Your guide to weight loss - UGRoscar/Bing_files/6_Your_weight_loss_guide... · 2014-05-30 · body toxins, and by eliminating the burden on the body, the fat decreases. Eliminate

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Your Weight Loss Guide

10 tips to finding success Bing Deduro Holistic Health Coach

HEALTH NOT WEIGHT Can you stop thinking about your weight? If you want to lose weight, think health! Switch your focus to a healthier way of life, and the weight will take care of itself. This means what you eat, drink, think, say and do. Really, weight is often not about the food at all but about how you are with food. You might notice how you are with food is how you are with everything. Look for the changes that you can begin to make in your overall lifestyle without looking at scales or numbers


Can you begin to move more? Move as much as you can in any given day. Walk to the store, go up and down the stairs in your house more, park your car farther from the building and walk. This does not have to mean running a marathon but adding more movement into every day. Take short bursts of exercise, four minutes each, often throughout the day. You might be surprised what a difference it makes.

Can you look at emotions? Often we find that women who struggle with weight feel protected with more weight on. Look and see if there are some concerns there. Are you “hiding under there?” Sometimes it feels like a threat to “look sexy” and strut your stuff. There are emotional reasons for holding weight, in most cases.



Can you create a vision for how you want to look, and put it on your refrigerator, where you can see it every day? What your eyes see, you can create. Put your “inspiration jeans” right smack in front of you every day. Do not keep your “fat clothes” around as though you will “need them some day.” Get rid of anything that is a bigger size than you wear. Only have your “dream clothes” in sight.


Can you detoxify your body? Fat is a storage container for body toxins, and by eliminating the burden on the body, the fat decreases. Eliminate anything from your life that is toxic to the body, as this will cause your body to hold water to dilute them. Not only that, the body has no idea what to do with toxins, so it sends them into the “storage shed”, your fat.


Can you take up a new hobby? When you focus your mind and your hands, on a creative project, or a fun new hobby, it often replaces the “need to feed” or the grazing and snacking that might otherwise happen. Take up dancing or swimming, even in a competitive environment. Challenging each other will cause your mind to focus on fun, not on your weight.


Can you take up a new sport? Having a new way to move that is fun and regular, will reduce weight without you even noticing. Having fun without thinking of it as exercise, is a way to trick the body into a new set point, without you even knowing it.


Can you get more sleep, with no eats? That is what I said. Go to bed without food in your belly. Snacking at night is a habit that causes a burden on the body, and no healing can take place. Your body gets ready to heal and all of a sudden, sees all the food is has to digest! No healing tonight folks!

GET YOur H20

Can you drink lots of water? Our bodies are made up of mostly water and we need it to flush the body. Not only that but water keeps our body systems humming along nicely. Reaching for water, instead of food, is a great habit, and probably exactly what your body needs.


Can you lighten up? By this, I mean let go of any and all ideas that you are fat, obese, overweight or a few pounds heavier than you want to be. By having this thought in your mind, your body will follow. Why not think thin instead, and your body just might begin to think thin too. It works!

Impossible only means that you haven’t found the solution yet. Impossible also says I’m Possible.

You can do this!

A note from your coach: Yes you can do this! Believe me, I totally

understand that it seems hard to lose weight. Quick weight loss is usually fleeting. Together, I work with you to support small steps for lasting change. I am here to provide you with my loving support, resources and tools, and staying with you to make it happen!

Warmly, your coach Bing

Bing Deduro Holistic Health Coach I received my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I was trained in more than one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Drawing on this knowledge, I will help you create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals. -See more at:

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