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Boost For Better Roads Into Kendrick Subscription tPrice', $ 1.50 Jn Advanre VOLUME XXXVIII KENDRICK, LATAIX COUN]TY,ID AJIO, I'1IDAY> AI'hi]> '], 1 0' o. 16 KENDRICK WINS FROM JULIA'ETTA SUNDAY Sold Troy Brick Plant !HAPPENINGS IN THE CAMERON SECTION NEWS FROM THZ Dean Thompson Resigns ITEMS OF INTEREST KENDRICK SCHOOLS FROM SOUTHWICK ))t. )<'vai>vi» A. ')'))«)»f)»<)», for f J)(')<l»f 1 0 yv iv» ()<! i i) of t)ic Written For Gazette by Special »0)1««) «f »»»('» Af f)10 ft»)V(.'1'»i{i'orrespondent. of Jdaho, )>A» >vcepfc<1 fhv. J)tv»j- ()('.»<'y «}')ir <'I (i)>f i »«lion) «f )) v». JI. l) . )V>'j ht 1cff, T>ies- i>)iii<» )>f 13>tff«, A«''o>'(lji>« fo (1 iy fov 1. < >vj»tot> f«bc go»e a iv<»<1 >crvvjvc() 'herc f) o>» 11(!)0»R c«it)))v «F <1;>y». 'J.'»0»<) iy >»orni», » >y» fl>r Hfi>v- 1[j»» Win. ('«)vgev «f Cerlar Ar[j> vov. C!>cee)c spr»t '}'h»>'»<)Ay ivith ]t[rs. Dco» Thot»p»o» «ib;>b)y wjl],J(»ni»g». A»»ti»)e )>i»»<]v <)»fjc»;ib«iif J»)y ])<]t'» .Jo))» 3)< )vc) vi»itj»«at l. 'Nofj<'0 of .hj» cle(',f jo» wo» r(',- the ))o)»0 «)')>co]'(rc W(1]» )tear 'ceivecl 'by Dean Thompso» fro»i ')'<;(ikeoi>. ])'[0)vjr> A. B>A»non, chance))ov of't)>, W}>jti»„cr is <f»itc ill at the <rvcofer Uriiversify «f Mon- t))v. Iior»0 of'is dat]+htcr, Mrs. tana, following hi» clecti«n by the 110»clcv»n», b»f At this writing 'oard of regeifts i'eee»tly. Thr. )>v. reported is being much )3»tte insiti>ifion is oi)e of the bctfcv. I the we»t, an<1 >n the he>rt of:,],»g),fr, Nflv«a>et werc tl]e or)0 of f he graf( sf >nl]1111«(ir( ii» oircv» j<> }] f gt]csfs of Mr and Mrs jll the cnf)) 0 'ivollcl. [< ]fo» ])<[0'Coy Su»day njght A[a, a»<l ]f'[r». 'Clarence Ilender- APPoint Registr]Lrs For Pr]mary so» of Pot)ote)> were the week end gue»fs of'. i)iis parents. The T~atah connty co»imis»ion- ]f[u>vay Bc»)'>t»j» R»d wife of crs, w1>o were in session at M s Pof, >)tch weve f)>0 week end cow last wcelc, aPPointcd reg>» g»est» of'ei parents, Nv. and. tvars for the P) imary cler!tion, to,])t[>,» W»> j[cC)c]]R)td hanrlle the registration o'f voters Le»lie Trip]ctt ]>ncl f'amily left in the various Precincts "f: the ]f[o»c]>ly 'f>o>'l>elvjsto>1 w'hcl'e they county. Fo))owing is R list of. ezpvcf, to >»ake their )tome. thv, registrars: Jo)»i Stalnakrr and J. R. King ]3ea> Cree]r ..... Nrs. 1"va Kecue! w]io Rre servi»g as,j»rors in Iiew- T3«vj)1 ........... ir[rs. E. K. Pai'ker, is(on spent the week end at their 'ora .....................-.. l II ~'harp hoines. They left iSund~ after- (",oiitwal] ............... 1<1. C. Weber noon for Tiewjston Aga,in. Deary ............ Walter E. Gorrie The i»font son of. Mr. and (Mrs. East J>r[oscow .. Mabelle 'Sherfey D. D. Wrj ht passed Away lost Farmington ............... G. A 'Ross We(]nese]ay evening. Puneral r Genesee ................... P E 'O'eus services were held from t1>eir IIarvard ...........I. II. Carpenter re»i'clence last Th»rsday after- II!elmer ............... 1<1. R. Vjlkjns noo», by R,ev. Finkc. Juliaefta ........ Mrs. J. A. ITeacox ]><[js» Georgine Christensen Kenrlricl................ E<'. Il. Emery spent T»esc)ay»ig)it at the 'home Lenville ................... Jesse Oy)car of'us Wegncv, Rs the g'»est of Linden...................... Eva Smith g'[is». T"mrna. North Moscow ...... Minnie Cnrfis N> R»d Nrs. Roel pair]ey went iNorth Troy, <Mrs. Jemima Christie to Prck ]ast Friday evening, Mrs. Pa)ouse ............. Nancy J. Lvnc)) Paivley wj)) visit there for a Park ....................... Marie Dahl whj)0 I'otlatc'h ................ Rena Bottjer Djnne> g>iests At the home of l'ri])cefon ...... Mrs. A. L. Davis T30» iglcCoy, Sunday, werc Mr. Southeast J)[oscow, Retto, Ilol>nan 'a»,1 ]<)[vs. John Ncl'ver, Link Ta- Sout'h Troy .......... IIenry Pe]ton bor, pra>tcjs F<avri», Alc]en Mc- HollfheR)>f'%[«sec')v . Col'R 'Dr»rv C«y;utd Geovge Do»glas. Teza» Ridge ..... Thorna» TiRBo)]e T,jn]c 11bol'f Ilcno>'0 was Thorn Cvvck ... Z)]zabcg) Je»»c» vj»)ting fv>end» tow», Su»day. Vin];i ............ A>chic W. Ifo])cs Nrs. ITRivey ]3R)cs of Gra»ge- Wr»t )t)<)scow ..... '1'. »V. Jolinson vj]]c s)iv»t 8aturc]ay night anrl Si>i)c)sy Rf fhe home of her p'ir- Baseball Dance Here Tonight 0»t», ]]<1>. R»d j><'[vs. Nels T)o>tgc- ! teig, )cavj»„ th'[o»r]'>y fov )ter The»>anagement nf'he [<curl- )>o»)r viclc ba»cboll <])ub wl)J give a T)>0 >nj»»frr]»how given by <la»cv At the Prate>'»Rl TemPle tl>e )igvjct>)t»t"t) boy» Af; the gym- to»j.'~ht. There wi]1 be gootl nasi»i» ]Ast Tue»day evening o>'r]>c»tva musi<! for t]ir, occasion b>o»g}>t f.)iri» over sixty do)lars. A»c) everyone Ass»re<1 of R Wi». 13< v>'j)»A» is Leiviston ,jo]ly „o«cl tjmr. Eve>')<J]ocly js toki»g f>e)it»)e»f». ~i)is» TIR»sing- cor()jA))y invited fo bc present. < v of Gif)'«v<1 is»toying wit)i Nrs. ]3v> j»>)n whj)(; hr'i» awny. Birthday Party'[otne>'3<!t,f» went to Ke]iclrick' t > c»rl ay. 3)j»» J;>»v P]»t»me> r»tcrtai»- A)1]r vf Jon<!s Ri><l Fviei)(1, T]'q vc) A feiv of')cr fviv»c)» Rf 1 Djrk(»»o» oF T>rivi»ton, were the hjvfhrloy J);)vfy ]»[o»r)ay evening. <)j»»v) g»c»t» «F A)bert'o par- T)iv co)«v»r)>r»>c wo» in orang('»f», Hti»<lay. >>V;trcl ITe]to» re- ;)»r) iv}>jte ivjth orange fovnrs at ti>vti<cl fo Ticwj»toi> xvjt]t them. r Ac)) J)) >fv, D))ji>ty v fr>'r»hmr»t» 3>J). Djcke»»o» R>><1 Nr. Ile)toi>. ave> <!»Prvc(1. T)t«se pvr»c»t 1r{'t t) o»clay for YA]cjmo, w))crc werc: Kathcvj»v Emrry, 0[or- t)icy hove cr»)))<)ymr]it. go] cf 'H('.hul zr, 4['»'«'t vvt DA ti„))- >l['t vi«» Ilc) ton of T)ew j»ton cvty, Teo» RA>»ey, 1')>y)lj» '('u>»- iv;>» vi»}fit)g wi{1) fvicncls in. town )ning», 1"vr) > ii T[o»s]ry> )3v»»iv, S»»(1Ay. 13lrvi»», E<)»;i 13«)o»i A»»Abc) Wr». 13;>krv of Ovofi»o visit- ;>»c) Jo»rp)>ir)<! T)avi». T))r (ven- j»«»f. t)>e hotnc of ))i» sister, Ii[v». jt)(r ivA»»pv»t p),>yj»g «,'»nr». D;ii1 )Vvjgr]>t, t)iis wee)c. Ai].v. A»c1 ]31]». (",)A>r,i>cc 1-Tewitt Stock Zxchange Continues A»<] fwo c)>j]<)vv»»~vc»t f«C]ark- »to>t last Hat>tvrl;iy to visit lier Gtrtir»rr! Net»: A tofa) of'!)>- T)A>rnt», Rn(1 a)»o to sce 3l'Irs. 410»)i:irv», «r l)8 pcv re»f, «f t)ie If„'>yt>iot]<) B)A»kcn»hip, wh«j» in ('ot»>»n»»fo<!k of fhr WA»)>j» toto)> the )i«»))jttil, w)>ere»hr»ncfvr-- Wafr!v Po]vcv coi»pony hr)<) in nv»t «pevafio» for Appe»di- f')>(! Ivr»f h>)» bcv» (1('p«»itr(l for (',jf j». Thry vct»rt]ed home Sun- rz<)iA»«r f'n)'vr{r<.vvr!(]»tock of (lay. f))v A»)vvi<i» Po]vr> <<'>jg)>t C«., )'rfv. Rtui»p An(1 family of A«'.'«i'<1>1>rr fo w«f'() 1'r'<'.0)v('d )lcvc, 'C.']'r»<'.0]lf »))clif'u)i(lay Rf, the Thv < )r)»j»„<)of v {'r (1epo»jf:i»g I'}]«mr of il[>.,)»cl if[v». IIRvla»d »f 0(')c Fr»''x<!)) '"P h tl» ))(',('n ('.z- I Ilcwi tt. f vr><)v<) f> n»> I<[;» v}> ']1 fo R»r) Tfoy ]3]'»>] c»»hi)) Rn(1 fomi)y jtt<)tt<)j>)« t]'ty 1. Thr.'. Rpoka»e «f )>c() R«c)c sp»t R»ncloy At the <i»(l )'l tsfr>'t) Tvi>»t (,'«.;it Spo] J>ome <if 1>rv J)A>'ri)f», ",I[>'. And f)l('v<'»f'('1'11 (1rf)o»ifovy. I 'fr>'». (T«)If> T[c» jff. 1 >)()v> f)>( f() >»» of'})i» offrr Jl(). W(fti) ) At)() {'A»)j)y of Ji<>J<)r >'» of r«i»»)o»»f«r!k «f fhr Tir)vjstnt>»pint H»»()i>y,'>t thr. W;>»)>i» rfn» W:) t< v 1'«ivr> ('() )iot»r «{'«)»> Ticffr»>najc]'. )vj)J ) «vjvv fiv«;»)<) fivo f(»f))» JT('»1'i 131't»»it><'1'»(l fo»lj)y »)lc»'<'» «{ f. J»'>»('»'<'i»1 J «wcv gQ l w<'>'<''}lv (J>l>11('>'l><'»f.", «'F h>» )>j«)tt pi'vfr v)'«)»for k f«> r r><)>!'))> «t)t< i, A>i«>]»t 1»<1 f,'imj)y of «}')» j> r«)»»]«»»fo<'] . I( <1»)(')'«tl, Rt»1<1»y. f)()1'f y iVA» l>(')<) elf')»'(>'t»- .<] t'. )»)<] .t) t'». 1]. )', ) f»]] t v'rilr)»»< )»)«) ))«t>»v )''vj<lov )ii((]>f. 1»)'ll«'] «tl f}l('l{ f('>'»««t] f)1>j» i))y f)li'{ll<)<'»I». '! "0«() ttitt<' <I.i{ >) « ll<]ct) {t'«») ) >«» (r P>(','> <(}> ' cl» )'('>< i)'{v<) ~ (')ji' );, vJ *> ~ {J)r -, I, »f f)». Ift,. 1) i > 1;>t > «) i..»{)v>'- 'v. jllf()'..<)>'. 1)it])»f;if«] f])1{,t)t j>i«}><»»;> <;»lit>t)(]v <»t 1>vv c) It<I .<J >'». Jcl I»»» Jcctt>»)<if f ](.}'f ))< il]'ll), i> )1)<')l <{lit I v ) >(>t» {»). I «] ( f Jl< ) <It<] l»<l ii < i ( )>( (l(](i(1 fot Kv»<)viv]r t)ivj) < Av. T]ir 1)t. A»<) l<[>». 'J. ')'. 'f[o»rr of 1'.t»tt)( I Pz)>vvf f«»f>v>>(] fhc, Tcv)vt»f«i> ivvv< Jvvt>c)t'>(le visitor» »>11>1 tllc i )>C i ( f <tv»<]t>y «f f)i]» wec]c. Troy News: At A»peeial meet- in of the stovlc h«1<)ev» of the'Interesting News From This Live idaho I<'ive Brick company, held Little Village. at the compa»y's office last Mon-i clay afternoon, all but two shares Pi}(1;iy, Wi)»lii Rch>))t/, Qr]t»R of sfoelc being represented, it II;>t»i) «, LeVev»r H))ck)cvv ind was u»a»imously votecl by all 1"()ivi>(] Pie}]»vc»t to Le) i»cl to stock representecl, that the offer ta)rc f}tc state ezo)»ji)otions. of .James F. iNcCArthy and a»- Eza)»s foi f)ie cjg)ith >nonfh sociates be accepted and that the wc) 0 jvc» Thi»»d;iy. entire property ancl Assets of the I>R»t week thr. p»pi)» weve ( iv- Idaho Fire Brick eompan'y be a chance to m;ilcc»p R»y fail- solcl to t]>em. i>'[r. NcCartl>y is jt>g gv>des vreeived duriiig the president of the IIecla Mining I tenm. i~lany Rvailrcl themselves compariy, of ><Vol]ac'e. Interest- j of this opportunity, ecl with him in tlie purchase of Most of th'e classes ivj]) have the local brick plant, it is under- co»tp)cted t'heir text <book by stood, are Mr. (Ilale, president of Ma'i'; T]ie re]t]ajncfer of the the Coeur d'A(lene IIardware! term will be devoted'o eztensive <f.'oundry company, and sever- !revjews. al other prominent men of the George, Alex and Emil LR>son mining district. ancl Frecl Sj)flow, Jr. ancl .»'ons, I]'[arvjn Rh'd Ei'nil, attended the Letter iFx'om Mrs'. Kelly ba)l game in Kendrick, S»nday. 'After the game they drove to'eJ]y who taltght Bear r>dge to visit w>th George ,the seventh and eighth grades L»son. in the Kendrick schools a num- Char)ey Schultz Ancl family at- ber of years Ago, writes from i tended fl>e show in Kendricl.-, iNorth Carolina as follows: Sllnday. "I look forward eac)i vveek to A. 0. Weg»er An<1 famj]y and receiving my paper as a letter l George Fhle>s Rnd family were from home. I woulc). not do, callers on Nr». A]br vt Schultz without it. unc)ay evening. "Our winter here has been Albert Seh»)tz w;>s taken to quite severe for this counfry < Lewiston, Wec]>tesday, acco>nba»- We have had very little snow but ied iby Rev. Rein', Ile un(Ierwent so inuch cold wind and. rain. But an operation for apT)enc)jcjtjs at spring 'has surely come for I the St. Joseph 'hospital. Mrs. heard a ivh'ip-poor<vill last week Schultz went down Friday, with and today a great serenade from Jf[v. and i8rs. Leonard Wo)fF. our'nnual mocking bird, The She returnecl home Sunday. Mr. peach trees are all in pink And Sehultx is recovering as well as the pea'rs in white; bttt no apple co»lcl be czpectecl. ', 'Sehultz blooms yet,. We are hoping for, went to Lewiston again:Wednes- a go'o'd fruit cr'o'p this year, as I day with Mr. an(i Jflrs. A. O. there was none last year. SpringIWegner. I here is late this year, not muc)t if[r. anc) Nrs. Clarence ITewjtt in advance of Ida'ho. and sons, 1<1verett and Donald, )>ave s'een solute greeit clrove to Clarkston, Sunday, to e]']anges 'here, so many'ood! visit with Mrs; IIe~vitt's parents„ roads, so many consolidated rur-'Nr. and. 3]'[rs. Thomas Phi]lips] a] sc)]cols. There are few horses Otto Si]flo>v and family visited but plenty of mules in the fields at t))e )ioiue of Nv. a»cl illrs. 0. "The blael- people are n»mer- Reiche. ous and. quite prosperous. Each On Sat»relay, Otto Sc]>oeNcr has his car as A rule, 'but he and wife clvovv to Grangeville pJows with a m»)e. to visit'ith .friends. They re- "The great amount of vacant tur»e<l Nonclay >»ovning. land ancl the poor soil are elis-! Rev. 1»(l !)[v». I.. A. Rein e»- co»raging. Ho many w)>jte,joye(),) visit over the ivcck en(1 pcnp)e h >ve >noved to the Factory f>'n!n their fricnr)st the 'A[i»sea to>ins. ih[>leh of t)ie f»»ling is A]»A»<]A;»>() Beofo .Jttst of Hjtz- bein<> clone iby negroes. There vill(, 6 A»)i., R»c) J<[j»» Alma is more )Ancl for rent than there Roc)c, heacl »»v»r «f Rt..Tosrph are venters to 'fav)n it. Tt is. ho»pits], Tie)vjsto». q»itr a discouraging co»clition Rev. Eh)ers of Lrxvj»fo» camp. for a farinev. Taxes are high Ri>»c)1y to visit )vjth Rev. a»cl R»rl crops often poor, jhi[v». F.. A. Ric». 'T am living a busy life ear- i<'[>'. ancl tl)». 0. IIrnry A'll<'1 ing for my mother. She 'has been»o». Vev»nn, ivere ca)le>s at the seriously i)l for a month with homes of Rcv. Rein R»<l Gvanc)ma'eart trouble. We hope for herI Sch»ltz. partial recovery 'but her con- j Vrv»rr Davis is ivor]cj»g fov dition is not very encouraging. I A]J)crt. Srh»)tx now. She is (fuite o)cl ancl (foes not re- j Henry J3r'11»»lev '»l() f'»»jly spond to treat. ment. ! A»c) T-Icvma» i<'[vyv>» A»cl family ''Mrs. K. R. Ke]ly.'' ! f«ok c) j»»r>'vjth iNv. Anc] Mrs. 't t'«>1»f )flea»1»>P>'Rt»lcf'>y In a Mudhole @t Midni«lit r':»J f~«P»n A»<l f)mily an(1 TL(»ty Wr»dt R»(l fo>»i)y ea]fetJ D> A»cl Q'[v» Q) < )]p )<] }>ad I]) . 1 %[vs. Au,o »»f T3va»tmcv v 1»»np) v<>»;)» f rzprr {ence one nigh(. ]A»f iveek whj]0 ref»rn- Nr». Bvt>n»jc)c en)«yrd A vi»>t j»g from R ra]] fhe Ho»t})wjc].- from i)[r. Ancl i<'[t's. Cho». Tho>'ii- co>»t>t»>)jty, About >ni<1»j ht. fo» A:)<l family nf T ewisto», ancl Thciv cav «ot »ti)(!)c in A i»udho]r 5[v. A»(1 hi[rs. 13i)) 13]rc)c of »ig)>t (SO»th>V]C)C, S»nC)RV. It was not Fov from the CAr) >X[v». Cav) KoePP >»«forer] fo > o!coco(( piece, eo ihe (tooter occ(1!> (crictcoc ccitic >lr. el((1 (<1'c. A. his wife walked tl>v» A c)rench-III. 13)»)»c Wc()nr»d1y. i»g rain fo tl>c house whc>0 fheyl AV'ti>. Rnrl Tlvv))evf Ail}0])ce Anr) were»)ade 0«>»forfoh]e for the F<ve<l Ne»mo» rlvnvr to'ictvj»fo)> 'bala»00 of the night. Nv. Rn(I T»es(lay b»sjne»s. Nrs. Lohmo» were Tiewjsto»»o ~i[i'». CAr) 1 ohi»R» >vent fo the boy» sverr hosts and ii) the j Le» t»to». 'Hit>]el)>v, for meclir,'al morning g«t A fine brea].-fast for}treat]»0»t'heir guests, Tt was nearly noo»'t's. [c]'t Stoneb»r»er Rnd M'j»» before t))e car iva» finally pried P>»>]»R II1rf»»g entevtai»ecl t1)0 o»t «f the >»u<) R»(l hea()ed fov f>o]]oivi»g At <)in»ev H»nclay: t[v. Ke» c] ri ck. ! An(1 r[v». CIAr) I). Wegner a»cl r.hi)rlrr)i. 3[i)(]reef, He]ma. R»cl NOtiCe O. E, S. Membera J"<]>v;t) <); !t[v. An() ]f[v». A. O. We„»r A»c) eh i)<)rr», Ev»A, Ro- Thc >»rt»bcv» of (,"»>y«» C'hAP-! ))r> t 1»<1 Tlt)vvy; 3[v.;»>() it[]'. frv No. (i7 0. Ji. R. Arr ]'e)»i»()rc1 I Grn>'«< J",)>]<!v» A»d chi)(lven, JIiJ- of «>»')>()nov ')'va<'t t)rcf fo br, », ))ot»>1<1. Qi]r lvi]>;>i><) []oivot'<I; he]c);t t. the Prot rv»it) T<'t»p)<' ih] j»» 1]A> j Rv)) ivti>'x:i»(1 G(v;>»'<1- Tl>C»<IRA CVP)>l»g> '(J»'j) 24> Af )»R W( (rl>P)'. "r:30 f). >n. ! (.'A)1 I)i>rfu»«R]>rl »ot), A»g)i»f, ;»'v (lojttg c«»»fv»< fi«i> iv«t]c 1'o»>r>'oy 1{). (')A) k»to» 5. ! A]']'«iv J»»vfj«t) this ivrvl». f!])j«ntoivn-'(.'«]f<)» (J> ()0»<'»('.0 2. I ('>]'t»)<ltt>A Hv))t)) fx tv<»f tn T>vwvj»fnt> 5)> Ov«fi»o 2. I I>< xvj»f«tt, R»»<f<>y xvjf)> .'<)).. A»<) )) )»0))<'»f('>'-( ]'i> lt". 4, )>A])lvol >. I .<J 1'». J >(I)'»f«» f «visit )>rv»«», C<)11»'"cvi)l,), N( xpvrcv.,']. i A)b< > f, iv)>« i»;i T><civj»f«]I ei 'to»J)if,'>). Games Sunday, April 22 ! 1)>». (r<»t <! J.))}<)»»))vttf 1»«)- .[i( t»)> jvk At I'i»»> oy. '»v»<);>y;)l't<> i)nn» ivif)) .<J>». ('.;i) ) ('.I,')vk»fon (1f: f 1»t)l'lfow». I ]c. >]v r»r)', C>v»('»rc (i f J») ):i('f I'R. Ov«{i>i«ot <G>1>rt '<'.vj) Jr. 3]>». 1)«fftr Rfattf«» nf J>rn>»- Nex))< v(!e At 6 jnvhv»fvv. t«n ivo» J«o]'i»g;>{'te) pr«p( vfy T>t)pivoj at Lcwjston. 'nterests here last S)itur()oy. Big Crowd To See First Game of The Season. T)>0 ))a)l ga»>e last Site(lay 'be- tween J»]iaetfo;»)cl Kc»clriek, p]Ayr<1 on f))v ]oc >1 (]ja»ton(f, more t)ia» ea»>c up to expecta- tions, I'n spite of t'e fart t)iat »either team )>Rs had much prac- -tice, plenty of thrills Rnd c)assy plays ive>'0 pulle<l off during'the g;ime. It developed into a pitchers'attle bet)veen F)eshman ancl Al- 'bright. %7Ihj Je Fleshrnan allow- ecl nine hits, they were scatterecl ezcept in the first inning, and as the gr>'me progressed he improv- ed. In the seventh inning Kend- rick bunchecl four hits and net- t'ed four runs. In the ninth Caimpbell r'elieved 'Albright. Charlie White, Kendrick's star catcher, made three sensational pntouts at home plate at critical stages of the game. Boyd in left ficld assi'sted with two perfect throws and Kuliek on short de- serve» creclit for the third. Bill (McCall clistinguis'hed him- self on first with two fast plays, making a, long running catch of a foul ancl stabbing A, hot grounder for a put ou't, that l>tjght otherwise have rrs»]teel in A score for the visitors. E. Millarcl in right field for Juliaetta made a beautiful catch that again cut off chances for Kendrick runs. Pollowi»g is a resume of the game in detail: J>t]iaetta Ab R H So E K. Clark, ss......... 5 0 1 0 0 W'oocly, 2b...,.... 5 0 1,0 0 )Carlson, c............ 5 1 2 0 1', l<1stes, 1b ........ 4 1 1 1 0 Se'hetz)e, 3b.... 4 0 1 2 3 P. Glenn, ef.........4 1 0 0 0, D. Glenn, lf.......4 0 1 0 0 E<. Nillard, rf.. 4 1 2 0 0 A]J)right, p........ 3 0 0 3 0' Camp'he)], p..... 1 0 0 1 0 Totals ....... 3S 4 9 7 4 ) Can>pbe]] for A]bright in 8th. <) <) 4 Kenclvick A').) R TI SO E IBoyr), lf........... 5 1. 1 1 0 T. F<.ic}inev 2}].... 4 1 3 0 1 J P]0»h>na» Sb... 4 2 '1. 1 1 iircCA]'), 1i].'..'......:: 4 1 0 Kulick, ss.......... 4 0 1 1 3 Wl>jtc, c.............. 4 0 1 0 0 IIudson, rf........ 3 0 0 1 0 9'j]son, cf........ 4 0 0 1 0 CT. Flesh)»A», p.... 4 1 2 0 1 jI-I. J(lie]incr rf ...1 0 0 1 0 Toto)s ...... 37 6 0 7 7 tIT. Eichner for linc)son in Sth. Summary of Pitchers P)eshma» for Kenclrick ]]]ow- e<1 !) hits; str»ck o»t 7; Hit 1. Albvi(>'ht for Juljaetta allowed 5) hit»; st>1>ck o»t. 5); walked 4. Co»)pbcll for J»]i >etta allow- r,() 4 hits; 'struck o»t 2; iva]keel l. Score by Innings J»lioeffa .. 200100001 4 Ke»clvjck. 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 G I Batting Average Kendrick Team Players A'B H SO BA T. 1'.ic)tnev ....... 4 3 0 .750 G. I"lesh»>R» ... 4 2 0 .500 I<t]) jc)c .............. 4 1 1..250 J. P)esh>»a» ...... 4 1 1 .250 Whifc ............. 4 1 0 .250 Boyd ............... 5 1 1 .200 IT»clson ........... 2 0 0 .000 Wilson ............. 4 0 0 .000 i<] c CA)) .............. 1 0 1 .000 II. Riel>ner ....... 1 0 1 .009 Wallcs clo»ot count As times at, bat in fig>trjng the 'batting average, it, wi)1 be noticed ih[cCR)] got 3 svalks R»cl II»dson 2 in S»n<1ay's ga]tie. Valley League ]<Von Lost 1'C Kc»<lvjvk ........ 1 0 1.000 Pot>tc] oy ....... 1. 0 1.000 1't>io»foiv» ... 1 0 1.000 (.');>v]»f«» ........ 0 1 .000 .J»liacft;i ........ 0 1..000 Gc»c»ec ....... 0 1 .000 Central League Wo» Lost. PC (>v;>»„>cvj])r .... 1 0 1.000 J,i ivi»t<>» ... 1 0 1.000 Wji>(!)>c»fc)'.. 1. 0 1000 N<!'z))vv< v ........ (] 1 .000 Ol'0{)»() ......... 0 1 .000i Lc>pivc>1 .......'... (] 1 .000 ci Results Last Sunday'e»clrick 6, Juliaetta 4. Daily Doings in the and Higll Sc)tool 'J'})0»<~ «f f))r. fii »t gr i()e re- 0( jvi»" 100 ii)»p(!]lj»g rvrvy (1 >y ))i»f >v<;c]c )v<'>'0 1'.t)icl ]<']'(.»>', 1) <('t'f)(! )Il»»phl'cv, ())llc»f:>11 1)illll- »)<tr'e)), 1)av)'jet Ro»s, J.ovt;iit>e T;i})ev, Dick C;ivl»«», IIAvry 4[c- Xv;i) t>nd J-J~)ct> G;»<)>iev, A»d in f)tv»eco>id gvac)r. >vere: Bill Rchu)xc, Divjg}tt I Angdon and I'))ylli» T)tomas. Tile pl'i>nary i'co»1 pllnilillg 0>1 ™jvjng tl pl'ogl'All> 1>1 'R few iveeks, to which the pavents and any fviends interested in that worl.-, may con>e. The first gracle has started on another reader, and the second gtade will finish a reader this iver]c and then take up a new one. Class Play Next Wednesday "The Tijtt]c Clodhopper", < ome()y ('framo wj]) be presented by the Hen'iov Class of the Kend- rjck II'jgh Sc)tool> at the New T<c»d> jc]c Theatre, Weclnesday Afrtrr»oo» at 3:00 o'lock and I ')'t ecl»esday evening, April 2,') at S:00 o'lock. Jttdy is A little clodh'opper from the poorhouse. Her father deserted )fer years before 'b»t now is a ric]t man in a hospital in Texas. He writes to t'e scheming %[vs. C]) jggerso»~Boggs,! who was the for>ner'atron of the poor )>o't]se, a»cl as'ks her to locate his lost ehi)d, Mrs. Boggs, k>]'owing Judy is an heiress, de- tevmi»es to nt'arry her to I]'er son, George, b'ut C'armian, wno! is in love wjt)> George, avranges! that Judy s'hall RT)pear as a thief. The theft, anrl Judy is Ac- 0»sec). ",I'l prove who's the thief you or me". Then 'Boggs but cor»e Ancl see for yourself in this eatehy, active comedy with dramatic climazes At the I c»cl of. Pach aet. C;)st ()f Characters: Hrptetn'ber Green, '> young!'onk a ent full of pep, Robert j Dam]»are]). Ocry Gump, a fvrs)> yo>mgI co>i»try proc)»cf, by heck! I IIAro]cl Park». Genr<(C C)iigge>'»On, in»O-, er.»t ]jtt)0 1Amb fvoin f)>r city, 'evn)cl Ingle. 'hl[v». Chjg(>erso»-Bogg», hi» i c)oti»g >»A>»>n;> wifh R smooth I scheme, Pearl Johnson. ')[j»s J»)jvtto Bro», R Sp]intev- ville boar()in«hoii»0 lcecpev, .<IAvgavef. NcDowc)). 'Chart)]]A>1 Carte>', who th»>k»! »hr» R vompivr, T>jxzjc Jones. .J>)dy, A Jiff)r v,)o()hoppf'r f'rom I the poor 'house, ITestev IQ>cpper.'eath of Mrs. Nancy Baker Gl"l»(111)A 13)lkP]'rls r)ovn i<[;tvch S, 1840, in 13»ehana» I Coi>»t>(. Ikcilf>l('lrv, !She was I n»ite(l. it) mo>'Vjc)ge tO ThOm(>S Baker, TR»>>a> y 1 l), 18G4,;it! 1 oui»A, Ke»f>ic)-y. To t))i, union, nine c)) j]()1'cll weve '))«1'll, »('v('.» 'f svh«>n»)tvvive l>rv. T))r liv-', ing chj)clvv»;t>r '.'1[>». JA»r TT»r- )cy of'.A»t;», (.'«)ovoclo; 1'"vA»}cI ;i»<) IT;)v>y 13)i)cc>'f J)eo>y. [i]'>-'o; ][is. JIAtfjc Osbor» Anrl ~l'[rs., iNrttj(! ('Av)»o» of ))cary, I();iho,', 'tl t», Vi]1)»P 0»))«>'» of 1)<'C}01]'y> '<V;)»I>.; )3vvf o{'l < Pl J()A)')«].1 ]RA)cc]'»<l fcivo so»». C«1>i»>bti» R»d Echvavcl pvececlerl ')iev. ]n <lcat}). Hizfy-fwo grvii»(lr;h)1<)> ar)c1 48 g>cr(t t-«] A»<]cht}c]rt » A)»« »»rvjvc h<!i, r>ra>')y A)) of t)><'») bej»g J)vv»r»t "«t the f»nevA). '.tlv». )3,'>]cr> ivo» 88 ) eav» «t<', Af. f'h< fii»r, nf hvv <lvat)i. 1"R>')y in lifr. »)>r t>)]if< r) wjf:)> thv 13]tp- ' 1»f ('))»)'<')l <) ) )V('<) ll f('> if )) f»), ch) i»fio» Jjfc to fh< en<). Ptti>r >'1»< > vi< >vr.vv ))v]r):it {hv f>»jtc'<1 J>v< f))<c>'» <')tt»<')> «t) f pxr<» i'><]«('ti <')>(ll'(„"<'f Rvv. )'c. A, [i>ttc», ]))>»{«v «{ fh< )3,'i))ti»t <;J»lir)) nt'})<)i»rff I.. T)t< b«<)y w:t» J:)i<) {«»t <i»f, '))r»id<i f))<it «{')r!v )»t»));>»<) f)>r. 1"]»>ivno<J cr me- {< >y. R< v..)A»v» (rav< f))< f«)1«]v)it<" f 1't) t tlf <!: ' r>'c'ill()1)l(l >Vt>» )'<''(1 <)) f « g«)t«»tr. Wl);it, <.'t>'] Jt'» )«»s )><'()V<'»» 'roitt, (11><J f J>V»>JVP>'it)it>« fc) f Jti» <JA> Jc < }<)ii<] r<»fjti« >t})«» )t< t'<iv('i) <tt)<'» fhv {',<>< f f J)(tt jf {Jtvj> ))v>vi)< (iv Ai><] ivi)J bv fJ>cj> J)]<(i»t>vc fr>,j«j» )>rv, fh< G)o>y )„t»r) av)>v>'<. fhcrp., iii«tc pA>'tj»g «v s<p;>va- tic» ". I

- 1928 - The Kendrick Gazette/1928... · 2016-01-16 · Boost For Better Roads Into Kendrick Subscription tPrice', $1.50 Jn Advanre VOLUME XXXVIII KENDRICK, LATAIX COUN]TY,ID AJIO,

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'], 1 0' o. 16




))t. )<'vai>vi» A. ')'))«)»f)»<)», forf J)(')<l»f 1 0 yv iv» ()<! i i) of t)ic Written For Gazette by Special»0)1««) «f »»»('» Af f)10 ft»)V(.'1'»i{i'orrespondent.of Jdaho, )>A» >vcepfc<1 fhv. J)tv»j-()('.»<'y «}')ir <'I (i)>f i» i »«lion) «f )) v». JI. l) . )V>'j ht 1cff, T>ies-i>)iii<» )>f 13>tff«, A«''o>'(lji>« fo (1 iy fov 1. < >vj»tot> f«bc go»e aiv<»<1 >crvvjvc() 'herc f) o>» 11(!)0»R c«it)))v «F <1;>y».'J.'»0»<) iy >»orni», » >y» fl>r Hfi>v- 1[j»» Win. ('«)vgev «f CerlarAr[j> vov. C!>cee)c spr»t '}'h»>'»<)Ay ivith ]t[rs.

Dco» Thot»p»o» )» «ib;>b)y wjl],J(»ni»g».A»»ti»)e )>i»»<]v <)»fjc»;ib«iif J»)y ])<]t'» .Jo))» 3)< )vc) j» vi»itj»«atl. 'Nofj<'0 of .hj» cle(',f jo» wo» r(',- the ))o)»0 «)')>co]'(rc W(1]» )tear'ceivecl 'by Dean Thompso» fro»i ')'<;(ikeoi>.])'[0)vjr> A. B>A»non, chance))ov of't)>, W}>jti»„cr is <f»itc ill atthe <rvcofer Uriiversify «f Mon- t))v. Iior»0 of'is dat]+htcr, Mrs.tana, following hi» clecti«n by the 110»clcv»n», b»f At this writing

'oardof regeifts i'eee»tly. Thr. )>v. i» reported is being much)3»tte insiti>ifion is oi)e of the bctfcv.

Ithe we»t, an<1 i» >n the he>rt of:,],»g),fr, Nflv«a>et werc tl]eor)0 of f he graf( sf >nl]1111«(ir( ii» oircv» j<> }]f gt]csfs of Mr and Mrsjll the cnf)) 0 'ivollcl.

[< ]fo» ])<[0'Coy Su»day njghtA[a, a»<l ]f'[r». 'Clarence Ilender-

APPoint Registr]Lrs For Pr]mary so» of Pot)ote)> were the weekend gue»fs of'. i)iis parents.

The T~atah connty co»imis»ion- ]f[u>vay Bc»)'>t»j» R»d wife ofcrs, w1>o were in session at M s Pof, >)tch weve f)>0 week endcow last wcelc, aPPointcd reg>» g»est» of'ei parents, Nv. and.tvars for the P) imary cler!tion, to,])t[>,» W»> j[cC)c]]R)tdhanrlle the registration o'f voters Le»lie Trip]ctt ]>ncl f'amily leftin the various Precincts "f: the ]f[o»c]>ly 'f>o>'l>elvjsto>1 w'hcl'e theycounty. Fo))owing is R list of. ezpvcf, to >»ake their )tome.thv, registrars: Jo)»i Stalnakrr and J. R. King]3ea> Cree]r .....Nrs. 1"va Kecue! w]io Rre servi»g as,j»rors in Iiew-T3«vj)1[rs. E. K. Pai'ker, is(on spent the week end at their

'ora.....................-..l II ~'harp hoines. They left iSund~ after-(",oiitwal] ...............1<1. C. Weber noon for Tiewjston Aga,in.Deary ............Walter E. Gorrie The i»font son of. Mr. and (Mrs.East J>r[oscow .. Mabelle 'Sherfey D. D. Wrj ht passed Away lostFarmington ...............G. A 'Ross We(]nese]ay evening. Puneral rGenesee ...................P E 'O'eus services were held from t1>eirIIarvard ...........I.II. Carpenter re»i'clence last Th»rsday after-II!elmer ...............1<1. R. Vjlkjns noo», by R,ev. Finkc.Juliaefta ........Mrs. J. A. ITeacox ]><[js» Georgine ChristensenKenrlricl................E<'. Il. Emery spent T»esc)ay»ig)it at the 'homeLenville ...................Jesse Oy)car of'us Wegncv, Rs the g'»est ofLinden......................Eva Smith g'[is». T"mrna.North Moscow ......Minnie Cnrfis N> R»d Nrs. Roel pair]ey wentiNorth Troy, <Mrs. Jemima Christie to Prck ]ast Friday evening, Mrs.Pa)ouse .............Nancy J. Lvnc)) Paivley wj)) visit there for aPark .......................Marie Dahl whj)0I'otlatc'h ................Rena Bottjer Djnne> g>iests At the home ofl'ri])cefon ......Mrs. A. L. Davis T30» iglcCoy, Sunday, werc Mr.Southeast J)[oscow, Retto, Ilol>nan 'a»,1 ]<)[vs. John Ncl'ver, Link Ta-Sout'h Troy ..........IIenry Pe]ton bor, pra>tcjs F<avri», Alc]en Mc-HollfheR)>f'%[«sec')v . Col'R 'Dr»rv C«y;utd Geovge Do»glas.Teza» Ridge .....Thorna» TiRBo)]e T,jn]c 11bol'f Ilcno>'0 wasThorn Cvvck ... Z)]zabcg) Je»»c» vj»)ting fv>end» t» tow», Su»day.Vin];i ............A>chic W. Ifo])cs Nrs. ITRivey ]3R)cs of Gra»ge-Wr»t )t)<)scow ..... '1'. »V. Jolinson vj]]c s)iv»t 8aturc]ay night anrl

Si>i)c)sy Rf fhe home of her p'ir-Baseball Dance Here Tonight 0»t», ]]<1>. R»d j><'[vs. Nels T)o>tgc-

! teig, )cavj»„ th'[o»r]'>y fov )terThe»>anagement nf'he [<curl- )>o»)r

™viclc ba»cboll <])ub wl)J give a T)>0 >nj»»frr]»how given by<la»cv At the Prate>'»Rl TemPle tl>e )igvjct>)t»t"t) boy» Af; the gym-to»j.'~ht. There wi]1 be gootl nasi»i» ]Ast Tue»day eveningo>'r]>c»tva musi<! for t]ir, occasion b>o»g}>t f.)iri» over sixty do)lars.A»c) everyone i» Ass»re<1 of R Wi». 13< v>'j)»A» is i» Leiviston,jo]ly „o«cl tjmr. Eve>')<J]ocly js toki»g f>e)it»)e»f». ~i)is» TIR»sing-cor()jA))y invited fo bc present. < v of Gif)'«v<1 is»toying wit)i Nrs.

]3v> j»>)n whj)(; hr'i» awny.Birthday Party'[otne>'3<!t,f» went to Ke]iclrick'

t > c»rl ay.3)j»» J;>»v P]»t»me> r»tcrtai»- A)1]r vf Jon<!s Ri><l Fviei)(1, T]'q

vc) A feiv of')cr fviv»c)» Rf 1 Djrk(»»o» oF T>rivi»ton, were thehjvfhrloy J);)vfy ]»[o»r)ay evening. <)j»»v) g»c»t» «F A)bert'o par-T)iv co)«v»r)>r»>c wo» in orang('»f», Hti»<lay. >>V;trcl ITe]to» re-;)»r) iv}>jte ivjth orange fovnrs at ti>vti<cl fo Ticwj»toi> xvjt]t them.r Ac)) J)) >fv, D))ji>ty v fr>'r»hmr»t» 3>J). Djcke»»o» R>><1 Nr. Ile)toi>.ave> <!»Prvc(1. T)t«se pvr»c»t 1r{'t t) o»clay for YA]cjmo, w))crcwerc: Kathcvj»v Emrry, 0[or- t)icy hove cr»)))<)ymr]it.go] cf 'H('.hul zr, 4['»'«'t vvt DA ti„))- >l['t vi«» Ilc) ton of T)ew j»toncvty, Teo» RA>»ey, 1')>y)lj» '('u>»- iv;>» vi»}fit)g wi{1) fvicncls in. town)ning», 1"vr) > ii T[o»s]ry> )3v»»iv, S»»(1Ay.13lrvi»», E<)»;i 13«)o»i A»»Abc) Wr». 13;>krv of Ovofi»o i» visit-;>»c) Jo»rp)>ir)<! T)avi». T))r (ven- j»«»f. t)>e hotnc of ))i» sister, Ii[v».jt)(r ivA»»pv»t p),>yj»g «,'»nr». D;ii1 )Vvjgr]>t, t)iis wee)c.

Ai].v. A»c1 ]31]». (",)A>r,i>cc 1-TewittStock Zxchange Continues A»<] fwo c)>j]<)vv»»~vc»t f«C]ark-

»to>t last Hat>tvrl;iy to visit lierGtrtir»rr! Net»: A tofa) of'!)>- T)A>rnt», Rn(1 a)»o to sce 3l'Irs.

410»)i:irv», «r l)8 pcv re»f, «f t)ie If„'>yt>iot]<) B)A»kcn»hip, wh«j» in('ot»>»n»»fo<!k of fhr WA»)>j» toto)> the )i«»))jttil, w)>ere»hr»ncfvr--Wafr!v Po]vcv coi»pony hr)<) in nv»t A» «pevafio» for Appe»di-f')>(! Ivr»f h>)» bcv» (1('p«»itr(l for (',jf j». Thry vct»rt]ed home Sun-rz<)iA»«r f'n)'vr{r<.vvr!(]»tock of (lay.f))v A»)vvi<i» Po]vr> <<'>jg)>t C«., )'rfv. Rtui»p An(1 family ofA«'.'«i'<1>1>rr fo w«f'() 1'r'<'.0)v('d )lcvc, 'C.']'r»<'.0]lf »))clif'u)i(lay Rf, theThv < )r)»j»„<)of v {'r (1epo»jf:i»g I'}]«mr of il[>.,)»cl if[v». IIRvla»d»f 0(')c Fr»''x<!)) A» '"P h tl» ))(',('n ('.z- I Ilcwi tt.f vr><)v<) f> n»> I<[;» v}> ']1 fo R»r) Tfoy ]3]'»>] c»»hi)) Rn(1 fomi)yjtt<)tt<)j>)« t]'ty 1. Thr.'. Rpoka»e «f )>c() R«c)c sp»t R»ncloy At the<i»(l )'l tsfr>'t) Tvi>»t (,'«.;it Spo] J>ome <if 1>rv J)A>'ri)f», ",I[>'. And

A» I» f)l('v<'»f'('1'11 (1rf)o»ifovy. I'fr>'». (T«)If> T[c» jff.

1 >)()v> f)>( f() >»» of'})i» offrr Jl(). W(fti) ) At)() {'A»)j)y ofJi<>J<)r >'» of r«i»»)o»»f«r!k «f fhr Tir)vjstnt>»pint H»»()i>y,'>t thr.W;>»)>i» rfn» W:) t< v 1'«ivr> ('() )iot»r «{'«)»> Ticffr»>najc]'.)vj)J ) «vjvv fiv«;»)<) fivo f(»f))» JT('»1'i 131't»»it><'1'»(l fo»lj)y»)lc»'<'» «{ f. J»'>»('»'<'i»1 J «wcv gQ l

w<'>'<''}lv (J>l>11('>'l><'»f.", «'F h>»

)>j«)tt pi'vfr v)'«)»for k f«> r r><)>!'))> «t)t< i, A>i«>]»t 1»<1 f,'imj)y of«}')» j> r«)»»]«»»fo<'] . I( <1»)(')'«tl, Rt»1<1»y.

f)()1'f y iVA» l>(')<) elf')»'(>'t»-.<] t'. )»)<] .t) t'». 1]. )', ) f»]] t v'rilr)»»< )»)«) ))«t>»v )''vj<lov )ii((]>f.

1»)'ll«'] «tl f}l('l{f('>'»««t] f)1>j» i))y f)li'{ll<)<'»I». '! "0«() ttitt<'

<I.i{ >) « ll<]ct) {t'«») ) >«» (r P>(','> <(}>' cl» )'('>< i)'{v<) ~

(')ji' );, vJ *> ~ {J)r -, I, »f f)». Ift,. 1) i > 1;>t > «) i..»{)v>'-

'v. jllf()'..<)>'. 1)it])»f;if«] f])1{,t)t j>i«}><»»;> <;»lit>t)(]v <»t 1>vv

c) It<I .<J >'». Jcl I»»» Jcctt>»)<if f ](.}'f ))< il]'ll), i> )1)<')l I» <{lit I v ) >(>t» {»).I «] ( f Jl< ) <It<] l»<l ii < i ( )>( (l(](i(1fot Kv»<)viv]r i» t)ivj) < Av. T]ir 1)t. A»<) l<[>». 'J. ')'. 'f[o»rr of1'.t»tt)( I 1» Pz)>vvf f«»f>v>>(] fhc, Tcv)vt»f«i> ivvv< Jvvt>c)t'>(le visitor»»>11>1tllc i )>C i ( f <tv»<]t>y «f f)i]» wec]c.

Troy News: At A»peeial meet-in of the stovlc h«1<)ev» of the'Interesting News From This Liveidaho I<'ive Brick company, held Little the compa»y's office last Mon-iclay afternoon, all but two shares Pi}(1;iy, Wi)»lii Rch>))t/, Qr]t»Rof sfoelc being represented, it II;>t»i) «, LeVev»r H))ck)cvv indwas u»a»imously votecl by all 1"()ivi>(] Pie}]»vc»t to Le) i»cl tostock representecl, that the offer ta)rc f}tc state ezo)»ji)otions.of .James F. iNcCArthy and a»- Eza)»s foi f)ie cjg)ith >nonfhsociates be accepted and that the wc) 0 jvc» Thi»»d;iy.entire property ancl Assets of the I>R»t week thr. p»pi)» weve ( iv-Idaho Fire Brick eompan'y be e» a chance to m;ilcc»p R»y fail-solcl to t]>em. i>'[r. NcCartl>y is jt>g gv>des vreeived duriiig thepresident of the IIecla Mining

Itenm. i~lany Rvailrcl themselves

compariy, of ><Vol]ac'e. Interest-j

of this opportunity,ecl with him in tlie purchase of Most of th'e classes ivj]) havethe local brick plant, it is under- co»tp)cted t'heir text <book bystood, are Mr. (Ilale, president of Ma'i'; T]ie re]t]ajncfer of thethe Coeur d'A(lene IIardware! term will be devoted'o eztensive<f.'oundry company, and sever- ! other prominent men of the George, Alex and Emil LR>sonmining district. ancl Frecl Sj)flow, Jr. ancl .»'ons,

I]'[arvjn Rh'd Ei'nil, attended theLetter iFx'om Mrs'. Kelly ba)l game in Kendrick, S»nday.

'After the game they droveto'eJ]y

who taltght Bear r>dge to visit w>th George,the seventh and eighth grades L» the Kendrick schools a num- Char)ey Schultz Ancl family at-ber of years Ago, writes from i tended fl>e show in Kendricl.-,iNorth Carolina as follows: Sllnday.

"I look forward eac)i vveek to A. 0. Weg»er An<1 famj]y andreceiving my paper as a letter l George Fhle>s Rnd family werefrom home. I woulc). not do, callers on Nr». A]br vt Schultzwithout it. unc)ay evening.

"Our winter here has been Albert Seh»)tz w;>s taken toquite severe for this counfry < Lewiston, Wec]>tesday, acco>nba»-We have had very little snow but ied iby Rev. Rein', Ile un(Ierwentso inuch cold wind and. rain. But an operation for apT)enc)jcjtjs atspring 'has surely come for I the St. Joseph 'hospital. Mrs.heard a ivh'ip-poor<vill last week Schultz went down Friday, withand today a great serenade from Jf[v. and i8rs. Leonard Wo)fF.our'nnual mocking bird, The She returnecl home Sunday. Mr.peach trees are all in pink And Sehultx is recovering as well asthe pea'rs in white; bttt no apple co»lcl be czpectecl. ', 'Sehultzblooms yet,. We are hoping for, went to Lewiston again:Wednes-a go'o'd fruit cr'o'p this year, as

Iday with Mr. an(i Jflrs. A. O.

there was none last year. SpringIWegner.Ihere is late this year, not muc)t if[r. anc) Nrs. Clarence ITewjtt

in advance of Ida'ho. and sons, 1<1verett and Donald,)>ave s'een solute greeit clrove to Clarkston, Sunday, to

e]']anges 'here, so many'ood! visit with Mrs; IIe~vitt's parents„roads, so many consolidated rur-'Nr. and. 3]'[rs. Thomas Phi]lips]a] sc)]cols. There are few horses Otto Si]flo>v and family visitedbut plenty of mules in the fields at t))e )ioiue of Nv. a»cl illrs. 0.

"The blael- people are n»mer- Reiche.ous and. quite prosperous. Each On Sat»relay, Otto Sc]>oeNcrhas his car as A rule, 'but he and wife clvovv to GrangevillepJows with a m»)e. to visit'ith .friends. They re-

"The great amount of vacant tur»e<l Nonclay >» ancl the poor soil are elis-! Rev. 1»(l !)[v». I.. A. Rein e»-co»raging. Ho many w)>jte,joye(),) visit over the ivcck en(1pcnp)e h >ve >noved to the Factory f>'n!n their fricnr)st the 'A[i»seato>ins. ih[>leh of t)ie f»»ling is A]»A»<]A;»>() Beofo .Jttst of Hjtz-bein<> clone iby negroes. There vill(, 6 A»)i., R»c) J<[j»» Almais more )Ancl for rent than there Roc)c, heacl »»v»r «f Rt..Tosrphare venters to 'fav)n it. Tt is. ho»pits], Tie)vjsto».q»itr a discouraging co»clition Rev. Eh)ers of Lrxvj»fo» camp.for a farinev. Taxes are high Ri>»c)1y to visit )vjth Rev. a»clR»rl crops often poor, jhi[v». F.. A. Ric».

'T am living a busy life ear- i<'[>'. ancl tl)». 0. IIrnry A'll<'1

ing for my mother. She 'has been»o». Vev»nn, ivere ca)le>s at theseriously i)l for a month with homes of Rcv. Rein R»<l


trouble. We hope for herI Sch»ltz.partial recovery 'but her con- j

Vrv»rr Davis is ivor]cj»g fovdition is not very encouraging. I A]J)crt. Srh»)tx now.She is (fuite o)cl ancl (foes not re-

jHenry J3r'11»»lev '»l() f'»»jly

spond to treat. ment. !A»c) T-Icvma» i<'[vyv>» A»cl family

''Mrs. K. R. Ke]ly.''!f«ok c) j»»r>'vjth iNv. Anc] Mrs.'t t'«>1»f )flea»1»>P>'Rt»lcf'>y

In a Mudhole @t Midni«lit r':»J f~«P»n A»<l f)mily an(1TL(»ty Wr»dt R»(l fo>»i)y ea]fetJ

D> A»cl Q'[v» Q) < )]p )<] }>ad o» I]) . R» 1 %[vs. Au,o »»f T3va»tmcv

v 1»»np) v<>»;)» f rzprr {enceone nigh(. ]A»f iveek whj]0 ref»rn- Nr». Bvt>n»jc)c en)«yrd A vi»>t

j»g from R ra]] j» fhe Ho»t})wjc].- from i)[r. Ancl i<'[t's. Cho». Tho>'ii-

co>»t>t»>)jty, About >ni<1»j ht. fo» A:)<l family nf T ewisto», anclThciv cav «ot »ti)(!)c in A i»udho]r 5[v. A»(1 hi[rs. 13i)) 13]rc)c of

»ig)>t (SO»th>V]C)C, S»nC)RV.

It was not Fov from the CAr) >X[v». Cav) KoePP >»«forer] fo> o!coco(( piece, eo ihe (tooter occ(1!>(crictcoc ccitic >lr. el((1 (<1'c. A.his wife walked tl>v» A c)rench-III. 13)»)»c Wc()nr»d1y.i»g rain fo tl>c house whc>0 fheyl AV'ti>. Rnrl Tlvv))evf Ail}0])ce Anr)

were»)ade 0«>»forfoh]e for the F<ve<l Ne»mo» rlvnvr to'ictvj»fo)>'bala»00 of the night. Nv. Rn(I T»es(lay o» b»sjne»s.Nrs. Lohmo» were i» Tiewjsto»»o ~i[i'». CAr) 1 ohi»R» >vent fothe boy» sverr hosts and ii) the

jLe» t»to». 'Hit>]el)>v, for meclir,'al

morning g«t A fine brea].-fastfor}treat]»0»t'heir

guests, Tt was nearly noo»'t's. [c]'t Stoneb»r»er Rnd M'j»»

before t))e car iva» finally pried P>»>]»R II1rf»»g entevtai»ecl t1)0

o»t «f the >»u<) R»(l hea()ed fov f>o]]oivi»g At <)in»ev H»nclay: t[v.Ke» c]ri ck. ! An(1 r[v». CIAr) I). Wegner a»cl

r.hi)rlrr)i. 3[i)(]reef, He]ma. R»clNOtiCe O. E, S. Membera J"<]>v;t) <); !t[v. An() ]f[v». A. O.

We„»r A»c) eh i)<)rr», Ev»A, Ro-Thc >»rt»bcv» of (,"»>y«» C'hAP-! ))r> t 1»<1 Tlt)vvy; 3[v.;»>() it[]'.

frv No. (i7 0. Ji. R. Arr ]'e)»i»()rc1 I Grn>'«< J",)>]<!v» A»d chi)(lven, JIiJ-of «>»')>()nov ')'va<'t t)rcf fo br, », ))ot»>1<1. Qi]r lvi]>;>i><) []oivot'<I;he]c);t t. the Prot rv»it) T<'t»p)<' ih] j»» 1]A> j Rv)) ivti>'x:i»(1 G(v;>»'<1-Tl>C»<IRA CVP)>l»g> '(J»'j) 24> Af )»R W( (rl>P)'."r:30 f). >n. ! (.'A)1 I)i>rfu»«R]>rl »ot), A»g)i»f,

;»'v (lojttg c«»»fv»< fi«i> iv«t]c1'o»>r>'oy 1{). (')A) k»to» 5. ! A]']'«iv J»»vfj«t) this ivrvl».f!])j«ntoivn-'(.'«]f<)» (J> ()0»<'»('.0 2. I ('>]'t»)<ltt>A Hv))t)) fx tv<»f tnT>vwvj»fnt> 5)> Ov«fi»o 2.

I I>< xvj»f«tt, R»»<f<>y xvjf)> .'<)).. A»<)

)) )»0))<'»f('>'-( ]'i> lt". 4, )>A])lvol >. I .<J 1'». J >(I)'»f«» f «visit )>rv»«»,C<)11»'"cvi)l,), N( xpvrcv.,']. i A)b< > f, iv)>« i» i»;i T><civj»f«]I

ei 'to»J)if,'>).Games Sunday, April 22 ! 1)>». (r<»t <! J.))}<)»»))vttf 1»«)-

.[i( t»)> jvk At I'i»»> oy. '»v»<);>y;)l't<> i)nn» ivif)) .<J>». ('.;i) )

('.I,')vk»fon (1f: f 1»t)l'lfow». I ]c. >]v r»r)',C>v»('»rc (i f J») ):i('f I'R.

Ov«{i>i«ot <G>1>rt '<'.vj) Jr. 3]>». 1)«fftr Rfattf«» nf J>rn>»-Nex))< v(!e At 6 jnvhv»fvv. t«n ivo» J«o]'i»g;>{'te) pr«p( vfyT>t)pivoj at Lcwjston. 'nterests here last S)itur()oy.

Big Crowd To See First Game ofThe Season.

T)>0 ))a)l ga»>e last Site(lay 'be-

tween J»]iaetfo;»)cl Kc»clriek,p]Ayr<1 on f))v ]oc >1 (]ja»ton(f,more t)ia» ea»>c up to expecta-tions, I'n spite of t'e fart t)iat»either team )>Rs had much prac--tice, plenty of thrills Rnd c)assyplays ive>'0 pulle<l off during'theg;ime.

It developed into apitchers'attle

bet)veen F)eshman ancl Al-'bright. %7Ihj Je Fleshrnan allow-ecl nine hits, they were scattereclezcept in the first inning, and asthe gr>'me progressed he improv-ed. In the seventh inning Kend-rick bunchecl four hits and net-t'ed four runs. In the ninthCaimpbell r'elieved 'Albright.

Charlie White, Kendrick's starcatcher, made three sensationalpntouts at home plate at criticalstages of the game. Boyd in leftficld assi'sted with two perfectthrows and Kuliek on short de-serve» creclit for the third.

Bill (McCall clistinguis'hed him-self on first with two fast plays,making a, long running catch ofa foul ancl stabbing A, hotgrounder for a put ou't, thatl>tjght otherwise have rrs»]teel inA score for the visitors.

E. Millarcl in right field forJuliaetta made a beautiful catchthat again cut off chances forKendrick runs.

Pollowi»g is a resume of thegame in detail:J>t]iaetta Ab R H So EK. Clark, ss.........5 0 1 0 0W'oocly, 2b...,....5 0 1,0 0)Carlson, c............5 1 2 0 1',

l<1stes, 1b ........4 1 1 1 0Se'hetz)e, 3b....4 0 1 2 3P. Glenn, ef.........41 0 0 0,

D. Glenn, lf.......40 1 0 0E<. Nillard, rf.. 4 1 2 0 0A]J)right, p........3 0 0 3 0'

Camp'he)], p..... 1 0 0 1 0

Totals .......3S 4 9 7 4) Can>pbe]] for A]bright in 8th.

<) <) 4

Kenclvick A').) R TI SO EIBoyr), lf...........5 1. 1 1 0T. F<.ic}inev 2}]....4 1 3 0 1J P]0»h>na» Sb... 4 2 '1. 1 1iircCA]'), 1i].'..'......::4 1 0Kulick, ss..........4 0 1 1 3Wl>jtc, c..............4 0 1 0 0IIudson, rf........3 0 0 1 09'j]son, cf........4 0 0 1 0CT. Flesh)»A», p.... 4 1 2 0 1jI-I. J(lie]incr rf ...1 0 0 1 0

Toto)s ......37 6 0 7 7tIT. Eichner for linc)son in Sth.

Summary of PitchersP)eshma» for Kenclrick ]]]ow-

e<1 !) hits; str»ck o»t 7; Hit 1.Albvi(>'ht for Juljaetta allowed

5) hit»; st>1>ck o»t. 5); walked 4.Co»)pbcll for J»]i >etta allow-

r,() 4 hits; 'struck o»t 2; iva]keell.

Score by InningsJ»lioeffa .. 200100001—4Ke»clvjck. 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 —G


Batting Average Kendrick TeamPlayers A'B H SO BAT. 1'.ic)tnev .......4 3 0 .750G. I"lesh»>R» ... 4 2 0 .500I<t])jc)c ..............4 1 1..250J. P)esh>»a» ......4 1 1 .250Whifc .............4 1 0 .250Boyd ...............5 1 1 .200IT»clson ...........2 0 0 .000Wilson .............4 0 0 .000i<] cCA)) ..............1 0 1 .000II. Riel>ner .......1 0 1 .009

Wallcs clo»ot count As timesat, bat in fig>trjng the 'battingaverage, it, wi)1 be noticed ih[cCR)]

got 3 svalks R»cl II»dson 2 inS»n<1ay's ga]tie.

Valley League]<Von Lost 1'C

Kc»<lvjvk ........1 0 1.000Pot>tc] oy .......1. 0 1.0001't>io»foiv» ... 1 0 1.000(.');>v]»f«» ........0 1 .000.J»liacft;i ........0 1..000Gc»c»ec .......0 1 .000

Central LeagueWo» Lost. PC

(>v;>»„>cvj])r .... 1 0 1.000J,i ivi»t<>» ... 1 0 1.000Wji>(!)>c»fc)'.. 1. 0 1000N<!'z))vv< v ........(] 1 .000Ol'0{)»() .........0 1 .000i

Lc>pivc>1 .......'...(] 1 .000ci

Results LastSunday'e»clrick

6, Juliaetta 4.

Daily Doings in the andHigll Sc)tool

'J'})0»<~ «f f))r. fii »t gr i()e re-0( jvi»" 100 ii)»p(!]lj»g rvrvy (1 >y))i»f >v<;c]c )v<'>'0 1'.t)icl ]<']'(.»>',1) <('t'f)(! )Il»»phl'cv, ())llc»f:>11 1)illll-»)<tr'e)), 1)av)'jet Ro»s, J.ovt;iit>eT;i})ev, Dick C;ivl»«», IIAvry 4[c-Xv;i) t>nd J-J~)ct> G;»<)>iev, A»d inf)tv»eco>id gvac)r. >vere: BillRchu)xc, Divjg}tt I Angdon andI'))ylli» T)tomas.

Tile pl'i>nary i'co»1 i» pllnilillg0>1 ™jvjngtl pl'ogl'All> 1>1 'R fewiveeks, to which the pavents andany fviends interested in thatworl.-, may con>e.

The first gracle has started onanother reader, and the secondgtade will finish a reader thisiver]c and then take up a newone.

Class Play Next Wednesday

"The Tijtt]c Clodhopper",< ome()y ('framo wj]) be presentedby the Hen'iov Class of the Kend-rjck II'jgh Sc)tool> at the NewT<c»d> jc]c Theatre, WeclnesdayAfrtrr»oo» at 3:00 o'lock and I

')'t ecl»esday evening, April 2,') atS:00 o'lock.

Jttdy is A little clodh'opperfrom the poorhouse. Her fatherdeserted )fer years before 'b»tnow is a ric]t man in a hospitalin Texas. He writes to t'escheming %[vs. C])jggerso»~Boggs,!who was the for>ner'atron ofthe poor )>o't]se, a»cl as'ks her tolocate his lost ehi)d, Mrs. Boggs,k>]'owing Judy is an heiress, de-tevmi»es to nt'arry her to I]'erson, George, b'ut C'armian, wno!is in love wjt)> George, avranges!that Judy s'hall RT)pear as athief. The theft, anrl Judy is Ac-

0»sec). ",I'l prove who's thethief —you or me". Then 'Boggs—but cor»e Ancl see for yourselfin this eatehy, active comedywith dramatic climazes At the


c»cl of. Pach aet.C;)st ()f Characters:

Hrptetn'ber Green, '>young!'onk

a ent full of pep, RobertjDam]»are]).

Ocry Gump, a fvrs)> yo>mgIco>i»try proc)»cf, by heck!—I

IIAro]cl Park».Genr<(C C)iigge>'»On, A» in»O-,

er.»t ]jtt)0 1Amb fvoin f)>r city,'evn)clIngle.

'hl[v». Chjg(>erso»-Bogg», hi» i

c)oti»g >»A>»>n;> wifh R smooth I

scheme, Pearl Johnson.')[j»s J»)jvtto Bro», R Sp]intev-

ville boar()in«hoii»0 lcecpev,.<IAvgavef. NcDowc)).

'Chart)]]A>1 Carte>', who th»>k»!»hr» R vompivr, T>jxzjc Jones.

.J>)dy, A Jiff)r v,)o()hoppf'r f'romI

the poor 'house, ITestevIQ>cpper.'eath

of Mrs. Nancy Baker

Gl"l»(111)A 13)lkP]'rls r)ovni<[;tvch S, 1840, in 13»ehana»


Coi>»t>(. Ikcilf>l('lrv, !She was I

n»ite(l. it) mo>'Vjc)ge tO ThOm(>SBaker, TR»>>a> y 1 l), 18G4,;it!1 oui»A, Ke»f>ic)-y. To t))i, union,nine c))j]()1'cll weve '))«1'll, »('v('.»


svh«>n»)tvvive l>rv. T))r liv-',ing chj)clvv»;t>r '.'1[>». JA»r TT»r-)cy of'.A»t;», (.'«)ovoclo; 1'"vA»}cI;i»<) IT;)v>y 13)i)cc>'f J)eo>y.


][is. JIAtfjc Osbor» Anrl ~l'[rs.,iNrttj(! ('Av)»o» of ))cary, I();iho,','tl t», Vi]1)»P 0»))«>'» of 1)<'C}01]'y>

'<V;)»I>.;)3vvf o{'l < Pl J()A)')«].1]RA)cc]'»<l fcivo so»». C«1>i»>bti»R»d Echvavcl pvececlerl ')iev. ]n<lcat}). Hizfy-fwo grvii»(lr;h)1<)> (»ar)c1 48 g>cr(t t-«] A»<]cht}c]rt » A)»«»»rvjvc h<!i, r>ra>')y A)) of t)><'»)

bej»g J)vv»r»t "«t the f»nevA).'.tlv». )3,'>]cr> ivo» 88 ) eav» «t<',

Af. f'h< fii»r, nf hvv <lvat)i. 1"R>')yin lifr. »)>r t>)]if< r) wjf:)> thv 13]tp- '

1»f ('))»)'<')l R» <) ) )V('<) ll f('> if )) f»),ch) i»fio» Jjfc to fh< en<).

Ptti>r >'1»< > vi< r» >vr.vv ))v]r):it{hv f>»jtc'<1 J>v< f))<c>'» <')tt»<')> «t)f pxr<» i'><]«('ti <')>(ll'(„"<'f Rvv. )'c.

A, [i>ttc», ]))>»{«v «{ fh< )3,'i))ti»t<;J»lir)) nt'})<)i»rff I.. T)t< b«<)yw:t» J:)i<) {«»t <i»f, '))r»id<i f))<it «{')r!v)»t»));>»<) j» f)>r. 1"]»>ivno<J cr me-{< >y.

R< v..)A»v» (rav< f))< f«)1«]v)it<"f 1't) t tlf <!: ' r>'c'ill()1)l(l >Vt>» )'<''(1 <)) f «g«)t«»tr. Wl);it, i» <.'t>'] Jt'» )«»s>» )><'()V<'»» 'roitt, (11><J f


fc) f Jti» <JA> Jc < }<)ii<] r<»fjti«>t})«» )t< t'<iv('i) <tt)<'» i» t» fhv{',<>< f f J)(tt jf i» {Jtvj> ))v>vi)< (iv Ai><]

ivi)J bv fJ>cj> J)]<(i»t>vc fr>,j«j» )>rv,j» fh< G)o>y )„t»r) av)>v>'<. fhcrp.,i» n« iii«tc pA>'tj»g «v s<p;>va-tic» ". I

Page 2: - 1928 - The Kendrick Gazette/1928... · 2016-01-16 · Boost For Better Roads Into Kendrick Subscription tPrice', $1.50 Jn Advanre VOLUME XXXVIII KENDRICK, LATAIX COUN]TY,ID AJIO,


( ]t]I']cato»> '»un(1'<ly> to visit ott]i< Ole Lien home,

].vo»ov(l;in(l 17)]ft]s 1<'oirfleld'of Potl<itch v]<l«c spe»t. Sun<laywi]h vclotives liere.

L. Keene of Aloscnw sp(.»t thcw(.(]i c»d at the home of 1)is son,Wo<le.

Airs. Thnrvold. Nelson enter-tained. the La<lies Gitild ot her]tome 0'cclnesday ofternoo».

Over fifty attended Union Sun-(Ioy school ot Steele, Sunday. An]lite]'est]»g Haste]'l'ogl'ii»1 wnsgiven by the 'Sunday school, Pol-lowing thi» a bo)ket (linner wosenjoyed bY everyone.

Mvs. Will I-I'echt wos plvos-ontly surprised Wednesday oftev-noon of lost week when o, »uin-lier of neigh'bors, friencls comein to spend the ofter»oon withher. A nice l»nch consisting ofsii»<11vic]ies, fr»it s ]lod,,jello,colic, coffee wos served 'by the']oats. Thv,'l'ftei'noon wos spentvisiting o»<1 everyone reporteclh;ivi»g hocl i good time.




















































































































































tt, H


























Is THE KENDRICK GAZETTE"The Pulse of The Potlatch"


Published ev=ry Friday at K«ndrick

Idaho, byRalph B. Knepper



Subscription Price - $1.50H

Entered at the Post Office at Ikend-rick as second class mail matter.



H Linden NewsH

IiIv. on<1 ))Irs. Clem Tsvoel wereLewisto» ond Aloscow visitorslast week.

Airs. i)Icl'hce rcturnecl fromPortland, Oregon, Sot»r(loy even-

ing where she spe»t the winterwith re] itives.

Hi)jlr». Lon„fe]low visited her

gronclsons in I<endviek the first

Hof the wee]c.

Alr. Dovby ond soii, Cecil,nio(lv o tvip to Lewiston, ')Ve(I-


Miss Vi) gini)1 'A]lvn con<1»cteclthe stote svventh on<I ei<'ht'h cx-oi»inotions Thursday o»<l Pridttyof lost wee](.

Alv. oncl A'I]s. Fved lii»mermanoncl family on<1 Alv. ond Mrs.J]1». Forvington on(1 son speI]tSundy ot the Walter IIunt home.

iAIr. ond Airs. >A]bertDorendorf'ovecl

over from Crescent Su»-H

<loy to assist Gus Fovvington inputti»g in his crop.

Miss Virginia Allen spent scv-H

eral (lays the first of the weekwith Annie i1'lorvison.

Tony Itive]]knopf wos o Spolc-ane visitor Wcclnesday of lastweek.

AIv. o»d AI] s. I"cigar BohnH weve business visitors ot. I ewis-

ton, Wednesday.



z-z z IXTZ>z)XX x zXKK<Z'Srzzxxzzzxzxzxzzxxzxxzzxxzz>< W W W W~ W W

955K% 55855K,'::H M

Hj Established l9l6

Authorized Ford Dealers



4 H

H I ~ T T

We can increase the Horsepower

Rating of your Old FORDSON

10 H. P. for $110.00, Instolled.


H I Use less fuel and do more work.



Cy..inC.el S .We >art.C.

We have ir]stalled a, reboring machine «nd are

now in position to rebore your cylinder block by the

most up-to-date method. lVe have also installed a

Icylinder hone and can put a perfect finish on the

cylinder vv'alls. With new rings and pistons youI

will have practically a new motor. 8'e guaranteeI 4

our work. Bring in your motor before the springI

rush starts.

I'endrick Garage CompanyI Deobald Bros, Props


++++++++<<><+++<+ +>++ +++< <~+<+<+++<<< <+< <~ <+<<i<>+<++++++++< ++><< ++< >i<<F >+ ++>+<<M+++< +++++++++o < i < i i < i + i t t t i. i<,+ t t t < t r t i<+q++~t t+ t<p<p++&~t

. TEe Place To BurMILL FEED and FLOUR +

+Highest Market Prices for Your Grain and Beans +



Q<<4<4+++++~>A A .4A .1<4<+Pee+4<~i4>4<4>4<++<s>+ >~+ 4>~i+4<+4<4<4<+~tP++<1<++4«rF

NEW ARRIVALSPretty Pumps, Star Brand Quality

Patent fancy pump, spike heel,

trimmed in tan as pictured, ex

cept it has buckle fastener

$5.50Patent one-strap pump, Cuban

heel —a brand new number for

$5.50 ((.=~..:I

Others at

$3.90 $4.40 $4.90

Roseblush sport oxford as p1c-

tured for - - - - $5.50, Parchment sport oxfords 4.40

Others in black at,

Card of Thanks

Wc wish to thon]i onv friends;incl neighbors,who were so kind<liiving the illness ond (leoth of<)»v son ond ]brother, Jay 'Larry.

AIr. ond AIrs. Dorl Wright ondfam lly,

hi1r. on(l AIvs. AH)evt Wegnev,

$3.45 $3.90

Card of Thanks

9 e svish to thonli the friendso»cl neighbors svho so lci»dly os-sistecl ns el»ring the illness on(1<leo th of. our 'beloved mother,A1is. N;incy Bolter.

1<:speciol]y <lo we wish to thon](j thc Texos 17iclge Ladies Guildtor the beautiful floral offering.

A'I]s. C. O. C]r]so»,Airs. 'Preston Osbov]t,Mrs. Chas. Osbovn,i)Iv. Frank Baker,Al]. I)crt Bok()v,A[v. IT;]vry Bolcer.

Crescent Clippings

i~rvs, A]1)ei't Dorendovf ondsons spv»t Thurscloy with iA1r.

o»<t AIrs. Anclrvw Dorenclorf.H

i)lvs. i)I. Ti. Rnbeso» on(l claugh-ter, S»v, visite<l with Airs. Pronl-

udeis, Alondoy.ITenvy Loeser hod the n1is-

fortune to lose his milli eow last


Alrs. Albert Dorendorf onclsons visitecl at the .1o]in Darbyhome Friday afternoon.

Mrs. Anna IZim>bley oncl child-ren visitecl at the AIike Foresthome Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Z. J. Wells has been onthe sick list late]Y.

Sue Robeson visitecl school,Tuesclay afternoon.


AIiss 'l<iva 'Slatter stayed overnight with Airs. Gus Forrington;

H Wednes(1'ay night.Mr. ond >Mr. Zlmer Hnclson

and fami]y and 4s'lrs. M. D. Hud-son spent Sunday at the t)V. H.Loeser home.

Mr. oncl Mrs. John Darby ondclaughtevs spent Sunclay with theZd Darby family ot Linden.

AIrs. Frank jS0»clers, Z<va Slot-ter oncl F<vonli Slocloski wereg»ests at the Axe] Z<kman home,Sn»doy o'fternoon.

AIr. on(1 A]'vs. '))]> m. Kon<lervisitecl at the ITenvy loeser home,Sun(1;iy afternoon.

'Ai]H. C. L. Trail retnvnecl homeSot»v<loy iiight from Troy, nearwhi<'h ploce she .just finis]1ed asucvessf»l t<i'rn of teac'hing. Alr.ond 'AIrs. Albert Adair >brot her

H home.L<'va 8]otter visited with i)lrs.

WTn. Cowger, Saturday.Mrs. Prank >Souders and sons,

Marion ond Marvin, visited atH ~the Wm. Kauder home SaturdayH evening.

Mrs. Albert Dornclovf accom-k panied her hns'band to Linden

this week, where he hos <been

k working on Gus Farrington's„"ranch.

Zlawortli Weaver started work-II ing for John Darby, Tuesday.

The Axel 'Swanson family mov-ed up froni kendrick to theirvane'h, 31ondoy.



Big Bear Ridge News

H(Too Iote for last wee]i.)


AI].. on<I 'AI]s. W. T. IIeclge ofH"AIoscow were viiitovs ot t]ie TTal-

vor Lie]] hoi»e ")V<;dnesdoy.A] issFronces Peterson is spent

t])c 1veelc wit'h hvr sister, Airs.

HH Joc Clcl»vnho<'en.

'bliss Alo!1!vl )>Vcovv] spent. the"„wvcc]c cticl with hei sisters i»Kv»(I vic]c.

HAnt»]i Lien wos i. Spo]cone

visitor lost wee](.

HAIv. a]i<1 Airs. Gobviv] 1<orest,

iAIvi. 11. Ne]son;iiicl <long])ter,1'<»1cv ~enc, were visiting relo-

HHtives i» Colton. Tues(1'ly.

'Al vs. Zd Iiien entevtoi»e<l t,heT<tt ther;)» Iiodi ca Ai(1 ot

hei'oi»v,Tl»ivs(loy oftvv»oon.Divi ]it I»glv o»<l Lester Nel-t

sn», II. ol', st»de»ts spent their.]'l:)itvv v:ic,'ition ot home.

AI].,)» ] Al) .. Cv. i] Clio)»1 vi-t 1<1)» ol I).<'ll<]1'1<'lc s])<'i)1 Sll)1<]jiy,ot t]i< O. V. A]<»vy ])<»n(*.

Tiv<'v<1>> w)ls )1 )'«''<'»t vis)'I-<>v;t] t]iv )<)< ill<i<'v 1]t»i»vtt ho»t<.

A]v.:i»<1 A] 1 s. ]':i»ov T» )]Neth~!o»<I io», Olive>, t»ntovv<1 it[) fvom~

A. W. O. L.

IIere lies the bo<ly of Sam»etCrane

Who ran a ro,ce with a speedingtrain.

He reached the track, got nearacross,

But Sam and his car were a totalloss.

The sexton softly tollecl 'his knell,Speeding Sam on his way to-

we]],If. he'cl only stopped to look and

listenEIe'cl be livin'ow instead of

missin '. —Dallas HurryBack News.

c'--nOW V.e'fe aJIl CIleSSmi UP"COAL and WOOD,

Children do feel "all dressed up" inPoll.Parrot Shoes.

They'e good looking. They'e madeover lasts that allow for proper footdevelopment.

And the so,'id leather quality builtinto them assures good service.

Bring in the youngsters, and leave yourshoe problems vt]ith us.

New Seed 'House


Uncler the nome, Lewiston 8eedCo,, A. Z. Wacle, .T. IiI. Reese, C.II. Zde ond eastern associates,have orrongv<l to enter thewho]esole ond retail see(I bt]sinlessin Lewiston.

For the present they ore open-ing o store on t'e south side ofMain street, near the AlexanderDepartment store, opposite theBreiev building, ond will haverailvoocl warehouses and cleoningmachinery os the business mayrequire.

A. Z. Wade wos for sevevaiyears ogricutural agent for Lewiscounty, <but has had charge of theseed oncl potato depart>ment ofthe Duthie company since itsovganixation.

J. M. Reesr. hos also been inthe employ of the Duthie com-pany, 'having hod. charge of thebean ond warehouse department.

C. H. F<.cle is from Oroflno,Idaho, ond wos engage<I in bank-ing in that place for many years.

These peop]e wi]] 'be associatedwith a ]'tvge bean eonvern in theeast ond p]on to be prvpivecl tob»y on<I ship >])cons in cor loadlots in the jbettn gowing sectionsof the ne;ivhy territory. Theyare experiencecl see<lmen a»el wi11kvep on ho»(1 gov(]en o»d fielscecls, also poultry feed and sup-ip]les, giv»lg .speci<'ll ott(',»tton tobvo»s o»<1 ave<i potato(,s.

Thvy bcspvok o shove nf thr.bttsinesit in thvii linc. (Aclvt.)

N. B. Long 4 Sons"The Home of Good Things to Eat and AVear"



We extend a cordial invitation to everyone to carry

their 4]ccount with us, Big or Little, we know that once

started it will grow to our mutual advantage.

W'e appreciate your business, endeavor to please and

serve our customers and our community. >We want you

to feel at home with us.

We pay 4ojo interest componnclecl semi-annually, your

principal is secure, your interest a certainity. Why not

start today'] A dollar opens an account. Start a sav-

ings account for the chilclren, obtain one oi our new


Marcelling at Barber Shop


FARMERS BANKZve]y Th»vsdoy there will be

two lo<livs ot the T<endvic]c bav-l)ev shop who ~v]]] clo niovcelling.They come frown th(, T(1 itiho par-lors ot T>eivisto» on<I theii ivovlcii of thc liighcst closs. Phoneyo»v oppoi»t»)cuts< tn the ]ecolshop. Doii 't fnt gvt, Aliss .Al or-

)]iiet Willows on(1 A] lss GcovglneSi»ith will bv 1]erc every Th»rs-(loy. :1G-1

"A Strong BankKENDRNK, IDAHO .'L 8 'tGGis']„"t c,.

A. Z, Clarke,Preident.

N. S. V05mer-Hopkins,Vice-President No Throst Irritat)on No ( ough

C<)102S, The American Tobacco C0„Inc,Notice: ']']1< ii»<lv]sig»v<1 hov-

it)z ])»it<'<1 oii(1 ])1,'ice<1 1)<)iso» n»his pi<»)isvs 1'nv iioxin»i o»<l p]'v,—

<1;it<>y;)t)i»);)]i, ]ivvv])y»otifivs thv]»11)1)< tt<",]i»it tvvspt<ss»]g. IT. A.]h]ssv]]. 1G-1

P. K. Dammart]]l,Assistant Cashier

W. J. Cov.vo]l,

Cashier. < .O< O<.> t ~,"<,'jl '4 <C;" . r(< q ITow aboi]t thot pv]»tin<> job?on>t wait until you are clear

out> b1'g ]t to tl e Go.ettv O]hce

Page 3: - 1928 - The Kendrick Gazette/1928... · 2016-01-16 · Boost For Better Roads Into Kendrick Subscription tPrice', $1.50 Jn Advanre VOLUME XXXVIII KENDRICK, LATAIX COUN]TY,ID AJIO,


@HE owner and operator of one of the most successful dairyfarms in Wisconsin prepared recently for the Agricultural

Commission of the American Bankers Association a first handstatement of the part farm accounting has played in themanagement of his enterprise. This operator, W. J. DougaII,tells the following

story'')VhenI:i;arted farming I began keeping a simple cashaccount, but soon found that it was liot sufhcient accounting forfarm purposes. Such a record did notretake into consideration the vital fac- complete financial statement beforetora of improvements, growth of live- him the banker can intelligently deter-stock or depreciation. mine what credit I should have. With

"Since 1910 I have kept a complete a full knowledge of the farm profltsaccount on the accrual basis. The in the past, I know what credit Iaccounts, however, are no more than should accept. No farmer or businessany farmer can easily keep. The out- man should accept credit from hisstanding beneflts from keeping such bank unless he is able to put theaccounts might be listed as follows; money into productiveinvestment, and

The Way It Works his margin of profi assures the abilityIncome tax reports made easier. to repay the loan within a reasonable

-Accurate and dependable income tax time.reports can be made from the yearly "For the farm this reasonable timeaccounts. By keeping them on fil I cannot be three or six months. Theam always ready to satisfy the tax farm turnover is too slow for that. Ainspectors. helpful and just period of farm credit

"2. Accounting makes possible a for working capital must be from onebudget system.—With the accumulat- to four years.ed data of the past years, I can make "There is another benefit from ac-out the budget for the coming year. counting —,the benefit of knowingThe income being fairly stable, the whether one is going up or down. Bybudget problem is to adjust the ex- extra sales one might be flush ofpenditures. If one branch of the busi- money and buy heavily, thinking he isness will need extraordinary expendi- coming out ahead, but in reality heture such as new machinery, there is sacrificing the future. On the othermust be a cut in some other branch, hand, one might feel pinched, andsuch as building or livestock pur- have little money to spend, but in

chased, or fencing. reality he is laying up capital.""3. Accounting gives a true bas)8 The bankers Agricultural Commis.

for credit.—El'specially has accountingi

sion has suggested the following formmeant for me larger credit and happy I of farm credit statement, indicatingrelations with my banker. With a! the records necessary to be kept:

SUGGESTED FAR/M CREDIT STATEMENT(Adapted from blank used by Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago)

One Of The First Important Factors In Farm Accounting~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Name Address

Btlrs(ttess Date of Statement



Urnto Scans stcnunts.......,....,.Ones Saxastt Stcuanns..... „.....,Artorana DCE Mt.....................Cailx, FEEDS Aun FARII PRODUcrs..........

ilvtsuttD IN ScuEDUAE Bttow)Lnxslocx (IvtulltD IN sent DUAE Bttow) ..

I Owc nrc Fouosuxo BARES

SECURt D DT.,„„'„„„„.Stcustn sv........,.....,...

None PAT*sax To Rtxattvta....




~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~

SECbRED DT...........Notre PATAaxc Ighprutae...

SECURED Sr.....,...,....Accomns Pavaslx...........„...,....„„,Iurtstsr AND Taxes Drs Wlnlu ONE YEAa..

Cain Rmn Doc ow.....„..................

Total Quick Aieete...

PARR Iurtxutxn Awn Toots ..MACNUIERTs vlx Tnatmmaas BAItaas TRACIURSI

hr)touosnxs Awn Txocxs.......................FARE Lum Onurttn u Bcurnmt Btxow)......


ON1aovcutN1S VA1UED AT I......;........).Cnr AND Town Paonarv.....,. ~ ..-.-"..."""".Onulnn Us Scnxnmx Btsow).

MORTOAota os Lo*ra DUE Alvxa ONE YEAR.......,.„...Iuvratutxvs os Ornts heetn (Inn l its Fou v) ..;....,...

I ~

Total Current Uabllitiee...

Rcax ESTAn Mosroaoxs (FIRer)...

READ Eersn hlosroaots (JUNIOR)... s ..

Total Uabilltlei....

Net Worth..;


...Stallions I..., ...Daily Bulls S.......Beef Bulls I....,..Boars S.......Rema I.......chickens S....,. House S.......MilkCoax S.......BeefCows S.....,.BloodEowe S.......Ewcs 5.......furkeys S.......hlules S..., ...Heifcrs 5.......Steam S.I.....Pigs S....,..Wcthen 5.......Other Poul. S....

Colts I.......Calves I.......Feeders S.......Stock Hogs I.......Lambs I.......Bees I....Crowing Crops Grain and Farm Products on Hand

..............,...AcresCorn..............,heres Cata ....Bu. Corn (8.............,....Bu. Oats @...,.......,...

...............,.Acrm)('heat....., Wheat@...........,.....TonsHay e.........,....

.................,AcresOrchard..............,heresOther Hay .............,.......„.....,....Purchased Feeds........~.




Successful Farmer Tells How Pencil Helped Guide HisOperations and Swell His Income —An Aid to

~Better Credit —Shows Profits andPrevents Losses.

S~ '

oo'.a ='ix VItire

, re>are ..)tow.;0I'.1e

....0; ii'ea:ver

You can ~ orget your roastIUitih tite automatic

NE" o(Uen

manually labor and fussa roast or oven dinnerfor hours over

any more.The Westinghouse FLAVOR ZONE

oven browns and cooks automaticaLly—without the least attention.Just put your dinner —roast and

vegetables —in the oven, make two'imple adjustments, and then forgetr

e685~ it. Don't go near the oven —don'






touch the roast —until dinner time.

:,:::,::II~ No other range, either fuel or elec-

!j'',::;:::;:,':;:,:.;:';:::;:::::—:::,':-::,:,'-::,'::;::,'::,'::,:::,:::::::::;:::«fj~i tric, can perform first the browning

and then the cooking operation un-der full automatic control. No otherrange can give you such completefreedom from the kitchen.

THE ONLY RANGE WITH THE Come in and let us demonstratehUTOMhTIG FLhVOK ZONE OV N thi

obligation.iII++++e-.a.e--i.Icier++++++ice+III+++++iisrfs+iis+++sis+++++ifc++++++++++++++++++++sfi++++ els+++sfy++sfe

5>eCia .~ n

.. Q1't

By having a%estinghouse Automatic Electric Range in-stalled in your home. The hot weather will not botheryou then-Your kitchen will be Cool, Clean, Convenient

and more Economical.ifiies iis++Isvsiii s~rs isis+i~as Fss vis sess iiiiiii Aiiiii iiiiIs sic Aiiiiiiiii 4+iiIssits+s s iiiiiiii iies iii iisAA+ sivs iFsir+ sees sets ievs scvs++ III+gjs+ sis A iii Iii+ Its rII ill+ iris II< As++Pi ssss sice iiiiiss lessees+

DesniptionGiving County and State

Improved or No. oi AcresTtUe in Name ol Ummprovcd or Lots

Rate oiPresent Amount of Interest on hlortgagcValue Incumbreuce hiorlgagcs Duc S.iQIt

..Acute rsou... .....AT.A RENTA6 or.......,..Casu rta Acne

Ii or Cuor rta YEAR

.. imeLIADIIATT As ENnoaecx, Erst ~ ....~ .5.....FIRE INSURANCE ON ONAIN.Itsuasse............................:....

I,PlltlT7 IE'f ENIEII$

'bo are they2 County representa.

tives of the agricultural commit-

tee of the state bankers association.

By whom appointed2 Preferably by

the agricultural committee in co.

operation with the President and

Secretary of the State Bankers As.

sociation, and the Extension Direc

tor of the College of Agriculture.

What are their dutie82

1. To get in touch with each bank

in their respective counties and

get a line on what each is do

ing agriculturally.

2, To represent the agricultural

committee of the state associa

tion in any county matters per.

,''ii taiuing to agriculture in which

banks or the bankers associn

tiou are interested.

I:I 3, To servo as the medium through

which the assistance of banks

oi the county cnn be obtained

to meet. Rn emergency such as( a sudden otitbreak of disease or

insect pest.u.

I'IIIE lÃxulllÃct ON Buu.nlÃoe........,...I...Lln'NecRANct.....................,...S......~


Kentucky'8 Purebred Sire Special,sponsored by the Kentucky BankersAssociation, left Louisville recently,maldng morning, noon, and afternoonstops every day. Besides exchanginga purebred aire for a scrub bull atevery station, registered heifers,gilts, sheep, and pens of purebredpoultry were to be given away. Ex-

hibits and discussions, together with

the preparatory work in which overil00 people are engaged, should stimu-

late raising the average productionof Kentucky livestock, according toip. C. Dorsey, of I.ouisville, Repre-sentative of the Agricultural Commis-

sion, American Bankers Association.

4. To be responsible I'or interesting

!the bsnks of the county in oneor more of (.he agriculturalprojects approved jointly by

the state committee and thecollege of agriculture.

How can they proceed?1. By correspondence.2. Present projects or plans at

county i)anker meetings.3. Make personal visits to banks of

the county, preferably in corn

pauy with the county agent.

piIt'.i rd


(II)L IIILI, Iggiil

is all you need to pay to have a Westinghouse Full Automatic Electric Range in-

stalled in your home and we give you a long time in which to pay the balance.

W'estinghouse Automatic Electric Iron FRKK

In addition to the reduced price during this sale of WestilIghouse Electric Ranges,

we give absolutely k REE with each range purchased, one Westinghouse Auto-

matic Electric Iron. This iron sells regularly at $7.50.

We will take your old stove as part payment on a Westinghouse Eiectric Rallge.

Call and See the Ranges on Display at Our Kendrick Office,

AII+sissI,IIIsfs+IIIIIIIIAIIsues cfs+Ssvs+++ eeil++++seee+++sfi+ sis+++sr~+++++ sfcssees+seec+++++++++++++III sis++iis+ III++++

Was~if)gtof) Water .. Ower Co.Your Electric Service Company

It Is a Pleasure to Cook bz Wire

Page 4: - 1928 - The Kendrick Gazette/1928... · 2016-01-16 · Boost For Better Roads Into Kendrick Subscription tPrice', $1.50 Jn Advanre VOLUME XXXVIII KENDRICK, LATAIX COUN]TY,ID AJIO,

against them. TKs is a good method:

Cut some corks up fnio pieces the

size of small peas and fry the frag-

ments well in bacon fat or lard. Dish

out the result into a tfn plate and

leave this near the creatures'aunts(though don't let your household pets

or chickens get at the stuff). The

younger rats will eat greedily thereof

and perish in consequence.

~rope of ulsLe and wfifte clover hriney

each year. In the northeastern cor-

ner of the state was the buckwheat

section."Improved methods of agriculture

have enlarged these nectar sources.In western Ohio there has been a re.markable increase in the use of sweet

clover. It gives a honey of'xcep-tionally fine fiavor and appearanceand yields nectar every year. In

northeastern Ohio there has been an

increase in the use of lime as a soll

treatment, with more and more. land

planted to alsike and white clover.Even the buckwheat area of the statenow produces heavy crops of cloverhoney when weather conditions arefavorable.

Taste of Clover Honey."Sweet clover honey has a distinc-

tive spicy taste not found in whltd

clover and alsike honeys, Buckwheathoney, the darkest on the market in

this country, has n very strong flavor

and is preferred by some persons, but

there is not such a market demand

for it as for the clover honeys."

done atet jour job printingGazette office.



Crop RotationAids Beekeeper~..~ 1. t t js'4 t ~ '

a-1 LtJ ~+%+++4'v e e ~ ~ 't vs e t t iex

AllGt Ol BA'LES <

Purebred Btcok and


Sweet Clover Termed One

of Best and Most ReliablePlants for Honey.

~ s


st4 it

~ i~




+ates. +

+Call Phone 702 for d



Crop rotation and soil Improvement

programs, while not primarily intend-

ed to benefit the beekeeper, have

nevertheless been very greatly to his

advantage In Ohio, Virgil N. Argo,

specialist in apiculture for Ohio Stateuniversity, points out. One result ofthe progressive farming methods has

been a very great increase in the

Ohio acreage of sweet clover, mhlch

Argo characterizes as "one of the

best and most reliable of all honeyplants." The acreage of sweet cloverfn Ohio has increased in the last dec.ade from about 100,000 acres to be.

tween 800,000 and S50,000 acres.Honey-Producing Areas.

"Originally," Argo says, "there were

two natural honey-producing areas in

the state. Almost all the westernhalf, covered with a glacial soil de-

iived from limestone, supported the

growth of clovers, and there were


Galleys in an eroded field are theear-marks of shiftless farming,

~ ~

Cod liver oil fed to hens that arehoused closely during winfer helps

keep up egg production.~ e e

Fifty cents'orth of acid phosphateadded to a. ton of manure makes itworth two tons of manure.

The successful farmer of'oday fs

the farmer who uses power success-

fully. One-mule farming fs too fnefii.

cient to pay.e ~ a

Best results are obtained when lime

for alfalfa is applfed before the seed

is sowed lf the soil is sour, for lfnie

acts slowly.

Kendrick - Idaho


Don't Forget































































Troy, IdahoBox 259

xxxxxxr xxxxzzxxxxxxxxzxzxzrz rxzxxxxxrrxzzzzxrxxx r zi r xxxr x x x r x r z z xx r r x x x xxxx x xx xx r z x x r xr r r x r r x r xr xxxz x z tax. t

A'lass of That6009 BEER

when in town.

Soft Drinks, Tobacco,Cigars, Candies, andlce Cream.

It's %ocr Beat@ te IevestlgateTRLks PROSY

Before you buy a new plow it's your duty

to investigate this sensational new gang.

Old plowrren in the Palouse Country say

this is the best plow they have ever worked

with. You'l be sure to like its work and

you'l appreciate its advantages. It's the

Nem John Geese Steei GangThe John Deere Nem Steel Because of its wide whee1

G g is designed especially to base aud special hitch adjust-

meet the needs of the far'mers ment, the New John Deeang i re

ofthePacificNorthwestbythe Steel Gang holds to its work

most skilled plow-makers in on hill'ides.

the world. Behind this plow is This plow has unusual clear-

the experience of almost a cen- ance—23 inches from beam to

tury in the manufacture of share point —which permitswork in trashy conditions.

Two of the outstanding ad- The strong steel beams aro

vantages that are responsible guaranteed not to bend or

for the better performance of break. Staggerspokesgivethe

the New John Deere Steel wheels greater strength and

Gang are the easy-handling durability."

and light draft. Levers within Remember, the John Dec:re

convenient reach have a big Steel Gang is equipped with

range of adjustment and are genuine John Deere steel or

exceptionally easy to operate, chilled bottoms, the world'

any boy can handle them standard for clean-scouring,

easily, pulverizing and long wear.

inspect this sensational new plow at our store.

Near Type Feed GrindersBecoming Very Popular

The last ten years has seen a verysignificant change fn the design andconstructfon of small feed grinders.In gears gone by practically the only

type which was available to the farm-

er was the b'urr type, which worked

very satisfactorily and of which thou-

sands were sold and put into success-

ful use.The new type, however, that Is com-

ing into use seems to be very popu-

lar. It is known as the hammer mff1

and differs from the burr mill in hav-

ing swinging hammers which strikethe material to be ground and crush

it much as a baseball bat would

crush an apple if it were swung at lt.These hammers are mounted on a ro-

tating cylinder and are rather nu-

merous, so that not very much of thematerial gets away, The hammers aremade of manganese steel, a very hard

substance, strongly resistant to wear.The degree of fineness to which uia-

terlal is ground is regulated by

screens at the bottom through which

the material can pass. So long as it

is not fine enough to pass through thescreens, ft will be subjected to the ac-

tion of the hammers until finally it isreduced to required fineness.

McDoweQ'8 Confectionery

~ ~ ~

Sweet clover may be seeded during

the winl,er months when the soil ishoneycombed from freezing and thaw-

ing. Under lnost conditions, it ls

beat to seed the crop in the springeither alone or with oats as a nurse

crop. When the crop is seeded dur-

ing the winter, nonsca rifled seedshould be used. For spring seeding,the scarified seed ls preferable.

WANTEDCattle, Hogs and Sheep.

Hides aad Wool.



Turkeys on Farm Meansan Additional Revenue

Turl'eys on every farm will meanadditional revenue for the many ne-cessities needed on the farm. An in-creased production mill not lowerprices, for during the past three yearsin all of the large cities campaignshave been put on by the leading pro-duce men urging the consumption ofturkeys during the entire winter sea-son and not just a holiday feast. Thesuccess of this campaign last seasonshows that people are anxious to eatturkey any time, for on August 1there was less than two and one-halfmillion pounds of turl'ey in storage.Most of this will be consumed beforethe 1927 crop is sent to market. Wfththe same demands of last season tur-keys should bring an exceptionally highmarl'et price this fall and winter.

B. N. EMMET 4'0,

Carlsoni Hardware~0


I AtthisStoN'.Yoif Get QUALITY >+> SERV'ICE )

Easy to Capture RatsWhile They Are Young

,Ior'.; i: oas:III .LiC- .

Rats, like the poor, we have al-

ways with us, but it is at this season

that they are generallv thlcl'est.ow-'ng

to the 100 per cent results of their

breeding. Fortunately, however, the

adolescents among them can very

nearly always be caught if only a t

regular campni "n Is undertaken


For Turkey FatteningRation Use Much Grain

The North Dakota experiment sta-tion gives a good home mixed turkeyration which consists of 100 poundsground barley, 100 pounds groundoats, 100 pounds ground wheat and 50pounds of ment scraps. If this rationis kept before the turkeys in a self-feeder at all times with a feeding ofgrain at night, it will do much towardincreasing the returns at market thne.

hIllk makes a fine food, and If notavail ah!e, meat scraps, tankage ordried buttern)ilk are fine protein foods.The animal protein fits fn best mith

other feeds at the rate of 15 pcr centto 85, per cent of ground feeds,

.I'Iriii in Our Stanc.,'iIiI:SS I Iillll',

iil:I 0. IG

We are axed to hand.le

Ithis work in the way itshould be done.

SHOE REPAIRINGWe guarantee our work.

Auto Top Repairing

Why drive under a leaky

fop when you can have

a new. one put on or the

old one replaced.


N. E. WalkerKendrick - Idaho 4



for the highest principles cf banking, solid in our con-

viction that the public wants and, appreciates SAFETY

of their funds, above everything else, e have and! always

will remain true to our trust.

Character, experience, resources, facilities —all assure

you Safety plus a Service that rwill quickly win your


Cull Flock CloselyCulling the fiock,closely will not

only save feed and labor, but it will

also help to remove crowded condi-

tions that often prevail on account ofthe growing young flock. The disposalof cockerels fs often advfsable for asimilar reason. It is better to keep asinall flock of birds that pay their way

than to keep a large flocl- ln mhlch

there are a lot of drones that eat u

the profit made by good birds. Birdthat should be culled are sure to sho

a loss In the future.

This SAFE Bank Cordially Invites Your Account.

—00o— On and after May 6th, it will be only4 '=8 .'.—:.oursKendrick State Bank

"YOur Home BanK"

KENDRICK, IDAHO BetfLIeen Cbicago affd theNorth Pacific Ceast

t x z x xxxxIzzxxr x r x r x xxxxxIxxx xxxxx xxx x xx xx xz xxr z r z rxzf'"A

The extensive and rapidly increasing industrial utili-

zation of high grade RESIDUAL CHINA, CLAY west of

the Rocky Mountains. H


Bear in mind that white sedimentary clays are very

common in the United States but that large, elean, ac-

cessiible and. workable deposits of iron free, residual

china clays areH




American manufacturers are compelled to import nearlyH

500,000 tons of such rare clays annually, despite an im-

port duty of $2.50 per ton and. and average landed price ~

dou'ble the quotations on competitive domstice supplies.

Residual China Clay, comparaible to the finest imported

L'nglish China Clay exists near Troy, Idaho, in an im-

mense blanket deposit, located cn high ground, under

shallow overburden, capable of cheap production, con-

'enient to a swiiftly growing western market. H


We invite you to participatb in this new industry by

subscribing for stock at IIl1.00 per share, fully paid and

non-assessable. H





Idaho Ceramic Materials Co.



























































..iIV. S.I

w 'F 'F T'V%'% V V% V%&%'w&% w'%%~~

xxxxxxxrrzrxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxzxxrzxzxI r xzxr zxxxxxrxxsH





















































Cletrac, The New and Better

Crawler Tractorgp'„, I> II I


1i t IIIIilf I"u'i)lbll''


The only tractor dependable the year round, Doesany job, goes anywhere, any time and never tires out.Your farm drudgery will be a thing of the past. Youwill be done farming with a 'Cletrac while your neigh-bor hardens in his horses and gets ready for that slow,old way. Do your plowing, harrowing, disking; culti-vate beans, drill wheat. The Cletrac leaves no solidpacked wheel tracks.

Late models come with much larger track pins andsleeves, heavier shafts, larger track shoes. ModelsW12-20, K15-25, A30, Model 40 and Model 100.

I also have several used wheel tractors at a bargain.R. H. Ramey, Agent,

Kendrick, Ida.

I also handle Baldwin Combines, 'both pull and. packmodels; new Oliver plows and discs, Superior drills, atreasonable prices. Early Lamp Ftlaments

Cotton batting burned ditwn tn car.bon was used as f1 I a men I ln ea rlyelectric lamps. Bamboo, paper andsilk served the samP Jurpose,


CieaIiing - Prssing - DyeingAll kinds or repair work.

122 New 6th St Lewlston IdaW. F. BEHKKNSCLETRAC DEALER

Kendrick and Juliaetta, Idaho

Keep Out of Court I

To go to law is for two persons tokindle a fire at their own cost to «arm How about that printing jobtothers and singe themselves to cfn. Don't wait until you are cleardere.—Owen Feltham. outi bring it to the Gazette 0$ce

Page 5: - 1928 - The Kendrick Gazette/1928... · 2016-01-16 · Boost For Better Roads Into Kendrick Subscription tPrice', $1.50 Jn Advanre VOLUME XXXVIII KENDRICK, LATAIX COUN]TY,ID AJIO,
Page 6: - 1928 - The Kendrick Gazette/1928... · 2016-01-16 · Boost For Better Roads Into Kendrick Subscription tPrice', $1.50 Jn Advanre VOLUME XXXVIII KENDRICK, LATAIX COUN]TY,ID AJIO,

~u- -i. -i- -e st<st<st«ts+<t<A+ st</++st«tsst<Asst<44<t++4+<A<syssis


s]se<4s4 sssssss++s4<issts Ai iiiii< 4444 is< As iis sy<s sess<<4 s<4essssss<4+sts

'.<I]. Jnrvis, pri»cipa] of the

Kendrick schools, made a wee]r-

end trip to South Idaho, leaving

here last Fri(lay afternoon nncl

returnng Snnday night.

]r[rs. Rny ISnyder and cliil<lrcn

of Grangeville, visited at the

hoiiie of Mr. and Mrs. J. G,

Gnv<lner last Friday and Snt»r-


Jnines Ca]kins of Spokanevisite<] his sister, ]I<[vs, RalphKnepper, over the week e»d.

Fvnnk Nesbit, local dru gist,is (]riving n, new Chrysler sedan,

which he p»rchnsec1 last Sntur-


Orphie II»pp of Spokane visit-

ed relatives in this cpnin»niity

the firs of the week.

Vic Cnsebolt of Bovil] spentSun<lny here visiting with JackBnrnes. Mr. Cnsebolt has chargeof the office of the WashingtonWater Power 'Co. at 13ovill.

Wayne IIerres oi Lewistonspent Sunday here visiting his

pftrents, <tl r. and rMrs. Ii. J.I-I'err es.

Dnke Patterson of Leivjstonwas transacting business inKendrick, Tuesday of this week.

Registrars in the Potlatch com-

munity pf Nez Peree county wereappointed for the primary elec-tio'n as follows: Southwick, Mrs.John Stalnaker; Le]and, Mrs.Ro'her't Smith; Lenore, Mxs. C. P.Efersy; Mvyvt]e, Mrs. Verna Mc-


John Dnmmarell is having nn

olcl she(l on the corner of hisresidence property, tom clown

and a, neat garage erected in itsp]nce. It will materially im-

prove thc nppearanc of the pro-pel'ty.

]<Ir. and<Mrs. John IIamley oiPendleton >vere visiting friendsin Kenclrick a short time Tues-day. Mr. EIn,mley is a. formerKendrick resident, leaving 'herenfte'r the fire in 1911. EIe 'has

ttu»<,'cl the inanagement of hisbnsjness in Pendleton to his sonsai]d says he expects to devotethe rest, of his life to playinggolf.

Fr'tnk Lyons an(1 'Arley Allenweve transacting business ini1'[»scow the fiiirst of the week,

ilr[jss Geovgine Smith of Iielanc]spent ]nst, Fri(ln.y and 'Sntnrdnyin Ken<lriclc visiting IIesterKneppev inc] Irene Dnvis.

ihlrs. Lcster T iber was n i<[os-eo]v visitor Ttiea(lay morning.

13nvn to 3[v. nnd ]<>'Ir». L<'dwin

]31'tiildotl) Fv]clt]y) Apl'il 1 3, n son.

hlr». R.- E]], Rat]icy expect» toleave tnclny for Wenntc'lice to»pend n feiv (lnys with friencls.

Ln»t F<vi(lny n f'teriioon i)[rs.EI!ttgh Tlio»ipson entcrtni»e<1 n

»»inbe] of little folks nt herhome to celebrate her son John'1)irth(lny. (~']t»<!sc fut'nislie(1 a,-

]nil»e]il('lit ltftcl'v]t tc]1 (I'iti]ty re-fre»limeiits )vere served.

Truck And Car Collide

A l< or<i rn;i(]ster driven byOtto Scl»tpf'er, nn(l ], truck d];jv-en 1)y Alvn, 'Cv;tj<y, ran to<yet]ter ntthe (lrti< stove corner in Ke»d-1'iek l es'l'cv<IHy lnnl'i]iiig. 'Bnt]ithe enr nn(l tv»ck w<.rc cn»sider-nby dni»n<yc<1, bitt nn onc wns»ei'inii»ly inj»re<i. XI'is. iii]nvvjn

Lon,, sister of ]<lv. Sch»I)fev, i<ast]11'nivt] fi'nltl tlte. ('<tt')v f]ie till-

pnei i»(1»ttfi'eve<] n slightlyw]'etl(.'h((l bnclc, b»t w;ts nthcr-w]»e Ilnf'1],lti]'e<1.

ail ]'. <S('.Il t]pf('.]'vn» el]'Ivt tig <'nst

on <I']jtt Stv(et nit<1 Jiiv. Crnifyivn» t»rniii« the coi'ncv nt fl]e(1]'t]g sfnl'c tn 'yo wc»t w]tet] I'lie

en]]i»1011 0('('tti'i'e<1. Bot]i Illpfoi'ehicle»werc token to garages

fn 1''cp <1 1 1'».

Co<tres Se><ee>»s>yi L<sn«ee

Petition For Nez Perce Bonds

Petitions nve 'lining rivciilnte<1t]]]n]ighont Ncz I'<!t'< e cn»»fy 1)yfat'tllclhs ]»t(']se»te(1 iii tlte ]'ottd

11»I)i oveit)etlt pt 0<et»in fol'lic]tiitil <li»tvici») flic pin» 1)eii]<y tn,file ivifh thc 1)nnt'<1 of cn«»ty!(vni»li) t»»tulle]'»»tt(.'.ll n, i'('l)i'i.'»ci) ttt-tiv< ]i»f of petitio»ev» n» fn svn]'-]'<]ttf f])e c<]lli]nr n!.';t »I)eci;]I 1)nil(1

<'le<!i]nil tn»tibttlti In t!i<'oi<'1'sthe pin])n»;il of i»cv< tsi»g the<'n <»11'y I)n»(l < I <el) I'I<~~-]f),0(]0, »;]vs'I I I (' i'1)1 t t 1 I'. T] I c 1)ise»(' l I '('n]111- !

fy II«»<I <1<1)t i» 4400.0()0 1)tit fit(,!<'nl]tiiy 1]ii» ntt 11'<t»<1 (I »t»kit]gf, ii<1 < f.;il)pinxi)»:]i<]y 4200,000.

'!"Ii<' <Iit»i v 1)n»<l <I! 1)t i» re-f i] «I iiy ]»n»<'v» ]so<'civ< <1 ft'n»t!;iitint»i)1)i]e 1)«»»c» <t»il i]tc ]'< v-!

f) n»i ihi»»n»rc< ~ nr<»nwsi]ITI<'I<'»I in i]1<.']'(»tse tlic boll(le(1<](I)I I)y >24<1.00<) ivithntit ]1»pns-i»g n»y n(1<litini]nl 1)»v<le» on the



titxpayei's. Tlip, co]titty last year gregatipn. Local fans, feel that is a quality alniost absent in t]ie

received $07,019.90 as its p<trt of their chances of winning nre <!nse of <nglish clay."

the automobile lice»ses which good, A big crowd is expected The fine results obtained by di-

av;]s nn increase of $11,275.77 to fol]niv thc tean> n»d give the rect snl)stitution by the ~ II, F.over the revenfies of. 1920. For'boys Ioy;tl support, It has been Cnoi'» Coi»p;iiiy, ]ttaitttfn(;ture]ss

tlie fii'»t t'hree inont'hs of 1928, stt<ygcste(I t]int the f)itis lv]io are nf the finest porcelain ware pn

th< county hns received $51,- goin<y tn»ec the nine, tnlce a ]'ncific Const, i»dicate eonelusive-

02O,'38 w]]jell js nn jt]cvc't]»c of 1]itic]1 illotig ']]id liiiv<t 'll '1)ig pic- ly that China Clay 'fro»i the Troy

t;;I;30570 over thea receipts of tlie. itic (]inner in the I'otnct'oy p<ii'k <li»tv]et ean vendily be strbstit»t-

fiv t thi'ee months of 1927. If the went'Iiev is favorable tlie! e<1 for the rcnowttec] Fng]is]i

13]tsj»g interest on the proposed i(len, ivi]1 probably l)e cai'ried out.~ Chinn Clay and that it's use wj]] l)

bni](l i»siie at five per cent wit]i 'i)ipvove the ware.

i f]vc I)c] ceiit sit]kit] fit]id tile Woodmen Lodge Notesop]ntons, the Iclaho Ciamie Ma

total bnncl iss»e of $070,190 G0 I c'il Woo(1»ieii ]iod e tnn]." jn 13 I;ii',,est, cleaiiest, richest, mostocn

n»cl ivitl] iiicie]»iilg ]eve]lite» 111 neiv ]tie]tibet». Tlicy Evil] ieceive 1 cess]'-'.e i d e sily ai]d c'.]en11.»tile county ta

pal ers svill be assure(l of liaving niceting to 'bc held'» Tiewjston C'ny in te U, S.—Contri'buted. P

th(,'eiiltii'gcd ho]id issue entirely 'Iiil], t<[ty 1. At this time it isretire(l by the receipts of nuto'xpecte(1 tint nt ]east 150 <<Vood- Harmonica P]aying Contest

li<!enscs, Thc recent s't]e of ]]tc]4 in the Lcwistoii <listrict will

lioncls by the city of ]iewiston bc,»,ti,te,l Tlie ]ttnnngpnent of the New

was on. the basis of. n 4>/) per O» ~i[ay 2 tlie di»tvict conven- ]iett(lt'jc]c Thcntve ha» been re-

ce]lt ]llterest rate and it's expect',<», „ill be hel(1 in Kendriclc, <iiiested by sevevnl harinonicn or

e<l the county wi]1 be able to se- st;»tj]iy ill tile lllor]ljtlg 'll 10»]<)tttli htti'p p] tyers to stage a, jc»i'c is -invora])le nn ofter ns the o clpc]c with n, business ineeting. contest. There'nve several real jcity of Lewiston. I» tlie afternoon there ivj]] be tvtists nro»nd these parts on. the

The funds secnred by the pro- sports anc1 pvobab]y a boll game. luouth 'harp and they wi]] ibe giv-

pnsecl issue of $240,000 nre to be A banquet will be held at the en. a chance to do their s'tuff on

diviclecl !between the r'ura] roads I<r<tteiiiii] ']'eniple jn the evening. I<'riclny njg]tt, ihIay 4, at the thea-

nnd. the Lewis nnd Clark high- tve. So e»ter yonr name now.

wal'n Nez Peree county. It has . F T ClA list oi co]]testants lvj]I be pub-

been agreecl t'hnt n fund of $100,- y lishecl next week.

000 ]vill be inimediately made - ....'fi I

Rev. L. E. Taber of Kendrick

available for the improvement of -... " .'nd ])'[rs. 'glary McCnll of J'uliaerA num'ber of very 'ne samples

the rural roads a]id that it wi]] e p ' '"" p " ett;i; hn've re'ql'iested that their

be clivided between the districts produce'd by the -..'Coors o. names 'b'e <)ntered as soo'n as'heof t]ie eotinty on tile btisis of as- of Ing]ewood, Caifornia, from a date was set. 16-1 t

d quantity of clay refinecl .in thesessecl vnluation. If the 'bon 1,, fj»sue is succe~fu], tliis Illo]ley "b"'""'C' ' '"die Great Mail Robbery at Zend 'cl t

Materials 'mpany, are on is- I

pvovement before bncl weather of > '" 'The Grent i1'Iaj] Bobbery" tosvjnter sets in. Many of the dis- y' be shown, at t'e New Kendricktriets are alrady planning their A letter fro t'e <n '' Theatre, tonioht only is a thrill-itnprovement programs fee]in~ " 'c o Pn 'r 'from start to finish. It s}iows

there will be»o objections to tile s»P» " „'u " ' 'P ' a gang of 'bandits nttacking one'bond issue since tlie plan will re- fo ': . Bri "y) T' a~ l of the fast U. S. ]]inj] trains andsuit in no .increase in the taxes. ]isec " d ' " g the IT. S. iMarjnes nnd Air Forces

lish chinn, clay iri our egn 'are ea]]ed into a'etio» to protectbody nnd the results were very the mails. Fu]] of action and

Sohoo] E]ectj» Tomo rrow interesting ancl p]easin~ bearing h, I 1'dhns a splendid story interwoven.niit the chetnjcn] analysis of your Saturday Night, iye will s]tow j

T!ie annual school election iij]] minus tivo ]iundred mesh mater- «,~ b ', S d' dbe he](i tomorow nfternoon at;n];n that it is far more refrae-,

' n ivay a ie ' comedy riot.

ie schoo] ho»se in Kenc]rick at, h h F gl' I . T]'ore fnn than the "Cohens and I,

tory t an t e ng jul c ay. iis the Ke]]ey's". 16-11 o'e]pele, aeeorcling to a notice js npt a c]etliment but in manyin this issue of the Gazette. One eases would be a distinct advant-trustee will be elected to serve a age. Because of it's refractory,!

I I~ -d ] BGet a marcel next Thursday at

term of three years. The length quaitjes, t]ie body die] not mature! ;r'.the Kendrielc Barber Shop. Mar-

ime sehoo] swill be tang]]t and t h t 250the amount of the levy for next this condition cou]cl ensily. 'be lof Lewiston in attendance. 16-1

year w]]] also 'be decided. It is remedied by man]pulation of the-hopecl tltnt there will be a good ptlier ingredients. No work hasi'ENERAL REPA'IR SHOPattendance at this meeting. 'been done along this line as yet,!

tile entire test bein a, direct!To Pomeroy Next Suriday substitution of tlie clay on]y.l Tire Setting, Wagon or

Another advantage your, clay 'has Autoes, Disc Sharpening,The Kendrick ball team wil] over the English is, that it i's Machine a'nd Gun Repairing.

.journey to Pomeroy next Sunday more plastic and possesses con- FRANK CROCKERtn hnve it out with t'hat fast ag- siderable c]vying strength which

r v v v v v v r v v v r v v v v v v v v v v v v v v pprvvv ~VVYYv v v v v VVVV+ v ~

~ ~ ~ ~ e eadem


S e ~ !~ ste~ !

~ a

J~ E ~ ~ <Ve n

ffftfgg'"'i"::5'z This is the time of the

eA:: Aldd'''""~ 1]ing to rearrange and paint



knew the thrill that it gives. >:::.r+ up around the home. 4 +

@II'.:: ~ fu]. The thrill that color

II: ' gives'an be yours —you,.'i 'EEF OUT THE FLIESdon t need an A]adu]n s;q..;;']s with wire OIoth, Cofrtp]ete

store an'd choose one of the<tI

.'>~ stock of standard sizes, A

fine rich colors we have in

J ft< D Paint —fine grinding "Itio@ "((ljustnb]e screens to be]s

gives 't greater covering Ij ":<>y <

Costs less per paint job] I,:.@POQ

As) for Color Corri. OIL STOVES

;:..I]) 31n]ce economy jt]. fuel nnd

a]id work. fr<]<tie]c ine']1 stove

s<ii+iAi+<A +<A<ss++ssssisiAChussi+is<<.iiii<i+siiiii.sss!<i+<i+++sais.s<Ai+i +<Au+i>i+i+i<4AAi+iAAi+iAiisiiiAAAi<.AAAA<eiAAisii+isssi+sAi+<assi+<Ai+is4i+iss<AisiAi is+ ~ i< is s i<i<+ is'<i'i<i+'<++ i+ i i i i<i<i s ~ s isis<is < i< ~ S i<i<i ~ i'i ii is <i i ~ i

New Floor CoveringsA'e have just r'eceived new stock on yardage and rug Hoor coverings. Prices attractive. For example, c]xl2 felt base - - - - $8.75s+i A i+i i'i i+i i'ii'i A i+i A A i'+ i< i+i+'i i's A i's i+<A i+i A i'i A A i++i'i i+i i'i assess i+<i+sais i'i A,is <'< i+i i+i ass i+s s+< A A A i'i i+< P< sss s'i i+< sss iii i'i i+i.ii i+s s'i i's s< i+s i'+ i+i++i iis s'i i+< i'i i+<i'i i++i s< i ~ isis<i s i<+ i i <i ~ i i ~ i i i<i ~ siss<is ~ < is<siss ~ ~ i i i<i<i <isis iii is is + i i+ is ii ii 44


] S]t]gle i pl]et'ent't]ig til]] c, yot]i'nt'<le]i]tt (!ti» I I]e 1)cst 1]pse ttt t]te price14 i»ch'ut ...........$12,75 iev ivjt)t.! 'noel tnnl». IIoes, tvc Ii;tvp ever»tnclccd. A10 inch t .......$13.""$ """ vnl'es. »1]nvel», »pn(]c», f]nw- corm<gated llo»c nt 15c font.

I'I tin I3<;)ring ev tvnwcl», etc. 1]nse clai»p») hose cn»p-$9,50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ]tii<ys ]ipse i»c»(l('ihi, ]]Ozzie»,

lfi ]it<;Ii (ttt ..........-"-.$9'75 C v(1(» nn(1 1<'cl(1 S(c(1» cfc.

.Kend.r~ci~ .I; ware i~o."Exceptional Service"




Peat Coal in FormationPent, which is used so extensivelyIrel<tud, is uctu»lly coal in tlie first

<tge of develop:.Ient.

City Bailt'or] Is(andsA<u»tert];<tii iii tli!.,'>«tf>ei],<ude [s

< ity built ot) t)t) i»IIII)f]», tviiichconnected by SS)t) l>ri<l„< s,

~ i i i i l i i s s i essa<see<sess<<sess<<sssssssss4sss<4ss<44<sssl<s<44<A<a<pi<4<4<sess<<<A<sess<< ~ <4<tse~s<4<<ssl


New Prices on FlourPay Cash and Save

"400" per ba]'veil

Princess per barrel

Asotin per barrel




'' ~

'..1.J...'eel, .—,ayanc Grain












This is headquarters f<)r anything in the feed Iiae.

We buy and sell hay'nd. grain and always have a stock

of mill feed for your needs. We are glad to serve yo]t.

POULTRY FEEDThe poultryman will find that he can do well here as

we keep a full line of chicken feed and at prices youean afford to pay. If you need Egg Mash, 0. K. ScratchFeed, Bran and other poultry feed, get our prices be-fore you buy.







Market PricesAi<r<


Vollrner Clear wa,ter Cp]T]pa,nykKNDRICli, IDAHO

stsstsst<A<AA<t<+44A+sts<44A+44+slsst<e4<]<A4<st<A<t<sts+st<4esstsst<+st«+<Hi<st»sist<A<tv*<Hast,q +

Paid for your hay and grain. A good place to sell as

we are glad to look after your interests.

~uk.ak,d,e,r Ae,&~AJLA~~d

..onig.Il,: ~ny,'ne

of Exciting Railroad Stories---,

A blood tingling,'hrillpacked

5)<4I I ~: Never before has ™~yt]]r]]]s been crammed into

locomotive of the fast mail

train come to a gTO@m]ng

gJ), I] >1! >]! <f! I)<g stop the dyninr<ted

planes and U. S. Marinesr

fig]it to save the mails fromthe bandit gang.

A picture thatIiiiJ, will put you onil your toes!


Yoi'i'll lau'gnht 't]Iyou'ear a riba

tloose.Charhe Murray, DorothyMackall, Jack Mulhall

It's a screern allthe %ray thr'u!

Do'n't M]ss It!

Sufidag A'fteirnoon ShowWill start after the Bss'ebill game is over between Julia

et'ta t'Liid Oe'nesee. You mll,have time tp get here andf]ti]I see th<h ball game. Cpd'd picture, don't miss it.


Guests For This Week are as Follows:

TONIGHT ...........:............:......................Mrs. George LeithSATURDAY NIGHT ....................Mrs. Ed GallowaySUNDAY A'FTERNOON Mrs. Sam Bigham

Comp]imeritary tickets good Only on date mentioned

Adults 35c, - . Children, under 12 year, 10c

The New Kendrick Theatr'evrvrrrvrrrrvrvrrvv