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青少年偶像崇拜 理論探討 10 問答

Feb 12, 2016



Yi-Ching Yeh

青少年偶像崇拜 理論探討 10 問答. 由岳曉東博士講解. 問題一 : . 青少年為什麼迷戀明星偶像 ?. 答 : 因為 青少年 經常 將心目中的偶像加以 理想化 和 神化 ( idealization and mystification) : 把 偶像 身上的一切都看得 盡善盡美 , 即使他 ( 她 ) 有什麼缺點 , 也會被淡化。 這 就好比在偶像身上鍍金 , 使其光彩照人。 其實 , 任何偶像 崇拜 都存有某種程度神化和誇張 , 但神化和誇張一旦過了頭 , 人 就會 變得 暈頭暈腦。. 談偶像 張國榮  提起這個名字, 頓感親切動聽!不禁心神蕩漾! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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  • 10

  • :


  • : (idealization and mystification): ,(),, ,, ,

  • :


  • :


  • : (),,,, ;

  • :


  • : :

  • ()()

  • :


  • : (idol)(model)

  • 20013,;;

  • 18

  • 20


  • :


  • : (model idolization);,, ,

  • TO


  • :


  • TO::

    ,,,,, Fans

  • FANS


  • FANS

  • ,,,,,,

  • :


  • : (hallo effect)

  • :


  • : (idol emulation),,

  • 9, 2,, ,, ,, 3/4/2002

  • Dear Jacky:

    This is Emilio, a 9 year old boy who lived in Melbourne, Australia. Two years, I was operated on in order to remove a tumor growing in my head. Lots of different treatments have been administered to me; however, I am still ill. Some days, I feel fine, and some days I feel tired because of the medication I take. Jacky Chan is my favorite actor. I hope to meet him one day, and to be able to tell him how much I like his movies. Jacky, I know you are extremely busy and may not have the time needed to meet with me; however, if you decide to write me a letter, that would make me very happy, also.

    A thought dedicated to you from,

    Emilio Batres Perry

  • ,,,,Emilio

  • :


  • : (focused effect), , , ,,

  • :


  • : ()();()()()

  • 6

  • FansThank You()()()()()()Number()

  • :


  • : , (the Psyche effect), :

    ; ;(3) ;(4)