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Healthcare Trends in Healthcare Investments and Exits Report

Silicon Valley Bank’s annual healthcare M&A report, Trends in Healthcare Investments and Exits, examines the merger and acquisition and IPO activity of private, venture-backed…

Healthcare Pennine acute trust and aqua celebration event fiona thow

NHS Improving Quality was invited to take part in a recently held event that celebrated the work that is being done in partnership between the Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS…

Healthcare What is Lasik Surgery?

Lasik surgery is a refractive surgery used to correct the some common problems of vision. Website :-

Healthcare Probiotics | Safe Storage and the Benefits

This gives a wonderful overview of Probiotics. It shares the uses, benefits, and safe storage solutions of Probiotics.

Healthcare Basics Physics of ultrasound

Training Material inherited form Philips Basics of Ultrasonography. Covers the fundamentals of Ultrasound Waveform, Piezoelectric Effect, Phased Echo Concept, Goal of Ultrasound,…

Healthcare How to treat fungal nail

How do you feel walking with a fungal nail? The idea is disgusting, is it not? Fungal nail means infection in the hard material of the nail that is keratin. It can affect…

Healthcare Data Mining in Healthcare: How Health Systems Can Improve Quality and Reduce Costs

This is the complete 4-part series demonstrating real-world examples of the power of data mining in healthcare. Effective data mining requires a three-system approach: the…

Healthcare How to Humanize Your Hospital's Brand -- Step-by-Step

Presented by Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media, Ragan Communications and Astute Solutions. In Krista Kotrla’s new 75-minute webinar, “How to humanize your hospital’s…

Healthcare Evolution of the Social Media Revolution in Health Care

My presentation on July 24, 2014 to the Minnesota Medical Group Management Association in Duluth.