YL Material Design & Development Week 6 Inductive Teaching & Can Cant Lesson Productive Skills Framework Lesson Planning.

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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YL Material Design & Development

Week 6

Inductive Teaching & Can Cant Lesson

Productive Skills Framework

Lesson Planning

Housekeeping:Name Cards

Name: _________________ English Nickname: _________

Email address: ______________

Phone #: __________________

Something about your self:_________ ______________________________

Your Picture

Homework for Next Week

• Read and answer the questions to Halliwell’s Working w/ and w/o Course Books Qs p. 188 reading pp. 189-205. Reflection on Homework

• Discuss in small groups or with a partner:

• What does S-M-A-R-T stand for?

• How do we make an SLO specific and measurable? What do we need to include?

Which is deductive?Which is inductive?

• Bottom-Up Processing– Examples– I– I– I– ▼– Rule

• Top-Down Processing– Rule– I– I– I– ▼– Examples

Ss are given a task whichhelps them discovery

the rule.

Teacher explains the ruleand Ss make examples

following the rule.

How to Read a Teacher’s Mind

• I am going to ask you some questions.

• I want you to guess the answers to the questions.

• Watch me carefully. See if you can read my mind

How to Read a Teacher’s Mind

• Before we play the game again, read these questions and try to guess the rule.

Guiding questions: • What kind of question is the T asking? Can you

give some examples?• What does the T often do when he asks a

question? • What is the answer when the T does that?

How to Read a Teacher’s Mind

• Discuss with your partner, what is the rule?

• Ask your partner some questions about yourself using the rule.

How did you find the rule?1. Many examples,

2. Teacher draws attention to important details by asking questions.

3. Students try to use the rule (or explain their guess about the rule)

4. T gives feedback.

5. Students try again.

6. (Repeat steps 3,4&5 if necessary)

7. Provide many chances to practice to master the new rule.

How does inductive teaching help Ss initiate the active learning cycle? What’s the relationship between “confusion”

and noticing and







Sample Lesson #2

• As you participate in this lesson, please try to take mental note of: – How the target language is introduced and

practiced (EIF)– how the materials and activities target/access

the different learning styles (VAKT)– what the SLO (student learning objective) is

A penguin can fly. O/X

A dog can swim. O/X

Yuna can’t skate. O/X

A chef can cook. O/X

A fish can walk. O/X

What questions did I ask you?

Hobby / Name _________ ____ ________ ______ ________


Cook ramyun

Play baseball

Do taekwondo

Play WoW

Fix these sentences if they are wrong:

I can’t swim.

She can cooking ramyun.

He can plays baseball.

She can do taekwondo.

I can’t played computer games.

A: Can you ______?

B: Yes, I can.

No, I can’t.

A: Can he/she ______?

B: Yes, he/she can.

No, he/she can’t.

Copy this chart in your book

Hobby / Name

Play baseball

Choose and write three hobbies.Write the names of three friends.Ask your friends questions about their hobbies.

Processing:Discussion Questions

• When did the students encounter the target language?

• What do we need to provide our students when we teach this way?

• How did I check that the students understood the form?

• When did you learn the meaning and use of the new language?

Processing:Discussion Questions

• What was the SLO for this lesson?• What steps were Encounter, Internalize and

Fluency?• Look at the Internalize stage. What was the

controlled practice, less controlled practice?• When did the teacher use SL? TL?• What was higher, STT or TTT? How does

that help Ss learn?

Processing:Discussion Questions

• How did the T assess the Ss prior knowledge?• How did the T create opportunities for peer

learning and peer interaction?• What techniques, strategies and/or materials

were used to make practice fun?• What was the objective of this lesson?• Was it achieved?• If you were to teach this lesson, what might be

the most challenging aspect of the lesson for you?


• Consider the language you prepared for this class.

• Write an SLO for your lesson.

• What realistic context can you use to have the Ss encounter the TL?

• How will you check the form and meaning?

Make your own SLO* Remember the key is to think about the language needed

to complete a communicative task that students will demonstrate by the end of the lesson; this task should be based on what the students have learned from all the activities they participated in during the lesson.

• It might be helpful to use the following “formula”:

• By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate (TL – functons & notions – knowledge, & skills)

• by (doing something = the assessment activity)__.

SLO Formula

• By the end of the lesson, SWBAT ___________________________ by _________________________________________.

Your First Lesson Plan

• Draw an triangle on a piece of paper.

• What steps are there to teach someone to ride a bike?

• List the steps on your paper.

• Put the first step at the top of the triangle and the last step at the bottom



Your First Lesson Plan

• Read through your lesson plan and label the stages E-I-F.

• Look at your last step: Did you give your learner a clear task to let them demonstrate their SLO?

• Write an SLO of this lesson plan using the formula you learned in this lesson.

• Did you miss any steps? Add them in.



• Encounter:• Introduce learner to bike• assess prior knowledge asks

learner about parts of bike• introduce key concepts and

vocabulary• model the task/skills for learner

• Internalize:• controlled practice – trainer holds

bike while leaner rides• less controlled practice – trainer

removes support gradually so learner can internalize

• Fluency:• learner rides bike with out support

from trainer• learner is given a task that

demonstrates his/her ability such as: Ride the bike to the store and buy two ice cream cones.




By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate their ability to ride a bike alone

BY riding the bike to the store to buy two ice cream cones.


• SLA Definition:– scaffolding explains how learning occurs as a result of

“support coming from a more knowledgeable other that leads the learner to internalize what is being learned.” (Ko, Schallert and Walters (2003).

• Materials Development Definition– scaffolding denotes the language support that the

teacher or material developer builds into the productive skill lesson to facilitate the successful learning of the target language

• Encounter:• Introduce learner to bike• assess prior knowledge asks

learner about parts of bike• introduce key concepts and

vocabulary• model the task/skills for learner

• Internalize:• controlled practice – trainer holds

bike while leaner rides• less controlled practice – trainer

removes support gradually so learner can internalize

• Fluency:• learner rides bike with out support

from trainer• learner is given a task that

demonstrates his/her ability such as: Ride the bike to the store and buy two ice cream cones.




By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate their ability to ride a bike alone

BY riding the bike to the store to buy two ice cream cones.

Visual Support

on the box

next to the box in the box

under the box

EIFE = EncounterStudents “encounter” the target language through

an activity of some kind (rather than teacher “presenting” the target language)

I = InternalizeStudents “internalize” the target language through

practice (controlled practice activities free practice activities)

F = FluencyStudents “USE” the target language on their own

they become fluent in using the target language

EIF framework

What do you think this triangle shape


EIF breakdown of triangle shape

• E time needed to encounter and clarify the target language/skill.

• I Timed needed to work on accurately remembering and internalizing the target language/skill.

• F Time needed to work on fluently using the target language/skill (mastery).

• Sometimes the shape of this framework can look similar to a Christmas tree rather than a triangle.

• Why do you think this is so?

• Why do you think this is so?

Imagine teaching “greetings” to your students. Would you teach them the whole dialogue at once?

Why?• E (encounter)• I (internalize)• E• I• E• I• F• We call this “Language chunking”

Typical ENCOUNTER activities

• brainstorming• describing a picture or pictures• using the people and things in the classroom• learning a dialogue (choral repetition and group drilling)• watch and follow a model• elicitation from students of vocabulary they already know• word map• story telling with guiding Qs to elicit concepts, term or

vocabulary• reading/listening to sentences• reading/listening to a passage• puzzle/games that check Ss prior knowledge

Typical INTERNALIZE and FLUENCY activities

• pair conversations & conversation grids• games• information gaps • interviews/surveys• mixers (“cocktail party”) such as “Find Someone

who…”• dialogues and personalized substitution drills

(less controlled internalize practice activity only)

• role plays (usually only for fluency)• discussions & debates

Is there a difference between dialogues and role-plays?

• Dialogue = the script is provided and students read it. (*Substitution of language points in the dialogue is also common “dialogue” activity).

• Role-play = the script is not provided. Students use the language they have learned on their own in a situation provided by the teacher.

Backwards Planning

SLO & Final Activity

Second to last activity

First practiceactivity


Creates more effective lessonsSaves planning time

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