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, RS d. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD f . e---:;:- Director THE DAILY . NEWS RECORD.' Vol. 64. No, 19S ST. JOHWS, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1957 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons ---------------------------------------,----------------------------------------------------------------- D sSla ejects E ROCK: tional Guardsmen Back Negroes liTTlE ROCK, Ark. (AP)-Natio nal guardsmen, acting on orders of Orval Faubus in direct con flict with a U.S. court integration Wednesday turned away nin e Negro studnets attempting to enter High School. lhe Negroes said they woul d try again in the morning. Wednesday morning Faubus said he definitely ordered the guards. prevent mixing of the race s in any Little R.ock school. He constituted defiane of fe deral authority. "The governor of a state is e preservator of the peace, not a judge", he said. The Negroes complained to II S. attorney Osro Cobb that they were admittance. He referred the m to the Federal Bureau of InvestigG. fBI agents interviewed the Negroes and their advisers, Cobb said. .' .. r I !" .- ------.---.-.- .. : .. ;ol.rrn. ; the integration to bcginJ did not rcact visibly as picked .., \I Ronald Da\'ies of her Il'ay through the white crowd, ,";'''. 1:: Gen. N.D.: rcq\lcsted the. U.s.j some of who.m ;,'n.lgger go ,. "r!: rrp,'rlrri I attorncy to m:estigate the mtcr· back t? Africa, and go '.,,''', on Ihe' .wlth order and report back \\here you belong. ,', 'r! o:-r prc.: hiS flndmgs withoutdelny. A minute later a Negro boy, ,I :-;'''l'''''1, n.l" i :-; . 1 who said he was Terrance Rob· , '. ' . O. \ 0 cnce resultcd Wcdneiday e\'ts, 15, movcd up to the guards. i n.lOrnmg when a Negro girl. the men. A white youth lunged at " he'ren Illr: first of her race to attempt 10 him but a guard man grabbed I'j raised cntcr the high SC11001, moved him, seArched him for weapons lilr Ccrlerallthrough a jeering but otherwise and shoved him away from the mo\'c i peaceful crowd to seek admit· Negro, . :" ,! lance. When the g u a r d smen A final attempt was made by ;,·c,ral:Or. Little her aWRY shp. a group of se\'en Negroes led by !D0\ ed on and left the vlcmlty. a well.dressed, unidentified white The girl Identified herself as 15· man. They were told they could year-old Elizabeth Echford. She not enter and left promptly. lETIN Russian Aircraft .' . ,\lR B.\Sr:. .• T.- lat.-ian jel airliner to Lands At Goose Bay I bloric from :' Lm n,l"i.'1 phne 1'5 ;):1 ill war'. Tt:-10t 3,5,0 lIIi1r trip, nrd for :i t.r,ur, and 54 WASHINGTON (APl-A Russ· ian jet liner carrying Soviet dip. lomat. to the United Nations landed at Goose Bay, Labrador at 6:29 p.m., MDT, Wcdnesday, tre air force reportcd. It will stay there overnight. The Russian plane, which f1elV way of London and Iceland, will pro c e e d to McGuire Air ForCe Base, N.J., this mornlnll. "" Iilc r"in·,lick It had been expected to fly to . •t 1143 pm. '\D1'. Wednesday. ,< I',r pride o( the The air force said Ihe exact :,' "r rieN. Acrollot, time Of departure from Goose ',:c only tel airliners Bar would be determined later. "n:ce :0 Ihe \Iorld. but that the twin jet craft eould 1:1\1 fiu;;ian civil make the last lell or its fliSht In .0 wnc 10 thr. U.S. nbout three hours. ,,::(t ott ;,\ 1,49 p.m. Before the Russian plane takes and off, a threc·man U.S. air force , "oil Iceland I crew wllJ go aboard to guide the for GOIIsr Bay. Russians to their landing In the b30rd at Goose United States. . AI) and took No reason wu given for the de. at B:02 p.m. eision to the plane at Goose Scientists Government Nuclear Tests lOS E\'ASS hIli Starr (CPI - Russian ;1: I!ked their gov. I' In bomb Soviet SCientist , . a 'I<"toli' .'If an intcrnltional tlonal Union of Geodesy and Geopllysics g e n era I assembly here, answered questions at a press He replied with, sincere fervor when querlcs on an Australian scientists's' suggestion' that some nuclear bombs be exploded under· ground to provide Information on the earth's Interior. Bay overnight. It was believed. however, the Russian crew pre- ferred to bring their craft to Mc. Guire in daylight. The Soviet plane, queen of the operating Russhin civil air fleet, Aeronot, took off from MoscolV early Wednesday. Acronot hu the only jet airlin. ers in regular service In the world . UN MEMBERSHIP UNITED NATIONS, N,Y. (AP) -Britain and Australia Tuesday requested an early meeting of the security to act on the a]l- pllcptlon of the Federation of lIIalaya for UN membership. Diplomatic qua r t H. IBid the council probably will meet Fri· day morning to consider Ma· laya's appllcatlon. planned United States aatelllte be· caUSe !twill circle OVer the earUl's poles, rather than around the equator as with the U.S. model, The sphere 'rW)uld be aeen by every countrY in the world not by just those countries lYing near the equntor. Dr. E. I. TolsUkov, chief de- signer of Russia's 'GY program, said the Soviet now has three weather stations, on Ice Islands drifting through the ArcUe, The more than 1,200 delegates to th. 11·day JlSsembly Wednes· day turned to highly technical talks In their respective fields. The meteorologists, oceano- graphers and hydrologists joined in a dIscussion of the world's water balance, the distribution of wa ter over' the earth's sunaee and through the atmosphere., est's isarmament I( No Room For Further Dis(ussion" LONDON (APl-A Soviet spokesman said Wednesday night "there is no room for further discussion ll on Western disarmament proposals. The spokesman's statement at a Soviet Em· bassy news briefing session echoed the stand Wednesday of Soviet delegate Valerian Zorin in the United Nations disarmament subcommittee. Zorin reiterated previous statements that the West's plan is not acceptable. The spokesman's statement seemed to bear out previous indications the Russians are ready to end the five-power subcommittee talks and switch them to the full UN General Assembly. The Soviet official told reporters that the disarmament proposal presented last week by the United States, Britain, France and Canada pro· vides no basis for negotiations. The briefing came after thc ,--- .---.----- delegates Of the fil'e nations I Britain:s. Cmd\'. Allan Nobl wound up another session and Zorln s agreed only to meet again toda)'. 1115 s earllcr I'lew Z 0 r i n complaincd. that the that RU5sla no seems In· West' 5 conditional plan for a two., In. real year halt to H·bomb tests is "tied . but only In and up in a maze of conditions which Isolated suspenSIOn of nuclear WASHINGTON, D.C.-Disarmament chief Harold E. Stassen, left, and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles are shown as they conferred for fifty minutes at Dulles' home recently, Stassen then flew to New York to enplane for London to resume his United Nations disarmament talks,-(I,N. Photo). ------------------------------------------------------------------ Giant $200,000,000 Smugglin.g Ring Smash,d . . .. .. ' . . . . .... . By LAMAR FALKNER The indictment named 48 de· The Indictment, unsealed be· NEW YORK (Ap) - A multi· fendants and 16 co.conspirators. fore U.S, district Judge Edward ·mlllion dollar dope ring of Inter- So far, 11 have been arrested Weinfeld, said the ring smuggled national s cop e was repor::d here and one each in Atlantic about W pounds of heroin each smashed Wednesday with the un· City, Baltimore and Washington, month from France and other sealing of a federal indictment D.C. countries-plus large amounts of namirig 62 persons. TilE MASTERl'rIlND cocaine and opium. U.S. aUwney Paul W. Williams Harry Stromberg, 54, who came Three former customs inspect. rob it oC its essential value." weapon tests." . . DESlED CHARGE The big question appeared nol\' Harold E. Stassen, tlle U.S. to. be not whether any agreemtnt delegate, denied that any condi. W!1l be reached but how the talks tions in the Western plan are un. Will be off or recessed. reasonable and asked Zorin to RUSSia and t.he West:rn specify any conditions he belie\'ed nat!r,ns makmg t!:e fl!;t unworkable mo\'e might give the other Side Zorin did' not reply. the opportunity of thll The West has proposed a two. they had torpedoed the talks. year trial ban on the weapons The subrommittee must, how. testing provided an adequate in· ever, report back to the General spection system Is set up and the I Assembly d uri n g the !essie!! production of nuclear weapons is starting Sept. 11 and lasting until also halted. ' Flu Asiatic Removed Victims From Liner saId "Ie Indictment followed "the to the U.S. from Russia in 1906, ors wcre 'ncluded in the indict· QUEBEC (CP) _ Tests bcing I Dr. \Vooel said it may he 8! largest seizures of heroin and ore- masterminded the ring for the ment. '. . , ! conducted here will determine I long as a week before the rC;\lIts pared opium ever made in the last 25 years, Williams said. His The narcotIcs \\ere said to ha\c whether passcngers and crcw will be known. He said none 01 continental United States." The police record, including burglary bceNn members takcn from the liner i the is serious condi Indictment was returned Aug, 27, and prohibition convictions, dates ot dell Id or 't Ifu e t ' t. IS rI e iI'ernia Tuesday night are sulle!' 'I tion . Symptoms Include a slghl but was kept sealed to permit ar· back to 1915. He lives in Man· an so a as Ie prices inll from Asian flu. sore throat and tempera rests. hallan and is still at largc. throughout the \!n1ted States. Sixty.four persons were taken tores or lOO·W2 degrees. said the rinl! was Thes!' Canadians were named: I .Th e t to thtse from the vessel wilen it stopped j Dr. Wood, who callle ',lere irolll headed by a Russian·born ex·con· Eddie Labonte and Albert Lean, nulC mC.n vc '. agen here en route to )Iontreal Crom, Ottawa .to investigate tile out vict and had smuggled up to $2B, described as residents of Mont· pOlice! t '"1 . CaBnad l !: FraGnee, Le Havre and Southampton. The; bl'cak. said that should 000.000 worth of narcotics an· real; and George Brisbois, dc· rt am, a, ). c cr· ship carried 945 passengers. I prove to be Asian flu. prvduction nually into the U.S. lor the last scribed only as a Canad!an hotel Turkel, Cuba, and Twenty.four were taken to Que'j of vaccine in and To seven )'Cars, owner. enezue a. bec's Civic Hospital. ronlo will ha\'e to be stepped ur Another four passengers with to meet the needs of the Quebec AT HALIFAX stroyCfs there weI's five frisates. several minesweepers' and patrol vessels, the British submarine AI· liance and 25 auxiliary vessels, flu symptoms were taken to hos· area. , pital when the ship docked in "Asian flu vaccine is not nolY I, The St. Laurent started firing a 13 - gun as she ap· proached the admiral's reviewing stand. The Bonaventure replied with another 13. Montreal Wednesday. Dr. W' I availablc in sufficient '1 ' Deely. surgcon aboard the liner. I (or wholesale vaccina!ion," he said some passengcrs may have said. gone ashore carrying an unde.. i tected virus. MO:-'TREAL (CP) - Dr .. ". ! Dr. R. W. Wood. head of re· Deely, surgeon the h.ner I search for the depa rtmcnt of Ilvernia, said some of the ship's II- health, said. those in Quebec's 900 passengers may have gone "It's a good thing they're firing Civic Hospitpl are suffering from ashore at Montreal Wednesday a salute," said one oUker on the an "upper respiratory infcction," carrying with them an undetected !rom the deck of the carrIe.r Bonaventure. "0 the r wise but it is too early to determine flu virus. FOG HIDES REVIEW FOR ADM. BIDWELL By DAL WARRINGTON Canadian Press Staff WrIter HALIFAX (CPl - The navy staged the biggest fleet review In Canadian history Wednesday but fog hid much of It. About 4,600 men and 50 ships, ranging from atomic age destroy- ers to 40·foot craft used fOr ferry· Ing. They took an hour and 42 minUles to pass in line down the harbor. The review was a sendol! for Rear·Admlral Roger E. '5. Bid· well, the navy's Atlantic 'COBSt commander the last six years. He will be 58 a week from Saturday and will retire Sept. 20, The admiral took the salute Bonaventure berthed at the Hall., wouldn't know they were there. whether it is Asian flu. Many of the ship's passengers fax dockyard, The ships formed As .each commissioned ship' JlIUCUS TESTS . who continued to Mont· up In Bedford Basin-the inmost loomed up in the fog its crew \ Muclls tests are bemg con· real were reported )1\ a state of part of the harbor - and sailed lined up on deck gave three I (jucted and sample.s of all and some feared past the Bonaventure. cheers for Admiral Bidwell. persons detained are bemg sent. might show symptoms of the VI· The fog was so thick when the 1 to health department headquar. rus after they had cleared the review started the Admiral could The civilians ,on the oilers, tugs, tcrs In Ottawa. ship .. hardly see the ships, The poor workboats. lighters and visibiUty slowed things down and harbor craft didn't cheer, but the the program took almost an hour captains laluted. longer than planned. A guard of honor and mQst of the Bonaventure's officers and men fQrmed up on the flight deck behind Admiral Bidwell. The mist began to thin after nine destroyers had passed. By the time the procession ended the sun was shining. The 5 hip s and men started Laurcnt led going by at 11 a.m. and didn't the nine de· finish until 12:45 p.m. LED PARADE The destroyer St. the parade. Besides ... Canada's Uranium Sales Conditions Canadian Press Staff Writer there is not the same degree of " 'i \ ." \, ,. "j ., If J I I 1 1 \ 'j :'!neral bun. 1!t1entilt, addrcs. I the government hah all A·bomb t\ In Ihe SOI'iet , ha b ' s . ren no reply P'Jbhshed in Rus. Professor K. E. Bullen of the University of Sydne'y said Tues- day scientists had learned much about the earth', core through ex· ploslon of British bombs In Aus· tralia. Comment On Murdochville Strike , By H.O\ROLD I Apparently, a I the moment, OTTAWA (CP)- Friendly POII'· confidence in other friendly pow· ers-other than the United States crs. But it was stated here that and Britain-which wish to buy whilc the draft agreement wUl be· Canadian uranium must first come the basic instrument under agree., not to use the fissionable which canadian uranium will be "'aterlal for atomic weapons. sold to most countries. it will nol "Our government 11! ln r limes that about the dan. 73 70 83 7S 72 - "It Is not necessary to USe such QUEBEC (CP) _ Chief. Justice dangerous t h I n g • as atomic Sevigny or Quebec supe" bombs fqr thl, purpose," Dr. Be· rlor Court said Wednesday a loussov said, court decision' in a cerllflcatlon He said Runlan scientists bad dispute Involving Gaspe Copper developed more precise methods. Mines Limited of Murdochvllle, They Involved Use or normal ex· Que., and the Quebec labor rela· ploslves, tloRS board awaits completion of Dr. Beloussov said the' dan- arguments In the case, ger of radioactive contamination made It necessary to halt nuclear The chief justice made the tests. statement, at a press conference A panel of .Russbn experts sat caUed, he said, because "of reo down Wednesday to discuss some ports to the eUeet that Mr. Jus- of their projects In ,connection UCe Wlllle MorIn Is holding up I with the International Geophysl. decision In the Gaspe aUar." cal, Year. a world.wide study of The case has been before the the earth and surrounding space, court since August, 1956 and com· Miss V. A, Trolskaya, general pletlon of It has been aUected by secretary to Russia's IGY com. two slmllar cas'l.' before the Que· mlttee said first results of Soviet bile Court of Appeals. studle; wllI not be known for at Chief Justlce Sevigny said law· least another month. yers for GasPe C4pper Mines and Miss Trolskaya said Russia's the Quebec labor relations board man·man nteWte, to be launched have yet to complete. their argu· next year. will be better thin the ments. Until they did & judiment could not be rendered. Murdochville Is I!he scene of a blUer strike by members of the United Steelworkers of America (CLC) seeklng recognition by GasPe copper as bargaining agent for Its employees. WILL NOT BARGAIN The company, which In Its court 'action challenges the Que. bee labor rcla tlons board's hand· ling of the union application, says It will not bargain with an uncer· tlfled union. Because the union Is not certfed the Quebec govern· ment says the strke Is Illegal and refuses to Intervene. . Until the case Is definitely settled In court the labor board cannot decide upon the USWA ap. plication. A writ of prohibition Is· sued by a Superior C4urt judge Aug .. 2, 1956, prevents the board from acting unUI the company's charges have been heard and a decision rendered. Chief Justice Sevigny law· yers representing Gaspe C4pper and the Quebec labor relations board in for m e d Mr. Justice Morin, at an early stage in pro· cedures, that tlIe Quebec C4urt of Appeals was to rule in two other similar cases. They asked him permission t oawalt these rul· ings before completing their ar· guments In the Gaspe case. There Is ¥Iother aspect to the cast. The labor board, In·Septem. ber. 1956, countered the writ of prohibition on a point of la W, ar· guing that Quebec labor laws for. bid the issue of writs against the board. . SUSPT 'D PROCEDINGS The application for cer- tification dates 'back to June, 1956. Effect of the writ of prohibi. tion Issued two inonths later was to suspend .11. pro. unUl ease Is settled bY the SuperIor Court. The USWA called II strike of copper workers at Murdochville March 11 this year and violence has erupted several times since .. Mr. Justice Sevingny said his only concern in the affair is the role of the court. It had been reo ported to him that rumors were circulating to the effcct that Mr. Justice Willie Morin was keeping his ruling under advisemen, ' Before the Court of Appeals, highest court in the province, is the Case of Transport Boiscbatel Limited against the Quebec labor relations board and the case of the National Syndicate. of Pulp and Paper Workers of La Tuque, Que., against the board. Judgme.nt of the seven·judge bench In Boisehatel case Aug. 1 quashed the writ of prohibition taken against the labor board by the bus transport company. In the pulp a nd paper workers' case a ruling· is stilI awaited. That, Informants said Wcdnes· prevent Canada from supplement. day Is the gist of a draft Cana. ing it with further 'pacts later al· dian agreement transmitted to a lowing urallium for weapons' use number of countries last week in certain countres other than the outlining Canadian terms for ur· U.K. and U.S. anium exports. However, those countres which The agreement would be applic. have shown interest in Canadian able to such countries as Japan supplies haVe expressed a desire and West Germany, both of which to use the material to fire atomic have shown interest in buying the furnaces for peaceful energy de· atomic material from Canada. velopments. The U.S. and U.K. get Canadian EXPECTED INCREASE uranIum for weapons production as well as peaceful uses. The question of where to draw the line in uranium exports has become a deUeate political issue, Informants said. Canada works closely with the U.S. and U.K. in detence projects and bas confi· dence that atomic pro. duced by these countries would help Canada in her own detence effor15. Canada's known 'uranlum ore reserves have been estimated at some 225,000.000 tons. The current uranium production rate Is about 3,500 tQns a year, expected to in· creaSe to some 15,000 tons an; nuaily by mld·1958. Most Cana dia n production Is tlIken up by the U.S. Britain agreed last March to buy $115,000,000 wortb _ Of Canadian uranium during the next five years. . 'I , . 'I I I I, . , I t. , . I, I I i t , I " I I 1 I I ,. , .. ; , If , I I 1, " I i' ; , I I I i , I I ,'I , . I if v ; Ti , 'I I: i . , I : I ,'I i." , , ,:1 ,I' ',' . :,\ I ., t I I ; i I' ,I .,' . )... ; i I ';\'..; I' I ' :' ! I.· '1 , :.'
16 · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY

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. , . , , \


-::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:- Director

THE DAILY . NEWS ~if~· '~

,~(:~eI .~ RECORD.'

Vol. 64. No, 19S ST. JOHWS, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1957 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons ---------------------------------------,-----------------------------------------------------------------


sSla ejects E ROCK:

tional Guardsmen Back Negroes

liTTlE ROCK, Ark. (AP)-Natio nal guardsmen, acting on orders of Orval Faubus in direct con flict with a U.S. court integration

Wednesday turned away nin e Negro studnets attempting to enter High School. lhe Negroes said they woul d try again in the morning. Wednesday morning Faubus said he definitely ordered the guards. prevent mixing of the race s in any Little R.ock school. He d~nied

constituted defiane of fe deral authority. "The governor of a state is t~ e preservator of the peace, not a judge", he said.

The Negroes complained to II S. attorney Osro Cobb that they were admittance. He referred the m to the Federal Bureau of InvestigG.

fBI agents interviewed the Negroes and their advisers, Cobb said. .' .. r I !" nr~t'· .- ------.---.-.-

.. : .:;'iC'i~:,:,! .. ;ol.rrn. ; d~red the integration to bcginJ did not rcact visibly as ~he picked

.., \I cdncsda~·. Ronald Da\'ies of her Il'ay through the white crowd, ,";'''. 1:: ,~:;r\ • Gen. ,rar~o. N.D.: rcq\lcsted the. U.s.j some of who.m ~~outed ;,'n.lgger go ,. ,:~, "r!: rrp,'rlrri I attorncy to m:estigate the mtcr· back t? Africa, and ~Igger go

'.,,''', '~r on Ihe' f~rcn.ce .wlth hl~ order and report back \\here you belong. ,', 'r! o:-r I~c prc.: hiS flndmgs withoutdelny. A minute later a Negro boy,

,I :-;'''l'''''1, n.l" i :-; . 1 who said he was Terrance Rob· , '. ' . O. \ 0 cnce resultcd Wcdneiday e\'ts, 15, movcd up to the guards.

i n.lOrnmg when a Negro girl. the men. A white youth lunged at " he'ren Illr: first of her race to attempt 10 him but a guard man grabbed I'j R:~,'~rll raised cntcr the high SC11001, moved him, seArched him for weapons ~ .'cI~rr lilr Ccrlerallthrough a jeering but otherwise and shoved him away from the r:I~~erl.OO\c mo\'c i peaceful crowd to seek admit· Negro, .

:" ,! n~ti'n:ll ~lIarrls· lance. When the g u a r d smen A final attempt was made by ;,·c,ral:Or. ~t Little tur~ed her aWRY shp. pr~mpt1y a group of se\'en Negroes led by

!D0\ ed on and left the vlcmlty. a well.dressed, unidentified white The girl Identified herself as 15· man. They were told they could

year-old Elizabeth Echford. She not enter and left promptly.

lETIN Russian Aircraft .' .

,\lR B.\Sr:. ~ .• T.­lat.-ian jel airliner Irt.l:;e;d~' ni~hl to

Lands At Goose Bay I bloric n,~ht from

:' Lm n,l"i.'1 phne 1'5 ;):1 ill ~Il war'.

Tt:-10t PJ,~engcr "~I 3,5,0 lIIi1r trip,

nrd 'IQPo\'(-r~ for ~ :i t.r,ur, and 54

WASHINGTON (APl-A Russ· ian jet liner carrying Soviet dip. lomat. to the United Nations landed at Goose Bay, Labrador at 6:29 p.m., MDT, Wcdnesday, tre air force reportcd. It will stay there overnight.

The Russian plane, which f1elV b~' way of London and Iceland, will pro c e e d to McGuire Air ForCe Base, N.J., this mornlnll.

I'"~ "" Iilc r"in·,lick It had been expected to fly to . • t 1143 pm. '\D1'. ~lcGuire Wednesday.

,< I',r pride o( the The air force said Ihe exact :,' "r rieN. Acrollot, time Of departure from Goose

',:c only tel airliners Bar would be determined later. "n:ce :0 Ihe \Iorld. but that the twin jet craft eould ~c 1:1\1 fiu;;ian civil make the last lell or its fliSht In .0 wnc 10 thr. U.S. nbout three hours.

,,::(t ott ;,\ 1,49 p.m. Before the Russian plane takes !rom\lo~cow and off, a threc·man U.S. air force , "oil Iceland I crew wllJ go aboard to guide the

for GOIIsr Bay. Russians to their landing In the b30rd at Goose United States. .

AI) and took No reason wu given for the de. at B:02 p.m. eision to the plane at Goose


Government Nuclear Tests

lOS E\'ASS hIli Starr \\'rl~r • (CPI - Russian ;1: I!ked their gov.

I' In Duei~ar bomb Soviet SCientist

, . a 'I<"toli' .'If an intcrnltional

tlonal Union of Geodesy and Geopllysics g e n era I assembly here, answered questions at a press conf~rence.

He replied with, sincere fervor when querlcs on an Australian scientists's' suggestion' that some nuclear bombs be exploded under· ground to provide Information on the earth's Interior.

Bay overnight. It was believed. however, the Russian crew pre­ferred to bring their craft to Mc. Guire in daylight.

The Soviet plane, queen of the operating Russhin civil air fleet, Aeronot, took off from MoscolV early Wednesday.

Acronot hu the only jet airlin. ers in regular service In the world .


UNITED NATIONS, N,Y. (AP) -Britain and Australia Tuesday requested an early meeting of the security cou~cl1 to act on the a]l­pllcptlon of the Federation of lIIalaya for UN membership. Diplomatic qua r t H. IBid the council probably will meet Fri· day morning to consider Ma· laya's appllcatlon.

planned United States aatelllte be· caUSe !twill circle OVer the earUl's poles, rather than around the equator as with the U.S. model, The sphere 'rW)uld be aeen by every countrY in the world not by just those countries lYing near the equntor.

Dr. E. I. TolsUkov, chief de­signer of Russia's 'GY program, said the Soviet now has three weather stations, on Ice Islands drifting through the ArcUe,

The more than 1,200 delegates to th. 11·day JlSsembly Wednes· day turned to highly technical talks In their respective fields.

The meteorologists, oceano­graphers and hydrologists joined in a dIscussion of the world's water balance, the distribution of wa ter over' the earth's sunaee and through the atmosphere.,

est's isarmament I( No Room For

Further Dis(ussion" LONDON (APl-A Soviet spokesman said

Wednesday night "there is no room for further discussionll on Western disarmament proposals.

The spokesman's statement at a Soviet Em· bassy news briefing session echoed the stand Wednesday of Soviet delegate Valerian Zorin in the United Nations disarmament subcommittee. Zorin reiterated previous statements that the West's plan is not acceptable.

The spokesman's statement seemed to bear out previous indications the Russians are ready to end the five-power subcommittee talks and switch them to the full UN General Assembly.

The Soviet official told reporters that the disarmament proposal presented last week by the United States, Britain, France and Canada pro· vides no basis for negotiations.

The briefing came after thc ,--- .---.-----delegates Of the fil'e nations I Britain:s. Cmd\'. Allan Nobl • wound up another session and s~ld Zorln s 5ta~ement ~onhr~ed

• agreed only to meet again toda)'. 1115 I(o\'c~nment s earllcr I'lew Z 0 r i n complaincd. that the that RU5sla no longe~ seems In·

West' 5 conditional plan for a two., ~~re5ted In. real d!s~rmament year halt to H·bomb tests is "tied . but only In u~condl\lonal and up in a maze of conditions which Isolated suspenSIOn of nuclear

WASHINGTON, D.C.-Disarmament chief Harold E. Stassen, left, and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles are shown as they conferred for fifty minutes at Dulles' home recently, Stassen then flew to New York to enplane for London to resume his United Nations disarmament talks,-(I,N. Photo).


Giant $200,000,000 Smugglin.g Ring Smash,d

. . .. ~ .. ' . . . . ~., .... . By LAMAR FALKNER The indictment named 48 de· The Indictment, unsealed be·

NEW YORK (Ap) - A multi· fendants and 16 co.conspirators. fore U.S, district Judge Edward ·mlllion dollar dope ring of Inter- So far, 11 have been arrested Weinfeld, said the ring smuggled national s cop e was repor::d here and one each in Atlantic about W pounds of heroin each smashed Wednesday with the un· City, Baltimore and Washington, month from France and other sealing of a federal indictment D.C. countries-plus large amounts of namirig 62 persons. TilE MASTERl'rIlND cocaine and opium.

U.S. aUwney Paul W. Williams Harry Stromberg, 54, who came Three former customs inspect.

rob it oC its essential value." weapon tests." . . DESlED CHARGE The big question appeared nol\'

Harold E. Stassen, tlle U.S. to. be not whether any agreemtnt delegate, denied that any condi. W!1l be reached but how the talks tions in the Western plan are un. Will be brok~n off or recessed. reasonable and asked Zorin to B~th RUSSia and t.he West:rn specify any conditions he belie\'ed nat!r,ns f~ar th~i. makmg t!:e fl!;t unworkable mo\'e might give the other Side

Zorin did' not reply. the opportunity of ehar::ir.~ thll The West has proposed a two. they had torpedoed the talks.

year trial ban on the weapons The subrommittee must, how. testing provided an adequate in· ever, report back to the General spection system Is set up and the I Assembly d uri n g the !essie!! production of nuclear weapons is starting Sept. 11 and lasting until also halted. ' Chri·hna~.

Flu Asiatic Removed

Victims From Liner

saId "Ie Indictment followed "the to the U.S. from Russia in 1906, ors wcre 'ncluded in the indict· QUEBEC (CP) _ Tests bcing I Dr. \Vooel said it may he 8!

largest seizures of heroin and ore- masterminded the ring for the ment. '. . , ! conducted here will determine I long as a week before the rC;\lIts pared opium ever made in the last 25 years, Williams said. His The narcotIcs \\ere said to ha\c whether passcngers and crcw will be known. He said none 01 continental United States." The police record, including burglary bceNn S'mYuggkledd~lhrtoudghd.thte.b·Ptordt members takcn from the liner i the pati~nts is i~ serious condi Indictment was returned Aug, 27, and prohibition convictions, dates ot dell Id or 't Ifu e

t ' t. IS rI ~ e iI'ernia Tuesday night are sulle!' 'I tion. Symptoms Include a slghl

but was kept sealed to permit ar· back to 1915. He lives in Man· an so a ~n as Ie prices inll from Asian flu. cou~h, sore throat and tempera rests. hallan and is still at largc. throughout the \!n1ted States. Sixty.four persons were taken tores or lOO·W2 degrees.

William.~ said the rinl! was Thes!' Canadians were named: I .Thet Invtest.lgatl'ondleau~lsng to thtse from the vessel wilen it stopped j Dr. Wood, who callle ',lere irolll

headed by a Russian·born ex·con· Eddie Labonte and Albert Lean, nulC mC.n J~VO vc '. agen here en route to )Iontreal Crom, Ottawa .to investigate tile out vict and had smuggled up to $2B, described as residents of Mont· aBn~t pOlice! t '"1 . CaBnadl!: FraGnee, Le Havre and Southampton. The; bl'cak. said that should ~he i\l:1C~, 000.000 worth of narcotics an· real; and George Brisbois, dc· rt am, a, ). c ~lUm.. cr· ship carried 945 passengers. I prove to be Asian flu. prvduction nually into the U.S. lor the last scribed only as a Canad!an hotel ~any, Turkel, Cuba, ~Icxlco and Twenty.four were taken to Que'j of vaccine in ~Iontrc~l and To seven )'Cars, owner. enezue a. bec's Civic Hospital. ronlo will ha\'e to be stepped ur

Another four passengers with to meet the needs of the Quebec

AT HALIFAX stroyCfs there weI's five frisates. several minesweepers' and patrol vessels, the British submarine AI· liance and 25 auxiliary vessels,

flu symptoms were taken to hos· area. , pital when the ship docked in "Asian flu vaccine is not nolY I,

The St. Laurent started firing a 13 - gun salut~ as she ap· proached the admiral's reviewing stand. The Bonaventure replied with another 13.

Montreal Wednesday. Dr. W' I availablc in sufficient quantitie~ '1' Deely. surgcon aboard the liner. I (or wholesale vaccina!ion," he said some passengcrs may have said. gone ashore carrying an unde.. • i tected virus. MO:-'TREAL (CP) - Dr .. ". !

Dr. R. W. Wood. head of re· Deely, surgeon aboa~d the h.ner I search for the depa rtmcnt of Ilvernia, said some of the ship's II­health, said. those in Quebec's 900 passengers may have gone

"It's a good thing they're firing Civic Hospitpl are suffering from ashore at Montreal Wednesday a salute," said one oUker on the an "upper respiratory infcction," carrying with them an undetected

!rom the deck of the carrIe.r Bonaventure. "0 the r wise w~ but it is too early to determine flu virus.


By DAL WARRINGTON Canadian Press Staff WrIter HALIFAX (CPl - The navy

staged the biggest fleet review In Canadian history Wednesday but fog hid much of It.

About 4,600 men and 50 ships, ranging from atomic age destroy­ers to 40·foot craft used fOr ferry· Ing. They took an hour and 42 minUles to pass in line down the harbor.

The review was a sendol! for Rear·Admlral Roger E. '5. Bid· well, the navy's Atlantic 'COBSt commander the last six years. He will be 58 a week from Saturday and will retire Sept. 20,

The admiral took the salute

Bonaventure berthed at the Hall., wouldn't know they were there. whether it is Asian flu. Many of the ship's passengers fax dockyard, The ships formed As .each commissioned ship' JlIUCUS TESTS . who continued overn~ght to Mont· up In Bedford Basin-the inmost loomed up in the fog its crew \ Muclls tests are bemg con· real were reported )1\ a state of part of the harbor - and sailed lined up on deck gave three I (jucted and ~loOd sample.s of all al~rm, and some feared the~ past the Bonaventure. cheers for Admiral Bidwell. persons detained are bemg sent. might show symptoms of the VI·

The fog was so thick when the • 1 to health department headquar. rus after they had cleared the review started the Admiral could The civilians ,on the oilers, tugs, tcrs In Ottawa. ship .. hardly see the ships, The poor Iireboa~, workboats. lighters and visibiUty slowed things down and harbor craft didn't cheer, but the the program took almost an hour captains laluted. longer than planned.

A guard of honor and mQst of the Bonaventure's officers and men fQrmed up on the flight deck behind Admiral Bidwell.

The mist began to thin after nine destroyers had passed. By the time the procession ended the sun was shining.

The 5 hip s and men started Laurcnt led going by at 11 a.m. and didn't the nine de· finish until 12:45 p.m.

LED PARADE The destroyer St.

the parade. Besides


Canada's Uranium

Sales Conditions Canadian Press Staff Writer there is not the same degree of


'i \ ." \, ,.

"j ., If J I I

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:'!neral bun. 1!t1entilt, addrcs. I the government

tt~ hah all A·bomb t\ In Ihe SOI'iet

, ha b ' s . ren no reply P'Jbhshed in Rus.

Professor K. E. Bullen of the University of Sydne'y said Tues­day scientists had learned much about the earth', core through ex· ploslon of British bombs In Aus· tralia.

Comment On Murdochville Strike , By H.O\ROLD ~10nRlSON I Apparently, a I the moment,

OTTAWA (CP)- Friendly POII'· confidence in other friendly pow· ers-other than the United States crs. But it was stated here that and Britain-which wish to buy whilc the draft agreement wUl be· Canadian uranium must first come the basic instrument under agree., not to use the fissionable which canadian uranium will be "'aterlal for atomic weapons. sold to most countries. it will nol

"Our government 11!lnr limes that

about the dan.

73 70 83 7S 72 -

"It Is not necessary to USe such QUEBEC (CP) _ Chief. Justice dangerous t h I n g • as atomic ~\Iiert, Sevigny or Quebec supe" bombs fqr thl, purpose," Dr. Be· rlor Court said Wednesday a loussov said, court decision' in a cerllflcatlon

He said Runlan scientists bad dispute Involving Gaspe Copper developed more precise methods. Mines Limited of Murdochvllle, They Involved Use or normal ex· Que., and the Quebec labor rela· ploslves, tloRS board awaits completion of

Dr. Beloussov said the' dan- arguments In the case, ger of radioactive contamination made It necessary to halt nuclear The chief justice made the tests. statement, at a press conference

A panel of .Russbn experts sat caUed, he said, because "of reo down Wednesday to discuss some ports to the eUeet that Mr. Jus­of their projects In ,connection UCe Wlllle MorIn Is holding up I with the International Geophysl. decision In the Gaspe aUar." cal, Year. a world.wide study of The case has been before the the earth and surrounding space, court since August, 1956 and com·

Miss V. A, Trolskaya, general pletlon of It has been aUected by secretary to Russia's IGY com. two slmllar cas'l.' before the Que· mlttee said first results of Soviet bile Court of Appeals. studle; wllI not be known for at Chief Justlce Sevigny said law· least another month. yers for GasPe C4pper Mines and

Miss Trolskaya said Russia's the Quebec labor relations board man·man nteWte, to be launched have yet to complete. their argu· next year. will be better thin the ments. Until they did & judiment

could not be rendered. Murdochville Is I!he scene of a

blUer strike by members of the United Steelworkers of America (CLC) seeklng recognition by GasPe copper as bargaining agent for Its employees. WILL NOT BARGAIN

The company, which In Its court 'action challenges the Que. bee labor rcla tlons board's hand· ling of the union application, says It will not bargain with an uncer· tlfled union. Because the union Is not certfed the Quebec govern· ment says the strke Is Illegal and refuses to Intervene. .

Until the case Is definitely settled In court the labor board cannot decide upon the USWA ap. plication. A writ of prohibition Is· sued by a Superior C4urt judge Aug .. 2, 1956, prevents the board from acting unUI the company's charges have been heard and a decision rendered.

Chief Justice Sevigny sai~ law· yers representing Gaspe C4pper and the Quebec labor relations board in for m e d Mr. Justice Morin, at an early stage in pro· cedures, that tlIe Quebec C4urt of Appeals was to rule in two other similar cases. They asked him permission t oawalt these rul· ings before completing their ar· guments In the Gaspe case.

There Is ¥Iother aspect to the cast. The labor board, In·Septem. ber. 1956, countered the writ of prohibition on a point of la W, ar· guing that Quebec labor laws for. bid the issue of writs against the board. . SUSPT • 'D PROCEDINGS

The USW~'s application for cer­tification dates 'back to June, 1956. Effect of the writ of prohibi. tion Issued two inonths later was to suspend .11. ~ertlficatiin pro. ceedlng~ unUl t~e ease Is settled bY the SuperIor Court. The USWA

called II strike of copper workers at Murdochville March 11 this year and violence has erupted several times since ..

Mr. Justice Sevingny said his only concern in the affair is the role of the court. It had been reo ported to him that rumors were circulating to the effcct that Mr. Justice Willie Morin was keeping his ruling under advisemen, '

Before the Court of Appeals, highest court in the province, is the Case of Transport Boiscbatel Limited against the Quebec labor relations board and the case of the National Syndicate. of Pulp and Paper Workers of La Tuque, Que., against the board.

Judgme.nt of the seven·judge bench In Boisehatel case Aug. 1 quashed the writ of prohibition taken against the labor board by the bus transport company.

In the pulp a nd paper workers' case a ruling· is stilI awaited.

That, Informants said Wcdnes· prevent Canada from supplement. day Is the gist of a draft Cana. ing it with further 'pacts later al· dian agreement transmitted to a lowing urallium for weapons' use number of countries last week in certain countres other than the outlining Canadian terms for ur· U.K. and U.S. anium exports. However, those countres which

The agreement would be applic. have shown interest in Canadian able to such countries as Japan supplies haVe expressed a desire and West Germany, both of which to use the material to fire atomic have shown interest in buying the furnaces for peaceful energy de· atomic material from Canada. velopments. The U.S. and U.K. get Canadian EXPECTED INCREASE

uranIum for weapons production as well as peaceful uses.

The question of where to draw the line in uranium exports has become a deUeate political issue, Informants said. Canada works closely with the U.S. and U.K. in detence projects and bas confi· dence that atomic weaDon~ pro. duced by these countries would help Canada in her own detence effor15.

Canada's known 'uranlum ore reserves have been estimated at some 225,000.000 tons. The current uranium production rate Is about 3,500 tQns a year, expected to in· creaSe to some 15,000 tons an; nuaily by mld·1958. Most Cana dia n production Is tlIken up by the U.S. Britain agreed last March to buy $115,000,000 wortb _ Of Canadian uranium during the next five years.

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Stock Mar·ket TflIONTO oollllG non.

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MIIUI:. Aeolllc 2J6IO I&S t11 110 -II "eo.le.L M:OO 127 1\1 111 -1\ ..... U.h. 3000 30 21 21 -1'\4 Albl Expl 100 \I 10 10 -1 AI,om a:o.,I:!OI.:It + " Allom d.b 10 nil, t4 • t4 .;. 14 Allom.... 10 SIS lilt 12 10m, 100 110 106 110 +. ADO... 11618 13 71 ·10 Am.1 R... 20n 110 155 170 -. Ap .. ·R.. SSOO lit' 61i + 11

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Report OUT OUR WAY P,II I P \/111,1> I ,6t}C - lB. aseball Ma ' Steamship )

NOpl"I., 2000 112 160 1~0 _I Senate P ~ Nor.Acm. 100. 1I\J I~" l!" - h "'" rO e Norlnd. 10,1 SU 4010 40\, rv" Norgold "Oil 12'. II Ill> . lovements :'\ F:II Yon" Norm."l 16.1 3;$ lID 310 -S scndinu• Sal t\\ I API_ Sorpu 3300 68 66 68; I I !a. L NOUl'ne SOOO 11 20 10 _I ) n Do~c . ~'e N lI.nk 3::0 114 110 III .1 THE Nf'LD. GREAT LAKES 'k bers 10 ~ No .. Awls :ICO I~~ III 420 _$ ST S : e~s c()uld It . h Nudul 10)(1 41, 2.1", Zlh EMI HIPS LTD. inl'e,t:jjltiun :\~t l O'Brle. 42100 I $1 I' +5, _... ~I.V. Perth loading at ~Iontreal , !\,Jt 'Q rn .. ,·. O"nll 100(1 8 I • +" .;;: 4 Sept' 7th for st. John's, t "'II O.Ltary lOCO ~~ 20 ZO _~ .• ' ;: I :~,I \' .• , Rla,je b' Op,m Z~~ f2Q 111 m -JO . ~I.V. Dundee 10~.<Jing at Toronto ICi'.n. \1.1:", .'. Jt Ora.ldl SOOO aD 111, 20 _I "'--'1"'" ~ • ":":/' Sept. 131h, Hamilton Sept. 14th compe'in '''. ~~~o~~PI I~J ~ ~,:1 -:h ,Q):H;)"., .' .' and ~\ontreal Sept. 17th (or St. ,cr;~;' g In tnl! ~:~~ ~~~~ .~It 1~" ,~I" ... ,_ ,_ ;.., .... ~:~~:~::~~:I: ~I.V. London loading at ~Ionl.' Thl; could' Pator 1700 19 1$ 19 +4 .-"'.,,":,.1,:'/ h,,". real September 13 for Botwood. : ()f h:;\\ c\ . lelle l!l~ Plym .. L 2&l3 20 20 ~O _I ... ,<':'''",./. ,,:"," ", l'iFLD. CAN. STEA:lISIllPS I tilc','r pe Uo, CurtiU ~t Perron B:liO 41\1 41 41 2 •• ·.'~"' ....',.;;,: .. I\ .... '" .... , 'r":',. . 0", Plek Crow m', 106 lOS IDS 4 . : "<4'joIt"", .. """... Bedford II In port, sailing toda)', l'h' go . ~~~'~ou 31oC: W 91:, 9;.\ .r' ,."", :;i:f!wr:,~,~~~:"" Scpt. 4th. ., 'i, ~ Pla~1 .01 tIt:), Proft,. 1130 610 600 120 .~ _,,~,,~- •• ' ,,';.,:,,1.' <,~,' ;. Belle Isle II leal'ing Halifax. iii, 'pm':~leJirJ~~ Ihe . Pronlo "I. 190 ill :15 ::Ll _I) " ,. /"'1" S. Tuesday. September 3rd, due St. '\'ho tak d:;r., .... Pros Air 900 130 12;7 130 5 • ,'u'/; ::/1, ~ ~ ~I AmI 1800 19 11 19 -I Joh!l's Thursday, September 5Ih,' COlli:] Ilell be Que Chlb 5m 11 11 T7 _I " ' ". ,:"'-';1,.(.1' 1""''''...... salhng S"turday. September 7th.: fret tnl • . Que CoP :200 Ie " 41 ,. .,1,..".·..· B df II I' I'·e Qu, LlIh * 110 100 700 -',,, ...... - cord caving Ha Ifax. N.S. The club."·· Q )!elll 150 IU ISO ICO _I :llonday, September 9th. due SI. ml'u'nl"'l ,lIalted Q.n.,on '100:6 ~ ~ _I &., ~u· QU'monl 110 "S m rra J LEA~NeO HOW SEES MAKE HOIJE'I', John's Wednesd~.y, September 11th, tr:n'a~lio .• ' 31 III IIldl,,' 1000 IS II 13 -2 HOWTUM~E SUG.,MAKE HA'I. sailing September 131h. . ~b"II'e . n •.. Ihe;ei, IIlln.m, lOG $(I SO ~O -I ..,_. "''''''' B . 'ry meh',b' I . Ruroek 1'700 m us 147 -3 .AND STUDlED ... LL.1H!; .,....,GS OF &1_... elle Isle II leaving Halifax:"l.S .. \lith t:le Y • k·e lr :r:s,!~ I: ~ I~ I~ -2 ~~~~~;~~:~ Wednesday, September lith. due' he ,tNd :~ ees. III. Alhlb 700 II I'l 12 -2 STUt>e,-",g AND BAG" IN SCHOOL WE'D A<\R ... , St. .John·s Frida)', September 13th,' is a '<1'" 'h Iht .. :~~:'I' 2.1'~~00 ,,17 ,,15 ,,"::l THERE '-lEiV~ WAO;' ... Fi"TTEI<:H~ saihng Saturday. September 141h. IIclI:un:1 'hn~ ~1!lh.l.t1 ll,wl. Con IWI 110 II, 910.21\ .::r" ..... LV ... ,!. THIS SIDE OF NOo\H',s A~". Bedford II leaving Halifax, N.S. ie" but t~'e p.aHlu ~I. M!ehlOl 1100 \tit It m •• 11t Tucsd •• !·. Septemb~r 171h. rlu~ ~t. nnll·re\,· .:'If( 11Iull:l: SI. AnI IItS Sf ~1 ~7 I h T r "I erent 81' A.I 1145 17 S7 57 .1 Jo. ~'s . hursday, September 191h. ot:l_r ned' . ' s.nd RI. 7Z:00 31 24 21 _I . saIlIng Saturday. September 21st. "0 t!I"I' .erl! ~u~:d sand IlIV 122~0 31 24 11 _I " ' ., e \IOu d be

l:rowp,1 1000 Ult \lit· \3'. • Ii I Co,". :LtO 1~1. 10 10 -~, De CUIlI' 500 I~ ., 49 I DeIll1I, 1000 16 14 16 •• Diad,.. 6Si.0 I\> , '" _ '\ £011 M.I l30\J m IU I:;;" .1'

.N4I\ RHf Stoll Ie U 116 +1 IInwmu ISOO I 7 7 BNlllwt,k Utlll"O S30 so BIIIf AIIII 200" " '19 -1

~n.r~~nd 4mlO S1~ !~~ s~~ ~ ~ Waterfr' ont CLARKE 8TEA:\ISIlIP CO. I,jon. c, .'II.... 11110" 11 72 I!J" e\'n. ;uing 10 I ~1""'lh 1100 m 440 41! • IS ":\o\'aport in port, sailing tod;JI.·, lInuJubledl.,· 1'.1',\ ~tl"lh WI, 1270 lOS IIJ(\ 30S • S ~ .. nl'ek 2100 210 24 2AO .:n O. Sept. 4th iBay Roberts, 1R~ pre\'eoted Irom 51 .. 10) ROOO 7 R , • \, rrectory 'G I(n t I ' ,. t I \\. . fl'I'e Ih D SI.ep R' ttO' $mt. 14'. 11' •• It ,u "or ea\·IO~. "1 r"" '. -,. e :d.!r! Slurllo. 3W1 U II IS nesda)" September 4th, due St. 111m In play' i!n't nick

Doft.ldl 1000 \1\\ 13', 15'.. '. Oom. rjO .1:\2 I:~.. 12~ T "

Eall Sull JOO</ ~1J 2U 131 . Eu, Aah .jOG 30 30 )U ~ ,

Eul 101,1 I:eo III, II II -I r.: .. t Mift 4~'J!J.) %10 ::1 ... :t Erder ~O 31 31 31 Ej r,".n'f 1000 It 11 " _I r. S.I 11W1!f 15 IJ'. EUflkl 1:00 n ," 11 '.Iton ·lt~ SU', 'rr" 21 14 _ ' •

.ull 0411 taO II 12 12 811l'<hlU SOlI sa 55 JR -1 C.m, Chl~ un IH ,,, 895 + I

FURNESS ,ud ConI 20Jl1 • ., I _ I THE STORY: Friends'or Bar., son.ever do for me?, John's Sunday. Septell1ber tit". >JlI hJ'rbalL '\ Sul1l.l. Ilia 103 .19' tOO· 0." "" ~ .... ". ,,'\ Ik d back 10 ChIcago SI ' S t b 0 I II· B liuftbunl ,00 lI', ~11t 31'., ., un. JV,," ne)' Jethroe, IIho was killed lome, ,'e wa e , " mg ep em cr 1 t 1. J" rlHlkl'n "1"'1 ~~r.I~~~"1 l~~ 11~" I,~I' 1A~I" : I~': The S.S. Northern Ra~l:er is on years I,D, hl\'e kidnaped the man' me and Blanchard. In the first "Novaport leaving ~Iontreal Sat· Ihrff rl'I' a!ler s!~' t TI.r .. nll' S~O 48 46 16 -4 ! dry dock to hav,1 repair' to the I responsible for his death Irom i hCht. he stopped ,and grabbed ~l' urday. September 14th, due St. Ihe deal nc,t:lln. IIOu:d

• 'aradl)· 500 212:::l -I I ~"" .. II '''' 13 '" I:t • ·.·.,t T MO I~ I" 12 _I



Red Cross Lin. -BAILINGS



FROM New YORK: "Fort Avalon ,.' Sept. 111

Fort Hamilton , Sept. 27 .. rort Avalon.. .. .. Oct, 10

FROM ST. JOHN, N .•. I "Fort Avalon ....... Sept. 21 "Fort Avalon .... .. .. Oct. 12

FROM HALIfAX: Fort Hamilton ... Sept. 1'7

. "Fort Avalon... . Sept. 2. Fort Hamilton ...... Oct. 1 Fort Ha,nllton .... ,Oct. II Fort Hamilton ... ' .Oel. 1&



Fort Hamilton, Sept. 21 }o'ort Hamillon Oct. 5 Fort Hamilton Ott. It


... d KIrk 1000 \I Ii 11 _: n. en Uln 1;0 115 tl<'! • 30 ."rlntoour 1000 811 '~t th .'robl,her ~. JM 110 It<) -3 Oall,,'n ~CO 10 ~!i '0 Giliteno TV" I U II -10 O,eo All ... ,100 III 11 t1 Gen.x 1100 ;.!n.. 21\2 21l.w: .. h: Olanl YK 130 500 110 IU I • Glen lirl. Sl00 22 2: 1 Goldlto 000 17\i 111'a 111'a-1t aeld ~II fOIO nOli 0 0 Gold M.n &lO '0 10 10 Orah BOlli 1000 I 15 IS Granolft" 1000 11> 7\. 7\1 - I'J Orl.d.. 200 200 200 200 (lreyhk '5400 10 31 3' -3 aul IIL .. d 1000 7 7 7-1 ( 2310 $II',. 11% 111\ \0 Gunnar .. " 180 11011 101. 10~. Gunnar _II 110 'IO~ 10~' 10~ G .. Ullm moo a 71t 71t liard lIoek 3000 II II II ",,·Mln llOO 17 15 16 -1 HI .. ,a JO'lO 15 15 15 II 0' L,k.. SOO t t • - Wi H .. d .... 1 3900 10 10 10 H .. tII 3000 II 11 II It lie.. 1000 SI'I lit ,It + Ii HI,hoIlln "~170 ISO 119 +29 Hyl. JIll 311 315 Jtl -JO . Hud B.y 591 UI II lit" Iftd Lak, 1400 10 10 10 I.L Nlek,1 IU 18214 1\ 1\ -1 Iftl Rln 1000 \I l' It I Irish Cop SOo ITS 2'~ ,., -IS Iron BIY 900 1C4 lSi Itl 5 J.r0bu, 1000..'" I Jarl !!xpl IWI It 31 st J'"~"I' 11100 21 ~O 10 -I J,l1IeOl UOO It llli" - It J.1>urke 1000 161. 16 11 .nel U:.o 12 32 " K,nvlll' Ileo I 7 7 Kerr Add no III IlI'J II 'l Korr Lak. m:5 110 In 110 Kllembe 100 165 Il5 15 -I l\Il'n' wI, 90 41 40 11 -3 KIrk Hull 1500 lit 110 ", ~ Lake Un :teo I" 130 I.'~ -I I. DIIlaull 701' ss as S:'-l Lake U, 2000 • , q-I L Ilou 3000 I~ 11 16' L Short %IT IU ,10 ,.0 -10

• 1. "'"'" SOlI 17 17 IT -I 1.\ Lu, :00 3lt J50 "0 4 r..:,h :7000 115 !I.' 122 J " •• lndl" TlO, 10 "t 10 tJ. 1000 !!I~ 21~ ~1~ Lorldn :::50 127 110 I:. -.

~tek'H 1S2I!10'0~60 "2J '~io .:~ 4 I bow and other Imnor iepalrs. The! Barney Blam:hard a federal marsh. shoulder so hard It hurt. He said, Joh~'s \~ednesday. September 18th, '~U'pcc;rd. But Ihe I'!!! T~~~'L ,lO 0 . ti H In. i I Isteamer will be on dry dock lor, II The mill' p~non who offers "A skinny kid. , • maybe 20 ,ears salhng ~r1day, September 20th. ill. combmed lIilh BUZlT ~~~~,II l~: ~;IO s: ~I' :...t, about two mont~s . I to' help Blanchard II Pike Ambrose,. old."', "Gulfport leal'ing ~19ntreal ~Ion· adm:"lnn he '.I"n't/ ~ Torbll lOCO Sft 30 30 _I The navy marine scow I: also on, a 17.year.old bol' who works in al "Just about," I saId. day. Seplember 23rd, due SI. John's Ihe ilinmnl Barb;1 ' ~~I~:~." I~;~ ~ :~'\ ::10 _I dock. . . stable. "Pike, l'1'e got to get Pete back. Fridr..y, September 27th, sailing Sal· thp Dolzm, Or th! l: Mlnln, lOCO It 19 19 As these two will be on dock for • • • Not maybe. Got to." urday, September 28th. the $eric.<. irIS a ti~~ u Asbul.1 1475 100 19) m about two months they wi!: be reo 1. • • "Nova port leaving Monlreal Wed· m_allce alorelhQ~~" .. U Mont 2W1' • • III .' Upp CIK 5T60 n TO Y2 ~I ported only periodically as the reo ROY WILSON'S 1'1 I pi . HE didn't know anything aboul ncsday. October 2nd. due St. John's' ~;~~:,'.. I~m ilm 3~\O 3~": ~ . palra are progressing. 'I" St h d I tel' hatceRon: the Clements and Barney Jethroe· ~fonday, October 7th, lIiline Wen, , dar for Lil'erpooL VieD aWl' 9 9 AT DOCK ., lssourl . s owe no Ig . oy I • d b £ nesday, October 91h, I rt'R\'ES Vloll.. 118 lU U~ II~ -J The S S ClarenvUle in c"arge of was sitting on the porch, alone. I andkhowB thlOhgS ha heenf ordyearts 'Refrigeration Fori Al'ai' S RED WIU, 4.. III 63S I2S US - • . ch did il Hid u tall and thin It was bac. y t e time e oun ou, FURNESS W'A ; on w .... ., 1000 I 12 IS Capt., Parsops is s e u e to sa e 8 00 p, ., th 't was going for him Dor. ,RRES LISE : Sept. 41h. due 5t ~ M.'ar S:: SI' JIO 2;1t "at noon today on the 51. John's to almos like he'l expected us. I e way II d a ' NOl'a Scotia due St. John's Sept. ' Lca\'in~ Seplember 'Ia w:~T:'1 ism 20 It 19 - Lewisport route replaCing the 8,S. . I said, "This is Harney Blan·

l, sey wou.~ ~,~ I~a. h t w 3, Leavillil for Halifax and Boston Brook and Xew ro·t

woodJ,rn ~~~ 13:1'1 lJ 13;1t - It Bonaylsta, taking passengers, fro chard, judge. He was with Dor· He s~' e T ~le w a :O\S~ Leaving for Halifax and Boston I York Sep1.·19Ih S'lin! ~;l. ~~II IWI \I \I II -I eight and malls. The M.V. Glen· sey t~nlght," at the epo~. ~ me,~ 0 I IS, Sept. 4, due Halifax Sepl. 6 and. Seplemhtr 21 Halilu Yk Bm 2tOO \U 110 "~ .'I'J wood 15 from Labrador ports In "I see" Wilson said a chlll In how much time I ve lIot. Boston Sept. 9, Leaving Boston: ~4 arri"in~ ,'I J h' i~:'e 1m JIt 2:1'0 21 1t:"1t charge of Capt., Frampton will take hiB voice. Wilson was 'getting old., . Deep lines cut into hil face an.d Sepjt. 10 and Halifax Sept. 14, due ie~\ing sePle'm'be: ~~ Zullpa lW1 31 ,. 31 +2 freighl in a cauple of daYs for the He liked being judge and :hey I hIS eyes snapped. I could lee hIS St. John's Sept 16. Salling for Brook and Xew Yo': B~::: IDD '10 .310 sao St. John's Lewisport service. The said he tried to be fair but he' neck muscles tighten against the Liverpool Sept. 17. , Fort Han;ll!on .i. Plto TOO m 3S? 31S ~S Furness tug Glenment in charge wasn't 100 smarl they said and skin. 1 could feel a trap clamp· Newloundland leaving Liverpool' Seplember 1jih Yu_o. Con 500 54 6. 64 .3 . . h' " . t S 14 d' ' TIME. _Mt Yuk •• Con 00 " " of Capt., Smith Is a VlOg some I had made some bad mistakes in his Ing on 0 me. , ept. • ue SI. John s Sept. 20. ,September 19:h.

Mt Y 11 OIL~ 100 II I minor repairs, and the whaler time He said "And what is it "You want to get me killed?" Leaving for Halifax and Boston her 21st for i~~~~ - I~ ·~05 o.·IOS lOS -s Selka Is moored lip IndeCinitely. you 'want of me?" Blanchard', grip went sl~ck. He Sept 21 .. due Halifax S~pl. 23 and 'Learin~ :'\ew York ~~~=~I IW: W 2i~ ~~ _ J HORWOOD LU!\IBER CO., LTD. "Information," Blanchard said. breathed deep. "No," he said, soft. Boston Sept. 26 .. LeaVing Boslon. lax Oclohrr L!t. . CII.It. :100 110 106 109 _I The M.V. Robert J. Knlckle In "Somebody in your tow tnook a I I started away from there watk· Sept. 27 and HalIfax Oct. 1, due IOCIObH 3rd. ImlCl g:lv;'d Coa ~:llU I~ 4~~ -:;51t e~ar~e .of Capt., Samltel Blackwood federal prisoner tonight." i ing toward the livery. I looked St. John's Oct. 3. Sailing again same. lor lla.l~fax ?nly. COil Ld. 1(;0 300 195 295 -15 will fmlsh discharging the cargo of I "So" Judg Wilson said let •. over my shoulder. Blanchard was day (or LI\'erpool. ro:\sT.\:\T1~E gso~'IL w~!' ~~ ~r ,l:o 3:~ ~1~ Illmber this mo~ning and will .Ihen tlng himself ~ack inlo a ch~ir. "1: watching me. It struck me hard Nov~ ~colla leavinlt , Lim,Pool; ~I.V. Edr~l\'ood ('s P.,o 16:19 560 64) blS ,-s shift down to Ane ~nd Sons IIharf 1 t' th hi" 1 what a shame it was all of it this Sept. 28. due St. John 5 Ocl. 4, ,Septemhrr dh, (,dn A!' ott 1,9

000 7?o '.10, m -, to take freight this evening for .the w~~~1 ere, bmars a ;t rt b t tinohrn town and a' 'fine ma~ like Leaving for l1a\i£ax ann Boscton ~Ih, "onlrral

C IIr Lmp ,~, 63 -I f II' t L S· P II k t "I son mllY e wasn sma U' 0 t 5 H I' f 0 '1 J I ' , . C Chl.fln mo ll3 \6~ 110 0 owmg por s. a Cle, e e , I h ' h b d I Blanchard. In my mind I could c. . due a I ax ct. 7 and Bo~ . 0 In S September C Dorl wI. 11)0 ~ .~ !IO ., Ba" Vcrte Coachmans Cove and e lias smart enoug to e scare. hi Ik" h d k II ton Oct 10 LeDvina Boston Oct' ~I \' Al'oowood Cd Dov '6VO 690 590 ~90 ~, 'BI h d . d "Y h I sec m wa mg In tear a .• .' . , C zx Gu II~ m ns T".J _I Fleur de Lys. anc ar sal our mars a , . h t k " 'h I k 11 and Halifax Oct. Ill. due 51. Septemher Ijth, e H.m.st4 400 240 U~, 235,. _I.. IUI.C. DOCKYARD quit. Nobod,.. been appointed: mg t, no nOlllng II ere to 00 John's Oct. 17. Sailing again same her 181h. \!onmal g U~:~~ wi' 1~!~ mli l~~ l~,:'::' ~ The M.C. ArcUca, Ihe American since. That givel you responsi· or eye~ what to look for or how -----.-----.-- 'arrilin~ 51. John's

. C Pr.lpo.1 1100 310 ::8 26! _IS ItUIl C.52 11122 fhe in\'e~tlgator IbililY, judge." much tIme he had to look. gets here. That's Barney's brother, : GUt· & :\OIRTRER~ CI~" SaL. IWI ill l21~ ~~:: "'It! Ih \\ V Seabeacon and the "It doesn't look like' that to I took a couple of steps back, They 5ay he'll be in on the train : ClnlO 011 900.... '., '. e·,· . . I "N . r I ., I 'd "N ' . ' l:"nll!.1 _ SlI\., II II _. 'i ~I.\,. Parr. me," Wilson said. Mapping if out., ow )OU IS en,. .sal. • 0 from Chicago and they got to: f~~~!;,'~1 m: m ~~ m~} CA.'IIAnt\ PACKER!; UP. "My job i! to dispose of ems need to go, 0(£ half·cocked. You \i'ait." ce.,., :1M 12 II t: The M.V. Ela~ie and Gertrude brought before me. I can't appre· got some hme untIl Cole Jethroe

LDrlLlI'J 'At. 4;00 U a1 II -1 I ··rorl Anlun Scpt. '1 Fort Hamilton Sept. 21

"Fort Al'alon Sept :!8 Fort Hamilton Oct. 14

'"Fort Avalon Oct. 111

TO CORNER BROOK, NEWFOUNDLAND "Fort A \'11011 "Fort Avalon ··Fort Avalon

Sept. '1 . Sept 28 . Oct. 19

'S.S. "Fort Avalon" wl11 accept earlo' for Corner !rook dlseharre.

',ael. wtU aU NewioDII" IIJId Outpoa1l a. IBdueemellt ,ffen. '1 Aceepb retrlaerlUolI

tUlia. -". O. Moor, Dial Bl91 to,.


aalJfa lilli' Joh •• N." New 'o~ 1II07ltreal


Lt.':,1 :000 10 In .n - It ' ~11'don 1510 31 J! 3' _, I \llc'l. I!~O'" I ~lad .. a ,,(!II 1)9 112 I!l ~'.l.rUr :on 134 1l" 134 -' Ma .... t V 20100 20 IS'" 20 4'" MI .... t U ZOIOO 20 "',!20 + !I, ~Iarall. I7lVO 3(1 271t" ., Marltlm' 1;100 101 9~ IS -2 Martlft 1:01\0 12 11 I M"alth lOtI 30 !O ,. •• Mnbruft 2:00 11 U 11 -I~ Mtlnl~'re »0'63 U~i 14' \ - ~ MeW.1 1000~"1 15 -I M,ntor 11011 20\t tol'J 20", -N'

.. ".mll 1100 'S ,: .2 -I Molt 1'roo '1II 13 \3 II Mldrlm ,GO, 141 lI& II« -S !1IUllk.. 11120 33. 'In ):~ Mt. C." 125 lIS " 11 M.·Orel 100 16 1. 14 -lit 1010(\11 300Q 10 0 100 lOtI 1010 •• 1. IltIn ,. 71 n -I MultI·M 1000 14 $I 16 -·2 Cr UOO se s\ 1I ... Nil Expl .,000 31 ,. 3'1 N .. t.a~ 1\00 10 " 61 • S H,w AI,.r 1000 , , t .1 Nt ... Alh 1000 SI IS 15 -I Nlw Bid 100. t '+2 H,. C.l SOlI!! 25 2~ H Dicke. "00 us 110 IS.! H FonulII moo II H II -1 H H.rn . ,,1\ 1m 19 II -lit N HI", 2000 II II II + 1 N •• a .. n 1001 • • • N ,10.. 1700 10 , 10 N,wlun4 1100 21 ~I 21-1 HM •• 2000U eo UiS Ntwlu.d 1400 28 :a 28 -1 N MI' 200II 63 ItI 63 + J N Mind. 1100"\\ ISIt tm-11 N Myl.m. '100 II 14 IS ~ 11 N ... nor . 1100 .It lit &1. N Sln,tot 1000 • 31t SIll-it NIck 111m HOO 220 '14 211 ...

Furness,'Wlthy Be Company Ltd~ Liverpool It IIlhll'. lOato. BaUro It JoluI'l

.,. to Bfa. • to 10 to It lohll'. Bo.tOI BaU'u It. Joh.'. LI"~

"Nova SeoUe" Jul7 27 Au.. I Au,. D Aut. 13 Au,. 111 · -~N'wfoundl~4" Au,. 14 . Au .. 21 Au,. 21 Aug. 31 Stp. 3 ::'1oIova SeotIa" Aug. 28 SIP.. Sep. 10 Sep. 1. Bep. 17 :~·Nlwfoundl.n.dN Sep. If Sep. 21 Sep. 27 Oct. 1 Oct. l-~:~NoYI Scotia" Sept. 28 Oct. & Oct. 11 Oct. 111 Oct. 17 : ·"Newfoul\4I.an4" Oct. 111 Oct, 23 Oct. 29 Nov 2 Nov II :~Nova Scotia" Nov, II Nov. 13 Nov. III Nov: ~ Nov: 211 :.;AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED BY: B.O,A.C .. K.L,~I, PAN A~IERICAN i~RWAYS, SCANDINAVIAN, T.W.A. Ind connecting AIrUne •• t:. COlllult UI reaardln, JOur travel prableml.



· ' . • r ................ --................ ~--........ • . :. ~: -.. ~: :~: .',

Ifld.-Canada Steamships Ltd, FREIGHT SAILINGS

~ M.S. "BEDFORD II" ~, HALIFAX • ST. JOHN'S ;~~ ,1. .... 1 .. BaUlall ~: Monday, Sept. 9th ... Due SI. John', Wedneaday, Sept. 11th :;. Tue.dIY, Sept. 11th ..... Due 51. John', Thursday, Sept. Il1th :'{ . M.I, "BELLI IBLB nit ~ Leanll, HIII'n: HALIt AX • ST. JOHN'.

I Tue,dayci Sept. ard ..... Due 51. John', Thur,day, Sept: 11th

t~ Wedna 1)', Sept. 11th ..... Du. St. John', friday, Sept. 13th : ....

. For immediate clearance per dlrtct aa1lIu, .. For rate ... pae. Ind other Informlltlon app\J: '.'

c Oru. a ~IOO m\ 41 41 -I , Ad' I d d" ------------------------C E.II r.r 1000 35 n J~ .1 In cha rge Or Capl., n fell 5 oa e hend, too. , c MI. M., I!IIO ~o 41S 4:0 ; 3 • general cargo for LaStie. detain· Blanchard snid "Will ,·ou tell __ =~~"I'!TI""'''' C Will PI" :00 fto 510 I!III. . . ,~ Cr •• Oil .11).\ 315 ~:S ~2 -I ed oll'lOg to weather condltlO~s, me anything about what happen· Ctl ... tl 700 310 21 3!~ ,but will sail to day for LaScle. ed'." O"."al 'SI' I7S "n I.) I, \" I ill th \\'a·." Elpl HO 110'1 III!, 1011- 1;' ealhng al,es eYI' e on e , Wil~on took out hll pipe and nu,'" 100 14 14 14 I down rapped it on the step. Wilson ~~r.'~,t' !loo' '1~ IT~1 TI!! ~ I·~ CROSBtE ASO CO., LTD. ~ r .. • 'v ~ 'v 5aid, "It appears, marshal that )'OU

g~tlo~I" ~ m'i 7ro 7~ .'D The ~tV. Clara Hallet~ in charg, would know more about it than RI,hwood 4000 U U ~s. -2 of Capt., Feltham Is lakl~g freIght Blanchard stood staring at Wil· H .... on " Itl: .,Olt so .0'. It for the following ports, SIlver Fox, fit' . Th h HOl\lo 011 • W1 120\\ 20 to - 1 I d India Ba" Greenspond son or a ong Ime. en e Humber lOOQ 10 m III -7 I san , n ~. 'tu d ~nd slepped pasl me and Jump Pnd SSOO 31 n 57 -" Lumsden and Valleyfleld. 'The M. rne . Jupller 20il 310 SIO JIO • V Lindy' Barbour In char-e of 1 followed hIm out Into the street. Lib .,1. lIOO I.. Ito 190 - . e. H ' lk d hi' th b LI P,,, 1$00 1& I~ I~ Capt., Harold Kean is takIng e wa e set" I ower an e· Mlllrl.1 2W1 142 14,,2 ~I -It freighl for Greenspond Badger~ fore, and 1 truled along. He Merl,.ld 3600 21 ..2 • did 't d 1 k 'f II M,dll 2301 390 m 311 -IS Qua)' Welleyv!l1e Newtown Val· n act rna . new I was M.r "." ~.~ ,13,\4!! le"fle'ld Pound Co~e and Mu;grave me, I'd be pawing the dirt and ~11d •• n 1'__ ~ ... -I , , . d' h 101111 City 2100 30 3() 3Q + I Hr grID Ing my teet . ~"~J.~' 11~ W 'fs ~~ . T. HALLETf'S LTD. Blanchard said. "McNabb eaid H B nom 4350 230 "0 US The Crystal Stream of which the name Pelerson. Where do I N Ch,mb 2m 100 190 m +. Hunler 1'5 the' masler is taking find him?" . HCDnl IWlO 50 SQ ., . H ouEpxl '50 m "1 ... "01 -! freight for Salvage and Newtown. "Peterson lives down thiS way." N Superl.r 100 2M.... -. Th N d C R I h I h' h 1 'd Ik' ff f t P t NC on. 115 480 160 480 -IS e ,an . a pow lC sal, wa 109 0 as . e erson NCO pr 10 "'1'1 331t 331t Capt., Cheater Is the masler load- and thaI'S all. I thought. First NDrlhldft 1000 e 63 63 , d f II I f B Ir h' I k h 'd'l . t Ok alt. 100 21U' 103 210 e a u genera cargo or I n· t Ing new e nal me agams PI. P,I. lI!41 1~'\4 281t Ult -,\4 side, Eastport, St. Shads and the a wnll and I'd tell everythinll I Pin W .. I ssoo n 40 10 - I th' t d t . Pean Rlvlt 00 Sl2li 12~ Il\~' It other .usua nor ern por s. e am· knew. ;:~: ofr. :W i~ ;rs ll~ +: ed from sailing owing to weather At Peterson's, 1 faded back Into Ptlrol 5000 1& 13 13 _2 condllions. and Is now ready to the dark when Jortlan Peterson ~hlUlpa(l" ~~ m ~;g m _I uil this morning. came to the door. He didn't look P:~~o 502 2 10 IlII -, AT A. II. MURRAY ASD ro., good, 'landing there blinking at Ilell P;lpl 2W1 11 14 +1, The ?I.V. AvonlYood In charge BI h d Rlchwll m9 170 Ie llD of Capt., Pasey from the Great anc ar . ::~~a P,', I~ ~ ~~It ~~: Lakes is discharging the balance 'I " sa,!dBII ihOhUldd leeld)'ou, lIOya\ll. ~o I"" 18 1m ~ 1'0 th I d will il D r. e erson, anc ar II , ltoy.IU." I~ 13m 301, 30\4 I of e genera cargo an sa "What do you wan I ?n u.ppIIlr. IZOO 101 ts U -2 today for the Great Lakes. The ' SippI, dtll. 110 $4$ n .. ... S,S. Fergus In charge of Capt" "I'm Blanchard. United States =~~~ 'rll 'Is:,~ ~~ ~o Wo :ig McDonald landed S9 head of live deputy mmha!. A pris?ner was Ioul~ U 1U0,. 31. :r7, -'". Itock, 40 crales of live poultry, taken from me here tOnight. Mc· 'peon r J100 S2 20'. 30' , - ~ N bb d' hi k Id 51 •• ,,:11 mt I" 111 In a and 20 crate! of pigs, and will a .e~me to t n .you cou Trl •• CIIl 3600 I'~ lIS 115 f' ' h dl h rgl g th· venl g and help," Trlnl.osm 2100 241 ~4S 241 IRIS sc a n IS e n P d d . h' TrI.s.Em 2100 241 24~ ,4R then sail ror P.E.t.. etenon grunte eep In 11 Tr.Em rtf 100 I ~I 2fl6,o ~., -In AYRE AND SOSS, LTD. throat. "I don't know what John TrI.d otl 31' - , ....., h' k' ., h't v, 0111 IIMG us 'S 370 -20 The ~I.V. Lydia Marie in charge W31 t In mg. 1 m sorry t at I ~ul.ln "W I; ft ~ _2 of Capt., SpurrelI is taking freight happened, of course, but I don't w:;::e 1700 25 2'" for the following ports, Badbers aee aoything I can do." w M.nUt 8000 215 1tO 2111 +1 Quay, Valle~fleld, Wesleyville, " • • W Dee .. tl aDO II • 83 • J W N,.DtlOO e 110 liD _10 Newtown, Lumsden, Musgrave Hr., BLANCHARD turned I little Y.ft Ca. 2000 10 • ,-1 St. Anthony, Qulrpon, Cook, Hr., and looked olf toward me In the ~~ . D.lhou,11 1510 171t 171t 211i JIt Raleigh. Savage to Flowers Cove dark.· He rubbed his eyes, like.

,~Ai:~: m~ 431t and Is leheduled to nU thlJ even· tlred man wlH. I saw his should· ~~'I . IS $5210 nit am Ing. The M.V. Norma Cladys in era lift when he breathed deep. Comm ISO 1m.. IlIIO ISIO - ~ char"e of Capt., Charley Kean, Is ed k I so 1\ 11 I - It II He turn bae to Peterson. He R':~.I 110 ""1 &1~ em 14 taking freight for 51.' Anthony, said, "Who appoints your Marsh· A'uml,' . 1~~U~rlA~~I\ 3m _ \10 Cooks Hr,. Raleigh, Ind U1e other als?" A.tlo Nnd tOO 1m 714 m... usu'al northern porths. The M.V. ' "The Commerce Committee." c.... to5.25 14~:m -... Carol Stron" In charge of Capt.; 1) .MI"," 1'10 1\4\0 "'" nit - 1'1 II "Maybe they'd better IPpolnt D 11 •• 1 Sill m~ 211i 27\4 \4 Templeman I. from northern ports one." Not II.t 110 m~ 13\4 13\4 and will load a cargo of oU to be Pblftl H.... "I .nv, 11 II - '0\ "John quit only this evening. It St .. oooni 180 111'" 1'" 17" dlstrlbuted to northern porll. will take time to find another ."dm.n 1105 12110 2I1t 211'1 BAINE JOHNSTON AND CO Wllftwrl,hI, eoo,,~ '" 37!1 • I'fl d .. WIIk,,. S02 1'f2~ 12 72\\ The M.V. Ornate In charge of qua I e ntan.

Capt .• Roger, Is taklnj! freight for "Why did McNabb quit?" Tolal ,.t'"1 1,015.00 Fair Island, Dover, Indian Day, "Ilhink you'd better ask him."

LAZINESS! WORM Wesleyville, Trinity B,B., Indian "All right, Mr. Pelerson," Blan· MOSCOW (Rt'uters) _ Lazln~1I Bay, Wesleyville, Badgera Quay, chard said, soft.

I, the .nemy of lonll living, JaYS and Greenspond. "Just a minule, marshal," Pet· I man clalmipi to be 149 yea~s AT FURNESS REO CROSS, mon said, stepping oul onto the old who lives In the mountainous PI!;:R r • porch. "When .this Is over, you'll Soviet republla of AzerbaiJan. A The 5.5. Bedford 2nd., I. from leave. We have to slay. This is Soviet youth newspaper quote.. Halifax wlth a general cargo to di,s, where we live, You have to un· the theory of Mahml1d Eyvasov: charge, and after dlscharge~ .. ill derstaod how that is. We don't "Lazlne~1 h warm like • fur sail for Halifax. want trouble."

Havefun this summer?

• , • or tUd your holiMy ItIll ft#lltJr IDe. tJ/ rtlldr NIIlt1

ODe way to avoid disappointment aellt year is to figure ool

now how much it', loinllO coat (IX your 1958 ncatioa. Then opeJl a Sun.hine Account It the B of M and make it a poin'to depoeit. eaeh payday, enough to cover the expenaee of ODe day of your holiday.

You'll find-u practical·minded people ID over Canada have cound--dJat a Q orM Sunshine Aceonnt is the ideal way 10 pro­vide money Cor a beller holiday. It'a a gilt-edged guarantee or RlMt

, Cun and lun Cor everyone-lets you buy more pleaeure Cor yot1r leimr!'.

Why not opcn YOllr Suruhine Account loda .. AI ~"'Ir nf.r­eel B of ?II branrh? Canadian! save more mone" al Ihe B 'or ~Ith~n It any lither bank. •


fREDERIC BAINES, M~na~el HA.VEY & CO.,' LTD., Gen,ral Ag,nts, 0101, 2151

t. N. COLE, Sp,r:ia/,n'oliv" S" John'" Oio; ~207 or &0

blanket. and loft like a mahlen. D~,E Yr.STERD~Y. Blanchard hcaded for the strect. The man \\"110 I~ ensnared by this . Tile ." ,So Nova ~rotla \\'as d.ur ,I moved oul bchlntl him anti then worm Is a lost man." . )est,e;'rJ~y fro":, LII'c"po.ol ulh stopped. I could leel Jordan

pas~enllers, mnll. and freight and Peterson's eyes drilling my back.

"I. John', Br.1llch: 1'.,1 ~nd Brdnch:

. J. H .... RnrY O:NN1:'\GIIAM, Man.~tr OHlfe. .1'0' at 8i,hop', falll, Bot"'ood, BUlhan" Corner BI1lOk. (orner Brook West. Curling: \)ter L&kt,

Graod Fall •• 51. Georgt'" Stephen"illt Sttphen"ille (rouing and W ind,or " THE ROIERT REFOlD COMPANY, LTD"

Montreal Clnd Toronto READ Orne! - AALI'AX ~ll ADVICl! TO HOUSEWIVES is expecled 10 saIl for Halifax and 1 turned .and look ,and wanted to PAlltS rReu!rh) _ FtMncA Boston or thuml~", laugh at him h~t 1 didn't dare. He

!olinl$t,r F,lIx r.~l11wl Tt1'!d:~ ,stead III fruit. Dally ad\'lr~ b."! WAS trsing tn work it out abou me .~'·lle~, ~N'neh. h?U!~I"II'e, tl'l I' radio I~ Gallhrd'~ bt~5t Attempt: Hnd Bbnchard. I could ha\'e told, bu\' ~hlrken In!t~.d of h~'f ~nd to POpltlArize hi~ Intl.lnflation i him not to frel about it but I, to have jam for lunch' tle~~ert in· campai:n. . thought: What did Jordan Peter· ,


ST. ·



!Ii her nalil'e N appointed as tl lhirteen Rcd I

the province, .­'cross, nur51~ i for sel'cn a special assil

(A)r me a her Red (

Dectmber.: but duty to 'do I



Page 3: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY

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,~~f [P'''''' . , •


pital Consultan~ 'ng St. John's


Commander Bovey -

Probes Reports Of Submarines • JI

1 I

I ' I

· . rrm arril'rd in 1 work of setting up the new hOI' ;~':) Tut!da~' to ~et up pltal at Carbonear. _

c" (rOIS Hospital at She was married three years !t~bt plan~ to remain ago and plans to give up her nura· , : hOspital 'tall. the Ing and devote her time to home-

1.1 j polidrs of the making.

No Confirmation Calvert Incident

Of I '

1 ';;\lbliShtd. The Red Crosl hospitals at Car· o " I ~raduate or bonear, tile first of Its kind In

I~ trill lIospllal Newfoundland. was hullt throu~h ,t\l1fr complet. money contributed by tht! com· ;h; anended the munlly. the Province and the

'Toronto School of Federal Government ,In equal pro· , ~ a course in hos· portions. Red Cross will equip ,10 unMr a Red and sta~f the hospital, ,nd will

operate It. Mr~. E\'a Chandeler. who has

1(. nalirr ,-,,,,'a Scotia I been worklnll at a Red Cross Out· , ' a; Ihe director I post hospital In New Brunswick

Rrrl l'ro~s hOS" for the past four yurs, will be 'rlOlioer. and worked superintendent of thc new hos·

, nur~in~ \lations 1 pltal, IIl1d Mrs. Freer told the , lor !Clcn )rar~, 1 nally New! ycstcrday that shc

IllIcill mip,mcnt tor hopcs to ha\'c four full), trained I ~: .hr ~ctua\ly reo I nUf!C5 on t~e staff., ~rr Rrrl l'ro,'~ nur~·: Thc hospital, which will have

hili ha\ rome twenty 'beds. will supply ~ long, : I~' d~ tht special 1 felt need in tile Carbonear area. !

THE HON. J. ANGUS MACLEAN. Minister of Fisheries in the Federal Cabinet, arrived in St. Joltn's Tuesday afternoon on an ('Official vi~it to· Newfoll!:dland. Yes tCI'day at 1 P.M, UN local associations of the Progreso sive Conservative Party gave a lunc11eon in honour of Mr. MacLean. Mr. Leslie Marshall, President, was the chairman for the occasion, and Mr. Malcolm Hollett, M.A.; party leader in Newfoundland, welcomed Mr. M!lcLean. The picture shows, left to right:-Mr. W. S. Perlin, Miss Kathleen Ayre, President of the Woman's Association; Hon.; J. Angus MacLean, Mr. Leslie Marshall, Mr Malcolm Hollett, M.A., and Mr. James D. Higgins, Q.C.-(Daily News Photo).


- Carry Out Mercy Mission ht Hundred For Stricken Child

Commander J. H. Bovey. of· were returning home from theh ficer comm"·ndin~ the floyal Can·' fishing premises shortly after adian Navy in Newfoundland stat· ~ nightfall wlle'n they noticed the cd last night that he had visited: strange object in the Harbour. Th, Call'ert and conducted an investi· i crall had no lights and accordinl " gat ion into a report that ,·n un· ito onc of them II djsappeare~

,identificd submarine had been I beneath the waters of the har 1 sighted there recently. i bour. : ~ Commander BOI'ey said that hp 1 He said he intN'I'icw~d the rould not definitely confirm that : three fishermen who had suiJmit·, what had becn secn by the men '

led the report and (IUestioncd them ,was a ~lIhmarine, he said, how, :' dosely. Thcy arc experienced fish· el'cr, thilt unidentilied submarine! il

; crlncn and arc thoroughly familiar h~'I'e bccn opcratin!: in watc'ra r

.1\'lth lhe area and with the mol'c, ,c\o,e to :-';clI'foundland during re I ,mcnts of local ~hippin;:. Thcy' cellt m"llt\l.~, ', _____ ---- ------- --- .. _---_._----\Meeting Of 'Labour Relations Board

:Test Cattle IFor Bovine ; Tuberculosis

, The Labour Relations Board : , \IiI! hold a hC.1!ing in the Kin~ The tr,ling of callie tor Bol'in~ :1

ils Registered PEPPERRELL AIR FORCE of SI. John'~, and alerled the Army BASE, SI. John'5, Nfld.-septem·1 harborcraft crew of Dctachment ber 4. An errand of mercy was car· No.6, Transportation Terminal rled out here last night by both Command (7278), to stand by to

George V Inslltute on October 8th TlI'lerclilosis in ;o;otre Dame Ba' <In the applications of the Inter. '[rom Lumsden to Kin"s Polnl I national Woodworkers of America will be"ill on Septembe; 16th anc I locals 2·254 and 2·255 for certi· continu~ until a\l cattle in thf! fication ,,!; b~rgaining agents for i arca have been tested. This doe~ ! men working In the lumber woods' not appl\' to cattle which wen (or BO~I'aters in the Deer, ~ake tcsted in 1953. All O\\l1erS art I

, . . , Operations and the men affiliated ,reque~ted to have their c"tt\p, to gct the Adams family aboard. I the provlOcial gOI'ernmcnt to pay, with the Anglo Nell'foundland De· 1 availablc for testing as this will

At'~-Th~ Pep· turned to the United States. the U.S. Army and the U.S. Nil,), lake the stricken youngster and !.'/: S)lltm Awoke Irom I, Mr. John J., Jr., will when • child stricken with en· thc other members of Ihefamily

!!!llrda) as 800 repllc~ Mrs. Agnes Wright IS eephaUtls, the dreaded "sleeping aboard, for transfer to the Base ~r.!llr!~ for classes principal of the elementary school. slcknel!", was Iransferred from Hospital. I:',:t /TIde! I throulh Mr. Cormack comes to Pepperrell the transport USNS WilHam O. At 10.00 p.m. (IOCRI timp), Ihc , 10 \Ir. Charlu Tur· from NarsarS!uak AB, Greenland, Darb), to • U.S, Army harboreraft USNS Darny hOI'c to ~t the pilot

1111 Oirtct~r 01 Educa- where he has been principal of for removal to the Base Hospital. statlon about fh'e milcs oul and the school there for the past three Baby Adams. his mother and the

, Illdu hlc to 12 will ! years. Mr. Cormack Is from Wol· The child, Frederick Adams, other two children \\'~re assisted llhe neu brick build· i lust an, Massachusetts, and attend· Jr" two year old son of Mr., ~red'jlo Ihe wailing Arm), "J" Boal by

:53 of the total stu· ed Boston University, where he erIck Adams, a U.S. Ar~y cll11~an members of the MSTS crcll' r,board lecondan' ~chool obtained his Mastcr In Arts. emplo~'ee In, Europe, IIBS tm cl·1 the transport. On the "J" Boat to ~i11 be dimibut· There i, a total of 32 teacher. ing aboard the transport to Brem· receive the ailing child and the

t:tmlnuti' grade5. i, comprIsing the Itaff for the erh~ven, Germany, with hIs moth· family were Doctor (Captain) Don. Itt IItll 11111 be In schools plus the two principals, er and a brolher Ind sister, when ~Id H. Persons, USAF, a pedla. Wtl Ihe te~=hing and 1 and an athletic dIrector. ,word was flr.shed to the Military triclan, Air Force medical person.

Itolt of the facult)·1 Newcomers wl\l find that Pep· Sea Transportation Service MSTS nel and Army and Na\')' represen. Itom the \j S. last perrell's schools Hre well equip. Office here that he had contract· tatives.

Turner hIS been awa)' 1 ped, providing weIl ventilated I ed the disease and needed hospl·, F tl it' th ht Ih-, j , tal care., Of a me was oug at

ur. llthou~h he Is. airy cl&ssrooms. There Is an ex· the rough seas. which precluded Ul old hmer on', cellent auditorium lor assemblies ImmedIately Commander Char. an air.sea rescue action. and

Ht held positions and group actMtles, with ,I leat· les W. Smith. Commander of the caused thp transport to be divert. it Argentla from Ing ea()aelty of 400. In addition to local MSTS Office, and Colcinel ed here,would require hringing

to coming to the reiUlar clallrooms. the lcience Norman H. Gold, Commanding the vessel Into port for the tr&ns, he lerved IS laboratory Is newly equipped this Officer of U.S. Army Transporta· ier, but Corporal Paul E. Ream,

of Education for yebr, there II a well laid out and lion Terminal Command (7178), skipper of the Army "J" Boal, hllf yem. !>Ir. Tur, excellently equipped Industrial headquarlered here ,arranged a manuevered his craft through the

U::II 01 W\1minllon, arts shop, and I very adequate rendezvous with the transport off choppy water and held It along. classroom for home economics. the narrows leading Into the port side the USNS Darby long enough

COUNCIL !;ltrintendent Itreued Klnderaarten, for IIve·year olds

Ihould be I\\\'are of Is operated leparately by the Pep­'- of the hue here, perrell clules are presently filled Annual Dinner

elementar), grades -plus • substantial waiting lilt. Department p. M k

A swcll of fil'e feet or more; teachers' basic s;:·lal'ics. but must' 1 \'Clopmcnt Company. 1 definitely be the onlv opportun. ! n;ooc the use of the a7commoda. subsidize additional costs, undcr Thc decision to hold thi~ meet.

j. ill' the\' will hal·c. Dr. C. S. But. !

tlon ladder down the Side of the the new school tax authonty. Bc" i n~ was madc at the meetmg of ,. , .. ' I transport to hazardOUS for the 11'0· ! fore the tax lI'a, imposed. a S)'5'! the Labour nclations Bo,.rd which: tOll 01 Hcallh 01 AnuJ1a's DlvlSlo.n, I man and chlld"cn to cross from tem of I'oluntary (ees prol'ided I w;;s hc1rt on Angust 26th and 2ilh ,Dcp~rtmcnt of Agnculture, W!U I the large P·2 vessel onto the tos· the exira moncl·. in Sf. .John's, I (oll'llIct Ihe 11'51. sing deck of the "J" Boat. To safe· -----'---------___________ _ guard them, a high transfer chair passed the Adllms family from the starboard side door to the Army craft.

Mrs. Adam~ and the children dcparted from Theodebeaux. Lou· Isiana. and embarked aboard tht USNS Dt;rby from New York City on August 31.

Also coming ashore on the same trip was Major General W. A. Creasy, Chief of Chemical War· fare Service, USA. and Mrs. Creasy who were enroute to Germany. General and Mrs. Cre&sy. are scheduled to fly from Newfound· land to the European Command today.

It was .reported that the boy had been critically III for the past 60 hours.

Notification of the child's con· ditlon and the present location of the f&mily has been radioed to the father in Germany.

· : .. nil~ I~~e'h,ee:~~~~ Child Kill d alnt· a ers E In IiOt II-ith the 1 e ' A fitting cllmlx to Labor Day's ncourages "'!Odalion lor' A C B k: celebrations was enacted by the Interests

rO::!ie< t orner roo II Paint Makers Local at the Old , hll of Ine farult)' Colony on Monda), night when" I I1lhl( lime. how, It was reported last nIght that, !lOme 1~0 friends and lluesh at· 1 -

,nteipII, h'l't mi\'. Christopher Maloney Aged 6 years, : tended th. 10th Annual Dtnner of , n !tilt Kuhn, educator was Instantly killed near his home: the Union. Special guests for ,the I Civic Affairs

(Oleh Will ,rrl'e II In Corner Brook yesterday after· I evening were Mr. Eric Bowflng.1 ~t~! S~condal\' School. noon when he was hIt by a pas~· Mr. J. C. :'lcCarthy, representing Couneill~r Tucker ,reported to ,that he !ugg,ested that a comm~t. MRS. ADA PARKER. of Brookline. l\1a~s .. has heen "isiting Trinity during 1 IS I na1ll'~ of DallLs. Ing car. No other details were; the firm, Bros. F. Chafe, Cf"C. I the MuniCipal CounCil yesterday I tee ~e apPol~.ted from. the 5t. I this slimmer and left here b.v TCA .... e~ tenia.\' morning to \,ellll'n home. )lrs.

hi d . available. representallve Cyril Stron~ AF of I that he had met with Dr. A. G. John 5 )lunlClpal CounCil to meet I J

Slnool 'AI~g~ee!t In L repre~enlative and Bro. J .• "recker, deputy Minister of Edu .. with the Council of Education, Parker is now 92, and (or the past three MlIlltl'.:I'S has berll coming to Newf.)und· Till, State ~~~Ilte r:: iF' 0 C~chrane, PresIdent Di~trict 'l'rades ealion to find a means by which ~hen the matter could be pursued, land to spend her summers in Trinity with her friend •• Hiss Elizabeth Green,

1_0 lem he h . b II rowns n Council M. C. for the event was the Council and the Dep~rtment lurther. d • lith D P a'd e~~ I ' , the UnIons President Joe Biggs. of Education might co·operate in Councillor Tucker. Nightingale who has 8 home in Trinity, but lives with Mrs. Parker at Brookline urlllg

Ilpln, Priore et~ en 5 Sf te Md' • brIngIng to the atten~ion or the and Earle were appointed to meet the fall and winter. Mrs. Parker and her daughter, Mrs. Mary Allison, arriv-bUlht a"d thhudt a . e IClne After II sumptuous turkey din· pupils and teachers In the city with the Council on Education to b h 5

" coal' e d I the t ff f th h I II fled in St. John's from Trinity on Tuc!, ,In" afternoon and went out y t e 9.4 Dallas public ~ h I ner serve as on y 5 a 0 e sc 00 s the deslrllbl ty 0 hal' ng discuss the question. "A Ipt of J


, .

, ,

!r!b, 'ill j~ln 'hi~o i~ The presl,dent of the Cttnadlan I vOelryd ClmOlpOrne~8'lcvaen8pdeOaAha waha~rtglVbeunt a greater Interest In civic affairs good may be done, and no harm a,m. flight yesterday to return home. During their stay in St. John's they !l!~f!. 11r ;,.. h M dl I A I tl I ...... and the protection or elty prop· come of this venture," Mayor were the guests of Miss Ada L. Green, 22 Queen's Road. The picture above

O ' • ", a ey reo 1\ ca . noe a on IIYI·. ate from the firm by' Mr. Eric Bowr· t M Id h d d h oU,II' \l-hA h medleine In anI' form is not the er y. ews sa as e en orse t I' sug· h M P k b d' th ItT b Airp t

j. : f

-- _-:.~re· ., ina who expressed his firms happy Dr. Frecker endorsed the idea, gestlon and appointed the Counell, sows l·S. ar er oar mg e pane a or ay or •

Sk' best w~y to .erve the people. po.ltlon of unIty and fellowship of Mr. Tucker reported, and said lors. 1 ___ ======================== leS Dr. Morley A. Young of La. each employee concerned to which . I

Mont, Alii., told the Newfound· he received a very loud applause. B A • ' division of tile CMA Tuesd'y Speaking on behalf of ,Labor owater rnves' Deer Lake FOl'ced I nIght he did not agree with the Bro. Jack Cochrane wal happy In 1

system "but we must acknOWledge his pralle of the progren made by A C B k CI S I I Tlb " 8:34 p.m., tile riaht of our fellow citizens to orllanlled labor and extended t orner roo ose C 100 I

, .• £5 d'termine to' I 'Iarae exlent how greeUng 10 .an unions invoked. I!'~ 1m, 04 \l.m,1 they shan p.y for their medical Following thiS the floor was cleM· Sir E. V. Bowaler. 62·year·old :rhe amalgamated Ichool board,

, 1m, 11:31 care." . ed for dancing and l8 u'ual head of the 411·company Bowa!er ,said Wednesday It would have lu '

ries- Minister Busy Day

~on. J, AnfUS MacLean, Minister of Fisher­tillda, who I. villtlri, St. John's on hi. first

II,slnCt. his appointment to the Cabinet in o~ent1ered a buffet luncheon by the execu •. · .

II 8the ~ederal Department of Fisheries last ~ OWf,n!! Park Bungalow. . • a~Lcan hilA a busy day before him today.

; Ih the Provincial Minister of Fisheries, 1\ I· 'hChte~eman, this mornin, at 10 o'clock,

. ~ e will meet the members of Press a'td

Iller , . N \VI n!lOn at 2,30 Mr. MacLean wiJi meet • ; oundland Fish Trades Alaoeiation, and ~~lUla,A'lOclltionl after luncJf at Gov-,

4.IS h -.) . . , e WI I meet with the officials of the

Federation of Fisheries, and at 7 oclock' IUtst of 1Ionour at a dinner party: riven

Maestro C. Andre~s and. hi, band i Paper orgBnillt.ion, arrives at cor'l~ close one of its two eight·room pri' . done yeoman servIce to the var'j nerBrook from London 10dlY on mary schools because funds life i ious nuinber rendered during the his annuil Newfoundland trip. He . nol nailable to meel operating' dance. I i& to Inspect his company'~ opera· i cost!.

. f h U . tlons at Cnrner Brook before lto· The board earlier anllounced' Th~ PreSIdent. 0 tie nlon pre.,' Ing on :0 the United States to in.' children enlering .cho01 for the'

sent.ed a bellutiIu bouquet of spect his Tenessee Mills anrl also !irst time would not be admitted ~ flowers to Mrs. J. C. McCarthy, i the progress on construction of a ~ unless their paren!.! had paid a: wife of the Manlaer. Shortly be· 1 new mill in Carolina. . school tfIX of $NO monthl . fore one I.m. the plrty of tired . y. I and hiPPY people wended their W F Board Chairman Hedley 'Baggs' way home for I well earned rest. ins ord said 620 students are registered j

Thanking you one and all for your for the two schools and about 60 i pleasant company until next Labor Con ertihle per cent "re children of persons ' Day we shall have happy memor· V who have not paid the tax. 1

lei. . "We can't do the Impossible,":

Too Few Classrooms

Mrs. A. B. Butt, Cowan Avenue, : he said. "If we do not h&ve the recently receIved word that she 15 'funds 10 pay last year's heaUnJ: the winner of the 1937 contest for i and llghlinR bills, we can't keep Ihe Ford Convertible Hard Top both schools open.' We have to car. I close one." ,

Canada, and R letter telling why I The conlest was for All parts of I The board draws funds from'

Repom from local schools Wed· you would like to own a Ford: " I h .th' r nesday Indicated hundreds of Chil'j' Convertible was the basis on I wt ill ~ed b gge~ t ar ~~) tng I:!; . dren were turned away Tuesday which Ihe conte~t was Judged. emp e anyw ere n I' war . , when they returne4 to Itart the He lold a service club luncheon fall term. D ihe Hamilton 'Falls ha~ a power po

Officials aald the increase II 'escr S tentlal or 4,000,000 horsepower lelt mo.tly In the kindergarten and Its Initial development will primary and'intermediate elasses. P.otential prodUce 1,000,000 borsepower - , A ",urprlslna large number of more than enough to handle the 1

,ou~port Itudenta registered this G d F II power requirements of greater ~~r." ,Most· schools plan to add ran a s London. I extra, cJallrooma where possible I to.'take oare of the rush. Claude HOuse of Ih~ 'British The problem is. he said. 10 find ,Abollt,110,000 Itudenh are' ex· Newfoundland Corporatinn .• aid cllouah industries to U~e. tho

peeled to roallier In Newfound· Tue~day the Hamilton Fall~ pOIV~r pnwcr and to set lip trammlSSIOIi land. development ,proJect in Labrador i lines in the rugged country.

I,I'.~' - -------- -- - -----------, -- ._- - - - - ,- .


SCHOOLBAGS With shoulder strops




Fit 2 to 6 yeo·rs. JUST

2.45 --------~~--------~~------,------------

, ,


: I



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Page 4: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY

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, '1.-.....; .. ' • ..;....;...._...;,-. _____________ .;.. _________ --:" _________________ =TH~~~D~A_I LV_NEWS, THURSOAY,_SE~lE~lU


~~_W2 .. ammn ........ a.~a. .... ~IW ...... ~~ ....

THE DAILY NEWS' The Case For Revision N.wlouna/ana's Only Morning Paper (a6) Concluding Summary

The one outstanding fact of overriding imparlance in the Case for Re\'ision is thAt the specific claim set forth in Book One of the Report is founded upon Term Twenty-nine of the Terms of Union. That Tl'rm represents p. contract bctween Newfound­land and Canada. It is 'Incorporated into the British North America Act and Is part of the Canadian constitution. There may be room for differences of opinion on definition and interpreta­tion and even calculation but all this is subordinatc to one para­mount fact, There is a contract.


'the DAILY NEWS t •• momln, pa~er est~bllshed In 1894, and publhhed at the New. Building, S55·3~1I Duckwortb Slteet, St. John'j Newfoundland, .by Robinson • Company, Limited. ~IEMBERS OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Pre .. II exclullvely entitled

to the use for republication of 111 new. despatches In thl. paprf crellited to It or to the .~ssoclated Pren or Rl\ulen and Ilso th. local news publisbed therein.

A 11 Press .erl'lce and feature artlclu hi lhi~ poper are copyrichl and their reproducllol

The conb-nct derives from acknowledgment of the inAbility of the pllrties to the agreement in December, 1948, to(prcdict with sufficient accuracy the financial consl'quences to Ncwfoundland of becoming a pro\'ince of Conoda.

C.nada .................. $10,00 per annnm it ploblbllcd, l\('t'l1IlSI' of that Iliffil-ll!t,· of foresrring tIl(' IinRllrial dfl'l'\S of llnion on ;'\rwfOlllldlallll. IIiI' Governl1lC'nt of Canada lln<iNtook eNtain ohligations, Tliey \\'('J'e to be fulfilled thl'ou~h Ihe rC'COllI­mt'ndations of a Hllyal COllllllis,lon to he appointed within eight years from the datc of linion,

United Kingdom and all rorelan Counlrl" •.••.. $14,00 per annUM

Authorized IS .tcond elm m&il Po.t Olllee • •


~ember Audit Bureau Of

Circulation •. lI.partmeDI, Ottawi. . ..

THURSDA Y, SEPTEMBER 5, 1957 This Roval Commission was to be charged with tltc

duties or re,:iewing thc financial position of ;'\ewfound­land and of recommending "the form and st'ale of addi· tional financial assistnnce, if any, that mny he requircd It\' the COVCTIllllent of the PrO"ince of :'\ewfoundlanJ to enahle it to continue public services at the levels And standards reached subsequent to the date of Union, , , ."

What About c\'en talkin~ of pulling it on Ghana's new A Market t'UITCllC~'. He has e\'en ordered a statue of heroic sil.e to commemorate him in his l'apit,d of At:cra. We're SOon goin!: to ha\e Ihe rip·

rOill'll1gest, slam· ban gll1gest a J:ricliltUl'al fail' that St. John's has seen for 1ll(11l~' a da" FilrtTI products will be exhibited b~: fanners from all O\'er the pro\·ince. There will be monster heads of cri::.p rilbbage, huge turnips, (\\'crsile pump' kin!'! ilnd ~quash, and ro\\'s IIpon row of the finest potatoes Ihat land e\'er grew, There will undoubtedly be examples of many other \'egetables and jars of cleat' jellies and pickled beets and fine jams. The meat, of course, will be shown on the hoof but this and the poultry will bear the promise of succulent joints and drumsticks. It will be a grand fair with no expense spared. Attractive prizes will entice the remaining commercial farmers and some amateurs to prQduce and show theIr best. And what then?

Now, there's the rub. We can't com­pete with Prince Edward Island on a price basis throughout the year, But we can provide premium fI:l\'our if people are prepared to pay a lillie more to (,lIj(J~' home-grown food and give a helping halld to Newfoulldland farmers, There are, we believe. a lot of people who would be \'CI'\' glnd to cia these things if they could be al'sured of an adequate suppl~' of qual;ty vegetables and other local pro­due·ts. That suggests to tis that the first positive step after the fail' is the provision of a central market in St. John's for the sale of local produce.

This is not a new idea. Gr.neralions ago the country carts assembled at the top of ]'I'Iarket House Hill to sell their warcs. Years ago the City Council set asid~ a sum of money as a contribution 10 the establishment oC a market but it was ne\'er used. But now we are trying to revive agricultural. It is worth reviv­ing, We must produce more of the things 'we consume. And a central market would offer a magnificent opportunity to dE:velop this important local industry. Time and again people hhave gone to their grocers in search of Newfoundland winter-keeping potatoes only to be offer­ed the pale and pallid substitute from P.E.!. At the same time local farmers have been wondering what to do with their surplus vegetables, A market ma~' be the answer. First a cold storage aepot to rold the produce and then a retail market to distribute it.

The -country butcher will go straight to 1he market instead of peddling his joints and roasts from door to door, The Carmer will be able to move his vegetables steadily Ihl'ough the ~'ear, And the larmer's wiCe will find a ready outlet for scale: rream and good local preseJ'\'e~ at rewarding prices. Fresh fish could be sold in the market. The vendors of flip­pers should go there. All in all, a central morket seems to be one of the answers to an increase in the consumption of home products. Government has financed less worthy objects. It could finance this one and lake ;j small percentage of the value (If sales to refund cClpital outla.v and pay opel'ating cost:>. It is a project that seems to ne the logicill sequel to this year's re\'ival of the agricultural fair.

• Democracy In Ghana

Not much mOl'e than six months :lg,o the Gold Coast became an independent African nation which restored the andcnt name of the territor~·. As Ghana, it be­came the first all-African member o( the Commonwealth.

Ghana's first premier is J(wame Nkl'umah who acquir~d academic distinc­tion at Lincoln University, a negro col­lege in the United States, and has studied also at the London School of Economics. It was thought that he would be mindful of the obligation to prove to the world that Africans are capable or independ­ence in the democratic fashion,

But Nkrumah's prestige as Ghana's fil's( leader seems to have gone to his h~tlrI, He has caused his portrait to be placed on his country's stamps, He is

Thcsc conceits might be forgiven, But i\j;l'Ilmah has also decided to deal with oppn:;;ition in most undemocratic style. He hm; actually compelled the deporta­tion of opponent$ who are natives of Ghana, This is a path that can lead to dictatorship. It will not help the .new nation, What is far worse is that it may slow up the hopes of other African na­tiol1S whose aim is independence within a reasonably short period of time. All African nationalism will suffer if Nkru­mah allows success to go to his head.

Dealing With Dumps The Department of Mines and Resour·

ces has taken over dump control, This has taken the fOlm of a notice in certain places that they are authorized dumping grollnds. They look like It. Even a dump can be controlled. At the ver:' least, deep pits l'ould be dug at every authoriz­ed d\lmp so that the debris and offal consigncd to it could be concealed from the passing \·iew.

But in addition to the eslablishment of official dumping sites, the Department might do well to clean up the unofficial sites. The landscape today is everywhere decorated with the wrecks of ancient cars and trucks, with mounds of tin cans, and with a mess that offends the eyes and noses of all beholders,

What is wanted is first a general clean up of ~11 roadside sites and then the effec­th'e policing of them to prev~nt them from being cOlwerted once more by dirty anrl careless people into nauseous and noisome places.

We talk about the development of tourist traffic, It has its possibilities. But first we must take care to tidy up our countryside. And once all the attractive places now defiled by the leavings of careless picnickers have been cleaned up,

. ~evere penalties should be imposed on all who may be convicted of turning a pleas­ant landscape into a continuous dump, The alternative will be that the average

In orr\rr to f111aliJy for additional financial aid, :\CWiOllttd. ~~nd was not to h~ required to resort to taxMioll more hUI rif'l1-

WIIlt', hal in)! rFgarrllo capacity to pay. than tll;!t obtaining gen· eral'" in thl' ~ laritime region of Canada,

. Thi~ moh'ed the claim into the differel1ct! ht­t\\'('ell the cost of continuing services at the le\'els and. stAndards reArhed on the one side and the total AllIonnt of r('\'enlle that Nc"follndland could raise without Il~· ~lIming more hurdensome tAxation than the ~lllriti1l1e PrO\'inces, having regard to relath'e capacity to pay.

The :-;c\I'f01mdlanrl Case establishes the cost of continuing as the llmOUl1t of money to be found each year to maintain the lel'els and standards of services reached. This cannot be a fixed sum, If, to quote a specific example, school enrolment incrcases hI' 5,000 a vear, the 11'\'1'1 And standard of services would dccline i( the allocation for education could not be raised to provide ad­ditional classrooms and more teachers.

The detenninntion of these fnctors must rest with the Royal Commission. . The Newfoundland Case is predicated on the interpretation of Term Twenty.nine which has been carefully analyzed by a group of emi­nent economists, lawyers and accountants. But the Case has been enlargcd for two pArticular reasom.

Ollr liaS berll the necessltv of showinl( thl' rrOison, for Ihr. inad,'qlladC's 01 :\ewlollndI3m\'i; sen'ict's hy Canadian standard~, The other has hl.'l'lI the requirement (,f C'.~tahlishinlZ Ihr Ir"('I.~ and slaudards Tt'ilchrc\,

In Ihe l'01lrse of setting forth this Illst information, it ha, heen further shown how the prevailing standards compare with thosc existing elsewhere in Canada.

There arr two T('asons for thi~. One is that it was rrquirNI tlt;lt the cost of continuing shonld be pl'O\'rn. Til!' othrl' has inlPrcsting implications. These derhe from the belief at thp. tillll' the original agreement was madp that an eight-year prriod would he suffcient to raise Newfollndland's public srTl'icrs to a standarn rfllJallo the need of the peoplp. b~' modern crilrria and hy comparison with the Canadian a\'erage.

The fact was that if all the monev R\'ailahle to the Gow'rnment of of Newfoundland hRs heen emploYf'd to raise the standards of public services, it would han' heen physically impmsible to provide what was needell in eight years, And it follows from thi!, that if colicen. tmtion of available funds had been on the c.xpnnsion of the puhlic scn'ices, the dimensions of the :":cwfound­land claim wOllld be far in excess of the amount that has been nctually set forth as the financial aid rcquircd under Term Twcnty.nine.

This summary has been printed as <I matter of basic infllr­mati?n for thp people of Newfoundland. It purports to be nothmg more than a condensed version of an historic document on which the future of Newfoundland as a province of Canada may be predicated, Once this contractual case has heen dispos­ed of by the recommendations of the Roval CommiSSion, ~e\\'­foundland's further daims upon the Government of Canada mllst he 011 tht hasis of nerd without the slipport of a solemn compact and obligation.

local picnicker will prefer to stay at home A ld than take.a chance on finding a clean site U along a hIghway, Lang Syne

Strength For The Day By EARL DOUGLAS


(I,'rom the Daily News file~ of 25 years ago) S.S. Odensholm, bound from Bathenberg, Swcden,

to Portland, Maine, with a load of pulp, ran ashore early yesterday morning at Burnt Head, near Cap­pahayden. and will in all probability become a total wreck. It is staled that S.S. Odenshohn went ashore between the wreck of S.S. Florizel and that of S.S. Prudence, an oil tanker that was lost in 1892. Her forehold and engine room are flooded and her bottom punctured in many places by rocks.

• • •

The labourer is worthy of his hire." Indeed he is} but the capitalist is. also

worthy of a fair return on his money and efforts. And the public is worthy of ser-vices well rendered, The nation is worthy Editor Daily News. of continued peace and stability. There "Believe It or Not" Ripley will arrive St. John's

. are classes in society, there always have via S.S. Nerissa Thursday morning. been and there ahvays will be, A happy DICK HYMAN, , national and world life requirc.~ that King Features. cvery group live' in happy l'elationshir Il is unrlerstood that "Ripley" plans to rel11<lin in with every other group. the country for some time and he has a camera Inan

Let no one feel that the Bible puts its I\:i[h him in hope of obtainin~ some "Believe It or ~eal oC approval on any 011e particular Nol" stories for the screen, He will be the spcaker variety of economic al'J'angement., The at the Rotary luncheon today. 1<1 borel' <Inri his rights ilre solemnly de· • • • fended ill the leaching5 of both the Old During ret:ent days quite a number of pJ'oset'u-and the New Testamcnt. But capitalism tions have taken place in conneclion with the distl'i-is also spoken of with approval in the bution of dole. Relief which has been intended for Bible, The word, of course, is not actu- the needy only, hc:s been taken by men who h,\\'e ally used, but what do the p;jr:lbles of the substantial llllms in the bank and are comparativc\y Pounds and Talenls teach but that the well off, their only excuse being thc one ~o often man who has accumulated capital hilS a heard that it wa1! government money and they were J'i~ht to invest it and to have his invest- entitled to iI share of it, But·taking dole when it is mcnt protected? The kings o( ancient not needed is stealing, and if there is IiO other wrly Israel ruled uncleI'll strict covenant, and oC bringing this fael home to these people itl11ust be what was this limitation of royal ]lower by process of law. butlhe form of government which ·today -cALL SERIES ·TAL-Kl~S----piANliyDRO-l'i:A~~T­we call democracy? And democracy must' NEW yanK (AP) - Ford C. TORONTO (CP) - TIle Jlyrll'o' operate not only in government but in Frick, eommlssloner Of baseball, Electric Power CommiSSion or

" . ' Tuesday caUed representatlves Ontario plans an Immediate start the field of mdustry and commerce. Of a\l National and American on construction of a $26,000.000

God's world is for all the people who League baseball clubs 8ti1! In the stea.m gcnmtln~ plant. ~~ Fort live in it· and this means nothing more pennant raCe to meet With him WIII.lam. Ont., Wlt~ an mllial ca·

, •••• In New York Sept. 9 to Iron out paclly of 100,000 kIlowatts, Ja mes nor less. than the diVine reqUIrement that World Sertes details. The series S, Duncan, charm an. announced e\'~r\'boclv respect even'bod" else's will npen in the American !..('ague Tuesoay. He pxp~rts th~ plant, to rights "Thy neighbor thvself .. They' park with the lint um~~ likely haY,e ~n nrntud, Jlfltrntial ,capa.

• d h . ,. J' ~ b~ 4'lth~r Tuesoay, Oct. I, or elt.,· of 00fl,000 kilowatts will be are one an t e same. 'Wednesday, Oct. Z. ready In 1961.

lj,~~ __ ,. ___ .~~~~~~~~~~~~_ ... _.V_~X-I~ I

What Others Are Saying

GET NARCOTICS IN JAIL (Vancouver Province)

The Ineffectiveness of the pr~sent system of handling narc cotics addiction has bcen under· lined once a~3in-this time. for pxtra emphasis, by 3 judge charg. ed with enforcing it.

S~ntrncink Iwo Oakalla In· males for drilg possrssion, ,Iild~e (;, \\'. Brure Frasrr SJ in he wmllo hal'e l!iven them 10n(Z!'r prison terms if he thoil~ht it would have hprn anv lise in curing I heir ad· diction,' Flut hr Cclt that im· prlsonJMnt was no sllch Ihe,

Thc IJet that th~ men han hern ahlr to oblain their narcotic~ in· sidp Ortkalla ,inil rtrld.~ a twist al· most of the ludicrou~ to the ca'e.

• • • C"\~An" T.OOK!' rOR PARTY


(VaneOIl"er Sun) ThP ""~t m,qorit'· of (ana-l·

lans would like to see 8S mu~h non'J"arli~anship as po~~ihlp dil'

played in the fir~t ~e~ion of th~ nI'l\' Parliament, due to open in October.

Thr statr of thp country i~n't dr~perate hut there's a lot of things' nredinl( to bc done. The state of the world oUbide us is as uneasy as eYer. and' that needs a lot of attention - un· di"iiled by thouj!hs of e election alarums and party gains at home.

Therefore Rt. Hon, Louis St Laurent's statement that "it would he rathcr unfortunate" if another federal election is called in the too near future is one that a gr~al many people are willing to echo,

Some reporters hare assumed MI'. St. Laurent meanl, when he said this las I week, that au Nrl~' ",lertioA would I'Jll~alTass the Lihel'al party linallciall.,',

We prefer to hope hI' was think· ing of Aile country's wplfare. that hI' I hinks it would he a c;Jlamily to carr." prpscnt uncertainties in' to a not her )·car.

HI' ~aid soon after the Con· sen'atil'e victory that the Lih· Nal oppn~ition \\'outd be willing to J:i\'e the Torips a chance to tran~lat~ their elrction promise~ into lecislat ion, It should fottow that the Liberals, at least. will "oppose'" in a co·operative spirit.

~Ir. Diefenhakpr. has tou~h problem~ to face. The Liberals would have faced them with nplomb, no doubt, for they are lIsed to governiM. With all de· ference to the new cabinet, thcy have to pick up skill and ex· p~ri~ncp as th~y go alon~. They hale yet to translate a single promi.<e into rr:tl action-though ~t r. J)il'f cnhakrr's promisce! Commonwealth trade conference is taking ~haJ"~,

The new government larks the comforl of the mornl ascpn<lanry of ~n o\'erali m:ljority in the lIou~p. nc,pile all the high talk of Liberal rout, the Conserva· tives on .June 10 hac! 216,000 ,'ofl's less than the Liherals ~nrJ. wel'l~ in actual fael reiccll',1 by t'he voters in eight of tl'n provinl'e,.

Contcmplation n{ these facts should rii,posp' them not to hr. Ion rock'" It's n:ltllral (or thl'1I1 10 want to impro\'e their po_ilion anI! th~)' ma,\' hope to do thi~ hy prr~cnlinl! a I~'pe of Ipgislntion attractive to ,"oters hUi liahle to rl'jpction hy the opposition in

'Parliament. Rut thrv mil!ht also rinr! thnt the ,'oter~ are' intelli. gent enough to understand op· portunlsm Bnd resent it.

The urgent problems of Infia· tion, of badly unbalanced tr:lde. 01 mounting wheat surpluse~ and, possibly, mounting unemploy· ment, ~ivt no scope for political fenein)!, From the fart ions in rarliamenl thry demand devol tlon to country rather than to party .

Air-to-Air Nuclear Rocket Tops Varied A-Bomb Fare

By DOCGLAS J..AItSES NEA Staff Correspondent

WASHINGTON-(NEA1-The \i\'e atomic test show they'\,e been putting on out in i\erala past se,'eral months ha:, been extraordinary,

They've exploded big ,\·I)omk and peewees. TheY\'e touched '~m off under on the ground. on ~teel I o \I' er.<. from baBoons "ir-to-air rockets.

Soldiers. j1.[ari~1e!', l'i,il drf('!L·(' \\orkcrs .~d ing firemen have SQuatleci 111 [0:\1101(',< and \'arious dist<lnces from the big hOftl1l" ,uifenr.l damage than the.\· probabk r\!lellcntcd ai tf.! bling parlors ill neal'b,' La,; \'cc:\,<

Six Air Force officers stood Q!ICl'tlr blast without being injured from the blast 0:­

Ator\:c weapo" cxperl~ ill the PElliagO!l

the real :/ignificance of thi~ ~el'\rs oi te,l, is Ihe stration of the \'ersatil ity of .. \.~I·(';lpOIlS which no\\' has in its ar:;ena I.

U.S. Atomic Ellerl!v ('01nnl!:';n!l e~;perts

think that the serier. rc,:eab .Ill;: h"I' ii'l' the nuclear scientist1: havE' pro,(!rc".oeri III the handling of atomic rleto\1iltinn-,

With the exceptirm of the "I,e del IC~ l\'h:C:, to explode because of a pO\\'cr fililllre 1'1 the chanism. the scien'i~ls h;l\'e been oble II) \'ield~ and effect oC each blCl,t mnre aCl'ur(:el~' before. This is one of tbe best measures of thl lists' atomic know-ho\\',

From this dazzling arra~' of (l(rl1lic ?.\ X'I1111,""'-

however, U,S. experts concerned \dh . . world or\'1ion select the atomic shot (lr July 19 most significant of the 1\ -;Is, .

This was the blast which \'.'(1, packaged In I

and fired from a fighter plane at a point in officers stood beneath the boom.

Just before thil' test Lt. Gen, J. H. Atkinso~. mandel' of the Air Defen~e Cnn1I11;lnd. made th:s ment:

"This firing will ~igl1al thr b'·t ti1ll~ in tor~' that a live nuclear \\'<':11'('" Jr.,. IJ~"11 figiller aircraft to a target. TIlt' 1".j.1'I \\.1,

h' for lise in air dE'ffllse. '('IIi, \I':-t tlllJlg i, l:ollect certain impo)'tant \I (';'f'''!l'' l'Ileds dail

l\l1oWI1 warhead at ;1 ~tatl'd di.,1.J:lI e. Till; te,! suppl~' inrormation for integratioll (If future to an effecli\'e air defense ,"~Il'JlI."

This test's bigger illlpOI:laJll'c. ,(lIne e~pe:t! is the fact that it was the fin;t .. \.hpll1h dcwnated t'.S, which has ,olt? and eXl'ILISil f' lI~e as a weapon against an attackillg 1'11("11.".

Some of the tClclical atomic 1"C~r(lt1' \duch has tested would seem to bf: primanly character. But one of the !!rc~t (ears of

I . I'd tomic wlf for examp e. IS t lat even a groull a ,,~ continent would find cities wrecked and el\ ed bv U.S. tactical atomic weapom. I • • \\'1

Fear of the propacranda r€I'!'rbratlnns ., , ,..... 'ere n01 the rcasons tactical atomic \I ('rtJ1PilS II

during the Korean fighting, , 'I No SUch propaganda could p",'lbl." rc,UI

us cor an ;!ir-to-air rocket \I'ltil 1I11Cic,1]' .. I . r f'~littr. only use is to shoot enemy bOl11lJcr~ 0 '

the sky. ted !ol And as the Las Vegas test cirmt1nslrrl

ri · til' under atkallv even per30ns standill/! Ire". , , . f 'l·oUt.

blast would not bo hurt b\' bl;1~1 Ol~' "EI rln additional, secl~et capal;ilih' of slith ~ r~'r ~

'11 'd I' I ·11' "I Ihe ' WI cause It to etonale 1am1C". .. it mi~ses the target. , ,,;e j~

Th I . h" " I' 'I' IIf[""' e ailer POS:;I JIll \. 1~1I I IKel, I •• ' N . . bonlu<" a 1'00:ket has to do is explorlr. tlC<I: .:I

tioll. to do exlensive dam<lge. Gen, Alkinson adds: n our "The introciuctir,n of aln)l1ir ,\'e~Jlnll' 1~lJ\t

. Ie Ihe· '1 fen:;e means th;jt we can no\\' ('J'e~ I I whichl destruction on an attacking {OITf: " .. ~a ~ant ott be trying to inflict on our country. eh \ pIe to understand that we are using suc.rniW to pre\'ent the enemy from dropping \~; at(llnk on us. The very fact that we now ha t rrenl to ility in our air defense is a forceful de ~l'ill itt

It is believed that ((lis reil~OJ1J\l~ ~ ib! tied in America's propaganda efforts aro with potent force.

moves rna Duclear wc mo\'c into

debate, and prop3~ ~lini,ler !II

Ihe nail s in a lett

, h'

Page 5: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY


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re want Ich similar .

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Bar Establishes ic Relations Theme

rE KOCK bar. r. JLII Stall Writer Two projects aimed at Improv.

FrlI~CPI _ The 1m· Ing pubUc reJ.tlona were d. cod rtl~lions and scribed by Mr, Farrer Ind by

''o!lwttn tht public I Cowan T. Guest of Vancouver. pfofelsion w~s :'Ir. Farrer said the American

. in ffp<ll'tl 10 the: junior bar has bellun I prollram f Ihf junior har I' to talce persons 10 traHle court

. (~nadian Il~\' A,· as \'Isltor~ and to explain to them L"t holl' justice work~,

, .• 0' Lo; .\ngrltl, ~tl'. Guest outlined all experl· fl··I. I':n'o" har lee· I men I being conducled by junior "til ",.' . ' I V '"I h ,. "r"CJ~ Ilu ;\"orl' bar members n ancouver \\'11 e , :~ mil'! \lork In prnl'ldes ror I IIOmlnaJ fee of $5 ~,)~'~ \In~rl"'an'l tht a half·hollr 1~ler\'lew with I hw.

,.:: iWI ~I'Olr"11n In )'rr 10 e~~ahhsh If • person need~ ; .: •. In;! operation "I legal HSlstance Rnd whal should ',! .. ' br donr In Ihe ca~e,

.11' , .rpm! cuP;t \Ir. Geust ~ald the Idu h M· " 1\,' 'I1rrllO~. li,··t 'i~nen rnr ptr~oO! who CAn d·

.... '.: ,-,en, I! tl'~' rMrl Ip:al 31d hut \\'ho don't rt· ·;."i~'O;l~1 '''I l'(,~. a';zt th~." r~n afford it. He ~ald •. i~/." h,r ,rrll')Il! :nanl' Jlrrsnn~ art arraid to 1(0 10 ::. ·"crlin:. !n,I~I. ~ hW)'~r hecall!e th,." rear the · ;.' .. " ~: \l"nll'r~l. co;t~ Ilouid be b~)'ond their

'. Of 1~1' i::'\lf'Y h~r, reach. . ,'r::rri ('!lm01an. "rl:lllr Kl'Jly of Toron!o. ,'Ice·

~:'~I'''' or lbit L'n~1 .. prr!id.cnt "f t~e Canadian Bar · ""1'1 I kr,rh~II'" A"oclal\on. ~~td In a lunch ton 'I'·' • . I I.. f ., ..•• f;lmnnti, or "0. a,hlrrs; an InrrC~1 ng nllm""r (I

· • "'ili,·.mindCI! I'col'll''' tompl~il\ or 'Q\'Iunr\TII\\'~ t!lt (IrI~y~ in thl' cnurt~ . .. '" ,olttl 1·\ 'h~n:r "Wl' A~ lawycrs mn~1 arCl'pt

·'Ln" .• In, II. mrll"1 the hlame for not devl~lng more , !,., IT:' 3:, )carl pxpedillou~ meRn~ nf condllcllng

· ',~ ,;h, hnr hren: legal bu,lne,s. partlcularh' IIl1ga. \:j' rrnrr th?n ~cl'cn: tlon In the courts. and for not 'q'Jll:':d. J)rlr;:alp~ I callina upnn the "arlou! leglsllt·

\ In" 13\1wr \\'ho ures 10 enaet what amendments , .II'." I I I ""';I;~' not morp than i are required lo mp em en our ';::;':b;~ !'r Ihr junior, rrrommenlallons."

The News ! eral Assembly meets :.1 New . York later this month. Russia has hinted broadl)' Ihn t she will woo t!le "neutralbl" countries and others-in Asia, Africa and Lntin

!tc:w.n:,-:hl' rd· ,\meric3-wllh her simple propa· :! 1:.n:b" ~~mla Iheme "r "ban the bomb." :M. t:,,,kt II \il;~ly 1'01' Il~ople HI inll in all almo,· :. •. (l~ \\l·JI','n. prot!. phcrc Of {C;II' nnd wbil.ul think. :)1, ;n'~ , '(IlW 01 IO~. Ihrre i; Ilani:cl" thai such · ,1I:h ~rC3lcl' ;implicily tan obscure the peri1~ l:l p;"p.~~nd". outlined by the We,t:A sHalltd I:.: .• :f: \!a\'OIll1an n ( ban is me:nlngless without safe. ~ :'./ r.o.1 <mack ,'n the guards and Ins~ection. . ,

) I Irttcr 10 SIll'iet P rim e ~II01stcl' Macmillan 5

',' he c!l~lIcnged I equally·simple challen&e for "the word" from ~Iosco\\' thus should

bl 10 "\\ tilP \Iord .ound loud and 'cleRr through Ihe . r:.);if'! i; ;",urrd." din of propaganda .

. M,nl la;k!-,nc!lId·

I~:::: ;~~te;:~n~~~s5i~ 'Sees Rapid GrO\\1h t\11 m'n mll't learn ., • , if f~.n 1131k. wilh Of SkIn-DIVIng I~l brUllf~, an hl~'

!!: putt. Th~re il no Club ''''' ...... "'ST!i I S !:mmam,nt d~legal~~. I By JAN MACDONALD !r:llli meftin~5 ~Ince : Canadian Press Stalf Writer

iltgan ~I arch 18,. ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) - The lome thln:s. ~rowth of akin·dlvin~ clubs In

Imt bar,~:n, de. Canada dllfin2 the nexl 10 ycar~ Irn-n;n~ the will br "unparalleled In Aportlng

IlOd h'pntior.. 01 the hi.lory." ,ay~ !lob Lorkhart. I\nh'l'raks nnt a~ a commen·

t"I'll' o( I'~din station VOOI. hut ~~ ~r\l'rnumlland'~ mosl enthu3i. a,lir ;lIpPOI'trr o( Ihe undrrll'nlrr 'port. Hl' I~ loundrr and first pre·

"ere marlr at Ihr .,.Ienl "I the :-Iew(nunrlland Dit·· · tltn if a~rermcnt· ing Club. an organizAtion which

flChtd. It \\'a~n't I' In .one shorl- year has \\'on ac· o! ~n irmistible claim for public service.

"lIh An im:nol'able i The club's chief aim Is to help I the communlt)', wlthoul charlie,

01 thHmonurlear' and one of thf job5 under Ihls \)(lth 'iil~, 1'1'0.1 heading 15 Ihe rerol'ery of bodies.

. back~mililfl lor: Ilob risk~d his life and became a lit'l' 1:.,1 week 1 rduclant hero la~l J anuDry. by .tll· 1'" "'hil.t'lll com~leling one of mnny .cuh

\\llb .t l,r"}.Ia' ml~s,on~ . • 1l.\.~GEItOllS 1'ASK , ~·llur·)ear·old Ricky Byrne fell

drl'):'I, lit \.ucHlun ,ill a pool al Victoria Park and ·,·I>rn I""!''''hl, ill: 118> car I'i e d lbolll joo feet

I" .~l II:. '.111,· I III •. a 'Ihroll~h a ~Iol'lll sewer runnmg l ~'Our.r,t· f'\:tllllrtl IIntlfl' ell)' .,tI'C~ts. 'I'he sewer was ~1I0r,,) III til, ... it;;! \~I ,mali In diameter to u.e un·

:r.ltrronlmrn:,,1 bal.' dcrll'aler breathing equipment, "ullmnlr Ilea.: bllt Bob volunteered to do tile lob

bl:~1 ' wilh a raee ma~k and snorkel. Ilt t~Ir.1 '1IIrq,on 11111 Aller three heart.breaking al· _ nllt~ X~tion, (;rn. t-mph Bob \\'as tired and wor· -- . . ried. On the fourth Iry he fOlln~

'Ih~ body wedged allainst two pi~ce~ /If heavY timber,

"1 'caugill the bo~y," h~ (old a .rr)1Orter, "And lillnalled to thnse nn thr surlaee to feed me more

; rope. Rnd tied the IItlle body 10 j mine. I slgnaUed thal I was reo turning, .

"Not far back of me Wis a fall or about 14 leet, almost a aheer rlrnp. A~ I .Iarted maklnll my

I \\a)' back I ~Iipped and lost tile I Iluhlis:hl. For I while I ""18 totally immmed. '1'he bii drOll in back of me kept cnming In my mind. II', a 1I00d thlna an I'x· prri~nc~d frogman wa~ on Ibe

'(,thel' end or the rope." WOS COMMENDATION

The EVl'ninll Telegram rnm· : menlCil editorlallv on the bravery : 01 the Act, and Bob received I lelt~f.\ of commendation frnm : Lieutenant·Governor Sir Lf!onard Oulerbrids:p, the Newloulldland

CREAN' Sarety Council, the chl1r1'~ P31' rnt~ Rnd ~randparenls And hUD·

; dred~ or others, Rob ,aid he lold th, recovery

~tory not beCAuse he wanted 10 he hailed .~ a hero, bul to em· pha~lle whal uslslance a group or diveu eould prnvld~ for a communily, "Any of tI1~ memo

I ber.~ could have done th, IBm.

I thing, probably with lar I ... troubl.... • I More Hc.nU, be 00,. to the ocean floor Ind came liP with a brOken cable which power co·m. pany repairmen fixed on the sPOt. It had bfen aut of eommls·

: slon lor two ""eelll, OIuslnl! I pn\\"r 105« lo millin, operations ~n Rtll hlllld.

I [SSOY 8POIT But It'. not IU ~rt. TIl. club

haa re,uhr auUna. In learch (II R H somewhat from Year to year IS 1946. Disney saw her in an ama· DEATH RU~IORS PIPERS WIN TROPHIES burled treuuft, lunken ship, Ind umors ave 10m eol the kids outgrow their teur program at the Burbank Newspapers $nd a TV station MONTREAL (CP)- The Mont.· unuilial .peele.· of marine l1f~, • . roles. BOWl in May, 1955, and signed got telephone calls asking if it real RCAF pipe band returned

Uspemea,r.!1Shinll Ia a favorite-pas. Disney Stumped ATrE,b SCHOOL her to a contract. were true that Annette had been Monday wilh rour trophies woo

AU Ire described by an adult 1Il0NTREAL GIRL killed and Jimmie Dodd seriouslY bs defeating all comers at the "It', ,reen and peaceful IInder By GENEHANDSAKER aSliociale woo has helped shep· Another leading' Mouseketcer ,hurt in a bus·auto collision. Scottish games held Saturday 10

water," ,aY, Bob. "You have 1 HOLLYWOOD (AP)-A houl. herd them from the beginning 15 Darlene Faye Gillespie, 16., D~spite prompt denials, the Schenecladr, N.Y. Under pipe. wonderful Ir ee 40 m of move. hh mystery has Wall Jisney lwo years ago as "really wonder· She was born in Monlreal, one rumbles spread. Fans deluged major Alec lIIcNeili Ihe band took 1:1:. ' . ment," alumped, filL" He adds: "They're just of four daughters 01 dancers lIer·' the studio with leiters asking first prizes in the march, slrath·

The clUb hal about 27 memo Who keeps spreading rumors normal kids, aware who they arc bert and Dorothy Gillespie. lkr: whether the reports were true .. spey, reel and slnll' march com. ' : I .. ( ber., and a 10n8 WIlling lI,t. {rom cout 10 coast Ihat bis but not spoiled. Obviously their father nolV is an aircraft elec·, TV staions gol up to 200 lele· petitions. .:' ; .it: Equipment 11 ~xpensive and' hard Mouseketeerl Itave been killed home envlronmenl Is good." trieal inspector. I phone calls daily. I . . . to provide for larlle IIroups, .' or Injured In some accident? And Slate law requires thaI kld per· Ca.rI. Patrick (Cubh)') O'Brien, About five per cenl 01 the I~I· J..\ST FLIGHT I: :!;

One of the bIggest problems the why? . formers go to schOOl three hours 13, Jomed the sholl' as a demon lers report death and injury ru·, LONDON (Hctllcr~ ~- The la~1 r I' J; clUb faces, he saYa I, "pOor \lub- It has been 1I0ing on for more I day. The Mousekeleers do this performer on the drums - .he: mOrs and ask whether Ihey're flight or Ihe Air Bridge 10 Canad3 '1. ; ~j IIclty received ." cIl~ers not af. than a year In a big house ·traller. filted out started learning by whaekang 'Irue. Ileft London Tursday night with,' . {ilia ted with responsible orglnl. The mousekeleers are 14 tal. like a schoolroom and parked pots and pans in Ih~ r~mily ga. 1 The ~Iousekele~r, knoll' or the: 79 emigrants bound for Van· . ~ %110118. ented kids ailed 10 through 16- outside a sound stale. rage. He was born an Burbank,l rumors - but With the cheerful· I couver

"The careful plannlDf of such one of th~m from Canada-who The Mousekeleers get about S()n or a musie·school teacher. ,',ess of youth pay little altenion 1---·---------- . 'I club. a. tbe Newfounclland Dlv. sing dance act mu and clown 20,000 fan leiters a monlh. An· Karen Pendlelon, 13, born In to them. menl .'1 .. i' In,l ClUb will ml~e the uerage through a 15.mlnute.Jrtlon of the nette FuniceUo receives atwut 10 nearby. Glendale, is tile toe, tap, The ,Mousckeeers, spokesmen' Hamil": I h 0 ~ c:n~dla~ ~r~. 10 i ~ diver I valulble and responsible hour. Ion a: Mickey Mouse Club times as many letters as any aerobahc and ballN· dancing' say, hnven't so much as sprained 'n 500 n~ ·t n., ts~ne . rlnll

l 'I . member Of .oclety Our rigid show other Mousekeleer. daughler or a movir studio prop· an ankle or scratzhcd a ringer.' I. vlsl.ors a ungafl3n or· I tan d d d' Ilf • • crtI' maker Sh mad h bl" ;:10 next Har. Ibusz, the Hun·

~v a r s an qua icaUons G en e rail y s~aklng, Ihe Annelle, 14, born In Utica. N.Y. debul at ~. e e cr pu II' , . . .,. ; :zarian alZcncy, h.1S undertaken to oul~ be recollnlzed' anywhere. Mouseketeers were chosen from is the lively. prelly daughter of i Thr T1l1n~ 0 '., ~R'\ \leI •. 1:-> Ht::W:ARY '~c;. prompl "l'lion witilin live

They make Us one of Ih,! be~t. am~n.g hundreds of applicanh al an automObile mechanic whosc, ~'ollsckrtrrr~S 'l!rlril;a,lcr 10 Ih,r III D.\PES1. lAP 1-' lOllllllllni,t wreks on ~pplic~lions of Cana· '_r_.~_ed_c_Iu_b_~~I=n_t~h~e_w~~=r~M=. __ ~:a:ud:I:II:~:s~._Th=e~pe~rs:o:M:e~I~~=a~n~g~es~f:am=lI~y~m:o:,,~e~d~t~o~C~~~li~fu~m~i!a~i~n~ll~o~n~a~r~r~~~k~r~;~~C~(~~ III~ Bo .. Illmga!~~ offlrlni trR~1 a~~c, rlian~ \l'ho IrH Hungary ~fu~ a po m~n hr, r _"~_', . __ .I'~ '''~llrrl an rxclu.'ll'~ a~rp"-· the ~nd nf 1~.18.




with every


OTHERS AT '497& AND 8597


T,WO.PIECE SUITS, PLUS EXTRA PANTS AT 32(! JIIII .... h.n It', 11m. to qrd.r yo~r new foilluil. B~d bringl you a btlltr buy '0/ yo~r

mqnty 1Q "I,bra" OIIr 32nd Anni~tliory. Bond'llp"ia! oMit.uary lale oHer. you,

• The f.bflc YOII want • The color Ihal ,ull,' you b,,' • Th •• ,yl. you pref.r • ExIra 1f0ll"r, for only 32~

• The cUllom.lallor.d IIlYI ala price YOII can aHord

'. And Bond', lIua,anlee of "Tolal lali.factlon or 10101 refllnd".

----.. --""" .. '"""' .. r<o ..... "-"'I~ ......... ":'C~. 1.-. .......... ,1.-... I· ... ·:::-:;:·r·::.: - .. , ":'


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Page 6: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY

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FOR THE .LADIES ------~~,-,. ... -.-~-.... --,..

Of The Month


! I Personal Chit I


' LLLEBRATES B~RTHDAY , \ RETURNED Birthday greetmgs are bemg Mr, and ~ 1I0llE

cxtendcd today to Randy Williams, \ tish Squar~ (fI, GU! Slttt,


8 WOOD Street, who today cele,' last week' [etulft!lllo brates his seventh birthday, day with a l~el ,

- Brook, While latll'!! FRO~1 CATALINA ~(r, and )( on the

~!r, und M,rs, Gordon, Mifflin an~ ,the Codro)' rs, Slitk their two children arc m St, John s 'weck.end I' .Valley, from Catalina and arc registered sister, )(bs ~~t h ~ith at the Newfoundland Hotcl. in charge of t Kelly,

Station, Stallion g~1I. Ben Burro)lgbt I' ~ FROM GRAND BANK

~r-----------. ~ ........ , Dr, John Burke, O.B,E" and, LEFT FOR ~-.-"THERE IS BEAUTY" !', ,;' Mrs .. Burke are visiting St. John's I ~Ir, and )irAISLASD

Thcre Is beauty all around us '<'. for the annual meetings of thc! nie's ~!ill Ro :' Lt'A1\ • •. If we take the time to look Ncwfoundland division of the I Lahour Da a , left

i, . , we can find it in our lovcd can&dian ~Iedical Association, and son, )hlle! ~h . ones , . ' or on pages o[ a book arc the guests of their son and \ Bishop's <:~II 0 II ... for it dlvells upon Iifc's by' ," daughter,in·law, Mr, and ~Irs, G, I nexIllIe, Qu:~e Sthool W8)'S , •• it's in music soft "nd Burke, New Cove Road, \ daughter Pen ltc, Ind

sweet , '. • and on the friendly . -- Ing to c e ope, ~ho f Ih f Ik t

VISITING CITY, , I tn Quebeco.mpton Sthool aces . ,. cos wc mee .,' we can see it In the sunrise, • , Miss Janet Stlrhng of Gandcr

Rnd In nature's sweet bouquet, • , is spending a holiday with re.1

ARRIVED FRO in the sunset that enlhralls us . • . b".<' . . • lalives in SI. John's and will lean: )(r. RObert T~ I at the closing of the day, , . we '.' 'Y'""tl ~~ here tod.,y to return home, fo(!companied h" )ho


find It in a lender word , , • and ; : ' '~i~~' I Arthur Taylo;, 1l ICnlta fond cHlrhests ... or iin a hheart. I..' a.~ ~ '''.' R~TlrURa~ndE~[rHsOl\JlEC 'Ioores ~23 'I Jaotthn'd

s on Tuesd.\,

e poem a.., g ves ope ,.. •.•. " ,.). en Prine (' when woes depress , , • days be. I'IIRS, AS:" )lART7. ! Le)[archant Road, returned !O !he this year, e a W~~ gin and end with beauty". l'EPPERRl'LI _ "Wifc,ol,the' city on Tuesday after "ISltlOl: • nights hold charm bcyond com. .. "I A" t '0 to Grand Bank, ~Ir. Moores was a pare, .• so it is far from wrong , )Ionth honors or" lI"US g, 'membcr o[ the ~Iasonic dclega·' FRml GR,\XD 10 sa>' ..• hcauty is evcrywhcrc )lr5, Ann ~Iartz, 1'~lc of ~I/S~I., tion whQ went to Grand Bank I.,st' )Ir. Fr_nk F,\LU

b 'f f' d ' ,. Dale E, )(arlz, 1991th AACS Sq .• wcck end '. I ,R.

. , ,. ut I we are to 10 It and forqlcr vice'prcsident of the" "n~ 0 , )icl\(Quntiland , • wc mu.~t know ,wherc to I I mrnl t omp I'cpperre 11 :-;.l' ,0. Wiw's CIII,I.. \'ISITI~.·I' ('OR~, 'L',R nROOK : 1'1' . anrlt Grll!:!


> ~tal't . , , for there must fir;t he ~In, )Iarlz has heen all A~ wl[e, " • ".' Icd 'II the til:' hCAtlty ••• down dct'p within thc " h .. ' n t D'I u I' ,\tr, and ~Irs, John ~lcNcll, \\h" short hu,inc',

_I,. hc:-.rt slllcr cr 111.lrlla~~ () a c. I 'wcrc marricd at Shoal Harbour in 't~rc(j ~t the .: _. ,f.. ..,.I .. ,}I!:",- ' • ce: .1111)' 251h. 1045. In San Bcrn3nltno, June 1957 are .t present spcnd. XE


• b r1 I" , , l'illiforni." Since th~t tlmr, Ihr. 'ng; holi I' " C' B k d [FI',' -'1lem et'satt J;:III':-t;, Or t IC Orflcers' WI\'CS Wnmcn s Clttb I J'lousellold IJ.'llls )lilrllS hal'c seen duty at mllrc I th (a>t

lO [o~lncrA roho al" I ". F~R fORSER ~ f' S ' . II I ,~l . " ' If I arc e guess 0 "r, rc ~11 s, III" francc o tIe U, , NiI\';!l 51"llon, Argenllil, Newfoutlc <lIlt, I'll til' ,than a (I07CI1 dl crrnl )3Se~,! - 0(' ~I~ ~n' I

tradItional f1i1\\'atian "htau" stylc at a rlmncr gil'ell at Ihe _'_ HONOR or wil1ninJr the Gohl Melinl presented hy the hardly ~l1owln!! thrm tlDlr to <rl WEIlDlSG BELI.S 11ml.>to"n c ~1r: A I, '. "'I .n'·"" , d' To kerl) lon!!·ta~~rlcrl (rinltr (rom . up housrkcep1l1~, It would ~cem, The marn"ge took pla!'e ~I Thund., ~u.Oud,. II~

Offlcel S C IIh at At ,.cntla, V. C:l1 tIl~ ~,\l ol1gs an 'I"n~lin~ II ht'n 1"lInderrd ~alhrl' Alumnae Associatton (01' the student who throughout hcfore tlrln~ mOl'cd on. A few 01 \\'rsirv United CI h I' t . 'k B k'" ,U!t ~b , " l' I I kl' ' " .. ' h I \ I I b II '\ I" f h b th' It' t r'" lurc, a rt~ rno to Ii'it her 'mootlloo ~ \trt~, I Ie womell CtlJO\'CC a rOClsl :;UC' Ill); a 'Ial/ d07.~n or morr ;trand~ to. er coul'se lal s lown t Ie est a ·rounl qua Illes 0 a leases C) \·c ~cen( u) a.a e, I Street, on ~Ionda\' Septcmbcr 'nd .nd mcnds' f'r , . '. . th I II .'th I" t 'Tral'ls AFH Caltf. IIlcK;.m I, ,clcl, [ h' ' • . om

pig dinner. Honorcd gucsl \\'a~ lilt's, ,Joscph CIi(tOll, WIfe ::~, rr ,anI tic le,m \II .5 ling ~, nursc at Childrcn's Hospital, Halifax, went to !'.liss H I I Ii , .. ' [ 01' F' Id 0 .\1155 S Irley Brusey, R,:-; .. to ;'0 h, plan!

{ h .J • " 'b' E'" ,,' f \ 1 hClr ltp~, The Il'In!:r 11'111 ~ta)' In R I L 1\1' L 'I I I f ,ono u u, all all, ,all~ e~ IC, daughter of ~Ir. and ~Irs, Ene cnter th' n01,1

o t e COmmalh,el, ,\tt ot tiC al ~ \\ al tllt1g Vltlg Al·, shape anrl ,'ou 11'111 harr no lin. ut I aWl'cnCC, ISS awrence IS t Ie I aug Iter 0 I \lrglOla, and, Keesler A~ B. ~IIS' Bursey of SI. Anthony to )Ir, School 0' '

limtiC.-( Of[ielal USi'o;' Photo I, , ~narlin:: to rio aHer lI'ashlOg. Jusl Mr, and Mrs, A. Lawrence, 216 Lc~llll'chant ROlld. She mSIPPI, TI~lr last I base A h~:OI'~ Alonzo Randcll, son of :\Ir, and [nendl \I','h he _ _ __ ._' _. __ .' ~nip and IIbeard Ihe ~tring tics. ' was educated at Prince of Walcs 'College and Mem" cOllllng to eppcrr\!Btn T PliO, )Irs. Ernest Randell, 6 Cork Place cho<cn carm r

O A II hi \ The next step b hI eliminate' 1956, lI'as, Fnster A , rxas, : SI. John's, The Rev, Dr, A, S, Buti" '-nee O)V ail' bubbles by hitli!lg it against 'I Evcry dt,y, 150,000 .bottles of orial University College and three ycars ago cnrollcd ,S,tnce ,~UI~mg, the Pepperrcll, performed the wedding ceremony, LHT FOR FL

• I a hard surface. ThIS should be cognac brandy are shIpped to alii at the Children's HOS\lital, Halifax, In the graduating ,:-':.c.o, \\ I\C s Club, ~Irs,. )Iartz The reception was held at thc ~I OlllD,\

No"" Full Tl'me Job I repcat,cd ,scI'eral tim~s,' parts of the world from the town I Class, in which Mis~ Lawrence took top honors, were : h,as ?cen an .-cll\'e ~\'orker, In t~c I home oC the groom. Alter the ~ II'hoT. ~~;e )(rl. Robfn " I ",TiltS Is the plashe stage, a,~ of Cognac, France, Clubs \~T1OUS aCtlvtll~,S, She has \ reception the,bride and groom left'lhrlst) Churmarned

PRI:olCE ALBERT Sask (CP) which the clay can be moulded, _ ' twenty-five other stuuent nurses, I been chaIrman of the Gift PUlchas' hcre to lake a motor trip to Gr&lld I tcmbc 2 d ch on

A h• bb I (d' th' I she explained "It docs not stick r In art a "chicle is fhe liquid ' mg, and Cards committees, and has, Falls and nearbv places and on I ' r n, lell htre

_ 0 \' s ar e rec ycars ' '" ' " ' k d on th Thrift Shop Com : J' oll'lng a reception It

cupatioi for ~Irs H ~1 Ching SHf~"ED TO FOR~1 water color .Ihe "ehlc1e is water; , nnlle.e (th.e, club s fu~ds· fohr. side at 209 Elizabeth Al'cnue. in Florl~a .pend th!~ \ ago rna 'turn Into II full.time OC"II{) the hands, I in IIhleh pIgmcnls are dllulCd, In ~~ ... .,. \\Or e e. ' 'their rcturn to SI. John's will re,' Palace to , '

\\'h'l h lid' " .' 'A', i' The clay I, shaped in anv de· In 011 painting oil 'B t U W Chanty aelll'ltV.) In oodltlOn, 5 C I leo aYlng In mona n ' 'I ' ' - e ween s omen -- , d : '11 t f -- -1954, )Irs. Chin began to dabble' sired form, then lell to dry for. I sene as Ilce·prest en ~ rom, LEF,T SATURDAY . nSITEO GRAS

in ceramics T~ls fall she ho es !se\'eral da~'s 10 "setlle it," Rough The covermg melts Into glass, ' Octobcr, 1956, to .Aprll, 1951, ~nd I ~llss Henrietta B c m is t u' ~Ir and II DrAUS ~ gh't lcs;ons and perhaps ~et! spots or marks are sponged off, and becomes waterproof, By RUTH MILLETT IS pr~entl\hCadmg t~e Catc~~ng: daughter of Mr, and ~lr5. Charle~: CI~cu'lar R~a~' ~ni d up a studio.!hop of her own, ! The~ il Is placed In, a, heat 'kiln 1ilcre arc ~lfferent \I'a)'5 to ,and ecora tng commIttee, " rs, : Bemisler, Linscott Strcet, [eft here Frida\' after; OIl

A h 'f '[ Ci i and fired for about III'e hours work In ceramiCS, Slab work In. ~ ,~Iartz nas also an tndustnous on Saturd"I' to spend a month' I' pendlr.,

ousewl e, .' rs. 11 ng pre., " , " 'I II' II I fl t lik' i workcr en such aetll'itles as the' "'. Sian 10 Grand fa'it fers ceramic work to cooking, "If i alter IIhlCh It IS left overmght to I \0 ves ro 109, Ie c a~' ,a e, THERE ARE ~lANY UNTOLD I happen that a fisherman is willing "" I" h vacation, She is now ,'Isiting I ' ,

• I had the time." she said, "I cool.' ~ paslry, the thlcknes~ for I' STORIES BEHIND WANT ADS to part with his favoritc rods. his Il?56 Oper"t~on San,ta C aus. t e' llontreal and will go from there to' LEFT FOR DETiiOir 'f.. would do it all the time," I "Don't take tlle piect out of I a dish, Coil work IS j~tn!ng. to. - lUcky lures. hiS chance to some· !\l,C.O, Club s ChrIStmas and I mil ~Ir, and Mrs. Milton Mac at, ~(rs. Pcddl' I(ur h'

Already she has sold sel'eral, the kiln unltl it is cool enough to gether small coils by b~ildmg one, EI'cr read the \\'~nt ad section day catch one 1I'0:'h mounting? : Ea~tc~h pa~l~s 0 lor\\'t\~~ c~l~rcnb: Wal'erley, Iowa, Bill~' oC 126 Ba~el p, pieces of her work, She recently, handle with a bare hand," ~lr5" on t,op of Ih~ ,other ~,nt!1 the dlsn i of your paper. not lust, when you Could It be he ftnally made that, ~~ r'n o e Fai~"" e s u • • -- 'on \\'edncsday b! TCA

:. gne dally demonstrations al a 'Ching warned, ~or \a!e IS flms,hed~ Pmeh pots !are looklOg lor a bargam, but for long, long tTlP to a larawa: fts.! pI". ' " ,.'ISITISG troit. ~liehig,", [aIr, I Thi~ marks he completion of. a~.e f1l~de by pmchmg a ball clay the fun 01 w~ndering what's the herman's paradise a~d found A~O:~ her d falo,rlt,e }astl~mes, ~Irs, George. Foote. of Grand --. "Firs!." )Irs, Ching said, "bu~'!the first stage at which the day: \llth !tngers, real story behmd the ads? \ when he gol there that It wa3 t~e ~~~rt~ei~n:n ;\~d t~II::~~"'afi(:':;~ Bank arm'ed In I~e city b,Y car 51. John's, and lI'al

.powdered clay in a ~O,pound bag. is called bisque ware, : "[ like to make something of Here's a man who wants La sell II same old story: "Tht')' I,ere bit' i ~ade beautlfut and i~trtCateIY. all Tues~"y and IS spendtng a: 10 Hallla~ In ~by to :~ dampen with water, and leave for , Latcr it cpn. be glazed ~'Ith a lise," said ~Irs. Ching, "not just hi, fishing equIpment, TIght down ing la.1 \V~ek"~ . 'pattcnlt'd 'I\'eaters lor CI'en' mem,' ,hort holiday as the guest of her ~ewloundl.nd In t~1

• fell' da~'S to malure," mixture of chemicals and refired, I ornaments," to the tackle box, HoII' does it'. Or did hIS II'I[C get tired 01 be, bel' of her famllv since coming to' son and daughter·tn,law. ~Ir, ~nd· ~(u5k Festtval. ____ .____ .~ __ _ .__ mg a flshtng II'lOdoll' and fmall)' P II) 'I' t . t t ~[rs. Harold Foote, 8 DOWning LEFT FOR TORO!110 t h r f d " epperre, " are ac IVe meres 5, Street I'

~ ."

.' "

" ,', " , . "

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, . , ,

~ '.

pu e. oot OlIn, , arc bowling, hikin~ boallnG swim. . ~hss Sandn Johlllw, " Here s a two·year,old plano for ' r h' n "~' , ", I. -- of .\lr, and ~Il!. E. J,

. sale, "like n~w.': But that one's, ml;~~ ~~a~~;;' ;;ed t~~mp~~~~ts oC IN HOSPITAL , , Fleming Street, Ielt easy. That I~ Jllsi how long ~t I three children, Lorrain: Dale. 10,1 )Irs, George ~Ightmgale, Jr"I, [or Toronto, ~'hm takes a hopelul !llama to admIt Glen Allen 8 and We ren L ' All~ndale Road, IS at p~esent a the Toronto Con,strratol7l


EXCITING NE"W PIE IDEA •. ,COol, quick, delicious filling! The secret is

Carnation ~ the milk that whips! . So light! So refreshing! So very, \'cry smooth! It'! Carnation's whipping qualities thalt make this pie filling possible, And it's Carnation's special blending qualitills that

gi\'c it a smoothness you can't get \\;th any other form of milk-or et'Im with cream. Delight your (amily-whip up a cooling Fluffy Fruit Pie today,

Si! doesn't have any musical tal'14 . ars ld' : reI', ,paltent ~t the Grace HospitaL Her' to continue ent after all-just as Pop claimed ~e 0 , i many fnends Will be glad to know I Sandra \l'on a when he was forced to 'IU)' thl' srx 1I0~t8S EXPLODED i tha~ she is now convalescing fol' , 1957 Ki\l'anis lIwie piano and s.tart pai'ing for twice, ~ BUE:-iOS AIRES ('AP) _' Six' lowmg an attack of pneumonia, I ,--iI·week mUSle lessons, i bombs exploded Sunday in vari.' RTTUR:"ED SATURDAY i D~IE TJODAl,[.f' t' I pa t lB' ." .' r, arne! " \Vra..,

Craze Fade~ ,~us r s 0 uenos, .Ires, mJur·, Councillor J, R, Tucker, who: ber for 51. John'J And how about all Iho<e home 109 se.ven person~ sl1ght!)', Three: was 0 na busincss trip 10 Bishop's' back in the

flOwer tools for sale; electric 5al\'~, i~xploslOns wcre JR th~atres, two! Falls. returned to SI. John's on ~hort trip to ~anders, dri)1 presse~, elc? II looks . tn ,subwaY cars and one on a i Saturday. 'anrl Corner -B·r·OlI-···k··.--· 35 though the do:iH'our~elf craze' r~llway track, Parltsans or ex· ~ "\I'3S inl'ited to has slower! down II'ttle J' d~' ! dIctator Juan Peron were hlamcrl,l Labollr D'· , a, II ~m~, . FROM nliliR LAKE ' • I

Irom all the "lillie userl" power I IT n \RY 'UTIIORIT\' ~I" C' '11' B '~'b' . CD' Buchan~. tools for sale ,,,, ,ISS eCI y r"" ur~ 0 eer -----, ., I LO:-mON (AP I _ Dr, Frerler.' Lake arril'cd in the cily on Tuc~,

And whot ab~1I1 all (ho,e used 'ick S, Boas, ~ Core most authority day 10 continue her studies at ,tlic [an5~ "ust be a lot o( hOllse, on Shakespeare and Elizabethan. Prince o[ Walcs Collcge,

i \\'i\'e~ arc cl,aimin!: l!try are fed literature, died Sunda:' at 95, F:rI,: • 'liD l\'Ith cooktnl! ol'er • hot .tnl'C 311' ucated at Oxford. he taught at LEFT FOR HOUDA Y d tn Ih slimmer and either 'Pana -pllt< in: Quccn's College, Belfast, at Cam" i compare, ,I\'I .r ai conrlitionin ti I' '1' brtdge and at 13ndon lInil'ersit".' Dr, a~d }[rs, Raymond Bennett" an offle,., r , .g or Ie am,) . and theIr two children \\'Iane and' the lIeekend. TIt! darts eatmg eltnner Ollt' h . tbl , . Thcre are more than 2.000 John, Icft h.ere recently to ,spend ~ed t at. ,met GII~

And thaI pal'tJy lise" ,erit" oC I· .. rietic, of tulips. Ahout 98 per a short holiday on the matnl"nd [l.edlo,IO\3k am! hlrl ballroolll tlallclIlg le"ons beiliU IIcr,l cent "C th"se Sprl·IIU.blollnll·n'" hettlre the chIldren go to school. armament [.cton!s .I

ered [or sale by a "college stll((' [lower hlllhs tlllile from 1I"lIanc!, I 0 III IS a PUPI at, IS op s Co ege tratc( on P . I .,... b I J I' '1 S' h ' • II I rOlMttCD " ent", What ha)JfJencd 10 lIIake tlle ________ school at Lennox\,)lle, Quebec. \\NIJ\)n, ... ~ __ --::

)'lIung 1!la~ qllil his Ir:,sllns~ ,Ditll A hat shopping expedition ('alis --- ---- --._ .. h,e feel It, II as hoppless! Or thtl he I for a shampoo Upon return hOllle. [tnd a girl enterprising enough to \ This is very logical Cor tlte person say. "1'11 teach ~'ou to dance"? who wishes to mainlain a health\'

The fun of reading want ads Is scalp. Consider the fact Ihat that, YOU can make up your own II other person~ have been trying on stortes as you go along, the hats, 100.


I "J For Thursday, September 5

Present-For You and Yours ... Hobhles lake spot· light, Join a club "hose memo bers have interc.lts similar to yo~rs, Pool your knowledge [or but mults. Early in cfay con· f1icl between ;adult and child is suuuted. Disciplinary measures may '- necmary, In bU!lnes! tr;anS!Ctions, don't forget that honesty pays,

By Ceean

Versatile! If you bake at home, here's a delightful orange bread to butler or loast or make into exciting sandwiches. Make it with Fleischmann', Actin Dry Yeast. It's tbe best!

Rich Ot'ange BreCid ,. Me~,urt Inlo lorl/8 bowl J'!I CUpl ,!lfoliJII

ell,pur,'" "ItII V, eup lukewlI'", WilIer '"

Sli, i" ood Ufttl ~~ .Ioslie. wo,k ~ Ii

21eaapoonl IIrtlnulatH L utl'jII' 2% cupl (." lugar

Sprinklo wi'" (ontenl1 01 2 env.(opel

Fleluhmann', Activo Dry Yell"

LeI Itond 10 minulll, THEN

tiffed .I~'''''''' Itou' 'j


Past·. , , Chcmist Thomas S, Hunt was born on September S, 1826. What was he lamous for? The ilem you probably would be most familiar with is his invenlion of the green ink used to print our paper money,

Future ' , , Ihc ri~c In $!lort' term installment debl, which wa~ so marked in 1955, decreased considerably during the past year, Indications are that tbe trend will continue,

Ilir well,

2, To,n cut CII AII1' and knead ".,ri elollie. floc' GreoJlIOP• CI wo'I11 ptace, • • • • • •• •


OTMII FIUIT·flAVOliD PllS, 10 place of pineapple, cbcrriea and julce, UfO 1J4 cups of ODe of:' Apple julce; Oran&e julce; Grape jUice; Pineapple julcei Canned crulhed ploeapploi AppluaucBj FroJellltra,,' berrla; Frozen ntlpbenlca,

g" biked pie Ihell (use BETlY Ih cup luglr CROCKER PIE CRUST MIXI 1 cup chilled undIluted

'4 CUP Clnned crulhed plneappll CARNATIONTviiPORATED ~~ CUP merlSchlno cherry juice MILK' 1 plckale temon.flavored Ilablelooon lemon lutce

IIIIV powder II, cup IIICld meralChlno cherrlea

'Chill CA.IISATIOS El'ArORATEIl }hLll: in iu cube t,ay IS·tO min' ulu.OI' unlil lofl ice cryslJJlA form around edge of tray, }lake a pie shell with Olle stick 01 Bett)' Crocker Pie Crust ~lh nrcording to the eas)' directions on tbe package. Chill, Bring pineapple and cherry juice to a boil, Add jelly powder and stir until diuoh'ed, Stir in !UKar, Chill about 30 minutes or until mix· ture mounds alightly when dropped Crom lpoon. Whip milk and lemon juice until stilt Pour 00 top of jeUy mixture, Beat In slowly with rotary beater or el«trlo mixer on low speed. Fold io cherries, Pour into chilled pia abell, Chili .everal hOllI'll until firm, .

1971 ........ ' ............... ~ ..............•...............•...•........• "from Contented Cows"

Sqles Agentsl NEWFOUNDLAND BROKERAGE LIMIT ED, St, Johnh's and Corner Brook

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES [8ero M",h 21 10 Ap,;1 20) LIBRA, 2l to Oel, 22) Den', Itt I~01Jj;"'~ ,,1 r.ut IINtl lOU, t:"'{'!!IOr1' 'bIt d'Hi"!: (ur'~t'lt (I'n(;,I;rl' hul d,n'l. rf('1Cal mi~fl"U "'hich lOU II:' II ... ,,!. rl,.,,,'1 dileull ~1S.,nal m1.IH'fS ,rtf ~o. ""ilh Iritnd~.

TAURUS (April 21 10 M.y 201 SCORPIO [Oct, 23 10 Nov, 2ll LISt ,,~ar )tlU h~rt lit ac(omr~I'h dUro Tenti('n M!"'em r."d Olle'. p:mi'ble Inc: m(lnlh. ahtad. Don" jUli "t.!rih," urlv In d~y. ~L'<'nd lime .~nt n.,w

if r"wble. GEMINI IM.y 2t 10 Juno 21) SAGITT"RtU~ (Nov, B 10 0 •• , 2tl ,\\f'lid tfll'''I:IC'mt'nl in IMI):" elln. E"enrs, "uy fT\I')~t al.,\10 I,-it may be dUlint .ffli,. II (oultl hurt bu!intn 11\ lI111'rMIJ(li\'C <hy. Don't ",·o,ty. AI' urt'tr.

CIINCER {Ju., 22 10 July 221 Sudden changu rna,. ht necusary. I1r (iftr-arn' 10 makt r,ulid drci,ions ,hould nttt1 .rise. lEO lJuly 23 fo Aug. 221 Mct't cbli::.lfion .. ntn though -.0 MinI: • Ullnt (hI' htld~rf (or tilt tlmt btin,.

VIRGO [lIug, 21 to, 221 Olhru IMk 1$ 'I'I~I 1M IUdn.hip. S'I In t'llam.h fl' .. h.ltPl rea un bt rrood.

rC'cl, "ill rat\.,

CAPRICORN rD", 22 foJ, •• 19) Snk ad\li(e bftOle )"011 bke: imflOfUl\1 t!tp in .11 unfamillf dirfCtion.

AOUARIUS {J.n, 20 to F,b, III R~J' Ut hcoTpful lor domt,ticity. .tld mit" m.Wt,. connmtd ..... i' .. hml1, ,f· f.:utl •

PISCES (F.b, " 10 MtI<h 2C) Srw (ricnd!!l;l) tOllld prove- nfuJhlf h'It'rnll'ilf 11"01 .«lll1y. Arctrt in· \'dIlU~"'.

/I) 1?~1. FI~rtll"ttrrri4'" 'ftc.

, ,

; t:

Slir In 2 well·beal,n .ggl % (UP granuill'ed lug~r 2 lellipoons 11111

\14 cup lOft buNt' or marl/orin,

2 labltspOonl graltd orang. lind

1 cup o'~ng. lulce

un,;1 dOI,bled In

I V) hcv'~

3 r hdo ... d~ • uti( ~,I

001 on I;ghriy' jo, d Ill~

ond ~n.O.... i1IO the dOl!gh; "',PI tetr Ploce in g"Olld ~p

", ;"dI1~ 181'1 • .11 II'"

I Co'" I ",.oW,l, ;" ,bfiI • b.".· ...

doubled 1ft l1li haIIr. ioU lot :.,....

AOO., abDlil 35 Yltld-2 ~t1~

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Page 7: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY


. ,oTt;: The ... mil, Coundi ton,lsl. 01 I Judge,' I Itrl,mPll. I nt\upaper edllor. I ,,·omen. editor

IlStt feh 1~liclf 15 a summary of aa Iclual case hlstor,. II problema Ihll "Ive beea deall "lIb b, I ttftll on ,


I · -_til".. ~---- r ___ .... • -.,..~- ... --~ .-.. --- .. .,... ----............ , •... "...",.. -............... ,........... .

:FOR THE .LADIES Transition Cottons Jor Early Autu mn

flo •

, Figure-Magic! ! 'PRINTED PATTERN


~tDlltI IDd (lIun!<flora. . I Th ' lird &t101I1: ter (rom home, she eric. lor daY'. I ey re

a_lit . Sht was only 1; wh~n she lell Ind ht happ~ I guess shc ml&ses her parents I • . Ideal for .Traveling, Too'

Il. roold .tlll; alld lot. She (cels my parents don'l " :11 hlr ral 'like her .which in a way is true. · Thcy leel sht hns alwoys hi"h·

• ' • \1' hu,balld halled tbem. H- - , • • •

, 13 \tlilr~ ,i:~O, d I' . ,o!lhrrs. THE COUM'IL: Jennifcr fin

.' . Ir.d ~ .c~p;"r my Jack hal'e buried thcmscl~~s deep . In III~' loll' rlncl under a pile o( pelty grievances

Ilr II In r nr .1" and mi~erics and show little de· 1;;h'II';d ~: to lil'e ~ire to mnke on actlve eHort to

.::1) n!\II' di~ themsell'rs out. They appear .' \' Ihal hi~ to hare no sense of re~p~nslbillty

.~, ,a.r~f in the loward Ihe Innocent victims oC I ,1, r I him In their wretcbcd ent::.nglemenl-tho

. , necnCI h'll ::1. 1\ .lill I Ihree C I ( rcn.

r;:' ,I II, r~t';': I hing. i "He said I would have the ~rst ::t WI :' .. rUI;,rnled' 01 I'wr)'thing." declares Jenntler,

!:r.l .. ) hrlicl'ing Ihi~ jusli(les ber lack :;, di;flMI'I',1 ""Ih 01 aclive dforl 10 crcale a happ)' I., ~p "Hi Ill, p;Ir· home. Perh~ps It has not occur· II' 'I~~' ':"1'1'. bUI rNI 10 her Jack mal' pisil ex·

: ('\\( 'h,,; lit m,wr peeled to haH the best o( every· , ." 'I' 'Inri Ihr~ lIlalir thing. with hcr lor a wife, From ;I:t .. ',~ Ihr ,I,'fI' and bolh accounts, shl' appears to

. ,:.:;lIhll! ~~I\f ri~hl ha"e di~ar\loitlted him brutally .

. I'''':IJ' II", Oil I hI' .fcIlIlilcr wns pruhabl), a very

4608 ........ ~..-.r 12-10: 40

""./kK6~MI$ I 'il,':n; Ihin~, IIIIulrl )'oun;l 17. lill~ct with complelely .' '1::,) nt'Hr did. unrralistlc dreams, when she Our new Printed Pattern -Ihe , • (:1;\011'1\ "orl 01) marrird. She obl'lousl), ha.. not loveliest dress you eould .ew! 1

'''r' Ill .. I" Clln1l' mlllured from Ihat point iI Ihe See the waist, wide.flar. 'I~;;I ·:ol\ .• l:Inll, and slili look.; towarcfs her parents as ing skirt of its princess ,Ihouette ,I

·~:tr'). 'u I 1\ ;;111 to Ihe ~ource 01 all happlneM. ShhC pure flattery for yuor fgure! , .- r ;h<'llirl cunshler thN, altholl& Have it with hign Or low neek,3 i

, • • Ihr" Old" be aide to prol'icte her 3 lleeve versions! ., I r,(lrf rr:·Ii) ;0111' wilh a icw m:rc matcrlal Ihil\ll~ Printed Pattern 4608: MISses I 'd Ihe ;t.'rc. I Ihc\' t:1I1 hardly fullilt her nee Sizes 12. 14, 16, 18, 20; 40. SlIe;

"1~\h;ClI m~ hl·lp for' a hllsb~nd. a home and a 16 takes 5\~ yards 39.inch. ~::rl :1 r,~I1~ ':" ned fJII:rr for her children. Printed directions on each pat.

;:.,;' ";10 c;ln I o~' 011 Ihe olher hr·nd. Jack ah~uhld tern part. Easier. accurate, We I,ili ~ct II realize his wile wouldn't be U· Send FIFTY CENTS (50 eenul

'0 tHn if I did say man if she didn't !uf(er (rom '... ..•••. 1 , ••• ull', lnUSt UlI!~SCI thal lIel a girl from lummer appear (center) In dress with high surplice top aad Ilde·bllt· In coins (stamps cannot be aceep. I

· 'I:,'ms I qid, it homcsicl:nc~s (or hcr parenU. If Into fall In cool comlort, are both w8Ihahle Ind wrinkle· toned skirt that has easy pleah. Blouson sheath (right) In ted) fOr this pattern. Please print III:) 01. li~, he rannot., promise her a visit rellstant. Slim abeath wllh cnrved hipline (lctt) II I ml:dure Bonnie PrInce Charlie plaid hps neally tailored bow belt plainly SIZE, N A !'II E, ADDRESS • .'~ II hr·1 Jrlll1), had home some lime in the near fu· of silk and cotton wIth a worsted ([nlah. The color Is. IOU lad high jewelry neckline. All of these fashion. Ire In STYLE NUMBER.

I 'a' Ihrrr. ~he lure, he should try to grl his par· brown. Over the Iheath goel fitted jacket with eurved shoulder Tholnl, (otton.. All are handy to have In a travel wardrobe Send order to ANNE ADAMS. I t/;t d' elt'rylhin~. ! rllts to show her i ,a IlltJIC m~re SYTd line and Interestins 'I1andaway tollar. Tiny check, In jewel color for v.rylnl dlmatel. eare of ST. JOHS'S DAllY NEWS:

:)\1 bHn .\uccc.,,(ul palhy and offect on, enn~ wou • . Pattern Dept, 611 FRONT srREET


JI :ht m. hut Ihat', prob.nbl)' melt tuward t.hem ~f Ihe BY GAILE DUGA!! ! ~ something dark dUring the dog I (all. A go~d many oC the~ dark Thi. mean. that We sre the son., WEST, TORONTO, ONT. j~: T~{Y could !~nd recclvcd. this ktnd of ,,\lentlon. Ne"' York - (NEAl - Things doys, designers have given her cottons are handy not on1)' for ened sheath, the neat Iiltle jacket: _ I.,:; lor Ihe kids i( ~Iost Important o( allh Jon;? i have reached a point this fill darkened cotton~ that will look, getting (rom summp.r inlo autumn dress with 50ft. widened collar a!1d

t.l !hOi! I nnd. J~ck . should drop I e IPe IY i where a ~irl can happil~' wear her like autumn while keepln2 her: but (or travel invoh'ing sevearl the wide skirt with easy pleats,! B B . f

I ihT,k .knnl and I; recrnmnaltons Ihnt so s~r Otl~ Y transition cotlons inl() October if cDol. I climate changes eauty rle 5 ~11\ 1[' II liNT' nol lor undermine I h. e i r r~.IHltonshIP.! she likc~. But morc than that IheY"'t U5'1 . They're meant t.o be worn with a I

.. "'. t I knew y. , . '. . ., \(' h nd. aren as pre ~ , I"d mlnr Ii !rCIllS I Thc)' should wipe Ihc ~Iale cleal n i The re3<on7 St"ling (I( rourse. ed sleeve lengtlls n~cklinu and Transition colton~ (olioII' cur· little veh'el eap, suede or caU I . 't tt .

.. ;.' I~;~f\\~~~'£ ~h:~I~: ~~~s~~y to star anew I, e i Knowin~ that~~_~~.~~::"'I~:,~~~et_ t,realmenb tha.t_~i1 sugges :~C~I_C~~~n trend~. o(~~ sh~:~_an~ ~osty white gloves. as t~e~urshOaU~/ be, su~mer suns ~ .. _-_ .. -- . _ .. _.- - ment to keep pnce with Baby from I padded round top that screws on. and o,.tdoor hfe can give them ~ .

M k Homemakm" g Ihree months to three }Cars, ., Tnere art' tops (or adult sleeves a razzle·tuzle appearan~e, ~e) ! Sard~nes ' a e Fa'shl·on is made oC machine·washable cot· and (or children's clothes. sltould be mnocent, of nail pOhsh, : I ton plisse. I -- or It I~ast the braght:hued polls·

-- Prowling around I dark home, hes, which ~aw attention I() th!m Lunch Fare· ~ake bal~ing an adventure for To' save overalls this summer, day or night. leads to many stubb- A clear pohsh, .or a natural sbme

Beans, Maine Tl·pS i ch~drcn, GIVe them a pink bath I spread a washable sponge rubber cd toes. A ha~dy nash~ight saves from buffmg, Is best.

: tomght. a blue one tomorrow. I pad in lhe bottom of Junior's red bumps and brUises. It Is good for ,Just Idd a (ell' drops of harmless . wagon. It saves wear and tear on emer~encies or for poking Into Being pretty as • picture In I vegetable coloring In their sudsy his clothes and cushions bumps. dark Closets. picture hat caU, (or good groom·

Red can be the single belt enlor tub. . ing. Use a soft little brush arou.nd to brighten up a wardrobe. It is A special press form 18 on the If you ~el YOUr home Is bare your hairline. Even a luggeslJon paired with black, blue, white, A new type sleeping bag grow! markel (or qUick and easy iron. of ornaments II compared with. of powder on the hair.line is~~~. grey Ind newe.t of III with \ with baby. Grow features at shou· ing oC puffed sleeves. Clamped neighhor's home. take hurt. In· ter to h~ve t(\() few accessories in bro~n. ' " .Ider and bottom length the gar· onlo Ironing board, it (eature~ a terior decorators point out It I~ hrl. ~ rnom th~n Ino m~ny. ~e return ~racoon b ha.\-t·~~~~·~--~·~·~··~·-·~·~-~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~-·~·~~~~~~~~~~.~-~-,~,.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Itl,'ed this C{lmln, faU. But the Cur Itself II all that resemblel the stYle of the Twenties when It WIS all the rage. Racoon now 'collars boxy looking coats,'1s made Into car·coats in tlIree.quarter lenath with leather buttons.

Tartans wlll be seen e\'en mOn! thl.~ year than ever, at least by the )'oung things. Jumbo and miniature tartans both are seen In pleated. full and straight !klrl!, jumpers, dresseS' and separates; In addition 10- the authentle clan tartan.q. Illere are madras plaid, blanket plaid, ombre plaid and Iweed plaid.

\lost designers do nOI emphas· i,e the shoulder in the new lines., In the new showings. senn sieHl'S folll from the slloulder point smoo· I thl),. Others are cut In onp with the bodiCe "·ith ~eams from shoulder 10 cuft. Some are bias cut.

The word camisole Is comln~ In. to the fashion jargon, for many two pieces dresses have the Akirt on a camisole top. which makes for beller hanging and fl. I

~1AI100X I remaining bread. . I~ on~ 01 Sardine and Baktd Bean Sind· F.l'pnlnlt sldtu ~rf either full

Ii;htn~ ports I wlch U aandwlches) ~nd stlfftned, sometime, with 0.,11. tOa'l. I Two cup cold New Engiar.d I on Or ,xtremely narrow Ind tilhl ' u! Gllr host. ,tyle baked beans! 2 cans Maine: wiih slit sides. I

10 ~laJnt.· urdines, sliced onIon. 8 ,Uces but· i . ~.lh for th, \aroin~: tcred oatmeal brend, catsup. I Pncket. are USIIAll~' unoh~tru •.

t~1 ulll:ngn", 10 Ir)', Make JandwicheA o( but!er bread! h'" exccpt In I lew larmenh: ~, lnd new pro·, cold baked ~eans: dramed ur·, where the~' (orm plrt o( the trimm. I

1 dmes and omon ahces. Add cat· ling sometimes In pairs or triplets

i.b)ullnds of ~lh'er sup if beans are dry. I In a row. ._

P~mptd out 01 a 1. __ ======;... __ . (OUowed them A M M d ' lttd trimming, any- annere 1 f,niered women. I III tans, saw oil MuffIn \Ieamed in a giant , •

,r,'d, " t I J \ 1:0' r·~n ! u!1 one, Am' homrmaker who knOll'.' her, ~ '~llh' ~OH Ii·om. ,,'n" 'around thr kitchen. wclcomcs

<llIporl '1'1' I . I h I :1, hr" \'. lr n· Ihl" I'al'irly oC menu lISl'~ .a;


FRIENDS illll, .. 1'ln, hrrr· I ~lIick hrc~ds supply.. Fur lit· I

Of :hl,l n~arl) S~O"I 'I~nrr. this new anrl dlffrrcol .rc· rl Ih:' p.JIOp. I~n· riPr fur Chocolale ~lurrJns hils I A hosl is a .hl"l, nnt a oo('lor.

·pp~rt all Iller. the bill (or brunch. lea tame. Constant complaints OC .pain duro :It\, n . " 'I p~rty time lIT between meal Inlt a visit oCten force him Or her

'. !l;( ... :n I ~flOI\' snacks. '.. . to olfer help they shouldn't have , nrt lomalo I Comhinin" thr baSIC mlllhn 10· to "onslder 'I .upc ,', 0 ~ . C ' •

:,,;. filii n h~ Ihr 1 ~rrdient.', this rccipe ri~c~, oul 0 If it's that bad, 110 home. ",,\ ~ liar)' ftrrl.r, Ihr ordinary with the addition oC

t .njoy, Ihrlll I w:1I11c hr~n terral. nulmcats and \4 CliP cocoa , ~lr~ln ,c"l·~a. The hatlr.r can be quickly I'.J cup chopped nutmeats

"'a'II'~"." ~allll\\lrh mi.xrll lo~ethcr .. nd quickly baked, Combine All·Bran and milk; let makini these muHins a nlec stand until inost oC moislure I.

sardines 8 choice also for warm weather· taken up. Add egg and ahorten· da s Ing; beat ~1I. Slit together nour

y . CHOCOLATE MUFFINS boklDIL powder, salt, sugar and 1 cup AU·Bran (whole bran coena: mix with nut meats. Add . cereal . to first mixture, stirring only lin· .~. cup mUk tll combined. Fill greased mul· 1 eag' 'fin pans two·thlrds full. Bake In One·third cup .oft shortenin, moderately hot· oven ('00 degrees 1 cup Allted flollr F.) abollt 20 minutes. Serve 1m· 2' i teaspoons baking powder medIately. t; teaspoon salt Yield:, 12 muffins, m Inches In I'.J cup suaar diameter.·

From silllOllelle to dain ty trim ...




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Page 8: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY

, I'


Crusaders Take Th~ee Straight From Patricians * * ¥ * ¥



Illness, Injuries Plague Big Leag NEW YORK, AP - Illness :nd; eXPetted t

II'.' Await Decision Of Protest injuries have,combi~ed to put a I lime the ~e(~,e ;ld;~l damper on the Amencan and Nat·, ium laic I !i<;x 1;',1 i?nal League races for the ba:ting! \\:iule I~IS ,monlh titles. Three of the featured per· I \\'illo.m;' ~ 'a,ol! formers-Ted Williams. Mickey I Ammcan e ,ar.ces Mantle and Stan ~Iusial-are either the Injur L~a~.uc I,: ,

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The "Big Bear" Jimmy Carey I at the outset but coming Into the both casc! when ralHes came, and won his third straight ball game In second with one out, back to back routine outs were muffed which the current semi finals between St. singles by Robin Short and "Lons" allowed runners to run free and St: Pat's and Holy Cross at the Leonard had men on first and sec· easy. Ball Park last night when the and as Joey Gulliver whiffed for The Crusaders finished their Cruuders breezed home easily on number two. Hurley was safe on a scoring wittl single talHes In the a lopsided 11-4 score to win, wild throw by Billie Abbott and seventh and eighth and the Pa· (pending decision of Protest Short came all the way for the trician! picking up their lone taliy BQard) the right to meet the \vln· Crusaders first run. off Carey In the eighth on a walk ners of the St. Bon's·Felidlans In the Pats hal( of the ~econd to Martin and two successive errors seml.finals for City Championship. I Hurley walked lead off baUers by the Crusaders infield,

Carey started in the opener of Jack Withers and Martin and got The Crusaders amassed nine the semi finals and won 4·2; was three balls past Jack Han:ey for hits in their nine Inning cO!1test hack In relief In the second, when the first out. ReR Dillon walked to last nl~ht. with Robin Short col· Eddie Short was injured and lond the bases and Frank Walsh leeting three for three, Leonard Jlltched six and one Ihird Innings popped to Short at first. Jack three for five and Maunder as the Crusaders picked up their Quinlan picked up Hurley's fourlh rounding the "big three" with two

. ,

't .. \ h.\ second sucmslve I'iclory 11·9 in free pass and Wllhers scored. Walsh for four. . GREENWICH, Conn.-Millionaire golfer and transatlantic banker Robert J. a game thaI was playcd under pro· doubled, scoring Marti!! and Dillon Final score: Holy Cross 11; St. test from Ihe third inning. Carey and Hurley wcnt to the showcrs. Pat's 4. Sweeny, 46, l\nd his bride, Pamela CU1'l'an Wade, 26, are shown outside the was again callcd to the "hill" last Carey came on to get Abbott for BOX SCORE Round Hill Community Church (ollowing the marria~e recently. The bride night when Pat Hurley got. Into lhe third out, but not beCore Ihe 1/0111 Cross AS R 1/ E made her debut in .1949. It marked the second marriage for both. They will trouble in the second and Ihe Patricians had chalked up three Sorensen, C •••••• :5 0 0 0 Crusadm came from behind a 3-1 runs. Ryan, 2b ........ 5 1 0 0 honeymoon in England and Frallce.-(I.N. Photo). lead to J!lve "Bill Bear" his nint~ Both team~ went out in ordcr In Breen 3b .. : ..... 4 2 1 0 ------,------------------win of the season a~alnst two the third and the Cru~aders moved Maunder, ss ••••. , 4 4 2 1\ Junior Football ~,Ia!lie Says los!es. wUhln one run of the Patrielan~ Short. lb ...•..•. 3 2 3 01 v •

For SI. Pat's ~likc !lIartln !(ot as Barry Maunder walkcd. ad· Leonard, If ...... 5 0 3 W ld H hooked for the lo~s to run his record I'aneed to second on Short's single Gulliver, cr •..... 3 1 0 0 G d Sf Pafs T· on ave to 3·2 while allowln~ Ihe Cru· to right centre and the bases were Hurley, p, rf .••••• 4 0 0 0

0 u a r 5- • Ie,

~aders seren hit~. ninc runs. four loaded. with one oUI as Gulliver .lackman, rf ., ••.. 1 0 0 QUiet Base' ball walks and slruckout six, in five free passed. Hurley was out on a Carey, p ., ..• ". 3 1 0 0

on the shelf or in sad condition to shell m} II ICn pul play. The only one who is hale,' r;.lional 'L CO,t h,m ia hearty and raring to go is Willie fered a h e).~~e !la., th 'd t t'bl 'I " O~"!e' e In es ruc Ie .• ays. 11\\'0 Ileek .

An expected duel between Wit since 11/ ,3:0 ltd has Iiams and !\Iantle in Yankee 513· le.dln" 3~3\·' b,,:!; dium in the present series, wa~ game ~Irc". ~t.c~ ri; cancelled when doctors refused to I ~Ia\ '. ( k .er.~(d, allow the Boston slug'Jer to accum·' t\\O m~nl~mtr.~ ;t~cDl ~ pany the Red Sox. Ted is bedded at hlttin" "t 3"Qf the , home with a chest cold. 'dnl n~ol;t' .,~ ,I tt!

Williams. , .. ho was·39 lastl;rida)" "23,n,\ i',;t~~f;:'h;1 leads the 25-year·old ~Iantic by six lie', mo k U,.h

, 376 37 . "I to 33-• pomts.. 10. O. He has been \11 j, u. .' I.

oul, oC the Iineup-cxccpt Cor one th~ Il'ItI' ~ "1,f;nls appearance as a pinch hillcr-, a""tll;', 1\\fllf~'1\n It . S t d . . I ',m, , sonce .a ur a}. . a, (;,1' hrtrk" ( . Wllhams should be ready to pia) ttlTl'd Ill' <: I. H ..

F '.1 .' B t ' "r;! tnle ' rlua} m os on. 1101\ In IC', '

Mantle playctl Tuesday dc,pite b\l \ (;r'~ J :!n~ .. , . se\'ere skin splints. He has drop. . pr,.r , lin I ped six points while Tcd has heen on the sidelines. The New York Yankee cJouter missed a couple of gamcs himsclC but went hitle;s in Cour times at bat against Balti· morc's Billy O'Dell Tuesday. CONTEST POSTPONED

Williams and Mantie were 10 have participated in a pre·~amc home run hitting contcsl Wednes· i day. The slugging match now is ' and two third innings. sacrifice with no play on the run· St. Pat's AS R H E T M f M h

Honnic Scoll cnme on to finish ncr at home and no further scor· WalSh. 55 ••• , ••• , 4 0 2 21 0 ee a cp e r son the game and In three· and one inl(. Carey I:ot Dillon, Harvey and Abbott,3b •. ,., •.. 4 0 0 1 . NEW YORK-AP-Sal Maglic, HIe third innings wn~ tg~vc.<1 for two Quinlan to Can In their half of the Green, e •••• , •.• 3 II 0

0 01

With five. m. In utes of the second' he put the ~atricians ~ut front dWahyOsehecllpuetdch Nree~~ef ~!~~in~a;~::~ , 0 y TOSS hits, two runs. wallted' three and fourth. with Walsh free passing in Wlther~ 2b 3 hi f G G I d th I d t th n ht ha d gol :ileball past foul'bnllcr~. bctwcen Dillon and Quinlan. Martin"p ·······3 1 0 1 a remalnlOg, ene .ara.n ,WI a o~.rlVe 0 e g n.!defeat Baltiinore, !aid wednes"G d 1\1

Hurley on the mOllnn for one The Crusader~ as In each of Harvey Ib , ••.•.• 4 0 1 0 scored ~o give G~ards I-I tie with! ~or~er "hleb gave the Guards day he would have suit baseball uar S lUeet anti two Ihird inning~ garc up Ihree I their three contests with the Pa. Dillon 'If ..••••.. 1 . 1 0 0 S~. Pat 5 In JUnior ~ootball last i ~oahe no chance. . had Chicago White Sox instead. ' runs. one hit. Cour walks and struck· Iricinns had big innln~5 and la~t F Wa'ish rr···"·· 2 0 0 0 night and earn the right to meet. The Guards dommated the play of the Yankees purchased him T · h .

J . Q . I • C·· • • •• 2 0 0 0 Macpherson eleven In the final~' throughout, but the stellar per· from Brookh'n ' Onl (J t oU~;r~~' ~~~I~~ a grcal relief per.l ~~il~~~;d II't~r;eo :,~~:pl~onth~s m~~ Scot~mpan. c ...•.. 1 0 0 1 for the 51. .John's Junior Football I formancc of .the Patricians' half "It would' h~ve hecn Clc"eland b formance in seren and one third! ad four In the ~ixth on a :otal oC J. Ab'bott: ph'::::" 0 0 0 0 ChampIOnship. ~~nrdan~Us~ee;rti~~1 an1e:gr~tn the al\ ol'er again." said the 40·ycar· Hoh.· Cro', and Guard- mc't to, innin"s allowed the Patricians to' (h'c hit~ and three expfn~h'p cr· Umpires: Hartman. Downey, Kiss J B d th .,' as. righthander "one club buying "ou " c .. . oe rowne opene e . scormg The Guards adding one point I 'ust 50 thai ou won't be abl; to night at 6.30 for the Third Rounn score onl)' once on two hits. walked rors off the Patricians infielder'. Breen. In, the c?ntest wben nearing the by virtue of last evening's draw, l. Y" football championship and Caribou four and Canned nine. The Patricians had two 111'R)' in Scorer: Angu~ Ro~e. thirty minute mark of the first ' . , I pitch {or another. h .

Tl\'o of Ihe three Pairirian hits ,---------------------- hall 51. Pat's were awarded a' are now Sech~n A champIOns ~nd /1 ChioTlcs Comiskey, White 50)( I Trap ). . ' CRme off the bat of Charlie Walsh I Will meet Seclion Band defendmg vice.president announced last .Both teams arc nolV tied and a whcn he connccted for two hases BASEBALL penal~y ahot. Joe Bro~e took chaMpions Macpherson_ for the week he wo~ld outbid the Ya~. wm must be registered 10 decide of( Hurle\' in the secon<1 and an· the kick and made no mistake as coveted laurels. kee! for !lIaglle, presumably in I t!le .hont~~s, They battled to a 1·1

other ofr'Carel' in the fifth Baseball Ro u n d Up °err?sertrtaOnsbfleOrCk ttohethVeeterAanmcPril:cCahn'll1e In thm last appearance.

. - ~Ja~~se ~i~~~r~Ow;~~~Sk~ chang· .

Chicago 1; Cincinnati O. run. pinch single in.a frantic ninth In JUly ?f 1955, . Cleveland IProbahle Pitchers' , Cincinnati 7; Chicago 2. inning, then stayed in the game and grabbed Maghe on waivers from



GRAVEL, Y~S~e~m-As~~,eLd~E~i~i;,St. Bon's' Mee't I h Pittsburgh 2' New York 0 walloped a two·ru homer in the the New York Gianls to. prev!nt NEW YORK-AP Probable . , Feleldleans Tonleg t 'Brooklyn 12;' Philadelphia 3. 11th ,that gave Boston Red ~ox a the Yankees . from him. pilchers for toda,,'s major league ~~~~~~~ • LADIES 51. Louis 5; Milwaukee 4. 7·5 vl~tory over N~w York Wednes- He stayed With the Indians. the games Won.lost· records in par. ;;

C American Leagut- day mght and trimmed the Yan· balance of the year but was waived entheses' CLEAR PLASTI Baltimore 1; Washington O. kees' lead over idle Chicago to five out o~ the American League the . Naronal Le~gu PLUMP. "(: &

OVERSHOES ' CHICAGO, AP - Lefty Joe Nux· games. followmg May' and sold to the cincinnati lat Chicago e _ Law ! The third game of the 51. Bon's'l The league are hoplDg that botI! Boston 7; New.York 5. Dodgers. " rencc 13·11 vs. DroIt 12.10.

Flat Heel Style I Felldians semi-flnals Is set down St. Bon's and Feildlan. will agree I hall pit~hed Clnemnati to a second. PHILADELPHIA (AP)-Embit· Maglie said he ]5 delighted to New York at P't! b h N ___ I f th F Id game VictOry over Chicago Cubs tcrede by six straight losses to be with the Yankees even if he . I S urg .-at the Ball Park for tonlghp at 7.00 to p ay a our game on r ay • . ' . t li 'bl t 't b' th :llcCormlck 3·0 vs. Swanson 2,2 or

pm night and If plans materialize the 7·2, Wednesday after bonus pitcher Philadelphia, Brooklyn Dodgers IS no c ~I' ° PI c m e Douglas :!.2 .

Sizes: small, medium and Large


$1.29 PARKER &


. B~th teams have shared in the Junior game scheduled for Friday :\Ioe Drabowsky blanked the Red· turned on the Ph lilies with fury World Senes. Brooklyn at Philadelphia N-\'ictorles oC. the first two games will be rescheduled for Saturday legs 1'() on two hits In the one hour Wednesday night, clubbing them Erskine 3.2 or Koufax 5·3 vs

,with the Blues winning 5-3 and in at 6.30 p.m. The Bluegolds will go and 37 I!'inute opener. 12·3 on 14 hits, including a three· Bo'berts 9.18. the second meeting the Blucgolds I with Johnny Power tonight and The f1rs~ game was the fastest run homer by Gil Hodges. Milwaukee at 51. Louis 1\-

I swamping the defending champions coach George Adams was unde· In the National League since Sept. A p~rade of six Philadelphia Burdettc 14.7 1'5. Jones 10.0. , 16.6. clded last nlgh~ as to his Itarter. 14, 1952, when Boston Brwts htat pitchers was unable to halt the AmerIcan Lea~ue

. the Cubs In a 1'() match at Bos· Brooklyn attack, which included Washington at Baltimorc-

W d d · B · te h ton a seven·run, five·hit eighth inn· e nes ay IS rl IS Drabowsky retired the first 18 ing. Stobbs 7·18 I'S. Lehman 5·3, Redlegs he faced before Johnny Boston at Ncw York - ~ixon I _ •• -Templels leadoff liner In the sev. ST. LOUIS (AP)-Don Blasing. 11·9 1'5. Turley 11·5. Only game.' enth bounced past eentre fielder ame's third hit and second stolen scheduled.

I, Soccer Match'es' Bob Speake for a triple. Cincin· base Wednesday night set up the ------nati', only other hit orr Drabow· winning run driven home In the p .

I sky was Jerry Lynch's pinch lin· 12th iDnig on Del 'Enis' sacrifice By THE CASADJA~ PRESS raCfICfS I gle to open the ninth. fly as the secod·place 51. Louis

J,ONDON-neuter~ - Rcsutts Bolton 1. Wolverhampton 1. Cardinals defeated Milwaukee's National League in Wednesday nigll!'s British Everton 3, Man U 3. NEW YORK, AP - Wtak·hlt· league.leading Braves, 5-4. Mil. W I, Pet. GOL soccer matches: Leeds 4, Aston Villa O. ling Pete Daley delivered a two· waukee's lead now Is 7~ games. :'liJwaukee 82 50 .621

European Cup Luton 2, Blackpool O. 51. Louis 7$ 58 .564 7'.~ (I'Srst round-first lell) Man C 5, Chelsea 2. 'lankees Recall ATO~IIC INSURANCE Brooklyn 74 60 2

Rangers 3, 51. Etienne France 1 Preston 2, Burnley 1. 1 WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi· Philadelphia 69 . 6.1 :~5 1~' (played at Glasgow). Sheffield W 1. Newcastle O. F h dent Eisenhower Tuesday signed Cincinnati 68 66 .507 15

English League Sunderland 3, Leicester 2.. arm ands into law the first federal atomic New York 66 71 .482 18\~ (Division One) Tottenham 3, Portsmouth II. insuronce act. The law, anticipat· Chicago 50 81 .382 31'12

BI I ha 0 Noll F 2 West Brom 1, Arsenal 2. ing the growth or private nuclear P't! b h rm ng m, __ .__ (DiVision Two) 'd '0 $5 I S urg 50 83 .376 32'~ NEW YORK, AP-New York power, provi e sup '" 00,000,000 Barnsley II, Ipswich I, Yankees Wednesday recalled eight of government insurance against American League

The ~lacphcl'son [ootball clcrrtl will pracl ice Ihi~ cI'ening at the upper pilch oC Ayre Alhletic Field.

The Guards junior base bailers , are reminded of a "cry important i workout scheduled for this cI'ening , at the top pitch of Ayres. All memo ~ bers are asked to make a special effort to be present and the prac· tice is set down for 6,30 p.m.

Cardiff 1, Grlmsby 3. t ,mInor league farmhands, a ma- damages from aC(idents in pri· Derby 2, Bristol R 1. jorlty of whom probably won't be vately - operated atomic power N Y k Fulham I, Notts C O. able to report until next spring. plants. I e.w or

W L 84 50

Pct.GBLI .627 -

~~~ I~ 11958 Golf 78 54 Huddersfleld 2, Liverpool 1. "Alt> eight are on first division Chicago Lincoln 4, Swansea O. clubs," a spm<esman said. "That SCHOOL RECORD Boston

(Dlvlalon Two-Northern) means all wlll be participating In WINDSOR, Onto (CP) _ Mrs. Detroit Bradford C 3, York City 2. playoffs, which may not finish in Cora Messer, kin d e r garten Baltimore Chesterfield 3, Wrexham 2. time for them to report this sea. teaetler at King George School Cleveland

71 61 67 66 65 67 65 68

.504 16'1.: 'F. .492 18 lXture .489 18'1.: .379 33 .3i9 33

Darlington I, Hartlepools 3. son." here, feels she has some sort of Kansas City Workington 2, Southport O. The players Include pitcher Jim a record with four sets of twins Washington

50 82 ~O 82

(Division Three-Southern) Coates, shortstop Tom Carroll and enrolled!n her class. She just Aldershot 0, Northampton O. third baseman - outfielder Dick missed having a fifth set who Bournemouth 1, Brighton 3. Sanders from Richmond. were planning on attending her WORST ACCIDENT Exeter 3, Brentford 5. Coates is 12·11 In the ·Interna- class but only recently moved out SALZBURG, Austraia (AP) -

tlonal League; Carroll is hitting of the school district. Two boYs and their teather lost .223 with 13 home runs and Sand. their lives Thursday iD Austria's

ers Is batting .252. 'REPEAT APPLICATION worst alpine tragedy this season. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (Reu· The tilree mountain victims were

leI'S) _ Outer Mongolia Tuesday in a 12 • me mber tourist group repeated its application for memo from Vienna caught in a snow bership in the United Nations in storm on the slopes oC the 11.700· a cable to the president of thc foot WiesbaeJthorn Peak. The UN securty council. The Mon· search for another boy, still. re· golian People's Republic sub· ported m~sing. continues with mitled it~ first application for little hope for him because of new

, CHICAGO, AP - Chicago White

50)(, in desperate pursuit of the first·place New York Yankees Wed.

'nesday bought a 21·year·old right handed pitcher, Barry Latman, Crom their Indianapolis club in ':le American Association.

Latman, strictly a Sox farm system product, currently has a 12·13 record with Indianapolis and has struck out 143 in 214 innings. He had a 14-14 mark with Mem· phis of the Southern Association In 1956 and had an 18·11 record for Waterloo of the Three-l League In 1955.

Latman will report to the White Sox Immediately.

Gillingham I, Torquay 0, , Norwich 0, Southend 2,

Reading I, Plymouth 3. Swlndon 0, Watford O.

Scottish League (Cup Playoff Second Leg) . ' Division Two

Arbroath 3. Dundee U 1. Breehln I, Dunfermline 4. Ayr U 4, Albion O. Sl. Johnstone I, Forfar O. Stenhousemulr 4, Morton 1 .

. ' Stirling 4,' E Stirling 1.

membership in 1946. snowfaUs.

. ~Iatt~ AN. Yl~ GO 7OGE71it=~

VANCOUVER, (CP) -Canada's richest golf tournament, the $50,. 000 B.C. Centennial, is a definite 1958 fixture.

Keith Matthews of the B.C. cen· tennial golf committee announced this Wednesday after tlilking with Ed Carter ,tournament director for the United States Profe,ssional Golfers' Association.

Earlier Matthews had said the tournament might have to be cal· led off becoose the dates conflict· cd with those of two other tourna· ments.

The tournament will be played at the Point Grey course here Aug. 25 to Sept. 1.

(Irish Gold Cup-First Round) . Ballymena I, Cllftonville 1. Bangor O. Ards 3. Linfield 6, Derby City O.

• (Second Round) Glenavon 4, P!trtadown 1.


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Page 9: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY




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T opsajl Auto Service • GREASE and OIL .• TIRES










S o P E R , 5







Summer Feature

Scenic Conception Bay. is the theme of this week­ly Summer Supplement.

During the following weeks this Supple­

ment will contain articles and pi(tures depicting the growth and develop. ment of Conception Bay comumnities and at the same time carrying Icen· ic views of the charming rural communities and some of the choicest vacation spots in New­Foundland.

Also designed as a . convenience to the thou·

sands of person, who visit these communities during the Sum mer months, proprietors of modern and well equip­ped business \establish. ments "around the bCl til will carry aClvertiseme nts in which they will list items which may be re­quired for vacation time •

• • • where to eat • • • where to purchbse fish­ing tackle or in f.aet, where to purchase any or all items which are avail­able in city stores.

I.dustrial development will also be featured as pictures of the new in­dustries and progress de· velopment notes thereon, will appear weekly.








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.. '0:... __ '_' '_" __ -' __________ ------~----------------------------...:T~ O~ILY ~NEWS, _ T~DA'("SEPTeM8e~

CARBON EAR 0 ES Garden Party \ LOIIl:n •. pt.\ , N T' . :\00" (A~ , . ," CARBONE.\Il. A\I~usl 2'i-Th, ~'U~ CO:J1l1\UQi.i :5alvalion Army held ils ~nnUJ' /r.lcil SUMay .

CARBON EAR, AUI. 27-W /02 ~{cFayden, O.C. liome Command, . ' garden parly on \\'ednesd~y bsl. t:or.31 radio "p~.~~

Fred Saunders' of the "Carbonear" White Waltham. The weal her was ideal, consequent· ,~I~ 18. II a"· Air Cadet Squadron recently reo After InspecHon we boarded Ily the attendance was cood. "The o;·~ ~n\'asio" fll

EXCHANGE VISIT turntd Irom a visit to the British bus and went through the out. PI I members of the Jiome League kh U ,',l, Isles. As a special favour he has skirts of London to Uxbridge Ipent the remainder of the day lUes ••••••••••••• '" ............... (' IJ . I II were kept busy for several hours '. I!,un~ar! and &Ivell me an account of the more where we were Itationed for the lokln& around 011 our own, NEWS IN BRIEF · .10splta caterins to their many palrons, ~~IO~ p<:rt in v.hat Interesting Incidents and experi~ next • days. While at Uxbridge From Edlnbur,h we went to 4. I many of whom werc \'isilors 10 ki:,~ IIJ; t'le fir,t encu and, fcelln& that many Nfld. we toured London and did some Glasgow where we were shown ~ CommIttee lltleut Itown. The receipts, which amount i. In the hi,br Cadets would like 10 know what shopping there. On tours we IIW through tht Rolls.noj:ce factOry .'. . .. l' ..., Sled to thrce hundred and filly dol n" ) It the~ might expect to see If t!iey Jluch things as the changln& of the and had lea with $ome CIt the dj. Mrs. lieol'gc !'orward left re, I, /U Hudson i)alis, Commall'.!', ,I,'f " , . Ihould be selected for an exchange guard at Buckingham Palace rectors. That sam day we were celltly (or BasIon where she willi ing OC£icer of Caruollcar Air Ca·j CARBONT~n, August 27 - A, ars, \\ere ~ost J,'I'all ~In~. Ma~or! . visit, [ 11m lC!ing to include it in which alone was worth a trip 10 guests of the LO:d Provost 01 visit friends. and attend the wed· det Squadron is home aftcr a two Ispecl~1 me~ttOg.of the Red Cro;;t ::.;I50n dec~al.~d .Ihettar}~ open .al .-'.\I\.\RT.\" thla ween notes. Hcre it II: London, We saw such slghtl II Glasgow tor lunch which indeet! ding of R mece at Malden. Lator months visit)o Greenwood, N.S .• Hos~ltal Commlltce was held tn P'7' ha7d I. I~as I' e Ir~~ ~oclal \1I1~ty . '11e

'rhe Exchange ;I,'lsit Scheme Is St, Paul's Cathedral, Westminster was a great prlviledge .he wili visit relatives in New where he was an Instruclor at nn Ihe fown Hall on Monday even te;h ; sl~ceJ \IS apPOIn menl r~arrd drol\nedn

a scheme whereby cadell lrom Abbe)', the Tower of London. Tow. I From Glasgow we flew to Wal. York. We understand she will! Air Cadet Summer Camp. ~Ir, ing. with the Chairma.n, ~Irs. S 0 e. orps n u )'. ,ailin~ 11"el Canada, the . United States, Eng. er Bridge, the housc of Parlia. latty which Is just across the be out of the Province for about \ Davl5. wili be filling the posillon W. ~Ioore~, In the ch~lr: Mr. ':·1 IlIa)" from ' land, Scotland, and [our European men, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square. river from Liverpool. While In a month. ! ot PnnclPAI' of the United Church F. Hutchinson, Pr.ovJnclal ChaIr., ""tU H[TS %,~OO I" T~llao, in CDuDtrlel are exchanged between and King Henry VIII's old palace Wallasey we were entertained by Mr. and ~1rs. Patrick Howard Academy ant! will take up his new man of ~he Canad~an Reel Cross" BELGRADE (AP) - L 0 c a i tlrl"!" or Ih1 thol' countries on vlslls of good. which Is now a Naval Training the local wing of the A.T,C. We and family of Danlel'l Cove, ~re, duties at the beginning of the CommisslO nerDavld Deeker and I ncw,papers say 2,000 ,l,es or As· rrached .Jakarta will, This Icheme offers the ea College. While most of our time We were taken through the longest about to move Inlo the dwelling I school year, Prior to this he wos :l1~. A. B. Perlin. also of the Can· ian flu ha\'~ been reported in htoo,j that he' det, a chance to mingle with peo. was taken up In tours, neverthe- underwater tunnel In the world; owned by Mrs. James Green: We Vlcl·Princlpal. . adlan Red Cross, and Mr Butler: Skopije,. capital of the pro\'ince .03:: ol'erturned pie from an over the world and leas we bad just abou tevery night the tunnel was 1\2 miles long. cxtend to tile Howard famtly a Mr, and ~Irs. Richard Glo 'ne ?[ the Departmenl of Hca~lh were lof :lIacedonia, in ~oulh Yugo· ,Urlllor, were to lee for themselves just t10~ tree in London while we were Also while in Wallasey we were warm welcome. Hrrlved from Kincston Onl. > a 10 attendance and were ~~elcomed I slavin, ---the other half of the world lives. there. A guess one of the most· taken by boat to Wales and had Miss Emma Udel~ Is expecting few days ago on a visit to )ITI by Mrs. Moores. The mlOutes of I

Tbla year the lehem. Involved unforgetful thinKS We did was dinner as guests of the local to spend the commg week·end \ Gloyna's sister Mrs James ~wor~ the last meeting were rea~ by the ACTRESS DE,\D. IGme flfty.nine cadets all t.n have dinner with the Lord Mayor A.T.e. Wing in Ryhl. wlhth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. Moor~. It' is eight' year~ secreta~y, t ~rs. J. ~. PIke and I LD:'WON (AP) - Helen Hare, provinces of Canada. Thirtythree of London. Thl, prlvJled8' was Jo n Udell. Emma spent her sum· I since they visited Newfoundland wer.e a op e as reo.' The chief Britain's oidest w.rking nctress cadeta toured the United Kingdom on. that not every tOllrist to Lon. We journeyed from Wallasey mer vn~ption with M~. and Mrs. and their man friends are lad i bustn~ss of the meettng was the I died In a nursing home Sunda): and the four European countries don h88 enjoyed and all ot us to Stratford·OnAvon where we A, W. Snano of SackvllJe, and Mr. to I th y b k g I adoption of a scale of r~tes [or She hnd aiven a party last Wed . -Ira III tIl! of Norway Sweden Holland Ger. really enjoyed It to Ihe utmost visited the home of Shakesptare and Mrs. Ralph B, Moyles, of I' we come em ac. - Ihe hospital. This called lor ne,dar t~ cel(''''alt' hf'r 831';1 :"1iNn"lio~ll mallY and Denmark: while th~ bal. Sunday, July 21st, we left Lo~. and law the play "AI You Like It" M()nclon. S.he Is on the office staH Mrs. Lewis Russell and ~Irs quite a bit. 01 discussion and both I birthday and bec;~e iil tll'o rla)" p~rou~~, .. fM S:'~I .. , anc, went to the United Statts, dOli for Bristol where we It.yed at the Memorial Theatre, From of the Prmce of Wales COllcge.! Dalda Beimer were guests at a I Mr, HutchlOson and Mr. Decker, later. She also acted in the t:oited C'I . I II"L rn I was fortunate in beill, amonl tor two daYI and whil. there we Stratford On Avon we went to St. John'l. special party heid in their honour gal'e s~me. vaiuable information Stnlcs anrl Canarla. ' ~ be . man)" kr1il" the thlrt)'-three chosen 10 go tCl saw such Interesting lights II Oxford where we .tayed at Mall' Mrs. J, H. Penney and her' at the home of ~Irs. Gra1tam and adm.e on ho~ other hospitals ._,. C am~il~ld roll the British Isles and Gl'rmany. Cabot Tower, a sight whlct! no dalene Clolele for three days. We daughter, Miss Fiorence. Penney. \ ~Ioores on ~Ionday e\'ening. They sellie thiS question. ~lr. Perlin --.

We reported to R.C.A.F. Station Newfoundlander could omit on a toured around most of Oxford's \ returned from the Canadian lIIain.! are lea ring to reside elsewhere I nd ~Ir. Bullerf also helped to gl\'C Menagerie Lachine on the 11th of July for a visit to Brlslol. Another very ~2 colleges, but most of our time land on Sunday after a two months the former at SI. John's and ~Irs: \ a. clear. piclure of ~ome of the ~ \\'&lk of prcparing bef~re depart. Interesting occurence in Bristol in Oxford we were free to our· visit. with friends in ~Iontreal, i Beimer returns to her former difficulties that could arise if a ..... _________ -l Ina. Our May stay to lachine was a tour Ihrough the Bristol seh'es. after our three week tour HamIlton, Toronto and olher Can· I home in Hamburg. Germany. The), \ clenr·cut programme was not set ACROSS DOWS .. occupied mostly by drill, Aircraft Compan~' and a look at all over the country. adlan cities. Miss Penney will be I were Ihe rrdpienls o[ sC\'erai forth from the ~'ery beginning. It Illibernaling I Commonded tou~ and kit parades. Also 11 an old Roman lIIanor which was Aft r I . 0 f d resuming h~r dulles as a member: gifls for which thc)' ~aid "Thank I wa~. flnaliy deCIded that the fol· 5 ;,"ion:i~rr 2 ~~~~O:,~ ~a\'e us all a chance to lIet better "ery Interesting to anyone who b k ~ U ~~v:~1! X

h or we went IOf the teachtng ItaH of tbe United you" in a most charming and Iln\\lO

g ralcs should appl!'. Ward 9Slileh r

acquainted with cach other. has studied Tn&lish History. Also /C a th" ~ le w cre we sta~:ed Church Academy. I gracious manner. pallrnl5 S6,OO prr day: ~('mi prl· 12 .I.son's 'hip ~ R~~~t'llon. -While OIl T..achlnc, which is only It Bristol we law Clifton SUlpen. or .no .CI our d~)'S. During j --,--- _ ._':-_ ....... - --' .-- I vale 5A.OO, private SIO.OO. In· (mylh.) I ~I~mbranou!

ah(\ut6 miles from ~Iontrcal ,we I ~ion Bridgp, which II one of Ihe nur I:.,t V1s~t tal UxbrIdge most Of, ~-'~""');~ fanls, len days or Icss, $1.00 per Il RtllOn pourh were I:il'en some frce time in largest 01 Its kind in the world. o~~ Ime \las ree to oursel,'es dHI'. 14 Clnton In • .'.setndtd ~Iontrcal And had scveral tours The remainder of our Visit 10 e.l(cePt for a I!~y at Hawkmge Peopl I Th N S\\i1zerl&nd iTiriy through the city. For instance Enilland was made up of Ihort G~lding Bas~ whIch. was enjoyeci e nee w S ~Ir, Hulchin.on Innounceri 1I~at t~ Fo~d ~Xptrt R SOlnoln.",r,! :nl",r.1 we saw "otre Dame Church which visits to luch place~ as PI)'mouth, extremely h~ .ail. \\e also attend. . ,Ihe Olrl'ctor or 1I05))llal S~n'lcP 17 r.rttdy btu! t n~pllw "rr," : ,I i~ a replica of "otre Dame church whcre we saw the place where c.d a Searehlight Tatoo II White ~.\t4~ ... t, ·'.r '/~' .~.~:,="" ... -;,.g I itarl hcrn IPPOIllI!,d, the name In \a\\'orms l~~r~.I;.':t :~.~~!Hp"r in ~'rallce, and we were given a the ~Ia~'nower set sail from Buck. Clt~' Stadium where we saw ,orne . """ ,. ,.,.... ~ ..... '" ~ ..,~~, hp. al1~olln('ed soon, me~nwhlle ~~ ~~~~i'~s~lain! (;I't. aor "',U:"n conductro lour through the Can. la~d Abbey which is Ihe former of the. best bands and drlli teams \ Mr. anI! Mr!, John n. Adams o[ ~Ir. John ~. ~loore5 I'elurned' ~I!'~ Shirley ~'reer, who has been :3 Baseball's 11 Chfnllr~1 ;~ ~:~:;:~d'~r.' II adlan Aircraft Company where home ci Sir Francis Drake. Othor In the world. Corner Brook are \isiting ~Ir. [1'0111 tite Labrudor by the s.s.1 ~Irector Out!>Ost Hospitals fOI' - Mallit ~Itm~nt ~I Shad_ of P"';~ We saw the new Britannia on the things we saw In Plymouth wer. About 11:00 •. m., Augult 11 we and ~rrs, John Udell and family "Kyle" Riter a very enjoyable Nova Scotia I~nue h~re on Sep· :4 Conditionl %0 TIJ"hS 3\ .fac:: n" - II asaembly line. We abo aaw the Drake's Drum and an old chair flew from London Airport to. Miss. Dorothy ,Udell spent a holiday at Ballie Hr. tember 3rd to orgamze t~le hos· 17 ~:l~~e" neck '~~~I;~I~1 411 Argus which Is ltill In the experl. made tram the wreck of the Gold. (F) Wing In Baden Soeillngen week In SI. John 5, the guests 'of Mr. John T. Pike Is back to work pUal programme. She Will Ilay 29 Smnt 24 Nollon :~ ~~~:I~ UterI mental ,tage.. en Hind. Germany, While there we w.r~ her brother Alec and fami\>'. al Saunderd, Hawell & Co., after about 3 month •. Mr. ~ecker stat~d 32 Crown 2~ Dlmver Iharpl,

On the morning of July [6th we After leavln8 Bristol we went shown around the statiQn b lome Mrs, E, L, F.lood arrived from a round trip on the S.S. Kyle. thnt ads for nurses and. oth~r u MUle 01 ",ont by bus to DDrval Airport. \ to Bath where we saw the old of the jet.pllots and we ha~ Grimliby, Onlano, a day or lwo Airs. Wm. Brown and youn/! staff member. Ire now runmn~ In l.tronoll1l' ,,', wert ~I~'en a farewell Ipeeeh Roman Bathl where the Romana free time in nearby townl .ome ago, on a viait to her mother elauchter. Lisa June, arrived from the daily papers and selections 38 Lilt h,' the Prf'sldenl (If Ihe Air Cadet i used to bathe, At Bath we wert 'Mn. Wliliam Siunden. ,Corner Brook% during the w~ek wili be made In the near future. 37 Nun ),ea.ur. ~Ir. LedrM and the Gpn. ,I'nlertain~d hy the local win, of On August 115th, we I.ft Ger. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of, on' a visl \to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. From lotelt reports we know that ~:~~rtmtn" ~r.l .\\anagrl" of Ihr Lcal:ue, ~Ir. i Ihe Air Tt'ni~nIR Corp,. Although many for Montreal. Now W8 could SI. John's are holidaying with Mr~'1 Snllndt'rs. painting the Inside of the hospital "1 Marlner'1 ~lcDnnairl. \\'1' had pictu~c~ taken: nur \'isit la En~iand was moaily look back and really realize jUlt Smith', mother, Mrs, William Mr. anrl ~Irs, Barlon arrived Is pro!:ressing satisfactorliy and dlrecllon h)' the pre~~ and Ihe Air' rorce'j' loun And nn.schedul,. visilS we what the trip was like, Not 10 Saunders, I from Fl'c(ll'I'lC'kllln N.B, on Sat· the building shouid be ready for 42 OrHk Jetter hrfor~ departure. did hat', quile a hit of free time milch the fact that we saw so Mrs Arlhur T'eIlIlP),. ~ll's. Anuir ,lInI3)' (or the IIlarria!:e of their opening in September, .. ached· 4.Swl" 'Lpft ~Ionlrral ahoul II :00 ~.m .. Anr! plrRsure. Such WM the case many wonderful sights Ihat we Penney Illd Mr Grrry Govcr arr i ~on, Con>tahle Frederick Earl S uled. mountalnl

,Iuly 161h. hy ~C.\F ;-';ol'th St~r \\'h~n we visitcd the .easlde lum. never dreamed of .eelng, but the In town, the guests of Miss Ada Barton, R,C.M.P. and Miss Gert: ·';:n:;.:arrow hr+-+-nA-1f-bk-~I-L.r ~nd dltr touchms riawn at Gan. 1 mer resorta of Weston.Super, faet that we met so many wonder. Pike. rude Ann Saunders, During their 40 Follow ' li;r for t\\'o hours we started ollr Mare, Minehead, and Llandudno. ful people who went more than Mlu Eileen LeDrew of Brook stay tht!y are gUeits of Mr. and CONFEDERA:;:; DIES "BIIl~kblrd SI.2 hour flight across the ~t1an. On Augult 31st we left for out of their way to entertain us Iyn, N,Y., U.S.A., Is In town, the I Mu. W. P. Saunders. . CRESTVILLE, Fla. lAP) - Wi~ f~~~~YIIrt-+-++...Ja:-lIlt4-+-1...U tie. The flight Itself wasn t too SeoUl lid and landed In Turnhouse and to make our stay In the Brit. guest of ~lr. and Mrs. W!1liam ilum A, Lundy, a 109·year-old bad except tor the monotony ,and which Is just outside Edlnbur,h. Ish !ales IS pleasant as one (Quid Duff. , veteran of the American Civil for the fact that we cOllldn't sleep In the afternoon we lVere shown dream of. To those people and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Tador hal'e I . CIIOLEP \ KILLS 6n2 Wur, died Sunday night thin nine 100 well with. all t~e noise, About through Edinburgh Cutle and IlW Itt th. Air Cadet League a~d to returned home after a tll:O months NEW. DELHI (AP) - A cholera Ithe ranks Of the soutiiern Con· 1~.00 DO?n we arrtl'ed at Bourne-I most of the Interestlnll .I.hli If membera of the RCAF [ wish to holiday in the. elpil~1. : epidemIC has taken 692 live~ in: federate army to two olher c~n· mouth aIrport where.we at~ and I Edinhurl!h. Th, followinll day expreu my aincerest thanks for ,~Ir. S. Butt Is back At work ~I '~Ihar sl.t~, in easlrrn India, dllr·ltenarians. Lunli)' wOllld hn\'e \lAshed u~ for Oll~ msperllM at; welollrpd thraueh solne of the fac. making lUeh e wonderful trIp: \\. Inti J. Moores, after a Iwo 109. Ihr .Iasl tll'O I~('rk,;. prC.iS rt'.: bee.n. 110 next Jan, 18. The reo l.ond~Rlrpor:.. b~.A'r ~Iarshal.tol'll\ of Ih, ~ul'r(\\lncjlnlllrea .nrllpo~~lbl" !werks '·a~atlon. :POI~S S31d loday, 1he reports ~"Id Im,BlUlng Confeiler.ale I'tlernas art , . _ _------... --. thrle \\rrt 301 chol. ..• de3lh; :\\ailc!' W. Willtams, 114, and:

: during Ihf prr('cding 111'0 II'rrks. I John Sailing. 11 J. I ,


mfllure 67 Devices lIIed

by ,Direr. 68 Decree 59 Droop 80 SinJ~r.

FuneeJ-81 ChlIMe1



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were was the

do not kno' to sign Jane Fren

French were the wedding to William P

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to indicat . edUcation '1 1tI Spaniard',

. , , .

Page 11: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY



1957 l'

ANIARD'S BAY NEWS Is England's Mon'archy Facing A Crisis?,Here's The Story Of The Strange Rumblings Going On~ ..

Peop e In The News SPANIARD'S BAY, Sept. 3-Rev.1 Harbour West, Fortune Bay, who

W. T. and Mr.. Brown and their spent two weeks here with hel three children of Bay L'Araent, daughter, Mrl. Ron Noseworthy, Fortune Bay, were here last week has aone to SI. John'a, . as the gue.ts of Mr. and Mrs. Win· ston Sheppard. Rev. Brown and his Miss Sylvia Learnln, of 51. family have now moved to Bad· John's visited friends here over the ger's Quay. weekend.

Church Services

Behind Britain's Purple Curtain I

, I ! (Ever since a peer called Queen I 'with the momcntous choice be-Elizabeth's speechcs a "pain in the i twccn Harold )Iacmillan and neck"-and got a slap in tlte foce; 'Richard Rusten Butler.

ANGLICAN 'I for salling it -: there h~ve been i ,;',;' , The Queen has certain other (Rector, Rev. Canon T. E, Loder) strange rUIR,bhngs ,be/nnd the I 'real powers which are hers alone.

12th, Sunday after Trinity, PUTP!e Curtalll of Bnhsh TOl/alll/, I ,Only she can summon, terminate, Holy Redeemer Church Splnlard's r Here s the fIrst oJ Jour dIspatches I lor dissolve Parliament. Only she'

Bay' 'in which NEA's London corre, I I can grant pardons or confer peer·

Miss Berdlna Murrin has com· menced teachJng at Bay Roberta and Miss Marina Nell haa taken up similar duties at Shearstown,

U,OO a,m,-Matlns. spondent tells the meaning of tlIOS~ , '. ' ; : ages and honors, And no bill Mr. and Mu. Harold Gosse 2.15 p,m.-Sunday School. struggles in ~ monarchll AllleTl': l I I passed by Parliament can become

with their daughters Yvonne and 7.00 p,m.-Evensong, ' cans will set In person when the, I law until is receives the ,Royal Cynthia returned last week hav· All Saints' Church, Tilton ,Queen visits tile United Slates III: \ ' Assent. Ing spent their vacations touring 8,30 a,m,-Holy Communion, 'October), I I What would happen if the '" the Atlantic provinces.' ROMAN CATHOLIC; • • • I' Queen refused the Royal Assent,.

, II

Visiting Mr. and Mn. S. W, St. Anne's Church, Spaniard's Bay I By TOM A, CULLEN no one knolVs. for this question Brazill here la't week were Mra. Visiting Capt. Selby and Mrs, 10,30 a,m.-Mass; Celebrant, ReI',! LONDON (NEA)-The greatest I I has never arisen in the past 250 : Ha),ward PlIce of Battle Harbour Yetman here over the week·end Fr, Hynes. 'I show on earth, bar none-" ! : years, the last time the Royal', I "

and her daughter Jean who Is a were Mrs. Eben Spurrell, MIss UNITED CHURCH This is one American's ecstatic i 'Veto was used being In 1707. , student nurse at the St. john's Gen· Jelln Spurrell and Mr. Leslie Snel· (Minister, Rev S. R. Purchase, \ verdict after watching Queen 'I' I Elizabeth also presides over th •

• O'KE eral Hospital, grove from Harbour Grace, also B.A., B,D.) Elizabeth 11, a tiny spot of scarlet I Privy Council. which has 8~ ,t,Rt ,. ' -- Mr. a'nd 'Irs, Lemuel Squires and b k' h d • d 117 I t' I th I "11.00 a,m,-Mornlng Worship, in a forest of eers In· aUe ,r I i prove proc ama Ions n • BA\' Sept, 3-)!r" Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Crane of two children from Manuels, guardsmen, at a recent Trooping Ii \', I first hall of 1957, Including the ~'Il~an for the; Bell Island spent the Labour Day. of the Color ceremony in her hon· II constitution of the new State of

,l in Conception I weekend at TUton as the guests of Mr. Harry Chipman has return· B' thd our, Ghana. IlaleS here on; )Irs, William Crane. ed from Corner Brook having I r. ays The description, I( corny. is not: : She can grant royal charters to

, I'r Toronto where I -- spent a holiday with his lister at a bad one. Viewed simply as a I I : corporations, coin money, elalm :\~;rr bu;inrss with ~Ir. James Je~er of the C.N.R. at the west coast city. SPANIARD'S BAY, Scpt. 3- spectacle, the British monarchy \ i 'I any treasure trove found In her .• ' brothrr,m,law, A Corner Brook II presently here Mrs, William Vokey of Bell Island I cannot be beaten l For pomp and • domain, Infants and insane pe~ I· ~f ('han~t hland. : on vacation with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Ches Cr&ne from Toronto celebrated her birthday on Labou~ I ceremony, for the sheer splendor ,~ons arc her wards, Also. onl,.

llr, OJke look up I and ~Irs, James Jewer. Is presently holidaying with her Dt>y. We hope that she enJoyed, of Its medieval pageantry, it is, she can print or license other. t(l.: :j "',. oler twO years -- mother, ?tin. Israel Gosse. every minute of It, I without rival in Europe today. : 'print the Bible, ' I

<1:\t;h,1 time made I Vi~ltlng ~!rs, Arthur Seymour I It Is also one of the world's A lot of nonscnse I.! written, ::;~:; "ho arr j:rnu·, here on Saturday were Mr. and Here from St. John'. to spend Miss Dorothy Gosse will have i most costly extravaganzas, The I ;!holll British royally, Some II'rit·, "" ,It him Iral'c: For , ~Irs, Oswald ~lIIler and ~lIss the weekend with hil son was llr, a birthday on Thursday, September I question arises, can Britain afford m go all mystical in desdbing , " ~I; rHO a (althtul ' )Iaudle Se~'mour of St. John's, and Duncan Chipman. :\, Best wishes come f~om her I it _ cinch·in·your·belt Britain, I ,hcr s\'mbolic role, There is how-

member 01 Holy: lor the Labour Day weekend. ~Ir. friends .nd from her famIly. which not long ago asked to post. I ever, . a sense in II'hich Eli7.tbeth , I'hoir and here' and ~Irs. Bert Christoph~r of Pia· Mr. and Mr.. Ken Babb and I '

I Fr h ,-- ,pone payment on the 1945 U,S. ,I is a smybol of national un Iy, ln' "111 be ml;$ed, We I centla and :llr. and Mrs, Gerald Mrs, Ethe Bourne of es water, Congratul tote ddt f I C d'Cf t d • i Placentia, were the weekend a I ns are ex n e, 0 loan? Is royalty 100 expansive or I THE QUEEN TROOPS TilE COLORS: "Tht preale,lt sl,olV on hom peop es a I eren cr~e s •

. _ '~r )Ir~, Oake. r.nd i Samuelson with the r two sons, Mr. Lewis Sheppard whose btrth· the British taxpayer? earlh," but CUll the British taxpayers slill offord It?" ,rares and ori~ins find inspiration ';':ihttr Lorraine, all: Keith and Karl. guests of Mr, and Mrs, Bert Neil, day Is on Friday, September 6,! Certainly the British monarchy: ! and strength, Illlll ihal ,,~oorl for I -- Happy birthday, Dr.<!, from Gordon, has enjoyed the longest run of any \ Since World War n. India, I tice," commander·in·chid oC all, Thus, when !he broadrasts til

, Attendlni the Diocesan Loyalty Schools Reopen Gall and Wayne. show on record, Not counting the I Pakistan, Burma. Ceylon, Sudan, !he armed forces, and head of the, the nation and \0 the Common· 'Dinner at St. Mlchael'a School brief interlude of Oliver Cram. South Rhodesia. Ghana (formerl), established Church of En'61and, ! wealth at Christmas, she is list-: auditorium on Wednesday even In, MAt N il 'II 1 bt' I' , of last week as repre~entatl\'e5 of r, ugus us ,e WI ce e ra e well. it has been playing non·stop I the Gol~ Coast). and noll' the I In, theory, without consu hng 'ened to as a unil'crsal mother, t~e this parbh werc: Mr. Llewellyn SPANIARD'S BAY, Sepl. 3-The his birthday on Frida)' also, Best for 1,100 years, In comparison, the i ~~dcrahon o~ ~Ialaya - all have 1 Parliament. the Queen, can upset i onc Iil'in~ link of a common kill-

h I two Ichools under the Spaniard's wllhes from his son Llewellyn, I British law courts are only 800 JOined Ihe Independence parade,' all cml government, disgrace the: ship and heritagp., I Jones. Mr. A. R. d Gus ue, ~~' Ba)' Board of Education opened years old while Parliament is a i Side by side with the older do·! nation by a bad war or peace. or, , . NEXT: H'g no "Queen for a DOli" I Lelds R, Gosse an Mr. E. . on Tuesday morning of this week. Best w!shes from the family go mere stripling of 700 years, minions of Canada. Australia, !\ew I leave it defenseless by scrapping; snop, Vokey. lioly Redeemer School shows an to Lorraine Reid whose birthday • • • Zealand and South Africa, these its armed forces, But in practice i '

Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Neil hal'e reo Increaae In registration but the Is on Tuesday, September 10. It has for its leading lady one new sovereign states noll' take i she acts only on the advice of her 'I l\1,\RRIES ARISTOCR .. \T , SA\', Srl't, 3- turned to Corner Brook after spe!ld. staff remains the ume In number. Mrs, 's, Anthonv. will observe of the most attractive personali· thetr place as members oC the I ministers, whirh ~he cannot can· LO:WON (AP )-The eldest !on ~l: thr long'awaited Ing the summer here. Tbose making up the teaching staff ties In public life today, Elizabeth British Commonwealth of Na·, ,:'lati(,nally ignore, 10C Lord Burgh Thursday married

lome hi~torical lire Mr. W, Hedderson, B,A" her birthday on Monday, Sept em, II, who can trace her ancestry tions. I "The Queen reigns, but ~he does! ado c k IV 0 r k e r 's daughter: I I I "I E H V k I ber 9, and Mrs, Elizabeth Peddle 'd . t I'" th 'f 1 AI d /H! from the year Mr. John C. Chipman left on pr nc pa, "r. . . 0 ey, v ceo back to the Saxon king, Etlbert, in Betng free to come an go In; no ru e. IS e magic ormu a I Bearded 22 • year' old exan er

Illonday for St. Phillip's where he principal, Mr. Roy Mercer, Mr. tri~~;, LJ~~~~m~~!1 1~~ e~go~~ ~~ the ycar 829. the Commonwealth as they like,! which expresses her powers, and, Peter Willoughh)' Leith and 20·

the records do has accepted the vlce.prlnclpalship Lewis E. Gosse, Miss Lorraine these left here on last Frida" and Her billin, on the theatre mar·' how much longer will they recog· i none but the British could ha\'e: year • old Anita Eldridge were f'OPulation of the of the Anglican School. Sheppard, Miss Marina Holwell, ' quee (If one could find a mar· nlze the British Crown~ ,del'ised such an ingenious one. I'married in a eil'iJ ceremony. No tht letllement of I _ Miss Fredrlca PlItman, Miss Harris, ~eturned to Toronto. HAPPY birth, quee large enough to take It) A constitutional monarchy. It Is: If Elizabeth does not rule, if she relatil'es were pre sen l. The

mUlt hal'e had Miss Alice Jewer left on Sunday Mill Patrlcll Greenslade, Min I)'S to you. would read: "Elizabeth II, by God called; yet Britain has no written, can do nothing without ministerial I groom 5aid Lord Burgh was not ; The spelling Is for' Hodge's Cove. Trinity Bay, to Edna Morgan. E of the United Kingdom of Great constitution In the American sense: ronsent, if she a mere figurehead~ i well and the brirle\ par?nts were ule tooa)', enn to resume her ttachlng duties, The three·room Ichool of All ngagements Britain and Northern Ireland and of the word-only an iIl·defined \ The world was given a sharp, not inviled a~ it "would Mt be

"5". Salntl at Tilton Is It III without of her other Realms and Territor. assortment of laws. customs and reminder that the monarchy still! Cair tn ha\'c one ~ide and not the remded then Mr. and Mr~, Harry !lIhop and a principal but a teacher has been SPANIARD'S BAY, Sept. 3-! ies Queen. Healer of the Common· conventions. some of which date ~ has teeth when Elizabeth was; olher." • '

found here, These famll)" accompanied by Mr. and ~~~~r~iss f;~ostt~~ B!~t~~t~:J: The engagement has rece~tly been 1 wealth, Defender of the, F~lth." back \0 the Jutes, the Celts and! cal:ed upon to name a succcssor; BmW. Hutchings, Mrs, Fred Seabrlght. were here announced 01 :11m ~fartna Neil,! In the past 10 years Brltam h~s ,the. Plcls, It? SIr Anthony Eden: ,llho re.! A ~no\\pl,,\\' i.,~tolcn in Grand Ir.O\\' 'pelled :O;ose· from Gander to spend the long returns to take charge of the daughter of Mr, and, Mrs, August::s gil'en independence to 507 mIl·! ~o one appcars to know Cor eer, 'sl~ned as pnme mllllster lasl Rapid<, ~lich. This just show~

lc~!r, Peddlt <spelled weekend. • ju*~r room." h Nell of Spaniard's Bay, to: lion peoples, or nearly one,quarter i tain which of these la\\'~ are us'' .JanU3T)'. , ' how Car wc h:Jl'e come in th~ (:::Oil, Flynn (spelled e two,room oman Cat olie Robert, son ,oC Mr, and Mrs, Max, ; oC the human race-while during I able, and which obsolete, Ordmarlly tht "amlnt, of a rl~ld of economic planning sinc,

MH, Chipman. Visiting llr. and ~lrs, E. R. School of St. Anne's .t Spaniard's well ChurchIll of Bay Roberts. I this pcriod world communism has I Take the Queen, for examplr" pnme mlnl,ter .s automatiC, But the day whrn snowplow.gtcalin. Anthony. Roberts, Vokey here on Saturday were ~Ir. Btty will hal'e its principal Miss ,enslaved another quarter of man. In law, Eli7.abeth If i~ hrad 01' Eden's slIf\c1rn w,,~n~1tnn left IllS 11';>, tholl~ht of as a se3;onal oc'

I,pcllcd Juer). and ~Irs. William (Bill) Robart B. Delaney 'a.ln this ,.elr. Last week Mr, and ~{rs, Claude, kind 'the Stale. the "fount~in rof ju~·p~rty Ic"d~I'I~~, .nrl the Qtlcrll cllp;!tinn, Chme COI'C (re'llnd daughter'Sandra, of Seal Cove, Hohvell ,of Herring Neck an.: _.:.. .. --.--, -, .... -",-' , COlt In 1840) at I ~Irs. Thomas Bond. ftlso Mrs. WII· nounced the engallement of thcir "r ftnd Smith, lIam Bond and her son Kel'in of LOh R daughter, Vil'ian, In Lewis, son 01

Go"e. Peddle, Channel. And ol'er the weekend 1 rary eopens Mr. ,and Mr~, Gordon Jone~, COlt there "'ere they had ~Ir. Rnd Mrs. William LeIlU, • former radio nun with

",1 tlmllk. or Aram~, Vokel' from Bell Island and Mr, SPANIARD'S BAY S I "Th the Departmcnt oC Tr;,nsport, i~ :::'11,, LynCh., and 'Mr~. ArthUr W.' Barrett of ~ • ' ep,.~ C nolV attached 10 the Newfound. ':I:? Ihrke Greeley Gander I Sp~nlard 5 Bay Community, Library Constabulary. and ViI'ian is on I H;;<I!, 8i'hQP, , ' ,whICh has betn closed $lnee the' the oWer. ~tall oC Dicks' and:

ltCMdrd lIa' that; Mr, And ~lrl, Samuel Vokes of C'nd ~r "unt. reopened .on Monday Com pan),. SI. John'l, ' " ~I!I Bmw, 111ft of I St .• Iohn·. "'ent Ihe lont! weekend of, thl,' w~ek, Lalt year s Iibnrian, "'I. on ,\pnl lA, 177~, I here with Mr. and ~Irs. William ~Im Behnd~ Yetman, . ~al ac· \~m h;,~ I hat 01, Jewer cepted a teaching pOlltion at I'm' I mnnthl, on ' Bonne Bay, and sbe has b~en IUC'

, :! :;;11 : Cons\. Lewis Jones And Miss Vi\,. ceeded by Miss Sylv!a ~eil. ~1~r.I;t mordrd \I'AS! ian HollI'ell are presently on holi. The library I sstlll located i,n

lm~~ Gnm 10 ~\ary, daTs which they are .pending at the buement oC th' Ichool. In tt ,~ )'bruII,1 ~, 11\04. in I Herring Neek. ma), be found plenty of good

~I Jamt! Ilut~hings _ reading material for young and old SlIrmdrng rt" Mr, Cah'in Gosse i~ this week Rnd It Is hoped that tba number

Puzzle All Purpose Coard. I:

~!rt performed attending a meeting of the Lumber o( readers will Inereaae. A visit " 'I

to nott that all by men;

Dealers Association on the Main. to the IIbr8l1 II alway. worth land, while.

'IS tht law Or the II cot kno"', The first

to li,n a marriage lIte French who with

were the attend. lidding o{ Mary

William Piddle, iAJ!ItllinK point we ~t man}' 01 the con.

at marriages "nd tould write which indicate that .ome

'had been hI .~ IPlnillrd'. Bay before

Mrs. Fred Brazil of SI. John's Is here this week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. "t. Brazlll.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yetman arid their daughter Lynn have returned from their holidays which they Ipent at St. John's.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker with their dauahter Shirley spent last week· end with friends at Bel1 Island.

~fr. and lIrs./Nath Saunders and children from Buehans are holl· daylng here with Mr, and Mrs. John A, Hulchlnll~.

Mrs, ~I. ShepPlI'd has returned fl'om Topull where ahe apent two pleasant weekA with Mr .• nd MI'I. James Miller.

Note Of Thanks SPANIARD'S BAY, Sept. 3-

Mrs. Mary Seymour and famlly of Spaniard', Bay wish to thank all kind friends .nd nelghours who helped them In Iny way during the IIlne.s of and after the death of a loving husband and lather, Arthur Seymour. Special thanks are offered to Rev. Cllnon T. E, Lod,er, Rev, H, M, Ballen (Upper Island Cove). Dr. C. Avery of Bay Roberts. Mrs. Winsloll Shep, pard, R,N" AI", Lewil Sheppard, : R.N" .Ind to the many who Itnt I wreMths, leleJl'ama, c. rd. or! letteu.

Church Notes Miss BerlhaNoseworthy and her friend Miss Piercey of SI. John .~, apent their holidays here wJ:1I Bertha's grandmother, Mrs;' FannIe

_ Noseworthy. SPANIARD'S BAY, Sept. 3-The BAY. Sept. 3- - Sunday Schools will re·open on

and Mrs, Lloyd I Home from Gander 10 '!lend the this com In, Sunday afternoon lit IL. .,~."., .. , at • stork weekend with their families were 2,15,

\\'iIlllm H. Gosse Mr., Clayton Noseworthy and ~Ir. The Senior Choir will reasscmble I lut. Twenty. Seward' Noseworthy. , for practice on Thursday evening

Th att.

e firat - ,The Junior Choir will hold their !I'll 'lion by Mh. Mr. Ind Mrs: Cyril Williams and usual practlee. on Friday after.

for blnlo family have returned to Pouch noons at 4.1~. Mra, Donald Cove h.vlrit .pent a week here with Several vacancies exlat In the

~ohn Hutchln,. Mn, WIlUaml' par.nt., Mr. and Senior Choir, so the church by prlul, Mr. Mn. 'Ebenezer Gosse. or,anlat will b. pleased to hear

reciPient of lom~ " "_ from or of men ,and women who

~~_"I~liiileiiirv~e~d'iiiiiii;~M~r"~Lo~u~I~le~, ~FI~.n~d~e~r .~O~f ~E~n~il~IS~It: would be willing to fill thein, ~': Children who would like to become

member. of the junior choir are asked to lee Mrs. Loder. A. L. COLLIS'







'New Arrivals. ConJl'&tulations are extended to

Mr, .nc!, Mrs. Dewey Hutchlna. (HuuJ\lnp' Garage) on the birth of I daulhte: It the Grace' Hos· pltal, St. John'., 0 n Friday, Auaust SO, I alater for Claudine.

A daughter wal, born to Mr. and Mra,' Ha.rold Noseworthy on Tue,day, Au,ust 27, and a daughter was born to Mr. and Mra. Clayton NOieworthy on 'Thrulday, Augult

~-__________ .;... __ , 39.' Conlfltulatlonl, '

IN THE GRASS -tarl is out ()n the lawn looking, as he says, for a lucky something, You will know what he Is looking I

for if you take a pencil and join I all the numbered dots together, Itartlng with dot number one and I'

ending with dot number wenty. seven. Carl saYs if he finds one it will be sure to bring him good luck. Color with your paints.

FOR A Complete Line of'




Topsail Grocery



I i I ,

r Here we see each board being

weighed and tested after coming

from the pres ••

These controls allure the build·

Ing trade of a board with uni.

form density and satisfadory

moisture content.


FIBRPL Y has been ar:know!edged

in both Canada and th9 U.S.A.

as being a very

shaving board.

high quality

This quality is obtained by a

proper utilization of sized wood

particles, good resins and quality




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Page 12: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY


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.' 12~ ________________ -:-:::::::::::::~/=,~~::::::::::::~~ ____ ~ ______________________________ ~m~E~D~A~llY~NE~W~S~,~TH~U~RS~DA~~~~aER

.This Pag~ Is ,Presented

with 'the ,Con'pliments 01

I The Great Eastern Oil Company Limited Al responded three Ispadts and I

:al'ol),n lI'~nt on to four, She ex·' 1l'c1ed that the bidding was over

;\,hcn "10 and behold" Al bid five diamond~, f 1IIIIl_;W"'~,,""-4 'fhi~ hid wa~ a new nne to!


,h~1' anrt ~hp. wonrlered JUlt what; I was _oing on. finallv she decld.! I td that AI wanted to know thaI I ,$hp. could handle he ncond dla.

ly 06WALD JACOBY : mond lead, Hence. In 'pite ol U you 'I\'lnt to han 10m. fun' her minimum hlBh card holdln,

1rith today', hand. copy dOlln the I and the lact that AI's bid had come Nerth and South hand, and ,Ive I as a complete aurprlse to her, thtm to your friend. to bid. Seven I she bid aix diamonds • .,.481 II • lay.down but it II. This WII enough lor At. He fairly touJh ,rand slam !{I reach closed the blddln, by • call of lis' aelentlflc blddlnB method., I seven spade I.

Of eourse lInt nf ~"rlh rl:I\'cl'~ This arUcle .hould probably 1riI1 .lml'l), chrf'k (nl' ~'" .... , hal'. started by mellonln, that Illty hear the cpenln, spade bid . '"rolyn and AI won the lourna· and then go I" "II'; .' l1I~nt against a "ery ,trona field. alamo This mtthod "ould Hlrrer" I[ Ihi~ i~ an examplt of their bid· Ihll time but it I~ not difficult to llin~ II i~ eas)' to lee wh~' '/.Iey did " up • lot of "er.l· s~lInd ~padp.: ~o II ~Il. bid. whkh II'iIl Ipil'p no play At

11l\\!h~;h~1 ~~~:'~I~I~m~nd Caro!)'n ',~B:: 1 ;1 '!r£',!l(t Lel'itt held th .. hand in the St.

WEST .73 .Ql0H .J9U .,32

}I10llTfi "KH~ .. A K ~2 .. A In 6 3 ,.A

lAST IIJ .8853 • Q8H • K 1086

SOUTH (0) .AQI0842 'IJ ."

I Q-Th, "Irifllng has b~'n: EA,t ~olll h \\,~,t Sorth

,I ... 1 ., Pm 1 • ; ra~' ~

YflU Soulh. hold: • ~ ., A K 8 7 8 tA J 10 9 8 , ",J

Whr.t do you do? A-Bid three diamonds. It Is

up to ~'ou to show lome real strength noll'.

·roU.\ Y'S QUESTION Your partncr ralse~ to fnllr dia·

mOllds. Whut do YOII do now',' A'I'Wff Tomorrow

t·10 tJl._aJ. ....... ., .. ,., .... -..

to all of us ~ the olher fellow'l . • • •

Wonder wherl' the photograph· ~\'s at 'tHnmer rcsort. Bct their woodl'n fish,

, . . . • QJ7H

BlIth \'ulnerabl~ Routh Wtll North I " I'a~. ~ • 4. ra~.. 5.

"WI,LL" , All tH,pouJlrt bub)' boy was horn; Rul education I~ expensive, says In the lIo~se o[ nepre~entatl\'CS, III Kentucky. Dlmost big «'nough a colleg .. professor. But not as

" • PR~~ 7" Pa., Pus O~tn,n, ICI.r:-.t ~

Eul Po is ra>s Pus

the "wrll" IS Ihr. .pace between, costly sometimes .. ienorance. Ilhr clt-rk's desk. which Is immedl. ' , : .tely in front of the speaker', I rostrum, and lhe first row of 5eals'i . POWF.RJo'UL LATHES

I 'Ther, i~ ,R rlrsi~n on holh ~irlrs', ' BiJ( Industrial hthu will tilkl! nf the GreRI Seal nf tbe t:nlled to /:I\'e mom R 11ft. hUI 100 lIi~cr~ 100 leel long And thp chuck

LeuiA reJi~n~l~ tho, 1"J\rrltheir ~tAtC!, I.m nlll)' the nh\,pr~r. ~ide· bla for mom to ill', a lift. ' will rarry • ",tight (If 100 tons In IIrnhlem "8)' In\'~nljn~ a "rits of I~ 115Pt! for impression on dotu.: • • • ills jal\'~, Accnrnina to the Encye\o-tlldl. l\1flll~.' I The one dyty Ihat'6 alwaYI pl~ln lI,dll Britannlc~. --_. -.... _--_ ...



I ~~~H


.. --.. --.. -- '--/"O'O;tii'FoilG~;;;;::;;;;n ...-----.------

eoJIlplete lin turo ACCESSO allflY' In ato

pIAL 90141

Parts I


&peclllisL~ PERMA!'IE

11. PATRI( DIAL 21


Page 13: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY


Welding Confectionery Electrical Appliances

. LTD· :l 11~\r.D.uf, !IT.

fflicient Semc. DJ.\L !0!7

I C!~plele I\n, of 1110 ACCESSORIES inn In ,loa

DIAL 90141

Nlld. Armatur. "'orb

38 BambrJcIr Str~tt

Dial '7191·2


Cilu.lles, Fruit, Ice Cream Qild Drinks.

W. GIve Good Senlc •• lown Streel. DI.I.I0M

Contractors \\" BtJRTON


MDdemWn~ Remudelllll" Rep Work.

.. LeMlrchallt 10." DIAL Its.





ladllllrlal Eledrklqa

" Hamllloll Sireet. omr. u" •••. u.~'1


",eDc, Oe,artlllelll Itl Waler SI . Dill 1101


HEAP. PARTNERS-(NFLD.) LTD. Wlrlnf MaterIals, Wire and

Cab es, Moton, Sbrterl, LlmpI, Swltchel, LlllhUn,

Fixtures, etc. ".AlEHOUSE PRINCEII ST.

DIAL 5085

Electrical Service JONES ELECI'RlC

.. 'RESCOTl' ft. DLU 6&28

SpeeiaUsh 111 Moton, G.lllfltor., iteam Iran. Ind .U HouuhoJd App lec ...


SERVICE Electrical ConlrarlOf

4011 Wiler Slreet, It. JOIIIl'I, NtwfOUlldlHd,

Plloat 83"

Contractors Supplies E · _--- UNITED NAn.. AND----. _n..;v:;..l_ne_s. ___ _


Hillin. Iud Vtlltilatioll. B.\KJ::RY --.

r!.HI~[ST BREAD, UW led PASTRIES ~llln Nedoundland

Iill O'Cbl~1 lIlAL mt

!;Itill;!l. 1ft m~IA.\E~TS. III PATRIC' n.

DilL 23P2

Materials D.m'E, LTD.­

&T. 1114 'fOPSAIL 1\0.

'"III,our Bulldto, ltquirtmentl call "111_ lOll'


Lhurch Furnlah. lid kthzinlls Artiel ...

DilL mZ 1\4 WATER ST.


Struetural Ind Re·iDfl)rcln. Sletl.


Cus·toms Brokers

I. la. I. BARBOUR LT8.---'

I Dlltllbutora of: Kelvill Marille Dluell

Eelvls R\cllde Gil haiDtI. rull Line of Spare Parll. '11 . '" WATU IT.

DIAL "11 ,

Florists P. F. COLLINS ---- _______ _



DIAL 1841· tI ..


151 OUal\'ORTB ft. DIAL 1197

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEB Ire. '.00 .... t. 11.10 p ...


LAMBF.RT'8 COUGH IJDVP CIIl b. obtailled at




~t. Clare Aye ........ Dial filS Lolli'. Rill 1114

Queea'. 10.. ..DIal JU, T.A. BulIdfJI"

Duchordl st. .. DIal .1M

Dry Cleaning DOWNS DRY-----, CLEANING LTD.

Covering St. John'. wllh rut. Efflci.nt Servlel. l' HAMILTON AVI.



at Hour Service for Repair. to Motorl, Generator. a ••

Houlehold Appllilleel. OlAt lle.

ROWSE OF fLOWERS lervhlSt. Jolla'. from JoeatllJlI.:


102 W"TER .,. DIAL 1.4'0

Fruit Stores EMPIRE FRUrr STORES -

lor the rrllhllt FruIt 111 ToWll call. _ •

ZMPIRB om &TOR 1" 'Itrlek Street, OW 1851

L ". Daetwonh St" DIal "11 2 LocatlOUl. ' ___ 1

Fire Insurance CROSBIt.: co" LID. --.,

Aleah for tlNDERmlTF.R. ".,


LOW RATEI 81A,L 5011

Fish Stores em Flit'll SHO. -----..


hrvlel, QUIUt" Vlllet:!'


TORBAY ROAD p.eklnft, Cratlnl' Shlppln.

A,enll or Am, VID Lin .. T. C. BIBBS /luI,.

Ilel. 841111; Oi/le. t006J.l

LEDREW'S EXPRESS LTD. / 1'" stJt&WOaTI n. I<!eal' U. 11.1 tII".net ",orill,. ~.)dl', .. aua,. &ad "1'1'11,. (Il ...... " C.W.A ••• d 101.101.1',,\. '.t"" fer tJ~II.. V.. IIftt •• D. It LeDIlEW, M .... er

0Hlc, 1111, War.hou .. NUl

Gift Shops LARACY'S

REMEMBRANCE SHOP Glfll, Gamn, Toy ..

NovelUe., Cout', Cards for all occaslonl

PIAL '~6~

Grocers B. WALSH


You Choice of what )'OU need DIAL 8160



.... PORTUGAL COVE .......... You can buy your IIroeeriu iust a. cheap II In St. John's

lid hal'e them delivered to your door without charege.

We live D.P.S. Stlmps

Garbage G.~RBAGE -----.

DISPOSAL Do )'OU have I larbage Dis­posal problem ill your base­ment or garden? If you have. call 7575 and your "'orries Irt oun.

Hardware Stores C.~LLANAN Ie co. 1


CALL ~~AN lad CO. r~T

opp. C.N.R. DIAL~t6&

Jewellers THOMPSON'S


When selecting I Dlamood Ring see our private Uiam.)ud Booth.

DIAL 4501

Matches BRYMAY

SAFE'IT MATCHES Dlalrlbuted by

FRANK McNAMARA LTD. Queeu St. Dial ma·«


Repr .... nllna RYGftADE FOOD PRODUCTI


Meat Wholesale H. C. SPARKES ----

Wholesale Pre-Pak Meats, Royat Haml and BAcon. Pork Cuts .nd Carcall Sausages and puddl!ll'

DIAL 6151

Meat Markets HARRIS lc HISCOCK LID. -I

GENERAL BAIDWAIE i ----------Dbtributou for Sunbeam '

Electrical Appliance~. ' 8portinll Goods and Sport .. Ii ,,'ur for all occasions.

DIAL 6016

Heating D. C. BISHOP -----.,


DIAL 3m CClmplele Plumbln. • ..

UeatinK Servlc. '






lep. Gllenl Eleetrfll . H KID", lei. DW 2918



DIAL '469 Complete'llp·to·dat.

Meat Market

Oils, Lubricating J. H, ROBERTS LID.---'" . Sole Allenta 111

Newfouodland for CASTItOJ. OILS (CANADA)

LTD. Sold all ol'er Ntwfounlfland




Advice for every paint job. Complete up-to-date stock. For fast service call 8019B. 111 PENNYWELL ROAD


134 BOND ST. Water Colour and Oil-Paint· Ingl painted on request by Paul Parsons

DIAL 3005'

Photography CAIILAN!),S STUDIO ::J


Wedding Photos. Portratu I and Commercial Photography


87 LONG'S mLL DIAL '81%L

New[(lundland views artistic-all\' mounted ~nd [ramed. See our lele~tlon.

Recruiting FLY WITH THE R.C.A.F. --I

For tull Information DIAL 7153


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123 WATER [;'(. DIAL 80366

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Electric Meat Sawl DIU 2536



Stoves R. W. BARNES




Immediate Delivery I : DIAL 92711 :



3G~ \I' ATER S1 • Manufacturers of



Taxicabs A·I TAXI------



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Anywhere, Any place, Any time.

.. f

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. . '. I


" .:

Paper Products L--_____ ----' I !-.--------


fIIE LA WRE~CE __ --,

: NFLD. CO., LTD~ IS· S . 20"%1~e~U~~~~;';" ST. i ervlce tatlons Paper anrl Paper Products. I



Commercial publlsblng and Advertising.

Magazines. Pamphlets, Brochures, Company

Newspapers, Programs DIAL 128'1 P.O. BOX E·S«!


All work Guaranteed for I Fast Sprvier.

f:A.U. 73t3 IIr ~in1! 90 CMIPBEl.L AVE.



A 1'1'1.1 ANn:!;. DIAl. 3001 to S005

'----_. __ ._----'



Specialists in AIIIII RadlOI'1 DIAL '448

WEST E~D ______ _

I TELEVISION I : TV-Radio·Car Radio Rep!I"j I '05 WATER STREET

CALL fi865 I i At Night. Day, Holidays Of!

Sunday for Fast Service and I Guaranteed work call 77Z7A .



DIAL 3518


Grease and 0\1 Change.. Auto Accessories.


-Service 'S tations ~IAnSHALL ~IOTOHS---;


L' . ,Gu~r;":lrerl a~;.'in~t Cull. ,

BI')\\·1I1115. Bl'Il1sr~. I . Umlrr InflatIOn. C~ll ,

MARSHALL MOTORS . "'alu St. DI~I R003\ i




Shoe Repairing


Now \; tb~ !Im~ !o h~\'" your SIlO£5 REPAIltED

TilE ~10DER~ WAY Two w~tion!': OS WATER ST. i

opp. BOllITlog. and steen. I



AC1~ or SUP:'R TAXI OLU 5539 . 6730

Tile Floors NO DOW~ ______ _



, C.\lIfn CI)~~TIll'CnO!'i A:'\1) Sl'PPLlE!5

• _.WS

Tobaccos -- --- --- -- ... --""""'!-


Ilistnbuted by FR.\~K ~lc~h.'1.\ II"

LTO. Dial 51U .. U

Trucking ~~--~~---------, ! \\'IJF~ \'OLJ WANT A TRUCKi

I 'PIIONE HARDING'S II! , 1'1tl'l'I{JNG St:KVICr. : , s"rill~llale St. 'Phllne 321' ,! • Vllrtlitur~'iano ~lovin, a /' I ~pr(i"lt~·: also Crane Truel! 1 ~r Hire. !.

) .

. ,

, ,

Uph'llstering , t. I, -STA;\DARD BEDDI~G-.: I



Tailor·made Slip Covera DIAL 6449

I '

I !. ~---------------- '

I . , I

r . , 1

, . !: ' I: I.

Hearing Aid~ Pianos and Organs Real Estate. Snack Bars I ,

I· ,., ..",-"""---------1 '. I ~ .



Home Industries WHOSE BIRTHDAY? __ .

C.rtalnly • handmade article

from NONIA if 0111,. the Best

will do.

A. L. COLLIS Plano and OrUD Sho\\Toom:


ractery: lVah'r St.. Hr. Guce P.O. Box 358



Anlco Cameraa and FUm.. I Exposure Meters, Flash Guns,

Enlarger Accessories. DlAt 3071

A. W. BROW~ ----



'PHONE 2005

Recruiting .




DIAL 801t9 •.

ED'S Ll'~CH ___ _


Used Cars .: .\DEL;\IDE ~IOTOR!'-- ;.: I LI~l1TEJ) .

, FOil A CAn yOU CAN i


DIAL 3015 J>! ~: L--~---r' '.',.

,I . ~ ~':.} I ,}. 'I" , " ..' )., i

S_o_ft_D_ri_nk_s __ -W-oo-d-.C-oa--:"'I-Oe-Iiv-ery j ! >; n:/i -----.. 1 ",-

MLIEl> AGE~CIES ---I ~UK£'5I COAL A~D . i ,; ,

I F r. " S B I E I WOOD DELIVERY' ,; ~ I: . L

Witb Fre~l~u~~~~ i'1ashUte i DIAL 11";1:'\1.,; III. I We GII'e the l"aste5t Setvle' '

AZ~~I~~1\ ~~!~C~~S . In St. JOhn"'1 :It! l.·:. ; i

---- =~==~1111!" . , 1 ~. 1

'r :.': '

Designed 'For,' Our ~----------------------.;..--------------- ·k,; I

::!! ;;:. rl Readers' Convenience

Page 14: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY

'~ , .. , I

\r I' , ; I •

r '. , I I

II : I I, I: , , ,


I:. ,I ; II: I' , . :. )

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1\: J -', . ,

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, ~ I .:

i iii' I " '. 1

, i

I, " 1 !' ! \: I "


, . ! :;!. I: .• I i, ~.; I " i l .

'. . , I'; h l~ ;

!:i , .

Chatsliurg is a bleak. lonel)' and I away, sees him shot down In cold

Paramount I dying town in Ihe Ozark hlils. All' blood by his, Elly Horn, it· Inhabitants' can boast 01 Is and thcn finds himself held for

.'1'1' 01' 8'1'. ,TOHN'.

To-morrow IT· m ElUs notorious bank robber (f·nsom 'whlle Irene desperately a~d let.:\e~ o( a gang of killers. attcmpts to break through the reo

I Ellis is their pride and their ex· I serve of thc hostile townspeople,

Capitol . cltcment and they don't want an)"I makes for an absorbing motion To day

"ROT S ftlft' R I This is the situation (aced by one producing a hlgh.voltage. sus· I EDMOND O'BRIEN U E NIGHT" \VIT" onA to take him away from them, I plcllire of the beaten track and •

LESLIE NEILSEN I Blll Partain, Kansas Clly news· pense sItuation at every turn. r! MICHAEL REDGRAVE IN

The dramatic ingredient of sus.: pr·perman wilhout a jObh, I w~o ha.~ m~~e a~~o ch~~~t~~~e~h:ms~~: w~11 "1984" Public Notice pense has never been used to come to Chatsburg on s one) If 1ft f . ur I --

eater advanlage than In ~IG~I's: moon with Irene. He has plans for fl~d d !leu t to ge ou 0 yo Have you ever wondercd about ~w drama, "Hot Summer Nlghl.": getting a scoop. He Is goIng to mind-Leslie ~ellsen :t p~~ta~r;' the world of the future? Not Ihe ZONING A.'IIEND~IENT I which starts tomorrow at the Iinlervlew Tom Ems and tell his the reporter wbol gBtm es C II n space shIp world of the distant to- __

.. . h' Id life to get a g s ory; 0 ee I b t th IIf 0 fthe im. . ' Part-mount Theatre. wllh a cast. story 10 t e lIor . '11 h b Ide whose honey- morrow, u e e. Pursuant to the powers contatn· i

r . 4" J..' " I ,'. :, ... ', 'I ~ "

IIuded by Leslie Neilsen and Col-' \\'hat happcns when Partain ~h er t as t {t r n'ghtmare' Paul mediate future? In hiS best-sell· ed in Section 332 of The City 01. leen ~Uller. . meets Ellis in his farmhouse hidc- mR·oohll durns ~~ ~ HI rn the' slick I ing novel, "1984,': George orw~lll St John's Acl and all other pow-: ----.-=-__ .0:-==-.. ---- -.-..... ------- IC Dr s as YO" ' visualized a terrtfvlng world In '. .' . h ' '

handsome killer and lady s mr.n I which mankind was perpetually I ers !t enablmg .. t~e St.. Jo n S I who panics In a crIsis; Edward t d as one consequence Mumclpal Council In session con-! Andrews as a sheriff without a i ~he ~~~t:~ad establlshed complet~ vened On this 28th day 9f August,! frlcnd in the. town: ~farlanne, conlrol over thc individual. Sex 1957, ~ereby passes and enacts the I Siewal't as Ems ex·glrl frtend who I has been outlawed, everyone lives followmg amendment to thc Zon-!



M.G.M·, mello/pioee '"Iponltf



.... --... NIELSEN'MILlER ""I"

[~walj ANORFII~ • bJ C. flimN

Added Attraction



.. UZZIE .. ..:S.35

~IATINEE 2 P.~1.


MATINEt:-,\DULTS ..... 50c, (,lIILORES .. , ... 25c


I "OUNDlAND'I 'IIIHDLY '1K1AlU -------,..._. --- .•. ----


sensational novel comes to the screen lOne of the most challenging books' of our time • • • becomes one of the mostimaginative and imperishable motion pictures of all time I








Iukes 10 the bottle; r..nd Rob.ert, under the police regimc's omni. ing By.Law passed and enacted by: Wilke. as Ellis, a would·be Billy I present eve, life has been turned the Council on the 3rd day of

! the Kid who was born too lal.e. into a /Oechaniscal robot.likc exist· )Iarch, 1955. i Based on a story by EdwlII P.! ence devoid of almost any human I . . .

I Hicks which appeared In a na'l . I' .n t hate I ,mrND;\IE;-';T I· I' . "H t S emo 1011 exc.p. , 1 S t' 1 f th . d Z n·nn. 11?lIa magaz~ne 0 ummer I Whether one agrees or dis.. . ec .lOn 0 e .al 0 ~ b.

: Night" .lI'r·s hlmed for MG:l1 by 'agrees with Orwell's deseprate: By·Law IS amend.ed by addmg. I the wrller·dl.reclor·producer t~am II'ision of the fulure, a. fascinating! therelo the foliowlDg:- . : of ;llorton Fine a~d David Frled- peek at Orwell's tomorrow is now "LAt\D ·RESTORATION. ~TE~I-~ kin. who )131'(, aC.hleved TV .prom- possible in Columbita Pictures' . PORARY) ZONES comprlSmg all I inence With their award,wlnnlng i"1984" starrin~ Edmond O'Brien. areas as described in Schedule ! "Frontier", series. Th~Y. hal'e .~ome; ~Iich;el Redgra\'e and Jan Ster. "G". . It~rough ."11~ a sma.hlOI:. \llOner lling opens at the Capitol Theatrc 2. There is deleted from Resi' ,with their first feature film. tomorrow. i dcnlial 2 Zone, and from the areas , SPECI,\L \DDED ATTRACTIOS . O'Brien plays a member o( the: more particularly described in!

I "LI~ie" lVlth Eleanor Parker' . Outer Party w~o comm~ts t.he i Schedule ':0" attached to .the ~lo\'icJ:oers on the lookout for crime of falling In love wl~h MIss! :'Iaster .Zonmg Plan depOSited In I

~~l11ethin!: unusual will find it in I Sterling, another underpm:lleged I the O~hcc of the City Clerk, the I " .. Bryn" Production re·: Out~r Parly worker. TheIr ~Id- followm!: orcas, nomely:- I I I 'I ~;G~f ,'th EI fashloncd romance, elandc~lIne I

: ca'kN 1)'1'· h" "BI . eatn or i Rnd incandescent, i~ short.lived.. "AI.L Til AT AREA Ihe hound·, cr ant nlc ard oone m 5 ar'l howcvrr' the)' ate belra\'ed by I aries of which commcnce at the i J'l7h:;~~~a. nrl'rr heen a motion I Inner Party olfieial Rcdgr&\'e, ! inlersection 01 the west street· piclure quit like '·Llzzie." lor the/' whom O'Bric~ had belie.ved also, line of Logy. Bay n?~d .and th~

. . .r.. stot'I' or. in rCI'oll a~alllst the regime. north street hne 01 Cook s Road, I :~c;\?~~e D~I ~:eR~~~,,~n:rker, 'IS "not In creating the world conjured i ~HENCE following Ihat strect : one woman but three-that h ... ihe ! II" b.1' Orwell, the gO\'ernment I line In R westerly direction (or : has three strikinGI~' r\lllelcnlj buildings of the (~ture had to b.e I a dislanee 01 two hund~ed, and 'pcr$onr·litics. alld each ha~ ils' creatcd With an e)e to the archl'

l (orly (240) feet: T~E!'lC" at

I cUcci on her life. Itectural ad\'anccs of t 0 d .a y. right anglcs thereto m a no~th' ! To begin with, there Is the drah., Weapons of that (ulure lime, " erly dlrecti,on to thc ccntre !me I wan and depressed officp. girl .• transport and uniforms .for the. of Coaker s Brook; TlIE!liCE : Elizabclh Richmond .. who Is abrm· I ever.pre~ent Thought Pohce, t~e i following the centre line. of that. ed at receh'lng pOlson·pen notes: electr.oOlcs system that permits I Brook in an easterly dlrechon' from lin unknown writer who: surveillance of every home and to its junclion' with the western: signs herself "Lizzie." I street, were just some of ~h,e street line of Logy Bay Road; I

But, as Ihe plot unfolds under i chores that . fel I to the stUdiO s THENCE following that street! the suspenseful direction of Hugo I prpOdUCti°dnfteamth' b W'I line in a southerl), direction to H it b . l enne or e screen Y I '. i hB~sEli .~o~~ eC~7es tPr.~lrll lIam P. Templeton and R"lph Bet- the POint of commcncement.. \ t h

a I u;, e 'fa tV~C 1m 0 t seldr f~- tlnson from Orwell's book. "1984" 3. There is added to ~he said

p ren a, one 0 e mos w e)- d' t db' 'II h I A d _ Br-Law as Schedule "G thereof known of mental lIInesses, Is also was Irec e )." c ae n er . . I

Lizzie, who, In her periodic transi. son. The drama IS a Ho.lIda), Pro.! the followlng.-lions Into this personality, writes duction for ColumbIa PIctures re'l "LAND RESTORATIOS (TE~'.' the polson·pen notes to herseH, lease. PORARY) AREA-SCIiEDULE becomes a cheap woman of the I "G".

I strects, and creates hystericlll her mind Rnd body. j "ALL Til AT AREA the bound .. 1 scenes with Aunt Morgan (Joan, You will have to see "Lizzie"! aries of which commence at the' . Blondelll, the relative with whom Ito learn which triumphs. i intersection of the west street I she III'c~. I Eleanor Parker, as the girl with line of Logy Bay Road and the: i Reluctantly. the latter agrees to I the multiplc, or disintegrated I north street line of Cook's Road: I ; Elizabelh takin)! treatments from personalities, ~Ives a rcmHkable! TIiENCE {oil owing that slrcet, a psychiattist. And it is after Dr' l perlormance. Without resorting to: I N er,1 Wright (Richard Boone), \ make-up diskuises: largely through line in a westerly dircction or a I

! Through hypno~is. has delved inlo carriage mannerisms and voicr distance of two hundred and '1 Eli7.abeth's childhood anrt has dis.' inflections .~hc is able to creale forty (240) reet: TIlESn: at; cOINed the ~ecrct which has dis., Ihree complelely riiflrrent thar. ri!:ht anl;lrs Ihereto in a norlh·

. lorted her mind. Ihat Beth, the I acl~rs in one. i erl" dirertion 10 thp cClllrp linr Ilhirrl antI Irllr prr.lonalit)' ot Ihis; Richmf Boonr. II sth£ kno\\'ill~ i 01' Coaker's Brook: Tlu:sn:; Ilormrntrd .l:irl. clIlcr;:es. , ~nll sympathetic rloctor: .Joan I (ollow!n!! the centre linr of that i

Blli. IlllIle Ihe doctor can make '1' Blondell a~ thp. hlolls)·. alroholie! Brook in an rallrl'i)' direction 10; Ihr norm~1 and ~ltraclll'e Beth Aunt Morgan; RIC Roman. a~ a i its iunction with the wcstern ri~~ from the .C.llOO~. of her triple·! mRn who mak~ .. a pl~y for thr I ~Ire~t line or Lo,lZY Bay Road:

: .pht p~r!onaht.\·. hl~ problem h I volupluou~ Lime: M;lI/an noss. as! THENCE following thai strfet : br Irom ~olved. Hp mmt eradi- hrr offiCI! co·worker: Dorothy, line i" • soulherly direction to I I cale Ihe other two personalilles 50 I Arnold, A5 her mot~er: and :Tohn I the point of commencemen. I I that Ihe normal one \l'lll bccome Reach, a~ the latter ~ boy frlen~'I' 4. The following seelion is add.! I dominan\. ail conlrlbute effec\tvely to thiS cd to the said By.Law as Section I It 1V0uld roh the powl'rful ~tory starkly rlramatlc ple.tllre, with .Di- 8A thereof;-I of lis dramatic Impr.ct to rp\'cal rector Hugo Haas, himself, plaYing the outcome. But audience allen· an Important role lIS Elizabeth's "8A. In any part of the LAND lion will be riveted on the scenes neighbour. RESTORATIOS (TEMPORARY) in which the psychIatrist forces "Lizzie" was produc~d by two- ZONE as definen, described and Elizabeth to re·llve 8 shocking time Academy Award willner Jerry delineated by this B)'-Law no episode involving the death of her Bresler, Mel Dlnelli wrote the land shall be used nor shall any

. irresponsible mother and an a~. screen"play fro~ Shlrle~, Jackson's bllllding be used', erected, reo

. tion on the part of the mother s book, T~e Bird s Nest. constructed or structurally a1ter-loutish suitor - a re·enactment The picture and Eleanor Park- d or shall any extension or which brings about! cUmactic er's triple-play performance are e ddl~ bade to any build-battle between the girl's three bound to be talked llbout for some I a on t ~ m f th follow personalities for possession of time to come. ng excep or any 0 e -


If so, write or wire now for hotel reserv(ltion.


Steers ~\~\;SOOl\



Ing purposes namely:-(a) Temporary warehouse. (b) Temporary plant and equip. I

ment .storage. ; (c) Temporary workshop and!

vehicle slorage. I (d) Any oilier approved tempor'l

a1'y use. i Pro\'ided that t11e follOWing re·.

quirernenls alld condilions ~hJII; . apply to such use; . I

I. The temporary building shall be removed and the site vacat­ed on or bcfore a date fixed by the Council and not being more than five years from the date of occupancy.

2. The lot on which any buildin~ i~ erected shall be not less than two hundred (200) fect by two hundred (200) feet in size.

3. The applicant!hall remove all surface bog and fill the site for the building with ma· terial and to a level approved by the City Engineer.

4. The site shall be fenced and access points to the street or roadway shall be approved by the Council.

5. The buildIng line for any bulldlng shall be not less than slxt!' (60) feet from the centre, of the street or roadway. ,

IN WITNESS WH~REOF the; Seal of the City of St. John's: has been hereto affixed and this By-Law has been signed by the Mayor and City Clerk on behalf of the Council this 28th day of August, 1957.

(Sgd.) R. G.l R. MEWS, . nlayor.1

(Sgd.) E. B. FORAN, i City Clerk. I





There 1s below set out, as required by Section 63 (5) of The Canada Election Act, a sumnlary, signed by th( olficial agent, of the return of election expenses made to me by him on behalf of William Joseph Browne, one of the candidates at the recent election of a member to serve In the House of Commons of Canada held in the above· mentioned electoral district, which saId relurn Is on file at my office and may, on payment o( a fee of twenty cents: be there Inspected and extracts taken therefrom at any reasonable time during the six months next afler the 29th day of August, 1957, being the day upon which the sairt return was furnished to me.

Dated at 51. John's this 29th day oC August, 1957. JOSEPH FITZGIBBON.

Returning Officer.

Summary of Return of Eledion Expense. of William Joseph Browne

RECEIPTS ~umber oC

A:'IIOUNT persons from whom receivcd

Receipts, contributions. etc ........ S 6,450.00 Various Promised unpaid contributions.

etc. . ..................• __ ........... . etc. . .......••• ,. I •• "0 ••• t. I I., •• I •••••

Total. .................. S 6.450.00

:'\lImber o( PA nIE:'\TS A:'IIOUNl' persons paid

Candidate'S personal expenses.... . ...... . Postage ............. _ ........... $ 560.00 Telegrams ......•••••.. ,. . . . . . .. . ...... . Petty claims .............. , .. _ ... .. .... .. Hire of premise~ .... _ .. _......... 145.00 10 Services ........................ 4.495.79 12 Tra\'('lIing expenses and hire of

\'ehicles . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 1.204.21 7 Goods ~uprli('d ., ....................... . Advertising ...................... 45.00

Tota 1. ................. S 6.450.00

DELA YED L':,\Dl5rUTED CLAl:'llS :\' one

DISPUTED CL.\1:l15 :\' one

D~terl at SI. John'~, :"ewfoundland. this 29th day 01 August, 1957.

JOHN HOWLETT" Official Agent.

; 3 Storey ! NO.3

! immediolely 0"

Gus Winter 332 WATER


For Fast Service


Dial 2424 • Open 6.30 a.m. to


,I.D1Bf:R 'uil>bl! for G~ragr: size piece! ! lon~. AI~~! quantit, frrenl len2lhs. About

'dred piere:. ; x 6. 10 ft ! Appl,


742 Water 51. 'phone No. r--------------------_-.! sep4.3i

SUPERIOR PREMISES for RENT In rapidly expanding business area presently occupied by the Royal Bank of Canado. Freshwater Road, • GROUND FLOOR 1300 SQUARE FEET. .-• SET UP FOR LARGE GENERAL OFFICE AND



EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY I would like to interview a man between the ages of 25 and 45 who wants to consider a business opportun· ity which is very worthwhile. This man must have an excellent personality and be able to meet executive­type business men. We are prepared to invest con· siderable money in the right man, so if you are In· terested, write BOX 11, Daily News, for an interview. lep3,S


With knowledge of typing and general office routine,


BOX 14 e'o DAILY NEWS ag 17 ,sa t ,tue, thur, tf

---.----~ .. --


firts'on. IIIII

Hlld. Armature Works Ltd. DIAL 1191 • 7192




DIAL 7953

i --.-._.--._ •. ,_.

THURSDAY, Augult !: STADI{j)\ DA~(E, ~ 10 1~:30 p.m. Prium Orthutll

FRIDA y, AUgUll 6: . lIOLLf.R SIiATISIi,

• to 10 p.m.

SA TURDA y, Augult 7: lIOl.tER SI\.\TI~(i, 2 10 4 aDd I to Iha






Tap, I

II bl C.nada

hll • ent, , m on

at the 1

Com~ dlatrll on p and





.,,, j

Page 15: · , • ORS ltd. . , . , , \ , ROBINSON & COMPANY L1MI'TtD -::t~r,.\o. f '''h~ . e---:;:-Director THE DAILY


August ,\:'itE, III.


jUlt 6: ,\ T1:\G,

~EWS, THURSD~ V, _SEPTEMBER ~S, 19.1:· --....



I N G 55

o 66




........................... $1050,00

MUNN MOTORS, LTD. ~----- ..

,: .1. ,_,,~,"d'.l1 ;iHL~t. U\,. J II •••




OUR EXTERfOR BOND PL YWOOD 1~!'1r 10 lar~r arra coverage. It, waterproof qualities

.. rr~Hn and 11 $rlls at an ex\remely economical price. . mWI dealrr lo·day or. wrate direct ·Ior further In.



OPENING Under the direction 01:




Classes in Tap, Ballet, Toe, Acrobatic and

Ballroom Dancing


For Registration:':"'CALL 90938



t~'1 , I below 'rt (Inldl FI :. out. as reQuired by Section 63 1\\ II!n\ or' rl lIuns ACI. n summary. signed by the ~!lt o~ bp,llhl' rellll'n of elect Ion expenses made to I: Ihp re: a 1 01 J.ames A. Power, olle of the can.

COmmol rIll rl~(·tlOlI of a member to serve in the d:l1rlcl n~hol hlanada held In the ahol"e·mentloned On pa;.n 1('. ~ald return Is on file at my office Ind ~;H lrl1t 01 a fc~ of IWt'nty cents. he Ihere • 111 I.arl' taken therefrom at any rcuonRbic

h~' I~ nHlnlh~ nrxt after the 30th daY 01 IO'Il~ Ihe Ilay upon which the said return

me. I! S .

t. John', thi. :lOth da;.· nf August. 1957. .IOS~PH FITZGIBBON

"111111." Returning Orilrer. 01 RetUrn of Eler.t1on Expen". of

Jim.. A. Pow.r RECEIPTS Number oC

A;\IOU:-IT persons from conlrlbutlon whom received unpaid' s. etc .... " .. $12,500.00 . 1 '

tontrlbutlons, . . ' Total

.................... 512.500.00 1

PAY~IE:\rs Number'of AMOUNT persons paid

550.00 •••• 500.00 .•••

9,882.35 Various

............. 645.00 .. ..... .. . . . 604.03 Varlou.

............... 16.00 ..... TOIII. ..

................ SI2.4P7.38 D£I '. --_.,'-

.. ~HD l:~DISPUTW C:LAI~IS J'\onc


II Plate . ' .. . nlla. this 26th day or August. 1957. . JAllES DUGGAN, Offlcl.1 Allnt

• 15

---------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------.---.-.-.----------.... ~;. ..

(911) Q-llIOntJ (!~llIh . .




TO RENT-Three comfertably furniabed rooml •• ultable fo,. couple or could be used by two couples. Central !cicatlon

'hot water. Apply to Box No. 1~ care Daily N eWI.

CAN accommodate two male boarders. Phone 3726·A. --- .. __.. . ... _-

FOR SALE-I063 t·door. aedan. Colour lIfeen, In good eondl· tlon. Reason for ItI\11ng owner going away. WII\ accept rea· sonable offer. Apply 103 Crplgmillar Avenue. Phone 4&37·H.

_ •• __ 4 • ___ • _____ • _ __

PRIVATE DETECTIVE;... What do you want to kpow? What

Wall Washing ·WANTED ---WALL WASHING-Wall. ellelt

Id by new m&~hln •. Result. 1 Van Salesman· perfl'cl; save. paln:.-New· MethDd Rilil 8/1d W:tll Clean­en, f'relhwetll' Road. 'Phone Experience necessary.

~oa!.:-____ ~~25.1m .. 1 Apply ! HIIW MiTHOI.l ~lIG CLlA,.· I I

ERS. RUII' and carpetl,CASE BROTHERS ~ mnde 10 I·"K II~c new Von' . .. i SchraClllr .,rurH~. adds yem I 379 HAMilTON AVE EXT to lite of 'UjA Cleaned tn 1 . • home or :;It llUI plant. Phon. - _ - .. .-91033. NC'w M~lhod Rug .... P'rest-water Ro~d. WANTED

Barber A Reliable Maid -'---_ .. - '

do you want to find out about! • rfE CINTR#.L BARBER SHOP' All Information conlidendinl. We are no'" orerating six

References required

A modest fee charged Cor all chaIn. You ral' bl! a8~ure4 aervices. Write to P.O. Box or the bell pOlSlbl1' service E·5400 51. John'" or caro Pub· . phu the hnsl po~~lble walt· or write lic Burenu, Sep5,6,7 Ing., 24 Npw OOMr Street. I

,----... ~-.--- .. -.. _. opp. A.lelahlf ~'(\1ors If you MRS. JOHN MURPHY I· Female Help Wanted lI'lIf!!r. SliD ·llItmrnl servIce 165 Er b h A . NEED nlra moneY1 Work spare·. 'Phone 5987. I Iza et venue 1 time at home! We lIeed wom· i I sept~,6

'Phone 91023

I en to sew. do hplIIliwork or I . Beautician ----------address envelopes. Many (lther I F'''R SALE

lI'ed"ud,"y,.i . intercs.ti!1g moncy maKing c,p ftTO~'l/AR" AN lIeaut, Salon, T.A. : U . I portuOllle5. 0 [ [e red, Send I Building. Duckworth Street, ~ HOT WATER FURNACe com. I

!=i::!:!=:~ .Iamped ,elf addressed en· a"eclaliIln!! In all methods • v!'lope. Wrltl' Snow HIndi· ' I t 'th . t k I crafts, B~x 400 care Daily "8r~anent Wiving, tlnllng and I pee WI expon!lon an, , .... I ~ews. ag22.l2i cut mg. Open ,,:uesdlY and 'circulator, 144 sq. feel bose.·

Thursday IIIghts, SIX operatofl. : board radiation 175 sq feel

Velvet Horn Club

CLUB OPEN TO.DAY 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Club Closed 3 p.m. Private Party

Food at its best


TO.N/GHT, September 5



Dancing from 9 to 12.30

Admission 75c.


\\,ANTED-SaleJman to carry I complele line of modern table and floor lamps, Ilso replace·

II ment shades. Apply Box 32, Roseneath. Onlarlo. . a&27,5i,sept3,3i

I - -. -. .•... ---- -. -- -: FULLER BnUSH CO~IPj\NY­

Requires two full tillle men with car for St. John's and lurroundlnll area. For furth· er Information write Box 40. sep3,4,~ ----------_ ... Help Wanted-Female

$100 ~ION~Y for wearing love· Iy dreuu given you I. bonu •. Just .how North American Fashion Frocks to frIends. No canvasslnl, Investment or ex· perlence nerellary. North Am· erlcan Fashion Frocks, Ltll., 3425 Inlhutrlul Blvd. Dept. y. 2744, Montr~al.


NSURANc:a-towrlnt Brot", .r Limited (nlllranee Depa,.. ment-F'~, Itutomoblle. MI" Ine and all Caaualtv linn Telephone ~IHb or &167.

I DEPINDABLe FI"I INIUl, ANCI-Don't Plalt ),our .. Iu­abl .. to "saw" I (elf dollin. Our rltr·r.te, relllbl, policy F.!VCI Immedlat. J)fotletlon. Phon. 8921 or write J, J. Lael,. P.O BOI &06. r!!Ol,tf

Dial ~4?7 lor IIppolntmrnL . ..'.' : -- -.. -.--- ... ----.. -.--.. -.-- cost Iron rad,ation, Oil burnel '

Miscellaneous : and controls, also cast iron:

i weST ENO-CC;AL -SERVIce ,pipin~ for mains and fittings. I (W. Sna'v) r.m. fLOC bag; 3 Practically new. b~1:8 IC·I $2 7~, 41. bagl for 'Ph 5871 ,3.ftO: P bags tOI '6.75. For one quick dellve~, dill 92959-.11 sepl3.5 29 Pearce AVl'nue. lanll.1m ________ --

"INVEST IN REST." Slttp comfortably. We specialize In repairing and recondition· ing all t~'pes Springs and Mnttress~s. G I' a I ant e e d work. Mnttrclse. ror back allmenls a s,eciaUy. 'Phone 6449 or 3361, Standard Bedding Company. Ltd., Flowor H;". feb20,tr

TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT, 4050 per month. Also Typewriter. ancl Adcllng MachlneR ~'or Sale. (Trade·lna accepted). Terms arranged. All machines to good eo.ldilion. Dial 5862F. -----.----~-

;IBIIO~ I.iUtTARS - Hor!l.r .Button Stop Accordeons and Harmonic ... RIchmond Sa)C~ phon.s. Boosey Clarlnllta.­Cllarl!!! Hutton & Sonl. P.O. fe~3.Nld ..

Notice Of Public Sale


COVER-AGE . '. '. "

. FOR· YOUR " ' ,", ~




... ·4·1/3'·:1: . . A. E.HICKMAN .. . .

. CO., LTD.,-.. ,'.~ ..

N etd oundlmuZ SeJ'vice!

Contact IT ... ,. 'OWLER. R .. nouf bu;}dlnl, for Fire Aut~ In the mattr.r of a distraint b~, mobile .nd ('late GIJn In.u" Frolm Blnlkhan against Hugo PASSENGER NOTICES anee. CI.lms promptly 'ettl· Limited. I:

ed. 'Phon. 5611-P.O, BOI CON~ECT(ON GREEN BAY 113. . I By vlrlue tit a dlstrahlt made b~ i. SERVICE

me as Bailiff the 2nd day 01 Train "The Caribou" lelVing St. '=~~~~~~~~~'!' 'OUNG DRIVERS are .1 •• ,. Au,ust A.D. 1957, Iwl\l sell on the John'. II p.m. to·day, Thursday

welcome In my Office. and premIses known II No .. 460 Water lliU make connection.t Lewis·

. Baseball ST. BON'S



At 7.00 p.m.

(3rd game o[ Seml·llnals)

All brothers of Terra Nova Council are requested to as, semble this morning at nine' o'clock for the purpose of attending the funeral of their lat. bother, Thomas P. Hickey 8 Henry SI.

By order thtt Recorder, . H. A. BROWN




Office and Residence: ·769 WATER 'STREET

(opp. Leslie St.) 'PHONE '7195

"Over 18 Years In the Business" lep5,tues, thur,sat,tf

WANTED A reliable woman to come

.Ix day. I week (llonday through Saturday) from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. to (10 ieneral house cleanlnll In.. modern home and to lak, c,re of • small child, In addltlon to baby alt At IIIIM when re­quired. lnterest,d parlle.

~ should apply to


II RIver VIew Avenlte. . St. John'8 or ·Phone· 7174 for an appointment.

Ippllcl tlons favourably recel· St t St J h' b P bll A ved, based on merit. coveliDI ree . 0 n 5, y U C ue ports M.V. Nonia for regular ports , Public Llablllty, PrOrert1 Dam. lion, on Friday the 6tb dlY of Sep Green Bay Service. age Hazards. Don' turn -tb, lember A.D. 19~2 at 12:00 noon, wh .. 1 of your ear unleu you the following loodl:- I CONNECTION SOUTH COAST. hlvo tbl. Srd r.arlY covera,e._ 1 Remington R.nd Typewriter. ; SERVICE .. W.F. Caldwel , Fire" C .. ualty 2 Office Deslte. ! train "The Caribou" leaving St. Insurance Alent. T, m pl. 2 Swivel Chain. I John's 1I p.m. to·morrow. Friday Building. Duckwortb Slreet, 2 Stralllht Back Chairs. will make eonnecllon at Port St. John',. 'Phone 2.~. 1 Book Case. aux Basques with S.S. BaceaUeu

CASH PAID for comic., ma,:Io 2 Wasle Paper Baskets. for regular ports South Coast Ser· .' dnes. pocket books, accordl. 1 Stapllnll Machine. vice. ons, IIUllars. lIuns, typewrlten, 1 Paper ·Punch. . SOUTH COAST SF." VICE aewlnll machines. men's Dated at SI. John', the 4th day S.S. Bar Haven for regular ports clothes and footwear. Jobn D. o[ September A.D. 19B7. !; l' S i III II f Snow, 9 New (lower SI. D BARF1TT . out 1 CUPIt erv ce w sa rom 1t:1.Junt'!!O. Bailiff the Doc~ Coastal Wharf noon ~at. . ______ ._ .... ______________ . urday, !;eptelllber 7th.


All colours - red, blue, gre.n, black, brown,

yellow, beige, .tc., wrapped as sets for

$23.25. SKtRTS made to measure for $2.50. Alsi available in mother and daughter out.

fits. Girl's SKIRTS from $5.00 up.






All BO)'S between the ages of 14 and 19 who are int.rested in becomIng an AIR CADET

are asleed to be' at BUCKMASTER'S FIELD be.

tween 7.00 ·p.m and 9 p.m, either


,. Evening of. this week •.

Senior will m .. t applicant •. at the.

Main Gat. for direction to "Drill Hall.


:\I.V Bonavbta for regular ports SI. Juhn's,Cornc~ Brook Service will sail from the Dock C03,tal Wharf noon Saturday September 7th. On this trip vessel will call at Valleyfield and Seldom to land passengers


Train "The Caribou" leaving St. John's 5 p.m. to·morrow. Friday will make connection at Corner Brook wilh 5.s. Springdalp for! rpgular ports Lewisportc·Corner; Brook Service.



Freight is accepted· dilly at the i

Dock Coastal Shed for all ports I South Coast Service but in order to I guarantee movement by this trip of the S.S. Bar Haven freight must be at the Dock Coastal Shed not later than 5 p.m. to·day, Thursday.

RESTRICTED CARGO . Shippers please note. Gasoline,

oils and other restricted cargo for llorts St. John's to Cook's Hr. for furtherance via M.V. Carol Strong will be accepted at the Dock Coasl· al Shed to· day, Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

RESTRICTED CARGO Shippers please npte. Gasoline,

oils and other restrieted cargo for forwarding via Argentla and M.V. ~Iarlorita wiII be accepted at the Railway Freight Shed to·morrow, Fri~ay 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • .

TENDERS st. Bonaventure'Junior School Tenders will b, received up to 12 noon Wedneiday, 18th September 1957, for PLUMBING and HEATING and ELECTRICAL tradol. Tenders to be in CI sealed envelope marked "Tenders for St. Bon's S~hool" and deposited with the Archilect, Fredcr:ck A. Colbournp., M.R.A.I.C.. 5 Church Hill, St. John's, Newfoundlnd. Plans and Specifications are available on applicalion



Waler SITee' St. John's

PUBLIC NOTICE rhree weeks after dote, application will be

made by the undersigned to the Board of

Liquor Coritrol for a litence to sell beers and

wines on the premises of the building

known as the "Wind Mill Restaurant" and

situClte on the outsldrts of Harbour Grace in the Electoral District of Harbour Gt ace.



Harbour Grace






For further particulars D!AL 3808


----- -- ....... ---- ----



PIN BOYS· \YAtfI'ED . Apply to MM1AGER




There is below set oul. as required by Section 63 '5" 01 Thl' Canada EI('~tiol)s AI"!. a summary. signed b~' I'le official agl'llI. of tht' r!·turn of ('lcI·tion I'KI1t'nsPS made to me by him on hpltalJ of E.'au I·:dward TholilS. one of th .. I'atldldates al t Ite n'l'l'nt .. Ie(·t Il)n or a m~lnhrr tn sen·e in tltl' Huuse of Cc nllliOns of l":lIl:u!a Ill'!" ill 111(' .!Jol"e 1lH'lItioncd elel·tllrnl district. witic'h s3id retlll'u i< Ull filt' at my office and lIIa.I·. on paymellt of a rep of twenly ,'ents. be there inspeetpd nlHI exlrn~B takell Ihercfrjl111 at III1V rea~onable lime during tlw ~ix monl~s Ilt'xt after the 27th day of Augll<l, 1957. hring the day upon which the said return wa~ furnlshp,l to me.

Dated at SI. John's this 2f1th da.l· of Au~ust. 1957. JOSEPH FITZGIBBOX.

Retnrning OHin·".

Summary of Rl'turn of Election Expenses of Esau Edward Thoms

"umber of RECEIPTS A~IOU:"\T persons (rom

whom rflcei\'ed Receipts. rontrihut ions. etr..... . $ 2oo.0n Promised unpaid contribulions, etc. 200.00 eel".

Total. ...... : .. : ......... , 40000

PAy:m::->Ts A.\I0 l'\,T Candidate's ptrJonal txptnses .. $ 200.00 Postage ............................... :. Telegrams ... ,.... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...... . Petty claims .................... . ... , .. . Hire o[ premises................ 50.00 Sen' Ices .................................. . Travelling expenses and hire DC

vehicles ......•... ; • . . . . . . . . . • 119.50 Goods supplied '................. 30.50 Advertising • .. • . . .. .. • .. .. • . • ... . ...... .

Total. ................... $ 400.00



:\\Imbe, or :'er,ons paid


Dated. at Placenti~ this 27th day oC August, 1957. JOHN J. CUN~I~GHA;\t,

Official Agent.

CLOTHES mok. the man it CHAFE \ rnakes the clothes

·WM. L. 'CHAFE, Tailor • HOlO 'WORTH St.

. ,I


, .




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.:~'6~.~·~-·~-~··-~··~··~ __________ ~------------~===:~--------~~------------~:-.-:~.~~--~;~~-~::_--_._. __ ~~~ __ ~ President Board AT THE .. ; Mrs. M. McKay Of Trade Visits ~lii!lIIIIIiIIl""'W~ SIGN \\J?r!~SM~i?tW~~~'SWhOSC 1 Steplienville J~ OF voice has become familiar to·

~ THE I thousands of ~ewfoundlanders: through her roolo programmes:


SHOWERS' lomething .wonderful bas . happened . to '·FooT· WEAR. It'. the new B.F. Goodrich ."KORO· SEAL" oversboes. Here are diatlnctly attract­Ive overshoes that come In I clever brocade finish. SiZes 4 up. Loop Ind button style.


CLEAR and FROST STYLE!!. A\'sllable with High, Cuban Low heels.




Available with High, Cuban and Low heels.


Clur loop and bullon style with FLAT heels. Sizu 11 10 3.

Colored styles available In col. ors· of AUTUMN RED, HUNT· ERS' GR!:EN and TIJRQUOISE In High heel stYle only.

$2.29 pro $1.98


Keen interest in the activities AND en 001 \ over radio station, C.J.O.N. has: of the Newfoundland Board of L'M'T.D resigned from the station and Trade as they pertain both to mat· will Jeave on Saturday, Septem· ters of provlncllll as well as Fed· ber 14th. . eral Interest Is being thawn by I' The Atlantic Battle Won For the past six years Mrs. the various Cha,mbers of Com· II' McKay has given dally pro· merce throughout Newfoundland •. Su Ivan grammcs, interviews, ond has act-This was the gist of a report I Walter Macken ....... $3.0( cd on .many occa~lons as the an· given to members of the Council d' nouncer for fashion shows, and of the Newfoundland Board of I Ta~or's Encyclopae la many outstanding social events. Trade by President Gerald M. I d' Mrs. McKay has accepted I Winter at the regular weekly' Of . Gar enmg position with the advertising de· 1

meeting. . . 1 Normn Taylor .......... 7.0C· partment of Bowring Brothers in

fr:~' a ~I~~!e[o ~~:p~~~~ilf:t~~~~ i Mystery of Leslie Howard: St. Joh_n_'s. _____ _

he was the guest of the Cham· I . Flight 777 TI C·t D ber of Commerce, and during his I C I . 3 5~ Ie 1 y llmp visit addressed a meeting of lis an 0 VIn .......... . . . . members. Mr. Wlntcr outlined Off With His Head W~at 15 th~ posItion In SI. i

~~~:df:n~heB~~~I;!t!~S ;:a~~e ~~~: I Ngoio Marsh.. 2.25 ~~~ndsU~~/~~~~f~:;:aJ:u~~iII~~~: Ing the stand it had taken on S'lk Hats and asked at the meeting on Wednes· j many issues of an Island.wide na. I I day as he told of requests from.: ture and concern .. He also took I No Breakfast householders for a chance to get: the opportunity to dellve Into a Honor T roc ............. 3.00 I tr;,sh they had collected hauled I Snaplhot simplicily ... Inapshol little of the past history of the • Y away. . . '1' price-bul this amazing camera Stephenville area, showing the I The Sh I P Busters . The city dump. IS open daLY ~n· :: makes color 5lides on new Kodak relationship of Its development 10 I I.. B 'k 3 S\..· ! III 6 P'I,"' the city ~ngmeer said. ': 1 II the story of the remainder of I • Ra pn or er :...... . . land a hcense to brmg parcell to. ~~!~~:~~:~i~: ~ind' ;!;;':ol~: the Prol'ince. I DIsputed BarrIcade the dump. costs $1. per )ear. , pictures. Flolholde, is part of

He made the 5uggcslion that ~t I' J 5 OC: The. dl£flcu.ity some of. thc d 0 k l lome future time, it ought to be F"zroy Mac eon ......... ,Councillors aa!d. as they dISCUS' I' ~on~e:I~; ~o;:~~~eY K:d:~ c':~: possible for the varioul organiza.\ On the Beach II se~ the queshon, Is th~t .people i .rO-IO you know il'l goodl tions to hold something in the na· I' 450 gomg after hours and .Ilndmg the· ture of I Convention, at which I NeVIle Shufe .. ............. dump closed go on a httle further time they might discuss .,matters Escort . and' dump th~lr garbage around of mutual concern The Execu'j I .) the country Iide. tive and members ~f the Stephen. (Bailie of the At anllc Collecting garbage In the city •

9.85 inc. FLASHOLDER

(010' o. QIO~I'-end.wilill IU~I louch Ihe \hUlttf ftleQit.

Ektoch.ome colo. (olor InOPlhols. or while piC'.rel." Q.trll


ville Chamber of Commerce ex· I Samuel Eliot Morison..7 .25 came I." for another questl?n. The pressed their interest In this pro- h F h f om . collecl1o~ on Tuesday durm~ t.he posal and assured Mr. Winter of 1 T ey oug t r he.avy ram, Deputy M~yor Hlggms their readiness to cooperate with I The Sky said, was made very difficult when the Newfoundland Board of Trade. parcels were put out in paper at .ny time on questions Involv. Quen"n Reynolds .... A.OC bags, !"hlch quickly became lod·

TOOTON' ing their mutual weHar.. den WIth water an.d broke open PHOTO SPECIALISTS FOR 52 . . D· k & ( ltd as loon IS they were touched by Ie s 0., . the men from the sanitary Itaff.


At City Hall The Booksellers . Blueberry Collectors' Licenses

appllcation .from the Department of Mines and Relources, Harvey Road, St. John'l, or' from tbe Blueberry Field Officer, Mr. Win: ----------­stan Sheppard, Spaniard'. Bay. The regular. weekly meeting of

'PHONES 2008 - 3191 - 4425 II

The Department or ~lines . and Resources advises that all collec· tors r.nd packers of blueberries arc required to obtain a licence to collect and pack blueberries. Liconces may be obtained upon

AMMAN, Jordan (Reuters) -The Jordallian government Tues· day strengthened security guards at foreign embassies and lega· tions following explosions Mon­day Bnd early Tuesday near the United States information centre and the Turkish Embassy.

the City Council was held on Wed· Red Cross :1

nesday morning in the City Chambers. His Worship Mayor Dr. George W. ~li1Ier. 'D.P'!!', l\Iews presided and Councillors National Director oC the Canadian' Higgins, Fitzgibbon, Earle. Warren, Red Cross Biood Transfusion ser· . Tucker and Nightingale were in vices arrh'ed in st. John's on, their places around the Council Tuesday afternoon to explore and I table. discuss with the Red Cross New·

APPLICATION REFUSED foundland Division aQ(! the Pro· An application from Mr. Michael vincljl Department of 7JieaUh the

'1I ••• _r-.... ~~ ••. ---._.---.IIiI--... -...... Ryan of Bay Bulls to operate a I proposed extension of the Can· • fish markct at 80 Cabot Street adian Red Cross Blood transfusion 1 h was refu~ed. The city engineer reo services to Newfoundland. .

ORANGE, 24·20 oz. ORANGE, . 24-20 oz.

ORANGE~ 12.48 oz.

GRAPEFRUIT, 48-6 oz. GRAPEFRUIT, 24-20 oz.

GRAPEFRUIT, 12.48 oz.

BLENDED JUICE, 24-20 01. \e' ~ saVe ,. n ft ported that the store would be Dr. lIIiIlcr expects to be in New· , .. § '"'" of he t S \ v~ • •• situated in I residential area and foundland for about two weeks,' • , the house would be in the centre and visited Bay Bulls yesterday. I



of good -homes. . SUB· DIVISION APPROVED

The city planning officer. lIIr . n. W. Balston reported to the

I Council by leiter that the .ub· dll'ision of the property belonging

i to Mr. A. D. Newbury, Portugal ,Cove Road, fulfills the require­I ments aqd recommended that the Council give It.! approval for the sub·division.

RIGHTS OF WAY A Rreat many number of rlght~· :

of.way for pedestrian in the Hous-, Ing Corporation in .St. John's have been questioned from time to time, and when the City Council received a leller asking about one between Chestnut Street and Poplar Ave·

I nue, the city engineer was asked to look over the whole area and I bring back a report to Council.

STORM DAMAGE A report from the Ha.rry. J.


GEAR ST. my!l,tues,thurs,lm Stahb and Company concerRlng

damage from overflow of water from Cochrane Street, was referred ____ -:-:=-== ___ _ to the department responsible for BIRTHS such repairs.


The Hon. W. J. Browne. repre· . sentauve for St. John's West in

I'the Federal Cabinet. informed the ,Council that the Hon. J. Angus I !IIacLean would be In SI. John's and

I he asked that the Council Ind Mayor arrange that Mr. MacLean see the Southside Road during his visit. Mr. Browne, who Is familiar with the conditions prevailing on this piece of road, said that he would be happy at any time to place the needs of this area be­fore the Government if the Coun-

CLEARY-Born at st. Clare's ~fercy Hospital on September 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cleary, a son.

SHAW-At St. Clare'. Mercy Hospital. September tth to Andy and Florence Shaw, I Ion.


1 •••• ___ ..................... _ •• _ ••• _ cll so desires. The City Clerk. Mr. E. It Foran

HICKEY - Passed peacefully away at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital on Tuesday, September 3, at 11.45 p.m .• Thomas P. Hickey, formerly of Placentia 'eaving to mourn one sister, Sister Mary Francis of Mercy Convent, Military Road. Funeral from his late residence, 8 Henry Street this morning (Thurs· day). Mass at the Basilica at 9 o'clock. Interment at Belvedere. Requiescat in pace.

'. '.




PLASTIC (up to 3 incites)

SOIL (up .. to 4 inches)

COPPER (up to 2 inches) .


was contact Mr. Renouf, Provincial member for SI. John's South and Mr. MacLean.

, PLANS The roUowing plans were recom·

, mended: ! Thos. Madden, tIS Aldershot 1 Street; rear porch. I Cecil Tiller. 147 Prowse Avenuei

I basement apartment. C. Andrews, 134 Prowse Avenuei

, basement apartment. I Horace Hancock, ., Emerson 'Streeti basement apartment.


,agriculture officials Tuesday de· scribed Manitoba's harvest situ· aUon as. "c r it i c a In following storms Monday that dumped as mueb as three Inches of rain on southern Manitoba in 24 hours.

Good Morning, Neighbor

RICHARDS-Passed peacefully away alter I long illness at 2.30 a.m. Wednesday. Annie (Gard· ner) Richards, widow of the late Abram F Richards, aged '79 yean. Leaving to mourn two daughters, Florence and Alma, at home, one I son. Allan and four grandchildren residing at Glascow, Scotland. Fun· eral from her late residence, 69 Golf Avenue on Friday at 2.30 p.m. to St. Michael'S Church and to the C. oC E. cemetery, Forest Road.

WOTHERSPOON-Died sudden lyon Wednesday, September 4th, Charles Wotherspoon, formerly of Motherwell, Scotland, age 65 years. He II survived by his wife. four: daughters and one son. The re· ' mains are resting at Carnell's Fun· era1 Home, 28 Cochrane Street. Funeral Notiee later.


PLAID RAINCOATS Sizes 6 to 12.

Now 1. 98 and 2.98

TANGERINE JU1CE, 48-6 01 •



SALAD, 24·15 oz.


Do-it-yourself fans!

PLASTIC FLOOR TILE In Col1VCIlie1Zt Tape-home Pack Easy to Install

Cuts with Scissors






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