
QM – Siddharth Mishra

Women Of World Quiz

The main objective of this quiz is not to test your

grey cells, but to celebrate the enduring legacy of

women in our society.

Questions are easy.

Written set.

Scoring : +1 for correct answer, 0 for wrong

answer, -1 for leaving any question blank.


In a poll carried out by BBC news in 1999, who

was voted as ‘the greatest woman of the past

thousand years’?

Indira Gandhi


While immensely successful in the music industry,

her forays into the movie industry have not met

with much commercial success.

However, her performance of Eva Peron, first lady

of Argentina, in the movie Evita earned her rave




Situated on Howland

Island in the Pacific

Ocean, this is a

navigational day

beacon called X’s

Light in her memory.

Howland Island is

perhaps best known

as the island X was

searching for, but

never found.

Amelia Earhart


“We gather together to celebrate freedom, to

celebrate democracy, to celebrate the three most

beautiful words in the English language – ‘We the

people.’” – on 2nd December, 1988.

Quote by whom?

Benazir Bhutto


Who got her first big break while working for a local

munitions factory in Burbank, California?

David Conver, a photographer, was covering the

factory to show women at work. He was struck by

her photogenic nature and used her in many

shots, which enabled her to start her career.

Marilyn Monroe


Who was the first female to get a perfect 10.0 score

in gymnastics?

Nadia Comaneci


‘I long to ride a bike, dance, whistle, look at the

world, feel young and know that I’m free and yet I

cant let it show. Just imagine what would happen

if all eight of us were to feel sorry for ourselves or

walk around with discontent clearly visible on our

faces. Where would that get us?’

Quote by whom, from where?

Anne Frank

Diary of a Young Girl


Cary Grant once famously said

‘all I want for Christmas is another picture with



Audrey Hepburn


Who is known as the ‘Mother of the Modern-Day

Civil Rights Movement’?

Rosa Parks


The _____ _______ book club has become one of

the most influential book clubs in the world. A

recommendation from her frequently sends books

to the top seller lists.

The scope of her influence can be measured from

the fact that her vocal support for Barack Obama

helped him again 1 million votes in the ’08


Oprah Winfrey


Situated in Tavistock

Square, London this

is a bust of a very

famous author, one of

the foremost

modernists of the

twentieth century.

Identify her.

Virginia Woolf

Q12.Bobby Riggs, a former tennis No. 1, boasted that the

men’s game was so superior to the women’s game that he could beat any top female athlete, aged 55.

X initially was afraid of taking up a match, saying ‘I thought it would set us (women) back 50 years if I didn’t win that match.’

When Bobby Riggs beat Margaret Court, X decided to finally challenge him at Houston Aerodrome in Texas. The rest as we know, is history.


Billie Jean King


Which extremely popular female artist started her

career in a R&B group called Destiny’s Child?

Beyoncé Knowles


Marie Curie, one of the most celebrated women of

all time, holds two unique records with respect to

the Nobel Prize. One of them being that she was

the first female ever to receive the Nobel Prize.

What was the other, a feat that is yet to be


The only person to win the Nobel

Prize in two different subjects and

only woman to win twice


Who was crowned ‘Sportsperson of the Century’ by

the Indian Olympic Association?



Who is the inspiration

for this Barbie model?

Florence Griffith Joyner


ID both/identify the music connection.

Agnetha and Anna-Frid.

The ABBA girls


Two giants from the field of literature. One is

Truman Capote. The other being his best friend,

someone in the news recently for releasing her

second book ever. Identify her.

Harper Lee


This is a image of X, at

the X museum,

visualizing her image

for Dia los Muertos

(Day of the Dead)

Just identify her.

Frida Kahlo


Which famous author used the pseudonym Robert

Galbraith to write Cuckoo’s Calling?

The sales of the book went through the roof as the

true identity of the author was revealed.

J. K. Rowling


An Olympic champion

and former world

record holder in 5

events, she was the

first woman to swim

across the English


She was called ‘Queen

of the Waves’ by the


Gertrude Ederle


An excerpt from a 2012 Telegraph article :

‘It is still early days for Stephanie Germanotta, but

with the myth-making , self-marketing nous of

Madonna, the musical chops of Elton John and

the counter-culture boldness of David Bowie,

________ is on the way to becoming an ultimate

pop icon, a 21st century Ms Elvis.’

Who is being talked about here?

Lady Gaga


The first inductee to the infamous ‘27 Club’, she

was known for amazing vocals and her eclectic

mix of blues and psychedelic rock.

Known as the ‘Queen of the Psychedelic Soul’, she

served as an inspiration for a variety of female

artists ranging from Stevie Nicks to P!NK.

Janis Joplin


This is a still from 2007 British-Irish movie

‘Becoming Jane’, starring Anne Hathaway. Who is

Anne Hathaway portraying in the movie?

Jane Austen


Who, named the most powerful woman in the world

by Forbes in 2014, is also known as the ‘de facto

leader of the European Union’?

Angela Merkel


Who declined the ceremonial Nobel Prize banquet

in1979, asking that the $192,000 fund be

distribute among the poor?

Mother Teresa


She is a world renowned vocalist, and is

responsible for introducing Indian Carnatic music

to the Western World. Known for her devotional

recitals, she was also the first musician to receive

the Bharat Ratna. Who is she?

M S Subbulakshmi

Q28One of the most

accomplished photographers of our time, her photographs frequently grace the covers of Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, etc.

Giveaway hint : her most popular photograph is thatphotograph of John and Yoko.

Annie Leibovitz


An exotic dancer of

Dutch origin, she

gained much fame in

France. During the

First World War, she

charged with several

charges of espionage

and spying, and was

ultimately executed by

a firing squad.

Identify the damsel.

Mata Hari


Quote by whom? –

“Once I knew the depth where no hope was, and

darkness lay on the face of all things. Then love

came and set my soul free. Once I knew only

darkness and stillness. Now I know hope and joy.”

Helen Keller

Q31.She was a leading French modernist designer,

whose patterns of simplicity and style revolutionised women’s clothing. She was the only designer to be listed in the Time 100 most influential people of the Twentieth Century. Her significant introductions in the field of fashion involve :

the collarless cardigan jacket

the bias cut dress – labelled a Ford by one critic because everyone had one.

The shoe string shoulder strap.

The floating evening scarf

The wearing together of junk and real jewels.

Who is being talked about here?

Coco Chanel

Q32.An American auto

racing driver, model,

and advertising

spokeswoman, she is

the most successful

woman in the history

of American open-wheel

racing - her win in the

2008 Indy Japan 300 is

the only women's

victory in an IndyCar

Series race and her

third place in the 2009

Indianapolis 500 the

highest finish there ever

Danica Patrick


When tales of her spirituality reached Akbar, being

interested in different religious paths, he wanted

to meet her. This was difficult however, because

Akbar was at war with her family. But he finally

decided to go meet her in disguise, donning the

disguise of a beggar and taking Tansen along

with him. He was so enamoured with her soulful

singing and devotion, that he placed a priceless

necklace at her feet before leaving.

Who is the lady being talked about here?



The Mousetrap is the longest running show of any

type of the modern era, played in the West End of

London and completing its 25,oooth performance

in November 2012.

It is a murder mystery play with a twist ending, that

audiences are requested not to reveal when the

show is over.

Which criminally famous author wrote the play?

Agatha Christie


X about Hitchcock :

‘Mr. Hitchcock taught me everything about cinema.

It was thanks to him that I understood that murder

scenes should be shot like love scenes and love

scenes like murder scenes.’

Hitchcock about X :

‘X’s apparent frigidity was like a mountain covered

with snow, but that mountain was a volcano’

Grace Kelly


Which queen in history in known to have

maintained amorous ties with both Julius Caesar

and Mark Anthony, for the best interests of her


Cleopatra VII


One of the first published woman writers, she along

with Homer is considered to be a true literary

great. Her greatness can be measured by the fact

that the Alexandrians included her in the list of

nine lyric poets. While the bulk of her work has

been lost, her reputation lives on through

surviving fragments.



The patron saint of France, she was known for

inspiring and encouraging French people at a

very young age. She was sent along with the

French troops to lay siege to the city of Orleans,

and rose to prominence after the siege was lifted

after nine days. Later, she was captured and

burnt at the stake for heresy.

Identify her.

Joan of Arc


Identify her.

Hint : Your childhood would’ve had lesser books if

not for her!

Enid Blyton


Identify the lady with Neil Armstrong.

Also give her claim to fame.

Valentina Tereshkova

First woman in space

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