Yu Gi Oh 2

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force (PlayStation Portable)

    Card Conversion achine esults F"#

    $ersion %&'

    eceber %*+ ,''

    .ritten by go/ugohangoten

    Table o0 Contents


    %& 1ntroduction

    ,& $ersion 2istory

    3& Fre4uently "s/ed #uestions

    5& Card Conversion achine esults

    6& Credits

    & Contact 1n0oration

    7& Co8yright 1n0oration



    %& 1ntroduction



    Than/ you 0or choosing to read y Card Conversion

    achine esults F"# 0or

    Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force& This F"# contains all o0 theresults you can get in

    the Card Conversion achine 0ound in the lab+ unloc/ed

    on ay %6& "0ter ta/ing

    note that there :as no F"# 0or this gae+ 1 decided to

    a/e y 0irst one 0or

    it& 1n a 0uture version 1 ay 8ut u8 a 0re4uently as/ed

    4uestions section+ but

    1 dont have any yet as it is version %&'&



    ,& $ersion 2istory



  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    $ersion %&'+ %*th eceber ,'';

    Subitted the F"#&

    $ersion %&%+ ,%st eceber ,'';

    "dded a cou8le ore cards&

    $ersion %&,+ ,nd

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    ?lue Girls= or and the ?each&



    5& Card Conversion achine esults



    The nuber above the card naes signi0ies ho: any

    cards you ust 8ut in 0or it

    to give you one o0 the cards belo:& So 0or an eDa8le;


    Oscillo 2eroystical >l0

    S:ord "r o0 ragon


    >leental 2ero "vian

    ?attle Steer

    This eans that i0 you insert ten cards+ you have a

    chance o0 getting Oscillo

    2ero+ ystical >l0+ S:ord "r o0 ragon+ S8ar/s+ or

    >leental 2ero "vian&"ny:ay+ here :e go;




    Oscillo 2ero

    ystical >l0

    S:ord "r o0 ragon


    >leental 2ero "vian

    ?attle Steer




  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    ?attle OD

    ountain .arrior

    leental 2ero ?urstinatriD




    ogue oll

    achine Conversion Factory

    "lien Grey

    ?ig 1nsect



    ?oo/ o0 Secret "rts

    "lien S/ull

    Eiller @eedle

    "rored iard




    $iolet Crystal


    Great .hite

    Cats >ar Tribe






    ar/ Sna/e Syndroe

    ?east Fangs




  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    S8irit o0 the .inds

    Cra:ling ragon 9,

    egendary S:ord

    ?attle .arrior

    2ero o0 the >ast




    .eather Control

    Su88orter in the Shado:s


    S:ordsan o0 andstar



    Toad aster

    onster >gg

    "lligator S:ord





    an >ater

    -.arrior 9,

    The elting ed Shado:

    Gaelle Eing o0 ystical ?easts




    ?east/ing o0 the S:a8s


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2







    Great oth

    ala i-Oon




    Thunder Eid


    u/a u/aroll ?ird




    && .arrior

    T:o-outh ar/ruler


    S/ull Stal/er





    Guardian o0 the abyrinth

    Treasure a8




    Cyber Eirin

    oot .ater


    @e/ogal 9%

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2





    ystic S:ordsan $,

    Stone "radiller


    una #ueen >lai





    The Furious Sea Eing

    Petit othContract :ith the ar/ aster




    Ser8ent arauder

    asa/i the egendary S:ordsan

    ooyan Curry

    .hite ragon itual



    Goblins Secret eedy

    Soul o0 the Pure

    ed edicine

    Paladin .hite ragon




    arie the Fallen One


    .hite agical 2at

    ungeon .or

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    ude Eaiser




    .ater agician

    Stone &

    Saber Slasher

    Curse o0 the as/ed ?east




    Chiera the Flying ythical ?east

    .aterdragon Fairy"ncient >l0

    ?eauti0ul ?east Trainer




    1nsect #ueen

    ?otto :eller

    Sea Eing ragon

    Giant ed Seasna/e-------------------------------------------------------



    ?arrel oc/

    illenuu Gole

    Toon Suoned S/ull






    Toon eraid

    ?arrel ily

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Sea Eaen

    "0ter the Struggle




    Turtle ?ird

    The Statue o0 >aster 1sland

    anga yu-an

    ?oulder Tortoise




    ittle "nthrosaurus

    >arth Chant





    "byss Flo:er

    volution Pill

    Shining Friendshi8





    Pu8/ing the Eing o0 Ghosts

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    @e/ogal 9,

    #ueen o0 "utun eaves

    ?oo/ o0 i0e





    S8ell e8roduction


    Garnecia >le8hantis




    @eo the agic S:ordsan


    ?lue edicine

    @ightare=s Steelcage




    The as/ed ?east

    an-eating Treasure Chest2ar8ie=s ?rother

    Cyber Falcon




    Oni Tan/ T-35


    @ightare .heel





    agic e0lector

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2



    Soul o0 the "ncients

    .ol0 "De:eilder

    Gate Guardian




    ain o0 ercy

    S8herous Enight

    Souls o0 the Forgotten

    Sacred Crane




    2eadless Enight

    The Gross Ghost o0 Fled reas

    OAaa Trio

    The Portrait=s Secret




    aster EyonsheeThe >arl o0 eise

    ystic S:ordsan $ 5

    Staunch e0ender




    iracle Eids

    Cho8an the es8erate Outla:

    S8irit o0 the Pot o0 Greed

    && Trainer




  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    ?urning "lgae

    Gora Turtle o0 1llusion

    Cocoon o0 >volution

    2ero S8irit




    estiny 2ero - Ca8tain Tenacious

    ystical Shine ?all

    .arrior o0 Jera

    Sealaster eisei




    estiny 2ero - oo ord

    etal "rored ?ug

    Ten Thousand @eedles

    Piranha "ry




    estiny 2ero - ?lade asterPharaoh=s Servant


    Pharaonic Protector




    "byssal esignator

    "bsorbing Eid 0ro the S/y

    Chrysalis ol8hin





  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    "bsolute >nd

    ighty Guard


    ?o/oichi the Freightening Car




    "ssault on 2#

    2ar8ie Girl

    ivine ragon >Dcelion

    ?east Soul S:a8




    olten Jobie

    irage O0 @ightare


    i00erent iension Ca8sule




    The .arrior eturning "livei0e >4ualier

    Sonic Shooter

    Tail S:i8e




    O8tion 2unter

    Guard Penalty

    es Eoala

    Success Probability 'K




  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    @eDt to be ost

    Full Salvo

    Generation Shi0t





    alice "scendant

    Eara Cut

    >Dcavation o0 age Stones

    eory Crusher




    ar/ aster - Jorc

    Chain Trasher

    aage Condenser

    Saber ?eetle




    Final Coundo:n2ero Eid

    agnet Circle $,

    .eed Out




    .arrior ady o0 the .asteland

    Siultaneous oss

    Pyraid Turtle

    Shien=s S8y




  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    2idden ?oo/ o0 S8ell

    Pot o0 Generosity

    ar/ Cata8ulter




    ?ottoless Tra8 2ole

    Poison Fangs


    oai 1nterce8tor Cannons




    Catni88ed Eitty

    ?ig-Tus/ed aoth

    ind 2aDor

    ast .ill




    Eunai :ith Chain

    Penubral Soldier adyind .i8e

    >nchanted Fitting oo




    S:ord o0 the Soul->ater

    >le8hant Statue o0 isaster

    Suoned S/ull

    ust ?arrier




    >le8hant Statue o0 ?lessing

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    estruction ing

    Gaia the Fierce Enight

    Fiend=s 2and irror




    Per0ectly Iltiate Great oth

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    iension istortion




    @ec/lace o0 Coand

    Order to Charge

    >8ress antis

    S8ecial 2urricane





    esurrection o0 Cha/raThe a: o0 the @oral





    Crab turtle

    Turtle Oath

    Thunder Crash



    2ungry ?urger

    >leental 2ero S8ar/an

    2aburger eci8e

    onster eborn




    >ria the .ater Charer

    .ynn the .ind Charer

    "ussa the >arth Charer

    2iita the Fire Charer

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2





    Grave/ee8er=s S8y

    ady Panther


    Fairy Guardian




    Grave/ee8er=s Curse

    ightning ?lade

    eteo the atchlessS8ring o0 ebirth




    Grave/ee8er=s Guard

    Eing o0 estruction - XeDeD

    eturn o0 the ooed




    Grave/ee8er=s S8ear Soldier

    "rored Glass

    Soloon=s a:boo/

    #ueen o0 Fate - >ternia




    Grave/ee8er=s $assal


    The Inha88y aiden

    riving Sno:

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2





    Grave/ee8er=s .atcher

    #ueen=s ouble

    Phantasal artyrs

    estructer evolution




    Grave/ee8er=s Cannonholder

    .itch=s "88rentice

    Grace0ul Charity>8ress ria

    Failiar Possessed-"ussa

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2





    achiners Force

    achiners Soldier

    achiners Sni8er

    Coander Covington




    iracle estoring

    raining Shield

    Inited .e StandTreeborn Frog




    Toy agician

    age Po:er

    1nAection Fairy ily

    Thunder @yan @yan



    Cyber ragon

    >leental 2ero "4ua @eos

    >leental 2ero Flare @eos

    >leental 2ero ar/ @eos

    @eo S8acian Flare Scarab

    @eo S8acian "4ua ol8hin

    @eo S8acian ar/ Panther



  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Booster Pack Unlock

    Type the next code at the card shop, interface.

    Effect Code

    Unlock 1 Booster Pack. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, x, o.

    Contributed By:CarlosAkasaki.



    Card Pass"ords

    Enter the pass"ord in the pass"ord #achine to recie$e the cards for

    rent %se.

    Effect P

    4-Starred Lad!"g of Doo# $

    ( )olored *ish +

    )at of ll #en +

    Deal ith Dark R"ler /

    *eather of the Phoenix 4

    *eint Plan '

    2ero 3#erges +

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Legendar cean /

    an ith d5at 0

    Ri6al ppears7 /

    ing!eat of 8iant Dragon +

    -9ea#: 9rap Disposal Unit 1

    !are Ushioni $

    !sol"te 3nd +

    !sor!ing ;id *ro# the Sk 4

    !ss Soldier 1

    !ssal Designator $

    cid 9rap 2ole 4

    cro!at onke 4

    dhesion 9rap 2ole '

    dhesi6e 3xplosi6e 0

    fter the Str"ggle +

    gido 1

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    #phi!io"s B"groth ;-% '

    #plifier /

    n wl of L"ck +

    ncient 3lf &

    ncient 8ear %

    ncient 8ear Beast 1

    ncient 8ear )annon $

    ncient 8ear )astle &

    ncient 8ear Drill '

    ncient 8ear 8ole# $

    ncient 8ear Soldier 0

    ncient La#p 0

    ncient Li=ard arrior 4

    ndro Sphinx 1

    nteatereatingant 1

    nti-ircraft *lower '

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    nti-Spell 0

    pprentice agician /

    ppropriate 4

    >"a adoor $

    >"a Spirit 4

    rcane rcher of the *orest 0

    rchfiend of 8ilfer 0

    rchfiend Soldier 4

    rchlord ?erato 1

    r#aill 0

    r#ed )hanger &

    r#ed Dragon L@ % /

    r#ed Dragon L@ 0 4

    r#ed Dragon L@ ( (

    r#ed Dragon L@1/ 0

    r#ed Ain5a /

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    r#ed Sa#"rai - Ben ;ei $

    r#or xe /

    r#or Break (

    r#ored Li=ard 1

    r#ored Starfish 1

    r#ored ?o#!ie +

    rra of Re6ealing Light '

    rsenal B"g 4

    rsenal Ro!!er 0

    rsenal S"##oner $

    ssa"lt on 82 '

    stral Barrier %

    s"ra Priest /

    swan pparition $

    to#ic *irefl $

    ttack and Recei6e '

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    ttack Reflector Unit &

    "ssa the 3arth )har#er %

    "tono#o"s ction Unit (

    6atar of the Pot &

    xe Dragon"te $

    xe of Despair 4

    B. Sk"ll Dragon 1

    B.3.S. )o6ered )ore 1

    B.3.S. )rstal )ore +

    B.3.S. 9etran 4

    Ba! Dragon $

    Back to S>"are ne 4

    Backfire $

    Back"p Soldier %

    Bad Reaction to Si#ochi 4

    Bait Doll /

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Ballista of Ra#part S#ashing /

    Banisher of the Light '

    Bark of Dark R"ler 4

    Barrel Dragon $

    Basic nsect $

    Batter )harger '

    Batter#an '

    Batter#an ) 1

    Batter#an D 0

    Battle *oot!aller 4

    Battle x /

    Battle-Scarred &

    Ba=oo 9he So"l-3ater 4

    Beast So"l Swap %

    Bea6er arrior %

    Beckoning Light 1

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Beel=e *rog 4

    Begone, ;na6e +

    Behe#oth the ;ing of ll ni#als +

    Beiige, @ang"ard of Dark orld %

    Berserk Dragon $

    Berserk 8orilla %

    Beta the agnet arrior %

    Bick"ri!ox +

    Big Bang Shot '

    Big B"rn &

    Big )ore 1

    Big ;oala 4

    Big Shield 8ardna '

    Big a6e S#all a6e 0

    Big-9"sked a##oth 0

    Bio-age 0

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Birdface 4

    Black ll"sion Rit"al 4

    Black L"ster Soldier - 3n6o of the Beginning (

    Black Pendant '

    Black 9ranno %

    Blackland *ire Dragon $

    Blade ;night %

    Blade Ra!!it 0

    Blade Skater &

    Bladefl +

    Blast 2eld B a 9ri!"te $

    Blast agician +

    Blast with )hain &

    Blasting the R"ins +

    Bla=ing npachi /

    Blind Destr"ction %

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Blindl Loal 8o!lin %

    Block ttack +

    Block#an 4

    Blow!ack Dragon +

    Bl"e-3es Shining Dragon 0

    Bl"e-3es 9oon Dragon 0

    Bl"e-3es Ulti#ate Dragon +

    Bl"e-3es hite Dragon $

    Bl"e-inged )rown 4

    Bokoichi the *reightening )ar /

    Bo#!ard#ent Beetle 0

    Bonding - 2+ 4

    Bonehei#er &

    Book of Life /

    Book of oon 1

    Book of 9aio" %

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Boss R"sh '

    Botto# Dweller $

    Botto#less Shifting Sand (

    Botto#less 9rap 2ole +

    Bo"ntif"l rte#is %

    Bowganian 0

    Bracchio-Raid"s 1

    Brain )ontrol $


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    B"!onic @er#in /

    B"rning lgae 4

    B"rning Beast 0

    B"rning Land +

    B"rst Breath $

    B"rst Ret"rn +

    B"rst Strea# of Destr"ction 1

    B"ster Blader (

    B"ster Rancher $

    B"tterfl Dagger - 3l#a '

    Bser Shock 1

    )all of 9he 2a"nted &

    )all of the "## /

    )annon Soldier 1

    )annon!all Spear Shellfish &

    )ard of Safe Ret"rn 0

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    )ard Sh"ffle 1

    )astle of Dark ll"sions /

    )atCs 3ar 9ri!e &

    )atap"lt 9"rtle &

    )athedral of Ao!les +

    )atnipped ;itt &

    )a6e Dragon &

    )easefire %

    )eltic 8"ardian &

    )e#eter Bo#! 0

    )entrif"gal /

    )ere#onial Bell +

    )et"s of Dagala +

    )hain B"rst 4

    )hain Destr"ction /

    )hain Disappearance 0

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    )hor"s of Sanct"ar $

    )hthonian lliance 4

    )hthonian Blast 1

    )hthonian Pol#er (

    )h"-Ske the o"se *ighter /

    )la )harge +

    )liff the 9rap Re#o6er /


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    )onfiscation 1

    )onscription %

    )ontin"o"s Destr"ction P"nch '

    )ontract ith 3xodia %

    )ontract ith the !ss '

    )ontract with the Dark aster &

    )on6"lsion of Aat"re '

    )ost Down +

    )o6ering *ire (

    )ra! 9"rtle &

    )rass )lown &

    )reat"re Swap %

    )reeping Doo# anta 0

    )ri#son Ain5a 1

    )riosphinx 1

    )ross )o"nter %

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    )r"sh D. 8andra '

    )"re er#aid $

    )"rse of ging 4

    )"rse of n"!is '

    )"rse of Darkness $

    )"rse of Dragon +

    )"rse of the asked Beast &

    )"rse of @a#pire %

    )!er Dragon (

    )!er 3nd Dragon /

    )!er 9win Dragon (

    )!er-Dark 3dge (

    )!er-Stein '

    )!erdark Dragon 4

    )!erdark 2orn 4

    )!erdark ;eel /

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    D - Sheild '

    D - 9i#e &

    D. D. ssailant (

    D. D. Borderline '

    D. D. 9rainer $

    D. D. arrior Lad /

    D.D. )ra= Beast 4

    D.D. Dna#ite /

    D.D. 9rap 2ole /

    D.D.. - Different Di#ension aster $

    Dancing *air &

    Dangero"s achine 9P3-' (

    Dark rtist (

    Dark Bat '

    Dark Blade 1

    Dark Blade the Dragon ;night $

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Dark Driceratops '

    Dark D"st Spirit $

    Dark 3lf +

    Dark 3nerg /

    Dark *actor of ass Prod"ction &

    Dark *lare ;night 1

    Dark 2ole 0

    Dark agic ttack /

    Dark agic Rit"al (

    Dark agician 4

    Dark agician 8irl %

    Dark agician of )haos 4

    Dark agicianCs 9o#e of Black agic '

    Dark aster - ?orc &

    Dark irror *orce +

    Dark Paladin &

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Dark Paladin &

    Dark Roo# of Aight#are $

    Dark Sage &

    Dark Snake Sndro#e 4

    Dark-Piercing Light 4

    Darkfire Dragon 1

    Darkfire Soldier E1 /

    Darkfire Soldier E+ (

    Darkworld 9horns 4

    De-Spell 1

    Deal of Phanto# '

    Decaed )o##ander 1

    Dedication 9hro"gh Light nd Darkness '

    Deepsea Shark +

    Dekoichi the Battlechanted Loco#oti6e $

    Delin>"ent D"o 4

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    De#otion (

    Des )o"nter!low %

    Des )roaking 4

    Des Dendle 1

    Des *eral #p $

    Des *rog $

    Des ;angaroo (

    Des ;oala '

    Des Lacooda /

    Des o#!at /

    Desert S"nlight &

    Destertapir 1

    Destin Board &

    Destin 2ero - )aptain 9enacio"s (

    Destin 2ero - Dia#ond D"de 1

    Destin 2ero - Doo# Lord 4

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Destin 2ero - Dread#aster 4

    Destin Signal %

    Destroer 8ole# (

    Destr"ction Ring +

    Dian ;eto the )"re aster $


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    DA 9ransplant 0

    Doits" 0

    Dok"rorider &

    Dok"roai!a %

    Don 9"rtle /

    Don ?aloog (

    Doriado $

    DoriadoCs Blessing +

    Dragon Seeker +

    Dragon 9reas"re /

    Dragon ?o#!ie '

    DragonCs irror (

    DragonCs Rage 0

    Dragoness the icked ;night (

    Draining Shield 4

    Drea# )lown 1

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    3le#ental 2ero B"rstinatrix 0

    3le#ental 2ero )la#an $

    3le#ental 2ero 3lectr"#F3rekshieler +

    3le#ental 2ero *la#e ing#an %

    3le#ental 2ero ariner 1

    3le#ental 2ero Aecroid Sha#an $

    3le#ental 2ero Aeos $

    3le#ental 2ero Phoenix 3nforcer 4

    3le#ental 2ero Ra#part Blaster 4

    3le#ental 2ero Shining *lare ing#an +

    3le#ental 2ero Shining Phoenix 3nforcer $

    3le#ental 2ero Spark#an +

    3le#ental 2ero 9h"nder 8iant '

    3le#ental istress Doriado &

    3le#ental Recharge %

    3lfCs Light %

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    3#!le# of Dragon Destroer /

    3#!odi#ent of pophis +

    3#ergenc Pro6isions 0

    3#es the nfinit 4


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    3xiled *orce (

    3xodia Aecross 1

    3xodia the *or!idden ne %

    *air Box +

    *air Dragon +

    *air ;ing 9r"esdale 4

    *air eteor )r"sh &

    *aith Bird (

    *atal !ac"s (

    *enrir /

    *eral #p 4


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    *inal )o"ntdown &

    *inal Destin 1

    *inal *la#e (

    *inal Rit"al of the ncients '

    *ire Darts 4

    *ire 3e $

    *ire ;raken 4

    *ire Princess '

    *ire Reaper 0

    *ire Sorcerer +

    *iregrass 0

    *irewing Pegas"s +

    *irearo" (

    *iss"re '

    *i6e 8od Dragon G*i6e 2eaded DragonH &

    *la#e )ere!r"s '

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    *la#e )ha#pion 4

    *la#e Dancer 1

    *la#e 8host 0

    *la#e anip"lator %

    *la#e Swords#an 4

    *la#e @iper /

    *lash ssailant &

    *lower olf &

    *ling *ish %

    *ling ;a#akiri E1 $

    *ling ;a#akiri E+ /

    *ollow ind &

    *oolish B"rial $

    *orest $

    *ortress hale '

    *ortress haleCs ath (

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    *ren=ied Panda &

    *ro=en So"l 0

    *r"its of ;o=akCs St"dies 4

    *"h-Rin-;a-?an /

    *"h#a Sh"riken /

    *"lfill#ent of the )ontract 4

    *"shi Ao 9ori %

    *"sion 8ate %

    *"sion Reco6er 1

    *"sion Sage +

    *"sion eapon +

    *"sionist /

    8adget Soldier $

    8agagigo 4

    8aia Power 0

    8aia the Dragon )ha#pion '

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    8aia the *ierce ;night /

    8ale Dogra 1

    8ale Li=ard (

    8a#!le %

    8a##a the agnet arrior 1

    8ar#a Sword &

    8ar#a Sword ath (

    8aroo=is 1

    8ar"da the ind Spirit 1

    8atling Dragon $

    8a=elle the ;ing of thical Beasts /

    8ear 8ole# the o6ing *ortress %

    8earfried the ron ;night /

    8earfried the Sword#aster 0

    8e#ini 3lf '

    8ets" *"h#a +

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    8iant xe "## (

    8iant 8er# &

    8iant ;o=ak 0

    8iant rc (

    8iant Rat &

    8iant Red Seasnake 0

    8iant Soldier of Stone 1

    8iant 9r"nade 4

    8ift of the stical 3lf &

    8iga 8agagigo 4

    8iga-9ech olf /

    8igantes 4

    8igo!te 0

    8il 8arth %

    8ilasa"r"s 4

    8iltia the D. ;night 0

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    8irochin ;"wagata $

    8o!lin ttack *orce (

    8o!lin )alligrapher 1

    8o!lin 3lite ttack *orce $

    8o!lin 9hief 4

    8o!linCs Secret Re#ed 1

    8ogiga 8agagigo %

    8ole# Sentr $

    8ood 8o!lin 2o"sekeeping /

    8ora 9"rtle $

    8racef"l )harit (

    8racef"l Dice (

    8radi"s 1

    8radi"sC ption 1

    8ranadora 1

    8rand 9iki 3lder 1

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    8ran#arg the Rock onarch '

    8ra6edigger 8ho"l $

    8ra6ekeeperCs )annonholder &

    8ra6ekeeperCs )"rse 0

    8ra6ekeeperCs 8"ard %

    8ra6ekeeperCs Ser6ant 1

    8ra6ekeeperCs Spear Soldier '

    8ra6ekeeperCs Sp +

    8ra6ekeeperCs @assal &

    8ra6ero!!erCs Retri!"tion %

    8ra6it Bind $

    8ra ing +

    8reat ng"s 1

    8reat Long Aose /

    8reat a##oth of 8oldfine 0

    8reen 8adget 4

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    8ren a5" Da 3i=a %

    8ro"nd ttacker B"groth 0

    8ro"nd )ollapse &

    8r"eso#e 8oo '

    8rphon ing 0

    8rphonCs *eather D"ster %

    8"ardian ngel

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    2a##er Shot +

    2a#on %

    2and of Aephths &

    2ane-2ane /

    2ane-2ane /

    2anni!al Aecro#ancer /

    2anni!al Aecro#ancer /

    2ard r#or +

    2arpie 8irl %

    2arpie Lad 1 &

    2arpie Lad + +

    2arpie Lad % 0

    2arpie Lad Sisters 1

    2arpieCs Brother %

    2arpiesC 2"nting 8ro"nd (

    2aa!"sa ;night +

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    2eadless ;night /

    2eart of )lear ater '

    2eart of the Underdog %

    2ea6 ech S"pport Platfor# +

    2ea6 Stor# 1

    2elios - the Pri#ordial S"n 0

    2elios D"o egist"s $

    2elios 9ris egiste 1

    2elping Ro!o for )o#!at 4

    2ero Barrier 4

    23R *lash77 /

    2ero 2eart '

    2ero ;id %

    2ero Ring +

    2ero Signal +

    2idden Book of Spell +

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    2idden Soldier /

    2ieracosphinx $

    2ieroglph Lithograph 1

    2igh 9ide 8o5in 0

    2iita the *ire )har#er /

    2ino-;ag"-9s"chi (

    2inota#a So"l &

    2iroCs Shadow Sco"t $

    2itots"-e 8iant (

    2ol ;night sh=ark 0

    2o#"nc"l"s the lche#ic Being 4

    2orn of 2ea6en &

    2orn of Light %

    2orn of the Unicorn '

    2or"s 9he Black *la#e Dragon L@4 (

    2or"s 9he Black *la#e Dragon L@' 1

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    2or"s 9he Black *la#e Dragon L@$ 4

    2oshiningen '

    2o"se of dhesi6e 9ape 1

    2owling nsect &

    2"ge Re6ol"tion '

    2"#an-a6e 9actics %

    2"#anoid Sli#e 4

    2"#anoid or# Drake /

    2"ngr B"rger %

    2drogeddon +

    2ena +

    2o=anr" '

    2per 2a##erhead /

    2steric *air +

    car"s ttack 0

    ll"sionist *aceless age +

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    #penetra!le *or#ation &

    #perial rder '

    na!a hite Ra!!it (

    ncandescent rdeal %

    ndo#ita!le *ighter Lei Lei $

    nfernal *la#e 3#peror 1

    nfernal "een rchfiend /

    nferno (

    nferno *ire Blast 0

    nferno 2a##er 1

    nferno Reckless S"##on 1

    nferno 9e#pest 1

    nfinite )ards &

    nfinite Dis#issal 0

    n5ection *air Lil (

    npachi &

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    nsect r#or with Laser )annon /

    nsect Barrier +

    nsect #itation &

    nsect ;night %

    nsect Princess %

    nsect "een &

    nsect Soldiers of the Sk /

    nspection 1

    nterdi#ensional atter 9ransporter %

    n6ader *ro# nother Di#ension +

    n6ader of Darkness 0

    n6ader of the 9hrone /

    n6asion of *la#es +

    n6igoration &

    ron Blacks#ith ;otets" (

    sland 9"rtle /

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    ;ar#a )"t (

    ;el!ek 0

    ;eldo $

    ;iller Aeedle $

    ;inetic Soldier (

    ;ing Drag"n 1

    ;ing *og $

    ;ing of the Sk"ll Ser6ants %

    ;ing of the Swa#p (

    ;ing of a#i#akai '

    ;ing 9iger angh" $

    ;ingCs ;night '

    ;ir" $

    ;iseitai /

    ;ishido Spirit '

    ;nightCs 9itle $

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    ;oits" '

    ;o5ikoc /

    ;otoda#a 1

    ;o=ak &

    ;o=akCs Self-Destr"ct B"tton +

    ;r"el $

    ;"#ootoko 0

    ;"ra#a $

    ;"ri!oh 4

    ;"wagata lpha '

    ;wagar 2erc"les &

    ;coo 9he 8host Destroer $


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Lad Ain5a ae $

    Lad of *aith 1

    Lar6as &

    Laser )annon r#or (

    Last Da of itch &

    Last 9"rn +

    La"ncher Spider $

    La6a Battleg"ard +

    La6a 8ole# /

    Laard the Li!erator '

    Left r# of the *or!idden ne /

    Left Leg of the *or!idden ne 4

    Legendar Black Belt &

    Legendar *la#e Lord '


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Legh"l 1

    Lek"nga '

    Lesser Dragon 0

    Lesser *iend 1

    Le6el )on6ersion La! $

    Le6el Li#it - rea 0

    Le6el Li#it - rea B /

    Le6el od"lation '

    Le6el Up7 +

    Le6ia-Dragon %

    Le6ia-Dragon - Daedal"s %

    Light of nter6ention '

    Light of

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Lightning )onger +

    Lightning @ortex '

    Li#iter Re#o6al +

    Li>"id Beast &

    Little )hi#era '

    Little-ing"ard &

    Li=ard Soldier +

    Lord of D. 1

    Lord of the La#p &

    Lost 8"ardian 4

    L"#ino"s Soldier 0

    L"#ino"s Spark $

    L"ster Dragon 1

    L"ster Dragon E+ 1

    -arrior E1 0

    -arrior E+ &

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    achine )on6ersion *actor +

    achine D"plication '

    achine ;ing 4

    achine ;ing Prototpe $

    achiners Defender &

    achiners *orce 0

    achiners Sniper +

    achiners Soldier '

    ad Dog of Darkness (

    ad Lo!ster &

    ad Sword Beast (

    age Power $

    agic Drain 0


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    agical 3xplosion %

    agical 2ats $

    agical La!rinth '

    agical arionette /

    agical erchant %

    agical Plant andragola /

    agical Scientist %

    agical 9horn 0

    agician of Black )haos %

    agician of *aith %

    agicianCs )ircle /

    agicianCs Unite %

    agicianCs @alkrie $

    agnet )ircle &

    aha @ailo &

    aharaghi 4

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    aiden of the >"a 1

    a5i-8ire Panda '

    a5" 8ar=ett /

    aki" +

    ak"ra the Destr"ctor +

    ale6olent A"==ler &

    alf"nction /

    alice scendant 1

    alice Dispersion 1

    a##oth 8ra6eard 4

    an 3ater &

    an-3ater B"g 0

    an-3ating Black Shark $

    an-3ating 9reas"re )hest 1

    an-9hroC 9roC 4

    anga R"-Ran %

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    an5" of the 9en 9ho"sand 2ands &

    anticore of Darkness (

    ara"ding )aptain /

    arie the *allen ne 0

    arine Beast +

    arsh#allon %

    arsh#allon 8lasses '

    arok"tai (

    asaki the Legendar Swords#an 4

    ask of Br"talit $

    ask of Darkness +

    ask of Restrict +

    ask of eakness 0

    asked Dragon %

    asked of the cc"rsed 0

    asked Sorcerer 1

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    ass Dri6er %

    aster ;onshee +

    aster onk 4

    aster of Dragon ;night '

    aster of = +

    ata=a the ?apper +

    a6el"s 0

    axi#"# Six %

    a=era De@ille /

    ech ole ?o#!ie '

    echa-Dog arron &

    echanical 2o"nd +

    echanical Snail %

    echanical Spider 4

    echanicalchaser /

    eda Bat (

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    ed"sa or# /

    efist the nfernal 8eneral 4

    ega 9h"nder!all +

    ega 9on agical )annon %

    ega#orph +

    egarock Dragon (

    elchid the *o"r-*ace Beast $

    e#or )r"sher 4

    er#aid ;night +

    essenger of Peace 4

    etal r#ored B"g '

    etal Dragon /

    etalli=ing Parasite /

    etal#orph '

    etal=oa 0

    eta#orphosis 4

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    eteor B. Dragon &

    eteor Dragon '

    eteor of Destr"ction %

    eteorain '

    ichi="re %

    icro-Ra 1

    id Shield 8ardna (

    ight 8"ard '

    ika="kinoai!a %

    illenni"# 8ole# 4

    illenni"# Scorpion $

    illenni"# Shield %

    il"s Radiant /

    inar %

    ind )ontrol %

    ind 2axor= (

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    ind on ir '

    ind ipe 0

    ine 8ole# (

    inefield 3r"ption $

    inor 8o!lin fficial /

    iracle Dig /

    iracle *"sion 4

    iracle ;id 0

    iracle Restoring '

    irage Dragon 1

    irage ;night 4

    irage of Aight#are 4

    irror *orce 4

    irror all +

    isfort"ne /

    ispol#eri=ation 0

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    isto!od 4

    oai nterceptor )annons 4

    o!i"s the *rost onarch /

    oist"re )reat"re (

    oke oke +

    oke oke ;ing 1

    oke oke S#ackdown /

    olten Behe#oth 1

    olten Destr"ction 1

    olten ?o#!ie /

    onk *ighter /

    onster 3gg %

    onster 3e $

    onster 8ate 4

    onster Re!orn $

    onster Reco6er &

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    onster Reincarnation (

    ooan )"rr 0

    orale Boost &


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    stic La#p &

    stic Plas#a ?one 1

    stic Swords#an L@ + 4

    stic Swords#an L@ 4 (

    stic Swords#an L@' '

    stic 9o#ato $

    stic ok $

    stical Beast Serket $

    stical 3lf 1

    stical ;night of

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    thical Beast )er!er"s 0

    Aano!reaker (

    Aecklace of )o##and 4

    Aecro6alle 4

    Aeedle Ball &

    Aeedle B"rrower &

    Aeedle )eiling %

    Aeedle all %

    Aeedle or# $

    Aegate ttack 1

    Ae#"riko &

    Aeo >"a adoor 4

    Aeo B"g 1

    Aeo the agic Swords#an 0

    Aeo-Space 4

    Aeo-Spacian >"a Dolphin 1

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Aewdoria /

    Aext to !e Lost /

    Aight ssailant 1

    Aight#are 2orse 0

    Aight#are Peng"in $

    Aight#are heel 0

    Aight#areCs Steelcage 0

    Ai#!le o#onga +

    Ain-;en Dog 1

    Ain5a 8rand#aster Sas"ke /

    Ain5its" rt of Deco $

    Ain5its" rt of 9ransfor#ation (

    Aitro Unit +

    Aiwatori /

    Ao!le#an of )rosso"t (

    Ao!le#an of 3xter#ination 1

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Ao!le#an-3ater B"g '

    Aon ggression rea (

    Aon-*"sion rea +

    Aon-Spellcasting rea +

    Ao6oxCs Praer 4

    A"!ian 8"ard 0

    A"#ino"s 2ealer /

    A"trient ? +

    A"6ia the icked 1

    - 6erso"l '

    !noxio"s )eltic 8"ardian 0

    c"!ea# $

    fferings to the Doo#ed 1

    5a#a Black (

    5a#a Delta 2"rricane /

    5a#a 8reen 1

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    5a#a ;ing &

    5a#a 9rio +

    5a#a ellow 4

    5a#agic +

    5a#"scle &

    ld @indicti6e agician 4

    #ino"s *ort"netelling 0

    ni 9ank 9-%4 '

    pti-)a#afla"ge r#or 4

    pticlops 1

    ption 2"nter %

    rca ega-*ortress of Darkness '

    rdeal of a 9ra6eler %

    rder to )harge (

    rder to S#ash %

    tohi#e %

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    "tstanding Dog arron 1

    6erdri6e /

    xgeddon 0

    Painf"l )hoice (

    Paladin of hite Dragon (

    Pale Beast +

    Pande#oni"# &

    Pande#oni"# atch!ear (

    Parasite Paracide +

    Parasitic 9ick $

    Patrician of Darkness 1

    Patroid (

    Peng"in ;night %

    Pen"#!ral Soldier Lad '

    People R"nning !o"t 1

    Perfect achine ;ing 1

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Perfor#ance of Sword /

    Petit ngel %

    Petit Dragon (

    Petit oth 0

    Phantas#al artrs &

    Phanto# Beast )ross-ing (

    Phanto# Beast 9h"nder-Pegas"s %

    Phanto# Beast ild-2orn /

    PharaohCs Ser6ant 0

    Pharonic Protector $

    Phoenix ing ind Blast '

    Photon 8enerator Unit '

    Piker"Cs )ircle of 3nchant#ent (

    Piker"Cs Second Sight 0

    Pinch 2opper +

    Pineapple Blast &

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Piranha r# 0

    Pitch-Black Power Stone %

    Pitch-Black arwolf $

    Pitch-Dark Dragon 4

    Poison Draw *rog 0

    Poison *angs (

    Poison "## 4

    Poison of the ld an /

    Pol#eri=ation +

    Possessed Dark So"l 0

    Pot of 6arice '

    Pot of 8enerosit (

    Pot of 8reed 0

    Power Bond %

    Power )aps"le 0

    Precio"s )ard fro# Beond '

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Pre#at"re B"rial (

    Prepare to Strike Back /

    Pre6ent Rat /

    Prickle *air &

    Pri#al Seed +

    Princess )"rran /

    Princess of 9s"r"gi 0

    Princess Piker" (

    Protecti6e So"l ilin 1

    Protector of the Sanct"ar +

    Protector of the 9hrone 1

    Proto-)!er Dragon +

    P"#pking the ;ing of 8hosts +

    P"nished 3agle (

    Pra#id of Light 0

    Pra#id 9"rtle (

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    "eenCs ;night +

    Ra!id 2orse#an &

    Rafflesia Sed"ction %

    Raging *la#e Sprite &

    Raigeki 1

    Raigeki Break /

    Rain f erc '

    Rain!ow *lower +

    Rallis the Star Bird 4

    Rancer Dragon"te 1

    Rapid-*ire agician /

    Rare etal#orph 1

    Raregold r#or /

    Ra6iel, Lord of Phantas#s '

    Ra I 9e#perat"re $

    Ra of 2ope $

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Re-*"sion (

    Read *or ntercepting %

    Reall 3ternal Rest +

    Reaper of the )ards %

    Reaper of the Aight#are $

    Reasoning 0

    Re!orn ?o#!ie +

    Reckless 8reed %

    Reccle &

    Red rcher 8irl '

    Red 8adget $

    Red edicine %

    Red oon Ba! 0

    Red-3es B. )hick %

    Red-3es B. Dragon (

    Red-3es Black etal Dragon '

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Red-3es Darkness Dragon &

    Reflect Bo"nder /

    Regenerating "## (

    Reinforce#ent of the r# %

    Release Restraint (

    Relin>"ished '

    Reload +

    Re#o6e 9rap 0

    Resc"e )at 1

    Resc"eroid +

    Reshef the Dark Being '

    Respect Pla /

    Ret"rn fro# the Different Di#ension +

    Ret"rn of the Doo#ed 1

    Re6ersal of 8ra6es 1

    Re6ersal "i= /

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Rock Bo#!ard#ent +

    Rock gre 8rotto '


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Roal 9ri!"te (

    R"in, "een of !li6ion 4

    R"sh Recklessl (

    R" ;okki 0

    R" Senshi 4

    R"-;ishin )lown 4

    R"-;ishin Powered +

    Sa!er Beetle 4

    Sacred )rane %

    Sacred Phoenix of Aephths '

    Saggi the Dark )lown '

    Sak"rets" r#or 0

    Sala#andra %

    Sal6age &

    Sa#sara 4

    Sand 8a#!ler 0

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Sand oth (

    Sangan +

    Sanwitch 0

    Sas"ke Sa#"rai 1

    Sas"ke Sa#"rai E+ 1

    Sas"ke Sa#"rai E% (

    Sas"ke Sa#"rai E4 '

    Satellite )annon 0

    Scapegoat (

    Scarr, Sco"t of Dark orld /

    Science Soldier '

    Scroll of Bewitch#ent 1

    Scscraper '

    Sea Serpent arrior of Darkness 4

    Seal#aster eisei /

    Second )oin 9oss %

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Second 8o!lin 1

    Secret Barrel +

    Self-Destr"ct B"tton 0

    Senri 3e '

    Serial Spell 4

    Serpent Aight Dragon '

    Serpentine Princess (

    Ser6ant of )ata!olis# /

    Se6en 9ools of the Bandit /

    Shadow 8ho"l %

    Shadow f 3es 0

    Shadow 9a#er %

    Shadowknight rchfiend /

    Shadowslaer +

    Share the Pain 0

    Shield I Sword 0

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Shield )rash %

    ShienCs Sp /

    Shift 0

    Shifting Shadows 0

    ShinatoCs rk '

    Shinato, ;ing of a 2igher Plane $

    Shining !ss $

    Shining ngel &

    Shooting Star Bow - )eal &

    Silent nsect 4

    Silent agician L64 (

    Silent agician L6$ (

    Silent Swords#an L@% /

    Silent Swords#an L@0 (

    Silent Swords#an L@( %

    Sill6a, arlord of Dark orld %

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Sk"ll Ser6ant %

    Sk"ll ?o#a (

    Sk"ll-ark Lad!"g '

    Skscraper '

    Slate arrior (

    S#ashing 8ro"nd &

    S#oke 8renade of the 9hief '

    Snatch Steal 4

    Sogen $

    Soits" '

    Solar *lare Dragon 4

    Solar Ra 4


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Spatial )ollapse +

    Spear )retin 0

    Spear Dragon %

    Spell )anceller $

    Spell 3cono#ics /

    Spell P"rification /

    Spell Reprod"ction +

    Spell Shield 9pe-$ %

    Spell @anishing +

    Spell-Stopping Stat"te 1

    Spell!inding )ircle 1

    Sphero"s Lad 0

    Sphinx 9eleia 0

    Spiral Spear Strike 4

    Spirit Barrier 0

    Spirit )aller 4

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Spirit essage &

    Spirit essage %

    Spirit essage L %

    Spirit essage A '

    Spirit of *la#es 1

    Spirit of the Bree=e 0

    Spirit of the 2arp $

    Spirit of the Pharaoh +

    Spirit Reaper +

    Spirit R" '

    Spirit"al 3arth rt - ;"rogane (

    Spirit"al 3nerg Settle achine &

    Spirit"al *ire rt - ;"renai 4

    Spirit"al ater rt - oi /

    Spirit"al ind rt - ia!i (

    Spirit"alis# 1

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    St"#!ling %

    S"ccess Pro!a!ilit /J /

    S"##on Priest /

    S"##oned Sk"ll (

    S"##oner of ll"sions 1

    S"per )ond"ctor 9tranno $

    S"per Re5"6enation +

    S"per Ro!olad (

    S"per Ro!oaro" /

    S"ppl 4

    S"sa Soldier 4

    Swar# of Loc"sts 4

    Swar# of Scara!s 1

    Swift 8aia the *ierce ;night 1

    Sword 2"nter 0

    Sword of Deep-Seated &

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Sword of DragonCs So"l '

    Sword of the So"l 3ater /

    Swords of )oncealing Light 1

    Swords of Re6ealing Light (

    Swords#an of Landstar /

    S#!ol of 2eritage 4

    Sste# Down 1

    9..D.P..L.3. 1

    9actical 3spionage 3xpert $

    9ailor of the *ickle 4

    9a"nt &

    9enka!ito Shien 4

    9erra the 9erri!le '

    9errafor#ing (

    9errorking rchfiend %

    9errorking Sal#on (

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    9e6a 1

    9he gent of )reation - @en"s '

    9he gent of *orce - ars &

    9he gent of

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    9he 3arth - 2ex Sealed *"sion $

    9he 3#perorCs 2olida '

    9he 3nd of n"!is '

    9he 3e f 9r"th %

    9he *iend egac!er '

    9he *l"te of S"##oning Dragon 4

    9he *l"te of S"##oning ;"ri!oh +

    9he *orcef"l Sentr 4

    9he *orces of Darkness +

    9he *orgi6ing aiden $

    9he *"rio"s Sea ;ing 1

    9he 8ra6eard in the *o"rth Di#ension $

    9he 8ross 8host of *led Drea#s '

    9he 2"nter ith ( eapons /

    9he ll"sionar 8entle#an $

    9he ##ortal of 9h"nder $

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    9he ;ick an &

    9he Last arrior *ro# nother Planet $

    9he Law of the Aor#al '

    9he Leag"e of Unifor# Ao#enclat"re 0

    9he Legendar *isher#an /

    9he Light - 2ex Sealed *"sion 1

    9he Little Swords#an of ile +

    9he asked Beast 4

    9he PortraitCs Secret %

    9he Reg"lation of 9ri!e /

    9he Relia!le 8"ardian 1

    9he Rock Spirit (

    9he Sanct"ar in the Sk 0

    9he Second Sarcophag"s /

    9he Secret of the Bandit &

    9he Shallow 8ra6e 4

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    9he Spell !sor!ing Life &

    9he 9hing in the )rater (

    9he 9hird Sarcophag"s (

    9he 9ro5an 2orse %

    9he Unhapp 8irl +

    9he Unhapp aiden 0

    9he arrior ret"rning ali6e &

    9he!an Aight#are 0

    9heinen the 8reat Sphinx $

    9hestalos the *irestor# onarch +

    9ho"sand Dragon 4

    9ho"sand 3nerg /

    9ho"sand Aeedles %

    9ho"sand-3es dol +

    9ho"sand-3es Restrict '

    9hreatening Roar %

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    9hree-2eaded 8eedo (

    9hrowstone Unit (

    9h"nder )rash '

    9h"nder Dragon %

    9h"nder Aan Aan (

    9h"nder of R"ler &

    9i#e Seal %

    9i#e i=ard (

    9i#eater 4

    9i#idit 4

    9oken *este6il $

    9oken 9hanksgi6ing 0

    9ongo '

    9oon )annon Soldier (

    9oon Dark agician 8irl &

    9oon Defense 4

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    9rap 2ole /


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    9"rtle ath (

    9"rtle 9iger %

    9win Swords of *lashing Light +

    9win-2eaded Behe#oth 4

    9win-2eaded *ire Dragon (

    9win-2eaded 9h"nder Dragon 0

    9win-2eaded olf $

    9winheaded Beast $

    9wo 9ho"sand Aeedles $

    9wo-an )ell Battle +

    9wo-o"th Darkr"ler 0

    9wo-Pronged ttack $

    9hone (

    9pe ?ero agic )r"sher +

    9ranno nfinit $

    9rant Dragon &

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    U*roid /

    U*roid *ighter %

    Ulti#ate nsect L@1 4

    Ulti#ate nsect L@% %

    Ulti#ate nsect L@0 %

    Ulti#ate nsect L@( 1

    Ulti#ate !edient *iend %

    Ulti#ate 9ranno 1

    Ultra 36ol"tion Pill +

    U#i +

    U#iir"ka $

    Union ttack '

    United Resistance $

    United e Stand 0

    Unit 1

    Unsha6en ngler &

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    Upstart 8o!lin (

    Ura! /

    Uria, Lord of Sealing *la#es /


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    ild Aat"reCs Release '

    inged Dragon, 8"ardian of the *ortress E1 $

    inged ;"ri!oh 0

    inged ;"ri!oh L@1/ &

    inged inion $

    inged Sage *alcos $

    ingwea6er %

    itch Doctor of )haos (

    itch of the Black *orest (

    itchCs pprentice $

    itt Phanto# %

    olf xwielder 0

    ood!org npachi %

    oodland Sprite /

    or# Drake (

    ro"ghtweiler /

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    nn the ind )har#er %

    K-2ead )annon '

    King ?hen 2" (

    K-Dragon )annon /

    K?-Dragon )annon &

    K?-9ank )annon &

    -Dragon 2ead '

    a#ata Dragon (

    a#i 0

    ata-8aras" /

    ellow 8adget 1

    ellow L"ster Shield /

    o#i Ship 0

    ?-9ank Dragon +

    ?-etal 9ank '

    ?a!org the 9h"nder onarch 0

  • 8/10/2019 Yu Gi Oh 2


    Effect P

    ?ero 8ra6it $

    ?oa +

    ?olga 1

    ?o#!ie 9iger 4

    ?o#!ra the Dark $

    ?"re, ;night of Dark orld /

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