Your Guide for U3

Post on 16-May-2015






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Presentation made for MKC's Dreamer group


your guide to being undocumented, unafraid, unapologetic

Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot uneducate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. We have seen the future, and the future is ours. Cesar Chavez


There are 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.

*2 million of them are estimated to be of ages 15-30

So what can be done about this?

Image credit: MinKwon Center

Lucky for you, there is the DREAM Act.

Image credit: Flickr/Jenn and Tony Bot


Not this kind of “DREAM”!

DREAM is… Development,

Relief, and Education of

Alien Minors

Not this kind of alien minors!

Image credit: Flickr/Jurvetson

The Federal DREAM Act would provide an earned way for

undocumented youth to adjust their statuses.

The state DREAM Acts would provide assistance for

education of undocumented youth.


How did we get to this point?

Image credit: Flickr/FieryLaSierna


The DREAM Act began its legislative life as Student Adjustment Act

Image credit: Jane Yoo

Its original hearing date was set for…

Image credit: Flickr/Ann Althouse

September 12


DREAM makes it out of Senate Judiciary Committee

Image credit: Carlos Oliveira Reis


Image credit: Korean Resource Center

DREAM Act is reintroduced in Congress


DREAM Act is attached to Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2007 but fails.

Image credit: MinKwon Center

DREAM Act is attached to the Defense Authorization Bill and fails again

Image credit: Flickr/puuikibeach

DREAM Act goes as a stand-alone bill

Image credit: Carlos Oliveira Reis


DREAM Act came up for a vote in the Lame Duck Session and passed the House…

Image credit: DreamActivist

But failed in the Senate by five votes.

For: 55 Against: 41 Abstain: 4

Image credit: MinKwon Center


On June 15, President Obama made an announcement…

Image credit: San Francisco Examiner

Deferred Action for Childhood

Arrivals (DACA)

Happening NOW!

Image credit: MinKwon Center

In the meanwhile, states have passed their own DREAM Acts, while some have banned undocumented students from attending completely.


This is how we accomplished change.

This is how we accomplished change.

We started off as a small group of individuals online…

but we demanded our right to be educated.

United We Dream National Congress: Memphis, TN // Spring ‘11

Image credit: Steve Pavey

Sometimes we risked it all…

Civil Disobedience Against SComm: San Bernardino, CA // Summer ‘11

Image credit: Ju Hong

But we empowered ourselves. East Coast DREAM Act Graduation ’12: Washington, D.C. // Summer‘12

Image credit: Steve Pavey

We shared our stories with politicians...

Image credit: MinKwon Center

...the media…

TIME magazine // June ‘12

Image credit: TIME

…and our communities!

NYSYLC Coming Out of the Shadows Rally: New York, NY // Spring ‘11

Image credit: Tony Choi

Photo credit: Jane Yoo

We’re marching to victory.

Is the future yours yet?

Presentation by Tony Choi M.K.,

Made for MinKwon Center for Community Action

Feel free to distribute, give credit to where it’s due. No copyright infringement intended.

For educational purposes only.

Image credit: MinKwon Center

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