


Table of Contents Community Management 2 Social Media 5 Happiness Mayor 6 Photo Editing 7 Video Production 9

Community Management I worked two years as a community manager at IUM. My main area of work was managing different brand pages in social media which included content creation, moderation, as well as reporting. These brands that I have worked with represent many different fields of business for example restaurants, hotels, sweets, beverages and real estate.


Community Management My areas of work: •  Photography •  Photo editing (Photoshop) •  Copywriting •  Facebook advertising (Power Editor) •  Moderation •  Reporting


Community Management I have also: •  Planned and hosted many

successful Facebook competitions

•  Created Facebook apps •  Created banners that lead to



Social Media •  The topic for my Bachelor Thesis was: Social

Media Strategy for IUM Helsinki media agency(grade 4 out of 5)

•  I have visited a secondary school as a guest speaker talking about the pros and cons of social media.

•  While working at IUM, I managed and updated all of their social media profiles (Facebook, Google+, Twitter and LinkedIn)


Happiness Mayor At IUM I was the official Happiness Mayor. It was my duty to make sure that our office participated in IPG Mediabrands monthly happiness challenges. I also had the responsibility to arrange fun activities for co-workers every once in a while.


Photo editing

Fozkar Beatz logo

Photo editing has always been close to my heart. I have designed and created logos for various artists and companies.

Northstep Music Youtube channel logo

Sdurri logo


Photo editing

Xylitol Usmiech logo

Get Lost In HKI textile bag


Video production Since 2003 I’ve been filming and editing skateboarding movies and short clips. Our first movie was recorded on VHS tape. Since the year 2005 all of our movies have been burned to DVD’s with menus and cover artwork. Editing of the movies has always been done with Adobe Premiere Pro.

The trailer for our most recent skateboarding movie can be seen here


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