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حؼء اؼح وشتح ظاع صاذ اع ا/ غاس / أصاؼذد ا ا2010 85 ؼاداء اخ ااظ اطاء ولث حعاع اذاخ احصمافخ الاؼخ واثؼصا دائشج اح فم دساعح ذطثؼا ارؼ وصاسج اؼثؽس ا وا٠ىشبة ػجذ ا ػجذ ا ػضا. بيش اداسح اػ١بعغز ؼجؾش اا ؼب ا١زؼصاسح ا خض اعفزبػ اغ ا دؼالدغ ا ىد١ بلغدخد اخ اصدادفدخزاق اعد ا١ ثدبدخدذا زغبدزمبي اعشػخ ا خ١ؼب ا اق لدسي عدشػخد قغد اب ل ىب غبد٠ اب ػلذسر ب ادائغز ثش بثمبء بدظد اع صجؼ١ ذا١ اوضش رؼمغ ع بعبر١ اؽزج٠ ضث اىغت سض٠ ب ٠ رمذت١عدب اعزجذاي ابد اظغأد ا هز . خ١دح ػببد راد علذ بد٠غدز دعدسخ ازا دخ٠ؼبددب ا ادائبد٠غدز د زمدبيا دض١١ز ادب ػضخ رغبػذ٠خ ؽذ٠ت اداس١خ ثأعب٠ذ١زمخ ا٠داس ادبط ا١ت ل١ اعدبعضد بدظ ؼبداء اع اض زا لمذ ؽظ خ١ اداء ػببددظأد اغد دش١دخ ؽ١زاد ااء ثد دزدبثب دخظ اد ػدؼم لدا حمد امدبا دذ٠ رؾذ لدس اعبعد دد داءدبط ا١م دب دخ٠سسح دب ثصدبط ادائ١ ل ابددظ دبء ثػضد دب لدب د دؼم ف امدبا صرغدب دػ اددسق اسس حمد امدبا سي اعدز خظ اى رزداء اد دذ٠ؼذ ا لدذ٠دزداسح ف ا اد ػ لد١جدبؽضا ٠ظدش ا لجدد دبزب ثأ١د لدذ ؽبددظبط اداء اد١ل ؼدب اس.جؾه ا ر ً جؾش عضءازا ا أر٠ غبيزا ا خ لس اجؾا ذساعبد اAbstract: As the world markets are expanding and the products and services among various markets are transferring fast, the completion increased to make the work reality more complicated and presence and lasting of the organization were subject to performance level and capability to find a status in the market through offering what persuades customs and meets their needs of high quality products and services. Therefore, the organizations were devoted to substitute the traditional administrative techniques with other modern ones which are going to be helpful for distinction and transferring from regular performance to a high quality one. Thus, the high performance of the organization and its techniques of measuring performance have got the same importance. The organizations launched to measure their performance periodically because of its importance to identify the powerful and weak spots in the organization's performance. Consequently, the organization would be able to assess the powerful spots to outburst upward and come over the weak spots. Accordingly, the establishing of high performance organizations and measuring their performance have got a great importance by researches and theorists in management science through submitting important researches and studies in this field which this research is a part of them مذ ا حبلغخا جمبء غخ١شئ اغج اؽذ اؼبداء اؼذ ا٠ ب ادائغز ثش خظبلغخ اصجؼ ثمبء اخ ا١خ ػب١ؾبئخ ا١ج ا لد الد ردزدخ ا٠سدش اداؼ اد بى خ٠شغىفبءح اا خظبد ا١ش لبث٠رس شجشبي ا ثشأط ابزه صاد از ك ا ل.ؼبداء ابد اظخ اظ ؼب داء اددذ ػ رؼزدذال دداسح ادس دخ١الشاش١ج ادذال رغدزجذي ادب ا١ ػاء لدبددخ ا١خ ػبظ خ اظس ا رزس ا اع الدذ ؽدب دظ ػدب ثشدؼشاق رؾزدبط ا ابي لػبد اظ. ل١ؼببدح وفبءح ا٠ص سبلخا ؼشلخ ادذ٠ عذدذل دكخ لدذ بعؾدخ لدذ دخظ ود دخ١ذدبي اػئدخ ا١شد ثد١ ر ودزدش دباؽذح ؽ ظشح رؾزبط اخ ف ل٠زغبسب اباداسح اػ ١ظز غؾذ. خ لذخ لبشظ و ذ لشي اسثدغ لدسد دخظ اداء اش لدغدز ا١ زؾغد اد ػدبيغدز دتزس٠ د١بلغدخ ا اغدز ادح خ : عد١ غد١ سئدذال غغدزدبط ا فدخىدذح ف ا٠غذبد اخدذا بدزغدش ا٠ رسدثذاع لبد فاخذا غغ ؾبعخب ا ثج رزغشػخ اخشعبد ف ا ابد .خذا

المداخل الاساسية لبناء وقياس الاداء العالي

Oct 01, 2015




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    era stekram suoirav gnoma secivres dna stcudorp eht dna gnidnapxe era stekram dlrow eht sA

    dna detacilpmoc erom ytilaer krow eht ekam ot desaercni noitelpmoc eht ,tsaf gnirrefsnart

    dnif ot ytilibapac dna level ecnamrofrep ot tcejbus erew noitazinagro eht fo gnitsal dna ecneserp

    hgih fo sdeen rieht steem dna smotsuc sedausrep tahw gnireffo hguorht tekram eht ni sutats a

    eht etutitsbus ot detoved erew snoitazinagro eht ,eroferehT .secivres dna stcudorp ytilauq

    rof lufpleh eb ot gniog era hcihw seno nredom rehto htiw seuqinhcet evitartsinimda lanoitidart

    hgih eht ,suhT .eno ytilauq hgih a ot ecnamrofrep raluger morf gnirrefsnart dna noitcnitsid

    emas eht tog evah ecnamrofrep gnirusaem fo seuqinhcet sti dna noitazinagro eht fo ecnamrofrep

    sti fo esuaceb yllacidoirep ecnamrofrep rieht erusaem ot dehcnual snoitazinagro ehT .ecnatropmi

    .ecnamrofrep s'noitazinagro eht ni stops kaew dna lufrewop eht yfitnedi ot ecnatropmi

    drawpu tsrubtuo ot stops lufrewop eht ssessa ot elba eb dluow noitazinagro eht ,yltneuqesnoC

    snoitazinagro ecnamrofrep hgih fo gnihsilbatse eht ,ylgnidroccA .stops kaew eht revo emoc dna

    ni stsiroeht dna sehcraeser yb ecnatropmi taerg a tog evah ecnamrofrep rieht gnirusaem dna

    siht hcihw dleif siht ni seiduts dna sehcraeser tnatropmi gnittimbus hguorht ecneics tnemeganam

    meht fo trap a si hcraeser






  • 0102 / /




    . .


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    . )1p:6002:knarF,kjidnetyuB(

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  • 0102 / /




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    . p:5991.rehto & .moT, retroP ( .

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    . sucoF tekraM dna remotsuC esnetnI .7

    . .

    tnavreS-pihsredaeL . 8


    . secnaillA dna ,spihsrentraP ,skrowteN , . 9 .

    sleveL tnemeganaM weF . 01

    . .

    enOtnioP tcatnoC remotsuC . 11


    2p:4002:nairB,erytnlcM( tnemerusaeM ecnamrofreP . 21


    erutluc a dliuB . 31

    . .

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    : .





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    . / 2

    . .


    / 3



    .. .

    . 2:2002 ,:-:

    . .1 . . 2 . . 3 . . 4 . 5

    . . .


  • 0102 / /



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    .2 stifeneb ssenisub elbignat gnitegrat yb noitaerc eulav etareleccA


    . . 3

    .eulav reviled ot erutcetihcra esirpretne ruoy ezimitpO .


    . .4

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    . % 02-% 51

    . . 5

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    , .


    . 6 o gnicruostuo etaulave dna seicnetepmoc eroc ruoy dnatsrednUsnoitp


    . . .

  • 0102 / /


    ( ) . 7

    laer a esU-mitnoisiced thgir eht ekam ot ecnamrofrep esirpretne fo tohspans es

    . -

    . niahc ylppus ruoy fo eulav eht ezimixaM . . 8

    )4-3p:1002:neK,hsiaW( .

    . . 9

    ytlayol remotsuc eruces dna esab remotsuc ruoy dnapxe ot thgisni remotsuc esU.


    . . 01

    noitazinagro eht rewopme nac taht seigolonhcet wen tpoda dna ssessA

    . )2P:4002:droflliW .R kraM(


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    )3-1:6002:knarF,kjidnetyuB( - : stegraT suoitibmA teS:snoissiM ehT .1 .



    seulaV derahS tniopniP .2



    . etueexE oT woH .3 .



  • 0102 / /


    . .



    noitazidradnatS ssecorP dna ataD .4


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    * * * TI

    )2 (Sesruo: etyuB("knarF,kjidn hgiH A gnidliuB oT syeK eviF ecnamrofreP

    noitazinagrO":6002:p1-)3 :

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    latipaC lautcelletnI 4-3-1-2



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    711-411: 3002 egdelwonK evitingoC -1

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    ,tnemeganaM tsoC" ,.W samohT ,niL & .H ,k ,nehC & .J ,E ,rehcolB :ecruoS

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    -: )gro.tenama.www(

    hcaorppa cigetartS . 1


    . Chcaorppa remotsu . 2

    . hcaorppa pihsredaeL . 3

    . erutcurtS dna sessecorP . 4


    . .

    sfeileB dna seulaV . 5 .



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    ) 4 (

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    2 1 %2.38 29.4 61.4 2 2 11 01


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    6 %4.26 00.3 21.3 2 5 8 8 2 8

    3 %6.56 18.3 82.3 1 4 9 9 2 9

    2 %8.86 97.5 44.3 1 4 4 51 1


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    5 %2.36 56.2 61.3 4 2 9 6 4 21

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    11 6 %2.36 23.3 61.3 1 6 8 8 2

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    ) 7 (

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  • 0102 / /


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    ) 9 (

    1 5 %0.67 75.4 08.3 3 4 31 5

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    ( 5 ...)

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    ( ) 6 3 %0.08 31.6 00.4 2 2 51 6


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    9 8 %6.37 81.4 86.3 1 3 4 21 5

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    9 %8.27 55.6 46.3 4 3 61 2

    21 6 %2.57 03.4 67.3 1 3 3 21 6


  • 0102 / /


    1-4 1-1-4

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    . .3

    . .4

    . . 5

    . . 6

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    .. 7


    .1 .

    . .2 .3

    . .4

    . .5

    . .6

    . .7


    : . 1

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    .ten.remmelC ecnamroferP hgiH .noitazinagrO ecnamroferP hgiH gningiseD,2002. III relwaL ,drawdE .3

    noitazinagrO ,noitazinagrO ecnamroferP hgiH A gnidliuB ot yeK eviF ehT ,6002.knarF,kjidnetyuB .4

    .ten.gammpb .www//ptth hgiH fo noitulovE / tnempoleveD dna ygetaratS RH fo weivrevO,8002.F deinaD ,naruD .5

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    rehgiH eveihcA ot snoituloS esirpretnE esU ot syaW neT,4002 .droflliW, R kraM .6 .sleveL ecnamrofreP

    .ten.ygetartskrow .www//ptth ,noitazinagrO ecnamroferP hgiH A gnidliuB .J nairB ,erytnluM .7 .www//ptth ,metsyS kroW ecnamroferP hgiH A gnitnemelpmI,6002 ,.D cirE,nworB .8

    .moc.nworbcire .gro.tenama.www, noitazinagrO ecnamroferP hgiH A dliuB oT woH .9 .www//ptth ,noitazinagrO ecnamroferP hgiH A si tahW ,9002.rovaF,W divaD .01

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    ,draypihS lavaN notselrahC emoF snosseL : yrutneC tsriF-ytnewT ehT roF snoitazinagrO moc.qaf-hcet.wwW .21 liame ,1002,tnemeganaM niahC ylppuS dnA gninnalP sesruoseR esirpretnE, hsiaW neK .31

    anaisiuoL @SDSI@ ecremmoC dnA noitazinagrO lautriV roF retneC RO .ude.usi@hsiawK .ytisrevinU etatS

    ecitnerP nosraeP ,sisahpmE laireganaM A ,gnitnuoccA tsoC ,.la .te ,.T selrahC ,nergnroH .41 .3002 ,de ht11 ,A.S.U ,llaH

    cigetartS A ,tnemeganaM tsoC ,.W samohT ,niL & .H gnuK ,nehC & .J drawdE ,rehcolB .51 2002 ,A.S.U ,niwrI lliH -warGcM ,.de dn2 ,sisahpmE

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    3002. . 1

    . 1002. . 2

    . . 75 )CSB(" . 9002. . 3

    . . "

    : 4002. . 1

    . - CSB

    . . / / 1 . . / / 2 / . . / 3 /. / 4 . . / / 5 / / . . 6 .. / / 7