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. : 1. , 2. , .. « » , . , , , ( ). ( . ). , « » « , ». , . , . jeÉsa (Ch, Shd) part Ch 9, Shd 1 , ; perfect, resultative marker , .. . : , , : s’o, is’oÉ Tz (Dz, Tz, K) 1 pron Dz 6, Tz 4, K 10 , ; all, everything, everybody; (Dz) ; he took everything to his house; 2 part K 8 ; plural marker; (K); ; people come to see; 3 adv K 1 ; still; (K) ; Salaganixa's husband is still alive; ( ) , .. , , , . , , , , , . , , . : 1) , 1

Кяхтинский язык

Nov 27, 2014



A. Taiwanski

Словарь русско-китайского диалекта.
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Page 1: Кяхтинский язык

. :

1. – ,

2. , . . « » ,



, ,

( ).

( . ).


« » « , ».





jeÉsa (Ch, Shd) part Ch 9, Shd 1 , ; perfect,

resultative marker

, . .

. :

, ,


s’o, is’oÉ Tz (Dz, Tz, K) 1 pron Dz 6, Tz 4, K 10 , ; all, everything, everybody;

(Dz) ; he took everything to his house;

2 part K 8 ; plural marker; (K);

; people come to see;

3 adv K 1 ; still; (K)

; Salaganixa's husband is still alive;

( ), . . , ,

, .

, , ,

, ,

. ,

, .


1) ,


Page 2: Кяхтинский язык


majaÉ (Spr, Tz, Ya, Ch, Shd, Al, Vr, Kk) pron 1 Sp 1, Ya 2, Ch 9, Shd 1, Vr 7, Kk 1 ; I

(Shd) ; I will come.

2) ,


ruÉbli Vr, K, luÉb‡li K (Vr, K) n Vr 3, K 4 ; rouble.

3) ,


‡dinaÉk‡ (Dz, K) postp 1 Dz 2, K 2 , ; like

(Dz) [ ] [ . . ]; it [shirt] is like grass [green]

( ) ; it was there like here


2 K 1 ; alike

4) ;

, ,



; ,


k‡lasiáw‡ (Ya, K) atr Ya 1, K 1 ; beautiful.


, . ,


xadiá, xa^iá Ya, xodiá Shd, xatiá Al (Dz, Tz, Ya, Shd, Al, K) v Abs Dz 10, Tz 2, Ya 4,

Shd 1, K 6, Al 2 , , ; go, come.

xadiála (Dz, Tz, K) v Perf Dz 2, Tz 1, K 6 ; come, go

xoÉdim (Tz, Dz) v 1 Praes, 1 Pl Tz 1 ; go;

2 Imper Dz 2 , ; come, move (Dz); let her move to their house.

xoÉdit (Dz Tz) v Praes Dz 1, Tz 1 ; go, come - (Tz); I can hardly walk.

6) , ,

, . .


adaliá (Ch) part Ch 3 ( ),; as, like (in

comparison) (Ch) ; like strangers (

) (of probable Mongolian origin).7) , « »


nichimoÉza, nichimoÉu^a Vr (Ya, Vr) adv Ya 1, Vr 1 , OK,

nothing bad ( " " + mou+tzy); (contamination of Russ. 'nichego' "nothing,

nothing bad" + Chin. mou + tzy).



Page 3: Кяхтинский язык

, ,

, .

( , )

, , ,


( ) ,


- .


, .

, :

Al – .

Ar – . .

K – , . ,


Kk – , . ,


Tz – , .

- , ;

Dz – , .

, ;

Sp – . .

Shd – .

Ch – . .

Ya – .

Vr – .


( , ).

, . .


adv –

atr –

conj –

interj –

mod –

n –


postp –

prep –

pron –

v –


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, .





Abs – « » , . . , , ,

, . .;

Perf – , – ,

( ) ;

Praes – ,


( , –

), . .

. ,



- chiwoÉ-chiwoÉ (Dz, K, Sp) pron 1. Dz 1 , ; 2. Sp 2, K 4, .







- « , »

Dz, « , » –

Sp K.

- , ,

, , ,

, , , , Shd, Al.

, , ,


, .


. « » :

( ); ;

; .



, ,

( , ).

, .


Page 5: Кяхтинский язык

, .

- .

ni^’aÉ (Vr, K) mod Vr 1, K 3 ; one should not ,- , (K) [ ] , [ ]

, ; one can not make a [grave] mound, they plant different

[plants], so they make it flat.


. ,

, ,

( . ).

, :


a (Dz , Tz , K) conj Dz 2, Tz 7, K 11 and , but

agaÉ (K) interj K 11 , it is so , yes

adaliá (Ch) part Ch 3 (

) as , like (in comparison)

(Ch) like strangers


look at you is as if eat a candy (

) (probably ofMongolian origin)

ajaÉ (Dz) atr Dz 4 well (

" ") (Udihe aja "well")

ba (Sp) part Sp 1 ( )

(Imperfect marker) - (Sp) take!

baÉba (Dz) n Dz 2 grandmother

baÉbusik‡ (K) n K 1 ,

grandmother , old woman

bajcaaÉj (Ya) n Ya 1 ( )

cabbage (Chinese) ( . pai-tsai) (Chinese pai-tsai)

baÉlysin’a (Vr) n Vr 1

( ) miss (adress to a girl)

, (Vr) ,do not scold (me), miss

beÉd‡n‡ (Dz) atr Dz 1 poor

beÉry (Dz) atr Dz 1 white

bichi (Ch) v Abs Ch 1 (?)

describe (?) (Ch)here your ways are


b‡liásk‡ (K) atr K 1 near

boÉga (Ch) n Ch 1 , god

baiás’a (Dz) v Praes 1 Dz 1 be


2 Dz 1 it is terrifying ,

, - (Dz) ,

I was afraid, it is really terrifying to stay alone in the


baleÉj (Tz) v Abs Tz 1 feel bad , be


baliá (Tz , K) v Abs Tz 2, K 2 (

) ache (also of a part of body)

, (Tz) ,[my] head aches, [my] bones ache

baliniás‡ (K) n K 3 hospital

be ill

, , (K), , today one

is alive and healthy, not so tomorrow

boÉl’en‡ (Dz) atr Dz 1 ill

boÉs’e (Tz) adv Tz 1 , more

(Tz) there are no more old people

b‡’shoÉj (Dz) atr 1 Dz 1 big ,


2 Dz 1 particularly well

(Dz) [ ]

she can not [sew] well

botián‡ka (Vr) n Vr 1 shoe

braÉla (Dz) v Perf Dz 1 take

b‡raÉt‡ (K) n K 1 brother

, (K) , my nephew told

what happened with the forest

bu (Sh) part Sh 2 (

) not (negation with adjectives)

(Sh) not good ( . bu

' ') (Chinese bu 'noun

negation marker')


Page 6: Кяхтинский язык

buÉdu (Ch , Shd , Mk , Ar) mod Ch 7, Chd 1, Mk

1, Ar 1 future marker

(Ch) they will hinder trading

buÉk‡ (K) n K 3 letter

, (K), -

their letters are like Chinese ones, but they are

pronounced differently

bul‡doÉ̂ il‡ (K) n K 1


gumaÉg‡ (K) n K 5 ,

paper , document of any kind

butyÉka (Sp , K) n Sp 2, K 1


budiáli (K) n K 3 big bottle

by (Tz) part Tz 2 (

) would (subjunctive mood marker)

(Tz) you should have asked us


byl (Dz) v Perf. Sg Dz 5 was

byÉla (Dz , Tz , Al , K , Kk) 1 v Perf, Sg Dz 8, Tz

2, K 1, Kk 1 was (Dz)the Udihe was good

2 part Al 2, K 1

( ?) perfective

(plusquamperfective?) marker ( )I had come

b’ot‡ (Dz) v Praes, Sg Dz 3 beat , hit

walaÉj (Vr) (Vr) v Abs Vr 1 (

) part of idiomatic expression

( .) to play a fool

waÉni (Dz) n Dz 2 ( ) Vanya

(personal name)

wariá (Dz) v Abs Dz 4 ,


waÉsa , waÉsh‡ (Ch) (Dz , Ya , Ch) pron 1 Dz

1, Ch 1 you (Pl)

2 Ya 2 (

) you (polite address to one person)

- (Ya) ,

[ ] do not mock, do not pick [on me]

3 Ch 5 ( )

your (Pl) (posessive pronoun)

(Ch) how

good are your laws

ber’‡xuÉ (Dz) adv Dz 1 (

) upstream

wis‡noÉj (Ar) adv Ar 1 in spring

beÉcher‡m (Dz) adv Dz 2 in

the evening

weÉshi (Ya) n Ya 1 ( ,

. .) stuff (cloths, utensils etc)

biádil (K) v Perf, Sing K 1 see

biádili (Dz) v Perf, Pl Dz 1 see

biádi (Dz) v Abs Dz 1 see

biádit (K) v Praes K 1 see

bisiá (K) v Abs K 1 hang

Biádi (K) n K 1 ( ) Vitya

(personal name)

unuÉch‡ka (Dz) n Dz 1 grand-


woÉ (Vr) pron Vr 3 ( ) I (all cases)

( .) I can help

( . wo ' ') (Chinese wo 'I')

wadaÉ (Sp , K) n Sp 2, K 1 water

woÉtka (Vr , K) n Vr 1, K 6 vodka

woÉdy (Ya , Vr) pron Ya 1, Vr 1 I

(Ya) I

will give you medicine

(Vr) - I can not speak

Russian ( . wo-dy ' ') (Chinese wo-dy 'my')

wajnaÉ (Tz) n Tz 2 war

woÉlia (Ch) n Ch 1 , will

, , (Ch) ,, well, it is your will, you

will regret later

waroÉna (Ar) n Ar 1 crow

Wos‡toÉk‡ (Dz) n Dz 1 ( )

Vostok (placename)

woÉt‡ , wot (K) interj K 12 so , well

woÉt‡ iwoÉ (K) interj K 1 so

ureÉm’a (Dz , Tz) n 1 Dz 2 time

(Dz) [ ] [Chinese] were driven away in

this time [of the year]

2 adv Tz 1 in that time

(Tz) it was

war at that time

se (Tz) pron Tz 1 all , everybody

sig‡daÉ (Dz , Ar) adv Dz 1 everything

, (Dz) ,she can do everything, she sews all

s’o , is’oÉ (Tz) (Dz , Tz , K , Ar) 1 pron Dz 6, Tz

4, K 10 , all , everything , everybody

(Dz) he took

everything to his house

2 part K 8, Ar 1

plural marker (K) ptoplt come to see


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3 adv K 1 still


Salaganixa's husband is still alive that is


s’oreÉm’ , us’ol’eÉm’a (K) (Dz , K) adv

1 Dz 2, K 2 , regularly , all the

time , (K) [ ]

, when [we] were ill, [we]

healed ourselves with that

2 K 2 (K)

you will never be ill 3 K 2

for ever

s’oranoÉ (Dz) adv Dz 1 also

byÉgoni (Dz) v Abs Dz 2 drive


bygon’aÉla (Dz) v Perf Dz 1

drive away

uiáÉpil (K) v Perf, Sg K 2 drink

gaol’aÉn (Vr) n Vr 1 ( . .)

gaolean (Russian ethn.)

ideÉ (K) pron K 2 , where ,

(K) ,

threre, where I have been some time ago

g‡lazaÉ (Dz) n Dz 2 eyes

gawariá , gawaliá (K) , kawaliá (Ya) (Dz ,

Sp , Ya , Vr , K) v Abs 1 Sp 4,Ya 1, Vr 1, K 4 ,

say , tell

2 Dz 1, (

) says (quotation marker)

, ,

(Dz) , ,

he says to have no free time, there is too much

work at home ,

(Sp) , ,

you shouldn't, she says, put eggs into a bottle

gavaliála (Vr , K) v Perf Vr 1, K 8

say , tell ,

, (K) , [ ]

I tild Vitya that [we] had to buy this type [of

guinseng] for six hundred roubles

gavariát‡ (Dz) v Praes Dz 1


gawar’uÉ , gaor,uÉ , gr’u (Dz , K) 1 v

Pres, Sg Dz 2, K 1 say

2 part K 1 (

) I say (marker of retold speech)

g‡v‡r’aÉ (K) mod K 1 ,

they say probable

(K) ,

Mongolians are said to live here before

goÉda (Tz , K) n Tz 1, K 1 (

" ") year (in combination 'tri goda' "three


gadiása (K) v Abs K 1 ,

be of any good , be worth

galawaÉ (Tz , K) n Tz 1, K 1 head

ganiá (Dz) v Abs Dz 1 drive away

gan’aÉj (Dz) v Abs Dz 2 drive


gan’aÉl (Dz) v Perf Dz 1 drive


gan’aÉli (Dz) v Perf, Pl Dz 3

drive away

goÉrod (Dz) n Dz 1 town , city

gospodián‡ (Ch) n Ch 1

( ) mister (polite address)

, ? (Ch) , ? you have come with a

visit, mister Dalai?

g‡raÉma (K) n K 2 gram

gal’aÉ^yna (Sp) atr Sp 1 dirty

gulaÉj (Vr) v Abs Vr 1 , to

travel , to walk

- gulaÉj-gulaÉj (Ya) v Abs Ya 1

, have a good time

da (K) part K 1 yes

dawaÉj (Ya , K) v Abs Ya 3, K 2 give

(Ya)I will give you medicine

dawaÉli (Dz) v Perf, Pl Dz 1

give away (Dz)- me, I was given to a


dawnoÉ (Dz , K) adv Dz 3, K 1 for a

long time , long ago

dal’oÉk‡ , tal’oÉk‡ (Dz , Tz , K) atr Dz 2, Tz 1,

K 1 far away

daÉli (Tz) v Perf, Pl Tz 1

( ) sell (to an

official organization)

dajuÉt‡ (Dz , K) v Praes, Pl Dz 1, K 1

give ,

(Dz) ,

I had two sons, they did not give them to me

dwa (Dz , Ar) num Dz 5, Ar 2 two

d‡waÉtsati (Vr) num Vr 1


deÉwus‡k‡ (K) n K 1 girl

deÉd‡ (Dz) n Dz 2 , husband , old


deÉl‡j (Dz , Vr , K) v Abs Dz 4, Vr 3, K 4


Page 8: Кяхтинский язык

do (Dz)

nothing to be done

(K) they made

it flat with bulldozer (Vr) to


deÉlala (K) v Perf K 5 do

deÉlo (Ch) n Ch 2 matter

, (Ch) , -- Nikita is one matter,

you are another matter

deÉna (Ch) n Ch 1 day

deÉn‡gi , ^’aÉ÷g‡ (K) , ^’aÉnia (K) (Vr , K)

n Vr 1, K 3 money -

, (K) ,

, [] this was money,

they burnt it, but we did not know that [of a tradition to

burn paper money during the funerals]

d^eÉs’a (K) num K 1 ten

dileÉk‡tal‡ (K) n K 1


doÉ^ika (Ya) n Ya 1 rain

doloÉj (K) v Abs K 1 (

" ") off (in the expression "off with hishead")

doÉm‡ , toÉma (Dz , Tz , Ya , K) n Dz 8, Tz 1, Ya 1,

K 1 home , house

doÉm‡ (Dz) adv Dz 2 at home

(Dz) he is at home

dorogo (Vr) atr Vr 1 expensive

das‡taÉnish (Tz) v Praes, 2 Sg Tz 1

( " ") get

(in combination 'nichego ne dostanesh' "it is impossible

to get anything")

doÉch‡ (Dz) n Dz 1 daughter

d‡rawaÉ , d‡lawaÉ (Dz , Vr) n Dz 1, Vr 1

wood , fuel (Vr) [ ][I] earn , [my] living by

chopping wood

d‡rugoÉj (Sp) pron Sp 1 another ,


d‡riaÉni (Ch) atr Ch 1 ,

bad , worthless

duÉmaj (Ya , Vr , Ar) v Abs Ya 1, Vr 1

think - ? (Vr) ? how long are you going to


Du÷kaÉj (Dz) n Dz 2 (

) Dunkai (a Nanai clan)

dulaÉka (Vr) n Vr 1 fool

(Vr) to do nothing , to play a

fool ,

(Vr) ,

we have to tell you not to play a fool

ibi‡maÉt’ (K) interj K 5

injure term

iwoÉ (Dz , Sp , Ya , Ch , K , Ar) pron pers Dz 58, Sp

1 1 Ya 8, K 5, Ar 2 , , (

) he, she, it (Nominative case)

(Dz) [ ] she sewed it

? (Ya) ? what has he


2 Ya 1, K 22 , ( ) him

(Oblique cases)

(Ya) , he thinks that I

will give him money

3 Ch 1, K 1 they

(Ch) they will impede to trade

4 pron poss K 5 , his, her, its

5 part K 6

possessive marker

- (K) grzndmother's grave was made flat

6 mod Dz 1, K 32 3 . (

) marker of 3 person marker (postpositive)

(K) it was long ago

7 K 1 that is

demonstrative copula

- jeÉli-jeÉli (Tz) adv Tz 1 - ,

hardly - (Tz) I can

hardly walk

erlaÉn (Ya) n Ya 1 ( ) drink

( . er-liang) (Chinese er-liang)

jeÉsa , jest’ (Ch , Shd) mod Ch 9, Shd 1

, perfectivemarker

jeÉsi (K , Vr , Ar) 1 v Praes K 8, Ar 1 be

2 K 1 , ,

(?) perfect, resultive, habitual marker (?)

- (Vr) I do read a little

is’oÉ (Dz , Spr , Tz , K , Ar) adv 1 Dz 2, Tz 1, K 4

, besides (Dz) besides he cooks

2 K 1 still

(K) Slaganiha's

husband is still alive

3 Sp 1 , again , once more

(Spr) you should not go

shopping again


Page 9: Кяхтинский язык

4 K 4, Ar 1 then (K) then there are panty

^aleÉj (Ch) v Abs Ch 1 ,

regret (Ch)you will regret later

^aÉl‡k‡ (Dz) mod Dz 2 pity

(Dz) it

felt pity for the children

, (Dz), he also drove away my son, I

felt pity for him

^inaÉ (Dz) n Dz 2 wife

^iniáli (Dz) v Perf, Pl Dz 1 ,

marry (whom)

, (Dz) , when I

went downstream he married me

^eÉnush‡ki (Ch) n Ch 4 husband


(Ch) ? whe

your wife did not come here?

^eÉn‡s’in‡ (Dz) n Dz 1 ,

woman , wife

^eÉ÷-seÉ÷ (K) n K 10


^is‡toÉki (Ch) atr Ch 1 rude

(Ch) your

husbands have a rude way of living

^yvaÉ (Al) atr Al 1 alive

^iwiá (Dz , K) v Abs Dz 4, K 2 live

^iwoÉt‡n‡ (Dz) n Dz 1 beast ,

animal ( ,

" ") (answerig the stimulus containig theword)

^iál‡ (Dz) v Perf Dz 1 live

^iáli (Tz) v Perf, Pl Tz 3 live

d^ijoÉ (K) n K 5 , building


(K) ,the tomb fencing was on

the mountain, now it is all built over

^a (Tz) prep Tz 1 for ( " "

) (in combination 'za muka' "for flour")

^a (Ch , K , Mk) prep 1 Ch 21

subject marker ,

(Ch) ,

? what do you think, why have I come?

2 Ch 2, K 2, Mk 1

(Ch) they would not sit with

their wives ( ) (K) I went to my motherland

(Mk) I will treat you

with a good tea

^abiraÉla (Dz) v Perf Dz 2 (

) take away

^aboliá-l‡ (K) v Perf K 1 fell ill

^abyÉla (Tz , K) v Perf Tz 1, K 2


^aÉftra (K) adv K 2 tomorrow

^agr‡diála (K) 1 v Perf K 3

, bar 2 n K 1


ta^igaÉl‡ (K) v Perf K 4 ,


^akaÉ̂ ywaj (Ch) v Abs Ch 1


^akoÉna , ^akuoÉn‡ (Ch , K) n Ch 2, K 2

, law , tradition

(K) Chinese tradition

^ameÉti (Tz) v Abs Tz 1 notice

^alaboÉtaj (Vr) v Abs Vr 1

to earn

(Vr)I earned six roubles in one day

^axadiá (K) v Abs K 1 come

^axodiál‡ (K) v Perf K 1 ,


^axaraniá (K) 1 v Abs K 3

bury (K)after

sixty years old they buried people

2 n K 2 grave -

(K) thye did not plant [vegetables] on

people's graves before

^acheÉm (Dz) pron Dz 1 what for

d’es’ , d’eÉsia (Dz , K) 1 adv Dz 2, K 5

here 2 K 1 now

3 prep Dz 1, K 1 in

(K) ( )it is also put in spirit

daroÉw‡ (K) atr K 2 healthy

^il’oÉn‡ (K) atr K 1 green

^iml’aÉ , ^imliá (Tz , K) n Tz 2, K 8

ground ,

(Tz) , Ib the old

times everything was groen on the ground, nothing was


Page 10: Кяхтинский язык

bought in the shop

^imaÉ (Tz , K) n Tz 1, K 2 winter

^imoÉj (Dz) adv Dz 1 in winter

^‡naÉish (Tz) v Praes, 2 Sg Tz 1

( ) you know (introductiry word)

^‡naÉj , ^naɇ (Vr , K) v Abs Vr 2, K 4

know -

(K) , a person

would know where he was buried

^‡naÉl‡ (K) v Perf K 1 know

i (Dz , K) conj Dz 2, K 9 , also , and

... i ... i (Sp , Dz) conj Dz 1, Sp 1 ... ,

and , as well as (Sp) [ ] the

sun was out and not out

iága (Ya) num Ya 1 one ( . iga ' ')

(Chinese iga 'one')

igajaÉn (Vr) adv Vr 1 ( . )

the same (Russian ethn)

iglaÉj (Vr) v Abs Vr 1 ,


- igraÉj-igraÉj (Ya , Vr) v Abs 1 Ya 1


2 Ya 1 , mock , pick on

- (Ya)

[ ] do not mock [at me] 3 Vr 1


iáli (Tz , K) conj Tz 5, K 1 or , either ... or

and so on


[we] put traps for meat animals or something


iámen (Shd) n Shd 1 name ?

(Shd) ? what is your name?

iskaÉj (Vr , K) v Abs Vr 1, K 1 look

for (Vr)it is necessaty to look for a job


ix , iáx‡ Dz (Dz , K) pron 1 K 1 ( . .)

they (Nom.) - ,

(K) , ,

[] this was money, they burnt it,

but we did not know that [of a tradition to burn paper

money during the funerals]

2 Dz 2 ( . .) them (Obl.)

iáxin’ (Dz) pron 1 Dz 5 they 2 Dz 1


k‡choÉr‡tu (Dz) interj Dz 2 to


kabaÉn (Dz) n Dz 1 ,

wild pig , wild pig carcass

kaÉk‡ (Ch , K) conj Ch 7, K 2 how

? (Ch) ? how do

you think? ... alike

(K) like pepper

kakoÉj (Ya , Ch , Al) pron interrog 1 Ya 1, Ch

1 what , what kind of

? (Ya) ? whom

[what man] do you want to see?

? (Ch)?

what will you order among Beijin silk cloths?

2 Al 1 ? what? - ?

( ) ? what do you

buy from me?

kaÉm‡ni (K) n K 1 stone

kaÉnka (Ya) v Abs Ya 1 see

? (Ya)? whom do you want to see? ( .

?) (Chinese ?)

kan’tramiá Vr , kantraniiá Ya (Ya ,

Vr) v Abs 1 Vr 1 ( . ) chop (Russian ethn)

2 Ya 1 chop the head off ( .

' ') (Chinese kang 'to chop')

kapitaÉna (Ya) n Ya 2

( ) sir (polite address

to a man) , (Ya), it is non of your

business, sir

kapkaÉn Dz , kapkaÉn‡ (Dz , Tz) n Dz 1, Tz

1 trap

kapuÉsa (Sp) n Sp 2 cabbage

karaÉp‡chi (Ya) v Abs Ya 1 ,

steal ( )(word of an unknown origin)

karauÉla (Sp) n Sp 1 ,


kaÉrchik‡ (K) n K 2 ,

picture , foto

(K) there are also Nanai pictire books

kar‡toÉsh‡ka Tz , ka‡rtuÉsha Ya (Tz ,

Ya) n Tz 1, Ya 1 potatoes

kasaÉjsa (Ya , Vr) v Abs Ya 1, Vr 1

( ) touch ,

(Ya) ,

it is none of your business, sir

kaÉshli (K) v Abs K 1 cough

ke i (Vr) mod Vr 1 can


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(Vr) I can help

kilomeÉt‡la (K) n K 1


kitajoÉza (Ya) n Ya 1 Chinese

( " " + tzy) (contamination ofRuss. 'kitaets' "Chinese" Chin. tsy)

KitaÉj (Dz) n Dz 1 China

kitaÉjski (Dz) n Dz 1 Chinese

(Dz) This Chinese was put in jail

kitaÉjs‡ (Dz , K) n 1 Dz 5, K 1

Chinese 2 K 8 Chinese


kadaÉ , kataÉ (Dz , Al , K , Kk) pron 1 Dz 7, Al

1, K 3, Kk 1 when ,

, (K) [ ]

, -you may take it [pantocrin] by small

portions after the age of fifty-sixty years old

2 K 1 where

koÉzh‡ (Dz) n Dz 1 leather

kaloÉdis‡ (K , Kk) n K 1, Kk 1


koloÉj (Dz) v Abs Dz 1 ( ) to

chop (wood)

kolonoÉk‡ (Tz) n Tz 1 (

) Siberian weasel (hunted for fur)

kaxoÉ^‡ (Dz) n Dz 1 collective farm

kompaÉni‡ (Dz) postp Dz 1 ,

with , together with

kaneÉsh‡n‡ (Dz , Tz) adv Dz 5, Tz 1

, of course

kantoÉri (Dz) n Dz 1 office

kanchaÉj (Vr) v Abs 1 Vr 1 ,

to finish

2 Vr 1 be over

(Vr) the summer is over

koÉnchil‡ (K) v Abs K 2 ,

finish - ,

(K) [ ] ,

there is no [guinseng] of this type

any more

kapaÉli , kapaÉ̂ i K (Tz , K) v Perf, Pl Tz 1,

K 1 dig

kapeÉka (Vr) n Vr 2 penny

kareÉjsa (Tz) 1 n Tz 1 Korean 2 atr Tz 1 Korean

garoÉb‡ka (K) n K 5 box

kasaÉ (Dz) n Dz 1 ( ) sand bar (of


koÉsti (Tz , K) n Tz 1, K 1 bones

kotoryÉj (Kk) pron Kk 1 that


k‡lasiáw‡ (Ya , K) atr Ya 1, K 1


k‡raÉsin‡ (K) atr K 3

k‡richaÉj (Dz) v Abs Dz 1 shout

kur‡koÉm‡ (K) adv K 1 ,


k‡lupaÉ (Tz , Ya) n Tz 1, Ya 1 groats

kriuchoÉka (Ya) n Ya 1 hook

k‡toÉ (Dz) pron Dz 1 who

kudaÉ (K) adv 1 K 2 ? , where?

? (K) ? where to gather [it] now?

2 K 1 - somewhere

- k‡da-t‡daÉÉ (K) onomat K 1

" - " has the meaning of

"driving smb away"

kuruÉ^a (Tz , K) n Tz 1, K 2


kuÉnia , kuÉni Vr (Ya , Vr) n 1 Ya 1, Vr 1


2 Ya 1 daughter ( . ku-niang) (Chinese


kupeÉza (Ya) n Ya 1 merchant

( " " + tzy) (contamination of Rus.

'kupets' + Chin. tzy)

kupiá (Sp , Tz , Ya , Shd , Vr , K) v Abs Sp 2, Tz 2,

Ya 2, Shd 2, Vr 2, K 2 , buy , go shopping

kupiála (Sp) v Perf Sp 7 buy

kupiáli (Dz) v Perf. Pl Dz 1 buy

kuÉritsa , kulitsaÉi Ya (Sp , Ya) n Sp 2, Ya 1

chicken (Spr) he broke the eggs

kuÉch‡ (K) n K 4 , heap ,


kuÉsh‡j (Dz , Vr , K , Ar) 1 v Abs Dz 2, Vr 1,

K 4, Ar 1 , , ( ) eat

, take (medicine)

(K) guinseng is very

good for you

2 n Dz 1 meal , food

(Dz) she can not


kushaÉxu (Ch) v Abs 1 Ch 1 ,


2 Ch 1 drink

(Ch) he can only

drink wine


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kuÉshi , kuÉsh‡ (Vr , K) v Abs Vr 2, K 3

eat (Vr) to feed

- kuÉshi-kuÉshi (Vr) v Abs Vr 1 ,

eat - (Vr) there is nothing to eat

laÉna (Ya) interj Ya 1 OK , all right

laÉ̂ i (K) v Abs K 1 climb

laÉjba (Vr) interj Vr 1 ! ( . )

come here! (Russian ethn)

lan (Tz) n Tz 2 ( ) Lan (family


latuÉza (Vr) n Vr 1 ( . .) old

man (Russian ethn.)

ledeneÉ^a (Ch) n Ch 1 candy

likaÉst‡fa (K) n K 2


lieÉsa (Ya , K) n Ya 1, K 3 forest

let (K) n Pl K 9 ( ) years (of


leÉt‡ (Vr , K) n Vr 1, K 1 summer

lechiᇠ(K) v Perf K 4 heal

, (K) , when we ere ill we were

healing like that

li (K) conj K 1 or

loÉb‡ (Ya) n Ya 1 ( ) radish

(Chinese) ( . lo-po, . . . )(Chinese lo-po, mod. Russian Far East loba)

loÉt‡k‡ (Dz) n Dz 2 boat

loÉsa (K) v Abs K 7 put

(K) it is

infused in spirit

lamaÉj (Sp) v Abs Sp 1 ,

, break

(Sp) he droke those eggs

lamaÉjla (Ya) v Perf Ya 2 be ill

? (Ya) ? has

he fallen ill?

lamaÉl‡ (K) v Perf K 2 ,

( ) break , chop (wood)

(K) , they chopped all [wood]

and carried it away, houses were built

luÉche (K) adv K 1 better

- liuÉda-liuÉda (Ya) v Abs Ya 1

go for a walk ( . liu-ta liu-ta) (Chinese liu-ta liu-ta)

l’uÉdi (Dz , Ya , Ch , Vr , K , Kk , Ar) n 1 Dz 1,

Ya 1, Ch 1, Vr 1, K 9, Kk 1, Ar 4 person

(Dz)[ ]? those who want [to go away] among you

? (Ya)

? whom do you want to see?

(Ch) your Nikita is a worthless person

2 Dz 1, K 5, Ar 1 people

(Dz) many Chinese

3 Ar 2 , animal , bird

(Ar) there are many different

creatures in the taiga

l’ag (Dz) v Abs Dz 1 lie down

liaÉnga (Ya) num Ya 1 two ( . liang

' ') (Chinese liang 'two')

l’ansuÉj (Vr) n Vr 1 ( . ) water

(Russian ethn)

magazián‡ , maa^ián‡ K (Dz , Tz , K) Dz 1,

Tz 2, K 1 n shop

madaÉma (Ya , Shd) n Ya 2, Shd 1

( ) madam (polite

address to a woman) ,

(Ya) , do not be angry,


maÉi (Ya , Al) v Abs 1 Ya 1, Al 1

sell ? (Ya) ? Do you sell old stuff?

2 Al 1 ( maj-maj) buy

(in reduplicated form maj-maj) ( . mai) (Chinese


- maÉla-maÉla (Ya , Vr , K) adv Ya 1, Vr 3,

K 2 a little , a bit -

(Vr) I can read a little

maÉlin’ (Dz) atr Dz 1 small ,


maÉlin’k‡ (Dz , K , Kk) atr Dz 3, K 2,

Kk 1 little

maÉlisa (Dz) n Dz 2 ,

child , baby

maÉl‡ (Ch , Vr) mod 1 Ch 1, Vr 1 ,

, not enough , not only

(Ch) not only visiting

2 atr K 1 small

maladoÉj (Tz) atr Tz 1 younger

maÉma (Dz) n Dz 4 mother

mamandiá (Vr) interj Vr 1 !

( . ) wait a bit! (Russian ethn)

maÉmka (Dz , Spr) n 1 Dz 1 wife

(Dz) the father had two wives

2 Dz 1, Sp 5 mother

(Sp) the mother was angry


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maneÉra (Ch) n 1 Ch 3 ,

custom , way

(Ch) you have different ways

2 Ch 1 , kind


? what will you order of Beijin silk tissues?

maÉnty (Ya) n Ya 1 dumplings

( . man-t`ou) (Chinese man-t`ou)

manuÉla (K) v Perf K 1


mar‡tyÉnix‡ (Dz) n Dz 1

( ) Martynikha (personalname)

mashiána , masián‡ K , maseÉ÷ K (Vr , K)

n 1 Vr 1 machine

(Vr) ,

I have a machine now, to sew

shoes cost fifteen roubles

2 K 2 car ,

(K) , it is necessary

to go there by car, it takes five hours to go there

mashiá÷ka (Ya) n Ya 1

crookery , cheating

(Ya) [ .] you are cheating [lit. there is

cheating at you]

mineÉ (Dz) pron 1 Dz 11 (

) me (Obloque cases) ( )he beats ne

2 Dz 2 my


one of my mothers died long ago

(Dz) he drove away my son too

m’eÉst‡ (Ar) n Ar 1 place

(Ar) (

) it (the Polar

star) is always on the same place

meÉsia^a (Ch) postp Ch 3 together

(Ch) [ ?] you [he] live together with

your wife [with wives]

mishaɇ (K) v Abs K 1 mix

mishoÉk‡ (Sp) n Sp 3 sack

mi (Sp) part Sp 1 ( )

not (ntgation with copula) (Sp)[it] was and [it] was not ( . )

(Chinese mej)

miamboÉ (Ya) n Ya 1 bread ( .

mien-pao) (Chinese mien-pao)

noÉgo (Dz , Vr , K , Ar) quant Dz 4, Vr 1, K 6,

Ar 2 many , a lot , much (Dz)much work

noÉ^k‡ (K) adv K 2 a little

- noÉshk‡-noÉshk‡ (Dz) adv Dz

1 , a little , a bit

moÉgu (Dz , K) v Abs Dz 1, K 1 ,

can , to be able to (K) one can write

moÉ^e (K) mod K 2 maybe

, (K) , you may die,

especially in winter

moÉ̂ eno (Ch) mod Ch 5 be possible

- (Ch) it is possible to come to an agreement

moj (Sp) v Abs Sp 1 to wash

moj (Tz) pron poss Tz 1 my

mo÷goÉl‡ (K) n K 3 Mongolian

moneÉ^a (Ch) n Ch 1 money

( + . tzy) (moneta "coin" + Chinese tsy)

mor‡daÉ (K) n K 2 face

, ,

(K) ,

,, it you take it in small portions

ypur face will be red, you will never be ill or catch cold.

moÉre (Vr) n Vr 1 sea

(Vr) I

work as a boatman on the sea

majaÉ (Sp , Tz , Ya , Ch , Shd , Al , Vr , Kk , Mk ,

Ar) 1 Sp 1, Ya 2, Ch 9, Shd 1, Vr 7, Kk 1, Mk 1, Ar 4 pron

( ) I (Nominative case)

(Shd) I will come

2 Ya 1, Al 1 , , (

) me (Oblique cases) ,

(Ya) I

have one daughter and two sons

3 Tz 1, Shd 1 pron poss my

(Tz) my

husband used to go hunting

muÉ^a (Ch) n Ch 1 husband

mu^iák‡ (K) n 1 K 2 husband

2 K 1 male

musiánn‡ (Tz) n Tz 1 man ,


mukaÉ (Sp , Tz) n Sp 1, Tz 3 flour

- mur-mur (Ya) v Abs Ya 1 say


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- ? (Ya) ?what do you say?

muÉchi (Dz) v Abs Dz 2 to suffer

my (Tz) 1 Tz 4 pron ( . .) we (Nom.)

(Tz) we moved to Korean


2 Tz 1 ( . .) us (Obl.)

(Tz) you should have asked us earlier

m’aÉs‡ (Dz , Tz , Vr) n 1 Vr 1 meat

2 Dz 2, Tz 1 wild animal

(hunted for meat) ,

(Dz) ,he did not hunt wild animals, he could do nothing

m’at’ (Dz) v Dz 1 ( ) soften

na (Ch , K) prep Ch 1, K 1 at

, (Ch) , to look

at you is as if eating a candy ,

(K) ,

, they plant [vegetables] on this

ground, thye cultivate the ground, that is.

nasoÉpk‡ (K) adv K 1 on the


nauÉlica (K) adv K 1 in the

street , outside

nach’or‡t‡ (Dz) interj Dz 1 ,

what the devil , what for

(Dz) ( ) what the

devil should I live (with him)

naeÉrna , naÉina (Tz , K) adv Tz 1, K 1


naÉda (Dz , Sp , Tz , Ya , Ch , Vr , K , Ar) Dz 5, Sp

4, Tz 1, Ya 2, Ch 1, Vr 1, K 5, Ar 1 mod it is

necessary (Dz)

[ ] no need in them [Chinese]

(Spr)next time you should not

go shopping (Ch)it will necessary to give

back later

naleÉj (K) v Abs K 1 pour

naliál‡ (K) v Perf K 1 pour

nanaÉjsa (K) 1 n K 2 Nanai 2 adj

K 1 Nanai

naÉsa (Dz , Ch , K) pron 1 Dz 1 , K 5 ( .

.) we (Nom.) (K)we did not go

2 Ch 1 ( . .) us (Obl.)


we adore our wives like


3 Dz 1, Ch 1, K 1 our (Dz)our house was there

nashuoÉla (Ya) v Perf, Sg Ya 1


nash‡laÉ (K) v Perf K 2 find

nashliá (Tz) v Perf, Pl Tz 1 find

ni (Dz , Sp , Tz , Ya , Ch , K , Vr) 1 Dz 33, Sp 5, Tz 3,

Ya 5, Ch 2, Vr 6, K 15 part neg not

(Dz) he does not sleep

(Spr) one should not put eggs into a bottle

(Tz) nothing was bought in the shop

2 Tz 1, K 4 not so (Tz) [ ] [it was] not so in the old times

3 Ch 1

niuiápej (K) v Abs K 1 not

drink ,

(K) ,

when you take it do not drink a lot

ninaÉj (K) v Abs K 3 not know

nimaguÉ (Vr) mod Abs 1 Vr 2

( - ) not to be able (to do

smth) (Vr) [ ] one

person can not feed [the family]

2 Vr 1 to be unable

to do (Vr) - I can not speak Russian

ni^’aÉ (Vr , K) mod Vr 1, K 3 one

should not , - ,

(K) [ ]

, [ ] ,one can not make a [grave] mound, they plant

different [plants], so they make it flat.

ninoÉsk‡ , ninoÉshk‡ (Tz , K) adv Tz 1,

K 1 , - a little , a bit

(Tz) [ ] Lfn is a bit younger [than me]

neperemeÉna (Ch) adv Ch 1

surely , of course

net (Dz) mod Dz 2 no , there is no

neÉtu (Sp , Ch) part Sp 1, Ch 5 (

) not (negation with verbs)

(Sp) the fish was


neÉtu , neÉta Shd (Dz , Ch , Shd , Vr , K) mod Dz

2, Tz 1, Ch 2, Shd 1, Vr 2, K 4 , no ,

there is no (Tz)


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there is no old people

any more

neÉtula (Tz , Ya) mod Perf Tz 2, Ya 1

there was no (Tz)there are no old people

any more

nixarashoÉ (Vr) adv Vr 1 ,

bad , not good

ni (Vr) pron 2 Sg Vr 1 you (Sg.) ( . ni)

(Chinese ni)

niády (Ya , Vr) pron pers. 2 Sg 1 Ya 4, Vr 1

( . .) you (Sg) (Nom.) ?

(Ya) ? do you go?

2 Ya 2 , ( . .) you (Sg) (Obl.)

3 Ya 1 your (Sg)

(Ya) -- [ . . ] your

heart is a hook [your are bad, evil] ( . ni-dy)

(Chinese ni-dy)

niá^‡ (Dz) adv Dz 2 ( )


n’oxtoÉ (K , Dz) pron Dz 2, K 2


ni÷kaÉ (Dz) n Dz 1 Chinese ( .

) (Udihe ningka)

nichoÉ (Dz , Tz , K) 1 Dz 6, Tz 3, K 1 pron


2 Dz 1 adv , not bad

nichimoÉza , nichimoÉu^a Vr (Ya , Vr)

adv Ya 1, Vr 1 , OK , nothing bad

( " " + mou+tzy) (contamination

of Russ. 'nichego' "nothing, nothing bad" + mou +Chin. tzy)

noÉch‡ (Dz) adv Dz 3 in the night

noÉchu (Dz) adv Dz 1 in the night

nu (Tz , Ch , K) part Tz 2, Ch 1, K 1 well

nu i (Dz) conj Dz 1 and

n’aÉnchi (Dz) v Abs Dz 1 nurse

ogoroÉd‡ Dz , nagaroÉd‡ Tz (Dz , Tz) n Dz

1, Tz 1 vegetable-garden ( ,, "

") (Tz form derives probably from thecontamination na ogorode 'on the vegetable-garden')

kulieÉtsa Ya , agurtsaÉ Vr (Ya) n Ya 1, Vr 1


‡dián , adián Vr (Dz , Tz , Ch , Vr , Ar) 1 Dz 5,

Vr 1 adv , alone

(Vr) [?] [?]

one persone

[alone?] can not feed the family

2 num Tz 1, Ch 1, Vr 3, Ar 1 one

‡dinaÉk‡ (Dz , K) postp 1 Dz 2, K 2

, like (Dz) [ ] [ . . . it [shirt] is

like grass [green]

(K) it was there like

here before 2 K 1 alike

a^iniál‡ (Dz) v Perf, Dz 1


ak‡noÉ (Sp) n Sp 1 window

anaÉ (Tz) pron Tz 1 , he , she

(Tz) he also is not


apus‡kaÉjla (Sp) v Perf Sp 1

, ( ) put (into a bottle)

o osoÉba (Ch) atr Ch 3 different


you have different customs ...

... one ... another ,

(Ch) , --

. Nikita is one matter, you are another.

astaÉwi (Dz) v Abs Dz 3 leave

adawaÉj (Ch) v Abs Ch 1 give


dixaÉj (Dz) v Dz 1 have rest

oxoÉt‡ Dz , naxoÉtu Tz (Dz , Tz) n Dz 2, Tz 2


oxoÉt‡j (Dz) v Abs 1 Dz 1 hunt

2 Dz 2 to get (while hunting)

(Dz) [ ]

he always got meat while hunting in


pampuÉs’‡ka (Tz , Ya , Vr , K) n Tz 1,

Ya 1, Vr 1, K 1 ( ,

) , pampushka

(Chinese-type steam-made bread) , bread

paÉnty , paÉ÷ty K (Dz , K) n Dz 1, K 4

( ,

) panty (not hardened antlers of elk used as


paÉpa (Dz , K) n Dz 6, K 4 father

palawoÉ^‡ (Ya) n Ya 1


paraxoÉud‡ (K) n K 2 ,

steamer , steam engine

[...] (K),

there was no engines befire, they walked there

pechineÉseki (Ch) 1 n Ch 1


2 adj Ch 1 Beijin



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? what will you order of Beijin silk tissues?

pelemeÉni (Tz) n Tz 1

Siberian dumplings

peÉric‡ (K) n K 1 pepper

pir’oÉt (Dz) adv Dz 1 at first

(Dz)the father died first

peÉchi (Tz) v Abs Tz 2 ,

( ) bake , prepare (of steam-made

Chinese) , (Tz), [we] baked

, made Chineses of flour

piliá (Dz) v Abs Dz 1 saw

piliuÉli (Ya) n Ya 1 ,

medicine , pills

pishiá (K) v Abs K 4 write

(K) it

was written so in the document

plaÉkaj (Dz) v Abs Dz 2 cry

p‡latiá (K) v Abs K 1 buy


, (K) ,

these Chinese built a hospital, they

were buying guinseng to make medicine

loÉx‡ (Dz) adv Dz 2 badly

ploÉx‡ (Tz) atr Tz 1 badly

po (Tz) prep 1 Tz 2 (

" ") on , over (only in combination 'po sopka'

"over the mountains")

2 Tz 2 ( ) for (when changing)

, (Tz) for flour and


p‡soÉpka (Tz K) adv Tz 1, K 1

, over the mountains , behind the


poweÉsi (Ch) v Abs Ch 1 ,

hang , hang oneself

(Ch) I will

surely hang myself

pagawaliá (Ch) v Abs Ch 3

say ? (Ch) ? how can you say so?

poguÉli (Ch) v Abs Ch 2

visit , (Ch), ? you have come with a

visit, mister Dalai?

toudiál‡jl‡ (K) v Perf K 1 ,


podo^‡diá (Ch) v Abs Ch 1 wait

paduÉm‡j (Ch) v Abs Ch 4 think

(Ch) you should think of yourself

po^iwiá (Ch) v Abs Ch 1 live

pa^iwu (Ch) v Abs Ch 1 live

(Ch) you live together with wives

pod’oÉt (Dz) v Fut, 3 Sg Dz 1 will


paliáca (Ya) n Ya 1 police

, (Ya) , if he does not

give the money back, I will go to the police

poÉlnote (Ch) interj Ch 1 ,

( . .) do not say that (Russian ethn.)

poÉl‡n‡ (Dz) atr Dz 1 full

pamishaÉj (Ch) v Abs Ch 2

impede , hinder

pamitoÉla (Ya) n Ya 1 tomato

pamiraÉj (Sp) v Abs Sp 1 to die

pomiraÉla Dz , pomirlaÉ Tz (Dz , Tz ,

K) v Perf Dz 6, Tz 1, K 1 die

poÉmil‡ (K) v Perf K 1


pamagaÉj (Dz , Vr) v Abs Dz 1, Vr 1


pamagaÉla (Dz) v Perf Dz 1


panimaÉj (K) v Abs K 1


papaÉla (Dz) v Perf Dz 1 ,

to find oneself

papaÉla (Tz) v Perf Tz 1

(Tz) different things

- paruÉski (Vr) adv Vr 1 - in


pasadiá (K) v Abs K 1 plant

pasadiál (Dz) v Perf Dz 1 (

) put (in jail)

(Dz) [ ]they put that Chinese [in jail]

posadiáli (Dz) v Perf, Pl Dz 1

( ) to put (in jail)

posidiá (Ch) v Abs Ch 2 sit

? (Ch) ? do you sit with your wives?

poÉs‡le , poÉs‡lia (Ch , K) adv Ch 2, K 1

, later

pos‡matriá (Ch , K) v Abs Ch 1, K 2


pastaÉvi (Tz , K) v Abs Tz 1, K 1

( , ) put (of a trap, house)


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p‡staÉvi (Dz) v Abs Dz 1

( ) put (of trap)

p‡stojaÉn‡ (Ar) adv Ar 1

always , all the time

(Ar) I always hunt

potoÉm (Dz , K) adv Dz 6, K 4 ,

then , when ,

(Dz) ,

when he went by boat, I went with him

potorgowaÉj (Ch) v Abs Ch 1


poumilaÉj (K) v Abs K 1 die

poumilaÉjl‡ (K) v Perf K 2


(K) , ,

probably, tomorrow you will

fell ill and die

poxoÉdi (Ch) v Abs Ch 1 ,

, come

pachoÉma (Vr) adv Vr 1 ,

? ( . .) how much? , what is the price?

(Russian ethn.) (Vr)? how much are the


pochiwaÉj (Mk) v Abs Mk 1 ,


pochetoÉ (Ch) pron Ch 1 why


(Ch) ? why your

wife does not come here?

p‡soÉl Dz , pasoÉla Ya (Dz , Ya , K) v Perf

Dz 1, Ya 1, K 4 , , go

p‡raÉvina , buraÉvina (Sp) adv Sp 4


p‡rijeÉxal (Tz) v perf, Tz 1 ,

to come , to move

p‡rishoÉl‡ (Ch , Al) v Perf, Sg Ch 1, Al 1


p‡r‡viá÷ (K) n K 1

( ) province

(administrative unit of China)

p‡radawaÉj (Shd , Vr) 1 n Shd 1

( ) goods (situational)

(Shd) my goods are good

2 v Abs Vr 1 sell

p‡rodajoÉt (Dz) v Pres, Sg Dz 1


p‡ropadiá (Ar) v Abs Ar 1

perish (Ar)many birds perished

p‡riaÉma (Ch) adj Ch 1 ,

true , right (Ch) it is true

p‡r’aÉchi (K) v Abs K 4 hide

? (K) ? what for

to hide him?

p‡r’aÉchila (K) v Perf K 2 hide

(K) his son

hid him

pus‡kaÉj (Sp) v Abs Sp 5 ,

, to put

(Spr) rice

sould be put in a sack

pus‡kaÉjla (Sp) v Perf Sp 2 ,

, , put

shiniása (Tz) n Tz 1 wheat

pitnaÉsati (Vr) num Vr 1


p’ach (Vr , K) num Vr 1, K 1 five

? ?do you have five pennies?

pis’aÉt (K) num K 1 fifty

p’asoÉ^‡ (K) num K 1 five


roboÉt‡ (Dz , K) n Dz 1, K 1 work

(K) people went to their jobs

roboÉt‡j Dz , raboÉtai Ya , laboÉtaj Vr(Dz , Ya , Vr) 1 v Abs Dz 5, Ya 1, Vr 4 ,

work earn one's living

(Dz) he worked in a

shop in the collective farm ,

- (Ya) , he does not want to work, he

wants only to have a good time

2 n Vr 1 work

(Vr) it is

necessary to look for a job now

loboÉdal‡ (K) v Perf K 1


loboÉchi (K) n K 1 worker

raÉ^‡ (Sp) n Sp 1 time , occasion

(Sp) next time

raÉzn‡ (Ar) pron Ar 1 ,

different (Ar) there are

many different creatures in the taiga

laÉn’se (Tz , K) adv Tz 7, K 12

before , in the old times

rast’oÉ (K) v Praes K 1 grow

- , - , ,


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, both

maize and soy beans were growing well

rasiá (K) v Abs K 2 grow

riás‡ (Dz) , liás‡ (Sp) (Dz , Sp) n Dz 1, Sp 4


roÉun‡ (K) atr K 5 ,


roÉdi÷ (K) n K 1 motherland

RoseÉju (Dz) n Dz 1 Russia

ruÉbli Vr, K , luÉb‡li K (Vr , K) n Vr 3, K 4


lugaÉj (Vr) v Abs Vr 1 scold

ruÉsk‡ (Dz) n Dz 4 Russian

(Dz) Russians drove that Chinese


ryÉba Dz , liába Sp , liápa Ya , lyÉba Shd (Dz

, Sp , Ya , Shd) n Dz 1, Sp 5, Ya 1, Shd 1 fish

ribaÉchi (Dz) v Abs Dz 1 ,


riumaÉsheki (Ch) n Ch 1 wine-

glass (Ch)he can only drink wine

r’uÉmk‡ (K) n K 2 snall glass

r’aÉd‡m (Dz) adv Dz 1 ,

near , near by

s (K) prep K 1 ( ) with

, , (K) [

] ,[ ] it is written there

[on the box] what the anount of [guinseng] is to be put

in vodka

s‡palaviána (Tz) adv Tz 1

and a half

(Tz) my husband

was at the war for three years and a half

sadiá (Dz , Tz , K) v Abs 1 Dz 1, K 1 ,

( , ) to cultivate (field,vegetable garden)

2 Tz 3, K 3 , ( ) to

plant , to grow (Tz)in the old time

everything was grown on the ground

sadiál‡ (K) v Perf K 4 plant

, ,

(K) ,

, the real guinseng

has to be gathered in the forest, specially planted one is

no good

sadiáli (Tz) v Perf, Pl Tz 1 ,

to cultivate

sa^aÉj (K) v Abs K 1 ,

make sit down , put

salaÉt‡ (Sp) n Sp 1 salad

saÉla (Ya) n Ya 1 fat , bacon

sam (Dz , K) pron Dz 3, K 1 oneself

(Dz) he

himself went to the city

saÉma (Ch , Dz , Vr) pron 1 Ch 1

( ) self (reflexive pron.)

(Ch) you should think of yourself

2 Ch 1 one's ,

(Ch) , it is your

will, later you will regret

3 Vr 1, Dz 2 oneself

(Vr) I can not

do it myself

saxuaÉn , saxoÉn (Vr) v Abs Vr 2

( . .) lie (Russian ethn.)

(Vr) to lie is bad

s’oÉk‡lai (Ya) n Ya 1 beet

swaÉja (K) pron K 1 one's own

s‡dajoÉm (Tz) v 1 Pl Tz 1 sell to

official organization

sibeÉ (Tz) pron Tz 1 to oneself

: , (Tz), , all was

grown by people themselves: maize, wheat.

s‡woÉnni (K) adv K 2 today

(K) ,

when the person was sixty years old he was


seÉ^a (Vr) n Vr 1 ( . ) boy

(Russian ethn.)

sis’aÉs , sh’as‡ Tz , sichaÉs‡ (Dz , Tz , Vr ,

K) adv 1 Dz 2, Tz 1, Vr 4, K 4 now

2 K 5 nowadays 3 K 2


ser‡diá^a (Spr , Ch) v Abs Sp 2, Ch 1

be angry (Sp)

the mother got angry

(Ch) you

will be angry

sieÉrca (Ya) n Ya 1 heart

sirchaÉj (Ya) v Abs Ya 1 be


seÉse (Vr) interj Vr 1 ( . )

thank you (Russian ethn)

sidiá (Dz) v Abs Dz 3 sit , stay


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siál’n‡ (Tz) adv Tz 1 very , very


skaÉzka (Kk) n Kk 1 tale

s‡ka^ywaÉj (Ch) v Abs Ch 2

tell (Ch) I will tell to Nikita

koÉl’ko , s‡koÉk‡ K (Vr , K) adv Vr 1, K 6

? how much? , how many?

s‡lipoÉj (Dz) atr Dz 2 blind

s‡loÉw‡ (Ch) n Ch 1 word

(Ch) it is true

s‡lyÉshi (Tz) v Abs Tz 1 hear

simitaÉn (Ya) n Ya 1 sour creem

s‡nosiá (Dz) v Abs Dz 1 ( ) pull


soÉbol’ , soÉbala Tz (Dz , Tz) n Dz 1, Tz 1


saseÉm‡ (Dz , Sp , Tz) adv Dz 1, Sp 2, Tz 1

very , at all /.../

(Sp) [ ] /.../

you are very bad [in doing

something] /.../ you should go shopping at all

(Dz) [ ] [he had] nothing at all

soledaÉtka (Ya) n Ya 1 soldier

soÉli (Ch) adv Ch 1 (?) surely (?)

(Ch) ,I surely will hang myself

soÉntsa Sp , soÉnca Shd, Vr , soÉlenca Ya(Sp , Ya , Shd , Vr) 1 Sp1, Ya 1 n sun

2 Shd 1, Vr 2 day

(Shd) you have

bought [it] three days ago

soÉp‡ka , suoÉp‡k‡ (Tz , K) n Tz 2, K 1

( ) mountain

soÉsi (Vr) v Abs Vr 1 ( . ) sit

down (Russian ethn.)

sajuÉza (Tz) Tz 2 n (

) Oxotsojuz

(official organization bying furs and meat from hunters)

, , (Tz) [ ] [ ],

[we] were looking for [ginseng] and gave

it to Oxotsojuz for flour and groats

soÉe (K) n K 1 soy bean

s‡piá (Dz , Vr , Ar) v Abs Dz 1, Vr 1, Ar 1

sleep , (Ar), you can sleep, I

will quard the fire

- s‡piála (Sp) v Perf Sp 1 sleep

s‡piá‡r (K) n K 5 spirit

(K) --

,spirit is like vodka, onl not mixed with water

p‡rasiál (Tz) v Perf, Sg Tz 1


s‡raÉzu (K) adv K 1 at once

s‡taÉli (Dz) v Perf. Pl Dz 1


s‡taliáka (Tz , Ya) n Tz 2, Ya 1 husband

s‡taÉr‡ , s‡taÉl‡ K (Tz , Ya , K) 1 Tz 1 n

old man (Tz) there are no old people


2 Tz 1, Ya 1, K 1 adj old

? (Ya) ? do you

sell old stuff? (K) old man

stoÉit (Vr) v Praes, 3 sg Vr 1 to cost

(Vr) ( . .) what is the price of cucumbers

(Russian ethn.)

syÉn‡ (Dz , Vr , K) n Dz 6, Vr 1, K 7 son

syÉnka (Ya) n Ya 1 son

syÉte (Vr) v Abs Vr 1 ( . ) sleep

(Russian ethn.)

sudaÉ (Dz , Tz , Ch , K) adv 1 Dz 3, Tz 1, Ch 1, K

1 , here , there

2 Tz 1 here (Tz)Koreans used to live here

3 Dz 2 like (?) (Dz) like this

4 Dz 1 prep , to , at

(Dz) to L'on'ka Kosoj

tatadyÉ (Vr) adj Vr 1 ( .

) big (Russian ethn)

taduxaÉ (Tz) n Tz 1 (

) Taduxa (name of a settlement)

tajgaÉ (Dz) n Dz 1 taiga , forest

taÉk‡ (Ch , K) adv Ch 3, K 3 so

(Ch) I do not want it so

(K) it was written so on the paper

takiáe (Tz) pron Pl Tz 1 like that

takoÉj (Dz , K , Kk) pron Dz 8, K 20, Kk 1

like that , of this kind

(K) [ ] it is

necessary to take this type [of medicine]

tam‡ (Dz , Tz , K) 1 adv Dz 6, Tz 2, K 6 ,

there , here

2 Tz 1, K 1 then


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3 K 1 for example

4 prep Dz 2, K 2 in (Dz) [we] bought [it] in the city

5 K 5 " "

(K) is still alive

tamafeÉner (Ya) n Ya 1

drug-taker ( .) (from Chinese)

tapiánza (Ya) n Ya 1 (

) bun (with corn seeds) ( . ta-ping-tzy) (Chinese ta-ping-tzy)

taskaÉj (Dz , Vr) v Abs Dz 2, Vr 1 ,

, carry , steal

(Dz) [ ] [it is necessary]

to carry carcasses of wild pigs

t‡wajaÉ , tvajaÉ (Ya , Shd , Vr) pron 1 Ya 1, Shd

1, Vr 1 ( ) you

(Sg) (all cases) (Vr)I told you

2 Ch 1, Shd 1 (

) your (Sg) (possessive)

(Ch) your Nikita is a bad person

tibeÉ , cibie Ya , tibi Ch, Mk (Dz , Sp , Ya , Ch

, Vr , Kk , Mk , Ar) pron 1 Dz 1, Sp 3, Ch 4, Vr 2, Kk 2, Ar 1

you (Sg.) ,

? (Ch) ,

? how do you think why have I come?

2 Dz 1, Sp1, Ya 1, Ch 1, Vr 2, Mk 1 ,

( ) you (Sg) (Oblique case)

(Sp) you should not go shopping

3 Vr 1 your (Sg.) ,

(Vr) [ ] your

son is playing [will play]

tipeÉr’ (K) adv K 3 now

d’oÉpl‡ (K) atr K 1 warm

toÉ^‡ (Dz , Tz , K , Ar) adv Dz 2, Tz 3, K 4, Ar 1

also (Ar)the crow is also hungry

toÉka (Dz , Tz , Ch , K) adv 1 Ch 1, K 1

only ,

(Dz) ,he could not hunt, he only cultivated a


2 Dz 3, Tz 1 as soon as

trawaÉ (Dz) n Dz 5 grass

(Dz) it was like


t‡riá (Tz , Shd , Vr , K) num Tz 1, Shd 1, Vr 1, K 1


triátsa , triátsati Vr (Tz , Vr) num Tz 1,

Vr 1 thirty

t‡riáta (K) num K 3 thirty

tuda (Dz , K) adv Dz 4, K 4 there

t‡ , tuÉt‡ (K) adv K 2 here

tuÉta (Ch , K) adv Ch 1, K 1 , here

tufaÉ (Ya) n Ya 2 ( )

tofu (cheese with beans) ( . t`ou-fu) (Chinese t`ou-


ty (Al , K , Kk) pron ( . .) you (Nom) Al 3,

K 9, Kk 1 (K) you can not buy like that

tyÉcha (K) num K 6 thousand

tur‡maÉ (Dz) n Dz 1 prison , jail

uniáx (K) pron K 1 at their place

ubi^aÉla (Sp) v Perf Sp 1 run


ubiwaÉj (Dz) v Abs Dz 1 hunt

(Dz) he did

not hunt wild animals

ubivaÉli (Dz) v Perf, 3 Pl Dz 1

( ) kill (while hunting)

uiádila (K) v Perf K 4 see

uwiádi (K) v Abs K 1 see

ua^iál‡ (K) v Perf K 1 ,

carry away

udeÉ (Dz) n Dz 1 Udihe

ujeÉx‡l (Dz) v Perf, Sg Dz 1

, / /, / / -- away probsbly,

the final i was dropped because of the initial i of the

following word ihin' -- uehali ihin'

u^eÉ , ush (Tz , K) adv Tz 1, K 2 already

- , (K) [ ] [guinseng] of this type does not

exist any more

wiktaÉ (Ar) n Ar 1 star ( . waikta)

(Udihe waikta)

umeÉj (Dz) v Abs 1 Dz 6 know how ,

able to

2 Dz 2 , can

umeÉsha (Ch) v Abs Ch 1 can , be

able (Ch)he can only drink wine

uÉtr‡m (Dz) adv Dz 1 in the morning

uxaÉ̂ iwaj (Dz) v Abs Dz 1

take care

uÉxo (Tz) n Tz 1 ears ,

(Tz) ,the ears do not hear, the head aches


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uÉchasa (K) v Abs K 1 make


ucheniák‡ (K) n K 2 pupil

uchikaÉn (Ya) n Ya 1 hare

fal’shiáwajla (Ch) v Perf Ch 1

, lie , deceive

(Ch) [ ?] I do not deceive

famiáli (Sp) n Sp 1 , clan ,

family name

faÉnguli (Sp , Vr) v Perf Sp 1, Vr 1

, break fall down ( . ) (Russian


paÉn^a Dz , faÉ÷z‡ Sp (Sp , Dz , Tz , Ya , Vr) n

1 Dz 1 ( ) fandza

(Chinese country house) ( . fan-tsy) (Chinese fan-

tsy) 2 Sp 1, Tz 1, Ya 4, Vr 1 house

fynchoÉ^a (Ya) n Ya 1

( ) groats (type) ( . fen-t`iao-tzy) (Chinese fen-t`iao-tzy)

xadyÉk‡ (K) adv K 4 by foot

xanshián (Ya) n Ya 1 vodka

xaÉo (Sp) adv Sp 1 well ( . )

(Chinese xao)

xarchidaÉn (Ya) n Ya 1

canteen ( . + . tien)(contamination of Rus. 'xarchi' "food" + Chin. tien)

x‡wataÉj (Vr) v Abs Vr 1 ,

to be enough (Vr)it is not enough bread

xinpixián (Vr) adv Vr 1 ?

will it do? ( . .) (Russian ethn.)

x‡leÉb‡ Tz , lieÉba Ya , leÉba Vr (Tz , Ya , Vr) n

Tz 1, Ya 1, Vr 1 bread

xopuxoÉ (Vr) adv Vr 1 ? is it

good? ( . .) (Russian ethn.)

xadiá , xa^iá Ya , xodiá Shd , xatiá Al (Dz , Tz ,

Ya , Shd , Al , K) v Abs Dz 10, Tz 2, Ya 4, Shd 1, K 6, Al 2

, , go , come


my husband used to go hunting

, (Ya) , if he does not give the

money back, I will go to the police

xadiála (Dz , Tz , K) v Perf Dz 2, Tz 1, K 6

come , go (K) they walk on the ground

xoÉdim (Tz , Dz) v 1 Praes, 1 Pl Tz 1

go 2 Imper Dz 2 , come , move

(Dz) let her move to their house

xoÉdit (Dz , Tz) v Praes Dz 1, Tz 1 go

- (Tz) I can hardly


xa^aÉin‡ (K) n K 1 master

xoÉkan (Ya) adj Ya 1 beautiful

( . hao-k`an) (Chinese hao-k`an)

xaroÉshan‡ki (Ch , Mk) adj Ch 1, Mk

1 good

(Ch) how good are your


xoroÉsh‡ (Dz , Sp , K) 1 adv Dz 2, Sp 1

well 2 adj Dz 1, K 1 good

xarashoÉ (K) adv K 2 good , well

(K) guinseng is good for you

xoÉchit (Dz) v Pres Dz 2 wish , want

xoÉchu , xaochu , xyÉchi Ch , xoÉchi K (Dz ,

Ya , Ch , K , Ar) v Abs Dz 4, Ya 4, Ch 4, K 3, Ar 1

want , wish ? (Ya)? whom do you want to see?

(K) ,

he wants to

take guinseng to be always young

x‡raniá (K) v Abs K 1 keep

, , (K) [ ] ,

they keep it [guinseng] in a box wrapped in


xuÉd‡ (Ar) atr Ar 1 bad

(Ar) ,

I think these are bad people

xuÉd‡ (Sp , Shd) adj Sp 2, Shd 1 ,

bad , good for nothing

(?) xueryÉka (Sp) n Sp 1 ? ?

(Sp) (?) you are a bad (?)

xunxuÉ^‡ (Vr) n Vr 1 (

) ( . ) xunxuz (forest bandit) (Russian


X‡É^uÜ (Sp) n Sp 4 ( )

( ) XeTzu (personalname) (comic character from jokes)

setyÉ (K) n K 1 flowers

ceÉna , cheÉna (Ya , Vr) n Ya 1, Vr 1

money (Ya) , he thinks that I will

give him money

tsuba (Vr) interj Vr 1 ! ( . ) go

away! (Russian ethn)

chaj , cha , caj Mk (Vr , Mk) n Vr 2, Mk 1



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chaÉs‡ (K) n 1 K 2 time 2 K 1 hour

(K) it takes five hours to come there

(?) chaÉch‡ka (Sp) n Sp 2

, , cup , basin

cheÉga (Sp , Ya) pron Sp 1, Ya 1 this ( .

shega)(Chinese shega) (Spr)

this house is not good

(Ya) [ ] this house is very good [nice]

chiwoÉ (Dz) (Dz , Tz , K) 1 pron K 5 what

2 adv , K 1 and so

on, etc (Dz) sable and other fur animals

3 adv Dz 2, Tz 2 K 1 how it was ,

, (K) , ,

ah, (they) are writing down how it was

before ? ? why?

- ?? why grandmother's grave is made


- ch’oÉt‡ (K) adv K 1 - , -

for some reason

- chiwoÉ-chiwoÉ (Dz , K , Sp) pron 1 Dz 1

, this and that

, - (Dz), , his

wife shouts ans oreders to do this and that

2 Sp 1, K 4 , different

- (Sp) Man by the name of

HeTzu baught different things

? chiwoÉ (Dz , Vr , K) pron Dz 1, Vr 1, K 1 ?

, ? what? , what for? ?

(Dz) ? what for should I go

there? ? (K) ? what

do you say?

chilaveÉk (Tz) n Tz 1 man ,


chort‡^naÉj (Vr) interj Vr 1

God knows

chidoÉ puchidoÉ (Vr) adv Vr 1

? ( . .) do you know? (Russian ethn.)

chis‡tyÉ (Sp) atr Sp 1 clean

chitaÉj (Vr) v Abs Vr 2 to read

chyfaÉn , chi fan’ (Ya , Vr) 1 v Abs Ya 1, Vr

1 , ( . .) eat (Russian ethn.)

2 n Vr 1 , food

cho (Dz , Tz) 1 Tz 1 ,

and so on , etc

2 pron Dz 1 what (Dz)

? it is nothing for the Russian

3 Tz 1 what (Tz)different things

chtoÉby (Tz) conj Tz 1 (

) so that

(Tz) [ ] so that [an

animal] would not notice anything

chu^oÉj (Dz , Ch) n Dz 1, Ch 1

, another person , stranger

chumiá^a (Ya , Vr) n Ya 1, Vr 1

( ) ( . ) millet (Russian ethn) ( .

czou-mi-tzy) (Chinese czou-mi-tzy)

chuÉshka (Ya) n Ya 1 pig

- shal‡taÉj-bal‡taÉj (Ch) v Abs Ch

1 arrange , agree -

(Ch) it is

possible to come to an agreement

shangoÉ , shangaÉu Shd (Sp , Ya , Shd , Vr)

atr 1 Sp 1, Ya 2, Shd 2 , good ,

nice (Ya) [ ] this house is very good

[nice] (Shd) very


2 well ( )

very well (Vr) ? is it good? ( )

(word of an unknown origin)

shej (Dz) v Abs Dz 1 to sew

shes’ (Vr) num Vr 1 six

chijs’aÉt (K) num K 9


shisoÉ̂ ‡ (K) num K 4 six


shoÉl‡ka (Ch) n Ch 1 silk

shiápk‡ Dz , siábik‡ Sp , shyÉpka Ya (Dz ,

Sp , Ya) adv 1 Sp 1, Ya 1 very

(Sp) very bad [not good]

2 Dz 1 very well

shiál‡ (Dz) v Perf Dz 3 sew

shymaÉ (Ya , Vr) pron Ya 3, Vr 1 what

? (Ya) ?what do you say?

s‡tuÉka (Vr) n Vr 1 thing , item

- shymaÉ-shymaÉ (Ya) pron Ya 1

- something ( . szen-ma szen-ma) (Chineseszen-ma szen-ma)

s’ot (Dz) v Pres, Sg Dz 3 to sew

, , , (Dz) , , , I was

suffering, I was sewing all the time


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eÉt‡ (Dz , K) interj Dz 2, K 2 ...

( ) m-m-m (hezitation)

eÉta (Dz , Sp , K , Kk) pron 1 pron K 10, Kk 1


2 pron Sp 1, K 16 , , ( ) he, she,

it , (Spr)he bought

such a fish and put it into the water

3 K 12 ( ) ( ) this

is (demonstrative copula) (K) this was long ago

4 Dz 5, Sp 6 (?)

this marker of definiteness (?)

(Spr) the mother was angry

5 pron K 1 like that ,

? (K) ? Have

you (ever) planted sweet pepper?

6 K 2 possessive

marker (K)the japanese have Chinese


eÉta iwoÉ (K) interj K 2 well

ju (Ya , Vr) v Praes 1 Ya 4, Vr 3 , to

be , to have , (Ya) I have one daughter and

two sons

2 Ya 2, Vr 1 ( )

(affirmative marker) (Ya)

he has fallen ill

(Vr)I sell twenty items in a day

( . ju) (Chinese ju)

ju mei ju ju mi ju (Ya , Vr) part 1 Vr 2

? are there? ? (Vr) [] ? do you have money?

2 Ya 3 ( ) (interrogative

marker) ? (Ya)? has he fallen ill? ( . " - ")

(Chinese "is - isn't")

juj (Vr) n Vr 1 fish

(Vr) fish cost

thirty kopeks

juÉla (Sp) 1 v Perf Sp3 was

2 marker of

accomplished action - - (Spr)the gaurd has fallen asleep ( . -

) (Chinese ju-la)

juliát’ (Vr) v Inf Vr 1 ( . .)

raw (Russian ethn.)

- juliá-juliá (Vr) n 1 Vr 2 -

Chinese boatman

- (Vr) ( . ). -

(Vr) I work as a

boatman on the sea Vr 1 ( )boat (Chinese type)

2 Vr 1 ( ) to rew (a

Chinese boat) Vr 1 \ , to

travel , to walk

ja (Dz , Tz , K) 1 Dz 20, Tz 3, K 15 pron 1 Sg ( .

.) I (Nom.) 2 Dz 1 ( . ) me (Obl.)

( ) I was not driven

away (to China)

jaÉjts‡ (Sp) n Sp 3 egg

jaÉm‡ (K) n K 1 hole (in the ground)

, ,

(K) , ,when a person died they were digging a hole

in the grouns and made him a coffin

jamyÉn’ (Ya) n Ya 1 police ( .

ja-men) (Chinese ja-men)

jandiá (Vr) n Vr 1 ( . .) eyes

(Russian ethn.)

ibeÉ÷ka (K) n 1 K 1 Japanese

2 adj Japan ,

(K) , it is

worm in Japan, he went there

jaÉs‡k‡ (K) n K 2 , box , coffin