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提升透析病人照護品質 醫師的任務

Jan 14, 2016




提升透析病人照護品質 醫師的任務. 台大醫院 綜診部 血液淨化科 內科部 腎臟科 黃政文 醫師. Quality Control. A process employed to ensure a certain level of quality in a service. Dialysis. K-DOQI. Quality control. Who Medical service suppliers Personnel Medical Devices How Practice = dialysis Whom To the patients. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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  • Quality Control A process employed to ensure a certain level of quality in a service. DialysisK-DOQI

  • Quality control WhoMedical service suppliersPersonnel Medical DevicesHowPractice = dialysisWhomTo the patients

  • Services and Patients ExpectationsHospitalPatient receive the correct treatments?Patient treated courteously by all personnel?Hospital environment support patient recovery?


  • Quality managementSystematic policies, methods, and procedures used to ensure that medical services are produced with appropriate levels of quality to meet the needs of patients.

  • ???


  • KPI Key Performance Indicator KPI

  • KPI

  • KPI2.4 2.4.21Kt/V1.2 Kt/V1.7


    Hct 26%

    55 10%

  • RCA (Proximate cause)

    (Root cause)

  • 80/20 (vital few) (trivial many)

  • PDCAPlan:Do:Check:Assessment:

  • assessment

    PDCA Plan Do Check Assessment

  • 2.4 2.4.21AB

  • Albumin:
  • KT/V: Kt/V
  • KPIKT/VAlbumin: Survival: : : : ??? KPI?

  • KPI?Albumin? KT/V?Albumin > 3.7?KT/V > 1.4?Albumin < 3.5< 3%?KT/V < 1.2
  • ???

  • KT/VAlbuminHbnPCRInfection rateVascular thrombosisPeritonitis rateHospitalization rateMortality rateWhat value?How?

  • 4017391720001.20.85?

  • GuidelineGuidelines are fundamentally designed to bolt on quality from the top down, .Guidelines are designed to automate medical practice. Practice guideline do not significantly improve care and may be harmful to our profession and our patients. Richard Amerling PDI 2005;25:140

  • FDA Box Warning June, 2011

  • SWOTStrength DMWeaknessCKD
