WORSHIP GOD GROW in FAITH SERVE OTHERSstorage.cloversites.com/trinitylutheranchurch... · WORSHIP GOD GROW in FAITH SERVE OTHERS Those Serving Today 8a Lay Assistant: Fred Avery Reader:

Post on 07-Oct-2020






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Those Serving Today 8aLay Assistant: Fred AveryReader: Jeff LongenbaughCantor: Shannon SmithUshers: Steve Kercher Paul Kreuter Brad Arnsdorf Drew LincolnAV: Mike Yoder Communion:Fellowship: Straws & Susan Shidler

Worship Attendance12/30 80 Christmas Eve 352 12/23 16212/16 16012/9 128

Altar flowers Sign up in the Red Book on the Welcome table to furnish flowers for your favorite Sundays.

"Now Samuel was serving the LORD. He was a young boy.." (1Sam. 2:18)

Children ask a lot of questions of adults.  I often wonder if adults spend too much time answering kids questions that we fail to ask them questions ourselves.  Kids have an entirely different perspective that can open our eyes to so much. 

This week, spend time asking questions of kids. Be prepared for the unpredictable.    

Updates for Lucca Miller can be found one the CaringBridge link...http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/marycatherinemiller

A meal schedule has been created for the family at www.takethemameal.com. The account is under Mary and Verlin Miller, password is Lucca.

If there are members who would like to help the family but do not want to take a meal, they can sign-up to do household chores, run errands, etc. In this case, they would just write in what service they will offer in the space provided for the meal description. This is going to be a long, hard road for the whole family as Lucca fights her cancer. Any help will be greatly appreciated by the whole family.

People who enjoy Fellowship Time between services ... We need you!! Everyone needs to take a turn to make this fellowship time possible. Sign up sheets for 2013 are ready for you to choose a date to bring the goodies and make the coffee. Helpful directions can be found in the Red Book next to the sign up sheets, and detailed signs on how to make coffee are posted by both pots. If you need help, because you are "first timers", please check with Diane Hess or Kris Rowe. Please keep things very simple. Grab and friend and provide fellowship together. Your service will be greatly appreciated.

Sunday School Please join us!

Pre-school-5th grade Holy MolyGrades 6-8" " ConnectGrades 9-12Adult classes" Room 102 Room 308


WEEKLY  FINANCIAL  REPORTYTD  AVG.  INCOME  AS  OF  12/31/12   $4,241.52YTD  AVG.  EXPENSE  AS  OF  12/31/12   $4,429.29

                                       Total  Offerings   OperaHng  Funds   Designated  Funds12/31/12     $4,340.29     $4,056.29     $      284.002  weeks  ago   $5,981.51     $4,433.25     $1,548.263  weeks  ago   $5,104.72     $4,597.30     $        507.424  weeks  ago   $4,084.24     $3,375.24     $        709.00

Those Serving Today 10:45aAssistant: KlineReader: KlinePraise Leader: Alex KilmerUshers: KlineAV: Jacob Saylor

Welcome Table Staffing If you are interested in helping out at the Welcome/ Information Table talk to Pastor John. The goal is to have 2 people each week to staff the table 20 minutes before & after each service.

Trinity Mixers next Sunday, Jan. 13 4p-6p Carry-in and plan activities for the coming year.

Trinity Comforters will meet Jan. 14 & 28 from 1p-3p in the Quilters Corner of Fellowship Hall. No experience needed. Bonnie McDowell is the contact

Red Book Sign-ups for 2013Altar flowers8a Worship assistantsFellowshipSign-up Genius (on-line)8a ReadersFellowship

Thank You for coming to worship with us this morning. We are truly glad that you are here. We would love to stay in touch, so please take a moment to fill out a Connection Card.

Trinity celebrates a open communion table. All are welcome.

Epiphany SundayJanuary 6, 2013

WORSHIP GOD, GROW in FAITH, SERVE OTHERS8a Traditional 10:45a Contemporary

202 South Greene Road Goshen, IN 46526574-533-5760 www.trinitygoshen.org

Trinity Lutheran Staff

Pastor:" " " John Hickey pastorjohn@trinitygoshen.org Phone: 574-533-5760 Ext. 103

Director of Music, Organist, Handbell Director: " " " " Kay Hoffmeisterpkhoffmeister@comcast.net Choir Director: " " Dean DeVoe DDeVoe@ncc.coop

Interim Contemporary Worship: Luke Simpson

Secretary:" " " Kathy Stutsman gotrinity@maplenet.net 574-533-5760 EXT 101 Hours: Tues. - Friday 8a-4p

Bookkeeper:" " " Tina Reid treid@maplenet.net 574-533-5760 EXT 102 Hours:" Mon. & Fri. 8a-11:00a" Wed. 1p-4p

Custodian: " " " Vicki Hartman Groundskeeper:" " Ron Herr

Events in the Community

From The Window...Katie’s Kitchen needs Pint or gallon sizes of anything! Fresh Vegetables

Pantry needs: Cereal ShampooBody Wash/Soap RazorsShaving cream ToothbrushesToothpaste

Clothing Closet:Men's Gloves Men's Coats Men's Hats Meals On Wheels:Drivers for: (once a week commitment) Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Dispatcher for: (once a week commitment) 2nd Tuesday of the month. If interested in volunteering for Meals on Wheels, call The Window  at 574-533-9680 and ask for Val Lanham.

Serving in Armed ForcesMike Raffel & family (Fort Belvoir, Virginia) Jenna & Bryan Ferguson (Fort Carson, Colorado-Aaron Raffel’s daughter & son-in-law)Jarvis Hunt (Afghanistan, Deb Rostochak’s nephew) & family (Goshen)Jason Straw (Gerald Straw’s nephew, Wright Patterson, OH) Nick Bell (WA –friend of Erich & Nicole Kreuter)Brian Schmanski (son-in-law of Leesa & Allen Fitch)Aaron Mills (friend of Erika Chester - Japan)Richard Berghorn (Afghanistan, Doris Berghorn’s

grandson)Continued PrayersLucca MillerLetah LoyMary Pederson Jim Kline Delores Troyer Sue Kirkpatrick Margaret Saul (Parkinson's) Jean Bailey Barrett Younghans Bobbie Schnell HomeboundChic Lantz Jurgen Faldoe, Sr.Nursing HomeJohn Peebles (Court Yard of Goshen)Mary Louise Laser (LuAnn, Nappanee)Shirley Middaugh (Miller’s, Wakarusa)Doris Berghorn (Miller’s, Wakarusa)Ruth Brewton (Claude’s mom, Hubbard Hill)Jean Bjornstad (Hubbard Hill, Karren Russell’s mom)Assisted LivingLawrence Ruby (Serenity Place, Grandledge, MI)Senior LivingBetty Kurtz (Waterford Circle)

Prayer List note: If you would like to be added to our email prayer chain please send an email to: gotrinity@maplenet.net.


Today" 2p Un-decorate the church

Mon. 1/7" 7p Property Committee

Tues. 1/8" 6p Finance Committee" 7p Council

Wed. 1/9" 6p Handbells" WNL meal & program" 7p Choir rehearsal

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