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ФИЛОСОФИЯ ТРЕНИРОВКИ: Зоны метаболической мощности, тренировочные нагрузки & другие категории Андрей Воронцов: материалы для дискуссии с тренерами

Андрей Воронцов: материалы для дискуссии с тренерами

Mar 21, 2016




ФИЛОСОФИЯ ТРЕНИРОВКИ: Зоны метаболической мощности , тренировочные нагрузки & другие категории. Андрей Воронцов: материалы для дискуссии с тренерами. Развитие методики тренировки на выносливость. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Андрей Воронцов: материалы для дискуссии с тренерами

ФИЛОСОФИЯ ТРЕНИРОВКИ: Зоны метаболической мощности, тренировочные нагрузки & другие категории

Андрей Воронцов: материалы для дискуссии с тренерами

Page 2: Андрей Воронцов: материалы для дискуссии с тренерами

Развитие методики тренировки на выносливость

A.V. Hill (1924-1927) предложил зоны интенсивности, основанные на анализе кривых мировых рекордов в легкой атлетике

Этот подход (5 зон мощности) был принят и в плавании: максимальные, субмаксимальные, большие, умеренные, легкие

F. Carlisle ввел ЧСС и ЭКГ в практику спортивной тренировки (1956-1961)

Doc J. Counsilman предложил тренировочные зоны, основанные на ЧСС и доминирующей энергосистемы: аэробная, аэробно-анаэробная, анаэробно-аэробная, анаэробно-гликолитическая, алактатная зоны (всего 5 зон интенсивности)

A. Mader & Lothar Kipke (1969) применили определение лактата, как критерий интенсивности

Дальнейшее введение многочисленных физиологических и биохимических критериев интенсивности упражнений

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Биологический подход к тренировке пловцов – развитие систем энергообеспечения [мощности, ёмкости, эффективности]

Мощность ЁмкостьAvalability of energy substrates:


Аэробная VO2 maxV400 m

Lipids, CHOV 3000 m

V at Aerobic Threshold La<2

Анаэроб-ная Lactic

La max CHOt of work until glycogen exhaustion

AnThresholdV800 m


Alactic Max rate of energy releaseV25 m

Ph-Crt of work at V25 as No. of repeatsAt V25

MaximalSwimming velocity SR:D/S

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ICAR - классификация тренировочных упр. согласно доминирующей энергетической системы (DES)

Training Zone (DES)

Heart Rate beats/min

Stress in Points

Work/Rest ratio

Intensity % of AT

Lactate mmol/l

Duration of set

Preferable laps to use

Examples of sets

Sessions per week

A1 Warm up and recovery zone Below 120

0.00 Subject of choice

Up to 80% of AT

0-2 No limits - 3x400 m Unlimit-ed

A2 Zone of Basic (“pure”) Aerobic Training (sub-threshold swimming pace)

120-150 2.00 R.I. = 10-30 sec

90-100% of AT

1-3 15-60 min

300-1000 m

4-8x600 m 10

EN1 Zone of anaerobic threshold (AT)

140-170 2.00 R.I. = 10-40 sec

100-103% of AT

3-5 15-60 min

100-500 m

6-10x400 m 6-8

EN2 Zone of maximal O2-intake (with significant contribution of anaerobic glycolysis to energy supply)

160-180 (up to 185)

6.00 R.I. from 20 sec up to 1:1

104-107% of AT

4-8 10-30 min

50-300 m 5-10x200 m 3

SP1 (AN1) Zone of Lactate Tolerance (relatively controlled swimming velocities)

Maximal 8.00 From 1:1 to 1:2

90-95% of maximal speed

6-12 - 50-200 m 6-10x150 m 2

SP2 (AN2) Zone of Lactate Power (maximal swimming speed for 50,75,100 m or split sets)

Maximal 8.00 From 1:2 to 1:8

95-100% of maxi speed

10-18 - 50,75,100, 4x50

4-6x100 m 2

SP3 (AN3) Zone of Alactic (Ph-Cr) workloads – Short Sprint

165-170 4.00 R.I.= 1-6 min

100-110% of V50 m

2-3 - 10-25 4-8x25 m 4-5

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Классификация тренировочных упр. По отношению к Классификация тренировочных упр. По отношению к метаболической мощности и скорости расщепления метаболической мощности и скорости расщепления гликогенагликогена (R.Treffen, 1990) (R.Treffen, 1990)

Power in % of VO2 -max

Heart Rate BBM beat/min

Main energy source

Prevailing type of muscle fiber in action

t of complete Glycogen depletion

t of complete re-synthesis of Glycogen

Speed relative to competitive

Basic training laps (sec, min)

Examples of training sets

10-30% 60-80 BBM Lipids (fat)

STO (slow twitch oxydative)

- - Recreational swimming

Up to 2-3 hours


30-50% 60-70 BBM Lipids STO - - Super distance

Up to 1 hour 3x1500, 4-6x1000 m

50-70% 40-60 BBM Lipids & Glycogen

STO 2-3 hours 24 hours Long distances

Up to 1 hour interval swim.

3x800 m

70-85% 30-40 BBM Glycogen STO & FTO fast twitch oxyd.

80 min 12-24 hours 1500 m for sprinters

30 sec-15 min 6x400 m

85-100% 20-30 BBM Glycogen FTO & STO 80 min 12-24 hours 1500 m for distance swim.

30 sec – 4 min 10x200(300)

100% VO2max

10-20 BBM Glycogen FTO & STO 40 min 12-24 hours 800 m 1-5 min 30x100 on 1.40

110% 5-10 BBM Glycogen FTO & FT glycolytic

30 min 12-72 hours 400 m 1-4 min 20x50 pace 200 m


5-10 BBM Glycogen FTO & FT 20 min 12-72 hours 200 m 30 sec-2.5 min 20x50 on 2.00


Maximal HR Glycogen FT & FTO 15 min 12-72 hours 100 m 30 sec-1.5 min 10x50 on 3.00

140% - Ph-Cr & Glycogen

FT 8 min 20 sec –3 days

50/25 10-40 sec 4-8x[10-40 m]

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Zones of Metabolic Power

Particularities of the energy supply:

dominating energy system; source of "fuel"

Pulse Rate


VO2 in % to VO2max

pH Blood Lactate mmol/l

Examples of Training Exercises

Aerobic-1 Zone of "aerobic threshold" with lipid metabolism. Continuos work of low intensity and long duration (30min - 2-3 hrs) The source of energy -- lipids (fat). Work is performed almost entirely by STO muscle fibres.

120-140 50-60% 7.42-7.40

0.9-2.0 30-min swim; 1 hour swim; 2,3,5,10 km swim or long interval sets - 40-100x100

Aerobic-2 Zone of anaerobic threshold - activation of FTO muscle fibres, but prevailing type of ATP replenishment still is aerobic. Sources of energy are lipids and glycogen.

140-160 60-70% 7.40-7.38

2.0-4.0 40-60x50 on 50", 3-5x800-1000 ; 15x300; 10x400; 30-40x100

Anaerobic Threhold

Zone of carbohydrate metabolism. Aerobic glycolysis provides 70-80% of total energy supply. Bypass product of aerobic glycolysis -- pyruvic acid is utilised in Kerbs’ cycle in mitochondria. Anaerobic glycolysis provides 25-15% of energy.

160-170` 70-90% 7.37-7.33

4.0-8.0 20-30x50 on 45-60 sec; 3-6x (6x100 on 1.20-1.30); 10-20x150-200; 6-10x400; 2-3x800-1000;

VO2 max Aerobic Power

Work is performed at the level of maxVO2. The share of anaerobic glycolysis in total energy supply is about 40-50%. The main source of energy is glycogen stored in muscles and liver. Significant production of lactic acid during exercise but aerobic energy supply still prevails. Dynamic work of "middle" duration, involving all muscle groups.

170-180 90-100% 7.32-7.28


4-8x300-400; 8-15x150-200; 800+400+200+200+100+100; 8x50+4x100+2x200+400+2x200+4x100+ +8x50; exercises with step-by-step increase of swimming speed (15x200; 4-5x(4-6x100);


Zone of glycolytic "capacity". The work is performed mostly at expense of the capacity of glycolysis with significant tension of cardiovascular and respiratory system. Duration of exc. or single repeat in set is 1--3-3.5 min.

185-190 (200)

75-85% (O2-demand is 110-120%)



10-12x100 on 1.10-1.20; 5-8x200 on 2.20-2.40; 4-6x(6-8x50) on 35-45 sec; 4-6x300 on 3.40-3.50


Performance at expense of glycolytic power. Duration of a single training lap -- 30 " -1’30". 190-210 60-70%

(O2-demand is 120-130%)


12-16 6-10x75-100 on 3-4 min; 16-20x50 on 1.30-2 min; 3-6x200 on 4-5 min; 5-8x(50+50 I=5-10") rest 4-5’


Zone of Maximal Glycolysis. Performance at expense of both power and capacity of glycolysis. Mainly "split sets" with duration 40-60"-2’; maximal and super maximal swimming speed.

210- 230 and above

50-60% (O2-demand -up to 140%)


14-20 (up to 26)

1-5x(4x50 I=15") rest=3-6’ 5-8x(4-8x25 I=5-7") rest 4-5’; 3-5x(100+50 I=7-10"); 2-4x(6x50 I=5-7") rest 3-5’ or competitive starts on 200-400 m.

Alactic Creatine-Phosphate

Short time-Maximal effort exercises (maximal mechanical power and movements’ frequency) Source of energy -- breakdown of Creatine Phosphate. Duration of a single effort - 5"-20" (up to 30"). Hart Rate, VO2 and lactate do not achieve high values since the time of effort is very short.

8-16 x 25 i=30-60"; 15-30x10-20; starts and turns; 1-2x50 (from starting dive); 4-6x35 from dive.


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Совместимость упражнений разной метаболической мощности в одной тренировке

zone 1 Fat (Lipid) metabolism - recovery 3 or 4 or 5 or 6zone 2 Fat metabolism (aerobic threshold) 4 or 5 or 6zone 3 Anaerobic Threshold CHO/ Fat 1 or 5 or 6zone 4 VO2 max - aerobic power 1 or 2 or 6zone 5Azone 5Bzone 6 Alactic Cr-Phosphate - Sprint 1 or 2 or 3 or 4

5A Lactate Tolerance 5B Lactate Production

1 or 2 or 3

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Развитие эксиенсивной выносливости: fat (lipid) metabolism (aerobic threshold)

Развитие аэробного гликолиза (CHO + glycogen/lipids)

Тренировка на повышение ПАНО Тренировка на повышение МПК (aerobic

power) - VO2 max Тренировка Lactate tolerance (ёмкость) Тренировка Lactate production (мощность) Ph-Cr (alactic) СПРИНТЕРСКАЯ ТРЕНИРОВКА

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Определение тренировочной интенсивности (скорости) по лактатной кривой (Step-Test) или ЧСС (Snap-shot test)

Step-test 7x200 or 5x200 on 5.30-6.00 La/HR/SR/SC/RPE

Snap-shot test 3x200 on 5.30 (pace= stage 3/stage 4/stage 5) – graphic extrapolation

Prescription based on HR max

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La Step-Test 7х200 м @ 5’Before the test determine a desired time for the last “step”

(for resent time = 1:55+2”=1:57), add 30” for the last step time «step»= 5 sec for free & BK; 3-4 sec for BR, Fly, IM

Test usually performed in p.m. session after day of rest, A.m. session – easy aerobic/recovery

• Off the wall every 5 min (4:30 for the 1st 3 steps for freestyle)• Time recording: splits х 100 м (x 50 м)

& total time 200 м3. La samples are taken – after warm up before the test

- & on the 3rd min of recovery - after steps 1-6 – 1 blood sample

- After the last 200 – 3-4 samples to get maximal La 4. – HR after each step («Polar»)

5.- RPE – rate of perceived exertion 6. – Stroke Rate & Stroke Count –on 3rd & 4th 50 м

Warm up 800-1000 m A2TEST 7 x 200 #1 stroke

After the test – recovery swim.Distance = (La max x 100) + 200 m

After:Anaerobic Threshold set TT = T200#5/2Distance swimmers = 30x100 @ 1:40

Sprinters + Fly swimmers= 12 x100 @ 2:00BR, BK swimmers = 16x100 @ 2:00

Swim Down 1000 m

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Step-test report form7 x 200m Test Result pro forma This form is used to record test data.

World Class Programme: Performance Youth Age Smart Track Other

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tester’s Name: Andrei Vorontsov Swimmers Name: Stacey TADD_______________

Location of Test: _Bath University________ Pool Length: 50m 25m PB

Test Date: __25/10/2005 Freestyle IM Breaststroke Butterfly

Maximum Heart Rate 201 Resting Blood Lactate (mM) 1.0

Step Target 200m time

in seconds

1st 100m split time

in seconds

2nd 100m split time

in seconds

Actual 200m time

in seconds

HR (bpm)

La (mM)

Stroke Count

3rd 50m

Stroke Rate

3rd 50m Strokes / min

Stroke Count

last 50m

Stroke Rate

last 50m Strokes / min


1 168 81.92 85.20 166.1 157 1.4 15 20.6 30 29.0 8 2 164 78.43 80.92 159.3 161 2.0 16 21.3 33 30.3 10 3 160 77.62 80.00 157.6 168 2.1 15 21.1 35 32.1 12 4 156 74.84 78.12 152.9 174 2.8 17 23.7 36 32.1 14 5 152 73.98 76.01 149.9 184 3.8 17 26.3 37 33.4 16 6 148 71.00 75.90 146.9 185 4.8 18 28.1 37 35.0 19 7 144 68.74 73.45 142.1 191 7.8 19 30.1 37 39.0 20

Fax this form to: Mike Peyrebrune – 01509 226215 Heart Rate monitor: POLAR TREFENE



Write in Black ink

Important! All times must be entered in seconds

only, not minutes and seconds



External Help (Please Circle)




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La Step-test 7х200 м @ 5’ (IM)

25.10.2005 Bath 16:30 p.m. S. T. ♀ IM HR max 201 b/min

Target Times:1st 100 m 2nd 100 m200 m timeHR Lactate RPE SC SR V200 m time time xx : xx : xx b/min mmol/l c.u. 150/200 150/200 m/s

168,0 81,92 84,20 166,12 157 1,4 8 15/32 1,204

164,0 78,43 80,92 159,35 157 2,0 10 16/33 1,255

160,0 77,62 80,00 157,62 161 2,1 12 15/35 1,269

156,0 74,84 78,12 152,96 174 2,8 14 17/36 1,308

152,0 73,98 76,01 149,99 184 4,8 17 17/37 1,333

148,0 71,00 75,90 146,90 185 5,8 19 18/37 1,361

144,0 68,74 73,45 142,19 191 7,8 20 17/37 1,4076,8

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Relationships «La : Speed»Estimated swimming times

V200 T200 T100 T400La 2 1,243 160,90 78,45 327,80La 4 1,310 152,67 74,34 311,34La 6 1,345 148,70 72,35 303,40La 8 1,363 146,74 71,37 299,47La 10 1,380 144,93 70,46 295,86La 12 1,390 143,88 69,94 293,77

Lactate 2 [aerob.thr.]Lactate Threshold 4Lactate 6 Lactate 8 [V critical]Lactate 10 Lactate 12100 m 100 m 100 m 100 m 100 m 100 m1.18.45 1.14.34 1.12.35 1.11.37 1.10..46 1.08.99200 m 200 m 200 m 200 m 200 m 200 m2.40.90 2.32.67 2.28.70 2.26.74 2.24.93 2.23.88400 m 400 m 400 m 400 m 400 m 400 m5.27.80 5.11.34 5.03.40 4.59.47 4.55.86 4.53.77

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Snap-Shot test –3х200 м @ 3:30 (@4:00 or @4:30 for BR, Fly, IM ) Sub-maximal test does not demand

significant efforts May be performed as a part of warm

up or even swim down As TT may be taken time of 4th or 5th 200 in

step-test 7х200 m (3rd or 6th 200 if you like) Assessment: recent working capability +

HR response = readiness to intensive training

Correction of training velocities

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Necessary additional information –individual maximal HR

Recorded Data: splits + total time in sec. & HR after each swim («POLAR»)

The software build a graph and calculate recommended training speed (times) for different zones of physiological intensity (correction of step-test data without taking blood samples)

Snap-Shot test –3х200 м @ 3:30 (@4:00 or @4:30 for BR, Fly, IM )

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Aspects of aerobic training VO2 = 40-50% VO2max -no signs of Lactate accumulation

Lipids contribution = 99% At VO2 = 60% of VO2max contribution of lipids = 80%.

Aerobic glycolysis starts. La removal = 100% At VO2 = 70-75% of VO2max lactate level lactate

accumulation begins: La = 4 mmol/l At 80% of VO2max La=6-8 mmol/l, lipids contribution is

reduced 10% At 100% of VO2max La=9-12 mmol/l During the race VO2max achieves 95-100%, La = 15-18

mmol/lAt low intensities (50-70% of VO2 max) increases only

the number of mitochondriaAt higher aerobic intensities occurs an increase of both number of

mitochondria & concentration of aerobic enzymes

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La removal: La-taxi development

1. Training at sub-AnT velocities (La 2.5-3.5 mmol/l) increases concentration of MCT-1 in heart muscle

2. Heart Rate Sets (Bob Treffine) – training at HR= 5-10 BBM – increases both MCT-1 & MCT-4 in skeletal muscles

La level = Lactate production – La removal

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We know how the muscles and human body work

We learnt and memorized energy zones (HR zones, La zones…..)

By the means of trials & errors method and using scientific data we mastered how to periodize training

(when and how to train different energy systems and other motor abilities, how to pick them at proper time)

We must create a functional system “swimming” when all physiological systems works in accord with each other within the frame of efficient motor skill – swimming technique

We are dealing with a swimmer as “a whole thing”:Personality

Motor abilitiesFunctional power, capacity & efficiencyRational individual swimming technique

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Not only “zone of physiological intensity” = “energy zones” that’s matter when planning training but specific demands of competitive event

Philosophy: do not train fatigue, rather prepare to swim competitive distance at target race pace with target SC, SR, SR:D/S ratio

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Quality of training (training velocities) are of utmost importance

Way 1: to reduce training regiments in order to force a swimmer to swim faster at any cost (common approach in 1970-1980s) and resist fatigue (?)

Way 2: to increase the rest intervals to give a swimmer more time for recovery and let him/her swim at higher velocity while focusing on swimming technique and proper pacing: SC(SR), D/S, breathing patterns, glide distance (underwater kick, pull-outs), even or negative splits etc.



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RACE PACE (QUALITY) TRAINING – based on individual race models:target timestarget stroke rate (stroke count)target ratio [SR : Distance/Stroke]

Page 24: Андрей Воронцов: материалы для дискуссии с тренерами СпортТестКонсалт С-Петербург ©2005-2010 [email protected]

Оценка соревновательной деятельности пловцов Чемпионат России СПб 7-11.02.2010 50 брасс 08.02.2010 Показатели Зафиксированные Модельные Победителя

Ефимова Юлия

Ефимова Юлия

Результат 30,45 29,36 30,45 SB 0,74 0,66 0,74 Старт 15 м, сек 7,76 7,44 7,76 Время 20 м, сек 11,00 10,64 11,00 Время 25 м, сек 14,15 13,59 14,15 Время 35 м, сек 20,52 19,87 20,52 Время 40 м, сек 23,88 23,12 23,88 Время 45 м, сек 27,20 26,40 27,20 Время 10 м после поворота, сек 6,37 6,28 6,37 Время 15 м после поворота, сек 9,73 9,53 9,73 Время 20 м после поворота, сек 13,05 12,81 13,05 Вторые 25 м, сек 16,30 15,77 16,30 Финиш (5 м), сек 3,25 2,96 3,25 Дистанционный 1 (15-20 м), сек 3,24 3,20 3,24 Дистанционный 2 (35-45 м), сек 6,68 6,53 6,68 Темп на первых 25 м 60,19 56,25 60,19 Шаг на первых 25 м, м 1,54 1,67 1,54 Циклов на первых 25 м 10,00 9,00 10,00 Темп на вторых 25 м 62,87 55,13 62,87 Шаг на вторых 25 м, м 1,43 1,67 1,43 Циклов на вторых 25 м 14,00 10,00 14,00 Поворот вход (5 м), сек 3,15 2,95 3,15 Поворот выход (10 м), сек 6,37 6,28 6,37 Общее время поворота, сек 9,52 9,23 9,52 Средний темп на дистанции 61,53 55,69 61,53 Средняя длина гребка (м) 1,48 1,67 1,48 Скорость на стартовом отрезке(м/с) 1,93 2,02 1,93 Ср.дистанционная скорость (м/с) 1,52 1,55 1,52 Дист.скорость первых 25, м/с 1,54 1,56 1,54 Дист.скорость вторых 25 м, м/с 1,50 1,53 1,50 Средняя скорость поворота, м/с 1,58 1,63 1,58 Скорость на финише, м/с 1,54 1,69 1,54

1) Race analysis2) Composition of

“Individually tailored” race models

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Stacey Tadd race models 2006Main focus for the season - IM (to allow knees recovery)Keep Breaststroke in mind for the future

100 M BREASTSTROKE15 m 25 35 50 65 75 85 100 m

8,20 14,85 22,00 33,35 41,30 51,15 59,00 1.10.00-1.10.20SC= 22 SC= 23

start time0.85 on the block/ 8.20 at 15 m 50 m Breaststroke [never raced before]turn time 100 m: 7.5 in - 7.5 out = 10.30 15 m 25 35 50

8,05 14,75 21,85 32,55

200 IM25 50 75 100 STROKE COUNT x 50m

13,75 30,15 47,20 1.04.70 18 34 20 38125 150 175 200

1.22.90 1.42.90 1.58.90 2.14.50 To improve the quality of underwater leg kick in fly and BKTo make strong finish in freestyle

400 IM To improve significantly 1st half of the distance [fly/BK] and still be capable to sustain fatigue

31,45 1.06.60 Do not rely exeptionally on fast BR and free

1.44.10 3.40.804.13.80 4.45.20


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Training Categories

Race Pace training – training laps in a set are equal to the distance or its part and are performed at competitive or near-competitive pace:



N x 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 м @ 800-1500 m PACEN х 50, 100, 150, 200 м @ 400 m paceN х 50, 100, 150 м со @ 200 m PACE

N х 25, 35, 40, 50, 60, 75 м @ 100 m PACE

Not only pace matter but stroke count, SR/SL ratio have to match to SC, SR, SL during competitive swimming –

should be established Target Pace, Target SC & SR/SL

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Elements of the race pace

Front end speedBack end speed“Top” end speedAre subjects of the RACE


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Front End Speed training – training exercises (1st 25 or 50 or 1st 100 m of the race) usually performed from the dive start @ target velocity of the beginning of the race with model SC, SR/SD :

N х 25, also Nх50, Nх100 («feet on the wall») @Target Pace of 50, 100 200 or 400 м

Elements of the race pace

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Back-End Speed training – sets of the laps (“last” 25, 35, 50 or 100 м of a distance) usually performed from push off the wall or from “swim” start (“by the head”) @ TT of the 2nd half of the distance with T SC, T SR/SD: finish on hand touch

N х («last» 25, 50 or 100 m swam @ TT of the 2nd part of fraction of the 2nd part of the race (“last ½, ⅓, ¼, or ⅛ of the 50, 100, 200 или 400 m race)

Elements of the race pace

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TOP-End Speed training – sets of the laps (“last” ⅓, ¼, or ⅛ m of a distance) usually from “swim” start (“by the head”) @ TT of the finishing race @ T SC, T SR/SD:

N х («last»50, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15 or 100 m, swam @ TT of the corresponding fraction of the 2nd part of the race (“last ⅓, ¼, ¾ or ⅛ of the 50, 100, 200 or 400 m race)

Usually with breath-hold Stroke control is at utmost importance!!!

Elements of the race pace

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HVO – High Velocity Overload: “Short Sprints” 10-15-20-25-30-35-50

м 1) performed at utmost intensity 2) performed at controlled

competitive pace and swimming technique – «easy & fast»

Combine HVO + assisting/resisting training

Page 32: Андрей Воронцов: материалы для дискуссии с тренерами

EXERCISES DEVELOPING LACTATE REMOVAL – anaerobic sets Lactate Removal Sets – distance or

sets of laps performed, in training regiments SPЕ1 & SPЕ2 followed by swimming in aerobic zones A2 и E1:

4x100 @ 2’ HR=5/20 BBM x 2-4400 @ 5.30(t=5.00)HR 30-40BBMOr (for middle distance swimmers)

400!!! @5:00 10-15BBM x 2-410x50 @50” 40 BBM

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Exercises with stage-like increase of the pace (intensity) – consecutive mobilization of aerobic & anaerobic glycolytic energy systems like

15x200 @ 2:40-3:00 as ♀ 3x200 TT = 2:30 ♂ 3x200 TT = 2:25 ♀ 3x200 TT = 2:25 ♂ 3x200 TT = 2:15 ♀ 3x200 TT = 2:20 ♂ 3x200 TT = 2:10 ♀ 3x200 TT = 2:15 ♂ 3x200 TT = 2:05 ♀ 3x200 TT = 2:10 ♂ 3x200 TT = 2:00

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Ratio «La : Swimming speed»

y = 26,496x - 28,598










1,070 1,090 1,110 1,130 1,150 1,170 1,190 1,210

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SUB-THRESHOLD TRANS-THRESHOLD VO2 max Lactate tolerance Lactate Power

1.18.4-1.14.4 1.14.3-1.12.4 1.12.3-1.11.4 1.11.3-1.10.5 1.10.4-->2.40.9-2.32.7 2.32.6-2.28.8 2.28.7-2.26.8 2.26.7-2.25.0 2.24.9-->5.27.8-5.11.4 5.11.3-5.03.5 5.03.4-4.59.5 4.59.4-4.55.9 4.55.8-->

Relationships «La : Speed»Estimated Target Times

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Charts of Target Times for training of sprinters – how to use?

The aim of charts’ use – to make training specific in relation to distance velocity, SR, D/S – i.e. to train specific motor patterns

For TT calculation we may use both predicted or recent results of swimmers

Swimmers usually aim to achieve TT while swimming training laps or distances usually not exceeding 60% of competitive distance (100 или 200 м)

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Always use TT together with other criteria of competitive activity: SR, SC, D/S, distance under water after starts or turns, breathing patterns

Demand perfect swimming technique!!!

Charts of Target Times for training of sprinters – how to use?

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Charts of Target Times for training of sprinters – how to use?

44,0 5,26 7,45 9,64 11,91 14,19 16,46 18,73 21,21 25,13 27,46 29,87 32,10 34,52 36,92 39,34 41,76 44,0 21,2145,0 5,40 7,64 9,88 12,20 14,52 16,84 19,16 21,70 25,71 28,09 30,46 32,84 35,31 37,77 40,24 42,71 45,0 21,7046,0 5,54 7,83 10,12 12,49 14,86 17,22 19,59 22,19 26,29 28,72 31,15 33,58 36,10 38,62 41,14 43,66 46,0 22,1947,0 5,68 8,02 10,36 12,77 15,19 17,60 20,02 22,68 26,87 29,36 31,84 34,32 36,90 39,47 42,04 44,61 47,0 22,6848,0 5,83 8,21 10,59 13,06 15,52 17,99 20,45 23,16 27,46 29,99 32,53 35,06 37,69 40,31 42,94 45,57 48,0 23,1649,0 5,97 8,40 10,83 13,34 15,86 18,37 20,89 23,65 28,04 30,63 33,21 35,80 38,48 41,16 43,84 46,52 49,0 23,6550,0 6,11 8,59 11,07 13,63 16,19 18,75 21,32 24,13 28,62 31,26 33,90 36,54 39,28 42,00 44,73 47,47 50,0 24,1351,0 6,25 8,78 11,30 13,91 16,53 19,14 21,75 24,62 29,21 31,90 34,59 37,28 40,07 42,85 45,65 48,42 51,0 24,6252,0 6,40 8,97 11,54 14,20 16,86 19,52 22,18 25,10 29,79 32,54 35,28 38,02 40,86 43,69 46,53 49,37 52,0 25,1053,0 6,54 9,16 11,78 14,48 17,20 19,90 22,61 25,59 30,37 33,17 35,97 38,76 41,65 44,54 47,43 50,32 53,0 25,5954,0 6,68 9,35 12,01 14,77 17,53 20,29 23,05 26,08 30,96 33,81 36,65 39,51 42,45 45,38 48,33 51,27 54,0 26,0855,0 6,83 9,54 12,25 15,05 17,86 20,67 23,48 26,56 31,54 34,44 37,34 40,25 43,24 46,23 49,22 52,22 55,0 26,5656,0 6,97 9,73 12,49 15,34 18,20 21,05 23,91 27,05 32,12 35,08 38,03 40,99 44,03 47,08 50,12 53,17 56,0 27,0557,0 7,11 9,92 12,72 15,63 18,53 21,44 24,34 27,53 32,71 35,71 38,72 41,73 44,83 47,92 51,02 54,12 57,0 27,5358,0 7,25 10,11 12,96 15,91 18,87 21,82 24,78 28,02 33,29 36,35 39,41 42,47 45,62 48,77 51,92 55,07 58,0 28,0259,0 7,40 10,29 13,20 16,20 19,20 22,20 25,21 28,51 33,87 36,99 40,09 43,21 46,41 49,61 52,82 56,02 59,0 28,5160,0 7,54 10,48 13,43 16,48 19,54 22,59 25,64 28,99 34,46 37,62 40,78 43,95 47,21 50,46 53,71 56,97 60,0 28,9961,0 7,68 10,67 13,67 16,77 19,87 22,97 26,07 29,48 35,04 38,26 41,47 44,69 48,00 51,30 54,61 57,92 61,0 29,4862,0 7,82 10,86 13,91 17,05 20,21 23,35 26,51 29,96 35,62 38,89 42,16 45,43 48,79 52,15 55,51 58,87 62,0 29,9663,0 7,97 11,05 14,14 17,34 20,54 23,74 26,94 30,45 36,20 39,53 42,85 46,17 49,59 52,99 56,41 59,82 63,0 30,4564,0 8,11 11,24 14,38 17,62 20,87 24,12 27,37 30,94 36,79 40,16 43,53 46,91 50,38 53,84 57,31 60,77 64,0 30,9465,0 8,25 11,43 14,61 17,91 21,21 24,50 27,80 31,42 37,37 40,80 44,22 47,65 51,17 54,68 58,20 61,72 65,0 31,4266,0 8,39 11,62 14,85 18,19 21,54 24,89 28,23 31,91 37,95 41,44 44,91 48,39 51,96 55,53 59,10 62,67 66,0 31,9167,0 8,54 11,81 15,09 18,48 21,88 25,27 28,67 32,39 38,54 42,07 45,60 49,13 52,76 56,38 60,00 63,62 67,0 32,3968,0 8,68 12,00 15,32 18,76 22,21 25,65 29,10 32,88 39,12 42,71 46,29 49,87 53,55 57,22 60,90 64,58 68,0 32,8869,0 8,82 12,19 15,56 19,05 22,55 26,04 29,53 33,36 39,70 43,34 46,98 50,61 54,34 58,07 61,80 65,53 69,0 33,3670,0 8,96 12,38 15,80 19,34 22,88 26,42 29,96 33,85 40,29 43,98 47,66 51,36 55,14 58,91 62,69 66,48 70,0 33,8571,0 9,11 12,57 16,03 19,62 23,22 26,80 30,40 34,34 40,87 44,61 48,35 52,10 55,93 59,76 63,59 67,43 71,0 34,34

Целевые результаты проплывания тренировочных отрезков для пловцов специализирующихся в плавании на короткие и средние дистанции

- 100 метров Вольным Стилем/Бассейн 50 м Федерация Плавания России

Время 15 м 20 м 25 м 30 м 35 м 40 м 45 м 50 м по ногам

60 м 65 м 70 м 75 м 80 м 85 м 90 м 95 м 100 м1-е 50 м

Page 39: Андрей Воронцов: материалы для дискуссии с тренерами

!Лучший тип нагрузок для развития МПК(VO2 max) -

Ступенчатое увеличение интенсивностиСтупенчатое увеличение интенсивности::7x200 or 10x100 step-test,

15x200 [улучшение в блоках x 3],10x400 [улучшение в блоках х 4/3 /2/1],

40x50 [улучшение в блоках x 5 или 10] ...

Оптимальное время экспозицииОптимальное время экспозиции На уровнеНа уровне 80-95% 80-95% от МПК от МПК =10-15 min=10-15 min

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Example of progressive setExample of progressive set ( (BR, girlsBR, girls aged 14aged 14))

06.10.2003 p.m.1. 8x150 IM on 2.30 Stacey Elspeth Kate 10x50 kick [] on 60'' 2.56.24 3.02.05 3.02.50 3x300 padd. On 4.00 2.51.81 2.59.07 2.59.55 100 kick BK 2.49.67 2.53.45 2.56.81 6x50 fly ! On 70''1. 12x50 drills/choice 2.52.78 2.59.05 2.59.45 8x50 kick on 60'' 2.50.79 2.56.03 2.59.69 10x15!/10x15~ 2.48.40 2.52.51 2.53.71 200 drill/swim3. 3x[3x200 BR on 3.30] 2.50.45 2.58.88 2.58.88 <100~ recovery> 2.47.26 2.53.69 2.54.104. 800 fins 1.18.70 2.41.65 2.50.62 2.50.70


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High Quality training =High Quality training = ««RACE PACE TRAININGRACE PACE TRAINING»»::- development of specific - development of specific endurance – SPEendurance – SPETraining based on individual raceTraining based on individual racemodelsmodels

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«Дробное плавание» - серии х ½ , ¼ or ⅛ части дистанции, проплываемые с соревновательной скоростью. Интервалы времени – короткие, но достаточные для поддержания заданной скорости и темпа

Скорость и темп – или по лучшей раскладке или прогнозируемые (модельные)

Для пловцов 13-14 лет рекомендуется выполнять 1-2 серии в неделю в течение 2-3 недель, для пловцов 15-17 лет - 2-3 серии в неделю в течение 4-6 недель вполне достаточно

Фокус на целевую скорость и ЧГ при условии поддержания совершенной техники плавания и отличной выполнении поворотов и финиша

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RACE-PACE TRAININGВклад аэробной и анаэробной систем метаболизма зависит от дистанции на для которой тренируется спортсмен, его возраста и уровня биологической зрелости

Такая тренировка развивает чувство скорости и оптимального сочетания темпа и шага на данной скорости

Техника и соотношениеТехника и соотношение SR/SL SR/SL очень важны и очень важны и должны выдерживаться, особенно на фоне должны выдерживаться, особенно на фоне нарастающего утомлениянарастающего утомленияПловцы обучаются пониманию зависимости между тренировочными результатами (временами на отрезках) и соревновательными результатами и раскладками. Это положительно влияет на уверенность спортсменов и развивает навыки контроля усилий по ходу дистанции

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n x ( 2 x ½ race i=5-15”) отдых 1-4 мин

n x (3-4 x ¼ race i=5-10”) отдых 2-4 мин

n x (8 x ⅛ race i=10-20”) отдых = 4-6 мин

n x (4 x ⅛ + ½ race) отдых = 3-6 мин«Return speed» - speed @ the last ⅓,½ or ¾ of a distance

«Top end speed» - speed @ the last ¼-⅛ of a distance

«Start end speed» - speed @ the 1st ¼, ⅓, ½, ¾ of a distance

n x (½ race pace/ ½ moderate) отдых 2-3 мин

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Примеры тренировки для развития SPE на короткие и средние дистанции:

1-5 x (4 x 100 м or 8 x 50 м i= 5-10 с) отдых 5 мин 3-8 x (4 x 25 м i=5-10 с) отдых = 3-5 мин

3-6 x (4x50 м i=10 -15 с) отдых 3-5 min

4-6 x (100+50+50 or 50+100+50 м i=10-15 с) с отдыхом 4-6 мин между сериями

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Примеры серий для стайеров:

1-3 x (8-15 x 100 м; i=5-20 с); отдых 4-6 мин

1-3 x (4 x 200 м i=20-30 с) активный отдых между сериями 5-8 мин

5-10 x (4 x 100 м i=10-15 с) с отдыхом 3-7 мин между сериями

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Тренировка Тренировка FRONT END SPEED FRONT END SPEED n x 50 n x 50 со старта, способсо старта, способ #1 #1 вв 50’’/15050’’/150 м м восстановлениевосстановление]]

Тренировка Тренировка BACK END SPEEDBACK END SPEED n x [50+50+50 - No.1n x [50+50+50 - No.1способспособ вв 50’’/150 50’’/150 recovery] (recovery] (50 50 ##1,2 – ##1,2 – контролируемая контролируемая скоростьскорость, #3 , #3 скорость «скорость «race pacerace pace»»))1-4x[8x25 1-4x[8x25 вв 60/55/50/45/40/35/30”] 60/55/50/45/40/35/30”]

Контроль соотношения «темп/шаг»

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For young swimmers aged 8-12 years the For young swimmers aged 8-12 years the main form of development of anaerobic main form of development of anaerobic

energy system and special endurance (SPE1, energy system and special endurance (SPE1, SPE2) is competitive racingSPE2) is competitive racing (distances 50, (distances 50,

100, 200 m) 100, 200 m)

Training of finish acceleration (effort)Training of finish acceleration (effort) « «TOPTOP END SPEEDEND SPEED»:»:

5-85-8 x x[[25 25 m kick under water m kick under water - - restrest 10-15 10-15 ss + 25!!! + 25!!! WithWith SR control and keeping constant D/S (SR control and keeping constant D/S (««step lengthstep length»»))

5-6х5-6х[[8х25 8х25 @@ 60 60”, 55”, 50”, 45”, 40”, 35”, 30” – ”, 55”, 50”, 45”, 40”, 35”, 30” – constant near maximal velocityconstant near maximal velocity, , race SR and D/S]race SR and D/S]

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13.05.2005 p.m. Robin Dave Lorna29,64 29,84 31,6 32,03 31,48 31,73

1. 12x50 pull free on 50'' 31,83 30,01 32,3 32,18 32,43 32,02 200 k free 29,84 30,07 32,3 32,28 31,63 32,18 3x200 [IM/BK/fly] on 3.00 29,63 29,61 31,7 31,77 31,31 31,67 200 k IM 155 170 160 173 168 173 8x[25! Dive/push/25~] 1.04.79 1.02.01 1.07.62 1.06.60 1.07.94 1.06.52 200 BK 1.03.89 1.00.44 1.05.84 1.04.97 1.07.61 1.05.152. VO2 Max Set: 1.03.87 1.00.62 1.05.30 1.04.32 1.06.90 1.06.90 50+50+50+50 on 50'' 1.03.47 58,98 1.05.18 1.02.77 1.06.32 1.05.39 100+100+100+100 on 1.40 154 173 166 177 175 176 50+50+50+50 on 50'' 29,63 28,11 33,01 28,80 32,92 30,54 100+100+100+100 on 1.40 30,04 27,83 31,73 29,98 31,79 30,84 50+50+50+50 on 50'' 30,08 27,75 31,65 29,40 31,83 31,51 100+100+100+100 on 1.40 30,00 26,14 31,63 29,48 31,63 29,77 50+50+50+50 on 50'' 167 178 168 177 173 181 300 BR| 1.03.47 1.06.51 1.07.613. 10x50 drills 1.02.37 1.04.93 1.07.55 4x100 kick on 2.00 [desc.1-4] 1.02.31 1.04.84 1.06.75 400 kick fins fly on BK 1.00.81 1.04.78 1.06.02 600 pull free 171 172 178


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Thank You very much!

Any Questions [email protected]

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04.04.2001 TIME TRIAL

Paul Palmer M.Spackman Robin Francis Joana Fargus Alan Bircher Sarah Collings200 free 200 free 200 free 200 BK 800 free 800 free

25,4 26,41 25,5 31,8 58,7 1.04.027,8 29,99 28,8 34,57 1.59.4 2.12.627,8 29,86 31,1 35,3 4.03.0 4.29.527,6 28,13 30,9 34,3 6.08.0 6.45.3

1.48.80 1.54.30 1.56.40 2.16.02 8.12.1 8.59.9HR= 179 HR=191 HR=189 HR=200 HR=193 HR=188

Lactate1 min 8,2 7,4 6,62 min 9,6 9,2 9,1 9,1 7,8 7,23 min 12,3 10,8 13,8 13,9 7,6 6,74 min 13,2 11,7 100 m swim 14,3 7,2 6,45 min 15,4 12,1 15,1 15,0 6,9 6,26 min 16,0 13,6 14,37 min 15,3 12,4 14,3

Swim Down1000 La=2.3 1000 m La=3.4 1000 m La=4.1 800 m La=4.4 600 m La=1.2800 m La=2.0

1200 m La=2.7 1300 m La=2.4 1100 m La=2.6

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Comperative Analysis of Competitive Performance of Best International & GB Swimmers in 1999

Swimmer Distance Time 100 T 25 T 50 T 75 Average V t 15 m V 15 m V25 V 50 V 75 V 100 V aver.Hoogenband100 free 48.47 10.84 35.50 2.06 6.08 2.47 2.1 2.03 1.99 1.99 2.01Popov 100 free 48.82 10.68 35.58 2.05 5.9 2.54 2.09 2.02 1.92 1.87 1.97Meadows 100 free 50.04 11.06 36.22 2.00 6.26 2.4 2.08 2.00 1.91 1.78 1.94Stevens 100 free 51.03 11.36 37.16 1.96 6.38 2.35 2.01 1.88 1.87 1.77 1.88Kidd 100 free 51.05 11.24 36.94 1.96 6.18 2.43 1.98 1.92 1.85 1.75 1.87femalesThomson 100 free 54.89 12.29 26.47 40.13 1.82 6.79 2.21 1.82 1.76 1.70 1.68 1.74Rolf 100 free 55.03 12.46 40.30 1.82 6.90 2.17 1.80 1.77 1.74 1.67 1.74De Druin 100 free 55.24 12.02 39.80 1.81 6.70 2.24 1.88 1.81 1.71 1.59 1.74Volker 100 free 55.36 12.36 40.30 1.81 6.90 2.17 1.83 1.81 1.70 1.64 1.74Pickering 100 free 55.88 12.84 27.33 41.10 1.78 7.22 2.08 1.78 1.74 1.71 1.67 1.72malesFioravanti100 Breast 1.01.34 13.44 28.93 44.90 1.63 7.26 2.07 1.62 1.59 1.52 1.50 1.56Warnecke 100 Breast 1.01.97 13.04 28.84 44.86 1.61 6.80 2.21 1.60 1.57 1.48 1.45 1.53Mew 100 Breast 1.03.18 13.50 45.54 1.58 7.20 2.08 1.59 1.57 1.46 1.39 1.50Whitehead100 Breast 1.02.83 13.48 45.60 1.59 7.08 2.12 1.56 1.55 1.45 1.43 1.50femalesKovacs 100 Breast 1.08.42 15.16 32.17 50.26 1.46 8.38 1.79 1.47 1.45 1.38 1.36 1.42Baker 100 Breast 1.11.55 15.14 33.18 52.00 1.40 8.38 1.79 1.48 1.37 1.31 1.28 1.36Heyns 100 Breast 1.06.99 14.48 31.48 48.92 1.49 7.69 1.95 1.56 1.46 1.39 1.36 1.43Quann 100 Breast 1.08.54 14.92 32.01 50.10 1.46 8.17 1.84 1.49 1.45 1.36 1.33 1.39Hindmarsh100 Breast 1.11.79 15.82 34.14 52.50 1.39 8.60 1.74 1.39 1.34 1.34 1.28 1.34Datton 100 Breast 1.11.89 15.90 34.39 52.84 1.39 8.68 1.73 1.39 1.35 1.32 1.30 1.34King 100 Breast 1.12.18 15.52 33.54 52.28 1.38 8.48 1.77 1.42 1.38 1.29 1.24 1.33malesTheloke 100 Back 55.16 12.48 26.93 40.38 1.81 6.90 2.17 1.79 1.78 1.69 1.67 1.73Harris 100 Back 56.21 12.56 27.18 40.94 1.78 7.06 2.12 1.82 1.76 1.64 1.62 1.71Krauzelburg100 Back 53.6 11.95 25.97 38.97 1.86 6.54 2.29 1.85 1.78 1.73 1.68 1.75Harris 100 Back 55.63 12.46 26.85 40.38 1.80 6.94 2.16 1.81 1.74 1.69 1.62 1.71Ruckwood 100 Back 56.28 12.76 27.37 41.04 1.78 7.04 2.13 1.75 1.74 1.67 1.62 1.69

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Physiological and biochemical control during training sessions and competitions/ Recovery control

HR control HR Monitors (Polar) La dynamics after training

exercises & race (La max) Swim down recovery control:

swim down at HR=130-140 b/min or until La=2.0 mmol/l (1200-1600 m)

Page 54: Андрей Воронцов: материалы для дискуссии с тренерами

La testing after race and during swim down

British Grand Prix, Sheffield 26-28.05.2000Swimmer Date Event Result La3 La4 La5 La6 La7 La8 La9 La10 Sw im Dow n LaS.Collings 26 800 free 8.57.20J.King 26 50BR heat 33.14 6.2 7.4 7.7 6.8 6.8 400 2.3A.Whitehead 26 50BR heat 29.18 600 1.4P.Palmer 26 1500 free 15.22.16 8.4 8.2 8 7.6 600 1.927.05.00 a.m.

C.Foot 27 100fly heat 1.02.46 11 12 12 13 11 11 700 1.2J.Coyne 27 100fly heat 1.04.0 600 3.2A.Wiles 27 200fly heat 2.05.46 1000 2.1D.Mew 27 200BR heat 2.24.12 800 3.9J.King 27 100BR heat 1.12.18 8.3 8.6 9 8.3 800 2.7A.Whitehead 27 200BR heat 2.21.08 900 1.8E.Robinson 27 100BR heat 1.13.12 9.9 12 12 11 800 3.9P.Palmer 27 200free heat 1.51.88 8.6 8.9 9.8 11 11 11 1000 1.8S.Price 27 200BK heat 2.17.2 8.9 11 11 11 1000 1.8M.Clay 27 100BK heat 59.7 13 14 16 1000 4.7J.Salter 27 200free heat 1.51.30 1500 1.3J.Fargus 27 200BK heat 2.14.99 600 2.4F.Pote 27 200fly heat 2.11.2 6.9 12 13 13 12 1000 1.7S.Duckham 27 100BK heat 59.4 1000 1.927.05.00 p.m.

C.Foot 27 100fly final 1.01.76 13 14 14 14 14 14 700 1.8S.Price 27 50BK 30.18 800 1.7J.King 27 100BR final 1.10.75 8.1 8.9 9.1 800 2.6

Page 55: Андрей Воронцов: материалы для дискуссии с тренерами

WC Youth Monthly Monitoring Form

Name: Stacey Tadd Month: February Club: University of Bath Coach: Andrei Vorontsov

*Please report any illness or injury immediately to the contact below

Training Record Week Commencing 29th-3rd 5th-10th 12th-17th 19th-24th 26th-5th

Total Metres: 55200 50400 53250 63000 55500

Total Aerobic Metres: 55200 41200 40050 44150 40700

Total Race Pace Metres: None 8600 11500 16600 13350

Total Race Speed Metres: None 600 1700 2250 1450 Weekly Average Session Rating

(1 – 10) 5 6 7 7 8

Number of Water Workouts: 10 10 10 10 10

Total hours in Water: 20 20 20 20 20

Total hours LC Training: 16 20 18 14 12

Total hours SC Training: 4 0 2 6 8

Total hours of Strength + Conditioning:

1h 1h 30 1h 30 1h 30 1h30

Number of Strength + Conditioning workouts:

1 3 3 3 3

Weight (Kg) 67.8 67.7 67.7 68.0 68.1 Av. Resting Heart Rate 50 50 51 51 52

*Illness/Injury affecting performance, please give details

Anaemia Low Hb

Anaemia Low iron

Other Factors affecting performance

Competition Results Competition Date SC/LC Event Heat Time Final Time PB? Somerset

Short Course 4th march Sc 200 breast 2.31.73 no

100 fly 1.05.13 1.04.29 1.04.52


5th march sc 100 free 59.25 58.93 no 59.13 200 back 2.19.18 no

Coaches Comments: Stacey suffered from long term anaemia. Blood analysis was made 3 times since January. Things are going better now as showed Stacey’s performance at Somerset Short Course 2006 Championships.

Control of training work-loads