.


. N-lonirlnir to the llrm ofTnllncc & Co. ,Incorporated , loonted nt 411 and 413 S. 10th St. ,Om.Lh.i , Neb. . April 23. UUJ. John Jenkins ,receiver , for & Co. , Incorporated.-





CLEAR LINCOLN LOTS AND SOMEmoney to trade far boots and shoes. O. C-


. Hebron , Neb. g-MKi 27 *

WILL TRADE VACANT IX3T OR COTTAOEfor finnlturp of B-room cottage , C. C. Shlmer.211 N Y. Life. H-M13G 25

LOT C0xl23 , CLBAR OF ALL KNCUMHUANCESfor horse and phaeton. Address N 31 , llee.


farms , merchandise. Garvln IJros. , 210 N. Y. L-.RE155





ARE SELLING 11ARGA1N3. AND ITmeans money to buyer and seller to see us.

Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Fnrnnm street.-P.i3

.MC54 30-





-and faims. Jno. N. Frenscr , opp. P. O-



, HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ;sale or trade. F. 1C. Darling , Barker block-



WILL SELL IMPROVED GARDEN LANDSnrar Omalm at prices that will surprise you , Iftaken within 2 weeks. J. II. Sherwood , 423-

N. . Y. Life. RE-M72I

SNAPS , 5 TO G MILES FROM OMAHA I' . O.40. 50 or 120 acres , Improved , J30.W per acre ;200 acres. 135.00 per acre ; 250 acrei. KOOO peracre ; C 10-acre tracts , J73.00 to J100.00 per acre.-Mugt


be sold. 910 N. Y. L. bldg. ReM2v-lbirsTu.n HOUSE 2010 HARNEY STREET, o

rooms , modem Improvements barn for fourhorses , clly water , south front , low price , rea-sonable terms ; posseiwlon Immediately. ApplyRobeit Cowell.JUIl Harney St. RB-M903-30 *


Elegant horns on Wlrt street.Fine bulldliiB silo In Uanscom Place, east fiont.

high and Hlclitly. SO , 75 or 150 feet frontage;''

tha cheapest property In the addition-.Ilcautlful


cast front lot In western port of cityat n snap-


Trust Company , Bole Agents.1702 Farnam Street-






bicycles. Omaha Ulcycle Co. , 3M N. 16lh street.16-


-Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard street.

SEE THE VISIBLE BALL BEARINGS ONRelay Special. Will liarnum & Bro. , I''O N. 13th.


SREMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO. .116 S. 15th street. *lr"31_

A. L. DEANE & CO. . WHOLESALE AND RH-tall bicycles , 1110 Farnam street ; bicycles soldon easy payments. 1C3

LAWN MOWERS AND BICYCLES , GET THEMIn good running order at the Acme , 512 S , 13th-




places , vestibules and large lloors ; write forcatalogue. Milton Rogers * Sons , Omaha.



TO EUROPE. GAZES' TOURS. ESTAB. 1811.Select parlies semi-monthly. Independent tick-ets

¬, all routes. Hotel coupons , passports , pro-


, free. Monthly Gazette , with maps. lOc.-


. GHZP & Sans (L'td ) . McCasua & Sr.aldlnir.1504 Dodge street. M40C M5 *


Infirmary ; dentistry at cost. 18th & Cap. nve.17-



-supplies. 313 S. 15th street , Omaha.



HOTEL BARKER. 1STH AND JONES ST8.75 rooms at 1.50 per day.-b

.) rooms at 12.00 per day.

Special rates to commercial travelers. R mand board by vt >ek or month. Frank Hlldltch ,manager. 171-


.and Dodge. Rooms by day or wee-




FOR PANSIES & VERBENAS GO TO J. W. &K. E. Arnold , 120 N. 15th St. Tel. 132.

531 M 9-


embalmer , 1613 Chicago St. , telephone 90. 1S5




-, 1417 Farnam St. . telephone 225. 16-

0C W , BAKER , UNDERTAKER , C13 S. 16TH ST.1(7-

JUrt.1.( . .

D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL_ omce to 209 S. 16th st. . Brown block. 163

TUB "BEST is TUB CHEAPEST. "NOSMdk'aNo soot. 2,000 pounds of the best Wyomingcool. J4.M , delivered. Just think of It ! Youhave to pay that for dirty , emoky coal. If-


are Icteiestrd In the fuel question usUierldan, coal , 1605 Farnam street. M403


elgn palnllne. brick work , plaatfrlng ; off , H. I ,Uarlcer blk. ; tel. 731 ; ( hop ISI1 IiarJ , tel. 408.


CONTUCTINQ & HL'ILDINa , CAHI-KNTKIljobbing anil rufrlgi-rator work a epeclalty. Lockllox IW. Omnlm. M321 4


Interest on cuvln s. Apply to Omaha L. & U.A Vn. 1701 lleo bid ;. U. W. Nattlnger , Sec.

. 17-3EIIAHES IN MUTUAL L. & U. ASS'N I'AY<, 1, 8 r r cent when 1 , 1 , 3 years old. nlwnyi

redeemable. 1704 Parnam et. Nattlnger Sec.174


.. n. A. CONNOLLV. FOIlMUnLY MISSbmllh : artistic drt-simaklnir. mom 10 , Ilush >

man block. N. E. lith nnd Douglas : pricesrrsronable. U145 9 *

MHH. a A. LUCAS HAS IIKTUHNBI ) ANDoprnetl parlors at 10M pouglas strett. where shewill bo pleased to M her former friends.-M1J7





718-720 M. th St. Tel. 033. Service suamntceil.U. S. O. Kulm , Mgr. ; Put Ward , foreman.

125 M2-

3ELECIKIOAL SUPPLIESELECTRICAL ENOINKKUS AND COXTRAC-ors for electric llxht nnd motor plants and all

kinds of electrical construction. Western J51oc-trlcal

-Supply Co. , 1315 Howard at. 178


T. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 174



. It. MARTIN , 1 * . O. HOX 331 , OMAHA ; 3HDhome west D , & D. Institute. M90C A 2S


anonon p. aiiLLGNiuocic. UANJO ANDguitar teacher. 1911 Cass street. M109











This extraordinary Rejuvcnator Is the mostwonderful discovery of the ago. It has beenendorsed by tholcadlncrscientificinenofKiuopo

, , MI and America. ff&** _nudyan ispurely vogo-table-.Hudjrnn



of the dischargeIn It) days.



Blonitlpatlon( , Dizziness , Falling Sensations,Nervous Twnchlug of the * yes nnd other paits.EtrenKthena , Invigorates and tours the entireBystom. cures Debility, Nervousness ,Kuilsalous , and covelopcs and restores wentorgaiu. I'nlus In the back , 'OJRCS by day 01night are Hopped quickly. Owr 2,000 privateendorsements-


means Impotency In the firststago. It Is a fymptomof seminal weakness andbarrenness. It can be stopped lu 'JO days by tbouse of Hudyan.

The new 'discovery was made by the Special-ists


of tlioold famous II ud coil Medical Insti-tute.


. It is the strongest vltallzcr made. It Isvery powerful , but harmless. Sold for Sl.OO apackage or d packages for M.OO (plain scaledboxes ) . Written guarantee Riven for a cure. If-yoabuyslx boxes and are not entirely cured ,six more will ho sent to you freeof all charges.

Send for circulars and testimonials. Address



ILawyers and solicitors. SUES & CO. Dee

BulMIng , OMAHA , Nub. Advlco FREE


Leaves iMUKLINOTO.V & Atu |OmahalUulon Depot, 10th & Mason SU. | UnuliqI-

0:15um: Denver Exprets , uTiaurT< ; ;5pmLJllc. Hills. Mont. & Puset Snd. Ex 4lupn

: Sipm Denver Uipieaa 4lupn6M6pm.Nebraska Local (exc-pt aund.iy ) . 7:45pn:6:15am..Lincoln: Local ( except Sunday.U:2JuB) :2j45pmi.Fu t Mall ( for Lincoln ) Dally. . . .

Leaves ICHICAOOrBURLINGTON & g.lArrlves"-OmahaUnion) Depot , loth & Maaon Sta. | Umaha-4:45pm: Chicago Vestibule SiSOoin

:Wim Chicago Kxpreis 4:15pm:7Wpm.Chicago: and St. Louis Express. . : i amllSam: 1'aclHo Junction Local C10pmFast Mali 24jpm;

Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. . * ST. 1AUL.IArrlves|OmitliaUnlon| Depot , lota & Mu on Ula.l Omaha6X: i m Criicago Dinned ::30arnll10am.Chicago; Expreai ( ex. Sun. ) . , . , 6:00pm:

Leaves ( CHICAGO & NOaTHWEST-NTJArriveTOTnahaUnlonUepot._ 1811) ) (i Mason SU. | OmahallOSam , . . . . Eaaterri. Express. . . . , Bl30mn4:00pm: Veitlbiiled Llrrltp.1 t:40im:

:Uam Mo. Valley .Locu , 10:30pm:6:45pm: Omaha SueoiolChicago 315i; ni

Leaves CHICAQO. R. IF* PACIFIC. lArrWea'-OmahalUnlon Uepot. IQtli tn Mason riLB.I Omah.-

ill:00am..Atlantic KxptLSI. lex. Sunday ) . . 5:6: pnC:25pm MKllt. Hipfegj ::35jni-.aopm..Chicago Ve flbuled Limited. . . . liSJpm-Wfc T.

sun.10:35an) :

;25amNebraska. Passuncer (dally ) ,4Sopm.8Ioux City Exprta ( ex. Bun.ll65am) :t10pm St. Paul , i-tpilied 103jqn

"" " l * SlbJTVALLEV , lArnvtsOmalial Depot. Utfc and W D ter du. | Omaha2:10pm: Feat Alall , a'J'I, -Jxpreas 4:5Jpm:2:10pm.: . ( x. Sat. ; .Vyo , elex. . Mon. ) . . 45pro:

:05am..Norfolk Eii-rk (ex. Sunda > ? ,10JOan:C'.lOpm. ; ExpresV7.y: : ; :

Leave * I K. C. . ST. J. & C. IJ. I Arrive.jOinahaJUnlpn Depot , 10th & Mason B : . ( OmahaS.-uOutn Kansas City ljy Uxpreaa ;$ ;4tpmK. C. Night Ex. yl U. l >

. tx&mLeaves I MISSOURI "PACIFIC. lAITlves_Omaha _Deppt , 15th and Webster Bts. [ Onmlial-OMOain. . . ,. St. Louis Bxpresa. 6ar:l:30pm: . St. Louli Bxpress. 6OSpm:

JjlOura . .j Nebfatk * Local ( ex. tiun. ). ;00an-

L avf'I'8IOUX ClTY"& PACIFia"JArrlve

OnuUuil Depot , 15th end Wtbuter ms.JMUmahal-fptn.! . . . . . . . 3t. ' Paul '

Limited.1035amLeaves SlOUX CITY &

*PACIFIC lArrlvesOni haUplon| Depot , lOtli & Ma onStj.JOmaha-

"l Sam.Sioux City Passenger. . ..T..10:3Jpn-TUipr

:atP_ ulLlmlled-L

_ :

> ves V ONION P"ACIFU; :

OmchalUnlon Depot. 10th A Mason St . | Orrtil.a-U.uVAin. . . . Kearney Express.Ib0um.Overland Flyer. . .. t :35pnlOOpm.Bca'tce & Stromsb'K Bx. (ex. Sun ) , : ipm130pm. , . . , ,. Pacific Express. I0ii: m. . .. Fast Mall. . . ..

. lArrlvetl Union Depot. 10th ft Mason Hts.lOmnlu

. . . . .Ct, LouU Cannon OalI.UUoiu; :


Mr , L , Cannon's Bay Colt Eotnindor Winstbo Rich Stako.-




Unit n G'lino llnuli nt tlin rinUh with Stowmnrkct Who Mm Second by

Half n Length llnccs-nt

LONDON , April 21. The followliiR Is tlioremit of the City nml Suburban tiamllcnp utEpsom today : Mr. L. Cannon's bay colt Kc-minder , by Melacon , out of Postscript , 4rears old , carrying 8 stone 9 pounds , won ;

Mr. n. 1. Darnalo's chestnut colt , Stowmar-kot

-, by Timothy , out of Lcnax , 4 years old ,

carrying S stone 9 pounds , second ; Mr. It-


Irish Tar , a bay fllly , by Graf-ton

-, out of Pride of Klldare , 4 years old ,

carrying 7 stone G pounds , third. Nineteenhorses ran. Mogul , shortly otter the start ,

settled with the lead , which he held to thetop of the hill , when Hard of Avon drew to-

ran. . Lord llcughton's Eau d'Or , a chcst-Uemlmler

-, who drew out , followed by Slow-

market , and won by half a length. Fourlengths separated the second and thirdhorses. Son ot a Gun wns fourth. Time :2:10: 4B.

The Hyde Park plate of 500 sovereigns , for2-ycar-old colts , 8 stone 12 pounds ; miles. 8-

slone 9 pounds , llvo furlongs , was won byMr. Kalrle'a Itadlant. a chestnut fllly , bySpringfield , out of Uadlant. Eight horsesran. Lord Iloughton's Kau d'Or , a chest-nut

¬fllly , by Hen d'Or' , out of Chasse Catte ,

and Mr Weaver's brown fllly , Miss Archer ,l y Herald , out of Noisette , ran a dead heatfor second place. Foxliall Keenc's bay coltDimity was also started.

The crowd present was the largest everknown at this event , and Included the prlnco-of Wales , the duke of Cambridge and hun ¬

dreds of sporting notabilities. Willie Slmtns ,the colored jockey , In the employ of Messrs.Dwyer and Croker , was among those whowitnessed the race.-






Shots Get the Kim nt lny! Dlntrlct-'Ilirco .TuukcjH Injured.

SAN FRANCISCO , April 2l.LonR nhotswon all except two races today. Claudiusnt 30 to 1 WHS the extreme outsider. In the2-year-old race there wns a grand tumble.On entering the Htretch Marionette , riddenby It. Isom , stumbled and threw the boy.Vlrgle A , with Lloyd up , and LonoUe Illly ,Coady riding , also full. Isom and Lloydwere not badly Injured , but Coady's armwas broken. He hud Just recovered from aprevious accident In which his leg wnsbroken. Summaries :

First race. seven furlongs , selling :Claudius , IDS ( Hennessy ) . 30 to 1 , won ; Mul ¬berry , 109 ( Slonnc ) , 4 to 5. second ; Hed Glen ,91 ( Chevalier ) , 3 to 1 , third. Time : lS7: % .Del Nortc , Charmer and Alary S also ran.Second race , live furlongs , Helling : Ner-vosp -

, .' 2 ( Isom ) , 4 to 1 won ; I51ue Hell. 101( Uoyd ) , 10 to 1 , second ; Lulu , 103 ( Coaily ) .4 to 1 , third. Time : 1:02.: Mamie Scott ,Julia Martin , Illly. Norlee. Hue Abbott ,Gypsy Girl , The Drummer. Dr. Gardner ,ISdwnrd S and Swift Sure also ran.Third race , four and a half furlongs ,2-year-olds : Her Majesty , 115 ( Slonne ) , S toI. won ; Monitor. 82 (Jones ) , 4 to 1 , second ;William 1'lnkerton , 118 ( Covlncton ) , 9 to 5 ,third. Time : 0:56.: Lenoke , Illly , Vlrglo A ,Marionette and Miss Urummcl also ran.

Fourth race , mile and a sixteenth , handi-cap

¬: Lovedel , lit ( Curr ) , 7 to 10. won ;

Fllrtllla. ST (Jones ) . 15 to 1. second ; McUglit.113 ( Flynn ) , 8 to 1 , third. Time : l:47: i.Mldu.i also ran.

Fifth race , live and a half furlongs. sell-Ing

-: : Banjo , 100 ( Hlnrlchs ) . 8 to 1 , won ; WillieS , 101 ( Slonne ) , 8 to 1 , second ; Gold Bug ,

109 ( Coffey ) , S to . , third. Time : 1:08.: Quar-tcrstaff.

-. Circe , Heallzatton and Seusprny

also ran.Sixth rare , six furlongs : Captain Rccs ,10DFlynn( ) , 3 to 5. won ; Howard , 110 (Glenn ) .

I to 1 , second ; Mount Air , 90 ( l. om ) , C to 1 ,third. Time : 1:11.: Royal Flush. Nelson ,Rev AHa and Mayday also ran.

NASHVILLE. Tenn. , April 21. At Cum ¬

berland park today the weaher was fineand the track fast. Two favorites , a secondchoice and two third choices Mulshed Infront. Trainer Tucker , who has charge ofFlelachmnnn & Sons' horses , did not likeJockey Thorpe's rldo on St. Maxim yester¬day In the Duncan Hotel handicap and putII. Williamson on Ray S In the third race.Ray S was a 4 to G favorite , but he finishednext to last. Results :

First race , selling , llve-elphths of a mile :Ressle Nichols ((5 to 1)) won , Pat Tucker((2H to 1)) second , Guilty ((3 to 1)) third. Time :

1:01: % .

Second race , four furlongs : La Salle ((3to 1)) won , Utopia (S to 1)) second , Dennis((3 to 1)) third. Time : 0W.:

Third race , one mile : Molllo ((3 to 1)) won ,Rasper ((2'Xj' to 1)) second. Shining Belle ((10-

to I ) and Terrapin ((0 to 1)) ran a dead heatfor third place. Time : 1:11.:

Fourth race , selling , seven-eighths of amile : Dr. Work ((3 to 1)) won. Rainmaker((3 to 1)) second , I yon ((3'-j to 1)) third.Time : 1:28.:

Fifth nice , six furlongs : Metropole ((8 toC ) won , Helen W ((12 to 1)) second , MayThompson ((7 to 5)) third. Time : 1:11': * .

MEMPHIS , April 21. The feature of theday's racing at Montgomery park was theI'eabody handicap , worth $1,475 to the win ¬

ner. Weather cloudy and warm. Trackfair. Attendance 4000. Results :

First race , six furlongs , Felling : Silver-smith

¬((5 to 1) won , Hilly Rennet ((23 to 1))

second , Mips Clark (9 to 5)) third. Time :


Second race , purse , four furlongs : Faslg(S to 5)) won , Sir Dllke ((15 to 1) second ,Driftwood ( t to 1)) third. Time : 0:6114.:

Third race , the Peabody handicap , mileand an eighth : Figaro ((5 to 1) won , RhettGeode ((30 to 1)) second , Sister Mary ((8 to 5))third. Time : lMVt.

Fourth race , live and one-half furlongspursa : Oath ((2 to 1)) won. Urania ((2 to lsecond , Ashland ((3 to 2)) third. Time : 1:0314:

Fifth race , two miles , over <"lght hurdlerSquarefellow ((3 to 1)) won , Ell Klndlg ((2 to isecond , Templemorc ((3 to 1)) third. Time :3:4Hfe.: !

Sixth race , seven furlongs : Kthel W (5 to1)) won , High Test ((13 to 1) second , MoU(5 to 2)) third. Tim" : 1:31.:

WASHINGTON , April 21. The books illia big day's business at St. Asaph today and


> . That our wnnderful remedy "JiOTflERS' ' FIllBND ," which makes child-birth eaiy marft be within the reach of all wo hare reduced thu u* rrlco to no Hollar per bottle. . Bownro oftraujn , counterfcltiandiubitltutoi.-




. . . BOLD BY ALL DUtTCOMTfl. . . .HTWrlte for honk "TO StOTRKttS" mailed

free. TIIK IIUA1 KIKI.I ItKGIII.ATOli CO. ,Q Hole Proprietor ! , Atlu-



DENTISTM floor I'uxtonl-

llocU. .

10th & I'arna ,,German spoken. Lady attendant. Tel. 10S3

Teeth extracted without puin patient icmain-Ins conscious. Ureattit local anaesthetic everdiscovered. Thou ands sounding Its praise. U ccby no other dentist In this part of the Unite'Rial's. All dental operation at lowest retas Uyears experience. Seven yean la Omaha.-



° rencJ1"1'1' ' CALTHOS frw. aud HIvcal Ruaranteotliatt.AiTHOi willRTRV. '"" ' rrf. A lml..lon ,CL'ltK-

I 'it it ami fav.atiifitd. .* <dr . VDN MOHCO. . .

n lo liarrlrlD AcrfiU , OntUK U , C-

hOrtlflrnlo of Publication ,

Baltimore , In the state of Maryland , 1mcomplletl with the Insurance law of thlHtate nnd is authorized to transact the liusIness of imrety In this state fqthe current year.

Witikoas my hunt ! and the seal of thauditor of public accountH the ilay and yeaabove written , KUQUNK JIOOUK.Auditor 1'ubllo Accotintfl.

A-25M tt

fet the best of the hrRiimenl. ns only twofavorites won. It wns olllcinlly Riven outlint the trnck will continue to run nfterMay U. The UCOIIHC front the Jockey clubexpires on tlmt date , nttd the tnnnn rerawill thrn mnkc nppllcfttlon to the WesternTurf cotiKress. Hfforc tlolnfr s o , however,the truck be enlurf d to n mil mile , nsrequired by the rules of tlmt nsyoclatlon.When the license Is oblnlned It will rncelx ilnyit n week , In opposition to Alexander

Islnnd , nnd will permit the milking of n-'orelsn l0ok. U-nultfl today :

Klrst rnce , live ftirloimx : Wheeler (3 to 1))won , .Mubfl Olt'ti (S to 5)) second , Cucko ( Uto 1)) third. Time : 1:03.:

Second rare , one-hnlf mile : Unndn ((15 to 1))won , Ilerotlc ((15 lo 1)) second , llvrml ((5 to 2))third. Time : 0:50.:

Third race , Fairfax Make ? , 1.000 , sevenfurlotiK.i : Owlet IS to E ) won , Tln o (even )Eccond , 1'nladln ((10 to 1)) third. Time : 12S.;

I'-otirlh rnce , otio mile : 1-Htlc Mat (even )won , Kilkenny ((7 to B ) second , Bolltolre((8 to 1)) third. Time : 1:42.:

Fifth race , six nml one-half furlong * :Klmj (lold ( l! to 5)) won , llammlc ((6 to 6)croml , Ornui ((10 to 1)) third. Time : 1:23.:Sixth race , live furlongs : Tancred ((2 to 5))

won , Kttnlrc (12 to 1)) si-i-oud , Lady Adams(SO to 1)) third. Time : 1M.:

ST. KOIMS , April 2-Hesults( at Hast Bt.l.miln ;

Firm race , purse , three-eighths of n mile :Charlie Jnly won , l'i-op o' n ay second ,Jttibe Hornock third. Time : 0:35-: % .

Second rnce , llvc-elRhths of a mile , soil-IIIK

-: Itepubllc won. Conductor MeSwccney

second , l <ttkc I'arks third. Time : l:0u't.:

l ourth race , haiullcnp, one mile : Mlra-beau won , Hey del Mar second , Hobertl-nttn third. Time : IMS.

Fifth race , three-tuiartera of a mile , sellI-IIK

-: Montolla won. Henry Jenkins second ,

Ulllv Simderlnnd third. Time : 1:21-.ItOHY.

: .

. Ind. , April 21. First race , seven-sixteenths of n tnlli : 1'ete Clay won. Delugesecond. OeorRC H third. Tims : 0:41'i.:

Second race. live furlongs : Little lllllywon , Slicnaudonh second , Morao third.Time : 1:0.1: ,

Thlnl race , live furlonRs : Helen Wrenwon , Foxliall second. Caesar third. Time :1:0.1.:

Fourth far* , six furlotiRs : Charm won.Golo second , Tit for Tat third. Time : 1:1: ! 'J.

Fifth race , fifteen-sixteenths of a mile :

Our MiWKlt- won , Chvno second , Jim Headthird. Time : 1:3SV-


: .

: OF TIII : NATIONAL i.ic.uun : .

llnttnil Out I IIP Onmo nml TakentinIletid if llui Prorioslnn.-


. April 2l.Plttsbtirfr battedIn streaks , while the hits made by the Ilcdswere scattered. Both batted equally's


wlldnesa cost three runs , and aheavy rally In the seventh gave the 1'ltts-burrjcrs


tlio victory. Attendance , 2300.Score :

Cincinnati . 1 l 0 1 0 0 1 t 0-fiPittsburjr. 2 1)001041) 0-8

Hits : Cincinnati. 11 ; rittsburrf , 2. Errors :Cincinnati , 3 ; I'lttsburR , 0. Kurncd runs :

Cincinnati , 2 ; I'lttsburcr , 4. Two-base hits :

Gray , Miller , 2 ; Hey , Ileckley , Cllimmun.Three-bane hits : G. Smith , Hey , 1C. Smith ,CecUIey. Stolen bases : Ueoklcy. First baseon balls : Off Pwyer. G ; off Ivlllen , 2. liltby pitcher : Dwyer, 1. Sacrlllce hits : Heck-ley

-, SiiRden. lilerbnuer. lintterles : Dwyer

nnd Spies ; Klllcn and Sugden. Time : Onehour and Ilfty-Ilvc minutes. Umpire : Kins-lie.HAMMING'S WOUK GILT KUGKD.

DAIriMOHApril! : SI. Ualtlmorc de ¬

feated Uiooklyn In u hotly contested name.HemmlnK'M work was the feature. He notonly held his opponents down to one rim ,

but led his team In batting , with tuodoubles nnd u single. Attendance , BNW.Score :

Haiti morp . 00102000 -3-

llrooklyn. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

Hits : Ualtlmore , n ; llrooklyn , 8. ISrrors :Ualtlmorc , 2 ; Brooklyn , 4. Earned runs :

Baltimore , 2 : llrooklyn , 1. Three-base hits :Kelly. Two-base hltS : Hemming. 2 ; Shock.Sacrlllce hits : Duly. Stolen bases : Mc-Graw.

-. Struck out : By (lumber ! , 1 ; by

lldnmlng1 , 2. Bus * on balls : Oil' Gnmbert , 1 ;elf Hemming , 3. Double plays : Kecler to-Brouthers ; McGraw to Jennings to Brouth-ers ; Burns to Corcoran ; Urlllln to Daly-.1'assed


balls : Hoblnson. Batteries : Hem ¬

ming1 nnd Hoblnson ; Gumbcrt nnd Grim.Time : Ono hour nnd forty-live minutes.Umpire : Murray.-


COMING NICELY.WASHINGTON , Ajirll 2l.The Washing ¬

ton team continued In good form today andtook n game from the rhillles by a score of5 to 4. Attendance. 4500. Score :

Washington . 1 0040000 G

Philadelphia . 0 00010300 1

lilts : Washington , 7 : Philadelphia , 12.Errors : Washington , 3 ; Philadelphia , 2.Earned runs : Washington , 1 ; Philadelphia ,1. Two-base hits : Abbey , Hasamaer. Ham ¬

ilton. Three-base hits : Salbach , Italman.Stolen bases : Nicholson , 2 ; Thompson , Ham¬

ilton , Cross , Cartwrlght. Sacrlllce hits :McGulre , Nicholson. Double plays : Boyleto Hamilton. First base on bulls : Off Mc-Glll

-, 7 ; off Stockdale , 1 ; off Malarkey. 1.

Left on bases : Washington , V ; Phlladelplila ,10. Struck out : By Stoclulale , 1 ; by Mc-Glll

-, 9 ; by Malarkey , 2. Batteries : Mular-

key , Stoc'kdule and McGulre ; McGlll andBuckley. Time : Two hours und live min ¬

utes. Umpire : Keefe.BOSTON DOWNS THE GIANTS.

NEW YORK. April 24Hu.ile was Ingood form today , and with any kind ofdecent support the New Yorks should havedefeated the Bostons. The features werethe catching by McCarthy and Duffy , andI.on-f'H and N ash's batting. Attendance ,5000. Score :

Boston.0 0003200 0 5New York.0 00000120-3Hits : Bohton , 6 ; New York , 3. Errors :Boston , 7 ; New York , 3. Earned runs : Bos ¬

ton , 1 ; New York , 0. First base by errors :Boston , 2 ; New York , 4. Left on bases :

Boston , 5 ; New York , 6. First base onballs : Off Stlvetts , 4 ; off Husle , 2. Struckout : By StivettH , 4 ; by Husle , 7. Three-base hits : Nash. Stolen bases : l owe , Col ¬

lins. Ganz-1 , Stlvotts , Davis. Double plays :

Lciifj to Lowe to Tucker. 1'acsed balH : Fa mlBatteries : Stlvetts nnd Uanzel ; Ituslc anilFan-el. Time : Two hours and lour min ¬

utes. Umpire : Campbell-.Hl'TCH


STILL A POWEH.LOUISVILLE , April 24. The home team

ontbatted the Colts today , but bad base run-ning


kept the Ecoru down. McOermottpitched a fairly good gnme , but received>oor support. Hutchison was very effectiveat critical stages nnd received giltedgeds-

upport. . Weather , fair. Attendance , 1120.Score :

Louisville . 0 00001000 1Chicago . ' 8

Hits : Louisville , 11 ; Chicago , 7. Errors :

Louisville , (J ; Chicago , 0. Earned runs :

Louisville , 1. First base on errors : Chi-cago


, 4. Left on bases : Louisville , 8 ; Chi-cago


, 4. First base on balls ; Off McDer-mott

-, 2 ; oft Hutchison , 8. Struck out : By

McDermott , 2 ; by Hutchison. 2. Three-basehit : Glasscock. Two-base hits : ilyan ,

Donahue. Sacrlllce hits : Cole , Donahue.Stolen bases : O'Brien , Stewart. Doubleplay : Glasscock ( una.ssli-tcd ) . Hit bypitcher : Anson , Everett. Wild pitches :

MeDermott. Passed balls : Cole, 1 ; Dona ¬

hue , 1. Umpire : McDonald. Batteries : Mc-Dermott


nnd Cole ; Hutchison und Donahue.-Tlmo

.: Two hours.-




. LOUIS. April 24.Costly errors andthe weak work of McDougal In the box losttoday'H game for the Browns. In the firsttwo Innings the Spiders pounded McDougalhard and often , but were unable to do muchwith Stnlty. who pitched the last sevenInnings , until the eighth , when several moreruns were piled up. Attendance , 3,000-.Scure


St. Louis. 0 00001020-3Cleveland . 43000003 2-12Hits : St. Louis 7 : Cleveland. 15. Errorn :

St. Louis. 5 ; Cleveland , 1. Earned runs :Cleveland , 5. Two-base hit : O'Connor-.Threebase

.hit : Burkett. Stolen bases :

IJttrkctt , Chllds , Dowd. Double plays :Qulnn to Connor. First base on balls : Off Mc-Dougal


, B ; off Staloy. 3 ; off Wallace. 2. Hit bypitched ball : 1W McDougal , 1. Struck out :

By McDougal , 2 ; by Staley , 2 ; by Wallace ,1. Passed balls : ..Peltz , O'Connor. Batter-ies


: McDougal , Staley nnd Peltz ; Wallaceand O'Connor. Time : Two hours nnd twominutes. Umpire : Bctz.



. Won. Lost. Per Ct.Plttsburg . fi -1 1 M.OBaltimore . 4 73,0Boston. 4 75.0Cincinnati. r 00,0Chicago. C fiO.OBrooklyn . 4 W.OWashington . 4 2 2 tO.OLouisville . B 40.0-St. . Louis. 5 40.0New York. 4 1 3 23.0Philadelphia . 4 I 3 25.0Cleveland . B 1 4 20,0

Games today : Boston at New York ;Brooklyn at Baltimore ; Philadelphia nlWashington ; Plttsburg at Cincinnati ; Cleve-land at St. Louis ; Chicago at Louisville-


( lrt lilt Ittivmign ,

ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 21. ( Special Tel-egram.

-. ) The tables wore turned today , St.

Joseph winning the Rnme from Omaha by-n fcore of 18 to C. The game was Interest-Ing

-from start to llnlsh. Donnelly was

knocked out at the box , nnd Hussln faredno bettor. Hlagle pitched the entlrle gamennd had the Omuhas at hi * mercy. Logui-nnd .lonex mada home runs. Score :St. Joseph .3 -18Omaha. ,4 1 0 0 0 U 0 0 1 o

Hits : Ht. Joe , 19 ; Omaha. 9. Errors : BtJoe , 0 : Omaha , 3. Batteries : Ht. Joe , Slagleund CrelKhton ; Omaha. Donnelly , Uussleand Pace. Attendance , 25-



niuu rut .So Ice ,

NEW YOIlK , April 2I.A big crowdBftth"red at the New Manhattan Athleticclub this evening. The principal feature othe night was a battle between JackO'Keefe of Deliver nnd Eddy Sweeney oBrooklyn for lx rounds at 121 pounds. TheDenver man weighed fully HO pounJs

Therf wii! not much of anything done Inho llrst round. The vrrstrrn tnnn cnmoicar fan Unit Sweeney twlco by hlitlnir lown the third round. Sweeney fought like ivTrojan In the third. O'Keefe's left cyovns "bunged up" In the fourth from Swee-ley'x

-left hand lab.i. U was * nil one way

n the llfth. as Swroney ininohed right nnileft on the fnro of his ndversnry. lite lastwind of the same order , nn l tltoudscs iiHreed on Sweeney ns the winner.-






* Itccclvrd for thn Lvrnt to-Ilntr lliuidlrnti Dnlrlri.-


YOltK , April 2l.In the ConeyRlaml club slnkes , closing April 22, tlmlumber of nominations received up to thUInto nro : Suburban handicap , 21 ; Junoinndlcnp , 47 ; Grass Inaugural stakes , 25 ;

Swift stakes , 30 ; Spendthrift stakes , 23 ;Zephyr stakes , -IS ; Spring slakes. E5 ; Junotakes , 59 ; Vernal slnkcR , 43 ; Daisy stakes ,S ; Tntisy stakes , Dl ; Flight stakes , 12 ; Scp-ember Makes. 25 ; Autumn stakes , 92 ; Flat-ttsh

-) stakes. 63 ; Great Knstern handicap , 77.The entries for the Suburban hnndlcnp

are OR follows : Gideon i Daly , Kamapo.h , B , Iltmnymcud or I'ontlnc-Annlo P ;

T. U. K F. | . Kenne. Domino , lir c. 4 , byIlmynr-Niinnlc Oroy ; llorail| | o , b c , , by

Mr. PIckwIek-Uouiid Dance ; John K , Mc ¬

Donald. Ituhlcon , ch hI , by linn < l'lr.I-llle-

. U ; Onyrck Mable Sir Walter. 1 > h.i , by MliUothlati-U'isnlln ; Fiisllcor. b c. 4 ,IV Hayden-Kdwards-Grenadlne ; Krlt stn-ile

-, Luzznrone. i-li c , 4 , by Spendthrlft-


; Fred Foster , Dr. lllee. ch h. B ,iy Onondngu-llonnle Lee ; M. M. Allen ,tnssetlaw. lip h , fi , Wy St. Sltnon-Maniuen ;ticmton stable , Soup and Dunce , b g , 4 , by

I'he Hard-Heel and Toe ; Georwe K. Smith ,

Candelabra , b h , fi , by Kyrlo Daly-Abra ; J.t J. H. Ituppert , Sport , oh g. 6 , by Wlnfrod-Soucl

-; l iiik'ilnlc , br jf. by LonKfellowSInr-


; tiotham , ch c , 3 , hv IroauolsTrnde-vlml

-; II. D. Keech (i Co. , Kd Kearney , ch c ,

I , bv Tom Ochllttoo-Mcdu n ; l'hlll |1. Dwycr. Declare. br c , 4 , byitrntfordi'lnraVllllnm; Jennys , DutchSkater , b c , 4 , by Dutch ;) . V. Connelly , Klorn Thornton , ch f. 4. by

Ilillun-lOlsiibn ; Sonsatlon utrtb'e , Ilernld ,i h , I. by Knight of Kllerfllle-I.ilcy Jackson ;

St. Asajih stable , LlKhtfoot , 4 , by Klnder-Olkboni

-I iss ; John 10. Madden , llollowny ,

> S 3 , by liOiiKfellowTropliy-



lnnr < nnil n (Jimrter U'lllinnt n rail.-I1UKFAI.O

., April 21. The wrcstllnR match

at Turnhall last nlRht between Hobby IJeakca-of Sliver Creek and James Gllllgan of llavcr-illl

-wns one of the most stubbornly contested

of nny on record. Tlio men began wrestlinga few minutes after 9 o'clock nnd tugged nt-ach other two hours nnd fifteen minutesvlthout cither winning a fall , At the end

of that time OllllKan gave up and Denko.i-vns declared the victor. The match was for250 and the Rate receipts.

Two Vriick Ciilornil Toniim.The Lincoln Giants , the crnck colored team

of the capital city, have challenged theWllcox & Draper Shoo House team , whichs also composed of colored players. The

Wllcox & Drapers have demonstrated thatthey are n hard lot of nuts to crack , nndwhen the two tennis meet u Kreal amateurcontest can be safely counted on. It liastot been definitely settled yet when thunine will take place , Hllhoiifjh the Wllcox-i Drapcrn have accepted the Giants' chal¬


Miivlii Knoi-hs Out .tloRiirthv.ALTON , 111. , April 2l.latrlck Slavln ot

San Francisco nnd Jack McCatthy of Chi-cago


fought late last night on an islandnear this city at welterweights. The lightastcd nine rounds. McCarthy was knocked

out by n blow on the point of the chin.-



, iij( ifnlm I'wliii ; l IlrAd-.DKNV13K


, April 21. "Long John" Kwlng-.irother


of the famous "Illicit" Kwlng , andit one time pitcher for the Now York basemil club , has Just died In this city of con ¬

sumption. The remains will bo sent toCincinnati ,


l.tinc Mit-veiMlH Ljnrh.-WASHINGTON.


. April 21. PresidentYoung of the National League has ap-pointed


John Long of the New Kngland-pague n base ball umpire to succeed Um-





1'oitl Itnfinift ICHldcd-.DENVlOIt.

.. April 21. Three pool rooms In

this city were raided by the police this af-ternoon.


. The proprietors will resist the at¬tempt to close their places.

(55 Hours mill 'Ois-

tlio tlnio i

now made bythe Burlington Routebetween Omaha and Spokane.21 hours and IS minutes faster than anyother lino.

Tickets and full Information at 1324 Far ¬

nam Street-




.Movement of Hogs fuiuparei Well with theSrtinn I'.irlixl I. : t Ycnr-


. April 2l.SpeclaI( Tele-gram.


. ) Tomorrow's Price Current will pay :Western packing for the week , 223,000hogs , computed with 130,000 the precedingweek , nnd 230,000 for the corresponding timelast year. From March 1 the total Is 1'J35-OXt

, -, against l,9ffiK( u year ago. Prominent

places compare as follows :



1895 1801.

city ,

Omahait. LoulH-'Ini'ltinutl . . . .

lullutupolls . .

Milwaukee . . .( Trdnr H.iiililB-St. . JOBCpll . . .

Slotix ruy . . . .

St. 1'jul-Ollunnva

The total western packing for the winterseason ending Marcli 1 has been " iai.000hogs , nn Increase of 2,307,000 over the pre-ceding

¬year. Average weight. 232.72 pounds ,

an Increase of 15.17 pounds. The manufac ¬ture of meatH Increased 2 ! S,000,000 poundsnnd of lard C5000.00) pounds. Stocks ofmeats In thu west on Mimh 1 were 411,000-000

,-pounds , an Increase of lil,00i,000! ) ; ofpork 2ia,0it ) barrels , an Increase of 111,000 ;

of lard .iS.OOO tierces , un Increase of B7030.The western packing for twelve months end-Ing

-Marcli 1 was lO.OOJ.rxK ) hogs , and In-


the eastern packing nnd seaboardslaughterings the aggregate amountreached 21019.000 hogs , for which was paidthe amount of } 232000COO.



. Elizabeth , belovedwife of Charles Luetgenan , aged 22 years.8 months. Funeral Friday , April 2G, nt8:30: a. m. , from residence of Mrs. LlzzloCole, 1022 South Tenth street , to St. Jo-seph


church , Seventeenth and Centerstreets. Interment at German Cathollo-cemetery. .

Married , nt the residence of the hrldc'Hmother , Mrs. C. F. Noedham. CIO NorthTwenty-third street , by Itev. John William * ,( Jeorge 1C. Hlnclc and Virginia A. NeedlmmWednesday , April 21 , 1B95 , at1 o'clock p. m.No cards.


INSTUUMKNTS placed on record April 21 ,1835 :

n E Trench nnd wife to 1'rederlckSfhm-ldrr , lot 13 , block 15. Central tmllt. , ! 1,00}

11 K MunninR anil wlfn In U C Kite's , lot3. block t , II-wl's mi ndil 1

J J Mourn in Alma Rlniccr , lot 18 , Albrightft A'H il ndil . . . SCO

AV (1 1cmi.lcluii nnd wlfu lo Eleazcr Uilv.lot 11 , block 1Valnut Hill 8,009

A K Jonas to M II Julias , lota 1 anil 2 ,

block 3. Kuminlt 1'Ucr 13,000Mary Frank l > ElUabuth l.'undoii , lot 12 ,

block 33 , Kmilh Omaha WOi ; M Reed nnd liunbuml to W ( Dunn , lot

0. blnrk 3. 11'-' & It's M mid 373John l.nMVity nnd wlfa to .1 A Wrlzen ,

lot 28 , bind; I , Obeino & Ii' add 1,7001) W Merrow an. ) wlfu to M J McUanlel ,

Ir.t 34 , Nelwm'H ndd 1M J McIXmlel to Ilrldgut ( < nul , nnmc 2.DOO

QUIT CLAIM DREDH.Norah Itoiirlhnn to John Hourllian , lot 1 ,

Mlllor'H rutxllv 1Haine to fame , lot 13 , block 1 , Ambler IMaee. 1II J TwIntlriK to W O Miller, lot 1C , Mock

15 , UniiHcoin I'lacu 1J I Nlchol to James Nlchol , lot C , block 1 ,

Hartford add 1Bnmo to Hame, lotu 4 and 5 , block B , New-


add 1

Master In chancery to J II Morlicad , cHlot 14. and all lot IS , block 0, Heed'sl t add HOM

County treasurer to J K Toy , lots t and 10 ,blnek 1 ! , ArnUer IMnce ; lots 4 and 5 , llren-niti

-1'laio ; lot 13 , block 7 , Albright's

Annex ; lot 9 , block , Hrligi' 1'ltce ;lot 12 , block 3 , Clarendon nddi lot K , tlo.k1 , and lot 0. block 4 , Denman'* I'Ucv ;lad 1 nnd 2, block 4 , Dul'oni 1'lttco ; lotE , block 20 , Florence . . . .

Total amount of transfers 5U,7J2-

A Bore Throat or Cougb , If Buffered to-

progresi , often results In an Incurable throatn r lung tremble. "Brown's DroncrnlalTroches' glvo Instant relief.