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1 Министерство общего и профессионального образования Свердловской области МКУ «Управление образования городского округа Красноуральск» Свердловской области Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа №8 Направление: лингвистическое (иностранные языки) Тема: «Языковое портфолио и целесообразность его создания для обучающихся» Автор: Уваров Александр, 11А Руководитель: Уварова Марина Александровна, учитель английского языка Место выполнения работы: МАОУ СОШ №8 Красноуральск 2015

Языковое портфолио: целесообразность его создания для обучающихся

Jul 19, 2015



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Page 1: Языковое портфолио: целесообразность его создания для обучающихся


Министерство общего и профессионального образования

Свердловской области

МКУ «Управление образования городского округа Красноуральск»

Свердловской области

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа №8

Направление: лингвистическое (иностранные языки)

Тема: «Языковое портфолио и целесообразность его создания для


Автор: Уваров Александр, 11А

Руководитель: Уварова Марина Александровна, учитель английского языка

Место выполнения работы: МАОУ СОШ №8



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Introduction………………………………………..………..… 3

Basic part………………………………………………………..…… 5

1. What is a Portfolio……………………………………..……..…… 5

2. What is a Language Portfolio…………………………..…..….… 5

2.1.The European Language Portfolio (ELP)……………….. 5

2.2.The Language Portfolio in Russia……………………….… 7

2.3.Purposes of the portfolio ………………………………….. 8

2.4. Contents and structure of the portfolio……….………….. 8

2.5. What is a Portfolio for me?…………………………..….. 9

3. My Portfolio…………………………………………………....……. 11

3.1. Language Passport ............................................................ 12

3.2. Language Biography………………………………..…... 13

3.3. Dossier…………………………………….……….…..… 20

3.4.Extra Activities .................................................................. 20

4. The opinion poll……………………………………………….…… 21

Conclusion……………………………...…………………….… 23

List of literature ……………………………..……………...….. 24


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There is no doubt that portfolio is a hot topic nowadays. Many are against

portfolios, others are sure they cannot do without them.

The first and, perhaps, the most responsible stage on the way to get a future

profession is entering of a school-leaver any higher educational institution. If the

question of a formal assessment of school volume of knowledge of the entrant in the

format of the unified state exam may be considered fulfilled, the standard technique of

an assessment of individual creative abilities of young people does not exist yet. Lack

of differentiation in procedure of entrance exams reduces motivation and probability of

entering higher education institution of those school-leavers who have no privileges

from position of the state.

The problem: What can help school–leavers to enter any higher educational


The leaders, capable to think originally, capable to generate ideas, to make

decisions and to take the responsibility are necessary for the development of our

country. No doubt, theUnified State Examhas to remain the main, but not the only way

of checking the quality of education. This year the Unified State Exam has been

added with one more form of an assessment of knowledge of school-leavers— a

portfolio. As far as I know there is no experience of discussing the creation of a

language portfolio in our town. So the actuality of the research is obvious for all

school-leavers and I am one of them.

I will try to express my own opinion and try to convince you in importance of

having a personal portfolio. Our contemporaries should know about personal portfolio

as one of the most important things in life of future students. We should remember

about the demands of our time: creative and inspired students. After finishing school I

want to enter a higher institution in order to become a student and my personal

portfolio will help me in it, I hope.

Hypotheses: Portfolio shows achievements in learning foreign languages and it

will be useful in life.

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The aim of the work:To create a personal language portfolio and to show my

achievements in learning a foreign language .

Tasks: 1. To study the experience of creation of a language portfolio in our

country and abroad;

2. To make a poll among the pupils of our school of different ages to find

out their opinion about need of creation of a language portfolio;

3. To introduce the pupils the created personallanguage portfolio.

The object of the research: the learning activity in English;

The subject of the research: the demonstration of personalachievements in

learning foreign languageswith the help of own language portfolio;

Methods of the research: 1.Studying different literature about the language

portfoliosin the Internet and analyzing it;

2. Making a poll among pupils of our school of different ages to find out their

opinion about the neсessity of creation of a language portfolio and analyze the results;

3. Generalizing and introduction own experience of creation personal language

portfolio to the pupils.

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Basic part

1. What is a Portfolio?

Portfolios are very popular these days. Even in a time when calls for higher

standards and tougher testing are louder than ever, many schools are doing portfolios –

or at least talking about doing them. So what are portfolios? Aren't they for students

who want to go tohigher education institution? And besides, if all you need are good

grades and test scores to get into higher education institution, why even bother?

A portfolio is a selection of student’s work, usually collected and selected by the

student him/herself for a particular purpose. The portfolio exhibits the student’s

efforts, progress and achievements over a period of time. Usually, the work also

exhibits the student’s own choice and interests. The portfolio should include a

description of its purpose and goals as well as of the criteria for selection and

assessment. It should also contain the student’s own reflection on and evaluation of

both the selected work and the process of studying and learning.

Students select some of their pieces of work at the end of a course or a

term, for example, according their criteria for selection,their own goals as well as to

assess their work and learning. The final showcase portfolio thus usually represents the

students’ best works showing their strengths. Naturally, the criteria for selection

depend on the purpose of the portfolio.

2. What is a Language Portfolio?

Portfolios have been used for a long time by various professions as a means to

document a person’s achievements. Artists, architects or designers collect samples of

their work in portfolios. They use them to show evidence of their best practice, but

also to demonstrate how their skills have developed over the years as a consequence of

their learning biography. The Language Portfolio has similar aims with regard to a

learner's language and intercultural competence. Ithelps to make the students’ learning

progress and process visible and noticeable.

2.1. The European Language Portfolio (ELP)

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The European Language Portfolio is a set of documents where the people

anywhere learning languages collect and store all documents reflecting their

achievements in studying of a language and their experience in cross-cultural

communication. Devised by the Council of Europe's Modern Languages Division, it

was piloted in 15 Council of European member countries, and was launched during

the European Year of Languages in 2001.

The documents containing in a portfolio reflect all stages of studying of

languages and the certificate on the reached levels of competence and are used for

representation of language experience in the detailed documentary form corresponding

to criteria of the Council of Europe.(See the Appendix-1)

Portfolio (ELP) purposes:

to motivate students on further studying of languages, providing

recognition all of their efforts to expand and diversify the language skills

at all levels;

to provide the official documentary list of all of the language and

culturological skills reached by students for submission of these

documents at receipt in educational institution or at employment;

Portfolio consists of 3 sections:

1) Language passport

The section "Language Passport" represents the documents confirming a certain

level of proficiency in the European languages at the time of granting a portfolio.

Documents are submitted in the format reflecting criteria of an assessment of language

skills in the Council of Europe contain as officially appropriated qualifications (part

"Certificates and diplomas"), and the description of the reached language competences

and cross-cultural experience during studying of language. Besides, the section

"Language Passport" includes "A language profile" where on the basis of "the

European Scheme of Levels of proficiency in Language" the owner of a portfolio

independently represents an assessment of the knowledge, breaking them on skills and

levels of proficiency in language.

2) Language Biography

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The section "Language Biography" reflects ability to a self-assessment and

planning of studying of languages. The owner of a portfolio represents in this section

the history of studying of the language, analyzing own achievements and

progress supporting the analysis with examples and the facts from the

language biography;

the list of cross-cultural experience, i.e. trips and contacts and how they

influenced the development of competences and skills.

3) Dossier

The section " Dossier " gives to the owner of a portfolio opportunity to select

material which seems to him/her interesting and informative, and to place it in a

portfolio as illustrations of those achievements in the field of studying of language

which were presented in the sections "Language Passport" and "Language Biography".

Material can include examples of an epistolary genre – correspondence, creative

compositions, or the most successful test works, or illustrations to participation in

projects, i.e. everything that, according to the owner of a portfolio, is indicative in

respect of studying of languages.

2.2.The Language Portfolio in Russia

The language portfolio of pupils is a package of working materials (in a printing

and electronic type) which represents experience and results of educational activity of

the pupil on acquisition of a foreign language .

In Russia the language portfolio appeared in the 2000th years. It was based on

"The European language portfolio". Now it exists in 4 options:

RLP Acquaintance to languages (for children of 7-10 years);

RLP for high school (11-14 years);

RLP for the senior classes of educational institutions;

RLP for philologists (teachers of language, written and interpreters);

Children's LP for Russia consists of three sections preceded by an

autobiographical page.

The first section carries the name "Languages Which I Know" or so-called "The

language passport". In it children describe the experience of studying of languages and

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cross-cultural communication, and also level of proficiency in the corresponding


In LP for high school the scale of command of the language (the table of a self-

assessment) is given."Passport" contains:

language abilities according to "The all-European competences of foreign

language skills";

data on studying of languages and experience of cross-cultural


list of certificates and diplomas;

Working with the portfolio, school students become active participants of

process of training, learn to plan the activity and objectively to estimate results of the

work. The language portfolio teaches them to keep accurately records, to organize

them in the folder. As a rule the level of students’ knowledge of the subject increases.

2.3. Purposes of the portfolio

Portfolio is an individual and learner-centered tool for learning and assessment.

Its purposes and functions may vary, as well as its forms and contents and the process

of producing and compiling it. Portfolios are usually created for one of the following

three purposes:

to show the growth;

to showcase current abilities;

to evaluate cumulative achievements.

2.4. Contents and structure of the portfolio

In practice Language Portfolios may include projects, essays or other examples

of written work, computer diskettes (with some work or drawings completed inside or

outside the class), video cassettes (with your favourite stories or with performances of

songs, school plays, etc), certificates, diplomas, reports from your teachers, or even a

collection of objects or pictures.

Language passport

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In this part of a language portfolio pupils tell about themselves, the family, the

hobby. Pupils make out the personal card (Personal Identification) and the

autobiography which are updated in process of learning. Pupils place diplomas,

certificates of the published works which confirm their achievements in electronic or

paper form.

Language biography

This section is supposed to be filled in within academic years to track dynamics

of improvement of abilities of pupils in four main types of speech activity (speaking,

audition, reading and writing). The main part of this section of a language portfolio

provides in the course of training and acquisition of English a basis for a reflexive self-

assessment to pupils of the skills. Using various forms of a self-assessment in a

language portfolio gives the chance to analyze own achievements and progress. It

allows to pupils to form methods of self-checking and a self-assessment of level of

proficiency on the main aspects of knowledge of English.


The third part represents " Dossier". In it pupils collect all material which

speaks about their knowledge of foreign languages. It can be diplomas, total works and

many other things.

diary of achievements of the pupil;

diplomas, certificates of participation in competitions, games, Olympiads

of various levels;

the best creative works;

the description of projects and the research works made by the pupil;

the list of the read literature;

words of favourite foreign songs,poems, etc.

Therefore Portfolio also includs three sections stated above.

2.5. What is a Portfolio for Me?

I personally believe it is very important to have a portfolio.

First of all, in life and career of students there are many moments when it needs

to present a language portfolio — receipt and/or transfer to another educational

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institution, a choice of a language course, a meeting with the employer. In these cases

a portfolio will be addressed to those people who make the most important decisions

for the owner of a portfolio. A portfolio is important as well for a self-assessment and

a reflection of studying of languages.

Secondly, such criteria as motivation and self-realization of students, their

tolerance towards different countries, languages, culture and history should be taken

into account. Modern education should be focused on creativity rather than

conventional practice, and skills rather than knowledge, etc. One of effective

assessment tools to develop students’ language skills and engage them in experimental

inquiry tasks, problem-solving tasks is language portfolio.

Those who are against creating portfolios think it is a time-consuming work.

They believe they might need a portfolio if only they apply for a job. I cannot agree

with the idea. Although we consider a portfolio as a self-advertisement, it is the worst

thing to create it only for an employer.

Moreover, a portfolio is a self-portrait which depicts one’s interests, abilities and

achievements. It is a good opportunity for self-culture and self-examination. Besides, it

helps to develop a sense of individuality.






PORTFOLIO self-perfection






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To conclude, I would like to present my portfolio -the example of the Portfolio

that contains materials I have been collecting since 2006 while I was a pupil of the 3rd

form of the infant school ”Mollier” in town Gargenville, France till present time. It’s a

pity but I have not got materials of the second form when I started learning English at

our school. It is based on the Language portfolio given to the set "English in Focus-9".

My Language Portfolio is a collection of my achievements in studying English.

My Language Portfolio is necessary for me because I want to know what way to move

to and to be sure that I am following the correct way. It is important because it shows

my progress and my personal success. I think it will help me to improve my

knowledge of English so I would be able to enter the University, get good education

and be successful in future.

The Language Portfolio contains material which I can use and then keep as a

record of my learning. In this portfolio I also include any extra material given by my

teacher throughout the course. However, the final decision of what to include into the

Language Portfolio is completely up to me.

The next unit gives a short explanation of each section of my Language

Portfolio and some advise how to start making your own language portfolio that allows

you to see your progress, your personal achievements in studying English and your

experience in cross-cultural communication.

3. My Portfolio

How to organize your Language Portfolio?

This Language Portfolio is my property. It has been designed to help me

improve my language learning. It accompanies me throughout my school life and helps

me document my learning both inside and outside the classroom.

In your Language Portfolio, you can include anything of your choosing to keep

and show as evidence of your progress in the English language.

In practice, your Language Portfolio can be in any shape or size depending on

the material you choose to store. Your Language Portfolio can include any of the


examples of good written language work;

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audio / video recordings;

descriptions and results of project work;

documents, diplomas and certificates;

course descriptions;

reflections on language learning progress;

reports from tutors or teachers;

any things you’d like to keep and show others;

Name: Uvarov Alexander

Date of birth: December, 1 /1997

Age: 17years old

Place of birth: Krasnouralsk, Russia

Number of years I’ve been studying English: ten years

My English teachers’ names: Lapteva(Ikonnikova)N.I.(2005-2006),

Mrs.Bonnofus(2006-2007), Uvarova M.A.(2007-2015)

3.1. Language Passport

This is an updated report of my progress in English language learning. In this

section I have included any evidence of my formal qualification (certificates,

diplomas), tests, progress report cards, self-assessment forms, etc. In general, you can

include anything that is proof of your competence in English.

Every time you add something, record it on your Language Passport Chart.


Type of material

14/11/2014 My CV(printed)


Diploma for the 2-nd place in Municipal stage of the All-

Russian Olympiad of school students in English

Here you can record all your achievements in the English language.

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My achievements


Type of the activity


12/ 2014

Municipal stage of the All-Russian

Olympiad of school students in English



3.2. Language Biography

This is an updated record of my personal language learning history which helps

me evaluate mylearning aims, and reflect on my language learning and inter-cultural


All About Me

Name ( first name & surname) Alexander Uvarov

Date of birth (date, month , year) 1/12/1997

Place of birth (city/village, region,


Krasnouralsk, Russia

Gender (Male, Female ) Male

Address (street, city/ village,

region, country)

110/66, UstinovSt.,

Krasnouralsk, 624330


Citizenship Russia

School / Grade Krasnouralsk, #8/11A

Core Subjects All in the curriculum

Electives Computer Graphic Arts, Physics

Interests Sport, reading, internet surfing,


Academic contests /Olympiads/ English, Social sciences, History,

Mathematics, Russian etc.

Extracurricular activities Gym, special courses

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Free time Bike, internet surfing, watching

films and reading books.

Sport competitions & activities


Projects “Krasnouralsk : yesterday, today,


“Speaking clothes”,

”Beatles: yesterday, today, forever?”

Personal qualities & abilities Communicative, intellegence,

respectable, polite.

Duties Social work .

Social work experience the member of the group checking

the uniform at school

Knowledge of foreign languages English, French

Knowledge of computer programs Photoshop, MS Office,

Vegas Pro.

Aims in life Be the best husband and father.

Working experience No.

Teamwork skills Yes.

Groups Yes.

Favourite book / writer “Clockwork Orange”

by Anthony Burgess

Favourite film/ TV channel/ TV


“The Shawshank Redemption” by

Frank Darabont

Best achievements A lot of first places in school and

town Olympiads.

Additional important information Fast speed of typing, able to drive


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Real-life English

Read and put ■ (YES) or □( NO).

Some members of my family speak at least basic English. ■

Some members of my family speak English fluently or are from an English-

speaking country. ■

There is someone at home who regularly speaks English to me. ■

I often read English books, magazines, websites, etc. for enjoyment. □

I sometimes use English resources e.g. articles, websites, books for research for

school projects or out of personal interest. ■

I often listen to English songs or watch English films or TV programmes for

enjoyment. ■

I have extra English lessons. ■

I have some contact with people from English-speaking countries, e.g. pen

friends, tourists, English-speaking friends. ■

I have been on a school exchange or educational trip to an English-speaking

country. □

I sometimes receive or send letters, emails or greeting cards in English. □

I have been on holiday to/lived in the following English-speaking countries:■

How I Learn!

Think about the easiest ways for you to learn something new.

Read the sentences below and choose. You can choose more than one.

I understand words/sentences/texts better if I…

listen to them on cassette/CD. ■

listen to my teacher saying them. ■

see them written. ■

read them in context as part of a text. ■

see them, listen to them and do something with them. ■

other (state what) played games with these words.

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2. I learn words/phrases better if…

I listen to them on cassette/CD.

I listen to my classmates saying them. ■

I read them. ■

I write them. ■

I repeat them many times.

I act them out, sing them, etc. ■

they are part of a video/DVD, etc.

other (state what) ....................................

3. I can express myself best if I…

already know all the words I need to use. ■

know some of the words I need to use. ■

use mime, objects and pictures to help me.

already have some life experience on the subject.

other (state what) ...................................

4. I learn best if I work…

on my own. ■

in pairs.

in groups/teams.

other (state how) one- to- one ■

5. I am more eager to learn if…

I know why I’m doing an activity. ■

I know an activity will help me.

I am rewarded. ■

an activity will help me to find out more about the things I like.

E other (state what) ....................................

6. I understand grammar rules better if…

they are explained to me in my mother tongue. ■

I compare them with my mother tongue.

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I get them from a text by exploring it.

other (state what) ............................................

My World of English!

Please put a tick

(v)next to the situation you

have been to

You are welcome with any


Trips France, Germany, Poland,

Holland, Luxemburg


Films “Titanic”, “The Great


“The Shawshank Redemption”,

“Clockwork Orange”,

“American History X”.


Books Tales and short stories v

Magazines Top Gear v

Music “Yesterday”(The Beatles)

“You're in the Army Now”

(Status Quo)


Friends Two pen friends v

Other Spoke English with German at

running competition

Now I Can ...!

Here is what you will be able to do in English at this level. Every now and

then, for instance, once a month, you will need to check your progress in the English

language. For this reason you should use a pencil so that you can change and/or

add things as you go along. You can use the following code:

Very Well: !!! OK: !! Not Very Well: !

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I can ... code

• understand and follow orders and instructions. .............. !!

• connect what I hear to a picture, object, etc. .............. !!

• understand a simple dialogue about topics that I know. .............. !!!

• understand songs and chants and accompany them with mime

and gestures. ..............


• understand simple sentences that describe me. .............. !!!

• understand simple questions about me and my experiences. !!!

• understand simple illustrated stories, fairy tales, etc. .............. !

• understand other people when they speak slowly and clearly !!!


I can ... code

• connect words to pictures. .............. !!!

• choose words from a list to complete dialogues, texts, etc. !!!

• understand simple illustrated stories, fairy tales, etc. .............. !!

• understand and follow simple instructions. .............. !!

• understand simple texts about other cultures. .............. !!!

• understand simple words and sentences to play a game. . !!!

• find information from a simple text about topics that I know. !!!

• understand simple sentences, short paragraphs, etc. .............. !!!

• understand simple written messages, notices, posters, etc. !!


I can ... code

• greet other people and introduce myself. .............. !!!

• ask for things I need in the classroom. .............. !!!

• give simple information about myself (e.g. name, age, !!!

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nationality, food, etc).

• give simple descriptions (e.g. animals, dinosaurs, food, etc). !!!

• talk about what I can see in a picture. .............. !!!

• sing a song or a chant. .............. !!

• ask and answer simple questions in English. .............. !!!

• take part in a conversation about topics I know. !!


I can ... code

• copy words, sentences without making mistakes. .............. !!!

• write names of animals, buildings, TV programmes, etc. !!!

• write basic words, sentences said by my teacher or classmates. !!!

• organize information in sentences or simple paragraphs. !!

• write short, simple sentences and paragraphs about animals,

town, myself, my past experiences, etc.


Improving My English!

What would you like to do to improve your English?

How can you learn more about other people and other countries?

Keep a record of what you do. You can also add your own ideas.


• read English stories, magazines, etc. Ѵ

• watch English films, programmes, etc. Ѵ

• find information about other countries and cultures, etc. Ѵ

• listen to English songs Ѵ

• talk to native speakers Ѵ

• use the Internet Ѵ

• write to people from other countries Ѵ

• visit other countries Ѵ

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3.3. Dossier

This is a collection of my works which I have chosen to illustrate my language

skills, experiences and achievements in the English language. In this section of my

Language Portfoliothere is some material I can use. I can also file any work I do

inside or outside the classroom that I would like to keep as evidence of my work in

English(resume, artwork, reports, transcripts, certifications, articles, letters, and more).

Here are some activities you can do that can be included in your Language

Portfolio, if you wish. Every time you do one of these activities, tick (V) the relevant


Activity: Creation of the Language Portfolio

How much did you like the activity? (tick V )

very much quite a lot a little not at all


3.4. Extra Activities

In this section you can include anything you do inside and outside the classroom

whichshows your work with the English language. You can also write some comments

(why you like it, if you found it difficult/easy, etc.) on the activity pages. It will be

useful if you write the date you did this activity. Remember: the choice of the activities

is yours. Every time you include something new, record it in the table.

My Selection

The titles of the activities

My product


Song ” Yesterday” 02/2014

Poem “What a Wonderful World!” 02/2015

Song ”You're in the army now” 02/2015


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You can include in your Language Portfolio almost anything you have produced

or collected that proves your progress in English. I suggest you keep your work in

plastic envelopes so that it remains in good condition. In practice, your Language

Portfolio can be in any shape or size according to the material you choose to store.

4. The opinion poll

It was interesting to me what my contemporaries know about portfolio and

Language Portfolio in particular.

For clarification I worked out a questionnaire and made a poll among the pupils

of different ages of our school the aim of which was not only to find out what they

know about the language portfolio but compare their knowledge and their opinion with


I worked out a common form for filling for 2 age categories: for 13-14 years old

(the7-th form-12 pupils), and 17-18 years old (the11-th form - my classmates-20

pupils). (See Appendix №2)

I received the following results which I represent in tables and diagrams.(See

Appendix № 3)

Questions №1: Do you know what a portfolio is?

Questions №2:Do you know what a language portfolio is?

From the Table№1 we can see that the majority of the interviewees- 92% of all

pupils know what a portfolio is, ( I was surprised that 2 pupils of the 11-th form do not

know what a portfolio is.), but only 16% know what a language portfolio is.



1. Do you know what a

portfolio is?(12+20)





2. Do you know

what a language portfolio is?(12+20)



Page 22: Языковое портфолио: целесообразность его создания для обучающихся


Questions №3: Will you be able to realize the idea of creation of a language


Only 9% consider that they will be able to realize the idea of creation of a

language portfolio.

Questions №4, 5: Would you like to participate in a creative group of pupils to

create a language portfolio? Are you ready to start?

42% of the 7-th formers want and are ready to start the creation of the LP. But

we observe a bit different picture in the 11th form. Only 20 % are ready to work with

the LP.(Are they busy with coming exams and have no free time for it?)

Pupils of both forms found it difficult to answer the last, the 6-th question:

Will the language portfolio be useful in life?

As we can see from the table №1 and diagrams 75% of pupils are not sure if the

portfolio will be useful in life but however nobody said “NO”. (See Appendix № 3)



3. Will you be able to realize the idea of creation of a

language portfolio?



I don’t know






YesI don’t





6.Will the language portfolio be useful in life?

Page 23: Языковое портфолио: целесообразность его создания для обучающихся



As for me, I think that portfolio is a very important thing both for teachers and

students. Firstly, one can easily monitor the process and the development of skills,

because it shows growth. Secondly, it shows current abilities. Finally, it shows


I came to a conclusion that such set of materials gives the pupil opportunity to

analyze and estimate the volume of work and achievements of the pupil in the field of

studying of a foreign language, dynamics of language acquisition and the experience

of educational activity. As for my portfolio I plan to make an electronic version of it

and post it in the Internet.

The purpose and problem of my work are carried out.

The hypothesis is confirmed: portfolio is important in our life. It helps me, for

example, to develop self-critisism, self-discipline because these are the most difficult

things. It made me honest because to admit that you can not do anything that is not

easy and pleasant and at the same time it makes you brave if you have submitted. I can

say with proud, “I’ve done it”.

Practical value of work: The materials of this work can be useful for pupils and

teachers at schools and also in others educational institutions as the importance of any

personal portfolio is increasing nowadays. And pupils and students should be taught to

create their portfolio correctly.

To sum it all up, portfolio is a very important part of studying and teaching in a

modern world. Try and I hope you will really enjoy doing these activities. Good luck!

Page 24: Языковое портфолио: целесообразность его создания для обучающихся


List of literature /Internet resources

1. European Language Portfolios

2. Introduction to Portfolios


3. Language Portfolios - Express Publishing


4. Safronova Elena Anatolyevna, APPLICATION of the PORTFOLIO AT



5. Translate.RU

6. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley “Spotlight 9. My Language Portfolio”, Express

Publishing , PROSVESHCHENIYE,2010

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Page 26: Языковое портфолио: целесообразность его создания для обучающихся



A1 A2 B1








Listening I can understand familiar words

and very basic phrases

concerning myself, my family

and immediate concrete

surroundings when people speak

slowly and clearly.

I can understand phrases and the

highest frequency vocabulary

related to areas of most

immediate personal relevance

(e.g. very basic personal and

family information, shopping,

local area, employment). I can

catch the main point in short,

clear, simple messages and


I can understand the main points of

clear standard speech on familiar

matters regularly encountered in work,

school, leisure, etc. I can understand

the main point of many radio or TV

programmes on current affairs or

topics of personal or professional

interest when the delivery is

relatively slow and clear.







Reading I can understand familiar names,

words and very simple sentences,

for example on notices and

posters or in catalogues.

I can read very short, simple

texts. I can find specific,

predictable information in simple

everyday material such as

advertisements, prospectuses,

menus and timetables and I can

understand short simple personal


I can understand texts that consist

mainly of high frequency everyday or

job-related language. I can understand

the description of events, feelings and

wishes in personal letters.







I can interact in a simple way

provided the other person is

prepared to repeat or rephrase

things at a slower rate of speech

and help me formulate what I'm

trying to say. I can ask and

answer simple questions in areas

of immediate need or on very

familiar topics.

I can communicate in simple and

routine tasks requiring a simple

and direct exchange of

information on familiar topics

and activities. I can handle very

short social exchanges, even

though I can't usually understand

enough to keep the conversation

going myself.

I can deal with most situations likely

to arise whilst travelling in an area

where the language is spoken. I can

enter unprepared into conversation on

topics that are familiar, of personal

interest or pertinent to everyday life

(e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and

current events).






I can use simple phrases and

sentences to describe where I live

and people I know.

I can use a series of phrases and

sentences to describe in simple

terms my family and other

people, living conditions, my

educational background and my

present or most recent job.

I can connect phrases in a simple way

in order to describe experiences and

events, my dreams, hopes and

ambitions. I can briefly give reasons

and explanations for opinions and

plans. I can narrate a story or relate the

plot of a book or film and describe my







Writing I can write a short, simple

postcard, for example sending

holiday greetings. I can fill in

forms with personal details, for

example entering my name,

nationality and address on a hotel

registration form.

I can write short, simple notes

and messages. I can write a very

simple personal letter, for

example thanking someone for


I can write simple connected text on

topics which are familiar or of

personal interest. I can write personal

letters describing experiences and


Page 27: Языковое портфолио: целесообразность его создания для обучающихся


B2 C1 C2



I can understand extended speech and

lectures and follow even complex lines

of argument provided the topic is

reasonably familiar. I can understand

most TV news and current affairs

programmes. I can understand the

majority of films in standard dialect.

I can understand extended speech even

when it is not clearly structured and

when relationships are only implied and

not signalled explicitly. I can

understand television programmes and

films without too much effort.

I have no difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken

language, whether live or broadcast, even when delivered

at fast native speed, provided. I have some time to get

familiar with the accent.

ANDING I can read articles and reports concerned

with contemporary problems in which

the writers adopt particular attitudes or

viewpoints. I can understand

contemporary literary prose.

I can understand long and complex

factual and literary texts, appreciating

distinctions of style. I can understand

specialised articles and longer technical

instructions, even when they do not

relate to my field.

I can read with ease virtually all forms of the written

language, including abstract, structurally or linguistically

complex texts such as manuals, specialised articles and

literary works.


I can interact with a degree of fluency

and spontaneity that makes regular

interaction with native speakers quite

possible. I can take an active part in

discussion in familiar contexts,

accounting for and sustaining my views.

I can express myself fluently and

spontaneously without much obvious

searching for expressions. I can use

language flexibly and effectively for

social and professional purposes. I can

formulate ideas and opinions with

precision and relate my contribution

skilfully to those of other speakers.

I can take part effortlessly in any conversation or

discussion and have a good familiarity with idiomatic

expressions and colloquialisms. I can express myself

fluently and convey finer shades of meaning precisely. If I

do have a problem I can backtrack and restructure around

the difficulty so smoothly that other people are hardly

aware of it.

KING I can present clear, detailed descriptions

on a wide range of subjects related to my

field of interest. I can explain a

viewpoint on a topical issue giving the

advantages and disadvantages of various


I can present clear, detailed descriptions

of complex subjects integrating sub-

themes, developing particular points

and rounding off with an appropriate


I can present a clear, smoothly-flowing description or

argument in a style appropriate to the context and with an

effective logical structure which helps the recipient to

notice and remember significant points.



I can write clear, detailed text on a wide

range of subjects related to my interests.

I can write an essay or report, passing on

information or giving reasons in support

of or against a particular point of view. I

can write letters highlighting the

personal significance of events and


I can express myself in clear, well-

structured text, expressing points of

view at some length. I can write about

complex subjects in a letter, an essay or

a report, underlining what I consider to

be the salient issues. I can select a style

appropriate to the reader in mind.

I can write clear, smoothly-flowing text in an appropriate

style. I can write complex letters, reports or articles which

present a case with an effective logical structure which

helps the recipient to notice and remember significant

points. I can write summaries and reviews of professional

or literary works.

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Уважаемые старшеклассники!

Прошу Вас ответить на вопросы целесообразности введения языкового

портфолио для обучающихся.

1. Знаешь ли ты, что такое портфолио? a) Да

b) Нет 2. Знаешь ли ты, что такое языковое портфолио?

a) Да b) Нет

3. Сможешь ли ты реализовать идею создания языкового портфолио? a) Да

b) Нет c) Не уверен(а)

4. Хочешь ли ты участвовать в творческой группе учащихся по созданию

языкового портфолио? a) Да

b) Нет 5. Готов ли ты включиться в работу?

a) Да b) Нет

6. Как ты думаешь, пригодится ли портфолио в жизни?

a. Да

b. Нет c. Не уверен(а)


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Dear friends, answer the questions, please.

1. Do you know what a portfolio is? a) Yes

b) No

2. Do you know what a language portfolio is?

a) Yes

b) No

3. Will you be able to realize the idea of creation of a language


a) Yes

b) No

c) Not sure

4. Would you like to participate in a creative group of pupils to create a

language portfolio?

a) Yes b) No

5. Are you ready to start?

a) Yes

b) No

6. Will the portfolio be useful in life?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Not sure

Page 30: Языковое портфолио: целесообразность его создания для обучающихся







32 pupils













1. Do you know

what a

portfolio is?

12 0 - 18 2 - 30 2 -

2. Do you know

what a


portfolio is?

2 10 - 3 17 - 5 27 -

3. Will you be

able to realize

the idea of

creation of a



0 2 10 3 7 10 3 9 20

4. Would you like

to participate in

a creative

group of pupils

to create a



5 7 - 6 14 0 11 21 -

5. Are you ready

to start?

5 7 - 6 14 0 11 21 -

6. Will the

portfolio be

useful in life?

3 - 9 5 - 15 8 - 24

Table1. Results of the poll

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Questions: № 1. Do you know what a portfolio is?

№2.Do you know what a language portfolio is?

Question №3: Will you be able to realize the idea of creation of a

language portfolio?

Question №6: Will the language portfolio be useful in life?



1. Do you know what a

portfolio is?(12+20)





2. Do you know

what a language portfolio






3. Will you be able to realize the idea of creation of a

language portfolio?



I don’t know




YesI don’t know





6.Will the language portfolio be useful in life?

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