Your API is not a Website!

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Your API is not a Website!

9.15.11 @ 11:05 PSTVOIP or Dial-in (see chat)

Greg Brail @gbrail

Brian Pagano @brianpagano


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“Boss, we need an API”

Your API is not a Website!

API Workshop Webinar Series(videos & slides at


APIs seem at first like web sites without images.

On deeper inspection that’s not the case!

Examining the differences is a great discussion on API technology.

But first, how are APIs and Websites the same?

How are APIs and Websites the same?

24x7 operations

How are APIs and Websites the same?

24x7 operations

Frequent deployment

How are APIs and Websites the same?

24x7 operations

Frequent deployment

Fast expectationsOn the Internet this is not news.But inside corporate IT, it is a new way of life!This is the case for public and private APIs.

So how are they different?

How are APIs and Websites different?








Websites are used by humans

APIs are used by programmers.

Programmers, in turn, make apps for humans.

image by maanow

Why does this matter?

Developers don’t care about images, fonts, colors, and other design elements.

Developers do care about the “look and feel” of the API itself.Is it easy to develop to?

Does it use REST appropriately?

(according to their own definition of “REST”)

Does it make me do anything weird?

Does it work?

Is it down a lot?


Web sites change all the time.

APIs must remain compatible over time.

image by wilhelmja

Why Does this Matter?

Humans are fairly resilient to changeWe may complain…

…but when a site design changes, we (usually) adapt

Programs are not resilient to changeDevelopers don’t want to re-write

Old apps might not have developers any more

Users don’t install updates right away


Most web analytics depend on the browser.

API clients might not be browsers at all!

Why Does this Matter?

API analytics can’t rely on:JavaScript that runs on the client

“Beacon” URLs that get downloaded all the time

Cookies the client must return

API clients just don’t do these things - especially when built by 3rd parties

You need to embed analytics on the server.Use what is sent in the request and only that


Web sites can be scraped carefully.

APIs are extremely easy to “scrape” and automate.

APIs and web sites need different types of security.

OAuth for APIs, passwords for web sites,SSL for both!

Why Does this Matter?

Since APIs are so easy to program, they are easy to ‘do damage.’Try to crack passwords using an API

Download a company’s whole product catalog

Book a whole bunch of flights to mess with pricing

Rate limits and quotas are essential.

Why Else Does this Matter?

Passwords are lousy for public APIs.They propagate to lots of sites that use the APIs

They propagate to devices that use the APIs

Consider OAuth for these cases


Web sites can pull content from all over.

APIs sit in one place.

Why Does this Matter?

The architecture is just different.Websites can include scripts, gadgets, and images from all over the web

APIs can’t – developers expect a few API calls to do it all

But you can pull things together on the server side…


Automated web site testing is hard.

Automated API testing is easier.

Why Does this Matter?

Any API needs to:Change quickly

Remain compatible

Perform consistently

How do you ensure this?Test early and test often

Automated regression testing is the key

A good API should make this EASY


A great API is not the same as a great web site.

A great API is:

Fast-moving, yet it never breaks the apps

Reliable, stable, and fast

Easy to understand and program to

Secure and resilient to failure

You need both.

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