

Insight: There’s a new type of Christmas anxiety over there: the fear of not getting everything done on time for Christmas. People are running through crowded stores, fight over toys, run in a crazy shopping cart competition of “buy it all, have it all”. Fathers are becoming makeshift Santa Clauses, mothers become professional cooks, and kids get nervous over toys. So, what better time to get organized and simplify your life?

Rational: Although Christmas is supposed to be one of merriest moments of the year, it could get a little bit hectic. That’s when Microsoft can help a lot.

Concept: We’ll use irony, playing along the duality of the “wonderful time to be a family” line. We’ll introduce the busiest family of all: St. Claus’ family, a hyperbola for every family out there trying to cope with a hectic Christmas time, that makes it through using Microsoft products.

Short character description


Charismatic, kind, talkative, conquering, charming. Favorite way to relax - drinks tea on his special armchair. When he gets mad, he speaks fast and his face turns red. Wants to be meticulously, but doesn’t have patience and quickly gets annoyed. He likes to show his strength to everybody, but with discretion - when someone is watching, he pretends he lost something and is searching it under the heaviest objects (boulders, logs, couch etc).

Santa’s wife

Housewife, she loves to invent new recipes for sweets. Merry, kind, warm, patient, equilibrated - family’s element of normality. The kind of person you always want to be around, because she offers that feeling of safety and happiness. Organized, she often helps Santa. Likes to give advice and encourage everybody.Overprotective, especially with the Elf. Never gets angry, her calm often annoys the one she is talking to.


Technology specialist. Aware of his intellectual abilities, arrogant, superior (when someone needs help, he doesn’t explain the process, he just grumpy executes and leaves). Silent, cold, distant. Although very young, he doesn’t like mother’s attention. Makes his own researches (has a laboratory). Working on a secret plan: a chip to control the reindeer with a remote.

The reindeer

Hazy, dizzy (easily distracted by a game, a stick, a ball). When it comes to holidays or play, he gets overexcited (trembles with impatience, can’t be controlled). He loves to dance (does it all the time in the mirror). Clumsy - he breaks objects in his way, but knows it’s wrong. Aware of his mistakes he tries to shirk. Likes to overwhelm with his presence, to make himself visible.

POSM Materials

Poster (KV))


Roll-up (generic)

Roll-up (integrated in laptop corner)





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