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"Like Living Stones"zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaYWVUTSRPONMLKJIHGFEDCBALWF Studies, 2010

edited by Hans-Peter Grosshans and Martin L. Sinaga

on behalf of The Lutheran World Federation

Copyright 2010, Lutheran University Press and The Lutheran World Federation.

All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in articles and reviews, no part of this

book may be reproduced in any manner without prior permission.

The views expressed in t IIis publication are those of t he authors and dozywvutsrponmlkihgfedcbaVUTSRPONMLKIHGEDCBA1I0t

necessarily reflect the official position of the Lutheran World Federation.

Editorial assistance and layout: Department for Theology and Studies

Design: Office for Communication Services

Cover photo: © LWF/II. Putsman Penet

Published by Lutheran University Press under the auspices of:

The Lutheran World Federation - A Communion of Churches

150 route de Ferney, P.O. Box 2100

CII-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland

This book is available in cert ain European bookstores using ISBN: 97R-2-9404G9-14-8

ISSN 1025-2290

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

"Like living stones" : Lut heran reflections on the one holy, catholic, and apostolic

churchzwutsrqonmlkihgfedcbaZYWTRMKIGEDI edited by Hans-Pet er Grosshans and Marlin L. Sinaga on behalf of The

Lutheran World Federation.

p. cm.

ISI3N-J:3: 978-1-9:32688-60-:3 Calk paper)

ISBN-l0: 1-9:32688-60-9 Calk. paper)

I. Church--Marks.2. Lutheran Church--Doctrines. I. Grosshans. Hans-Peter. II.

Sinaga, Martin L. III. Lutheran World Federation. 1\'. Title: Lutheran reflections on

the one holy, catholic, and apostolic church.




Lutheran University Press, PO Box :390759, Minneapolis, MN 554:39

Printed in Switzerland

5 IntroductionyxwvutsrponmlkjihgfedcbaZWTSPOMLKJIHGFEDCBA

Martin Sinaga

II Introducing the Theme: The One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic

Church as Realized in Lutheran Churches

Hans-Peter Grosehans

21 Confessing and Living out Unity from a Lutheran Perspective:

Old and New Challenges

Dagmar Heller

39 The Making of Differences: Theological Discourse on the

Unity of the ChurchzwutsrqonmlkihgfedcbaZYWTRMKIGED

Guillermo Hansen

59 One Body In Christ? Eccleslology and Ministry between Good

Theology and Bad Anthropology

Else Marie Wiber-g Pedersen

83 The Unity of Protestant Churches In Europeand the

Compatibility of Ecumenical Agreements: The Community of

Protestant Churches in Europe as an Ecumenical Model for


Stephanie Dietrich

95 The Holiness of the Sinner-the Credibility of the Church

Eckhartl. Zemmricti

103 Holiness and Reconciliation: The Challenge of an Eccleslology

of Reconciliation

Binsar Pakpahan

III A Cultural Hermeneutical Reflection on the Lutheran

Understanding of the Church's Holiness

ThuEn Yu

4 Like LIV '"Ig Stones"zyvutsrponmlkihgfedcbaWUTSRPOMLIHGFEDCBA

123 The Holy Spirit and the Holiness of the ChurchzwutsrqonmlkihgfedcbaZYWTRMKIGED

Yonas Yigezu Dibisa

133 A Community of Faith and Love: A Lutheran Perspective on the

Catholicity of the Church

Tomi KaTI tunen

149 Lutheran Catholicity in Worship: The Evangelical Lutheran

Church In Tanzania

Elieshi Munqure

159 Apostolicity

Milos Kldtik

167 On the Way to a Common Understanding of the Church's

Apostolicity in the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue

Theodor Dieter

177 Mission as Com-passion

Roberto E. Zwelsch

191 The Church-Opium of God's People?

WaiMan Yuen

203 Contributors

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