Wl!KlY· REVIE'/V - unger.myplainview.comunger.myplainview.com/abernathy/1977/1977-07-14.pdf · CO U NT Y LI N E CO M M UNIT Y REUNION SET FOR AUGUST 14 The first reunion for the

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"'_NA'HY, TCiIA. LU •• OCK ..... . ••••••• 1 PO ..... . URSDAY.JULY 14. 1977 . Hale County - Abernathy, Texas - Lubbock County VOLUME 56


Joe Thompson Implement Co. Abernathy, Texas, 298-2541

lubbock Phone 762 ·1038


The first reunion for the community of County Line will be he 1 d on Sunday. August 14 at the County Line Club House. There will be.a big te nt set up to provide additional room for visitors. Registration will begin at 10100 a. m. Every­One Is to bring basket lunches and drinks will be furnished.

Everyone who has ever lived In or around the com­munity are Invite 9 to attend come and visit, reneW old friendships. and bring all your old pictures to he dis­playedon the bulletin board.

Prizes w ill be awarded to


Announcement was made early this week that a Tennis Camp In Abernathy has been scheduled for July 18 through the 22.

Lessons will be held each morning from 7.30 to 10:30. at a total cost of $35.00 for the week.

Entries must be received by July 17. Age groups will include a beginners group. an Int.ermediate group. and advanced group. with ages ranging from 9 years through nfoxt year's seniors-.

tor more Information. contact Carl Irl be c k­telephone .298-2119.

Applicator School Set For July 21-22

. A commercial applicator school for certifying COmm­ercial applicators for applying pesticides. herbic­ides. an<,\ rodenticles will be held In Plainview on Thurs­day and Friday. July 21 and 22. The school will be held at the Hale County Agricul­tural Center beginning at 8:30 p. m. '.

County Agent Ollie Liner stated that this would be a 2 day school. and a test will be provided by the Texas Department of Agriculture at the end of the training session.

Those planning to attend should pre-register by call· Ing the County Agent's office at 296-7466.

This school Is not designed for farmers unless they are applying pesticides for hire. All commercial applicators should be certified by Oct. 21. 1977.

Ma I c 01 m Dunn shown above with the 9 lb. catfish he and his brother.Sylvelter,

Jan Wesrey Now At A & A Beauty Shop

Nema Hudson annOUnces that Mrs.Dean Wesley II now assoclat.ed with her at the AM Beauty Shop and Sport­swear at 406 10th St.

Mrs. Wesley graduated on 16 from Mickle',Beauty

. a~p

the oldest pioneer present, and also to the person who bas traveled the great.est distance to attend.

Over200car'" have been mailed concerning the reunion. but cards were not mailed locally. Everyone ·In our area is .Invited to attend. Mrs. Francis Hudson Is the Chairman and for further Information you may call her at 757-2267.

Lane Tnompson Attends Range Camp At Junction

Lane Thompson was chosen to a tte nd Range Camp at Junctton, June 26-July 1. Selection was based on outstanding projects and Int.erest In range manage­ment.

lane's local sponsor Is Abernathy Young Farmers a strong supporter of range education and leadership development of local youth.

The we e kl ong Range Camp. sponsored by Texas Section. SoCiety for Range Management, was arranged to honor outstanding range and ranch youth and provl~ them an opportunity for complementary training In range management and leadership skills. According to Dan Rodgers. Range Camp Chairman of College Station. participants learned to Identify range plants, evaluate rangeland potential and cur r e n t condition, manage wildlife habitat and practice ran c h planning. leadership training was fea­ture workshops in interper­sonal relations. communica­tions skills and group leading practice. Field trips away from camp Included tours of Kerr Wildlife Man~gement Area and a Kimble County ranch.

Range Camp Instructors included Extension Service range specialists. teachers from Texas A&M and Texas Tech,range Conservationists of Soil Conservation Service. a VoAg instructor and County Extension Agent and other members of Texas Section. Socle ty for Ra nge Manage­me nt.

This was the twe nty-thlrd consecutive year for the Youth Range Camp,all held at the Texas TecH Center at Junction. More than 700 youth have benefited.

caught in the lake on the Ie ft side of the road as you go under the overpass In south Abernathy.


The lakeview Commtln­Ity 8eunlon wtll be held "II s.turday, July 30, at 10100 a.m. In the Center, La ke

Piano Workshop Set For July 20-21

A plano wotkshop is to be held at the Church of the Nazarene, JUly 20 and 21, under the spOlllorship of their Mlllic Committee. All "Mlllically Interested" (mu.lc t.eachers, stude nil, etc.) pe rsons from age 5 to 500(') are Invited to partlclpat.e.

The wotkshop will be directed by Mn.Evonne Neuenschwander, founder of the Music Department of the Nazarene Bible College in Colotado Springs, Colo.

She Is a graduat.e of the University of Colotado with a maJot In Plano Pedagogy, and holds a Mast.er In Music Education de gree from the UniverSity 'of NQrthern Colotado with a m~Jor In Music Administration and Supervision.

She Is a member of the Colotado Stat.e Music Tea­cherts Association and the Mlllic Te a c he r National Association. and Is llst.ed In the 1977 ...... 'ho·s .... 'ho in American Women" and "World's .... 'ho·s .... 'ho of Women In Education. "

She Is the authot of the hymn playing piano method series "Please Would You Play The Piano" with com­panion theory wotkbook. cassette tapes. and study guides. She Is also co-author of Individualized learning projects for plano classes.

She specialized in plano pedagogy of worship and evangelistic style hymn playing and Is curre ntly conducting workshops for church pianists and plano teachers who desire toteach hymn playing to their students.

Mrs.Neuenschwanderwill be presenting a st.ep-by­step method to play hymns properly. ThIs will Indudel Pre-Reading; Transposition and Modulatlon,Slght read­Ing the printed score; The Basic Chord Patterns; The Director's Pattern; Simple to advanced Improvisation; Cross han"', consecutive thlr"'. arpeggios; Four not.es In the right hand;Ornamen­tatlon. Passing tones. chotd substitution; Endings; The Role of the Church Pianist.

A special session will be held On Thursday. July 21, from 9.00 a. m. to 11.00 a. m. for all who would be Interest.ed In the basic beg­Inning steps of playlng"the plano. This would be fot children and adulll Just learning plano and hymn playing. however. anyone may attend.

If you are Interest.ed, please call and pre-reglst.er at these numbers-298-2869. 757-2363. or 298-4972.


The Annual State Future Fanners of America Con-

:::'''JJ~~~~~~;.ld In ~~t Abernathy FFA Cbapt.er Is be Ing represent.ed by students and seven sponsors.

Members attending who will be awarded the lone Star Farmer Award, the highest degree awarded by the state, arelDebble Oswalt, Sam Billingsley. Da vid Hunt, David Scott, Lee Knight and Barry Rnyal.

Others from the AHS FFA atte nding are St.eve Presley. vice president; Jimmy Mc­Kemie.officer; Jeff Oswalt and Van Riley, members. David Hunt Is president of the local FFA.


The Abernathy . School Board met on J- 30 aJld Mr. Mitch Lemoble .was appointed as new High School principal here to fUi the place vacated by CUrtis Davenport. Mr. and Mr.. lemoine and their daughll!r Lisa wUl be at home at Rt. 2, Abemathy.

Mn.Lemolne will teach high school English. Lisa wUl be classified as aJunlor this coming school year.

lemoine comes here from Waco Midway High School where he served as assistant principal. The Lem.olnes 11 v e din Abernathy from 1963 until 1969 where he was employed as a coach and math t.eacher.Previously he taught fot 3 years In Carlsbad. N. M. He is past president 'Of the Stall! Coaching Association. Since leavingherehe ha attelided

Abernathy Baseball Assoc. Plans Fund Raising Game

The Abernathy Baseball Association will sponsot a fund raising baseball game between the Midget League Park coaches and the Big Park coaches. The game will be beld on Saturday, July 16 at 8100 po m. at the Big Park.

John Tarleton COllege. Paul Quinn College. and Baylor University where he was doing graduat.e work. He has a Mast.ers degree from Texas Tech.

Mrs.Lemolne a\Sohas her Masters degree. and Is a member of the National Council of English Teachers.

Other new t.eachers hired for the coming school year are' Debra Bullard. a West Texas State graduate. She will teach tennis. girl's golf and English.

Mary Sue Atkinson w\ll t.each Home Economics. She was head of the Homemaking Department in Dalhart for the past 3 years.

Anita Kle Inert will teach Kindergarten. For the past three years she h~s taught Kindergarten at the school in Deerpark. Texas.

Fredda Mitchell will teach In Elementary school. She has taught for 2 years in Sierra Blanca and lubbock.

Dlllene Cox is a Texas Tech graduate and will be teaching In Special Education.

Martin Kennedy who taught last year In the Crosbyton schools wtll be a High School Math teacher.

Coleen Cecil has been appOinted as Cafeteria Manager. She has worked there for several years.

71s SIGNIFICANT Admission for the game

wUl be 50¢ for adults. and 25¢ for children. All proceeds will go toward sending our t.eam to stall! tournaments.


Please come out and help us suppott our baseball pogra~~"" .. __ J ____ _

J. O. (Bill) Pope was born the 7th chlld,on the 7th day. of the 7th month, of the 7th year (7-7-07). This year he celebrated another 7 in his string of 7s. On 7-7-77 he was 70 years old.

R. A. McQulry

• '* * '* Sign f ulllIer, R. A. McQuary, "Abernathy Businessman" Since 1930Is

"ABERNATHY Business­m~n"---His address i, 4003 North King. Lubbock. Texas 79403; however, this man and his rig have been on the Abernathy business scene since the 1930's. That was when R,A. McQuary, shown above, started regular trips to Abernathy soliciting sign painting from local business­es . •• and painting Coca Colli signs on the sides of local buildings. Mr. McQuary and his "Mack Signs" truck have been on the local ,cene so long that he seems to be a part of Abernathy's business community.

Mack has been In the sign business Over 38 years. He did signs for the Coca Cola Company for 24 years, worki ng out Lubbor k as far west as New Mexico. as far eat as Quitaque, north .

to Tulia and south to Tahoka. Mr. Mack got in on the ground floor of the neon sign business . In his plant in Lubbock. he blew the glas~ shaped the letters and numerals and installed the Signs.

He estimates that he has painted and/or installed a "few hundred ll signs in Abernathy over the years he bas been coming here .

If you need a sign paint.ed. call 744-0293.


Ing~r::~pe~:C~ ::~:;' . Moorhead special and Mr.and Mrs. Jerry Fund Report Oswalt, . Mr. and Mrs. Condy

'Oms and other instruct­Ional materials available to the public schools througb Region XVll Education Ser­vice Center will be shown to parents and other Int.erested citizens durlnll a one-day review session set for July 22.

Tbb filst media "open bouse" II scbe dule d for 8 a. m. to 5 po m. at the Media

' Dlvlslon of the Service Center, 1218 Fourteenth StJeet, Lubbock.

Billtngsley, and Mr. and Mrs. Harr/J Scott.

taller seisloas, s'\:heliuled for


The Class of '27 will have a reunion here on Sat­urday. July 16. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hilburn Barrick at 211 Ave. M.

A buffet lunch will be served. The reunion comm­Ittee would like to remind everyone of the da t.e . and hope everyone will be able to attend. For further infor­mation you may call Mrs.' O. F. Rea or Mrs. Hilburn Barrick.

District Horse Show Res u Its

The District2 4-H Horse Show was held July 5-6 in Lubbock at the South Plains Fair Grounds. Eleven Hale County 4-H youth were · entere d according to Mike V.'iseman, Assistant County Extension Agent.

* * * Ricky Rhodes,Abe rna thy ,

place d lOt h i n Class 2. Halter Class; Sherry Evans

. pia c e d 7 t h and Connor Evans. both of Hale Center . placed 10th in Class 8, Halter Class.

Mr,. Ray Sande" "held the lucky ticket", aod \l\-as the I'\i nn t' r o f th(" quilt

wh ich the Blue Bonnet Club m adf'. A 11 donations from this quilt were Il;iven to the,

Aberna th)' Cemetery Fun d. On behalf of the Blue Bonnt' f Club we wan t to thank (' ve ryonE' who bought tickt·~ and ~avf' donations.

We als o wi s h to thank Stx:uve's, Happy Tol er, and all the ir em ployees for leT­ting us display the qui lt in their w indowandforh('lpin~ us in ' the sa le of the tickt'L'i a n d dona ti ons A Iso OUI

t han k , to the Aberna thy v\'eekly Revit'w fOT runninlZ, OUT news st;...JTy of our pro,t'ct. Thanks a ga in from t"3ch one ofu;.The Blue Bonnet Cleb.

Kelly Moberly, Aberna­thy. placed 7th in Class 13 , Reining;lyndra Bills. Plain­view.placed 8th in Class 14. Pole Bending; Sherry Evans placed 7th and Lyndra Bills place d 10th in Class 15. Barrel RaCing.

Also participating in t he District HOTSe Sho ..... wer(':


Patsy Davis, Ricky Powe ll , Holly Shafer, Becky Albers, Vicki Shadden, Joan Da vis. and Guy Moberly, all of AbernathYi and Diannt.' Murphy of Plain view.

TAES Field Day Set Sept 13

lUBBOCK-----The 68 th annual f'dition of th ~' Texas Agricultural Exper im t' nt Station Field Day for Lubb­ock and Halfway, which highlights a varie ty of crop research program$ ou the Texas High Pla ins, has .bet> n set for Tuesday, Se pt. 13.

Th. Texas Agricultura l Experiment Station in Lub­bock, is hos t this year . according to Dr.Rill Ott . resident dire ct or o f the lubbock-Halfway Experi ­ment Stations, and Dr. Bill lyle , fie ld day chairman. The lubbock Station is rart of the Texas A&M Uni ve r­sity Agricultural Research and Ext ens ion Ceo t e r complex located thre e miles north of th e Lubboc k Regional Airport, just off Highway 87.

Scheduled for this year's event is a five-stop fi e Id tour of the lubbocl< Sta tion research plots and facilitif's. Machinery displays pr.sent­ed by area impleme nt <ieal­et'S,grape vineyard tours and a garden information booth will be added attractions.

Stops along the fie 1 d tc'ur include res~arch plots for we e d can t r 0 1 , cotton varieties, cotton disease control, soil fertility, nematode control a nd water use effiCiency of the row diking system.

Professional staffs of the Texas Agricultural Expert·· m e nt Station, Texas Agric­ultural Extension Service . Agricultural Re s ear c h Service-USDA. and the National Weather Service Agricultural Me terology Office will be on hand for the special occasion. say TAES officials.

F'inu.hin~ t o uches are ht, ing put on the !d.st minute pre paration for Abf'ma thy Riding Clubs Little Britch., Rode o sch.dul.J for July 22 anJ 23 a t o:3f) p. m

Stock produ ce r will bt· Runt Sloan of Newcastle, Texas. Elltrie ~ arE' corning in daily w ith some events already fill ed. Youths wish­ill~ D t' n t e r the rodeo ~houlj con t ac t Bernice E",aus at 757 - 2390.

We' havt· 15 boys f r0m tht· T ex.ls Boys R anch cntt-'reJ O il F r i Jay nigh t. nli ~ ~'rom is f'S to bf? a ll aJJt.J attraction as thesE' boy> add to the t>nthus i ... ,m .llhi (" xci ttnlPnt of the shO\· ....

~1.t-rchants anJ bus i ness ­n~t' :J .\ bh ing to ~, I d,cC an ad

in 0ur Plo~!' ;)m Ina\' Jo so D)' con t.lctin2, 1\.-h. Or ~1rs.

~1.. D. h·an~. Thi s is the fi rst

Local Men Attend Conference I n Waco

Wende ll Barrick an d Don E n~t'r a t tt~ n de d a Fa rm Burr-ali Commodity Confer­l' ncE' in Waco on July 6-7. The purpose of the confer­ence was to learn more abt:"\. t curr~nt le~ islative proposal~ re l ating to farm rro~ams,rcc('nt re~ l ations issu", hv the EPA r. OSHA. Anothf'r .... u r I'osc for the mc t- tin g wa !' to conn' Y to the Farm Bure-a u staff the sE'lit imf'nrs 0f the pr o ducer m(' mberS o ftht· Farm BUrt'au.

Don Engt~f i(. the Pre sident of th~ Lubhoc k CI..')unt'v Farm Bureau, as \\I£'lI as c ha irman of th£' Texas Faml Bureau Cotton Committee, and is a Illcm twr o f the A merican Fum Burea u C..:- tton A dvis -0rv Committ(>f'. \I\'endell Barrick is the chairman of the luhbock County Cotton Committee


Congressman George Mahon announces an REA loan to the South Plains Te lephone Co-op,lllc. In

BRIEF: lubbock in the amount of Mr. and Mrs. Btll Moore $1.769.000.00 at 2 96

of Alvin. Texas visit.ed last Interest. weekend with Mrs. Maudie The lo an serves the Jones. and with Mr. and Mrs. following countieslLubbock. Hilbert Rantz and family. Castro.Cochran.Hale , lamb. They bad been to visit their Hockley. and Terry. The son, Rohert, who Is sta·tloned loan is to finance facilities

~~~~::~,~~l=. ~:.ei.! to connect 573 ad.ditionill

mother. Mrs. R.F.Lil:t\etojf;· ' :~:e~i!7:~w . .. o£-~bbock. .

yt>ar our duh hd.~ ·) fft' ~t"J

thE- businPSS commUniTi(' 5-

an opportuni ty TO .dvt,rt i~e

d.t Our rOdeo ''frJ e woulJ liKe to e xpr ~s!- our d.1 ' pn· ( 141101l

for t ht~ warm rf'ct'l't!on ') f this a Jded featu re.

Be sure to mark thl.' da u·:> July 22 & 23, 6:3n p. nl. on your calend3r. Who k now~ to yt'ars from now you ma\ be able to say "I (a,- tha 1

WorlJ Cham pi on Cowhoy a t Abernathy'~ Li ttle Br ll Chf's Rodi'o"

Local life Insurance Agent Attends S a I e"s- S e min a r

ATLANTA.GA. (June 26-June 3n)-· -Jo< Conn.n , a resid ent of Abf·rna thy a n d Great Nation <l ! Life agent, is a.mong the more than 4,Sqo mf'mbE"rs of tht' Million Dollar Roun J Ta ble (MORT) ga theri ng h.re for this exclusive life imuran(' E' sales or ga ni la tion' ~ a nnua 1 conference. With memhef!. gathering from -1-4 cou ntri f's aroundthe WOrld,thE' MDRT mee ting is the lar~E'5t a n J m ost comprehensive ~d l t's

forum in the life insurant.: t" industry .

Du ri ng th e fiVf' - day m ee ting, somE' 75 vf th( world's topproJucinga~l'nt!­a N' a ddressing manysubi('c~ of v i ta I conCE'rn to t hOSt, in the I He ;nsurancf' fir IJ. In addition. the prcgramft ' at ­ures several nationall y noted speakers in the flelds vf la w, accounting and educa ­tion. Both the Atlant..l Symphony. with Pe ter ~er ....... , and Dannv O:w i~ ;l n d thf"

Nashville Brass, a rt> perfor ­ming at the Annual Meeting.

The Million Doll ar R"unJ T able i s an indePf>nden t, inte rnational associa tion of ove r 16,oon Hfe insurance agents re pr e se ot i og 44 natiotlS and territories and more tha n 400llf. insurance companies. The member­ship of this universally rec­organized standard of life insurance ~ales performancf' comprises approximate Iy three percent of the world's life Insurance sales force.


\ '.

\ .



P~llhld on Thursdly of Each Week in Abernilhy, Texas Second Class Postage Paid at Abernathy, Tem 79311

lDti1ed at 916 Alllnut 0, in the city 01 Abernathy p, 0, Drawer D -- Phone 18061 298-2033

Abernathy, Texas 79311

Any erroneous rtllection upon the character 01 any firm, co~lonorlndlvidualwhich may I\lPHr In the columns Jf thl AIIIrnllhy Wettly Review, gladly will be corrected

..,on being brought to the attention 01 the publishers.

SuaSCRIPTIONRATES: $5,00 per year plus tax in Hale Ind Idjolning countilS. $5.50 per YNr plus tax in rest «TillS I!Y""" per ytlr when mailed oot 01 Texas.

1l"icha~ -anil Vicki Havens ..... ... .... · pubnshers ViCki Havens . .. .... , •.. ... . .. . ··· · · ·· · ···· Editor Billie Rantz. ..... ..... ... ... Advertising & N~ 'l!uford F. [)avenport .. ... . . ..... · · · · · · ·· · · Staff Edith H!1oYar{! ........ .. ..... .. .. ··"· ,,,. Typesetter.

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Ma i n & Service Road

N&C-· .... Hale County ls on~ of many in the 30th Senatorial Dbllict of Texas , And, Senator Ray Farabee ~presentll t h a t District in the Te x a s State Senate, Farabee ,44,is a cODServative D e m ocra t from Wichita Falls. In itli July edition, the TEXAS MONTHLY magazi ne picked i ts versiOn of the ten " Best" an d the ten ""'orst" legislaton In the Texas Senate and House of Repre­sentatives based on their ~rformance s In the session t hOlit p.nded the last of May. (n this day and age it is refre shing to re.ad In the media high pr a ise for a poli tician TEXAS MONTHl. Y bvished great pra ise on the pttrformanc£' [Ufned In by farabee. I woul d like to Frln t the complete noX! on Farabee. but we might be sued b~' TEXAS MONTHl Y. I 'Nill. hO ..... ~~E' r, nsk qu,.::>tes from the co mment on Far .. bel' : "All )f thl' chc hes fit this risi ng Senate star: observt'r!i describe him as conscieont· ious, hardv.or ki ng,sma rt. fa ir, inde pendent, someone who does his home .... Ork." "One ofa rt'grettably small hand ­ful of seonaton who can ' t be sl!duced, cae rced. or other· wise . convinced to support sleazy bills (voted ag.airut 1 03n ~ harks. insura nce sh.arF ies, and the morf' a ut­ragt'ous !'t'altor posit ions )." An d. on a ndo n tht' maga1 ine praIsed Fa rilbt' l" . y "u IIoho vote I n Ha le Count)' had better hold onto a man ..... ho gains ~uch acclaim from a m agaZ ine that seldom ha~ tha t many kin,z wora; to han d out

N&C---·_··--·TEXAS fo.iON THl. Y lis ted Repu bl i­can Slate Repn'so!' n tatlve lao!' Rohbl11S. fr om thEo we5t J I S lr lc t In the Cit)' of Lubl>oc" .i~ the "\\'O" t " ten The tn.lii;.ui :1c h aJ not hing at .. 11 ~ood 10 say about Robb ' m Fr"'" Sa linas . .... ho :(' rn-se nts th", e .ut district

:: t he CIt') ;:If Lubb OCk, v.a~ :101 1 i~~d I n lhf' ten "8e ~t"

'10 t "as he nar:-.<"d , :1 the le n · WO~!" Thl' ~amt.' a~ plks tJ Se :J.iHOr Ke: lt Hallet:, who Tt'p",st' nts ;J numnt' r :If Soulh PLum C "J un tl f' s. mcludlrl& l ut'ob·xk C )unty

S('C · ··Only If I'K' ru m for re · el~c t io . , N I Il Sena tOr Hanc", kno\oOo how badly his " Rod Shaw Saran' Hi ke" ... Ill 1n tht l aq se~s i on

damaged hIS Career

(Stolte Sen3t O ~ Kent Ha ne <" b a mong th0Se who .He ~)Qt( ntial see kl'r"S of ~. .\bOO n ·s 5t'a t In the U. S. Hous(' of Re pn"5ell talives.)

Nf,C--Hey , SrudE-nG, I h.a.U' to rem ind you th .a. t summe r holi days .... ill t' nd .... hen you repOrt for the fin t day of the 1977-1978 school tum the morn ing of Thun­day, AugUl"t 18. A~rn ... thy fa cult)' me mbo!' n will be in ­JerVlc-e lit tM , chool Augwt 15 -1 ~- 17. Monday, Sept. 5,






Labor Oay, will be •• ebool holiday. Tho .. xt holiday will be MoD.cll.y, Sept. 26, Falr Day for ltudeOU, ta­lervice day for lItachefS, S1U.dtota abo "..ut . hive a hOliday'riday, Oct. 28 , aD In-service , day- for teaeben. There are more i sce school calendar when ltappe'" In TN! Review. Cllp aDd saw the calendar for reference t/uooughout di. 1977-1978 school year . .

N&C ... -Coastl tue ats regred'wly accepted the DeWS last week dull The Honorable George H. Mabon will Step down as the U. S • Representative Qf DlItrict 19 of Tu:as at the end of his current term ~c. 31, 1978. He and Helen Mahou have se rved their District we ll stna the mld-.l9lQ.'.s.. They have served with haDar. They CODfoundi!:d the media gOSSip mongers in Washington by providing the m with no tld-bilS what­soeve r for their columDS, TV Of radio. Yl!atS ago, a national news ma.gazine, 10. a long , compre hensive art­icle, listed George MahoD as ODe of the two mast powe rful me D; In Washington. Stay ing 0 a the stl'atght­aad-.DatTOw pa th of pOlitics and Washiagton soc.ll!ty, Mr. Mahon .... ·W leavl! his office as a pOwerful ma n in the Na tion' s Capital City. -

N&C---Gotn8 over the Hs t of pote ndal successor'$ to Mr. Mahoe pubUshed In The Lubbock Avalaoc:he­Journ aI7-7.n, my pick at this early date Is Bill Clayton of Springlake, ~aker of the Texas HO\I!Ie of Re presentatives. Tbt big e lection fight (or Mabon's

r: ~e w ~?tybeOf~~:c':oteo~ one hand, aga. lmt the com­bine d VOters of the City of Midland and the City of Ode 5sa on the othe r. The potential Re publican candl­datr baving the imide track within his party at thls time is form e r Odessa Mayor Jim Reese, w ho was Mr. Mabon's opponen t in the 1976 race. I favor Cl ay ton becawe (. bl!lieve he is the best qualifil! d of aay who were me ntionl! ci. His sdnt as Speaker of thl! Howeia Austin has 5I!a!oned him all

quaHHe d successor (or al close as any rucce~or could be )to The Honorable Georose H. Mahon. (Speaker Bill ClaytonsaYi he "is removing himse lf from cODSlderatiQn. " May, '78, Dt'mo Primary Is a long time off. Everyout' has thl! ri&ht to change his mind. )

N&C .. Speaking of money , a 5ub ject dear to those who have bills to pay . .. ud that' s e veryo'ne,C&Wsingiag sta r Charlie Rich, In a song ovef ra dio warbledl "You can't take It with you when you ' re goa e, but I want t'Dough to get there on. "

N&C-·GERMAN NIGHT: We dnesday, July 20, 6130 · po m. Texaa: Teoh University Center Ballroom. Open to the public.A me a1 consisting of Ge rm an food will be served. Entertainment will iaclude 82-year"old hil x Pehl's 8·me mber Oomaph Ba nd from FN!1de rlcklbur! . Texas, playing for polkas, waltzes an d schottisches . h's all opea to the public. It 's a family oight. Tlckets1AdullS $4.00; Childreo $2.00, for meat andrntertalnment. For the entu taiument portion onlylS2. 00 per person. DUiI! to food preparation, tickeb




. (9hapter Volunteer Seroice Award . PRESENTED TO




In Recognition and Appreciarion

of Five Years of Continuous and Valuable Service

as a Chapter V oluntccr Performed in behalf of

Children with Cystic Fibrosis

Mrs. Ralph Davis Receives Award

Mn. Rtlpb DIYIs, wbo hi. served I. o,llrmln of

~:tt~:~~r1~rCr~.Of the Reselrcb Foundlttoa. recent­ly received I Chlpter Volua­t((ler Service AWlrd for 5 yeln IervtOl!: to me (oundlttoo. _ ........ .

NEWS IN BRIEF .-......... . Mr . and MrS. Dana F .

Reynard a nd SODS Steven and Keith hom Booker, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. Joe LyDg and daughters Lisa a.nd Angela of Castroville, Texas visltl!d the if parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A~Reyua.rddurleg the week of the 4th of July.

MIs. Kl!nneth Ourrett and chUdren, Kril, Krldll , and Kralg of AmarUlo spent last week in the home o£ her mother-in-law, Mn, Pauline Dur~tt and her parents, Mr. and MIs. Marvin Toler, aud obr relattvl!l .

SCRlP'l1JRE. Man 11: Separatedl IIFor the wages of sin is

death. " (spiritual separatioa from God) (Rl>mans 6123)

must be purc::hased by Tues­day, july 19. Ttcket! on sale tn the UC Activities of£tce, phooe 742 .. 36W, or for IDformad.onl Beth Soring Cuiual Eve aU Advisor, 742-3611.

and Other Serious Respiratory Problems

Another TEXAS To Join U. S. Fleet Sept. 10

NEW TEXAS SHlP1 (Remarks by Se Cfl!tary of

State Mark Yt'hlte to 2 p. m. pre~ con ferenc e July 7, 1917, Austin, Texas.) .. On Saturday, September Hi, 1977, at the Norfolk, Virginia, Naval Station a new USS TEXAS will be commiss ioned Into the fll!et of the United States Navy. This nuc1t"ar-po we rt" d, guided missile cru ise r wtll be the fourth U. S. Navy ship to bear the proud name of TEXA5.

Texans have a special Inte rest and pride In thls ship. And, to make sure that the ship rece ives a proper Texu send-ofr"the Governor has named a USS TEXAS Lia ison Committee to work ' with the sblp on Its commi­ssioning a nd on future visits to its home state. It ls my privilege to serve as chaIr­man of the lialson commi· ... e.

That's the background, now here's what'. happen­Ing. Flnt, It b tradldoo.al for II state to provld!!! its namesake with stiver 'erv­Ing pieces. That bu been an Item of top priority with the committee, and we npec[ to have lu1tably engraved sUver ready for lft5entation to the ship at the commis s loniug ceremony. A coffee and tea servlce, punch bowl a.nd 36 C\lpI , four can.delabra, two fruit bowls, two oval bl1!ad trays and a large . erviaa; tray have bel!n orderec1. The cost of thb .Uver will be

about S2S, 000. We are at tbil time

officially beglnDillg our statewide fund drive to rabe fuudl for tbe .Uver and commissioning eX~QM"

The two days after the commiJliouLl18, we plan to give the CftW ohbe TEXAS and their 'amU"1 aD old­fu:bioned Tex. .. barbecue, with Texas en1rrtaiament. Two partte. are req\dred because, .. you are probably aware. once II .hlp .. com-

~:~:::vy:o 1tt~~:-'::~ft times maiDtaln part of ttl crew on board I'll. ready status. Thw:, we plan to fete half of chi! crew aad their famllie' on uch of the two days. Texans aQOII the State are already givtng their IUppOrL The meat packen or Amarillo have donated 1,200 pOundi of beef fer the barbeqw.Ch\ICk Galllmore, the Panhudle'l restauranteur of ttl! year, and Sutphen's Pit Bar-B-Q. have voluDteered to fly to Norfoik aDd oversee prtpa" -ratioe of the meal. The reigning chili cbamplO1ll, Albert Agnor of Marshall, aiso plaQl to fiy up and serve the crew and thelr famUle, a bowl of red that wUl make them appreelaQf the Stace', offlclal dish. Por the crew', en1'lr:rtalDmeat, we have Texu stan that are lndi!:ed big and bright. Doaatia.g the ir ti~ aad taleDt for me Tn .. party areln. A.t:ro<ountry-q..,ld _p _ AI_orld, l\ay

Price, WUlil! Nellon, Johnay Rodriquez, and Dotde Brodt.

For commlulonlal decoratiOGl, the Loae Star Nurse." of Tyl., II povld­Ing 200 dozen yellow rosel,

Slx Plap Owr Texu ls prOvhllnl a speelaUy-madi!: Tex.. nag for the Ihlpl. quarter deck. The Naval ROTC Unit, UDtvenlty of Tex&l,AultlD, has given the 'hlp a Rt of longhGnlll (DOt ReVOII). Fort Worth hal povtded Texas ha'll for the lhip'. "dpper aDd executive officer, aDd TOllY lAma and El Pato have provided p'0per ceremonial T e x a I boou bearing the sblp" seal. That', Wha~1 takl:D place to

.• ~"" w. are Invlrln~ ioterettled TexaDl.bwloesaes, allldclde. to join io thllUSS TEXAS prOJeC!t by tending coatrtbutioDl fOr the lhip'. diver to the USS TVtAS Ualloa. CCIIIJlntttl!e, BOJI: 124.28, Autun, TeE .. 78111. AU giftl Rre tax deductible .Dd wm be Rem.leqed.

Sbowabefttlt ......... Ibb _ by JI'" PI""" ..... bit 8" ItItioo. It It r:w:.~ ~JI~ .. Iwfttb

WORDS OF WISDOM ... LalllhDer caDllot mask,

heavy beart. Wheo the kush"r ea, the Sriel remalill.

H tire stores are where you're heading Let your fingers do the Ileading.

80 S.'tvlclf:I for AsaJU;-:' LUBBOCK--.. · ·-Cravellde

OU",.80,·~. JOa~e A~r- ICrvicc. for Yol.nd-. LaQett aathy relldeait. were held at ~t. ' lnfaat di&bghter of

~~~C.~:l~~ ~Jrc~:i~ ,'. ·:tl;!~~e~:trl~ ~~ the Rev. Cliftoa CorCOran, ne.day tli City of Lubbock mlnlJ1ler,ofnc:laUag. assisted Cem~tery with Larry Ham" by the ~y.Glean ROiendale berlck, mintl te t of of L\1bbock. MaDllat1£n Heights Church

Burial wit In the Odd of ChdU, officlatlnl' Fellows Cemetery under the ~tal wuuader direction dire ctlOQ of Chamberi of South Plalm Fuaeral Home. PUDer.l Home. The Infant died at 7.50

Olly .. died at 4115 •• m. a. m. Monday, two hotrS aDd . Sunday In Hi-PlaiDS Hospital 14 minutes after bIrth, In

In Hale Center following a Methodtn Hotpltal. lengthy tUnea. Survivors ttl c I u de her

He was a retired farm parent'i a brother Ray laborer. Dwayne of the home; and

SUrvlvon laclude hli wife, her graodpareotl, Mr •• nd Mary; three SODS, Joe of MtI.M. ·:.Cravln. of Lubbock Abernathy, Sammy of Saer- and Mr.aadMrs. Bruce Mason amento, CaUf., aDd George of Abernathy. of Lubbock; II. da.ughter, - ... --.. -.---Virginia MaDSanale, of Abernathy, and 10 grand­cbUdrea. .

Pallbearers were Manuel Cutler,.z, Joe Gutterrez, Pedro Gutlerrez, Gilbert Gutierrez, PatCutlerru, Sam Cutierrez,i.ndAlexCutierTl!L


Fuoeral services lor OUverHolland were held on Monday, July 11 at 3.30· p. m. at VernOD, Texas. .

Mrs. Lucille Lambert of Abernathy was a lister of Mr. Holland.. Several (rom here attended the funeral. At press time we did not have other detaUs.

THOT, A 1rrTLlIIght In a dark place often serves a GRlAT_1

FAITH 15. • • R<eognlllng chat God II til< 101\0 01 time when my idea of dmiDg doe.n't ape with HIo.

THOT.Th< dlfflcultl •• of life IH Intended to make 1a:


VACATION TIPS: We hope all 01 you get a

chance to get .way for a Ylcatioo aad relax a

little. _ .Uafortu~.mly.1fwe come home an. d find out boule burglarized, our vacat­Ion c!111 be quickly ruined. How about a few tip to pre­vent 1Ji1J· from h&ppe1ll1ng? You p<>bably have thought

-01 molt of them, but maybe 16tnethlol new will appear.

. Keep thil .. a cbe eldllt of thlDgI to dobefore you le ave home.

I. IDIUft! all window. and doosl!eloc~d. Have ,orne­GDe ~ebe in the family doob\ecli<ck.

2. Cancel all newl po.peJl and de1lverle •• . 3. Have a elote friend, neighbor or reladve collect maU, cut gt'aIs and keep the yard neat.

4. Leave lome drapes and curtaiIll partially 0 pe n or opeb to matte the houle looked ltved in.. The,e can be changed frequently by a reladve or friend.

5. Notify the police that you will be gone, wben you



Lubbock PIlon_ 762-2133

Hal_ Center 839-2785


• 1M We Now Have 1(»16-1586


One Used 1256 Tractor One Used.856 Tractor



. Stmelm~ement Company

(hit lty ReunlOl1 will have An day meet­Ing f~ everybody that ever lived, worked, ' orls conaected with County Line tn any way. 8rlng II. basket lunch and drltikl will be furnbbed. Re.Kutratloft wU~ begin at 10100 a. m. church 'ervlces wUl be held at the County Linl! 'Baptilt Church &om 11100 untU 12100 for those wlsblng to visit the c:burcb.Lunchwtll be served or spread togethet at 12100 noon. We wl.ll have a big tlent outside for everyone who wanlS to visit. Come a nd stay all day and visit with your old friends. Bring old photographs If you have the m to show. We wtll have a bwletln board to p.1t the m on so everyone can enjoy ·them.

••• We are very fortunate to

have Lieutenant Colonel Joe Hickox of our Shallowater community (stattoned at Reese Air Base' to speak at th~ COUnty Line Community Oub meeting Tuesday, August 30. He plans to tell us about the "Life of the Russian People"and .how us films that he took whUe In Russia (or four years. We wOJ.ld 11 k I' to eac:ourage men and women to attend this meeting, .. In his spea­king engagements Lt. Col. Hickox tells of his experle~ce as an assistant air attache at the U. S. EmbaSliY In Mo~cow, describing the Soviet military buildup with part­icular e mphash on the threat it poses to out American security.

are leaving and when you expect to ~turn. What Ughll will be on,what cam around, and if anyOOf: will be mow­ing gran, golog lwide, and .bout bow otten.

6. Keep lome llghts OIl.

electric timer. tMt tum Ugh'll on and off are of great value.

7. Have I nelgtitor park their car In your drive accllloaal1y, to make It appell!' 100000De tI home.

S. Han " neighbor repwt any .tr&Dge 'people or evettt. lII'O\md-you.r hOb'le.

. , ~·Vou.m ~I'ht· ,b..,y.e . • lrtend or ftl.tive tum on a radio or televillOO for a Icouple of h.OUII every ODQe , In a while. : to. Don't do thlngl that

jl aren't aormal, for itlltanoe a televillOD on at four In the

, morning or a bedroom Ught that come. on at three in the morning, unlelftlrlJ iI normaL

11. DoD't advertlle your abllence by newlpaper or ~ radio 0 r tal k about yOUI' I

, planned ablence In pubJtc. t2.YOlI may want to '

leCUl'e valuables In a safety : depollt box. with a frleDd or ', relative or other lecure

place. 13. Cautlon your ehlldreu

: about te 11 to, the Ir frtendl and otbel1 of yOW' ,blence.

; t4. Partlclpate 10 operat-I Ion ldentiflcatlon.

; fun~~!::vvenu!!:a!bl~a: I

, where you ca.n be CObtact!!d , In cue of flre or. breakln I OCCUll, time wUl not be lolt,

16. Never leave ~YI to the houre hiddeu uader mau. ftowerpotl, In mallboxet or other place.. A pooIealOtl&I burglar w III find I~ ""'((1 IIR ooly a n Ide .. of tbing. that you . boulddo when leavlllihome.

I Por men InfOl'madon and ... lItanoe contact your loca! law eDforcement agency. R.member the rroperty' .you protect II your own..

u y~ Or 'Your. ~lub or orgalitzaUoDi art 111te:re:lted In setting Lt.Col. HickOx to a.4dreIl Your group or organ­badOD yoU can. call the Reele Air Base Offlce of Information a tACJ806-88S-45 It,extension 2169 or 2843 and talk to Mr. William P. Tyaa n,AsllstaDt Information Officer. We would like for you and you and you to come and hear this outstandiag speaker. Men are welcome as ·well as women. •• rememberAugust 30, Tuelday at 2100 po m.

••• We wllh to elttend ow

di!:epest J)'mpathy to Jenl Floyd In our community on the death of her" uncle who was killed tn a· train car wreck around Floyd, N. M. The famUy lived In Lubbock and had been to a family reuniOn.



Charles Nelsonu a patten1 inHI-P1almHCllpltalln Hall CenteJ'.

Rev.IOIe ao.Jquu II a patient In MethodtstHolpttal.


A group of youth and adults from the First Baptist ChurchwUlleave oa5undaYt July 11 on a trip to Cedillas, Mexico. They wUl conduct a vacadon Bible school a t Cedi.llos aadreturn home on ThlU'Sday, July 21.

SCRIPTUREl "For the Son of man

shall come in the glory of hls Father with hb angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works, " Matthew 16t27

Here ·1

"" •• II

Mr. and MJI. Larry Pa~ 1ft the pareatl of a baby daughter Damed Kend'

, Marie. She w .. born f

June 29, lind welped 6 10 en. CrallldpaJ'enti of baby are Mr. and KeDDeth Wrlgbt o( L .. . ".: Thomas, .'Dd Mr. andMft. .ck CaDtrel1 of Ciraham. The baby's great-pand­mOhr tJ MrI. Pearl Bryant of Aberaa1hy.

BRIEF, Laoau $oM, daugbtpr of

Mr. and Md. Roy Sons (I f Lamesa, visited. here laf t week with her grandmother, Mrs. L S. Wilson.

SCRlP'l1JRE, "AU the paths of tho ·.ord

are mercy aad trut) ·to NdI .. keep his co\. .lnt anel hlJ tesdmonies. " Psalm 25110 •

Mary Lynn Rice 15 recuperating from a fractured shoulder bOI"lt

cawed by a fall ather home as she waS coming out oj the cellar about twO wee Ks ago when we had the storm cloud a nd hall in bur commuDity.We want to wish her a rapid recovery.

• •• We have two girls and

ont" boy In our community who are planning to get married soon. Congratu1a­tloDS goes to LorDa Barron aDd to ClndyAllea(marrled to Ricky Davidson, July 8) but [canlt tell you who the boy is ye t bu t It wi11 be announced as soon as be tells me to announce it ! But while. goes to these young people.

Pictured .bove Ire the Aberolrhy High School Vanity C'heerle.ders for the 1977-78 schOOl yelt. They ne. top:

~:I ~~lfK~!{·tie~r~~lj/o~:m~~ ~~!'~~:ft ~'~lh~~l~t!n -Webb (co-held) • Sr • • Denice Knox (co-head) - Sr • • Ind Jlnet Mitchell - Sr. · ...... ·:~~E·::::::--..... I·

FirstBaptist Church

If VOU wear a petunia you afe saving. "Your presence soothes me."

• Sundays: 10:40 a. m. & 7:00 p. m. I • ................................


. 45., ... . 1')45 ., . .... . eX ~. "' . • y;. ~ "'.

Wonhlo '> ervjc~ '):J 0 .... .

'~~!!I.8"11otli,~B"'P-l"i\ 1 CH lIRC H (0\1 I,' \.

IIrv ,J. ~. l '~:E~.OCI\·"

Sunday Sunday S~~ I

M)M'''9 .. an'''" TIl:lI'1I"9 U"'a~ E .. ." ing .. on~, ~


9: 45". - . 11 ·30 ~.~ . 6:00 P. -

7 JO"." .

W:>men'l M,,, '"~" U"io,' 0" <' 8rolh .. rhood

WednfJday "roy .... <;"""i , ~

F" day' Cha;, . .... ...,"" 7oot) '"

Mn . J .B . l",,' ~ • . : ha i. di' Kt",


5 ... , . ~~Ior :'<11 . then 7 .... ; . ~tt. on 7901 7.46--618':

BRO, EA~ N n l ~ ~fWEA fll:Ht().

Sunday Su"day 5c~ x.' 10·00 " ,-",",oml"9 "'o"~'r IHXl " ,m. Everolng ... on~;" 5 00 c.'"

Wednesday Children" & ~~" III' Bib le Srudy ] :300 . '"

~dA.tta....· ,." , lon9'eader

CHU RCH N CH RI S1 100h SI,'\ A, ~ . ' '98_1718 CON DY BIt U N ::-·~l fY. M i " i , '<!,

Sunday' 5\lf\day .. ,....,.., 1 Mo,., i ~9 \\ ")n '·~

You, h m~p' ir9'

£ ... " i"9 '0\ 'I" ~ ; .

wednftda y

9:]0 a . ... . 10,)0 a.'" . !I.oo ::> "" . 6.00 ~ .....

ladlas' e ,b l ~ "udy 9 )0 a."'. "'"'ld_ ......... , • • ,.i:M ])0 ~.'"

l a"n.,. N .. ..... ,~, • r'.':'lh "'1~i\' !'O'

CH URCH OF 1H[ ,A ZAR[ N[ !I li A .. " . I m · ]S32

Sunda,' Su..da~ ~c""'l

Ma"""9 .. on IW o Ya ulh s~ ..... ;" .. ,

Q:04 S 0."' . 10:45 ~."'. 6:00 g ."' .

E" ... ln9 ... o"Io;~ 6:450 . '"'.

w.d"elday WonniD , ...... ;~.... 7:30 Co ....

""'it G",.mlofl . monic dlr",(lo,

PUIOI . !W1.we ll Brunner


Route 2. Abemothy 757-213<1


He who is least among you all is the greatest.

(Luke 9:48)

The greatest one among you must be your servant 'fAnd whoever makes himself great will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be made great.

(Matthew 23: 11-12)

If one of you wants to be great, he must be the servant of the rest; and if one of you wants to be first, he must be your slave -like the Son of Man, who did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life to redeem many people.

Ben Franklin Variety Food ~upermarket and 0 line of genera I M erchondise

Co-op Grain Company of Abemathy & Heckvi lie

Joe Thompson I mplemenl Co. "The John Oeere House "

105 Ave . 0 Pho.29B-2541

(Matthew 20:26-28)

Consumers Fuel Association The BldlQeU ~ued by 'ni0tll We St:ne.

829W. SIlfV;CO Rd . Pho. 298-2584

Sanders Auto Lubbock Hwy. Pho, 2118-2578 .

Plains Grain & Farm Supply Groin & Farm Chemtcal 0 .. 1.,.

701 To ... Avo. Pho.298-2521

Anderson Grain Corp.

704 A ... , O . 798.-12040 REV. A.l L JENNINGS. ~~'o'

5unda.,.· '!...",day ~choal 9,04 5 ° ,,... Mamin~""a~hlp 11,000."" E.enlng ..... onhip 6:00 p_",. UMY 7 :00tl,",.

Wed"eaday : Clo.o i, pracP[c e 7,30 P."".

II",",W ",eeh 1nd Monday of IIOch ",ont+.a' 10,00 a .....

GSlrgt Ri d",'I . ... ",Ie dil1K!'O' Chril Woten, churc.h ttlcre9a,y Don ~Dd,. dJ~1or orchil. droeno, W?n


3 ,..i . nort" t 6 ",I , eool of ci'Y 0" FM 54


Su"day-Su"doy school 10: 00., ."" Momi" ... W'Of'Ini p 11 :00.,.,.,. E ... .",,,g wO~hi p 7·00 P,"'.

wed"eJdgy· Pray. "'eeting 8:00 p. m.

MA. lawrenc e A ... -., ,.-c,.Nlty Helbe,. Wotton , 55 ,upe,i "lend.",


A. v ",. A . & Sth 51 . 799-74]"


16IhSt.&Ave.E . 2Q9-,"W

Sunday: 5urldoy IChool 9,.45 a .... , M:m>lngwonhjp I I,OO a . "' . Ttalning U'1iOl' 6,00 g.,.,. Ev.ning wOn"ip 7,00 ~.""

w.dn.day: RA., GAl, ..... idwe-" Pn:Iy .. ..... _tin~ _ 7:30p.m .

.... tc "Direet« • Rllpb HlDeI ' s. S. SUperlDtI!Ddeot . Tom Conw.,

TlltDtag Unloa-Ildoa BentoD ,


1112 ..1Mame 2iW-26IJ REV. JOSE ...... RODRIGUEZ

REV. Joh ...... , ODRIGUE"1 ,poltor

Sunday, So.wIdoy sc:hool MoftI1tII_h!p TiIIlIllnln~ unton f.,..inewaft'hlp

9>:450.1'11. I~o .",.

6100p.III. 7:00.,,1'11.

W"ntldlt}o, Pto)'ltl'llHtlng 7:30p,II'I , Youth ""Ntl .. and arble study ~;OO p.M. ~ letldon, mutlc & yoo.MI

dirK" ' + + +

... !'oils- Cy n thi a Alil- n and

RiC' kv Dorw oll D "' ~'ids or'1 evch .. ~ ;;:t'J .~edciing vows in a ": J. :Jlel i!:; ht ':t'remOlly F: ,Jd.,. t'wni n;; , July 9, 1477 ;H :ne FlI'H Baptist Church )f \"'t·rIlOithy . R('v. ;\\urry Br ... . ' .. ; .::offi cl J.lE'Jtrlt' Joublc' -,'Ii; .-t"{'m.Jn),.

..... ' hri-"':' i~ L"'f' Jauo:htl,~

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Wh lh'iJ. ":,· .. ~ .. tht' ,c1 '(''1 ~ ;;J f

t.h.· o/:>ar.l . r:-.. t-·I.lo:' ... . n.; \'1"; lr.

~ - J ·7! .• ~t' : ... !i. r ~>Jth. · - 01:1 .:

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.. ..:cOmlJ.Hlied as bridesma id_ The i.r.ttenliants wore floor

't'n!1;th ;o .... · n.s of blue dom d 5'''' iss . acce-nte d · ... ith em r ire ... aist , 5 ..... ee th ... nt ne ckl:nc .. nd ruffcd slee \'e~ . They carleJ b::t1l4uets ~f r-...'o ~h;j.jp, of blul' carnallons .,:thbilh .... ' , b~ ea th J.nJ ~r .. t'ne~ ,

Lar:-. Davl.hOu,

.:If the ;;~oom , ~ .. r"eJ ~s b('st ~: ... n. He ... as a ccorr.p ... n i,' .j ;" ~ WdJe S.lndt-~, bo th .Jf

.. ''!-ll trf ... .:o::. 11" :: : ~\J.\ , ~I \<\·h :kfJ.": .· ,

~., · .. "u .H :l~ \\t': ;;;t d . She ., .x~- d tl ')vr t. :lgth. ,J.:)tkJ

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~\r< ": t:-;..!v L .. t~l ck )f ..... ~ .. - . ""IJ :-'1Is$ ':I ::":Y

HaC Kl'! Jf H<l. l l" Ce ntt' ~. "fht. b ri de- i! a 1975

~~aju.ate ,! . ..l,b"rnath~· H ... h School and att.t'r.J...J South Pla bs \ . CClI~. · , .·

i ' lI;' ... : ~ : 1T o:~ .. ,,:t; .. c.. ' .; f· .. :: · \·;~!t...t~.:,· HI,h <; ..: ~.) .. )I .... :1,: l' ~ ur't· 'ltl" ,. !",-: I":',.·~·

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1009 Aven ue D

Open Wednesday Through Friday: 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.

Saturday by appointment.

Free piCk- up and delivery in city.

Call 298-2823,



DAY OR NIGHT 879-4666

" ~

1~lIrnS aridCO)tWiII . t. E. L. CtAS S ~' ).~ColJrity LI MtendD311as Mee~ 'Nl~SHEREJUl'K&~~:~comm ' . t' ' h .rorvl.c" ducatl'l'1 · ,. ' ''''\l'.r.;t,c,u;orl~~'~.I-ToMeet J

wor'ks ,hop 'for voc:atlooa] 'lrIcl .. P.dIt~CJriIrdL met 'oa ~' 1 • agriculture ~ache1'S,Oall... ' lair' With ,... W.A. Scott .. The Dtxt

Tcltas, August 1-5, 1911. for .... ., CIa. 1DI:,U... Ccun ty LIne Vocational Agriculture W. opt ... wltll preyer ~ Club will be July 26th

Teachefl,lome 1, 6CKhaoag, led by Mrt.O'N.al. 2tOO p. m. 1 n the County wUl gather inDallas,August QlDtoft Barrick brouCbt Line ,Club building. MIt. 1-5,1977, for the "Annual some wondtrful tlulughll on Vera Vaugh wUl ~mOUltr ... In .. ServtccEducation Work- humlUty aud then ' 111& ate ho w to macrame g "

shop and Meeting spo .. ored "Rrmind Me Dear Lord", hange r for a bubt. Every-by the Vocational Agrlcu1... which Is ODe of Mrs. Scott' . One that wants to learn i.S ture Education Department favorite songs. We all we lcome. of t h e Texas Education enjoye dCltntOD audit ma de Those wa nting to learn Agency~U5tin,Texas,under our hearts glad that he took should briag a sn-al1 ball of t'b e direction of J.A. time from htswork, and jute-5 ply or cordatleut MarShall, State Director, spent a few minutes with w, 180 feet of either one, 4-8 Vocational Agriculture Mrs. Higginbotham had a beads, a 2 inch metal ring. Education. 'lull on fatherS in the Bible sdssots, a nd a yardstick.

Attending from Aberna - that CD" de u' do some We encourage everyone thy Higb School. Will be .~' ;:"'·. thioking,andwe enjoyed the to come and learn with us. Vocational Agrkulture the Bible quiz also. Believe it Of not, there are teachers l Wal1l'r Cox, Jerry We had 4 visitort &om still pe 0 p 1 e who do nOt Adams. the Naomi Class-Mrs. "'ole, knowhow to macrame. If

Reglstration w Lll begin Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Andil!:rsoo , you do not want to macrame, at 3:00 p. m. , Monday, and Mrs. Howard. you can come to vUlt or August .,at the Baker Hotel, T. E. 1.. ~embers present talk about the County Line accordJog to Dick Vestal, werelMn.O Neal, Ml"I.Scon, re union and the plam made Baird. Vocational Agricu1- Mrs. Price, Mrs. Miller, Mft. • . so rar,orqulh .. We still ha~ ture Teache r and ftesldent Higginbotham, and Mrs. a quilt up and ready. of the Vocational Agrlcul- Sl a ~r. Plm Connett Ind Ventu

:;;e~:S~~~ F::~~!:~:l hataf:~~~~~:~~~lO:~ ~:D,~r :~J:gU:t:::;~ Session will begin a t 9100 shlp.Mrs.Scott served punch, We'llsee yOU at the out a. m. on Tuesday,August 2 , cokes, cookies, and mixed me eting.

PIIJI PHOTO. No aame. w"'" 011 Ibll pI ..... whtch II from the RevIew fli •• f f.hotOi whlc~ IPP!'"teiI In the piper In lb. pi". If y.u know .nyon. In this pi ... ", Ind woo d like to ctltm this ptctufe,you mey come by Ihe ~ytew office .nd pick It up.

~:leCi~I:f~~~~~a+l: ~~~azt~: ~:c:~.b~:~ll: Repaf'tI!r-Faye Pope

keyno~ speaker for thls song, and MI'I.Anderson .... ------ .. ---session will b.- DavidBraden. dism isse d us with prayer. We WORDS OF W1SDOM •. • He is President of Dahl/ all enJoye d the meeting. Only the person BradtnlJones/Chapm:I.n.lnc. , Reporter-Mrs. Slater involved can know his own a major Dallas arC hitectural bitte rness or joy .... no one fi rm. He is a lso a Dil"2ctOf else can really share it. of Ame rica n Sank & Trust WORD OF \\1SDOM.. . ------------Company I n D a II a $ and Before eve ry mao there WORDS Of V.1S00M. • • • i mmediate past preside nt of lit'S a w ide and pleasant The work or the wicked

In the 18001. severll American cities outlawed tub bathing in the winter without a

the Te-xa . .s Society of Arch- road tha t see ms right but ..... Ul perish; the work of the ltE'Cts. Also a ppe aring on encb In dtoath. godly w11l flourish.

docto,', prescripti~. •

the progra m will be Hayden McDanle I,Dire ctor ,DlvisioD of Sec on da r y Programs, Texas EducatioD Agency,

553 and Alton Bowe n, Deputy Commissioner for Admillis- F_ .., {Btat.) (6-77) PUBLISHER'S COpy State Bank No.

tra rlve ~rvice5, Texas Education Age ncy.

On Tuesday, Augwt 2, 7:30 p. m. the Association will5ponsor th e AtlDual Award.!; Program [0 present trmae pins to the mem ber-5h lp and othtr awards to Legislators , School Admlnl­~ D'aton , Texas n£'ws med ia, Indiv idu a l teacher awards .afld to illdlvldua b wh o havE' contribute d to the progress of Agriculture Education .l. nd the ac t n' itles of the rutur't' Farmf' rs of Am er ic a.

On Wednesdav and Thursday the teachE'rs will take pii.rt in Area Meetings .a n d te n t 10) In-Service Education Workshops, Thele wor\Qihopi are CQudl.lcted 011

the follOWing to pics: Wil ls J.nU E.Ha tesjCertiHcatioD for Use of PeSticides and He rb~ ici...iE'~. Beef CHue Gr~dlng; F ;l r~ : Shops (Selecting, ~~;/,rkl~~, IDyentorY )i YOUDg F ~rT.1t'I"li, BOAC Progra m ; FirH an~ Second Year Teill­cher'l ; Hortic ulture {fncl ud­,ng CVAE ... nd Handicappe d)j C:-e .itive Teaching; Su pe r­YI)t'J E xpe r ience Labs (School Farms); Selecting , Ff'ed ing .a nd Fltti n~Ba rrows;

Com modity Training. TheSl"cond General

Session will beg In at 9:00 'd. m. on Thurday , August 4 , in 11K. Li ttle The a tft' . App­ea rm g OIl the program will bto la cM Jac}uon, American Airlmes F ;!g ht Training .l, C3 ::IE- my,Fort Worth:Calvlll Shel ton, Silverton, Prt' S\de Dt ;)f Ll,e Tex.as Young Farmer Associa tion and Sobby Tuck.-r, Mineola, for mer N.anona l FFA PresldeDt.

A Me mbe rship Meeting for the VATAT wUl be hE'ld on Wedflll!s da y, todO~. m. un til nOOo. in the tittle Theatre . Dick Ve5ta l. Asso ~

Clarion prps id ent, wi ll cOnduct thE' meE'tiDg.

On Friday thP tl'acherS ~11' meet in a~a meetings a nd plan t heir [n .. Service F.d.ucatiOn meerin~ fOT the 1977 -78 school year.

Acth'i tles ao.dentertaln­mE'nt ~re al~o pl anne d throughout the four~day m('eting for t:Zl2 wlvu who .... d l be .artlf'nding the meet­ing .

ApprOXimate ly 1, 600 Vocational Agriculture te achers a n d frteodll are u.pected to .1.ttend the workshop.


We would like to hav~ good reCIFe ! from oW' reade" to print each week in The Review. You good cooks shaN! some of your favorites with us.

If you have a fa vorite recipe please brlliS it by The Review offlc~ at 916 Ave. D o r mail them to P. O. Drawer D.

W~ will Nil OIle eac.h wUlc.Or lltplC4 it l.yallab'Y ·wt ~'1~l~~t~t·.!'!?N:.,:':~ \,~.'- t ' '1

,~._.;....:,·-W~ : wouid epp;eciue. ·yout",l". '"

ConaoHdatod Report of Condltioll of ". _.Th~ ... ~~~:LS.:b.':t.e. .. ~_

of . A bema thy ... In the Stat. of ... Texas . _. and Oolll ... ti. Subsidiaries at t/le dose of

business 011 June 3D, .. ..... 19.?? __


1. Cash and due from banks C 7

2. U.S, Treasury securities B

3. Obligations of other U.S. Government aa:encles and corporation, B

4. ObliKBtions 01 States and political lubdlvlsJons B

5. Other bonds, notes. and debentures B

6 . Corporate stock

7. Trading account securities 8 . Federa l funds sold and securities purchased under Igreements to rese" ... D

9. a. Loans. Total (ucludina: uneerned Income) b. Less: Reserve for possible 10Bn loases

c. Loans, Net

10. Direct lease financing

11 . Bank premises. furniture and fixtures. and other auet. representing bank premises

12 Real estate owned other than bank premises

13 Investments In unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies

14 Customers' ilabihty to this bank on aet:eptances outstandlne:

15. Other assets G

16 TOTAL ASSETS (sum of items 1 thru 15)

10 .


17. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations . F If 18. Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations If

19. DePOSIts 01 United States Government 2

20. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 2L Deposits of foreign governments and official institutions

22. Deposits of commercial banks

23. Certified and officer1' checks 24 TOTAL DEPOSITS (sum of items 17 thru 23) .

21. Total demand deposits

b. Total time end .. ..,inK. depoSIts

25. Federal fundi pu rchased and securities sold under agreemem. to repurchase

26 Other liabilttills for borrowed money

27. Morts;age Indebtedness . 28. Acceptances ele<:uted by or for account of this benk and outstanding

29. Other ltabill11es H

30. TOTAL LIABILITIES (ellcludinl subordinated notes and debentures)

31. Subordinated notes and debentures

5+6 7


EQUITY CAPlTA,L ____ ---,

•. No. shares outsta~ine: I none 32 Preferred stoc~

33 Common stoc~

34. Surplus

35. UndiVided profi ts

a. No. shires authorized 1-. ----<:l~5Q~0~-_4 b. No. shares outstanding '--__ 3".,50"'0,,0'-_--'

36. Reserve for contlnlenciel and other capital re .. ",..

37. TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL (sum of item, 32 thru 36) 38. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND E UITY CAPITAL sum or Hems 30 31 .nd 37

MEMORANOA 1, Average lor 30 calendar days ending with call dele:

a. Cash and due from bank. (correspond. to Item. above)

(Par \lalue)

(Par value)

b. Federal lunds sold end teCuritlea purehlHd undar lireemenb to mell (colT8lponda to item 8 above)

c. Tota l loans (cor .... pond. to item ge .boYI) . d. Time dePOSits of $100.000 or more (correaponds to Msmorend. itemI 3. plus 3b below)

e. Total deposIts (corresponds to item 24 ebow) . f, Fedara' funds purchlud and secumin sold under .,,..mentl to repurch ... · (corre.ponds to.. "em 25 .bove)

Other h,bilrties for bOrrowed corr.. nd to ItI above

2. Standby lettel'$ of cNdit outatandl .... eM of 0811 dat.)

3. Time depolits of $100.000 01 more (BI of call dat.) : a. TIme certific.te. of dfpoait In denomlnationl of '100,000 or more.

b. Other time de In amounts of $100.000 or mora .. .

1.1I~~!;r _ ~~_~1~_0I!:1. ... !~! .. :!'z.'.!!~~.t=.:: ... _ .. _. , ./iM --................... 1, 10 1M "'I""'~. """ •• fIo,.

f---+=':=7I 5 f---+.:o::::=71 6 f--_"-+';;;;;;::J7

8 9.


f-~f-i--L'\UI!~29 f----"d..J~QlL-l30 L-_---L.Ill!.lll!J31

none 32

1 12

1 I. 1 b

11 one one

e • 2

f-_-+.::!46~8~ 31 none b


• • Laura Me gna became the

bride of Mike Lambert. July 9th at 7:00 in a candle light ceremony In the FlrstUnlted Methodist Church o f Abe rn­athy. The double ring ceremony uniting the coupl !! wasperform ed by Condy Billingsley.

The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. SUI Bates and the late Frank Megna. Parents of tht! ~room are Mr. and Mrs . C. W. Lambert.

GIVen in m a rriage by her brother, Johnny Megna, the bri de wort" a forma l gown of cii. lI Jlelight ~ i lk orRa nt" trimme d with lace.

Mrs.D ay ne My a tt of Irving, s.crvcd as ma tron of honOt. TIV' IlTlde s malds Wl'ri' Chrlstyp Wa ters, LaDon Vickers, anJ Shari.:! Myatt all of Abe rna thy. TIIl'y wore

"'idelltical drc sst's ?f pe ach colOred Qlana k ni t an d floppy hal:'; to matc h.

Mike Dunn sl'r\,pJ ;15 btost man. T hl' or,roornsm("n '"e re Steve Oswalt, Kent Harrison , and Scott Lutrlc k, all of

A reception followed in fellowship hall. 'Serving at tht' bride' s table were Nancy Irish, Terri H e ath, and T ammy Shipman, all of Abernathy. Serving at the groom's tabl e were MrS. Keith Lambe rt and LOTI Oswah, both of Abernathy, an d Mrs. Lindsey Myatt of D a lhart, ;m d JIll Wans of Lubbock.

After a wedding trip to New Mexico th(' couple wtll res ide In Aber na thy, where the R;room is engage d In fa rm ing.

Abe;::~\t;:~ as . u.shcrs were EHpct!ve NOW , brides,

Keith lamlx.' r t . brothe r of ~rri':.o:~~iOnfg brt::ss· st:~: =:hg~~o~T~·l.r~~~h~~rt G~~~~' exactly as tht: y wish them

My att of Dalha rt a nd Daync ~c:~~a~;~i~~ Abe~:t~~ MY~~d:~~i:~;bt'r t, nl'phc\~ wa nt the we dding .stor ie s, of thE' groom. H' rvpd as ring but they must he turned In bearer. rea dy to he HI in type

DebbyOs wa lt prNlded at :~th~~~~ .. ~l1gp~cd:ed. o;~' ~i~:i:1 book as the guests bride. De adline is 4:00 p_ m.

Mrs.Dan.$ondy 1:1 eaa .Mondays_ Thanki rOr ~our .u..u. ..... LlJLl.JLl.JL.LIL.LIL.LIL.LI.I. c oOpe ra ti on.

"Gotta watch those drive-in teller drawers •.• when ride a trike. "

',IST STATE SANK Orive-'n 8anlcing

What ooald be ea.ler?

Save " •• aDd trouble.

Drlve-lD Servloe. Whether "makl.

~r wJth4ra,w'I.~.

.,. JOlIN IIILLEY __ Wlf .... ·

·Gecra. Mahon, d .. nofthe UniledSlates ConareBl, chlirmln of the HOUle ApproprtollOlll QmnII\ee and the ooly Conjp'eaaman Iht 19th DlBlrlcI of T .... bas ever had, hu announced that he will nul be • candidate f.r .... lecllon to the _.fRepr ..... ~Uve'lnlll7l

In announcing hls dedslon, Mahon told ",. Herald Wednelldaya_, "At tho ond of my ...... nt tenn, I will have .. rved 44 yo:ars In Colli ..... and • total of 52 yea,. In public 01000. I promlsed myseU 10IIIl l1li0 thai I would not _ to ...... In Congress after reacbtng (!£t 10, a mDestone I wouki IN\?' priOI' to the con· clusion ~ ~ber two-Year tenn. It

Ro!>r.....!iUV~ Mahoo .... elected to C ........ 1n.\IISI. 'AI lhallime, ho was a

.;.,' .' . ,reaident of Colorado City in what walilhen '. • tho .. uthem part of Iha distrtct and was

serving as a district attorney. Mahon was tho lirst Unlled State.. Congressman from Iht newly created t9th District which aI that time covered 2$ counties from HakeD County on the east to the New Mex.ico border 00 the west.

The Cmgressman was appointed to the powerful House Appropriations CoIJl. mittee in 1939. became chairman of Its ,ubcommlttee on delense In l~ and has served in his cum!nt position as chairman of the full S$.member Appropriations Committee since 1964 - longer con· tinuousiy than any other member in history.

ONLY SIX MEMBERS In the entire history 01 \he Unlled Slates have seNed longer in the House of Representatives than George Mahon. During his tenure in oIIiee, Mahoo has served -with eight presidents beginning with Franklin Roosevelt. He currenUy ranks as the Dean 01 Congress. having served there longer than any other sitting member,

The Congreaman expressed graUtude for the unwaivering support be tlas had

.....Iht ,eon from \lie _10 of \he 19th DiIIrIcI II1II Iht _Uon ho has reco\,ed from bII eoU .. _ In \he c.ngress II1II oIfIcIaII of \he oleNl"" branch. "IIaYinl .. opportunily to par' tlclpate In _ 01 Iht moot momentous _ 01 our t_ ha, been a gr .. 1 pr\'lIo&e. I ha •• dealt with \he hl8h and Iht mtghly In the·8 .. ommen~ butper\1apl my 8'0_ saIIIfIdIon has been helping Iht ~ oIlht 19th JliJtrIcl """ have _ ~ me. Tlntl8houl my service, I

hi .. beeD IUIIaIned by the feeling that I . hid \he _ and -" .1 the folks al home," Mahon SlId.

'ftIE CONGRBSSIUN normally an· n...... hls poJIdlaI intenll.... In the December prior to election year, but he felllhat, """. ho would not be a candidate lor ..... lecIloo, he should let the people lui... ao \he)' would have ample .p­portunity to c:onslder the selecll.n of • ...........

Mahon made no announcement as to his plans for the futW'e bli indicated that he had many interests and intends to continue leading an active and vigorous Lire.

The Congressman said, "1 am an apostJe of the strenuDU5 life, J look forward to participating in many exciting and challenging endeavors that my respon­sibilities in Congress have not allowed me to pursue but I have no Urne now to think of future plans. For the next 18 months I shall continue to give my full energy a~ do!voUon to lhe people of the 19th District and Ute nation."

Coffee Break S ubsti utes


Give your coffee "a break" --r ep l ace it with more nutr itiOUS snacks a nd b('ver ­ages t hroughout the day , ;/, foods andnutritiOnspecialin suggtS t'i.

Instead of a " COrrel' bre ak," ha v e a "s1lack


FA F TEXACO South Side of Abernathy

South of Graham's Restaurant

Announces New Owners & Operators • • •

. Complete Service - Texaco Gas & Oi Is

bre o.k" a nd try a g lass of frull .1 uice, a n orange, apl'lI' or othlf'r fruit in season , say~ Mrs . Sa ll y Coble, with tht< Te ~as Agricultural Ex te I1.SiO '1

Se rvice, Th E' Texas A GM Unh ers ity System

"These snacks arf' 10" in ca lorie1 an d hi!O:h In

nutrients. Frt's h fruin .lisv SU pr1y flbe r-- whi c h m ost AltJf'ricaru nee d in large r amounts .

"Also, milk and chef'~~ foocE make good snacks. A glASS of sk im mil k supplles ollly 90 ca lori es and i~

p~ c k e d ..... it h nutri('nt~.

Cheese cube s with fresh f~ u,t art good cholce5, tOO," sht' said,

Othe r ide as that ma~' I't"'l ulrf' a bit more prepara ­tion time a re ce lery a nd curot sticks , green pepper rirlgs , cucumhe r sli ces and r.dishe s. If calories a re not a problem,other tasty items are routs or peanut t:utter arid crackers, Mrs , Coble ad~d.

"Finally . try dri nki ng just a glass or plain cool water. This is refreshing anJ tltlrst-que nchlng I'< lth the least cost aDd calodes. "

WORDS OF WISDOM . ... Wealth from gamblin~

quickly diSappearsj we<llth from ha rd WOrk grows.

Don't Wait 'till The­Last Minute To Get News & Advertising Copy To The Review. Turn I n News By 4 p. m. Monday.

Land Purchase Set For 1-27

LUBBOCK---The State De~artme nt of Hig h ... ay~ an d Puhbc TT'::I.n~r:Jrtat l on has hegu n negoti ations for dis­pLiced property owners .i long Interstatl! High ... ay 27 from L ,X)~ 4"tS North of Pla i nv iew to 2. OMiles North of Ha le..$w isher Cou nty Line .

Any lando wner o r tenant ma), be e ligible for ce rta i .1 r~ loca tion asslSta nce suc h as moving cost and replaceme nt housin~ Fd'Jo'­men t:s. Any occupa nt ('.)Q I­

emrlatl ll !!, movi ng should., to Insure el i g i b i ii I V felr m ovinR il.n d rerlaceme .lt p" Yfilents . noufy thE' St.1te iwbtE' nlvvtllg

All owner - OCCupil nt:i in orde r to be eli~ib l t' ror reiocatio llbt'liefits mUHsell t .;:o thl ' Stil.te .

A brvchurE' J(o~crlbil1~

Ult' relvca t lvn ass ist.l llc~· pro~ram can be obta i led

fr '::H'rl the State Departm\' :JI )f HI ~h', a,'s ii. 1': J Puhl L:: T:a:I'l'ot:.:! l iar.. D iHTtCl Righ' oiW:l~·Off,ce ,l oC<llrJ It 1tJ20 Vill a Drive. P. C.

Box 77 1. LubhocK, T.,( .;i., 794(11).

No p '1"li0 n )h ;l 11 be dLS­pLict'u ulll e ss a nd unt il c('>mp'H3bl O;' or JJe'luate rep i:J cemellt ho u ~ i ll~ is Jvailabk .

Mr, a nd Mrs. J. H. Coole.y of Rt. 3. Lubbock announce

.,the engage mt'nt of their daughter Jimmalene Day to Jame s L. Miller, son of Mr. an d Mrs. H.I... Mtlle r of Amarillo The couple will

Miss Cooley is a 1972 graduate of New Deal High Schooh. d she also atte nded Texas Tech. Miller Is a Texas Tech graduate.

wed on August 26 in the Don't brag about yOUr Wdtminhter Presbyterian plans for tomorrow-w a it and

.......u..u. .. i .. " .. L .. Ub .. b .. oc .. kU.WWWUl 5ee wh~~~~~~~~ __

Abernathy News in Brief

Mr.and Mrs. Garold Shires and children, Brent and Melody, of Fa irport:. N. Y. v isited he re last week with Mr. Shires parents, Mr. and MrI". Roy ce Shires, a nd siste r GIE' nda . Ga rol d Shires is employed wi th MObile OU an d has offices in Roche ste r. N. Y.

Mr.and Mrs. Lou Waddell a nd chi ldren, David, Karen, auJ StI! ven , of Washington, D. C., have re turned home afte r spending a twO wet'M vacation in Abernathy wit h Mr;. Waddell' s pare ntli, Mr. .nd Mrs.C. E. Bundick. They a lsa visitl'd I'< hile here with her ~ Ister and famil}', Mr. and Mrs. Doug Evans.

Robert Ershel L'Roy, meo Services , P.O, ·Sox 985, New Braunfe ls, TexiJi 78130, 'Juited friends heri' Fri day .A former Abernathian , and AHS graduate, he was employed by Jac k andAgnes Hurst' s Rita Theatre ht'1"2 be fore e nu-r ing sl" rvi ce In World War 2.

Mr. and ~rs. Richard Havens, Lori and Kara KilIY , visi tl'd relatives in Hereford Monday. That ni ght, they attfo ndto d the ~rformanc(' of " TE XAS" in Palo Dwo Canyon. Havens is o n vaca tiOn this. weN from his position ash e ado r the printing deparnnent at The Baker Co. in Lubbock.. The it da ug ht e r, Jill, is also e mp~oyed in the printing dep art me nt t h e r e this summer. Also e mploye d at The Baklf'r Co. , In the office, th is summet i s Barb~ra • da ug hter'of ~1r.andMI"1 .

Jackie Ba rton_








406 lOth. Sl Phone 298-2120

"If God did not exist," IS aood as He is Feat. After said Voltaire, "it would be He created aood thinp, He necessary to inYent Him." created us in order that He But He does exist, and aceo!" miaht impart His goodness dina to the 13Sth Psalm. He to us. Because of Hil areat­is good, great and glorious. ness He is able to provide

The Lord "is good." He us with a variety of natural is' not good to people because pleasures. they are good. nor less be- The Lord is glorious. He cause they are evil. Parents is "above all gods." Man b~ are wrong when they teU gan by worshipping the ever­their children, " God won't living God But he has ended be good to you if you're up with gods of his own bad." But. He is good to mlking· a piece of stone in every one . and His goodness Africa or a piece of gold in IS no t conditioned by the America. the bush gods of attitude of man. the jungle and the mental

The Lord "is great." Some· gods of the coUeges. good people are not great. But I worship the good. and some great people are great. glorious God of the not good . But the Lord is Bible. do you?




. Pu the Ing . ingredients into blel)der and

:~~ ab::::~o~:-Inch ~ pan. degrees. 4 eggs 1/ 4 c. oleo

Bake I .hr. at 350

' I c. sugar In c. flour 1/4 t..alt 1/2 t. baking powder 2 c. milk 1 c. cocoa nut 1 t va nill a

Results: crusty bottom, custard in the middle and . toasty cocoanut on top. Try It, you'll like it!






m·· ·· \. IL_ ._ .

Inll] ··1···1··1···' •••.••. ····,·.·.·.1 II . •••••••••• .... : .... :-- :: FIE. COOlED !! ':::.r .... :: .IIIIIT1IS 3 99C:: c 1I1Z..... •• FII •• . II ••••• ••• • •••••• ~ ••• lg .. :::Jm .. 12: ....• 1 ... :: •...••.

Minute Maid Lime-Aid 5/$1. 00

...................... • • .!' • • • • • •••••• :::: :::: :tii... • • • • • • •••••••••••• • ~ -.. •• • MilliE ...... -• ~'!!!' CHOCOLATE MILl ••• . ., lflii " • • ·1 .... ·.... ... ' .. : ... :: :~iii···· POP I) 29C:: : , ,. IT. C •••• 1UZ. CU 6." :1 · · , · · · .z.:. B .. J. : ::m •• I •• 1 •• : •••••••••••••• ., .. ... m . •• : ~ ••••••••••••••••• •• Iii •• ••••• • •

Sh urtme Lemonaide 5/$1. 00

'&~iii~~~w __ '/ . :: l:::::'~~':: 1;111111

CREIM iC.~· .: *-'iWATEII. 1101 ({!\J 'n '. . $1.49

'It IlL •. C1I. • > • •• • • • 1: ::::::::u •••• _. J ••• 1 ••••

99¢ Shurfine Napkins

:: Reynolds Wrap "-!"-~!-'!~~':..':.":.::..;;.~-:: heavy duty $1. 00

•• at Chinet Paper Plates

40 ct. 99¢


I··~'" I ' ,

;" .... i'

'z ,

16 oz. box


.11 lilli .... UIII

~lIliIIlL" ... -....... 1 • ......, ....... _.-

talile, be ldtchen sink, form, records & <!rYers.newbaby other misc. Friday and Saturday-July and 16. (7-14-c)

GARACE SALEI Friday and Saturday,July ISli'nd '16, 601 14th St. Furniture, clothes, and milc. Carden tractor with tools. (7-14-c)

LOSTIA roy poodle from 607 10th St. Black with SOme silver. Call 298-4138. Reward (7-21-c)

LOST. Black Male Scotty. Wearing regular beige collar and white flea collar. Call 298-2429 or 298-2145. (7-21-c)

...........••..•..... ~ WAIIIED, '.Ie. ......................

We have Craphl200 porous pOint pen. The exciting way to write. 69 cnll each. The Abernathy Weekly Review. 916 Ave. O.


2-bedroom house, 150 ft COrne r lot On pavement. $8,500.00 Milt Pope 298-4127. 920 Ave. D. Ne lson Real Estate .

REAL ESTATE: We have se ve ra l nice homes including 2 new homes, call u s for y o u r Real Esta te needs. 298-4127. MILT POPE. Pope Insurance A ~. ncy . Representing W. H. Ne lson Real Estate. (}20 Ave . D. Abernathy, Texas.

We would appreciate your li s tin gs 0 n farm., ranches and city property.

J.P.BARTON Nelson Real Estate

Phone 298-2765 (II.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-To se ttl e e s tate­irrigated 1/ 2 section. Call 757-2125 .i t ni ghL (tsr)

FARMS, RANCHES G AUyour genp r al .REAl ESTATE NEEDS. We appre­ci a te your listings . (tsr)

J. 0, Webb Shipman Rea l Estate

Phone 298-2313

FOR SALE: 3 bedroom brick house. Garage and f<nCRd yard. Fully carpeted and every room is paoeled. Electric garage door opener, dUhwashe r, corning ware cooktop, ne w hot water heatf'r , masonite storage shed. Has a newly Insulled Heat Pump and air conditioner. Call 298-4097 Or 298-2259. (tsr)

REGISTIRED HOME has 6 openin~s to iu>ep chUdren starting August 18. Call Dana Annis after 6:00 p. m. at 298-2159. f8-18-p)

WANTED. German Sbepherd pUPPY" Female. Phone Archie Raines at 29~-4008. (7- i4-c)

.... -... -- ... _--- ... -~

Kittens to give awayl Call 298-4154 .

rHIGft .UTllITY B .

FERTI-LOME Weed & Feed Speclal,wlth iron, with InsectiCide. See US for Lawn and Car de n Fertilizers. Spreaders to loan when you buy Ferti-Lome at Plains Crain & Fann Supply In Abernath~. (tsr)

NlCHOLS'SWEEPS We have' a complete

stock of Nichols Chisels and Cultivator sweeps. Plains Crain and Fann Supply, Abernathy. Phone 298-2521. (IIr)

FOR SALE. Have CowbOY boots,shoes,Jewerly, and com pie te line of advertising specialities. We • also have a line of roofing materials. Phone 298-2091 • . (IIr)

FOR SALE: 14'x 65' Mobile Home. 2 bedroom, I bath. Call 298-2403 after 5.00 p. m. (tsr)

FOR SALEI Yard fertilizer, 16-8-8 with iron, zinc and sulphur. $4.50 per SO lb. bag. Plains Crain & Farm Supply. (1st)

JOint VenlUre Sunflower Contract. Contact Ken Spieker at Anderson Crain. (tsr)

MR. FARMER---\\'hen ;ou use Caporal,MiloCuard, At r a z i n e or insecticides I

Ieam them up with WEX for better performance and better yellt!. Phone 298-2414. Jim Odom. (lir)

PEAK -A NTIFREEZE--­>3.49-Ca:; Plains Crain & Farm Supply. Phone 298-2521. (1st)

FOR SALE: Bulk Carden Seed Plains Crain G Farm Supply. 701 Texas Ave. (IIr)

FCll. SAU:: Mercury M'rqub. ~98-2694 . (m)

You can get slim with­out gOi ng on a crash diet. Now there's a better way. The Shaklee Way. Trim down sensibly. Enjoy eating ~nd be absolute Iy sure you are ge tting nutritionally balanced meals with Shaklee. Your Health comes first. Contact Ina Robinson. 298-2478. 1007 15th St.

(tsr_) __ -_-__ -_-__ -_-__ -_-__ -

~e B~r~::smltleiheLine Review Office.

FOR SALEI Bundy FlulI: with case -I n excellent conditlon.All new pads. Call 757-2317. (7-14-c)

FOR SALEI 1974 Honda XL175 Motorcycle.Excellent condition. 2!lOO nt\les. $525.00. Call 298-4127.

LUZlERS. I am now seiling Luziers. Let me call on you and show you our line of cosmetics. Call Mary Barton at 298-4136. (7-21-p)

Six-inch Bryan Jackson irrigation pu", p. 293 ft. Complete with bowls less gearhead $3,500.00. Call 757-2320. (7-14-p)

Complete line of Hydrotex Products at 2~ cash discount off of 1975 pices. With no hidden Ire Ight charges. Pla Ins era In & Farm Supply. (tsr)

FOR SALE. Piano. $200.00. Call 298-2209. (tsr)

Motorcycle for sale: HodakaAce 100B. Great dirt bike with lights, etc. In good shape. $250.00. Call 298-2412, or 757-2160. (7-14-c)

'FOR SALE. Storm duor. 3'-0"x6'-8". aarinet-good condition. Call 298-2325. (n. c. 7-14)

FOR SALE. Equalizer hitch-good sh~pe -$100.00. Television antenna-$lO. 00. 6C6-4th St. Call 298-2813.

FOR 5AL£. Early American divan. Floral covering. Ex cell en t condition. Call 298-4185. (7-14-c)

FOR SAU. 1975 Ford Pickup-8 cyllnder-V-8, Power steering and brakes­low mileage. Real Clean. Call 298-2304. (7-14-c)

-_ ....... _-------FOR SAU. 12 light fix­

tures-SIS. 00 each; and one lavatory. Shipman Real Estate. Call 298-2313. (7-14-c)

Deadline For Turn­ing In News & A&­vertising Copy To The Review Is Mon

.At .~ P.M.


Book Your Fertilizer Now For Delivery. Custom Crop Spraying

Wex Distributors WESLEY WEBB Ph. 298-4040 LINDSEY WEBB Ph. 298-2857



11th & Avenue D 112 Block West

,~~~~ ~(tJr~vacuum


CARPENTER WORKI Do you need to add a room?' Add a batM Do you plan to remodel and Improve your house? Call James Anderson ; for all your carpenter work. Painting, Repair, ACOIIItic CeUingt. Free Estimate •• . Phone 298-2409. (ISr)

CARPENTRY-----­Remodeling, cabinet work, paneling, painting, Interior and exterior. Storm windows anddoors for sale. CHARLES O'NEILL. Phone 298-2838 after 6 P. m.

Small appliances repalre'd:lrons, toasters, fans, vacumms, etc. Hayden Blalock, 1705 Ave. H. Phone 298-4063. (tsr)

RooFlNC. All kinds, . repair or new roofs. Teo years experience. Work Guaranteed Free estimates. Call Ray Brown, 298-2728. (tsr)

Carpets profeSSionally clea lled for about the same price you could re n1 a machine and do it y.ourse If. Only 3. per sq. ft for the 1st 500sq. feet and 2¢ per sq. ft thereafter. Satisfaction g .. annteed Call C. E. Read It 298-2139. (tsr)

FLUFFY soft and bright as new. T hat's w hat cleaning rugs will do when you use Blue Lustre. Rent e lectric shampooer $1. Struve Hardware GOry COods.

ONE OF A KIND Our 13 year history has

proYen a KWIK KAR WASH to be one of the highest investment return businesses !mown. We provide financing, site analysis, construction and service. Call Ray Ellis collect (214) 243-3521. Uuly 14,21, 28-p)

, .

AUTO i'AINnNG Us Re-Palnt Your'

Car, Pickup Or Truck ·ABERNATHY· .

. BODY WORKS· ;417 S. Ave. O' Pho. 298-2004 Nights 298-4119


ATlENT I ON Your new authorized MAYTAG DEALER

Complete Service,Air Conditioning, Heating Plumbing. 'ghtbill Heating and

Air Conditioning. Ave.D 2.98-:2705 .

A math ,Te~s


PHONE 298-2857

Re-roof & Repair Lubbock Shingle & Repai r Company.

Phone 763-3~. 'free estimate' 6-16-c


building in South Abernathy. Contact Elbert Harp. 298-2251. (tsr)

TRAILER SPACES FOR RENT. If Inll!rested call lubbock, (806) 763-9323 from 8 to 5, ask for Wilma. Af .. r7 call Abernalby, 298-2849 or Lubbock (806) 762-5620. (7-14-c)









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