Women in the 1960’s. “ The reality for women in the 1960’s was that their lives was no different than that of their mothers.” Explain why you agree or.

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Women in the 1960’s

“The reality for women in the 1960’s was that their lives was no different than that of their mothers.”

Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.

History of feminism in Britain

First Phase feminism -19th C fighting for equal rights in public spheres of the workplace, higher education and national politics, culminating in suffrage struggle

Second Phase – Inter war years. Private sphere of the family. Recognition of value of work within family and payment of a family allowance

1960’s feminisms

Wanted a radical shift in male/female relations

Sheila Rowbotham

“What was becoming apparent, to some women at least, was that the way they learned to be feminine arose out of a male dominated culture, with women forced to operate within the narrow spaces allotted to femininity.”

Average age of marriage for women in the 1960’s was 22

Three out of five births were to women under 25

Women’s subordinate position within the family became a focal point for the WLM who regarded it as the platform on which wider social discrimination in society was built

Effect of the Pill

Did the Pill: Free women from biological constraints?Enable them to control their own sexuality?Turn them into sex objects?Make them freely available to satisfy men?

Women became “shoppers in chief” for ad agencies in the new consumer society

For many male working class activists the WLM detracted from the central issue of the class struggle.

Women’s liberation would have to wait until after the “revolution”

1965 Ministry of Labour Survey

More than half of the female population aged 16-64 were employed.

Most in low paid low skilled jobs

Only 5% as managers

Girls were more likely to leave school at minimum age than boys

Females made up only 28% of HE students in 1970

1968 Female sewing machinists at Ford strike to receive equal pay with male counterparts.

Eventually receive 95% but did now win re grading issue


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