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Tuesday, April 11, 2023




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Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Management Skills Course Management Skills Course IntroductionIntroduction

Business will always need effective managers and effective management practices.  If management is marginal, services and products will suffer.  If management is exceptional, services and products will flourish.

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Introduction: Those who succeed in Management are Great Leaders.As a leader you need to be proactive and creative.  As a manager you need to be directive, action-oriented and responsive.  You as a leader must get your organization to believe that the work and goals are worthwhile.  As a manager, you need to make sure each individual has the skills necessary to achieve those goals.  Quite simply, it takes a strong leader to get the group to see the big picture, and a great manager to get the individual to be a part of the

big picture   .

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Five key points to Strong Leadership (thus a Five key points to Strong Leadership (thus a Great Manager)Great Manager)

1-Develop trust and credibility .2-Share the vision with absolute clarity .

3-Be there to help them succeed - Coaching, mentoring, communicating, and listening .

4-Make the decisions and be held accountable .

5-Keep it all under control and headed in the right direction .

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11--Develop trust and Develop trust and credibilitycredibility

When people trust you, they will be more inclined to follow you. Trust is based on the respect and  expectations of a leader.

these five traits will help guide you on the right path to strong leadership.

-Honesty -Integrity 

-Compassion -Fairness

-Good relationships 

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22--Share the vision with absolute Share the vision with absolute clarityclarity . .

Leaders need to share the vision of what they want their department to achieve   .

A way to see the dream come true is by charting successes, as well as failures.  If the employees always know where they stand, they will know what part they played in achieving the vision.


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33--Be there to help them succeed - Coaching, Be there to help them succeed - Coaching, mentoring, communicating, and mentoring, communicating, and

listeninglistening . .

Great interpersonal skills are vital for a successful leader.  You don’t lead by hiding behind your desk.  Be out there and find the strengths and talents of your employees, and place them where they can shine.  They need to know how their strengths serve the objectives.  Show them the respect they deserve, and you have their interests at heart

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Try and help them improve their skills to do their job better.  Give them feedback on their performance with observations and give good advice.  Use specific statements rather than general comments, whether good or bad .

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Help them understand what you are all about, guide them for a better chance of promotion, and have them learn about other aspects and functions of the business .

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CommunicatingCommunicating Clearly share your visions and goals,

encourage individuals and groups, praise when praise is due, and take the time for one-on-one meetings .

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ListeningListening Let them share ideas, concerns, and

know you are approachable and caring .

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44--Make the decisions and be held Make the decisions and be held accountableaccountable . .

-Sift the data for facts and relevance .-Look closely at the issue at hand while never

losing sight of the big picture .-Talk to subject experts if needed  .

-Don’t make a decision too quickly unless necessary  .

-Think about the cost-benefit for both short-term and long-term  .

-Once a decision is made, do not be wishy-washy or unsure about yourself.  You will be seen as a person who can be easily

persuaded with little confidence  .

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55--Keep it all under control and Keep it all under control and headed in the right directionheaded in the right direction . .

You, as leader and manager, need to focus on what’s most important related to the vision and goals of the organization .

Everyone needs to have the same focus and direction you have

Consistency is key to maintaining control and keep things going in the right direction .

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101101 Tips, Tricks & Secrets to Success in Tips, Tricks & Secrets to Success in Leadership and ManagementLeadership and Management

key principles that will help get you started right away to a successful management career

Part 1 - Employee Interaction, which deals with communication skills.

Part 2 - Professional Advice, which gives some tips on running a department.

Part 3 - Personal Advice, which is focused on inner-self qualities.

Part 4 - Words of Wisdom, which contains some gems to incorporate into your leadership style.

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Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Tips 1 through 27Tips 1 through 27

1-Get them excited about a better future  .

2-Make sure your employees listen to you .

3 -You define, and then let your employees conquer .

4-Make it a point to personally meet with everyone in your department.

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Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Tips 1 through 27Tips 1 through 27

5-Motivating a group differs from that of motivating an individual  .

6-When motivating,  focus on the employee’s strengths and accomplishments  .

7-Find the strong points and unlock the employee’s potential .

8-Keep your employees close, but your best employees even closer  .

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Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Tips 1 through 27Tips 1 through 27

9-Be personable, and show you care about your employees as a person .

10  -Open communication and honesty with the team   .

11-Continually communicate  .

12   .-Sometimes make them find the answer  .

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Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Tips 1 through 27Tips 1 through 27

13-Make your employees believe that you are in awe of their skills and that their work is challenging .

14 -Praise when praise is due .

15-Do not be scared of your employees’ success .

16-Get the most out of recognition.

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Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Tips 1 through 27Tips 1 through 27

17-Learn what makes them learn.

18-Always keep an “open door” policy .

19-Always be open, flexible and approachable.

20-Do not rule by intimidation, but don’t be intimidated

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Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Tips 1 through 27Tips 1 through 27

21-Develop a collaborative approach.

22-You have to deal with conflict with confidence.

23-Have effective meetings.  Communicating with upper management and to your staff.

24-Stand behind your team.

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Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Part 1 - Employee Interaction - Tips 1 through 27Tips 1 through 27

25-Empower your employees.

26-Get the most out of your employees .

27-Help people grow their skills and develop their careers.

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Part 2 - Professional Advice - Part 2 - Professional Advice - Tips 28 through 53Tips 28 through 53

28-Make sure your employees are 100% clear on the objectives .

29-Analyze the problem; map out all possible answers, and then implement .

30   .-If possible, take your time on making the right decision  .

31   .-You need to be able to delegate  .

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Part 2 - Professional Advice - Part 2 - Professional Advice - Tips 28 through 53Tips 28 through 53

32   .-Know how to multitask and prioritize .

33   .-Always be ready to react, embrace, and manage change  .

34-Strong teams do not need to be micromanaged   .

35-Know as much as possible of what your staff does daily   .

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Part 2 - Professional Advice - Part 2 - Professional Advice - Tips 28 through 53Tips 28 through 53

36-Have a clear cut organizational chart .

37-Remember to think in terms of cost and results   .

38-Chart it out .

39-Hire, then lead, then monitor, then reward, and finally retain the right people .

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Part 2 - Professional Advice - Part 2 - Professional Advice - Tips 28 through 53Tips 28 through 53

40   .-Brainstorm with key members of your department or fellow managers  .

41-Create an effective work environment   .

42-Follow the same process you expect your team to follow   .

43   .-Keep upper management and financial issues that are considered confidential to yourself .

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Part 2 - Professional Advice - Part 2 - Professional Advice - Tips 28 through 53Tips 28 through 53

44-Always be prepared for meetings.

45-Post important information on the wall using large-scale wall charts in clear view for all to see.

46   .-Fully understand the goals of the company  .

47-Fully understand what upper management wants from you .

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Part 2 - Professional Advice - Part 2 - Professional Advice - Tips 28 through 53Tips 28 through 53

48-Under promise and over deliver.

49-Make and meet your deadlines.

50-Have a good understanding of the basics of a business   .

51-Be able to report the statistics that matter .

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Part 2 - Professional Advice - Part 2 - Professional Advice - Tips 28 through 53Tips 28 through 53

52   .Hold a meeting with all of your staff on the first day.

53 -The first few months on the job…  Make sure you meet with key people within your department.

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Part 3 - Personal Advice - Part 3 - Personal Advice - Tips 54 through 81Tips 54 through 81

54   .Have a positive attitude.


55   .Be passionate about the objectives and organization.

56   .Be enthusiastic and optimistic .

57   .Be self-assured yet humble with strong character traits.

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Part 3 - Personal Advice - Part 3 - Personal Advice - Tips 54 through 81Tips 54 through 81

58   .Have a high standard of excellence.

59   .Be ethically sound .

60   .Be friendly, but not their best friend.

61   .Be thick-skinned and ready to take risks .

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Part 3 - Personal Advice - Tips 54 Part 3 - Personal Advice - Tips 54 through 81through 81

62   .Have a mental toughness.


63   .Be able to take criticism .

64   .Be empathetic .

65-Keep a cool head.

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Part 3 - Personal Advice - Part 3 - Personal Advice - Tips 54 through 81Tips 54 through 81

66   .Don’t lose your temper .

67   .Dress  the part.


68   .Be on time to work and any appointments .

69-Try not to leave early.

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Part 3 - Personal Advice - Part 3 - Personal Advice - Tips 54 through 81Tips 54 through 81

70   .Try not to call out sick. 

71   .When there is manual work to be done, help out.

72   .Try not to gossip, be too goofy, or joke around too much.

73-Be controlled and precise in your social interactions  .


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Part 3 - Personal Advice - Part 3 - Personal Advice - Tips 54 through 81Tips 54 through 81

74   .Act professional, even at parties.


75   .Take a break when needed.

76   .Do what you say you are going to do as soon as possible .

77   .Be emotionally stable.

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Part 3 - Personal Advice - Part 3 - Personal Advice - Tips 54 through 81Tips 54 through 81

78   .Don’t be defensive .

79   .Never talk negatively about customers or other departments  .

80   .Never backstab anyone, ever.

81-Try being a leader outside of the work place.

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82   .Have confidence in yourself .

83   .Act the way you want others to act, walk the walk you talk, lead  by example, practice what you preach, etc .

84   .Honesty and integrity is key .

85   .Emulate a person who you truly respect as a leader .

Part 4 - Words of Wisdom - Part 4 - Words of Wisdom - Tips 82 through 101Tips 82 through 101

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86   .Listen more than talk.

87   .Take chances and do not limit yourself .

88   .Make great impressions from day one .

89   .Say less and you will get more .


Part 4 - Words of Wisdom - Part 4 - Words of Wisdom - Tips 82 through 101Tips 82 through 101

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90   .Make sure the team sees you as a knowledgeable and dependable leader.


91   .Work smarter, not harder.

92   .Always follow the Golden Rule.

94   .Think like it’s a perfect world.

Part 4 - Words of Wisdom - Part 4 - Words of Wisdom - Tips 82 through 101Tips 82 through 101

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Part 4 - Words of Wisdom - Part 4 - Words of Wisdom - Tips 82 through 101Tips 82 through 101

95   .Never let them see you sweat.

96   .Be straightforward and always look them straight in the eyes.

98   .Always bite your tongue.

99   .Learn from your mistakes, but don’t be affected by them .

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Part 4 - Words of Wisdom - Part 4 - Words of Wisdom - Tips 82 through 101Tips 82 through 101

100 .Giving up or not trying is the only failure .

101 -don't ignore your intuitiveness.

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To be a great manager, you need to be a strong leader.  Management skills pertain to finding ways to achieve the goals that the leader inspired the team to obtain.

Leadership is about sharing a vision in which people will want to follow to reach the goal       · .

  One of the key elements in effective leadership is to never become complacent with the business model, no matter how sound and well crafted.  Effective leadership demands a delicate balance between sensitivity and authority.  They are never 100% satisfied as there is always room for improvement .

Quick Lesson SummaryQuick Lesson Summary

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Quick Lesson SummaryQuick Lesson Summary Five key points to strong leadership are when your


 Trust you and know that you are looking out for the good of all.

 Share in your vision and want to achieve the same goals

Know that you will do your all to help them succeed

 Are confident in your decisions

Know that you have everything under control and that the future looks bright.


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