Work with jupyter notebook and add lab work

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Work with Jupyter Notebook, uploading to the platform and exercises grading

Jupyter Notebook If you can not install a virtual machine, to perform laboratory work you should perform the following steps:

1. Download Anaconda. We recommend downloading Anaconda’s latest Python 2.7 version (currently Python 2.7).

2. Install the version of Anaconda which you downloaded, following the instructions.

3. Congratulations, you have installed Jupyter Notebook. Open a Console/Terminal and run the notebook:

$ jupyter notebook

Jupyter NotebookAfter you started a virtual machine, you will see a tree of files and folders. Open for example the folder with the first laboratory.

Jupyter NotebookIf there are not all parts of the lab, you can add files from your computer. To do this, look for the button "Upload" in the upper right corner. A dialog box will appear, select the file and click "Open". And after that the file will appear in the folder with the inscription "Upload", click it. And yet, you can work with it.

Jupyter NotebookAfter the previous step, you should see the image like this.

Jupyter NotebookNow start the Part 1. Run sequentially elements of notebook. If everything is well then you will see this:

Volodymyr Rospotnyuk
Треба збільшити розмір цих скрінів, як на попередніх слайдах

Jupyter NotebookLet's go to tasks. If you have correctly completed the task, then you should see this entry:

If you make a mistake you will see:

Add Lab workAfter you have completed all the tasks save the file (look at the top bar and click "Save") and upload the file to the site. To do this, browse the website, find the course, week and then finally the laboratory (Course / Week # __ / Lab #__). Then, in appropriate verification part, click "Select file".

Volodymyr Rospotnyuk
Тут би було б добре ще окремим слайдом показати скрін усієї веб сторінки або її необхідної частини.

Add Lab work

Add Lab workA dialog box will appear, you have to select the file and press the "Open" button and then "Check". If you did everything right, you will see:

Add Lab workIn case of errors, you will see "Incorrect". To see what went wrong, you can click the "See full output" and you will see this and task is correct, you will see this.

Thank you!

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