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F ormer Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Raghuram Rajan has blamed ‘suspect’ allocation of coal mines and slowdown in deci- sion making by the Congress- led UPA as also the lack of urgency shown by the incum- bent NDA dispensation accountable for the rising Non- Performing Assets (NPA) of the banks. In his report to a Parliamentary panel, Rajan also disclosed he sent a list of high-pro- file fraud cases to the Prime Minister’s Office but was “not aware of any progress” on it. “The RBI set up a fraud monitoring cell when I was the Governor to coordinate the early reporting of fraud cases to the probe agencies. I also sent a list of high-profile cases to the PMO urging that we coordi- nate action to bring in at least one or two to book. I am not aware of progress on this front. This is a matter that should be addressed with urgency,” said Rajan in his report. Unfortunately, he said, the system had been “singularly ineffective” in bringing even a single high-profile fraudster to book. “As a result, fraud is not discouraged,” Rajan said. It is not clear as to which regime Rajan addressed his list of high-profile cases of frauds. The bad loan prob- lem mainly surfaced due to slowdown in the Government’s decision making and econom- ic growth seeing a dip along with over-optimistic bankers, he said. “A variety of governance problems such as the suspect allocation of coal mines cou- pled with the fear of investiga- tion slowed down Government decision making in Delhi, both in the UPA and the subsequent NDA Governments,” Rajan said in his note submitted to the Parliament’s Committee on Estimates headed by BJP leader Murli Manohar Joshi. Rajan is currently the Katherine Dusak Miller Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at Chicago Booth School of Business. He served in the capacity of the RBI Governor for three years till September 2016. The comments of the for- mer RBI Governor, who exit- ed after completing his tenure (not given a second term) dur- ing the Modi Government, triggered a war of words between the BJP and the Congress. The Congress hit back on the bad loans issue saying that the Narendra Modi Government is accountable for the NPA mess. Party spokesper- son Randeep Surjewala said when the UPA had left office in 2014, total (NPA)s were 2.83 lakh crore and this has jumped to 12 lakh crore under the NDA rule. Continued on Page 4 A fter the fugitive diaman- taire Mehul Choksi released a video message deny- ing all charges of defrauding the PNB, the Congress on Tuesday released documents to allege complicity of Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) and the Finance Ministry in the escape of Nirav Modi and Choksi from the country. Accusing the Modi Government of inaction, the party shared a number of com- plaints made by different peo- ple at various intervals during the last three years against the duo to the PMO and several other agencies, including Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Furnishing proof of Modi Government’s alleged involve- ment in their escape, Congress spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said, ‘’On April 20 this year, after Choksi fled, PM Modi met the Antiguan President in the UK but he did- n’t utter a word to send back Choksi. This is not my words, it has been said by the Antiguan President in an interview on July 27. The Indian Government never approached them on this issue.” The Congress also shared some documents on Twitter to claim how PMO, MEA, CBI, SEBI etc., gave a clean chit to the fraudsters and facilitated their escape from the country. The fresh attack on the Government from the Congress came hours after fugitive Mehul Choksi released a video message denying alle- gations of wrongdoings by him. Continued on Page 4 I n a horrifying accident, at least 55 people were killed and 33 others were injured when an overcrowded bus overturned and fell into a gorge in Jagtiyal district of Telangana, 190 kms north of Hyderabad, on Tuesday morning. The bus belonged to the Telangana Road Transport Corporation. There were 88 people in the bus at the time of the acci- dent against the capacity of 40. Most of the passengers were from the surrounding villages and belonged to the poorer sections. There were 32 women and at least four children among the dead. Twenty-three deceased women were in the age group of 50 to 75. State Transport Minister P Mahender Reddy has immedi- ately suspended the Jagtiyal Depot Manager Hanumanta Rao. “The bus was carrying more passengers than allowed and the brake failure appears to be cause of the accident”, the Minister said explaining why the action was taken against the official. Revenue Divisional Officer Narendar said the accident occurred when the bus was coming down from a hilltop temple at Kondagattu and the driver lost control while nego- tiating a sharp turn and cross- ing a speed breaker. “A probe has been ordered into the cause of the accident”, he said. Continued on Page 4 Kottayam/Kochi/Kannur: A nun who has accused a Roman Catholic Bishop of raping her has petitioned the Vatican rep- resentative in India alleging that the clergyman was using “political and money power” to bury the case even as the Kerala Government on Tuesday assured “justice will be done”. Making a fervent plea for urgent intervention, the nun in a scathing letter to Giambattista Diquattro, Vatican’s Apostolic Nuncio (a diplomatic mission, also sought to explain her silence before coming out against the bishop and said she had “tremendous fear and shame” and wondered why the church was “closing its eyes towards the truth”. Detailed report on P6 H yderabad city police cracked the case of theft of priceless antique from Nizam’s Museum with the arrest of two burglars and recovered the stolen gold tiffin box and tea cup along with spoon from them. Hyderabad city Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar said the two burglars Mohammed Ghouse Pasha, alias Khooni Ghouse and Mohammed Mubeen were arrested in a joint operation by the South Zone Police and Commissioner’s task force. Continued on Page 4 T he Congress, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and the CPI on Tuesday reached an agreement to form a broad- based alliance to defeat the rul- ing TRS in the year-end Assembly polls. The contours of a “Grand Alliance” in Telangana emerged with the top State leaders of the three parties holding a crucial meet in Hyderabad on Tuesday. The development could find echo in Andhra Pradesh as well, where the three parties could come together to contest the next Lok Sabha polls. Continued on Page 4 T he Indian Rupee continued to make a fresh low on daily basis against the backdrop of rising fuel prices, capital out- flow and global trade war ten- sion leading to mayhem in the stock market and posing seri- ous concern for the funda- mental of the economy. After opening in positive territory on Tuesday morning and touching of 72.25 versus the dollar, the Rupee plummeted 24 paise to end at a new record low of 72.74. However, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) interven- tion led to some recovery. Petrol and diesel prices hit fresh highs on Tuesday. A 14 paisa per litre hike in petrol and diesel prices each took the rates to an all-time high. While some States have marginally reduced VAT to provide symbolic relief to consumers, but it is too lit- tle to make any difference in view of the massive rise over the last few days in fuel prices. Petrol price in Delhi climbed to 80.87 per litre, while in Mumbai it inched up to 88.26. A litre of diesel in the national Capital was priced at 72.97 and 77.47 in Mumbai. Delhi has the cheapest fuel among all metros and most State capitals because of lower taxes. Mumbai has the highest sales tax or VAT. Petrol in Chennai costs 84.07 per litre and 83.75 in Kolkata. Diesel is priced at 77.15 per litre in Chennai and 75.82 in Kolkata. While the Government has ruled out any excise duty cut to contain the rise of fuel prices, it may be forced to come out with NRI bond, as was done in 2013, to deal with the falling Rupee. The Rupee is facing twin problems. First the rise in fuel prices, second, the strengthen- ing of the US dollar on the back of a strong jobs report and expectations of a rate hike from the Federal Reserve this month. The Rupee has also come under pressure from huge port- folio liquidation pressure from foreign investors. The political uncertainty about 2019 general elections have also been acting as a dampener on forex market sentiments. Foreign investors withdrew close to 2,300 crore from the capital markets since Monday. Continued on Page 4 Related reports on P11

- ˇ˘ *1, * ( -234 6+84ˆ4ˆ*8+ˇ4E> 95+˚-˙˚E>9%%7ˇEE … · ˘ ˆ ’ ˆ ˘ ˛ ˝(’ ˛ ) *˙ ˚ +,- ,.+/ ˚ ˙ ˜% ˛˝ ˝˜ ˝ ˝˚˚ ˘ ˜ ˝ ˝ ˛˜ ˝˚˚ " ˘ ˜ -˙

Oct 06, 2018



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Page 1: - ˇ˘ *1, * ( -234 6+84ˆ4ˆ*8+ˇ4E> 95+˚-˙˚E>9%%7ˇEE … · ˘ ˆ ’ ˆ ˘ ˛ ˝(’ ˛ ) *˙ ˚ +,- ,.+/ ˚ ˙ ˜% ˛˝ ˝˜ ˝ ˝˚˚ ˘ ˜ ˝ ˝ ˛˜ ˝˚˚ " ˘ ˜ -˙

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Former Reserve Bank ofIndia (RBI) Governor

Raghuram Rajan has blamed‘suspect’ allocation of coalmines and slowdown in deci-sion making by the Congress-led UPA as also the lack ofurgency shown by the incum-bent NDA dispensationaccountable for the rising Non-Performing Assets (NPA) of thebanks.

In his report to aParliamentary panel,Rajan also disclosed hesent a list of high-pro-file fraud cases to thePrime Minister’sOffice but was “notaware of anyprogress” on it.

“The RBI set up afraud monitoring cellwhen I was the Governorto coordinate the early

reporting of fraud cases to theprobe agencies. I also sent a listof high-profile cases to thePMO urging that we coordi-nate action to bring in at leastone or two to book. I am not

aware ofprogress onthis front.

This is a matter that should beaddressed with urgency,” saidRajan in his report.

Unfortunately, he said, thesystem had been “singularlyineffective” in bringing even asingle high-profile fraudsterto book. “As a result, fraud isnot discouraged,” Rajan said.

It is not clear as to whichregime Rajan addressed

his list of high-profilecases of frauds.

The bad loan prob-lem mainly surfaced due

to slowdown in theGovernment’s decision

making and econom-ic growth seeinga dip along withover-optimisticbankers, hesaid.

“A variety of governanceproblems such as the suspectallocation of coal mines cou-pled with the fear of investiga-tion slowed down Governmentdecision making in Delhi, bothin the UPA and the subsequentNDA Governments,” Rajansaid in his note submitted tothe Parliament’s Committeeon Estimates headed by BJPleader Murli Manohar Joshi.

Rajan is currently theKatherine Dusak MillerDistinguished Service Professorof Finance at Chicago BoothSchool of Business. He servedin the capacity of the RBIGovernor for three years tillSeptember 2016.

The comments of the for-mer RBI Governor, who exit-ed after completing his tenure(not given a second term) dur-ing the Modi Government,triggered a war of wordsbetween the BJP and the

Congress. The Congress hit back on

the bad loans issue saying thatthe Narendra ModiGovernment is accountable forthe NPA mess. Party spokesper-son Randeep Surjewala saidwhen the UPA had left office in2014, total (NPA)s were �2.83lakh crore and this has jumpedto �12 lakh crore under theNDA rule.

Continued on Page 4

���� +45��4%/6

After the fugitive diaman-taire Mehul Choksi

released a video message deny-ing all charges of defraudingthe PNB, the Congress onTuesday released documents toallege complicity of PrimeMinister’s Office (PMO) andthe Finance Ministry in theescape of Nirav Modi andChoksi from the country.

Accusing the ModiGovernment of inaction, the

party shared a number of com-plaints made by different peo-ple at various intervals duringthe last three years against theduo to the PMO and severalother agencies, includingSecurities and Exchange Boardof India (SEBI).

Furnishing proof of ModiGovernment’s alleged involve-ment in their escape, Congressspokesperson Randeep SinghSurjewala said, ‘’On April 20

this year, after Choksi fled, PMModi met the AntiguanPresident in the UK but he did-n’t utter a word to send backChoksi.

This is not my words, it hasbeen said by the AntiguanPresident in an interview onJuly 27. The IndianGovernment never approachedthem on this issue.”

The Congress also sharedsome documents on Twitter toclaim how PMO, MEA, CBI,SEBI etc., gave a clean chit tothe fraudsters and facilitatedtheir escape from the country.

The fresh attack on theGovernment from theCongress came hours afterfugitive Mehul Choksi releaseda video message denying alle-gations of wrongdoings by him.

Continued on Page 4

���������.� /7�48�*��

In a horrifying accident, atleast 55 people were killed

and 33 others were injuredwhen an overcrowded busoverturned and fell into a gorgein Jagtiyal district of Telangana,190 kms north of Hyderabad,

on Tuesday morning. The busbelonged to the TelanganaRoad Transport Corporation.

There were 88 people inthe bus at the time of the acci-dent against the capacity of 40.

Most of the passengerswere from the surroundingvillages and belonged to the

poorer sections. There were 32 women and

at least four children among thedead. Twenty-three deceasedwomen were in the age groupof 50 to 75.

State Transport Minister PMahender Reddy has immedi-ately suspended the JagtiyalDepot Manager HanumantaRao. “The bus was carryingmore passengers than allowedand the brake failure appears tobe cause of the accident”, theMinister said explaining whythe action was taken against theofficial.

Revenue Divisional OfficerNarendar said the accidentoccurred when the bus wascoming down from a hilltoptemple at Kondagattu and thedriver lost control while nego-tiating a sharp turn and cross-ing a speed breaker.

“A probe has been orderedinto the cause of the accident”,he said.

Continued on Page 4

Kottayam/Kochi/Kannur: Anun who has accused a RomanCatholic Bishop of raping herhas petitioned the Vatican rep-resentative in India allegingthat the clergyman was using“political and money power” tobury the case even as theKerala Government onTuesday assured “justice will be done”.

Making a fervent plea forurgent intervention, the nun ina scathing letter to GiambattistaDiquattro, Vatican’s ApostolicNuncio (a diplomatic mission,also sought to explain hersilence before coming outagainst the bishop and said shehad “tremendous fear andshame” and wondered why thechurch was “closing its eyestowards the truth”.

Detailed report on P6

���������.� /7�48�*��

Hyderabad city policecracked the case of theft of

priceless antique from Nizam’sMuseum with the arrest oftwo burglars and recoveredthe stolen gold tiffin box andtea cup along with spoon fromthem.

Hyderabad city PoliceCommissioner Anjani Kumarsaid the two burglarsMohammed Ghouse Pasha,alias Khooni Ghouse andMohammed Mubeen werearrested in a joint operation bythe South Zone Police andCommissioner’s task force.

Continued on Page 4

���������.� /7�48�*��

The Congress, the TeluguDesam Party (TDP) and

the CPI on Tuesday reached anagreement to form a broad-based alliance to defeat the rul-ing TRS in the year-endAssembly polls.

The contours of a “GrandAlliance” in Telangana emergedwith the top State leaders of thethree parties holding a crucialmeet in Hyderabad on Tuesday.

The development couldfind echo in Andhra Pradesh aswell, where the three partiescould come together to contestthe next Lok Sabha polls.

Continued on Page 4

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The Indian Rupee continuedto make a fresh low on daily

basis against the backdrop ofrising fuel prices, capital out-flow and global trade war ten-sion leading to mayhem in thestock market and posing seri-ous concern for the funda-mental of the economy. Afteropening in positive territory onTuesday morning and touchingof 72.25 versus the dollar, theRupee plummeted 24 paise toend at a new record low of72.74. However, the ReserveBank of India (RBI) interven-tion led to some recovery.

Petrol and diesel prices hitfresh highs on Tuesday. A 14paisa per litre hike in petrol anddiesel prices each took the ratesto an all-time high. While someStates have marginally reducedVAT to provide symbolic reliefto consumers, but it is too lit-tle to make any difference inview of the massive rise over thelast few days in fuel prices.

Petrol price in Delhiclimbed to �80.87 per litre,while in Mumbai it inched upto �88.26. A litre of diesel in thenational Capital was priced at�72.97 and �77.47 in Mumbai.Delhi has the cheapest fuel

among all metros and mostState capitals because of lowertaxes. Mumbai has the highestsales tax or VAT. Petrol inChennai costs �84.07 per litreand �83.75 in Kolkata. Dieselis priced at �77.15 per litre inChennai and �75.82 in Kolkata.

While the Government hasruled out any excise duty cut tocontain the rise of fuel prices,it may be forced to come outwith NRI bond, as was done in2013, to deal with the falling Rupee.

The Rupee is facing twinproblems. First the rise in fuelprices, second, the strengthen-

ing of the US dollar on the backof a strong jobs report andexpectations of a rate hike fromthe Federal Reserve this month.

The Rupee has also comeunder pressure from huge port-folio liquidation pressure fromforeign investors.

The political uncertaintyabout 2019 general electionshave also been acting as adampener on forex marketsentiments. Foreign investorswithdrew close to �2,300 crorefrom the capital markets sinceMonday.

Continued on Page 4Related reports on P11

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After protests by the parentsand the public over the

alleged sexual assault of athree-year-old nursery studentlast week in Mukherjee Nagar'sRosary Public School, the DelhiPolice Commissioner onTuesday transferred the case tothe crime branch. The parentsare demanding action againstthe school authorities.

According to police, thealleged incident had occurredlast Tuesday in the NationalCapital's Mukherjee Nagar andthe next day, a case was regis-tered by the district policeunder relevant sections of theProtection of Children fromSexual Offenses (POCSO) Act.

"I was changing her schooluniform when I noticed bloodstains on her clothes. I took herto Hindu Rao hospital whereafter examination the doctorsaid that she had been molest-ed," said the mother of the vic-

tim. "For the last two months

we noticed a change of behav-ior in our daughter. She used toremain frightened all the time.Even sometimes we noticedmarks on her cheeks and neck.Sometimes her inner clotheswere also missing. We hadcomplained to the schoolauthorities but no action wastaken by them and the negli-

gence by the authorities had ledto this rape on September 4,"said the father of the victim.

Deputy Commissioner ofPolice (DCP) North west dis-trict, Aslam Khan said that thecase has been transferred to theCrime Branch and the medicalreport also stated that the girlwas "touched" inappropriately.

"We have collected CCTVfootage from the school and the

case is being investigated fromall angles. We are not ruling outthe role of the school authori-ty or any family member orneighbor. Further investiga-tion is going on," said a seniorpolice official. The schoolauthorities said that the inci-dent didn't occur in the cam-pus and they have alsolaunched an internal enquiryon the issue.


Having nailed several noto-rious gangs and their king-

pins, the Special Task Force(STF) of the Haryana Police isnow focusing on curbing traf-ficking of illegal drugs andnabbing wanted drug peddlersin the region. To prevent drugtrafficking the STF will soon setup a dedicated anti-narcoticsunit at Hisar range to preventillegal consumption of drugsand keep an eye on drug cartelsacross the State. According tothe STF, Hisar district has thehighest consumption of drugsin the entire State.

Recently, Chief Ministers ofHaryana, Punjab, HimachalPradesh and Uttrakhand metin Chandigarh to formulate acommon strategy to deal withillegal smuggling and supply ofdrugs in these States.

After the high-level meet-ing, it came to fore that themultiple State agencies willwork out a joint strategy to startthe biggest ever crack-down onillegal consumption of drugs.

"The problem of drugabuse and trafficking hasassumed an alarming propor-tion. The reason behind settingup of an anti-narcotic unit inthe State is to nab the drug car-tels. Drug peddlers are increas-

ingly making links with people,the north Indian States willnow join hands to curtail theburgeoning drug trade in theregion," Deputy InspectorGeneral of Police (DIG) ofSTF, Satish Balan, said.

As of now, GurugramPolice have arrested 72 peopleunder the Narcotics, Drugsand Psychotropic Substances(NDPS) Act and 62 cases havebeen registered under theNDPS Act till August 20.

According to the data com-piled by the Gurugram Police,545 kilograms of cannabis(ganja) and 460 kilograms ofSulfa have also been recoveredby the police during the sameduration.

The STF suspects that mostof these drugs are coming fromAfghanistan, Pakistan, SouthAfrica, America in India areasof Jammu and Kashmir, UttarPradesh, Himachal Pradesh,

and Rajasthan.Recently the STF had

arrested two Nigerians inGurugram and over 1 kg hero-in valued at Rs 7 crore in theinternational market was seizedfrom them.

Officials with the STF said,several groups of Nigeriannational involved in the drugtrafficking in the Delhi andNCR region. "They frequentlyvisit pub and bars and rave par-ties to catch their clients andlater provide them illegal sub-stances. They charged Rs 4,000for 1 gm heroin".

"The STF is making aneffort to connect all backwardand forward links to unearththe entire chain of supply andmode of trafficking, end usersand source of origin of drugs.We have discussed the issue indetails and passed directions toour team to start action with-out any delay," Balan, said.

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Following a scuffle in thefamily, a 40-year old

woman was brutally murderedby her husband on Mondaynight. The Delhi Police onTuesday arrested the accusedand have recovered threeknives from the crime spot.

“The accused, identifiedas R ajeshSharma (42),at about 7.30pm onM o n d a ycame to hishome anda l l e g e d l yentered intoa quarrelwith his sonS i d d h a n t .His wife Poonam Sharmacame in defence of her son.An enraged Rajesh picked upa kitchen knife and stabbedhis wife and fled from thespot,” said Devendra Arya,Deputy Commissioner ofPolice (DCP), South-Westdistrict.

“We received a call inPolice Control Room (PCR) onMonday night around 8. 30 pmfollowing which a team rushed

to the spot and found thedeceased lying unconscious ina pool of blood with stabinjuries. The injured PoonamSharma was shifted to DDUHospital where she wasdeclared brought dead," saidthe DCP.

"On the complaint ofdeceased's son, a case has beenregistered under section 302 of

Indian PenalCode (IPC)and theaccused wasa r r e s t e dfrom the for-est area nearKallar ShivP u r i ,Sagar pur, "said theDCP.

"Rajesh Sharma andPoonam Sharma were marriedin the December 2000 andhave three children. Theaccused is a resident ofJhunjhunu district inRajasthan and worked as a car-penter. He was rendered job-less 2017 he was unemployedand a habitual drunkard. Heused to often quarrel with hiswife and children," the DCPadded.


Aschool bus belonging toKR Mangalam World

School, located at upscaleSouth City Phase-1, wasattacked by an aggressive carowner after a minor collisionwith his SUV. The incidentoccurred in sector-15 onMonday afternoon. Petrifiedchildren cowered below theirseats to save themselves frombeing injured. Some childrendid receive injuries as theaccused broke the wind shieldof the bus.

The accused managed toflee the spot and is yet to bearrested. The police have man-aged to establish his identityand a hunt has been launched,a senior police official ofGurugram Police said.

According to the police,route number - 21 school busof the K R Mangalam Schoolwas carrying around 35 chil-

dren and was moving towardsSector-15. The bus was drivenby Suren Mandal while Rinkuwas the helper.

A school teacher, Rita,was also present inside thebus. When the bus reachedthe sector-15 stretch, it had a

minor collision with a MarutiBrezza car driven by a seniorcitizen.

Later the accused over-took the bus, stepped out fromhis car and broke the wind-shield as well as side windowglasses of the bus.

"When the helper Rinkutried to stop him, he beat himup and also hurled abuses onthe teacher when she tried tointervene. The accused, how-ever fled the spot," the policesaid.

"The children inside thebus were shocked after theincident and some of themsuffered minor injuries. Wehave received a complaintfrom the school Principal.They have provided us the carnumber. We have identifiedthe owner of the car andpolice teams have been put onthe job to bring the accused tojustice" said Praveen Kumarthe investigation officer (IO)of the case.

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For the first time in 10 years,a team of students repre-

senting the All India Instituteof Medical Sciences (AIIMS),New Delhi, secured third posi-tion in the Inter-MedicalSchool Physiology Quiz(IMSPQ) annually held by theUniversity of Malaya, Malaysia.

The team consisted of firstyear MBBS students (now insecond year) Aman Tilak,Sankeerth Sadananda,Vanshika Arora, Aditi Rao andNipun Chandra.

"The competition consistsof questions related to physi-ology. In first year at AIIMS, wehave this subject, so only firstyear students can participate inthe quiz," said Aman Tilak, a

participant. AIIMS has been participat-

ing in the competition since 2009but it is the first time that it hasbeen able to secure a positionhence proving its mettle, said asenior official from AIIMS.

The competition was heldon August 15 and 16. This year,more than 100 teams from over24 countries participated in thecompetition. While Thailandstood first, China was able tosecure the second position.

Apart from them,Australia, Singapore and Russiaalso participated in the com-petition.IMSPQ is an interna-tional physiology quiz compe-tition conducted every year inKuala Lumpur, Malaysia wheremedical students from acrossthe world participate.

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Delhi Police on Tuesdayarrested two men for

allegedly smuggling in 500 kgof ganja in the national Capital.The duo had procured thenarcotic from Odisha to sell inthe Delhi-NCR.

“The accused are identified

as Devender (37), resident ofMathura (Uttar Pradesh), andYogesh (24), resident of Agra.We have received inputsregarding the supply of hugeconsignment of ganja in atruck near Geeta Colony fly-over following which a trap waslaid by the narcotics team andtwo men were apprehended atthe instance of an informer onMonday evening. On checkingthe truck the team found ganja

which weighed around 500kg,” said Rajiv Ranjan,Additional Commissioner ofPolice, crime branch.

"During interrogationDevender said that to earn fastand easy money brought himinto the contact of Raja Bhaiand Bhura, both from Odisha,through Arvind who is theowner of the truck in which theaccused have come to deliverthe consignment. Arvind cre-

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ated a cavity in his truck and theduo started trafficking of Ganja.Arvind through his driverYogesh used to bring Ganjafrom Odisha for Devender andsupply it in Delhi and NCR.Devender gave a sum of Rs 15lakh in cash to Bhura, inOdisha, for the delivery of 500kg Ganja. The duo arrested pro-cured the recovered Ganja fromBhura and came to supply thesame in Delhi," said Ranjan.

"Search of the source,Bhura and Arvind owner of theTruck is being made. Furtherinvestigation is under process,"Ranjan added.

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Having first-aid box ismandatory in all public

transports including buses, butsadly, the buses run by theDelhi Transport Corporation(DTC) either have empty first-aid boxes or the medicines andbandages kept in these boxesare often expired. An RTI dis-closed that DTC bus depots hasnot purchased medicines sincelast three years and the first-aidboxes installed in its large fleetof 3882 buses are for onlyname-sake.

According to the datashared by the DTC to an RTIquery filed by the activistZeeshan Haider, out of 39 DTCdepots only 10 depots havetimely purchased medicinesfor first-aid kits. Around 16-17depot is there which have notpurchased medicines since lastthree years. Moreover, there aresome 10 depots such as bothRaj Ghat-I and II, Kalkajidepot, BBM-I, Bawana andother remaining depots whichhave not purchased medicinessince 2012.

Interestingly the Raj Ghatdepot- II was launched in theyear 2015 as a smart depot."The depot was set up in 2015and the depot has not pur-chased medicines for the fir-aidkit installed in the buses thatrun and maintained by thedepot," the RTI reply stated.

As a matter of fact, emer-gency medicines such as burnheal; Dettol, Soframycin, cot-

ton, tape roll, bandage and anti-septics are kept in the first aidboxes installed in the DTCbuses.

When contacted , a seniorDTC official said, "As per themotor vehicle act, it is manda-tory to install first aid box inthe buses and to purchaserespective medicines everyyear. Also, the corporationprovides special training tothe conductors on the use offirst-aid box. So, there must besome negligence or lapsebehind the reason becausewhenever a depot request formedicines, the Regional man-ager sanction fund as per theneed. However, the depart-ment will take serious cog-

nizance of this matter andaction will be taken."

The bus depots in theNational Capital are divided onthe basis of region such asSouth, North, West and Eastand every region has one headof depot which takes care of theremaining depots that comeunder the head. Such VasantVihar is head depot of Southregion, Mayapuri for west andNand Nagri in East andWazirpur depot in the Northregion.

"Secondly, the first aid isinstalled only just because it ismandatory, otherwise no onewill keep it. Yes, it is a precau-tion step but most of the time,it is not used and go waste.

Either the conductor or the dri-ver takes it to their home.Also, some depots purchasemedicine in March and somein September as per theirrequirement. And most of thetime depot managers forget torenew the package if they havethe medicines pending withthem. Moreover, the 50 percentof the medicines which are pur-chased to be kept in the box donot have an expiry date or havea long expiry date such as scis-sor, rolled banded, cotton andothers such as savlon, dettol liq-uid and soframycin or betadinetube have one or two yearsexpiry time," added the official.

As per the Motor Vehicleact, one first aid box shouldhave sterilized finger dressing,hand or food dressing, steril-ized large or body dressing, oneextra large, two large and threesmall sterilized burn dress-ings, two 15 grams packets ofsterilized cotton wool, a bottleof 2 per cent, tincture iodine,a bottle of Sal Volatile, emptybottle fitted with eye drops and55 grams of Medicine glass andother article/medicine pre-scribed as considers to be nec-essary for providing first-aidfacilities.

"The buses do have a firstaid box but these are seldomused because in DTC or clus-tered buses, whenever a mishaphappens, passengers consult useven if we offer them help. Alsoconductors keep medicines butare hardly used" said a DTC busdriver, pleading anonymity.

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The Delhi Congress willintensify its agitation

against the AAP and the BJPover alleged illegal sealing ofnon-polluting householdindustries in the nationalCapital, saying the drive hasthreatened the livelihood ofnearly three lakh people in thecity.

The party also announcedthird phase of "Nyay Yudh"campaign under which it willorganise a 'Vyapar Bachao-Mazdoor Bachao' rally in KarolBagh on Friday, said convenerof the campaign MukeshSharma said.

"We will also announceddirect action against AAP andBJP, who are responsible forendangering livelihood of near-ly three lakh labourers andtraders by not taking steps tostop the sealing drive," he said.

Sharma alleged that BJP-ruled municipal corporationshave realised nearly Rs 20,000crore as penalty and conversioncharges against the rules, frompeople affected by the sealingexercise.

He said a large number ofsmall traders and labourershit by the sealing drive willattend the rally at Karol Bagh.Delhi Congress president AjayMaken will lead the rally.

Sharma also said that dur-ing the Congress rule, a noti-fication was issued to make

2538 roads for mixed land useand commercial and it wasthen decided that after payingconversion charges for eightyears no more conversioncharges needed to be paid butthe BJP-led municipal corpo-rations collecting conversioncharges with 54 per cent penal-ty forcefully.

He said that over 200 bigand small corner meetings willbe held in the next three daysfor the preparation of theprotest rally at Karol Bagh.

It may be noted thataccording to the Master Plan2021, Para 7.3 residential areasand villages (abadi) A+AI hasbeen allowed to run householdunits. A list of 121 items havebeen included in the list ofhousehold industries whichare non- polluting and havinglegal cover to be functional butthese units are also beingsealed, he said.

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The tragic death of five peo-ple inside a private housing

colony in Moti Nagar area ofWest district has taken a politi-cal turn after Aam Aadmi Partty(AAP) MLA and Vice Chairmanof Delhi Jal Board (DJB) allegedthat the STP plant where theaccident occurred comes underthe jurisdiction of BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP)-controlledmunicipal corporation. The fiveunfortunate labourers died afterthey inhaled poisonous gaseswhile trying to clean the sewer-age of the residential complex.

"When a private entitydevelop a society or mall, theytake permissions from con-cerned authorities to set up anSTP under building by-laws. Inthis particular case was by theNorth MCD," said Mohaniya.

The incident happened onSunday inside DLF Green

Apartments in west Delhi'sMoti Nagar area, in whichSarfaraz, Pankaj, Raja andUmesh and Vishal agedbetween 22 and 30 years haddied. Two of them died on thespot; others were declared deadby doctors at a hospital.

Clarifying the jurisdictions,Mohania added that I want toclear that in this case this sewerline and STP both are owned byDLF. "It is a solo responsibilityof DLF, why DLF is not takingresponsibility, "Moreover, MCDgave permission them for theSTP," the AAP leader said.

Meanwhile, BJP leader andin opposition , Vjiender Guptasaid , "AAP's response on thebehalf of DJB is irresponsible," DJB is solely responsible forthe set up of Sewage TreatmentPlant (STP) anywhere in Delhi.This is applicable everywhere ,the party is playing politics onthe death of five persons.. every

month people are dying .. whereare the equipments they(DJB)bought earlier, who will issueguidelines and where were theengineers, Gupta asked.

It is pertinent to mentionhere that in June month , Delhigovernment had decided to pre-pare a list of manual scavengers.

The government in its offi-cial statement had then saidthat they would be hiring 200sewer cleaning machines, eachof which would apparentlyprovide jobs to four personsand thus create 800 jobs.

The purchase of themachines would be funded bythe State Bank of India, theNational Scheduled CastesFinance and DevelopmentCorporation (NSFDC) and theDelhi State SC, ST, OBCFinance DevelopmentCorporation (DSFDC).

On Monday, the Delhi gov-ernment ordered a probe into the

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Day after launching thedoorstep delivery scheme,

Delhi Chief Minister ArvindKejriwal on Tuesday issuedorders to all Ministers of theDelhi Government for its strictimplementation.

The Chief Minister instruct-ed that no case submitted by themobile sahayaks to any of thedepartments be rejected by thedepartment without theapproval of the Minister-in-charge. During his interactionwith his Cabinet colleagues,Kejriwal said that no delay indelivery of services will be tol-erated and any tactics for takingbribe, instances of delayingapplications would not be

spared. "I will seek daily reporton all the applications delayed atany level," Kejriwal said.

Delhi Government in itsofficial statement stated, "Ifany of the request or applica-tion is delayed under thisscheme, it would be taken as anattempt to sabotage the pro-people scheme to further one's

corrupt practices". The violation of time lim-

its prescribed in the schemewill be taken very seriously anda disciplinary proceeding willbe started against the guiltyofficer. The head of the depart-ment would also be heldresponsible in such cases,Kejriwal asserted.

Directing his CabinetMinisters, the Chief Ministersaid, "Rejection of an applicationshould have the approval of theMinister-in-charge concernedand that the approval must betaken within 24 hours of suchdecision".

On Monday, the ChiefMinister had launched thescheme under which Delhiitescan avail 40 services, includingdriving licence, ration card,caste and marriage registrationcertificates, at their doorstep.

"The Chief Minister alsodirected that time limits pre-scribed for the delivery of theservices under the scheme mustbe adhered to in totality andstrictly. He has made it clearthat no violation of time limits

would be tolerated at any cost,"according to the statement.

It stated that the heads of alldepartments have been directedto personally monitor and ensurestrict adherence of the time lim-its in delivery of services.

The chief minister alsodirected that a report of all suchcases delayed must be report-ed to him on a daily basis.

Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)had announced about the doorstep delivery of services earli-er this year and had alsoaccused Lieutenant GovernorAnil Baijal for obstructing inimplementing it.

However, a five-judgeConstitution Bench had onJuly 4 laid down broad para-meters for the governance of

the national capital, paving theway for the Government toproceed with the scheme.

Announcing the scheme,Kejriwal had also said that theproposed doorstep delivery ofration scheme will become areality soon."I hope we will beable to overcome all hurdlesand soon home delivery ofration will also become a real-ity," Kejriwal had tweeted.

The Government has hireda private company VFS GlobalServices through which its ser-vices will be provided at thedoorstep of the citizens.

After police verification, 66mobile sahayaks (facilitators)have so far been hired throughthe company to set up a callcentre.

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After rolling out its ambi-tious 'Doorstep Delivery

Services', the Aam AadmiParty (AAP) Government hasapproved an outgo of �571crore for the installation ofCCTV cameras across thenational Capital to enable themuch-delayed pet project ofChief Minister Ar vindKejr iwal get going.Installation of CCTV camerasacross the national capitalwas one of the main agenda ofthe AAP during the 2015Delhi Assembly polls andChief Minister Kejriwal.

According to an official ofthe Delhi Government, thePublic Works Department(PWD) in an approval noteissued last week has said nocost escalation would be con-sidered for the project.

The Deputy SecretaryPWD in the official note issuedon September 5 last, had saidthat the department has given"administrative approval andexpenditure sanctions of�571.40 crore, of which �320.96crore is the capital cost and�250.44 crore is for five yearsfor supplying, installation, test-ing and commissioning ofCCTV cameras and other

allied infrastructure at variousplaces in Delhi".

The note also said all thepayments to contractors shouldbe made through electronicfund transfer only. The PWDalso demanded a quarterlymonitoring report and annualperformance report.

The project to install theCCTV cameras got the gov-ernment's approval last month-- three years after the cabinetgave an in-principle approval toit. Approximately 2,000 cam-eras will be installed in everyassembly constituency. Delhihas 70 constituencies.

Installation of CCTV cam-eras in Delhi was one of the keypoints in the manifesto of theAam Aadmi Party to improvethe security and safety of thecitizens.

It may be noted that AAPgovernment had minced nowords in accusing LieutenantGovernor Anil Baijal forinstalling the implementationof the CCTV project. Duringthe nine day long sit in of chiefminister inside Rajniwas along-with his deputy ManishSisodia, ministers SatyenderJain and Gopal Rai, askingBaijal to sign the file of CCTVproject, was one of the keydemands.

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The Delhi Commission forWomen (DCW) has

issued a notice to BabuJagjivan Ram Hospital onmedia reports of womenallegedly experiencing diffi-culties post-delivery due tolack of proper facilities in thehospital. The commission hasasked them to submit a replyby September 18, DelhiCommission for Women(DCW) spokesperson stated.

DCW chairperson SwatiMaliwal said, "It is very unfor-tunate that these ladies areforced to sleep on floor aftergiving birth. Poor ladies arebeing deprived of proper facil-ities by the hospital. TheCommission has institutedthe inquiry in the matter andwe are seeking clarificationfrom the hospital in the mat-ter."

It has been reported inmedia that women are madeto sleep on floors and dealtwith in an inhumane manner.Also, it was reported thatwomen whose infants areadmitted in Intensive CareUnits shortly after caesareandelivery are made to sleep onhospital floors.

It was also reported thatthe lifts in the hospital arenon functional, due to whichwomen have to face many problems, DCW spokesperson stated.

According to the noticeissued by DCW, the hospitalis asked to provide with itsfactual position on the mediareports, detailed reasons forthe lapses, details of actiontaken on erring officials andsteps to rectify on the lapsesmentioned in the reports.

However, a senior doctorfrom the hospital told The

Pioneer, "We have no infor-mation regarding the notice,however, if a notice has beenissued, we will answer thenotice."

Declining the claimsmade by DCW and thealleged media reports, shesaid, "The floor beds are therefor nursing mothers. We pro-vide this facility to the moth-ers whose children are admit-ted in the hospital so that they can feed their children."

The hospital in its defencesaid that due to the populationof patients, sometimes there aretwo or three patients on onebed but there are no patients onfloor.

"We cannot deny patientsof the treatment. The patientsare more and the beds are less.Even if we bring more beds,there is no space to keep them.Where will we keep them?" shesaid.

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While major political play-ers (NSUI and ABVP)

in the Delhi UniversityStudents' Union (DUSU) elec-tions rely on both the socialmedia and ground campaign-ing, lesser known parties oralliances like AISA-CYSS, whoare struggling to find a foot-ing, rely more on social mediafor their campaign. Theirmodus-operandi lies in wide-ly circulating short videosrelated to some incident ofviolence allegedly unleashedby the members of ABVP orNSUI on the social mediaplatforms.

In the run-up to the high-voltage student's unionelections, social media is play-ing a pivotal role in garneringsupport, with none of the stu-dent organisations ready totake risk of ignoring the socialplatforms. While platforms likeFacebook, Twitter, Whats-Appetc are used by Akhil BharatiyaVidyarthi Parishad (ABVP)and National Students' Unionof India (NSUI) mainly foradvertising their candidates,the All India StudentsAssociation (AISA) - ChhatraYuva Sangharsh Samiti (CYSS)alliance is using it optimally fortargeting adversaries.

Latest being the unequiv-ocal targeting of ABVP's Vice-Presidential candidate ShaktiSingh by the members of leftwing (AISA) on social media

after a "ruckus" was created byfew "miscreants" at DU's ZakirHusain College when Singhwent there for campaigningon Monday. AISA memberswidely circulated the videothat shows few "anti-social"elements with cane in theirhands moving ahead of theABVP leader over whom heseems to have no control.The ruckus went on while theABVP vice-presidential can-didate was helpless in con-trolling them.

ABVP has clarified that thewhole episode is purportedlyplanned by NSUI and left stu-dent organizations to malignthe image of ABVP. The partyhas categorically deniedinvolvement of its vice-presi-dential candidate Shakti Singhbut AISA-CYSS seems to leaveno stone unturned to takemaximum mileage out of the"untoward" incident by circu-

lating it on social media andholding ABVP leader respon-sible for it. A day ahead of theelections both NSUI and AISA,have demanded the cancella-tion of the candidature ofABVP's vice-presidential can-didate Shakti Singh.

According to a senior DUteacher the newly formedAISA-CYSS alliance is mainlyeyeing on vote bank that con-stitutes of students who residein hostels and paying guestaccommodations. These stu-dents are mainly from outsidestates and particularly fromregions like eastern Uttar-Pradesh, Bihar, West-Bengal,Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand etc.

"Realizing that ABVP haspitched a popular face hailingfrom the eastern UP for con-testing DUSU vice-presidentpost, who may possibly draw alarge chunk the votes AISA-CYSS is eyeing upon towards

ABVP, the alliance will miss noopportunity to tarnish hisimage and making a mountainout of a mole," he said, onanonymity. While another pro-fessor said that it is not theABVP but rather NSUI's vote-bank that AISA-CYSS will dentif the voting percentage infavor of the coalition increas-es. DUSU elections are on 12September.

"In the campaign for thestudent's union election thesedays, propaganda on socialmedia platforms are seem-ingly more effective in gar-nering support as compared tothe traditional methods ofcampaigning," said a student.Candidates in poll fray andtheir supporters have postedshort videos on facebook,twitter etc. in which commonstudents can be seen appeal-ing others to vote in theirfavor.

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On the second day of thedoorstep delivery ser-

vices, Delhi Governmentreceived 13,783. Out ofthese 4 ,758 cal ls wereanswered by the executivehandling the call centre.Rest of the calls were onwaiting line and are beingcalled back. SMSs were sentto 8101 callers whose callswere not answered and are

in process of being calledback. The total number ofappointments fixed for dif-ferent services to be availedby the citizens of Delhi was624 till 5 pm on September11. The doorstep deliveryteam had visited 74 house-holds in Delhi till 5 pm onSeptember 11.

This data is of the totalcalls from the time of launchof the scheme on Monday 10 am t i l l 5 pm on Tuesday.

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Vice Chairman of Delhi JalBoard (DJB) Dinesh

Mohania has announced afinancial support of �10 lakheach to the families of the fiveworkers who died after inhal-ing toxic fumes while clean-ing the septic tank at DLFGreen Apartments in westDelhi's Moti Nagar area on

Sunday.The victims - Sarfaraz,

Pankaj, Raja and Umesh andVishal - were aged between 22and 30 years.

Two of them died on thespot; others were declareddead by doctors at a hospital.Police said they have foundthat the labourers were notprovided adequate safety gearand were only given masks.

However, refuting thecharges, a senior corpora-tion official said that it is ourwork to approve the buildingconstructions which fulfillall the required norms.

He further added thatmaintaining the sewage treat-ment plant is not the respon-sibility of the municipal cor-porations and only the ownerof the property is responsibleto maintain it.

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incident. Labour Minister GopalRai has directed the labour com-missioner to submit a probe

report within three days.AjayChaudhary, an engineer with JLLcompany - tasked with the main-

tenance of the septic tank - wasarrested by Delhi Police onMonday for negligence.

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Railway Minister Piyush Goyalon Tuesday launched a web

portal wherein private and publicsector undertakings can contributetheir corporate social responsibil-ity (CSR) funds to develop ameni-ties at railway stations. The com-panies wanting to contribute canregister their requests on the por-tal — Rail Sahyog — and choose theamenity they want to promote.

The railways has identified fiveactivities in which such contribu-tions will be allowed — toilets incirculating areas, providing free Wi-Fi with kiosks for e-services for cit-izens at stations, plastic bottlecrushing machines, steel benchesand dustbins.

“We want the process of usingCSR funds to be simple and trans-parent. All we are desirous of is thata certain quality standard is main-tained. The company which doescontribute will have their names,logos or even company names onthe initiatives. We have no problemswith that,” Goyal said.

The portal also gives a cost esti-mation for each activity — �22 lakhto �30 lakh per station for toilets,with provision for low-cost sanitarypad vending machines, incineratorin female toilets and condom vend-ing machines in male toilets, andinitial one year maintenance.

The cost for providing freeWi-Fi at stations through setting uphotspots has been set at �10.30 lakh

to �12.30 lakh. Similar provisionshave been fixed for benches(�17,500 to �47,500 per set), bot-tle crushing machines (�3.5 lakh to�4.5 lakh per machine) and dust-bins (�4,500 for two).

A change in the company lawin April 2014 mandated that busi-nesses with annual revenues ofmore than �10 billion give away twoper cent of their net profit to char-ity. To encourage participation ofprivate companies and public sec-tor undertakings in identifiedworks/activities to be done underCSR in the railways, a policy frame-work had been put in place by thenational transporter in 2016.

It details the works/activitiesexecutable under CSR in the fieldof environment sustainability, san-itation and cleanliness such asrainwater harvesting, water recy-cling plants, solar panels, con-struction of toilets, provision forsolid waste management and sup-ply of filtered drinking water.

“I want to encourage everyoneto come forward and contribute,not just because it is mandatory todo so,” the railway Minister added.

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With China increasingly assert-ing its presence in the Indo-

Pacific, India and the US in theirfirst 2+2 dialogue have discussedengagement with Japan, Australiaand ASEAN nations to secure theseas and the skies in the region, asenior Trump administration officialhas said.

External Affairs MinisterSushma Swaraj and DefenceMinister Nirmala Sitharaman heldthe crucial talks with US Secretaryof State Mike Pompeo and DefenceSecretary James Mattis in NewDelhi on September 6.

While China claims almost allof the resource-rich South ChinaSea, Vietnam, the Philippines,Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan havecounter claims over the area.

China recently deployed anti-ship cruise missiles and surface-to-surface missile systems in the dis-puted South China Sea amid fre-quent forays by US naval and sur-veillance aircraft over the region toassert the freedom of navigation.

In a conference call withreporters on Monday, Alice Wells,the Principal Deputy AssistantSecretary of State for South andCentral Asia, said during the dis-cussion, China's reference came up“most in the context of the vision the

two nations (India and US) have forthe Indo-Pacific region, whichexcludes no nation.”

The US has about $1.4 billion intrade with the Indo-Pacific, over$850 billion in foreign direct invest-ment.

“So the conversations betweenthe two countries during the 2+2Dialogue were how they can bilat-erally, tri-laterally with Japan andquadrilaterally with Australia andwith the ASEAN can we work topromote economic security andgood governance and security of theseas and the skies,” Wells said.

“We discussed the Indo-Pacificas an opportunity for the US andIndia to be able to offer countriesalternatives for development, alter-natives for how they're going to pur-sue significant infrastructure pro-

jects and how they're going to workto be able to create a free and opentrading system that has advanced allthe countries of the world since postWorld War-II,” she said.

Wells said the US and India wel-come contributions by China toregional development as long as itadhere to high standards wherethere's transparency, rule of law andsustainable financing.

“But instead what we see is anopportunity to use private sectors tocontribute meaningfully to devel-opment of the region,” she said.

Responding to a question on theQuadrilateral Security Dialogue,Wells said, “We have been talkingabout principles for the supportiveinfrastructure development andhaving our experts at all levelsengaged.”

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From Page 1The Tuesday meeting attended

by State Congress president NUttam Kumar Reddy, State TDPchief L Ramanna and CPI State sec-retary Chada Venkat Reddy tookplace against the backdrop of effortsto bring all anti-Telangana RashtraSamiti (TRS) forces together in theforthcoming elections.

Uttam Kumar Reddy said theCongress was ready to work withall the likeminded parties, massorganisations and employeesunions and organisations of theunemployed youth. “We have toput an end to this misrule of KChandrasekhar Rao Government,”he said.

“We are all united in our pur-pose of putting an end to the dic-tatorial rule of K ChandrasekharRao,” L Ramanna told the mediaafter the meeting.

Chada Venkat Reddy chargedKCR with trampling over the demo-cratic rights of the people and mis-using power to encourage defectionsfrom other parties.

When asked about the forma-tion of the Grand Alliance theleaders said it was only the firstmeeting and the talks will contin-

ue among the parties.According to sources, the dis-

cussions focused on identifying theconstituencies where their respec-tive parties had a strong positionand points to be included in theirmanifestos.

The meeting was also attendedby the other senior leaders of TDP,including former MP NamaNageshwara Rao and formerMinister E Peddi Reddy and RPrakash Reddy.

The meeting came close on theheel of TDP national President andAndhra Pradesh Chief Minister NChandrababu Naidu authorisingTelangana State leadership to takethe process of forming alliancewith other parties forward.

Ramanna had already held sep-arate talks with the leaders of CPIand Telangana Jana Samiti of ProfKodandaram over the last couple ofdays and all parties agreed upon theneed to form a grand alliance.

After the meeting, the delega-tion of the three parties called on theGovernor ESL Narasimhan at RajBhavan and demanded removal ofacting Chief Minister KCR andensuring that the democraticprocess runs smoothly in the State.

From Page 1“This Government informed

in Parliament that NPAs havegone up to Rs 10.3 lakh crore tillMarch 2018 and it is now at Rs 12lakh crore. So, simple mathemat-ics tells us that Rs 9.17 lakh croreof NPAs were in 56 months ofModi Government,” he said.

He added that even if whatRajan said about bad loans origi-nating in 2006 was considered true,they still only were 2.83 lakh croretill the UPA demitted office andthis amount was manageable.

“Hold the UPA accountable forthe Rs 2.83 lakh crore but will youhold the Modi Governmentresponsible for the Rs 9.17 lakhcrore?” he asked.

In his note Rajan said over-optimistic bankers and a slowdownin Government decision making,which had popularly been dubbedas “policy paralysis” before the2014 elections were behind themounting bad loan mess.

Stating that the economy in theperiod 2006-2008 was strong,Rajan said that “banks make mis-takes” at such times.

“They extrapolate past growth

and performance to the future. Sothey are willing to accept higherleverage in projects, and less pro-moter equity. Sometimes banksign up to lend based on projectreports by the promoter’s invest-ment bank, without doing theirown due diligence,” according toRajan.

Citing an example, the formerRBI Governor said, “One pro-moter told me about how he waspursued by banks waving chequebooks, asking him to name theamount he wanted.” This was a his-toric phenomenon of irrationalexuberance, common across coun-tries at such a phase in the cycle,he added.

Unfortunately, he said, growthdoes not always take place asexpected and years of stronggrowth before the global financialcrisis was followed by a slow-down, which extended even toIndia, showing how much moreintegrated the country had becomewith the world. Strong demandprojections for various projectswere shown to be increasinglyunrealistic as domestic demandslowed down, he added.

He also pointed to loss of pro-moter and banker interest for risein NPAs. Over malfeasance andcorruption in the NPA problem, hesaid, “Undoubtedly, there wassome, but it was hard to tell bankerexuberance, incompetence, andcorruption apart.”

The Parliament’s Committeeon Estimates had invited Rajan tobrief it on the matter after formerChief Economic Adviser (CEA)Arvind Subramanian praised himfor identifying the NPA crisis andtrying to resolve it.

From Page 1According to the Congress, first

a complaint on May 7, 2015, was filedto Ministry of Corporate Affairs byone Vaibhav Khuraniya and RMGreen Solution Private Limited andcopies of it were to PMO, ED andSerious Fraud Investigation Office.The PMO acknowledged the com-plaint on May 26. A couple of yearslater on May 3, 2017, Khuraniya alsoemailed the complaint to SEBI.

Thereafter, a similar complaintwas filed to Deputy Commissionerof Police, Mumbai. Then anotherperson named Digvijaysinh Jadejafiled an FIR in AhmedabadEconomic Offences Wing, Gujaratagainst Choksi and others fordefrauding them.

“The matter went to GujaratHigh Court, where Government ofGujarat was a party. Jadeja also filedan affidavit on July 20, 2016, specif-ically pointing out that Mehul Choksiand others owed a debt of Rs 9,872crore to banks and are likely toescape from India,” Surjewala saidsharing copies of the complaints andaffidavits.

A complaint dated July 26, 2016,was also filed by one Hariprasad toPMO which has already been placedin public domain earlier, he said.

Surjewala pointed out that in areply to a Parliament question datedJuly 24, 2018, PMO admitted that thefirst report of action against Niravand Choksi was given to the PMOby Finance Department on March 1,2018. Ironically, Nirav had alreadyescaped on January 1, 2018, followedby Choksi three days later.

The Congress questioned ashow the Ministry of External Affairsprovided the ‘Clean Chit’ certificatefor Mehul Choksi’s citizenship ofAntigua in May 2017, as clearancecertified that there was ‘no adverseinformation’ against Choksi.Antigua’s Citizenship InvestmentUnit (CIU) also states that SEBI gave‘clean chit certificate’ to MehulChoksi.

“Were there an active warrant forChoksi at the time his citizenshipapplication was being processed,this information should have alreadybeen made available to Interpol, anotification of which would havebeen readily accessible by the CIUand its due diligence partners.Further, the warrant should haveformed a part of the criminal recordsdatabase in India and thereforedeclared in the police clearance cer-

tificate issued by MEA. It is now clearthat Interpol gave clearance to MehulChoksi, as CBI/ED failed to get awarrant issued against him or pro-vide the requisite evidence toInterpol,” Surjewala said.

Congress alleged that Modi metAntigua and Barbuda PrimeMinister Gaston Browne on April 20,2018 on the sidelines ofCommonwealth Heads of GovtMeeting in United Kingdom. It isthus clear that even Modi neverraised the issue of Mehul Choksi dur-ing that meeting, he said.

“It is intriguing that the ModiGovernment permitted the Indianpassport of Mehul Choksi to remainlive until Feb 16, 2018, helping himescape in January 2018,” theCongress alleged.

“All the allegations labelled bythe Enforcement Directorate are

false and baseless. They haveattached my properties illegally with-out there being any basis of thesame,” Choksi said in the video. “Thepassport authority revoked my pass-port altogether in view of which Iwas immobilized. I received anemail from the passport office whichsaid that my passport has been sus-pended due to reasons of securitythreat to India.

“I sent an email to the regionalpassport office Mumbai requestingthem to revoke the suspension of mypassport. However, I did not receiveany reply from them. They did noteven give me any explanation to whymy passport has been suspended,” headded. Choksi is one of the primeaccused in the Rs 13,500-crorePunjab National Bank fraud. He waslast traced to Antigua, where he hasbeen granted citizenship.

From Page 1The duo had entered the

Museum at Purani Havelipalace in the old city in thewee hours of September 3and stole the two artifactsbelonging to the last NizamMir Osman Ali Khan valuedat Rs 50 crore in the inter-national market. After steal-ing the tiffin box one of themused it for eating food dur-ing last one week when theystayed at a five star hotel inMumbai, Anajni Kumar said.

“After committing thetheft they had escaped toMumbai and stayed in a fivestar hotel. They unsuccess-fully tried to sell the goodsbut could not succeed. Ourteams traced them toMumbai and arrested them”,the Commissioner said.

The police producedthe two alleged offendersbefore the media.

The tiffin box made ofgold and studded with dia-

monds and gems along withthe tea cup and spoons werealso shown to the media atthe crowded press confer-ence.

“The two had undertaken reconnaissance of themuseum for forty days andvisited the place many timesbefore committing the theftin a well planned manner”,Anjani Kumar said.

While Ghouse Pashawas a habitual offender andwas involved in 25 cases oftheft Mubeen worked in Gulffor some time and alsounderwent imprisonment inconnection with an offence,he added.

Police Commissioneralso revealed that the duohad also tried to take away anantique Quran from themuseum. But as they heardthe calls for the morningprayers (Fajar Namaz) fromnearby mosque they droppedthe idea and came out to fleethe place.

After the sensationaltheft came to light theCommissioner had formed20 special teams to nab theculprits. In the absence ofsufficient clues, the teamsworked painstakingly and

succeeded in cracking thecase, he said pointing out thatthe police had only 15 secondblurry footage of CCTVcamera of a mosque outsidethe museum.

In the footage the twoyouth were seen coming outof the museum lane andboarding a motor cycle.Based on the images thedetectives worked and tracedthe two offenders, theCommissioner added.

The burglars hadentered the museum fromthe adjacent building andbroke into the first floorgallery through ventilator.They used a rope to scaledown from ventilator andafter breaking the show casethey took away only twomost expensive items whileleaving other itemsuntouched. They had alsoturned away the CCTV cam-era from the show case toavoid detection. Three pri-vate security guards on dutyduring the night remainedoblivious to the crime as thedoors were shut from out-side.

Commissioner said thatthe offenders resorted tomany tricks to mislead the

people. “In the CCTVfootage we could see one ofthem was acting as if he wastalking on mobile phonewhen he was in fact holdinga battery torch close to hishears. This forced the policeto go through the record ofthousands of calls made fromthe area wasting precioustime”, the Commissionersaid.

The two artifacts wereamong the 450 odd giftspresented to the Nizam MirOsman Ali Khan by his sub-jects in 1937 on the occasionof the silver jubilee celebra-tions of sitting on the throneof Hyderabad. The pricelesscollection was on display atthe Nizam's Museum ofHEH Nizam Silver JubileePavilion Trust since year2000.

The fact that the thievescelebrated their success byenjoying meals in the goldtiffin has become a rage onthe social media with manycreating memes and com-menting. “Whether the Kingand his family enjoyed thefood in the gold tiffin box ornot, thieves has definitelyenjoyed it”, one of themsaid.

From Page 1There are concerns that Rupee

could come under fresh pressure onWednesday as the Brent crude wastrading at 78.60 dollar a barrel at thetime of writing this report late in theevening. The previous closing was77.12 dollar per barrel. The fate ofRupee will also depend on theupcoming release of- industrial pro-duction data along with CPI andWPI inflation numbers.

The crude prices are surging asthe US sanctions has squeezedIranian crude exports, resulting intighter global supply despite effortsby Washington to get other pro-ducers to increase output.

At the forex market, the rupeeresumed higher at 72.30 fromovernight finish of 72.45 on the backof adequate dollar liquidity. Afterscaling a high of 72.25 in early trade,it quickly reversed the knee-jerkgains and tumbled to a historic lowof 72.74, triggering central bankintervention.

The crash of Rupee also led toa collapse at the stock market withbenchmark sensex losing 509 pointsto close at more than one-month lowof 37,413.13 due to heavy selling inFMCG, metal, auto and financialstocks. The 30-share index tankedmore than 1 per cent for the secondday, shedding around 1,000 point injust two days.

This is the weakest closing of

Sensex since August 2 when it hadended at 37,165.16. It had lost467.65 points in the previous day.The 50-share NSE Nifty crackedbelow the 11,300-mark by falling150.60 points or 1.32 per cent at11,287.50. Intra-day, it shuttledbetween 11,479.40 and 11,274.

Of the Sensex constituents, TataSteel recorded the biggest fall of 3.46per cent, followed by PowerGrid at3.21 per cent. FMCG stocks alsotook a hit owing to weak market sen-timent and stretched valuation. ITCdropped 2.92 per cent whileHindustan Unilever fell 1.19 percent.

Auto stocks were also down asHero MotoCorp and Tata Motorsdropped more than 3 per cent.Maruti fell 1.56 per cent and BajajAuto by 1.24 per cent. HDFC twinsalso suffered losses with HDFCBank losing more than 2 per centand HDFC by 0.68 per cent.

Bharti Airtel, Yes Bank, ICICIBank, Adani Ports, Kotak Bank,TCS, Vedanta Ltd, RIL, Sun Pharma,SBI, L&T, ONGC, Wipro, IndusIndBank and Axis Bank fell up to 3 percent.

Index may have lost just around4.5 per cent during the last ten days,but several blue chips stocks havefallen by as much as 20 per cent.Bank Nifty has taken the biggest hitby losing a massive 1,600 points fromits peak to close at 26,807 points.

From Page 1The victims include 25

women and seven chil-dren. 25 died on the spotand others succumbed inJagatiyal Government hos-pital. Seven criticallyinjured were shifted tohospitals in Hyderabadand Karimnagar while 17were being treated in localhospital.

The bus no. AP 28 Z2319 belonging to Jagatiyaldepot was coming fromShanivarpet to Jagatiyal viaKondagattu. As there was ahuge rush of pilgrims at theHanuman temple atop thehill and fewer buses avail-able more than 70 passen-gers boarded the busagainst the capacity of 40.

According to the policethe accident occurred ataround 11:30 am when thebus was about to come outof the difficult Ghat sectionof the road. “The bus wasvery close to come onto thehighway and was crossing

over the last speed break-er when the driver lost con-trol and the bus turned onone side and then fell intothe gorge”, said one of thesurvivors.

Jagtiyal Superintendentof Police Sindhu Sharma,who rushed with the policeforce for the rescue opera-tion said the real cause ofthe accident will be knownonly after thorough probe.

But the eyewitnessesand local people said acombination of factorsincluding the driver's errorand the negligence by theadministration led to thetragedy.

They said that the GhatRoad was not the mainroute between theKondagutta and Jagatiyaland there was an alternatebypass road. “The GhatRoad was closed for thebuses and other heavy vehi-cles after 20 people died inearlier accident involving alorry”, another local personsaid. “But the road wasagain opened for busesthree months ago as by pass

road was 5 kms longer”. The other reason was

the driver Srinivas was newto the route and failed toapply the brakes whilecrossing the speed breakerwhich did not have anymark. When the bus hit thespeed breaker with fullspeed some of the passen-gers staking close to him fellon the driver and he lostcontrol over the bus veer-ing sharply on one side.

Most of the passengersdied under the weight ofothers. The driver lostboth his legs.

As soon as the bus fellinto gorge the otherpasserby and the localpeople rushed to rescuethe injured.

The police and the rev-enue department officialsjoined the efforts later on.

With the heaps ofdead body at the scene ofaccident there were heartrending scenes at the siteof the accident as a largenumber of people crowd-ed the place. The screamsand cries of the near and

dear ones of the deadechoed in Jagatiyal hospi-tal where all the bodieswere shifted later.

Chief Minister KChandrasekhar Rao hasexpressed deep shock andgrief over the loss of lifeand announced an ex gra-tia of Rs 5 lakh to the kinof the victims.

In a message CMexpressed deep condo-lences on the loss of livesand injuries to others. Hefurther directed the offi-cials concerned to provideimmediate medical assis-tance to the injured.

State Minister forindustries K Taraka RamaRao and the local MP KKavita were among thesenior leaders who havereached Jagatiyal to super-vise the relief measures.District Collector ASharat, Superintendent ofPolice Sindhu Sharma andthe Karimnagar city PoliceC o m m i s s i o n e rKamalahasan Reddy werealso involved in the rescueand relief measures.



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All India Majlis-e-IttehadulMuslimeen has re-nomi-

nated all its seven sitting MLAsfor the forthcoming Assemblyelections.

The first list issued by theparty has only one change.Syed Ahmad Pasha Quadri,party veteran who representedCharminar constituency tillnow will swap the place withMumtaz Ahmad Khan whowas elected from Yakutpura inlast five elections.

Others renominated includeAkbaruddin Owaisi from histraditional constituencyChandrayangutta, AhmadBalala from Malakpet, KausarMohiuddin from Karwan,Mohammad Moazzam Khanfrom Bahadurpura and JafarHussain Meraj from Nampally.

They were all elected fromthe stronghold of the party in oldparts of Hyderabad. The first listwas released by the party presi-dent Asaduddin Owaisi last

night. Party sources at least twomore lists will be released asparty was in the process of final-ising their names. Party was alsoeyeing Assembly seats ofRajender Nagar, Jubilee Hills andAmberpet in Hyderabad and afew other seats in the districts.

Meanwhile the preparationfor the Assembly elections haspicked up the pace with thearrival of the team of ElectionCommission officials inHyderabad to assess the situa-tion. The team was led by theDeputy Election CommissionerUmesh Sinha. Team memberswill visit different parts of theState and hold discussions withthe respective district collectors.

Chief Electoral OfficerRajath Kumar has also releasedthe draft revised electoral rollsand they were kept in all thepolling stations for the votersto verify their names.According to the draft rolls thetotal number of voters in thestate was 2,61,36,776. It was2.89 crore in 2014.

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The family feud in the fam-ily of RJD supremo Lalu

Prasad came to fore once againon Tuesday when his youngerson and heir apparent TejashwiPrasad Yadav practically side-

lined his elder brother TejPratap Yadav.

While all the leaders of theparty huddled together at Lalu’sofficial residence to attend animportant meeting, Tej wasmissing from the scene. It is notthat he was not available or outof town; he was very much pre-sent at the house where themeeting was being held.

Not only that the formerHealth Minister was denied space, Tejashwi refused to

associate with elder brother’sscheduled programme onTuesday. Tej had organised apadyatra from Patna toSitabdiara by students wing ofthe party and former DeputyCM was supposed to flag offthe he event.

Students continued waitingor Tejashwi for hours outsidethe Circular Road house but hedidn’t come out. Finally Tejflagged off his much publicisedprogramme. No other leaderworth name was present thereto support Tej.

This family feud escalatedat a time when family patriarchLalu is struggling with hisdepression and high sugar levelat RIMS in Ranchi while serv-

ing his jail term.Furthermore, the RJD

meeting chaired by Tejashwiwith all the senior leaders,including Rabri Devi and MisaBharti, in attendance out right-ly rejected demand for reser-vation to poor among uppercastes. Only a couple of daysback Tej had supported thisdemand and wanted the partyto back it to gain support ofupper castes.

The meeting demandedfrom the Centre to make pub-lic the data of caste census.Tejashwi said that BJP and RSSdidn’t want to bring the figuresin public domain. Lalu too hadbeen demanding publicationof these data. Tejashwi toldnewsmen that his party wouldcontinue supporting dalitsrights and not tolerate anyamendment in SC/ST Act.“The Narendra ModiGovernment has an agenda togradually finish reservationpolicy. It is also contemplatingto make drastic changes in theconstitution and we willoppose it tooth and nail andmay start a big agitation, ifneeded,” he declared.

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The mechanised boats inAssam will soon become a

thing of the past.Stung by the recent boat

capsize incident that claimedfour lives in Assam and thecriticism that followed, theAssam Government has notonly decided to suspend therunning of mechanised boatsfrom the entire river system ofthe State but also to convert allthe existing single engine fer-ries to double engine oneswith reversible gear.

The decision was takenafter the Assam TransportMinister Chandra MohanPatowary held a review meet-ing with the top brass of theInland Water TransportDirectorate here.

“As per the safety norms,there must be one life jacket foreach passenger in the vessel andit will be mandatory for eachpassenger to put on the life jack-et while boarding the vessel,”said Patowary on Tuesday. Healso instructed that the DeputyCommissioners shall conductsafety audit of the ferry vesselswithin their respective districts.

At least four people diedon September 5 this year aftera mechanised boat capsised inBrahmaputra r iver nearAssam capital town Guwahati.Hundreds of mechanisedboats known as bhut bhutisare an integral part of theriver transport system inAssam. Thousands of peoplein Assam use the bhut bhutisevery day to commute to oneplace from another as well asto transport goods as part oftheir business. The lack-adaisical attitude of the InlandWater Transport Directoratetowards ensuring safety mea-sures have, however, led tomany capsize and othertragedies in the past.

The Minister also directedthat capacity building of IWTstaff and other stakeholdersmust be enhanced on a war-footing. The Minister routedthe fact that adequate attentionon fleet modernisation wasnot given in the past for whichvessels operating both underIWT and private operatorsturned old.

The ITW officialsinformed that during the lasttwo years, work for 15 steel ves-sels and 3 wooden vessels hasbeen undertaken.

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As the spiralling petroleumprices has become a major

political issue, the JD(S) –Congress coalition Governmentin Karnataka led by ChiefMinister HD Kumaraswamy tofollow Rajasthan and AndhraPradesh to reduce taxes onpetrol and diesel. Addressing apress conference in Bengaluruon Tuesday Chief Minister saidhe would be talking to officialsto cut the tax on petroleumproducts. This decision fol-lowed by Bharath Bandh calledby Congress President RahulGandhi which politicallyattacked ruling BJP Governmentat the Centre led by PrimeMinister Narendra Modi.

Kumaraswamy made thisstatement after he returnedfrom Delhi where he metPrime Minister Narendra Modiand sought Central aid to takeup rehabilitation and recon-struction of flood ravagedKodagu in Karnataka.

''I will discuss the prosand cons on how we can bringdown the State levies on themotor fuel. Anyway the UnionGovernment has ruled outbringing the central taxes onmotor fuel. BJP leader BSYeddyurappa has also given methe advise to bring down the

state taxes. I should respect hisfeelings even if the UnionGovernment is not responding.Soon I will take a decision,”Kumaraswamy who also holdsthe Finance Portfolio, said.

Chief Minister said he hadmet Modi and apprised him ofthe devastation in Kodagu andcoastal districts due to heavyrains, floods and landslidesthat caused huge losses to thestate. ''The Prime Minister hasresponded to send a centralassessment team and the teamis arriving tonight. We haveasked for a Central grant of�2,000 crore to take up reliefmeasures. Let us see how thecentre responds,'' he added.

To a question about bankssending notices to farmers whoare unable to return the farmloans despite the StateGovernment announcing loanwaiver scheme, he said the

Government had alreadyinstructed the bank officials notto do so and said theGovernment was ready to ful-fil the repayment assurance toall the banks including PSUand Commercial banks as perthe package announced by it.

Meanwhile Karnataka hasdeclared 23 districts out of 30 asdrought hit. Revenue MinisterRV Deshpande said the State hasdeclared 23 districts as droughthit as per the CentralGovernment assessment para-meters. He said ''TheGovernment had alreadyassessed the situation and initi-ated the preliminary measuressince last one month as mon-soon remained weak over mostparts of the districts in the Statefor last two weeks. ''Today wediscussed about immediate stepsto be taken in these drought hitTaluks in 16 Districts.''


The Tamil NaduGovernment’s decision to

write to Governor BanwarilalPurohit asking him to releasethe seven assassins of formerPrime Minister Rajiv Gandhiwho are serving life term in aChennai jail has not gone downwell with the families of per-sons who perished or serious-ly injured in the May 21, 1991bomb blast perpetrated by theLiberation Tigers of TamilEelam (LTTE) terrorists.The Edappadi PalaniswamyGovernment had written to theGovernor last Sunday askinghim to release Nalini,Suthendraraja (Santhan),Sreeharan (Murugan, who isalso the husband of Nalini), AG Perarivalan (Arivu), RobertPayas, S Jayakumar, andRavichandran, the seven assas-sins accused of providing logis-tic and other help to the LTTEexecutioners Sivarajan, Dhanuand Suba.

Dhanu was the humanbomb who herself got blew upduring the assassination whileSivarasan and Suba committedsuicide to escape from theIndian Army commandoeswho were deputed to catchthem from their hide out inBangalore.

Perarivalan hadapproached the apex courtwith a plea that though he hadsubmitted a mercy petition tothe Governor in 2015 seekingremission from the life term thelatter had not taken any deci-sion. The apex court had onSeptember 6 asked theGovernor to consider themercy petition of Perarivalanthough it has not directed himto set the assassin free.

Political parties in TamilNadu barring the BJP and the

Congress welcomed theSupreme Court directive whichled to the State Cabinet writingto the Governor invokingArticle 161 of the Constitution.

All the accused were sen-tenced to death by the trialcourt which was upheld by theHigh Court as well as theSupreme Court. But the deathsentences were commuted tolife sentences following theclemency petitions filed by theassassins. It was Sonia Gandhiwho gave clemency to Nalini.

Legal experts state thatthe advice by the Council ofMinisters is binding on theGovernor. But no time limithas been prescribed in theConstitution.

The Governor can alsoseek the opinion of the Centrewith regard to the Tamil NaduGovernment’s advice.

The Congress in TamilNadu is of the view that theassassins had been givenclemency in the past and theywere saved from the gallows.“But the demand to releasethem from prison is unrea-sonable and unjustifiable,” saidVijayadharini, Congress MLAwhose mother BagavathyPadmanabhan suffered seri-ous injuries in the May 21, 1991blast at Sriperumbudur which

killed Gandhi.While the Dravidian fringe

groups and pro-LTTE ele-ments have gone gung-ho overthe Supreme Court directive,the general public are reluctantto come out against the movelest they earn the wrath ofextremist groups. “Whatshould the nation think of awife and two children who for-give killers who join with antiIndian foreign terrorist organ-isation to brutally blow upRajiv Gandhi and kill him incold blood merely for follow-ing national interests as PrimeMinister?,” asked SubramanianSwamy, MP.

There is a fear among thepeople in the State that thesame modus operandi could bedeployed in future to set freeSasikala, Ilavarasi, andSudhakaran serving imprison-ment in the disproportionateasset case. “Many Islamistorganisations have asked theGovernment to release convictsin murder cases who havecompleted 20 years of sen-tence. This is not a good prece-dence,” said a legal expert whodid not want his name to bequoted. He said that action ofthe AIADMK in writing to thegovernor was with an eye onthe vote bank.

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The nun, who has accused aRoman Catholic Bishop of

raping her, has petitioned theVatican representative in Indiato sack the clergyman, claim-ing he was using "political andmoney power" to 'bury' thecase even as the KeralaGovernment Tuesday assured"justice will be done".

Making a fervent plea forurgent intervention, the nun, ina scathing letter, also sought toexplain her silence before com-ing out against the bishop,saying she had "tremendousfear and shame" and wonderedwhy the church was "closing itseyes towards the truth".

As the issue snowballedwith continued protests seek-ing action against him, BishopFranco Mulakkal of Jalandhardiocese in Punjab rejected thecharges as "baseless and con-cocted" and said he was openfor probe.

"If I am found guilty, whichI am not, I am likely to be pun-ished...I will appear beforepolice if I am summoned. I ama law abiding citizen," he toldtelevision channels in Jalandhar.

Accusing the nun of 'black-mailing' him, the Kerala priestalso also hit out at thoseprotesting against him.

Senior Kerala Minister E PJayarajan rejected allegations ofattempts to sabotage the probeand asserted it was proceedingin the "right direction."

"A very strong investiga-tion is being carried out in thecase. It is proceeding in theright direction. No accusedwould be allowed to escape theclutches of the law," he toldreporters in Kannur.

The Minister also saidthere was no pressure on thegovernment to act againstthe bishop.

The day also saw"Missionaries of Jesus", the con-gregation to which the nunbelongs, coming out against the

nun and five fellow nuns,protesting in Kochi seekingjustice, accusing them of"spreading blatant lies" againstthe Bishop.

The protesting nuns reject-ed the charge and said they willcontinue their agitation tilljustice was done.

In the lengthy letter toGiambattista Diquattro,Vatican's Apostolic Nuncio (adiplomatic mission), the nun,who has accused BishopFranco of rape and havingunnatural sex with her multi-ple times between 2014 and2016, said she has turned to theChurch authorities for justice.

She demanded removal ofthe Jalandhar Bishop, allegingthat while continuing in theposition, Franco and his closeassociates "are using the wealthof the diocese to divert" thecourse of investigation.

"Seeking your urgent inter-vention in this case as the rep-resentative of the Holy See inIndia," the nun said, knockingat the Vatican's door.

In the September 8 letter, acopy of which was available withthe media Tuesday, she allegedthat the Bishop and his associ-ates were 'luring' people to takea stand supportive of the cler-gyman by promising them prop-erties and other forms of wealth.

"They are arranging peo-ple to attack us and BishopFranco is using his politicalpower and money to get high-er authorities of the investi-gation and the Government tobury legal proceedings that Ihave f i led against him," she alleged.

Noting that she had filedthe complaint against theBishop two months ago, thenun claimed even though theSpecial Investigation Teamprobing it was convinced of theproof, it was not able to arresthim because of his political andeconomic clout.

"I beg the church author-ities to kindly make a speedyenquiry about this case and

remove Bishop Franco fromhis responsibilities as the spir-itual leader of the diocese,"the nun said.

Noting that she felt theCatholic church was stilldoubting her over the argu-ment as to why she allowedhim to sexually abuse her mul-tiple times, the nun said shehad tremendous "fear andshame" to bring the matter outinto the open. She also feared'threats' her family.

The nun wondered whythe Church was closing itseyes to the "truth when I havemustered courage...."

"Your highness, I wouldlike to ask: Will the Churchauthority -who stand to protectBishop Franco and safeguardthe dignity of the Church byhiding his wickedness- be ableto give back what I have lost?"she asked in the letter.

Copies of the letter weresent to 21 others, including theCatholic Bishops Conferenceof India (CBCI) presidentCardinal Oswald Gracias andDelhi MetropolitanArchbishop Anil Couto. Theletter surfaced as the protest byvarious Catholic reform organ-isations in Kochi seeking jus-tice for the nun entered thefourth day Tuesday.

Workers of various organ-isations continued to visit theprotest venue to lend theirsupport.

The protesters, includingfive fellow nuns of the rape sur-vivor, said they would contin-ue their agitation till action wastaken against the Bishop.

They have alleged that toppolice officials were trying tosabotage the probe.

The Missionaries of Jesuscongregation Tuesday said itwas planning to implead itselfin a case being heared by theKerala High Court.

In a statement, the con-gregation questioned the char-acter of the nun and alleged shehad an illicit relationship withone of her relatives.

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Jalandhar diocese BishopFranco Mulakkal, who has

been accused of rape by a nun,Tuesday rejected the charges as"baseless and concocted" andsaid he was open for probe.

"If I am found guilty,which I am not, I am likely tobe punished...I will appearbefore police if I am sum-moned. I am a law abidingcitizen," he told televisionchannels here.

The Kerala priest said helike everybody else had theright to take legal recourse.

He has been accused ofrape and unnatural sex withthe complainant multiple timesbetween 2014 and 2016.

Terming the allegationsagainst him as "serious", thebishop said only three personsknew the truth.

"The complainant's sister,myself and God (know thetruth)," he said.

The bishop also accusedthe nun of "blackmailing" him.

"In the first letter she (nun)wrote to Mother Superior, shemade some demands...Shewanted Bihar (church) to betreated as a separate region andthat she be re-instated asSuperior of the House...It is aclear case of blackmailing," heasserted.

The priest also hit out atthose protesting against him.

"Many derogatory state-

ments are being made againstme... Is anyone bothered? I aman individual and also a citi-zen...Though I am an accused,but that does not give anyonethe licence to tarnish my char-acter," he said.

Reposing his faith in theprobe, Bishop FrancoMulakkal said let the enquiryreport come up.

"At this moment, whatev-er is going on is not justifiable.I suffered it silently. This is atime of crisis...I am goingthrough painful agony...I telleveryone to pray to God...Letthe truth prevail," he said.

Meanwhile, the com-plainant nun has petitionedthe Vatican representative inIndia alleging that the clergy-man was using "political andmoney power" to bury thecase and sought his removalfrom the post.

In a letter to GiambattistaDiquattro, Vatican's ApostolicNuncio (a diplomatic mis-sion), the nun said she hasturned to the Church author-ities for justice. "Seeking yoururgent intervention in thiscase as the representative of theHoly See in India," she said.

She alleged that by con-tinuing in the position ofJalandhar diocese, BishopFranco Mulakkal and hisclose associates "are usingthe wealth of the diocese todivert" the course of thepolice investigation.

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Dismissed IPS officer SanjivBhatt sent for 10 days

remand by Gujarat HighCourt’s order on Tuesday inconnection with two decadesold abduction case.

Bhatt’s 14 days remand pleamoved by Gujarat CID crimedepartment was rejected by alocal court of Palanpur town ofBanaskantha district onMonday. Subsequently, Gujaratpolice approached High Courtwith the same 14 days remandrequest to interrogate formercop, but the High Court gave 10days remand.

The 1988 batch IPS officerwas arrested on September 5 bya Special Investigation Team(SIT) formed by Gujarat CIDcrime from his residence inAhmedabad on the charges ofabduction and framing aRajasthan based lawyer incrime related to narcotics.

In 1996 a Rajasthan baselawyer Sumer Singh Rajpurohit

was allegedly abducted andframed in a narcotics (opium)case on the instruction of Bhatt(when he was BanaskanthaSP) from a hotel in NorthGujarat town Palanpur.Subsequently Rajpurohit fileda case against Bhatt and sever-al others in Pali, Rajasthan.

Following Gujarat HighCourt had ordered to form aSpecial Investigation Team(SIT). During investigation SITfound that Bhatt had framedRajpurohit by filing false case.The Rajasthan lawyer in hiscomplaint claimed that he wasabducted by police in civil

dress in order to oblige then sit-ting judge of Gujarat HighCourt justice RR Jain.

Rajpurohit alleged that thefalse case was filed against himto force his family to evict arented commercial propertybelonging to Justice Jain’s sis-ter in Pali town of Rajasthan.He went on to say that he wasnot only abducted by impli-cated in a false Narcotic Drugsand Psychotropic Substances(NDPS) case after Gujaratpolice found nearly 1 kgopium from a hotel inPalanpur. According to him,he never booked a hotel roomin Palanpur and when thepolice raided the hotel, hewas in Pali.

Rajpurohit further allegedthat after abducting him, Bhattand his juniors pressurisedhim to vacate the rented prop-erty and threatened him toframe under NDPS Act.According to him, he had noother option but to vacate theproperty at that point of time.


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Bengal Chief MinisterMamata Banerjee once

again attacked the “funda-mentalist forces” for trying tousurp Hinduism and vitiate itscharitable tenets by reinter-preting it in their own dog-matic way.

Stopping short of namingBJP and RSS for upholding an“intolerant ideology” in thename of Hinduism “which it isnot” she said “today whensomeone tries to determinewhat others should eat andwhere they should live,” in thename of Hindu religion “I feelashamed,” because toleranceis the essence of the Hindu reli-gion which is the mother of allreligions of the world.”

Banerjee was delivering alecture at Belur Math, theheadquarters of theRamakrishna Mission orderon the 125th anniversary ofSwami Vivekananda’s famousspeech in the world conferenceof religions at Chicago.

Expressing her “great pain”because “some unholy cliqueconspired against me and cre-ated pressure on the

Ramakrishna Mission so that Ican be stopped from joiningthe Chicago conference thisyear,” Banerjee reminded“Hinduism is not an importeddogma preached by a handfulof people these days but a reli-gion that has emerged from theIndian soil. It is a great religionwhich preaches tolerance.”

Quoting SwamiVivekananda and his masterRamakrishna Paramahansawho preached unity of religions(sarva dharma samanvaya)Banerjee said in apparent ref-erence to the BJP Governmentthat “Swamiji said, ‘you may bethe king and I may be a cobbler

but that does not give you thelicense to demean me. You mayrecite from the Vedas withauthority but I can stitch theshoes with equal proficiency,’”and added “a true leader is onewho is dedicated to the serviceof the nation and not triggersdivision among the people.”

Attacking the powers thatbe for trying to usurp all theseats of spiritual liberalismincluding the RamakrishnaMission Banerjee said, “I havebeen told that once Belur Mathmanaged the affairs at theVivekananda Rocks atKanyakumari where Swamijiused meditate but today the

place has been usurped by aparticular group. I have alsobeen told that they are tryingto threaten the RamakrishnaMission into submission inorder to usurp this order too.But we will not allow that tohappen.”

Referring to Vivekanandawho had “once puffed from a

hookah of a Muslim person tocheck whether that triggers a fallfrom the caste,” her brand ofHinduism did not depend onthe one preached by some hand-ful of bigots. “My analysis ofHinduism will depend uponwhat Ramarkishna and SwamiVivekananda and not what somefundamentalists propagate.”

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The Bengal Government onMonday slashed petroleum

prices by �1 in order to “pro-vide some respite the people ofthe State.”

Announcing the decisionChief Minister MamataBanerjee said the Centre had onnine occasions increased exciseduty on petroleum , causing theprice to go up by �11. “We havedone our bit by reducing priceby �1. Now let them do theirs,”

Banerjee said.The State Government’s

decision comes a day after theall-India strike called by theopposition parties. Though theTrinamool Congress opposedthe bandh the TMC leaders leda massive rally in Kolkata toregister their protest against thecontinuing oil price hike.”

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Security forces shot dead twoterrorists in north Kashmir

on Tuesday claiming one ofthem was involved in killing ofa separatist activist.

A police spokesman saidthat two terrorists belonging toLashkar-e-Tayyeba outfit werekilled in Galoora village ofLangate in north Kashmir’sKupwara district. He said oneterrorist was involved in themurder of senior Hurriyatactivist Hakeem-ur-Rehman

Sultani of Sopore in Baramulladistrict. Sultani was killed byunknown gunmen in pointblank range at Bomai area inSopore on September 8.

The spokesman said thatslain Liyaqat Lone alias SahabaUmar Khalid along with otherLeT terrorists Gani Khawajaand Majid Mir, was involved inthe murder of Hakeem-ur-Rehman Sultani, a resident ofBomai on September 8, 2018.However, there is no word fromthe separatist HurriyatConference on Police statement.

Meanwhile, protests brokeout in north Kashmir’s Langatearea of Kupwara district againstthe killing of two terrorists.

The authorities suspendedclass work in Degree CollegeHandwara and all higher sec-ondary schools under Mawarand Langate educational zonesas a precautionary measurefollowing the killing of mili-tants. The authorities also sus-pended the mobile internetservice in parts of Handwara.

The counter terroristoperation was launched on thebasis of specific informationabout presence of terroristgroup in the area. After jointforces reached the suspectedspot the hiding terroristsopened fire indiscriminatelytriggering gunfight. It culmi-nated into the killing of twoarmed terrorists. There was noreport of fatal or non fatalcasualties on forces.

In another incident, sus-pected terrorists attacked anArmy bunker by hurling agrenade in Sopore area ofBaramulla district.

Security sources said thatthe terrorists lobbed a handgrenade towards army bunkernear Degree College missingthe target.

They said there was no lossof life or injury reported in the

incident. The blast created panicin the area and manhunt waslaunched to nab the attackers.

Unidentified terroristsalso attacked police guard atthe police station Pattan byhurling hand grenade towardsthe station.

They said a manhunt waslaunched to nab the attackers.

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In a shocking incident, a 32-year-old inebriated man has

been arrested for allegedlykilling his mother-in-law byflinging her out of the windowof a flat in a building at Thaneafter she tried to prevent himassaulting her daughter.

The incident happened atRumah Bali Society, nearHiranandani Estates, an upmar-ket complex of Thane, onMonday night when 68-year-oldParamjit Kaur had gone to meether deaf-mute daughterTarvinder Kaur (38) who recent-ly married the accused who is

younger than her daughter.Paramjit died instantly

after she was allegedly thrownby her son-in-law from of thefirst-floor flat where the newlymarried couple stayed.

The accused son-in-lawAnkush Dhiraj Bhatti, who wasarrested immediately after theincident, has been charged withmurder. “We produced theaccused before a local courttoday and he has remanded topolice custody till September 15,”Investigating Officer Pradeep N.Ugale of Kasarwadavali PoliceStation said.

A resident of Jammu inJammu & Kashmir, Bhatti runsa logistics company. He hadrecently married deaf-muteTarvinder, who is six years’older to him. Kaurs used to livewith Bhatti at HiranandaniEstates. However, Bhatti, whois an alcoholic, moved out tothe nearby Rumah Bali Societyas he needed privacy.

According to Ugale, moth-er-in-law Paramjit used to herdaughter and son-in-law everyday to enquire about the well-being of her handicappeddaughter, who used to be beat-en up regularly by Bhatti.

The situation was no dif-ferent at her son-in-law's placeat 8.30 on on Monday whenParamjit went to see her daugh-ter. Paramjit witnessed herdrunk son-in-law Bhatti assaulther daughter-in-law. Paramjitcould not hold herself. Whiletrying to preventing Bhattifrom continuing to assault herdaughter, Paramjit slapped him.

“Unable to stomach the egoof having been slapped by hismother-in-law, Bhatti in his

inebriated state and in a fit ofrage — pushed his mother-in-law to window, lifted her andthrew her out. Though it wasa first floor flat, the victim fellfrom a height of around 20 feetand died instantly,” Ugale said.

The residents in the hous-ing society rushed badly injuredParamjit to a nearby hospital,but she was declared dead uponadmission. After the incident,Bhatti had locked himself andhis wife up in their flat home.

Meanwhile, Paramjit’s sonManjit Singh was desperatelytrying to call his mother on hermobile phone. With no responsefrom his mother, Manjit rushedto his sister Tarvinder’s flat, butnobody answered the door.

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Valley of fearI��������������������&�� ������A'I�������������� �����������������������24;�>����������� �����

In remembrance of a versatile General������������� ���

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For me, remembering RohanDaluwatte (Dallu), Sri Lanka’s firstChief of Defence Staff was a poignantoccasion recently in Colombo. Hedied three days before the Sri Lanka

Army’s (SLA) eighth annual defence seminarto which I am a privileged invitee since itsinception in 2011. The event commemoratesthe Sri Lankan Security Forces fantastic vic-tory over the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam(LTTE) in May 2009 when its supremoPrabhakaran was killed in the last shootouton the northern bank of the Nandikadallagoon by 53 Infantry Division. This militarytriumph is a turning point in the history ofinsurgency in the 21st century and it wasmade possible by military commanders ofDaluwatte’s ilk, who miraculously trans-formed the Army, mostly on the run into awar-winning machine.

The war in Sri Lanka had been one ofsnakes and ladders, mostly snakes, morphinginto the ladder to conquest. I recall the pre-sent CDS, Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne,writing modestly to me in 2009, after subdu-ing LTTE: “The work that was started by you(Indian Peace Keeping Forces) has beencompleted by us.” My presence at the defenceseminar ensured by the present ArmyCommander, Lt Gen Mahesh Senanayake,who spent three years training in Pune,reflects the special bonding between the twomilitaries.

In May this year, Army Chief Gen BipinRawat visited Sri Lanka, laid a wreath at theIndian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) memor-ial in Colombo, which recognises the sacri-fices of 2,500 Indian martyrs of the first out-of-area peace enforcement mission. Rawatkept his promise to bring Sri Lankan soldiers,sailors and airmen for a Buddhist pilgrimageto Bodh Gaya by sending a Globemaster toferry the troops. Next time, the Globemaster,instead of flying empty, will carry Indian sol-diers to Colombo and return with Lankan sol-diers in a religious and cultural exchange. Suchare the enduring traditions of kinship andcamaraderie passed on by commanders likeDaluwatte.

The Daluwatte connection goes back to1988 when as General Officer CommandingIPKF South in Batticaloa, the land of singingfish, I first met my Sri Lanka Artillery (SLA)counterpart located in neighbouring Amparain my headquarters at Manresa, the airy andleafy Jesuit retreat perched on the Batticaloalagoon, not far from the LTTE commanderKaruna’s hideout near Kiran. Six feet two inch-es tall and baptised in the Armoured Corps,Sandhurst-trained Brig Daluwatte provedextremely confident and professional. Hebecame my intellectual and cultural guide,familiarising me with all I should know of thearea of operations. Jayanthi Daluwattereminded me when I went to condole her ear-lier this month, about one Indian naval heli-copter pilot Rufus, who would fly me toAmpara and while returning to base, performbreathtaking aerial aerobatics over Ampara.For all the rules he broke, he was recalledoverruling my praise for his courage and brav-ery in combat operations.

Just before the IPKF was to deinduct fromSri Lanka, after Prime Minister VP Singhchose to withdraw the force following the ulti-matum from Sri Lankan President Premadasato evict IPKF, thinning out of troops started.The areas vacated were occupied by a hasti-

ly assembled ragtag force called the TamilNational Army (TNA), which was later dec-imated by the LTTE. Daluwatte, somewherenear Kalmunai along with his security detail,was ambushed by TNA — pinned down withheavy mortar and small arms fire. Fortunately,he managed to contact me. I ensured no harmcame to him or his soldiers after contactingChief Minister of North East Province of SriLanka, Varadaraja Perumal to order theTNA to cease firing. Daluwatte and hisescort were able to drive out of the ambushunharmed.

Dallu will be remembered for his gallantleadership, as overall commander ofOperation Riviresa retaking Jaffna in 1995. OnDecember 5, Dalluwatte, at a ceremony inJaffna to celebrate what was deemedunachievable, reported to Deputy DefenceMinister and an uncle of President ChandrikaKumaratunga, Col Anuruddha Ratwatte of theSLA Volunteer Force: “Sir, Jaffna is liberated.”In his book, Road to Nandikadal: True storyof defeating Tamil Tigers, Maj Gen KamalGunaratne, Goc 53 Infantry Division, whichtook out Prabhakaran, notes “under thegreat leadership of Maj Gen Dalluwatte,Jaffna was recaptured”. Soon he assumed com-mand of the SLA and is remembered for

reforms like banning the consumption of beefin the Army and starting the Army Commandand Staff College.

The story not known to many is of anoperational briefing that almost never hap-pened at Welioya. Senior military and policecommanders were scheduled to discuss anoperation with Ratwatte on December 7, 1996.Two helicopters were to rendezvous secretly,one carrying Army Commander Daluwatte,Ratwatte and their aides. The second heli-copter with other commanders landed atWelioya. The one carrying Ratwatte andDaluwatte lost its bearings and reachedPooneryn in a bad weather. By the time thepilot recovered his coordinates, he had run outof fuel and decided to fly back to Vavuniyabut fell shy of it by 40 km force, landing in ajungle vegetable patch infested with theLTTE. The helicopter was disabled and soonblown up by the LTTE. Daluwatte decided theonly salvation was to walk and run toVavuniya as the LTTE was on the chase.

As the portly Ratwatte, with an injury toone leg could not keep up, the athleticDaluwatte did a running fireman’s lift tillmiraculously communication was establishedand helicopters with commandoes pluckedthem to safety. In the operations room in

Colombo, Chandrika Kumaratunga was cry-ing with happiness. Had they been captured,she might have accepted any deal with theLTTE for their release. But Daluwatte, withhis presence of mind and broad shoulders,saved the day facilitating the rescue mission.And the meeting was held at Welioya.

Daluwatte was an iconic figure in all thedefence seminars and this year he was con-spicuously missing, having breathed his lastthree days before it. The Army issued a spe-cial order of the day and performed his lastrites at a solemn funeral at Borella cemetery,befitting a four star General. In the one hourI spent with Jayanthi, she recounted the timewe spent together, bringing out albums,mementos and memories. It turned out thatmy driver, Lance Corporal Basanta, whobrought me to the Sai Baba-blessed abode ofthe Daluwattes, was from the ArmouredCorps, and was on his security staff when hewas CDS. He filled in the gaps along with myLO, Col Anura Dissanayake. Sri Lanka has losta dynamic thinker General, and I, a greatfriend.

(The writer is a retired Major General ofthe Indian Army and founder member of theDefence Planning Staff, currently the revampedIntegrated Defence Staff)

���������� ����Sir — Delhi Chief Minister ArvindKejriwal deserves all compliments forgifting the people of Delhi a uniquehome delivery of public services thatbegan from September 10.

It is a revolutionary initiative notonly in India but the entire world.Covering just 40 services in thebeginning it will later be increased toa total of 100 services.

The services will commence witha nominal fee of �50 in all convenienthours from 8 am till 10 pm so thatpeople can take advantage even after

returning from work. The service willnot only save huge man-hours, butalso allow public-dealing offices of theDelhi Government to work moreefficiently avoiding direct dealingwith members of the public.

Service will be of great advantageto illiterate people where service-pro-viding team members will even be fill-ing required forms. It is good that theDelhi Government has taken suffi-cient safeguards to avoid corruption.Ithas established a call centre to reg-ister feedback calls.

Service providing agency, havingbeen given the contract, should ensure

the success of the scheme to procuresuch contracts from other States aswell. Off icers of the DelhiGovernment also deserves compli-ments for making the dream cometrue. It is welcome that Chief Secretaryof Delhi also shared a seat on the daisand was seen lauding the launch ofsuch a first-of-its-kind initiative.

It will be appropriate if politiciansfrom other parties too would haveexpressed their feelings about thescheme to encourage more and moreStates to follow the move.

SC AgrawalDelhi

�����������Sir — The belated revelation that the1976 Booker prize winner to authorDavid Storey was decided by the tossof a coin comes as a big surprise. Itwas stated that the selection panelcomprised of three judges.

Since one of them, a woman,decided not to take part in the processas the nominated novels had con-tained heavy dose of sex in them, theresponsibility fell flat on the other two judges.

The differing views of the othertwo judges had led to the spin of the

coin to select the winner. Instead oftossing the coin, the two judges couldhave decided in favour of the two nov-els and thus, the 1976 Booker prizecould have been shared by the twoauthors.

Coming to think of it, one won-ders whether such processes will beset in motion to select the best title!But then, necessity is the mother ofinvention.

VS JayaramanChennai

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Rajan’s statement proves that it is theCongress which is responsible for the

increase in non-performing assets. —Union Minister


Hold UPA accountable for �2.83 lakh croreNPAs but will you hold Modi Government

responsible for the �9.17 lakh crore?—Congress spokesperson



Recently, I came across abeautiful advertisementby Mahindra on educat-ing a girl child — Ladkihaath se nikal jayegi. It is

an inspiring take on how educationcan empower girls. But all this jointeffort of the Government and cor-porates would be futile if we do notcreate a pathway for retention andgrowth for women in workplace,and elevate strong individuals tokey leadership positions.

It is a well-researched fact thathaving more women in workforcehas a direct impact on GDP growth.For example, in the US, since 1970,as much as 26 per cent of growthin GDP has been directly attributedto an increase of women in work-force. According to another study,teams with mixed gender are moreproductive and creative. In fact,economists found that simply mov-ing from an all-male or all-femaleoffice to one that was evenly splitcould possibly increase revenueby 41 per cent. This is becausegreater social diversity implies agreater spread of experience, whichadd to the collective knowledge ofa group of workers and make theunit perform more effectively.

However, women around theglobe have remained underrepre-sented at every level in the corporateworld. For most women, balancingboth home and career takes a toll,and they decide to take a break. Itis a huge loss for the company, soci-ety and nation as a whole. Althoughhiring women has been clearly ben-eficial, the benefits will not accruewith a mere increase in headcount.Women are largely untappedresources that are often not recog-nised. Hence, increasing the num-ber of women in leadership positionsis critical not only to give women avoice, but also because women’sinvolvement improves the way lead-ership and decision-making is prac-ticed. As a nation, we should devel-op strong leadership and successionprogrammes to mentor or guidedeserving women candidates toleadership positions in the country.

Women’s representation in themanagement pipeline drops sub-stantially as one climbs the higher

ladder. The proportion of women inseniormost management role falls to18 per cent from 46 per cent at theentry level. Apart from some of thechallenges that both men andwomen face in the workplace likework/life balance, parenting, jug-gling responsibilities and multi-tasking, there are specific chal-lenges such as wage gap, discrimi-nation and sexual harassment atworkplace, that are distinctive forwomen. Women still earn only 73per cent of what men earn for thesame job, and sadly, sexual harass-ment is still not a thing from the past.

In one of studies of 400 largestcompanies in California, only 9.7per cent of boardrooms or top pay-ing executive positions were held bywomen. Thirty-four per cent hadno women on their executive boardand none of the companies in thestudy had an all-female board. Inaddition, none of the companieshad a gender-balanced board ormanagement team.

What steps should companiestake to improve more women par-ticipation in higher management?The first step is to develop the inter-nal pipeline and make sure that itis not choked. Leveraging existingHR information and data analyticscan generate important insightsabout the workforce and help iden-tify high potential women as lead-ership candidates. Developing theinternal pipeline is not solely aboutthe talent process. Workplace pro-grammes and efforts such as work-life integration and pay equity arealso important factors to considerin strategies to develop the talentpipeline in the industry.

Opportunities for individualcoaching, affinity-based leadershipdevelopment, executive sponsor-ship and mentoring are also essen-tial components of the leadershipdevelopment continuum — partic-ularly for women who may lackaccess to training and advancementoptions. Stretch assignments arealso effective interventions to devel-op new skills and perspectives,and including diverse high poten-tial employees in networking eventswith company and industry leadersis another strategy to build compe-tencies and forge new relationships.

To hire right women talent,organisations should determine thecurrent and future needs. The iden-tification and analysis of criticalroles is the first step in developingthe pool of next generation leadersand critical talent. Companiesshould assess the talent pool and

characterise necessary skills andcompetencies needed for success inthose roles. Also, companies shoulddetermine the mix for filling gapsand the cultural importance of hir-ing from within for critical roles. Animportant aspect is to define thepool of internal candidates. Steps areneeded to track promotion andturnover rates, and lower-than-expected promotion rates may indi-cate that development programmesneed to be revisited and refined.

Similarly, higher-than-expect-ed turnover rates should drivechanges in how the organisationapproaches building pipelines forcritical positions. Also, define thepool of existing external candidates,bearing in mind the skills needed,competencies, and talent profiles,mine information on past candi-dates in the organisation’s candidatedatabase to identify matches andassess the potential of externalhires to fill critical roles.

Also define and execute cam-paigns to engage candidates. Identifyconferences, industry associations,and social networks that match thecritical role profile. Moreover, workwith hiring managers and employ-ees for relationship building. Inaddition, assess and refine currentsourcing strategies and analysesources that have been successful in

the past to develop a targeted sourc-ing strategy for external candidatesbased on ideal candidate profiles andhistorical trends. Companies shouldimplement and monitor sourcingstrategies to seek talent that can fillcritical roles, and capture informa-tion about those people’s knowledge,skills and experience in addition tocontact information for ongoingcommunications. Finally, it is cru-cial to track the overall size and qual-ity of internal and external pools.

Once potential women leadersare identified, organisations shouldestablish a development frameworkto nurture them. Organisationsshould actively engage potentialleaders by identifying and investingin high performing women with thecapacity and inclination to lead, andgive them the skills, training andconfidence to do so. They shouldtreat leadership as a tangible skill andprovide training opportunities andconfidence building for womenwho wish to hone their skills.Networking is the most importantskill and organisations should helppotential women leaders to establishrelationships and networks. Theyshould actively connect junior-levelemployees with senior female leadermentors and create networkingopportunities regardless of level.

Organisations should also con-

sciously enhance the visibility ofrole models and highlight femalesenior leaders. Companies shouldarticulate the steps for career devel-opment, starting with employees intheir twenties or earliest stages oftheir careers and combine ‘soft’ and‘hard’ rewards. It is necessary toreinforce and validate women’sperformance with clear and consis-tent personal feedback, togetherwith the more conventional rewardsof raises and promotions.

Several companies have iden-tified the importance to developingwomen leaders. For example,Sanofi’s ELEVATE initiative waslaunched as an accelerated, six-month development programme toprepare potential women in theorganisation for leadership roles.Participants were nominated basedon the existing talent reviewprocess, with a target cohort size of20-25 women. Women were iden-tified from the senior director andAVP level, the natural feeder poolfor the leadership level where Sanofisaw the largest gender gap.

Participants represented alllines of business at Sanofi includ-ing STEM fields, commercial roles,staff roles and manufacturing. Theywere split into small teams thatworked on projects outside theircurrent business entity. Each teamwas assigned a senior-level sponsorand executive coach. The six-month action-learning project pro-vided experiences for participantsto develop senior-level leadershipskillsets while identifying newgrowth opportunities and buildingnew capabilities for Sanofi.

Leadership competencies devel-oped included cross-functional col-laboration, managing stakeholders,negotiation and exercising influence,navigating and influencing genderdynamics, communicating withvision, leading strategic change, andcreating a culture of innovationand growth. Of all the women whowent through the programme, about60 per cent had been promoted orhad made developmental movesthat expanded their knowledge.

Organisations and policy-mak-ers have a responsibility towards thenation to develop strong internalpipelines, which identify and nur-ture women employees and devel-op them into strong leaders. Thiswill ensure that the efforts of everygirl child to become empoweredwill have a clear roadmap to suc-ceed in the corporate world.

(The writer is AssistantProfessor, Amity University)




Running double stack containersunder 25 KV Over HeadElectrification (OHE) is easier said

than done. But this is exactly what NareshKumar, a young mechanical engineer, wholeft his job with the Indian Railways to tryhis luck in the private sector, has been ableto do with his revolutionary idea ofVamana, or the ‘dwarf ’ container, thatmakes optimum use of the envelopeavailable under the OHE catenary.

It was in 2006, when Kumar was ondeputation to the Pipavav RailCorporation, a JV company of IndianRailways, when he conceptualised the ideaof double-stack ISO containers for trainsrunning on the non-electrified sections ofRewari-Pipavav/Mundra, which have beenrunning almost for a decade now. Leavinghis job with the railways in 2010, he setup his own company, Kalyani Cast Tech,and rest is history.

A standard 8x8x40 feet ISO contain-er does not make use of the 4-feet addi-tional height available up to the 25kVOHE catenary wires, but a double-stackeddwarf container service does so, enablingalmost 30 per cent savings in freightcharges. Besides, the ‘dwarf ’ can hold avolume of approximately 67 per cent morewhen compared to traditional ones.Double-stacked containers can carry aweight of 71 tonnes, as against 40 tonnescarried by an ISO container. This max-imises the available envelope of movingdimensions under the catenary as well asthe permissible axle load.

This could prove to be a game-chang-er for the Railways, winning back bulkylow-density traffic, such as plastic gran-ules, white goods, FMCG products, PVCfabric, even automobiles. So far, 90 unitshave been made, 180 more are on order,and the tally could reach over 2,000.

With 48 hours of transit time betweenDadri-JNPT and Dadri-Pipavav-Mundracorridors, the Container Corporation ofIndia Ltd (CONCOR) has been able tocapture almost half of EXIM cargo of the

ISO containers. Double stacked ISO con-tainers between Rewari and Pipavav non-electrified section has been a runaway suc-cess, and the ‘dwarf ’ could prove to bewinner too, and this time right under theOHE. New ‘dwarf ’ containers are lower inheight by 662-mm (26 inches) and widerby 162-mm (6.3 inches) than standard ISOcontainers. Inside space has been max-imised by adopting FRP (fibreglass rein-forced plastic) flooring-only 9-mm thick,as against ISO’s 28-mm thick hardboardflooring.

The dwarf container is provided withan elongated corner castings so that thestandard locking arrangement on contain-er flat wagons could be used, even whenthe container is wider. Though the mov-ing dimension permits 3,250 millimetresand 3,135 millimetres in case of double-decker coaches, the Motor Vehicle Act per-mits only 2,600 millimetres width on road.Hence, the ‘dwarf ’ was designed with thislimitation. Special dispensation by theMinistry of Road Transport and Highwaysfor 3,250 millimetres wide dwarf contain-ers will enable full use of the potential ofthe Indian Railway’s BG tracks.

The existing BLC f lat wagons,designed for 2,438 millimetres wide ISOcontainers, is only 2,100 millimetres wideand part of the ISO container overhangsby 169 millimetres on either side. With3,250 millimetres wide dwarf container,

this overhang would increase to 575 mil-limetres on either side.

Perhaps, new wider BLCs could bedesigned and manufactured especiallyfor these containers for domestic traffic;or existing ones can be modified withadditional set of locks that can be fit tocarry both ISO as well as dwarf domesticcontainers. The first consignment ofpolypropylene granules in 82 double-stacked containers was moved fromReliance Industries’ (RIL) own siding inKanalus near Rajkot in Gujarat to Rewariin Haryana, earning the Railways �31.4lakh for the round trip. The second traincarrying 90 dwarf containers left onAugust 14 from RIL’s siding near Jamnagarand reached its siding near Ludhiana inthree days. This ‘green’ initiative also helpsto keep thousands of trucks spewingnoxious fumes off the road.

Additional routes have already beencleared for running these double-stackcontainers. The Jamnagar-Pune-Bangaloreroute via Jalgaon-Manmad-Daund-Guntakal has immense potential forfreight from RIL and other auto andFMCG units located in Gujarat destinedto southern States. ‘Dwarf ’ offers fast,cheap and timely deliveries, which couldbring about a paradigm shift from road torail in not distant a future.

(The writer is a former Member,Railway Board)

High-speed reform in railways




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Shaping future of women leadersIn order to facilitate more women participation in higher management, organisations must develop a strong internal

pipeline and make sure it is not choked. This can be ensured by elevating strong individuals to key leadership positions


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When you get to select who your boss will or will notbe, it is a recipe for disaster. Despite his redemptionwith the bat on the tour of England, Indian cricketcaptain Virat Kohli, who couldn’t get along with AnilKumble when the latter was the coach so pushed forand got Ravi Shastri with whom he hits it off as hisboss instead, most discerning observers could seewhat was coming. Kumble, a cricketing legend,pushed the team but the fragile egos of our overpaidand underperforming cricketers couldn’t take it.

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Army Chief General BipinRawat on Tuesday

reviewed the reports of fourstudy groups set up to rec-ommend ways to restructurethe force to enhance its com-bat effectiveness and savemoney for capital expenditure.Apart from a proposal toreduce the 13 lakh strongarmy by at least 1,50,000 overthe next few years, the com-manders also discussed thepossibility of increasing thepensionable tenure from theexisting 15 to 20 years forjawans.

At present, the jawans areeligible for full pension aftera service of 15 years. Given theimprovement in life expectan-cy and enhanced levels of fit-ness over the last five decades,the Army feels a jawan cannow go home after 20 years ofservice. It will save the gov-ernment money in terms ofpension and expenditureincurred on training a rawrecruit into a fighting soldier,officials said here.

The four study groups toreview the ArmyHeadquarters, promotion ofjawans, cadre review of offi-cers and restructuring of var-ious arms respectively gavetheir presentations to theChief besides seven com-manders. A much widergroup will have final reviewduring the ArmyCommanders conference nextmonth and if the recommen-dations are approved then theproposals will be circulated

amongst the army personnelfor their feedback. The finalnod will come from theDefence Ministry and officialssaid the proposals will beimplemented early next year.

The proposed reductionin strength is expected to saveat least �5,000-7,000 croreannually and will add at least20% to the existing capitalexpenditure of the budget,they said.

The Army is facing anincreasing burden of revenueexpenditure and pensionsleaving very little funds fornew purchases and moderni-sation. In this year’s defencebudget, the Army’s share was�1,28,076 crore for revenuestream while �26,688 crorewas the capital allocation..The current revenue to capi-tal ratio is around 83:17 whichis unviable. While the idealratio is 60:40, the target is65:35 which itself will be agreat achievement, officialssaid.

Apart from reducing thestrength to make the forceleaner and better equipped,the Army is also mullingdoing away with the rank ofBrigadier and brigade head-quarters as part of the officercadre review.

This is expected to free upsignificant number of officerswho will be available for fieldduties. Army headquarterstoo is likely to see a majorchurn with several depart-ments doing overlappingfunctions merged or off-loaded away from the head-quarters.

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There’s good news for healthworkers like anganwadi

workers and Accredited SocialHealth Activists (ASHA) andAuxiliary Nurse Midwives(ANM) working at the ground-level to improve the delivery ofhealth and nutrition services inthe society. Starting October,anganwadi workers receiving�3,000 so far would get �4,000.Similarly, those receiving�2,200 would get �3,500. Thehonorarium for anganwadihelpers has also been increasedfrom �1,500 to �2,250.

This was announced byPrime Minister Narendra Modion Tuesday while interactingwith the health workers fromacross the nation via a livevideo conference. He said therevised incentive will comeinto effect from October and itwill reflect in their salaries

from November onwards,which would be a Diwali giftfor them.

Besides doubling of routineincentives given by the UnionGovernment, ASHA workersand their helpers would be pro-vided free insurance cover underthe “Pradhan Mantri JeevanJyoti Bima Yojana” and “PrimeMinister Suraksha Bima Yojana”.

Anganwadi workers andhelpers using techniques suchas Common ApplicationSoftware (ICDS-CAS) wouldget additional incentives rang-ing from �250 to �500 whichwould be based on perfor-mance.

During the interaction,Modi said the Governmenthad focussed on aspects relat-

ing to nutrition and qualityhealthcare. Vaccination effortswere progressing at a quickpace, helping women and chil-dren in particular. ASHAs arecommunity health workersinstituted by the Ministry ofHealth and Family Welfare aspart of the National RuralHealth Mission.

Anganwadi is a ruralmother and child care centreunder the Ministry of Womenand Child Development. Ashaand Anganwadi workers areplaying a critical role instrengthening the foundationof the country, ensuring healthand wellbeing of the newborn,ensuring nutritional standardsand maintaining cleanliness,Modi said.

He said the Government’sflagship health insurance pro-gramme Ayushman Bharat willbe launched from Jharkhandon September 23, and the ben-

eficiaries have already beenidentified. Karishma, a new-born in Karnal district ofHaryana, is the first beneficia-ry under this scheme, he said.During his interaction, thePrime Minister laid emphasison redoubling efforts to reduceanaemia-related illness in thecountry by three times, thereduction rate of which cur-rently stands at only one percent.

September is being devot-ed to nutrition and “PoshanMaah” aims to reach everyhousehold in the country withthe message of the importanceof optimum nutrition. Modiappreciated their efforts towork together, to use innova-tive means and technology, toimprove the delivery of healthand nutrition services andachieve the goal of the‘POSHAN Abhiyan’ (nutritionmission).

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Charging the NDA Government with“spinning a web of lies” on Rafale fight-

er jet deal, BJP rebels Arun Shourie andYashwant Sinha, besides lawyer PrashantBhushan, said here on Tuesday the recentstatements by Finance Minister ArunJaitley defending the deal were meant toprotect only one person — Prime MinisterNarendra Modi — who overturned estab-lished norms for the contract with France.The trio also alleged that Reliance was given“backdoor” entry into the offsets.

They claimed that the morale of the IAFwas affected and claimed that theGovernment was forcing senior officers todefend the �59,000-crore Government-to-Government contract. This assertion camein the backdrop of Vice Chief SB Deo andDeputy Chief R Nambiar stating last weekthat Rafale was an excellent aircraft and willenhance the combat capabilities of the IAF.Bhushan said the officers were made to saythe IAF was happy with 36 jets whereas theService needed at least 126 jets.

Addressing a news conference, the sec-ond in recent times, Bhushan, Shourie andSinha said the deal was “unilaterally struck”by Modi compromising national securityand disregarding the IAF requirements.They charged that Modi was “directly cul-

pable” for the alleged scam and theGovernment was hiding behind the veil ofsecrecy clause because it knew that thePrime Minister himself is “guilty of crim-inal misconduct.”

Elaborating upon the alleged circum-venting of procedures, they said the deci-sion to buy 36 jets in fly away conditionfrom France was taken without taking theIAF and Defence Ministry on board. Theyalso charged that the Defence ProcurementProdecure(DPP) which guides arms con-

tract was also overlooked.As regards the secrecy clause binding

the deal, they said the Government itself in2016 admitted in Parliament that the priceof each Rafale was �670 crore. Claiming awhopping hike the price later on, they saidthe media releases of Dassault, manufac-turer of Rafale, and Reliance, offset partnerof Dassault, said the price was �1,660 croreper aircraft. They said the increase of �1,000crore per plane on account of India-specificenhancements was an “outright lie.”

New Delhi: AgricultureMinister Radha Mohan Singhon Tuesday appealed to farm-ers not to burn crop residueand asked them to adopt newmethods to manage it, includ-ing using the waste for biogasproduction. Highlighting theGovernment’s support to thefarmers for addressing the cropresidue, he said a provision of�1,151.80 crore for two yearshas been made under a schemefor states like Punjab, Haryana,Uttar Pradesh and Delhi-NCR.

“The Central Governmentis providing 50-80 per cent sub-sidy for crop residue manage-ment machineries, which help

farmers in mixing crop residuewith soil to make it more pro-ductive”, the Minister said whilereleasing a booklet titled‘ N C D C - A s s i s t i n gCooperatives. Always!’ high-lighting the role and activitiesassisted by NationalCooperative DevelopmentCorporation in Krishi Bhawan.

Farmers groups are beingprovided financial assistance at80 per cent of the project costfor establishing FarmMachinery Banks for customhiring of crop residue man-agement machinery. Under thesub mission on agriculturalmechanisation, 40 per cent

subsidy is given on straw rake,straw baler, loader, etc. Thatapart, the Government’s agri-research body ICAR’s two cen-tres, one at Ludhiana in Punjaband Anand in Gujarat, havedeveloped and installed a plantfor biogas production usingpaddy straw, he said.

According to the Minister,the management of crop residuein the field will help the soilbecome more fertile therebyresulting in the savings of �2,000per hectare from the farmer’smanure cost. By making palettefrom crop residue, the Ministersaid that it can be used forpower generation. PNS

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Aday after the Delhi HighCourt dismissed pleas filed

by Congress president RahulGandhi and his mother Soniaagainst reopening tax assess-ment cases in relation to theNational Herald newspaper,the BJP alleged that Rahuland his party were runningaway from the Tax departmentafter committing a “NationalHera-feri” of tax payers’money.

Rahul Gandhi needs toanswer many questions, UnionTextile Minister Smiriti Iranisaid at a press conference here.

“Why is it that RahulGandhi, who is too quick tohug the Prime Minister, wouldrun a mile when it comes to anIncome Tax officer,” Iraniasked, referring to the Congresspresident hugging Modi in theLok Sabha during the no-con-fidence debate in July.

She accused Rahul of set-ting up a not-for-profit com-pany, Young Indians, whichthen bought a commercialcompany, Associated JournalsLtd, and its debts worth �90

crore for �50 lakh.“Rahul Gandhi set up a

company in 2011, professing itwill not indulge in profit-lossbusiness. Young Indian boughtAssociated Journals, which iscommercial,” she said, ques-tioning the deal.

Associated Journals Ltd,founded by Jawaharlal Nehru,publishes three newspapers,including the National Herald.

After buying the loan ofAssociated Journals, RahulGandhi, his sister PriyankaGandhi Vadra and SoniaGandhi become owners of acompany, Irani claimed.

The BJP alleged that thefamily used Congress funds topay its debts even though thepublisher has real estate assetsworth thousands of crores.

She said Congress topleaders were indulging in fraudand national ‘hera-feri’ andconsolidating their ownfinances. On the other hand,Irani said the Prime Ministeris working to empower thepoor anganwadi works byincreasing their emoluments asthe dynasty is busy “empow-ering” itself.

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For the first time since thelaunch of the Smart City

Mission four years ago, theCentre has stressed on makinga blueprint on how a smart cityshould look like from a differ-ently-abled person’s point ofview.

The Modi Government onTuesday asked the States toensure integrating disabled-friendly measures in variousprojects being implemented inthe smart cities under the PrimeMinister Narendra Modi’s petproject.

Hardeep Singh Puri,Minister of State for Housingand Urban Affairs, remindedthe project managers that inte-grating divyang-friendly mea-sures in various projects beingimplemented in the SmartCities in the country is requiredat the initial project planningstage to ensure that cities areaccessible to all.

He was speaking at aninteractive session on “DivyangFriendly Measures and PolicyRecommendations for SmartCities in India” here on Tuesday.

He said that in conjunction withthe Atal Mission forRejuvenation and UrbanTransformation (AMRUT), theSmart Cities Mission seeks toensure that the most vulnerablesections of the society enjoy‘Ease of Living’ in Indian cities.

The workshop, organisedby the National Institute ofUrban Affairs, had participationfrom the persons with disabil-ity sector from different walksof life and eminent citizens andexperts, including several inter-national sports personalities.

Addressing the partici-pants, Puri said that the feed-back emanating from suchstakeholders’ interactions willbe sent to the CEOs and projectmanagers of the Smart Cities tobe incorporated in their plans.He said that these measures will

improve the “ease of living” forthose who lacked accessibilityto all facilities.

Lamenting that India par-ticularly lacks data on disabil-ity, Puri said that “we will belooking at 25% of the popula-tion that will need universalaccessibility in order to liveindependently and with digni-ty,” and asserted that theDisability Act of 1995 alsomandated accessibility forPwDs. He pointed out that the“Clause 40-48 of the VIIIthChapter of the Rights of Personswith Disabilities Act, 2016 alsomandates making all build-ings, services and productsaccessible giving definite time-lines for implementation andretrofitting.”

The Minister was categor-ical in saying that “the standardsexist, legislation is in place, thuswe now have no reason toignore this very urgent issue ofaccessibility any longer.” Heoutlined that according to theUnited Nations, a mere 1%additional cost is incurred forincorporating universal designand accessibility in the designand planning stage itself.

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Issuing a show-cause notice tothe Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)

after finding discrepancies in its2014-15 electoral funding state-ment, the ElectionCommission (EC) on Tuesdaysaid it may be forced to initi-ate action against the party for“prima facie failing” to followits transparency guidelines.The EC claimed that transac-tions through hawala operatorswere “wrongly disclosed asvoluntary donations”.

It directed the AAP toexplain as to why action shouldnot be taken against it for fail-ure to follow EC’s directionsand instructions.

“Your representationshould reach the office of thecommission within 20 days(by October 1) from the date ofreceipt of the notice, failingwhich the matter will be decid-ed on merits based on infor-mation available on record,” thenotice read.

The notice said the AAPhad submitted the originalcontribution report forFinancial Year 2014-15, which

was received by it onSeptember 30, 2015. The partylater submitted a revised reporton March 20, 2017.

Reacting to the EC notice,the AAP stated that this isbased on poor interpretation ofbasic accounting practices byCBDT. “Such observationsshow deep-rooted bias of statu-tory authority against a lawabiding political party. It isstrange that CBDT has sub-mitted a report to EC on May5, 2018 contravening the pro-vision of the Income Tax Act.This clearly shows the bias ofagencies of the CentralGovernment. The party hasexplained each and every mis-interpretation and so-calleddifference of 13 crore as allegedby CBDT in its appeal. The

appeal is pending,” the AAPsaid in its statement.

Citing the CBDT report,the EC said that the originalreport contains a list of 2,696donors with the total donationsamounting to �37,45,44,618and the revised contributionreport shows the total amountas �37,60,62,631 received from8,264 donors. Referring to con-cealment of donations, the ECnotice said the bank account ofthe AAP recorded total creditsof �67.67 crore, including�64.44 crore from donations inexcess of �20,001.

“However, the party hasdisclosed total income of�54.15 crore from donations inits audited accounts for theyear. Therefore, it has been heldby the assessing officer that�13.16 crore have not beenaccounted for by the party andthese donations have been heldto be from unknown sources,”the notice read.

“A report was receivedfrom the office of the CBDTchairman in 2018 regarding“concealment of donationsreceived by the AAP” duringFinancial Year 2014-15,” it said.

The notice also mentionstransactions with hawala deal-ers, claiming that the party hastaken “accommodation entriesfrom hawala operators to thetune of �2 crore. These havealso been wrongly disclosed asvoluntary donations.”

Referring to the CBDTreport, the EC said the AAPmade “wrong disclosures” onits official website and also fur-nished incorrect information tothe poll panel under Section29C of the Representation ofthe People Act. “It (CBDT let-ter to EC) details how theparty has changed/revised itscontribution report once thecorrectness of the same wasquestioned. In conclusion, it isstated that its disclosures to theElection Commission in theform of the contribution reportare incorrect,” the EC noticesaid.

Rule 16 A of the ElectionSymbols (Reservation andAllotment) Order allows theEC to either suspend or with-draw recognition of a recog-nised political party. The AAPis a recognised state party inDelhi.

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Following a Supreme Court’sdirective, the Election

Commission has told allStates/Union Territories that‘NOTA’ option should not beprinted in the ballot papers forelections to the council ofStates and State legislativecouncils.

“In pursuance of the judge-ment of the Supreme court, theNOTA option will no longer beapplicable in Rajya Sabha elec-tions and Legislative Councilelection,” the EC said in itsorder.

The EC further directedreturning officers for electionsto the council of States andState legislative councils withinstructions that column for“NOTA” should not be printedon the ballot papers for theseelections.

In August, the SupremeCourt struck down the provi-sion of NOTA in the RajyaSabha polls. “The introductionof NOTA in indirect electionsmay on first glance tempt the

intellect but on keen scrutiny,it falls to the ground, for it com-pletely ignores the role of anelector in such an election anddestroys democratic values,”ruled a bench of Chief JusticeDipak Misra and Justices A MKhanwilkar and D YChandrachud.

The EC had introducedNOTA option in Rajya Sabhapolls in 2014, a year after theSC had ordered the commis-sion to give the option to vot-ers in direct polls to registertheir protest that none of thecandidates in the fray were suit-able to represent them in LokSabha or Assemblies.

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Prime Minister NarendraModi on Tuesday addressed

the World Hindu Congress viavideo conference and said thathe considerd himself to befortunate to be able to attendthe 125th anniversary of SwamiVivekananda’s speech inChicago.

Addressing a valedictoryfunction of the 125th anniver-sary of Swami Vivekananda’sChicago speech, PM Modi high-lighted the Indian monk’s role inshowcasing the Indian culture,tradition, and values on theworld stage. “The Philosophy of‘Ek Bharat, Sreshtha Bharat’ isessence of Swami Vivekananda’s

Chicago speech,” he said.“Swami Vivekananda ji

firmly believes that the futureof India depends on the youthand I’m happy to see that todayYouth is marching ahead witha sense of mission,” he added.“The scale of SwamiVivekanand’s achievementslook much greater if youremember the times in whichhe lived in,” he added.

On 11 September 1893,Swami Vivekananda deliveredhis first speech in theParliament of the World’sReligions in Chicago. SwamiVivekananda is rememberedas one of the key people whointroduced philosophies such asVedanta and Yoga to the West.

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Anshula Kant has takencharge as the Managing

Director of State Bank of India.

Kant would be handling theareas of Stressed Assets, Riskand Compliance. Prior to thisrole, she was designated as theDeputy Managing Director(DMD) and Chief FinancialOfficer (CFO) of the bank.

Kant is a graduate inEconomics from Lady ShriRam College and post-gradu-ate from Delhi School of

Economics (DSE). She is alsoa Certified Associate of theIndian Institute of Bankers.Kant started her career with SBIin 1983 as a ProbationaryOfficer. Across a career span-ning three and a half decades,She has gained rich experiencein retail banking, corporatecredit, cross-border trade andbanking in developed markets

— both retail and wholesale.She has held several key

assignments in SBI includingChief General Manager (CGM)of Mumbai Circle(Maharashtra & Goa) and CEOat SBI Singapore where she wasresponsible for launching theretail operations, making SBIthe first Indian bank to do soin that geography.

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Market benchmark BSESensex on Tuesday

crashed 509 points to close atmore than one-month low of37,413.13 due to heavy sellingin FMCG, metal, auto andfinancial stocks amid growingconcerns over intensifyingglobal trade war.

The 30-share index tankedmore than 1 per cent for thesecond day in a row after therupee slid to a new lifetime lowof 72.73 in afternoon trade.

Stock markets had openedhigher nut bears regained thecontrol soon to wipe out initialgains as crude oil pricesrebounded in Asian trade.

The BSE barometer closedthe day with a hefty fall of509.04 points or 1.34 per centat 37,413.13. This is the weak-est closing since August 2 whenit had ended at 37,165.16. It hadlost 467.65 points in the previ-ous day.

The 50-share NSE Niftycracked below the 11,300-markby falling 150.60 points or 1.32per cent at 11,287.50. Intra-day,

it shuttled between 11,479.40and 11,274.

Surging crude oil prices,rupee plunging to record lowsand widening trade deficit,besides negative global leadswere major factors that damp-ened sentiments on the domes-tic bourses, a broker said.

In Asian trade, interna-tional benchmark Brent crudeagain went past the $ 78 totrade at $ 78.52 a barrel, by ris-ing 1.30 per cent amid loom-ing US sanction against Iran’spetroleum industry.

Investors were cautious astrade war concerns between theUS and China escalated, bro-kers said.

“The threat of trade tariffs,outflow of foreign funds andconcern on domestic macroswill influence investors to stayon a cautious note,” VinodNair, Head of Research, GeojitFinancial Services Ltd said.

Moreover, expectations ofa US interest rate hike thismonth by the Federal Reservethat may strengthen the dollarand accelerate sell-off by for-eign funds in emerging markets

too negatively impacted senti-ments, brokers said.

Of the Sensex con-stituents, Tata Steel recordedthe biggest fall of 3.46 percent, followed by PowerGridat 3.21 per cent.

FMCG stocks also took ahit owing to weak market sen-timent and stretched valuation.ITC dropped 2.92 per centwhile Hindustan Unilever fell1.19 per cent.

Auto stocks were alsodown as domestic passengervehicle sales declined for thesecond month in successionwith 2.46 per cent drop inAugust. Hero MotoCorp andTata Motors dropped morethan 3 per cent. Maruti fell 1.56per cent and Bajaj Auto by 1.24per cent.

HDFC twins also sufferedlosses with HDFC Bank losingmore than 2 per cent andHDFC by 0.68 per cent.

Bharti Airtel, Yes Bank,ICICI Bank, Adani Ports, KotakBank, TCS, Vedanta Ltd, RIL,Sun Pharma, SBI, L&T, ONGC,Wipro, IndusInd Bank andAxis Bank fell up to 3 per cent.

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Petrol andd i e s e l

prices hitfresh highs onTuesday asr u p e eplunged to anall-time low,making imports costlier.

A 14 paisa per litre hike inpetrol and diesel prices eachtook the rates to an all-timehigh, according to price noti-fication of state-owned fuelretailers.

Petrol price in Delhiclimbed to �80.87 per litre,while in Mumbai it inched upto �88.26. A litre of diesel in thenational capital was priced at�72.97 and �77.47 in Mumbai.

Delhi has the cheapest fuelamong all metros and moststate capitals because of lowertaxes. Mumbai has the highestsales tax or VAT.

Petrol in Chennai costs�84.07 per litre and �83.75 inKolkata. Diesel is priced at�77.15 per litre in Chennai and�75.82 in Kolkata.

According to oil compa-

nies, refinery gate price ofpetrol, without considering anycentral or state tax and dealerscommission, is �40.45 per litre.The same for diesel is �44.28.

Retail rates are high afteradding excise duty, which ischarged by the centralGovernment, commission paidto petrol pumps dealers andVAT, charged by state govern-ments.

Dealer’s commission onpetrol currently is �3.34 perlitre and that on diesel is �2.52.

While crude oil advanced0.4 per cent to $ 67.78 a barrel,the relentless slide in rupee hasadded fuel to the fire. The cur-rency fell to a new low of72.7375 on Tuesday.

Since mid-August, petrolprice has risen by �3.79 a litreand diesel by �4.20 per litre.

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Government policies posethe biggest risks for com-

panies over the next threeyears, followed by cyber secu-rity and technology disrup-tions, a survey of over 100 topcompany executives hasrevealed.

The primary reason forthis trend is that CXOs areconsidering regulatory com-pliance as a critical valueprotector exercise, theDeloitte India Risk Survey2018 noted.

The survey showed adivide on the viewpoint of riskmanagement amongst Indianorganisations.

While 44 per cent of busi-nesses harness risks to findfuture opportunities and drivereturns, 36 per cent use riskmanagement with an aim todrive compliance and preventlosses.

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The bilat-e r a l

t r a d eb e t w e e nIndia andwar tornSyria isexpected to reach $ 500 millionin next three years as there arehuge exports potential fordomestic players in areas,including automobile, machin-ery and plastics, exporters bodyFIEO said Tuesday.

Federation of IndianExport Organisations (FIEO)President Ganesh KumarGupta is leading an 84-mem-

ber business delegation toSyria for discussing ways topromote trade.

The bilateral tradebetween the countriesstood at $ 175 million in2017 and it would reach to$ 500 million by 2020, hesaid in a statement. Guptasaid India should reviewits exports strateg ydepending on importsprofile of Syria.

He also said the import ofautomobiles in Syria is about $293 million, with India’sexports of less than $ 1 million.

Similarly, electricalmachinery imports by Syria is$ 303 million, while India’sexports are $ 4.18 million only,he said, adding that hugeexport potential is there inmechanical machinery andappliances, and plastics.

The delegation discussedpayment mechanism andbanking arrangements, thetwo main stumbling block intrade and investment, henoted.

“Trading in local curren-cies, offsetting of trade balancewith investment were some ofthe options discussed with theSyrian authorities,” Guptaadded.

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India’s public spending onagriculture research and

development is not farbehind neighbouringChina, Niti Aayog memberRamesh Chand saidTuesday. He howeverexpressed concern that pri-vate sector is investing inother places than in India’sagriculture Research andDevelopment (R&D) andthis need to be changed.

Chand said the fooddemand is set to rise withincrease in population andthe technology innovationwill be a key driver to achievethe desired production.

He was participating ina panel discussion on thereport ‘Fixing Asia’s FoodSystem’ commissioned byCargill India.

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GAIL India Tuesday said itwill expand its pipeline

network capacity by about 50per cent by constructing 5,500-kilometers of new lines in thenext three years. The state-owned company is also lookingat setting up 400 CNG stationsand giving out a record 10 lakhpiped natural gas (PNG) con-nections to household kitchens,its Chairman and ManagingDirector B C Tripathi said.

GAIL operates 11,000-kmof pipeline network and mar-kets two-thirds of all naturalgas sold in the country.

It is rapidly building infra-structure to support the govern-ment push towards a gas-basedeconomy by raising the share ofnatural gas in the energy basketto 15 per cent from current 6.2per cent, in next few years.

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Russia launched on Tuesdaywhat it called its largest ever

military drills, with hundredsof thousands of troops takingpart along with Chinese sol-diers in a show of force NATOcondemned as a rehearsal for“large-scale conflict.”

President Vladimir Putin isexpected to attend the gamesafter hosting an economicforum in Russia’s far easterncity Vladivostok where hisChinese counterpart Xi Jinpingis one of the prominent guests.

The week-long war gamesdubbed “Vostok-2018”(East-2018) “have kicked off ” in fareastern Russia, the defenceministry said.

Taking part in the drills arearound 3,00,000 soldiers,36,000 military vehicles, 80ships and 1,000 aircraft, heli-copters and drones.

Some 3,500 Chinese troopswill take part in the games.

The defence ministryreleased video footage of mil-itary vehicles, planes, heli-copters and ships getting intoposition for the initial stage of

the drills. Putin praised Russia’sincreasingly close ties withChina as he met with Xi at theeconomic forum inVladivostok on Tuesday.

“We have trustworthy tiesin political, security anddefence spheres,” the Russianleader said.

Xi for his part said the twocountries’ “friendship is gettingstronger all the time.” The drills,which also include Mongoliansoldiers, have been condemnedby NATO as a rehearsal for“large-scale conflict”.

The military exercisescome at a time of escalatingtensions between Moscow andthe West over accusations ofRussian interference in westernaffairs and conflicts in Ukraineand Syria. The Russian Armyhas compared the show offorce to the USSR’s 1981 wargames that saw between1,00,000 and 1,50,000 WarsawPact soldiers take part in“Zapad-81” (West-81) — thelargest military exercises ofthe Soviet era.

But Defence MinisterSergei Shoigu said these exer-cises are even larger. “Imagine

36,000 military vehicles mov-ing at the same time: tanks,armoured personnel carriers,infantry fighting vehicles —and all of this, of course, in con-ditions as close to a combat sit-uation as possible,” Shoigu said.The exercises will be held

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United Nations: Russia willbrief the United NationsSecurity Council on Tuesdayabout the results of the Tehransummit it held with Iran andTurkey on the fate of Syria’sIdlib province, diplomats said.

The council will meet atRussia’s request at 11:00 am(2030 IST) to hear the briefingas Syrian forces, backed byRussia and Iran, are preparingfor an all-out military assaulton the rebel-held province.

The United Nations haswarned of a major humanitar-ian catastrophe if the offensivetakes place in the enclave wheresome three million people live— about half of whom havealready been displaced in theseven-year war.

On Friday, the presidentsof Iran, Russia and Turkeyfailed to agree during theTehran summit on how tostave off military action on thenorthwestern province. AFP

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The US has conveyed toPakistan that it wants

Islamabad to cooperate fully inthe war against terrorism as itis a matter of “extraordinaryimportance” to America,President Donald Trump’sNational Security Advisor JohnBolton has said.

During his visit toIslamabad last week, Secretary ofState Mike Pompeo had pressedthe new Pakistani Governmentled by Prime Minister ImranKhan “to do more” to rein in ter-ror groups operating from thecountry’s soil.

The Trump administra-tion has recently cancelled$300 million in military aid toIslamabad after it failed to takeactions against terror groups.

“He (Pompeo) wanted toconvey the message that wehoped and expected thatPakistan would cooperate fullyin the war against terrorism,which they had committed todo,” Bolton told a Washingtonaudience on Monday.

It (action against terrorists)

is a matter of “extraordinaryimportance to the US” and theone that it hopes the newPakistan Government address-es, he said in response to aquestion at the FederalistSociety for Law and PublicPolicy Studies.

“It was before my time, butthe Trump administration didnot take the decision to cancela substantial part of the militaryaid package to Pakistan lightly.

“It was done knowing wellthat Pakistan is a nuclearweapons state, and the risk thatthe government could fall intothe hands of terrorists thatwould get control of thosenuclear weapons was particu-larly serious,” Bolton said.

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Begum Kulsoom Nawaz, thewife of Pakistan’s jailed for-

mer Prime Minister NawazSharif, died on Tuesday inLondon after a protracted bat-tle with throat cancer.

Kulsoom, who was undertreatment at London’s HarleyStreet Clinic since June 2014,was placed on life support ear-lier on Tuesday after her healthdeteriorated, Geo TV reported.

The health of the 68-year-old former first lady begandeteriorating Monday night asshe had developed a lung prob-lem again, the channel said.

Sharif ’s brother andPakistan Muslim League-Nawaz president ShehbazSharif confirmed her death ina tweet.

“My sister-in-law and thewife of Nawaz Sharif sahib is nomore amongst us. May Godbless her soul,” he tweeted inUrdu. Nawaz Sharif, his daugh-ter Maryam and son-in-lawCaptain (retd) MuhammadSafdar are currently serving jailterms in Adiala Jail in

Rawalpindi after being con-victed by an accountabilitycourt in a corruption case inJuly. Citing sources, the chan-nel said Sharif, Maryam, andSafdar have been informedabout Kulsoom’s death.

The trio will be grantedparole to attend the funeral ofBegum Kulsoom, Geo TVreported. The three will begranted parole from the time ofKulsoom’s funeral prayers tillher burial, it said, citing theInterior Ministry sources.

The Sharif family hasdecided to bring backKulsoom’s body to Pakistan,reports said.

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz party leader KhawajaImran Nazeer, speaking to themedia in London, said BegumKulsoom may be laid to rest inthe family home at Raiwind, nearLahore, but clarified that alldecisions will be finalised onlyafter consultation between fam-ily members. He said in case thefamily decides to bury her inPakistan, the repatriation processmay take two or three days,Dawn newspaper reported.

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North Korean leader Kim Jong-unhas written a “very warm” letter to

US President Donald Trump request-ing him for a second meeting, theWhite House has said, asserting that itis open to the idea and is already in theprocess of preparing ground for thehigh-profile summit.

The first meeting between the twoleaders was held in Singapore in June.

Talks between the US and NorthKorea have stalled since the leadersshook hands at the summit hailed as“historic”.

“President has received a letterfrom Kim Jong-un. It was a verywarm, very positive letter. We won't

release the full letter unless the NorthKorean leader agrees that we should,”White House Press Secretary SarahSanders told reporters on Monday.

“The primary purpose of the let-ter was to request and look to sched-ule another meeting with the President,which we are open to and are alreadyin the process of coordinating that,” shesaid. Last month, Trump directed hissecretary of state Mike Pompeo to delaya planned trip to North Korea, sayinghe felt “we are not making sufficientprogress with respect to the denu-clearization of the Korean peninsula”.

But on Monday, Sanders called theletter “further evidence of progress” inthe relationship between the two leaders.

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PRESIDENCY DIVISION. MUMBAI Email: [email protected]

E- TENDER NOTICE NO. 33 FOR 2018 -2019 (Re call)Online E- Tenders in B-1 Form For the Following Work are invited by the

Executive Engineer, Presidency Division, PWD, 2nd floor Bandhakam Bhavan,25 Murzban Road, Fort, Mumbai-400 001 (Tel. No-22016975/22016977) fromcontractors registered in interior category appropriate class of the Public WorksDepartment. Right to reject/accept of all or one tender is reserved.

Sr. No Name of Work Amount

1 Restoration of Heritage Bldf. Office of the Divisional 89,12,617/- Commissioner and Old Secretariat Annex Bldg Mumbai JOB NO :- BUDGET WORK

Issued Date: 11.9.2018 to 25.9.2018

Opening Date: 27.9.2018

All the corrigendum/Changes pertain to notice will not published in news papers,that will published in e-tendering process.

All the detail Information is available on following websites

1) www.mahapwd.com2)

EE/PD/TC/9468Office of the Executive Engineer,Presidency Division, P.W.D., 2nd floor,Bandhakam Bhavan, 25, Murzban Road,Presidency Division, Mumbai.Fort, Mumbai 400 001 Date: 05-09-18


Executive Engineer DGIPR/2018/2019/2931 Presidency Division Mumbai



The Executive Engineer (E), Division-I, CCW, AIR, 8thFloor Soochna Bhawan, New Delhi invites on behalf ofPresident of India, online item rate tender for following work:-

NIT NO. 63/2018-19/EE(E)-I/CCW-AIR/Delhi. Name of Work:R.M.O. D.G. Set at New Broadcasting House, All India Radio,New Delhi during 2018-2019 (SH: Round the clock operationof 3 X 250 KVA D.G Set). (i)Estimated cost Rs.1235136/-, (ii)Earnest Money Rs.24703/- Period of completion:- 12 months,Last date & Time of submission of bid 3.00 P.M on 20/09/18.

Note:- The bid forms and other details can be obtained fromthe website:-

Sd/-Davp22433/11/0010/1819 Executive Engineer (E)-I

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��������������The Delhi Paramedical and

management Institute (DPMI)opens admission for its one-year full time Diploma in FrontOffice Operations (DFO), Food& Beverage (DFB), and HouseKeeping (DHK).

These course provides syl-labus that combines theory andpractice of Hotel Industry. HotelManagement CateringTechnology & Tourism is thefastest growing industry in theworld, with a potential that islimitless. Larger hotels oftenhave management teams,instead of individual managers,where each member of thegroup specializes in a certainarea. Hotel industry is an idealfield for students having a likingfor Interacting with people.

Eligibility: These full-timediploma course has beenthoughtfully designed for thosewho have recently passed 10+2from any recognised board andwants to work in hotel man-agement industry can enrollfor these courses.

How to apply: The appli-cation forms & brochure may beobtained from admission officeof Delhi Paramedical &Management Institute, NewAshok Nagar, Delhi.

Deadline: September 29,2018. For more information, logon to

����������������The Global Institute of

Sports Business, Mumbai, invitesapplication for admission in itsnewly launched flagship pro-gramme GISB-ISDE Certificatein Sports Management. Thecourse is a full-time 20-unitintensive, informative and expe-riential higher education coursespecialising in the business ofsports. The programme is cer-tified by Madrid, Spain basedInstituto Superior de Derecho yEconomia that has extensiveexperience in designing anddelivering Sports Managementcourses throughout the world.This 15-month course willenable students to understandthe business of sport by com-bining knowledge with passionin order to contribute to theever-growing industry.

Sports industry veteranshave come together to design theexclusive course such that stu-dents not only receive the tools,knowledge and experiencesrequired to create fulfillingcareers in sport, but also gain

a c c e s sto relevant platforms in

order to regularly interact withindustry employers. TheInstitute has also affiliated withsome of the top global anddomestic sports organisations tofurther the student experiencethrough customised projects,case studies, guest lecturers andinternship/placement opportu-nities.

Eligibility: Bachelor’sdegree, diploma or equivalent(exceptions for individuals withrelevant sports experience). Fee:�12 lakh plus taxes includesground travel and stay for inter-national exposure trip

How to apply: Interestedcandidates can enroll by fillingthe online application form.For further information, visit

Scholarships: GISB is alsooffering scholarships to selectfew candidates with a greattrack record in education andcommensurate and relevantwork experience.

Important dates: The dead-line to apply is September 25,2018. The course commencesfrom October 8, 2018.

��������������������The University of Sheffield,

UK, invites applications for MScAerospace Materials coursestarting in September 2019.

Fully accredited by theIOM3, graduates will have theunderpinning knowledge forlater professional registrationas a Chartered Engineer (CEng).

Eligibility: A good honoursdegree in materials, metallurgy,a physical science (chemistry orphysics) or a related engineeringsubject. Overall IELTS grade of6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 ineach component, or equivalent.

Fee: The annual fee foroverseas students starting in2019 is yet to be confirmed. For2018 it was £21,450 .

For more information logon to [email protected];

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The MindChampion Learning SystemsLimited (MLSL), NIIT’s subsidiary for its

K-12 school learning initiative, launches MyPals Are Here, an engaging series based onSingapore teaching methodology. Introducedin association with Marshal CavendishEducation, the series has been designed tobuild a strong foundation of mathematics andstrengthen a child’s conceptual understand-ing of the subject.

The series will help students by providinghands-on activities and games to reinforcemathematical skills. Students hone theirproblem-solving skills through individualand collaborative practices. As they workthrough mock problems, they learn how to

apply the same problem-solving strategies toreal world problems. The series also help stu-dents by providing activities to develop crit-ical thinking skills and challenge students tosolve questions based on higher order think-ing skills. It’s target audience is students fromClasses I to V.

According to trends in internationalMathematics and Science Study, over 70 percent of Singapore students consistently per-formed better academically than the interna-tional average. The results of Mathematicsassessments from 1995 to 2015 show consis-tent outstanding performance by the studentsof Singapore. This world-class programme hasbeen widely adopted across the globe and hasresulted in engagement among all stake-holders.

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Bridging the academia withindustry, fostering inno-

vations and empowering theIndian food academicians,DuPont Nutrition and Healthpresents the second edition ofits pan-India food science openinnovation programme —DuPont NutriScholars Awards.

Following the success ofSeason one, DuPont providesplatform and hands-on prod-uct development experiencefor students to innovate andsolve challenges in the bakery

foods. It is calling all the young

innovators and students acrossfood science, technology andrelevant interdisciplinary fieldsfrom Indian academia to solvethe challenges in the “bakery”food products, using at leastone or more of DuPontTDanisco range of functionaland health promoting ingre-dients.

For the roll-out of the pro-gramme to over 200 universi-ties and institutions in thecountry, DuPont Nutrition &Health India has partnered

with F1rst, a specialist businessresearch and consultancyorganisation.

The awards 2018 editionfeatures five distinctive awardcategories:

�The vegetarian cake treat�Innovation in muffins

and cupcakes�Healthy breads�Gluten free and healthy

cookies�‘Out-of-the-box’ bakery

innovationFor more information, log

on to

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Thirteen of Canada’s leadingbusiness schools will be on

a multi-city tour in India topresent MBA opportunitiesduring the 2018 EduCanadaMBA Showcase. Scheduledfrom September 17 to 25,2018. The representatives fromthese prominent Canadianuniversities will visit the citiesof Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai,Bengaluru and Mumbai.

This fifth edition of theEduCanada MBA Showcasewill provide an excellentopportunity for young profes-sionals, entrepreneurs and stu-dents aspiring to obtain aglobally recognised manage-ment degree, meet with rep-resentatives of Canadian insti-tutions and learn about theirMBA programmes.

Participation is free butone needs to registration

During the course of eachevent, attendees can take partin interactive sessions on arange of subjects such asadmissions, visa procedures,and career opportunities.

The delegation will betouring as per the schedulebelow:

Delhi: September 17Hyderabad: September

20Chennai: September 21Bengaluru: September 23Mumbai: September 25The EduCanada MBA

Showcase is an annual mar-que event organised by theHigh Commission of Canadain India, in association with,the Indo-Canadian BusinessChamber (ICBC). The par-ticipating universities include:Lakehead University,Memorial University, RyersonUniversity: Ted Rogers Schoolof Management, Saint Mary'sUniversity: Sobey School ofBusiness, University ofAlberta: Alberta School ofBusiness, University ofCalgary: Haskayne School ofBusiness, University ofManitoba: Asper School ofBusiness, University of NewBrunswick- Fredericton,University of New Brunswick:Saint John, University ofWindsor-Odette School ofBusiness, University ofWinnipeg-Professional ,Applied and ContinuingEducation), Vancouver IslandUniversity- Faculty ofManagement, York University- Schulich School of Business.

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The NSE Academy Limited, a whol-ly owned subsidiary of National

Stock Exchange of India Limited(NSE) along with Knowledge Wharton(K@W), the online journal of researchand business analysis of the WhartonSchool of the University ofPennsylvania and Wharton ExecutiveEducation, have signed aMemorandum of Understanding(MoU) to impart skills related tofinance and investment to Indianhigh school students across the coun-try.

The Class IX and X students inTier II and III cities will get a greatopportunity to have access to thecourses from Wharton School. It’s spe-cialised global courses will be offeredto students in smaller towns throughstate of art technology.

The think-tank at the NSE andWharton are in the process of design-ing developmental and customisedcontent for the course based on mate-rials developed byKnowledge@Wharton High Schooland Wharton Executive Education.This course will be delivered througha digital platform and will enable stu-dents to understand intricacies offinance.

It will also launch and expand thereach of the K@W High SchoolInvestment Competition in India bytaking the competition to Tier-II andIII cities.

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The World University ofDesign (WUD) in Sonepat is

organising a two-day DesignThinking workshop — GlobalGoals Jam 2.0 (GGJ) fromSeptember 21, 2018.

Held in association with theDigital Society School ofUniversity of Applied Sciences,Amsterdam along with UNDP,GGJ is an international platfor-mme for inclusive learningwhere people from all aroundthe world contribute to the 17global goals for sustainabledevelopment by sharing their

stories and visions for the future.Speaking about the need of

the workshop, Dr Sanjay Gupta,VC, WUD, said: “GGJ Delhi 2.0provides a unique opportunitywherein human minds fromvarious sectors can ideate andwork together with industryexperts, gain valuable insightsand shape their ideas better tocreate a better future formankind.”

The workshop has a limitedseats. The last day of registrationis September 12, 2018. Interestedindividuals can visit the link:

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CompTIA has recently launched a training and cer-tification programme — CompTIA PenTest +(Penetration Testers), to meet the rising demand

for professional cyber security Penetration Testers inIndia.The CompTIA Pentest + complements its alreadyexisting CySA+ course which covers defensive securitystrategies.

The exam contains both multiple-choice and perfor-mance-based questions employing hands-on simulationsthus validating hands-on penetration testing skills. Theinterested candidates to take CompTIA Pentest+ certifi-cation can either undergo a 40 hour instructor led train-ing program offered by a network of authorised partnersspread across the country or can also select self-pacedonline learning option. It is also recommended thatprospective candidates should have three to four years ofhands-on experience performing penetration tests, vul-nerability assessments, and vulnerability management.

CompTIA Penetration Testing training is available onboth self paced as well as Instructor led programmes. Forcandidates who would want to study and prepare for theexam on their own, CompTIA will be launching OfficialCompTIA Content which has electronic and hard copybook as well as optional labs on demand for practicingthe concepts.

A list of training material is provided on the link :

Candidates also have the choice to enroll with one ofCompTIA’s Authorised Training Delivery partners. A listof our training partners can be found on the link:

CompTIA certifications are delivered through ourglobal test delivery partner, Pearson VUE ( the candidate is ready to appear for the certifica-tion exam, they can purchase the exam vouchers from ourauthorised training partners as well as the CompTIAonline store at

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The IIMA organised thethird edition of its HRLeadership Conclave on

The Future of Work, Workforceand Learning in Hyderabad.The theme of this year’s con-clave was Disruptions &Learning.

Eminent panelists sharedtheir opinion on two topics:Building a Design ThinkingCulture in Organizations andLeadership Development forSuccessful DigitalTransformations.

K Padmakar, director, HR,Bharat Petroleum CorporationLimited, a panellist, sharedthoughts about the conclave,“Conclaves of industry acade-mia interface are critical inenlightening all minds.Towards this extent this con-clave was very enlighteningand has given me a lot to mullover,” he said.

Prof Biju Varkkey, facultychair of IIMA-HR leadershipconclave elaborated and said:“The conclave focused on theemerging and latest practices inlearning and developmentfunction globally and how itcan be applied in the organi-sations. Keeping the fast chang-ing developments globally in

mind, the conclave offered aplatform for leaders of variousorganizations and fromGovernment to discuss andexplore options through thelively panel discussions.”

The IIMA proactively con-nects with corporates,Government, alumni andresearchers over forums likeHR Leadership Conclaves todiscuss the most recent andemerging trends in organisa-tions and management, thushelping organizations to staycompetitive and engaging thetalent through technology.

Prof Errol D’Souza,Director, IIMA went on tospeak about the history andevolution of education of busi-

ness schools and the currentchallenges for a modern organ-isation. He emphasized on theorganisational requirements of— Leadership skills,Integrative/Systems thinkingand Importance ofCommunication.

He said: “As an Institute ofmanagement, IIMA research-es on these topics to helporganisations to find tangiblesolutions. Some of theseresearch insights come back asa part of executive educationprogrammes.”

The participants also gotinsights from the industryleaders on the current practicesin the context of learning anddevelopment.


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The National Institute of OpenSchooling (NIOS) has emergedas a unique learning platform

which allows students to learn at theirown pace, anywhere at any time. Theon-demand examination system alongwith its various unique courses on offer,have made NIOS a popular choiceamong students who did not fit the billof formal education structure. C BSharma advocates the importance ofvocational courses to be in tandemwith academic courses, which hebelieves will pave the way for entre-preneurs of the future. Here areexcerpts from the interview:●How is NIOS different from CBSE?

The Central Government has twoBoards — Central Board of SecondaryEducation (CBSE) and the NationalInstitute of Open Schooling. As aBoard, we have been given the author-ity to identify courses, develop thestructure and also certify them. Thus,we combine both the roles of theNational Council of EducationalResearch and Training (NCERT) andCBSE as a single organisation. We alsodesign courses and offer proper cur-riculum in areas which are not offeredby the CBSE.

For example, dancing, painting andVedic studies. Our system caters to thestudents who could not get universaleducation, the drop-outs who couldnot keep up with the pace of the for-mal structure, the underprivilegedand targeted groups.● How have you used ICT to furtheropen schooling system?

Recently, we made our admissionprocedure completely online wherethere is no currency exchange. We haveused the television medium to reachthe remotest areas with five channels.We are one of the largest partners withthe Swayam portal with 25 lakh learn-ers pursuing our online courses. An ini-tiative of the Ministry of HumanResources Development, it is an effortto take the best teaching learningresources to all, including the most dis-advantaged and bridge the digitaldivide for students who have hithertoremained untouched by the digital rev-olution. Most of the courses offered bythe institution are available in region-al languages across the country. SinceIndia has a wide reach of smartphones, we have used mobile tech-nology to offer distant education.Through the app for Diploma in

Elementary Education (D.El.Ed)course, more than 10 lakh teachershave downloaded the course material.We are not only using technology toreach out, but also making sure that thestudents using the new ways of com-munication become digitally literate.We have assessed and evaluated near-ly 55 lakh national digital literacy mis-sion candidates.●Have vocational courses been givenenough importance as compared toregular academic courses?

We have not paid adequate atten-tion to vocational courses. Thesecourses are very lucrative and haveimmense job opportunities.Unfortunately, we have been lookingat Government jobs as a means to sta-

bility but have not considered beingself-employed.

As an institution, apart from offer-ing academic courses, we focus on fostering entrepreneurship among stu-dents. This could also reduce the pressure on the Government toprovide jobs to a large population. Forexample, young girls pursuing cours-es in the field of dance do not seek for-mal jobs.

They have found livelihoodthrough their performance. Similarly,tailoring courses have helped many adda source of income to families; cours-es in agriculture help learners combinenot only new techniques of farming butalso fisheries and bee-keeping to makethem more affluent and diverse.

● What changes do you envisage inthe education system?

There is need for a revolutionarychange in the education structure andit has to be brought in right from thegrassroots. The students have to beconfident that they can pursue theirinterests which will be worthy ofemployment. It is a notion that stu-dents with good academic schoolingwill be successful and be respected.This has to change because not every-one needs to be an engineer or a doc-tor. There are other avenues as wellbeyond the academic education.Students have to be introduced tovocational courses right from Class 1to nurture them. Though we talkabout the finished model of school-

ing and the Kothari Commissionrecommendations, but enough has notbeen done to teach life skills and thelikes to students to prepare them forrelevant opportunities in the future.●Tell us about the international link-ages formed by NIOS to boost its out-reach globally?

We have received requests fromforeign countries to introduce our cen-tres of learning. We already have cen-tres in eight countries. There is ademand from Nigeria, Oman, and EastAsia among many others and we aredevising a framework to work towardsglobal expansion. We have signed a fewmemorandums of understanding withvarious universities to further thisagenda.


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The Government ofQuébec is offering interna-tional internship pro-gramme to study in Canada.The internship is intendedfor Master’s or doctoral stu-dents enrolled full-time in aQuebec university or in anuniversity outside Québecwho meets the requirementsof their programme.

The scholarship forinternship is of a maximumvalue of $15,000. However,the FRQNT will allow nomore than the equivalent of$2,500 per month in livingexpenses.

Eligibility: The applicantmust be a Canadian citizen, apermanent resident ofCanada or a foreign studentwho has a valid study permitfor the province of Québec.For foreign students enrolledin an university outsideQuébec. The applicant musthave the valid study permitsor visa for the entire durationof the internship. The appli-cant can’t be enrolled in a co-degree from more than oneinstitution including aQuébec university. For thestudents enrolled in a co-degree see the rules of theFrontenac programme.

How to apply: Must filetheir application within theirstrategic cluster (see list onFRQNT’s website). Validatethe list of documents

required for thisapplication with the specif-

ic strategic cluster. Application deadline:

Internship application dead-line is March 1, 2019.

The Faculty of Science atUniversity of Sydney awardsa limited number of Dean’sInternational postgraduateresearch scholarships forinternational students.Scholarships are available toundertake a research doctor-ate degree (PhD) pro-gramme.

Eligibility: Currentlyenrolled in the final year of afour-year Bachelor’s degree inScience or relevant discipline,or an equivalent degree, at aninternational university. Thefinal year of the degree mustinclude a research compo-nent which accounts for aminimum of 25% of the year.Have achieved a GPA greaterthan 85 or an average Agrade, or have a relevant sub-ject specific GPA of 90, orequivalent. May not be anAustralian or New Zealandcitizen or hold permanentresidency in Australia. Becommencing full time post-graduate research study atthe University for the firsttime. Not be in receipt of anyother tuition fee scholarship.English languageRequirements: Applicantsmust have an overall bandscore of 6.5 or better with noband below 6.

Application deadline:The last date to apply isNovember 30, 2018

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QUERY: My name isDhruv Uppal. My date of birthis December 4, 1996. Please letme know which career is bestsuited for me as per my plan-et condition in astrology?

BHATT: The 9th sign of thezodiacis Sagittarius. You are spir-itual. Your element is Fire, rulingplanet is Jupiter. You are philo-

sophical, optimisticand straightforward.You enjoy your free-dom and self-expres-sion. You must find acareer where you canfind both. You can bea great counsellor and

good team leader.Curious and energetic, you

are one of the biggest travelersamong all zodiac signs. Youropen mind and philosophicalview motivates you to travelaround the world in search of themeaning of life. Sagittarius areextroverts, optimistic and enthu-siastic and likes changes.

You are a person with goodhabits and actions. You are bornwith many career options and aresuitable at many places withgood productivity at work.

Engineer: Sun in the chartsmeans that you can do wondersin a field related to machines orworking with hands. Hence youhave an option of being a teacher,a surgeon, engineer and an artist.

Writer: Sagittarius lovebooks. A career in this fieldwould be aligned with the goalsof your sign. Whether throughbooks, magazines, or the Internet,the Archer is capable of reachingout to people and enjoys dis-seminating ideas and storytelling.

Business: Your zodiac signmakes you perfect for business.

Due to yourneed for free-dom to exploreand a strongindependent streak.Sagittarians possess the naturalflair for sales and marketing.They know how to convince theclients with eloquence. Sagittariusentrepreneur is a gifted mentorfor the sales and marketing team.As you are capable to snatch a bigdeal or contract and know howto add more new clients.

Professor: The native of thissign is perfectly suited to a life inan academic setting. Sagittariansbelieve in seeking knowledgehence can be an inspirationalteacher. They love to keep theirstudents interested with stories ofadventure.

Management: Sagittarius areable to conceive of special eventsand programmes and then takesteps to pull everything togeth-er and make it work. They arewonderful facilitators and are ableto multitask easily.

They are good at managingthe operations as they can makepeople enthusiastic about projectsand bring a positive energy inthem. Hence, you can do well inany job related to managingadministration, operations orproject manager.

They are good in managingthe operations as they can makepeople enthusiastic about projectsand bring a positive energy inthem. Hence, you can do well inany job related to managingadministration, operations orproject manager.

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The ranking or merit list will be compiled as follows:

�In case of candidates who haveappeared for both the attempts the bestof the two NTA scores will be used.Here the total NTA score will be usedfor ranking purpose and not those ofthe subjects.

�In case of candidates who haveappeared for only one exam, the fourNTA scores of that attempt will be usedfor the preparation of the merit list

�The final NTA scores will beused to rank the candidates and theJEE Main 2019 result declared. In caseof any tie, the inter-se-merit guidelinesmentioned above in this article will beused to resolve it.

RANK DECLARATIONThe ranks derived as shown above

will be used for the purpose of admis-sions to NITs, IIITs and GFTIs.

The JEE Main 2019 All India rankand All India Category Rank will bedeclared on April 30 once the JEEMain II NTA scores are compiled.Scores for Paper-II

�Raw marks for the first attemptwill be announced on January 31, 2019for students who have appeared for theexam held in January.

�The actual marks for the Aprilexam will be announced on April 30for those who have appeared for thesame.

�The JEE Main Paper-II markswill not be normalized as the exam willbe held in a single shift so there willbe no question of equivalence of thequestion papers and variation in dif-ficulty levelsRank List for Paper-II

�The raw marks for bothattempts will be considered for can-didates who have given both theattempts and the better of the marksconsidered.

� For candidates who haveappeared for only one attempt, the rawmarks obtained for the same will beused.

�Rank lists will be prepared as perthe marks obtained as mentioned

above● Inter-se-Merit

�Candidates who scores moremarks in Aptitude Test will be rankedhigher

�In case the tie is unresolved,Candidates who scores more marks inDrawing Test will be given the high-er rank

�The age of the candidates — theolder candidate will be awarded thehigher rank

If the tie is still unresolved, thecandidates will be given the same rank.

KEY POINTS�How well you have mastered the

important topics in each of Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics

�How much practise you havedone on similar levels of questions asasked in JEE Main

�How well you have perfected onyour timing of solving an objectivetype question

�How much attention you havegiven to time management & Strategyapart from covering your syllabi.

�How much calm & confidentyou are when you take up the actualexam.

Students are advised to give in thebest shot as it is finally the relative per-formance in the actual exam that willfetch you a good rank in JEE 2019.


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From 2019, JEE Main will beconducted in two phases, thefirst for Admissions to

BE/BTech from January 6-20, 2019and the second phase for admis-sions to BArch/B Planning betweenApril 6-20, 2019. After being takenover by National Testing Agency(NTA), there will be no majorimpact as far as the pattern of theexam is concerned. The exam willhave the same papers as conduct-ed by the CBSE until last year.

Except for the exam mode, thepattern remains unchanged.Paper-I will be completely held incomputer based mode, and inPaper-II, Mathematics andAptitude Test will be computerbased whereas Drawing will bepen-and-paper based. All themultiple choice questions willcarry 4 marks each for the rightanswer and negative marking of 1mark for incorrect answer.

In JEE Main Paper-I, 30MCQ’s will be asked from eachsubject (Physics, Chemistry andMathematics) making it a total of90 questions. The question paperwill be available in English, Hindiand Gujarati (for students ofGujarat, Daman & Diu andNagarhaveli). Paper-I will be con-ducted in two sessions per day andthe candidates need to book theirslots.

Paper-II includes a total of 82questions. 30 MCQ’s inMathematics section, 50 fromAptitude and 2 questions will beasked from drawing test. All theMCQ's carry 4 marks each (with-1 negative marking) and eachdrawing test question carries 70marks.


has started student registrationfor JEE Main mock tests fromSeptember 1, 2018. Candidateswill be able to practice with thesetests to get a better understand-ing of the exam pattern, how toprepare and what to expect in theactual exam.

Common Service Centres :The authorities have set up 1.5lakh CSCs across the country tohelp candidates in both urbanand rural areas in application

form filling and submission.Age limit: The criteria of age

limit has been removed from JEEMain 2019. Candidates who havepassed their 10+2 in 2017, 2018or are appearing in 2019 canapply for the exam, irrespective oftheir age.

More than one attempt: JEEMain 2019 will be held twice ayear - the first time in Januaryand the second time in April.Candidates can choose to appearfor either one or both.

Revised Application fees:The application fees have beenreduced for different categoriesfor JEE Main 2019.

Mode of Test: JEE Main 2019will be a computer-based test forPaper-I; however, for Paper-II,Mathematics and Aptitude will bein computer-based mode andDrawing will be in pen and papermode. Paper-I will be in twoshifts per day, whereas, Paper-IIwill be in one shift only.

SELECTION PROCESSThe NTA will announce the

qualifying cutoff of JEE Main2019 in the first week of May after

the announcement of the result ofthe April exam. The results for thefirst exam will be announced onJanuary 31, 2019. The results ofJEE Main will be the scoresobtained by the students in theexam they have appeared inJanuary, April or both. The resultswill be devoid of ranks as it willbe compiled on the basis of bet-ter scores of candidates appear-ing in both the exams.

Common rank list: TheCommon Rank List for JEE Main2019 will be available in the firstweek of May after the declarationof the results of the April exam.The better of the scores of can-didates who have appeared inboth JEE Main January and Aprilwill be considered for the rank-ing purposes while the scores ofthe candidates who have appearedfor just one exam will be used asit is. The common rank lists willdenote the All India and Categoryranks of the candidates in addi-tion to the details of the candi-dates and marks obtained. TheJEE Main rank will be the basisfor admissions to the NITs, IIITsand GFTIs

EVALUATION PROCESSAs the JEE Main 2019 will be

held on different days and ses-sions, maintaining the equiva-lence among different sets ofquestion papers comes to the fore.To ensure that no candidate is ata disadvantage or highly benefit-ed, normalisation of marks will beenforced for the purpose of rank-ing. Students will be ranked onthe basis of their percentile scoreswhich will be calculated as per apre-determined formula.

Percentile scores: Based onthe relative performance of all theappearing candidates by trans-forming the scores into a com-mon scale ranging from 100 to 0for each session. Percentile Scoreshows the percentage of candi-dates who have scored equal to orbelow a particular percentile in anexam. It is the normalised scoreand not the raw scores. After nor-malisation, each topper of a ses-sion will get the same percentileof 100 which is the desirable one.Also the marks between the low-est and highest scores are alsoconverted to the respective per-centiles.

In case of percentile tie:When two or more candidatesobtain equal percentile scoresthen ranking will be sorteddepending on their percentiles inMathematics, then Physics andthen Chemistry. Even if the per-centiles remain same, the oldercandidate will be ranked higherand same rank will be allotted tothe candidates for a tie after thissituation.

Compilation of scores: Afterthe JEE Main I will conclude inJanuary, the result that will bedeclared on January 31 will dis-play the four NTA scores — foreach of the three subjects(Mathematics, Physics, andChemistry) and the total NTAscore for that attempt. The scoreswill be the percentile scores cal-culated as mentioned above.

Second attempt compila-tion of NTA scores:

The scores will again be cal-culated for the total and that ofthe three subjects individually asmentioned for the first attempt.

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India lost the fifth and final Testagainst England by 118 runshere on Tuesday despite hero-

ic resistance from KL Rahul andRishabh Pant, bringing the cur-tains down on a tour which start-ed as a golden opportunity butended in a saga of disappoint-ments.

A mediocre England teamwith a fragile batting line-up wonthe series by a comprehensive 4-1margin after India were bowled outfor 345 in pursuit of mammothtarget of 464.

Making amends for a below-par show in the preceding Tests,Rahul (149 off 224 balls) and Pant(114 off 146 balls) sang theredemption song with attractivecenturies to raise visions of animprobable victory before AdilRashid (2/63 in 15 overs) dashedtheir hopes with a twin blow.

Rashid bowled a prodigiousleg-break that pitched on therough and clipped Rahul's off-bailand in his next over Pant tried tohoick him for his fifth six only tobe holed out by Moeen Ali.

Once the 204-run sixth wick-et stand ended, India tried to hangon for a respectable draw but it wasof no avail.

Root took the second new balland his new 'Go To' Man SamCurran (2/23 in 9 overs) prompt-ly delivered by polishing off the tailwith Ishant Sharma and RavindraJadeja being removed in quick suc-cession.

Fittingly, it was England'ssenior-most bowler JimmyAnderson (3/45 in 22.3 overs),who castled Mohammed Shami toend the match and also surpassGlenn McGrath as the highestwicket-taking pacer in Test matchhistory.

It couldn't have been a moreemotional farewell for AlastairCook as he led the team off theground amidst a thunderousstanding ovation from a knowl-edgable Oval crowd.

However there were a coupleof times when it looked that Indiacould at least earn a respectabledraw if not a win.

Rahul batted in a cavalierfashion for the first time in theseries as he added 118 runs withAjinkya Rahane on a flat battingdeck at the Oval.

Rahane (37)'s indiscreet sweep

shot followed by Hanuma Vihari's(0) dismissal saw India reduced to121 for 5 before the complexion ofthe game changed once again.

Rahul was at his elegant bestdriving and cutting with a lot offerocity including a slapped sixover extra cover of Ben Stokes andfour off the bowler to complete hisfifth Test hundred.

However in the post-lunchsession, it was young Pant, whomade amends for his poor glove-work with some exhilaratingstrokeplay that included 15 bound-aries and four huge sixes.

Such was Pant's dominancethat Rahul quietly dropped anchorletting Pant cut loose as helaunched into England's spin duoof Rashid and Moeen Ali (1/68 in17 overs). Pant muscled the ballthrough the gaps as England hadattacking field set and forced themto get into a defensive mindset asthey got free runs.

When the final session start-ed, India needed 166 runs in 32overs and there were serious hopesof an astonishing victory. India hadcome very close to chasing 438 atthe Oval in 1979 and Pant-Rahul

were dreaming big.They weren't playing for a

draw and with Stuart Broad's rib-cage injury, the other bowlersbecame easy pickings for Pantespecially. He was audacious in hisstrokeplay and didn't let his shod-dy keeping affect his batting.

The twin centuries also did theduo world of good as both are nowsure to be a part of the squadagainst West Indies while ShikharDhawan's Test career looks to beheading southwards.

England captain Joe Root didhave a few things to worry but he

knew that one wicket would leadthem into the tail.

He delayed taking the secondnew ball which proved to be a mas-ter-stroke in the end as big leg-break found Rahul look back in adaze. Possibly Pant felt the needto keep going and having been suc-cessful in clearing the ropes on fouroccasions, he wasn't lucky the fifthtime.

The two knocks howeverwould become a footnote in whatturned out to be another humili-ating outing for India where theylost both Test and ODI series.

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Star javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra onTuesday said he would aim to consistent-

ly hit the Asian Games Gold-winning distanceof 88m next season before looking to cross themagical 90m mark in 2020 ahead of the TokyoOlympics.

Chopra, who sent the spear to a distanceof 88.06m to claim the Gold in the AsianGames last month, said a "small" adjustmentin his technique — which he would work outbefore next season — should enable him tocross the 90m mark.

"It has been a very satisfying season, I havebeen consistent at 85-plus throughout and Itouched 88m in Jakarta. I am now confidentthat crossing 90m is within my grasp, it cancome anytime. But before doing that I will haveto throw at around 88m consistently," Choprasaid in an interaction here.

"I would be looking to be consistent ataround 88m next year and then go for the 90mbefore 2020 Olympics. But you never knoweven in the biggest of events (like the WorldChampionships and Olympics), you can win

a medal at this distance (of 88m)," said the 20-year-old Haryana athlete at the sidelines of anevent organised by global sports drinks com-pany, Gatorade.

In 2016, Chopra became the first Indianjunior world champion athlete with a throwof 86.48m but had an ordinary season last year.

But this season, he emerged as a trulyworld-class javelin thrower, winning gold inthe Commonwealth and Asian Games and fin-ishing fourth in the prestigious DiamondLeague Final.

He is the only javelin thrower among thecurrent top stars in the world to have crossed85m while below 20 years of age. Among theactive javelin throwers, six have crossed the90m mark, including three Germans who havebeen consistent at around that magic mark.

Chopra is aware of the tough competi-tion at the global level but said a readjustmentin his technique should put him among theselect few of 90m throwers.

"I have to do a small change in my tech-nique, that has been identified along with mycoach (former world record holder UweHohn). This will be done before the new sea-son next year and I hope to improve my dis-tance," he said.

"It is about the angle of release. The spearis going sideways and more towards left. Ihave to bring it towards the centre for a per-fect angle of release so that the spear goes far-ther."

The youngster said that the sixth-placefinish at the IAAF Continental Cup inOstrava in Czech Republic on September 9was a blessing in disguise as it showed heneeded the adjustment in his technique.

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Ace Indian shuttler PV Sindhu had to toil hard even asKidambi Srikanth and HS Prannoy scored easy victories

to progress to the second round of their respectiveevents at the Japan Open, on Tuesday.

Third seed Sindhu had to sweat it out for 53 min-utes before prevailing 21-17, 7-21, 21-13 over unseed-ed local girl Sayaka Takahashi in her women's singles open-ing round.

Sindhu will next play Chinese Fangjie Gao, whodefeated the other Indian in fray Jakka VaishnaviReddy 21-10, 21-8.

Having finished second-best yet again with ahistoric Silver in the Asian Games, Olympic medal-list Sindhu would be desperate to break the finaljinx here.

Sindhu has been outstanding with Silvermedals in all the major events this year --the Commonwealth Games, the WorldChampionship and the Asian Games butthe Gold has been eluding the Indian for awhile now.

In men's singles, Prannoy defeated cur-rent Asian Games Gold medallist JonathanChristie of Indonesia 21-18, 21-17 while

Srikanth got the better of Chinese Yuxiang Huang 21-13, 21-15 in another first round match.

While Prannoy will be up against Anthony SinisukaGinting of Indonesia in the second round, Srikanth will takeon Vincent Wong Wing Ki of Hong Kong.

Both Srikanth and Prannoy had sufferedshock defeats in the second round of the Asian

Games and the duo would be desperate to makeamends.

However, it was curtains for another Indian,Sameer Verma, who fought hard before going

down 18-21, 22-20, 10-21 in another men's singlesopening round encounter.

Meanwhile, it was a mixed outing for theIndian mixed doubles pairs as Satwiksairak

Rankireddy and Ashwini Ponappa crashed out in theopening round even as the combination of Pranaav

Jerry Chopra and N Sikki Reddy sailed into the nextround.

Ranikireddy and Ponappa were shown the door bysecond seeds Yilyu Wang and Dongping Huang of China

13-21, 17-21, while Chopra and Reddy stormed into thesecond round with a 21-9, 21-6 victory over Malaysian duoof Mathew Fogarty and Isabel Zhong. Chopra and Reddywill face another Malaysian combination of Peng Soon

Chang and Liu Ying Goh in the next round.

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Pakistan captain Sarfraz Ahmed reckons thatthe second group league game of the Asia

Cup against arch-rivals India will set the tonefor his side in the remainder of the tournament.

Pakistan will open their Asia Cup campaignagainst Hong Kong in Dubai on September 16followed by the match against India onSeptember 19.

"Our preparation is very good. We will tryto use the four days we get in the UAE and pre-pare well. Every match we play against Indiais important. The match against India will beour first big match and we will try to gain themomentum. We will try to be fully preparedagainst India," the Pakistan captain said.

Sarfraz time and again spoke about themomentum that a victory against India willgive.

"I have already said momentum is veryimportant for big events and here also momen-tum would be the key. The team has high hopesand the morale is also very good. So we willtry to gain the momentum from the first matchand carry that till the end," he said.

Having played most of their home seriesat UAE of late, Sarfraz is fully aware of the con-ditions in UAE. "If you look at the pitches there(UAE), they are generally slow in nature. So thespinners' role would be very crucial," he said.

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Ankit Bawne's 18-ball-28 ensured athrilling six-wicket victory for India

A against Australia A in the second 'Test'after Krishnappa Gowtham and KuldeepYadav set-up with fine bowling perfor-mance.

The two-Test series ended 1-1 withAustralia winning the first game.

The match went down to the wireas India A dismissed the visitors for 213in their second innings with off-spin-ner Gowtham getting 3/39 and china-man Kuldeep ending with 3/46.

Needing 55 to win eight overs,India A sent Shreyas Iyer and ShubmanGill to open the innings but both weredismissed cheaply.

Bawne guided the team to victoryafter Kona Bharat hit a six and four butIndia A were reduced to 25 for 4.

With Australia A spreading thefielders to the deep, Bawne changed thecourse of the match with 16 runs offChris Tremain's fifth over.

Earlier, starting the day at 38 for 2,Australia A were comfortably placed at116 for two with Travis Head (47) andPeter Handscomb (56) adding 79 for thethird wicket. However once Head wasdismissed by Shahbaz Nadeem (2/67 in41 overs), the last six wickets fell for 73runs.

However Mitchell Marsh (36, 79balls) and Michael Neser (17, 112 balls)batted well in middle overs but con-sumed nearly 16 overs.

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India produced a clinical perfor-mance to register a convincing

nine-wicket win over Sri Lanka inthe first ODI of the ICC Women'sChampionship here Tuesday.

India women produced anincisive bowling effort to bundleout Sri Lanka women for a meagre98 in 35.1 overs after the home sideopted to bat first and then chaseddown the target with consum-mate ease, reaching 100 in 19.5overs for the loss of just one wick-et.

Medium pacer Mansi Joshi(3/16) and veteran JhulanGoswami (2/13) wreaked havoc atthe top. Besides the duo, PoonamYadav (2/13) picked up two wick-ets for India.

The spin trio of Deepti Sharma(1/16), Rajeshwari Gayakwad(1/18) and Dayalan Hemalatha(1/19) also chipped in with wick-ets. Skipper Chamari Atapattu

top-scored for Sri Lanka womenwith a struggling 93-ball 33.

Chasing the paltry target, theIndian openers — Punam Raut(24) and Smriti Mandhana (73) —looked at ease as they stitched 96runs for the first wicket to seal thematch for their side. But just whenit seemed India women would

reach the target unscathed with justthree runs to win, Raut was dis-missed.

Mandhana starred with the batfor India women, scoring her runsoff 76 balls and hit 11 boundariesand two sixes in the process.

The second ODI of the serieswill be played here on Thursday.

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Australia ushered in a fresh eraon Tuesday by including five

uncapped players in their first Testsquad since the scandal-plaguedtour of South Africa this year.

With the disgraced SteveSmith, David Warner andCameron Bancroft all suspendedfor their role in the ball-tamperingrow that sparked one of the worstcrises cricket has faced, selectorshad slim pickings.

Also missing for their two-Testseries against Pakistan in theUnited Arab Emirates next monthare injured fast bowlers JoshHazlewood and Pat Cummins,leaving Australia with one of itsweakest Test squads in years.

Among the five debutants areQueensland trio Michael Neser,Brendan Doggett and MarnusLabuschagne, South Australia'sTravis Head and Victoria's AaronFinch.

"There has been significantchange to our Test squad, due tothe unavailability of a number ofkey players," said national selectorTrevor Hohns.

"That said, we firmly believethe squad selected is up to the chal-lenge ahead, and is capable of play-ing a brand of cricket that can per-form well in this series againstPakistan.

"It's a blend of experiencedplayers who have a significantamount of either Test or first-classcricket, and a number of youngerplayers who we are confident areready for the Test arena."

The aggressive Finch, betterknown for his exploits in theshorter form of the game, was alsoincluded and could open the bat-ting with Renshaw.

In a relief for selectors theexperienced Shaun Marsh wasdeclared fit after recovering froma shoulder injury that forced himto return home in July from a

county cricket stint withGlamorgan.

A slimmed-down UsmanKhawaja, all-rounder Mitch Marshand either Head or Labuschagneshould fill out the middle-orderplanks.

Peter Handscomb missed outafter poor form on the currentAustralia A tour of India, and therewas no room for batting all-rounder Glenn Maxwell, despitealso offering a handy off-spinoption.

Veteran Mitchell Starc willspearhead the attack and there wasa recall for workhorse quick PeterSiddle on the back of his red-hotform in England this year withEssex, with either Neser or Doggettpotential new-ball partners forStarc. Nathan Lyon, Jon Hollandand left-armer Ashton Agar occu-py the spin slots with captain TimPaine behind the wicket.

The first Test is in Dubaifrom October 7 .

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