Words for Production Words for Recognition Idioms and Phrases Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases.

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Words for Production

Words for Recognition

Idioms and Phrases

Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases

Words for Production

1. packaging [] n. [U] paper, cloth or plastic used to cover or protect goods (商品的)包裝材料  

packaged [] adj.    有包裝的,被包裝的 Packaged products are more exp

ensive because we pay for the packaging, too.  

Words for Production

2. waste [] n. [C] [U] (a) material that has been used and is no longer needed 廢棄物,垃圾  

It is illegal to pour chemical wastes into rivers.  

Words for Production

3. increase [] vi. to become greater in amount or number 增加  

New schools have to be set up because the number of students is increasing.  

Words for Production

4. chance [] n. [C] a possibility that something will happen 可能性  

If you practice hard, you’ll have a better chance of winning.

Words for Production

5. material [] n. [C] anything from which something is made or with which something is done 材料  

Annie bought some wrapping materials for her Christmas presents.

Words for Production

6. drugstore [] n. [C] a shop which sells medicine, beauty products, etc. 藥妝店  

She went to the drugstore to buy some medicine for her headache.

Words for Production

7. serve vt. to attend to people buying things in a shop 接待(顧客)  

They won’t serve you in any pubs because you are too young.

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service [] n. [U] 服務,招待 The service in that restaurant was bad.

We waited ten minutes for service.

Words for Production

8. goods n. pl. things that are sold in a shop 商品,貨物  

The night market is a good place to buy cheap goods.

Words for Production

9. container n. [C] a box, bottle, etc., used for holding something 容器  

Orange juice usually comes in plastic containers.

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contain [] vt. (裡面)放有,含有  

The box contains bottles, so put it down carefully.

Words for Production

10. solid adj. not in the form of a liquid or gas 固體的  

Water becomes solid when it is turned into ice.

Words for Production

11. possible adj. that can exist, happen, or be done 可能的  

Anything is possible if you work hard enough.

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possibility [] n. [U] 可能性  

There was the possibility of winning the game because they practiced very hard.

Words for Production

12. reuse vt. to use again or more than once 再使用  

Recently, public pressure for recycling plastics has been greater than the pressure to reuse paper.

Words for Production

13. collect vt. to bring together 收集  

The woman went from door to door collecting old newspapers.

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collection [] n. [U] [C] 收集;收集物  

My father has a large collection of old stamps.

Words for Production

14. separate vt. to move apart 區分,分開  

Some schools separate boys from girls in different classes.

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separate [] adj. 分開的;不同的  

My brother and I go to the same school, but we are in separate classes.

Words for Production

15. amount n. [C] a quantity or sum 數量;總額  

A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.

Words for Production

16. store vt. to keep (things) for future use 貯存,貯藏  

Fresh fruit and vegetables cannot be stored for a long time.

Words for Production

17. cost vt. to require a certain amount of money for a thing or service 花費  

It costs a lot of money to take a trip around the world.

Words for Production

18. extra adv. more than the usual amount or number; additionally 額外地  

You will have to pay extra if you want me to work late.

Words for Production

19. worth adj. having the value of 有…的價值的  

This picture is worth every cent of the one thousand dollars I paid for it.

Words for Production

20. willing adj. ready (to do something) 願意的  

Jane is a nice girl, and I think she will be willing to help.

Words for Production

21. proper adj. right or correct 適當的,正確的  

These pages aren’t in their proper order; page 22 comes after page 24.

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properly [] adv. 適當地,正確地  

I’m learning English, but I still can’t speak it properly.

Words for Production

22. disposal n. [U] action of getting rid of something 處理,丟棄  

As the amount of garbage is increasing, the disposal of garbage has become a problem.

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dispose [] vi. 處理,丟棄   They had to dispose of their old furnit

ure to make room for their new things.

Words for Production

23. litter n. [U] things, especially paper, left and scattered untidily in a public place 亂扔的垃圾,散亂的廢紙  

People who picnicked in the park left a lot of litter there.

Words for Production

24. tax n. [C] [U] (a sum of) money paid to the government for public services 稅  

It is everybody’s duty to pay their taxes.

Words for Recognition

1. rack [] n. [C] a framework with bars or hooks used for holding things


Words for Recognition

2. garbage can n. [C] a container for waste materials


Words for Recognition

3. cardboard n. [U] thick paperlike material used for making boxes 卡紙板,卡紙  

Words for Recognition

4. carton n. [C] a box made from stiff paper used for holding goods


Words for Recognition

5. retail n. [U] the sale of goods directly to customers 零售  

Words for Recognition

6. cheese spread n. [U] food made from milk curds to be applied on bread, etc. 乳酪抹醬  

Words for Recognition

7. roadside adj. at or near the edge of the road 路邊的  

Idioms and Phrases

1. (the) chances are (that) it is likely 很可能   According to the weather report,

chances are that it will rain tomorrow.  

Idioms and Phrases

2. rely on to count or depend on; to trust (especially s

omething will happen or somebody will do something) 依賴;指望  

Today, we rely on computers more than ever to do a lot of our work.  

Idioms and Phrases

3. add to to increase 增加   Mr. Wang lost his job and could h

ardly support his family. The rise of electricity costs has added to his difficulties.  

Idioms and Phrases

4. pick up to collect; to gather together 收集;撿起  

The mother asked her boy to pick up all his toys when he had finished playing.  

Idioms and Phrases

5. consist of to be made up of 由…組成   The class consists of 20 boys an

d 20 girls.  

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