
What To Do With The Kids®

100 LessonsKids Should Learn


Where adults go when they want to know…

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Don’t EVER take medical advice from a celebrity

They live in a world of make believe and so does their medical advice. Unless it comes from a real doctor, a

celebrity’s advice can cause you a lot of trouble.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Wear a helmet when biking, sledding or skateboarding

You may not think they’re cool but neither is being in the hospital, in a wheelchair or even dead.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Treat others how you would like to be treated

If you want people to be nice to you, then be nice to them.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…



Unless you’re a doctor writing a prescription, learn to write neatly so that you and others will understand

your notes. Pens and pencils are the things us old folks use when we can’t type.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all

You will be amazed at how much troubleyou WON’T get into.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Respect all animals

If you’re not going to eat it, don’t kill it.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Don’t be so seriousall the time

Laugh once in a while. You’d be surprised athow good it makes you feel.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Do what’s right,not what’s easy

The right thing might not be popular or easybut as long as YOU know it’s right, then do it.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Graffiti is not art

Just because you can misspell your name using spray paint doesn’t make it art…it makes it a crime.

Real art makes a statement, makes people think and adds to culture. If you feel the need to spray paint

a wall, consider going to school to learnreal art skills…and to spell.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…



In sports, many penalties are not called on the person who broke the rules, but against the person who

reacts. Learn to control your emotions.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Girls:Wipe from front to back

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Boys:Aim for the middle

of the bowl

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Competitive vs. Cooperative

When you are competitive, you play hard and try to beat the other team. When you are cooperative you

play for fun and don’t keep score.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…



Using a weapon is not the worst way to hurt someone. Try a lawsuit instead. It lasts longer, is more

painful in the long term AND you might just make some money. No one ever had a lawsuit “accidentally go off.”

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Do it right the first time

Short cuts don’t always work and you may end up having to do it over again because you made a

mistake. Following instructions will be the fastest way to complete the task without sacrificing anything.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


The world does notrevolve around you

When you are dead and buried, the sun will still rise, the birds will still sing and the Cubs may never win

the World Series.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


School allows you to learnin a few days what people have learned in a lifetime.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Your parents AREthe boss of you

Until you are 18, they are your boss. If you don’tlike it then grow older, go to school, get a job andget your own place. THEN and only then will they

stop being the boss of you.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


There is always someoneout there smarter, faster, better looking and more

talented than you

So just be the best that you can be.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Cheer for other people

They may just do the same for you someday.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


You don’t have to hateif you don’t like them

If you don’t like someone’s music don’t say youhate them. You don’t know them.

Say you don’t like their music.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Learn to spell

You’ll do much better in school and people over the age of 40 will understand what you’re trying to text.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


It’s okay to like thingsthat aren’t cool

Everyone has different likes and tastes.That’s what makes us all unique.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Spend time with your grandparents

They won’t be around for very long. Listen to their stories and you might just find out something about

your parents you may want to use later.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Make friends

And not just with the popular kids.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Learn the rules of the road when biking

Car drivers are surrounded by a ton of steel. You are surrounded by clothes and hopefully a helmet. When

you are both on the streets, YOU better make sure YOU know the rules of the road and follow them.

Stop signs are not a suggestion either.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Stay clean

Wash your hands regularly and take a bathor shower even when you don’t think you need it.

You will look, feel and smell better.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


People who say they“break the rules”

don’t really know the rules

Learn the rules THEN choose the onesyou want to break.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Learn how to sew buttons and fix holes in clothes

You may not think it’s important nowbut you’ll thank me later.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Commercials are tryingto sell you stuff

They want you to buy their stuff. Sure it looksgreat and beautiful people are using it but

do you really need it?

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Help your friendsand recognize when

they need help

If your friend has a problem, take the time to listen to him. If it’s a big problem, convince him to get help with

it. Not doing anything may make it worst.THAT’s what friends do.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Handmade gifts are always better than anything

bought at a store

Make a craft, draw a picture or create something they’ll love. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

It just has to be from you.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Never make fun of someone’s physical

or mental differencesYou don’t know how they became that way and the

pain and suffering they are going through.One thing for sure is that they don’t need

you making fun of them.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Discover the library

There are books on almost every subject imaginable and it cost nothing or very little. If you don’t know

where to find it, just ask the librarian since theyknow where everything is.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Don’t be afraidto try new things

As long as it won’t hurt or kill you or someone else,is illegal or immoral, try it.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Eating at home willsave you money

The money you spend at a restaurantcan be used to buy groceries for a week.

Healthier too!

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Actors, actresses andmodels don’t look like that

in real life

They spend hours in the makeup department with professional makeup artists to get that special look so don’t get upset if you don’t look that way. Many are

pretty goofy looking under all that makeup too.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Cheating doesn’t really help

Not in sports and especially not in school.Nothing good ever comes from cheating.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Name calling is forbooger head dummies

Kids call people names because they are jealous,mad or aren’t very smart. Just because they call you

something does not mean that’s what you are. If they keep calling you a fire truck, will you start thinking

you’re a fire truck?

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Tape the showand go to bed

You need your sleep. Chances are it will playagain later so set up your PVR or get grandpato show you how a VHS tape recorder works.

You can watch it in the morning.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Visit your dentist

Since you use your teeth every day, you have to look after them and that means visiting the dentist.They’ll clean them and check them out to see ifthere are any problems and fix them for you.Remember: without teeth you can’t eat chips,

chocolate bars and candy. Don’t forget to brush too.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Clubs not gangs

There is nothing good about being in a gang. If you want to be with a bunch of people who understand

you, know what you’re going through and want to do things with you then join a club. There are a million more clubs than gangs like baseball clubs, football

clubs, soccer clubs, running clubs, photography clubs. When was the last time you heard of a chess club

causing trouble or getting busted by the cops?

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…

#58If someone is telling you to come

with them because they say something happened to your parents or

they need help finding a puppy,don’t believe them

Don’t believe them and run to somewhere safe like a school, church, store or to a neighbor.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Learn to play music

Music let’s your brain discover new thoughts and feelings. It can make you feel happy,

sad and everything in between.Learn to play and share it with the world.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Don’t be afraidto ask questions

How else are you going to learn?

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Don’t believe everythingyou see on TV, online

or in movies

It’s all make-believe.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


The world will always need plumbers, electricians

and carpenters

Don’t be afraid to learn a trade. The world’s richest people need someone to build their mansions, yachts

and swimming pools. They aren’t going to do it.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Be a role modelfor other kids

Young kids see what you do and want to do the same.If you act out, they will act out. If you throw a fit,

they’ll do the same. Be a role model by doing positive things. Help around the house without being asked or clean up after yourself. When the little ones see that,

they’ll do the same.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Read labels

Food labels, medicine dosage labels and instruction sheets. You can get hurt or hurt someone else

if you don’t.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…



It’s not cool anymore and it’s expensive.It gives you dull yellow teeth and fingers.

It also helps keep people away since you’ll stink!

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


There’s a time to workand a time to play

You need to know the difference. When you’re at school, doing homework or helping around the house, that’s when you work. After school, after homework

and when your chores are done is when you play.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Stay in school

Only boneheads think they know everything.Everything you need to know is at school.

Spend a few years learning instead ofa lifetime of just finding out.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


You will get your heart broken and you will survive

You will love someone and sometimes they won’t love you back. That’s the way life works and it will happen to you a few times. It is painful but you will get over it

and you will find someone who will love you.Just don’t be in such a rush to find them.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Work hard

You have a better chance to succeed if you work hard. Give it your best effort and make sure it’s done to the best of your ability. Doing things without effort will

only slow you down and take longer in the end.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Form your own opinion

There is usually more than one side to a story. Research, ask questions and once you get

all the facts THEN form your own opinion.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Take responsibilityfor your life

Unless you have a personal servant, set your own alarm clock to wake up for school. Make your own bed. If you have pets, make sure they are looked after. You wanted

games; put them away when you’re done.You want clean clothes; pick the dirty ones up

and put them in the hamper.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Learn to type

It makes updating your Facebook page a lot fasterand easier. Good for homework too.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Learn to cook

Unless you have a personal servant, one day you’ll have to make your own food and cereal with milk is not cooking. Learn to make a sandwich. Learn how to

prepare the food, clean up and put it away after. Learn how to use knives, the microwave oven and the stove.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…

#42When something wrong happens, don’t be so quick to point a finger. When you do, keep in mind that you’ve got three

more pointing back at you.

Don’t play the blame game. Once you know what the problem is, be the one with the solution.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…



Television and movies are great but reading a storylets your imagination show you things

you could never see on a screen.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


The things you docan affect people

for the rest of their lives

Hurting someone physically or mentally can affect a person for the rest of their lives in a very bad way.Doing something nice and helpful for someone can

make their lives a little better. Which would you prefer?

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


You have two earsand one mouth.

Use them in proportion

You will always learn and understand moreif you listen more than you speak.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Don’t be afraid to ask for helpBelieve it or not, you don’t know everything but there is a good chance that

there is someone who can help. If you’re having trouble with school work, ask a friend or your teacher. If you’re being bullied, ask for help from your teacher, your parents or the police. If you need help coping with the pressure you’re

feeling at home, talk to your teacher who will show you where to go for help. If you are on drugs or drink alcohol, there are social agencies there to help

you. Just ask for help. It’s not a sign of weakness but of courage.The courage to say you need help

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


“Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making

other plans.”- John Lennon, “Beautiful Boy”

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


The perfect familyis only on TV

and in the movies

Life’s problems do not go away after an hour,so don’t get upset when things don’t go the way you

want. Your family may not be perfectbut they’re yours so make the best of it.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Listen and learnfrom your elders

Believe it or not, they were kids too. They know what it’s like to grow up and all the troubles and stress that go with it. They may have been in a different time but the feelings and stress they experienced then are the

same as what you’re going through now.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Jealousy is bad

Don’t hate someone because of their success.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Take responsibilityfor your actions

Admit to what you’ve done, good or bad.If you’ve made a mistake, own up to it

and make it right. You should also feel goodabout the good things you’ve done.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Don’t look downon people

People may have less money, clothes, toys and stuff than you but that doesn’t make them less of a

person. Keep in mind that there are a lot of people out there that have much more than you do.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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That great tan you’ve got now may just kill you when you’re older. Use sunscreen and avoid the cancer.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Help when you can

There is always someone who can use help: An elderly woman carrying groceries; a neighbor who needs help

in their yard; a kid having trouble with homework;a community event needing volunteers.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


A parent’s job is to worry about you, so accept it

They changed your diaper, wiped your nose, fed you, clothed you and bought you toys you only played

with a few times over many years.They aren’t about to stop looking after you now.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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You always have time

Cell phones, jet planes, the latest fashions andcartoons were all created by people who had

the same hours per day that you have.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


It’s okay to be afraid.Just don’t let it control you

Some things may scare you or make you nervous and that’s okay. As long as there is no danger of hurting yourself or others, is illegal or immoral, try to work

through it. If you still can’t do it, ask for help.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Don’t put yourself in a situation you can’t handle

Recognize when the driver has been drinking anddon’t get in the car. Know when to walk away

when an argument gets out of hand. Don’t do the crime if you’re not prepared to do the time (in jail).

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Use your imagination

Great inventions are the result of people who usedtheir imaginations. If it weren’t for imagination

there would be no TV, video games, popcorn, bedsor those little plastic tabs at the end of shoe laces.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


If you want to be different don’t bother with tattoos,

piercings and funny haircuts

Since many people do these, it’s not really different anymore. Be different by making a difference.

Volunteer at a non-profit organization,plant a tree or help clean up a park.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Learn to swim

You shouldn’t die in a few inches of water.Swimming is a skill you will never forget and will

save your life or the life of someone you love.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


You can’t controlwhat people think

Some people will like you and some won’t. Some won’t like you and they don’t even know you. Don’t sweat it. If they like you it’s because you are who you are.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Enjoy what you have and quit wasting your time thinking about what you don’t have

You know what you have so use it and make the bestof it. Use your imagination. You will be amazed

at what you can do.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Don’t be in a hurryto be an adult

An adult has to deal with paying bills, working at their job and dealing with kids. It’s not easy so don’t be in a rush to become one. Enjoy your youth now because in

most cases, you’ll never get to do it again.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Get into a good bedtimeand morning habit

Brush and floss, wash your face and brush your hair.A few minutes in the beginning and end of your day

will keep you good looking for years.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Know when to use it. Stay calm, tell them who you are, where you are and what the emergency is

and then do what they tell you to.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

Where adults go when they want to know…


Stop complaining. There is always someone out there

worst off than you

There are people with physical and mental problems that they have to deal with every day. There are many

people that don’t have the things you have or don’t have the same lifestyle that you enjoy.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Try to solve your problems

Having trouble with a project or can’t get something to work properly? Before you ask an adult to do it, don’t

give up and try to solve the problem yourself. As long as there is no danger of hurting yourself or others, is

illegal or immoral, try it yourself. Once you’ve tried it yourself and still can’t do it, ask for help.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Cheating and lyingare choices,not mistakes

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Respect others

Respect other people, their stuff and their way of life.If you don’t like it then keep quiet. You don’t knowwhat they do or know why they do it and it’s really none of your business. If you don’t want people to

disrespect you, then don’t disrespect others.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Good touch – bad touch

Your mom and dad will tell you who can see you naked and no one can touch you unless they’re a doctor

and one of your parents is present.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Learn from your mistakes

If you try something and it doesn’t work, you’ve just learned what doesn’t work and therefore you should

try something else. If that doesn’t work, try something else. Keep going until you find out what works and

even if you don’t find out what works,at least you’ll know what doesn’t.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Always check to see if there is toilet paper before you sit

It is the one habit that will never let you down, especially when your pants are.

What To Do With The Kids®

100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Life is not fair

Things don’t always work out the way you’d like.Not everything goes your way so when it doesn’t,

don’t stress out. Deal with it. If life were fair,John Lennon, Freddie Mercury and half of

Lynyrd Skynyrd would still be alive and the worldwould never have heard of the Kardashians.

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Booze, drugs and cigarettes are expensive

Why not spend your money on things that you can use to make your life easier and without problems?

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Stupid stuff you do today will affect you tomorrow

Ever hear of Facebook and YouTube? This includes videos, photographs, texts and emails.

Posting things online will never, ever go awayand the people you don’t want to see it will.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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School will make you money

It teaches you to do great things that canmake you a ton of money

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Be proud of your history but don’t let it keep you from

achieving greatness

Many cultures and races have been enslaved, abused and taken advantage of but that should not be an

excuse to keep you from working hard to reach your goals. Use the strength your ancestors had.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Respect the law

The law is there to protect you, your family, your stuff and your way of life. Those who don’t respect the law

are usually the ones breaking the law.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Dreaming is a wasteof time if you don’t do

something about itIf you want to be a rock star, learn an instrument and

practice, practice, practice. If you want to be a pro athlete, play the game and practice, practice,

practice. If you want to be the one who finds a cure for cancer then go to school and study, study, study.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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People have diedfor your freedom

Kids as young as 16 have fought and died in World Wars and soldiers today are risking and losing their lives so that you can go to school, play video games,

wear baggy pants and complain abouthow tough your parents are on you.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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Don’t be a victim of bullyingOthers may think you’re different but so are they and it’s none of their

business. Kids may call you names but that doesn’t describe who you are. If a kid tries to physically hurt you, stand up for yourself. Tell them to stop or you will tell your teacher, parent or even the police. If you feel they’re going to physically hurt you, fight back. Kick them between the legs, punch them in the nose or hit them with your books and run for help. Unless you stand up to a bully, they will always come after you. Think of it as taking a bandage off. If you go slowly, it

hurts for a while. Pull it off quickly and it hurts for a fraction of a second and the pain stops. Let the adults worry about why he’s a bully.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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The world does notowe you anything

You have to earn what you have. No one is going to give you a life, love or happiness. Same goes for a

house, a job and a way of life. Work hard, make the right decisions and you’ll get what you want.

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100 Lessons Kids Should Learn

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