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y " '" ' ',A '' ', ""' '" '' Tfeffi STOsAtffiDAY, JULY'' 318'' C ' 9 lllilfl ,HOBSE CASE IN ORANGE. g runsoxa shout hat tize ' jlj:v uvis packed. Mink If Ctmrley Dlrcka, Tlerae fLfr, Had t" Rnt r It Jadare turn 00,"d ' th" Jurr ""I rotipi KM t ase Oranta Mountain Hon Urr, N. J-- i Ju,y 2. Tho court of Jutttce E . .JJreaeo John II. Lander of 8U Cloud on rMe Mountain was tho nceno on Tuesday tuneon of what Charley Dlanchrnd, Rcntlo-J- ol color nml Jur,mivn described as n, f1"0 fcle,,ro'" J"Uco Lander's court !!?Jeomlnii known m Uo "horgo warranty (Hart" Tncro aro many horse dealer, on and frSnllli' Omnno Mountains, and In the differ-iJd- occur botween thorn Squire Lander ' ST nlned renown as a fearless and horso- - i taflirlM JldK- - Tt c ,rlt1 on Tuesday wa that-o- f Lewis 1 DleoVs. Four or flvo weeks ago AA Dlecks Si aOie t0 J,r' Jo,Pll'no lwls for P125. t wit against Blocks Mrs. Lewis contond-- S tint sltor a month's trial sho found that tho JJ . though rcprosanlcd to bo sound, was un-- Sho furthermore contended that It ' fTjrbeen of no use to her and that uho hod been "IT Krt expense and pnnojranco for Its kcop 4 care. Whcrcfbro sho prayed that tho court order Weeks to toko back the horse, r- - hratohtf the fl'-- S. and also pay her SO cents Viu for its keep for tho time the horse hod n her care. Her lawyer was District jTdx Charlai II. Storrs of Yale football fame. i gjjuonlU. Itolllnson, Princeton '03,,wns to "Wend Dlwks. Ho had summoned wituosses tatcstlfy that Blocks in selling the horse to Mrs. InriJ, n0 wa5 rePr09cnlcd T uer eon .. sdiwcinler. did not warrant tho boast. That ri true tho horso had ono or more spavin LjTbut that Mr. Blocks had drawn attention Jthera st the tlino of tho transaction; that tho rrfaicr hail caused tho horso to niako two Soften four trips each day up and down Msm Mountain attached to a backboard, in four adult persons rodo. Mr. Itolllnson Jdd contend that during one of these trips, JotIt oTertoudcd.lhe horso s hind feet had Inter-- SiS causlnic n hrutso from which it wont Sosssld lameness being thereforo chargeable iSa lack ot skill or tho Inhumanity, or both, 5 Mr Schwelnler or his driver. Tho defenco Sm wrpowd to show that Mr. Schwolnlor was mtoiiptattni: tho removal of his homo to tho jkuk "hero ho would not need the horse. IuUt the)- - would contond that it was de-- nSig to tho ancient craft of horso trading hit shorse dealer should soil n horso to a man rhs mlut niako good use of it so long as It BVuedalm. and when it pleased him no more Erars It to the dealer and not only demand ct the prioo that had boon paid for it, but Mrtmrnue for keen and care Tie place was worthy of such a trial. It was ea Justice Lander's broad veranda. All West n sad much of N'orthQcld, over tho moun- - YiTth homo of Blocks, was there to see. fU toes before tho Sauiro's housa was lined irtth dosty vug, switching their tails over tho imBi of dustier carryalls, surreys, backboards, Sd DBKle. A rustling group of ladles was ntherrl In houso chairs at tho end ot the u. 1)t the consent of tho Itov. Chauncey Ooodrlch of tho lro3bytorian Church near by, nap stools wero brought from the church for ha men to sit on. When the members of tho jury that had been hisselled by Constable Johnny Murrayjrath-ereiin- d looked at each other they laughed. fierslTerc "Dutcby" Itcinhardt, a blacksmith froa SorthOeld and a closo friend to Dlecks; Qirley Blsnchard, a negro liveryman of Or-I-3, ssothcr liveryman, a milkman (Blocks leUs Dllk, too), and other persons who regard-i- d Mr. Dlecks as a man and brother. Judgo Rem stared at the array and laughed sarens-ticsi- He turned to consult with bis client. Vesatime Murray found that only sovtn of the hielrs men he had impanelled had appeared. El Slied up the quota by draughting In two Liveryman Crowcll, who hod been trammed as a Dlecks witness, and a brother tf lArer Itolllnson. who had come as a spect- ator. Justice L&ndor was about to swear in Jury when Judgo Storrs signified an inten-ti- n to speak. He arose, stroked bis drooping Butiche, and looked loner and wearily into tho era of each juryman. Finally he looked at Osstsble Murray and at Mr. Itolllnson and I" Mr. Itolllnson grinned also. "1 sis Instructed by my client," said Judge Bern "to ask for a discontinuance ot this tsw. Mr. BoUJnson objected. He sold he was mij. Ills witnesses had come long distances c s hot day and could not easily be collected inin. Also, Mr. Itolllnson said, he doubted nether such an Intelligent jury could easily bothered on another clay. Jodm Storrs grinned. The jury grinned. ;Hr., Eolllnson looked very solemn. Lander, i. P. discontinued the case In doing so he re- -' parted that jurymen who were impanelled but Kt iera were entitled to but 15 out of tho 25 est! which they may legally receive after serv-b- f st a Justice's trial. The jurors were wiUbT, One of them lilted up his volco and nil: "I ssr that a roan who'll tako a man oat of a ttr field and mako htm travel three miles for U cents Is In a darn measly business." Its foreman, T. J. O. Push, who Is employed fTtis Ettntng Post, spent his 15 cents In buy wpesnuts from a peddler who had joined the tonic. He gallantly distributed the peanuts max the ladles. Jiige Storrs paid over halt of the costs of ui cue snd rodo away, remarking that, of eoast, Rollinson would pay tho rest. Mr. ltol-n- when notified of Judge Storrs's action, nld it wss a low Yale trick. 8torrs, when told what Mr. Itolllnson SJjdfe Yale trick, was ltl If I were capable a jury rfe vicinage like that, why, W-J- rat still, what's the ute " nigt fitorrs said ho understood that the to bo resumed in tho First Blstrlct Court POrsnge, Judge Storrs's own court. Judge Uwli of Paterson will take Judge Storrs's Joj when tho case comes up. rtZD TltOM YELLOIT JACK. tnBcrareea rrom tbe City or Farm Get Hem on tbe Alllanra. litre were two d passengers a tas Pansma railroad's steamship Alllanca, Uch arrived yesterday from Colon, who wlrioslly sailed from Panama in May last for Ba Francisco on tho steamship City of Para. P her way from Panama tho City of Para bodied at San Joie de Guatemala. Yellow tner had broken out on the ship, and two of her jwenj-er- s had died and wore buried at sea. "Mother passengers were in a highly nervous enditlon when tho ship arrived at San Jose, and totf dozen of them Insisted on leaving tt lUp, declaring that thoy feared that they "Id tet the fever. Thoy went ashore, against rotets of the Guatemala authorities. lio-- the City of Para sailed the deserters wanted jocomtback aboard. They were not pormlttcd wdso. Tho two passengors who got hero yes-d- y crossed tho Isthmus and took passago on AllInca at Colon. They say thatmoro than "M the City of Para's passengers dlod on tho TO to San Joio. Tho ship's report shows that twjsre mistaken. "a the Alllanca also were Dr. Victor Equlgue-C- j' ft' Peruvian Minister at Washington, and rj'jlte. llfcaiiBo of the prevalence of yellow fy. at Colon tho Allinna's naNsengorB wero Si? 'or examination, their bnggago was TOifcctcd. and the ship was fumigated. Tho t?,.t ?'". lower brought tho passengers to tho O'jlstolo the afternoon. VJIO.V rv.rKJt.STJtJCHXK rOltTS. ''"' Mrnmer' Four Deaths Sulpeotrd to lln Hue to Yellow Jack, BmJ'iuscirco, July 1!. Tbo Panama steamer pulco arrh cd hero and as sbo re- torted four deaths from fever sho was rjuar-ao- i. Thoso who died were Felix Montcllo, Ma paengcr front Pnnama; II. Lombardo, JJfC0 p.issongcri Fred II. Likens, third and William McKay, stoker. M steanur and quarantine otllclnls declare t the dentin were duo to pernicious fover, J"t others nay tho victims showed all symp-T- u ' K(!nu,no yellow fever, which is SH1' n Panama, Ln Lllicrtnd, Acnjiitln, IfuVh1,tr Places Inl'entrul America nnd Moxico. tMiLouelit tliaillseaho whs brought on board ,i MoaiUlo ut Panama. .Medicines had no K?.'i uny of tho sick. Tho authorities ut f7tt,l,."',!kliiBnH cirorts to suppiess tho SSiA'O'llnw fever 8 raging-tJiorc- , but It Is ieiW.w? ,,mt It '8 ilnngeioiiH for nny porson to luml nt Panama or any "rco6l ports In Central America. ur War Alier at Handy Uook. "tary of War Gen. Hussoll A. Algor, with ji ' "agler, Chlof of Ordnance, camo on from "Wnctuii cstcrdny, nnd, after registering at 'Fifth Avcnuo Hotel, vent down to Sandy Wltl' Cnpt' llcatb' commanding tho KniTi!?i,rr"Bn,,B there, they wero to witness Th! ""co trials and to niako an inspoctlon. let?.? "" 1,, night nt tho Hook, Thoro lias sou. i cl "''"' "aid 111 Congress rooonlly about Hoik ;!"'"" crliig work to bo dono nt Sandy wbthi1!1',''"" to tho washing of tho tides, EifEi ;'''' nude tho Hook on island ugnin. It ItntSii i Secrotury will bavo a look at her?., !"r Limited trslni eaeii way, every ilsr In 7e p'. "'u N,I1V York "ml Cli'i-ajo- . via New awittlifi'''". "" Us J'.'cntgau Cvalral and Lak f 1 Creates iif j3lP Dyspepsia S COTTOLENE B SS-Vt- k TherenuineCottolenelssoldeverywberolnbnetoUn jmS5?v I GffiiwIfJl pound Uns, with our trade marks "Cbflolms," and cwfJHLJI f' 1M5L tti'r't head in cotton-pla- nt wreath on every tin. Jrv- - '"t iT n x. Net rBoranteed If gold ln any other way, JBT jfSN3W TIIEW.K.FAJItBAHttCOMlAinr, 3&?fcBo!r' itattlfeS'rV cblcCi BL Louis, New York, vmMeaWf f. gitooMp- &(ti!frtijir.mtntjj. THE CITY'S HEAT is driving tho pooplo into tho conn-tr- y. It's our duty, ns Brooklyn's ' loading Clothiers, to aoo that you nro mado nB oomfortablo as ponai- - bio, honco wo havo provided a hnndsoino lino of Outing GooiIb, consisting of Wool Crash Suits, Sorgo Suits (bluo, gray and black), , light Cheviot Suits, Straw Hats, Bicyolo and Oatiug Caps. Outing Shirts, all kinds of Bicyolo and yacht Supplies, Whito Duck and Corduroy TrouBors and other goods too numerous to montion. ' If you nrn not mado conifortablo ' during thoso hot Summer dayB it will bo no fault of Fulton St.. ear. DcKalb Avo. " BROOKLYN. CALEB V. SMITH, Manager. Wnntril JFrmnlciJ. THE SUN Harlem Branch 119 west 125th street TJI.ANK HOOK hEWP.K wai.tnl, alo Kill lu fied Ji rilllliit . 1 S Blone .. top n or. "Wnuttu JRtaleu iUrthnntriJ. 8f. the harlier trade; onlv requires eight wroksi IKAUS delisted; world of praclleei alluatlon rlle tor catalogue. MOI. Elt'.s Harbor School, U7 lludsunat, Situation Wannd lunlcjj. MAS who la Induatrloua, trustworthy, snd can relied liln doalrrj K!tlon aa nurae or slland. suti would not object to country or travelling! has had years of experience and can fiirulah beat ot rcf. erenrrai willing and obedli-at- . Address 11. T. U., box 1411 hull otnc-- , " rlect 350uriU Rast aide. rr rrTII ST.. It EAST. Delightful suites and separate I V roomsi private bathi aeeond ftoori hoard op- tional! summer prlcca. " Ural Hide. ST., 84 WEST. Single and double roome, nTII hoards aummer ratoaj arrangements made tor winter. Q41I1 NT., "lli, 80, WKNT. Second door, with t3i prhate hathl table boardl tranalenta. Q (Til HT., -- 7 WT.ST. Handsome cool rooms, rsrel-J- J lent board) summer rates-- , transients accommo- dated. ef itrnlishea oom Oprtmr utu to get t'nl Hide. 1 IN1VKIISITV Vl.kV'a7 opposite Washington vJ square. Klnely furnlnhed roomn bath, gi line- men reference. ' 4i I'.tHT oiiu ur. VF.KV nF.HirtAIU.K HUOMS IN HKFINKD HOUSKl CIIOICK LOCATION NF.AK CENT11AI, I'AHK. LOW KATERnKKi:HKNrns iiequirkd. " ic-isi- hT 14 WK81 Second floor, nrelj furnished 3D aiilti-s- i prlrato batbsi opposite W aldorf per- manent, transient; reference. Q7T1I HT., Sa wEstT Neatly funils-o- d rooma; tJ I hath, gas, running water; f V up 7rrTHhT., f45 wnSf.Saly furnished largo and t) small rooma; running water st.d cloaetai elect rlo lights and fans; low price for summer to iwraiaiient gentlemen with references; prli " house; no meals, Tat7ana pnrmr ntu jptt FltBn TO HI'"T I. Four rooms, hot and coll water, 118.80 to $15. l and .03 West t .;" Mb SV. COLLIN II. WOonw a"6 Wot I48that. $35.00. Chsrmtnr, newly furiiM"! apsrtmenU of aeven rooma; tastefully decorated, hardwood finish; also unfurnished Hat of oi ea rooms. M6, ()nu&4 West IWlh at. L1.EN8T.7T0H -- Sloe light apartments to rent A" cheats luqulre ur.11 lid ar city. mi LET lient free for July, choice flats ,'ld ii. aith at, IllVIMO, 310 Madison av, IXorrril ST., b EAST. Apartments or thres'sad tour rooms i allUj-tro- oi cbosp rent. eflgtg J"" gipnttmrntu 0 Set. "THIS FIFTH AVBKIJ-- V lonr-ioti- n iiitii av.. t'on. natii nt. Elegant cornernpsrlinenbi. 11) rooms and hithiate-on- d floor; great Inducements rrrrd. Apply to . i, IIIIIM-ltr- Nlipl. eflata ami Svimttmcnts rooMjjn. $9AND $ 1 0 FLATST" ' Single nat, halt of housei t nnd 6 roomat tisth, range, washtuba, deoorsted, Ac Tnkn Kings County L to chcitnut at. atatlnui unliii foot or atnlra. ;i:itsi..-- . a.jii:iiic i.sii'iiu ksimt to. OFFICR OI'HX hIMItlll, tt'IUn Iftouacg Co 2.t City. DKSinAIlt.r. HODSUR, furn'shed nnd unfurnished, loentlousi rent tl,'-!u- to Stl.uuu. FOMIOM HHOTIIEllS, 8U5 llroadusj, cor. Kllhat. f uiuithril JRoujscjs to $ct ontvu TTiOIt rtF.NT FIIOM NOW TILL nilSTOK ocTonnn. A A eomplntelyfiTiilstird (ottage, six roonm highest ?lnt on lNwono lotiiitntnt four IhmiitO rule from New A bargain. For Inrortmitlon wrlto to V.3. PHILLIPS, Tuli)hiina, Pa. rfuraliilud -- lat. Co gtu ANII AP.MITMKNTR, llnriiriilshed, fnrillsiiedl 111 dttlrnl Ir rent tr4ll lo t:i,l)0. FOLbOM IlltOTIIUIts. KM Droadnaj, cor. lilthat. Su'cUinrj sftoitDcci to Cct (Couutvy. A FLOOIl to let. f urnlahed or unfiirntshedt rent Mrs. WUI.NIIOL1), 10th at., sheepa-hea- il liar, L. I. 11ENT. II rooms nt Point PlensantTN. J., on third corner Irom the ocean; furnished comfort nldv ; ready for o cupaiier; rent molerate. Apply to JOHN II, idtl.NNAN. 1 111 North limad St., Trenton, N. J.;ono l.our's rlilo ou cars by Pennsylvania Hall-roa- TSJOUWALK. CONN. To Xov.'lT lilflifslgfltTyr, J- acre; handy to trolley to Hoton Point and dciotst Krapesi hot and cold uatort bath; four sleeping rooms and halt room; furnished or unfurnished. F. .N. COMIIS. SivcUluniSouscjs Co ?ct, SlcivJcwnj. IN TIIK MOST HKAUTIFUL SKl'TIOlToV NOUTH-RU- NKW jr.HSKY. near depot, houso Just com- pleted; tmlve KtotiHt sit liuimivements; sewer, etreot water, sto-ii-; worth aiio; win rent from now to May, 'uh, for e:i per month; 43 minutes un exprc-i- trains; don't tnt-- this barnln. OWNKIt, 710 llavemejer building. Co ?tt for uuTfjJ.5 guvpoutjj. BUII.DINflS, stores, looatlons, lorta. omces, and studios to let FOLS03llllOTin:it'. H.13 Broadway. cor, inthst. of denlrablo office; all conveniences; new building; drv goods district. MATTllEW CLAIli;. inin Wool Exchange. VOrtK ST.. .1. near West Ilroalway. Small, well X lighted shop; aultahle for carpenter; possession at once. Stl (Sstate ot ale Sroohlijn. THE SUN Harlem Branch 119 west 125th street ADDITION NO. 9 TO v PARK Tho Greatest Real Development ln New York City," IS NOW OPEN AND IN FULL SWINO. Corne now anl oourr rliolw of loailon antl cet tho treneflt vt oix'nlnjf tirieos To thoso who ileal re a home, to those who desire nn investment, there la no placo thnt offers po many tvlvAntages as this, our new ly orne sfctlon; Uwatwl a It is on the direct lin' of Vlatlmvh, Hrooklrn, nnJ Albany avenne, and on the mutes of Flatbuth avenuu and Not)tranl a ve- il uo trolley, all of which give a full guarauteo for future alues. LOTS $275, S5 S10 ZZ'XL Sr-JS- T Queen Anne Cottages, S500 down. Palanoe Same as Rent You Are Sow Fa) lag. GALL AT ONC, or send for maps aad particulars. MBIT lOItK I'ATItOXS TAIil: FI.TUI.'NII AVE. CAltS AT UlllllUR, OR NOVTIIAXD AVE. CAIM AT IHIOAHWAV FEmtlKI, UIIICCT TO VA.Mir.KVKI-.l- l I'AIIK IX SO SIIXITCS. OF.KVIAM Iti;I, EITATE CO.. ONLY OFFICE luarta'iS1SS-.- -, HENRY A. Jir.VKU, Frea. HF.NUV W. DPF.Yr.R. Beo. West Brooklyn COMPARE THE WATER HERE with that furnMicd by either the Croton or Nassau Water Department. COMPARE THE 1IISTANCE FROM TnE STJN OF- FICE to this projierty with the distance to Westchester or the Annexed District. Then (let Mo where to mate a home., OAh. SIDEWALKS, &0. QUEEN ANNE HOUMS now telng built, w 1th all city conveniences, which can be bought on InstalliiRut plan. Titles Insured by TITLE GUARANTEE AM) THUT COMPANY. SEND FOR PAMPHLETS AND MAP TO OEOROE A. ALI.1N, Secretary, SflTn ST. and NEW UTRECHT AV.RROOKLYN..V Y. TRAINS'DIRECT Every six minut(s on Monday, July Mli, to the lots Jero. JohtiKou, Jr. vtlllci'll at imresi'nM auction at U 1. M, on that day on tho premise, corner ?! nv. (100 ft v Me and macadiiinlzetl and knimn iv Hay Parkway) nnd noil. st. (one of th main tt.nrouKhfnres of tho iip(il.tKirtiooil Illst Ward, Hrnoklyn Take an) train marked .nney Island on the ftth av. "I." and pet off nt U'oodlAwn (lUttli st.lntntion Tlmo from Drmd. ljnJ.rldgo 10 minutes. Mu.l, refreshmflnts. Titles Insured. Free pastes to dar from either of my unices, or on Monday morning from my Hrnoklyn ufflce. JKHK. JOHNSON, Jr.. lv Hroadwa, N. V., and lhO MnntA-tu- e tt., Hrikh n. HEW BUFFBRfckn HOUSES, S4.000. om,. ti:ioo mi ui:iiiitRii. Alt lmproementA, furii.u'ii In cellar; Miller av,, near Sutt r, streets pard unit eurel; sldowalks flnKKed and curlu di iwo ldo'k( from Van Sk'len av. station, Kin,; County Kleaied Kond. ;Kini,i ami;iih. niritoi kitt o.. Van Mclen nr. and I tuteru Parkway, OI"t:V H1MI1'. "fVNToN. SI.Wlj 8no ca"h, lalamo on your X' teiniHj 10 n torn Queen Anne delllnsj all corner. TRilno, one Moi'k from ear direct to hrllKe. HOHT. K. CHAK1. Atluntlo nnd Van Mclen mi , HrookUu, ,rl Cstatf oralc Soitn 3J.lnd. ELMHUSST. L. I. Centre of "Now York Cily," 1 minutes from a 1th bt Ferry, V3 ty trolle, samn from Hi IVrry, also lu Oriiud M. and FlushliiK Av, Mill's from Hrooklii, all ri'. fire. l'Jtr Hoii'-e'- . built sdd klnce the comptetlnu of first houso In - m icailmnlred, (laed.aii'l curl streets t water. KitllKhts, and .ill m"d in ltnprni ment lu hou.ii, linlii'lln hteini heM,i)i iuHnr In apected plnmhluf!, hurdnool (lonr-- t ni.d tin sh. 1.00 lots restricted. Insuring mory pun Iuht itKnlmt alt Aunoyaiiees JloreiUHelopiiioiH, i nor for your money, and greater anurniico of lucre .ed ulius thun eer offered. With tatUfw'torj relereii e oucnub'jyu 4JKH Si; ON TKUMh. Just ai easy ah I a Iur rent. Irt new Mien In emir" of 10 reail for occupancy. COll!) MFYKIl & CO, OJ William Hi., New York, or Klmhut, I. I. " 5 ACHES FOP. 150. At I'ai'lHuininiiil Jlcilfind, I, I ,1'no) n una, ,.' jifr month and nit. For i aiihuLir. .ull ur r.l too L. Land and Invittiuii.t Coiiij nny, 0711 n7rt llmailway, Ne yort. IOTS. 1'I.OTh, ACItrH. ut mVKIUIF.AD. In IiIkIi. dry, ami liu.dl. .i (;o, d d. ilc slrablo protrt-rlv- . It w nllnllte' .alk in station; achools, chiirclii's ntorca, Ac i uuaranucd title; lots 'i and npwnrd cy iioyinenta, FH'O.SK- 1'AltKCO, l'..l I.tliorty vt m IUJ3. or aU ov Eo ct tf tt.n. ANIIhOI-ll- l STS COHSEIlJAl-KbO- I rent t 10, Mlllll KI.V. lu i ilalilat. tf,tx$ii oFCo ict UTouiuryT ' CotUae lo rent, fully U rooms, Uruo attic, ami I aaatl fully located, and couvruli-n- t to all tin- irlncliial hotel. For further laXuruiattoa address V. lu VAIL, 70 Weil VXd. F 4 IS II' Wm FLAG RAISING " . iili ST. ELIVIO KILLS, lli MM CHAPPAQUA, N. Y., iililf'ffil WKSTCIinSTUU county, M jllff !f MH AT 2 p. M., I II I ( Mm !OKAV, .BUSsY 5, 1807. 1'Jilll Il Wo Invite those contemplating purchase of $K B RESTRICTED I'lififP.OT "ACREAGE BUILDING SITES" Iffi' fH To avail thernaeUotuf this opjiortuulty. '3 Ilfif ft " AfevW vmvu 9ffB $ ASD mi i4m VVM Alltl!. IIIMVARB, 3 tjI AMM. This property la one linur fnnn 49 I at., on Ilarleat 5 l)lu5 1 r'cSCl! roud. anil it win of the liUlimii paluta In the county, f J !BJ 1 8?- - coinmandlnir a lo- - of lludauu Valley and mile, , Ill3f I Sitt of tlin Mirroiindliueoiimry. and la strlrily flrat elaa .. 'JjllLil "BR and lutendi-i- l for renldenllnl hoineai of reOne- - tlliiir ij nicnt can imrclinii. ulihout foar of olijecllonabt ' !.'Jlii;I y'TS!ll feiinrra or iiuN,inc--- i nothlnit les than one aer J Jlllili t i'jlf ml. I. Kxiu-ni"- . tmld to vldt tlie property. Anent at j 'MU '5 vAB firand t'enlrnl Matlon with ttcU.t- - for IOiOO train 'illlh 1 .''jSltM Moitdey nionilnir, or upon tientonal application to .. l!)!L'l! T aiB ii:o. ii. iu'.n a nt., m K.i.imiiicn rie. Villltji! f mB AT t'AltTI,, lOXKKHN, V. V,. ,'( ij JKJ; i 'jH New all ImproTeiiu-nts- , cloae todepoi J lliuf, t, 3'j onN. V. mid Piitnnin It. It. For particular addroaa ,' llliif I; flii L. V Ikix lTUMinnptoivn ofllce, lil5tlmalway. tilllHI' ji lii -- i i ra nt'I lilg'i! Sral estate --for tile 3Jcw Sfewen, M wWWtmL 'piILltn ISA WONDF.HFUL lHFFKItHNCF. IN BU M 'HwP ' h3m 1 I'UIIS' The Hi, np, Ihkiiii, hurrah idaeea an "9 murl 1 IB H "dead a, ndnor nail," lido our tlno resldnnce dto fvfll Im' B trlct Isnctlteand iniKresHle. It falls to reason that tf?! ;!(, (' rtendy Krontlinnd honest linmo building (not a lot of Cgj iBS J.! i B apeculnlln house's) wlim tu the cud. ( ! ' Tii.iFLY,N.J. 11 IsnttraetlnR the 1nst class of people thoso who lm- - JoS prno and nmko laud valuahle. We aru devoloplnB hi & JBtfr A V, EM Tcry much lllcnmir neighbor. Kuxlcwnod, lu tho '. Ij TjJ t jM f uturo a thotHnnd dollars will not buy ploU whlcJBi Hvt"!!.' 1H are seiiitu $n to4o. ilUikH;!' It WKATHEUHY ft CO.. 271 Droftdwr. UJ mli rtil gf HV3H RAT.i;.-l- Jlt. MAltCY'S HEAUTIFUL. PLACB ' rf4 JBE-- V f fH JL on Orrnte Mountain, West Oram NewJorsrt o,S "JHjK S' 4irfil fursnle; elten and hitlf ocroi; well furnished dwell ( 1HEiAlfliHi Iiik louaat Rhrden'r'i cottnRot two latffi stAhle i TmWKA"Bm hotbouse; Rraprry, choice Tlncsj lee buusc fllledi ?23?1DI garden fruits; aud ahunlance of pure natfr. On &B-J,lJl- l of the most bautlf ul and healthful ((cations In Amer b I : aH lea; gardener will show ilie pliv-e- tor price, t?rmL $2 Wem'tiJ ! fte.. apply to UK. MAUCY, liUO Mh ar.( .New Yoitt ' ! mmoWh ij 9H cjil . PX.Inrl Il.TItlCTt LarRelots.t7btterx.i SSflRl $' H 2.t0 monthly i high pround: near houses. 1rwf'3L'fc WKATHEUUY. 371 Broadw7 WilvH Bm SAYK TOUR DAMES. High land, with MbHB A wl tinu; lernu to stilti only 0 sold at tMa !unl; .H'i' jfHfii price i also small 0 roomhouNC, 4000; rent, tOinlceTllr fnl(it 1 IH lago; alt kinds of stores; 23 miles. i'H.'wT 0 SMITH. 20 Droadway, Room 2S9. iKittH ?! .. . 3i h 113K wl fl efor .Sale or Co glct 2Jew lereg ilBH:SH b'oaTfronTc lajflK Sf4 9 incr seasuu or longer, furnished house with 11 Lilffii V fl9 rooms and tuttaee with sir roomi;hade,mall frultfl fHiB Jr Vi "t . and excelh nt m at r; nto minutes fnm depot; flnt 4Hr S Ha wheellntc aud drMug; hmlthy location. Addroal Sli (I tWB$l owner, D.S. VOOUHEKS, 102 Broadway, N. Y. city. vSKl l.JaRii BALE or to rent II an duo me residence, with ?? fl 4 vBtat larRn plaszas, IS rooms and bath, electric light ana I :Aa tas and all modern Improvements; 10 minutes walk 1$K Rju'c? SMfl from depot. Apply Ur. VM. E. UXDSTKUT. New ff-- wtW Brunswluk, X. J. JfHSMV fiJI "" !! !! . J '' tFFM gtal (Estate -- for alc CTaimtriu lBlPlill SKA CLIFF Hour out, on north shore of Lonjr " Bf-iM- 9 with fine view of the Sound, magnificent '1E modern residence, built In Moorish architecture by iiH 'sBnl day's work In the most sulstautlalraanner: ldroonut idaBja 'TRfl bard wood and all Improvrments. with lame plaxiaa, t H? flH porte cochere, and tower; stables; c&niaRe cow, ' H1 jBH (toultry hou'ca. pigeon corral; Japanese aummer pa j JIH IvWM Roda and conservatory; i.g acres of finest blgh land, 'HE7 rjHH with commanding Tlewa of this glorious rolling se iWM Wfl Hon of country for miles, all laid out ln landscape, ' iffl W t' i r l walks, drives, flowerbeds. lawns, shrubs; abundance hiMmitk Jmrn of finest fruits: choice garden; most complete sum-- pttffly?! mer or winter home : houso furnished and all ln per-- fi rSESf Wwk feet onlcr; will bo tvld at a sacrifice; well worth lnar QctB )" ' AH mediate Investigation. " " rjmm&$H WfM THOMAS P. PAYKE. Oo Broadway. 5 : WS. l- - H 5 ACHES HIGH TRUCK LAND NEAR ATLANTIC! & lj iZ'iH Cltv only $10; 8 down. SI weekly; no interests ty latV'fffl title Guaranteed; best markets In the country near; IE tfUnl land level; no roots, stones, or swamps; station con J i mmmf TxaSM venlent; desirable climate; ocean breeze; healthy 't j Ih, ?.&! locality; profitable speculation, and one that will net t2 ) jmmWti big returns; write for full Information. & 4 tK'v i cil -- MJ.I HIS LEY, 1U Chambers it, f; J MS)'- s. M Gollrne? nnd ?ruooVs. ElBnH Z -.-. ,- - ttfty---- . ,. Rgill VorGlrlannd Young YTom en City anil CoantTTV Ht !- BAIHD'S INSTITUTE FOR GIRLS. Norwalk, ixIIbHHsH Conn.UDth year. Primary. Academic, and Col S fiiPf!l lege Preparatory courses. Music, Art, and tha Lao--- lHrF-lTJ- l pmure-1- . Cateful attention to morals and mannen. New buildings, steam heat, gymnasium. iHPv mm mwMmwiSi 1trpsi Wor Iloia nnd lounc Men City nnd Country tiffls!rflfS ''JrvfiSB MOUN r ALVERN I A. 11 rf Rummer linanllni; t tiuol fur Iiotb. htudle, optional. WW JHa $Al Trlvate tutors Kitpiilled A new department foryouna X BKv Ae men Sail r.t r bathing, tlablni;, rowing, baaeball ! iK i'. cruunds. Oius Julr t, closes ept. 1. Tor tenu J (W 'uT applv to UHO. JKUOSIE, O. . I'., l'reIdent. St. Fran- - i 151 ' ' Kt els'aC.iIlcBenroo.lsu. j MtW ' f : "SACREDHFART ACADEMY. -- S '$ SKLECT CATHOLIC UOATtDl.NO &CIIOOU . Ml ?i Apidleatloni for summer au 1 fall eounw, uddrasatd att ES9 , Mlt Jo llrulher AUllU-- T. West Chealer. y. Y. ; kWm pt llusllu-.- . Colleiftrt. Tl M&& "A J ; Ltgg J iL AM.aummer. day. erenlnp;MetrotK)litan Sborthaaol 3SS ? cool; ilevatorst all KraduaUfl Z8$i A placed. 150 5th av. bSeSt ' vf ' Jtltaerllnneoua. RjIh1 7 ' PF.NSISOTOS' (X. J.) SjKMI.VAnr, Conrenlent to ,' sKffi J' lialtliniiro and Waahlmsj ffAft 'J ton; iMith fiHlh year, healthful; beautiful; 10 s CK.'I g ' teachers; IS eoursrai S'.'Od n jear. Tor beautifully SffiEJ - Illustrated catalogue, uddruw i SrJ , ffj THOMAS HANI.OK, n. I).. President. ifr JS ' Ji -- - llMi " iT FISCHER PIANOS ij 41 We have on hand lance assortment nf ODD sty lea, KWiJ 4 7 now and hllRhitj m1 Pihihw, tu unique designs axvl ? XtT choice woo-U- , whleli wllllt tifferi'd at a UfiuStT GREAT REDUCTION :j from lh, Ir ir lH til- - chauee to acur,a 5 Stj I n rUtioHliould not Wi overlooked. 1 ti3 "M n" ' CashorejbV pjyni'-nt- . asiyl; J'' W Mtl'.KOOMSl i SfcHS . d? fin t'NIO.N MJUAllE. WEST, Smt ' lietnei-- lntli nnd l?th ts., New York. 1-- wl 'a'' PINi:i'l'HinilTI'IANO, fl4B,(SmonlhlriCblefr WM ) 4' .f V iTllr, Imrit iln i rfyfl ' WIShNElt, 80 MnntKomerr at., Jersey City, J EKK ,, "KINT. bTKISWAY," SITS, alnonthlflGprit5L ', PM A '. J Lurulu. WlaaNKUIIALUOII llroad at., Newark, S'Rfi i ),MtOAIX Three areoiul-lian- uprlghu. pood el fttf'i. ' '' ' Is . fully wnrriinti-d- , troiu $100 up; delivered, rJMil$ ' V lthi.tool uiul lii.'r. fr';aiiure from SaO up. Opeo i tiJf',i 1 ' t.uturd.i WHITNEY ACO.. new wareroona, 9uK' . 11-- Win '.'M list.. Ih tve.-- l,rnol and 7th ava. 1 jraj' ' 17I.PII NT t'IMIliilIT 1'IASO. tltlA. KO monthlyi FiMS & I J Metnun), ImrBalu. WU&NEll, V.'S ll&il lth as. ibtjf? Opt n vr Mw. ' ' 1IAM)S- - Low rents; a aside or eountrn a lanrt liSfjil, r' of M'liiml hand uprlghu from (181 ' 9if5!lt 5 '5 up, :. moiitlilj- - until pad. i &.U ' ,il liiillliu.N'.s, 1:111 Kiiili av.lxd. 8iUh and 21st aU. 'K PswJSf '3 J Sri'lNWAY. lil(i, 'l iiiomlilj, iiprlRht. rent S. It rata J S bM lulto.i at., Iliookljn. Otwn oven- - ,1 lliXlK f - . 5 Mfll 7 t 'rillUTV full ilru piano, ut 870 wn, ft WtSt ' 1 ;i,,.nclil.. . Mh.M!lt, riiltoii at., llrooklyn. A'HY.' f "I' "ln: WM UI'llliilIT ri.VNii, 11.V ' monthly: Btelnway, ; BfiOT) ,'i. mil ,,l WI'ihNKIl, 05a htnto at., near ' jBKj , ' 1 l.illiiili at., llnHikljtii SfilT (OI'lltTM'.ltSllll' MIIII'K. ' mWjf I 47CKHMI .Vrilir.T,Ni:V Y'dlK.Julv 1, 1H9T. Ejf& I Iho mull . lat pin in r In llm llnna of WTAi 5 Ikfrli" i Co , .111 liiiui'iin y liruivn,, Rf.'fl will lOlltuiuo biislnea. l.ltll tliettt.t Ciiatiif houth tf--t f Aimrei miliar th 11 mi of llr..w .I'hadttlek a C- o- ' i v,l.hom,,.'.ewY.rkoyi(- .' j, J. It CIIAIIWIC, ,V5l 1.. U UltOW.NB, i K.AIH.'J. ffMt. J ' SXOX XX JJABT JtHOAUWAT. A stlulae Clothluv Contractor Eapltrm lleslst a City .Marshal. As Iho result of an attempt of City Marshal Marcus Moses to serve an attachment on tho shop of a Llpman, a clothing contractor at 81 East Itroadway, a riot occurred yostorday aftor-noo- n which" necessitated tho calling out of tho rcsorvos of tlio Madison streot sUllon beforo it could bo quollcd. In tho absence of Llpman, who has disappeared, his employees refused to admit tho Marshal, fearing that thoy would not get tho money that Llpman owed them, and tho riot was the result. Llpman has occupied tho top floor of tho building for nbout a year, and had about thirty employees, twolve of whom woro girls. A week ago Goodman Brother, clothiers, who occupied tho rost of tho building, gave Llpman some garments to make, for which ho was to receive f iioo. A few days after Llpman asked tho clothing firm to advanco him eomo money, S'&ln,ho rathor Tuo " "Wood gavo Llpman very nearly tho amount ho was to have rocplvcd for tho goods whon thoy wero finished. Last Tuesday Llpman disap- peared. A woman whom tho omploycos say Llpman wm soon to havo married camo around tho next day and said Una Lipmnn was sick. .cl?tllln tlrnii bocoming impatient at tho delay in finishing Uio work given Lip-ma- asked Uio'.employoos to hurry It up. Yes- terday morning tho omploycos said that tho garments would bo Unlshed ln a fow hours. 1 hoy sent down won! to tho clothing tlrm that, tu Llpman had disappeared, Uioy would not yurrendor tho clothing uutll they had boon paid for their work on It. Goodman llrothore, through tholr lawyor, r.a.cob-.fJorno- KOt-ou- t nn attachment, and tho City camo around a Uttlo Woro 0 o clock to servo It. Ho wont upstairs wlUi a po- liceman nnd ono of tho clothing firm. Only seven plccos of the clothing eoulif bo found, as the employees had hidden tho rest ond refused to give it up. They put tip such a determined front that tho Marshal sent out for moro poltco-mo- lleforo they arrived several of tho tried to throw tho intruders downstairs. Thoy wero led on by Lena Ilrotlsky, who hit Bernard Goodman over tho head. This caused tho Marshal to boat a hasty retreat down tho stairs. A big crowd had colloctod by this tlmo outsldo of tho building, nnd it encouraged tho employees in tholr dotenco of tho place. Sev- eral rushes wero mado nt tho Marshal and also at Goodman, who had taken rcf ugo ln his storo. At this juncturo a patrol wagon dashed up from the Madison streot station with uftoon policemen under lloundsmau Magulro. Thoy dushod with drawn clubs up tho stairs. 's employees had gathered ln n body at Uio top, but at tho sight of tho bluoconta most of them wavered. Tho police arrosted Lona llrodsky, Harry Brodsky, Jacob Cohen, and Abraham Kpstotn. Tho others wero driven out into Uio street. Uooilman Brothers wero unablo to dnd tho rest of their clothing, and Lipnian's employees rcfuso to toll whoro It is. The police locked up tho shop nnd placed two policemen on guard to keon away tho crowd. The arrested Llpuian employees were taken to Essor Market Court, whoro thoy were fined $5 each. JtOW AT A IlEIMEir rvsisnAX.. Tho Coffin PasheH About In a Quarrel Over Mooct Police Called In. There was a row yesterday at tho funeral of Isaao Blltzensteln, 80 years old, who died on Wednesday In the flat ot Mrs. Harris N'ouman at 00 Jefferson BtrcoL Blitzonsteln hired a room from Mrs. N'ouman thrco months ago. Ho was in feoblo health, and a week ago began to docllno fast. Ho told Mrs. Kcuman that ho had no relatives here, and naked her to notify tho Mlnskal Ycrcin. a Hebrew Blck benefit so- ciety, of which ho was a member, of his condition. A representative of tbo society called at the flat and got Mrs. Neuman to mako a bed on tbo floor of her front sitting room for Blltzensteln. Tho society's representative, ac- cording to Mrs. Neuman, said ho would pay all tho expenses of Blltzcnstcln's Illness, and when tho old man died he told Mrs. Neuman that tho body would bo burled on Thursday, She kept vigil over tho body, but nptxxly appeared to bury Mr. Blitzcnstcfn on Thursday. Yesterday afternoon the members of tho so- ciety nppearcd with u woman, who said sho was Mr. Blltzcnstcln's sister, nnd that sho wanted to collect tho money to which sho was entitled from the society. Mrs. Neuman said she wanted $25, which was due her for taking care of Blltz- ensteln during his last moments. Sbo Is said to have declared that sho would not allow tho body to bo moved until she got her money. There was a scene at this declaration, nnd men and women got mixed up In n quarrel and strug- gled nrouna tho small room. Mrs. Neuman started the row with the woman who said she was Blitzenstein's sister, and tbe collln was pushed around ln the . Finally tho society members, failing to pro-ser- order, appealed to the police of the Madi- son street station, bcrgennt McSweenoy sent a detail of pollco around to tho houso to keep tho mourners quiet and compel Mrs. Ncumnn to re- frain from Interfering with tho burial of tho body. Thrco hundred persons walked after tho hearse when It left the house. Tho police sent Blitzenstein's effects to tho Public Administra- tor, ond told Mrs. Neuman that sho would havo to got redress. If there was any duo her, through the courts. TUltEATEX TO BUB ASSESSORS. Sir. and Mrs. Wright Warn Tbem Xot to Fat Tbelr Xamro on the Personal Tax noil. White Plains. July 2. The following notlco bos been served upon each ot the Whlto Plains tax assessors: -- To John O'Kourie, Mfjah T. ITopUn: and Janut L. Warm, Aiteitort of Taxta for the totcn of White Ilaint, Wctehutcr county. X. 1., ami lo the Hoard ofAtuuort of laid town. "Gentlemen: Ploaso take notice that wo ore not and neither of us nro residents of Whlto Plains in the said county aforesaid, and aro hero with our family for only a month or two In tho fall and during tho spring, and shall hold you nnd each of you personally llablo for all dam- ages we or cither of us may sustain In nny wny from any attempt you mny mako to assess us or either ot us, or to place either of our names on tho assessment roll for n personal tax, or which mayarlso In tho future therefrom by reason of tho collection of or attempt to enforce the collection of such nssessment or tax or otherwise. And this notice is given to you for the purposo of notify- ing you that our names should not be placed upon tho nssessmont roll of said town, and If clthcV is placed them by you (or either of you) ns a renldont, or for pcrsomlty, that you do so nt your peril, and wo and each of us shall hold you and each 0(5011 llablo for nil damagcf, including all costs and oxpoiisoa to w hlch cither or both of us may bo put to defend ourselves, whether tho assessment roll is In your hands or In tho posses- sion of tho collector when damages shall accrue, if nny, by reason of un nttcinpt to collect or otherwise, and by reason of tbo appearance of our names or cither of our names upon tho as- sessment roll as tbo ow ncr of personalty. "(I11.11EUT A. WitinnT. 'June no. 1807. "Lol'Ihk WnuiiiT." Tho Wrights havo n bousoon Grand street. Thnyllvo at ono of tho Now York city hotels during tho winter months. Tho assessors be- lieve that Mr. nnd Mrs. Wright have a legal rcsldcnco horc, nnd. It Is said, will undoubtedly placo tholr names upon Iho assessment roll. It is said that Mr. Wright voted hero up to tho last spring election. ACTOll ItATOLIl'l'H MIBSIXO. Disappears Tram Ills llotrl Huon Arirr Kitrndl-tlo- u Papers Hnd Ilrrn Sinned. CiilOACin. July '.'.Edward J. llntcllffe, the actor, who Is wanted in Now York on nn indict- ment chnrglng him with bontlng his wlfo, can- not be found. Tho extradition warrant Issued by acting Gov. Northcott last night was re- ceived in tho city this morning bv Sheriff Peasos and turned ovcrtn Deputy Kdwnnl Leo to serve. Tho latter went lo tho Auditorium Hotel, whoro ItutcllfTo has been stopping, but failed to llnd tho mun. Deinilyl.eo went to tho room occu- pied b Itatcllffii and found his clothes and trunk then-- , Tho doputy learned that last night lUtcllirc packed his vnllso ami .left the hotel. It Is thought lUitcllirn has probably loft tho city or Is in hiding, ponding tbo hearing hoforo the Justlco of tlio Pence on next Tucsdny. The Weather. The heat was continued over all tho country yeiterdir. It wacool on the I'aclflo cuait. There was an Imnienu volume of hosted air flowing northwsrd from the Oulf of Mexico out of the area of high pressure which has remained itsttonary In that section for levera! days; while Iho low prwiure has occupied the Northern Statoi. yesterday thero was a very decided deprewlou over tho Norihweit, whloh will have a tendency to protract tho batcdtermlo the Southern and Intsrlor States. Thero were heavy tbundentornu jeiterdsy ln th lake region and In tbe nilddlo Atlsntlo and Now Eng- land fitatei. In this city the average humidity was 83psroent. highest offlolsl temperaturo 88' barometer, correeUd to read to sea level, at 8 A. M. 28.80, 8 V. M. 20.81. Ths thermometer at tho United Btstn Weather Bu- reau registered tho temperature yesterday as follows! IBOn. 1887. 18B8. BA.M ,"l- - 78- - IM OO; 78. ieU.........7lf 77' OI'.M Ilg 78 74'lSJlld washkotox fobkcast roa SATUaDlT. ror New Kngtand and taetem Stv York, fair, tw ttpt ehowert on the ooaetl tatterly lo lautheaeterly Kindt Hor tho District of Columbia, eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Dtdsware, Maryland, and Virginia, scat- tered showers) southeasterly winds. A. GORDONBLAIIVS CAREER. voitajcn thzt.h of jus Azzraro OOXQVJSBX OJ? BOOXBTi: A Hwlndler Under Arrest In ttooton Hays Tie Ilao neon Rntertalned br the Asters and Vanderbllta Ills lllstorr at Newport lie ays II. Is tbe Ion or n Naval O nicer. Boston, Mass., July 2. A, Gordon Blair, the young Southornor who was arrested about two weeks ago, having In his possession nnotbor man's property which ho acknowledged that ho had stolen, has issued a statement, which lias boon printed In tho Globe, purporting to bo n story of his llfo. Ho says his real name is Lnwronco P. Graham, and that ho is a son of n commander in tho United States navy: that his uncles nro ofllccrs ln tho army, nnd that tho lato Admiral Mcado was his first cousin. Ho says ho has moved In tho most fashtonablo circles In tho country, and hns bcon entertained by tho Asters and tho Vandorbllts. Ho says that Mrs. Paran 8tevcn8 was ono of tho best friends ho ever had ln tho world. In his atntcniont Blair says that when ho was 11 years old his mother dlod; that nbout a year later his father married again nnd theroaf tor took no Interest In his son. Ho graduated from n military collcgo at Burlington, N. J and wont afterward to a school at West Farnham, near Montreal. It was hero that ho bogan his wrong- doing. Indorsing n check payablo to tho treas- urer of tho school and drawing tho monoy thcro-o- Ho goos un to sny: "With tho money 1 wont homo to Wnshlngton and told mv fnthor what I hnd dono. Ho after- ward mado tho amount good, and 1 was font to tho University of Virginia. Practically tho samo thing happened thero. I was Ignorod by many bocnuso I had no monoy to nltnnd tho regular collcgo functions. Tho professors sym- pathized with me, and I In turn lost control of mvself nnd secured monev In vnrlntis dishonest wrijs for Romo tlmo. Tho natural result camo, I had to lonvo to escape being punished." Blnlrsays ho trial work without succccsnnd continued his thlovlng habits. Uo went ou tho roud with n theatrical company from which ho stole monoy whon ho could not got his salary. Ho forged a check at Hartford, two at Wllllman-ti- c and for tho latter crlmo served two years in tho penitentiary. Of this ho says: "The only ono who wroto to mo during theso two long years was my oldest slstor, who Is tho wifoof a Lieutenant In tho army stationed nt Fort Douglas, Salt Lako City, Utah. She sent mo boxes of things and reading mattor, nnd did everything in her power to help mo bear up. " Soon nfter thnt Blair Bays ho sorvod six months on Blackwcll's Island for robbing n New York jowolry storo. Of himself and his friends Blair says: " I havo spont summer vacations nt Nowport, Nnrragansott Pier, Bar Harbor, and Capo Mny. In each place I have managed to mako friends with tho very best people in the place. I can danco and sing nnd piny the music of Chonln, Beethoven, Wngncr. Liszt, nnd others. This surely would otltsolf give mo tho cntrco lnnll secluded corners, with, of course, the eencrnl bearing of a gentleman. At Nowport I hnvo been a guest on many of tho Btcam ynchts. tho hosts being men of wealth and position in society. Littla did they dream that nn was among them. This goes to show what a Uttlo moans w ill do with a smooth presence. I could not livo among them without moans, and naturally I secured it In various ways, but was never once dctcctod. It has been very easy for mo to do wrong. With a good education, pent clothes, and tlio common faculties of a gentleman, I could easllv deceive those with whom I came In contact. There is not a rclatlvo who would help me wero I breathing my last, nnd the climax to a dishonorable life has been reached." TAX OX ALIEX LABOR. Pennsylvania's .Vew Ian nay Drive Oat Then sands of Foreigners. Rxadino, Pa., July 2. It Is announced here that many largo corporations In Pennsylvania In- tend discharging ovcry unnaturalized foreigner ln their employ. Tho reason given is that rather than go to tho troublo to obey tho new law, tax- ing such foreigners three cents a day for every day employed, the corporation will dlschnrgo them. Many foreigners ore already leaving tho State. Tho courts aro strict in their require- ments for naturalization, and this with tho now tax law w 111 drive aliens to other States. Here- tofore tho courts were lenient In granting nat- uralization papers. Now they require the alien to know considerable nbout American political history, tbe United States Government, and the English language. Tho new law, which went into effect on July 1, requires every unnaturalized foreigner over twenty-on- e years of age to pay three cents a day tax for every day employed, and tho employer Is mado responsible for tho tax. Tho employor Is to report to tbo county Commissioners qunr-torl- under oath, giving full details as to each man. Tbo penalty Is o lino of from $200 to 11,000. Tho employer collects tho tax and pays ? l over to Iho county. The nllens say the tax Is unjust. The otllcials say It Is tbo only way to get any tnx at nil from thoso men. In the Pennsylvania coal regions, where thousands of such nllens toll for $loto$lS a month, thoy say thoy w 111 not leave The Phila- delphia and Heading Coal nnd Iron Company will bo put to n great deal of trouble to keep tho accounts. Tho coal region aliens hnvo no desire to be naturalized, but send their money homo to Europe. At n recent court In Schuylkill county only slxty-on- men appeared for naturalization out of a colony of O.OOO. Some corporations have ndvlscd their attorneys to contest the con- stitutionality of tho act. No form of blank lo be used by employer hns as yet been Issued, but tho State officials aro now preparing one. BOTTLED orEIt BY A CABLE CAB. Not Hart. Altboash Knocked Dawn Twlee, the Victim Bbakrs Her Flat at tbe Crlpman. As a Thlnl avenue cablo car. bound north, wa passing Eighty-sixt- h street yostorday morning nn Italian woman with a bundle under her arm started across tho avenue. Sho did not see tho approaching car and halted directly ln front to turn and look ud tho avcnuo. As It was Impossible to stop the car, it struck her and throw hor forward about five feet. She fell on hnnds nnd kneos, and the car waa on her again beforo sho could scramble to her feet. It rolled upon her. but tho gripman stopped it a moment later. Beforo any ono could offer any aid to her the woman crawled from undor tho car platform, grabbed up her bundlo and wnlkod off, evidently none tho worso for hor ndventuro. She turned several times to shnke her fist at tho gripman. VJCKVOCKKTB XX A BAXK. Chicago Police Have a ntrugaie wllh Three or Tliem and Huudun Them. CniCAon. July 2. Throe pickpockets were dis- covered in tho Metropolitan Nationnl Bank In tho Woman's Temple at noon Two arrest, and a light followed betweon them and Botoctlvcs Cowdrcy ond Kip-le- y of tho Central Station, in which tho ofllcors wero roughly handled. All three wore finally overpowered nnd tnkin to tho Central Station In the Clt) Hall, whoro thoy wero locked up. Thoy nro said to bo expert pick- - Their names are Lubm. Joseph lunncberry. nnd Jiimes Toliln. Lubln is said to ho tho most expert plckpockot for his ago In Chicago. Cargo of Uquor Helaed In Portland, Me. PniiTLANn, Mo July 2. It looks as tf tho big Fourth of July colobrntlon would be a very dry affulr. Nolwlthttandlng tho fact that Maine Is a prohibition Htnto about 150 barrels of beer and wblskoy wore shipped by steamer from Boston to this city a view days ugo. But when the steamer arrhed In hor berth this morning a posse of doputy sheriffs swooped down upon her and sulred every drop of tho liquor. Tho liquor dealers hail contributed liberally to tin) fund tor tho celebration and had thought thoy would not be molested, XXXOXAS O. BXIT1I IXDXOTSD. Accused ef Rmbralf ment In Connection with Ki.Pnvmaster Corn Inn's Defalcation. Thomas a Smith, formorly Presldont ot tho Bovcntconlh Ward Bank, was Indicted by the United States Grand Jury in Brooklyn, yostor- day, on tho tochnlcal chargoot embezztomont. Ho is tho fathur-ln-law- John Corwlno, formerly paymaster ln tho nnvy. Mr, Smith was ono of tho bondsmen for his nnd was ar- rosted on Juno 0 charged with receiving Govern- ment money ln payment of a personal debt. He had a hearing boforo Unltod States Commissioner Morlo, who on Wodnosday last dismissed the complaint. Hoforo Commissioner Morlo ren- dered this decision United States District At- torney Bonnott presented tho ensu to the Grand Jury, Mr. Smith nnd Hlchnrd Young, bondsmen for John Corwlno, mndo good to the Government a dollclciicy of S25 000 in Corwlno's accounts nnd then declined to continue on tho bond, and a surety company took their place. Thoro was a socond delliicncy of f 10,000 which tha Govern- ment Is trying to collect from tho surety com- pany Corwino mado nn nllldnvlt that ho had paid to his fathor-In-ln- Oovornmont monoy in payment of Ibc personal debt, nnd this resulted in Mr, Smith's arrest. Mr. Smith acknowledged rccolvlng tho monoy, but naid ho did not know it bclnngod to tho Government, ns his said It was monoy saved from his salary. United States District Attorney Bcnnott said ho wns not bound by tho Commissioner's de- cision, and that he would trv tho cuso as soon as possible Assistant Unltod States District Attorney Hoy Bald an attorney In Washington who repro-ront- s tho surety company nnd who also repre- sents Corwlno prcsentid tho mattor to tho United States District Attornoy. " It is tho most tinusuil thing I ovor henrd of." said Mr. Smith yesterday. "It is nothing In tho world but n squcczo to make mo pay $10,000 in order that somo ono else may go free. That monoy others aro llablo for. I havo discharged nil my obligations. They will novcr get a rent from mo as long as I live, and I hopa not aftor my death. rxrs xovxa bvjiglaus xabued. Tbelr Alleged Instructor In Crime and Two Itecelvers Also Arrealed Detoctlvos of tho Eldrldgo street station ar- raigned flvo young burglars, an alleged " Fagln" nnd two allegod receivers ln tho Essux Mnrkot Court yesterday for complicity In sevoral robber- ies In tho dry goods storo of & Lovy, nt 258 Grand street. Tho tlrm complained to tho pollco recently that their storo hnd been broken into several times, nnd that goods vnlucd at several thousand dollars had been stolen. Tho robberies took place within tho pnst two wcoks. Detectives Monolmn nnd Cohen of the Eldrldgo street station noticed on Thursday a crowd ot young men In front of tho premises of Matthow Nicholson at 115 Chrystlo streot. Several of tho crowd woro seen to carry bundles ln nnd out of tboplnco. Tho detectives arrested live of tbo gnng Thursday night. The prisoners described themselves ns Henry Epstein, HI yeurs old. nt 105 Forsyth street: Honry Hold, ltl )enn old, of 2e)2 Ilroomo street; William Ueubert, 10 years old, of 282 Broome street; William (inl-vl- 111 years old, ot 120 Leonard streot. and Joseph Mulry, 10 joars old, ot 223 Fifth ntrcct. Galvin confessed thnt the gam; had robbod thu dry goods storo, and sr.ld that Nicholson, n ho Is 38 years old, had been conducting a school at which hoys were taught to Heal. He added that Nicholson hnd planned the robberies, nnd ho took Detective Mnnnhan to tho roof of tho building in which Nicholson lives nndhhoned him where Nicholson had plated a plunk across to tho building in which the dry goods store Is located. He explained that tho bos had forced open tbo scuttle, and, after getting the goods, turned Hum over to Nicholson, who. in turn, ho said, sold them to Samuel Cohen of 70 ltnyard street and Barney Cohen of TU Division street. Nicholson nnd the two Cohens were subsequently arrested. Tho prisoners were hold for examina- tion in $1,000 bail each. LEADEB "XICK" JIULLER IS OUT. After a Three Venn' P!Kht Richmond County Has a i 1'ullre Hoard. Tbe long effort to supplant tho Democratic Board of Pollco Commissioners in Richmond county with a board of two named by a Republican appointing board was success- ful yesterday when Charles A. Alexander. Re- publican, and Cornelius A.Hart, Democrat, wero appointed as Police Commissioners and within thrco hours had qualified, filed their bonds and had taken possession ot the rooms and records of tho Police Board. Tho deposed Commission- ers arc Nicholas Mullcr and Ilobort M. Hazard, both Democrats. There has been a vacancy ln tho old board for nearly two years. Tho movement to tnko tho control of the Statcn Island Pollco Department from Mr. Muller n three years nco. when a bill ousting him was sent to thn Legislature. It failed of passage. The next winter u bill was passed anil liecnino a law. providing for n board appointed by ltepuhllcnn county olUcinls, but that "unde- clared unionstitutiounl, and fell with the Al- bany Pollco Itiargnnlzntlnn bill. Lnuuintirii new bill wns passed, and Its constitutionality has been tested In tin' courts. Last week the Court of Appoals sustained tho law, and tho Democrats made nn fnrtherclTort to prevent tho scntlng of the now Commissioners The new Police Bonrd organized by tho selec- tion of Mr.Alexnndcr as President and Mr. Hart as Treasurer. Tho lxj.ird Mill meet again to- morrow, nnd then- - nro rumors of manv changes in the force. Mr. Hart has a strong politi- cal opponent ot tho Democratic leader, Mr. Mullcr. ELECTRICITY OX Til EX. J. XORTUERX. Report That tbo len Ownem Intend to Chance tbe SIotHe Power. It is not true, nsroportod, that tho control of tho Northern Hnilrovl of New Jersey has been bought cither by tbo Central Railroad Company of New Jersey or by tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Wcstorn Hallrond Company. Tho con- trolling Interest held by tho President, John Hull Drowning, has been sold to tho agent of a syndicate, tho names of tho moiubcra of which havo not been divulged. It Is bcllood, how- ever, that the new ou tiers are interested In tho Consolidated Traction Company of Now Jersey, and thnt It Is their Inn ntlon to operate Iho road by electricity Instcnd of steam. The Northern Railroad of Now Jersey Is now, ond has been slnco 1 will, operated by tho Erlo Railroad. Tho present runtnl Is 35 per rent, of tho gross earnings, and Ihnlenso Istormlnnblo by cither party on nlnoty diivs' notlco. Tho road runs from Ik rgen Junction. N. J., twenty-on- miles toMinrklll ln this Stato, and there Is n leased Hue of four nnd a half tulles from Sparklll to N nek. CHICAGO TEUMIXAL THAXBFER. Tbo New Company Has TaUeii over tho Chi-rag- o and Norlhrni Pacific Properly. Tho property of the Chicago and Northern Pa- cific Railroad Company wnB turned over to the new company, tho Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad Company, it midnight on Juno 30. The new company nt the wiinn hour bogan tho opera- tion of tho Chicago and Calumet Terminal Hall- way Company, Til ?20il.500 duo July 1 In final payment of tlinSturgls tract of 380 acres has boon paid. The transfer of these properties completes tho reorganization of tho Chicago and Northern Pacific, and tho now cnmpanv starts free from nil inciiinhranres nnd obligations of tho old companies except thoso monllotiod in tho plan of reorgnnlratlon. Tho Murder ol the Indiana, Sailor Philip F. Carter, who klllod Master-at-Arm- s Thomas J. Kenny on board tho battloshtp Indiana on Wednesday evening by stabbing him In tho back with 11 bnyonet, was Indicted ester-da- y for murder In the first drgreo by Iho rod-or- Grand Jury In Brooklyn. Judgo Benedict Issuod a warrant for tbo transfer of the prisoner to Raymond Hlrcot Jail, Carter will bo on Tuesday or Wedncsdny, fljjor rnosr Astnvsir. A Wheelman Ilrrrlvra a Ilutlel While Slitting In a Chicago Park with n Comiinnloii. CniCAdo, July 2. While Charles Nelson of 3238 Graves place, a stenographer, sat on n bench ln Washington Park at midnight with his com- panion In a bicycle ilde, Mrs. Mnrgnret Staples ot 1057 Michigan avenue, a man supposed to bo a negro tired throo bullets nt Nelson from tho cover of a lilac bush. One of the bullets Btruck Nelson In tho chest, grazod his heart, and dropped to the diaphragm. Nelson hns practi- cally jio chance for recovery, according to Br. Blncklcr of tho Chicago Hospital. Mrs. Staplos is still detained nt tho Hyde Park rollcc station ns a witness in cae tho is found. Mrs. Staple's former husband wns n salesman ln tho employ of Franklin & Co., of w hlch establishment her father Is now tho head snlcHinnn. Slucu her separation from her husband Mm. Staples has been by a number of blcjclo llrms. Sho was also recently employed 0:1 btato street as a book- keeper. Mrs. Staples has told tho pollco conflicting stories nbout tho shooting, and It Is believed that sho Is concealing thu facts. Jealousy Is thought to havo been tho motho for thu shoot- ing, but that it was dono by n negro Is not MrB. Stuples has been divorced from her husband for n jenr, and during most of thnt time shahns txen on terms of close friendship with NcKon. Tho wounded mill has not been nblo to mako any statement except 11 few words immediately after the shouting, when ho snld that tho deed was dono bv a man unknown to him. The police havu clues which they ex- pect will uuvtll the 111 stcry. TREXTOX BVBBER CO. AFFAIRS. Ilecelver Itlrd's Invrntorr fthows 9300,000 In Uouliirut ur Illaputed Aascts. TunNTON, N. J., July 2. Bird, receiver of tho Trenton Rubber Company, y tiled his Inventory ln the Chancery Court. Ho estimates tho assets at $113,083.40 and tbo liabilities at Of tbe assets $3124,593 aro cither disputed or doubtful. No estimate is mado of wliat may bo raised from the doubtful assets, which include $270,432 claimed to bo owing to the company by Prank A. Magowan for overdraft of his account mado while Presi- dent. Another disputed item is t.233, which the Trenton Wnteh Company paid to Mauowan. nnd which, it Is alleged, ho wns not authorized to receive. tSults over tho Items aro uow pending. Among the liabilities are debts of ?ll),."i50 duo to Men. William II. Pkirm; lo Allen Slagowan, father of Frank A. Magowan: JJ4.000 to his stepmother, Sarah J. Miigonnu:$r7,000 to Tienton banks, i?i:i,i)'--0 to Ida M. Alpaugh, willow of Frank A. Mogowan's former business pnrtner, and ifc.OOO to Samuel Walker, who was recelM-- r of the company two yearn ago. Tho real estate, mills, nnd machinery are estimated to bo worth ifOO.OOO. I'olleo Captains Change IMaceo. Police Captains Robert Young of tho Eliza- beth street station end William Bean of tho East Eighty-eight- h streot squad changed com- mands yesterday, under orders of tho Chief. It was said that tho change wns made nt tho re- quest of Cupt. Young, who was tireil of tbo Bend and Chinatown and wanted to bo nearer homo. iToiiiutiicvihti) Jloticr.'S, j ' 'lMir. llrm of nrowue. lieecho arMJi I Co of ilp.iruli". c'MIe, ,iud at Nf- York, having (SSSL !f 1 ' h llndtuilon tins dm, tin- - iKjuldmlon of th, 3Kr X i ' atlair. of tin ald f ' s vis of Itrnwiii", vt Co. , IflSft' b ' Hl.ii;iwi lin.l Ni v ork lll l.e iv.nduelid hy th 'in'J' ,' ! tlrm of I ci 11 of Va'pnii t.i.uid Nt- York, who tV&Kl will the liiistui .a tiiidulio have Ueu eoa ..IiTmi t klliuti I Mieh lliUld.ilor. ly tin- - Kiitiut ot all tha wi piirtliil'4. IllllAVSI . MKICIIK CO. 1L'! i H i'I.HMIW, VI.W VI UK, hint-no- . ftHH1 ( A "pm lal iopiirliii-itd- i )i tli, diiv I10111 formed ififfal' 1 under tin-la- a nt Ul" Hrpul'IlK of 1. I1II1 . til do lulsl. .Wl ) 1 i l 111 I'll ml M11 tlrm uainn .ind Mjle of A Co., a j la 3 of .ili u also. Chili-- , hntlilir i,n ufllce In 'n'W York, ,?,& Kt u Jlo.r. He. . Vgf ' M'l of iiiiiiuru, mid WIIII1.111 1 l.trkr ,6 (5, of 11.1,1 u i.n' tin (ii lartiiiTN. .MeM,rj hnlustlo IJ4 i It,. 'i l,e or Valparal.'!, oeiirto - Hu id or .New York, tf Si I J1.I111 11. Mlirli of Villi uril " an Tlieodiulo V. IlmUai SSm , of VJlp'irnUo nr tin ww-r.-i- l Ilia lattor ' ' 1 un-- InfKi'd'1 tho tiiaiiiiici i'nt of III" liu.lni-- fids? J ' mill ha-- the exilu.uu rlKht to tbo use of the firm ymf' Ur flenKe - Din al III ! Ihe resident partner In Bft J & New .irk, the othi r pariuen. Iniilrnr rharg JPj A of tin tun neiJi tu Cidlu nnd on tbo Weal C'oaat ot lH fcoulh America. JaB H m.usTio H'Ti-hi:- , IMS' tl i 111 iiitdi: 1. nrvAi, Ks. r ji.HN' i Sat 1 i JHEODuSIO i Ill'DOE, . KKli j , , Oeuernl 1'artnere. 1 Vtit OS lll'.OM) hT NEW YOIIK. July ll, l'7. M;3 '
1 · y " '" ' ',A '' ', ""' '" '' Tfeffi STOsAtffiDAY, JULY''318'' C ' 9 lllilfl,HOBSE

Mar 17, 2018



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Page 1: · y " '" ' ',A '' ', ""' '" '' Tfeffi STOsAtffiDAY, JULY''318'' C ' 9 lllilfl,HOBSE

y " '" ' ',A '' ', ""' '" '' Tfeffi STOsAtffiDAY, JULY'' 318'' C'


g runsoxa shout hat tize' jlj:v uvis packed.Mink If Ctmrley Dlrcka, Tlerae

fLfr, Had t" Rnt r It Jadare

turn 00,"d ' th" Jurr ""I rotipiKM t ase Oranta Mountain Hon Urr,

N. J-- i Ju,y 2. Tho court of JutttceE . .JJreaeo John II. Lander of 8U Cloud on

rMe Mountain was tho nceno on Tuesdaytuneon of what Charley Dlanchrnd, Rcntlo-J- ol

color nml Jur,mivn described as n,

f1"0 fcle,,ro'" J"Uco Lander's court!!?Jeomlnii known m Uo "horgo warranty(Hart" Tncro aro many horse dealer, on andfrSnllli' Omnno Mountains, and In the differ-iJd-

occur botween thorn Squire Lander' ST nlned renown as a fearless and horso- -

i taflirlM JldK- -

Tt c ,rlt1 on Tuesday wa that-o- f Lewis1

DleoVs. Four or flvo weeks ago AA DlecksSi aOie t0 J,r' Jo,Pll'no lwls for P125.t wit against Blocks Mrs. Lewis contond-- S

tint sltor a month's trial sho found that thoJJ . though rcprosanlcd to bo sound, was un--

Sho furthermore contended that It' fTjrbeen of no use to her and that uho hod been"ITKrt expense and pnnojranco for Its kcop

4 care. Whcrcfbro sho prayed that tho courtorder Weeks to toko back the horse, r- -

hratohtf the fl'--S. and also pay her SO centsViu for its keep for tho time the horse hod

n her care. Her lawyer was DistrictjTdx Charlai II. Storrs of Yale football fame.

i gjjuonlU. Itolllnson, Princeton '03,,wns to"Wend Dlwks. Ho had summoned wituossestatcstlfy that Blocks in selling the horse to Mrs.InriJ, n0 wa5 rePr09cnlcd T uer eon.. sdiwcinler. did not warrant tho boast. Thatri true tho horso had ono or more spavinLjTbut that Mr. Blocks had drawn attentionJthera st the tlino of tho transaction; that tho

rrfaicr hail caused tho horso to niako twoSoften four trips each day up and downMsm Mountain attached to a backboard, in

four adult persons rodo. Mr. ItolllnsonJdd contend that during one of these trips,JotIt oTertoudcd.lhe horso s hind feet had Inter--SiS causlnic n hrutso from which it wontSosssld lameness being thereforo chargeableiSa lack ot skill or tho Inhumanity, or both,5 Mr Schwelnler or his driver. Tho defencoSm wrpowd to show that Mr. Schwolnlor wasmtoiiptattni: tho removal of his homo to tho

jkuk "hero ho would not need the horse.IuUt the)- - would contond that it was de--nSig to tho ancient craft of horso tradinghit shorse dealer should soil n horso to a manrhs mlut niako good use of it so long as It

BVuedalm. and when it pleased him no moreErars It to the dealer and not only demand

ct the prioo that had boon paid for it, butMrtmrnue for keen and careTie place was worthy of such a trial. It was

ea Justice Lander's broad veranda. All Westn sad much of N'orthQcld, over tho moun--

YiTth homo of Blocks, was there to see.fU toes before tho Sauiro's housa was linedirtth dosty vug, switching their tails over thoimBi of dustier carryalls, surreys, backboards,Sd DBKle. A rustling group of ladles wasntherrl In houso chairs at tho end ot the u.

1)t the consent of tho Itov. ChaunceyOoodrlch of tho lro3bytorian Church near by,nap stools wero brought from the church forha men to sit on.

When the members of tho jury that had beenhisselled by Constable Johnny Murrayjrath-ereiin- d

looked at each other they laughed.fierslTerc "Dutcby" Itcinhardt, a blacksmithfroa SorthOeld and a closo friend to Dlecks;Qirley Blsnchard, a negro liveryman of Or-I-3,

ssothcr liveryman, a milkman (BlocksleUs Dllk, too), and other persons who regard-i- d

Mr. Dlecks as a man and brother. JudgoRem stared at the array and laughed sarens-ticsi-

He turned to consult with bis client.Vesatime Murray found that only sovtn of thehielrs men he had impanelled had appeared.El Slied up the quota by draughting In two

Liveryman Crowcll, who hod beentrammed as a Dlecks witness, and a brothertf lArer Itolllnson. who had come as a spect-ator. Justice L&ndor was about to swear in

Jury when Judgo Storrs signified an inten-ti- n

to speak. He arose, stroked bis droopingButiche, and looked loner and wearily into thoera of each juryman. Finally he looked atOsstsble Murray and at Mr. Itolllnson andI" Mr. Itolllnson grinned also.

"1 sis Instructed by my client," said JudgeBern "to ask for a discontinuance ot thistsw.

Mr. BoUJnson objected. He sold he wasmij. Ills witnesses had come long distancesc s hot day and could not easily be collectedinin. Also, Mr. Itolllnson said, he doubtednether such an Intelligent jury could easilybothered on another clay.

Jodm Storrs grinned. The jury grinned.;Hr., Eolllnson looked very solemn. Lander,i. P. discontinued the case In doing so he re- -'parted that jurymen who were impanelled butKt iera were entitled to but 15 out of tho 25est! which they may legally receive after serv-b- f

st a Justice's trial. The jurors werewiUbT, One of them lilted up his volco andnil:

"I ssr that a roan who'll tako a man oat of attr field and mako htm travel three miles forU cents Is In a darn measly business."

Its foreman, T. J. O. Push, who Is employedfTtis Ettntng Post, spent his 15 cents In buywpesnuts from a peddler who had joined thetonic. He gallantly distributed the peanutsmax the ladles.

Jiige Storrs paid over halt of the costs ofui cue snd rodo away, remarking that, ofeoast, Rollinson would pay tho rest. Mr. ltol-n-

when notified of Judge Storrs's action,nld it wss a low Yale trick.

8torrs, when told what Mr. ItolllnsonSJjdfe

Yale trick, was ltl If I were capablea jury rfe vicinage like that, why,

W-J- rat still, what's the ute "nigt fitorrs said ho understood that the

to bo resumed in tho First Blstrlct CourtPOrsnge, Judge Storrs's own court. JudgeUwli of Paterson will take Judge Storrs'sJoj when tho case comes up.

rtZD TltOM YELLOIT JACK.tnBcrareea rrom tbe City or Farm Get Hem

on tbe Alllanra.litre were two d passengersa tas Pansma railroad's steamship Alllanca,Uch arrived yesterday from Colon, who

wlrioslly sailed from Panama in May last forBa Francisco on tho steamship City of Para.P her way from Panama tho City of Parabodied at San Joie de Guatemala. Yellowtner had broken out on the ship, and two of herjwenj-er-

s had died and wore buried at sea."Mother passengers were in a highly nervousenditlon when tho ship arrived at San Jose, andtotf dozen of them Insisted on leaving

tt lUp, declaring that thoy feared that they"Id tet the fever. Thoy went ashore, against

rotets of the Guatemala authorities. lio--the City of Para sailed the deserters wanted

jocomtback aboard. They were not pormlttcdwdso. Tho two passengors who got hero yes-d- y

crossed tho Isthmus and took passago onAllInca at Colon. They say thatmoro than

"M the City of Para's passengers dlod on thoTO to San Joio. Tho ship's report shows thattwjsre mistaken.

"a the Alllanca also were Dr. Victor Equlgue-C- j'

ft' Peruvian Minister at Washington, andrj'jlte. llfcaiiBo of the prevalence of yellowfy. at Colon tho Allinna's naNsengorB weroSi? 'or examination, their bnggago wasTOifcctcd. and the ship was fumigated. Tho

t?,.t ?'". lower brought tho passengers to thoO'jlstolo the afternoon.


''"' Mrnmer' Four Deaths Sulpeotrd tolln Hue to Yellow Jack,

BmJ'iuscirco, July 1!. Tbo Panama steamerpulco arrh cd hero and as sbo re-

torted four deaths from fever sho was rjuar-ao- i.

Thoso who died were Felix Montcllo,Ma paengcr front Pnnama; II. Lombardo,

JJfC0 p.issongcri Fred II. Likens, thirdand William McKay, stoker.

M steanur and quarantine otllclnls declaret the dentin were duo to pernicious fover,

J"t others nay tho victims showed all symp-T- u

' K(!nu,no yellow fever, which isSH1' n Panama, Ln Lllicrtnd, Acnjiitln,IfuVh1,tr Places Inl'entrul America nnd Moxico.tMiLouelit tliaillseaho whs brought on board,i MoaiUlo ut Panama. .Medicines had noK?.'i uny of tho sick. Tho authorities utf7tt,l,."',!kliiBnH cirorts to suppiess thoSSiA'O'llnw fever 8 raging-tJiorc- , but It IsieiW.w? ,,mt It '8 ilnngeioiiH for nny

porson to luml nt Panama or any"rco6l ports In Central America.

ur War Alier at Handy Uook."tary of War Gen. Hussoll A. Algor, with

ji ' "agler, Chlof of Ordnance, camo on from"Wnctuii cstcrdny, nnd, after registering at'Fifth Avcnuo Hotel, vent down to Sandy

Wltl' Cnpt' llcatb' commanding thoKniTi!?i,rr"Bn,,B there, they wero to witnessTh! ""co trials and to niako an inspoctlon.let?.? "" 1,, night nt tho Hook, Thoro liassou. i cl "''"' "aid 111 Congress rooonlly aboutHoik ;!"'"" crliig work to bo dono nt Sandywbthi1!1',''"" to tho washing of tho tides,EifEi ;'''' nude tho Hook on island ugnin. ItItntSii i

Secrotury will bavo a look at

her?., !"r Limited trslni eaeii way, every ilsr In7e p'. "'u N,I1V York "ml Cli'i-ajo- . via Newawittlifi'''". "" Us J'.'cntgau Cvalral and Lak


Creates iifj3lP DyspepsiaS COTTOLENE BSS-Vt-k TherenuineCottolenelssoldeverywberolnbnetoUn jmS5?vI GffiiwIfJl pound Uns, with our trade marks "Cbflolms," and cwfJHLJIf' 1M5L tti'r't head in cotton-pla- nt wreath on every tin. Jrv- - '"tiT n x. Net rBoranteed If gold ln any other way, JBT

jfSN3W TIIEW.K.FAJItBAHttCOMlAinr, 3&?fcBo!r'itattlfeS'rV cblcCi BL Louis, New York, vmMeaWf


gitooMp- &(ti!frtijir.mtntjj.

THE CITY'S HEATis driving tho pooplo into tho conn-tr- y.

It's our duty, ns Brooklyn's '

loading Clothiers, to aoo that younro mado nB oomfortablo as ponai- -bio, honco wo havo provided ahnndsoino lino of Outing GooiIb,consisting of Wool Crash Suits,Sorgo Suits (bluo, gray and black), ,

light Cheviot Suits, Straw Hats,Bicyolo and Oatiug Caps. OutingShirts, all kinds of Bicyolo andyacht Supplies, Whito Duck andCorduroy TrouBors and othergoods too numerous to montion.


If you nrn not mado conifortablo '

during thoso hot Summer dayB itwill bo no fault of

Fulton St.. ear. DcKalb Avo. "


Wnntril JFrmnlciJ.


Harlem Branch119 west 125th streetTJI.ANK HOOK hEWP.K wai.tnl, alo Kill lu fiedJ i rilllliit . 1 S Blone .. top n or.

"Wnuttu JRtaleu iUrthnntriJ. 8f.the harlier trade; onlv requires eight wroksiIKAUS delisted; world of praclleei alluatlonrlle tor catalogue. MOI. Elt'.s Harbor School,

U7 lludsunat,

Situation Wannd lunlcjj.MAS who la Induatrloua, trustworthy, snd canrelied liln doalrrj K!tlon aa nurae or slland.

suti would not object to country or travelling! hashad years of experience and can fiirulah beat ot rcf.erenrrai willing and obedli-at- . Address 11. T. U., box1411 hull otnc-- ,

"rlect 350uriU

Rast aide.

rr rrTII ST.. It EAST. Delightful suites and separateI V roomsi private bathi aeeond ftoori hoard op-

tional! summer prlcca." Ural Hide.

ST., 84 WEST. Single and double roome,nTII hoards aummer ratoaj arrangements madetor winter.Q41I1 NT., "lli, 80, WKNT. Second door, witht3i prhate hathl table boardl tranalenta.Q (Til HT., -- 7 WT.ST. Handsome cool rooms, rsrel-J- J

lent board) summer rates-- , transients accommo-dated.

ef itrnlishea oom Oprtmrutu to gett'nl Hide.

1 IN1VKIISITV Vl.kV'a7 opposite WashingtonvJ square. Klnely furnlnhed roomn bath, gi line-

men reference.' 4i I'.tHT oiiu ur.



KATERnKKi:HKNrns iiequirkd." ic-isi-

hT 14 WK81 Second floor, nrelj furnished3D aiilti-s- i prlrato batbsi opposite W aldorf per-

manent, transient; reference.Q7T1I HT., Sa wEstT Neatly funils-o- d rooma;tJ I hath, gas, running water; f V up

7rrTHhT., f45 wnSf.Saly furnished largo andt) small rooma; running water st.d cloaetai elect rlo

lights and fans; low price for summer to iwraiaiientgentlemen with references; prli " house; no meals,

Tat7ana pnrmr ntu jpttFltBn TO HI'"T I.

Four rooms, hot and coll water, 118.80 to $15.l and .03 West t .;" Mb SV.

COLLIN II. WOonw a"6 Wot I48that.

$35.00.Chsrmtnr, newly furiiM"! apsrtmenU of aeven

rooma; tastefully decorated, hardwood finish; alsounfurnished Hat of oi ea rooms. M6,

()nu&4 West IWlh at.L1.EN8T.7T0H -- Sloe light apartments to rentA" cheats luqulre ur.11 lid ar city.

mi LET lient free for July, choice flats ,'ld ii. aithat, IllVIMO, 310 Madison av,

IXorrril ST., b EAST. Apartments or thres'sadtour rooms i allUj-tro- oi cbosp rent.

eflgtgJ"" gipnttmrntu 0 Set."THIS FIFTH AVBKIJ-- V

lonr-ioti- n iiitii av.. t'on. natii nt.Elegant cornernpsrlinenbi. 11) rooms and hithiate-on- d

floor; great Inducements rrrrd. Apply to. i, IIIIIM-ltr- Nlipl.

eflata ami Svimttmcnts rooMjjn.

$9AND $ 1 0 FLATST"' Single nat, halt of housei t nnd 6 roomat tisth,range, washtuba, deoorsted, Ac Tnkn Kings CountyL to chcitnut at. atatlnui unliii foot or atnlra.;i:itsi..-- . a.jii:iiic i.sii'iiu ksimt to.


tt'IUn Iftouacg Co 2.t City.DKSinAIlt.r. HODSUR, furn'shed nnd unfurnished,

loentlousi rent tl,'-!u- to Stl.uuu.FOMIOM HHOTIIEllS, 8U5 llroadusj, cor. Kllhat.

fuiuithril JRoujscjs to $ct ontvuTTiOIt rtF.NT FIIOM NOW TILL nilSTOK ocTonnn.A A eomplntelyfiTiilstird (ottage, six roonm highest?lnt on lNwono lotiiitntnt four IhmiitO rule from New

A bargain. For Inrortmitlon wrlto toV.3. PHILLIPS, Tuli)hiina, Pa.

rfuraliilud -- lat. Co gtuANII AP.MITMKNTR, llnriiriilshed, fnrillsiiedl

111 dttlrnl Ir rent tr4ll lo t:i,l)0.FOLbOM IlltOTIIUIts. KM Droadnaj, cor. lilthat.

Su'cUinrj sftoitDcci to Cct (Couutvy.

A FLOOIl to let. furnlahed or unfiirntshedt rentMrs. WUI.NIIOL1), 10th at., sheepa-hea- il

liar, L. I.11ENT. II rooms nt Point PlensantTN. J., on

third corner Irom the ocean; furnished comfortnldv ; ready for o cupaiier; rent molerate. Apply toJOHN II, idtl.NNAN. 1 111 North limad St., Trenton,N. J.;ono l.our's rlilo ou cars by Pennsylvania Hall-roa-

TSJOUWALK. CONN. To Xov.'lT lilflifslgfltTyr,J- acre; handy to trolley to Hoton Point and dciotstKrapesi hot and cold uatort bath; four sleepingrooms and halt room; furnished or unfurnished.


SivcUluniSouscjs Co ?ct, SlcivJcwnj.


NKW jr.HSKY. near depot, houso Just com-pleted; tmlve KtotiHt sit liuimivements; sewer,etreot water, sto-ii-; worth aiio; win rent fromnow to May, 'uh, for e:i per month; 43 minutes unexprc-i- trains; don't tnt-- this barnln.

OWNKIt, 710 llavemejer building.

Co ?tt for uuTfjJ.5 guvpoutjj.

BUII.DINflS, stores,looatlons,

lorta. omces, and studios to let

FOLS03llllOTin:it'. H.13 Broadway. cor, inthst.of denlrablo office; all conveniences; new

building; drv goods district.MATTllEW CLAIli;. inin Wool Exchange.

VOrtK ST.. .1. near West Ilroalway. Small, wellX lighted shop; aultahle for carpenter; possession at


Stl (Sstate ot ale Sroohlijn.


Harlem Branch119 west 125th streetADDITION NO. 9 TO

v PARKTho Greatest Real Development ln New


Corne now anl oourr rliolw of loailon antl cet thotreneflt vt oix'nlnjf tirieos To thoso who ileal re ahome, to those who desire nn investment, there la noplaco thnt offers po many tvlvAntages as this, ournew ly orne sfctlon; Uwatwl a It is on the directlin' of Vlatlmvh, Hrooklrn, nnJ Albany avenne, andon the mutes of Flatbuth avenuu and Not)tranl a ve-

il uo trolley, all of which give a full guarauteo forfuture alues.

LOTS $275, S5 S10 ZZ'XL Sr-JS-


Queen Anne Cottages, S500 down. Palanoe Same asRent You Are Sow Fa) lag.

GALL AT ONC, or send for maps aad particulars.MBIT lOItK I'ATItOXS TAIil: FI.TUI.'NII



HENRY A. Jir.VKU, Frea.HF.NUV W. DPF.Yr.R. Beo.


with that furnMicd by either the Croton or NassauWater Department.


FICE to this projierty with the distance to Westchesteror the Annexed District.

Then (let Mo where to mate a, OAh. SIDEWALKS, &0.

QUEEN ANNE HOUMSnow telng built, w 1th all city conveniences, which canbe bought on InstalliiRut plan. Titles Insured by




TRAINS'DIRECTEvery six minut(s on Monday, July Mli, to the lots Jero.JohtiKou, Jr. vtlllci'll at imresi'nM auction at U 1. M,on that day on tho premise, corner ?! nv. (100 ftv Me and macadiiinlzetl and knimn iv Hay Parkway)nnd noil. st. (one of th main tt.nrouKhfnres of thoiip(il.tKirtiooil Illst Ward, Hrnoklyn Take an) trainmarked .nney Island on the ftth av. "I." and petoff nt U'oodlAwn (lUttli st.lntntion Tlmo from Drmd.ljnJ.rldgo 10 minutes. Mu.l, refreshmflnts. TitlesInsured. Free pastes to dar from either of my unices,or on Monday morning from my Hrnoklyn ufflce.JKHK. JOHNSON, Jr.. lv Hroadwa, N. V., and lhOMnntA-tu- e tt., Hrikh n.

HEW BUFFBRfckn HOUSES,,. ti:ioo mi ui:iiiitRii.

Alt lmproementA, furii.u'ii In cellar; Miller av,,near Sutt r, streets pard unit eurel; sldowalksflnKKed and curlu di iwo ldo'k( from Van Sk'len av.station, Kin,; County Kleaied Kond.;Kini,i ami;iih. niritoi kitt o..

Van Mclen nr. and I tuteru Parkway,OI"t:V H1MI1'.

"fVNToN. SI.Wlj 8no ca"h, lalamo on yourX' teiniHj 10 n torn Queen Anne delllnsj all

corner. TRilno, one Moi'k from eardirect to hrllKe. HOHT. K. CHAK1. Atluntlo nnd VanMclen mi , HrookUu,

,rl Cstatf oralc Soitn 3J.lnd.

ELMHUSST. L. I.Centre of "Now York Cily,"

1 minutes from a 1th bt Ferry, V3 ty trolle, samnfrom Hi IVrry, also lu Oriiud M. and FlushliiKAv, Mill's from Hrooklii, all ri'. fire.

l'Jtr Hoii'-e'- . built sdd klnce the comptetlnu offirst houso In - m icailmnlred, (laed.aii'l curlstreets t water. KitllKhts, and .ill m"d in ltnprni mentlu hou.ii, linlii'lln hteini heM,i)i iuHnr In

apected plnmhluf!, hurdnool (lonr-- t ni.d tin sh. 1.00lots restricted. Insuring mory pun Iuht itKnlmt altAunoyaiiees JloreiUHelopiiioiH, i nor for your money,

and greater anurniico of lucre .ed ulius thun eeroffered. With tatUfw'torj relereii e oucnub'jyu

4JKH Si; ON TKUMh.Just ai easy ah I a Iur rent.Irt new Mien In emir" of10 reail for occupancy. COll!) MFYKIl & CO,

OJ William Hi., New York, or Klmhut, I. I."

5 ACHES FOP. 150.At I'ai'lHuininiiil Jlcilfind, I, I ,1'no) n una, ,.' jifr

month and nit. For i aiihuLir. .ull ur r.l too L.Land and Invittiuii.t Coiiij nny,

0711 n7rt llmailway, Ne yort.

IOTS. 1'I.OTh, ACItrH. ut mVKIUIF.AD. InIiIkIi. dry, ami liu.dl. . i (;o, d d. ilc

slrablo protrt-rlv- . It w nllnllte' .alk in station;achools, chiirclii's ntorca, Ac i uuaranucd title; lots

'i and npwnrd cy iioyinenta,FH'O.SK- 1'AltKCO, l'..l I.tliorty vt m IUJ3.

or aU ov Eo ct tf tt.n.

ANIIhOI-ll- l STSCOHSEIlJAl-KbO-I rent t 10, Mlllll KI.V. lu i ilalilat.

tf,tx$ii oFCo ict UTouiuryT '

CotUae lo rent, fullyU rooms, Uruo attic, ami I aaatl

fully located, and couvruli-n- t to all tin- irlncliialhotel. For further laXuruiattoa address V. lu VAIL,70 Weil VXd. F

4 IS II' Wm


ST. ELIVIO KILLS, lli MMCHAPPAQUA, N. Y., iililf'ffil

WKSTCIinSTUU county, M jllff !f MHAT 2 p. M., I II I


Mm!OKAV, .BUSsY 5, 1807. 1'Jilll IlWo Invite those contemplating purchase of $K B


To avail thernaeUotuf this opjiortuulty. '3 Ilfif ft " AfevWvmvu 9ffB $ ASD mi i4m

VVM Alltl!. IIIMVARB, 3 tjI AMM.This property la one linur fnnn 49 I at., on Ilarleat 5 l)lu5 1 r'cSCl!

roud. anil it win of the liUlimii paluta In the county, f J !BJ 1 8?- -

coinmandlnir a lo- - of lludauu Valley and mile, , Ill3f I Sittof tlin Mirroiindliueoiimry. and la strlrily flrat elaa .. 'JjllLil "BRand lutendi-i- l for renldenllnl hoineai of reOne-- tlliiir ijnicnt can imrclinii. ulihout foar of olijecllonabt ' !.'Jlii;I y'TS!llfeiinrra or iiuN,inc--- i nothlnit les than one aer J Jlllili t i'jlfml. I. Kxiu-ni"- . tmld to vldt tlie property. Anent at j 'MU '5 vABfirand t'enlrnl Matlon with ttcU.t- - for IOiOO train 'illlh 1 .''jSltMMoitdey nionilnir, or upon tientonal application to .. l!)!L'l! T aiBii:o. ii. iu'.n a nt., m K.i.imiiicn rie. Villltji! f mB

AT t'AltTI,, lOXKKHN, V. V,. ,'( ij JKJ; i 'jHNew all ImproTeiiu-nts-, cloae todepoi J lliuf, t, 3'jonN. V. mid Piitnnin It. It. For particular addroaa ,' llliif I; fliiL. V Ikix lTUMinnptoivn ofllce, lil5tlmalway. tilllHI' ji lii--i i ra nt'I lilg'i!Sral estate --for tile 3Jcw Sfewen, M wWWtmL'piILltn ISA WONDF.HFUL lHFFKItHNCF. IN BU M 'HwP ' h3m1 I'UIIS' The Hi, np, Ihkiiii, hurrah idaeea an "9 murl 1 IB H"dead a, ndnor nail," lido our tlno resldnnce dto fvfll Im' Btrlct Isnctlteand iniKresHle. It falls to reason that tf?! ;!(, ('rtendy Krontlinnd honest linmo building (not a lot of Cgj iBS J.! i Bapeculnlln house's) wlim tu the cud. ( ! '

Tii.iFLY,N.J. 11IsnttraetlnR the 1nst class of people thoso who lm- - JoSprno and nmko laud valuahle. We aru devoloplnB hi & JBtfr A V, EMTcry much lllcnmir neighbor. Kuxlcwnod, lu tho '. Ij TjJ t jMf uturo a thotHnnd dollars will not buy ploU whlcJBi Hvt"!!.' 1H

are seiiitu $n to4o. ilUikH;!'It WKATHEUHY ft CO.. 271 Droftdwr. UJ mli rtil gf

HV3H RAT.i;.-l- Jlt. MAltCY'S HEAUTIFUL. PLACB' rf4 JBE-- V f fH

JL on Orrnte Mountain, West Oram NewJorsrt o,S "JHjK S' 4irfilfursnle; elten and hitlf ocroi; well furnished dwell ( 1HEiAlfliHiIiik louaat Rhrden'r'i cottnRot two latffi stAhle i TmWKA"Bmhotbouse; Rraprry, choice Tlncsj lee buusc fllledi ?23?1DIgarden fruits; aud ahunlance of pure natfr. On &B-J,lJl- lof the most bautlf ul and healthful ((cations In Amer b I : aHlea; gardener will show ilie pliv-e- tor price, t?rmL $2 Wem'tiJ !

fte.. apply to UK. MAUCY, liUO Mh ar.( .New Yoitt ' ! mmoWh ij 9Hcjil .

PX.Inrl Il.TItlCTt LarRelots.t7btterx.i SSflRl $' H2.t0 monthly i high pround: near houses. 1rwf'3L'fc

WKATHEUUY. 371 Broadw7 WilvH BmSAYK TOUR DAMES. High land, with MbHB A wltinu; lernu to stilti only 0 sold at tMa !unl; .H'i' jfHfiiprice i also small 0 roomhouNC, 4000; rent, tOinlceTllr fnl(it 1 IHlago; alt kinds of stores; 23 miles. i'H.'wT 0SMITH. 20 Droadway, Room 2S9. iKittH ?!

.. . 3i h113K w lflefor .Sale or Co glct 2Jew lereg ilBH:SHb'oaTfronTc lajflK Sf4 9incr seasuu or longer, furnished house with 11 Lilffii V fl9rooms and tuttaee with sir roomi;hade,mall frultfl fHiB Jr Vi "t .and excelh nt m at r; nto minutes fnm depot; flnt 4Hr S Ha

wheellntc aud drMug; hmlthy location. Addroal Sli (I tWB$lowner, D.S. VOOUHEKS, 102 Broadway, N. Y. city. vSKl l.JaRii

BALE or to rent II an duo me residence, with ?? fl 4 vBtatlarRn plaszas, IS rooms and bath, electric light ana I :Aatas and all modern Improvements; 10 minutes walk 1$K Rju'c? SMfl

from depot. Apply Ur. VM. E. UXDSTKUT. New ff-- wtWBrunswluk, X. J. JfHSMV fiJI"" !! !! . J '' tFFM

gtal (Estate --for alc CTaimtriu lBlPlillSKA CLIFF Hour out, on north shore of Lonjr " Bf-iM-

9with fine view of the Sound, magnificent '1Emodern residence, built In Moorish architecture by iiH 'sBnlday's work In the most sulstautlalraanner: ldroonut idaBja 'TRflbard wood and all Improvrments. with lame plaxiaa, t H? flHporte cochere, and tower; stables; c&niaRe cow, ' H1 jBH(toultry hou'ca. pigeon corral; Japanese aummer pa j JIH IvWMRoda and conservatory; i.g acres of finest blgh land, 'HE7 rjHHwith commanding Tlewa of this glorious rolling se iWM WflHon of country for miles, all laid out ln landscape, ' iffl W t' i r lwalks, drives, flowerbeds. lawns, shrubs; abundance hiMmitk Jmrnof finest fruits: choice garden; most complete sum-- pttffly?!mer or winter home : houso furnished and all ln per-- fi rSESf Wwkfeet onlcr; will bo tvld at a sacrifice; well worth lnar QctB )" ' AHmediate Investigation. " " rjmm&$H WfM


Cltv only $10; 8 down. SI weekly; no interests ty latV'fffltitle Guaranteed; best markets In the country near; IE tfUnlland level; no roots, stones, or swamps; station con J i mmmf TxaSMvenlent; desirable climate; ocean breeze; healthy 't j Ih, ?.&!locality; profitable speculation, and one that will net t2 ) jmmWtibig returns; write for full Information. & 4 tK'v i cil --MJ.I

HIS LEY, 1U Chambers it, f; J MS)'- s. MGollrne? nnd ?ruooVs. ElBnHZ -.-. ,-- ttfty---- . ,. RgillVorGlrlannd Young YTom en City anil CoantTTV Ht !-

BAIHD'S INSTITUTE FOR GIRLS. Norwalk, ixIIbHHsHConn.UDth year. Primary. Academic, and Col S fiiPf!llege Preparatory courses. Music, Art, and tha Lao--- lHrF-lTJ- lpmure-1- . Cateful attention to morals and mannen.

New buildings, steam heat, gymnasium. iHPv mmmwMmwiSi 1trpsi

Wor Iloia nnd lounc Men City nnd Country tiffls!rflfS ''JrvfiSB

MOUN r ALVERN I A. 11 rfRummer linanllni; t tiuol fur Iiotb. htudle, optional. WW JHa $Al

Trlvate tutors Kitpiilled A new department foryouna X BKv Aemen Sail r.t r bathing, tlablni;, rowing, baaeball ! iK i'.cruunds. Oius Julr t, closes ept. 1. Tor tenu J (W 'uTapplv to UHO. JKUOSIE, O. . I'., l'reIdent. St. Fran- - i 151 ' ' Kt

els'aC.iIlcBenroo.lsu. j MtW ' f :

"SACREDHFART ACADEMY. -- S '$SKLECT CATHOLIC UOATtDl.NO &CIIOOU . Ml ?iApidleatloni for summer au 1 fall eounw, uddrasatd att ES9 , Mlt

Jo llrulher AUllU-- T. West Chealer. y. Y. ; kWm ptllusllu-.- . Colleiftrt. Tl M&& "A J

; Ltgg J iLAM.aummer. day. erenlnp;MetrotK)litan Sborthaaol 3SS ?

cool; ilevatorst all KraduaUfl Z8$i Aplaced. 150 5th av. bSeSt ' vf 'Jtltaerllnneoua. RjIh1 7 '

PF.NSISOTOS' (X. J.) SjKMI.VAnr, Conrenlent to ,' sKffi J'lialtliniiro and Waahlmsj ffAft 'Jton; iMith fiHlh year, healthful; beautiful; 10 s CK.'I g '

teachers; IS eoursrai S'.'Od n jear. Tor beautifully SffiEJ -

Illustrated catalogue, uddruw i SrJ , ffjTHOMAS HANI.OK, n. I).. President. ifr JS ' Ji--- llMi " iT

FISCHER PIANOS ij 41We have on hand lance assortment nf ODD sty lea, KWiJ 4 7

now and hllRhitj m1 Pihihw, tu unique designs axvl ? XtTchoice woo-U- , whleli wllllt tifferi'd at a UfiuStT

GREAT REDUCTION :jfrom lh, Ir ir lH til- - chauee to acur,a 5 Stj In rUtioHliould not Wi overlooked. 1 ti3 "M n"'CashorejbV pjyni'-nt- . asiyl; J''

W Mtl'.KOOMSl i SfcHS . d?fin t'NIO.N MJUAllE. WEST, Smt '

lietnei-- lntli nnd l?th ts., New York. 1-- wl 'a''PINi:i'l'HinilTI'IANO, fl4B,(SmonlhlriCblefr WM ) 4'

.f V iTllr, Imrit iln i rfyfl 'WIShNElt, 80 MnntKomerr at., Jersey City, J EKK ,,

"KINT. bTKISWAY," SITS, alnonthlflGprit5L ', PM A '.

J Lurulu. WlaaNKUIIALUOII llroad at., Newark, S'Rfi i),MtOAIX Three areoiul-lian- uprlghu. pood el fttf'i. ' '' '

Is . fully wnrriinti-d- , troiu $100 up; delivered, rJMil$ ' Vlthi.tool uiul lii.'r. fr';aiiure from SaO up. Opeo i tiJf',i 1 '

t.uturd.i WHITNEY ACO.. new wareroona, 9uK' .11-- Win '.'M list.. Ih tve.-- l,rnol and 7th ava. 1 jraj' '17I.PII NT t'IMIliilIT 1'IASO. tltlA. KO monthlyi FiMS &

I J Metnun), ImrBalu. WU&NEll, V.'S ll&il lth as. ibtjf?Opt n vr Mw. ' '1IAM)S- - Low rents; a aside or eountrn a lanrt liSfjil, r'

of M'liiml hand uprlghu from (181 ' 9if5!lt 5 '5up, :. moiitlilj- - until pad. i &.U ' ,il

liiillliu.N'.s, 1:111 Kiiili av.lxd. 8iUh and 21st aU. 'K PswJSf '3 J

Sri'lNWAY. lil(i, 'l iiiomlilj, iiprlRht. rent S. It rata J SbM lulto.i at., Iliookljn. Otwn oven- - ,1 lliXlK f


5 Mfll 7 t

'rillUTV full ilru piano, ut 870 wn, ft WtSt '1 ;i,,.nclil.. . Mh.M!lt, riiltoii at., llrooklyn. A'HY.' f

"I' "ln: WMUI'llliilIT ri.VNii, 11.V ' monthly: Btelnway, ; BfiOT) ,'i.

mil ,,l WI'ihNKIl, 05a htnto at., near ' jBKj ,

'1 l.illiiili at., llnHikljtii SfilT

(OI'lltTM'.ltSllll' MIIII'K. ' mWjf I

47CKHMI .Vrilir.T,Ni:V Y'dlK.Julv 1, 1H9T. Ejf& I

Iho mull . lat pin in r In llm llnna of WTAi 5

Ikfrli" i Co , .111 liiiui'iin y liruivn,, Rf.'flwill lOlltuiuo biislnea. l.ltll tliettt.t Ciiatiif houth tf--t fAimrei miliar th 11 mi of llr..w .I'hadttlek a C-o- ' iv,l.hom,,.'.ewY.rkoyi(- .' j,

J. It CIIAIIWIC, ,V5l1.. U UltOW.NB, i

K.AIH.'J. ffMt. J '

SXOX XX JJABT JtHOAUWAT.A stlulae Clothluv Contractor Eapltrm

lleslst a City .Marshal.As Iho result of an attempt of City Marshal

Marcus Moses to serve an attachment on thoshop of a Llpman, a clothing contractor at 81East Itroadway, a riot occurred yostorday aftor-noo- n

which" necessitated tho calling out of thorcsorvos of tlio Madison streot sUllon beforoit could bo quollcd. In tho absence of Llpman,who has disappeared, his employees refused toadmit tho Marshal, fearing that thoy would notget tho money that Llpman owed them, and thoriot was the result.

Llpman has occupied tho top floor of thobuilding for nbout a year, and had about thirtyemployees, twolve of whom woro girls. Aweek ago Goodman Brother, clothiers, whooccupied tho rost of tho building, gave Llpmansome garments to make, for which ho was toreceive fiioo. A few days after Llpman askedtho clothing firm to advanco him eomo money,S'&ln,ho rathor Tuo " "Woodgavo Llpman very nearly tho amount howas to have rocplvcd for tho goods whon thoywero finished. Last Tuesday Llpman disap-peared. A woman whom tho omploycos sayLlpman wm soon to havo married camo aroundtho next day and said Una Lipmnn was sick.

.cl?tllln tlrnii bocoming impatient attho delay in finishing Uio work given Lip-ma-

asked Uio'.employoos to hurry It up. Yes-terday morning tho omploycos said that thogarments would bo Unlshed ln a fow hours.1 hoy sent down won! to tho clothing tlrm that,tu Llpman had disappeared, Uioy would notyurrendor tho clothing uutll they had boon paidfor their work on It.

Goodman llrothore, through tholr lawyor,r.a.cob-.fJorno- KOt-ou- t nn attachment, and thoCity camo around a Uttlo Woro 0o clock to servo It. Ho wont upstairs wlUi a po-liceman nnd ono of tho clothing firm. Onlyseven plccos of the clothing eoulif bo found, asthe employees had hidden tho rest ond refusedto give it up. They put tip such a determinedfront that tho Marshal sent out for moro poltco-mo-

lleforo they arrived several of thotried to throw tho intruders downstairs.Thoy wero led on by Lena Ilrotlsky, who hitBernard Goodman over tho head. This causedtho Marshal to boat a hasty retreat down thostairs. A big crowd had colloctod by this tlmooutsldo of tho building, nnd it encouraged thoemployees in tholr dotenco of tho place. Sev-

eral rushes wero mado nt tho Marshal and alsoat Goodman, who had taken rcfugo ln his storo.At this juncturo a patrol wagon dashed upfrom the Madison streot station with uftoonpolicemen under lloundsmau Magulro. Thoydushod with drawn clubs up tho stairs. 's

employees had gathered ln n body at Uiotop, but at tho sight of tho bluoconta most ofthem wavered. Tho police arrosted Lonallrodsky, Harry Brodsky, Jacob Cohen, andAbraham Kpstotn. Tho others wero drivenout into Uio street. Uooilman Brothers werounablo to dnd tho rest of their clothing, andLipnian's employees rcfuso to toll whoro It is.The police locked up tho shop nnd placed twopolicemen on guard to keon away tho crowd.The arrested Llpuian employees were takento Essor Market Court, whoro thoy were fined$5 each.

JtOW AT A IlEIMEir rvsisnAX..Tho Coffin PasheH About In a Quarrel Over

Mooct Police Called In.There was a row yesterday at tho funeral of

Isaao Blltzensteln, 80 years old, who died onWednesday In the flat ot Mrs. Harris N'oumanat 00 Jefferson BtrcoL Blitzonsteln hired aroom from Mrs. N'ouman thrco months ago. Howas in feoblo health, and a week ago began todocllno fast. Ho told Mrs. Kcuman that ho hadno relatives here, and naked her to notify thoMlnskal Ycrcin. a Hebrew Blck benefit so-

ciety, of which ho was a member, of hiscondition. A representative of tbo societycalled at the flat and got Mrs. Neuman to makoa bed on tbo floor of her front sitting room forBlltzensteln. Tho society's representative, ac-cording to Mrs. Neuman, said ho would pay alltho expenses of Blltzcnstcln's Illness, and whentho old man died he told Mrs. Neuman that thobody would bo burled on Thursday, She keptvigil over tho body, but nptxxly appeared tobury Mr. Blitzcnstcfn on Thursday.

Yesterday afternoon the members of tho so-ciety nppearcd with u woman, who said sho wasMr. Blltzcnstcln's sister, nnd that sho wanted tocollect tho money to which sho was entitledfrom the society. Mrs. Neuman said she wanted$25, which was due her for taking care of Blltz-ensteln during his last moments. Sbo Is said tohave declared that sho would not allow thobody to bo moved until she got her money.There was a scene at this declaration, nnd menand women got mixed up In n quarrel and strug-gled nrouna tho small room. Mrs. Neumanstarted the row with the woman who said shewas Blitzenstein's sister, and tbe collln waspushed around ln the .

Finally tho society members, failing to pro-ser-

order, appealed to the police of the Madi-son street station, bcrgennt McSweenoy sent adetail of pollco around to tho houso to keep thomourners quiet and compel Mrs. Ncumnn to re-

frain from Interfering with tho burial of thobody. Thrco hundred persons walked after thohearse when It left the house. Tho police sentBlitzenstein's effects to tho Public Administra-tor, ond told Mrs. Neuman that sho would havoto got redress. If there was any duo her, throughthe courts.


Sir. and Mrs. Wright Warn Tbem Xot to FatTbelr Xamro on the Personal Tax noil.

White Plains. July 2. The following notlcobos been served upon each ot the Whlto Plainstax assessors:-- To John O'Kourie, Mfjah T. ITopUn: and Janut

L. Warm, Aiteitort of Taxta for the totcn ofWhite Ilaint, Wctehutcr county. X. 1., ami lothe Hoard ofAtuuort of laid town.

"Gentlemen: Ploaso take notice that wo orenot and neither of us nro residents of WhltoPlains in the said county aforesaid, and aro herowith our family for only a month or two In thofall and during tho spring, and shall hold younnd each of you personally llablo for all dam-ages we or cither of us may sustain In nny wnyfrom any attempt you mny mako to assess us oreither ot us, or to place either of our names ontho assessment roll for n personal tax, or whichmayarlso In tho future therefrom by reason of thocollection of or attempt to enforce the collectionof such nssessment or tax or otherwise. And thisnotice is given to you for the purposo of notify-ing you that our names should not be placedupon tho nssessmont roll of said town, and IfclthcV is placed them by you (or either of you) nsa renldont, or for pcrsomlty, that you do so ntyour peril, and wo and each of us shall hold youand each 0(5011 llablo for nil damagcf, includingall costs and oxpoiisoa to w hlch cither or both ofus may bo put to defend ourselves, whether thoassessment roll is In your hands or In tho posses-sion of tho collector when damages shall accrue,if nny, by reason of un nttcinpt to collect orotherwise, and by reason of tbo appearance ofour names or cither of our names upon tho as-sessment roll as tbo ow ncr of personalty.

"(I11.11EUT A. WitinnT.'June no. 1807. "Lol'Ihk WnuiiiT."

Tho Wrights havo n bousoon Grand street.Thnyllvo at ono of tho Now York city hotelsduring tho winter months. Tho assessors be-

lieve that Mr. nnd Mrs. Wright have a legalrcsldcnco horc, nnd. It Is said, will undoubtedlyplaco tholr names upon Iho assessment roll. Itis said that Mr. Wright voted hero up to tholast spring election.


Disappears Tram Ills llotrl Huon Arirr Kitrndl-tlo- u

Papers Hnd Ilrrn Sinned.

CiilOACin. July '.'.Edward J. llntcllffe, theactor, who Is wanted in Now York on nn indict-ment chnrglng him with bontlng his wlfo, can-

not be found. Tho extradition warrant Issuedby acting Gov. Northcott last night was re-

ceived in tho city this morning bv Sheriff Peasosand turned ovcrtn Deputy Kdwnnl Leo to serve.Tho latter went lo tho Auditorium Hotel, whoroItutcllfTo has been stopping, but failed to llndtho mun. Deinilyl.eo went to tho room occu-pied b Itatcllffii and found his clothes andtrunk then-- , Tho doputy learned that last nightlUtcllirc packed his vnllso ami .left the hotel. ItIs thought lUitcllirn has probably loft tho city orIs in hiding, ponding tbo hearing hoforo theJustlco of tlio Pence on next Tucsdny.

The Weather.The heat was continued over all tho country

yeiterdir. It wacool on the I'aclflo cuait.There was an Imnienu volume of hosted air flowing

northwsrd from the Oulf of Mexico out of the area ofhigh pressure which has remained itsttonary In thatsection for levera! days; while Iho low prwiure hasoccupied the Northern Statoi. yesterday thero was avery decided deprewlou over tho Norihweit, whlohwill have a tendency to protract tho batcdtermlothe Southern and Intsrlor States.

Thero were heavy tbundentornu jeiterdsy ln thlake region and In tbe nilddlo Atlsntlo and Now Eng-

land fitatei.In this city the average humidity was 83psroent.

highest offlolsl temperaturo 88' barometer, correeUdto read to sea level, at 8 A. M. 28.80, 8 V. M. 20.81.

Ths thermometer at tho United Btstn Weather Bu-

reau registered tho temperature yesterday as follows!IBOn. 1887. 18B8.

BA.M ,"l- - 78- - IM OO; 78.ieU.........7lf 77' OI'.M Ilg 78

74'lSJlldwashkotox fobkcast roa SATUaDlT.

ror New Kngtand and taetem Stv York, fair, twttpt ehowert on the ooaetl tatterly lo lautheaeterly

KindtHor tho District of Columbia, eastern Pennsylvania,

New Jersey, Dtdsware, Maryland, and Virginia, scat-

tered showers) southeasterly winds.


voitajcn thzt.h of jus AzzraroOOXQVJSBX OJ? BOOXBTi:

A Hwlndler Under Arrest In ttooton Hays TieIlao neon Rntertalned br the Asters andVanderbllta Ills lllstorr at Newport lie

ays II. Is tbe Ion or n Naval O nicer.Boston, Mass., July 2. A, Gordon Blair, the

young Southornor who was arrested about twoweeks ago, having In his possession nnotborman's property which ho acknowledged that hohad stolen, has issued a statement, which liasboon printed In tho Globe, purporting to bo nstory of his llfo. Ho says his real name isLnwronco P. Graham, and that ho is a son of ncommander in tho United States navy: that hisuncles nro ofllccrs ln tho army, nnd that tho latoAdmiral Mcado was his first cousin. Ho says hohas moved In tho most fashtonablo circles Intho country, and hns bcon entertained by thoAsters and tho Vandorbllts. Ho says that Mrs.Paran 8tevcn8 was ono of tho best friends hoever had ln tho world.

In his atntcniont Blair says that when ho was11 years old his mother dlod; that nbout a yearlater his father married again nnd theroaf tortook no Interest In his son. Ho graduated fromn military collcgo at Burlington, N. J and wontafterward to a school at West Farnham, nearMontreal. It was hero that ho bogan his wrong-doing. Indorsing n check payablo to tho treas-urer of tho school and drawing tho monoy thcro-o-

Ho goos un to sny:"With tho money 1 wont homo to Wnshlngton

and told mv fnthor what I hnd dono. Ho after-ward mado tho amount good, and 1 was font totho University of Virginia. Practically thosamo thing happened thero. I was Ignorod bymany bocnuso I had no monoy to nltnnd thoregular collcgo functions. Tho professors sym-pathized with me, and I In turn lost control ofmvself nnd secured monev In vnrlntis dishonestwrijs for Romo tlmo. Tho natural result camo,I had to lonvo to escape being punished."

Blnlrsays ho trial work without succccsnndcontinued his thlovlng habits. Uo went ou thoroud with n theatrical company from which hostole monoy whon ho could not got his salary.Ho forged a check at Hartford, two at Wllllman-ti- c

and for tho latter crlmo served two years intho penitentiary. Of this ho says:

"The only ono who wroto to mo during thesotwo long years was my oldest slstor, who Is thowifoof a Lieutenant In tho army stationed ntFort Douglas, Salt Lako City, Utah. She sentmo boxes of things and reading mattor, nnd dideverything in her power to help mo bear up. "

Soon nfter thnt Blair Bays ho sorvod six monthson Blackwcll's Island for robbing n New Yorkjowolry storo. Of himself and his friends Blairsays:

" I havo spont summer vacations nt Nowport,Nnrragansott Pier, Bar Harbor, and Capo Mny.In each place I have managed to mako friendswith tho very best people in the place. I candanco and sing nnd piny the music of Chonln,Beethoven, Wngncr. Liszt, nnd others. Thissurely would otltsolf give mo tho cntrco lnnllsecluded corners, with, of course, the eencrnlbearing of a gentleman. At Nowport Ihnvo been a guest on many of tho Btcamynchts. tho hosts being men of wealthand position in society. Littla did theydream that nn was amongthem. This goes to show what a Uttlo moansw ill do with a smooth presence. I could not livoamong them without moans, and naturally Isecured it In various ways, but was never oncedctcctod. It has been very easy for mo to dowrong. With a good education, pent clothes,and tlio common faculties of a gentleman, Icould easllv deceive those with whom I came Incontact. There is not a rclatlvo who would helpme wero I breathing my last, nnd the climax toa dishonorable life has been reached."


Pennsylvania's .Vew Ian nay Drive Oat Thensands of Foreigners.

Rxadino, Pa., July 2. It Is announced herethat many largo corporations In Pennsylvania In-

tend discharging ovcry unnaturalized foreignerln their employ. Tho reason given is that ratherthan go to tho troublo to obey tho new law, tax-ing such foreigners three cents a day for everyday employed, the corporation will dlschnrgothem. Many foreigners ore already leaving thoState. Tho courts aro strict in their require-ments for naturalization, and this with tho nowtax law w 111 drive aliens to other States. Here-

tofore tho courts were lenient In granting nat-

uralization papers. Now they require the aliento know considerable nbout American politicalhistory, tbe United States Government, and theEnglish language.

Tho new law, which went into effect on July 1,requires every unnaturalized foreigner overtwenty-on- e years of age to pay three cents a daytax for every day employed, and tho employer Ismado responsible for tho tax. Tho employor Isto report to tbo county Commissioners qunr-torl-

under oath, giving full details as to eachman. Tbo penalty Is o lino of from $200 to

11,000. Tho employer collects tho tax and pays?l over to Iho county. The nllens say the taxIs unjust. The otllcials say It Is tbo only way toget any tnx at nil from thoso men.

In the Pennsylvania coal regions, wherethousands of such nllens toll for $loto$lS amonth, thoy say thoy w 111 not leave The Phila-delphia and Heading Coal nnd Iron Companywill bo put to n great deal of trouble to keep thoaccounts. Tho coal region aliens hnvo no desireto be naturalized, but send their money homo toEurope. At n recent court In Schuylkill countyonly slxty-on- men appeared for naturalizationout of a colony of O.OOO. Some corporationshave ndvlscd their attorneys to contest the con-stitutionality of tho act. No form of blank lobe used by employer hns as yet been Issued, buttho State officials aro now preparing one.


Not Hart. Altboash Knocked Dawn Twlee, theVictim Bbakrs Her Flat at tbe Crlpman.

As a Thlnl avenue cablo car. bound north, wapassing Eighty-sixt- h street yostorday morningnn Italian woman with a bundle under her armstarted across tho avenue. Sho did not see thoapproaching car and halted directly ln front toturn and look ud tho avcnuo.

As It was Impossible to stop the car, it struckher and throw hor forward about five feet. Shefell on hnnds nnd kneos, and the car waa on heragain beforo sho could scramble to her feet. Itrolled upon her. but tho gripman stopped it amoment later.

Beforo any ono could offer any aid to her thewoman crawled from undor tho car platform,grabbed up her bundlo and wnlkod off, evidentlynone tho worso for hor ndventuro. She turnedseveral times to shnke her fist at tho gripman.


Chicago Police Have a ntrugaie wllh Three orTliem and Huudun Them.

CniCAon. July 2. Throe pickpockets were dis-

covered in tho Metropolitan Nationnl Bank Intho Woman's Temple at noon Two

arrest, and a light followedbetweon them and Botoctlvcs Cowdrcy ond Kip-le- y

of tho Central Station, in which tho ofllcorswero roughly handled. All three wore finallyoverpowered nnd tnkin to tho Central StationIn the Clt) Hall, whoro thoy wero locked up.Thoy nro said to bo expert pick- -

Their names are Lubm. Josephlunncberry. nnd Jiimes Toliln. Lubln is said to

ho tho most expert plckpockot for his ago InChicago.

Cargo of Uquor Helaed In Portland, Me.

PniiTLANn, Mo July 2. It looks as tf tho bigFourth of July colobrntlon would be a very dryaffulr. Nolwlthttandlng tho fact that Maine Isa prohibition Htnto about 150 barrels of beer andwblskoy wore shipped by steamer from Bostonto this city a view days ugo. But when thesteamer arrhed In hor berth this morning aposse of doputy sheriffs swooped down upon herand sulred every drop of tho liquor. Tho liquordealers hail contributed liberally to tin) fund tortho celebration and had thought thoy would notbe molested,


Accused ef Rmbralf ment In Connection withKi.Pnvmaster Corn Inn's Defalcation.

Thomas a Smith, formorly Presldont ot thoBovcntconlh Ward Bank, was Indicted by theUnited States Grand Jury in Brooklyn, yostor-day, on tho tochnlcal chargoot embezztomont.Ho is tho fathur-ln-law- John Corwlno, formerlypaymaster ln tho nnvy. Mr, Smith was ono oftho bondsmen for his nnd was ar-rosted on Juno 0 charged with receiving Govern-ment money ln payment of a personal debt. Hehad a hearing boforo Unltod States CommissionerMorlo, who on Wodnosday last dismissed thecomplaint. Hoforo Commissioner Morlo ren-dered this decision United States District At-torney Bonnott presented tho ensu to the GrandJury,

Mr. Smith nnd Hlchnrd Young, bondsmen forJohn Corwlno, mndo good to the Government adollclciicy of S25 000 in Corwlno's accounts nndthen declined to continue on tho bond, and asurety company took their place. Thoro was asocond delliicncy of f10,000 which tha Govern-ment Is trying to collect from tho surety com-pany Corwino mado nn nllldnvlt that ho hadpaid to his fathor-In-ln- Oovornmont monoy inpayment of Ibc personal debt, nnd this resultedin Mr, Smith's arrest. Mr. Smith acknowledgedrccolvlng tho monoy, but naid ho did not know itbclnngod to tho Government, ns hissaid It was monoy saved from his salary.

United States District Attorney Bcnnott saidho wns not bound by tho Commissioner's de-cision, and that he would trv tho cuso as soon aspossible

Assistant Unltod States District AttorneyHoy Bald an attorney In Washington who repro-ront- s

tho surety company nnd who also repre-sents Corwlno prcsentid tho mattor to thoUnited States District Attornoy." It is tho most tinusuil thing I ovor henrd of."said Mr. Smith yesterday. "It is nothing Intho world but n squcczo to make mo pay $10,000in order that somo ono else may go free. Thatmonoy others aro llablo for. I havo dischargednil my obligations. They will novcr get a rentfrom mo as long as I live, and I hopa not aftormy death.

rxrs xovxa bvjiglaus xabued.Tbelr Alleged Instructor In Crime and Two

Itecelvers Also ArrealedDetoctlvos of tho Eldrldgo street station ar-

raigned flvo young burglars, an alleged " Fagln"nnd two allegod receivers ln tho Essux MnrkotCourt yesterday for complicity In sevoral robber-ies In tho dry goods storo of & Lovy, nt258 Grand street. Tho tlrm complained to thopollco recently that their storo hnd been brokeninto several times, nnd that goods vnlucd atseveral thousand dollars had been stolen. Thorobberies took place within tho pnst two wcoks.

Detectives Monolmn nnd Cohen of the Eldrldgostreet station noticed on Thursday a crowd otyoung men In front of tho premises of MatthowNicholson at 115 Chrystlo streot. Several of thocrowd woro seen to carry bundles ln nnd out oftboplnco. Tho detectives arrested live of tbognng Thursday night. The prisoners describedthemselves ns Henry Epstein, HI yeurs old. nt105 Forsyth street: Honry Hold, ltl )enn old,of 2e)2 Ilroomo street; William Ueubert, 10years old, of 282 Broome street; William (inl-vl-

111 years old, ot 120 Leonard streot. andJoseph Mulry, 10 joars old, ot 223 Fifth ntrcct.

Galvin confessed thnt the gam; had robbod thudry goods storo, and sr.ld that Nicholson, n ho Is38 years old, had been conducting a school atwhich hoys were taught to Heal. He addedthat Nicholson hnd planned the robberies, nndho took Detective Mnnnhan to tho roof of thobuilding in which Nicholson lives nndhhonedhim where Nicholson had plated a plunk acrossto tho building in which the dry goods store Islocated. He explained that tho bos had forcedopen tbo scuttle, and, after getting the goods,turned Hum over to Nicholson, who. in turn, hosaid, sold them to Samuel Cohen of 70 ltnyardstreet and Barney Cohen of TU Division street.Nicholson nnd the two Cohens were subsequentlyarrested. Tho prisoners were hold for examina-tion in $1,000 bail each.


After a Three Venn' P!Kht Richmond CountyHas a i 1'ullre Hoard.

Tbe long effort to supplant tho DemocraticBoard of Pollco Commissioners in Richmondcounty with a board of two namedby a Republican appointing board was success-

ful yesterday when Charles A. Alexander. Re-

publican, and Cornelius A.Hart, Democrat, weroappointed as Police Commissioners and withinthrco hours had qualified, filed their bonds andhad taken possession ot the rooms and recordsof tho Police Board. Tho deposed Commission-ers arc Nicholas Mullcr andIlobort M. Hazard, both Democrats. There hasbeen a vacancy ln tho old board for nearly twoyears.

Tho movement to tnko tho control of the StatcnIsland Pollco Department from Mr. Muller n

three years nco. when a bill ousting himwas sent to thn Legislature. It failed of passage.The next winter u bill was passed anil liecnino alaw. providing for n board appointedby ltepuhllcnn county olUcinls, but that "unde-clared unionstitutiounl, and fell with the Al-bany Pollco Itiargnnlzntlnn bill. Lnuuintiriinew bill wns passed, and Its constitutionalityhas been tested In tin' courts. Last week theCourt of Appoals sustained tho law, and thoDemocrats made nn fnrtherclTort to prevent thoscntlng of the now Commissioners

The new Police Bonrd organized by tho selec-tion of Mr.Alexnndcr as President and Mr. Hartas Treasurer. Tho lxj.ird Mill meet again to-morrow, nnd then- - nro rumors of manv changesin the force. Mr. Hart has a strong politi-cal opponent ot tho Democratic leader, Mr.Mullcr.


Report That tbo len Ownem Intend to Chancetbe SIotHe Power.

It is not true, nsroportod, that tho control oftho Northern Hnilrovl of New Jersey has beenbought cither by tbo Central Railroad Companyof New Jersey or by tho Delaware, Lackawannaand Wcstorn Hallrond Company. Tho con-

trolling Interest held by tho President, JohnHull Drowning, has been sold to tho agent of asyndicate, tho names of tho moiubcra of whichhavo not been divulged. It Is bcllood, how-

ever, that the new ou tiers are interested In thoConsolidated Traction Company of Now Jersey,and thnt It Is their Inn ntlon to operate Iho roadby electricity Instcnd of steam.

The Northern Railroad of Now Jersey Is now,ond has been slnco 1 will, operated by tho ErloRailroad. Tho present runtnl Is 35 per rent, oftho gross earnings, and Ihnlenso Istormlnnbloby cither party on nlnoty diivs' notlco. Thoroad runs from Ik rgen Junction. N. J.,twenty-on- miles toMinrklll ln this Stato, andthere Is n leased Hue of four nnd a half tullesfrom Sparklll to N nek.


Tbo New Company Has TaUeii over tho Chi-rag- o

and Norlhrni Pacific Properly.Tho property of the Chicago and Northern Pa-

cific Railroad Company wnB turned over to thenew company, tho Chicago Terminal TransferRailroad Company, it midnight on Juno 30. Thenew company nt the wiinn hour bogan tho opera-

tion of tho Chicago and Calumet Terminal Hall-

way Company, Til ?20il.500 duo July 1 In finalpayment of tlinSturgls tract of 380 acres hasboon paid. The transfer of these propertiescompletes tho reorganization of tho Chicago andNorthern Pacific, and tho now cnmpanv startsfree from nil inciiinhranres nnd obligations oftho old companies except thoso monllotiod in thoplan of reorgnnlratlon.

Tho Murder ol the Indiana,Sailor Philip F. Carter, who klllod Master-at-Arm- s

Thomas J. Kenny on board tho battloshtpIndiana on Wednesday evening by stabbing himIn tho back with 11 bnyonet, was Indicted ester-da- y

for murder In the first drgreo by Iho rod-or-

Grand Jury In Brooklyn. Judgo BenedictIssuod a warrant for tbo transfer of the prisonerto Raymond Hlrcot Jail, Carter will bo

on Tuesday or Wedncsdny,

fljjor rnosr Astnvsir.A Wheelman Ilrrrlvra a Ilutlel While Slitting In

a Chicago Park with n Comiinnloii.CniCAdo, July 2. While Charles Nelson of 3238

Graves place, a stenographer, sat on n bench lnWashington Park at midnight with his com-

panion In a bicycle ilde, Mrs. Mnrgnret Staplesot 1057 Michigan avenue, a man supposed to bo anegro tired throo bullets nt Nelson from thocover of a lilac bush. One of the bullets BtruckNelson In tho chest, grazod his heart, anddropped to the diaphragm. Nelson hns practi-cally jio chance for recovery, according to Br.Blncklcr of tho Chicago Hospital.

Mrs. Staplos is still detained nt tho HydePark rollcc station ns a witness in cae tho

is found. Mrs. Staple's former husbandwns n salesman ln tho employ of Franklin

& Co., of w hlch establishment her fatherIs now tho head snlcHinnn. Slucu her separationfrom her husband Mm. Staples has been

by a number of blcjclo llrms. Sho wasalso recently employed 0:1 btato street as a book-keeper.

Mrs. Staples has told tho pollco conflictingstories nbout tho shooting, and It Is believedthat sho Is concealing thu facts. Jealousy Isthought to havo been tho motho for thu shoot-ing, but that it was dono by n negro Is not

MrB. Stuples has been divorced fromher husband for n jenr, and during most of thnttime shahns txen on terms of close friendshipwith NcKon. Tho wounded mill has not beennblo to mako any statement except 11 few wordsimmediately after the shouting, when ho snldthat tho deed was dono bv a man unknownto him. The police havu clues which they ex-pect will uuvtll the 111 stcry.


Ilecelver Itlrd's Invrntorr fthows 9300,000 InUouliirut ur Illaputed Aascts.

TunNTON, N. J., July 2.Bird, receiver of tho Trenton Rubber Company,

y tiled his Inventory ln the Chancery Court.Ho estimates tho assets at $113,083.40 and tboliabilities at Of tbe assets $3124,593

aro cither disputed or doubtful. No estimate ismado of wliat may bo raised from the doubtfulassets, which include $270,432 claimed to bo

owing to the company by Prank A. Magowanfor overdraft of his account mado while Presi-

dent. Another disputed item is t.233, whichthe Trenton Wnteh Company paid to Mauowan.nnd which, it Is alleged, ho wns not authorizedto receive. tSults over tho Items aro uowpending.

Among the liabilities are debts of ?ll),."i50 duoto Men. William II. Pkirm; lo AllenSlagowan, father of Frank A. Magowan: JJ4.000to his stepmother, Sarah J. Miigonnu:$r7,000to Tienton banks, i?i:i,i)'--0 to Ida M. Alpaugh,willow of Frank A. Mogowan's former businesspnrtner, and ifc.OOO to Samuel Walker, who wasrecelM-- r of the company two yearn ago. Thoreal estate, mills, nnd machinery are estimatedto bo worth ifOO.OOO.

I'olleo Captains Change IMaceo.

Police Captains Robert Young of tho Eliza-

beth street station end William Bean of thoEast Eighty-eight- h streot squad changed com-

mands yesterday, under orders of tho Chief. Itwas said that tho change wns made nt tho re-

quest of Cupt. Young, who was tireil of tboBend and Chinatown and wanted to bo nearerhomo.

iToiiiutiicvihti) Jloticr.'S, j'

'lMir. llrm of nrowue. lieecho arMJiI Co of ilp.iruli". c'MIe, ,iud at Nf- York, having (SSSL !f 1 '

h llndtuilon tins dm, tin- - iKjuldmlon of th, 3Kr X i 'atlair. of tin ald f ' s vis of Itrnwiii", vt Co. , IflSft' b '

Hl.ii;iwi lin.l Ni v ork lll l.e iv.nduelid hy th 'in'J' ,' !tlrm of I ci 11 of Va'pnii t.i.uid Nt- York, who tV&Klwill the liiistui .a tiiidulio have Ueu eoa ..IiTmi tklliuti I Mieh lliUld.ilor. ly tin- - Kiitiut ot all tha wipiirtliil'4. IllllAVSI . MKICIIK CO. 1L'! i

H i'I.HMIW, VI.W VI UK, hint-no- . ftHH1 (A "pm lal iopiirliii-itd- i )i tli, diiv I10111 formed ififfal' 1

under tin-la- a nt Ul" Hrpul'IlK of 1. I1II1 . til do lulsl. .Wl ) 1 i l111 I'll ml M11 tlrm uainn .ind Mjle of A Co., aj la 3of .ili u also. Chili-- , hntlilir i,n ufllce In 'n'W York, ,?,& Kt uJlo.r. He. . Vgf 'M'l of iiiiiiuru, mid WIIII1.111 1 l.trkr ,6 (5,of 11.1,1 u i.n' tin (ii lartiiiTN. .MeM,rj hnlustlo IJ4 iIt,. 'i l,e or Valparal.'!, oeiirto - Hu id or .New York, tf Si IJ1.I111 11. Mlirli of Villi uril " an Tlieodiulo V. IlmUai SSm ,

of VJlp'irnUo nr tin ww-r.-i- l Ilia lattor ' ' 1

un-- InfKi'd'1 tho tiiaiiiiici i'nt of III" liu.lni-- fids? J 'mill ha-- the exilu.uu rlKht to tbo use of the firm ymf'

Ur flenKe - Din al III ! Ihe resident partner In Bft J &

New .irk, the othi r pariuen. Iniilrnr rharg JPj A

of tin tun neiJi tu Cidlu nnd on tbo Weal C'oaat ot lHfcoulh America. JaB H

m.usTio H'Ti-hi:-, IMS' tl i

111 iiitdi: 1. nrvAi, Ks. rji.HN' i Sat 1 iJHEODuSIO i Ill'DOE, . KKli j , ,

Oeuernl 1'artnere. 1 VtitOS lll'.OM) hT NEW YOIIK. July ll, l'7. M;3 '