Work Life Balance of the Employees

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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The project entitled "A study on the work-life balance of the employees at HLL Life care

Ltd" is to identify and evaluate the quality of work life of the workers of HLL Life care Ltd,

Peroorkada. It also tries to study various factors that lead to quality of work life of a worker.

In this era of globalization human resource is considered as the most important asset of an

organization. As more and more companies have started to realize that a happy employee is a

productive employee, they have started to look for ways to improve the work environment. So

the study covers the satisfaction level of employees. Various factors like the working

conditions, financial incentives, labor relations, hours of work job security, training

effectiveness etc were considered to get an overall opinion so as to assess the quality of work

life of a worker. As HLL Life care Ltd is a manufacturing company it has to follow adequate

safety measures. Through this study it is checked whether the company provides adequate

safety measures to the employees or not.

As in every study data collection is an important aspect without which an original

study is not possible. To conduct this study primary and secondary data are collected. The

primary data were selected through standardized questionnaire circulated among the

workers. The sample size chosen was 100. The secondary data was collected through

company's records and various websites.

For analyzing the data statistical methods were used. Tables were prepared with the

collected data. On the basis of analysis many findings are drawn. It is found that the quality

of work life of a worker in HLL Life care Ltd is an average one and many aspects need to

be changed. By analyzing the findings drawn from the study, certain suggestions and

recommendations are made.


Quality of work life (QWL) entails the design of work systems that enhance the

working life experiences of organizational members, thereby improving commitment to

and motivation for achieving organizational goals. Most, often, this has been implemented

through the design of jobs that afford workers more direct control over their immediate

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work environment. In the search for improved productivity, manager and executives alike

are discovering the important contribution of QWL.

Quality of work life (QWL) is viewed as an alternative to the control approach of

managing people. The QWL approach considers people as an 'asset' to organization rather

than as 'costs'. It believes that people perform better when they are allowed to participate in

managing their work and make decisions.

This approach motivates people by satisfying not only their economic needs but also

their social and psychological ones. To satisfy the new generation workforce, organizations

need to concentrate on job designs and organization of work. Further, today's workforce is

realizing the importance of relationships and is trying to strike a balance between career

and personal lives.


Quality of work life CQWL) can be defined as "The quality of relationship

between employees and the total working environment." QWL is a process by which an

organization responds to employee needs for developing mechanisms to allow them to

share fully in making the decisions that design their lives at work.

According to J. Lloyd Suttle, Quality of work life is the degree to which members of

a work organization are able to satisfy important personal needs through their experiences

in the organization. More specifically, QWL may be set into operation in terms of

employees perceptions of their physical and psychological well-being at work. It includes

virtually every major issue that labor has fought for during the last two decades.

Hickman and Oldham (1976) drew attention to what they described as psychological

growth needs as relevant to the consideration of Quality of working life. Several such needs

were identified; Skill variety, Task Identity, Task significance, Autonomy and Feedback.

They suggested that such needs have to be addressed if employees are to experience high

quality of working life.

In contrast to such theory based models, Taylor (1979) more pragmatically identified

the essential components of Quality of working life as; basic extrinsic job factors of wages,

hours and working conditions, and the intrinsic job notions of the nature of the work itself.

He suggested that a number of other aspects could be added, including; individual power,

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employee participation in the management, fairness and equity, social support, use of one's

present skills, self development, a meaningful future at work, social relevance of the work

or product, effect on extra work activities. Taylor suggested that relevant Quality of

working life concepts may vary according to organization and employee group.

Warr and colleagues (1979), in an investigation of Quality of working life, considered

a range of apparently relevant factors, including work involvement, intrinsic job

motivation, higher order need strength, perceived intrinsic job characteristics, job

satisfaction, life satisfaction, happiness, and self-rated anxiety. They discussed a range of

correlations derived from their work, such as those between work involvement and job

satisfaction, intrinsic job motivation and job satisfaction, and perceived intrinsic job

characteristics and job satisfaction. In particular, WaIT et a1. found evidence for a

moderate association between total job satisfaction and total life satisfaction and happiness,

with a less strong, but significant association with self-rated anxiety.

Thus, whilst some authors have emphasized the workplace aspects in Quality of

working life, others have identified the relevance of personality factors, psychological well

being, and broader concepts of happiness and life satisfaction.

Factors more obviously and directly affecting work has, however, served as the main

focus of attention, as researchers have tried to tease out the important influences on Quality

of working life in the workplace.

Mirvis and Lawler (1984) suggested that Quality of working life was associated with

satisfaction with wages, hours and working conditions, describing the "basic elements of a

good quality of work life" as; safe work environment, equitable wages, equal employment

opportunities and opportunities for advancement.

Baba and Jamal (1991) listed what they described as typical indicators of quality of

working life, including: job satisfaction, job involvement, work role ambiguity, work role

conflict, work role overload, job stress, organizational commitment and turn-over

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intentions. Baba and Jamal also explored reutilization of job content, suggesting that this

facet should be investigated as part of the concept of quality of working life

The success of any organization is highly dependant on how it attracts, recruits,

motivates, and retains its workforce. Today's organizations need to be more flexible so that

they are equipped to develop their workforce and enjoy their commitment. Successful

organizations support and provide facilities to their people to help them to balance the

scales. In this process, organizations are coming up with new and innovative ideas to

improve the quality of work and quality of work life of every individual in the


Various programs like flex time, alternative work schedules, compressed work weeks,

telecommuting etc., are being adopted by these organizations. Therefore, organizations are

required to adopt a strategy to improve the employees 'quality of work life' to satisfy both

the organizational objectives and employee needs.

Technological advances further help organizations to implement these programs

successfully. Organizations are enjoying the fruits of implementing QWL programs in the

form of increased productivity, and an efficient, satisfied, and committed

workforce which aims to achieve organizational objectives. The future work world

will also have more women entrepreneurs and they will encourage and adopt QWL


QWL programs are another way in which organizations recognize their responsibility

to develop jobs and working conditions that are excellent for people as well as for

economic health of the organization. The term refers to the favorableness or

unfavourableness of a total job environment for people. The elements in a typical QWL

program include:

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• open communications

• equitable reward systems

• a concern for employee job security and satisfying careers

• participation in decision making

Many early QWL efforts focus on job enrichment. In addition to improving the work

system, QWL programs usually emphasize the following:

• development of employee skills

• the reduction of occupational stress

• the development of more co-operative labour-management relations


• Adequate & fair compensation

• Safety & healthy working conditions

• Security & growth opportunities

• Opportunities to use & develop creativity

• Respect for the individuals personal rights

• Opportunity for career growth

• Social integration in the workplace

• Work & quality of life

• Social relevance of work

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How does the "Quality o(work Life" affect the working climate o(an


The Quality of Work Life can affect such things as: employee's timings, his or her

work output, his or her available leaves, etc. In today's high tech, fast-paced world, the work

environment is very different than it was a generation ago. It is not uncommon for a person

to change careers an average of six times in his or her lifetime.

It is now rare for a person to stay with a single company his or her entire working life.

Because employees are often willing to leave a company for better opportunities,

companies need to find ways not only to hire qualified people, but also to retain them.

Unfortunately, many employees these days feel they are working harder, faster, and

longer hours than ever before. Job-related employee stress can lead to lack of commitment

to the corporation, poor productivity, and even leaving the company; all of which are of

serious concern to management. Many employees bring work home with them on a regular

basis, especially now that it is so easy for them to do that. With the wide availability of cell

phones, pagers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and computers, employees find it harder

to get away from the office.

In general, when layoffs happen the remaining employees are forced to pick up the

workload of those who were laid off. This leads to added responsibility and longer work

hours, often without additional compensation. This in turn leads to stress, burnout, and

resentment. Other causes of employee dissatisfaction include low wages, lack of

challenges, insufficient resources, unrealistic expectations, pressure to produce, willfully

blind management, unreasonable policies and procedures, difficulty balancing family and

work, and increased health benefit costs.

As employers try to address employee turnover and job satisfaction issues, they must

first determine what the issues are. Several companies have convened focus groups and

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conducted employee-satisfaction surveys to find out how their employees feel and to

determine what they can do to make their employees happy.

As more companies start to realize that a happy employee is a productive employee,

they have started to look for ways to improve the work environment. Many have

implemented various work-life programs to help employees, including alternate work

arrangements, onsite childcare, exercise facilities, relaxed dress codes, and more.

Quality-of-work-life programs go beyond work/life programs by focusing attention

less on employee needs outside of work and realizing that job stress and the quality of life

at work is even more direct bearing on worker satisfaction. Open communications,

mentoring programs, and fostering more amicable relationships among workers are some

of the ways employers are improving the quality of work life.

The Quality of Work Life (QWL) in an organization is essential to the smooth

running and the success of its employees. The Work - Life balance must be maintained

effectively to ensure that all employees are running at their peak potential and free from

stress and strain. An organization's HR department assumes responsibility for the effective

running of the Quality of Work Life for their employees. Quality of Work Life helps

employees to feel secure and like they're being thought of and cared for by the organization

in which they work.


Many employers have found it beneficial to allow alternate work arrangements for

their employees. This is one way to improve employee productivity and morale. There are

three alternate arrangements that are widely used today.


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Telecommuting is the term used to describe the work situation in which the employee

works outside of the office, usually at home or at a location closer to home. In general,

when one telecommutes, he or she communicates with the office via telephone and email,

and may go into the office periodically to touch base with the employer and to attend

meetings. Advancements in technology have made this possible for many people to

telecommute. The telecommuting employee may be able to access files on the office's

network from remote locations. And with conference call, videoconferencing, and WebEx

capabilities, the employee can attend meetings from other locations. With WebEx

technology, meeting attendees can sit at their own computers and view the meeting

organizer's computer desktop via the Internet.

As the meeting organizer opens applications and moves the mouse on his or her

computer, the remote attendees can see those same applications and movements as if they

were running them on their own computers.


Flextime is another name for flexible work hours. Although most employees with

flextime do work a full eight-hour day, they can start and end the workday at a time

agreeable to the employer and the employee, rather than the traditional 8:00 a.m. to 5:00

p.m. work day. Most employers require their employees to be in the office during "core

hours," such as 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. but do not mandate the start and end times.


Alternate work schedules, like flexible schedules, involve working outside of the

traditional 8 to 5 workday. However, alternate schedules have a fixed start and end . time,

whereas flextime allows the employee to vary start and end as long as they are there during

the core hours. An alternate schedule may be 6:00 a.m. to 3 :00 p.m. or 11 :00 a.m. to 8:00

p.m. five days a week, or it may be four 10-hour days, or any other different schedule.


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The advantages of the alternate work arrangements to the employee include the


• flexible work hours

• shorter or no commute

• and a comfortable working environment

There are many advantages to the employer and these advantages include the


• less need for office space

• increased productivity

• lower use of sick leave

• and improved employee morale


While there are many advantages to these alternatives, there are also several

disadvantages that the employer must consider.

These disadvantages include:

• problems maintaining adequate staffing coverage

• difficulty scheduling meetings

• lack of interpersonal dynamics

• and concerns about safety and security (for flextime and alternate schedule

employees that come in early or leave late)

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It is up to the employer to weigh the advantages against the disadvantages to

determine if any of these alternatives will work.

To improve the quality of work life and eliminate job stress, employers can also make

efforts to be more aware of the workload and job demands. Employers need to examine

employee training, communication, reward systems, co-worker relationships, and work


Employees often are able to give employers the best advice on reducing work stress.

Employees in the future will likely be looking for corporations that have a new work

environment, one that

• encourages each employee to work toward improvement III the product or service;

• gives employees the responsibility and authority to make decisions,

• provides timely feedback,

• and rewards employees based upon the quality of the product and efforts

Team effort will assume central importance especially that of self-directed work

team. Employees will choose employers who have aims and values that match theirs and

who value balance in their employees' lives. Employees want to learn and advance, so

opportunities for professional growth will attract employees.

Companies will seek employees with technical skills, VISIOn, and the ability to

organize and persuade in presentation of ideas and information. Strong communication

skills and the ability to learn will be high on employers' demand list for employees. There

are a great number of common elements between the employee list and the employer list.

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To attract and retain employees, companies need to be exploiting those points of

convergence and continuously work with employees to redesign the work, eliminate job

stress, increase job autonomy, provide learning and training opportunities, and improve the

quality of work life.


Managerial attitudes

Union attitude

Cost consideration


Pay and stability of employment

Occupational stress

Organizational health programmers

Alternative work schedules

Participative management & control of work ~ Recognition

Congenial worker-supervisor relations ~ Grievance procedure

Adequacy of resources

Seniority & merit in promotion ~ Employment on permanent basis

It is found that psychological distress and morale contributed equally to

teachers' QWL. They determined that in the work climate of an occupation, QWL can

be assessed by combining the amount and the degree of stress and the degree of

satisfaction experienced by the individual within hislher occupational role. Winter et al.

viewed QWL for academicians as an attitudinal response to the prevailing work

environment and posited five work environment domains that include role stress, job

characteristics, supervisory, structural and sectoral characteristics to directly and

indirectly shape academicians' experiences, attitudes and behaviour.

Page 11


There are few recognized measures of quality of working life, and of those that

exist few have evidence of validity and reliability, that is, there is a very limited literature

based on peer reviewed evaluations of available assessments. A recent statistical analysis

of a new measure, the Work-Related Quality of Life scale (WRQoL), indicates that this

assessment device should prove to be a useful instrument, although further evaluation

would be useful. The WRQoWL measure uses 6 core factors to explain most of the

variation in an individual's quality of working life: Job and Career Satisfaction; Working

Conditions; General Well-Being; Home-Work Interface: Stress at Work and Control at



• Labour relations

• Hours of work and arrangement of working time

• Equitable treatment of workers

• Pay structure

• Competitive pay package

• Rewards given by the company for the better performance of the


• Safety and healthy working conditions

• Job security

• Welfare facilities

• Career opportunities in the company

• Opportunity to use and develop creativity

• Target considerations

• Emphasis on the individuals personal rights

• Participation in decision making

• Training effectiveness

• Cooperation among workers


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One of the most common methods used to create QWL is employee

involvement. Employee involvement (EI) consists of a variety of systematic methods

that empower employees to participate in the decisions that affect them and their

relationship with the organization. Through (EI), employees feel a sense of

responsibility, even "ownership" of decisions in which they participate. To be

successful, however, EI must be more than just a systematic approach; it must

become part of the organization's culture by being part of management's philosophy.

Some companies have had this philosophy ingrained in their corporate structure for

decades; HewletttPackard, IBM, General Motors, Ford, etc.


• Self managed team works

• Job redesign and enrichment

• Career development

• Alternative work schedule

• Job security

• Administrative/organizational justice

• Participative management

Human resource departments to this challenge by finding new ways to improve

productivity. Some strategies rely heavily upon new capital investment and technology.

Others seek changes in employee relations practices. QWL means having good supervision,

good working conditions, good pay and benefits and an interesting, challenging and

rewarding job. High QWL is sought through an employee relations philosophy that

encourages are involved with efforts to improve productivity through changes in employee

relations. Proactive managers and human resource departments respond the use of QWL

efforts, which are systematic attempts by an organization to give workers greater

opportunities to affect their jobs and their contributions to the organization's overall

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effectiveness. That is, a proactive human resource department finds ways to empower

employees so that they draw on their "brains and wits," usually by getting the employees

more involved in the decision-making process.


Today the most serious problem faced by the world is population explosion. Followed

by that comes the death rate caused by sexually transmitted diseases. The tackling of both

these issues raise hands towards a common solution which is none other than

contraceptives. In this scenario, the significance of contraceptives industry raises. The

usage of contraceptives can reduce population prospects as well as Sexually Transmitted

Diseases (STDs).


Due to the increased incidence of AIDS, the use of contraceptives and other high

quality health care products are also increased. Since condoms are life saving devices in

such situations, stringent quality checks are needed and substandard products should not be

allowed. The condom market is showing entirely different characteristics in rural and urban

areas. The rural market is still price sensitive, but the urban market seems to be going

increasingly for premium products. In spite of all these facts, net retail margin on condoms

have shot up from 18% to 40%. About 1100 million condoms are manufactured annually in


The Indian contraceptive industry is growing rapidly. Over the last eight year, the sale

of oral pills has registered a sharp rise while that of condoms has remained steady.

The first of India's three population problems is the most accepted one-the huge

population. The other two problems are increasing infant mortality rate and decreasing life

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expectancy At 1.12 billion in 2007, India's population is only marginally behind China's

1.33 billion and way ahead of third placed USA's 304 million. While the large population

base itself is a problem, the bigger issue is that population growth has maintained a steady

pace over the years. The first step here is to bring the population growth rate to zero so that

the country's population remains steady and does not grow further.

The six most populous countries in the world are-:

• China

• India

• U.S.A

• Indonesia

• Brazil

• Pakistan


Midyear estimates of the resident population. 1960 to 200S

Chart 2.1 showing population from 1960 to 2008

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Even if India were to reduce its population growth rate down to zero (population

remaining constant at current levels), the population problem that we are facing will not go

away and its rank as the second most populous country is unlikely to change.

The population explosion is a problem that requires immediate attention. But death

toll is incredibly raising due to sexually transmitted diseases as well as by the greatest

villain faced by the 20th century-AIDS. Usage of contraceptives has to reach on a tedious

objective that is to neutralize both ends- the hiking population as well as raising death toll.

Today NGOs as well as Governments are taking extra care and attention to bring this under


The below figure illustrates the terrific situation that we are facing nowadays. 56.2%

of Indian women are not using any contraceptives. This figure is quite terrific which points

out the intensity of the problem faced.

Chart 2.2 showing the usage of contraceptives among Indian women


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Driven by the development of new generation, low dose, lower side effects, hormonal

contraceptives, the world contraceptives market is projected to reach US$ 11. 7 billion by

the year 2010. Strong growth is expected to stem from developing countries where growing

population and rising incidences of STDs, and AIDS are causes of national concern. The

significant role played by governments in these countries in the form of establishing, and

implementing social marketing programs is poised to benefit sales of contraceptives in the

upcoming years.

World Contraceptives Market stands enthused by the huge untapped potential in

developing countries like China, and India. An estimated 50% of condoms sold are branded

and available commercially while the remaining is distributed in developing countries

under social marketing programs designed to promote safe sex. The growing cultural trend

of postponing childbearing until later in life is offering opportunities for the market's

growth in both developed and developing countries alike. World market for contraceptive

Implants/Injections is forecast to grow the strongest in Asia-Pacific over the period 2000 to

2015, to reach US$359.60 million by the year 2015. World oral contraceptives market is

dominated by the United States and Europe with a combined 75.82% share estimated in the

year 2007. By the year 2015, sales of condoms in Latin America are forecasted to reach

US$841.5 million.

Leading global and regional players operating in the industry include Ansell Limited,

Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc., Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Female Health Company, Church

& Dwight Co. Inc., Conceptus Inc, Condomi Health International, OrthooMcNeil

Pharmaceutical Inc, Schering-Plough Corporation, Organon USA Inc, SSL International

PLC, Wyeth Corporation, and Warner Chilcott, among others.

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HLL Life care Limited (HLL) commenced its journey to serve the Nation in the area

of health care, on 1 st March 1966, with its incorporation as a corporate entity under the

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the Government ofIndia. HLL was set up in the

natural rubber rich state of Kerala, for the production of male contraceptive sheaths for the

National Family Welfare Programme.

The company commenced its commercial operations on 5th April 1969 at Peroorkada

in Thiruvananthapuram. The Plant was established in technical collaboration with Mis

Okamoto Industries Inc. Japan. Two most modem Plants were added, one at

Thiruvananthapuram and the other at Belgaum in 1985. Another Plant was added in the

early nineties at Aakkulam in Thiruvananthapuram for the production of Blood Transfusion

Bags, Copper T IUD's, Surgical Sutures and Hydrocephalus Shunt.

HLL has grown today into a multi-product, multi-unit organization addressing

various public health challenges facing humanity. On the path of rapid growth, HLL has set

its sights to be RS.IOOO crores company by the year 2010. HLL has been declared a Mini

Ratna Company by the Government of India and upgraded as a Schedule BPSU.

HLL Lifecare Limited is the only company in the world manufacturing and marketing

the widest range of Contraceptives. It is unique in providing a range of Condoms, including

Female Condoms, Intra Uterine Devices, Oral Contraceptive Pills ˆsteroidal, non-steroidal

and Emergency contraceptive pills; and Tubal Rings. HLL today produces 1.316 billion

Page 19

condoms making it one of the world's leading manufacturers of condoms, accounting for

nearly 10 percent of the global production capacity.

HLL's Health care product range include: Blood Collection Bags, Surgical Sutures,

Auto Disable Syringes, Vaccines, In - Vitro Diagnostic Test Kits, Pharma products for

Women, Natural products, Hydrocephalus Shunt, Tissue Expanders, Surgical and

Examination Gloves, Blood Banking equipment, Neonatal equipment, Blood Transfusion

and Intravenous sets, Vending Machines, Iron and Folic Acid Tablets, Sanitary Napkins,

Oral Rehydration Salts and Medicated Plasters.

HLL's Blood Bags have been registered in Brazil and were launched here on 23rd

June, 2006. HLL also launched its non-steroidal contraceptive pill under the brand name

Ivyfemme in Peru on 15th October 2008. HLL has introduced Closed System Blood Bags

that are integrated with Leukocyte Filter - called LD Bags. These bags are intended for

leuko-depletion immediately upon collection of blood from donors at blood banks.

In collaboration with The Female Health Company (FHC), of US, HLL is marketing

FC female condom in India. The female condom is the only female controlled prevention

technology approved by the US FDA and the WHO. FC is distributed in over 100 countries

around the world. HLL launched the nitrile female condom -

Velvet in India on 17th December, 2007. Targeted at contemporary Indian women

and new age couples, these superior quality nitrile condoms are women initiated

contraception and come with dual protection against unwanted pregnancy and STDs,


HLL has also launched several initiatives in the services sector - for medical

infrastructure development, diagnostic centres and procurement consultancy. These have

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been conceived to bring about a whole new realm of accessible, affordable healthcare

delivery to every citizen.

Over the years each of the initiatives taken up by HLL has been targeted towards

making quality healthcare available at the doorstep of every family. Associate Institutions

of HLL namely HLFPPT and Life Spring Hospitals have ensured that health care delivery

reaches the underserved and vulnerable populace, at an affordable cost. With a vast array of

innovative products and social programmes to meet the nation's health care needs, HLL

Lifecare Limited (HLL) is firmly on track, with its vision of Innovating for Healthy

Generations. The Company achieved a turnover ofRs. 3128 million during 2007-08. The

turnover for 2008-09 is estimated at RS.3703 millio


01 March 1966

• Incorporated as a company under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of the

Government of India

05 April 1969

• Commences commercial production of Condoms at its Peroorkada Factory

Thiruvananthapuram (PFT). Production capacity - 144 million pieces a year


Page 21

• Production capacity doubled to 288 million pieces a year with the addition of two

more lines in the moulding section.


• Addition of a new plant at Thiruvananthapuram with the latest state-of-art Japanese

Technology. Commencement of new condom plant at Kanagala, Belgaum (KFB). Raises

HLL's total condom production capacity to 800 million pieces a year.


• HLL recognized as a MOU SIgnIng CPSU by the Government of India.

• HLL granted the 510(k) Registration by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

US, for its Male Condoms.


• Adds manufacture ofMedigard Surgical & Examination Gloves at PFT.

• Commences formulation and tabletting of Saheli (Centchroman) once-a-week

nonnsteroidal pill at the Kanagala plant near Belgaum (KFB).


• Plant for formulation and tabletting ofMala-D Oral pills, commissioned at KFB


Page 22

• Commences production of copper-T Intra-Uterine Device (IUD) at its Aakkulam

Factory, Thiruvananthapuram (AFT)

• Commences commercial production of Cered rain Hydrocephalus Shunts.


• Introduces Surgical, Synthetic and Catgut Sutures

• Commences manufacture ofHL-Haemopack blood transfusion bags at AFT o HLL

awarded NF mark


• HLL awarded ISO 9002 certification - for PFT (Condom manufacture) and AFT

(manufacture of blood bag, copper- T and hydrocephalus shunt


• HLL, the first company fr~m India selected by the World Health Organisation

(WHO) for sourcing of Condoms


• HLL Peroorkada plant (PFT) awarded CE mark

• HLL's Akkulam plant (AFT) awarded the CE mark.

Page 23

• Hindustan Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust (HLFPPT) a not-for-profit

organisation of HLL commences several social marketing projects and services in

different parts of the country


• Receives MOU award and Certificate of merit from the Vice President of India, for

achievement ofMOU targets

• AFT awarded ISO 14001 certification


• PFT and KFB awarded ISO 14001 certification

• KFB awarded the CE mark for Condoms

• Introduces HL HAEMOSAFE Instant Needle and Syringe Destroyer, for destroying

used needles


Page 24

• Receives MOU Award from the President of India, for excellence m the

achievement of MOU targets for 2001-2002, on 5th April 2003

• Achieves a turnover of Rs. 150 Corers

• Introduces 'Preventol' Emergency Contraceptive Pills

• Introduces for Blood Bank automation, HiCare blood collection monitor and Hi

Care Tube Sealer for sealing Blood Bags

• HLL commences manufacture of Tissue Expanders at AFT.

• HLL exports touched Rs.13 Crores, to over 60 countries around the world.

• HLL emerges as the nation's top social marketing organisation in the area of


• Commercial production of Surgical Sutures launched at AFT by the Union Minister

for Health and Family Welfare on 27th September.


• Launches Moods condoms in the Middle East on 22nd January

• HLL's Female Condom launched by the Secretary, Dept. of Family Welfare at New

Delhi on February 13.

• Launches Sanitary Napkins "Sakhi" at Indore on 29thFebruary.

• Cochin Special Economic Zone (CSEZ) unit inaugurated on 4th March.

• Records a turnover of Rs. 162.54 crores.

• Receives Government of India's MOU Award from the Prime Minister of India, on

being adjudged amongst the top ten Of the Central Public Sector Units, on the basis

of MOU targets achieved, on 4th September

• Launched' Autolok' Auto destructive syringes, at New Delhi on 16th December.

Page 25


• Contributes Rs 20 lakhs to the Prime Ministers Relief Fund

• Condom Vending Machines installed in Kerala by HLFPPT on 29th July.

• HLL launches Moods variant - Spiral Condoms, at Hyderabad on 7th August.

• Receives the National Safety Innovation Award from the Ministry of Labour

Government of India, on 17th September.

• PFT awarded the OHSAS 18001 Certification on 25th September.

• Receives from the Union Finance Minister Capexil's Export Award for outstanding

export performance on 28th November.

• HLL launches Moods Glow Condoms at a special function at Thiruvananthapuram

on 1 st December.

• The first LifeSpring Hospital at Moula Ali, a suburb near Hyderabad, inaugurated

by the Union Secretary for Health and Family Welfare, on 10th December.


• Women's Health Care Pharma Products launched by the Union Secretary for Health

& Family Welfare at Thiruvananthapuram on 13th January.

• HLL receives National Award for Excellence in Cost Management instituted by

ICWAI at New Delhi on 25th January.

• Launches MOODS Get Closer Pack on 19th March at Chennai.

• HLL upgraded as a Schedule 'B" PSU by the Government of India on 24th April.

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• Launches a new contraceptive concept - the Confidom Passion Rings - a women

initiated barrier method made of polyurethane at Bangalore on May 6.

• Launches break after use syringe - 'Bsure' at a Mumbai on 11 th June.

• HLL declared a MINI RA TNA PSE by the Government of India on 31 st August.

• TYFEX & HIVAC-B Vaccines launched by Union Secretary, Health & Family

Welfare at New Delhi on 30th October.

• HLL ties up with SUPPL YCO in Kerala for the distribution of its products on 9th


• HLL receives the Kite Mark (UK) Certification for its Condoms on 16th November.

• KFB receives the National Energy Conservation Award in the Drugs and

Pharmaceuticals sector on 14th December.


• HLL renovates and opens the Kowdiar Park at Thiruvananthapuram for the citizens

of Kerala's Capital city on 17th January.

• HLL forms Infrastructure Development Division in February.

• HLL organized its first ever inter Unit/Department Expo - Latexpo 2007 at PFT

from 22-24th February.

• Launches 'Crezendo' Condoms with Vibrating Ring on 8th March at Chandigarh.

• Launches Aastha Pan Flavoured Condom for Family Health International, at

Mumbai on 16th July.

• Merrygold Health Service Network launched by HLFPPT along with SIFPSA and

USAID in UP on 23rd August.

Page 27

• New Condom Plant at Peroorkada inaugurated by the Union Minister for H&FW on

24th November. With this PFT's capacity increases to over one billion (1000 million)

condoms - one of the world's largest.

• HLL commenced work on the Super Specialty Block of the Trivandrum Medical

College on 24th November.

• HLL's 'Corporate Song' released on 24th November.

• HLL's In - Vitro Diagnostic Test Kits manufacturing facility at Manesar, Gurgaon

inaugurated by the Union Secretary, H&FWon 29th Novermber. • Launches 'VEL

VET' - the new Female Condom made of a nitrile, on 17th December.

• HLL's 'Smrithivanam' Social Forestry Programme inaugurated by Sri T. K. A. Nair,

Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister on 25th December.

HLL Lifecore Limited


• The Union Ministry ofH&FW decides on setting up an Integrated Vaccine Complex

(lVC) and a Medical Equipment and device manufacturing park (MediPark) at

Chengalpet in Tamil Nadu.

• HindLabs Diagnostic Centre inaugurated by the Union Minister for Health and

Family Welfare at the CGHS Dispensary at R. K. Puram, New Delhi on 9th February.

• Formation of Life Spring Hospitals (Pvt.) Ltd. - a joint venture between HLL

Acumen Fund, USA, formed on 18th March.

• Second Life Spring Hospital, at Mallappur near Hyderabad inaugurated on 16th

June and the third Hospital at Nellore on 20th June, the fourth at Vijayawada on 14th

August and the fifth at Vanasthalipuram near Hyderabad on 24th August. • HLL signs

Page 28

MOU for project consultancy for the Integrated Vaccine Complex with NNE

Pharmaplan and for the MediPark with IL&FS on 21 st August. • Sri O. B. Parissh,

President, Female Health Company, US inaugurate the Female Condom

manufacturing facility at Kakkanad, Kochi (KFC), on 3rd September. • MOU signed

with the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, for setting up

of Technology Business Incubation Centre, on 4th September. • Receives National

Rajbasha Award from the President of India for outstanding implementation of

Official Language in the Southern Region, on 14th September. • HLL registered its

first Pharma product outside India in Peru in South America and launches its once-a-

week, non-steroidal oral contraceptive pill in the brand name 'Ivy Femme' in Lima,

Peru, on 15th October.

• HLL signs an MOD with the Government of Kerala for the setting up of three MRI

Scan Centres at Thrissur, Alapuzha and Kottayam Medical Colleges on 1 st


• HLL ties up with Arya Vaidya Sala (AVS), Kottakkal for introducing Women

Health Care, Health Generics, and Neutraceutical products, on 5th December •

Receives Capexil's Export Award for outstanding export performance for 2007-08, on

10th December.


• Hindustan Latex - HLL - took a new name HLL Lifecare Limited - on 1 st January

Øas an organization whose activities today encompass complete health care for all.

Changes were also brought to its existing Logo by adding a touch of pink - which

serves as the messenger of good health.

• Launches at Jaipur, Lactohil - a health tonic to Improve the health of lactating

mothers, a product from A VS, Kottakkal, on 5th January.

• HLL opened MOODS Planet retail outlet at Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) to

directly reach its range of contraceptives to consumers in the city, on 16th March. •

HLL launched Herbs and Berries Chyavanules on 19th August 2009 at Kochi, at a

function at the Emakulam Press Club.

Page 29

• The MRI Scan Centre set up by HINDLABS - Diagnostic Centre of HLL, at the

Thrissur Medical College was inaugurated by Kerala's Health Minister Smt. P. K.

Srimathi Teacher at a function at the Thrissur Medical College on 29th August 2009.


Contraceptive Aids


Copper- Ts

Oral Contraceptive Pills

Healthcare Aids

Blood Transfusion Bags

Hydrocephalus Shunts

Surgical Sutures

Surgical and Examination Gloves

Social Marketing Products

Ferro plus- Iron and folic acid tablets

Jai Jeevan oral Rehydration Salts

Plastid medicated Plaster

Products that's comes under Export Business Unit



Oral Contraceptive Pills

Surgical Sutures


Page 30

Blood Collection Bag


Condoms are the major profit earnmg components of HLL. Condoms protect

against sexually transmitted diseases (STD) like Aquired Immuno Deficiency


Different brands of condoms produced by HLL are:


Deluxe Nirodh

Super nirodh


Moods supreme




Bull Dog



New Boy

Among all these Condoms Moods and Moods Supreme leads export segment of

the market. Moods Supreme was the fastest growing national brand in 1999. HLL

supplies Nirodh, Deluxe Nirodh and Super Deluxe Nirodh to the govt. of India for

its Family Planning Programme.


Hindustan Latex started the production of copper - T in 1993 and an annual

installed capacity of 14 million pieces. The manufacturing facility for Copper - T

is also 9002 certified. Copper - T production facility is also WHO, GMP certified

product. The main competitors for copper-Tare 5MB corporation, Famicare

(Mumbai) and contech devices (Noida). Copper-T is an Intra Uterine Device used

Page 31

by women to protect against unwanted pregnancy. Use of copper - T leads to

lower fertility rates in women. Commercial production of copper- T and it will be

useful for a period of five years.

Two brands of copper-T produced by HLL are:-

1. T -care 200B

2. T -care 380A

Both these brands are manufactured in a class 1000 clean room facility. Their

finishing enterprises- USA 200B conforms to NDA 17455 and BIS norm 124156

parts 4380 as per NDA 18-680.


They are taken by women to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Company produces

these tablets in Kanagala factory in Belgaum; they make two types of tablets

`steroidal and non-steroidal tablets. Different brands of contraceptive tablets

manufacturing by HLL are:-

• Saheli (oral contraceptive)

• Mala-D (one a day pill)

• Mala-N

• Novex

• Arpan

Page 32

From among these Mala-D and Mala-N are supplied to the Govt. and is also

directly marketed. Saheli is there leading brand. It is of non -steroidal type and

others are steroidal. Its dosage is, twice a week for the first three

months, to be followed by a weekly schedule. Arpan is of steroidal type and its

dosage is one pill every day.


During the yester blood bags were imported. But HLL started manufacturing of

blood bags from 1995 with the technical know how from Sri.Chithra Tirunal

Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum. A blood bag

manufacturing facility with a capacity of 2 million per annum is up and is running

at Akkulam factory in Trivandrum. Different types of blood bags produced in

HLL are:-

• Single

• Double

• Triple

• Pediatric

• Transfer bag


HLL started production of cerebrating with an annual installed capacity of 500

pieces. The technology was transferred from Sri.Chithra Tirunal Institute of

Medical Sciences and Technology.

Page 33

Hydrocephalus shunt is manufactured in a class 10000 clean room facility with

work stations of class 100. A Hydrocephalus shunt basically comprise of a

controlling value interposed between inlet & outlet. The purpose of the

controlling value is to ensure that the required CSF pressure is maintained inside

the brain. It also prevents the reflux of blood on the fluids into the shunt

assembly. The elements of the shunt assembly which acts as the inflow pathway

for division of CSF through the value shunt system is called peritoneal catheter.

The outlet of the assembly which delivers CSF either one to the heart or the

peritoneal cavity is the distal catheter. It contains no metal parts to interface with

CT & MRI scan.


HLL has developed single use absorbable (catgut) and non-absorbable (synthetic)

sutures for specialist and general surgeries.

Its needle specifications include reverse conventional cutting, fine line, straight

cutting needles and round bodied taper needles. It reads are of the wide range

from plain and chromic catgut, black braided silk, polyster & nylon.

Sutures are sealed individually in a foil pack, carrying illustrations and colour

coding for easy identification.


Everyday thousands of children are born in India, numerous operation take place

and countless accidents occur. The need for total sterility is on the raise in

medical applications. With the perspective, Hindustan Latex ventured into the

Page 34

manufactured of Latex and Examination Gloves. A Hi-tech plant was set up to

ensure those manufacturing standards were met for its "Medigard" and "Higeen"

Gloves-sterilie and Non-Sterilie. In addition to this Hindustan Latex also

manufacture powder free and chemotherapy gloves.


HLL has today five state of the art manufacturing facilities. HLL commenced its

commercial operations on April 5, 1969 at Peroorkada in Thiruvananthapuram in

the state of Kerala. Together with the manufacturing facility at Peroorkada, HLL

today has five state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities at: Kanagala near Belgaum

(1985) - for contraceptives and pharmaceutical products; Akkulam in

Thiruvananthapuram (1994) - for hospital products; Kakkanad in the Cochin

Special Economic Zone (2004) - for female condoms and male condoms for

export; and Manesar in Gurgaon (2007) - for rapid in-vitro diagnostic test kits. All

these units have ISO 9001, ISO ] 400] - quality and environmental management

system certifications. HLL's Peroorkada, Akkulam and Kanagala Plants have

OHSAS ] 8001 Certification for efficient occupational health and safety

management system. The testing laboratory for finished products at Peroorkada

factory has NABL accreditation under ISOIEC 17025.

Peroorkada Facility, Thiruvananthapuram (PFT)

The manufacturing unit at Peroorkada was set up in ] 969 in technical

collaboration with Mis Okamoto Industries Inc. Japan. The plant has since

undergone continuous modernisation over the years and has an annual production

capacity of ] 066 million pieces of condoms. The facility is equipped with modem

machines and equipment for production, inspection and quality testing,

conforming to GMP and meets international standards. The unit produces many

variants of condoms with different flavours and textures. Condoms manufactured

Page 35

in this facility have product certifications such as, CE, KITE, SABS, NF Mark,

and meet a range of international quality specifications and standards such as:

WHO 2003, ISO 4074:2002, SANS ISO 4074, ASTM D 3492, and GOST- 4645-

81. The facility has certifications under ISO 900], ISO 13485, WHO GMP,

OHSAS and ISO 4001.

Akkulam Facility, Thiruvananthapuram ( AFT)

AFT is a modem state-of-the-art facility for manufacture of Blood Bags and other

medical devices namely IUDs (Intra Uterine Devices), Surgical Sutures,

Hydrocephalus Shunts, Tissue Expanders and Tubal Rings.

The manufacturing facility is centrally air - conditioned and has class 10000 and

class 100 clean areas. The facility is certified for conformity with ISO 9001,

WHO GMP, ISO 13485, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001.

The annual production from this unit is: Blood Bags - 11.5 million pieces, Copper

IUD - 5.5 million pieces, Shunts -5,000 pieces, Tissue Expander - 2000 pieces,

Surgical sutures - 1,25,000 dozens and Tubal Ring - 2.5 million pairs. The

products from this unit carry the CE Mark.

Kanagala Facility, Belgaum ( KFB )

The Kanagala plant in Belgaum, Kamataka commenced its operation with

production of condoms in 1985 using Japanese technology. This unit underwent

diversification in 1992 with the tabletting facility for birth control pills - Mala-

DIN and the formulation and tabletting of Saheli (centchroman) the indigenous,

non-steroidal once-a-week pill. The tabletting of Emergency Contraceptive pills

was started in 2003. Manufacturing facility for centchroman bulkdrug was added

in 2004. In 2006, commercial manufacturing of women health care products was

Page 36

commenced. The manufacturing unit has GMP as well as ISO 9001, ISO 13485,

ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certifications.

Kakkanad Facility, Cochin ( KFC )

HLL's female condom manufacturing facility at Cochin Special Economic Zone,

Kakkanad, has been set up in technical collaboration with Mis. Female Health

Company (FHC), US. The female condom manufactured at KFC is the second

generation of female condoms made from. synthetic nitrile latex, the product

generically being FC2 per year. In addition, KFC has a fully automatic testing and

packing facility for male condoms with an annual capacity of 150 mIn. pcs per

year. This facility mainly caters to the export market. KFC has the ISO

9001 :2000, ISO 13485 and WHO GMP certification for manufacturing and sale

of female condoms (FC2).

Manesar Facility, Gurgaon( MFG)

HLL's in-vitro immuno diagnostics kit manufacturing facility at Manesar,

Gurgaon, Haryana has an installed capacity to manufacture 26 million rapid

pregnancy test kits per year on single shift operation. The unit commenced its

operations in November 2007. The unit manufactures rapid test kits for detection

of metabolic hormones such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine and

prognosis of diseases such as dengue, malaria( different strains), kala-a-zar

(leishmaniasis), TB, chikungunya and other infectious diseases.


Page 37

Since inception, HLL has been constantly innovating to create novel products

with the help of modem technology, so that the benefits of modem healthcare can

transform everyday lives of the common man. Over the years, every product of

HLL, created through constant Research and Development has aimed at making

world-class healthcare available to the society at large.

HLL has successfully commercialised indigenous technologies developed by

premier research institutions such as Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical

Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram and the Central Drug Research

Institute, Lucknow. This ability to assimilate innovative technology has enabled

HLL to produce costteffective and high quality medical devices, drugs and

contraceptives. Through several collabor.ations with world leaders in technology,

HLL now has state-of-the-art facilities to manufacture world-class healthcare

products and make them available to millions worldwide.


With the changing socio-political climate, global health programmes are

constantly seeking diverse solutions in the area of medicine and healthcare. HLL

provides the perfect answer to many questions that the world faces in healthcare,

thanks to its extensive experience, innovative technologies and ample resources.

The innovative products and services of HLL today reach over 115 countries

spanning the seven continents. Its consultancy services and products are part of

the global healthcare packages of international agencies such as UNPF A,




Page 38

HLL's large marketing network has been delighting its customers over the last

two decades. Servicing 200000 retail outlets, covering 3500 hospitals, reaching

over 30000 medical professionals, it has over 2800 stock points, 700 frontline

team members placed in every town, with offices in all metros and mini metros,

and reaches over one lakh villages in the country. HLL is also one of the leading

social marketing organizations in the country in the area of contraceptives - with a

market share of over 70 percent in the rural and semi urban markets. On the

global front, HLL brands today reach more than 115 countries.

With two decades of dedicated efforts in brand building and market development,

HLL has developed a sound marketing infrastructure and introduced an extensive

range of its contraceptive, hospital and healthcare products, in the domestic and

global markets.

HLL is a professional marketing organisation comprising of the following


• Consumer Business Division (CBD)

• Hi Care Division (HCD)

• Women Healthcare Division (WHD)

• Government Business Division (GBD)

• Vending Business Division (VBD)

• international Business Division(lBD)


Page 39

The Procurement and Consultancy Division of HLL Lifecare Limited (HLL) is

designated as a National Procurement Support Agency (NPSA). It is an ISO 9001

certified division of HLL.

P&CD with its highly qualified and experienced team of professionals is fully

competent to undertake various consultancy assignments such as Bid process

Management, and Procurement of Goods and Stores, including Medical

Equipments, Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, Computer Hardware, and Application

and Systems Software, Design and Construction of Hospitals/ Factories, Project

Planning and Monitoring. P&CD is fully conversant with all the rules and

procedures prescribed in GFR of the Government of India including contract laws

and CVC and Arbitration rules and the guide lines of World Bank, ADB etc.

The Division has the expertise in preparation of project schedule and procurement

plans, assessment of client's requirements, preparation of technical

specifications/standards/design/drawings and monitoring of the project activities

based on project networking software. PCD is presently in the process of

procuring Medical Equipments for Bangalore and Thiruvananthapuram Medical

Colleges by using E procurement routes.

P&CD has a dedicated team of highly qualified and experienced professionals to

handle relevant tasks in all fields such as - Project Management, Construction

Works, Procurement, Engineering (Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation,

Mechanical, Bio-medical & Chemical), Financial Management, Contract laws and

Arbitration .

HLL's Procurement and Consultancy Division has its headquarters at: B-12,

Sector59, Noida - 201 301 and has dedicated Project teams at all project sites for

supporting the clients.

Page 40

HLL's P&CD has been selected as the in house consultants to the Ministry of


and Family Welfare of the Government of India, for upgrading the Medicare

facilities at JIPMER, Pondicherry. The project with an estimated outlay ofRs. ]

69.06 Crores is in progress and is expected to be completed two months ahead of


Based on HLL - P&CD's professional approach and performance, the Ministry of

Health and Family Welfare has also appointed HLL as the in house Consultants

for the up gradation of Medicare facilities In the Medical Colleges at

Thiruvananthapuram, Bangalore and Salem, under the PMSSY.


Infrastructure Development Consultancy

Infrastructure Development Division of HLL is a premier consultancy

organisation for development of medical and allied infrastructure facilities.

Medical infrastructure projects being executed by HLL include the upgradation of

Medical Colleges at Thiruvananthapuram, Bangalore, Salem, Madurai, Rohtak,

Nagpur and Aligarh under the Pradhana Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana

(PMSSY). Also, HLL is upgrading the JIPMER at Puducherry and is the in-house

consultant to Government of India for setting up six AIIMS-like institutes at

Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Jodhpur, Patna, Raipur and Rishikesh. The medical

infrastructure development projects handled by HLL today total over Rs. 45000

million (US $ 937.5 million).

Page 41



HLL will set up a MediPark in 330 acres of land at Chengalpattu near Chennai in

Tamilnadu, a first of its kind in the country. The MediPark, is envisaged as world

class ind~trial infrastructure for the manufacture of medical equipments, devices

and disposables, testing, research, bio informatics, training centres, business

incubators, as well as knowledge and health care business outsourcing services.

MediPark is expected to house 30-35 facilities for manufacturing and services.

The objective of developing the MediPark is to encourage growth of the domestic

industry in medical technology products, resulting in reduced health care costs.

The MediPark will be promoted by HLL under the aegis of the Ministry of Health

Family Welfare, Government of India, as a specific purpose vehicle on a PPP

mode. The investment towards this project is estimated at Rs.l 00 Crore

Integrated Vaccine Complex

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India will be setting up a

vaccine manufacturing unit- Integrated Vaccine Complex (lVC) in 100 acre

ofland at Chengalpattu, 40 kms away from Chennai at an investment ofRs.900

Crore. HLL will be the implementing agency for this project.

The IVC will be a state-of-the-art facility for production of vaccines for the

national immunization programme and other new generation vaccines. IVC will

house R&D laboratories as well as testing, standardization and validation centres.

Page 42

The manufacturing facility will comply with WHO-cGMP guidelines, to make

safe and effective vaccines available at affordable prices.

The Integrated Vaccines Complex has been accorded the status of 'a project of

national importance' by the Government of India.

Auto Disable Syringe facility

Auto Disable Syringe (ADS) provides protection against infectious diseases

particularly AIDS, Hepatitis etc. through the injection route, by preventing its

reuse. ADS incorporates an auto disable mechanism which makes the syringe

dysfunctional after its first use. HLL will set up an ADS manufacturing plant

mainly to cater for the market for immunisation syringes, as one of the new

growth areas for the Company. The faciJi.ty is proposed to be set up at the

MediPark in Chengalpattu as an anchor unit by HLL. The project envisages

manufacture of immunisation syringes in the first phase, and the curative segment

in next phase.

HJNDLABS -Diagnostic Outsourcing Services

A novel initiative, Hindlabs will deliver expert diagnostic services while enabling

outsourcing of the such services for its institutional partners. Hindlabs has been

envisaged to add value to the partner hospitals by deploying the latest diagnostic

technology and operational support. Each center is equipped to deliver quality

diagnostic services and is staffed by trained and committed professionals. The

objective is to deliver quality services at affordable costs for the common people.

Page 43

Hindlabs provides professional lab management services for both In vitro

Diagnostics and Radio diagnosis centers in the hospital. The facility will be

operated by highly qualified pathologists, Radiologists and Medical Technologists

who will be the employees of HLL. The first Hindlabs center started functioning

at CGHS Dispensary at R.K.Puram from February 2008 In partnership with

CGHS. HLL also plans to set up Hindlabs MRI Diagnostic Centre in Medical

Colleges at Thrissur, Kottayam and Alapuzha. A MOD has been signed between

HLL and Goverment ofKerala to provide space, radiologists and utilities to the

centre. The equipment for operation of the centre will be installed by HLL's

technicians who will operate the centre and maintain the smooth functioning of

the equipment.


HLL is in the process of setting up of a corporate R&D centre with the following


Objectives of CRDC

To identify and adapt/develop new technologies, products, and processes

in the area of. contraceptive & reproductive healthcare drugs and devices,

immuno biologicals

To carry out continuous learning and innovation through bilateral!

multilateral exchange forums

Page 44

To serve as a focal point for integrating R&D efforts in contraceptive &

reproductive healthcare drugs and devices, immuno biologicals

To serve as an incubation center for commercialization of new


Policy of CRDC .

• R&D projects will be carried out independently or m collaboration with leading

national and international S&T institutions

• Technology incubation centres may be set up for scaling up basic research

results into commercially feasible technologies at S&T institutions of excellence

• R&D projects will be done with financial assistance from parent company or

other funding institutions / sponsoring agencies

From Blood Transfusion Bags to Hydrocephalus Shunts, to once-a-week Non

Steroidal Oral Contraceptive Pill, to several variants of condoms, every product from

HLL is a result of innovation. The last four decades have seen HLL tie up with

various scientific and academic institutions of excellence, for developing new and

novel health care products. Today R & D Centre of HLL has several projects in hand,

both in-house and collaborative, with premier academic and research institutions in

the country and abroad, viz:- Indian Institute of Technology (lIT), Kanpur; Central

Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow; Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical

Sciences & Technology (SCTIMST), Thiruvananthapuram; Regional Cancer Centre

Page 45

(RCC), Thiruvananthapuram and Population Council, USA. These projects cover a

wide area of research ranging from development of novel techniques for drug

delivery to blood .• filters to novel contraceptives and cancer care devices. Based on

its technological competency, the R&D centre is implementing sponsored projects

from organizations.

With the objective of developing new and novel healthcare products, HLL aims to

translate the laboratory scale technologies available at premier research institutes, to a

commercial scale. As a first_step towards this, HLL has set up a Technology

Business Incubation Centre (TBIC) at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology

(RGCB), Thiruvananthapuram. The immediate_goal of the TBIC would be to develop

novel,_fast and easy to use diagnostic methodologies for various infectious diseases.

This would further be extended to the development of new health care products.

HLL is in the process of setting up a full fledged world-class R&D Centre III

Thiruvananthapuram to develop innovative products in the area of Reproductive and

Contraceptive Research, Devices and Immunobiologicals


In its search for becoming a truly world-class provider of healthcare products and

services, HLL has been seeking to adapt knowledge from its partners. HLL has over

the years been networking with various corporate organizations, development

agencies and NGOs by combining strengths and capabilities of several world leaders.

Some of them are listed below:

Okamoto Industries Inc. for male condoms

Female Health Company (FHC) for manufacture of Female Condoms and its

promotion in Asia

Finishing Enterprises, USA for Copper T IUD

Helm, Germany for distribution of DMP A (Depot Medroxyprogesterone

Acetate) in India

Page 46

Arya Vaidya Sala (AVS), Kottakkal, Kerala, for Ayurvedic products.

Bharat Biotech International Ltd. for Hepatitis B and Typhoid vaccines.

Chengdu Institute of Biological Products for supply of JE Vaccines to

Government of India

Cheng Da Biotechnology (CDBIO) for marketing of Human Anti-Rabies

Vaccine in India

Cycle Technologies Inc., USA for manufacture and distribution of Cycle

Beads in India and abroad.

More than 300 NGOs for implementing population stabilisation and

HIV/AIDS prevention and control programmes.


HLL has drawn up a comprehensive plan to expand its portfolio in the area of Health

Care and Contraceptives - its core areas, to achieve rapid growth. The objective is to

achieve through this process a turnover of Rs.1 000 crores by 2010.

With nearly 1900 highly skilled and learned manpower, and several world leaders as

partners, HLL has over the past four decades stood to uphold its mission to achieve

and sustain a high growth path, and focus on five key thrust areas to achieve its

vision. These are - customers, employees, business, innovation and social initiatives.

In the future, through technical collaborations, marketing alliances and joint ventures,

HLL wishes to keep alive the dream of all humanity - of a healthier, happier world.

Motto, Vision and Mission


Innovatingfor Healthy Generations.


Page 47

HLL will establish itself as the Leader in its core activities, through a process

of continuous innovation and participatory approach in order to -

• Provide best value to the customer.

• Be an employer of choice.

Promote the cause of family health in general, and women's health an particular


To accomplish the Corporate Vision, HLL has outlined a Mission to be a World Class

Health Care Company by the year 2010, with focus on five key areas, namely

Business Leadership

• Attain rapid growth and global levels of operations with cost competitiveness.

• Be among the top three players in each main product category.

• Become the organisation to be benchmarked with.

• Become an acknowledged and admired leader at industry forums.

Customer Focus

• Focus on quality and customer delight at all time

Page 48


• Establish core competence through a process oflearning and innovation.

• Create a culture of continuous innovation resulting in at least 10% of turnover from

Research and Development initiative.

Employee Satisfaction

• Strive to be the employer of choice in India with employee satisfaction levels of

over 90%.

Social Sector Initiatives

• Be recognized as the leading social organisation In the field of Reproductive and

Women's Health, with a commitment to the society - a partner of choice for

implementing all government and multi-lateral initiatives in these segments


Building a company with a world class quality

At HLL, delivering value to our customers is our primary objective. Our customers

count on us to deliver quality products on time, every time. We believe that by

utilizing our quality processes, we will provide added value to the product, which our

customers require and deserve. We achieve this goal by focusing on our Quality

Policy and unending commitment to our customers.

Page 49

Quality Policy

HLL is committed to:

• Provide products and services, conforming to international standards in healthcare,

enabling people lead healthy and happy lives

• Achieve organisational excellence through continual improvement by adoption of

best technologies and practices in all areas

• Market products and services globally delivering highest value for customers

through focus on innovation, quality, R&D, cost management and customer

relationship management

• Be an organisation meeting highest standards In Corporate Governance and

Corporate Social Responsibility

Commitment to Quality Systems

HLL underlines its commitment to quality by mandating that all our manufacturing

facilities are certified to a quality system standard. HLL's manufacturing facilities

conform to requirements of ISO 9001 :2000, ISO 13485 and various international

product certification marks, thus offering best value to customers in confonnance with

internatioJ;lal standards.


HLL is committed to protect environment, eliminate occupational hazards and ensure

safety of employees & subcontractors through:

Page 50

Monitoring and control of the impact of its activities, products and services on a

continual basis;

Compliance of applicable legal and other requirements;

Adopting appropriate operating practices;

Facilitating employee training and their involvement;

Pollution mitigation through adoption of best practices;

Conserving materials, energy and reducing waste at source, and / encouraging usage

of renewable energy sources;

Periodic review of safety, health and environment management system.

SHE Management System Certifications

At HLL, we believe that preserving natural resources and protecting the environment

is our responsibility to our employees, our customers and the communities in which

we operate. We are also committed to health and safety of our employees and as part

of this responsibility we have developed and are maintaining excellent environmental,

health, and safety management systems that meet the requirements of I SO 14001 &

OHSAS 18001.



HLL, India's leading manufacturers and marketers of Contraceptives, Health Care and

Pharma Products, is today on the path of rapid growth. HLL has set its sights to be a

Rs 1000 c.rore company by the year 2010. But apart from increasing the figures in its

balance sheet the company is also involved in various Corporate Social

Responsibilities which have helped people enrich their lives in one way or the other.

Page 51

The CSR policy ofHLL is to-

"Be a socially re!)ponsible corporate entity with thrust on three pillars of

sustainable development-Social, Environmental & Economic. "

The various community initiatives by HLL over the past two years are:


The Company initiated a massive cleanliness drive in various parts of the city along

with the Corporation of Trivandrum and Habitat to face the challenge posed by the

spread of vector borne diseases In the city and neighborhood. HLL is also assisting in

the modernization of the Peroorkada General Hospital that serves a vast segment of

the city's population. It has also conducted free diabetic medical camp by renowned

diabetician Dr. Jyothidev Kesavdev for people living near the Akkulam factory, a few

kms from the Trivandrum Medical College.

To ensure proper sanitation and cleanliness at the Anganwadi opposite to the

Akkulam Factory, the company constructed and donated toilets for them.

Blood donation

Employees of HLL have been participating regularly in blood donation camps. Also,

most of the company employees have given their consent for donating eyes after their

death. The forms were handed over to the National organization for the Blind.

Page 52

Family wellbeing

The Company has contributed to provide pucca houses to the poor families, whose

homes were in a dilapidated state in the vicinity of the HLL factory at Peroorkada.

HLL made arrangements to distribute drinking water in Kanagala village near its

factory at Kanagala in Belgaum District, and uniforms and other assistance for the

school going kids in the village.

Cultural, Educational, Sports initiatives

The company has been extending financial assistance to various educational, cultural,

social and sports organizations for their various activities all over the state. In this

area priority has been accorded to activities of students of the state's school and

colleges for organizing their various educational events/seminars, cultural and sports


The company has been providing assistance for poor students in Govt. run schools for

obtaining uniforms, note books etc. HLL has also been providing assistance for the

noon meal scheme for students of the Govt. UP School at Peroorkada. The company

has also provided computers, furniture and uniforms for various schools in the city.

Computers were provided to the Mahilamandiram UP School, Trivandrum, Govt.

L.P. School, Mangad, Trivandrum and Anandamarg LP School, Trivandrum .. It has

also helped in providing the furniture for the computer labs in Govt. Girls High

School, Peroorkada and Govt. UP School at Peroorkada, Govt. L.P .School, Mangad,

and Govt. UP School, Palkulangara. The company also assisted the Sisu Vihar UP

School, Trivandrum and the Govt. UP School at Elamad at Kollam for acquiring

books for their Library.

Page 53

Infrastructure Development

As a corporate responsibility, HLL has renovated the Kowdiar Park - a major Park in

the heart of the city, in front of the Kowdiar Palace at Thiruvananthapuram. The

company also added recreational facilities for Children at the Children's Park,

adjoining this Park. The park is today a major attraction for the citizens of the city

who converge here in vast numbers.

Other Initiatives

There is a Govt. Mental Health centre very close to the factory of the company at

Peroorkada, with hundreds of inmates. The company has provided a bread-baking

unit for the centre at a cost of around Rs.1.35 lakhs. The employees of the company

provide breakfast and arranges for feast to the inmates during Onam, the main festival

of Kerala. he company has also provided job opportunities to local people while

engaging contract works in the Factory. Employees also provide new clothes to the

inmates at the Mental Health centre during Onam. Also, with HLL's support, a

voluntary association ("VALSAL Y A') has been set up by the company employees,

to undertake the social activities in the vicinity of the Peroorkada Plant. • The

Company accorded assistance of over 3 lakhs to two children Benson and Bensy,

affected by AIDS who lost their parents, for their medicines and care. Hindustan

Latex Family Planning Promotion Trust (HLFPPT) a not for profit organization

promoted by HLL has been supporting implementation of population stabilization and

HIV AIDS prevention and care programme in partnership with international

development agencies, state governments and MOHFW. HLFPPT has been

pioneering implementation of social marketing programmes for enhancing the access

and demand for condoms, oral contraceptive pills and other health products.

Internal CSR

Page 54

Several Employees related activities are being undertaken at the Plant and in the

offices aimed at emotional, motivational, skill development and empowerment of

employees. Some of these activities were:

• Counselling for personal as well as emotional problems affecting work.

• Visit the Family of absentee employee to understand their problems and counselling


• Employees are given all assistance including financial support to acquire higher

qualifications, an area of empowerment which would enable them to go up the ladder

in the company as well improve their knowledge and confidence levels. • Extending

career guidance to employees children and organizing summer camps for their

persQnality development and other skills.

• Have set up a Yoga and Meditation Centre for the employees to handle their stress

related problems and also a well equipped Health Centre.

• Initiated a social forestry programme - for tree plantation in the factory premises by

retiring employees

The focus is towards restorative, preventive as well as promoting, holistic health of

our employees. For the above-mentioned activities HLL has collaborated with various

Non Government Organizations, to deliver best services for the employees and their

family members.


1) Human Resource Department

2) Finance and Accounts Department

3) Production Departments

a. Primary Production Department

Page 55

b. Quality Assurance Department

c. Electronic Testing Department

d. Packing Department

4) Purchase Department

5) Store Department

6) Sales department

7) Material testing Department

8) Research and Development Department

9) Safety and Environment Department

10) Engineering Department

11) Information Technology Department

12) Project Department.



Fostering employee excellence in supporting of building the Nation's best Health

Care Company.


Page 56

1. To provide company wide leadership in formulating human resource policies and

programs that enhance the quality of employee services and encouraging employee

contribution towards sustaining HLL's continued excellence.

2. To collaborate with all other departments in supporting effective recruitment,

development and maintenance of a highly competent workforce.

3. To be a strategic partner in creating a work environment which fosters the

individual achievements, team work, integrity, professionalism and accountability.

4. To fosters a meaningful, environmental friendly and productive environment and

ensure positive contribution to the community around us.


1. Exercise leadership in modeling and implementing successful human resource

policies and practices that help unleash employee potential.

2. Create an organizational ambience where talents can bloom and support the

management's efforts to foster a high performance workforce.

3. Support local efforts to recruit, develop and retain a highly qualified workforce by

building market practices and effective employer practices into human resource

methodologies ..

4. Encourage, support, reward and recognIze creativity, innovation, and individual

and team performance.

Page 57

5. Provide competitive terms and conditions of employment to the workforce through

building up a reward and recognition mechanism that provides value for people.


The function of the human resource department ofHLL ARE:


Human Resource Department maintain all attendance record of employers, any

unauthorized absence is reported to the concemed section. It maintains the records of

the medical leaves, compensatory leaves, overtime offer on duty leaves etc. Thus, it

gives a sufficient attendance list for wage calculation.

Time Keeping

• Moming Shift: 06.00 am - 02.00 pm

• Aftemoon Shift: 02.00 pm - 10.00 pm

• Night Shift: 10.00 pm - 06.00 am

• General Shift: 09.15 am - 05.15 pm

Page 58

Manpower Requirement

Manpower management involves maintaining details of agreed strength, statistical

data related to employees, sending reports related to manpower and maintaining

seniority list & roster position.

Issuing office orders, circulars & notices

Contract labour management

Registering & timely renewal of license, inviting tenders as per requirements from

user departments, certification of license & commencement or completion of reports·

& maintain reports and registers & annual retums as per contract labour Act.

Administration of various schemes or agreements.

Administration of Quality management system.


Another important function of this department is the calculation of wages & salary.

HLL follows all the rules and regulations in relation to the payment of Wages Act

1936, regarding wages and salary administration. It deals with the following


a) Pay fixation as per long term settlement.

b) Annual increment.

c) Parity determination.

Page 59

d) It provides gratuity, provident fund, dearness allowances and the retirement

benefits as predicted by the law.


HLL adopts 3 types of training methods, such as:

Induction training

On the job training

Off-job training method

Induction training

Induction training consists of the following steps

Familiarizing the new recruits to the organization &work environment

Period of training is 3 weeks for executives & 2 weeks for non executives

The newly recruited personnel have to submit the daily reports as well as the

consolidated report after.the completion of the induction training

On the job training

Nomination of employees per the requirement of the respective section

Maintaining records and registers and updating the management information


Identify the employers & workers who need training to perform the job


• Evaluating the training

Off-job training method

• Training need identification is made once in two years based on skill,

knowledge & attitude requirements

Training & assessment

Preparation of training calendar

Page 60

Nomination of employees as per training module

Evaluation of training

Updating EIMIS report and generation

In HLL, there are 3 types of training programs such as executive development

programme, supervisory development program and workers development program.


Performance evaluation is done annually for workers, supervisors and executives

separately. Factors affecting the key performance indicators of each job is identified

and evaluated as per the importance. The employee who gets excellent rating on two

continuous appraisals will be recommended for fast track promotion & also if

employees get a very poor rating for two consecutive periods, he will be

recommended for termination. The performance of executives is evaluated by the

corporate HR.


Industrial relation today has a very wide role. People respond differently to the

different issues & unlike other areas no fixed or specific prescriptions or formulae are


At present HLL recognizes 3 employees trade union such as Hindustan Latex

Employee Union, Hindustan Latex Workman Congress & Hindustan Latex Labour


All grievances handling procedures are routed through the Union only. Disciplinary

procedures are also taken in consultation with the unions.

Page 61


The suggestion committee review suggestion from the employers and good

suggestion will be implemented & rewarded suitably. It subjective includes

encouraging creativity 7 innovations, motivate employees to work hard and improve

positive attitude to recognize & reward the outstanding achievements.


It is the policy of the company that if an employee works on a grade for seven years

with out promotion, automatically he is promoted to the next grade.


When a senior employees basic pay in less than his junior, basic pay, on request from

the employees & the details are verified & if the grievance is found to be correct, then

the senior employee is given the same wage as his junior.


The company provides all the rules and regulations under the Factories Act 1948.

According to the Act, the extramural facilities & the intramural facilities are provided

to the employees. The extramural facilities includes PF, gratuity, loan advances,

house building advances, vehicle advances, leave & travel allowances, shift

allowances etc.

Page 62

The intramural facilities includes well cleaned toilets, protective clothing, safety

wears such as uniforms, masks, gloves etc. Canteen facilities are provided & certain

other facilities like shelters, rest rooms, lunch rooms, free distribution of milk & other

refreshments are also provided to the employees.

Other benefits provided at HLL are retirement benefits schemes, death benefits

scheme, dependence employee association scheme, suggestion scheme, canteen

committee, employee welfare fund, recreational facilities etc.

HLL also provides different types of leave schemes to the employees such as casual

leaves, sick leaves and earned leaves, public holidays, compensatory off, weekly off,

good attendance leave etc.


Estate management consists of the following

• Modification & maintenance of company premises.

• House keeping of all sections or departments.

• Waste management


All those employees from grade 3 onwards who do not possess working knowledge in

Hindi are gIven facility to pass PRABODH, PRA VEEN &PRAGA Y A examination

of Hindi teaching scheme is either by nominating them for regular classes during

Page 63

office hours or by getting enrolled in the correspondence course of Central Hindi

Directorate. On passing the exam financial incentives are

granted to the eligible candidates subject to the fulfillment of condition laid down by

the departmen.t of official language. The Hindi magazines published by HLL are P

ARIV AR &SAMANV A Y A both are published annually.


HLL has grown today into a multi-product, multi-unit organization addressing

various public health challenges facing humanity. HLL has been declared a Mini

Ratna Company by the Government of India and upgraded as a Schedule B PSU.

HLL Lifecare Limited is the only company in the world manufacturing and marketing

the widest range of Contraceptives. It is unique in providing a range of Condoms,

including Female Condoms, Intra Uterine Devices, Oral Contraceptive Pills

Psteroidal, non-steroidal and Emergency contraceptive pills; and Tubal Rings. HLL

today produces 1.3 1 6 billion condoms making it one of the world's leading

manufacturers of condoms, accounting for nearly lO percent of the global production


HLL is one of the leading social marketing organizations in the country in the area of

contraceptives - with a market share of over 70 percent in the rural and semi urban

markets. On the global front, HLL brands today reach more than 1 15 countries. The

staffs also have to play their part in enhancing the performance of the company by

doing their work sincerely and efficiently.

Page 64

It is necessary for an organization like HLL to conduct surveys at regular interval to

know the quality of work life of the worker with their current jobs. This will enable

them to frame policies to increase the quality of work life and can help in achieving

both individual and organizational objectives.


1. Periodical meetings should be convened between the management and employees

to collect the employee's suggestions. Valuable suggestions put forward by

employees may be appreciated. This will increase their confidence and morale and

they will feel motivated to perform better for the prosperity of the company.

2. Financial incentives presently glVen to the workers should be made proportional to

the effort they have put as it will act as motivating factor to the worker.

3. The workers should be encouraged to come out with suggestions and new ideas

without any fear or apprehension. They should be suitably rewarded if their

suggestions or ideas are good.

4. Non - financial incentives in the form of reward and recognition can be effectively

applied in HLL. The fact that many workers feel that the 'good worker award' given

to the best worker is biased itself acts as a setback and its high time that management

take this as a serious issue.

5. Some workers opined that their job has nothing to do with the skills they possess.

To solve this problem it is necessary to carry out job rotation so that each worker is

given an opportunity to contribute his best.

Page 65

6. Quality circles should be formed in the organization in order to improve the

knowledge of the workers and also to give them a platform to discuss issues relating

to work .

7. Noise pollution should be kept within the permissible limits.

8. Management should give the workers more participation in the organizations

activities and should give them an opportunity to plan and implement the work

existing in the organization.

9. Grievance handling should be given more importance as it influences the

relationship between subordinates and supervisors and also among peers.

10. There should be a separate and full fledged system to handle grievances. The

respondents feel that their grievances will get a speedy and timely redressal if there is

a separate system to handle grievances.

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