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Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION ﻣﺴﺘﺮ/ اﻟﮭﺎروﻧﻰ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟ اﻟﺴﺎدس ﻟﻠﺼﻒ اﻟﻨﮭﺎﺋﯿﺔ ﻤﺮاﺟﻌﺔ اﻟﻌﺎم اﺧﺮMr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١ ﺍﻵﺗﻰ ﻧﺴﺘﺨﺪﻡ ﻣﺎ ﺷﺨﺺ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﳌﺴﺎﻋﺪﺓ ﻋﺮﺽ ﻋﻨﺪL Can I help you ? أﺳﺎﻋﺪك؟ أن ﯾﻤﻜﻦ ھﻞL Do you want some help ? ؟ ﻣﺴﺎﻋﺪة ﺑﻌﺾ ﺗﺮﯾﺪ ھﻞ-: ﻧﺴﺘﺨﺪم ﺑﺎﻟﻘﺒﻮل ﻹﺟﺎﺑﺔ و@Yes , please ﻓﻀﻠ ﻣﻦ ﻧﻌﻢ- Sure ﺑﺎﻟﺘﺄﻛﯿﺪ-: ﻧﺴﺘﺨﺪم ﺑﺎﻟﺮﻓﺾ ﻹﺟﺎﺑﺔ و@ No , thanks. - ﺷﻜﺮا@ No , thank you . ﻟﻚ ﺷﻜﺮا ﺍﻵﺗﻰ ﻧﺴﺘﺨﺪﻡ ﺍﳌﺴﺘﻤﺮ ﺍﳌﻀﺎﺭﻉ ﺯﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﺴﺆﺍﻝ ﻋﻨﺪ: - What { am – is – are } + اﻟﻔﺎﻋﻞ+ doing now ? ﺗﻔﻌﻞ ﻣﺎذا- اﻵن؟ ﯾﻔﻌﻞWhat are you doing now ? @I am reading a story . Adverbs ﺍﳊﺎﻝ- ﺍﻟﻈﺮﻑ١ - وﻗﺘﮫ و ﻣﻜﺎﻧﮫ و اﻟﻔﻌﻞ ﺣﺪوث ﻛﯿﻔﯿﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﯾﺪل اﻟﺬى ھﻮ اﻟﻈﺮف أن. ٢ ﺑــــ ﺗﻨﺘﮭﻰ اﻹﻧﺠﻠﯿﺰﯾﺔ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﻓﻰ اﻟﻈﺮوف ﻣﻌﻈﻢ أنly slow – slowly / quiet – quietly / loud – loudly ﻧﺴﺘﺨﺪﻡ ﺍﻷﻓﻌﺎﻝ ﻣﻦ ﻓﻌﻞ ﺃﺩﺍﺀ ﻛﻴﻔﻴﺔ ﻋﻦ ﻟﻠﺴﺆﺍﻝHow How did he play the tuba ? He played the tuba quietly . How did they play the tuba ? They played the tuba quietly . 1 – Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one :- 1 go run sing took ………….. 2 eleven hospital twelve twenty ………….. 3 bass quickly slowly badly ………….. 4 tiger elephant computer lion ………….. 5 first yellow second third ………….. 6 tuba flute cymbal keyboard ………….. 7 sadly How softly loudly …………..

موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Apr 13, 2017



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Page 1: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١

عند عرض املساعدة على شخص ما نستخدم اآلتى

è Can I help you ? ھل یمكن أن أساعدك؟ è Do you want some help ? ھل ترید بعض مساعدة ؟

و إلجابة بالقبول نستخدم :-@Yes , please ك نعم من فضل - Sure بالتأكید

و إلجابة بالرفض نستخدم :- @ No , thanks. - ال شكرا @ No , thank you . ال شكرا لك

-:عند السؤال ىف زمن املضارع املستمر نستخدم اآلتى ðWhat { am – is – are } + یفعل اآلن؟-ماذا تفعل ? doing now + الفاعل What are you doing now ? @I am reading a story .

Adverbs الظرف- احلال . أن الظرف ھو الذى یدل على كیفیة حدوث الفعل و مكانھ و وقتھ- ١ ly أن معظم الظروف فى اللغة اإلنجلیزیة تنتھى بــــ–٢

slow – slowly / quiet – quietly / loud – loudly

Howللسؤال عن كيفية أداء فعل من األفعال نستخدم How did he play the tuba ? He played the tuba quietly . How did they play the tuba ? They played the tuba quietly .

1 – Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one :-

1 go run sing took …………..

2 eleven hospital twelve twenty …………..

3 bass quickly slowly badly …………..

4 tiger elephant computer lion …………..

5 first yellow second third …………..

6 tuba flute cymbal keyboard …………..

7 sadly How softly loudly …………..

Page 2: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٢

3 – Read and answer :-

1 – Who was the soloist ? @ …………………………………………………………. 2 – Where did they eat after the performance ?@ ………………………………………. 3 – When did the teachers give their fall performance?@ …………………………….

1 – Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1. played – violin – She – slowly – the . …………………………………………………………………………… 2. are – you – What – , Hoda – doing ? …………………………………………………………………………… 3. box – you – a – you – There – is . …………………………………………………………………………… 4. lift – I – it – can't . ……………………………………………………………………………

2 - Choose the correct answer :- 1 – She played it slowly . a- How did she play the drums? b- How did she play the cello ? 2 – Sure . you can move it . a- Can you move the bass ? b- Could you move the piano ? 3 – What’s going on in here? a- We’re playing music . b- We’re cleaning up.

4 - Were the performances very good? a- Yes , They were . b- No , they weren't . 5 – The chorus sang a lot of songs a- What did the chorus do ? . b- What did the chorus sing ? . 6 - When was the performance? a- It was last week . b- It was last Friday .

Page 3: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٣

1 – Read the passage and answer the questions :- The students at Sunnyville School gave their spring performance last night. The chorus and orchestra performances were very good. The chorus sang a lot of songs. Amira Mohamed was the soloist. She sang well. The orchestra performed music by Bach and Beethoven. Youssef Hamdy was the soloist on the violin. 1 The students gave their spring performance last night. False True 2 . The chorus sang three songs. False True 3 The chorus and orchestra performances were very…………. a bad b slow c good d loud 4 ……………………………was the soloist . a Bach b Amira Mohamed c Beethoven d Youssef Hamdy

2 - Look and write a paragraph of four sentences about this picture:-

………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………….. ……………………………………..…………… ………………………………………………….

3 – Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one :-

1. panda kangaroo parrot camel ………………

2. bad loudly slowly quietly ………………

3. in on under eagle ………………

4. Were When Who What ………………

5. hand leg chair head ………………

6. tiger eagle eagle panda ………………

7. Cairo Egypt England France ………………

8. sadly well happily bad ………………

Page 4: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٤

1 - Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : 1. ……………………… cleans up the music room . a- I b- They c- He d- You 2. …………………… are playing the tuba. a- They b- He c- I d- She 3. The giraffe is …………………..than the monkey . a- shorter b- smaller c- bigger d- thinner 4. He played the trumpet………………. a- slow b- bad c- quietly d- sad 5. ……………. were you doing when the deer walked by ? a- When b- What c- Whose d- Who 6. .....................are your parents ? - They are at the cinema. a- Where b- When c- Can d- Do 7. Pandas live in ………………………………… . a- schools b- houses c- cities d- mountains 8. I was doing my homework ………………the kangaroo walked by . a- what b- Where c- when d- whose

2 – Listen and complete :- Miss Hoba: What’s going …………… in here?

Kareem : We’re ………………….. up.

Heba: He’s getting ready …………………. the concert.

3 – Punctuate the following sentences : - 1. what s your name and address


2. 122 what s the emergency


4– Listen and complete :-

Mona: What 're you doing , Kareem? Kareem: I am cleaning ………… the music room . Mona: Can I help ……………………. ? Kareem: Sure ! Can you take the bass ………. the window? Mona: Ugh ! it is ………… heavy .

Page 5: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٥

-:عند المقارنة لصفة من الصفات بین شخصین أو شیئین یختلفان فى مقدار الصفة فإننا نقوم بالتالى

.The tiger is faster than the donkey - 1 أمثلــــــة 2 – The elephant is bigger than the monkey .

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- erالصفات التى تنتھى بحرف ساكن قبلھ حرف متحرك یضاعف الحرف األخیر قبل إضافة الـــــ - :١ملحوظة

EX :- 1- An elephant is bigger than the lion .

ier و إضافة الـــــ y قبلھ حرف ساكن یتم حذف حرف الـــ yى تنتھى بحرف الصفات الت- :٢ملحوظة

EX :- 1- Amir is happier than Samir .

y قبلھ حرف متحرك ال یضاعف الحرف األخیر قبل إضافة الـــــ yالصفات التى تنتھى بحرف - :٣ملحوظة

)مستمر ماضى ( When ) بسیط ماضى( 1- She was sleeping , when her friend ( phone – phoned – phoning ) her . 2-I was sleeping when Mona… ( came – coming – comes – come) to visit me .

When ) ماضى بسیط ( , ) ماضى مستمر (

1- When my father came , I ( study – studying – was studying – studied ) 2- When you ( phone – phones – phoning - was phoning) , I was eating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Past Simple Tense The الماضى البسیط ھو التصریف الثانى للفعل

كالتالى ) من الفعل الماضىهو –يف الثانى للفعل رالتص( Play – played clean – cleaned go – went

The Past Continuous Tense زمن الماضى المستمر (was - were + v.- ing)

not ( wasn't – weren't ) بعد was / were was / were- ( Was he playing yesterday ?)

) I – He – she – it ( مع was تأتى – تذكر أن ) You – we – They ( مع were تأتى

1 – I ( was – were ) reading a book yesterday . 2 – They ( was – were ) playing football last Friday 1 – l was doing my homework when the camel ( walk – walking – walked – walks ) by . 2 - We were ( washing – wash – washed – washes ) the car when the camel walked by. 3 - What were you doing when the bear ( walk – walking – walked – walks ) by? 4 - I was ( chop – chopping – chopped – chops ) vegetables when the bear walked by.

المقارن األول + الصفة + er + than المقارن الثانى +

Page 6: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٦

1 – Read the passage and answer the questions :- Yesterday I went to the zoo with my family , I saw the tiger , the elephant and the monkey , We had lunch at two o'clock . We played football and we went back home at four o'clock . 1 Yesterday I went to the zoo with my friends . False True 2 We had lunch at two o'clock. False True 3 We played………….. a tennis b volleyball c basketball d football 4 we went back home at …………… o'clock . a two b three c four d five

2 - Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : 1 – What were you doing when the bear walked by ? a- I was taking a nap . b- I was watching the TV.

2 – Were you taking out the rubbish when the camel walked by? a- No , I was not . b- Yes , I was .

3 – Is the horse faster than the rabbit ? a- Yes , it is . b- No, it isn't

4 - Can you play the recorder ? a- Yes , I can . b- No, I can't .

3 – Look and write a paragraph of Four ( 4 ) sentences :-





4 – Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one :- 1- playing jump climb eat

2- stay finish study panda

3- shark octopus lion dolphin

4- swim read jump holiday

5- next to on in nap

Page 7: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٧

1 – Listen and complete :-

Maher : Did you go the zoo before ? Kareem : Yes, I ……………….. Maher : What …………… see there ? Kareem : I saw the elephant , the …………….and the camel Maher : Did you see the panda ? Kareem : Yes, I …………………..

2 - Choose the correct answer :- 1 – Amira plays the recorder……………………… .

a- slow b- loud c- sadly d- bad

2 – I was watching the TV ………………my father came.

a- what b- where c- whose d- When 3 – The giraffe is …………………..than the donkey .

a- taller b- smaller c- bigger d- thinner

4 – Pandas eat ……………………… .

a- meat b- fish c bamboo d- pizza

3 – Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one:-

1- tiger deer slowly camel …………….

2- smaller taller faster big …………….

3- garden loudly slowly quietly …………….

4- seventy fifty ninety thirsty …………….

5- trumpet performance cymbals harp …………….

4 – Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1. the – is – What – emergency ? ……………………………………………………………………………

2. doing – you – What – are ? ……………………………………………………………………………

Page 8: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٨

Question in the past : السؤال في زمن الماضي البسیط

Wh- questions: األسئلة التي تبدأ بأداة استفھام فعل األساسي المصدر ال + الفاعل + did + أداة االستفھام ................?

What did you see at the park yesterday? I saw the lion and the elephant

یأتى الفعل فى المصدر فى السؤال و یتم تحویلھ للماضى فى اإلجابة-:الحظ اآلتى

Yes / No – question : السؤال الذي یبدأ بفعل مساعد

Did + باقي الجملة + الفعل االساسي في المصدر + الفاعل ? Did you see a monkey ? @Yes, I did .

Did you visit the museum ? @No, I didn’t .

1 – Listen and choose the right answer :- 1 – Do you want any help ? a- Yes , please . b- No, thank you 2 – Where do you live ? a- I live in Cairo , b- I live in Luxor . 3 – Is this the wild animal? a- No , it isn't . b- Yes , it is . 4 – What’s your name and address? a- Ahmed Samy. 49Elsalam Street. b- Amira Salm. 65 Ramsis Street.

2 – Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one :- 1. slowly quietly sadly panda 2. washing putting feeding watch

3. ate ran swam play 4. phone deer tiger panda

5. bass drums rubbish violin

) اآلن ( للتعبیر عن القدرة على فعل شئ فى المضارع canنستخدم ? للتعبیر عن القدرة على فعل شئ فى الماضى couldنستخدم ?

ç could couldn't نفى - can't ç canنفى -: النفى@ In the past I couldn’t swim , but now I can swim . @When I was seven I could ride a bike , but I couldn't drive a car. @Now I can drive a car , but I can't fly a kite .

ر الفاعل كباقى االفعال الناقصة مع كل ضمائ can – could یتم استخدام ملحوظة

} األفعال الناقصة ُتسمى ناقصة ألن لیس لھا تصريف ثالث{ ملحوظة

Page 9: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٩

1 – Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1. do – eat – What – pandas – giant ? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. feed – Do – birds – ever – you ? …………………………………………………………………………… 3. animal – is – What – favourite – your ? …………………………………………………………………………… 4. officer – I'm – now – an – sending . ……………………………………………………………………………

2 – Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d :- 1 - …………………..I was three I could spell my name . a- What b- Where c- When d- Who 2 – When she ………………………..ten , she couldn’t ride a bike . a- is b- was c- were d- are 3 – When I was ten I could run . Now I ………..climb trees . a- can b- could c- couldn't d- am 4 - How do …………….play the tuba ? a- They b- Kareem c- He d- She 5 – Can I ………………….you ? - Yes , please . a- hit b- help c- write d- read 6 - What were you doing , when the eagle flew ……… ? a- by b- to c- at d- in 7 – They played the trumpet ………………… . a- quiet b- bad c- happily d- loud 8 - What are you …………, Kareem ? - I'm cleaning the music room . a- doing b- did c- do d- does

3 – Look and write a paragraph of Four ( 4 ) sentences :- …………………………………………………………




Page 10: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١٠

1 – Read the passage and answer the questions :- Bob and Lili are our giant pandas. Bob is 15 years old. Lili is 20 years old. Here are some facts about giant pandas: When giant pandas are born, they weigh 80 to 140 grams. Adults usually weigh 80 to 125 kilos. Giant pandas eat bamboo. They don’t hibernate in the winter because they have to eat 8 to 16 kilos of bamboo every day. They eat for 12 to16 hours daily. Giant pandas walk and run on all four legs. They can climb trees and swim. Giant pandas live in the mountains of China. They are endangered. Around 700 to 1000 pandas are alive today. 1 Giant pandas eat bamboo. False True 2 They can't climb trees and swim. False True 3 They don’t hibernate in the………………….. a summer b winter c spring d autumn 4 Giant pandas live in the mountains of………………… a Egypt b China c London d Cairo

2– Listen and complete :- Teacher:- Mona, please come to the front. Write the ……. “d” on the board.

Mona:- I ……….n’t know how.

Teacher:- That’s okay. Let me show …………… how. It’s easy.

Mona:- Sorry , I ……………….. It’s too hard.

Teacher:- Come …………., Mona. Don’t give up .

3 – Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1. this – animal – Is – wild – the ? …………………………………………………………………………… 2. can – eyes – its – I – see . …………………………………………………………………………… 3. the – bass – play – How – he – did ? ……………………………………………………………………………

Page 11: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١١

1 – Look and write a paragraph of Four ( 4 ) sentences :- …………………………………………




2 - Choose the correct answer :- 1 – What could you do when you where four ? a- I could ride a bike . b- I could take care of my sister.

2 – Could you build a sandcastle when you were seven ? a- Yes, I could . b- No, I couldn't .

3 – Where do giant pandas live ? a- They live in France . b- They live in China .

4 - She played it quickly . a- How did she play the flute? b- How did she play the bass?

5 – How many giant pandas are alive today? a- From 700 to 1000 pandas are alive b- From 500 to 700 pandas are alive

6 - Yes , I do . a- Do you want to play the tuba? b- Do you want to play the recorder?

7 – I could cut out a heart . a- What could you do when you were two ? b- What could you do when you were four ?

8 - They eat bamboo . a- What do pandas eat ? b- What do elephants eat ?

3 – Read the passage and answer the questions :- When Ahmed was three he couldn't ride a bike, but he could fly a kite . When he was seven he could read English , but he couldn't write English . day.

1 Giant pandas eat bamboo. False True 2 They can't climb trees and swim. False True 3 They don’t hibernate in the………………….. a summer b winter c spring d autumn 4 Giant pandas live in the mountains of………………… a Egypt b China c London d Cairo

Page 12: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١٢

للسؤال عن الوقت نستخدمWhen متى

When+ فعل مساعد + فاعل + فعل + ?

مالحظات ھامـــــــــــــــــــــــــة ç إذا جاء فى السؤالdo إلجابة فى المصدر نضع الفعل فى ا.

? they go to school do When - 1 . to school at half past seven goThey @

ç إذا جاء فى السؤالdoes مضاف لھ نضع الفعل فى اإلجابةs او es او ies

? he go to school esdo When - 2 . to school at half past seven esgoThey @

ç ا جاء فى السؤال إذdid فى الماضى نضع الفعل فى اإلجابة.

? he go to school did When - 3 . to school at half past seven wentThey @

When do you go to school ? - I go to school at seven o'clock .

á â When do you have lunch? When do you write homework ?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1 – Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one :- 1. cinema zoo What park ……………… 2. played fly swim ride ……………… 3. where was when what ……………… 4. pilot farmer doctor plane ……………… 5. fast slowly loudly happily ……………… 6. say throw count kangaroo ……………… 7. shorts tall fat thin ……………… 8. basketball volleyball swim football ……………… 9. house river hospital cinema ………………

10. Rome Cairo Honolulu March ………………

Page 13: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١٣

1 – Look and write a paragraph of Four ( 4 ) sentences :- …………………………………………




2 – Listen and complete :- Operator : 122. What's ..………emergency ? Ahmed : Help ! There is something in my ………………. . Operator : What is it ? Ahmed : I think it is a ………………animal . Operator : ……………. your name and address ? Ahmed : Ahmed Samy . 49 Elslam street .

2 – Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1 - always – a copilot – I - have . ……………………………………………………………………………

2 – ever – abroad – Do – fly – you ? ……………………………………………………………………………

3– Listen and complete :- Mona: What 're you doing , Kareem? Kareem: I am ……………….. up the music room . Mona: …………………. I help you ? Kareem: Sure ! Can you take the bass ………. the window? Mona: Ugh ! it is so ………………… .

4 – Punctuate the following sentences : -

1. 122 what s the emergency …………………………………………………………………………… 2. what s your name and address ……………………………………………………………………………

Page 14: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١٤

How Often كم مرة دوث الفعل ـــــــــــسؤال عن تكرار حللُتستخدم

لإلجابة نستخدم once مرة واحدة - twice مرتان - three times ثالثة مرات - four times أربعة مرات

or أو usually عادة - always دائما - sometimes أحیانا - never فى النفى( ابدا ( - etc ...

@How often do you fly abroad ? @I sometimes fly abroad .

@How often do you fly abroad ? @- I fly abroad once a month .

January يناير July يولیو

February فبراير August أغسطس

March مارس September سبتمبر

April أبريل October توبرأك

May مايو November نوفمبر

June يونیه December ديسمبر

1 - Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : 1 – ………………..often do you fly abroad ? – Twice a month. a- What b- Where c- When d- How 2 – …………… the capital city of Egypt . a- Paris b- Hong Kong c- London d- Cairo 3 – She washed her cloths by ………………………….. a- herself b- himself c- themselves d- myself 4 - …………….. many female pilots work for your airline? a- What b- Who c- How d- Where

2 – Listen and choose the right answer :- 1 – Could we ask you a few questions? a- Yes, of course b- Sure. Go ahead . 2 – Do you fly the plane by yourself? a- Yes, I do . b- No, I always have a copilot. 3 – Yes, very much . a- Do you like being a teacher ? b- Do you like being a pilot ? 4 - I think one third of the pilots . a- How many female pilots work here? b- How many female pilots work here?

Page 15: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١٥

1– Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one :- 1. Honolulu Hong Kong Million Tokyo ………………. 2. March April Month May ………………. 3. good happily badly sadly ……………… 4. museum cinema second school ……………… 5. city play sing fly ……………..

2 - Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : 1. I played the tuba ……………….. a- sad b- happy c- slowly d- bad 2. 122. What’s the…………………? a- time b- name c- address d- emergency 3. What were you doing when the camel walked …………? a- by b- bought c- bye d- buy 4. We …………..washing the car when the camel walked by. a- are b- were c- was d- is 5. I go to school …………………… . a- in b- on c- by d- at 6. Giant pandas walk and run on all …………….. legs a- two b- four c- too d- for

3 – Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1. don't – Giant – hibernate – pandas . …………………………………………………………………………… 2. What - pandas - eat - do – giant ? …………………………………………………………………………… 3. ever – birds – you – feed – Do ? ……………………………………………………………………………

4 – Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one :- 1. deer bear parrot lion …………….. 2. night morning window afternoon …………….. 3. bad sadly slowly quickly …………….. 4. March Monday April May …………….. 5. xylophone English drums cello …………….. 6. shark elephant panda camel ……………..

Page 16: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١٦

1 – Listen and complete :-

Hoda:- Could we ………….. you a few questions?

Captain Marwa :- Sure. …………. ahead.

Hoda:- How …………… female pilots work for your airline?

Captain Marwa :- I think one third of the ………….. are female .

Hoda:- Thanks for your time, Captain Marwa.

) ( was – were + verb ( inf ) + ing -: الماضى المستمر – ١ . yesterdaying playwereThey @


@ a good newsisThere . - : تعامل معاملة المفرد news كلمة – ٢

ھى مكونة من الحروف األولى لالتجاھات األربعة الن األخبارnews كلمة -: - : تأتى من جمیع دول العالم واالتجاھات األربعة ھى

} outh S الجنوب - est W الغرب ast E الشرق - orth Nالشمال {


@ paper newsareThere . - : تعامل معاملة الجمع newspaper كلمة – ٣ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

@ in the station areThe police . - : تعامل معاملة الجمع Police كلمة – ٤ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- : وسائل اإلعالمقبل on نستخدم حرف الجر –٥ @on (TV – computer – radio – cinema – phone – internet )

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- فى نھایة الجملة المنفیة either تأتى كلمة - ٦

فى نھایة الجملة المثبتة too تأتى كلمة . tooI like fish , Amir likes fish – 1

.either like meat t'nI do, like meat t'n Amir does– 2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

@ the TV watchLet me . -: الفعل فى الصدرlet یأتى بعد – ٧---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

بالفعل الناقص مع كل ضمائر الفاعل و تسمى )بمعنى سوف ( will تأتى - ٨ بمعنى سوف ال t'won و نفیھا ھو )آلن لیس لھا تصریف ثالث (

Page 17: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١٧

1 - Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : 1 – Is Nadeer thinner than Maher ? a- No, he isn't . b- Yes , he is 2 – How often do you fly abroad ? a- Twice a month . b- Once a month . 3 – What could you do when you were four ? a- I could build a sandcastle. b- I could cut out a heart. 4 - I went to Hong Kong . a- Where did you go last April? b- Where did you go last December ? 5 – At half past seven . a- When do you get up? b- When do you go to school ? 6 - Yes , I can . a- Can you spell your name? b- Can you fly the plane by yourself? 7 - I went there last November . a- When did you go to Paris ? b- When did you go to Seoul?

2 – Read the passage and answer the questions :- Captain Marwa is a pilot , last January she went to Hong Kong for three days . She went to Seoul for six days last March , and last May she went to New York City for ten days . 1 Captain Marwa is a teacher False True 2 last January she went to Hong Kong . False True 3 She stayed for ……………..days in New York City . a three b six c nine d ten 4 She went to …………………….last March . a Seoul b Hong Kong c Cairo d New York City

3 - Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

1. ………………..…..Saturday I went to the museum . a- In b- Last c- At d- For 2. …………….. many museums are there in New York City? a- How b- When c- Where d- What 3. The tiger is faster ………………the elephant . a- the b- then c- three d- than 4. March comes after ………………. a- February b- April c- May d- June

Page 18: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١٨

عند المقارنة لصفة من الصفات بین شخصین أو شیئین یشتركان فى نفس مقدار -:الصفة فإننا نقوم بالتالى

المقارن األول+ as + بدون إضافاتالصفة + as المقارن الثانى +

lion theas fast as is cheetahhe T - 1 . أمثلــــــة .Nagwa as clever as is Salma – 2

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- as قبل not فى النفى نضع كلمة -:النفى @ as tall as AyanotMagda is . -:أمثلة

propositions بعض حروف الجـــــــــــــر

1- in فترات الیوم/ فصول السنة / الشھور / السنین / األماكن (تأتى قبل( in ( December - 2015 - the class - summer - the evening) 2- on علي األقدام- علي الشيء- التاریخ -األیام (تأتى قبل ( (on Sunday - on 5th October - on foot - on the farm - on TV - on computer…. ) 3- at الساعات / اللیل / بعض األماكن (قبل تأتى ( at ( home -school - night - seven o'clock - the top – the bottom….. ) 4- from … to …… الساعة الي ... الساعة من وتعني العمل مواعید عن التحدث عند تستخدم What are your hours ? è We are open from 9 am to 7 pm . The museum is open from 9 am. to 7 pm .

1 - Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : 1 – ……………………..often do you skip dinner ? – Twice a week. a- What b- Where c- When d- How

2 – How………………..female pilots are there in your airline ? a- many b- far c- much d- tall

3 – Captain Marwa flies the plane with a ……………………….. a- herself b- copilot c- pilot d- plane

4 - My father drove the car by ……………………. . a- herself b- myself c- ourselves d- himself

5 – Samira is as …………….as Radwa . a- tall b- taller c- tallest d- than

Page 19: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ١٩

1 – Look and write a paragraph of Four ( 4 ) sentences :- …………………………………………




2 – Punctuate the following sentences : - 1. could i ask you a few questions ……………………………………………………………………………

2. sure go ahead ……………………………………………………………………………

3 – Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1. often – a prize – How – you – do – win ? ………………………………………………………………………… 2. were – you – Where – afternoon – yesterday ? …………………………………………………………………………… 3. house – was – I – at – Mona's . …………………………………………………………………………… 4. see – the – Did – match – you – football ? ……………………………………………………………………………

4 – Punctuate the following sentences : - 1. when did you go to paris ……………………………………………………………………………

2. i went last monday …………………………………………………………………………

3. how long were you in paris …………………………………………………………………………

Page 20: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٢٠

و سمیت بالشرطیة ألنھا تطلب منك إذا فعلت ھذا سوف یحدث ھذا ) لو –إذا ( فى البدایة if معنى تستیقظ متأخر إذا نمت متأخر سوف – ١ -:مثال

عالیة إذا لم تذاكر فلن تحصل على درجات – ٢

1 - Choose the correct answer :- 1 – If you take off your jacket , You ( would – will – want ) be cold .

2 – If you go to sleep early , you ( can – could – will ) get up early .

3 – She will be happy if she ( get – gets – getting ) high marks .

4 – He will be hungry , if he ( skip – skipping – skips ) lunch .

5 – If you lose your favourite pencil, you (will– would – can)be sad.

6 – If they win a prize , they ( want – wants – will )be happy .

) If (الحالة األولى من 1 – If + فاعل المضارع( + will/ shall/ can/ may/ must + inf.) @ If you study hard , you will succeed ینجح . @If you sleep early , you will get up early .


2 – If + جملھ أمریھ + ………………المضارع.. @If you want to come first, study six hours a day.

الحالة األولى تعبر عن شیئ محتمل حدوثھ فى بدایة الجملة أو فى وسطھا فأن الفعل الذى یأتى بعدھا If إذا جاءت -:ة ھامة ملحوظــــــــ

. مباشرة یكون فى زمن المضارع البسیط و الفعل اآلخر فى المستقبل البسیط will بدال من t ' wonفى النفى نستعمل

@ If you don't study hard , you won't succeed . أو أى فعل ناقص یأتى الفعل فى المصدر won't أو willالحظ أیضا أنھ بعد

will ( مستقبل بسیط (

فعل فى المصدر مع ( بسیطمضارع If ) مع المفرد s عل مضاف له ف-الجمع

Page 21: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٢١

1 - Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : 1 – If you skip lunch , ……………you be hungry ? a- would b- were c- will d- can 2 – If you go to bed at 11:00 , will you be ……………….? a- happy b- tired c- good d- cool 3 – Neil Armstrong walked on the ………………………….. a- moon b- sun c- radio d- stars 4 - The Egyptian satellite was launched ……………1998 . a- at b- on c- to d- in 5 – Mona is as ………………….as Rehab . a- taller b- than c- fat d- fatter 6 - When my father came , I was ………………..the match . a- watch b- watches c- watching d- watched

2 – Listen and choose the right answer :- 1 – What were you doing when the panda walked by? a- I was watching the TV . b- I was taking a nap . 2 – How often do you go London ? a- Twice a year . b- Once a month . 3 – What could you do when you were ten ? a- I could spell my name . b- I could ride a bike. 4 - I went to Seoul . a- Where did you go last Sunday? b- Where did you go last week? 5 – I will be hungry . a- What will happen if you skip lunch? b- What will happen if you skip dinner? 6 - I play it slowly . a- How did you play the bass ? b- How did you play the cello ?

3 – Look and write a paragraph of Four ( 4 ) sentences :- …………………………………………




Page 22: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٢٢

1 – Listen and choose the right answer :- a- Yes , please . b- Move the bass, please a- I am playing football . b- I am drawing a picture . a- Where did you go last week? b- Where did you go last month? a- How did he play the recorder? b- How did he play the cello?

2– Listen and complete :- Mona: What 're you doing , Kareem? Kareem: I am ………… up the music room . Mona: Can I help ……………………. ? Kareem: Sure ! Can you take the bass ………. the window? Mona: Ugh ! it is too....................... .

3 - Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : 1. He played the recorder ....................... a- slow b- fast c- sadly d- happy 2. …………………… What’s the emergency? a- 124 b- 122 c- 123 d- 125 3. What’s your …………..and address? a- name b- old c- big d- fat 4. We were ………………. the car when the camel walked by. a- ironing b- flying c- washing d- sleeping 5. ……………. were you doing when the lion walked by ? a- When b- What c- Whose d- Who 6. When I was little, I ……………….. say the alphabet. a- could b- can c- am d- is 7. Pandas live in ………………………………… . a- cinemas b- libraries c- cities d- mountains 8. Do you like ………………….. a pilot? a- be b- is c- are d- being

4 – Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one :- 1. Tokyo London Honolulu Egypt ……………… 2. January school February March ……………… 3. sad loudly slowly quietly ……………… 4. hungry tired embarrassed lunch ……………… 5. recorder eagle drums xylophone ………………

Page 23: موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة ليلة الامتحان انجليزي للصف السادس الإبتدائي الترم الثاني

Mr.Ali El-Harouny- FINAL REVISION اخر العام–مراجعة النھائیة للصف السادس ال–على الھارونى /مستر

Mr.Ali El-Harouny 01222675406 ٢٣

5 – Read the passage and answer the questions :- I'm captain Marwa , I'm a pilot , I have overseas flight once a month. I always have a copilot . One third of the pilots in my airline are female .last October I went to San Francisco for seven days . I went to Tokyo for nine days last November . 1 She hasan overseas flight once a month False True 2 last October she went to Tokyo. False True 3 She stayed for ……………..days in San Francisco . a seven b six c eight d nine 4 She went to …………………….last November . a San Francisco b Tokyo c Hong Kong d Paris

6 – Look and write a paragraph of Four ( 4 ) sentences :- ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………………………………………

7 – Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1. in – garden – There – something – my – is . …………………………………………………………………………… 2. trees – swim – can – climb – Pandas – and . …………………………………………………………………………… 3. cleaning – room – I am – music – up – the . …………………………………………………………………………… 4. feed – Do – ever – birds – you ? ……………………………………………………………………………

8 – Punctuate the following sentences : - 1. what could adam do when he was little


2. what s your name and address ……………………………………………………………………………