Post on 03-Dec-2021






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“I hereby declare that I have through this report for Face Recognition Unlock for Android for

mobile application and found its has comply the partial fulfilment for awarding the Bachelor of

Information Technology (Informatic Media)”


Name:Dr.Mohd Fadzil bin Abdul Kadir




I declare that this report entitle “Face Recognition Unlock for Android” is the result of my

own work except as cited in the references.The report has not been accepted for any degree and is

not concurently submitted in candidate of any other degree.


Name:Yusrina Batrisyia binti Rahim

Matric number:043313

Date:23 Disember 2018



First and foremost,praised be to Allah,the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful for

blessing me and giving me the oppurtunity to undergo and complete my final project “Face

Recognition Unlock for Android”.Even facing with some dificultties in completing this task,I still

managed to complete it.

Here,I would like to take this oppurtunity to express my heartiest gratitude my

supervisor,Dr Mohd Fadzil bin Abdul Kadir for all of his kindness,teaching,patience and guidance

in helping me to finish my task that really tested my abilities mentally and physically.I was so

proud to be supervised by him with his guidance and valuable advices.

Not forgetting lectures of Informatic’s Faculty,for their help and ideas in developing this

mobile application.Then,I would like thanks to my parents,for supporting me and giving me advice

during my whole studies.

In addition,grateful acknowledgement to all of my classmate and friends,who never give

up in giving their support,helping and sharing information.Thank you very much my friends,I will

never forget all of your kindness.Thank you very much.



A facial recognition system is a technology capable of identifying or verifying a person

from a digital image or a video frame from a video source.There are multiple methods in which

facial recognition systrms work, but in general they work by comparing selected facial features

from given image with faces within a database.It is also described as a Biometric Artificial

Intelligence based application that can uniquely identity a person by analysing patterns based on

the person’s facial textures and shape.The programming languange that used is Android Java SDK

to develop the Face Recognition Unlock for Android.OpenCV is used for database of the

application.The expected contribution from this system is it easy for android user.


Table of Contents

SUPERVISOR ENDORSEMENT ..................................................................................................1

STUDENT DECLARATION ..........................................................................................................2

DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................3

ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................................4

CHAPTER 1 ....................................................................................................................................6

INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................6

1.1 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................6

1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT ........................................................................................................7

1.3 OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................7

1.4 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................8

1.5 LIMITATION OF WORK .........................................................................................................8

TABLE 1: ACTIVITIES AND MILESTONES ..............................................................................9

1.6 EXPECTED RESULT .............................................................................................................10

CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................11

LITERATURE REVIEW ..............................................................................................................11

2.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................11

2.2 RESEARCH .............................................................................................................................12

CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................................15

3.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................15

3.2 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................15

3.3 REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................18





Face recognition has been a major subject of studies in the past few decades. It is something

that comes natural to us human, our brains do complex analyses of faces in order to store useful

information about them, which comes handy when trying to recognise a face by simply picking

the match.Scientists still do not fully understand how the brain function.However, that did not stop

scientists from taking some tasks that the brain can do and try to break them down to simple steps

to have a general understanding of that task. Computers are becoming an essential part of our life

such as desktop, phones and many more,their task is to make life easier. Since computers are

growing dramatically in terms of performance, teaching a computer how to do brain like tasks

become more feasible than ever before.

The automatic identification of a person by his or her faces from an image or video stream

has wide commercial and scientific applications.When such application is on mobile devices, the

use for it can be extended dramatically. It can be companied with other features of mobile device

such as geo location or even the orientation of the device.

Face recognition subject emerged in the early 1970s; however, its rapid development began

in the 1990s, after the establishment of new technologies in the field of image processing and

machine learning.

Face recognition system is a program that is used to identify faces automatically and verify

the identity of a person from a digital image or a video. In general, the face recognition problem

is composed of two stages. First, detecting a face, i.e. finding a face in an image frame regardless

of who the person is. Second, identifying whom the person is in the frame. By comparing the

features of the detected face to the image faces database the system can identify the person in the

image.To be able to label the person in the image, the machine should have been trained before



The training steps involve detecting a face then use some image process techniques to

insure the clarity of the face for the machine.After that, applying one of many training algorithms

to teach the system who that person is.


Create an android application that can learn faces then identify them whenever the

application sees those faces again.

To formulate the problem, given an image with a face in it,how can we detect the face then

determine the identity of the person in the image from known people to the system using

android device.

To develop mobile application face recognition for unlock android using Android Studio.


We have identified main objective of the project.It can be identified as the following:

To test the mobile application Face Recognition Unlock application on smartphone


To design and develop Face Recognition Unlock using Android Studio with more element


To test the functionality of the project.



The main scope of the system:


They can use their smart phone to unlock their device.

They can choose whether to enable face unlock or not.

They can use face unlock if the application cannot scan user.


There are several limitation and constraint that occurred throughout the development of this face

recognition.These problems and limitation in conducing this study are:

The user can use this face recognition using mobile phone only.

This face recognition us developed exlusively for face unlock android only.

This face recognition is focus bulid for android user only.






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1


1. Topic Confirmation & Discussion with Supervisor

2 Project Title Proposal

3 Submission of proposal

4 Preparation of Chapter1

5 Preparation of Chapter2

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Project and Research

2.3 Research comparison

6 Proposal Progress Presentation & Evaluation

7 Discussion & Correction Proposal

8 Proposed Solution Methodology (Chapter 3)

3.1 Problem identification

3.2 Design conceptual model

3.2.1 Process model

3.2.2 Data model

3.3 Method

3.3.1 Formula/ Algorithm / technique

9 Proof of Concept– Develop prototype

10 Drafting Report of the Proposal

11 Submit draft of report to supervisor

12 Seminar Presentation & Final presentation

13 Correction Report

14 Final Report Submission



At the end of this project,the expected result following the development of the proposed project is

as following:

Explore the image processing capability on android devices.

Create an easy and secure way to access on android devices using only basic hardware of

on android mobile device.





Literature review discusses the researches and analysis of already existing systems and

implementation of possible techniques and method to use in this project.This is done to help

determine the best possible techniques and methods so that the feasibility of the project can be

determined. Earlier many face recognition algorithms were used to achieve fully automated face

identification process. The first face recognition system was created in the 1960s. It was not fully

automated and it required manual inputs of the location of the eyes, ears, nose and mouth on the

images then it calculates a distance to some common point then it compares it to the stored data.

In 1971, Goldstein , Harmon and Lesk used some specific features of the human face such as hair

color,nose size and lips thickness trying to automate the recognition process.The main problem

back in the 1960s and 1970s was that manual inputs were required. The late 1980s Sirovich and

Kirby used Principal component analysis (PCA) a standard liner algebra technique to reduce the

complexity of the face recognition problem. In early 1990s Turk and Pentland found that by

Eigenfaces techniques, the residual error could be used to detect faces in images (Turk & Pentland,

Face Recognition Using Eigenfaces, 1991). This was an important discovery of the history of the

face recognition. It enables real-time and automated face recognition. Since then automated face

recognition has been evolving and became a major interest for researcher in image prossessing and

computer scientists.



2.2.1 Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns by Timo Ahonen,Abdenour Hadid and Matti


2.2.2 Face Recognition : A Literature Survey by W. ZHAO, R. CHELLAPPA, P. J. PHILLIPS

2.2.3 Face Recognition Project by Thomas Heseltine

2.2.4 Biometrics and Face Recognition Techniques by Renu Bhatia

2.2.1 Title : Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns

Authors : Timo Ahonen,Abdenour Hadid and Matti Pietik’ainen

Year of Publication : 2010

This article gave an introduction to the original LBP operator, introduced by Ojala et al, is a

powerful means of texture description. The operator labels the pixels of an image by thresholding

the 3x3-neighbourhood of each pixel with the center value and considering the result as a binary

number.Then the histogram of the labels can be used as a texture descriptor,for an ilustration of

the basic LBP operator.

Later the oparator was extended to use neighbourhoods of different sizes.Using circular

neighbourhood and bilinearly interpolating the pixels values allow any radius and number of pixels

in the neighbourhood.For neighbourhoods we will use the notation (P,R) which means P sampling

points on a circle of radius of R.

2.2.2 Title : Face Recognition : A Literature Survey by


Year of Publication : 2008

As one of the most succesful applications of image analysis and understanding,face recognition

has recently received significant attention, especially during the past several years.At least two

reasons account for this trend: the first is the wide range of commercial and law enforcement

applications and the second is the availability of feasible technologies after 30 years of


research.Even though current machine recognition systems have reached a certain level of

maturity,their success is limited by the conditions imposed by many real applications.For

example,recognition of face images acquired in an outdoor environment with changes in

ilumination and/or pose remains a largely unsolved problem.In other words,current systems are

still far away from the capability of the human perception system.

This paper provides an up-to-date critical survey of still and video-based face recognition

research.There are two underlying motivations for us to write this survey paper: the first is to

provide an up-to-date review of the existing literature, and the second is to offer some insights into

the studies of machine recognition techniques but also present detailed descriptions of

representative methods within each category.In addition, relevant topics such as psychophysical

studies, system evaluation, and issues of ilumination and pose variation are covered.

2.2.3 Title : Face Recognition Face Recognition Project

Authors : Thomas Heseltine

Year of Publication : 2009

The term face recognition encompasses three main producers.The preliminary step of face

detection (which may include some feature localisation) is often necessary if no manual (human)

intervention is to be used.Many methods have been used to accomplish this, including template

based techniques, motion detection, skin tone segmentation, principal component analysis and

classification by neural networks.All of which present the difficult task of characterizing “non-

face” images.Also, many of algorithms currently available are only applicable to specific

situations: assumptions are made regarding the orientation and size of the face in the image,

lighting conditions, background and subject’s co-operation.The next procudere is verification.This

describes the process by which two faces images are compared, producing a result to indicate if

the two images are of the same person.Another (often more difficult) procedure is

identification.This requires a probe image, for which a matching image is searched for in a

database of known people, thus identifying the probe image as a specific person.


2.2.4 Title : Biometrics and Face Recogniton Techniques

Authors : Renu Bhatia

Year of Publication : 2009

Biometrics is automated methods of recognizing a person based on a physiological or behavioral

characteristic.The past of biometrics includes the identification of people by distinctive body

features, scars or a grouping of other physiological criteria, such like height, eye color and

complexion. The present features are face recognition, fingerprints, handwriting, hand geometry,

iris, vein, voice and retinal scan.Biometrical technique is now becoming the foundation of a wide

array of highly secure identication and personal verification.As the level of security breach and

transaction scam increases, the need for well secure identication and personal verification

technologies is becoming apparent.

Recent world events had lead to an increase interest in security that will impel biometrics into

majority use.Areas of future use contain Internet transactions, workstation and network access,

telephone transactions and in travel and tourism.There have different types of biometrics: some

are old or others are latest technology.The most recognized biometric technologies are

fingerprinting, retinal scanning, hand geometry, signature verification, voice recognition, iris

scanning and facial recognition.





This chapter discussed about the methodology that was used along the development of this

application. Methodology is a complete set of guidance that consist of models, tools and specific

technique that need to be followed in executing every phases in a system development life cycle.


Methodology that was suitable to be used to develop this application is System

Development Life Cycle (SDLC). SDLC consist of five phase which is Early Planning Phase,

Analysis Phase, Design Phase, Development Phase and Implementation and Support and

Operation Phase.

Figure 1 : SDLC Phases.


3.2.1 Early Planning Phase

In this planning phase,title of the project has been application approved by supervisor

which I choose to develop the Face Recognition Unlock for Android.This application is developed

for user who using android.All information was gathered and I need to do a progress presentation

to the panels.After discussion between panels,I was required to do face recognition for unlock

phone especially for android user only.Writing proposal is needed in this phase to understand more

how the system is work and how I going to plan during development process.

3.2.2 Analysis Phase

This phase is important to determine the requirement and the needs of the application.I also

gather some of information from article and journal that related to smart phone android face

recognition unlock from internet to understand more about the concept of face recognition.It was

important to identify what was needed and suitable to be applied to the application.I decided to

use Android as a platform to develop the applications.

3.2.3 Design Phase

In this phase,there were few processes that need to be done such as sketching of the

interface for the application that will help to ease the development process since it will give

guidance and picture to complete the application.After the understand the flow of the system,I

make the interface design of mobile application.In this design phase,storyboard,layout and screen

design needed.

3.2.4 Development and Implementation

In this phase,I begin developed the system component which are mobile applications

module,Android Studio and OpenCV library.Some programming language can be used to write

the coding.I use Java programming language using Android Software Development Kit (SDK).


3.2.5 Support and Operation

In the last phase for the life cycle,the application will be tested and get maintenance for the last

time to make sure there will be no error happen.This was to ensure the error that happen previously

were handled and fully repaired before the application can be used.

3.2.6 Process Model

Figure 2 Framework


Face Recognition

Unlock for


Service Management

and Verification

Set Face Unlock

Choose current or set

up new face unlock

Capture Face

Choose continue or


Backup lock Pattern





In the software development process,the requirements such as software and hardware is the

most important requirement to ensure that all system development work smoothly without any

interuptions and problems.There are several requirements that were used to complete this project


3.3.1 Hardware

Minimum hardware requirements needed in the development of this system are:

1. HP Notebook - 15-da0006tx

Used to write the proposal and report for this project.

2. Processor

Intel core i5

3. Memory

4gb Ram

4. Hard disk

220gb Hard Disk

5. Operating system

Windows 10

6. Android Smart Phone

Android version 2.3 or later


3.3.2 Software

Software requirement of this project are:

1. Android Studio

This software are used for design interface and used for generate code.

2. OpenCV library

This software is used to generate code for Android application and save


3. Android Software Development Kit

Programming language used to develop the interface and all function for this


4. Microsoft Word

Used to complete the proposal writing and report writing for the project.

5. Google Chrome

Used for platform of this system to run.

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