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Automotive Schibsted classified 2014

At an investor meeting in Copenhagen Schibsted told attendees what Schibsted will focus on in 2014. Schibsted own…

Automotive Mercedes ahead of bmw and audi in social buzz

To understand and analyze the social media awareness of BMW with respect to its competitors.

Automotive The European Opportunity

Presentation from THAI EUROPEAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (TEBA) event 13.06.3014 on WCAS (World Class Manufacturing Automotive Supplier Initiative).

Automotive The Internet of Cars - Towards the Future of the Connected Car

No doubt you have heard the phrase “Internet of Things” and the new buzzword “IoT” been used more and more these days, but what does that mean in practice? The Tesla…

Automotive The Connected Car: Driving Towards the Future

Covering the state of the internet-connected automobile, with the experts at Strategy Analytics and IBM. We discuss: - The challenges of the connected car

Automotive Best Car Designers Of All Time

When you see a very well designed car, you hover at it with amazement and think you’ll marry the brilliant person behind the genius design; you think this way especially…

Automotive Chaos Theory | Car Tech Issue

THE FUTURE OF CAR TECH • Why the five-year development cycle is too long for tech • How hiring third-party developers can improve infotainment…