
It’s a Wonderful Life

I’m learning something about myself as I put together these messages for XANGO Inside. I keep coming back to different perspectives of a single idea:

Each one of us changes the world.

The power of the individual feels like one of those prin-ciples we can revisit every day, and the holiday season brings it into sharp focus. Now, more than any other time of the year, we see the uniting power of individual generosity.

If you’ve been with XANGO for five or six years, you might have heard me talk about the old Frank Capra classic, It’s a Wonderful Life. (Does it make me sound old to say, “They don’t make them like they used to”?) The pro-

tagonist, George Bailey, lives a good, honest life, but never can quite real-

ize his dream of traveling the world. He believes his good faith is continually

repaid with bad luck, and he hits rock bottom one Christmas Eve. Standing on

a bridge and ready to end it all, he says, “Without me, everybody would be better off.

I wish I’d never been born.”

Clarence, George’s guardian angel, drops down from heaven to intervene. He grants George’s

wish, showing him what life in Bedford Falls would have looked like without him. The scene is

very bleak. It turns out that in a lifetime of virtuous living, George had done much more than he remem-bered. There was the time he saved his little brother from drowning, and that brother went on to save so many lives in World War II. There was the fatal error he kept the pharmacist from making, his years serv-ing the working class at his father’s building and loan. With Clarence’s help, George begins to see just what he’s accomplished through an unassuming life of hon-est, hard work.

“Strange, isn’t it?” asks Clarence. “Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”

We may sometimes feel like George Bailey did on that bridge—inconsequential, frustrated, and like nothing we do amounts to very much—but I believe those feelings are a symptom of a lack of perspective. What if Dwayne Dyer hadn’t signed up with XANGO in 2002?

What if he hadn’t connected with Ray or Colli? What if Lisa & Randy Collins hadn’t reached out to Vern An-drews? Where would John Redmond, who’s lost 80 lbs. with FAVAO, be if no one had introduced him to wellness without weakness? And how many will decide to make a positive change after seeing the success of FAVAO Reset Challenge winners Tamara Smith, Beth & Aaron Boston, Gina Lefebvre and David Arrington? (Way to go, you five!)

Please remember your own power to bless the lives of others. You can be the change someone is waiting for. They need your dreams. We need your dreams.

Take a minute this holiday season to recognize the good you’ve done, then make a plan for the good you have left to do. Because the truth is, what we wake up and face every day is just life. It’s each one of us who decides to make it wonderful.

Happy Holidays,

Joe Morton XANGO Founder & Board Member

Volume 5



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Couple: Beth & Aaron Bostonlost 100 lbs. combined

Female: Gina Lefebvrelost 42 lbs.

Male: David Arringtonlost 75 lbs.

Overall: Tamara Smithlost 100 lbs.


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EAM XANGO doesn’t tell you what to drive or where to drive it. It’s your life—we just want to put you in the driver seat. You earned every dime of

your commission checks and the way you choose to spend your money reflects your dreams. Like Dr. Sean Stephenson said at NEXT 2012 in Las Vegas, “Money only amplifies who you really are at your core.” And we think it’s pretty awesome that our Distributors’ dreams represent as much diversity as the Distributors themselves.

For Sam & Esther Kowalko, Premier Selects from Campbell River, British Columbia, fancy cars were never on their dream board. They wanted a different kind of mobility. When their XANGO commission checks started bringing in more money each month than the income from their restaurant business, they quit the proverbial rat race and turned to working XANGO full time. “XANGO gave us the financial and geographical freedom to fulfill our dreams,” Sam says. “The nature of the XANGO business, the benefits of residual income and advances in technology allow us to work from anywhere and keep in touch with our team regularly. We keep our business going while spending time with friends and family, doing the things we love.”

Case in point: Sam was in Disneyland with his family at the time of this interview. “Seeing the smiles on our grandchildren’s faces as they met Mickey Mouse for the first time… that was on our vision board,” says Sam. “One of our dreams had always been to spend a month out of the winter in a warm climate, and because of XANGO, we were able to buy a small place in Arizona. We now spend the whole winter there, play tons of tennis and we’ve made more friends in Arizona than any other place we’ve ever lived.”

Sounds dreamy. Congrats, Sam & Esther!

How has XANGO helped you live your dream? Share your story at:

Ready, Set, GO!Learn how to double your money at

IgniteRegister to join us in the Windy City on January 12,

2013, and learn how to IGNITE your business at

Nothing Beats FreeLearn how to get your product for free at

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