ZANY! First Edition (December 2014)

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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Zany Special Edition 2014 CONTACT US : ZANY


I t seems like w e have reached the end of 2014. In a year filled with tragedy, hope, war, virus outbreak

and plane crashes, how do you choose to remember 2014?

This year, we ’ ve witnessed diverse catastrophic events. Our own Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 had gone

missing since March. Until now, searches are still ongoing in the deepest trench of the world, the South

Indian Ocean. The Isr aeli - Hamas conflict in the Gaza Strip and the shooting down of (again) our own

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 along the borders of Ukraine further escalates the intensity of 2014. The

current war between the Islamic State militants and the US Army has also peaked and is further

intensified by the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Such depressing headlines.

Let ’ s take a look to our campus. From January ‘ till November, key events in our college have took place.

The highlights of this year include th e Annual Sports Festival in February, hosting the Northern Zone

Annual Language Week, the first Islamic Cultural Festival and the marking of the first batch of PT3 that

have sat the examination ma kes this year an eventful year.

These common situations are a routine to us. From waking up to lying down in bed, we can ’ t deny how

much this college and the people in it have impacted us. But what ’ s more important is what WE ’ VE

became. Have you ever stop and asked yourself, that without your personal experience or attachment

to this campus, you would never be the person you are today? I know some people said that they hated

this school. That this school did them more harm than it did well. But what they ’ re not aware of is how

they ’ ve gro wn as a human just by their presence here. So with that statement put onboard, w hat have

YOU done this year?

Wrapping up 2014 isn ’ t as hard as it seems. The ups and downs of this year makes it for what it really is . I

urge all readers to embrace this year and cherish it for the rest of their lives. It ’ s often said that high

school years are the best years of one ’ s live.


Wrapped Up: Year of Hope 2014 by : Dienta Alias



SPECIAL SHOUTOUTS! 21) To the dearest Form 5, goodluck menghadapi your next phase,

university life. Jaga diri. Chase your dreams. Make good deeds to

people,religion and country We’re gonna miss you guys so much


20) Hope you guys are going to excel in your life I am a form 3



19) Goodluck Form 5. I wish you a happy future.


17) It feels weird when rain doesn’t fall in Malaysia. Same goes to

Baling when you guys are not around. Life is easy, so all you need

is to be strong.


18) Dear Am, Ash, Dayat, Arfa, Amir Aminuddin (Baby), Faris Azwaa!! :D

Good luck SPM. Strive to be the best. You guys can do it. Straight

As in hand eh?

‘Mrs. Bieber loves Am.’ -viner-

16) Bye bye, I’ll miss your goods and your bads.


15) It has been awhile. I’m gonna miss you guys. Obviously!! Thank you

for supporting me all this year especially to BOSDs 13/14 and also

SRCs. Thank you!!


14) Jealous with you guys because you guys are gonna say goodbye to

school. I have to wait like 2 more years. T_T


13) To all the legends of Form 5 students, you are the best and the one

that makes history in this amazing college. When you’re gone, I

know the teachers (even the students) will be missing all of you

because you’re the first batch of this college. I would like to say

farewell to all of you. I hope that you can achieve 10 As and got an

amazing scholarship! Bye

-The Amazing S-

12) I love you guys Gonna miss you. LOL. (chineese characters

insert here)


11) Yooo! Gonna miss you guys! Best batch ever!

-M.Al faiz-

10) Thanks for the knowledge that you have gave to us and all the best.

10 As will be in your hands. Attitude reflect everything.


9) We gonna miss you guys! All of your contributions are very deedful

and what that I can say is only, thank you Form 5.


8) To Ameer Firdaus: May Allah pour you with His blessings. Take

care. Good luck SPM.


7) Thanks for all the memories together, you guys are the best

seniors I ever have.


6) Assalammualaikum, I love you, Kak Syahirah Zaini. You are the best

big sis I’ve ever had! May Allah bless you. Muah. I love you to the

moon and back. Gonna miss you.


5) Have fun with the remaining pieces of your life. Hope you all be

blessed and succeed in life. Have fun in gaining more great

experiences. More steps to go. Whatever you do, work at it with all

your heart. Be strong in life. Have faith. Bye stars, goodluck for



4) To all 97-ers. You will never know how you have impacted this

school with your presence. We’ll miss Anoi’s leadership, Kak Nisa’s

guidance and Kak Atiqah’s warnings, and many more. You will leave

footsteps in this school that will never be erased. Goodluck for

your new chapter in life : College! High school is just the beginning.


3) Bye bye! I wish you all luck for the future.


2) Thanks for all the good memories.


1) Form 5 has influenced us a lot – like we’re so addicted to Korean

dramas right now.

-3 Idiots-













These people had a large impact on this college.

Although not known by many but loved by all.









“ZANY: The Intro” By: Badri & Anisah

First of all, HYE! This is the BUZZ! section. This section consists of interesting articles, some extra facts, world news

and random stuffs. For this special edition, we’re going to bring all of you to the memories about our beloved seniors whose

existence is a big history to the college, the ones who had been the pillars of this college, the Form 5 students

So, we know that you’re very eager to know what is this all about. We’re introducing the new school’s tabloid, ZANY!

We are an independent club who will try our best to bring new issues every month (hopefully we will be PUNCTUAL).

Our aim is to act as a platform for students to give out their voices. If you looked at our logo, we quoted “The

Unheard Shall Be Heard”. This means that we will present the unheard opinions of the students here. This is important

because some students have very good ideas but haven’t been considered. We would like to fix this unfairness and hopefully

make this college a better place !

Previously, we set up a box for you guys to send your inspirational stories and quotes. We are glad that you guys had

given cooperation. We received many entries and we like to thank those who participated. We hope you guys will voice out

more of your opinions in the future.



Diego Armando Maradona came as close as any player can winning the World Cup as a one-

man team. He had been provoked into kicking himself out of the finals in 1982 but now he had

learned patience and gained in pace. Manager Carlos Bilardo constructed a team around

Maradona, who repaid that trust by scoring – against England and Belgium in the knock-out

stage – two of the finest solo goals ever seen in the finals. He also snatched the audaciously

destructive ‘Hand of God’ goal against the English before going on to create the winner in the

Final against West Germany for Jorge Burruchaga.

Pewdiepie This month we have picked a famous Youtuber. His name is Felix Kjellberg or also known as Pewdiepie. He is famous for his funny and entertaining gaming videos. Currently, with his growing youtube channel (currently more than 5 million subscribers) we thought that we should Buzzz about him to you because of his interesting love story.

Marzia Bisoginni is the woman he fell in love with, happened to be Pewdiepie’s fan. Before Pewdiepie famous, he always replied to every email sent by his fans. Marzia had sent emails about her appeal to Pewdiepie. Since that, their friendship had gone to a whole new level. But apparently, Marzia lives in Italy and Pewdiepie lives in Sweden. At the time Pewdiepie wasn’t a rich person, with his desires to meet Marzia, he worked at a harbour and sold his photoshoped photos. Finally when he had enough money he flew to Italy and the love story began.




As we all know, our college has been chosen to host the Northern Zone

Language Week. I was one of the helpers and it was so much fun, too bad you

guys didn’t join in. There were many great moments during the week ,a lot of

competitions were held and it was amazing witnessing them. For those whom

were there, you guys sure remember our very own participants. Drama was

the most memorable by far, many of us cried because the story was very

tragic and the actors made us very emotional so we’d like to congratulate

them for their great performance. You made us proud


On 16th June 2014, our college held a special event of the year, Teacher’s

Day. It was held to give appreciation to our beloved teachers whom had

gave us so many knowledge. There were fun competitions among the

teachers. The day was full of laughter and joy. Beside that, we would like to

congratulate our Designer, Ammar Adzim who had won the best shortfilm

competition. There were so many life lesson that we could adapt in our daily

life from the shortfilms presented that day.


This is one of the most waited occasion by all students. The celebration was

so exciting. The classes had represented their countries successfully. The

beautiful costumes that shows their country’s tradition amazed the eyes.

The performances was themed to be Choral Speaking, so there are some

who sang their country’s song, played stories and so much more. All the

students showed their best cooperation to make sure their country win. Due

to the winning for both best performance and best exhibition, India,

represented by 4 Junayd had became the winner of UNGA 2014.


Before the activity week, there were competitions to find the best winner

for the Islamic Cultural Festival. The winners were very talented. I was the

master of ceremony for the Quran Recital competition, which made me

hardly could deny that our students really have special talents. Along the

nights of the activity week, there were events like Tears of Our Brothers,

which had made all of us realize about the sadness of our brothers in Gaza.

The best of the week was the Far East concert. The concert was outstanding

with the Nasheeds sang by the members of Far East. That night, the

students, including me, had fallen into tears when one of the members

talked about his mother’s birthday. However, the Islamic Festival was

absolutely a week to remember by all of us.



One Less Problem A section where Zany’s crew interview random students to ask

them about their perspective towards a certain topic.

What do you think of suicidal people and how to overcome it?

Most pitiful people who has gone through a lot of obstacles which is more when compared with other people. As an individual, we

ourselves need to understand whether something is wrong and if it is, we need to go back to our ‘pangkal jalan’. We have to remind

ourselves of the good times in which we were happy with certain people, from there, you need to think of the people whom are

worth fighting for and makes life worth living. As a friend whom realize something is wrong, we need to find out the problem and try

to fix it.If not acceptable, just shower that person with love and care

Every soul has a higher purpose, whether or not it is known yet. –Ammar Faruq-

To me, suicidal people are stupid. Why would they want to commit suicide if they had a chance to live, right? So tome; suicidal people are

just plain stupid. To overcome this problem, first they need to have faith in their religion, whichever religion it is. Also, most people

commit suicide because they’re stressed out. They also need to overcome that.

I just hope that they won’t commit suicide as it is just plain stupid and it’s not worth it.

-Isya Faizin-

Islamic Inquiry

People whom lost or is losing hope and they are also the ones whom can’t find what they’re looking for. Suicidal cases can’t be completely overcome

because it is a matter of an individual’s choices in which even if we were to build up on a individuals’ characters, we can’t ensure there will be no more

suicidal cases, we, can merely minimize the cases. One of the steps that should be taken is by establishing a ‘pusat kebajikan’ in which free advices will

be offered to the suicidal victims to overcome their problems.

If it’s not two, or three people, there is at least one person out there who is smiling because of you. By performing suicide, you will be taking away

that smile from somebody. -Firdaus Shairi-

1. Those whom want to perform suicide are stupid people who doesn’t understand that everyone has their own weaknesses.

Can those whom commit or want to commit suicide find what they’re looking for after death?

Suicide doesn’t solve anything

Life still moves on, the only thing that can be done is just face it.

2. It is the society’s fault

The educational system shapes an individual

3. Fight back

As an individual, you need to solve your problems yourselves because there is no point in giving up

Life isn’t about finding yourself, instead, life is about creating yourself -Maryam-

What should you do when you hate somebody?

I will avoid from seeing him or her because that will drive me to talk bad about him or her. Even though I think business is the best

way to overcome hate between two people, I do hope that Allah will put us in a good situation to mend our bond back.

-Aida Hanani-

I’ll try my best to forgive because somebody’s forgiveness is what I need. A famous motivator once said “Before sleep, we must forgive everyone so

that others will forgive us, our family and our whole and next generation” –Dr. Fadhilah Kamsah

-Yasmin Nadhirah-


EDIToR’S NOTE BY : Nini Fazli

From Britain to Baling by : Christie Hewitt and Emily Parkes

Not only is Malaysia over 6000 miles away from the UK geographically, but it feels a million miles away from home because it is so very different. The UK is a diverse place, but it’s amazing just how vibrant Malaysia is in comparison, with so many different cultures influencing everyday life. It is interesting for us to live in an authentic country with lots of traditions, such as the many festivals celebrated here throughout the year.

The first thing that really hit us was the extreme change in climate .We have swapped cold winters for year-round tropical heat; and snowy Christmases for a Christmas in the sun. However this is a welcomed change, as we’re not going to miss the embarrassment of slipping over on ice in the middle of the street.

Another major difference is the food. It quickly became clear that food is a huge part of Malaysian culture – which suits us well as we love to eat! It took us a while to get used to get used to all the rice and spice, but we have now found some new favourite dishes, including satay and roti canai.

Perhaps the biggest challenge has been going from being a high school student to being a teacher within the space of a few months. This has felt surreal, but we are enjoying teaching and we have the lovely, welcoming students to thank for that!

As we are embracing all of these differences, we are learning to adapt ourselves, and they are becoming more normal aspects of our lives. We are excited to spend the remaining nine months both here in Malaysia and travelling around South East Asia, and gaining new knowledge and experiences that will stay with us for many years to come.

Being apart of something doesn’t make you any better but it makes you human. It makes you

feel like you matter. It’s something bigger than all of us. That’s society. That’s what we’re

trying to establish. An environment in which we are free to express our self. Free to be. Free to

inspire. The Zany Crew treasures honesty and courage. We’re trying to be the voices of the

unheard. For those who feel like they don’t have a say, just know that we all have a right. Our

life is based on the choices made by ourselves.

As I was reading through the stories sent in by the students, a nerve struck. I felt ashamed that

so many people are going through so much but few knew. I also felt honored that these

people sent their stories to us. We received many, it was so difficult choosing which ones to

include but decisions had to be made. I’d like to apologize for those whom their stories

weren’t included in this edition. Another apology should also be sent out for some whom we

have interviewed but aren’t able to fit since space was very limited.

The Zany Crew is considered an independent organization. The original crew consists of 9

members but we will expand our team by next year (With God’s permission) in which interviews and auditions will be held. Each

member is important and they bring a different part of him/her to life through these pages and as for that, I would like to thank

the members of my crew for their dedication and focus. A thank shall also be sent to Madame Hajar for your advices as our

supervisor and the Headmaster for his help and support. The students especially, you guys deserve a million thanks. Those whom

are included on these pages, those whom sent in their stories and such also the back stagers whom helped make this a reality.




1) I have lost my voice. After sleeping at 4.30 a.m. Well, not really lost it.

But, my voice change genders. From a normal girl, to the great green

hulk’s husky voice. So yeah, my voice somehow manage to stay this for

more than a week. This is not the first time this happens. But, this is the

worst. Everyone thinks I sounded like a guy. Oh no, this is getting boring.

Let’s go to the sob story that I felt like I’ve lost confidence with this voice.

HOWEVERRRRR it is a bit sexy, though (says some person that I like). I

might summon a UFO, or join One Direction or 5SOS, to make them some

more manly. Kahkah. So that’s it. My crush thinks this voice is cute. Okay,

that’s it okay bye.

-Ms Flexiblevoice--

2) One day, I had problems that I

can’t solve. I do not like to share it to




They say, parents who fight are not as bad as parents who are dead. True. But

you know, at least those who felt the loss of their parents still can move on and

continue their life. Of course, they will be sad because of the loss, but time heals

pain, right? Sooner or later, all of us will leave this world too. It’s just a matter of

time. But how about me? I will forever be stuck in the centre. I can never, really,

exactly move on. Why? Because, the things that made me feel so miserable and

leave me so much pain kept repeating and getting worse day by day. It’s like a

routine, to hear this kind of music before I go to sleep; the sound of people

throwing things. And loud screams are accompanied. Of course, you can wash

everything away when you go to sleep, but the moment when you wake up,

everything is going to be the same. Have you ever been in a situation where you

have to take a deep breath before speaking because you know you are so close

to crying? That’s me everytime I try to stop them from fighting. I won’t want to live

in separate homes, though.

Well to come and think of it, one can kill herself because of the pressure and pain

she gets everytime her parents countless of times just because of a small thing and

actually, almost about the exact thing everyday. One can take her pills when she

could not bring herself to sleep and kept on thinking when the broken wars

would come to an end, when she could get out from this chaos and battle field.

One can cut herself because no one bothered to care, no one understood, no

one gave a damn what she had been through for all those years and all they will

do is judge her. She’s in the dark and who she should put the blame on when

she couldn’t see light? Why people around her kept making noises but never

gave a helping hand? There comes a point when it all becomes too much, when

she gets too tired to fight anymore, so she gives up on everyone.

But still, miracle can happen, right?

Despite the broken pieces she gets, one can try her best to fix everything and glue

them back together. But you know, fixing a person isn’t like fixing a toy. When you

fix a person, you put yourself up to be broken. One can pray, cry her heart out

and spill everything to Him night after night because she knows He’s the best

listener and won’t judge her like others do. One can read the verses of the Holy

Al-Quran when she’s at her weakest point and when nothing feels right because

it’s the best medicine to clear her heart and she knows all those calamities she gets

is because He wants her to come back to Him. One can keep hoping a day to

smile will come eventually.

All I want is a happy family.


4) I want to share a story. Dear readers, if you do

read this, DO NOT BE LIKE ME.

I’m suicidal. To me, killing myself is the best option

that I have. I can’t stand it ; JUDGEMENTAL

FREAKS. I trust people too easily and I get hurt so

badly. I thought, EVERYONE was trustable, but the

next moment; they all stab you in the back. With a

sharp blade. Friends? None. Yup, I’m alone in this

world. I laugh a lot, LOUDLY. Just to cover up the

sadness in me. I’m a FAILURE. Ain’t tell me that, I

know. Call me anything. I write it on me, making

sure that I know it’s a part of me. I cry at night,

thinking all possibilities of me getting treated this

way. I cry during daytime figuring out why I cry so

much last night. They ask, I just say, ‘I’m fine’ . No

one’s giving me the pitying look; I DON’T WANT

IT. It’s just stupid to beg IF ANYONE’ S LIKE ME,

then, you’re not alone. Everyone would be happy

if I’m not here, REALLY. Thank God, I’m still

breathing but any moment now, I’m thinking of

dying. No. I’m not here searching for popularity,

I’m here to tell you that ‘STICKS & STONES MAY


HURT ME’ it’s a lie. Name-calling hurts more than


FREAKS: stop. You never know maybe one day,

someone died and it was because you called them

FAT/UGLY. Think this for yourself. My job here is


-Miss Failure-

5) I love reading. I love it so much, I NEED to

have ANY book with me at all times. Reading

opens up new experiences for me. Its like

entering a new world that is full of endless

possibilities. It takes you away from today’s pain

and transports you somewhere else entirely.

When I read, I’ll always feel the words flowing

through me in a powerful surge, captivating me

and tying me up. I read everything. I can’t live

without reading. Books, mags, newspaper,

textbooks, revision books. Please, read. It’s the first

revelation from Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH). Read!

-The Reader-


Be a ‘YES’ man.

Spend your last days being as positive as possible by saying YES to

everything (except things that are FORBIDDEN!). Doing a favour for

people and making people happy are some of the ways to become a

positive person. Have a thought about this idea. It might surprise you

on how happy you would by the end of the day.

Thank the school staff including the

secretary, custodian and etc.

It takes more than just teachers and administrators to

make a school run smoothly. Saying a quick “Thank You”

to your school’s unsung heroes would be appreciated,

especially since they’ve undoubtedly done far more for you

than you ever realise. Who knows that maybe one day,

you’ll come back here and everyone will look up to you;

realising that you’re the one who thanked all the staff on

your last days.

Do a senior prank, but don’t take it too far

Don’t do anything illegal or too outrageous, but this could be your

last chance to collaborate with the people you’ve grown up with

for almost half a decade now. Get the entire senior class or even

your own clique involved and create the most epic prank in your

school’s history. Have fun, but don’t be destructive or go beyond

what is expected. Getting expelled (or even – GASP – arrested) is

a really dumb idea and not a good reputation for you.

Make a time capsule

You may be tempted to throw out the loose papers in

your backpack, your old notebooks, pens and etc. but

hey, I’m sure someone would love seeing them 10 years

later. Put all your high school life items and anything

else that you want to put in a box marked ‘DO NOT

OPEN UNTIL 20**’ and keep it somewhere safe. If

you’re feeling crazy, dig a hole somewhere and place

your box in there. You’ll be glad you did. SOMEDAY.

Ways To Make History

Before Leaving School For


Hey seniors! The official countdown to adulthood has just begun. Hehehe. So here it comes (drumroll please); your last

days in MJSC Baling. I know these five years are the most annoying time period in your life but believe me, it’s still a pretty

big deal. You’re about to enter THE REAL WORLD next year and surely it won’t be the same as the past years.

During your five year stay here, I’m sure you often hear variations of these; “These are the best years of our life!”

or “Live it up! You can never get it back!”

It’s enough to even make you wonder if you really are hitting the high notes of your existence. Well, it is really important

to make the most out of any period of our life. So, to ensure that everyone here could make the most of their teenage


Paint a mural on a wall WITH HEADMASTER’S


It’s a fun way to end the school year with a mark of The

Legendary Batch! So that you guys will be remembered, always.

Hopefully, you guys will always remember each other too no

matter how far away you guys will be seperated.



Zany’s crew

Chief Managing Editor : Nini Fazli

Assistant Editor : Ammar Adzim

Senior Writer : Dienta Alias

Writer : Nureen

Reporters : Badri

Anisah Ramli

Cartoon Management : Hana

Graphic Designer : Irfan Monier

Public Relations : Afiq

Above is our crew members. This is our first issue.

We hope you like it. Any suggestion,send your suggestion to

Nini Fazli from 3G.

On the right side we have an artwork from our graphic designer PAMONEYR




All you have to do is fill in the comic space provided with interesting dialogues, fill in the form, then cut this entry form and send it to Nini Fazli from 3G.

The best entries will be posted in the next ZANY issue (if god wills :P)

Personal details Full name :

Class :

Nickname :


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