
My MCBS Story

By A. Brytney Reaves

Before I started the MCBS Program I was a drifter, lost only to the winds of uncertainty.

Should I indulge in my passions for the ethereal zephyr that is music? Perhaps my ambitions behind my grand declaration of successful business ownership and financial status would convince me to study such a trade.

I had always thought I wanted to be an entrepreneur.

I knew I loved music and writing and broadcasting but those affections were too frivolous, outlandish and childlike to produce a substantial career or build a strong foundation for a financially stable lifestyle.

So, doing the “adult” thing to do, I dove into the review of the world of money, contracts and laws. Alas, I was wayward in my logical, yet heartless decision to study Business.

Little did I know that I would be stuck in the blue collar drift, longing for a life of fulfillment, peace and happiness.

My spirit of ownership became bruised but had never died.

Even still, I had yet to experience myself as my own personal leader successfully navigating towards my dream life.

I wished to write, travel and be wealthy at the same time. I wanted to help people and write literature to be studied centuries after my death.

Unfortunately, studying Business reminded me more of what I loathed than what I loved. It reminded me of the economic bondage so many of my peers fell under.

The antipathy I felt towards the “mundanity” (mundane sanity) of this every day life colored my visage in the darkness of dissatisfaction.

I struggled with the practice of being “normal” while my soul needed to show its uniqueness.

I had a light that refused to dim but couldn’t really be seen. I was like a lighthouse flashing black light over the seas of my desires, passions and my authenticity.

   Finally, along came a familiar butterfly carrying a small glimpse of hope upon its wings. It danced to the tune of possibility around my heart, following a dormant trail that connected to my mind.

I awakened to my true and authentic self, the self that longed for my wisdom, my poetry, and my voice to be heard.

I knew the MCBS program would be key to fulfilling my desires.

Ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media, I have labored in my love for writing and creating.

I am many steps closer to my dream life and only with a whisper of hope and gusts of faith do I continue. The tools I’ve always needed have been provided and now I begin my journey.

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