Year 7 online 3 Who won the Civil War and why?...Task Read through the sheet on the next slide which gives the reasons that Parliament won the Civil War. Stuck? Naseby was one of the

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Remember, there were two men fighting against each other in the Civil War……

Year 7 History Online w/c 15th June

Who won the Civil War and why?

A war between two sides in the same

Any questions, please contact Miss Gunn via Where work has to be submitted, please email it to your class teacher:• Ms Gunn –• Mrs Reeve-McKew• Mrs Tunstall –

King Charles 1 Royalist/Cavalier

Oliver Cromwell Parliament/Roundhead


First of all, let’s see what you remember from last time. If you’re working online, please write in your exercise book. If you’re working in the work book, write you answer by the question.

1. Which very important city did the Parliamentarians control?

2. Why was control of this city so important?

3. Did the Royalists or the Parliamentarians control important ports like Dover and Portsmouth?

4. Why was control of the poets important?

5. What is propaganda?

6. Which side did King Charles lead?

7. Which side wore the pot helmet?

• There were very few major battles in the Civil which lasted from 1642 to 1649. At first, it looked like the Royalists might win. • However, Oliver Cromwell made some changes to the Parliamentarian army and created the New Model Army. • This army won several major battles against the King eg the Battle of Marston Moor in 1644 and that Battle of Naseby in June 1645.

After this battle, Parliament was able to take control of more areas of England giving them a larger and better resourced army. • It was now clear that Charles and the Royalists could not win the Civil War. • Charles was eventually captured and put on trial. • Remember this . . • This is King Charles I being executed because he was found guilty of treason against the nation at his trial. • The execution of the King was a shocking event. Yes, Charles had argued with Parliament and started a war with them but, like Charles himself, people believed that the King was appointed by God to rule them and executing him was going against God’s will. • Religion and pleasing God was still very important at this time. • People were scared, who would rule them if the King was executed? • Only 80 out of 135 MPs (Members of Parliament) turned up to the trial where Charles was found guilty-they didn’t want to get involved.

Task Read through the sheet on the next slide which gives the reasons that Parliament won the Civil War.

Stuck? Naseby was one of the battles in the Civil War in 1645. The Parliamentarians won it.

•You are going to create a mind map that shows why Parliament won the Civil War.

•Use the template on slide 5. If you are working online, you can print it off or copy it into your exercise book, remember to draw the straight lines with a pencil and a ruler.

•An example has been done for you.

Parliament had better resources.

The king controlled poorer areas of the country like the north, south west and Wales

Parliament controlled London which was rich and the ports

Parliament had better resources

Parliament had better resources Parliament had

better resources

Parliament had better resources

Parliament had better resources

Parliament had better resources

Parliament had better resources

Parliament had better resources

Parliament had better resources

Parliament had better resources

Parliament had better resources

Parliament had better resources

Task What was the MAIN reason why Parliament won the War?

Email your answer to your class teacher if you are able to. You could even take a photo of your work and email it. Use your mindmap to help.

Write THREE PEEL paragraphs that answers the question above. Use the sentence starters to help you.

• I think the main reason that Parliament won the Civil War was because __________.

This was the biggest and most important reason because it made them win by…

It was more important than _______________ because…

• I think the second biggest that Parliament won the Civil War was ___________________. I think this because ___________

• I think the smallest reason that Parliament won the Civil War was ___________________. I think this because ___________

Stuck? Use your mind map to help.

Coming full circle . . .

•We started our work on this topic at the end with the execution of Charles 1 on 30 January 1649.

•When Charles was executed, there were different ideas about how England should be run. In the end, Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector of England - he too quarrelled with parliament (over religion) and agreed that his son should be Lord Protector when he died! Does this sound familiar?!

• It sounds like the same old problems that were there when Charles was King to me!

Starter quiz answers Which very important city did the Parliamentarians control? London.

2. Why was control of this city so important? It was wealthy, there was lots of trade happening there which could be taxed and it had a large population.

3. Did the Royalists or the Parliamentarians control important ports like Dover and Portsmouth? Parliamentarians.

4. Why was control of the ports important? It was where goods came in and out of the country and they could be taxed, this money would then go to the Parliamentarians to help improve and equip their army.

5. What is propaganda? Information that is biased or misleading, designed to manipulate people’s opinions.

6. Which side did King Charles lead? The Royalists/Cavaliers.

7. Which side wore the pot helmet? Parliament/Roundheads

1. Read the information from both sides about the Cirencester attack.

2. Highlight words/phrases that describe it as positive. (In red)

3. Highlight words/phrases that describe it as negative. (In blue)

Some answers to our work from last week. (on propaganda)

Our men took many prisoners, among whom were two ministers (churchmen) armed with swords and pistols. We lost less than twenty men on the Royalist side. We managed to kill 300 Parliamentarians. We captured 1,200 prisoners from the Parliamentarian side. This shows that the Royalists are merciful (kind). We treated the prisoners well. 160 of the prisoners were wounded and so they were treated by the Prince’s doctor.

At about 12 clock a furious (horrible) assault (attack) began. We had about 20 Parliamentarians killed. However the Royalists managed to capture between 1,100 and 1,200 Parliamentarian prisoners. Included in this were two churchmen. Many of the prisoners were stripped naked! The wounded prisoners were not even given a cup of water! The Royalists also bullied the two Parliamentarian churchmen by saying, ‘where is your God now’?

Cruel Capture of Cirencester – The Parliamentarian versionSuccessful storming of Cirencester

– The Royalist version

4. Complete the table about the two attacks. If working online, copy and complete the table in your exercise book. Use a pencil and a ruler for the straight lines. This is on the next page/slide.

Questions 5-8 ask you about your opinion so it’s hard to give answers for these as you will all have different opinions. Make sure that you have explained them fully and email them to your History teacher.

Royalist version Parliamentarian version

Number of prisoners 1200 1100-1200

How were prisoners treated? Well, the wounded were treated by the Prince’s doctor. This would have been seen as an honour.

Badly, they were stripped naked.

Were prisoners armed or not? Two churchmen were armed with swords and pistols.


How many Royalists were killed? Less than 20. ?

How many Parliamentarians were killed?

300 About 20

How were the wounded treated? With respect and they were treated by the Prince’s doctor.

Not well, they were not even given water to drink. Two churchmen who were taken prisoner were bullied and asked ‘where is your God now?’.

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