Xquizite prelims

Post on 04-Dec-2014






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the annual quiz organised by IEEE-MSIT




Rules and Regulations

->25 questions Starred questions( Q 1,5,10,15,25) will be used for tie breakers.->Top 6 qualify for the finals

-> Write your team name and one of the contact numbers.-> Stay back after the prelims. Answers afterwards.

Q1.The phrase X means: (1) to relax a tense or formal atmosphere or social situation; (2) to make a start on some endeavour.

This came into general use, in sense , in English through Lord Byron's "Don Juan" in the lines:

And your cold people [the British] are beyond all price, When once you've __________.

The _____ in question is metaphorically that on a river or lake in early spring. ______ would be to allow boats to pass, marking the beginning of the season's activity after the winter freeze. In this way, this expression has been connected to the start of enterprise for about 400 years.

ID the phrase X.

To break the ice

Q2.Name the mythical creature found on the masthead of the Hindu.



Felix Baumgartner

Q.4South Sudan is the newest independent country.Which was the last Asian country to get independent ?

East Timor

Q5. Connect


Q6.What does the 4 rings in automobile giants Audi represent ?

Audi logo each represent one of four car companies that banded together to create the company.

Q7. if one had travelled from Calais to Dover in a ferry…he would have crossed _____________ .

English Channel

Q8. Which country has Albert Einstein on its currency ?


Q9.Map of what


Q10. Whats so special about this samsung phone

Designed by Giorgio Armani

Q11" Every year at least 16 million additional hectares fall to the torch, the axe, bulldozers and the chain saw. Five million hectares of forests vanish every year just to meet the need for paper. Cheil Worldwide, a leading advertising agency decided to do something about this. What simple idea have they given the world that can help reduce this vanishing trees in a significant way?"

Reduce font size by 1

Q12. Before the Theory of Relativity, the peculiar orbit of Mercury was explained by proposing a theory where a planet X was supposed to be between Mercury and Sun.

X is also Roman God of both beneficial and hindering fires, including volcano, thus making name X apt for planet so close to Sun.

The name X is now well known for it is one of the main planets in one of most popular sci-fi space franchises.


Q13. What is blanked out ?

Facebook of course

Q14. What is so special about this video(vid 1)?

First video on youtube

Q15. what are these guys doing…?

Haka dance

Q16. Identify


Q17The name of the software X is a pun mixing the legend of Emperor X playing his lyre as Rome burned down during the ‘Great Fire of Rome’ which according to some people was started by X himself. The software is made by a Germany based company and the pun is more obvious in original German as the German name for Rome is Rom.The logo of this widely used program is an image of the Roman Colosseum in flames; this is dramatic but inaccurate, as the Great Fire of Rome took place in 64 AD, while construction of the Colosseum only started a few years later, between 70 and 72 AD.Identify X.


Q18X is a Caltech Theoretical Physicist who shares an apartment with his colleague and best friend.•The asteroid 246247 was named after him.•exhibits a strict adherence to routine, a total lack of social skills, a tenuous understanding of irony, sarcasm, and humor, and a general lack of humility or empathy.

ID (easiest question in the quiz :P )

Sheldon Cooper

Q19. What is common in Kartikeya, Mars and Odin?

Gods of war

Q20. Which two alphabets don’t feature on the periodic table ? (points only for the precise answer )

J and Q

Q21 ID the natural masterpiece.

Ayers Rock

Q22. Which club’s one of the earliest logos ?

Tottenham Hotspurs

Q23.Identify the plant


Q24. Who was the first rockstar to get arrested on stage ?

Jim morrison

Q25Which Indian stringed instrument's name is a derivation of a '100 colours' ?


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