Wordy- Characterized by the use of too many words.

Post on 14-Apr-2017



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Wordy- characterized by the

use of too many words.

By Alexandro Luna

Why reduce Wordiness?• To be more effective and impressive in your writing.• Being concise keeps the reader engaged.•Wordiness detracts from the overall message/argument.

What to look out for?Avoid these phrases:• “Because of the fact

that/Due to the fact that”- Because• “Have a tendency to”-

Tends• “In my opinion”

Words that are not as necessary:• Really, very, quite,

extremely severely.• These words should

not be discarded, but best used sparingly!

Eliminate Redundancy and ditch passive voice!

Clean up your writing and strengthen it!Example: “An investigation was ordered by the FBI.- The FBI requested an investigation.”Rid yourself of there is/there are.

How to steer clear of wordiness:

•Always revise, edit, proofread and even have someone else check your work! • Forget clichés (old and trite language) and be wary of euphemisms (a word or phrase that substitutes language for readers).

That’s all folks!

Works Cited

• http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/GRAMMAR/concise.htm"Writing Concise Sentences." Writing Concise Sentences. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2016. • http://www.macalester.edu/max/writing/wordiness/ "Reducing Wordiness - MAX (Macalester Academic Excellence) Center - Macalester College." Reducing Wordiness - MAX (Macalester Academic Excellence) Center - Macalester College. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

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