Worship in Ramadaan

Post on 30-Apr-2022






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Worship in Ramadaan

Advice by Imam Haddaad

“Awraad (Litanies) have no benefit except with continuity and

presence of the heart and being conscious of Allah جل جلاله. Excessive

Awraad done with haste, no proper intention, lack of presence of

the heart, have only minimal benefits. However, they are not

completely bereft of benefit and protection against evil, if Allah جل جلاله so

wills”.1 O Believers, make your intention solely for the sake of Allah

.and be consistent ,جل جلاله feel it in your hearts, be conscious of Allah , جل جلاله

Hujjatul Islam, Imam Muhammad Al-Ghazzali mentions a

beautiful parable of consistency in Zikr (remembrance of Allah جل جلاله).

He said: “If water is thrown over a rock at one given time, nothing

happens. But, if a container of water is suspended over the rock

and a hole is made at the bottom of the container, the water will drip

onto the rock. And, if water is constantly poured into the container,

after a while, it will erode and penetrate a hole into the rock”. Make

your lips moist with the Zikr of Allah جل جلاله and His Habib صلى الله عليه وسلم, ensure their

presence in your heart, this will cause your hearts to be penetrated

and effected by their remembrance. We are living in trying times,

where the Houses of Allah جل جلاله are closed due to the new virus

effecting mankind. But, the worship of Allah جل جلاله never stops. We are

given an opportunity of making our homes resonate with the Zikr of

Allah جل جلاله and the praise of the Habib صلى الله عليه وسلم. The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم

said: “Take control

1 Here ends the advice of Imam Haddaad لها هنع ضر ل . ي

of your tongue, let your home be spacious for you, and weep over

your sins”.2 So, be content in your homes, and fill the void by

remembering Allah جل جلاله and His Habib صلى الله عليه وسلم.

These Awraad are short and do not require much time. Be

consistent in their recitation and feel the effects of its recitation in

your lives.

2 Imam Tirmidhi لها هنع ضر ل .said the Hadith is sound ي

The Prayer of the Night

(Salat Al-Tahajjud)

Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah reports that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم

said: “The best prayers after the obligatory prayers is the night

prayer.”3 Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah reports that the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم

was asked, “What prayer is most virtuous, after the obligatory

prayers?” Sayyiduna Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم answered: “Prayer in the

depths of the night”.4 Sayyiduna Abu Umamah Al-Baheeli narrates that the Messenger

said: “Hold fast to the night prayer, for it was the way of the صلى الله عليه وسلم

righteous before you, a way of drawing closer to Allah جل جلاله, an

expiation for wrong deeds, and a shield from sin”.5 So, stand up for Salah in the depths of the night and worship Allah

and you will find your supplications being ,جل جلاله and cry onto Him جل جلاله

answered and light entering your lives. O Believers, when you get up, clean your mouth using the

Miswaak,6 then make the following Du‟ah.

“All praise is to Allah, who gave us life after having taken it from us

and to Him is our resurrection”.

3 Sahih Muslim

4 Muslim, Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah.

5 Tirmidhi and in some other narrations, there is an addition: “It repels sickness from the body”.

6 A natural toothbrush made from the Salvadora Persica Tree (Arak Tree).

Thereafter, make a proper Wudu, ensuring that all compulsory and recommended acts be done in the proper manner. • The minimum number of rakats is 2.7 • Its recommended amount is 8 rakats, as this was the general

practice of the Messenger 8.

• To lengthen the recitation is more superior than a large number of rakats.9 • Supplications made after Tahajjud are answered by Allah . It is also recommended that when we get up for performing Tahajjud, we supplicate to Allah by reciting the Du‟ah of the

Messenger .

@@لهم ل @@ال ” م @@ م ال@@ت ق @@مد أ ن @@ك احل األ رض و ات و و ل @@ن ف @@سم ن و @@ه مد، @@ك احل

م @لك ال@ك م @@ل األ رض و ات و و ل @ن ف @سم ، و ن @ه ا@ور ال@ت ن @مد أ ن @ك احل ات و و ل سم ، و @أل رض مد @ك احل

@أ ن ع @ت احل و ، و @ق ل @دك احل ، و ق @ق اؤك ح @ق ، و اجل @ك ح @ول @ق ، و ال@نة ح @ق ، و ال@نار ح @ق ، و نبون @ق

مح@ح ، و د ص@ق ال@لم ح @له وس@لى اهلل ع@م ، و ، ال@ة ح @ساع @ق ل مت، @@@ك أ س @@@ل لهم @@@ق

ب ع @@@ك آم @@@و ك ت @@@نت و إل @@@وك @@@ل ب @@@ك أ ن @@@لت، و ك @@@بت، و

إل @اص @خ م @دم @ا ق@ي م @فر ل @اغ @مت، ف @اك @ك ح @مت، و م @ا أخ @ت و م @ا أ س @رت، و رت و ا ال إل ه إال أ نت ـ@ر

رك “.أ و ال إل ه غ

as صلى الله عليه وسلمand send salawaat upon the Habib جل جلاله Supplicate to Allah much

as possible. Remember, the one closest to the Messenger on the day of Resurrection, is the one who sent salawaat upon the most. صلى الله عليه وسلم

Him صلى الله عليه وسلم.

7 As quoted in Fat‟hul Qadeer.

8 As quoted in Fat‟hul Qadeer.

9 Radd Al-Mukhtaar


After the performance of Tahajjud, one can either get some

rest or await the entry time of Salatul Fajr.

Salatul Fajr

before جل جلالهAfter the performance of Salatul Fajr, remember

Allah you get up from your place.10

Recommended Du‟ahs to be made at this time.

م ع الع ل هو السم اء و ال ف السم رض و يء ف األ

(3 Times)

ات او مدتصبحون فالسم ل هاحل ن و ح سون و *ت رض مل األ ج و خر رون و تظه ن جون *ت ذ لك تخر ك ا و وته ب عد م ح و ي ن احل ت م امل

10 This is from the Sunnah of Sayyid Al-Aalameen صلى الله عليه وسلم

It is recommended to recite at this time the beautiful names of

Allah and thereafter, supplicate to Allah.

After recitation, it is recommended to spend time with your family,

giving them some advice, teaching them about love for Allah جل جلاله

and the Habib صلى الله عليه وسلم, teaching them the Sirah of the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم.

Take some rest, and thereafter recite from the Qur‟an what you are

able to.

Salat Al-Dhuhr

After the performance of Dhuhr Salaah , the following Zikr is


سبحا ن اهلل

(33 Times)

مد هلل ا حل

(33 Times)

ا كب ر ا هلل

(33 Times)

ر ق د ء هو ع لى كل ش مد و ل ه احل ك و


These four Awraad should be read after every Salat.

This should be followed by recitation of the Qur‟an and sending

Salawat upon the Habib.صلى الله عليه وسلم

Salatul Asr

Sarah جل جلاله,After performance of Salatul Asr and glorifying Allah

Al-Waaqi‟ah must be recited

Thereafter, recite as much as you can from the Qur‟an. And,

send salawat upon the Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم. This should take you near to

the time of Iftaar. Du‟ah made at this time is accepted so

supplicate in the court of Allah جل جلاله for all your needs.

Iftaar and Salatul Mughrib

The following Du‟ahs should be made at the time of

breaking ones fast.


The Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “There are three whose du‟ah is not

rejected – a just ruler, the fasting person when he breaks his

fast, and the prayer of the oppressed person. It rises above

the clouds and the gates of heaven are opened for it, and

the Lord, may He be glorified, says, „By My Glory, I will

answer you even if it is after a while.”11 Do not neglect this

time by concentrating on the food, rather follow this advice

of the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم and have your Du‟ahs accepted.

After breaking your fast, perform Salatul Mughrib. Thereafter,

engage in much recitation of Salawaat upon our Rasool صلى الله عليه وسلم.

11 Ahmad and Tirmidhi.

Salatul Isha

After performing Salatul Isha, the following Awraad should

be read.

(70 Times)

Thereafter, perform Salat Al-Tarawi consisting of 20 Rakats.

Surah Sajdah and Surah Al-Mulk should be read before one

retires to bed. Sayyidah A‟isha narrates, that the

Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم before sleeping would recite the last three

Surahs of the Qur‟an, then blow on His صلى الله عليه وسلم hands and rub it

all over His صلى الله عليه وسلم body.12

How to finish the Qur‟an in one month

• An average Quran has approximately 600 pages. If you divide 600 with 30 days then that is 20 pages per day. And now divide 20 with 5 (5 Times of prayers), which becomes 4. And it will be so easy for you to Finish it!

• It means if you pray just 4 pages after every Salah (Prayer).

Then you will be able to finish it easily in this holy month. • And if you want to finish it twice, just start reciting 8 pages

after every Salah (Prayer) you offer in this holy Month!

12 Sahih Bukhari

Virtues of Salawaat upon the Habib صلى الله عليه وسلم

Habib `Abd al-Qadir al-Saqqaf (may Allah have mercy on him

and benefit us by him) said: “Whoever bestows abundant

prayers upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم will be guaranteed ten things:

• They will receive what they ask for, • They will die upon la ilaha illa Allah, • They will see the Prophetصلى الله عليه وسلم, • They will have felicity in this life, • Their children will be blessed, • Their provision will be made easy, • They will be protected from suffering in this life, • They will be close to the Prophetصلى الله عليه وسلم, • They will receive the greatest type of care from Allah, and • Allah and the Prophetصلى الله عليه وسلم will be pleased with them.

The following Salawaat are prescribed to be recited in abundance.

Ṣalāt an-Nurāniyyah

This Salutation is from the pole of poles, Sayyid Ahmed al-Badawi. Shaykh Ahmed as-Sawi has said, “Some have mentioned that it should be recited 7 times after each prayer, and that reciting it 100 times is equal (in reward) to reciting Dalaa‟il al-Khayraat 33 times.”

This prayer is said to be one of the greatest means of being

connected to Sayyiduna Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم in sleep and in

wakefulness. Through it one attains victory against the ego,

Shaytaan, and all other enemies. It has several other

benefits that cannot be counted or enumerated.

O Allah! send salutations, peace and blessings upon our Master

the original luminous tree, the sparkle of the صلى الله عليه وسلم,Muhammad handful

proceeding from the Divine name al-Rahman (the All Merciful),

the best of humankind, the noblest of physical forms, the mine of

Lordly secrets, the treasure-stores of the sciences of the elect; he

of the original Divine Handful, the sublime resplendence, and the

lofty rank under whose Standard all of the

Prophets shall huddle, and thus they are from him and to him. And send prayers, peace and blessings upon him and his Family and companions, by the number of what You have created, provided for, caused to die, and caused to live-until the day You resurrect those who You have caused to perish. And send abundant peace- and all praises are due to Allah , the Lord of the Worlds.

Ṣalāt al-Fāṭiḥ - The Salutation of

the Victor

This beautiful salutation has been attributed to the Arifbillah the

Imam and Shaykh Muhammad al-Bikri. Ahmed as-Sari has

mentioned that from among its benefits is that one who recites this once in their life, will not enter the fire. The one who recites it a 1000 times on a Thursday night, or Friday, or Monday, will be blessed with the sacred vision of the Prophet of Allah

O Allāh! Bless our Master Muḥammad who opened what was closed and who sealed what had gone before; he makes the truth victorious by the truth and he is the guide to Your Straight Path, and bless his Household as it befits his immense stature and splendor.

Ṣalāt al-Aali al-Qadr

Imam as-Suyuti has mentioned that whosoever is persistent with this

salutation every Thursday night, even if read only once, then the

Beloved Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم will lay him down into his grave when

he passes away

O Allah! Send blessings, prayers and peace upon our Master

Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet, the Beloved of great worth

and standing, and upon his family and companions.

Ṣalāt Imam Shafi`i

AbdAllah al-Hakam said, “I saw Imam ash-Shafi`i in my dream

and asked him, „What has Allah جل جلاله done with you?‟” he replied,

“He poured His Mercy on me, forgave me and decorated

Paradise for me, which came to me as a bride adorned with all

her ornaments and decorations for her husband. The angels

showered me with heavenly ornaments the way rose petals are

showered over the bride and groom (in the world).” I asked him,

“How did you attain this level, what did you do?” He said,

“Someone told me to recite a specific salutation, which I did.”

Recite this salutation to enter Paradise without questioning:

Oh Allah! Bestow Your Mercy and Blessings upon Muhammad

whenever he is remembered, and bestow Your Mercy and

Blessings upon Muhammad whenever he is not remembered.

Istighfaar We should seek forgiveness from Allah جل جلاله every single day.

Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “O People, turn in repentance to Allah

seeks forgiveness from Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم Muhammad) for Indeed I ,جل جلاله

over 100 times daily”. Our Habib صلى الله عليه وسلم is sinless but He صلى الله عليه وسلم is

teaching the believers the greatness of Istighfaar and how to

be a servant of Allah جل جلاله. The following are examples of

Istighfaar and we should be constant in their recitation.

Salat Al-Duha

relates that the Messenger Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah said: “Whoever

adheres to the Duha Prayer, shall have his sins صلى الله عليه وسلم forgiven, even if they

are like the foam of the sea”.13

1) Salat Al-Duha is a mid-morning recommended salat. 2) It is recommended after sunrise. The ideal time for its

performance is after a quarter of the morning has passed. 3) Based upon Ahadith, the Fuqaha have established that it is a

minimum of 2 units. Its optimum number is 4 units and its

maximum is 8 units.

13 Tirmidhi

Salat Al-Awwabeen

A recommended Salat to be performed between Mughrib and

Isha. Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: “Whoever prays six units of prayer

after Mughrib and does not say anything bad in between them,

will have a reward equal to the worship of twelve years”.14

These Salats are recommended to be read every day and it

was upheld by various Awliya Allah over the ages.

14 Tirmidhi.

Allah Ta’aala allow us to reap the reward of this blessed month,

forgive us our sins, guide us all and deliver us away from this global

pandemic to a better and brighter future.


Habibia Soofie Saheb Badsha Peer Darbaar, Riverside/Kenville

Habibia Soofie Saheb Darbaar, Pietermaritzburg

Habibia Soofie Saheb Darbaar, Cape Town

Habibia Soofie Saheb Darbaar, Westville

Habibia Soofie Saheb Bhaijaan Darbaar, 45th Cutting Sherwood

Habibia Soofie Saheb Darbaar, Glearnean Road

Habibia Soofie Saheb Darbaar, Springfield

Habibia Soofie Saheb Darbaar, Ladysmith

Habibia Soofie Saheb Darbaar, Colenso

Habibia Soofie Saheb Darbaar, Tongaat

Habibia Soofie Saheb Darbaar, Nizamabaad, Phoenix

Habibia Soofie Saheb Musjid, Sufi-Subhaani

Astaana -e- Sayed Ghulam Rasool, Hazelmere

Chishti Nizami Habibia Khanqah, Overport

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