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हज़रत इमाम ज़ैनुल आबेदीन (अ:स) हमारे  चौथे इमाम

Jan 28, 2016




हज़रत इमाम ज़ैनुल आबेदीन (अ:स) हमारे  चौथे इमाम. अंग्रेजी : ए एस हाशिम (एम डी) हिंदी अनुवाद : सय्येद जाफर नकवी. वंशावली. ज़ैनुल आबेदीन (अ:स) - बचपन में. माँ बच्चे के जन्म के बाद कुछ दिन मर  जाती है चची जैनब (स:अ) उसका ख़याल रखती हैं   दादा अली (अ:स) की तरह आकर्षक रूप है  - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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  • (:) :Crying and actively seeking peoples sympathy for Al-Husain, and talk about Karbala persistentlyEmphasizes Prayer and long SujoodPersists on Duaa, composing them and let them be the MAP for the future worksShuns Politics CompletelyStarts Majlis for Imam Husain every yearGradually educate scholars in Islam


  • (:) Give refuge to Benu UmayyaHosts Marwan's family and relatives, 400 members, free of charges. Kept them for several weeks, Period when Yazids army invaded MedinaMarwan was the nemesis and trouble maker during Uthmans ruleMarwan was the enemy of Ahlul Bayt, but now he is in need of their helpMarwan fought Ali during Jamal Confrontation


  • (:) Zainul Abideen witnesses the grave consequences of the failed Medina uprising: Sahaaba killed, Wives assaulted, and Property pilfered Kaba was attacked by Yazid to pacify Ibn ZubairAl-Hajjaj burns the Kaba by throwing catapultYazid dies at age of 33 YearsThe forces leave Mecca


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  • (:) More uprisingsUprising of Tawwaboon against Benu Umayya: fight unto deathUprising of Mukhtar in Iraq: Occupy Iraq, chase all fighters against Husain and kill them, including Ibn Ziyad, Shimr, and Omar ibn SaadMarwan becomes Khalifa, then dies 9 months laterIt is said Marwan was killed by his wife by either poisoning or by way of choking


  • (:) Tough timesAl-Hajjaj (who attacked the Kaba to subdue Ibn Zubair), becomes governor of Iraq,Tyrannical rule in Iraq for 20 years. The new dictators cruelty knows no limitsAbdul Malik (son of Marwan) is Khalifa in SyriaZainul Abideen works diligently to focus on Piety as the basis for society.


  • (:) Steady growth of the Islamic Institute over 27 years periodDiligent work in tutoring of scholars.Growth steady but fast growingAl-Baaqir, and grandson Al-Saadiq participate in the Discourses and DiscussionsAl the end, 160 Scholars graduate


  • (:) Tafseer, Hadith, Ah'kaam, and JurisprudenceHe wrote Al-Saheefa Al-SajjadiyahHe wrote Risalah al-Huquq (Personal Rights versus Personal Obligations in our life)


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    :: : IIIZainul Abideen and the Imams after him. , , ( )! ! .


  • (:) _____ :Abu Bakr,Omar, andUthmans Khilaafah:

    Corpus of Knowledge consists of the following:Quran in chorological orderTafseer (Mushaf Fatima)Hadith (Saheefa of Ali)AhkaamAl-JafrWhite Jafr: Prophets and early timesRed Jafr: Rules of war in Islam


  • (:) The Imamah.Imamah is not subject to election or negotiation. It is a designation (a Directive) by the Almighty. An Imam is Ma'soom, meaning safeguarded by Allah from: a) religious error, b) sin, and c) forgetfulness.


  • (:) To Keep Karbala in Mind IImam Zainul Abideen urged the people to visit the site of Karbala. Thus people confirmed their resolve in the Islamic principles Imam AlHusain stood for. He encouraged Muslims to observe the anniversary of Karbala every year.This led to Majlis every year done at the time in confidential manner, in private houses He used to visit the burial area of Imam AlHusain every year. He would visit Karbala unannounced, often unnoticed.


  • (:) To Keep Karbala in Mind IIHe recommended that in Sujood to touch a clean Turbah. This was recommended so that a person's highest part of Salat (Sujood) be associated with the principles Imam AlHusain gave his life for, meaning authentic Islam. He used a logo: May the Killer of AlHusain Ibn Ali be Debased and Defiled.The Logo became popular


  • (:) EmphasisImamah was frequently explained and emphasized, andIsmah (as attested by Ayah of Tat'heer) was often emphasized, (Surah 33 :Ayah 33) andThe unique and Center Role of Ahlul Bayt in Islam was often explained.Work to produce high quality scholars,who were to teach others about true Islam,thus spread the word about the motive and the principles which Imam AlHusain had given his life for, andat the same time expose the offenses of Benu Umayya.


  • (:) The Institute graduatesmore than 160 scholars.


  • (:) Renowned StudentsAlBaaqir and his brother Zayd also participated in the discourses,Well known students were:Hasan Al-BasriAl-ThamaliAl-ZuhriIbn Tawoos, and many other erudite scholars


  • (:) CharacterZainul Abideen was very forgiving and generous. During Ramadhan, he would record whatever misdemeanor his servants did, then let them acknowledge, then give them their freedom He used to buy as many slaves as he could afford, educate them then set them freeHe was revered in the community since he was the Imam of the Ummah


  • (:) CharacterZainul Abideen had empathy for the poor and needy He used to carry sacs of flour to distribute to the poorDuring Ramadhan he would cook one sheep each day for distribution to the fasting needyHe had a very melodic voice, people loved hearing him read the Quran Zainul Abideen never wore his clothes for more than one season, then gave them to the poorFinancially he helped numerous needy people


  • (:) Dear Lord, I implore Thy protection from: Extremes in greed, Being hasty in anger, Being dominated by envy, Lacking of patience, Being with scarcity of contentment, Being with depravity of morals, Being beseeched by passion, An indulgence of zeal, The submitting to desires, and Opposing what is right.....Sample Duaa: Imploring protection from evil


  • (:) Munajaat: Tender PrayersMy Lord!Thy bounty which Thou hast beguncomplete it!Thy generosity which Thou hast given mestrip it not away!Thy cover over me through Thy clemencytear it not away!My misdeeds which Thou hast come to knowforgive them!My Lord!I seek intercession from Thee with Thee, andI seek sanctuary in Thee from Thee!I have come to Thee craving Thy beneficence, desiring Thy kindness,So act toward me with forgiveness and mercy of which Thou art worthy!Act not toward me with chastisement and vengeance of which I am worthy!By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!


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    EPISTLE OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONSZainul Abideen delineated the basic rights, mostly from Shari'ahAllah's rights on man, covering a wide range of prerogatives.Rights of body and soul,Rights of family members,Rights of those superior to the person or dependant on him,Rights of neighbors and friends, not excluding the nonMuslims.


  • (:) EPISTLE OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS:Rights of the wife: It is the right of your wife that you should know that Allah has made her for you a repose and comfort, and a friend and shield [against sin]. And likewise, it is incumbent upon both of you to thank Allah for your spouse and to know that the spouse is a grace of Allah upon you. You are obliged to respect her, be kind to her, and although your rights upon her are greater and her obedience to you final in all your likes and dislikes so long as it is not a sin So, she has the right of love and fellowship, and an abode so that natural desires may be fulfilled, and in this it is a great duty.


  • (:) Zainul Abideen diesZainul Abideen dies at age of 57, reportedly poisoned.Had calloused skin at place of Sujood (forehead)Thick skin in his back due to carrying sacs of flour at night to distribute to the poor Became pale with curved back due to incessant prayersHad the roughest experience: be it in Karbala, political times, and other circumstancesHis load was enormously heavy and psychologically taxing


  • (:) BurialZainul Abideen was buried at the BaqiiHe and others knew the ruling Benu Umayya would not allow the burial otherwiseWith time, a structure was built for people to perform visitation, pray, and read DuaaThe structure was demolished by Rulers in 1925


  • (:) Picture of Al-Baqii 1925

    Al-Baqii after it was destroyedAl-Baqii before 1925


  • (:) For Details Go to: then choose:

    Series of Islamic Books: Life of Ahlul Bayt Vol. II


  • (:) Be in Allahs Care

    Thank you and May God Bless you.Dr. A.S. Hashim


    Zainul AbideenZainul AbideenPROPHET MUHAMMAD(pbuh)

    II. After Hijrah:In MedinaZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul AbideenZainul Abideen