Wissenschaftlicher Anhang - Forgotten Books

Post on 08-May-2023






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H enr y L ansdell’


,,R u ssi sch C entral-A si en“

sent slob z usammen

in der broschiorten Ausgabe ans 3 Bi ndon,

(Preis : 20 I .)

in dor gebundonon Ausgabe ans 2 Bi ndon,

(Preis: 25

sowi e ans vorlieg endem

einz eln kfiufl ichen, wissonschaftlichen Anhang ,

(Preis: Brosch iert J .)

Vorbemerkung der Verleg er .

Wenn wir z n der ausserg ewohnlichen Massreg el g eg r ifl'

en haben,


dentschenPublikum diesen st r eng w i ssenschaft l i ch enAnhang

z n dem umfassenden Werke L ansdells in der Fassung des eng lischen

Ori g inals z u bieten,so ist dies ans z wei Grunden g eschehen , die

wohl allg emeine Billigung finden diirften.

E r s t e n s hat dieser Anhang nur Interesse fi i r die g elehrte Welt ;

er wnrde das H auptwerk nnr verteuert haben fi ir den g rossen Kreis

von Interessenten, den dasselbe z u erwarten hatte 11nd auch g leich

bei E rscheinen g efunden hat .

Zw e i t en s ersch loss nns die di rekte Benutz ung des eng lischen

Satz es die Mog lichkeit, den Anhang ,der ja in mehreren Sprachen

abg efasst sein musste, z u einem sehr massig en Preis z u g eben ; die

wenig en eng lischen Satz e nndW orte versteh en aber wohl alle Wissen

schaftlich Gebildeten,sicherlich aber diejenig en , fi i r welche der

vorlieg ende Anhang W ichtig keit hat. E s wird in demselben otters

anf die S eitenz ahlen der en g l i sch en A usgabe des ganz en Werkes

verwiesen ; da eine Abandernng dieser Zahlen anf den eng li schen


Flatten nicht woh l thnnlich war , ist, um dem L eser lang es S uchen z n

ersparen , folgende Tabelle eingefilgt warden W . A . W issen

schaftlicher Anhang )

S . 1 1 (IceW.A . wi rdverwiesenanf eng l. B. I, p. 247 deutsch B. I , S . 18 1 f.

s. 12 u , p. 243 lIl,S . 748 .

s 20 I, p. 245 = I,

I 8 107

Sch li esslich bemerken Wi r noch , um etwai g en Irrtiimern vor

znbeng en, dass der Anhang einz eln kanflich i st,nnd ersuchen nber

den Preis desselben und die Organi sati on des LansdellschenW erkes

selbst die R i icksei te des T i tels einz usehen.

Ferdinand fl i rt Sohn.

Ubersicht des Inhalts.

A. Die Fauna dos rnssischena kestan.

Vorrede. Spheg idae (Wespen) .Mammalia (Sang etiere) . Scoli idae (Schlang en) .Aves (Vog el). Muti lli dae (Bienenameisen).R epti lia (R epti li en) . Fo rmicidae (AmeisemAmph ibia (Amph i bien) . C h rysidifo rmes (Raupen) .Pisces (Fi sche) . L efi doptera (Schmetterling e) .Pi sces (Fische). L epidoptera in Kuldscha.

Mollnsca (Mollusken) . N europtera (N etz fli i g ler) .A raneae (Spinnen) . N europtera Odonata (N etz fl li g ler) .C rnstacea (Krustentiere). Orth optera (Geradflfi g ler).C oleoptera (Kfifer) . Vermes (Wli rmer) .Melli fera. (Bienen) .

B. Die Flora dos rnssischena testan.

Vorrede. L i ste der Speci es.

c. Bibliograph icdos rnssischen Central-Asian.

Vo rrede. Kuldscha.

C entral-Asi en im allg emeinen. West-S i bi rien.

Buchara. a kestan.

C hiwa. a kmenien.

Kokan. Karten von C entral-A sien.

Alphabetische Liste der Autoren.



A M co nscio us o f acting so mewhat rash ly in attempting

to put to g eth er th e info rmatio n I have gathered respecting th e fauna and flo ra o f R ussian C entral A sia, because Iknow that to do i t pro perly req u i res a larg er amo unt o f

scientific kno wledg e than I po ssess. M y case, h owever , is

th is. Befo re I had q u ite decided wh eth er to make th e

present wo rk a chatty bo o k o f travel, o r to attempt some

th ing mo re so lid , I went to the Br itish Museum to ask what

info rmatio n th ey po ssessed o f the z o o lo gy o f T u rk istan. A

p i le o f Fedchenk o’

s bo o ks was sh own me, said to be full o f

valuable info rmation, but lo st to the majo r part o f the scien

t ificwo rld,because written in R ussian. T hat the bo o ks were

beautifu lly i llustrated only made the matter mo re tantali z ingbut as the names o f the species, and in some cases th ei r

descr iptio ns, were in L atin, I began to exam ine them .

j ust abo ut th is time I chanced to meet M r. W . H . C rom ie,

wh o has translated several articles from th e R ussian fo r

per i odical literature, and wh o k ind ly vo lunteered to help me.

A t first I th o ug ht to avail myself o f h is serv ices o nly to the

extent o f one o r two intro ductio ns in Fedchenk o ’

s wo rk,wh ich


wh en put into E ng lish , prom ised to furnish g eneral data fo r

embod iment in my text. T he translation, h owever, sped so

well, that ere lo ng the majo r i ty o f th e intro ductions were do ne,wh en i t occurred to me that i t m ig h t be o f serv ice to addthem , with th ei r accompany ing lists o f species, as append ices.

O nco nsulting Pro fesso r N ewto n,o fC ambr idg e, Dr .G ii nther,

o f th e Br itish Museum , Dr. S clater, o f the Zo o lo g ical S ociety,


M r. Dresser, F .Z.S M r . M acL ach lan, F.R .S and o ther

naturalists, th ey all commended th e idea, and, what was

better, several vo lunteered assistance. T hus enco urag ed by

th ei r sympathy, and furth er h elped by M r. C rom ie, the wo rk

was continued , and o th er natu ralists communicated wi th .

T h e result is that I am able to place befo re the reader in a

narrow compass a certain amo unt o f info rmation upo n the

fauna and flo ra o f the co untry I travelled th ro ug h , wh ich .

may perhaps be o fsome little use, unti l better is fo rthcom ing .

I have also been careful to ind icate, wh en po ssible, wh ere

mo re and fuller info rmation may be fo und .

U nti l w i th in the last th irty years, i t w i ll be remembered,

T urk istan was all but unknown to science, and auto ptic

wr iters upon its fauna and flo ra even now may be co untedo n o ne

s fing ers. A mong z o o lo g ical wr iters we have

Prjevalsky ,S evertso ff, Fedch enk o , A lpheraky, F insch


O shanin, and Bo gdano fl'

and we w i ll speak o f th ese first.I f we approach th e co untry ,

as th e R ussians entered i t,from

th e no rth -east, th en o f th e latest naturalists we have Dr. O tto

Finsch ,wh o jo u rneyed up the I rtish , and co ntinued so uthwards

to A la-Kul. A lth o ug h h is bo o k is no t strictly z o o lo g ical,

he to uch es a g o o d deal upon'

the fo rms o f_

animal life he

met w ith ,and I have embod ied much o f h is info rmatio n


when i t co ncerns my own ro ute.

Proceed ing so uth to th e Ku ldja d istr ict, and th e surro unding m o untains, we h ave C o lo nel Prjevalsky

s j o urney fromKu ldja to L ob-N o r , wh ere in occu r several i tems o f z o o lo g ical

info rmatio n, but th ey are no t tabulated . In the case o f

M . A lpheraky we are mo re fo rtunate. T h is g entleman

penetrated to th e Y uldus plateau to study the L ep ido ptera o f

th e reg io n, and captu red specimens. H e has been

g o o d eno ug h to send me in manuscr ipt h is list o f 37 7 species,wh ich is g iven fu rth ur on.


Proceed ing westwards, we come to th e reg io ns travelledby a famo us natu ralist, M . N . A . S evertso fl


,wh o , in 1 867 ,

Fo r alist o f Vertebrate observed by h im , as well as fu rth er remark s upon h ise ido ptera, see v .0 1 i . , 24 7, o f “

)R us.sian C entral A sia. including Ki ldja,

o hara, Kh iva, and M erv,

first editio n, nh ich is th e wo rk referred to in

subsequent fo o t no tes.

12 R U S S IA JV CA‘


explo red the T h ian S han as far as th e so urces o f the N ar in,

and afterwards published h is Vertical and H o ri z o ntal Distr i

h utien o f T urk istan A nimals. T he po rti o ns relating to the

Mammals and Birds were translated , the fo rmer into E ng lishin the A nnals and M ag az ine of N atu ral H istory ,

and the

latter into German in C abanis’

j ournal j i tr O rni t/zolog ie.

M r . Dresser also publish ed some no tes o n S evertso ffs bi rdsin the Ibi s. In October and N o vember, 1 87 7 , and from Julyto S eptember, 1 8 7 8 , S evertso fl


investigated o n th e spo t th e

z o o lo g y o f the Pam ir and the A lai . A n acco unt is g iven

in th e [dis o f h is Bi rds o f the Pam ir R ang e,”the species o f

wh ich are added to th e list g iven hereafter . H e likew ise published,

at T ashkend two papers in R ussian o n N ew S pecieso f T urk istan B i rds, and

C haracter istics o f th e VertebrateFauna o f the Pam i r in the N otes of t/ze T nr k istan S ecti on oft/ze Imper ial S ociety of Fr iends of N atu ral H istory ,

A nt/z r o

pology , ana’E tl mog rapfiy . I sent to th is em inent natu ralist

my pro o f-sheets wh ich bear h is name in th is append ix ,

but, befo re receiv ing h is reply ,news reach ed me from R ussia,

that in February last he lo st h is life th ro ug h th e break ing o f

the ice when cro ssing the Don.

T h ere remain to be mentio ned th ree names o f z o o lo g ical

writers. F irst,that o f M . B. O shanin, wh o sh owed me h is

fine co llection o f H em iptera, and wh o has publish ed a

paper o f 64 pag es o n the H em iptero us fauna o f T u i k'


also in th e N otes of tlte Imper ial S ociety of Fr iends ofN atural H istory ,

etc,at T ash kend . T hen fo llows that o f

M . N . Bo g dano ff, wh o se“ A cco unt o f th e Fauna and Flo ra

o f the Kh ivan Oasis and the K i z i l-K um Desert had been

publish ed in R ussian at T ashkend a mo nth o r two befo re my

arr ival. I am indebted to th is auth o r fo r my info rmatio n

co ncerning the Scaph irhynch us.

I have reserved , h oweve r, to th e last the g reatest auth o r

o n the faunao f T u rk istan, namely ,Pro fesso r A . P. Fedch enko .

wh o was sent to T urk istan as ch ief o f a scientific exped i tio n

by th e Imper ial S ociety of F r iends of N atu ral H istory ,

A nth r opology ,and E thnog raplz o f Mo scow. T h is society

S te Vo l. p. 24 3.

A PI ’E A'

D IX A .—PR E PA C E T 0 T1115 FA UN A .

drew up“ Instructions fo r the E xped i tion, the preface to

wh ich sets fo rth the o ri g in o f the wo rk, by wh om to be do ne, at

what co st, and o n what po ints var io us societies and specialists

o fl'

ered sug g esti ons o r asked info rmation. T here were alsoenumerated lists o f such fauna and flo ra as were kno wn to

exist in th e reg io n, w ith catalo g ues o f bo o ks pertaining

th ereto , as well as th o se o n i ts g eo lo g y and ethno g raphy .

Fedchenk o’

s travels extended at intervals fro m 1 868 to

1 8 7 1 . In h is first jo urney h e and Madame O lga Fedch enkoarr ived at S amarkand , in January , 1 869 , and by A pr i l had

co llected z o o lo g ical specimens o f d i fferentspecies. H is explo rations were o n that occasio n co nfined ,

fo r the mo st part, to th e Zarafshan valley, whence, in th e

fo llowing Octo ber, he returned to Mo scow.

In the spring o f 1 8 7 0 h e started again, acco mpanied byMadame O lga Fedch enko ,

and jo ined the m ilitary scien

tific exped i tio n to th e upper waters o f the Zarafshan,and to

L ake Iskander-Kul. R eturning in S eptember to S amarkand,be commenced w inter wo rk , and in October completed h isco llection o f fishes, h is g reat pr i z e being a specimen o f the

S caplti r/zync/ms. In the spr ing o f 1 8 7 1 he made a to u r intothe K i z i l-Kum desert, and then prepared fo r h is g reatestjo urney,

th ro ug h the khanate o f K h o kand, where h e passedalong the A lai rang e , tak ing a g eneral survey o f the co untrytraversed , and mak ing an entom o lo g ical co llectio n, wh i lstMadame Fedch enko devo ted h erself to gath er ing bo tanical

specimens. H e th en returned to Mo scow,hav ing co llected

dur ing h is travels mo re than specimens, includ ingmo re than species o f animals. H is ro utes are wellind icated o n a map in Petermann’

s M i tt/zei ln en fo r 1 874 ,

and among th e early fru its o f th ese jo urneys appeared , inth e T urk istan A nnual fo r 1 8 73 , h is

“ R emarks on th e Fauna

and Flo ra o f th e Zarafshan Valley .

A mo ng the vertebrates h e co llected was a species o f

mo untain sh eep (Oo is vignei , Blyth ) , no t previo usly fo und in

T urk istan.

In the steppe, between S amarkand and Katte-Kurgan,

h e fo und a fine specimen o f E ryx j aculus, Dav id , a serpent.


descr ibed by L ich tenstein under the name o f Ban tartar i ca .

A lmo st all th e serpents fo und by Fedchenko were non-v e nom o us, except a species the natives call “

C /zagy r i -g i lian ,

”o f

the fam i ly o f Pi t-v ipers (T r ig onocep/talns Italys) , from th e

neig hbo u rh o od o fKasalinsk , and t he comm o nadder o f E u r o p e

(t era oer us) , wh ich he fo und o nly o nce, near T ashk e nd .

O f L i z ards he fo und in the m o untains o f S hah r- i-sab z

S telli o L e/zmanni , S trauch (as ) , A blep/zarns B randti i , S trauch .

o bserved prev io usly by L ehmann dur ing h is sh o rt excurs i o n

to Western A sia. J. J. S k o rniak o fl'

fo und ano th er li z ardin the m o untains so uth o f S amarkand , wh ich is extreme ly

interesting and li ttle kno wn. It seems to be E uprepis pr i n

ceps, fo und in the T rans-C aucasus, and descr ibed by E ichwald .

T h e fish es o f the Zarafshan are especially no ticeable. I t

appears that o f fifteen species fo und th ere in,no t less than five


and th o se amo ng the mo st freq uently recurr ing , belo ng to th e

g enera S c/tis'

ot/torar and Or einns,wh ich are met w i th in

numbers in Kabul, Kashm ir, N epaul, and in th e r ivers o f th e

H imalayas. T o the g enus S cl n'

z ot/tor ox also belo ng s th e“M ar inka,

”remarkable fo r i ts po isono us eg g s.

A mo ng the invertebrates were fo und many mo re new

fo rms,constituting 50 per cent. in some o f the g ro ups o f

insects. Judg ing by compar iso n w i th known species, th ere

appears in Fedchenk o’

s co llectio n a predo m inance o f th e

fo rms,w ith certain deviatio ns, o f S o uth ern E uro pe, A sia

M ino r , and parts o f A fr ica.

A mo ng the remarkable rep resentatives o f C oleoptera may

be mentio ned th e beetle C opr is tumulus, th e larg est specimen

o f wh ich is an inch and th ree q uarters long .

S awfl ies are no t numero us in th e Zarafshan valley ; but

some o f th em are interesting because o f th ei r extreme like»

ness to the E u ro pean species, th o ug h , com pared w ith th e

typ ical fo rms,they are d i fferent in co lo uring . O ne fo rm is

particularly remarkable. W ith a no rmal male, related to

the g ro up S elandr i ida’, is a female with o ut traces o f w ing s.

A ffected by th is absence o f w ing s, the th o rax underg o es

impo rtant chang es, and appears g reatly swo llen, and all th e

females g enerally have the appearance o f little bag s. Its


relation to th is fam i ly is asto und ing , as th is is the o nly knownexample o f the W ing less fo rm in the wh o le fam i ly o f saw

fl ies. A ll the o th er specialities o f structu re, h owever, as well

as the wing s o f the male, co nfirm i t.

A mong the Or t/zoptera m ust be mentio ned two L ocusts

(Pac/zypti lns m igr ator ias and P . cinerascens) , and ano th er called“P r ns

(Caloptenus i talicns) . R avag es o f the locust are com

plained o f in the neig hbo urh o od o f Pero vsk, and o f th e Prns

in the Zarafshan valley , where the latter is known to the T aj iksunder the name o f “M a/ag o , and to th e U z beg s as C /tanr tke.

O f A racl mia'a, a class very r ich in representatives, the

Tarantula (Lycosa si ng or iensis, L ackm .) are remarkable fro mthe fact that in d ifferent places in the valley Fedch enkofo und fo rms, wh ich in E uro pe are met w i th in co untr ies far

apart from each o ther , and have been reckoned as d ifferentspecies. T he mo st widely-d istr ibuted fo rm is that with the

lo wer part o f the abdomen q u ite black ; next co mes th e

fo rm w ith co lo ured edg es, and finally that w ith th e lower

part almo st enti rely o rang e.

T he S co rpio ns are identical w ith th o se met w ith in T rans

C aucas ia (A na’

roctonns caucasicus,N Galeodidae are

represented by two very well-defined species (S olpug aaraneo ides


,and S . intrep ida, T he d istr ibution o f

the latter is remarkable. Fi rst fo und in S pain,i t was seen

later by Wag ner o n th e Indersk m o untains, o n th e U rals,

and afterwards by Fedchenko in the Zarafshan valley.

besides wh ich , specimens o f th is H arvestman are fo und in

the co llection o f insects sent by General Ko lpak o vsky from

V ierny. T h e animal is reckoned po iso no us, and i ts bite hasin certain cases been fo llowed by death , alth o ug h no th ing

is yet known o f its po iso n apparatus.

T he Karak ur t (L atroa’

ectes lng nbr i s) do es no t live in the

Zarafshan valley ,and is known o nly in a few localities o f

S em i rech ia. T h ere is also a fo rm o f fi /Iy r i opoa'

a reckonedvenomo us

,v i z ., a S colopendra, co nstituting a new species.

A mo ng the invertebrate animals subjected to specialinvest igatio n were the r i slz ta“ and the si lk-wo rm . W i th

Fo r some acco unt o f h is investigations on the r isk ta, see Vo l. p. 148.

16 R U S S IA N C E A'


respect to the d isease o f the latter , Fedch enko sh o wed tl

presence th erein o f small particles called after th ei r d isco vererC or nalia,

causing a d isease termed pe‘br ine. T h ese part icleswere fo und by h im in the eg g s, larva , and mo th s bro ug h t

from S amarkand . T he r i slz ta,o r g u inea-wo rm (Fi lan



Inediuensis) , is fo und in o th er places : in E gypt, A rab ia, and

Ind ia; but in C entral A sia it occu rs much farth er no rth .

Fedch enk o’

s investigatio ns showed that the g erms w ith

wh ich the wh o le bo dy o f a ri sh ta (taken o ut o f a man) isfilled , hav ing fallen into water , enter into small crustaceans o f

the g enus Cyclops, live in them a lo ng time (mo re than a

m o nth ) , lo se th ei r co lo ur, chang e th ei r external fo rm ,and

beg in the develo pment o f sexual o rgans. T he cyclo ps mayeasi ly be imb ibed in d r ink ing water

, as it is very small

and co lo urless, and the further pro g ress o f the parasite is

clear ; the sexual o rgans o f the r ish tas are develo ped in

the intestinal canal ; th e females, after fecundatio n by th e

males, make th ei r way to the sub-dermal tissues, where th eyattain final develo pment, i .e.,

become fi lled w i th liv ing g erms,

and at th e same time g ro w to abo ut 3; feet in leng th . A ll

th is process o f passag e and g rowth occup ies abo ut twelvemonth s ; so that th e r ish ta o nly mani fests itself in the bo dyo f a man in the fo llowing year.

T h ese remarks from th e T urk istan A nnual are interestingas wr itten by Fedchenko h im self. but th ey are, o f co urse,

th e merest dro ps o f what he intended to be acom ing sh ower .

Wh en he returned to R ussia w ith h is immense co llectio nshe summ oned to h is aid several specialists, to wh om respec

tively he comm itted h is specimens fo r descr iption under h iso wn ed ito rsh ip .

T h e desi re o f th e S ociety of Fr iends of N atural H isto ryappears to have been that in each sectio n o r subject sh o uldappear no t o nly Fedchenk o

s co llectio ns, but every specieskno wn in T u rk istan,

with a sh o rt and pi thy descr iptio n o f

Madame Fedchenk o has been g o od eno ug h to send me a list o f her late

h usband’s papers and o ther publicati ons, 34 in number, and mo st o f them in

R ussian. Many appeared in the T u rkistan Gaz ette fo r 1870-7 1 ; reference

w i ll be found to o th ers in M ejo f’s Bibliog raphy,

”and to translations in th

b ibliog raphy attached to th is wo rk .


each,compari sons also being made w i th the fauna o f neig h

bo uring co untries. It was furth er made a pr ime matter that

everyth ing as far as po ssible sh o uld be described in R ussian

(new species, h owever , in L atin) , the S ociety hav ing in view

the publicatio n o f a wo rk that m ig h t serve every inq u ir ing

R ussian as a handbo o k and fo ster a taste fo r the study o f

N atural H isto ry .

T h is wo rk , so well co nce ived , extensively planned , and

energ etically beg un. was, alas like so many th ing s in R ussia,

never successfu lly completed . T he z ealo us and indefatigable

Fedch enko , o f wh om all speak so h ig h ly , lo st h is life

in 1 8 7 3, on th e C o l du Géant, Mo nt Blanc; and th e

ch ief o f the enterpr ise be ing th us taken away, the wo rk

has lang u ish ed . A s i t now stands, var io us sections o f

Fedch enk o’

s P zi teslzestvie v’

T uréestan,

”o r T ravels in

T u rk istan, have appeared as fo llows : A yourney to K/zol’and


by A . P. Fedch enko ; Flo ra of T urk istan, I P r imu laceae et

L i liaceae, by R eg el ; A strag alus et Oxy tropi s, by Bung e ;

Descr ipti ones plantaram novar um ,by R eg el M ammals, B i rds,

R epti les, and Fisltes,

’ by S evertso ff; F isltes, by Kessler ;

M ollusca, by von M artensl'

; C r ustacea, by U lianini ; A raueae,

by Kro neberg l‘

; C oleoptera, Parts I . and I I ., by S o lsky ;

M ellifera, I . and IL , by Mo rawi tz ; Sp/zeg idae, M uti llidae, and

C Itrysidiformes, by R ado sz k o vsky‘


S coli idae and 0 r t/z optera,

by De Saussurel’

; Form ici dae, by Meyri’

; L epidoptera, byE rsch o ff


l N europtera, by MacL ach lanl'

(Odouataby Brauerl’

)and Vermes, by Krebbel' ; wh ilst as an append ix to the

T ravels is publish ed an album o f fo urteen li th o g raphedv iews o f R ussian T urk istan by Madame Fedchenko .

I acco rd ing ly have g iven M r. C rom ie’

s translatio ns o f

th e var i o us intro ductions, om i tting h ere and there local

o r eph emeral matter, and have added th e lists o f species,fro m wh ich I trust that naturalists wi ll be able to gath ersome idea o f th e T u rk istan fauna as a wh o le ; wh i lst th o se

T h is included Fedchenk o’

s materials, but is enti tled Vertical and H o ri z ontal

Distribution o f T urk istan A nimals.

A uth o rs, marked thus, have k indly revised pro o f-sheets o f their respective

articles as g iven hereafter , and I am g reatly indebted to M adame Fedchenk o , wh ohas lo o ked th ro ug h almost the wh o le o f the appendices o n Faunaand Flo ra.



wh o desire it may obtain furth er info rmation from th e

o rig inals.-M y own remarks h ereinafter are enclo sed in

brackets and signed [H . L ].



Bv N . A . S E VE R T SOFF.

E di ted by A . P. Fancnsnxo and L . P. Sasw u r r .

E xp lanation

P lains (1 ) .—From 60 0’

to above th e sea, compri sing salt


Downs —From to compri sing culti vated di stri cts

and g rassy steppes.

H i lls —From to o r anaverag e o f comprisinglarch wo o ds

,apple and ash g ro ves.

M ountains —From 8 ,500’

to 1 0 , compri sing juniper , fir ,and bi rch distr icts.

Peaks —From district o f A lp ine g rasses up to th e snow-line.

H or i z ontal distr i bu tion

N . E . (I . ) —S em i rech ia compr ising th e distr icts o fKopal, V ierny, IssikKul, th e r ivers A h -sai and U pper N arin.

—Sem i rech ia so uth o f Issik-Kul, abo ut S on-Kul and C hati rKul ; th e rivers S usam i r , Jumg al, and L ower N arin, flowing so uth

from th e A lexandrovsk i m o untains, wi th o th ers fl owing no rth ,

namely, th e C h u and T alas.

N .W . (I I I . )—T h e West T h ian S han abo ut T ash kend, compr ising th e

U pper A ri s , C h i rch ik , and Keles ; th e Kara-T au mo untains, and

th e L ower Syr-daria to Lake A ral.

S .W . (IV .—T h e Zarafshan Valley, S teppe between th e Syr

-daria and

th e Ki z i l Kum Desert, and di strict abo ut Kh ojend.

s signifies sedens, o r settled. R si gnifies rare

t transvo lans passing . C

e erraticus m ig rato ry. n new

nidulans breeding . s

aestivus summer .

hyemalis winter .

[I have inserted th e letters and wo rds at th e heads o f co lumns as

conveying mo re to th e eye than th e figu res in th e o rig inal . T h e

E ng lish names o f S evenso fi’

s M ammals, R eptiles, and Fish es havebeen inserted by Dr . Gunmen—I I . L ]

A PPE N DIX A .—A VE S . 2 1

AVE S (B i r ds) .

Abbreviations —v ic. victi tat s r. spo radice reg .-reg io .

[T he Eng lish equivalentsand the Pam ir co lumn ave been g ivenbyM r.H enryDresser .—H .L .

Vultur cinereus ; vie. 1—5. C iner eus do .

O togyps calvusN eo ph ron percno pterus ; victitat

reg . 1


albiei llaleuco rypha, spo r. C

A qui lafulva, var. A . nobilis,Pall.

B interm. (ad ch rysaeton)L esser do. do .

imper ialis ; reg . I I I 2 ah .

Gray (adulo r ientalis, Cabam ) .clanga. . Larg er spotted

pennata, spo r . C . . E ooted

m inuta, Breh 1n, spo r . C . Do . do.

Balbipectus,n1 5. Pandion fluv iati lis (n.

C ircaetos brachydactylus (n.

,6 o rientalis, Brehm .

Pernis apivo rus

Buteo leucu rus

fl rufinus



ig fimns


Iag o pus .

M i lvus ater

fl melano tis, Temm.

(M . g o v inda, Sykes) .Astur palumbarius,


cenchro ’ides (badins

Faloo sacer (F. laniar ius,

fl clterm'


, n.s.

H endersoni

pereg r inus


Balaudarius, Brehm .


Fo r summary in E ng lish see Vo l. i ., page 4 15.

2 2 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

C erchneis tinnunculus ubique

cenchris; montibusKaratau


E ryth ropus vespeninus


A thene noctuao rientalis L i ttle do .

S yrniumaluoo ,spo

S trix flammea, spo r. ; mont.

ad fl . A rys. Barn do .

E ph ialtes sco ps

Bubo maximus (var. B. turoo


manns, E versm.

o lius brachyo tos, ubique t..s. h .R .

o tus; ubique t.C . ; s.h .R .

C o rvus oo raxsubcom x, n. (C . umb1i

co rnix

fl hybridamonedula

frug i leg us ; pauci , s.

Freg ilus graculus reg . z , spo r . h .

C hang /z

Pyrrhoco rax alpinus . . A I ine do .

Picacaudata, var. a bactriaria, uld

fl leueoptera, Go uld

55. N ucifragacaryocactates

Podoces Panderi Pander’


unico lo r (purpurascens

Passer domesticus, spo r.

salicar ius pauci h. ,

spo radice C .

montanus, Cammodendr i ; n. S evertsqf s do .

petronia R ock do .

pulverulentus, n. (Fring .

altaicaP, E versm . .Deser t do .

C occo th raustes speculigerus



a. R .



Am B i rds.

67. C h lo ro spizach lo ris Green/Incl:68. Fr ing i llamonti fring illa B rambling t

69. coelebs

70 . nivalis .

Fring ilaudaaltaica

7 1 . L eucosticte Brandtn, Bonap.

pami rensis n.

Acanth is cannabina

[3 bella, Bonap.

flavi ro stris

brev iro stris .

linar ia. L esser h .R .

C ardueliso rientalisH i rnalayanGold/i nc}: n. .h

eu ro paeus E u r opean do . u?h .

O raeg i th us pusi llus, Pall.

(O . nifrons.E versm . )R ed-frontedFi ne/1 s

Pyrr ula vulgaris B id/incl: h .R .

nepalensis (an Br own do . h .R .

U rag us sibi ricus (spo r. )

C arpodacus rubici lla. Gu ld.

(C . caucasicus, Pall. ) Caucasian do . 8

h odoch lamys,Brdt. R ed-mantled do . n.h . .h h .R . s

reryth rinus Scar let do . 11 n n n

mong o liens

E ryth rospi za incarnata. n. R ose do . s s h .t.R h .t.

ph oenico ptera, Sch l.


p. spo u

t C

Scar let-wi ng ed do . 8

o bso eta, spo . 1) eser t do .

E mber izacio ides, grdt. (arm .

PVlu te-br owed B unti ng

n cia

ho rtulana

caesia C retz scfimar’

s Bunting n

ci trinella ; prope fl . Syr

daria h . R .


butto ni

pi thyo rnns (an n. I) Pine do . t.C . t. C . h h

sch o eniclus h. t. h .t. h .t. h h

Bm ino r t.h . h .t. h .t. h h

pyrrhulmdes ; reg . 3, Issyk

Kul, an s. s s

96. miliaris s.n. s.n. h

97 . pusi lla .t.R .

98 . E uspi zabrunniceps Brownn-lzeaded do . 11

99. aureo la. ad fl . S yr-dar ia

aestate visa Yellow-breasted do . a.R10 0 . Plectro phanes nivalis S now do . h .R10 1 . T urdus merula u.h . u .h . n. .h h10 2 . atrigular is u .h . n.h . h h h

1 03. mystacinus

N auru. ) n.h . ! n.h . h h


. 34 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

s s.

T urdus rufioo llis, Pall. (non Radde)ubique R . R ed-breasted T[m esh t

pallah s, Pall., urbe Viernyvisus .

viscivo rus

pi larisi liacus, ubique R . .

M yophone T emrrnncknYellow bi lled Wis

Petrocich lacyanesaxati lis

Saxico laoenanthesqualida, S .

E versm . non T emm .

leucomela, Pall.

(S mo r io , E h rb. ) E asternpied C leat mt.B lug ens, L ich t , H eng l.

(leucomela, T emm .

monacha, Brehm ; inrupestristalas, nn.

melanogenys. n.s.

syeni tica, H eng l.

Saxico la salina, E versm

(S deserti , R iipp ) Deser t do . 11

fl xanthomelaena, E h rb ,H eng l. B lack-M roo ted do .

Pratinco larubetta Wh ine/tat n.t.

rubico la S tance/tat n.t.

B indies , Go uld E astern C fiat n

H emprich i , E hrb . ,

spo r . R .

L usci ola luscinia, BH afi z i , nPernan

y ph ilomela, Pall.aédon,Pall.(ph i lomela. Bst.)Do . do

3 infuscata, nL uscio lasuecicaR ed-spotted Blue-th roat tn.

[3 o rientalis, Brehm . Do . do .

rubecula; urbe C h imkent

R utici llaph oenicu ra R eds/af t

erythmprocta, Gould Gou ld’sdo .

rufiventriseryth rogastra, Gi ildenst.

I I I .h R . Git/densta‘



eryth rono ta, E vers. E versmann’

sdo .

auro rea Pall. (e co ll.Karelin. ) R emes

do .

lug ens, nn. . Blue-lteadea'

do . 11

C allio



Ballionn, n. (C . pecto rali

Go u d Wh i te-tailed R uby 2'

}1r oat n


M erops spinster, spo radice C .

2 47 .

24 8.

2492 50 . C o lumbapulch r ico llis, Go uld


ocnus, L .



fusca, Pall.turtur, L .

28 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

gelastes, T emm . Or iental do .

T urtur fer

ch inensis

CC . riso ria,Sch renck , nee H art]aegyptiaca, urbis E gyptian do .

Pterocles arenar ius

alcbata, spo radice, C . Pin-tai leddo .

Syrrhaptes paradoxus Pallas’do . s.n.


T etrao tetr ix

u ro gallus

M egaloperdix N igellnCaspian S now Par tr idg e n.h .

h imalayensis .

B m ino r

Perdix saxati lis,ch ukar , Gray C/mkar do . s

cinerea, spo radioe, an s. Par tr i dg e h .R .

daurica s

gryseo gularis, Brdt.

(P. Bonhami , F1113 )C o turnix vulgar is, h .R .

BBaldam i , BrehmPhasianus mong o liens

Along oliaGallusbank ivadomesticusC omPavo cr istatus domesticusGrus cinerea, spo radice, n.

vi rg o , spo radice mont.


b n.s


A ves.

2 76. C iconianig ra B lack S to rk n

2 77. alba, var. majo r(C . az reth ., n. s Wh i te do .

2 78. A rden cinerea, var . A . brag ,Isid., Geo fl


r. H eron n


alba, h .R . ,n. spo radice C .

Bmelano rhynehaSco taeus nyctico rax

Bo taurus stellaris .

A rdeo laminuta, spo radice C . L ittle do .

Platalea leuco rodia

Ibis falcinellus

O tis tetraxMacqueeni


O edicnemus crepitans


C haradr ius pluv ialis regad. lac. Issyk kul. t.R . L R .

squataro laE udrom ias mo rinellus

caspius, Pall.M ong o liens

A eg ialo

ites h iaticula

m i no r


Vanellus cr istatus, h .R . L apw ing n

g regar ius . S ociable Plover t

leucurus . Wlti te-tai led do .

Glareo la pratinco la Pratincole

B limbata Do .

S trepsi las oo llar is

R ecurvi rostraavocetta A o oca n

H ypsibates himantopus

B lackao ing ed S ti lt n

Bnig rieollis Do . do .

30 5. Falci rostraKaufmanni . n.

s s

306. long spes (P) n. Do . do . 5? n? s? n?

30 7. H aematopus ostraleg us Oyster-canker

308. Sco lo pax gallinag o ; ub ique. s. .RC ommon S nipe n. .t n.t.

309. hyemalis, E versmann Do . 11.h . u.h.

310 . gallinula t

3l t o m S ti COIa

31 2 . Machetes.pugnax .

313. T ringam inuta

314. T emm inckn, lncubus

alpestris, n. Yemm inck’

s do . t.n. t.n.


var iabi lis t t

subar uata t t

platyr yncha

30 R U S S IA N C E M R A L A S IA

An s.

3I 73 18. Phalaropus angusti rostris

fulicariusIActi tis by

T etanus g iftl

tis ; h .R .



stagnati lis

och ropus h .R .

lareo la

T erc iacinerea

L imosamelanura n.R

N umenius arquatus

R allus aquaticus, spo r . C .

C rex pratensis

Gallinula pusilla


po rzana

ch lo ropus

(Po rphyrioFuhcaatra, spo radicePodicepsm ino r ; urbeT sch im

kent, fontis C .

aur itas

co rnutus, lacu SonKuh n. S law n.do .

rubrico llis R ed necked do .

cri status Great-crested do .

Pelecanus onocro talus R oseatePelican n

C arbo phalacroco rax, var .



Larus canus .

cach innans ‘

reg . 3, ad

lac. Issyk-Kul. S iberi an ber r i ng do . 11

arg entatus n.R . locis

lacustrisbrunneicephalus i’

Gaviaich tyaetos Great black-headeddo


m inuta

S ternacaspiaang lica

h i rundo

m im ta

H ydrochelidon niger . Blacl: do . 11


C y us 0 10 1 reg . 3 IssykFl ; Wi ld Swun 11

musicus, ubique a.R

res 3. Issyk

357. A ltum i


Anser M iddendo rfl'

11, n. (A . gu ndis,M idd. , nee Pall.) L arger Goose

seg etum ; I I I . h ., reg .

; 1. reg . 1


bscnrus, Brehmcinereus ; I I I . h . R . , reg . 2

Greylag do .

albifrons, R . M i te-fronted do .

S korniaéo rn, n. Pai nted do .

as ruti la, spo i'adice R uddy S i zeldraketado rna . C ommon do .

bo schas, h .R . M allara

strepera, ub ique h . R ., reg . 1 , 2



penelope ; I II, 2 , h ?acuta; lacu Issyk Kul, n.



albellus .

Ph oenicopterus roseus, Pall. Flam ing oC um Cal pispo letta.38sspec (pag e 2 7)


R E PT IL IA (R epti les) .

R xn ru n.

S .E . N .W

C hersus iberus

I lomo pus H o rsfieldi

Psammo saurus caspius, E ich w.

Gymnodactylus caspi us, E ichw.

scaber, R i ipp.

E versmanni , S trauch

Ph rynocephalus auri tus

helio sco pus

interscapularis, L ich t.


indivo lvulus (int. lac. Balkhash etAla


S tellio aralensis, L icht.L ehmanni , S trauch .

h imalayanus, S trauch

T erato scincus Keyserlingii, S trauch

Brem ias va riabi lis

intermedius, S trauch

co eruleo ocellatus, Dum . (velox, Pall. )P erythrurus, n. (po ti u5 1u11. prace. spec.

Scaptei ra g ramm ica, L ich t.

scripta, Sch renk .

Lacertasti rpi um C ommon L isa

Pseudo pus Pallasi i

A blepharus deserti , S trauch

Brandti i , S trauch

E uprepis princeps

E ryx jaculus, L . (Boa tatarica, L icht.)T ro pidono tus hydrus

E laphe dione

C o lubridum speci es nondum determ inata

Zamaenis Fedchenk o i , S trauch

C h o ristodon si bi ricus, Dum . (T aph rometoponlineo latum , Brdt) .brachycephalus. S ev .

T rig onocephalus halys, L ich t. (reg . 2 , 3, mont


Karatau)Pelias berus in bo realibus

I have bo rrowed M . S trauch’

s definitions of T u rkistan repti lia fromFedch enk o 5 repo rt on h i s first expedi ti on (P r o . S oc. Fr iends of N atH i st" Vo l. i i i . Part 1 Fedch enk o also communicated to me nu

publish ed definiti ons 0 S tellio l u'

nsalayanus and Zamaeni sFedclzenk o i .O f repti les I myself fo und only Scaptez ra g ramm ica, .S . scr ipta,

and, perhaps, P ltrynocep lzalus inter scapu lar i s. T h e Gymnodacty lusE ver srnanni , S tell i o L ettmanni , S . k imalayanus , E upr ep i spr inceps ,A blepkar us B randti i , wh ich I did no t obtain, are evidently peculiar to

A PPE N DIX A .—A M PH 1B IA . 33

the S .\V. district, wh ich is mo re defini tely characteri z ed by south ernrepti les.

E r em ias erytnr u r us is di sting u ish ed from E . velox only by itsco lo u rand smaller si z e ; the scales and do rsal marks g enerally are almo sti dentical. Fedch enk o considers E . er ytnr u r us as a yo ung E . velox .

But th e distr ibuti on appears to me different. In th e eastern part o fT u rk istan

, commencing from A ulic-A ta, and even C h imk ent, I did no tmeet wi th E . ery th r u r us , but th ere were multi tudes o f E . oclox .

A fterwards , at Kh ojend, I did no t see th e very yo ungsmall specimens

o f th e latter species, wh ich i s in favo ur o f Fedeh enk o 3 op inion.

A M PH IBIA (A mph i bians).

N .E . S .E . N .W S .W .


1 . Rana vi ridis cach innans E dible2 . Bufo variab ilis . Green T oa

3. s. ) (B. variab ili s, var .)4 . Ranodo n sibi ricus, Kessl.

5. Kessleri, Balli on

6. s.

T h e di fference o f th e conditio ns reg u lating the vertical di stributi ono f R epti lia and A mph ibia may be remark ed in th e abo ve lists . T h e

fo rm er requ i re h eat, th e latter m o isture, especially th e U r odela (g enusR anodon) , wh ich , th erefo re, appear in C entral A sia only near th e

m o untains , liv ing in spring-basins, and in marsh es near water o f very

low temperatu re , no t m o re than 45°

to 48°

in summ er. R anodon .s.

N o . 6) was obtained in th e marsh es on th e small A lmatinka t 1ver , near

ierny, at abo ut T wo specimens were presented to me byGeneral Ko lpak ovsky, and g iven fo r definiti o n to M r . Balh on, wh o

described R . K essler i . T h e remainin two species are from the

no rth ern A la-T au . I consi der it proba le th at th ey m i g h t be fo und

h i g h er than in th e reg i on o f fi rs. It is no less pro bable that at

th is latter alti tude, especially on th e Keg en table-land, a few repnles

may be fo und.

L ansdell, Appendix .

34. R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

PIS C E S“ (E l teS ).

T H E vertical distribution o f T u rkistanfish es canno t so well be expressedas that o f M ammals, B irds, R epti les , and A mph ib ia. T h e ch iefwater system s o f the reg i on are th o se o f the A ral, th e Balkhash , and

th e U pper T arim . T h ere are o th er system s o f second g rade , o f wh ich

th e m o re impo rtant are th o se o f the Issyk-Kul, th e C h u , Talas, and

Zarafshan. T h e last th ree ,h owever , m ig h t be added to th e A ral

system .

T h e principal ich thyo lo g ical distri cts o f th e reg i on are also th ree

(th o se o f 1 , th e M ar inka— Sclz z'

z ofl z orax—and O smanofi—O r ez'

nw et

Dzj tyd zw ; 2 , th e C arp , th e S i lurus and Barbe] , to g eth er wi th th e

M arinka; and 3 , th e A ral S tu rg eon) ; but each o f th em consi sts o f parts

o f th e different water systems , and, on th e o th er hand, th e Syr-daria,

at different po rti ons o f its co urse, belong s to all th ree ich thyo lo g ical


In th e fo llow ing list each o f th e ich thyo lo g ical di str icts is desi gnated

by a R oman fig ure, and th e distributi on o f each species in th e districts

by an A rabic fig ure, sh owing th e place o f finding , th us

I . M o um‘az’

n D istr ict

1 , T ributar ies o f Balk hash ; 2 , U pper C h u ; 3 , T alas ; 4 , T ributaries

o f N aryn ; 5 , A k sai ; 6, M o untain streams o f Zarafshan ; 7, U pperS urkhab .

8 , Balk hash ; 9, I ssyk-Kul ; 1 0 , C h u , below T o kmak ; 1 1 , L ower

A rys and C h i rch ik ; 1 2 , S pr ing s at C h imk ent ; 13 , Zarafshan, below

Penjak end ; 1 4 , S o urces o f Zarafshan ; 15, Syr-dar ia at Kh ojend 16,

Spr ing s at Kh ojend.

I I I . L ower Distr ict

1 7, Syr-daria at C h inaz ; 18 , Syr

-dar ia at Perovsk and below ; 19,

L ower A mu-daria ; ao , A ral S ea.

T h e italics deno te species peculiar to C entral A sia ; almo st all th e

new ones have beendescribed byKessler . T h e Speci es mar ked wi t/i anaster zlrk are common also to th e C asp ian and Black S eas.

[Fo r ano ther L ist o f Fish es, by Kessler , see p . 4o . L ]

36 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

of wh ich ar e uninvestigated, and vari ous small Cypn‘


dae, from th e

Balkhash and C h u , so that th e to tal number o f species o f T urki stanfish es may exceed 50 .

T h e species inserted in th e list sh ow th e remarkable ich thyo lo g icalspecialti es o f th e reg i on, and that th ere are in i t at least two ich thyo lo g ical di str icts , th ei r differences being clearly defined, alth o ug h Carp(Cypr imdae) predom inate in bo th .

A lmo st all o f th e 1 1 species o f th e mountain di str ict (I ) are pecul iarth ereto ; th e Balkhash M ar imba, marked with an Pin th e list, has no t

been scientifically determ ined, and may, on clo ser study, prove to be a

separate species, distributed in th e lower parts o f th e Balkhash tr ibutari es, but no t in th e mo untains .

O f th e 2 2 species o f th e m i ddle district (I I ) 1 0 were also found inth e lower district (I I I ) ; but pro babl th e C asp1an A lbum us (fasciatuset ckalco ides

g,wh ich was only foun in th e Zarafshan valley, also lives

i n th e lower istr ict, so that th e species peculiar to district I I probablyconsist o f rath er less than one-half o f all its fauna.

O f th e 1 8 species in th e lower district (I I I ) 7 o r 8 only are peculiar

th ereto , so that th is di str ict (I I I ) is m uch less distinct in its fish esfrom di strict I I than are bo th (I I and II I ) from th e upper district (I ).N o t a sing le species is known to be really common to districts I and

I I , much less to I and I I I .

T h ere have been fo und 26 species peculiar to C entral A sia ; all o f

th em were in th e upper district ; 14 o ut o f 2 2 were in th e m iddle di strict

and 5 o ut o f 1 8 in th e lower district, and all o f E uropean g enera— fo rms

lik e to Ponto -C aspian. O f th e latter , 1 2 were actually fo und in th e

lower di strict , and pro bably th ere are mo re ; 14 o r 15 are menti oned

in th e li st ; th ere were 8 in th e m iddle district, but no t one in theupper (UT h ere are th ree 1ch thyo lo g ical faunas 1n th e T urk i stan reg i on no t

having any common species between th em , and no t co rrespondi ng wi th

th e districts, as th ese have mo re o r less am ixture o f two o r even o f all

th ree difi'

erent faunas .

A . A ncient C entral A sian fauna—pr incipally in th e up er di strict.

B . N ew C entral A sian fauna, o f wh ich th e majo ri ty OFspecies are inth e M iddle district, th e m ino rity in th e L ower .

C . Ponto -C aspian, o f wh ich th e majo ri ty o f species are in th e L ower

district, the m ino ri ty in th e M iddle.

A lth o ug h these th ree faunas do no t po ssess any species in common,

th e deg ree o f th ei r difi erences are far from unifo rm . T h e ancient

C entral A sian may be considered as qu i te o rig inal, wh i le th e new

C entral A sian is rath er an altered part o f th e Ponto-C asp ian fauna,

in wh ich , fo r all its species, are fo und co rresponding and clo selyrelated fo rms, partly metwi th even in T urk istan waters, and unchang ed

th ere .

T h is sh ows that th e new C entral A sian fauna was g eo lo g icallyseparated at a recent epoch , on th e di visi on o f th e fo rmer A ralo

C aspian basin into th e present waters, wh i le th e ancient C entral A sian

fauna consists o f th e remnant wh ich escaped , being driven by newer

fauna into th e mo untain streams T h e local varieties o f th e

S i lu r us g lam ir aralenS zS and Goéi ofl uviafi l zlr lep ido lemm‘

sh ow that

th e evo luti on o f a new C entral A sian fauna from g eog raph ically sepa

rated parts o f th e Panto-C asp ian sti ll continues.

A PPE N DIX A .—PI S C E S . 37

PIS C E S (Fm cS ) .

BY K . F. Ksssnsa.

T H I S article is intended to serve as ag u i de to th e furth er investigati on ofth e Ich thyo log ical fauna o f T urkistan. T o th is end are inserted[in th eo rig inal] co ncise descr ipti ons o f all th e species o f fish es th us far fo undin th e co untry, wi th th e distinctive characters o f th e g enera, fam i lies,and o rders to wh ich th e species mentioned belong . T h e new species o f

fish es co llected by A . P . Fedchenko on h is first jo u rney to T u rkistan,

and also the new 3 cies obtained in th e same co untry by S evertso fi

and Kushak evi tch , ve already been described by me in an article

entitled lch thyo lo'

cal Fauna o f T urkistan,

”wh ich appeared in th e

P r oceed ing s of th e mper ial S ociety of Fr ienatr of N atu ral H i story ofM oscow

,in 1 872 .

Duri ng h is seco nd jo urney in T urkistan,Fedch enko fo und only fo ur

new 3 cies : A Sp i zeS eS ocinuS , C obi ti S ele am "

, Salmo ox ianuS , and

S cafifii kyncfiw Fedclz enko i (a detai led escripti on o f wh ich also i s

included in th e above-mentioned article) . But th ese species are veryinteresting inmany respects . A Sp iaS eS ocimeS by its elong ated bo dy andflattened h ead co nstitu tes a very remarkable fo rm o f th e g enus A s


uS ,

wh ich u to th e present has only had th ree representatives—one in S .E .

E urope A . r apax ) ; ano th er in W . A sia A . var ax ) ; and th e th i rd inC h ina (A . s tu r zeS ). Satmo ox iameS ,


scovered in th e Ki z i l-su ,in

th e A lai , appears in T urk istan as th e so le re resentative o f th e

numero us fam i ly o f salmons. Scapt n'

r lzync/mS edch enk o i [o f wh ichth e o nly o th er species o f th e same g enus known to u s (Scapti . f aj ineS g u i z ) belong s to N o rth America?

i s o f eat impo rtance, no t only from

a z o o lo g ical, but also from a bio o g ica po int o f v iew , on acco unt o f

th e extreme smallness o f i ts eyes and th e rudimentary condition o f i ts

air bladder .

T h e little fi sh descr ibed by me in an article on th e Ich thyo lo g ical

Fauna o f T urkistan,

”and called Sctz z


z ot/zo rax m inu tw , was ascer

tained to be ayo ung specimen o f Sctz i z . eu rystomw , as, h owever , had

been already suppo sed. In th e last co llecti on made by Fedch enko ,th ere were, 5 eak in

go rgenerally, many yo ung fish es o f th e g enera

Bar bi es and c/z i z ot ax , wh ich enabled me to convince myself o f

th e fact that th e rows o f teeth , wi th wh ich many species o f th ese

enera are fum ish ed , on th e h inder side o f th e larg e bony ray o f th e

go rsal fin, are ,amo n yo ung fish es, at first very larg e and no t numero us ,

bu t afterwards g ra ually increase in number and at th e same time

become comparati vely smaller .

Fo r the descripti on o f each species o f fi sh th e so -called charac

teri sticfo rmu la has been introduced by me ; i .e. , a seri es o f numbers

wh ich indicate h ow many hard and so ft rays are fo und in each o f

th e fins, and also h ow many scales are fo und on th e lateral line, h ow

38 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

many rows o f scales are above th e lateral line, and h ow many b elowi t. Fo r example, th e characteri z ing fo rmula fo r th e bream , A br am i sbr ama, is wr itten th us

12—1 4P.

—1 7 ; V. 218 ; D.—10 ; A . 3lz 4—26 ; C . 19 ; Lateral line 50 7 1


5 55

and means that in that fish each of th e pecto ral fins contains 1 h ardand from 15

-1 7 so ft rays ; each of th e ventral fins 2 hard rays and 8so ft ; th e do rsal fin 3 hard rays and 9 o r 10 so ft rays ; th e anal fi n,

3 hard and from 24 to 26 so ft rays ; th e caudal fin, 1 fu ll rays (be s i desth e small 11 r and lower incomplete rays) , and a so that th er e are

on the latera line, commencing from th e upper part o f th e branch ialcrevices to the base o f the caudal fin, from 50 to 5 separate scales ;between that line and the base o f the do rsal n, from 1 2 to 1 4long i tudinal rows o f scales ; and between that line and th e base o f th eventral fins , 7 o r 8 rows of scales. It is h ere necessary to remark th atto th e hard rays in th e do rsal and anal fins are also added , in fr o nt,li ttle incomplete rays, o ften very m inute , and almo st rudimentary. T h e

characteri z ing fo rmula o f fish es is o ften o f th e utmo st impo rtancein th e reco g niti on o f th e species to wh ich they belong ; i t so m e

times happens that a sing le one o f th ese fo rmula is sufficient fo r th e

determ ination of th e speci es, particularly in th e carp fam i ly.

In descri bing th e species, I have referred to th e fo llowing wo rk s ,besides th e above-menti oned Ich thyo lo


cal Fauna o f T urkistan1 . G iinth er, A . ,

“ C atalo g ue o f th e ishes in th e C o llection o f th e

Bri tish M useum ,

”8 vo ls. 1859

-70 .

2 . Pallas, P. S “ Zo o g raph ia R o sso-asiatica, 1 83 1 . In

th is are described, mo re o r les s sati sfacto ri ly, al species o f R ussian

fish es, wh ich were known to Pallas, and it remains up to th is day th e

principal so urce o f info rmation re ardin R ussian Ich thyo lo

3 . essler , K“ Descripti on 0?th e ish es met wi th in e Waters

o f th e S t. Petersburg Province .

”8vo . 1864 . In itare to be fo und detailed

descri ptions of many o f th e species o f fish es wh ich also belong to

T urkistan.

T h e Ich thyo log ical Fauna o f T urk istan is compo sed half o f E uropeanand half o f A siatic fo rms ; and th ese are, in thei r turn. divided intoseveral categ o ries. A s re ds E uropean species , some o f th em

germ fl uo zatz


l i r, Gobio fiam‘

ati li r, L euci rcu S r uti luS , A bram isama, S ear dim

uS eryth r lz tlzalm uS , and 60611129 taem'

a) are re

markable fo r th e wideness 0 their distribution, being met w ith in th ewaters o f almo st th e wh o le o f E u rope and o th ers (L ucioperca Sandr a


S i Iu r u S g lam } , Cypr imer carp zo , A bram i S Sapa, A sp i re rapax ,

Pelecu S cu ltratuS , A lbu rm eS clzalco ideS , A lou r mes asciatm , and

A cio enser scfz ipa) belong to th e number o f fishes c aracteristic o f

E astern E urope, inhab iting principally the waters o f th e Pontine and

C asp ian basins. T o th e E uropean fo rms sh o uld also be added : C ottu S

s h u lo S u S , exceeding ly like C ottuS g vbio , A lbu rmeS taem’

atur , veryli ke th e species A .farciatuS , and A . bimacalatus , and Salmo ax io mes ,

allied to S . tr utta and S . far io . A ll these E uro pean fo rms belongprincipally to th e lower course o f th e Syr

-daria, Amu-daria, and part

o f the Zarafshan.

T o the A siatic fo rms are related species o f th e g enera : Ca ta,

Bar bu S , Sclz i z o tlzo r ax, D z} c/m S , A canth obrama, and ly so to

th e g eneraA lou r meS (A . i t io ia’

eS ) , A Spi uS (A . eS ocinuSmd C obi t i r

(C . long icauda, C . uranoScopuS , C . do r sa i S , C . eleg ant ) . C ertain

A PPE N DIX A .—P I S C E S . 39

representatives o f th e g eneraBar ouS and C obi tzlr are, in fact, met wi thin E urope, particularl in th e S .E . , but all th e said g enera are preem inently A s iatic. T e g enera Sclz i z otfz o rax and Diptycl mS , wh ichare characteri z ed by a sli t sh eath on th e po steri o r part o f th e belly ,

belong exclusively, as far as at present known, to the h ig h m o untaino usco untries o f C entral A sia. T h us. fo r instance, th e only species o f th e

g enus D iptyclm S (vi z D ita/ch ar maczelatus , S teind. ) k nown up to th ediscovery o f th e T urk i stan species, was fo und in T ibet at th e alti tude o f1 feet. A nd the T urkistan species (D ittycbus S ez rer z ovi ) was alsoobtained by S evertso if in th e rivers O ttuk and A k sai , at th e alti tude o f

feet. R epresentatives ofth e g enera Capoetaand A cantfzobramawere previo usly fo und almo st exclusively in th e rivers o f W . A sia,

Syria, Anato lia, and Persia.

On each jo urney, h owever, th e mo st interesting Ich thyo lo'

cal discovery o f Fedchenk o was th e Scap i z i r kyncl mr Fedctzen o i wh ichinhabits, it appears, th e Syr

-daria exclusively . T h e interest o f th isfind has been furth er increased by th e di scovery o f a th i rd species o fScaph i rhynch us by M . N . Bo g danoff , in the Amu-daria. From th isi t seems that each o f th e two g reat ri vers emptying into th e A ral S ea

(as also th e R iver M ississipp i ) has i ts separate representative o f th e

g enus Scaph i r /zy rzclz uS ,wh i le almo st all th e o th er fish es metwi th in th e

lower parts o f the Syr and the Amu-dar iarespectively, so far as i s known,

do no t differ acco rding to locali ty, bu t belong to th e same species. Itmay, th erefo re, be anticipated that in co u rse of time o th er species o f th e

g enus Scaph i rhynch us W i ll be disco vered in th e rivers o f E . T urk istanand C h ina(as no t long a 0 was discovered, in th e river Yang

-tse-k iang ,

a species o f the g enus patu lar ia, th e th ird g enus o f sturg eons, vi z . ,

Spatu tar ia g tad iw , Martens) .O f the 38 species o f fishes, known to us up to th e present in T urk i

stan, no less than 25 belong to th e carp fam i ly, wh ich , th erefo re, maybe reg arded as completely predom inatin T h is fam i ly i s also veryrich in re resentatives in th e r ivers o f S . u rope. W . A sra and the Eo f India, ut does no t predom inate o ver all the o ther fam i li es to such

a deg ree, as in T u rkistan. T h e small number of representatives.

o f th e

S i lu r us (one species) and Salm onidae (one o r two species) fam i li es i s

also very characteri stic o f, th e T urk i stan Ich thyo lo g ical fauna, as thesaid two fam i lies are very rich in species in almo st all o th er mo untai n

co untries.


It i s very probable that of th e fish es inhabi ting th e Syr-daria and

A mu-dariamany live in th e A ral S ea, but th is sea remains uni nvesti

g ated. It i s only known that th e fish ermen on th e i slands o f th e

A ral catch small sturg eons, si lurus , and carp . T h ere.

i s but o ne

species o f fish from th e A ral S ea in Fedch enk o’s co llecti on

—Pelee”cu ltr atuS . M eanwh i le, i t wo uld be o f th e h ig h est interest to know

wh eth er o th er so rts o f marine fish es besides th e small sturg eon exi st

in th e A ral S ea, and wh eth er th ere are no t preserved i n i t descendants

o f th o se species wh ich once inhab i ted th e ancient Pontine-C aspian-‘

A ral

basin. T h us, fo r example. it is very unlikely that th ere are i n i t no

representatives o f GobiaS , wh ich are so characteri sticof th e Black andC aspian S eas.





Paaco rns i , C uv .

I . rm , L .

1 . Peres fluviati lis, L . Pen /t.

I I . Lampo on. Cuv.

2 . L uciopercasandrs, C uv. Pi ke-Perch .

C AT A PH R A C T I , C uv.

I I I . mm ,L .

C o ttus spinulosus, Kessl.T l amb.


S IL U RO IDE I , A cassrz .

I V. warns, L .

4 . S ilurus g lsnis, L .

C vrmno rnm, Acnssrz .

V . cypr lmu , I..

C yprinus carpio , L . Carp.

VI . Ospoots , Our .

C apo eta S teindacbner i , Kessler.

VI I “ Yb“ , Cuv.

8 41 13 0 110 10 5 1. c xxx.

XIX. ” no , I.. Tm t.

30 . Salmo oxianus, Kess ler .

V I I I . Schlsoth orsx, H o ok ol. E scom i ; H zecxrn.

Schi z o th o raxak saiensis, Kessler . XX. b ox, I..

mghenkob n 31 . E 30 1: lucius, L . Pi ke.


eurystoni us, Acanr no rsi nas, IDE C KE L .

IX. Di ptych i u , Utoindschnor . XXI . Oobi ti s, I..Diptych us S ewen o wn, Kessler. C obitis long icauda,l( esslX . Gobi o , Oli vi er . uranosco pus,Gobio fluviati lis, C uv. Gudgm do rsalis,XI . Abram , caviar . elegant ,

A bram is brama, L . Bream tae nia, L .


C u onnno srai , M U L L E R . 2 . Barbus platyrostris, Kessler . Barbe!

XX I I . Aoi ponu r , I.. S tu rgeon. 3. Sch i z o lhomx onentah S .

37. Acipenser sch i pa, L o vetz ky. 4» atsentatus. n

. D'

t h D be it"

XXI I I . Scaph i rhynchus. Buck s] .5 ‘PY‘ “3 Y W8 0 .

38. Scalpgsi





znch us Fedchenk o i , XX IV. Diplophysn.

A DDE N DA . 6. Diplophysa.

S trauch i i , Kessler .

1 . Perca Sch renk i i , Kessler . Perch . 7. labiata,

Abram is u ps, Pelias.

XI I . Anat olian , R ach el.A eantho bnmaKuschakewi tsch i , K .

X I I I . r oles-s, Ag ents.

Pelecus cultrstns, L

A li.”

G ld.um us 00 1 u

ibi io idef'

xasi . lab “

fasciatus, N o rdm.

taeniatus, Kessler .

“i ts

“1113 reP

menti ons, Kessler.XVI . Sa rdinia , Bonaparte.

Scardinius erythroph thalm us , LR udd.

XV I I . Muslin , Bonapar te.

S qualius intermed ius, Kessler .sq ualiusculus,

XVI I I . M ell on , Bondolot .

L euciscus rutilus, L . R ode/1 .

A PPE N DIX A —M OL L U S CA . 4 1

M O L L U S C A (H o lm es) .

BY E DU A R D VO N MA R T ENS (Pro fesso r in th e U niversity of Berlin) .

T H E fo llowing descripti on o f T urkistan M o llusca is based ch iefly upon

th e materials co llected by Fedch enk o , and in addi ti on th ere have beenincluded from th e same reg i on th o se very few species wh ich were knownto science previ o usly , vi z . , th ree species co llected by P. P . S emenoff

in th e T h ian S han, and one wh ich was known, thanks to M essrs. M id

dendo rfi’ and Baer , from th e S ea of A ral.

In the definiti on and determ ination o f species, I have constantly had

in view that th e matter referred to a co untry in wh ich we m ig h t expect

perfectly new and peculiar fo rms, as well as many o f th e m o st widely

distributed E uropean ones, and also such as are now known in th e

farth er parts o f A sia. I have, th erefo re, consi dered i t necessary to

carefully compare each o f th e speci es o f M o llusca co llected, first withrepresentatives o f th e E uropean fauna, and afterwards wi th th o se madeknown to us from th e H imalayas by E ng lish students ; and, if I did no t

find constant and unvarying characters, I did no t h esitate to consi der

th e species as known ; th ere are, h owever , many new species wh ich fo r

th e p resent may be considered as peculiar to T urk istan.

T h e naked M o llusca (L imax , A mal ia) have been investi g ated and

descr ibed by F . H einemann, o f Frankfu rt-o u-th e-M aine, and th e

small fresh -water M o llusca (C or bicuta m inima, and P i rid i um ) by S .

C lessin, o f Dinkelsch erben, as th ey had fo r a long time specially

occup ied themselves wi th th ese g enera ; th ey are consequently respon

sible fo r th e distinctness o f th e new species h ere described .

T here can be no do ubt that in th e mo re m o untaino us parts o f Eastern

T urkistan many land M o llusca wi ll yet be disco vered ; i t is very

astonish ing , fo r instance, that in th e wh o le o f that reg ion we have no t

fo und a sing le species o f th e g enus C lau S i lia.

44 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

and Irkutsk .

S uccinea

po lita. E .

auricularia, E . auricularia, E . auricularia, E .

obliquatao vate, E . o vata, E . o vata, E .

var. oostulata

var. albi picta

pereg ra, E . pereg ra, E . pereg ra, E .

truncatula, E . truncatula, E . truncatula, E . trunostula, E .

stagnalis, E . stagnalis, E . ? stagna.lis, E .

palustris, E . palustri s, E .

hypno rum, E .

co rneus, E .

marg i natus, E . subang ulatus, E .

vo rtex, E . leuoostomus, E .

var .disc0 ideus, E

(Bat/cyomplzalw ) co nto rtus, E . conto rtus, E .

(Gy raq S ) albus, E . albus, E . convexiusculus

limoph i lus, E .

nitidus, E . ni tidus, E .

C hoanomphalus Maack i

A ncylus sibi ricus lacu-tris, E .

Paludina baicalensis

Bithynia tentaculata, E . ventr ico sa, E .

H ydro bia(Amnico/a) angarensis


cr istata, E .

M elania

Anodonta p iscinalis, E .

C o rbicula

calyculata, E . calyculata, E .

S . S .


29 species 46 species, 50 species, 19 speci es,eculiar to 2 (8 per cent.) 8 (1 7 per cent.) 26 (52 per cent. ) 9 (47 per cent. )

the p ace]. characteristic.

‘ characteristic. characteristic. characteristic.

O f these th ere are known only in vari o us parts o f C entral A sia, 99 s ies. Foundalso in India, to the so uth o f the H imalayas, 1 1 species ; in Indiaand C 1 speciesin C h ina o rJapan, 3 species in A siaM ino r, but no t in E urope, 2 species.

46 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

[Pro fesso r von M artens, having revi sed the fo reg o ing , info rms me that

considerable addi ti ons to th e M o llusca o f T urk istan and th e ad'


reg i ons have been made by th e co llecti ons o f Do h randt (1 875 and

Barbo t (18 6)in Kh iva ; o f Prjevalsky, in M ong o lia ; and Dr . A lbert

R eg el, in u dja T h e Pro fesso r received ano th er co llecti on

made (1 873 9) by C o lonel Kushak evich in th e S o uth ern A la-Tau , Kh o

kand, and am i r .

r H e is g o od eno ug h to fo rward me a new table,th us

1 . 1 1.'

1 11. IV. v i . v11 . v111.

Khi va. Samarkand. Ferg hana. Kuldja. Yu ldus. Kash gar . Ladak .

with g eneral remarks, as fo llows —II .

L and M o llu Sca.—T h is table sh ows very di stinctly th e scarcity o f

land snai ls in th e desert plains (i . , v11. , as o ppo sed to th e larg er

number and mo re peculiar fo rms in th e mo untain regi ons (i i i . ,T h e to tal number o f species in th is li st i s 53 , o f wh ich 33 are, as far

as we know , peculiar to C entral A sia as h ere understo od ; on th e

o th er hand, 1 1 speci es are also g enerally distri buted in m o st parts o f

E urope, but all o f small si z e , m o st o f them being also found in S iberia

and N o rth America (ci rcumpo lar species) . M o st o f th e g enera and

sub-g enera, and exactly th o se wh ich are ri ch er in species, are E u ropean,

and g eneral] character istic o f th e Palaearctic reg i on (Fr uticico la,


er oj i /z i ta, ebr ina, C bo fl dr u la) ; but many o f th e species , ch ieflyin F r u ticico la, are somewhat abno rmal, and may fo rm h ereafter thetypes o f di stinct subg enera. Vi tr ina i s characteri stic o f no rthern

and alpine co untries ; S uccinea i s a co sm opo li tan g enus ; one o f th e

species, S . M ar tensiana, is one o f th e lar est and m o st intensivelyco lo u red in th e g enus . Par macella i s pecu iar to W estem A sia and

th e sh o res o f th e M editerranean. I rac/z ia is, to some extent, a type o f

E astern A sia. M acr oc/z lamys is a m o re tropical g enus. T h e to tal

absence o f C lau S i Iia i s very remarkable,as th i s g enus is very r ich ly

represented in S o uth-Eastern E urope, and i t is also to lerab ] well repre

sented in India and C h ina. I ts absence g ives a deci dedly no rth ern

feature to th e fauna o f th e wh o le o f C entral A sia.

F r esh -water M o llu Sca.—A mong th e fresh -water M o llusca, th e pre

dom inant feature i s th e lar e number o f air-breath ing species wh ich

live in stag nant water , and t e paucity, andalm o st to talabsence, o f th e

g enera liv ing in running water, fo r example, N er i tina, Um'

o , M elarz ia,

and M elanopsi S . T h e same is th e case in m o st no rth ern reg ions fo r

example, S iberia and C anada and also , to some extent, in C entral

E urope ,wh ereas in S o uth ern E u rope th e case i s reversed. Also in th e

A lps o f C entral E uro pe th e g enera L imnaea and P i ria’ium (and in

some places also P lano r bi r) extend fu rth er no rth than th e rest o f th e

fresh -water M o llusca. I fwe om it th e species fo und in Lak e A ral, wh ich

are all C asp ian and belong to a peculiar fauna, th e number o f fresh

[Von M artens has published ano ther vo lume, inco rpo rating th is additi onal info rmati on on the M o llusca o f C entral A sia, in the M c‘mo i reS de I


A ead. Imp . de

S t. Pétee ou rg , tome xxx. , N o . 1 1 ,‘


[S ee S itsung rben'

elzte der natu rfor Sc/renden Frezm de in Ber lin, July, 1882pp. 10 3 and

A PPE N DIX A .—A R A N E A E . 47

water species contained in o ur list i s 39, th e larg er half o f wh ich—2 2

are somewhat generally di stributed i n E uro pe ; o th ers are S iberian

P lanor bi s si bi r icus), o r C h inese (L imnaea er r/i d ) , o r peculiar to

o uth -Westem A sia and N o rthern A frica (C or iczelafl um inati s) , andth e few wh ich are pecu liar are all o f small si z e (H ydr obia, P i sid i um ) ,and exh ib i t no str ik ing differences from E uropean species. S ome

var ieties o f L i rm zaea are characteri z ed by excepti onal th ickness o f th esh ell (L . au r icu lar ia, oar . obti q zeata lag otzs, oar . sol i di ssima) th eylive in elevated lakes with stony bed : o th ers are characteri z ed bywh i te marking s (lag o tis, oar . atbop icta) . T h e scarcity o f M o llusca in

running water may be due to th e low temperatu re and stony bed o f

th e rivers, just as i t i s in Swi tz erland.

A R A N E A E (Sp ider s) .


IN th e co llection bro ug h t by Fedch enk o’s expedi ti on, th e A raneae are

impo rtant, and th e mo re interesting , because up to th e present we have

had almo st no info rmati on co ncerning th is po rti on o f th e fauna o f

T urk istan. I can find in th e literatu re only two references to th e fo rm s

fo und in T urk istan, bo th o f th em in th e g reat wo rk o f C . Koch DieA rach niden,

”wh erein are descr ibed Tar antu la obso leta and

C attietlz er a tr icincta from Bo k hara. T h e latter species is fo und in

Fedch enk o ’

s co llection. O ur knowledg e i s a li ttle fu ller in th i s res ect

with re ard to th e fauna o f th e co untri es adjacent to T u rki stan, w ichresembIe i t in character and climate, nam ely, th e C asp ian steppes,Ki rg h ese steppes, and S o uth ern S iberia. Besides th e larg e tarantula

(T r oc/z osa sing or iensi r, wh ich i s g enerally distributed over th ewh o le o f S o uth ern R ussia, Pallas descri bes in h i s “ T ravels,

”and in

“ Sp ici leg ia Zo o lo'


”th e “ K r estoo i k

(o r C ro ss-sp ider , i .e. , wi th

a cro ss o n i ts back A rg i ope B r unm'

clz i i , Scop . (speci osa, andA . lobata, Pall. , known by th ei r remarkable fo rm and co lo uri n in

S outh ern E urope , from th e C asp ian steppes and U pper I rtish . hetctz i m menti oned in h is T ravels,

”wh ich is known to th e Kalmuks by

its sting ing h o rned cattle , may, in th e o p ini on o f M o tsch ulsky (B u ll . a’


M asc. , be related to Lycosa inf er nali r, M o tsch . , o r to L atr o


ectus lug ubr i r, Id.

It i s di fficu lt to reco g ni z e th e sp iders o f wh ich L epech in speaks inh is jo urnal. T h e larg e K r estom

é, fo und by h im near Kamysh in on

th e V o lg a,and called A r . bicor ms,

was afterwards descr ibed byKrini tsky in th e B u ll . dcM ose , 1837 , N 0 . V . , p . 78, under th e name

E 15. L epecfz im'

, and is probably E } . ang u lata o r r eg ia. A no th er

species, met w i th in th e U rals under th e bark o f trees , and named byGmelin A r .alba,

is probably related to T Iz om isus onustzes (abbr eviatur )o r sati res . E ichwald Fauna C asp . confined h imself to th eA r lobata and B r zem z icb i i menti oned abo ve .

I we add to th ese a few mo re sp iders described by Keyserlin and L .

Koch from th e envi rons o f Sarepta, we have, as a g eneral to ta fo r th e

wh o le cis-C asp ian steppe co untry , and T urk i stan, only 1 0 o r 1 2 species ,wh ich certainly do es no t perm it us to fo rm even an approximate idea

o f th e character o f th e local faunaand i ts relati on to th e faunae of nei g hbo uring co untri es.

T h e co llection sent to me pr incipally consisted o f th e materials co l

48 R U S S IA t’V C E N TR A L A S IA .

lected in T urk istan and th e Khanate o f Kh o kand, wi th the additi on o f

some species received by Fedch enk o from th e nei h bo u ring localities

O renburg , S em i rech ia, and Kuldja. T h e to ta number o f species

amounted to 1 80 , o f wh ich 146 appeared to be reco g ni z able ; o f that

number 1 0 1 were already known, and

35were new .

A s all th e species already describe wh ich were fo und in T urk istan,

are related to th e fo rms distri buted over C entral E urope and th e

co untr ies surro unding th e M editerranean, and as amon th e new

species th ere i s no t o ne tro p ical fo rm , th e list o f spiders $18 1? g i ven

has qu i te a E u ropean character . It is, h owever, necessary to remark

that, judg ing from the data in o u r po ssessi on concerning th e fauna o f

C entral and S o uth ern E urope , th i s li st, in all probability, do es no t rep tesent mo re than one-th i rd o f th e species to be met wi th in T urkistan.

T h e labo urs o f faunistic naturalists o f late years have disclo sed , par

ticularly in S outh ern E urope, an unexpected wealth o f fo rms, and th ere

i s no reason to suppo se that T urk istan i s po o rer in th is respect than

th e western co untries. A s regards N o rth-Western and C entral E urope

—W estri ng (1 862 ) enumerated 30 8 species in Sweden ; Blackwall

(1 863) 30 4 in Bri tain, no t reck oning th o se afterwards descri bed byC ambrid e in C entral E urope, M eng e (1 866) to o k at least 350 s ecies

in East ri i ssiaalone ; I taly has , acco rding to C anestrini and aves.

C atalo g o 485 species ?Qu i te as rich , a parently , are th e so uth ern and eastern sh o res o f th e

M editerranean. n dry and stony Syriaand Palestine, Cambridg e suc

ceeded in co llecting , i n th e co urse o f two month s, no t less than 30 0species , h alf o f wh ich appeared to be new. T h i s 1 e percentag e,and th e constant increase in th e number o f species in uropean lists ,

sh ow that th e fig u res quo ted abo ve are very far from representing th ewh o le o f th is po rtion o f th e fauna o f th e sai d localities . Do ubtless ,

th erefo re, in time, th e list o f T urki stan spiders wi ll be materiallyincreased, and i t i s also very probable that in th e south ern po rti on,

in Balk h , Kundu z , etc.,certain fo rms wi ll be fo und o f a tro pical

character , sim i lar to th o se fo und by C ambridg e in Syria, th o ug h in a

very small number , no twith standing that th ei r di stributi on towards th e

no rth do es no t, in th is co unt meet wi th such impo rtant natural

obstacles as, in S o uth ern T u r istan, are presented by th e H indu

Kush and th e mo untains on th e Persian frontier .

O f th e 16 fam i lies to wh ich , acco rding to T h o rell On E uropean5 iders ,

p. th e E uropean sp iders belon all except two g ro ups

r octeo idae and F i l i rtato idae very lim ite in number , have th ei r

representatives in T urki stan. h e 146 species known th ere (includingone undescribed Cy r taucfzeni us ) belon to 55 g enera, wh ich constitute

approximately one half o f th e to tal 0 E u ropean cueta (acco rding toT h o rell, A m ong th em are no t fo und man 0 th o se sem i-trop ical

g enera, such , fo r example, as A rgyrades, Scyto H eter ofi oa'

a, C tem es ,

etc. , wh ich belong also to th e M edi terranean fauna,no t to speak o f

purely tropical fo rms. T he species are distributed in such away thatafter deducting 45 new ones , o f th e remaining 10 1 species 15 were

[In 1880 , the R ev. 0 . Pickard C ambri dge (who has been g o od eno ugh to loo ko ver th is article fo r me) was acquainted wi th 518 Bri tish spiders

—H . L .]1’ As far as r ards E uropean R ussia, the country nearest the reg ion in wh ich

we are interestfi , we have only the incomplete li sts o f N o rdmann fo r Finland,Grube fo r the Baltic o vernments, and S imashk o fo r the environs o f S t. Peters

burg . But judg ing in what N o rdmann says, and from materials in my

possession, no t less than 40 0 speci es o f spiders are met wi th in E uro pean R ussia.

A PPE N DIX A .—A R A N E A R . 49

known up to th is time exclusively in N o rth ern and C entral E urope 56

belo ng also to th e M editerranean fauna, and 30 to th e latter alone.

T h e fo llowing are common to T urk istan and C entral E urope1 . L inyph ianebulosa, S und. 9. Xysticus bi fasciatus, Koch .

2 . E rig one b icuspidata. M enge. 10 . luctuo sas, Blackw.

3. li vida, Blackw. 1 1 . acerbus, T ho r.

4 . fusci palpis, Koch . 1 2 . Artanes pallidus, Walck .

5. S inga pygmaea, S und. 13. paeci lus, T ho r.

6. Drassus VlllOS llS , T ho r. 1 4 . Ph i lodromus elegans, Blackw.

g. Gnaph osa variana, Kt . 1 5. L yco sa h erbig rada, Blackw.

Xysticus sabulosus, H ahn.

O fth e species o fth e M editerranean faunathereare fo und inT urk istan1 . A rg i o pe Brunnichi i , S cop. 16. Xysticus brevi tarsis, S im .

2 . lo bata. Pall. 1 7. T hanatus A lbini , S av . et And.

3. E pei ra reg ia, C . Koch . 18 . 0 ) C yrtaucheniusWalck enaeri , L uc.

4 . Victo r ia, T h o r . 19. T arantulanarbo nensis, L atr .



T h eridium punicum , L uc. 20 . albo -fasciata, Brulle.

6. L atrodectus erebus, Sav . et A nd. 2 1 . T roch o sasing o riensis, Laxm .

7. cong lo batus, C . Koch . 2 2 . Oxyopes genti lis, C . Koch .

8 . Dictynaco nsecuta, C ambr. 23. Palpimanus g ibbulus, Duf.

9. B rassus lutescens, C . Koch . 2 4 . E resus imperialis, Duf.1 0 . M elan0 ph o raco nspicua, L . Koch . 25. Ballus rufipes, S im .

1 1 . Gnapho sa exo rnata, C . Koch . 26. O ) E uo ph rys intents , Blackw.

1 2 . (7) Gnapho sa rufula, L . Koch . 2 7. Ph i laeus haemo rrho icus, C . Koch .

13. C h iracanth ium i talicum, C anestr . 28 . M enemerus indistinctus, C ambr.

14 . S eidlitz i i , L . Koch . 29. H elio phanus rufith o rax, S im .

15. M isumena vi llosa, Walck . 30 . C alli ethera tricincta, C . Koch .

Of th e new 5 ecies belong ing to th e g enera di str ibuted alm ost

exclusively o ver t e M edi terranean di strict th ere are also , Zoa’

ar i zm z

bactr iamem , H er si lio lapallia’a, C tem


z a

dfer leanenszs, E r esus tr i Sti r,

and E r . ar enar i us , and,in addi ti on, one y r auc/i eni zes . Finally, to th e

number o f fo rm s with S o u th ern E u ropean character may be added,

M eta dentzlba/p is, T leer idi um taberczelatum , A mau r obi us long i

palp is , Spar asszes ser icezes , Xysticzes lug ubr is, and th e larg e species o ftarantu la, Tar entu la altz



ps, f u lo iventr i r, and latifasciata. T he

remainder have a m o re uni o rm character , i f we do no t reck on th e

comparatively larg e numbers o f certain species o f th e fam i ly Drasso idae, fo r example, Drassus, M elanop lzo ra, C h i racantlz i um , as a

special disting u ish ing feature o f th e eastern part o f th e M edi terranean

pro vince.

T h us th e T u rki stan fauna o f spiders , so far as we now know , appears

to be compo sed o f representatives o f bo th divi sions o f th e E u ro pean

fauna, wi th a sli g h t predom inance of S outh E u ro pean fo rms. A lth o ug h

th e apparent preponderance o f th e latter , partly th e consequence o f th e

very limited mater ials , i s in itself unimpo rtant, the presence o f manycharacteri stic so uth ern g enera, as A r g iope, L atr oa

’ectzes , Zoa


ar i zem ,

H er si ti o ta, E r esus , Palp imames, to g eth er wi th certain T lzeraptwso idae

(M yg atzdae) , and th e larg e Spar assus and Tar entteta, at once clearlysh ows th e connection between T urk istan and th e M edi terranean pro

vince. In any case, o ur acquaintance w i th the sp iders o f th e S teppe

fauna is sti ll to o incomplete to enable us to say defini tely wh eth er i tconstitutes a simple continuati on o f th e M editerranean fauna towards

the east,o r a s so lal fauni sticprovince, beari ng th e same relation to i t

as th e C entral uropean.‘

A certain peculiari ty o f its character may be reco gni z ed in th e comparati ve


50 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

W i th reg ard to th e di str ibution o f th e species known previo uslyi n T urk istan i tself, o ur observations do no t enable us to draw anyconclusi ons whatever , th e mo re so , as th e E uropean fauna in th is

respect has hardly been to uch ed. From the compari son o f th e locali

ties i t is no t evident, fo r instance, wh eth er th e C entral E umpean fo rms

met wi th in T u rk i stan belong ed principally to any known z one, o r

wh eth er th e sharp contrast in th e nature o f the lower and A lpine z ones ,

o r steppe and cultivated z ones, is accompanied by th e predom inance o f

known typ ical fo rm s o f spiders. It is necessary, h owever , to di rect

attenti on to certain facts connected with vertical distribu ti on. On th e

banks o f the Iskander-Kul, at were fo und no t only Epei rapatag iata, L i nyptz ia h o r tens is , T k er idi um szSyplz i um , M i sumenarati o , and T lz os us onustzes ,

but in much h i g h er locali ties no t a fewspecies were also met with . T h us in A utch i pass, at an elevation o f

to were co llected E r zjgfone bicusp i data, t er idium

albomaczelatum , Lycosa pai nstr zlr, Xysticus cr istatus , and P h i laeuslzaemor r /i o icus , and o f th e new species , Dr assus br eviceps, montico la,

and Lycosa oelox ; in th e Kich i-A lai , h i g h er than were foundLycosa j atustr i s, X. cr istatus , and H etiopkam es tr uncor um , and on

th e iptyk pass at L atr odectus cong iobatus .

T e evident incompleteness o f o ur info rmati on concerning T u rkistansp i ders was also th e cause o f my departure from th e plan laid down

o f g iving a table fo r th e defini ti on o f g enera and species. Fo r th e

E uropean g enera,wh ich up to th e resent have been met with in

T u rkistan, th ere exi sts already a very etai led table in th e wo rk o f Pro f.T h o rell, o f U psala On E uropean S piders , by T . T h o rell, U psala,

4to , 1 869 a wo rk wh ich I have fo llowed in th e systematicarrang e

ment o f the species enumerated below

I . E PE I RO IDA E . I I . T u sarp romas.

1 . A rg i o pe Brunnichi i , Scop. 2 1 . Pachygnatha C lerk i i , S und.

2 . lo bata, Pall. 2 2 . de Geeri ,

3. E peira reg ia, Koch . 23. L inyph ia asi lla,

4 . tartarica, a.s. 24 . o rtensis,

5. co rnuta, C ] . 25. nebulo sa,6. patag iate, n 26. E r ig one dentipalp is , R euss.

7. so llers, Walck . 2 7. bicuspidata, M enge.

8. cucu rbitina, C ] . 28. livida, Blackw.

9. adianta, Walck . 29. fuscipalpis, C . Koch .

10 . acalypha, 30 . E 10 tuberculata, de G.

1 1 . V icto ria, T h o r. 31 . T her idium (Phylloneth is) lineatum,

1 2 . S ings hamata, C ] . C ].

13. H em , H ahn. 32 . sisyphi um , C l.14 . p gmaea, S und. 33. tuberculatum , a.s.

15. bo v ittata, Vv’

estr. 34 . punicum, L uc.

16. aenea, n.s. 35. S teatoda triangulosa, Walok .

1 7. Zillamontana, C . Koch . 36. L ithyphantes co ro llatus, L .

18. M etadentipalpis, n.s. 37. hamatus, C . Koch .

19. T etragnathaextensa, L . 38. Latrodectus cong lo batus,20 . U lobo rus Walckenaerius, Latr. 39. erebus, Sav. et A ud.

verty o f T urk istan representatives o f the fam i ly o f A lto idae, wh ich , as isEgown, is extremely r ich in species in S o uthern E urope, N . A fri ca, and S yria,and, further, is compo sed o f fo rms no t so easily escap in the attention of co llecto rs

as th e small L inyp/ u'

a, E r i gone, and o th ers. j udg ing rom what I have succeededin co llecting in the steppes o f R ussiaand th e eastern part o f the C aucasus,these locali ties also , in an impo rtant deg ree, fall sho rt o f the numero us A tlo idae o fWesternco untries.

52 R U S S I A N C E N TR A L A S IA .


Br V . N . U L IA N IN .

T H E fo llowing pag es contain the results o f th e exam ination o f par t o f

th e C rustaceaco llected b Fedchenk o , vi z . , A mp lz ipoa


a , I sopoda , C ape

poda, P ky llopoda, and ladocera. O stracodawi l fo rm th e subj ect o f

ano th er art o f th e T ravels in T urkestan.

T h e opepoda Fedch enk o propo sed to treat h imself, and co use

quently devo ted special attenti on to creatures o f th i s o rder . Du ri ngh is travels h e, wh enever po ssible, subm itted th e specimens o f th i s o rder

that h e co llected to a mo re o r less detai led prelim inary investi gati o n.

T o such prelim inary, but in th e majo ri ty o f cases very m inute, investi

ation were also subm itted all species o f th e g enus Cyclops co llected

y h im . T h ere only remained fo r me to veri fy h is remarks, in part tocomplete th em , and prepare from th em th e descri ptions o f th e species o f

that g enus furnished bymyself. In th is I have received g reat assi stance

from th e beautiful and remarkably detai led drawing s o fenti re specim ens

o f C clops and also o fmany detai ls, prepared from fresh specimens, byM a ame Fedch enk o , under th e supervisi on o f h er h usband.

(T h ese draw ing s are added in th e o rig inal.

—H . L .]have endeavo ured to compi le th e present li st as a handbo o k , w i th

synoptical tables. W ith th e aid o f th ese tables, th e disting u i sh ingmark s o fth e new fo rms described byme, and o ffo rms previ o usly defined .

are easily seen.


In all there arre 5 1 speci



cated in th e present i

éo lum e (2

m lei da, sopoda, 1 7 ree- iving apej ada, 2 parasi tic W M .

2 Pfillfioa’

afiand 19 C ladocera) , o f wh ich 1 7 are new (1 A mp/1 4pm ,

7 I sopoa’a, 8 C opepoda, and 1 C ladocer a) . Do ubtless th ere i s to be

fo und in T urk istan a much larg er number o f species o f C rustacea, and

m uch remains to be done by futu re investig ato rs o f that co untry to

complete th e present list.

T h e land C rustacea are represented in th e co llection by only one

g enus, P or celli o , th e multi tudino us species o f wh ich are, as is known,

scattered over th e wo rld. It is very pro bable that in T u rkistan th ereare to be fo und certain o th er g enera o f P o r cell iom


dz ve common in

E urope (vi z . , L ig id i um , P lz i loscia, and P latyar tlz r us) , w ich are dis

tributed o ver th e wh o le o f C entral and S o uth ern E uro pean R ussia. T h e

absence o f species o f th ese g enera in Fedchenk o’

s co llecti on may easi lybe explained, partly by th e mode o f life o f creatures related to th ese

g enera (species o f th e g enera P /z i loscia and L i g'

idi um always live

so li tari ly and somewhat concealed) , and partly from th ei r small si z e

(P latyar tlrr us ) .N ei th er one cause no r th e o th er is sufficient to explain th eabsence from

th e T urki stan co llecti on o f th e g eneraA r madi ll id i um and A rmad i llo


R U S TA CE A . 53

th e first of wh ich inhabits th e wh o le o f C entralSpan o f N o rth ern and

S o uthern E uro pe , th e second bein principal] i stributed over o uth

E urope. T h e species o f th e two a ove-name g enera always attain aconsiderable si z e , and are always fo und in larg e numbers dispersed over

lim ited areas. T h e consequence is that in localities inhab ited byth e species o f th ese encra, some o f th e first are always caug h t byth e co llecto r , and e

y‘are always represented in co llecti ons by

numero us specimens. h e absence o f representatives o f th ese g enera

in the T urk istan co llecti on appears to me, th erefo re , a very wei h tyevidence that th ey really do no t inhabi t R ussian C entral A sia.

3Th e

absence o f th e g eneraA r madz'


d z’

um and A r madi llo from th e T ur

k istan fauna is also partly confirmed by th eir distr ibuti on in o th er

co untries. T h e speci es o f th e g enus A r madz’


d z’

um in th e west

o f E urope extend to lerably far towards th e no rth ; many o f th em are

fo und in th e no rth ern part o f th e Bri ti sh I sles, in N o rth GermanDenmark , and even in S o uth ern Sweden. A s we advance towar s

th e east th e no rth ern lim it of distri bution o f g enus A r madz'


d z'


trends rapidly so uthwards , and with in th e lim i ts o f E uropean R ussia, so

far as I can judg e from my rath er extensive co llection o fP orcelliom'

dae,i t do es no t extend beyond th e no rth o f Kief and th e neig hbo uring


A s regards th e species o f th e g enus Porcellz’

o , found in T urk istan,th ey decxdedl o ug h t to be added to th e number o f the species livingin th e so -cal ed M edi terranean re


on. O f th e two species fo und byFedchenk o in T urki stan, wh ich ha been already described , one (P or e.

o r natus , M .-E . )was previ o usly fo und inth e envi rons o f C arthag ena, and

th e o ther P or e. laewlr, th o ug h it i s also di stributed over th ewh o le

o f C entra E urope as is sh own by me in its place, r incipally belong s

to S o uth ern E u ro pe, wh ere only i t attains its full evelopment. T h e

T urki stan specimens are sim i lar to th o se dwelling in S outh ern E urope

along th e sh o res o f th e M editerranean and nei g hbour ing seas, and are,like th ese, disting u ish ed from th e C entral E uropean fo rm s by th e con

stantly larg er si z e, and also by certain constant difi erences in th e

co lo ur ing o f th e body. O f th e species o f Par cellz’

o described by me

as new, P or e. Fedch enko z'

is extremely lik e that, described b Brandt,from S o u th ern E u ro pean R ussia (P o r e. Pallasz

i ) ; P or e. e g ens is

extremely lik e that inhab iting th e T rans-C aucasus and Persia P or e.

K lug z’


, and that common in th e wh o le o f N o rth A fr ica Por e.

Por e. maracand z’

cus i s very near that descri bed

from A ndalusia (P o r e. laber , Koch ) ; Por e. as ialr’

cus i s do ubtless

allied to that descr ibed om S o uth E urope by S tein (Por t . lo ng l’


m ic) . T h e fo reg o ingdconsidem ti ons , to g eth er wi th th e fact that th e

fo rm s fo rei g n to the edi terranean pro vince, th o ug h very comm on over

the wh o le o f C entral E urope including C entral E uropean R ussia(P or e.

convexus , Dg . , P o r e. scaber , Bdt P o r e. p z'

ctus,Bdt ) , are no t fo und in

T urk istan, induce me to characteri z e th e land fauna o f C rustacea as

no t very difi erent from that o f th e M edi terranean pro vince.

I t i s almo st impo ssible to treat in a sati sfacto ry manner th e freshwater fauna o f C rustacea, no t only because th e mater ials co llected byFedchenko consti tute only a certain propo rtion o f all th e C rustacea

dwelling in fresh -water in T urk istan, but also in consequence o f th e

pauci ty o fmaterials fo r comparison. T h e fresh -water C rustaceao f onlyVB

?few parts o f E u rope have been investig ated at all completely.

edch enk o , during h i s travels, fo und no species o f A stacus

54 . R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S I A .

(ro ta sh ) , and came to th e conclusi on that th ey are non-existent in

i ,stan as inW est and N o rth S iberia.

T h e fresh water Gammar us 1s represented by th e o rdinary G .pu lex ,

distri buted over th e wh o le o f E urope .

Fresh water I sopoda were not fo und by th e expedi ti on. A sellus ,

wh ich 13 so common in E uropean fresh waters , does no t appear to be

fo und 1n T urki stan.

O f 19 C ogepoda fo und, two are th e common fi sh parasites o f E urope

(L ampr og ma pu lclz ella and A rg u lus f o l iaceu s) ; th e remaining 1 7ecies belong to th ree g enera comm on to E u rope

—D iaptom us , Can

t ocamptu s , and Cyclops. T h e g enus Diaptom us is represented in

th e co llection by two new and rather remarkable species ; only one

species o f th e


enus Cantlz ocamptus was fo und, wh ich i s common all

o ver E urope. o f th e 14 species o f th e

(genus Cycle} 5 fo und,,


species are wi dely str i buted o ver C entral an N o rth ern E uro pe

szg nat‘u s, vi r idi s; tenu ico r m lr, ser r u latus , and j lzaleratus ) , 2 were

revio usly fo und onl in th e Scandinav ian penmsu la and DenmarkFC . afifi nzlr,


8ars. an crassicor m lr, 1 (C . C lausi i , H eller ) wasobserved onl in th e T yro l, and th e remaining 6 are new,

mo re o r less

resembling u ropean species.

O f th e two speci es o f T urkistan P /zy llopoda, one (B rant / ulna:f er ox) is larg ely distributed o ver all S o uth ern E urope , and th e o th er

(E sth er ia dalzalacem i r) lives along th e sh o res (no rth ernas well asso uth ern) o f th e M edi terranean, and th e waters lying near i t .


T h e last secti on included in th is paper— C ladocera—contains 19

ecies . O f th ese 15 are mo re o r less common in th e wh o le o fW estern

uro .pe T h ree species had alreadybeen fo und only 1n th e Scandinavian

peninsula and Denmark (two species o f C er i odap l mia and P leu r oxusbasta


tus) , and th ere is but one new species belong ing to th e ln

teresting section o f th e g enus Da l mia (desi g nated by Schodler

H yalodap l mia) , representatives o f w ich were previ o usly o bserved in

N o rth Germany, Denmark , Scandinavian peninsula, and C entral E uropean R uss ia.

A s 18 evident from th e fo reg o ing , i t is difi cult to say, from th e data

at present in o u r po ssessi on, to what extent th e T urk istan fauna o f

fresh -water C rustacea difi ers from that o f o th er locali ties . A ll that

we can say, confidently, is that among th e C rustacea living in the

fresh waters o f R ussian C entral A sia, a very larg e number o f West

E uropean species is fo und, and that th e new species , described byme , are, in th e majo ri ty o f instances, very like th e commonest in C entraland S o uthern E urope .

W i th reg ard to th e two C rustacea taken in th e A ral S ea, one of

th em appears to be a new species, descr i bed by me under th e name

Gammar w aralenszir ; th e o th er—an E rg as i lus—unfo rtunately, waslo st, so that th e species remains undescr ibed. T h e unimpo rtant

number o f C rustacea broug h t from th e A ral S ea by th e expeditioncanno t o n any acco unt be taken as an evidence o f special securi tyo f crustaceans th ere.

‘[Madame Fedchenk o info rms me, h owever, that the A ria-w has since been

fo und in T urk istan, as communicated by Maio r N . A . Maieff to the M oscow

S oci ety o f Friends o f N atural H isto ry and that the full descri

pt1on o f the speci es,

o r rather variet , wh ich pro ved to be new and somewhat di ercut from the sixspeci es h itherto nown in R ussia, has been g iven by S h imk evich 1n the Zoolog i rclu rA nm lgt r , 1884


— CR U S TA C E A .


Fabr . Fresh-water sh r imps. L smpro g lm , N ordm.

1 . Gammarus pulex, Degeer. 1 . Lamprog lenapulch ella, N o rdm.

z . aralensis, n.s. A rg ulia’ae,

Iso so vA . Wood/k c. Argnlul , H illi er .

P070 013 0 1 Lntr . 1 . A rg ulus fo liaceus, L in.

1 . Po rcelli o Fedchenk o i , n.s.

2 . elegans, n.s.

3. o rnatus, M .-E dw.

4 . latus, n.s.

5. maracandicus, n.s.

6. asiaticus, n.s.

7. laevis, L tr.8 . marg inatus, n.s.

9. o r ientalis, n.s.

E N T OMO S T RAC A .Water-flea:

C o pepo nx, M -v .

Dinptomul , Wel tw.

l . Diaptomus asiaticus, a.r .

z . affinis, a.r .

Onnth ocsmptnl , Wol tv .

l . Canth ommptus m inutus, C laus.

Cydopidae, Dana.


C yclo ps si gnatus, Koch .

v i ridis, Jurine.

tenui oo rnis, C lauS.vicinus, a.r .

Fedchenk o i, n.s.

Sarsi i , a.s.

o r ientalis, a.r.

serrulatus, Fischer.alaiensis, n.s.

afii nis, Sars.

C lausu , H eller.



aleratus, Koch .

ufmanni , n.s.

crassico rnis, M i iller.




Branch ipns, Sak ai .

1 . Branch ipus ferox, M .-E dw.

Bath oria, S tu ns.

1 . E stheriadahalacensis, S traus.

C L ADOC E RA , L 1 11 .

1. Bids , S tru ts.

1 . S idacrystallina, O . F. M uller.

lI . Daphne, Bohodlor .

1 . Daphnia Schaefl’

eri , Bai rd.

z . pulex, Degeer.

3. v itrea, n.s.

Bimooephnlu , Boh ildler .

1 . S imocephalus vetulus, O . F . M ii ller.

z . exspino sus, Koch .

Scaph oleberi l , Sch iidlor .

1 . Scaph o leberismucronata, O . F.M i ill.

Oerlodephnis , Dans .

1 . C eri odaphnialaticaudata,M i i ll., P. E .

z . pulchella, Sars.

l o in , Bai rd.

I . M o ina brach iata, Jurine.

h oroth r ix, Bai rd.

1 . Macro th rix latico rnis, Jurine.

Bosn ian, Bai rd.

Bo sminal ong irostris, O .F. M uller .

Aeropom , Bai rd.

1 . Acroperus leucocephalus, Koch .

A lone , Bai rd.

1 . A lone quadrang ular is, O . F. M illler.z , l1ncata, Fisch .

Plenroxul , Bai rd.

1 . Pleuroxus aduncus, Jurine.

z . tr ig onellus, O . F. M ii ller.

3. hastatus, Sars.

Chydom , Leech .

1 . C h ydorus sphaericus, O . F. M uller.


C OL EOPT E R A (Beetles).

BY 8 . M . S o Ls .

[T H E first part in th e o rig inal contains th e description o f 352 speci es,distributed among 1 14 g enera, belong ing to 1 0 fam i li es. O f th ese

43 species were no t found in Fedch enk o’

s co llecti on, but th ey were

introduced by S o lsky because they belong ed ei th er to T urki stan o r th e

adjacent reg i ons. T here were 61 species wh ich appeared to be q u i te

new to science , one o f th em claim ing reco g ni tion as a new g enu s .

T o th e descri ption o f all new species, and also of certain o th ers p re

v i o usly known but insufi ciently described, i s added in th e o r i g i nal

a to lerably complete diagno sis in L atin, where also th o se o f th e fo rm erly

known species o f wh ich S o lsky had seen o rig inal specim ens are

desig nated by an asteri sk . T h e first part consti tutes appro ximately

one-th i rd o f th e wo rk undertak en by S o lsky , wh ich h e beli eved to

embrace in all as many as species. T he second part co ntains

th e description o f 1 78 species, distri buted among 55 g enera, belo ng ing

to 14 fam i lies. O f th is number 49 species and o ne g enus proved to be

new. In th e second part, also , are commenced synoptical tables wh ich

wi ll serve fo r th e definiti on o f th e fam i lies and g enera to wh ich belongth e species he descr ibed.

S o lsky intended, in th e th i rd part . to wri te a g eneral preface , but

did no t live to complete h is manuscri pt. A few sh eets only were

printed, I am info rmed by M adame Fedch enko ,wh o has been o od

eno ug h to copy th em fo r me, and th ey are placed at th e end 0 th e

fo llowing list. M r. R obert MacL ach lan, F .R .S has po inted o u t to

me, h owever , concerning th ese species , unpublish ed elsewh ere , that

no th ing i s m o re tro ublesome in systematic z oo log y than th e publica

tion o f names only wi th o ut descripti ons ; and seeing th ere are many

new species in th is addenda, I have, in deference to h is sug g esti on,

struck out th e specific names fo r the new species, and left th e

g ener ic name wi th n .s . only. S o lsky’

s descri ption o f some new

T urk istan species was publi sh ed by h i s friend, M . E rsch o fl‘

, in th e

M adame Fedchenko furth er info rms me that in a previ o us article in

th e H or . S oc. E at. R oss" Vo l. v i i i . , pp . 133 and 165 , S o lsky gave a

full descripti on (in French ) o f :C u r eu liom

des (1 ) A lcides C baua’o i r i , Guer.

L ong ico r nes (2 ) Pac/zya'i rsus sar z‘us, and o f many S lap /ly

linti les—17 . L

A PPE N DIX 24 .—C OL E OP TE R A . 57


l . C icindela, I..

t indelndecempustulata, Ménétr .

turkestanica, Ballion.

maracandensis, n.s. , S lky.

lacteo la, Pall.

Fisch eri , A dams.melanch o lics , Fabr.sublacerata, n.s. , S o lsky.

descendens, Fisch .

Ki ri lovi ,


Gro up 1 . O u om xomm .

L Omophron. 1.utr . 1s. 11atab1otu , 3o11m Goeb.

L Omoph ron ro tundatus, C haud. 1 . M etabletus fuscomaculatus, M o tsch.Gro up 2 . E L A Pm um .

2 Pfl‘

fl lelq -fi. Ballion.

2. N oti oph i lus, Dinner .3. o bl1ques1gnatus, S o lsky.

1 . N o ti oph i lus sublaevis, n.s. , S o lsky. 14. Lamprlu , Bonelli .

G ro up 3. C A R A Bl N l . 1 . Lamprias cyanocephalus, L .

3. H ebrin, h “.2 . festivus, Faldrm .

N ebria

psammoph ila, n.s., S o lsky. 16. labia, Lntr .

lmh 'gem : ”h f-1 l . L ebia trimaculata, Gebl.

4 . Gambia, I.. cyath ig era, R o ssi .

C arabus Fedch enk o i , S o lsky.“ WEm ino r , L

S tschuro vsk i i , a.s turc1ca, Fah rKaufmanni , n.s. ,

6. Od om , Web.

S ection 1 . Calosoma.

C alo somasycophanta, L .

turcomanicum , M o tsch .

sericeum , Fabr .

S ection 2 . Callislkenes, s ek .

1 . C allisth enes Kuschak ewi tsch i , Ball. 18 . Bi tonal , Bonelli .2 assentenfl s.m .S o lsky 1 . Ditomus calydonius, R o ssi .

Group 4 . DRYPT IN I . 2 . ch odschenticus, Ball

6. Polysti ohnr , Bonelli .

1 . Po lystichus vi ttatus, Brull.

G ro up 5. BRA C H l l .

7 . Bu oh lnus, Web.

Brach inus pso ph ia, Dej.brevico llis, M o tsch .

g raecus, Dej.

8. l a tex, Finch .

1 . Mastax thermarum , S tev .

Gro up 6. L ssm u.

9. Cymlndls, Latr .

C ym indis A ndrene, M énétr.accentifera, Zubk .

deco ra, F isch .

quadrisignata, M éne'


rufescens, Gebl.

Manncrheim i , Gebl.

1o. Glycia, m ud.

bico o r , n.s. ,

anth racma, n.s.,

l l . Demetrius, Bonelli .

1 . Demetrias unipunctatus, Germ .

18. 3 1001111 10 , M otsch .

1 . Blech rus plag iatus, Duft.2 . maurus, S turm .

3. minu tus, M o tsch

1 . Glycia trico lo r, Gebl2 . cingulate,3. flav i n.s.

, S o lsky.

4 .


16. Tetrsg onodom , Dej .1 . T etrag onoderus intermedius, n.s. , 811y.

G roup 7. Drrom m .

17 . Aristus, Lstr .

1 . A r istas punctulatus, C haud.

2 . tenuesculptus, a.s. , S o lsky.

19. Om nooh yrur , rag s , Solsky .

1 . C arenochyrus ti tanus, n.s.

, S o lsk y.

90. Ch i lotomus, Chnud.

1 . C hi lo tomus chalybaeus, Fldrm .

Group 8. S C A R IT IN I .

21 . Bon i ta . Fabr .

Scari tes bucida, Pall.

eurytus, F isch .

F ischeri, Zubk .

cylindro no tus, Fldrm .

salinus, Pall.

pets icus, C haud.

22. Dyl ch i rins, Bonolli .

Dysch i rius cylindricus, Dej.o v ico llis, n.s. , S o lsky.

dim idiatus, C haud.

58 R U S S IA N C E M R A L A S IA .

1 . C livinaco llar is, H erbst.2 . Ypsilon, Dej.

Gro up 9. C am snnm .

24 . Ch leoni ur , Bonelli .C hlaeni us spo liatus, R o ssi.

caspicus, M o tsch .

extensus, E schsch .

tenuelimbatus, Ball.ch ryso th o rax, Krya.

Sch rank i , Duft.flavicom is Fisch Gro up 13. Pr s xo sn cm m .

S teveni , Quensel. 86. Ptom tichnl , E r ich ] .

sem icyaneus, n.s. , S o lsky.

h o losenceus,Fabr . Poecilus unctulatus, Fabr .

G ro up 10 . L 1c1x1m .

g iggli



?M enétr .

35° Llcinns, L str .

long iventr is, n.s. , S o lsky.1 . L icinus depressus, Payk .

Karelini , C haud.

Gro up 1 1 . C nsuacxnrmm . ht'

ggwfgfi éggr’ 315k ?

28‘ Di octes, l énétr ,leptoderus, n.s. , S o lsky.1 . Dioctes Lehmanni, Ménétr. carbonico lo r , a.s.


27 Broscus Pun: laevico llis, C haud.

1 . Bro scus asiaticus, Ball. S ection 2 . Irag arw , C /mud.

Gro up 1 2. H A R PA u xr.lagu

-us vem‘l's' Pam ”

28 . Anh odaotylns, Dej . S ection 3. Omaseus, Zi eg ler .

1 . Anisodactylus signatus, I llig . 1 . Omaseus niger, Schaller

29. Ao inopus, Dej.1 . Acino pus str io latus, Zubk .

30. Dlohi rotri ehns, Dnvnl.Dich iro tr ichus ustulatus, Dej.

microclerus, a.s.

, S i ky.

discico llis, Dej.

81 . Pang " , Zi eg l.Pangus brach ypus, S tev.

externepunctatus, a.r S lskyinterm i ttens

, n.s. ,

di verso punctatus, n.t .,

82. Harpalus, Latr .

S ection 1 . Opl mma , Z ieg l.O ph onus tatar icus, Ménétr.

cycloderus, n.s., S o lsky.

ch lo ri zans, n.s. ,

S ection 2 . H am /m .

1 . H arpalus rufico rnis, Fah r.2 . g riseus, Panz .

3. aniso dactylifo rm is,S o lsky.

distinguendus, Duft.vi ridu lus , n.s. , S o lsky.

caloeatus, Duft.

7 . H arpd us tenebro sas, Dej.8. rembo ides, n. .t. , S o lsky9O

serripes, Quensel.picipennis, Duft.

88. A oupalpna, Latr .

1 . Acupalpus do rsalis, Fabr.84 . S tonolophns, Dej .

1 . S teno loph us abdom inalis, Gene.2 . marg inatus, Dej.

mo rio , Ménétr.

1 . Zabrus g ibbo sus, Zimm .

87 . Amara, Bonolli .

Section 1 . B raafi'tw . S tef fi .

Bradytus apricarius, Payk .

S ection 2 . Cyr lono luS , S tep/z .C yrtono tus caucasicus, M o tsch.


S ecti on 3. A nal/ti lt} , Z imm.

Amath i tis m icrodera, C haud.

songar ica,

S ecti on 4 . C elia, Zimm.

O eliaerratica, Duft.

ambulans, Z imm.

picina, a.J‘

., S o lsky.

testioo la, Z imm.

S ection 5. A mara, Zimm.

A mara rufipes, Dej .simi lata. Gyll.famelica, Z imm.

tr ivialis, Gyll.



Group 1 . a xo r m u m .

l . H ydrophi lne, M .

1 . H ydro ph i lus pioeus, L .

2. H ydrocharee, Latr .

1 . H ydrochares carabo ides, L .

8. H ydrobi ul , Leach .

1 . H ydrobius fuscipes, L .

2 . chalceo lus, n.s., S o lsky.

4 . Ph i lhydrne, S ol.

1 . Ph ilhydrus testaceus, Fabr.

6. Lacoobi lu , E r ichs.

1 . Laccobius alutaceus. T ho rns.

2 . deco rus, Gyll.

3. g racilis, M o tsch .

9. Berosus, Leach .

1 . Bero sus spino sus, S tev.

7 . L imneh ine, L each .

1 . L imnebius truncatellus, T hunb .

Gro up 2 . H st o r uo xm l .

9. H eloph oru l , Fabr .

1 . H eIOph o rus subco status, Ko lenati .

2 . do rsalis. Marsh .

3. g ranularis, L in.

9. Och th ebi ue, Leach .

1 . Och theb ius bico lon, K irby.

Gro up 3. S P l I A E R l D l l N I .

10. Cyclonotum, E r ichs.

1 . C yclono tum o rbiculare, Fabr.

11. Cercyon, Leach .

1 . C ercyon qu isq u ilium , L .

12. Sphaeri di um , Fabr .

1 . S phaeridium bipustulatum , Fah r.


Gro up 1 . A L E O C H A R IN I .

1 . Balag ria, 11mm.

Falag r ia th o racica, C u rtis.

o bscura, G rav .

g rati lla, E richs.

2. L eptusa, Kraatz .

L eptusap icipennis, n.s. , S o lsky.

8. Aleochara, Grav.

A leocharacrassiuscula, Sah ib.

lanug ino sa, G rav .

sareptana, Fvl. i . li tt.spissicom is, E richs.

4 . l ym edoni a, E r ich s.

M yrmedoniadrusillo ides, S o lsky.

Gro up 3. S r ar u v 1. 1m m .

S ection 0 . Qud i iformer.10. H eteroth ops, Ki rby.

1 . H etero th o ps melanocerus, S o lsky.

S ecti on 6. S laplzylim'

ni .

1 1 . Creoph i lus, Ki rby.

1 . C reoph i lus maxi llosus, L .

12. Lei stotroph us, Party.

1 . L eisto tro phus sibi ricus, Gebl.

18 . Ocypus, Ki rby.

1 . Ocypus p icipennis, Fabr.2 . fuscoaeneus, S o lsky.

14 . Ph ysetops, H u h .

1 . Physeto ps tataricus, Pall.

16. Ph i lonth us, Leach .

1 . Ph i lanthus ro tundico llis, M énétr.

z . stratas, Grav.

3. vari us, Gyll.

4 . ebeninus, G rav.

5. long ico rnis, S teph6. bipustulatus, Pan:

7. disco ideus, Grav.

8. rubellus, n.s., S o lsk

9. m icans. Grav.

10 . ni

firi tulus, Grav .

1 1 . sa°

nus, s .

1 2 . fo rmo sus, M o tsch .

13. velatipennis, S o lsky.

1 4. dim id1atipennis. E r ichs15. procer ulus, Grav.

Tachyusacavico llis, S o lsky.

9. H omalota, I nnh .

H omalo talabilis, E richs.

plans , Gyll.immersa, E richs.analis, Grav.

succico la. T h oms.

fusea, Sah lb.

Group 2 . T acuvromm .

7 . Tach inua, Grav .

T ach inus ruti tarsis, H och h .

latico llis, G rav .

disco ideus, E rich s.

9. Tachypom , Grav.

T achypo rus ch rysomelinus, L .

hypno rum , Fabr.

armeniacus. Klti .

scitulus, E richs.

9. Bo li tobi lu , Leach .

1 . Bo li tobius pullus, S o lsky.


Secti on e. Xantholinim’

29. Ancyroph ornl , Kraatl .

16. Platyproaopul , I nnh . Ancyroph o rus sericinus n. s., S o lsky.

1 . Platyproso pus elongatus, Mnnh. Gro up 7, o M A u g 1 ,

Group 4 . Paz nsxm l .

Omalium apicico rne, n.s. S o lsky.

Lathrobium elongatum , L . taschkentense, n.s.

conco lo r, M o tsch . turanicum , n.s. ,

18 . Bolicaon, Ou t. 81 . Anth obian , Steph .

1 . Do lieaon pullus, S o lsky. Anth obium fulv ipenne, n.s., S o lsky.

19. Cryptobinm. 11111111 v11. PS E LAPH IDA E .

C rypto bium fractico rne, Payk .

1 . m m , R eich b.

90 Sti licus, Latr . C tenistes palpalis, R eich b.

S tilicus prolongatus, n.s. , 2. my“ , Leach.cap1tal1s, Gemm ., H rld.

21 . Suni us, Leach .

S unius lith ocharo ides. n.s., S o lsky.

fasciatus, H ochh .

neg lectus, Maerkel.

29. Scopaeus, E r ichs.

1 . Scopaeus brevi venter , S perle.

98 . Paeder 112 , Grav .

Bryaxis long ico rnis, L each .

1 . Paederus cephalo tes, M o tsch .

2 . r ipar ius, L

3. fuscipes, C

4 . albipi lis, S o lsky.

Group 5. S T E N I N I .

24 . Steam , Latr .

1 . S tenus guttula, M ill] .2 . serens, S o lsky.

3. ater, M unh .

4 . buph thalmus, Grav.IX. A N IS OT O M IDA E .

g 1 . nydnobi u , Schmi dt.

7: 38331215

83333. H ya bifl s Punctutus, S turm.

8. so lutus, E r ichs.

9. tumidulus, n.s. , S o lsky.


x. S C A


ztE '

Gro up 6. OXYT E L I N I .S h

:802 11

d 11

by .

l k25. M edian, Leach .

1 . cap mm qua rat1co e, a.s. , 80 5 y.

1 . Bledius h innulus, E rich s.

2 . trico m is, H rbet.

99. Platystethus, I nnh .

1 . Platysteth us com utus, Grav.

2 . mo rsitans, Payk .

3. spino sus, E r ichs.

4 . capi to , B eer .

97 . Oxytolua, Grav.

1 . Oxytelus piceus, L inn.

2 . ni tidulus, Grav.

99. ZonOpti lus, M otsch .

1 . Zonoptilus pennifer, M o tsch .


1 . N ecroph om , Fabr.

N ecroph o rus humato r, Fabr.2. Si lpha, L .

S ilphasinuata, Fabr.ferrugata, a.s., S o lsky.turk estanica, Ball.co stata, M énétr.o bscura, L .

8. Ch oleva, Latr .

C h o levafusci es, M énétr .sci tu E richs.

4 . A g yrtea, Fri ih l.

1 . Ag yrtes ferrug ineus, n.s., S o lsky.


1 . meter , L .

H ister turanus, n. .1. S o lsky.

quadrimaculatus, L .

q uatuo rdecimstriatus, Gyll.bino tatus, E richs.

planulus, M énétr.

smyrnaeus, Mars.

fimetarius, H rbst.

purpurascens,uadrino tatus, S cri be.

alsus, n.s. . S o lsky.

bimsculatus, L .

62 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S I A

2. Carcinopc, Karl . XV. C O LYDllDAE .

1 . Carcino ps pusi o , Ménétr. 1. 5 8 103 3 3 1 E r ich .

8. Baprinnn, E r ichs. 1 . A g lenus brunnens, Gyll.

1 . Saprinus maculatus, R o ssi .

2 . interruptus, Payk .


3. externus, Fisch .

4 . biguttatuE, 1 . S i lvanus surinamensis, L .

5. omatus, n s.

6. sem ipunctatus, Fah rXVI I . C RYPT OPH AGIDA E .





as M m1 .

‘l‘elmatophi lue, near .

e 1 a

9‘ Fabr.

1 . T elmatoph 1lus spargann, A h rens.

10 . cri bellatus, Mars. 2. Cryptophag ul , H rbl t.1 1 . chalcites, I llig . h ta 1 G l .

1 2 . sparsutus, n.s., S o lsky.

C ryptop ag usafiatflsgj' us y

13. M ersinae. Mars. cellaris, Scop.

14 . o villum n.s. , S o lsky.

validus. Krtz .

4 . Gnath onou , Duv . bactrianus, n.s.,

1 . Gnath oncus rotundatus, I llig . 8 . A tomar ia, Steph .

2 ° d151unctus, ”4 3 1 S OISkY° 1 . A tomariadi lutella, n.s., S o lsky.

6. Teretr i uapBr ich l .1 . T eretr ius p ici pes, Fah r.


1 . Phalacm , Payk

1 Phalacrus co rruscus, Paylt .

2. Oli bm , E richs.

1 . O librus bico lo r, Fah r.

2 . li nidus, E richs.

3. a nis, S turm .

4 . o blongus, E richs.


Gro up 1 . Bxxcnv r r xm m .

XIX. T H O R 'C T 'DA E '

1 . Brachypterns, Kag oll . 1 . Th orium , Germ.

Brachypterus canescens, M o tsch .1 ' T ho rictus 03 8 191 18 115. Germ.

dilatitarsis.a.s. S o lsky.

g ravidus, I llig .

, XX . DE R ME S T IDA E .

Gro up 2 . N 17 10 11 1 1 11 4 2 .

1 ’ 1 "

2. N i fi dlfl l , Fabr .

Dermestes S tev.

N itidula latiplaga, n. s., S o lsky.

carnar ia, Schall.3° E nseba, Kugel.

elegans, n.s. , S o lsky.

8 . l eli g eth ee, Ki rby. co ronatus, S tev.

M elig eth es xanth opus, ”J " S OISkY 2 A ttag enue Latrvu lpes, a.s. ,

Alutra, ”A



ttag enus angustatus, Ball.di stinctus, S trm

s1mulaps, a.s., S o lsky.

tr istis,bynlfO Ida , ”J o ,

p ictus Ball.plamusculuS , H eersuspiciosus, n.s. , S o lsky.

XIV . T ROGOS IT IDA E .fascio latus. n.s.

1 . Trcgoei ta, L . 8. l eg-atoms , H int.

1 . T rog osi tamaur itanica, L . 1 . M egatomaconsperse, n.s. , S o lsky.





1 . l onotoma, E rblt.

M ono tomabrevipenne, Kunz e.

quadrifo veo lata, M otsch .

2. Lsth ridi na, nth-t.Lathr idius m inutus, L .

parallelipennis, a.s. , S llty.

8. C ortical-ia, [ n h .

1 . C o rticariabadia, Mnnh .

quadrimaculata, M nnh.


erma versico lo r, C reutz .

o rnata, a.s. , S o lsky.

6. Anth rsnus, Geofl r.

Anth renus pimpinellae, Fabr.

S o lsky.

picturatus, n.s.,

flavidus, n.s.,

rufulus, n.s. ,

leucogrammus, n.s.,

6. Orph i lus, E richs.

O rph ilus g labratus, Fah r.


1 . Cur imus, E r ichs.

1 . C ur imus asiaticus, n.s., S o lsky.


1 . Par-nus, Fabr .

1 . Parnus fuscipennis, n.s., S o lsky.

2. Dryops, Oli v.

1 . Dryops longus, n.s., S o lsky.

8 . E r ich s.

1 . H elichus asiaticus, a.s. , S o lsky.


1 . H eterooem , F.

1 . H eterocerus rallelus, Kryn.

2 . exuo sus, S teph .

3. laevi gatus, Fabr.

4. sericeus, Kiesw.


Gro up 1 . C o rxrm .

I . Scarabaeu s, L .

1 . Scarabaeus saoer , L .

2. Gymnoplenrns, 11113 .

1 . Gymnopleurus aciculatus, Gebl.

2 . flagellatus, Fah r.

8. Synapsi s, Bates.

1 . Synapsis tmo lus, Fisch . de W.

4. Oopris, Geom'.

1 . C opt is h ispanus, L .

2 . lunaris,

5. Oni ti l , Fabr .

1 . Oni tis h umero sus, Pall.

z . Pamphylus, M énétr.

3. m oeris, Pall.

4 . stenculius, Ball.

7 . Oni ticellus, Serv.

1 . Oni ticellus flavipes, Fabr.2 . pallipes,

9. Plag i ogonns, H ull .

1 . Plag io g onus praeustus, Ball.

10. Anmoeci us, H ull .

1 . Amm oecius disco lo r , n.s., S o lsky.

1 1 . H endi di us, H rld.

1 . M endidius biuens, Ball. , 1. li tt.

12. Psammobi us, Beer .

1 . Psammobius caesus. Panz .

2 , vari o lo sus, Klti .

6. Onth ophag ns, Latr .

Onth ophag us amyntas, O liv.

taurus, L inn.

nutans, Fah r.camelus,

pygargus, M o tsch .

marg inalis, Gebl.speculifer , n.s. , S lsky

leuco stigma, S tev .

H aro ldi , Ball.

Group 2 . A rnom rm .

8. Aph odi us, I lli g .

A ph odius erraticus, L .

ubterraneus, L .

haemo rrh o idalis, L .

fimetar ius, L .

foetens, F .

g ranar ius, L .

punctipennis, H rld.

1mmundus, C reutz .varians, Duft.Kraatz i , H r id.

plag iatus, L o

nig er , Funz .

ni tidus, Ball.

brunnens, Klug .

melano stictus, Schm .

nig riv ittis, n.s. , S o lsky.

conspurcatus, L .

quadrisignatus, Brull.

pusi llus, H rbst.

quadrig uttatus, H rbst.K isi lk um i , n.s., S o lsky.

g regarius. H r ld.

sem ipelli tus, a.s., S o lsky.

lunifer , a.s.,

ci rcumductus,n.s. ,

Edgardi , n.s.,

luridus, Fabrpecari ,

64 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

Gro up 3. O r. r 11 11 1 11 1 . Group 6. T xocmx.18. Och odaens, I O" . 19. T rot , g ‘br .

1 . Och odaeus co rnifrons, n.s. , S o lsky.

1 . T14. C odoosra, E schach .

1 0 11 g ul‘penms' F

I . C odocera ferrug inea, E S ChS C h .

Gro up 7. GLA PH YR IN L

Group 4 . H Y B O S O R I N L Glaphyrns, Latr .15. Kybosom s, c eay.

1 . O lephyrus ox terns, Pall.1 . H ybo so rus I lllgen, R e1che. 3 , vai


ipans, Méném

Gr o up 5. G s o r au r m r.

16. Bolboceras, Ki rby.

1 . Bo lboceras Rado sz k ovsk i i , n.s. , S lky.1 . Amphioomachal



l k .z n.s. O S


17 '

goofi n

g“ , Latr


3. Kuschak ewi tsch i , Ball.ect1on 1 . eralop yer , Fuck 4: W. 4 . dubia, n.s. , S o lsky.

1 . C eratophyus A mmon, Pall. 5. clypeata, n.s.,

S ection 2 0 GM W P“: M ’d-f Group 8. M sL ono s'

rmm .

1 . Geo trupes 1mpressus, Gebl.2 . fo veatus, M rsh . m. H oplia, Illi g .

19. Lethrns, 80011. 1 . H oplia

(paupera, Kryn.

1 . L ett brachuco lh s, Fau'm. 2 ci r 1ta, ”J S o lsky.

2 apterus, Laxm .

3. po li tus,n.s. ,


S o lsky. 28. Beri ca, McLeay.

4~ 500 anus,F150“ de W. 1 . S eries euph o rbiae, Burm.

S o " i f estamcus, Ball 2 . arenico la, n.s., S o lsky.6. laev igatus,7 . lo ng 1manus, Fisch . de W. 24 . Oxycorythnl , is. gt, Solsky.

8. Karelini , Gebl.0 M So lsk

9. crenulatus,1 . xyco ryth us o rawrtz i , n.s., y

10 . tuberculi fro us, Ball. [End o f Part I I . in o rig inal ]

[Thej bllowing is Me unpubli rbedpofi ion qf S olsky": th i rdpar t—Ar. L .]

26. Lachnosterna, H ope. 80. l elolontha,P.

1 . Lachnostemah o loser icea, Ménétr. i:M elo lontha




;2 ‘ po rosa, F1sch .

3. pecto ralis, Germ.

26. Pectinichelus, Ball. 81 . Pachydema, east.

1 . Pectinichelus rh i z o trog o ides, Ball.Pachydemao blonga, E 1sch . deW.

Gro up 9. Kur su m .

27 , Bh i z otrogus, Latr .

33, rh ynoperth , m ph1 . Rhi z o trog us, n.r., S o lsky.

2 .

Kluh ereus’ Knoch L






3 yschenk owi , Ball 3. variabi lis, Ball.

28 . 4 mph1mallus, l ull .

33 Anomala, Sam.

1 . A mph imallus so lsti tialis, L .

1 ‘ Anomala du‘mb M 0 3 0}!

z . g labri pennis’ Ball,81 rw nn., 3m

1 . Pharaonus, n.s. , S o lsky29. 1'olyphylla, Barr . 2 .

1 . Po lyphyllah o lo leuca, Pall.35 mlo3 m . Cast.

2 , adspersa, M o tsch . 1 . Ado retus nig ri frons. S tev.

3. i rro rata, Gebl. 2 . a.s., S o lsky.

4 . n.s. , S o lsky. 3. comptus, M énétr.


Group 10 . Dvnasu m .

86. Pentodon, H ope.

1 . Pentodon mong o liens, M o tsch .

2 . quadridens, Gebl.

87 . Oryctea, Illig .

1 . O ryctes lati pennis, M o tsch .

Group 1 1 . C s '

romm .

S talagmosomaalbella, Pall.

89. Oxythyrea, H ula.

1 . Oxythyreacinctella Schaum.

40. Tropinota, H ull .

1 . T ropino tapi losa, Brull.

41 . C otonia, Baht .

1 . C etonia afflicts, Go r. et Perch ,var.

C chalybaea, S o lsky.

BOgdano fli , S o lsky.

interruptocostata, Ball.n.s. , S o lsky.

Karelini , Zubk .

n.s., S o lsky.

sibirica, Gebl.ma


nico llis, Ball.2 111) 0 5 , Fldrm .

fasciata, Fisch . deW.


Group 1 . 1 11 1 0 0 1111 4 11.

1 . Julodi s, Bsohsch .

1 . Julodis var io laris, Pall. were


r Acmaeodera, n.s. , S o lsky.

I .

Group 2. BUPRBST IN I.

2. Pulloptera, 801.

Psi 10 pteraarg entata, Mnnh .

8. capnodis, Bech sch .

Capnodis H enning i , Fldrm .

excise , Ménétrmparumstr iata, Ball.mi liaris, K l



4 . 00 00 111“, t

1 . C occulus sibi ricus, F.

5. Di eerea, E schach .

1 . Dicercaaenea, L .

6. l eianoph i la, Bach-ch.

1 . M elanoph i ladecostigma, F.

1 . Anthaxia, n.s. , S o lsky.

2 .




7 .


k o llar i , M ars.

deaurata, Gmel.

b ico lo r , Fldrm .

auri oeps, M én.

is..t. , So lsky.

n.s. ,

venerabi lis, Mars.

66 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

M E L L IFE R A (Bees) .

Bx DR . FER DINAND M o u v nz .

FEDC H ENKO h oped to treat th eA p idae section h imself, but only succeededin finish ing th e determ ination and descr iption o f th e g reater part o f th e

species o f th e g enus A nth oph o ra. W i th what ardo ur h e wo rked, and

to what extent he devo ted h im self to the labo ur o f investig ating th e

A pidae, h is observations sh ow. H e did no t confine h imself to th e exam ination o f th e external peculiari ti es only o f these insects, but observed

also certain o f th ei r internal o rgans, especiall the sexual o rg ans, intend

ing to exp lain th e relation between th ei r di erent fo rms, and to attempt

a g enetical mo rph o lo gy . Fo r th is purpo se h e made ready a number of

m icro scopic preparations, but did no t succeed in completing th em ,

leaving only very disconnected observations .

T h e bees co llected by Fedch enk o fo rm a very rich co llection. O th ertravellers in T urk istan co llected no bees, and, th erefo re, th e co untry maybe called, in th is respect, unexplo red. L ehmann

,wh o went as far as

Bokhara and Samarkand, sent to th e m useum o f th e Academy o f

Sciences only seven species o f bees, co llected by h im in th e envi rons

o f O renburg , and near Fo rt N ovo A lexandro vsk , wh ich were describedby E rich son in M énétriés

C atalo g ue des Insectes recuei llis par feu

M . L ehmann.

”E versmann, wh o had also travelled in T urk i stan, did

no t, it seems , th en co llect any A pidae. T h oug h in h is wo rk FaunaH yrneno ptero lo g ica Vo lg o

-U ralensi s.”B u ll . a


e M oss 1 852 ) h e o ftenmentions that o th er species inhab i t no t only th e co untry between th e

U ral and Vo lg a, bu t beyond th e U ral, yet all th e specimens seen by mewere no tco llected in T u rk istan, but, as is sh own b th e localities markedon th ei r tickets , near Indersk , O rsk . I rk utsk , an even Kiak h ta. T h us

th e wh o le li terature o f T urk istan bees i s lim i ted to th e wo rk o f O . K .

R ado sz k o vsky.wh o received some species from Fedch enk o ,anddescribedfo u r new species from th e envi rons o f Samarkand (H ar e S oc. E ntom o l .R ossicar , tomus

T h e g enus A ntk oplzo ra i s included inmywo rk as th e special labo ur o fFedch enk o . I have only had to veri fy the determ ination o fall th e species,to comp i le diagno ses, g ro up ing , and synoptical tables, and


ve sh o rt de

scripti ons o f certain species , th e maj o ri ty o f wh ich had geen alreadydescribed by o th er entom o lo g i sts. I must h ere remark that Fedch enk odid no t separate Sar opoa


a from A ntlzo lz ora. and I have fo llowed h isplan, as Sar opoda i s onl disting u i sh ed om A nt/10 lwra by i ts maxi llary pal i consisting o f ve, and th o se o f A ntlz op era o f six

,jo ints

but th e ast jo int o f th e lab ial palpi o f Sar opoda is no t turned away from

th e preceding one , as i t sh o uld e in A ntlz oj lwr a. Belon°

ng . h owever , to th e latter g enus we find a to lerably larg e number 0 transito ryspecies, having a s co ial arrang ement o f palp i , wh ich do no t co rre

spond wi th eith er arapada o r A nt/zop lz or a. Fo r instance, A nt/i .mag ni labr i r, manti s/ag o , veloci rs ima, and r ufi cor m


r have all th elab1al palp i wi th th e last


o int no t tu rned aside in ma i labr i r, montz‘vag a, and flelociS S ima t e maxi llary palp i consist o f ve, and in r uj icor ni r o f four jo ints. \Ve observe, h owever , a like di fference in th e

palpi among th e species of o ther g enera o fmelli fera fo r we rarely findamong M eg a /ri le o r Osm ia two species having a perfectly identical

7o - R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S I A .

Andrenadentiventr is, M o r.

tuberculi ventr ia,Fedchenk o i , a.s.

ravico llis, n.s.

puncti ventris, n.s.

aulica, n.s.

comparata, n.s.

ferg hanica, n.s.

combusta, n.s.

analis, Panz .

nupta, n.s.

h ierog lyph ica, n.s.

turkestanica, a.s.

Lepeletier i , L ucas.

fnsco sa, E r ichs.

pi lipes, Fabr .

tho racica,infirma, a.s.

car inifrons, n.s.

ini tialis, a.s.

laterali s, a.s.

arenar ia, n.s.

tempo ralis, a. r.

flavrtarsis a.r.

capi llo sa, n.s.

v iridigastra. n.s.

cineraria, L inné.

subaenescens, n.s.

fuseico llis, n.s.

virescens, n.s.

N omi oi dsl , IchcnN omi o ides parvula, Fabr .

turanica, n.s.

pannceps, n.s.

jucunda, M o r.

Bali stns, Latr .

H alictus leucopus, Ki rby.

annuh s,

Smeat manellas,rhynch i tes , n.s.

flavipes, Fah r.

meridionalis, M o r.

vari pes, a.r.

crocei pes, n.s.

pulvereus, M o r.

muco reus, E versm.

34 1 . Balletas cariniventr is, n.s.

apri linus , a.s.

fucosus, n.s.

sexcinctns, Fah r.

32g. S phecodes fusci nis, Germar.

3 rufi o rax, a.s.




3331 n.punc e

395. Geofl'


s, Ki rby.

l ot-ia, Latr .

396. N omiadiversipes,

maculipes, n.s.

marginellm , Schenclt.

laev1nodis, n.Sa.r.

panuxillus, Schcnck .

mbellus, n.S .

nig ri labris, a. r.

vulgaris , iar.

yaJinipennis, u .

m inutissimus, Ki rbyatomar ius, n. t.


N omia edentata, a.S .

rufioo rnis, Spino la.

rufescens, ma

2 . O sr nsu c uss.

Collates, Latr .

C o lletes cunicularia, I..montana, a.S .

arenaria, a.S .

Daviesana, Smi th .

marg inata,pici sti gma, T h o rns.

caspica, M o r.

annulicom is, a.S .

cretacea, a.S .

flavico rnis, n.S .

a.S .

H ylaeus, Pain.

4 1 1 . H ylaeus do lich ocephalus,

4 1 2 . pusi llus, n. S .

4 13. nasal is, a.S .

4 14. adi u ia, n.S .

4 1 5. Dunctiscapus. ”, S .


H ylaeus frontalis, n.S .

vu lgar is,arenar ius, a.S .

biareo latus, a.s.

turanicus, a.S .

tr isignatus, n.S .

disting uendns, n.S .

angustifrons, n.S .

nig r ico llis, a.S .

punctiventr is, a.S.

jug o rum, a.S .

ferg hanicus, n.s.

teg ular is, n.t

ti bialis, faS .

flavi pes, a.S .

vari atus, Fabr.

vari o IaS .

breviventr is, Fo rst.breviceps, n.S .

nigr i tarsis, a.S .

bivi ttatus, m .

paellidicom is, n.t .

ticeps, rm .

72 R U S S IA N C E IVTR A L A S I A .

S PH EGIDA E , arc.

BY 0 . Ksar z R ADO S ZKOVSKY .

IN canying o ut th e wish o f Fedch enko re arding tables, I was oblig ed to

take as a handbo o k Dah lbom 's wo rk ymenopteraE uropaa,

”tom . i . ,

S ph ex in sensu L innaeano , Bero lini , 1 845) as the only one inwh ich all th eSph eg i dae g ro ups are reduced to a g eneral system , th ou th ere exist

incomplete separate mono g raph s on certain enera o f i s g ro up , fo r

instance, Sp hex , A jysson , Oxybelu S , and C ra o . I myself have added

th ree new g enera—Kaufma7 mia, Oxybelo ideS , and O lg


In the co llection descr ibed, I fo und th e fo llowing di str ibuti on o f

eneragT h e fam i ly Spheg i dae has no t many representati ves . O f th e g enus

S flex 6 species were co llected. o f wh ich 3 were new ; and among st

t em , S . S tsch u r ofsk i i is remarkable fo r 1ts beauty. T h e A merican

g enus P od i um has a representative in th e C entral A s1an fauna.

T h e fam i ly P omp i l zdae is very characteri stic A j o r uS has 2 new,

and 1 k nown, species ; Sali uS , 3 new ; C er opaleS , o ut o f 4 species,

3 are new ; P omp i lu S , o f 16 s ceies, 8 are new ; P r iocnem i r, o f 7species , 2 are new . In th is fam i y some E g yptian species are fo und .

In the fam ily L ar r idae th e very rare E g yptian g enus Gastr oser icus

i s met wi th . In Palar uS , P . Iz istr i o has been, Up to th e present,fo und only in E gypt. TachyteS , o f 1 1 species,

‘ 6 are new. If

Sav i g ny’

s drawing s 1n“ E xp . d

E te”were co lo ured, I have no

do ubt that am ong th em wo uld be o und s ceies identical with several

described by me. A S tata included 1 nown and 3 new species,with very beauti ful representatives among th em . From th e want o f

li terature on th is fam 1ly th e difi culty o f drawing a line between th e

species and th e vari eties is increased, and no t a li ttle labo ur i s incurredin the separation o f species nearly related to one ano th er . A

trustwo rthy sk etch o f th e g eo g raph ical distribution o f many o f th e

species is q u ite impo ssible.

T h e fam i ly N yssom'

dae was well represented. A lysson has 2 new

species . S tray s , o f 1 1 species,1'

7 are new . A mong th em , S . Fedelzenk o i ,S . r ufi vefl tr i S , S . lu tescefl S , are remarkable fo r th eir beauty andsi z e . S . m g r icor ni r is in g reat quanti ty}

and must be very comm on in

th e locality wh ere th ey were fo und. op lz'

S u S , 4 known , and 2 new

speci es , wh ich do no t di fl’er much from E uro pean fo rm s, are remarkable

fo r th eir beauty and shape. T h e new g enusKaufm nnia is remarkablefo r i ts resemblance to th e g enera C eram i uS and Parag io . Abram” has4 new species, o f wh ich N . g r and i rsimw is th e larg est species o f th is

g enus known up to th e present ; th e remaining th ree species are

remarkable fo r th ei r beauty. E nti z om oser icus has a new, remarkable,and ery rare species.

Bem oex m ig h t be expected to have man representatives in th e

co untry. O f 1 1 species fo und, 7 are new. he majo ri ty o f th e new

Dah lbom and L epeletier each described 1 7 species.

1' Dah lbom described 14 in all L epeletier 1 1 species.


species are remarkable eith er fo r th eir structure o r beauty ; B . di laiaiais remarkable fo r th e sha o f th e front tarsi ; B . bicolo r , and B .

femo ral i s, are remarkable o r th e shape o f th e intermediate le 9 .

P k i lantlz zdae is very rich . P lz i lant/m S has 2 new, beauti l repre

sentatives . O f 25 species“

o f C er eer i r 14 are new. T h e majo ri tyresemble E tian s ecies in thei r co lo uring .

T he fam i y P omp r edom’

dae i s very po o r, bo th in the number o f g enera

and species .

Lastly, th e fam i ly C rabr onidae, wi th th e exception of OxybeluS ,

i s very po o r. 0 xy6eluS has many representatives, 1 0 (S ic) new , and 6

known species ? Amon st th em , very beautifu l and characteri stic

fo rms are met with ; 0 . amjg'

ni i , prev io usl only known as E g yptian,

serves as ano th er o f the clearest evi ences that th e sands o f

K i z i l-Kum and the sands o f E g ypt have sim ilar inhabi tants, at least

among th e insects o f th e g roups treated by me . A compari son o f th e

flo ra o f th ese two localities m ig ht lead to mo re precise conclusi ons te

g arding th ei r sim i lari ty.

N o twi th standing th e monog raph s of Gerstéck er and C hevri er on th e

g enus OxyoeluS , th e detenninat1on o f species o f th is g enus, and particularly th e identification o f the males, presents no little difi culty.

H owever , in o rder to avo id m isunderstanding and po ssible erro rs , I

must explain that in determ ining th e species, as well as in identifyingth e males, I adopted , as a principal basi s, th e study o f th e shape o f

th e sp ine of th e m etano tum , and th e scales o f th e po stscutellum , and

thin compared th e place and time in wh ich the females and males were

ta en.

T h e remarkable new genus Oxybelo ideS differs from th e fo reg o ingby th e absence o f th e sp1ne o f th e metano tum in th e male and female.

C rabr o has 2 new species.

A s a concluding observation it may he remarked that th e valleys

of Ferg hanaand th e Zarafshan do no t present much speciality. T h eir

fauna resembles that o f th e M edi terranean S ea. Ki z i l-Kum alone ,

appearing as a separate part o f A sia, abo unds in new species andeven g enera, sharply disting uish ed from known species bo th in th e

fo rm of th e body and in th e beauty and si z e o f th e individuals. A lmo st

all that were fo und in th e Ki z i l‘Kum were new , but at th e same time th e

undoubted sim i lari ty between th e species belong ing to th e Ki z i l-Kum and

th e E g yptian sands is remarkable.

I . S rnxcrnas. 4 . Psammophlla, Bi b.

1. l inens, 3111 . 1 . Psammoph i laatrocyanea, E versm.

1 . M iscus campestris, Latr.z affiq lafi


2. Ammoph i la, 11111.3“

s r 1

m m ,

I‘me opaeus.Ammoph i la$3n 1 . Pelo paeus desti llato rius, l .

ho loseric’

ea, F.

2 ' tubifex, L t“

rubra, S ich .3 v wlaceus, F.

M bnesa

amm lxbl



1 . Podium Maracandicum, n.S ., R ad.

atra, 7 . Sph ex, Lin.

lutaria, 1 . S phex S tschurowsk i i , n.s ,Rad.

Dah lbom described 2 species in all Lepeletier 2 2 .

1' Dah lbom described 1 L epeletier 1 5 species.

74 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

2 . Sphex subfuscata, D11) .

3. deserto rum, E versm.

4 .

5. S i rdariensis, a.S ., Rad.

6. conica, n.s ,

8. Enedia, D11).

1 . a diaalbisecta, L ep.

2 . micans, E vers.

I I. P O M P I L I D A E .

9. Apom , Opin.

1 . A po rus testaceus, a.s. , Rad.

2 . ater, a.S .,

3. nig ri tulus, Kl.

10. Salim , L tr.

1 . Salius niger , n.S ., Rad.

2 . m eans, n.s ,

3. albo -no tatus, n.s , Rad.

11 . ceropales, Latr .

1 . C eropales S o lsk i i, a.S ., R ad.

2 . Bogdanovn, n..h , Rad

3. nig ra, raS .

4 . h istri o , F.

12. Agenia, Beh iddt.

1 . A geniapunctum, F.

18. Pompi lus. Latr .

1 . Pompi lus viaticus, F.

2 . argenteo-fulvus, n.S . Rad.

3. quadri punctatus, F.

4 . testaceus, a.S Rad.

5. ” J r

6. sug i llatus, Kl

g:trivialis, lspissus,

9. consobrinus, l .

S t1z usSd cgg



fi, Rad.

10 ° pnlcher, F’

Radt u ventris, n.s. ,

Rad 4 . lutescens, a.S . ,


é$ 3111. 5 E versmannnna,

14 . albO aséiatns, n.S ., Rad g gfigx‘mm

z15. rufiventns, n.S . , fulvipes

E versm.

16. K i z i lkumi i , a.S .,

9 unifascidtus,1 7° Anoplius no tatus, L °P~ m. conco lo r, E versm.

14. Pri ocnami l , Sch i iidt. 1 1 . tr idens, F.

1 Pr iocnemxs'

1 1111121

3218. E

fim m. 24 , Barpactu , Shack

2 . mm is, es.

3. z:“2 2 “



2: F.26. H opli sns, N b.

6. Zarafschani , n.s, Rad. 1 . H oplisus punctulatus, C osta.

7. M o ravi tz i , a.S ., qu inquecinctus, F.

rufo-nodis, n.S ., RadI I I . 14 111111 114 2 .

laticinctus, L e15. l isocphns, Int . luxuri osus, ma


1 . M iscOphus niger, l . latifrons, l .

16. Gastroser i ons, Spin.

1 . GastrosericusMaracandicuam . ,Rad.

17. Palm s, Lats.

1 . Palarus flavipes, Latr.

histno , S pin.

18. Taohytos, Pans.

T achytes pompilifo rmis, Panz .

vaga, n.a, Rad.

Maracandica, n.s.,

Kiz i lkumi i , n.s ,

unico lo r, Panz ., l .

obso leta, R oss.

tarsina, L ep.

incerta, n.s., Rad.

o raniensis,m icans, n.s ,

fugax, n.s ,

19. Lar i-a, Latr .

1 . Larraanath ema, l .

20. A l ta“ , Latr .

1 . A statamaculata, n.s , Rad.

2 . frontalis, n.s,

quadripunctata, n.s , Rad

h o o ps, van. d. L ind.

IV. s so aa.

31 ' 71. { w m1 . O lg iamodesta, n.s , Rad.

22. Alysson, Jar.

1 . A lysson Maracandensis n.s , Rad.

incertus, n.s ,




76 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .


BY H . D11 S A U S S U R E.

T o th is fam ily , as we understand it, belong th e IIymermptera H eter o

g j ma, wi th th e exception o f Form icidae and Dory ll ia'

ae. T h ey may

be called H eter ogyna S o l i t‘ar ia, as th eydo no t live incommuni ties and

have only two sexes, o r H eter ogyna Paras i tica, by reason o f th e

majo ri ty, i f not all o f th em , being parasi tes o f o th er insects.

W e take, consequently, th is fam i ly on th e same basis as L epeletier

de S t . Farg eau , no t separating'

l ynm’

i from it as do es F. Sm ith ; fo r

we vi ew th e fam i ly o f Sco li idae as anatural g ro up , no t capable o f being

split up .

If i t were necessary to separate any g ro up from th i s fam i ly, we wo uld

prefer to act th us with Sapygn rath er than T hynni i , as th ei r leg s are

no t armed but smo o th , and bo th sexes are alik e but these insects are

clearly related to Sco li idae by th e constructi on o f th ei r th o rax, and byth ei r appearance g enerally.

T urk istan Sco li idae belong ch iefly to th e fauna o f th e M editerranean

basin. Among th em are fo und all the eastern species o f th is basin, but

th e species (o r varieties o f fo rm ) m o stly pecu liar to th e west are absentsuch , fo r example, as S eo l iafi amf r ons, Fabr . , bia

enS , L . , inter stincla,

KL , lz i r ta, Sch r . , insubr ica, R o ss. E li S sexmacu lala,and ci l iaz

‘a,Fabr .

Instead o f Sco l ia fl amf r onS th e co rresponding eastern species, Sc.

bo emm fio z’

a’al zlr, is met with in T urk istan, and instead o f E li r sexma

cu lata i s fo und E . tar tar a.

T he species g enerally di stributed o ver th e wh o le basin, as Sc. ma cr o

and g uadr zf zm elata and E 113" vi llo Sa, are also met wi th in T urki stan.

S pecies purely A fr ican are absent from th e T urkistan fauna, th o ug h

certain o f th em are distributed along th e sh o res o f th e M editerranean

(E l i r co llar z lr) , o r in E gypt (E l i r th o raciea, F Sco l ia mendica, KI

occu lta, Sauss. , di Spar , KL , E m aliena, KL , T h i s absence

from T urk i stan o f A frican species may, i t seems, be explained by th e

fact that th ey belong to th e to rr i d z one and canno t endure th e winter

o f th e A siaticsteppes.

In th e co llections bro ug h t from T u rkistan th ere are none o f certain

species described by fo rmer auth o rs as belongi ng to th e East ; but fromdata in o ur po ssession we may conclude that th ese species probablyexist in th e province , and w i ll be fo und th ere on further investi g ati on.

as fo r instance Sco lia bzfaSciata, R o ssi .

T h e species (Sc. var ico lo r , L uc. ) belong ing to Barbary i s also want

ing th ere.

Besides th ese species o f th e M editerranean basin, several o th ers

are met with peculiar to A sia (Scolia and also several


new species, which are evidently character istic o f th e fauna o f C entral

A sia.

T h e fam ily Sco ludae has been very imperfectly known up to th e

present, and th ere exists no complete wo rk on th e subject, wh ich isexplained by th e impo rtant difi culties connected with th e dimo rph ism ,

as well as by th e comparative rari ty o f very many species in co llecti ons.

Ofalarg e number o f species , and also o fcertain g enera, only one o f th e

sexes has been previ o usly known, and it is impo ssible to discover th e

o th er sex unti lwe happen to take bo th in copula. A pr ior i suppo siti onsare in many cases qu ite insufi cient to enable us to ascribe knownfemales to males, and, evidently, suppo si ti ons on like bases wo uld m o st

probably be inco rrect. T h us, fo r instance, wh o could have th o ug h t

that two g enera so di fi'

erent as M er ia and P lesia have males wi th

sim i lar characters ?

A mong species wi th wing less females, th e latter retain th e larval fo rm .

qu ite distinct from th e same fo rm o f wing ed males, and as in th e

absence o f wing s it is impo ssible to observe th o se characters o fi'

ered bythe neurati on, in cases wh ere only th e wing less female is known, th ere

remains almo st no character wh ereby we m i g h t connect th e sexes , o r

decide wi th exacti tude to wh ich g enus a g iven species belong s.

E ven th e neuration o f th e wing s do es no t always serve as acharacter ,

as is evident from th e fo llowing— In Sco lia th e w ing o f th e male i s

always difl’erent from th e w ing o f th e female , at least in th e fo rm o f th e

cellula radialis. A mong th e males o f P leS ia th e neu rati on o f th e wing s

i s analog o us to , but no t identical with , that o f th e females. In M or ia

th e neu ration o f th e wing o f th e female has no th ing in common wi th

that o f the male.

In a seri es o f g enera th ese anomalies are combined in th e mo st

vari ous ways. T h us inP leS iaandM or ia th e males are almo st identical,

wh i le in C oS i la and M ar ia, on th e o th er hand, th e females are almo stidentical, and th e males are difi erent. T h e g eneraare distributed qu itedifi erently acco rding as we turn o u r attenti on to males o r females.

(T h is fact i s specially evident wi th reg ard to l ynm'

i , am ong wh ich

th e difi'

erences in fo rm o f th e females do no t at all co rrespond wi th

th o se g enera, wh ich are establi sh ed on th e basi s o f th e males. )A classification, th erefo re , is much retarded by th e di fi culties

natu rally resulting from th ese anomalies. Generally speak ing , amonghymenOpterous insects, i t is necessary to base th e descri ption on th e

females, as th e characters o f that sexare marked w i th g reater clearness.

W hen th e females are wing less, one i s compelled to turn to th e malesto observe th e neuration o f th e w ing s. In o u r investig ati on o f th is

fam i ly i t appears , as wi ll be seen from th e fo reg o ing , that th ere is a

new difi cu lty, ch iefly consi sting in th e fact that th e males o f knowng enera are all s im i lar to each o th er , wh i le am ong st th e females th e

g enericdifferences are clearly no ticeable.

In th e attempt at classification undertaken by us in th e present wo rk ,

7s R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

we have made use o fmany characters wh ich have no t h i th erto received

due attenti on. E xperience has sh own us that no t one o fth esecharacters,taken separately, can serve as abasis fo r classification, because manyo f th em are combined, in th e mo st oppo siteways, wi th o th er characters.

T h is evidently indicates that th e fam i ly in question consists of several

parallel, o r rath er diverg ing , series, having po ints of contact, in wh ich

are repeated th e same modificati ons, by wh ich co rresponding types

are fo rmed in different seri es.

Sam oa.

1 . Sapygaclavico rnis, L in.

2 . exo rnata, Gerst.

M u r 1 1. n A a.

I eth ooa, Latr.

1 . M eth oca ichneumono ides.

I yrmosa. Latr .

Myrmosamelanocephala, Eh r.

Radosz k owskyi , far.

n un-1, L in , r .

Fedeh enk ia, n. gen.

1 . Fedchenk iagrossa, n.s

Sco u A s.

l oella(Benn Iati oro) .Boolia, Lin.

1 . T r isco lia haemo rrho idalis, Fabr.D i scolia, Sau S Su re e: S ich ] .

2 . Disco liaeryth rocephala, Fabr.flaviceps, E versm.

4 . quadripunctata, Fahr.5. infuscate, Klug .

6. b ifasciata, R ossi .


8. Disco liamaura, Fah r.9. Vo llenh o veni , Seuss.10 . Indica,

E lie, Fabr .

T rielis Fedch enk o i , raS .tartara, aaS .

v illosa, Fabr.

Dielis annulata, Fah r.

Paendomer ia, lan d.

1 . Pseudomeria Swanetiae, Radosz k .

T amerlanella, taS .

l ysine, Lab .

Plesia, Lab .

1 . PlesiaFedchenk o i , a.s.

rm .

T iphiamo ri o , Fahr.

femo rata,m inuta, raS .

Karla, Illig .

1 . M eria tripunctate, R ossi .tartara, a.S .

radialis, a.S .

T imurella, IaS .

A PPE N DIX A .—M U T I L L IDA E . 79


BY 0 . Ksar z Rm o sz xo vsxv

OF th e number o f insects o f th i s g enus co llected by Fedch enk o , th ere

are 5 species belong ing to th e E uropean fauna—M g u inq uefaseiata

(Greece), cc Izal ieaé

Greece and R ussia) , r ufipes , montana (E uro pe) ,ug ubr zS ussia, ung S pain) spec1es o f th e fauna o f th e

M editerranean basin—M unenS i S (S pain, A lg eria, Persia) , H ottefl to ta



' E uro e , A lg eria, E t) , ar enar ia (Spain, C aucasus, Persia,

ong o lia r ubr ocincla lg eria) 3 species pure?A fr ican—M con

tinua (E g ypt, S enegal) , decorata, and or nala g ypt) 3 C entralA sian species

—Ill . bico lo r , deser to r um S ung aria, Syr-daria) , cr enala

(S ung aria) and 3 new species undescri ed.

T h e species M decorataand or nata were first co llected b Savi g nyth ei r females are represented in h is excellent drawing s escri pti on

de l’E g ypte ,

”H yménoptéres (Planch es sans texte) , but th e males were

unknown. T h e males and th ei r females were co llected by Fedch enk o—M deco r ata in Zarafshan valley and near th e Syr

-dar ia, and M .

or nala along th e Syr-dariaand in th e Ki z i l-Kum .

A s we have, in th em ono g raph M uti lla,”

publish ed by R ado sz k ovskyand S ich el, in H ora S ociet

‘. E ntom o lo R oS S IZ'ce, tome vi . p . 139

a very complete descripti on [in rench ] o f th e species o f th is

g enus th en known, we bo rrow th ence descr iptions of th e species

met wi th in T urk istan, but previo usly known in o th er co untri es. In

th e descripti on o f new species found in T urk istan we always refer toth e said wo rk [in th e o rig inal] .

Katina, L in.

1 . M uti llaqu inquefasciata, O liv. 1 0 . M uti llaarenaria, Fah r.2 . cephalica, Rad. 1 1 . incerta, n.s , R ad.

3. continua, Fabr. 1 2 . rubrocincta, L uc. , var.

4. bico lo r , Pallas (nec 13. Fedch enk o i, a.s., Rad.

5. T unensis, Fabr. 14. lugubris, Fabr.

6. deco rate, Sav. 1

2.anceps, a.S . , R ad.

7. rufipes, Latr. 1 o rnata, Klug .

8. H o ttento ts, Fah r. 1 7. Zarafschani , far. Rad.

9. montana, Panz . 18. crenata,

[In returning the proof of the above, General R ado sz k ovsky is go od enough to

info rm me that (1 ) five years ag o C aptain Bo loso g lo made an entomo log ical

expedition to T urk istan, and fo und some new Species, among wh ich is a

remarkable H abropodaBoloS og r'

y i , n. S . , H ymeno pt. A pidae (2 ) qu ite recentlyGeneral Ko maro ff has made scientific explo rati ons between Ask habad and

M erv, and among the H ymenopteraco llected abo ut A skhabad (th edescripti ono f wh ich is in the press) are the fo llowing M uti llidae

A gamaBlak u , g . A gamaKo k tics , n.s.

Komaro vi , a.S . T rich o labia es, n. g .

A skhabadensis, a.S . asiaticus, a.s.—H .

80 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

FO R M IC IDAE (A nts) .

Bv DR . GU S T AV Mxva, o r VIENNA .

T H E z o o lo g ical investi ati ons o f Fedch enko have bro ug h t fo rward veryinteresting results in t e fam i ly o f Fo rmicidae, and th e ri ch materials

co llected by h is indefati able activi ty have th e mo re value because

co llected in a co untry 1 e Fo rm ici dae fauna o f wh ich was to tallyunknown, and even from th e neig h bo uring co untri es we were acquaintedwi th only a very small number o f species.

It was anticipated that th e Fo rm icidae o f T urk istan wo uld -difi'


little from th o se o f E urope, as th e bo undar

ylline between E uro pe and

A sia is long , th oug h , on th e o th er hand, t e U rals resent a certain

o bstacle to th e distri bution o f species. M o reo ver , t e climatic con

di tions o f T u rkistan do no t very markedly differ from E uropean,wh ile

impo rtant obstacles are met w ith on th e road from T urkistan to

trop ical A sia; and, finally, th e known S iber ian species were identical

wi th E uropean.

Of 36 species co llected b Fedch enko in T u rki stan only 7 are new ,

th e remainder inhab i ting urope. O f th e latter , L as i us n iger and

al iemcs, For m ica lr uncico la, p ratens is. r u bar oi r, ciner ea, and

f usca, Tap inoma er raticam , My r m ica aem'

nod i s, r ug i noa'

zk ,r u losa, scabr inodzlr, and looicor nis , Jetramo r i um caesp i tum , and

S o nopsis f ug ax are distributed over alm o st th e wh o le o f E urope ;P lag

‘i o lep i spyg maea and A phaenog asler str uclo r inhabit C entraland

S outh ern E urope ; Campono tus sy lrzaticus and mar hiatus , Cata

g lyj lz i r viat‘i ca and cu r sor , A cantk o lep is f rauenf e i , Tap inoma


er r im um , B o lh r zbmy r mex mer id i onali r, Aglzaenog as i er bar bar a,

Pfeido le pus i lla, and C r emastog aster sor dida on th e contrary, onlyinh abit S o uth ern E urope , and only certain o f th ese species are dis

tributed towards th e no rth as far as th e m iddle o f C entral E urope.

Catag lyplz i r albicarzs was prev i o usly known only from Spain, and

C ardiocondy la slog ans from N aples and Po rtug al.

H ence i t is evident that th e Fo rm icidae fauna o f T urkistan i s verysim i lar to that o f S o uth E urope, but disting u ish ed from it by 7 new

species. H owever , th is i s no t astonish ing , as th e mean temperatu re

o f summer in T urkistan differs little from th e mean summer h eat in

S o uth ern E urope , and in th i s case only proves once mo re that, in

g eneral, co untries wi th summers alike have g r eater sim i lari ty wi th

regard to faunaand fl o ra thanco untri es lying under identical iso th erm s

wi th difi erent summers. T h is peculianty is evident wi th reg ard to

Fo rm icidae, because, fo r exam le, in I taly and T urk istan th ey have anidentical summer ; and th o ug th e winter in T urk istan is long and

co ld, i t do es no t appear to have much influence o ver th e ants, wh ich

are pro tected th erefrom .

U p to th e present very few species were known from S iberia, ’ vi z .,

Camponotus l zjg'

rz iper dus and lzer cu leanus , Fo r m ica exsecta, r ufa,

pratensis, sang u inea, r ufi oo r éi r and g ag ates, M r m z'

ca laev inodi r,lobicor m lr, and g r anu li nodis . O f th ese only For m ica pr atazsi r,r ufi bar bi r, Myr m ica law inodi s and lobicormlr 1nhab it T urk 1stan.

an Beitrfige z ur Ameisenfauna R usslands, p. 87, S tett. E at. Zeit , 1859.


From th e Ki rg h ese S teppe I received Catag lyp lz i s cu r so r , wh ich

also inhab its T urk istan.

From M on o lia I know only For m ica g ag ates and r ufi bar oi r , th elatter o f wh ic inhabits T u rki stan.

T h e Fo rm icidae o f Persia, w i th the excep tion o f Catag lyj i z i r w’

atica,are yet unk nown ; in A siatic T u rkey, princi pally in A s1aM ino r, Syr ia,

and th e peninsula o f S inai , are known th e fo llowing , the g reater"

po rti on

h aving been descr ibed byme— Campo rz otus sy lvaticus with oar iczgatas

and aetlz iops ,pu bescens , K iesenwetler i , r obustas , ser iceus , lateral is ,

P r eno lep i r m tens, P lag i o lep i s pyg maea, L as i us alienus , br unneus,

fl ames , Fo r m ica g ag ates , f usca, Catag lyj lz is viatica,bom bycina,

aloicarzs , A cantk o lep is Fr auenf eldi , L i ometoj um m icr ocep lzalzcm ,

Tap inoma er r aticum , A plzaenog aster bar bar a, str ucto r ,S i r iala,

Sp lendida, subter r anean, icstaceo -p i losa,r uf o leslacea,

dentig er a, M y rm ica scaor inoa


is , L eptotlz o r ax ang u lai us , M landcr i , Tetr amo r i um

g u i neense,caesp i tum , M onomo r i um S alom om'

s , g r aci ll im um , to r ease,P /z eia

'o le S inai i ica, S o lenopsis f ug ax , C r emastog aster scatellar i r,

sor d'


u la, and iner m is .

From th e C aucasus and Geo rg ia are known to me —P lag io lep is




zaea, L asi uS ni ger ,br unneus , Fo r m ica exsecta. j r afcns i s


u a, Catag lyplz i s U iatica, cu r so r , Pari er a contr acta, A pkaeno

g asi er oar bara, str uctor , M y r m ica r abida, r ug inoa’

zlr, scaor i noa’i s


Telr am or i um caesp i tum , P i zeia'o le pall idu la and C r emaslog asler

S o r dia’zcla, o f wh ich approximately th ree

-fi fth s are fo und in T u rk i stan.

C ertain o f th e species inhabiting T urk i stan and E uro pe are also

fo und in N o rth A merica, vi z C amponotus sy lvaticus , marg i natus ,L asi zcs n ig er , alienus , For m icatr uncico la.f u sca, ci ner ea, r afi bar oi s,M y r m ica r ug i nodi s, scaér inoa

i r, looico r rz is and S o lenops is f ug ax .

T h e only species k nbwn in E urope and N . A merica, but no t previ o uslyfo und in A sia

, is L asi us um brai us .

E uropean species wh ich live in trees and wo o ds ,—as, fo r example.

Camponotus l zgm'

per dus and k er cu leanus ; th e g enus C o lobopsis , so

common in E uropean wo ods ; Fo r m ica r zca, wh ich mak es h ig h

conical ant-h i lls ; L i ometopum m icr ocep/za um , wh ich in S o uth ern

E u ro pe mak es such exq u isite constructions in h o llow trees o r L as i us

f u lzgrh osus , wh ich bu i lds sim i larly and, finally, th e g enus H ypocl ima—appear to be in mo st cases absent from T urk 1stan.

O f th e new T u rk i stan species [sch nomy r m ex r lzaplz zo'i iceps i s

ipecially interesting . U p to th e p resent, o f th i s g enus were known

lo ng ipes in S ing apo re, Bo rneo , and C elebes ; I . exasper ai zcs , th enative co untry of wh ich is unk nown ; and I . long icefis in A ustralia.

A s two o f th ese species inhabit co untr ies between th e trop ical and

subtropical z o nes o f th e so uth ern h em i sph ere, i t i s th e m o re remarkable

to meet with species o f th is g enus in th e temperate z one o f th e no rth ernh em isph ere , and it may be presumed that th ey h ave existed h ere sinceth e tertiary peri od.

T o th e character istics o f T u rk i stan Fo rm icidae I may add that I dono t know of any co untry in wh ich transito ry fo rm s between two species,and pale

-co lo u red var ieties, are so frequently met wi th .

A s th e new T urkistan speci es are descr i bed[in th e o rig inal] in detai l,

Sm i th , in“ L ist of H ym. co ll. by L o rd, 187 1 , includes C omponents [igni

perduS in th e number of species inhabi ting A rabia, but very pro bably he hasmistaken some o ther fo r that species.

82 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

I have, fo r th e definiti on of known species inhab iting E urope , referred


M ayr , Die E uropdisch en Fo rm ici den, W ien, 1 861 and

Fo rel, “ L es Fou rm is de la S u isse,”Zi i rich , 187

In th e fo llowing descripti on I have quo ted only the principal syno

nyms ; o th ers are to be fo und inM ayr’

s Fo rm icidarum Index 8 onym lcus,

”in the Var /I . d . b k . z ool . bot. Ger . i n W ien, 1863, pp . 3 5

-460 .

1 . Camponotns , l ayr .

C ampono tus sylvaticus, O liv. 1 . Ischnomyrmex rhaph idi iceps, n.s.

Fedchenk o i , n.s.

marg inatus, L tr.10. ApM og u tcr , l ayr .

interjectus, a.s. 1 . A phaenogaster bmbara, L .

2 . rilmolopi.’ “ yr .

2 0 M C IOT, L u .

Plag i o lep1s pygmaea, L tr. 11 . I yrmica, L tr .

3, Lat ins, r .

1 . M yrmica laevinodis, N yl

Lasius niger, L .

2 °

alienus, Foerst. i4 . Formica, L . 5,

Fo rm icapratensis, De Geer.truncico la, N yL

12. L eptoth orax, H ayr .

rp fibarbis, F.

ci nerea, Mayr. 1 . T etramo rium caespi tum, L .

fusca, Laberrans, n.s. 14 I onomori um, I ayr .

5. “W WII-h a Poor“.

1 . M onomo rium barbatulum , raS .

Catag lyph is viatica, F.

cu rso r . Fonsco l.

albicans, R og .

pallida, n.s.

6. Aeanth olepi s, I ayr .

1 . A canth o lepis Frauenfeldi , Mayr.7 . Tapinoma, r eerst.

T apinomanigerrimum , N yl.

erraticum , L tr.

1 . Bo th riomyrmexmer idionale, R o g .

[In returning proo f o f the abo ve Dr. Mayr info rms me that h is wo rk on th e Ants

o f T urk istan has been translated into Dutch , and publish ed in T s'

j dsclrn'

flwar E ntomolog ie, xxii i . decl, p. 17-40 (1879

-II . L .]

16. Oardi ooondyla, Emery.

1 . C ardiocondylaelegans, Emery .

16. Ph ei dole, Westw.

1 . Pheido le pusilla, H eer.

17 . Solenopsi s, Westw.

1 . S o le nopsis fugax, L tr.

18 . eremastogat er , Land.

C remastogaster so rdidula, N yl.

subdentate. n.s.

34 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

I . 0 1 1117 1 10 1111, D1 11.

1 . C lapton,CW “

1 . C leptes M o rawi tz i , a.s.

I I . E L A M PIDA B, Dr e.

1 . Omslns, Pans.

Omalus auratus, l .

pusi llus, Fah r.

coeruleus, de Geer.

aeneus, Panz .

2. Biampns, Spin.

6 E lampus ambiguus, l .

g. truncatus,

femo ralis, E vers.

8. H olopm . l .

H o lo pyga o vate, Pall.

ano vi i , n.s.

I I I. H anvcnarnxs, Dre.

1 . H edyoh rnm, Lab .

1 1 . H edych rum incrassatum , S pin.

1 2. lucidulum, l .

1 3. E rsch ovi , n.s.

14 . ruti lans, M eg er.1 5. flavi pes, E vers.16. S o lskyi , n.S .

IV . C nxvsmxnas.

1. Ch rysi s, Fabr .

Group 1 .

C h rysis vagans, n.S .

varico rnis, S p in.

uni fo rm is, l .

Gro up 2 .

Fedch enk o i , n.s.

versico lo r, S p in.

foveata, l .



cyanea, in.

indigo tea, Duf.denti pas ,

a.s. , R ad.

ni tidula, Fah r .

so lute, l .

meshe shdi tarsm, S pgr



errtalis, l .

diversa,speci osa. a.S .

so ro r , l .

k o kandica, a.s.

sinuata, l .

cyano pyga

superba, a.S .

ruti lans, O liv.

analis, S pin.

Kessleri , n.s.

Gro hmanni , S p in.


impar , l .

ig ni ta, L in.

Gro up 5.

pulchella, S p.

m icans, R ossi .

sabulosa, n.s.

2. 811111112 1, Spin.

S ti lbum calens, Fabr.8. Polyodontu , rag , Bad.

Po lyodontus S tch uro vskyi , a.s.

V . E vcuxo smar, DL B.

1 . Bneh roeus, Lab .

E uch ro eus quadratus, Kl.


Par-h opes, Fabr .

Parnopes carnea, R om


L E PIDOPT E R A (Butterfl i es and M oths) .


T H E L epidopteraco llected by Fedch enk o serve as the ch ief, but no t th ewh o le, o f the materials fo r th e fo llowin remarks fo r I made use o fcertain info rmati on concerning the lep i optera o f T urk i stan contained1n th e wo rks o f M énétriés and E versmann.

It appears that th e to tal number known at present in T urk i stan, andincluded in my wo rk , is 367 species , o f wh ich 1 2 2 are species o f

M icro lep idoptera.

T h e L epido pterafurnish ed tomebyFedch enko ,Go li ke,andDobuj 1nsky,were co llected in the eastern part o f th e Syr

-dar ia province, in Kh o

kand, and in th e Zarafshan valley, between 66°

and 73 long . E . fromGreenwich , and 39


and 43°

N . lat. T h e species descri d by M essrs.

M énétriés and E versmann, th o ug h co llected somewhat furth er east, andperhaps to th e no rth , are included by me in th e list, on acco unt of th every g reat pro bab i lity that they are also to be fo und in th e pro vincewh ence were obtained th e co llections described in th e present wo rk .

T he Syr-daria and Zarafshan provinces present a very g reat var iety

in the character o f locali ties ; we find in th em a transi t1on, in a h o ri

z ontal direction, from almo st barren, sandy waste to th e most fru itfuloases, and, vertically, from the level o f th e sea to th e perpetual snow

line. Go lik e and Do buj insky co llected in th e oases, th e fo rmer at H az reto r T urk istan ci ty, and th e latter at Samarkand, wh i le Fedch enk o ’


expedi ti on visited locali ties of diversified character. S ince th e vari o uslocali ties app

ear to present impo rtant difi erences in th e character o f

thei r fauna, have considered i t necessary to cite th e place wh ere th eI .ep idopteraco llected in T urkistan have been fo und.

T h e month and day (o ld style) o f capture by th e expedi tion is g ivenfo r each specimen, because th e furn1sh interesting data concerningthe time o f th e appearance o f t e vari o us fo rms in T urk i stan. T h eyindicate

th e occurrence sometimes o f two bro ods o f such fo rms,

wh ich in E urope a pear in one bro od ; as, fo r example, Spi u ther o S

Spectr um ,E s Lgtkocolletis compar ella, Z. , and o th ers. Final y,

we see from t em that in T urkistan a certain number of L epidopterafly even in th e winter month s, since we find that five species were

co llected in February , th ree in January, and th ree species even in

In Fedchenk o’

s co llection there were in all 32 1 species, i .e., o f all the fo rms

here enumerated. Of these, 86 species , i .e. appeared to be new. S pecimens

of these, as well as o f all animals co llected by th e expedi ti on, are pres erved in the

Zo o log ical M useum o f the Imperial U ni versity o f M oscow. Besides th ose co llected

by Fedchenk o , there were o thers in the co llecti on, caug h t byMyshenk o fi'

, L ov itsky,and Veltsin.

Descri ption des insectes recueillis par feu M . Lehmann. Some L epido ptera

fo und in Bo khara are described here, o f wh ich four species were no t onod bythe expedition, namely, A rm ospi la succinea, E sp , L ig ia ci liar ia, Mén. , L . S im i

liar ia, M én. andMargarodes u u i oualis, H b.

O f th ose enumerated by E versmann there have no t been fo und since Polyom .

A tfiomant/ri S , E v. , Lye. E lvi ra, E v., Ag r otis fallax, E v . , Ag r . aoum i u ifera, E v . ,

H adena k ing/ri m, E v. , II . abrupta, E v., descri bed in th e Bulleti n de la S oci i ti

Impér iale deS N o lu ralirles de M oscou , 1854 and 1856.

86 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

December—Sj r'

rz fl z . calaplzanes, var . lzgam inosa, E v. , C eraloplwrar ad z


osella,m . , and L i t/z . compar ella, Z .

T h e present list contains a larg e number o f new fo rms. I do

no t consider i t advi sable to reck on th em as peculiar to T urk istan,as,

grobably, th ey are distr ibuted th ro ug h o ut the neig hbo u r ing co untries.

ut th e fauna o f th ese conterm ino us co untries is li ttle known,a ci rcum

stance wh ich renders difficult th e fo rmation o f an op ini on concerningth e deg ree o f completeness o f the co llections made in T urki stan, and asto what species may yet be fo und th ere.

T he terr ito ries adjacent to T urkistan are almo st enti rely uninvesti

g ated : only a few species from Ko pal and S ungaria are known.

S everal o f them are mentioned in afo rthcom ing wo rk.

‘and to some L epi

daptera, o fwh ich E versmann speaks, h e assi gns avery indefini te habi tat,namely , th e Ki rg h ese S teppe . T o a certai n deg ree M ang ysh lak andKrasno vodsk furnish an excepti o n. In

llune, 1 870 . A . Beck er , o f Sarepta,

fo und in M ang ysh lak 16 species, wh ic are enumerated in th e B u lletin

de la S ocz'


le‘ Impér z'

ale cies N atu r al zlrle: de M oscou , part I .,1870 ,

p. 1 26. On acco unt o f i ts small extent. th e co llecti on o f Beck er was

no t, in any way, characteri stic o f th e fauna o f M ang ysh lak , and the

majo r i ty o f Mangysh lak species appeared in Fedch enk o’

s co llection.

Only 5 of th ese species are no t yet fo und in R ussian T urkistan. 4 o f

wh ich , it may almo st po sitively be said, o ug h t to be met wi th th ere,m

z .—N aclz

a anelata, var . fam u la, Frr . , L i l/10 .174 um’

ta, E h . ,

Or gy z'

a dubia, ausch . , and T /zalpoc/zar es ” sperm , H b . A s regards

th e fifth species,—P/wf odem a(l ag-ia, sem adam Becker)p lus z



a, B . ,

— i ts being fo und in M angysh lak may be do ubted. and it may be

tak en fo r anted that th ere i s an erro r in th e locality assigned. In

1 872 , M r . C h ri stoph co llected at Krasno vodsk , but I only saw a few

o f h i s insects and h eard o f o th ers. A lmo st with o ut excepti on, th e

wh o le o f th em are met with in R ussian T urkistan th e only specieswanting are t

—Lycaena C lz r zlrtop/ u'

, S tg r . in lt'

ll . , Psyclz e q uadr ang ular zlr, C h r . , A xioj ena m u ra

, E ichw. , A g r otzlr r onu ba, L . , and

H el z’

o tlz z’

s nuéz'

era, H .S . , but, in my Opini on, t ere sh o uld be no

do ubt as to th e nding o f th ese latter in th e Syr-dar ia province .

I th ink it sufii cient h ere to compare only th e diurnal L ep i dopterao f th eT urki stan faunawith th e number o f species known on th e wh ole E uro

pean terri to ry, and in certain o f th e better investig ated co untr ies o f th eM edi terranean province, since , o f all divi si ons o f L ep idoptera, R /wpalocar e i s th e one wh ich has been best investig ated , bo th in E uropeanterri to and R ussian T urkistan, wh ere th ey consti tute 2 1 7, (76 species)o f all t e species th ere known.

T h e diurnal L epidoptera o f E uro pe and th e adjo ining co untries] ,acco rding to th e latest catalo g ue o f r . O . S tauding er , number inall 456 species, consequently th e 76 species known in T u rk istan consti tute 1 770 .

In Greece. acco rding to O . S tauding er, 130 species, o r abo ut2 857 ” are met wi th ; in A masia and T o kat, acco rding to J. L edererand J. Mann, 162 species, o r abo ut 3670 ; in Brussa with O lympus ,

M ention is no t made of the fo llowing wh ich were taken in S ungaria, anddescribed by E versmann in the Bulletin dc M oscow fo r 1843, 1846, 1848, and1851

—Pam as:x°

m Delpfifur , P. C lan'

m .Lyman:Pi eretiadtr , C om onymplzaS umac,Callz

morplza E pione a mm inan’

a, Gno‘M o: stemmatar z

a, S ongar z




a, and Galle r ia fi lan’

a. C ertain of th ese will probably be fo und, at afuture date, in R ussian T urk istan.

Fo r no tes 5— 1 1 see o rig inal, p. 3 (in Germanand French ) .


acco rdi ng M ann, 133 species, o r abo ut in A nato lia,

acco rding L ederer, 72 species, o r abo ut in Syr ia, also

acco rding L ederer , 82 species, o r abo ut 1 870 in T rans-Baikal,A m ur, an inces, acco rding to O . Bremer and E .

M énétr ies, are numbered 157 s ecies , o r abo ut 3573; and finally,in

th e A ltai, acco rding to th e li st o f L ederer , 1 2 1 species, consti tuting

abo ut are fo und. T ak ing the averag e Of species fo r each O f these

co untries at we see that th e 1 77, o fdi u rnal L epidoptera in T u rk istano nly consti tutes abo ut 3 o f th e no rmal fig ure . From th is we may con

clude wi th reat pro babi li ty that th e number o f di u rnal L ep idoptera

inhabiting urk istan sh o uld exceed 1 2 0 .

W i th regard to noctu rnal L ep idoptera o r mo th s , it'

is decidedly im

po ssible , even approximately, to fo rm any trustwo rthy Opini on, as o f

E uropean H eterocera k nown to me , 169 species are fo und in

T u rk istan, and o f M icro lepidOptera only 1 2 2 species ; besides, th e

abo ve qu o ted seven locali ties Wl th reg ard to H eteroceraare to o little

investi g ated to perm i t Of th e fo rmation o f any Op inionwhatever .

C oncerning th e character o f th e fauna o f T urk i stan L epido ptera, th e

co llecti ons made th ere perm it some deductio ns , but only very g eneral

ones , to be drawn. In all th ere are known 36 species in T urk istan.

O f th ese, 92 , o r constitute new species , an 14 , o r appear th ere

in new fo rms, some o f wh ich wi ll in the fu ture pro bably be reg arded as

independent species , and 25 species, acco rding to resent info rmation,

must with th e new species be reco g ni z ed as peo u iar to th e fauna o f

Tu rkistan.

T h e remaining 235 species, o r abo ut 64% (29 o f th em appear new to

th e L ep ido ptera Of th e R ussian E mp i re) , represent fo rms already knownin o th er parts o f E u ro pe and R ussia. A s th e percentag e o f g eneral

E uro pean species i s very g reat, and as th e new and ch i efly character

i stic species do no t, from th ei r facies , belong to exo tic fo rms, we maysuppo se that th e fauna o f T urk istan belong s to th e so -called faunao f th e E uropean terri to A cco rding to th e calculation o f Dr. S tau

ding er , th e fauna o f th eEuropean territo ry is spread o ver from to

square m i les, and to i t (in addi tion to square m i les

o f E uro pe proper) belong , th e wh o le o f N . A sia, extending so uthwards,in th e eastern part, as far as M anch uria, and in th e west as far as th e

so uth o f Persia ; A rmenia and A sia M ino r ; A l er ia and T ang iers ;Greenland, Labrado r , and certain o th er parts o f o rth A merica. T h e

compreh ensi on o f such a vast extent under a g eneral appellati on i s

fullyjustified by th e g

eneral character Of th e fauna o f th ese co untries,an th e g reat resemb ance o f th e individual species .

T h e fauna o fT urk istan furni sh escertain new pro o fs o f th e g eneral co rrectness o f th us extending th e E uropean terri to ry, as in i t are fo und such

species as Callas N astes , var . cocand z'

ca, m . ,alm o st identical wi th a type

livin in Labrado r ; L imem’


s L apse/2331 2} 772 sim i lar to th e C alifo rnian

L . o r gm’


l,B Sfiz


losoma melanosl lg ma, m . , sim i lar to th e N .

American S . acr ea, Dr . Tbeslo r Fedck enk o l , m . ,represents the g enus

known previ o usl in th e so uth o f S pain and N . A frica; Smer lnl/zw

Ifmder m nm'

,{dq var i o us species o f Syntom z


dz , and many o th er

fo rms now known in th e western part o f A siaM ino r.

R especting th e po siti on that th e fauna o f T urk i stan sh o uld occupyin the fauna o f E uropean terri to i t may be wi th out h esi tati on assi g ned

to the so uth , o r so -called M e’

terranean pro vince. T h e 261 known

species, o r 7 1 74 o f th e wh o le fauna o f T u rki stan, as is seen from


th e list, re resent am ixture o f th e species o f A sia M ino r with S . E uro

pean and teppe species o f th e Vo lg aand U ral.Besides th e abo ve-named species. th e fo llowin are particularly in

teresting from a g eo g raph ical po int o f view —P m ia H ockenwar tl u'


H och enw . , previo usly fo und o nly in Lapland, Scandinavia, Swi tz erland ,

and Labrado r ; flypena r evo lu tal zlr, Z . , first fo und in C affraria, th en inSyriaand Persia ; Pkasz


ane R zpper lar ia, Dup. , only to be fo und else

wh ere in Provence , in th e so uth o f France ; E u rycr eon m ucosal zlr, H .S . ,

allo tted to th e Balkan Peninsula ; and S taz'

rz to ru'

a medz'

nella, S tg r .


known onl in A ndalusia but all now fo und in C entral A sia.

I sh o uld.

fu rther mention the H imalayan C o lfax E og‘

ene, Feld. , fo undby th e ex

pedi ti on at a g reat h ei g h t in th e Kh o kand mo untains ; and two

species 0 H eter ocer a, o f th e exo tic g enera Syneda (S . L ang r'

, m . ) andA z el z

na (A . maracandar z’

a ,

T h ese fo rms seem to indicate that th e fauna o f T urk istan tends

towards th e exo tic,but C o lfax~ E og ene m ust be reg arded as mo st

pro bably a fo rm spread over th e upper z one o f th e wh o le central po rtion

o f mountaino us A sia, and the speci es o f S) meda and A z el z'

na, onacco unt

o f th ei r peculiar character , do no t qu ite belong to th e exo tic fo rms .

Besides th ese th ree species there are no o th ers wh ich wo uld auth o ri z e

us to class the fauna o f T urki stan as tending towards th e Indian o r

M alayan fauna.

C o ncerning th e distributi on o f th e L epidoptera known in T urki stanam ong vari o us localities and z ones o f altitude, th e fo llowing catalo g ue

comp i led by me will furnish info rmati on. A s is seen from th i s cata

log ue, th e species co llected by Fedch enk o , w ith in th e bo rders o f th e

co untry, have a very unequal distributi on. A n impo rtant difference

exi sts , no t only in a vertical di rection in th e z ones o f alti tude , but also

in a h o r i z ontal di rection. T h e cause of th e latter is no t th e climatic

difference alone , but th e difi erence in th e g eneral ph sical conditi ons

o f th e vari ous locali ties o f T urki stan. T h e watered cu tivated z one, the

clay steppe. and th e sandy steppe o f K i z i l-Kum present so much differ

ence in reg ard to th e conditi ons wh ich influence animal li fe, that

necessar i ly th e fauna must present di fferences in compo sition. T h ese

differences are expressed in th e catalo g ue, wh ere th e o ri'

nal charac

teri stic localities are arrang ed in separate co lumns. T e catalog ue

also sh ows in wh ich o f th e o th er co untr ies are distributed th o se o f

th e fo rms fo und in T urki stan wh ich were earlier known. T h ese data.

present, with o ut do ubt. a g o od base fo r furth er operati ons in th e same

di rection. I consider it premature, h owever , to make now ,on th ese

fo undations, g eneral deductions concerning th e relati ons o f th e faunaeo f th e different localities o f T urki stan among th emselves, o r concerningth e relations o f th e fauna: o f th ese locali ti es to the fauna: o f o th er

co untries o f th e E uropean terr i to ry. I consider i t suflicient to say h ere,that o f the 46 species fo und in th e sands o f K i z i l-Kum , 1 2 , o r mo re

than appear peculiar to th em ; in th e clay steppe, o f 38 species

3, o r 870 ; in th e bo rder z one , oases, and h i lly co untry , o f 284 Species ,

58 , o r abo ut in th e m o untains from to o f 4 1

species, 6, o r abo u t and finally, in th e mo untains from

to o f 28 species co llected there , 8 , o r abo ut 2857” C ompar ingth ese general fi res , we see clearly that th e Ki z i l-Kum and th e

mo untai ns from .00 0'

to o r A lpine z one ,are th e mo st peculiar

prov inces as reg ards fauna. T he bo rder z o ne. oases, and h i llyco untry, o r cultivated z one , i s th e rich est as reg ards th e number


of fo rms th ere met with , and in addi tion is no t wanting in peculiarfo rms : th e mo untains from 4 ,500

’to o r sub-A lpine z one, appears

less peculiar , and th e clay steppe very po o r bo th in th e number o f

species taken th ere , and as reg ards pecu liar fo rms .

T h e fo llowing list o f species is comp i led on th e s stern adopted byM essrs. S tauding er and W ock e C atalo g der ep idopteren des

eu ropaisch en Fauneng eb iets ," Dresden

,In th e matter o f

synonyms I have considered i t sufficient to lim it myself, on th is occa

si on, to quo tati ons from th e first auth o r and references to th e wo rkswh ere th ey are inserted ; m o re detai led indicati ons ma be fo und in

th e abo ve-quo ted catalo g ue o f M essrs . S tauding er and ock e. I also

referred to the best known fig ures o f th e species , and i f th e species

was descri bed in th e Fauna L epidoptero lo g icaVo lg o -U ralensis”

o f

E . E versmann, I have made quo tati ons from it, as th e only to lerablyfu ll wo rk wh ich treats o f th e fauna Of R ussian L epidoptera.

C o lumns 1—5 ive th e distributi on Of T urk istan L epidoptera1 . Plains. ) i z ll-Kum sands from 700

to 800'

abo ve th e sea.

2 . Downs . )—S teppes from 750’

to abo ve th e sea.

3. places, such as th e banks and adjo ining meadowso f t oases , o r watered and cu ltivated places ; and h i llyd istricts from 750


to 4 ,50 0'

above th e sea.

4 . (M o untains .—Districts from to abo ve th e sea.

5. (Peaks. ) o untains from to above th e sea.

90 R U S S I A N C E N TR A L A S IA .

Distr ibu tion in other countri es.


Papili onidae.

Papilio Machao n, L .

I Iypermnestra H elio s, N ick .

Parnassius A po llonius, E v.

C o rybas, F. v.W.

Actins, E v.

M nemosyne, L . E ur . , except S .W,Altai , A r.

Pi eri dae.

Apo riacrataeg i , L . E u r ope, S iberia, Persia, A riaP1eris brassicae, L .

rapae, L .

C allidice. E sp.

L eucodice, E v.

Daplidice, L .

var I . , Bellidice, 0 .


E u ropeanI L , raphani , E sp.

1 3 C olias N astes, B. var. oocandica, E rsch .

R hodocera rhamni , var. farinosa, Z.

Lym ni dae.

T heclam i rabilis, n.s. E rsch .

lunulata, n.s , E rsch .

T hesto r Fedchenk o i , n. E m s.

Po lyommatus S o lskyi , n.s. E rsch .

T hersamon, E sp. S . .E E u rope. W A r ia,et (var. I l . Omphale, Klug . A ria

dispar, kvar. m ti lus, Werneb.

Ph laeas, L .

et (var. 1 1 ) E leus, F.

A thamanth is, E v”

C igar i tis Acamas, Klug . S . A z rg bere .Steppes, Syna, 1’er .ria

L ycaenabaetica, L . . S .W E u r oye, W A r ia,neg ou , Seh ifl


. E u r ope, A siadi mer , Per sia,A rgus, L .

et var. maracandica, E rsch .

Zephyrus, FmvBlv1m , E v.

Baton, Bgstr.

93 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

Names. Distribu tion in other countries.


S i mmo ns.

77. Dei leph ila z yg o ph ylli , O . S . E . R ussia, IV.

78 euph o rbiae, L . C . and S .

79 livo rnica, E sp.

80 . A lecto , L .

8 1 . S merinthus Kindermanni;Ld.

82 . po puli , L ., var. po puleti , Bienert. Persia

83. Macrog lo ssa stellatarum , L . E uropean terr itory , except IV.

84. S esiach rysidi fo rm is, E sp. C . and S . E u rope, except R ussiavar. turanica, E tsch.

Zygsenidu .

Ino tenu ioo rnis, Z. H ungary , S icily , T“my, A siaGeryon, H b.

var . ch rysocephala, N ick . Swi ss A lps, A ustrianobscura, Z. A sia

Zygaena pilo sellae. E spvar. nubigena, L d. E urope, A lpinesogdiana, n.s. . E rsch .

truchmena, E v.

O livieri , B.,var Caucasus, A sia

cocandica, n.s., E rsch .

et var. m ino r , E rsch .

93. Syntom iabactr iana, n.s. , E tsch .

94 . maracandina, n.s. , E tsch .

et var. cocandica, E rsch .

BOM evens.

96. L ithosis lutarella, L .

var. pallifrons, Z. IV. and C .

Arcti i dae.

97. Deiopeiapulchella, L .S . E u rope, A siaM ino r , India, IV.

98. N emeoph ila russula, L . E ur ope, A ltai , S iber ia, A sia

99. A rctiaguttata. n.s. , E rsch .

10 0 . spectabi lis, T ausch .

10 1 . S pilosomafuligi nosa. L ., var. fervida, S tg r.

10 2 . turensis, n.s. , E tsch .

1 03. melanostigma, Brach .

10 4. menthastrt, E sp.

105. C ossus oampico la, E v. S . Ki rg ltese


Phrag lnatoeciacastaneae, H b. .

var. albida, E rsch .

1 0 7. H ypoptacaestrum, H b. S . E urope;g lo ri o sa, n.s. E rsch . .

Leucoma flavosulphurea, E rsch.

Ocneriadispar , L . C . and S .

sartus, n.s., E tsch .


1 1 2 . Bombyx castrensis, L . E u rope, A siaM'

no r, Persia, A lta

1 13. Lasiocampaso rdida, n.s., E rsch.

l otodontidae.

H arpyiaerm inea, E s1 15. Pygaeraanacho reta, N Zand C . E u r ope, Italy , N .

R oom s.

1 16. Acronyctacentralis, n.s. , E tsch .

psi , L .

Bryo ph i lamaeonis, Ld.

A g ro tis nomas, n..s. , E tsch .

fiammatra, F.

simulans, H ufn.

fugax, T r.

fallax, E v.

exclamati onis, L .

so lida, a. .s E tsch .

tri tici , L .

var. aqu i lina, H b. C . Eur ., S . R ussia, Caucas , Siber iaacum inifera, E v.

conspicua, H b.

ypsi lon, R o tt.

seg etum, Sch ifl'



Mamestra sir i , a.s., E tsch .

L eineri , Frr. , var. cervina, E v. S . R ussia,tr i foli i , R o tt.

i rriso ria, n. .s , E rsch .

sodae, R br.

ch ryso z ona, Bk h . S. Swed. , C . 61“ S .

serena, F., var. Obscura, S tg r. .

14 1 . L uperina immunda. E v.

H adena k irgh isa, E v.

M aud C .

abjects, H b. N . Gr C . E ur . ,

lateri tia, H ufn.

leucodon, E v.


Names. Distribu ti on in o ther countr ies.

148. Mycteroplus didymo g ramma, E rsch .

149. C alamiaph ragmttid1s, H b.

1 50 . A rgyro spi la succinea, E sp.

151 . L eucaniaco nig era,F. M S ’ C .E ur . ,

152 . v itellina, H b.

153. Bogdano vi , n.s. . E rsch .

1 54. Amph ipyra trag opo g onis, L . E ur .

1 55. H ipteliaminiag o , Frrrr.1 56. Dysch o rista suspecta, H b. IV. and C . E u r ope, S iberi a1 57. Sco liopteryx libatrix, L . E u r ope, A sia M ino r , S .


ber 1a

1 58. Xylom iges conspici llaris. L . C . E u rope, S . R ussia, A lta:

1 59. Calophasia C h risto ph i , n.s., E rsch. .

160 . C ucullia bo rypho ra, F. v . \V. S.E . Russia161 . argentina, F. S . R ussia, W. S iber z i z

162 . Plusia gutta. Gn. S . E u r ope, S i ber i a, A sia Al inor , Per sia

163. circumflexa, L . S . E u rope, A siaM m o r . A lta1

164. h i , H b. . H ungary, S . E urope, A sia M sno r

165. H ochenwarth i, H ochw. Sw itz en , L apel. :oeden, Labra.

166. I Ielio th is jug o rum ,11 .s. E rsch .

167. di saceus. L .

168. tig er, Sch i ff. C .

169. ci ldi , n.s. E tsch .

1 70 . C haricleadelph inn, L . C . and S . E urope, A sia Elinor 11

1 71 . Acontia H ueber i, n.s. E tsch . c

1 72 . lucida. H ufu . S . E u rope, A ltai A siaM i no r, N . Afr rca

1 73. luctuo sa. E sp.

1 74. T halpochares pallidula, I-I -

.S S . K z rg beseS teppe, A sia1 75. g rati o sa, E v.

1 76. g r iseo la, l‘. rsch . . .S S teppe,

1 77. Pho thedes k isi lkumensis, a.s. Ersch .

178. secunda, n.s. E rsch .

1 79. A groph ila trabealis. S c. C . i n S .


E u rope, A ltai , A siaet var. nig ra, E rsch . .

180 . M etoponia subflava, n.s. Frsch

18 1 . och racea, n.s. E tsch .

1 82 . E uclidiamuni ta, H b.

1 83. m ir ifica, n.s. E rsch .

1 84. S yneda Lang i , n. .s , Ersch .

185. Pericymaalb identaria, E rr .

186. A eantho lipes regulari s, H b.

187. L eucanitis rada, B.

sesqttistria, E v.

189. cai ltno , L ef.

panaceo rum, M én.

191 . cestis . Mén.

192 . fiexuosa, Mén.

193. spi lo ta, n.s.,E tsch .

1 94. Pseudo ph ia syriaca, Bugu ion

195. C atocalaclo onta, E s

196. puerpera, ioma S .

197. neonympha, E sp.



Distri bution in o ther countri es.

S pintberops, g lebico lo r, n.s. E rsch .

di lucida, H b. S . E u rope, A s. M i nor , N .W Afr 1caT oxocampacraccae, F.

H ypenaravalis, H .S .

revo lutalis, Z.

Pseudo terpnapruinata, H ufn. C . és’ S .

Ph o rodesma smaragdar ia, F. E u

E ucro stis herbar ia, H b. , var. advo lata,N emo riapulmentar ia, Gn.

Acidalia rufaria, H b. C en.

straminata, T r.

deg enerar ia, H b. E ng land, S .E . E u rope. Aadulteraria, n.s., E rsch

halimodendrata, n.s.,E tsch .

Beck eraria, Lcl.

marg inepunctata, Go ze. C . é ° S . E u r . , A lta1, A s.

flaccidaria, Z. S . R ussia, Caucasus, A s1a

o rnata, S c. E u r ope, A sia .Mino r,N .W

T imandraamatar ia, L . E ur ope, S 1ber ia, Caucasus, A s1aS teganiadalmataria.A z elinamaracandaria, a.s. , E rsch .

H imera S tsch uro vskyi , n.s. E tsch . .

E licriniasubco rdaria, H .S .

H ibernia occataria, n.s., E rsch .

Biston cinerarius, n.s., E rsch .

Boarm ia repandata, L . E urope, S iber ia, A siacocandaria, n.s. , E rsch .

Gno pho s Iveni , n.s. , E rsch .

2 29. Phasiane R ippertaria, Dup. var.

230 . E ubo liaarenacean'

a, H b. A ustr ia, S . E . R ussia, A sia

et var . flav idar ia, E v.

231 . E usarca terrestraria, Ld.

232. L ig ia tnranica, n.s., E rsch .

ci liaria, Mén. .

sim i liar ia, Mén.

235. S terrhaanth oph ilaria, H b.

, albidaria, E tsch .

L ythriapu rpu raria, L .

et var. ro taria, F237. L ith ostege g riseata, Sch ifl


. C . E ur ope, S. R ussia, A siaS taudingeri,

Anaitis excelsata, n.s.

E u rope, A sia24 1 . C idaria s., E rsch .

fluviata, H b.

po lyg ramntata, Bkh . .

E upithecm 1nno tata, H ufn.

pum ilata, H b.


96 R U S S I A N C E N TR A L A S IA .

Names.Distr ibu ti on in other co untries.


PY R A L I D I N A .

C ledeo biaco nsesso ralis, n.s. , E rsch .

armenialis, Ld.

infumatalis, n.s., E rsch .

H ypo tiacr ibellalis, n.s. E rsch .

A g lo ssa p ingu inalis, L .,var. asiatica, E rsch .

A so piaco stalis, F. C . and E . E u r ope, A mu r ,farinalis, L .

T alis quercella, S ch iff.

Sco paria incertalis, Dup. S . E u rope, except R ussia, A siaA po rodes flo ralis, H b. S . E u r ope, A si aM ino r ,E phelis cruentalis, H b.

E mprepes pentodontalis, n.s., EtschA nth o ph i lodes baph ialts, S tg r . Greece, S .E . R ussia,T eg o stomacomparalis, H b. .S . R ussia. A sia

A esch remo n disparalis, H . S . S .E . R ussia. A sia

Bo tys falcatalis, Gn.

sang u inalis, L .

fracti linealis, C h r. in lit.

monialis, E rsch .

cespi talis, Sch ifii , var . intermedialis, Dup.

po lygonalig


H b.,var. mer idionalis, Wk .

nubi alis, H C . and S E ur ope,rubtg inalis, H b.

E urycreon

lgnudalis, H b.

sticticalis, L . E u rope, except extreme N . ,

muco salis, H . S .

clath ralis, H b. S . E .

verticalis, L .

N omo ph i lanoctuella, Sch ifl'


O ro bena frumentalis, L . C . 6“ S . E u r . , S iber ia

Margarodes unionalis, H b.

H ydrocampanymphaeata, L . C . E urepe, A

Oh i loni dae.

2 78. Sci rpo phagapraelata. Sc.

2 79. Sch oenobius ntellus, Sch ifl'

. C . E u rope. S .

280 . o rficellus, T hunb. C . E u r .

,N .W GJ‘ S J'I.

28 1 . mucronellus, Sch ifl'


282 . C h i lo phmgmi tellus, H b. . C . E urope, N . PV. R ussia

283. C rambuscraterellus, Sc. .var.cassentiniellus, Z. S . E u r " A s. Mm .

284 , inq uinatellus, Sch i fli . E u rope, Syrsa, Persm

perlellus, Sc.

var. Warring tonellus, S taint..

lV. Eu rope, CaucasusE romene ocelles , H w. E ng land,

funiculella, E v.


2 88. Diozctriag r ella, E v.


N ep opteryxanew. Zk .

Dah liella, T 1 .29 1 . Pempeliasemirubella, Sc.

var. sangu inella, H b. C . andS . E ur ope,2 92 . cyr iella, a.s., E rsch .

293. oblitem telh :n.s., E rsch .

2 94. campico lella, a.s. , E tsch .

2 95. nucleo lella, M oesch .

296. l vo rella, u .s., E tsch .

297. Gymnancylabarbatella, a.s., E tsch.

carph ia lixi viella, a.s. E tsch.

Einischnia sateptella, H .S .

yelo is desertico la. S tgr .

rh odoch rella, H .S . ,var. delicatella, M oesch .

couve ens, n.s. , E tsch .

urbicel n.s. , E tsch . .


brum , Sch i fl'

. . C . and S . E u rope, A ltai ,vestali ella, n.s. E tsch .


alh is n.s., E tsch .

liturose la, a.s. , E tsch .

T engstro em iella. n.s. E tsch .

A lispaacervella, n.s. E tsch.

310 . E uz opheraobli tella, L . S .W E u r ope, S .E . Germany ,

31 1 . H omoeoeomasinuella, F.

31 2 . dealbatelln, n.s. , E tsch.313. Anemstia lo tella, H b.

314. ablutella, Z.

315. E phestiaelutella, H b.

316. M elissoblaptes bipunctanus, Z. C . and S .

31 7. anellus, Sch ifil .

T on'

rmcn u.

T o rtrix ch ondrillana, H . S .

C onchylianomadana, n.s., E rsch .

retextana, n.s. , E tsch .

contractana, Z.

Manniana, F. v. R .

Penth inaZeller iana, u .s. E tsch .

Aphelia lanceo lana, H b.

robustana, C h r.

Gmph o li tag raphana, T r.

foenella, L . C . E u rope, Greece, C a

Tm ema.

Gh om ti du .

328. C h o reutis Bjerkandrella, T h unb. 0

var. preti osana, Dup.

S imaeth is par iana, C i .


93 R U S S I A N C E N TR A L A S IA .

Names. Distribution in other countr ies.

Atyoh idu .

330 . A tych iam inutula, a.s., E rsch .

331 . H apsiferaluridella, Z.

332 . T ineacloacella. H w. C. E u rope, S .E . R ussia, Sardi nia

333. fuscipunctella, H w. E urope, Brussa

334. co lonelle, a.s., E rsch .

335. long ipennis, a.s. , E tsch .

336. caeru lipennis, a.s., E rsch .

337. T ineo lamacropodella, n.s. , E tsch .

Am lepi du .

338. A cro lepiaexsuccella, n.s. , E rsch.

339. H yponomeutapadella, L .

Plutollidu .

340 . E ido


zasiaM essing iella, F. v. R . E ng land,

34 1 . Plute cruci feramm , Z. A ll

Psecadiapusiella, R oemer. C . GJ‘ S . E u r ., W S iber ia, A s.

dist1gmatella. a.s. , E tsch .

Cpyga, Z. E ,u rope aucasus, B russa, Persia

Depnessariafig mmmm lms

u .s . E tsch .

po liatella, u .s, E tsch .

Bryo troph

;g lebpfoo lo rella, m t. Emch .

Parasia pella, E urope, except extremeN .

C erato h oprape

radiosella. u .s., E tsch . .

C lad es biareatella, n.s. , E tsch .

M egacraspedus exo letellus, n.s., E rsch .

Pleuro taao rsella, C hr .

Oecoph o rabisinuella, n.s., E rsch .

354. Graci lariastigmatella, F.

355. phasianipennella, H b.

var. aurog uttella, S tph . E u rope, exceptextreme i V.

Colooph oridu .

356. C o leo ph o raalcyonipennella, Ko ll. N W R ussi ,a C . E u rope,Uta/y , B russa

Lavorni du .

357. L avemadeco rella, S t h . , var .

358. a, n.s. E tsch.

Elaoh isti due.

359. E utalis capitalis, E rsch .

300 . tabidella. H .S .

var. in u i linella, E rsch .

36 1 . S taintoniam inella. S tg r.

362 . H eliodines R oeeella, L .

1 02

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A PPE N DIX A .—N E UR OP TE R A . n ;


BY R OBE R T M A C L A C H L AN ,L ondon.

T H E co llecti on o f N eu roptera made by Fedch enk o afi o rds a to lerablywell defined indicati on o f th e character o f th e N europtero log ical faunao f th e T urk istan countries, wh ich up to th e present has remainedalmo st

enti rely uninvestigated .

N o twith standing th e fulness o f th i s co llection, i t is certainly im

po ssible to draw from it any conclusions re

garding th e number o f

species to be fo und in th o se reg i ons ; and in o r er that such conclusions

sh o u ld be po ssible, we requ i re m o re continuo us and special investiga

ti ons by persons no t burdenedwith th e diversified and fatig u ing labo ursalways connected wi th travel in unk nown co untri es.

T h e character of th e T urki stan N eu roptera, so far as we may judg efrom th e materials co llected by th e expediti on, i s decidedly E uropean

a g reat many o f th e speciesco llected inT urk istanare no t onl E u ropean,but even W est-E u ropean species. T h is sim i lari ty o f th e urk istan to

E uropean fauna i s, h owever , less sharply defined than that o f th e

S iberian N europtera, wh ich I had occasion no t long ag o to investigate .

In th e T urk i stan co llecti on th ere i s an impo rtant number o f new species

wh ich belong to E uropean g enera. On th e o th er hand , in that co llec

tion is remark ed an unimpo rtant m ixture o f th e Indian element,wh ich i s sh own in a species o f the g enus fam i lyA scalapb z


dae, and a species o f th e g enus D z’

nar t/z r um o f th efam i ly Tn


ck optera. R epresentatives o f th ese g enera have, up to th e

present, been fo und only to th e south o f th e H imalayas . T h i s unim

po rtant m ixture o f Indian fo rms do es no t, h owever , really alter th eth o ro ug h ly mark ed E uropean character o f th e co llecti on.

T h ere are as many as 6 species o f P lampm m'

a in th e co llecti on, o fwh ich 1 7 are new. Do ubtless th e m o st remarkable o f all th e species o fth is fami ly is th e above-mentioned new species of th e g enus Idr z

cem .

Ano th er species -o f the sam e fam i ly i s common in Eastern E uropeA sc. K ob eanem

zlr. Aly rmeleom'

dae are represented by 15 species,! o f

wh ich 7 are new (in that number one new g enus) .T h e presence in th e co llecti on of Gymnam m z

a var z'

eg ata, a veryrare 3 ecies inhab iting Italy and Greece, i s very interesting . Amongth e k rysop z


dae th e re resentative o f th e new genus C lz rysofi zlrca isvery remarkable. T h e em er obz



da are comparati vely few. T h e g enusM antzlr a is represented by one new species. Of th e interestingg enus 124 7 , one specim en i s found in th e co llecti on belong ing ,

perhaps, to th e speci es described from T u rk ey. Of th e Panorp z'

dae,S z



dae, R apfz z'

dzdae, and N emoj ter zdae, th ere are none at all in th eco llecti on ? T h e prom inent speciali ty o f th e co llecti on, with reg ardto P lanz



a, i s wi th o ut do ubt i ts r ich ness in M y rmeleom'


M o re than one half o f all th e specimens o f N europteraco llected byth e expedi tion belong to th e Tn


clwptera, o f wh ich th ere are in th e

In addi ti on to the species enumerated below , there is A cantltad zlnir acd tam‘

ca,Ramb. from Kuldja, accidentally om itted from th e list.

1‘ One specimen o f Boreas was tak en by Fedch enk o in the environs o f

Samarkand, in the early spring o f 1860 . T h is specimen was unfo rtunatelydestroyed dur ing the transit o f the co llecti on from M o scow to Lo ndon.



co llecti on as many as 40 species, in th e majo ri of instances new .

One is struck wi th th e small number o f species 0 Pk ryg aner’

dae andL z


rrm opl u'


dae in th e co llection, and by th e predom inance of species

o f th e g enus flydr opsyclze, wh ich g enerally live in slowly-running

water . A s man o f th e localities vi sited by Fedch enk o are exceeding lyelevated, i t is iflicult to explain th e larg e number o f H ydr opsychefo und by h im , and th e almo st to tal absence from th e co llection o f

R lzyacop l u'

la, wh ich live, as i s k nown, g enerally near swiftly-running

water .

‘ T h e exam inati on o f th e vast materials co llected by Fedch enk o ,belong ing to Tn

clwptera, co st me g reat labo ur . N o twith standing mywi sh to treat in detai l as far as po smble all th e materials sent to me,

have unfo rtunately been oblig ed to leave some species o f T r z'

clzopteraundefined and undescr ibed.

T h e fam i ly Eplzemer z'

dae is represented in the co llecti on b abo ut 80s imens, belong ing to th e g enera Bai ti r , C loé


on , tag em’


eptoplz lebia, and C entr optz'

lum . A detai led description o f e species

I consider impo ssible, on acco unt o f th e specimens being g reatlychang ed b drying . Eaton,

wh o also saw th e T urk istan Ephemer a ,

sim i larly eclined to mak e a description from dry specimens. One

Epecies, th e identificati on o fwh ich i s certain, is th e common E uropean

8 to

g/debit: marg



nata, L .

f rocz'

dae one species o f Caea'

li us, is found in th e co llecti on, and

one wing less species , apparently an undeveloped C lo tl u'


On tak ing up the exam inati on o f the N eu roptera co llected by Fed

ch enk o , I fo resaw that th e Per l z'


ae wo uld present th e eatest

difliculty to me, as even th e larg est E uropean species are yet from

being sufi ciently investig ated,no t to speak o f the multitudino us small

fo rms . N o t having yet decided to undertak e a mono g raph on the

Per l z'

dae o f the Bntish Isles, I was ver

ydoubtful o f my ab i lity to

properly treat th o se o f C entral A sia. n th e co urse o f time, on a

clo ser acquaintance wi th th e co llection, I qu ite convinced myself that Ish o uld act very wi sely in confining myself to th e indicati on o f th e

probable number of species in each g enus , and only in afew excepti onal

cases permi t myself to descr ibe certain new fo rms. A ltog eth er in th e

co llecti on th ere are mo re than 180 specimens of Per lz'

dae, all belong ingto E u ropean g enera. T h e g reater po rti on o f th e Per l z


dae co llected byth e ex editi on belong to th e g enus N emou r a, and to th e little-known

allied o rms.

Finally, th e Ter m z'


dae are represented in th e co llecti on by some in

completely developed specimens , wh ich I am no t in a po sition to

determ ine.

N E U R OPT E R A , s. rtr .

PLAN IPE N N IA . 4 . Formicaleo , Brunet .

M Y R M I L I O N I D A B . r. Fo rmiealeo tetragmmmicus, Fabr.

1 . Oreeg rie, H agen.2 . lineatus,

t. C reag r is plumbeus, O livier .

3 . Gymnoenemie, Schnei der .




l ym eoeelms,ou t“ E


l . Gymnocnemtavanegata, Schneider.

2 . majo r, M ed l8 . H u m an, l eeLaehlen, n. gen. 3, Fedchenk o i , Mac

I . Maracandaamoena, MacLachl. , ” J. Lachlan, n.s.

In T urk istan mountains there are exceeding ly few ri vers, compared wi th

E uropean mountains, the culti vated z one being watered by slowly-running canals.

Does not th is explain the fact wh ich struck the autho r i—E dW s w .

1 16 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA



E r uw eni nxn.

1 . LeptOph lebiamarg inata, L in.

Psocrnn .

Pen man.

l . Di etyopterryx, Pi ctet.

1 . Dictyopteryx O lgae, MacLach , n.s.

1 . Perla oocandica, MacLach lan,2 . cadaverosa,

3. immersa,



A .

By DR . F. BR A U E R, o f Vienna.

Lmnu uu nu . 6. Oph i og omphul , De Belye.

1 . O ph i omphus se ti uus, C ha

1 . L i bellule , L .

08 rpen IP

8. Onych og omph us, De Belyt .

1 . L ibellulaquadrimaculata, L .

1 . Onychog omphus flexuosus, Ramb.

2. L i belle, Breuer.

1 . L ibellabrunnea, Fonsc.A GR IO N IDA E .

z . albistyla, De S elys.

8 . Croooth eiui l , Breuer . l. Onlopteryx, Leech .

1 . C roco them i s eryth raea, Brullé. 1 . C alo pteryx splendens, H4 . Di plu , Cherp.

1 . Diplax pedemontana, A lli oni .

2 . depressiuscgla, De S elys. 8. Loot“ , Leech .

3. F0 11500

0 10 111.

ii , L estes vi rens, C ha

4. meri di onalis, barber-



8. l ympyene, Cherp.

Acre/i nfi rm .

Sympycna fusca, Vanderl.

Am },



t :‘

T paedisca, Brauer, nonE versm

1 na 11 15 an er

a. m ix, Leech4'

1 . Anax fo rmosus, Vanderl.E rythrommav mdulum , C harp.

z . parthenope, De d s. 5. h ohnure, Chu-p.

Gomph inae. 1 . Ischnurapum i li o , C harp.

8. Gardnleg u ter , Leech .2 senegalense, Ramb.

1 . C o rdulegaster insignis, Schneider. 3. Ag r ion, Fabr .

4 . Gomphnl , W h 1 . Agr ion pulchellum , Vanderl.

1 . Gomphus flavipes, C harp. 2 . cyath igerum , C harp.

[T h ere i s no introducti on to Odonata in Fedch enk o’s wo rk , but th ere

exists an article in German (g iv ing th e locali ties o f th e species, and afu ll descrip ti on o f Sympycnapaedzlrca, enti tled Verz eichniss

der von Fedtsch enk o in T urk i stan g esammelten Odonaten, bearbei tetvon Pro f. Ft iedt . Brauer , in th e Ver fiandlung en o

er kai ser lz'



u fig h t/z en z oo lo‘fikck -botam lrd zen Gesellsclzaf t in W ien. Jah rgang

1880 , xxx. Band, ien, 188 1 and p . 75, 1 882 . .C .]

8. Chloroperle, N ewman, Pictet.

4 . leopteryx, Pictet.

Impteryx montana, Pictet.

tripunctata, Scopo li .

curta, MacLach lan, n.s.

6. 03 111113 , Pictet.

8 . Teeni opteryx, Pictet.

1 . T aenio pteryx maracandica, Mac

Lachlan, n.s.

7 . Kon oura, Latr . , Pictet.

N emours variegata, O li vi er.

o rnata, MacLachlan, n.s.



BY H . D1; S A U S S U R E .

T H E co llecti on o f O rth optera made by Fedch enk o in T urk istan i s so

far complete that it enables us to g iveapretty clear ideao f th echaracterof th e O rth optero us fauna o f th ese h ith erto li ttle investig ated reg i ons.

T h em in

gling th erein of E uropean specieswi th Indian fo rms is surpr i sing ,

as also t e comparatively small number o f species, th e di str ibuti on o f

wh ich is lim ited to T urk istan and th e neig hbouring countries.

T h e species mo st common inWestern and C entral E uropeare th roug h

R ussia and th e C i s-Caucasian steppe distributed as ar as T urk istan, wh ere th ey apparently attain th ei r extreme lim it towards th e

east, and consti tute th e ch ief and fundamental element o f th e local

fauna o f O rth o ptera.

O th er species , wh ich a pear only in S o uth R ussia, and extend as faras T urk istan acbyptera, apparently have th e steppeas th e centre o f th eir di stributi on ; from th e C asp ian S ea, as from a

centre, th ese fo rms are distr i buted over E uropean R ussia, S iberia,T u rk istan and A siaM ino r .

T h ere are much fewer Indian than E uropean species in th e T u rk istanfauna, wh ich may be explained by th e di fference in climate o f India

and T urk i stan. T h e non-E uropean s ecies fo und in T urk istan are

th o se exclusively belong ing to S . A sia H z’

er odu la), wh ich have eith er

only reach ed T u rk i stan, o r are distributed furth er to th eWest—to th eC aucasus, and A sia M ino r . i

W ith th ese South -A siaticspecies o th ers from mo re distant co untries,

particularly from A frica, are m ing led. S uch fo rms, fo r instance,as M anti s w or n and th e g enus O xyfl zesp zlr, pro er to S enegal,extending to T urk i stan pro bably th ro ug h C entral and est A fricaandA rab ia, are especiall remarkable.

T he O rth optero us auna o f T urk i stan presents a very strang e resem

blance to th e E uropean fauna i t i s parti cularly like the fauna o f S o uthR ussia, and contains a lar e uantity o fWest-E uropean species. I t isdisti ng ui shed no t so much y o rms exclusively peculiar to i t, as by th e

concurrence o f species wh ich are no t fo und tog eth er in o th er co untri es.

T h is fauna, tog eth er wi th that o f the C asp ian, S o uth -S iberian and A ralsteppes. and probably that o f A siaM ino r, m ig h t be called th e faunaof th e A siatic steppes.

T he s ceies treated o f below by me were ch iefly co llected byFedch en 0 . Furth er, I have included th e material in m po ssessi on

relative to T urk istan O rth o ptera, co llected b C o lonel ushakevi tch ,

and fo rwarded to me b M r . M aser . In th e i st g iven by me are also

included th e species escribed by vari o us auth o rs from th e co untries

lying near T urk istan, and wh ich i t is necessary to regard as belong ingto th e same fauna.


Fo ur icuu ua. E arwigs. 8 . r od ents , L ., et euet.

1 . Labi dura, Leech . 1 . Fo rficulaauricularia, L .

1 . Lab idura ri paria, Pall. b ig uttata, Latr.

8. 14 1118 , Leech .decipiens, Gene.

1. Labiamino r , L .Fedchenk o i, a.r., Sauss.



34. T eeniaC a rim n.s. 40 . ore.

35. ces‘Zicillz

lssyM o lin. 4 1 . N itz sch .

36. tetrag ona. 4 2 . truncata, n.s.

37. U rogalli (T . tumens, Mehlis; 43. Pseudo podis, n.s.

T . m icrops, Dies ) . 44. o sculata, Goez e.

crassula, R ud. (incl. T . sphe 45. Bo th riocephalus latus, R ud.

nocephala. R ud. ) 46. Bo thridium

perlata, Goez e. 47. L igula

L ist of the species (o f C estodes) fo und in T urk istan, inmanand vari ous animals.

H A M " A L IA

9. T aeniadenticulata.

45. Bo th riocephalus latus.

z . T aeniamerg inata (C ysticercus) .ech inoco ocus (sco lex) .coenurns.


ran.a t“ Cat. 0.pre h i rot l . Goat.

T aeniacrassico llis.

2 . Taeniamarg inata (C ysticercus) .

elli ptice.

8 expanse

Arctomys, M armot.

10 . T aeniamami llana. 1 1 . T aeniatransvei saria.


Pterocles elchees. Sand Grouse.


gT aeniamalleus. 16. T aenia oh velata.



36° “3t 7 38. T aeniacrassula.

4 1 . megalops.

Genus et spec. i gnet.

14. T aenia innom inata.

Scolopax, S upt .

15. T aeniaparadoxa.

38. T aeuiacrassula.

Upupe epops. E uropean H ooper.

28. Taenia intricata.

1 2 . T aeniamicro phallos.

13. variabi lis.

Gallus domesticus. Fowl. frug i legus. R ook.

30 . T aenia infundibulifo rm is. 35° Taeniaamnia.

35. cesticillus.

36. tetrag ona.

2 1 . Taeniaserpentulus.Perdix g reen . Greek Partr idge. 24 , constricta.

37. T aenia(U rogalli

l eg eloperdix 1 N M 29 1" S W24 . T aeniaconstr icta.

20 . T aeniavi llosa.

37. 2 2 . T aeniaangulata.

A PPE A ’DIX A VE R M E S . 1 2 1

M aude, s. Osprlmulg us, r. M eeker .

34. Taenia Caprimulg i.

Petrccinelacysnes. BlueR oeb fi lm s/i .

2 3. Tw ig Petroci uclae.31 . T aenia o rientalis.

2 2. Taem‘


32 . T seniapraecox.

M “ , Pelee cench rls. L esser Kestrel.

26. T aeniaundulata. 39. T aeniaperlata.

C inclus equati ons. Dipper . l i lvus stei (l ilvus melanotis 1)

2 7. T aeniapo lyarthra.0

33. deh iscens. 40 . T aeniamasti g opho ra.

R er u n s.

Ag ents sang uinclents. Pseudopus Pallasi i.

4 2. T senia truncate. 43. T aeniaPseudopodis.

P1scz s.

44. Taeniaosculata.

{In returning the pro o f of th e above, Dr . Krabbe i s cod eno ug h to

in o rm me that h is part o f Vermes co llected by Fcdc enk o embracedonly th e C es

'toedea, and that th e N m ato z'

dea, T r ematoda, and A ran

tfwceplzala have been described by Dr . von L instow , o f H ameln, in

Germany, and ubli sh ed in th e A r clu'

v f i r N'

atu rg esclu'

ek te, 1883M . Grube, o Breslau , underto o k th e descri ption o f certain o th er

wo rms, external parasites o f b i rds etc. H e did no t

su rvive, h owever , to complete h is wo rk fo r th e T ravels in T u rk istan,

th o ug h M adame Fedch enk o info rms me that, after h is death , th e

descripti on o f th e parasites was publish ed in some German periodicalo f N atu ral H isto ry

—E L ]



N considering the flo ra o f T urkistan,— if we start, as

with i ts fauna, from the no rth-east, we beg in wi th th e

R ussian bo tanist S ivers, wh o at the end o f the last centurypenetrated to the T arbagatai mo untai ns. We have next

L edebo ur, wh o , in 1 8 2 6, travelled up the I rti sh to Lake

Zaisan, and 1 4 years afterwards publ ished an enumeration

o f plants in the who le R ussian Empi re. Dr. Schrenk also ,

from 1 84 0 to 1 84 3, co llected p lants in S ungaria in the

T arbagatai , A la-T au , and abo ut th e A la-Kul, which were

described first by Fischer and M eyer, and afterwards by

Schrenk, to the number o f 937 species. Further , in

1 84 1 , the neig hbo urho od o f the A la-Kul, and th e upper

courses o f the L epsa, Sarkan, and Baskan r ivers, to the

snow l ine in Eastern S ungaria, were visited by Karelin and

Kiri lo ff, who se co l lectio n numbered 932 ,species.

T hus matters remained unti l S emeno fl'

,in 1 8 57 , cro ssed the

I li , and pushed on to the no rthernmost rang e o f the T hianS hari , called the T rans-I i i, o r S o uthern A la-T au. H is

co l lection o f p lants o f 34 species was described by R eg eland H erder, and to th is I shal l presently recur. T en years

later a jo urney was made further to the so uth by O stenSacken, and as a resu lt abo ut 2 50 bo tanical species weredescri bed by R uprecht in 74 pag es o f the M emo ir : of tire

A eademy of S ciences in Petersburg .

If next we approach T urkistan from th e no rth-west, wehave A lexander L ehmann cro ssing the U rals, and proceed

1 2 4 R U S S I A N C E N TR A L A S IA .

Bo tanical Gardens in Petersburg , and the so n, Dr. A lbert

R eg el , a distr ict surgeon in T urk istan. In 1 879, Dr. A lbertR egel made a famo us jo urney beyond the R ussian bo rder to

T urfan. H e has explo red bo tanical ly the reg ions east o f

Ku ldja, also S em irech ia, S ungar ia, the enti re T h ian S haw ,and

all the A la-T au, the d istr icts abo ut T ashkend and Samarkand,Eastern Bo khara as far as Darwaz , S h ig uan, etc., and west

as far as M erv. Wh i lst the yo ung er R egel has thus widelygathered, the elder R eg el has g iven descriptions o f T u rkistan

co l lections. H e published , in 1 8 7 5, N ew Plants Growingin th e T urkistan R eg ion,

”and later have appeared several

mono g raphs (R osaceae, Berber ia’

eae, etc.) from h is pen in the

Gar tenfl o ra, tire T ransactions of tire Botanical Gardens of S t.

Petersburg ,and the “Descr i ption o f new and rare T urkistan

p lants co l lected : by Madame Fedchenko , as wel l as by

K o ro lk o fl'

, Kuschak ewicz (wh o v isited the Pam i r) , A . R eg el,and Krause

; but a complete l ist o f the plants o f C entralA sia has yet to be compi led .

Fo r the present i t w i ll be seen that o ur avai lable info r

matio n co ncerning the T urkistan flo ra is mo re fragmentary

than that relating to its fauna ; and acco rd ing ly, when I

went to Kew to ask fo r a l ist o f p lants that wo u ld g ive some

idea o f the flo ra o f R ussian C entral A sia, I was to ld thatno such l ist existed , and that, were I a bo tanist, i t wo u ld takeme two years to make one. I fo und , however, at the L innean

S ociety’

s l ibrary ,wh ich was mo st kind ly placed at my ser

vice, th e l ist o f S emeno fl’

s plants as described by R eg el andH erder. I was to ld that the l ist was so far representative

that it m ig ht pro bably be used fo r a fo undation by anyo ne

desi ring to make a fuller l ist, and I therefo re g ive i t below.


N O R T H A N D S OU T H OF T H E IN 1857.


S E M E N OFF’S jo urneys to uch ed th ree extensive distr icts : A) T he

N o rth ern, o r S ung arian A la-Tau (8 ) T h e S ou th ern, o r T rans li A laT au and (0) T h e T h ian S han, abo ut Issi k -Kul.

Madame Fedchenko info rms me that she has commenced to make alist of herT urk istan plants, wh ich , thoug h no t more than half done, numbers 940 species.

A PPE N DIX B .—FL OR A . 1 25

(A) Tire N or tlzer n A la-Tan at its western extrem ity sinks into

th e broad low countr

yof th e S teppe, wh ich extends at an alti tude o f

between to 500 ar is feet to th e Balk hash basin. T h e h i g h land

roper extends easterl to th e low co untry between th e A la-Kul and

Ili , and has a centra crest wi th an averag e h eig h t o f wi th

peak s exceeding I t embraces th e A rassan chain, th e Djonk ep lateau , th e Kopal, Djan s A g ach , A ltyn

-Immel, A laman, and th e

Kalii chains. Only th ree , owever,o f th e numero us r ivers and stream s

o f th is district reach th e Balk hash Lak e, th e o th ers lo sing th emselves

in th e extensive sandy downs and reed marsh es o f th e S teppe.

(8 ) T h e S ou ther n A la-Tan, between th e I li depression and th eIssi k -Ku l plateau , rises at a di stance o f abo ut 40 m i les so uth o f th e

I li , as a co lo ssal rang e, th e central po rti on o f wh ich reach es h ig habove th e snow line. Its crest has an averag e hei g h t o f and i ts

peak s of nearly T h is m ountain chain, of abo ut 130 m i les in

leng th , consists 0 two about equally lo fty, parallel, crystalline-fo rmedcrests, wh ich in th e m iddle are jo ined by a bo ld g rani ticcro ss-yok e.

T h e interval between the crests is filled wi th layers o f sedimentarystone trending from east to west. T h e 11 per part o f th ese strata i sfo rmed of m ountain limestone, th e lower 0 silici o us and clay shales,

probably belong ing to th e transi ti on per iod o f th e m ountai n rang e .

T h e mo st impo rtant secti on of th i s chain i s th e T alg arnyn-T al-C h o k u ,

wh ich attains a h ei g h t o f 1 T o th e west o f th i s m o untain are

situated th e Kesk elen and lmaty passes, to th e east th e C h inbulakand M aibulak passes, all o f th em at a h eig h t o f from to

T h e m o st impo rtant rivers of th i s di strict, and so uth ern tributaries o fth e I li are th e C h ili k wi th its confluent th e Jenish k e, th en th e T alg arri sing in th e T algarnyn

-T al-C h o k u , wi th th e two A lmaty rivers.

(0) s epor ti on of tbcT Iz z'

an S han vi sited by S emenofi'

is separatedfrom th e south ernA la-T au by a plateau about 50 m i les broad and 150long , in wh ich th ere is spread o ut th e basin o f th e Issik -Kul. T h eclimate o f th e surro undin plateaus i s considerably ro ug h er than that

o f th e low co untry o f th e i , wh ich is no t to be wondered at, since th eT h ian S han attains an averag e h eig h t on its crest o f and on its

peak s o f nearly Pari s feet. Fine m o untain streams, m o re than

40 in number , ri sing in th e so uth ern A la-T au and in th e T h ian S han,

r un straig h t acro ss th ese valleys, and transfo rm th e usually steri le

S teppe so i l into ferti le arable land . A m ong st th e streams may bementi oned th e Ko k djar , th e Karkara, th e T i

lh , th e T u rg en-A k su , th e

Kach ka-su , th e Zauk u , th e Sary-Djas, and a few so urces o f th e N aryn.

A ll th e m o untain spu rs on both bank s o f th e lak e consist o f crystallinerock s, namely, g rani te and syeni te, wh ich are th emselves g enerallyoverlai d with a sedimentary cong lom erate. T h e main crest of th eT h ian S han ag ain i s no t uni fo rm th ro ug h out i ts wh o le length , butappears between th e Sary

-Djas g o rg e and th e easterly so urces o f th eN aryn to fo rk o ut, and run furth er to th e west in two parallel crests,separated by th e impo rtant long i tudinal valley o f th e N aryn. A m ong stth e mo st impo rtant o f th e passes of th is rang e o f m o untains wh ichS emenofl

vi si ted, is th e Zauk u pass, th e abso lute h ei g h t o f wh ichreach es and th e Kok djar pass attaining a h eig h t of feet.In all th ree districts (A, 8 , may be clearly di sting u i sh ed five (and if

th e snow z one is included, six) natural z ones Tne S teppe z one,

so uth of th e Balk hash Lak e, o f 500'

to occasi onally feet,Paris feet E ng lish ) , and so throughout th is appendix on Flo ra.

1 26 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

includes th e best winter stati ons o f th e nomads, in consequence of its

m i ld climate, and th e alm o st to tal absence of snow. T h i s zone

po ssesses gou ite th e character i sticfl o ra o f th e A ralo -C aspian depression

i n its H a phytes , A r temtsz'

as , A strag als , Tamar i shs , etc. (2 ) fi re

cu ltivated z one o f from 1 ,50 0’

to contains th e finest arable lands.

In i ts h erbaceo us plants th i s z one has much mo re resemblance to

th o se o f th e E uropean, R u ssian, and West S iberian lowlands. N ever

th eless, amon st th em occur also some g enu ine A siaticfo rms such as

S oph o ra alo ecu r o z’

des , R h eum cuneatum , etc. (3) T he Rene-tr eez one o f to contains timber su i table fo r fixed settlements .

T h e P inus Sch r enh z'

ana i s a character i stic p f th is z one. T h e te

mainder o f th e tree veg etation consi sts o f P opu lus tr emu la, P .

suaoeo lens, Betu la mur ophylla, S o r bus A ucupar z'

a, and some species

o f Satin. (4 ) T he A lp ine meadow z one o f from to

includes th e h ealth iest, and fo r th e no u r ishment o f cattle th e riche‘


summer stations o f th e nomads. O f bush es th ere are foundyunzper usPseudosabz

na, Car ag'

ana j u bata, some s'

r eas and P otentz'

llas .

T he A lpine plants consist no t only o f i ts own peculiar descripti ons, but

also o f th e A ltai , C aucasian, E u ro pean, and even H imalayan fo rms.

(5) I h e H i g h A lp ine and g lacier z one, from to con

tains the fo llowing disting u i sh ing h ig h A lp ine plants



ali r, H eg em one l z'


na, R anuncu lus altaz'

cus , oar

raba p i losa,stellata, etc. (6) T he snow z one from th e

petual snow (1 feet) up to th e tops o f th e mo untains.

[In th e fo llowing li sts , th e R ev . W . W . T yler has k indly suppliedfth e

E ng lish equ ivalents , and after each o rder th e number o f species th erein

fo und respectively in C entral A sia and (br acketed) in Bri tain. Bycompari son o f th ese , M r . T yler remark s,

“ it i s interesting to no te

h ow o rders represented by numero us species at h ome may be loo k ed

fo r in sim i lar propo rti ons in T urk istan.

”I t sh o uld be remembered,

h owever , th at th e res relating to Great Bri tain are furnish ed by manylabo urers wo rk ing o r many years, wh ereas th e C entral A sian list repre

sents th e co llecti on o f one traveller only, du r ing one jo urne and must,

th erefo re, be regarded as incomplete . Bear ing th is inm in h owever , i t

may be no ticed from th e materials befo re us that th e number o f o rdersfo und in Great Bri tain, but absent in T u rk i stan, is about 25, wh ereas thenumber o f o rders found in T u rk i stan, but absent in Britain, i s onl 9 ;and each o f th ese contains a very lim i ted number o f species. anyh undreds o f L ich ens , M o sses , H epaticze , etc. , found in g r eat Britain,are barely mentioned in th e C ryp to g am o us plants o f S emeno fi s li sts,wh ich latter , it may be observed , contain several plants new to science.

I t sh o uld also be added that one locality only i s g iven h ere to each

species o r variety named, wh ereas inth e o ri g inal th ere are sometimes

several ; and vari eties o f a species, o ften numero us in th e o rig inal, are

h ere usuallyconfined to one line—H ZL .)A BBR E VIA TION S

A . N o rth ern A la-T au. M . M ountain.

8 . S o uth ern A la-T au . C h . C hain.

0 . T h ian S han, abo ut Issik -Kul. V . Valley.

P. Pass o r passes. S t. S teppe.

R . R iver.


Time of bloe E levaN ame in Latinand E nglish . L ocali ty.

som or frui t. ti o n.

37. T ro llius asiaticus, fl typicus Glo6e Flower A Karatau C hain

38. patalus, 8 sibi ri cus Do . 8 R iver A lmaty MayH eg emone li lacina A8 0 M tn. Passes July. 8 to

396. E ranth is long isti pitata PVinter A coni te M o g o l-T au March

4ou . Iso pymm anemono ides 8 0 M tn. Passes July, 7 to 7, 500'

fumari o ides

g randiflo rum July, 8 to42a. A qui leg iag landulo sa, var. jucunda C olumbi ne Ivano vsk -bielak 4 , 50 0

lactiflo ra, a leucantha Issyk-Ku


Delph inium camptocarpum , y song o ricum Lar kspu rvar . dasycarpumvar. mgulosumcauoasmm, 8 hirsutum

dictyocar um , var. g laberr imum ,

et pubi o rum Ko k pek t T o

Aconitum A uth o rs. U baVal eyL ycoctonum, e vu ipa R i ver Djenish ke Julyro tundi fo lium 8 0 M tn. Passes Julyapo llus, 8 racemosu A lmaty Pass A ug . ,

alpinum Keskelen Pass A ug . ,

Paeoniaanomala, var . hybrida 8 Balyk ty May

I I .—BE R BE R IDE A E 5 Bar ber ry Fam ily .

52. Berberis heteropoda 0 A lmaty Pass , T ub Valley May

53. integerrima Ili Valley Maysibi rica S .E . A ltai M ountains

54 . L eontice vesicar ia I li Vallev Mayaltaica R iver A lbabek

116.—N YM PH A E A C E A E 1 . Water-lily Family .

34 . N ymphaeaBasniniana Water 'L i ly . R iver Ko kpek ty

I I I .—PA PA VE R A C E A E 1 2 Poppy Fam i ly .

55. Papaver alpinum , var. crocanthum 8 Mabulak Pass8 nudicaule Kasu M ountain

pavoninum A ltai M o untains

56. arenarium R iver T uraigyr

57a. C helidonium majus A lmat Pass

576. R oemer ia hybrida M og o-T au

57c. refracta T urk istan

57d. bico lo r Do . T urk istan

58a. Glaucium squam igerum H orned Poppy A raldjel Pass586. elegans Do . M o l-T au

.Do. I li alley

59. C h iaz’

hsperm i iin pendulum Ili Valley

A PP E N DIX B .-FL OR A 1 29

N ame in Latinand E nglish .

IV .—FUM A R IA C E A E 10

C o rydalis rutaefo lia .Fum itory

L edebo uriana Do .

Do .

g laucescensDo .

long iflo ra .Do .

nob ilis Do .

S emenown D o.

Go rtschak o v u Do .

capno idesDo.

FumariaVai llanti i Do .

V —C R U C IFE R A E 1 29 M ustard Fam i ly .

66a. Barbareavulgari s, var. arcuataR ocket

,6 str icta Do .

666. N asturtium lustre Water C ress63c. rachycarpum

66d. Matth io la runcinata

é5e. Fischeri

67 . T urr itis glabra

68. A rabis fruticulosa

69. pendulaC ardam ine impatiens

parv iflo ra

7 1 . Parryasteno oar a

nudicaulis, L ., [3 linearifo lia .


72 . M eniocus linifo lius

73. Farsetia spath ulata .

74 . Berteroameans.

75. Psi lonemadasycarpiim

long i stylum

A lyssumminimumS z ovi tsianum

alpestre, a to rtuosum

a. m icrophyllum

6. vulgare

Drabapi losa, a o reades

y commutata

repens, var. leg itima

Wah lenberg i ilacteastellata, a nivalis

Bhebecarparupestri s, a leiocarpa

h irta, a leiocarpa, var.

inm a, L ., y hebecarpa

0 confuse .

nemo rosa, var

B hebecarpa37a. muralis .

876. C ochlearia g randiflo ra

Fumi tory Fam ily.

N ear Ayag us A pri l

Bug un March

Karatau Pass March ,M o untain S pr ings . May

A A yag us, and BienValley, A prilBukonbei M o untain, A pril

8 Kurmenti Pass J une,Ko kdjar Pass June,Bien Valleys May

A Bien Valleys May

8 Djassyl-KulC h imk ent

R iver Ko kpek tyN eig hbo urh o od o f SalairN ear Kh ojend May

Do . A ral S teppe S eptemberT ower 111 11 310 7 41 8 R i vu let M erke A pri lR och C ress A Keyssyk

-A us Pass MayDo . 8 R iver Djenish ke June

B i tter C ress B0 R ivs. T algar, T ilh . May, June0 0 Zaisan distr ict.

A raldjelPass ; 0 Sary-djas, MayR ivulet M erkeS . T h ian S hari M ts.JulS o urces o fMai-Dschi lilc, MayA rganaty M o untains MayB Kopal, V ierny S eptemberA rganatinsk MayT urk istan May,Kasu M o untains

M adwort S o urces o f M ai-Dsch i lik , MayDo . M o g o l

-T au A pri lDo . Zmeino g o rsk in A ltaiDo . Banks o f the IrtishDo . Kasu M o untains

T urg en Pass

T urg en and Zauku Passes, June,Sartau M o untain

S ar tan M o untainKo kdjar PassKo kdjar PassKaratauT sch in-Bulak June,A laman C hain

M ar ita-K i ll e e

Sartau M ountainR iver MerkeS yrjanowskKara S u

I li Valley


N ame in Latinand E nglish .

88 . T h laspi cochlearifo rme

oerato um


perfo liatum , L .

90 . M egacarpaea laciniata


91 . E uclidium syr iacum

92a. tataricum

926. C h o rispo ra Bung eana

B p ilulosatenella

a g labriuscula

h ispidasi bi rica94

95. MalcolmiaafricanaB stenOpetala .

7 intermedia


L edebo uriBungei

B lasiocarpa

96. H esperis matronalis

aprica Do.

chyrh i za Do .

gunawarensis, var. hi rtula. Do.

97. L eptaleum fili fo lium

98. S isymbr ium junceum H edge musta

Bsoong o ricum Do .

brassicaefo rme Do .

heteromallum Do .

L oeselli i Do .

S o ph ia H ixweea

1 0 2 .

10 3.

1 0 4 .

1 0 5. E rysimum

1 0 76

1 0 7c. T etracme

nudum , S ewerz owi , et alliaria

co nto rtuplicatum ,var . parviflo rum P

brev ipesT hahanum

C heiranthus, hum illimum

versico lo r, Bdentatumy integerrimum Do .

Do .

Do .

Do .


Do .


B strictum Do .

canescens, var . subintegerrimum Do .

repandum Do .

q uadrico rnis, B long ico rnisP10 8 . T aph rospermum altaicum

109. Camelinamicrocarpa

B brevi styla1 10 . E utremaE dwardsi i

1 1 1 . alpestre

1 1 2 . C apsella rocumbens

1 13. ursapasto ris


Apr il, May

T algar .

Guq ewskR ivulet M erk e

V ierny . A pr'il

8 Ayaguaand A lmaty, MayV iernyR iver

yKnlg trt

R iver Dalg ut



i eo hmic


ViernyR iver Kok


k ty . MayS iuliuk ti- aR i ver I li

A yag usV ierny .

0 M tn. Passes

R iver Kalg uttyM o g o l-T auV iem

g. Mayteppe . May

T algar MayZaisan district . MayR iver KokN ei ghbourg


ooilyDjel-T au M tn.

V iernyT urk istanM og o l

-T au

Ko kdjar PassR iver M erke

U ral S teppeSchary .

0 KarkaraA rassan

E verywhere, roadsides, etc. Feb.


N ame in Latinand E nglish . L ocali ty , 3:

VI I I .—DR O S E R A C E AE 2 S ande-w l y .

1 27. Parnassia lustr is. C ro ss of In Mamh lands

1 28 . manni , var. subacaulis Pm 8 O S treams

IX.—POLYGA L E A E 1 M um —t Fam i ly .

1 29. Po lygalavulgaris, B comosa Al i lkwort 8 0 T uraigyr


Diantlms campestns, Bg laberalpmus, var. S emenovucrtni tus

superbus (fl . alb.

var. subo btusus


Gyso ph i lamuralis

acutifo lia, var. Gmelini .

panicu lata


S ilene inflata var .





chlo rantha

1 52 . saxati lis

153. Lychnis apetala

Bcaespitosar uralensis

1 53a. Floscnculi .

1536. sibi riea

154. Acantho phyllum spinosum

1 55. paniculatum

XL—A L S IN E A E 2 2 C lti ekweed Fami ly .

156 Sag ina L innaei Pear lwort T arbagatai M tns. June1 57 g lobulosa Do. 8 R iver C h ililt

158. verna, Bvulgar is, var . micropetala Do . A Ko pal C hainvar. macropetala Do . Ivano vsk Snow Mats.

al tris var. Do . 8 Ko pal hain1 9. Alsine b i o ra, Bcarnalosa K urtnenty Pass . J1 Vi llaran, B psi losperma R iver Zauku

R iver Ko kpekty JaneA Kapnl C hain8 0 A ltsu ValleyDjel-T auR iver Kask elen

ViernyViernyKirg hese S teppe

K irg hese S teppeR iver R etlrara

Valleys in A latau

Issyk-Kul Plateau.

Kurmenty Pass

N ear Salai rKi rg hese S teppeZaisan


Kurmenty Pass:Kopal C hain

R iver Ko kpelttyR iver T abga

N ear K0 pal

T o ert-Koel

I li ValleyN ear Salair

Kirg hese S teppeGrantiboden

C h i lik ValleyKurment Pass

R iver T e es


N ame in Latinand E nglish .

161 . A renaria long i fo lia162 . g raminifo liavar.

1 63. yllifo lia

164 . M oeh ring ia


fiterifo lia, B intermedia,6 ang ustifo liar umbro sa

5 g racil164a. S tellarianemo rum , et vars.

1 65. g lauca, et vars.

166. C erastium pilo sum

trigynum , et vars.

maximum , Bfalcatumlith ospermum var. 8 todah uncum

vulgatum , Bg landulosumalpinum var.


arvense var .

XIL—L IN E A E 1 Flax Fam i ly.

1 74. L inum perenne Flat 8 R iver A lmaty

XI I I .—M A L VA C E A E 5 (8) , MM allow Fami ly .

1 75. Lavatera thuring iaca T ree M allow B V ierny . June,1 76. A lthaea o flicinalis . M arsh M allow 8 N ear V ierny

Bpallida Do . T own Ko kpeltty1 77. nudiflo ra Do. 8 Vierny1 78. Malvabo realis M allow 8 V ierny

XIV.—H YPE R IC E N E A E 5 S t. fi An

r Wor t Fami ly .

1 79. H ypericum A sycron S t. yoAn’

r U baValley1 80 . perfo ratum Do . C h i li k Valley

h irsutum Do . Bo ggy clay g ro undscabrum var. Do . R iver Kaldjirhysso pifo lium , et vars. Do . Zaisan district

XV.—A C E R A C E A E 1 M aple Fam ily .

183. Acer S emeno vn M aple 8 Almaty Valley 3 to

XVI . -GE R A N IA C E A E 10

Geranium sibi ricum C ranes6i lltubero sum Do.

albiflo rum Do.

pratense Do .

afli ne Do .

saxattle Do .

co llinum vars. Do.

rectum var. Do.

divaricatum Do.

E rodium S emeno vi i S tarks/ri ll

XV II . -BA L S A M IN E A E 1 Balsam Fam i ly .

194. Impatiens yarviflo ravars. Bauam A B Mm. Passer 4 to

Ki rg hese S teppeR iddersk

8 R iver DjenishkeR iver Kaldp r

Islands in R iver Obi

R iver T abulgatyMarka-Kul JV i llage O so tsch icha

R iver Kurmenty May,6 6,50 0'

Zarevno-A lexandrovsk

8 0 M tn. Passes May, 7-900’

R iver L epsa.

R iver T argu

0 R iver Kare


R iver Karkara

R iver AlmatyKopal C hain

C fam 6ill Fam i ly .

8 Kopal

N ear Barnaul

0 R iver Zauk u

A R i ver Kopalka

R iver A lbabekA 8 R iver Kopal


8 0 R iver A lmatyA S teppe near R iver I liA S teppe near R i ver Ili

R U S S IA A ’ C E N TR A L A S IA .

Name in Latinand E nglish . L ocality ,

T ime of 1110: Elmsom or (11 111. ti on.

XVII I .—ZYGOPH YL L A C EA E 4 Bean, Caper , and Gariamm Fam i ly .

195. Zygophyllum brachypterum Zaisan distr ict Maymacropteran M tns. o i Do lon-Kara

196. T ribulis terrestr is . R iver I li

197. 2yg ophy11a0 ea Valley

XIX.—R UT A C E A E 3 R ue Family.

198. Pegantrm H armgla I li Valley

199. H aplo hyllum 1eve1s11 8 N ear R iver Lepsa-3,5p

latifo lium N on Baskan

XX .—DIOSM E A E 1 allied 10 R ue Fou

ly .

20 1 . Dictamnus Fraxinella N ear the R iver Kaldjat

XXL—C E LA S T R IN E A E 1 St Fam ily .

XXI I .—R H AM N E A E 2 (2 ) BueAtAoe-n Fami ly .

20 3. R hamnus catharticus 8 R iver T urguenN itrar iaSch ober i Zaisan Plateau


20 5. T hermopsis lanceo lata206. alpina20 7 . M edicag o platycarpa208 . 1



var. deserto rum

209. T rigonellacancellata2 10 lycerata

2 1 1 . M elilo tus ba

2 1 2 . ofiicinalis2 13. ratense

2 14 . rag iferum2 15. lupinaster, et vars.

2 16. repens

co rniculatus .

2 18. Glyci rrh izaasperr ima2 19. Bdeserto rum2 20 . 6 intermedia2 2 1 . t typica2 2 2 . C araganaarbo rescens2 23. frutescens

2 24 . B mo llis2 25. 7 intennedia

2 26. pygmaea

2 2 7. traganth o ids i et vars.2 28. juhata2 29. H alimodendron argenteum

230 . S phaerOphysasalania

False Fami ly .

Santasch Pass

R iver A lmaty‘


R i ver Karkara

Ili ValleyK i rghese S teppeT he Black Irt1ah

A 8 R iver T algar

I li ValleyKirghese S teppeV ierny .

A rassan C hainV ierny .


B A rassan C hain

N ear


S er

piopo l



Zaisan distr ict

T s:ghese S teppe


T sch i lizmValley

A rkalyk

0 M erlte, Issylt KtilZauku Pass

I li ValleyR iver Ko lgutty


N ame in Latin and E ng lish .

A stragalus litho ph i lus

buch to rmensis


290. 11cm

291 . ch lo rodontus (a.r .

292 . lanug ino sus

293. lasioPetalus

294. soabr isetus Mai-ti lbe . M ay295. hypo gaeus Bajan-Baku rah . M ay296. testicu latus N ear Barnaul

297. Pallasi i A rassan

298. C icer song o ricum var. R iver IGarkai'a299. V iciasepium Veto/1 , Tare Ki rg hese Steppe

300 . megalo tropis

C racca

li lacina


00 5 13 13

mu lticaulis




309. 1.111t pis1to rm is

310 . palustr is

31 1. O ro bus iathyro idesvernus

31 2 . subv1llo sus

313. S emeno vu

314. luteus

315. albus var.

316. H edysarum splendens var .

31 7. so ng o ricum

3 18. po lymo rphum , et vars.

319. neg lectum N ear Ko pal

320 . obscurum A 8 M 10 . Passes to

32 1 . S emeno vn A rganaty

32 2 . sati va, et vars. T arbagatai

323. pu lchella B V ierny

324 . A lhag i C amelo rum A I li Vaylley

325. 8 0 pl.0 raalo pecuro ides A A rassan C hain

326. Ammodendron S ieversu I li Valley

XXIV F—AMYGDA L E A E 4 A lmond and Plan Fami ly .

327. A mygdalus nana A lmond District o f Zaisan

328 . Prunus A rmeniaca. C her ry

329. ro stratavar. Do .

330 . adus Zaisan M o untain

XXV.—R O S A C E A E 47 R osare Fam i ly.

331 . Spiraeatrilobata . M eadow Sweet A rkat M ountains

332 . hypenci fo lia, Bmicro phylla A K i rg hese S teppe

333. Oblong l fo lla Do. 8 0 111 the Valleys to

334 . crenata Do . Distr ict o fZaisan

A PPE N DIX B .- FL OR A . 137

N ame in Lainand E ng lish . L ocality.

Time “ N 99 E levasom or frm t. t10n.

335. S piraeamedia

336 laevigata

U lmaria

Dryas octo petalaGeum strictum



A lchem illavulgaris

Ag r imoniaeupato ria


S ibbaldiaprocumbensDryadanthe BungeanaC hamaerhodos erecta

Po tenti llasupina

no rweg ica

pensylvanica, et vars.

sericea, et vars. 3 to

multifidavar. 5 to

fragario idesT uraigyr

R iver Karkara 5,50 0 .to 6.00 0'

B T urai gyr 6, 0 0 0’


K i rg hese S teppe

Lake Marka-Kul

fruticosa, et var.

C omarum Salesso vm 6 to

Fragariamo schata

R ubus caesius

H ulth em iaberberifo lia

R o sa pimpinellifo liavar .


acicularis var.




XXVI .—POMA C E AE 7 Apple and Fear Fam i ly .

378. C rataegus sang uinea H awthorn R iver Baskan


iii :332

pinnati fida Do . Issyk Kul ValleyC otoneaster vulgaris Kalgut

Jnummulariavar. 0 T ub alleymultiflo ra T uraigyr Pass

383. Pyrus Malus . 0 Valleys

334 aucuparia M ountain A 0. Valleys

District o f Zaisan May, June0 Ko kdjar ValleyB V iernyN ear R idders

0 R iver Karkara 5,500 toDistr ict o f ZaisanN o rth K irg hese S teppe

A B 0 A laman M o untams


B ViernyBulton in K irgh ese S teppe

M nts. in T arbagatai

B 0 Valleys

Dj il-T auB V iernyK i rghese S teppe

B A rkat M ountams

A B 0 Mari ta-Kul

0 A k k ia

B 0 S eyrelt-tas

B Buk onbai

R iver Kulun-Ketsen

K i rg hese S teppe

B T uraigyr

B T arbag‘


0 K i r hese S tep0 Zau 11 Valley

8 R iver Kaldj i rB Vierny

SA K i rg hese te

B Buk unbai .


A B KopalA R iver Kara-Sn

A k su ValleyR iver Schulba

A I li Valley


N ame in Latinand Eng lish .

XXVI L—ON AGRA R IAE 5 E vening Pri mrose Fami ly .

385. E pilobium ang usti fo lium PVi llow IIer6 B C h ili lt Valley386. lati fo lium Do. Kebin Valley387. h irsutum, et vars. Do .

388 . palustre Do.

339. ro seum Do. Valleys

XXVII I .—H A L O R AGE A E 1 A llied to E veni s

Z’Pr i mrose Family , but aquatic ;

sometimes called M are’

s T'

l 0 7 (Balfour) .

390 . Myriophyllum vertici llatum Water M ilfoil Kirghese S teppe

XX IX .—L YT H RA R IA E 1 Lem my.Fami ly .

391 . Lythrum vi rgatum L oosestnfi [Kirghese S teppe

XXX.—T AMA R IS C IN E A E 6 Tamar isk Family .

392. Myricariaalo pecuro ides R iver Bion

393. davur ica Ko kjar Pass394 . Tamarix elongata I li Valley395. laxa K i hese S teppe

396. Pallasu var . I li alley397. h ispida I li pick et-station

XXXI . PO R T U LA C EA E 1 (r). Purslane Fami ly .

398. C laytoniaJoanneana Ivanovsky Djelok

XXXI I .—PAR ON YC H IE A E 1 Knotwort Fam ib'.

399. H erniariag labra R upture Wort | Ji1~T a11

XXX I I I .—C R A S S U L A C E A E 14 (I S). S tonea'

op Fami ly .

Umbi licus afii nis Ivar/elw rt Ji l-TauL ievenu Do.leucanthus Do.

spino sus Do.

platyphyllus Do.

glpestris Do .

emcno vu Do . 6S edum quadrifidum

,o o o

g elidum


R h odio la var.

7 tenui fo liumurpureum



A rassan o o

Ki rg hese S teppe

Jassyl-KulKopal C hainKesk elen PassIvanovsky BielokT urguen

-baschZauku Valley 8 ,50 0

I vano vsky S now M ountainsT amgaly


Salai r

K0 pa1 C hain|A B J11-T au


N ame in Latin and E nglish.

H eracleum dissectumPachypleurum alpinum

Daucus caro taScandix pi nnatifida, var.

A nth r iscus sylvestris

nemo ro sa

C haerophyllum Presco tt"

sphallerocarpusCach rys odontalgwa

macrocarpaPleuro sperrnum austriacum

A ulaco spermum anomalumSch renk ia vag inata

XXXVI I.—C APR IFO L IA C E A E 9A do xamoschatellinaV iburnum Opulus Guelder R oseL onicera tatarica

XylosteumB macrocalyxh ispida

Bh irsutio r

y alpina

caerulea, var.

Bvi llosa

microphylla, var.hum ih sKarelini


A sperulaA perine Woodmfh umi t


usa, var. Do.Galium m ati le, var. Beds-tram

rubio ides, var. Do.

bo reale Do.

B latit'

olium Do.

verum, et var Do.

cruciatum, var. Do.

tenu issimum Do.

so ng o ricum Do.

verticillatum, var. Do .

XXXIX .—VA L E R IA N E A E 7 Valer ian Fami ly .

489. Patriniasibi rica i' Ivano vslty S now M o untains

490 t rupestr is, et var.“

1‘ B T uraigyr June

491 . Valer ianellaplag io stephana C o rn Salad A Keyssyk-A us May

492 . Valeriana tubero sa Valer ian District o f Zaisan May493. g lo bulariaefo lia Do. 0 Zauk u Pass June, 9 to494. petroph ila Do . A Ke ylr-A us May495. o thcinalis, et var. Do . A B algar Valley May.


N ame in Latinand E nglish .

XL .—DIPS A C A C IE A E 6 Teasel Family .

496. M o r inak o ltanica Khojend497. D ipsacus az ureus A Keyssyk


498. C ephalariasyriaca 0 Bo ro ldai and A rys:May499. Scab iosacaucasica, et var. Scabi ous 8 T u

50 0 . O livieri Do. A Km 11

50 1 . och ro leuca Do. 8 C h i lik


50 2 . T ussi l

zgo Farfara .

503. A ster p1uns

504. flaccidus

50 5.


l ripo lium

506. Galatellag randiflo ra

50 7. dracunculo ides

508. H aupti i

509. y tenuifo lia

510 . C alimens altaica

51 1 . R h inactina limoni it'

o lia

51 2 . E rig eron canadensis

51 3. acris, var.

514. astero ides

51 5. sero tina

516. unitlo rus

517. S o lidago V1rgaurea518. Brachyactis ci liata .

519520 . Karel

52 1 . Inula

52 2 . Br itannica


XL I I .—S E N E C ION IDE AE 53 Groundsel Family .

Xanth ium S trumarium Bur-weed B ViernyBidens tr i parti ta I li ValleyR ich teriapyreth ro ides A 0 Sary-djas

Ach illea impatiens SalairPtarm ica, var. Ko kpek tym illet


o lium, et var. T own o f C himkent0 Bo ro ldai

trich ophylla IA 111 ValleyTanacetum inodo rum , vars. K0pa1 C hain

Gmelini GurjewslrL eucanthemum SalairL edebo uri i 0 Sary

~djasvulgare Ko kpek tyfrut1culosum A B A rassantomentosum A A laman C haintaur icum , vars. i Kolgutty, Ilipulch rum 8 C Saryd

-jas 8 to

(1 C omposi te, or S unfl ower Family .

C oltsfoot 8 Issyk Valley 6 to0 M ountain Passes June8 0 A laman C hain 8 to

A A rassan

B C hi lik ValleyK i rg hese S teppeK i rg hese S teppeSalai r

8 0 ZaukuA B 0 T ith Valley8 Vierny

{finishke1ernyIssyk-KulB KopalA lmaty ValleyA k-k ia

A C hubar-AgachSaline so ils

B A lmaty ValleyI


Jistrict (its an

e o

0 R i




142 R U S S IA N C E N TR A L A S IA .

N ame in Latinand E nglish. L ocali ty. y oga?

T anacetum alatavicumtransi liense 6 toS emeno v u (n. s. )

A rtem isia Dracunculus.

g lauca var.


sco par ia

O liveriana

mari tima

ZL ercheana

q monogyna

junceasacro rum vai'.ponticavar.




tu tris

frigz aS ieversiana

H elich 11m anato licum

Gnap ium s lvaticum


dio icum

Bco rymbo sumleonto podium var . 6 to 99 00


F1lag o arv ensis

L igularia altaica

macro phylla

A ronicum altaicum

Do ronicum o blong ifo lium var. 6 0 00'

C acalia hastata

S enecio vu lgar is var.



aco bea

sibi ricus

paludo sus

nemo rensis

C inerar iacampestris

XL I I I.—C YN A R E A E 93 I lz istle Family .

Acanth ocephalus amplexifo lius P B M erke

Ech inops R itro Sandy so i lsphaerocephalhs P B A lmaty Valley

Saussureapygmma, et vars. A lpme Saw-wort A BO Ko pal C hain

pycnocephala Do . 8 Jenish keco ronatavar. Do . 8 L e sa

crassi fo lia Do . A r alyltlatifo lia Do . Ivanovsky S now M ountaimdisco lo r Do . S alairsalicifo lia, et vars. Do . AB T arbagattair ig ida Do . A rkalykS emenovn (n. s. ) Do. A Ili v



Tansy B S eyrelt-tasDo. 8 0 Valleys

Do . 8 S eyrek-tas

Wormwood 8 KurmentyDo . Salai r

Do . I vano vsky SnowMo untainsDo . 8 JenishkeDo. A Ili ValleyDo . I li ValleyDo . Ki rghese S teppeDo . A la-Kul

Do. A KeyssyltDo. 8 C h 1li lt


Dd. Salai r 1

Do . 8 ValleysDo . 8 A lmaty ValleyDo . 8 T urguen PassDo . 8 Kehm ValleyDo . A rkalykDo . Salai r


0 Bo ro ldaiGurjewsk

8 KurmentyPass


GurjewskB0 Karkara

R i ver T ar .

T akyr alg

Ko pal, A rassan


? K

ap papal C hain .

. L eo s Bane 8 K0parU lba \i




ley .

Jenish lteDo . MarkaKulDo . 8 A lmaty ValleyDo . Ko kpek tyDo . 0 T urDo . C h ilik

Do . Ivano vsky


Snow M ountainsM arsA Flea Wort Jel-T au


N ame in Latin and E nglish .

Sco rz onera 7 intermedia


tuberosaB7 crisps.

64 2 . Picris h ieracio ides

64 3. Lactuca undulata

v im inea. var. B

646. C h oi

ridri lla

T araxacum o fficinale


B g labrumlaucanth um


S trepto rhamph us h ispidulus

C repis rig ida, B songo r ica

tecto rum


Bcong estasibi rica


H eteracia S z ovi tsu

S onchus o leraceus

arvensis var.

Yo ung iadiversifo lia

flexuo sa

M ulgedium az ureum


B flocoosum

7 integ rum

sibi ricum

XL IV .—C A M PA N U L A C E A E 10 (1

Glossocom iaclematidea


Sewerz owi

C ampanula si ni rica

g lomerata

rapunculo idesBS teveni , et vars.

ro tundifo lia

S ewerz o wi

Aderihpho rapo lymo rpha, et vars

XLV.—PYROL A C E A E 3 PVinter Gr een, or E rrola, Fami ly .

679. Pyro la ro tundifo lia

680 . secunda

681 . M oneses g randiflo ra

Scor z onera 0 M ountainPasses 8 toDo . 8 0 Vieru 2 , 50 0


Do . Kly inLaisan M o untainsKeyssyk

-A usKo kpelttyI li

A R iver I li8 R iver Assy

4 to

5 to

H owl-weed 6,500-7.50 0’

5 to

I0 11

Winter GreenA K0pa1 C hainDo . 8 R iver A lmatyDo .

'8 R iver A lmaty

R iver A lmatyS o uth A ltai

0 R iver T ekes .

giver A


wer A matyKo kpelttyR iver I li

uarr ies o f Salai r0 karaPlateau

Quarries o f Salair8 A lmaty Valley

Campannla Fami ly .

8 0 R iver M erlte

O C h i rch ikT urk istan

S . A ltai

8 Quarries o f Salair . June,R iver Buk on

8 0 Issyk Kul

Quarr ies o i' Salair . J0 Bo ro ldai

B A k k ia .

XLVI .—PR IM U L A C EA E 16 Pri mrose Family .

Pr immaco rtuso ides 0 Kopal C hainmacrocal Do . Marks-Kn]

nivalis, farm Do . 0 Kurmety Pass

plg idavar. Do .





0 ca Do . et tr ese te




0 511


i 0 A ralgdiel Pppe

v. lati fo lia i' B A lamanK.

septentrionalis Kopal C hainv. lacti t


o lia B 0 T urguen Passmaxima T uraigyrfili fo rm is C h ing u ildy

C o rtusaMatth io li 7 B K0 pa1 C hainS emenov i i Schaty Pass

Glaux mari tima Black Salt Wort 0 R iver C hu ValleyL ysimach iavulgaris L oom-tr ij e R iver Ko kpelttyA nagallis arvensis . Pimpernel 0 Vierny

XLVII .—O L E AC EA E 1 Olive Fam i ly .

698. Fraxinus po tam0ph ila (n. s.) A sA T ree A I li , Bugun 1 to 2 50 0

XL VI II .—A POC YN A C E AE 1 Dog6aneand Per iw ink le Fam ily .

699. A pocynum venetum Fly T rap I Kirghese S teppe


C ynanch C h ing ui ldyB long it


o li um M o untains ofDo lo nl:ara

L—GE N T IA N A C E A E 20

70 2 . E rythraeapulchellaB70 3. GentianaAmarella

704. falcata

70 5. tenella

706. aurea, var. B70 7 . barbata

70 8. verna, B alata709. altaica

7 10 . prostratavar.

71 1 . decumbens

71 2 . Kurroo

7 13. O li vieri

7 14 . frig idavar.

7 1 Pneumonanthe

7 1 septemtida

7 1 7 . macrophylla

718. Pleur e carinthiaca

719. Anaga11dium dicho tomum

720 . Swer tia o btusa

72 1 . marg lnata

A rassan S o urces

8 0 Mai -balalt

B and Salai rKasu M r


R iddersk



i rgfhain

tepan ace SO Sary djas


Kopal C hain

8 0 K o irak M tn. 8 toIsles 0 R i ver Ob

i .

Ivano vsky Snow M ountains

8 islair

Al1ver matyGurjewskN ear R iddenlr

0 Sary-djas


N ame in and 111 3111 1 .

L I .—PO L E MON IA C EA E 2 Polemoni um Fami ly .

72 2 . Ph lox sibi rica PAlox Gurjewslt723. Po lemoni um caeruleum . yaeob


s Ladder 8 0 T uraigyr

L I L—C ON VO L VU L A C E A E 6 C onvolvulus Fami ly .

724. C onvo lvulus Go rtschaltovu B ind Weed Ili Valley 2 , 500 to 0 00'

72 5. lineatus Do . A 0 A rassan S ourcesMay, 3 to 5 0 0 0'

726. subserioeus Do . Ili Valley

72 7. Pseudo -C antabrica Do . I li Valley728. S emeno vi i Do . I li Valley

729. arvensis var. Do . 0 KarkaraPlateau

L I I I .—C U S C U T E A E 2 Dodder Fam i ly .

730 . C uscuta laniflo ra . iver Kok pek ty

731 . upul i fo rmis, var . B . iver Schulba

L IV.—BO R AGIN E A E 35 Forag e Family .

H elio tropum europaeum var . A and K i rg hese S teppe

N onnes picta A 8 Kayssyk Pass 1 10

Anchusa i talica Zarevna-A lexandro vsk Maymyo so tidiflo ra ZarevnaA lexandro vslt May

Onosma echi o ides, et vars. K i rg hese S teppe

Gmelini BalaKaldjirsimplicissimum 8 R iver M erke

L i th o spermum o flicinale A Karatal ValleyPulmonar iam o llis . Marka-Ku1

A m ebiaco rnuta A Ili Valley

perennis 0 R iver T ekes

M yoso ti s palustris Zaisan district

caespitosa Do . Quarries o f Salairsi lvatica Do . K i rg hese S teppe

B alpestris Do . Kopal C hain .

stricta Do . T uraigyr PassE ri tr ich ium v i llosum. et vars. B 0 R 1ver T ekes

sericeum P Gurjewskrupestre Zmeinog o rslt

pectinatum . T abulgat Pass

pedunculare P T he Blac Irtish

E chino spermum Redowskn, etvars. Pn’

eély Samp/z i re Salai r July, A ug ustmicrocarpum , et vars. Do . A B 0 T urk istan

deflexum Do . 0 and Zaisan M ountainsomphalo ides Do . Quarries of S emenowskbarbatum Do . S erg iopo lLappula Do . Ko lt ltty July, A ugust

H eterocaryum rig idum P I li alleyA sperug o procumbens M adwor t A and T urk istan

C ynog lossum o fiicinale H ound’

s T ong nc R i ver Ko kpek tyvi ridifio rum Do . 8 R i ver A ssy

S o lenanthus ci rci natus i' A R iver L epsanigr icans, et vars. 8 0 Karkara 4 to

R indera tetraspis and K i rg hese S teppe

ech inata Bo ro ldai

R och elia le1oa rpa R i ver Ko ldj tr


N ame in Latinand English .

8 17. Pedicularis rubens

8 18. do lich o rh iza 6 to

8 19. comosa Gurjewsk820 . physocalyx, et var. Do . 8 T uraigyr 3 to

82 1 . versico lo r 0 Kurmen Pass 9 to

82 2 . M elampyrum cristatum Quarries 0 8 2 1111

LVI I .—O ROBA N C H A C E A E 4 B room R ape Fami ly.

823. Ph ilipaeasalsa P

224 . O ro banche amoena


826. cernua

LVI I I .—S E L AG IN A C E A E 1 Globular iaFamily .

82 7. Gymnandrabo realis var. P A 8 0 Zauk u Pass

L IX—L ABIA T A E828. E lsho ltz iacr i stata

829. M enthasylvestris

830 . arvensis 4 to831 . L yco pus exaltatus

832 . O riganum vu lgare

833. T hymus se llam , et vars.

834 . H ysso pus o cinalis

835. Salvia Sclarea

836. sylvestr is

837. Ziz iph o raclino podio ides

838. tenu i o r

839. N epeta lavandulacea

840 . densiflo ra

84 1 . nuda 5 to84 2 . Glech oma Apri l843 ucranica

844. Dracocephalum stam ineum 7 to84 5. imberbe846. altaiense

integr ifo li um



850 .


851 . etero hyllum

852 . R uyac iana8 3. alpinum

854. Lallemantia R oyleana855. Prunellavul var .

856. Scutellaria pinavar .

857 . onentalis var

858. S everz o v n

859. Ier iculata860 . Betonica o cinalis var. . May, July861 . S tachys sylvatica Wound wor t Salai r

862. palustris var. Do . Distri ctOf Zaisan

or M int, Fami ly .

GurjewsltVierny .

8 A lmaty ValleyI li Valley

8 C h i lik

A 8 Mai-Bulair .

U lbaValley in A ltai

Bo ro ldai MayA R iver Ko k pek tyA B 0 Karltara Plateau JulyR i ver C h ilik .

GurjewsltaT abul y Pass0 Iss lt




0 Zauku ValleyA 8 Kopal C hainA 0 T elres ValleyA 8 R iver T algarR iver T alc

A B and Mar a-Kul . 6 to 8 ,0 0 0’

A B T urguen Pass to 8,0m’

0 and K1rghese S teppeZarevno-N ik o laievsk

0 R iver KarkaraI li ValleyC h irch ikBarnau l .

A 0 R iver T ub . Magi:


C himltent

Salai r

A PPE N DIX B .—FL OR A 1 49

N ame inLatinand E nglish .

L eonurus g lancesceus 3 toLamium amplexicaule

albumLag ochi lus diacanthophyllus 1 to 2 ,50 0


pungensPhlom is spectabilis



878. Acantho limon dia nsio ides 0 Zauku Valle879. H 0 enackeri B B 0 Zauku Val ey880 . Ala-Kai district88 1 . 0882 .

S tatice Gmelini A la-k ul districtmyrianthacas ia0 to epissutl


ruticosa Salt Lake near A rkatSemeno vii Katu H i ll, Ili


889. Plantag o major , et var. A Salair .

890 . maxima R i ver Ko lguty891 . Salai r

393 8 A la-Tau R ivers893. R iver Karatau


L XI I .—C H E N OPODIA C E A E 34 Goosefoot Fami ly .

Goose-foot and Irtish Valley JuneDo . uku

Do . 8 C h i lik .

P 0 I k -Kul

P Ili alleyA xyr is P Ili Valley

90 1 . A triplex laciniata . OraeAe Ili Valley

90 2 . Do . A rkat

903. Obione verruci fera Do . AlaKul

E uro tiacerato ides P B0 T eltes ValleyC eratocarpus arenarius P

C amt’

o rosma ruthenica P

90 7. Ag ri ophyllum lateriflo rum P Ili Valley 1 ,500 to 2 ,50 0'

GurjewsltB Salair

8 gh imltent

allAlmaty V

I? Sara-bulak


Ili Valley

giver C hi rch ikiver Ko lt t

R idderskpelt y

C h imkent

B and K i rg hese S teppe 4 to


N ame in 11 1111 and E nglish .

908. C o rispermi (incog .)Kalidi um fo liatum

Kalostachys caspia

H alocnemum strobilaceum

Schang inia lini fo lia

S uaedaphyso ph o ra


S uaedasalsa

Salso la ltatiafl‘inis


brach iata

rig ida

A rbuscula 3 to

H aloxylon Ammodendron

O faiston monandrum

G irgensohniao pposi tiflo ra

Anabasis phyllopho ra

N an0 phytum erinaceum

Petrosimoniacrassifo lia

LX I I I .—AM A R AN T A C E A E 1

929. Amarantus paniculatus A marantA A S . ofKopal

LX IV.—POLYGO N E A E 25 Bneh eat Fam i ly .

930 . Callig onum leucocladum P

931 . flavidum P

932 . R h eum rhaponticum R AM

933. leuco rh i z um Do .

934. E modi Do .

935. spicit’

o rme

936. Oxyria renifo rm is

937. R umex crispus

938. aquaticus939. A traphaxis sp inosa


laetevi renslarceulatavar. 1 to

pung ensPo lygonum acetosum


wh ibium, et var.

n osum

lapath iflo rumV1y1parum 6 to 8, 0 0dE 1sto rta

convo lvulus

po lymo rphum

var. songo ricum



A rkat

Ili ValleyA la-Kul

R iver KlyR iver L epsa .

R iver KlySKi hese teppe

Sigma:l liPV‘

alley111 ValleyIli ValleyS eyrek


T ert Ko l M o untains

A laKul

I li ValleyB T uraigyr Pass


Kirg hese S teppe

Ki rg hese S teppe

Salt S o ilsR i ver Bulton

0 Zaisan M o untai nsZaisan M o untains

R iver Karatau

Zauku PassB0 Ko kjarK ir hese S te



Ili Valley


éaraM oun

1ver hangan




B M em.

8 0 A lt-11m




Salai r eyIsles of R iver


Obi .






0 C hain .

Salai rpal

B JC IIIShke a a

B Sartau M ountai n

0 Zauku


N ame in Latinand E nglish .

LXXI .—U R T IC A C E A E 2 N ettle Family .

993. U rticacannabina S ti ng i ng N ettle 0 Mai-hula): to

994. Parietariam icrantha Pelli tory Zauku Pam

LXXIL—BE T U L A C E A E 1 B i rd Fam i ly .

995. Betulaalba. et var Bim i aR iver Takyr

L XXI II .—GN E T A C E A E 1 fainted Fi r Fami ly .

996. E phedravulgaris P B T urk istan 3 to

LXXIV.—A BIE T IN E A E Fi r and Pine Fami ly .

697. Abies Smi th iana Spruce Fi r B0 Marks-Kul 5 to

698. Pinus L edebourii f i r . Marks-Kul

699. sylvestris Do . Sandy so ils

Lxxv .—C U PR E S S IN EA E 3 Yew, Juniper , Fam ily.

1000 . Juniperus Sabina 4 to

10 0 1 . Pseudo-sabi ua

1002 . nana o i'


L XXVI .—T YPH A C E A E 3 Cat-tai l Fam i ly.

1003. T yphaang usti fo lia R eed Mace, Bu ll R ees/1 Ko kpek ty10 04. steno phylla Do . Do . A ral


S teppe .

100 5. Laxmanni Do . Do . C h i rch ik

LXXVI I .—A RO IDE A E 1 A r um Fam ily .

1006-7. E minium L edebouri P Boro ldai

LXXVI I I .— N A IADE A E 6 Pondweai Fami ly .

10 08. N aias majo r P A ral See1 0 09. R uppiamari tima Caspian S teppe1 0 10 . Zannichelliapalustris Syr


1 0 1 1 . Po tamogetonnatans K irg hese S teppe . A ug ust

10 1 2 . lucens S yr-daria

10 13. perfo liatus Ki rghese S teppe Aug .

L XXIX .—JU N C AGIN E A E 1 A llied to Water-Plantain Famrly .

10 14 . T rig loch in maritimum A r row Grass Mai C h ili k May

Lxxx.—A L ISM A C E A E 4 Water-Plantain Fam i ly .

1 0 1

2. A lismaplantag o , et var .

1 0 1 ranunculo ides

10 17. Sag i ttariasag 1ttifo lia

10 18 . Damasonium umbellatus


N ame in Latinand E nglish .

L XXXI .— BU T OMA C E A E 1 Em a, R usk Family .

1 0 19. Butomus umbellatus F lower ing R ush Kokpek ty

L XXXI I .—O R C H IDE A E 6 Ore/ris Fam i ly .

1 0 20 . Orch is latit'

o lia, et vars. Ore/ris B 0 S o uth A ltai to

1 0 2 1 . incamata . Do . A Ko pal July1 0 2 2. Gymnadeniaco no psea . fl ag rant one/1 R iver R 1ddersk July1 0 23. Plantanthera vir idis, et vars. Fr og o re/ais B0 Zauku June, 6 to1 0 24 . Go odyera repens Goodyera B enishke

1 0 25. C ypripedium macranthum outh Altai

L XXX I I I.I ris tenui fo lia


unitlo ra

humi lis .

big lum is

Guldenstaedtianasong o rica



avissima, et

C rocus alatavicus

LXXX IV.-AM A R YL L IDE A E 2 A mary llis Fam ily .

1 0 37. Ixio li rion tataricum , et vars. M ountain T urkistan May, 2 to

1 0 38. T urk istan . July

LXXXV.—SM IL AC E A E 1 Smi lax Fami ly.

1039. Po lyg onatum S ewerz owi

Lxxxv l .—L IL IA C E AE 58 L i ly Fami ly .

E ryth ronium dens canis, et vars. P lvano vsky SnowM tn. July, 6,0 00'

T ulips Gesner iana Kirg hese S teppeBo rszcz owi Do . Kara-Kum S teppe Mayaltaica, et vars. Do . A BO T algar May, June, 1 to 6,0 00 ’

sylvestris, et vars. Do . A B 0 Kg h . S t. Ma , June, 1 toO rithyia hetero phylla P B0 T ski s PassJu y, 7, 50 0 to ,0 0 0


Gag ea lutea S tar of BetAle/zem Marka Lake . y, Junefilit

o rm is Do . Marks Lake . May, Junem inima Do . K i rg hese S teppe . A pri l, M ayL io ttardi Do . A A ral May,ch lo rantha Do . In the S teppe . M ay,bulbi fera Do . K irg hese S teppe . M ay,

L loydiasero tina P 0 A ral . May, 6 10Fr111llanamino r Ko k pek ty . A ri l

ruthenica K ir hese S teppe A pri 2 10

verticillata . On eath lands A pri l

ladi tlo ra;et var. B0 Issylr-bash Ma

May7 to

werz owi Kara-Tau

I R IDEA E 1 1 In“

: Fami ly .

1 7a 1r i : A Kirg hese S teppe A ril, MaDo . S o uth A ltai ay


Do . 8 T 1 Pass ame,Do . T ers ltk on Valley ay,Do . Do lok -Km JuneDo . 0 K i ese S teppe t to

Do . S teppe MayDo . T urk istan

Do. A Kyssylt

Do . Barnaul

C roat: A A lp ine M eadows

154 Jet/551.4117 C E N TR A L A S IA .

N ame in Latinand E nglish. L ocali ty.


L ilium martagon

Schonoprasum Batrosanguineum

sabu lo sum

man leumPallasi i


steno hyllum . May,mo sc tum 5,50 0 to 6,0 0 0






S emeno vi

S teveni var .


str ictum .





O reoprasum



I liense

tulipifo lium , et var.

S ewerz owi

A kaka

o reo h i lum

E remurus taicus,H enning iaA ucheriana


Seloniaso iana

H emeroeah s flava

Asparagus tr ich Ophyllus, eto


mari timus, et var.vertici llatus

LXXXVI I . —ME LA N T H A C E A E 1 C olt/ti on»: Fami ly .

1 098. Ven trum album W/u’

tclu lleoore lB T abulgaLake

LXXXVI II.—JU N C E A E 6 l m .

1099. L uz ulacampes tris Wood nah B 0 M tn. Passes July, 8 to1 100 . communis . Do . KarkaraPlateau 5,50 0 01 10 1 . lamprocarpus Do . 8 In marshy places to

1 10 2 . bulbosus, et vars. Do. 0 Zaisan M tus. June, 8 to1 1 0 3. bufoni us Do . 0 Karkara Plateau

AJuly, 5,50 0


1 104 . T enageja Do . Kirg hese S teppe . A ugust

Ki rghese S teppe . MayS trauch ern . June

8 O Ko kjar June, to

8 0 A lmaty July, 5 to




n t e t

C h inguilde


Bo ro ldai

DO IOD' Kam o

B On rock s

lyn . A1 ese te u

R igger 10 1111111"?e

. Junge, 5, 50 0

0 T eltes Pass July, to

0 Santash PassB K irg hese S te

ppe . A ug . ,

R iver U ral A ug .

8 S alai r A ug . ,

Ko k pek ty JuneT arbagatai


6 to

On 0 1a so i l .

Ko k pe ty

A ral S teppe .

B On rocks A ug ., 4 ,00d

yI li Valley . May,Bo ro ldai . MayKho kandM o untains May

8 On marl so i ls A ug . 6 to

0 A lmuty June, 1 , 200 toKara-T au . May,

B T al ar . June, z to 3, ooo'

T ur istan MayBarnaul . May, June

A Ki rg hese S teppe . May, A ug ustZaisan M ountains . MayBogdo


N ame ln Latiu and E ng liah .

1 155. FestucaovinaB1 156. rubra Jane, sai d1 15 elatior1 15 aruudiuaceafl

altaica 0 Zauku 7 toBrachypodium innatu

ch renk ianum 0 Kurmeny Pas . A ug . ,

0 M eadows

tecto rum .

6”W 5 1m

}.1 1 5. o wo

1 166. macrostachya, et 6 .

1 167 . Danthouiae1 168 . epheloch loasongo rica1 169. Dactylis g lomerata

A eluropus li tto ralis A In salt so i ls A ug .,


bulbous flaltaica

sero tina

nemo ralis Zaisan M o untains A ug . ,


E ng rostis poaeo ides, et vars.

pilosaA tropis oouvo lutaGlycer iafluitaus

aq uaticsAmado Phragmi tesM elieaci liata


Sch ismus minutus

H ieroch loe bo realisA ntho n uthum odo ratum

A rrheuatherum elatias S outh A ltai

A venapubescens, etB S o uth A ltai


avescens, et 5Deschampsiakoeleri o id

caespi tosaaraleusis

l QO I .

Lasiagro stis splendensPo lypogonmaritimus

S tipacapi llata


S z o vi tsiana

1 2 10 . Pti lag rostismongho liea


N ame in Latin and E nglish .

A ristida pungens

C ynodon dactylonB




Alopecurus ruthenicus

geu iculatus

C rypsis Bo rszcz owialo pecuro ides

sch oeno ides


S etaria vi r idisi talica

A ndropogon Ischaemum

XC I.—BA LAN OPH O RE A E 1 A llied lo the 0m m .

1 2 26. C ynomo rium oocciueum P Ili Valley June,

XC I I .—C R YPT OGAMA E (81 2 2 7. H orretai l U ral R i vers A ug . S ept.

1 2 28 . C lub M om R idderslt

1 2 2 9. Po lypodiurn vulgare Polypody A rkat M ountains . May, 1 ,20 0'

1 2 30 Wo odsiag labella, et 5.

Woodria A Zaisan M o untains . une,8,0 0 0


1 2 3 1 Asplenium septentrionale K irghese S teppe ay,1 2 32 . C harafoetida var. T own A yagas 1 ,30 0

1 2 33. Fontinalis antipyretica R iver Buk on

1 2 34 . Marchantiapo lymo rpha L i on -ar t Marks Lake

0 S o uth Altai8 0 Sartan

T uraigyr

C h in

gui ld

A ral S teppe S ept.

I li Valley A. ug .,

C aspian S teppe . A ug .

Zaisan M ountains A ug .,

. .A ugAug ., 2 to



S H O R T descr iptio n o f the metho d in wh ich the

fo l lowing l ists o f bo o ks have been compi led w i l l beinteresting . I trust, to g eneral readers, and perhaps usefu lalso to any wh o may attempt the l ike hereafter. R emem ber

ing that as extensive a kno wledg e as can po ssibly be

o btained o f all l iterature bear ing upo n h is subject is nowadays

the first req u isite fo r an autho r attempting a'

standard wo rk,

I made my way to the Br itish M useum , asking fo r bo o ks

upo n R ussian C entral A sia. By the co urtesy o f Dr. Bo ndand M r. Garnett, I was taken to the modern bo o ks o f

g eo g raphy and travel in A sia, in th e g eneral l ibrary, andfo und myself befo re 1 2 presses, some 30 feet h ig h, each

co ntaining abo ut 1 8 shelves a yard long , o r as many

vo lumes, say, as wo u ld fi l l a shelf 60 0 feet in length.

T hese I exam ined , my amanuensis meanwh i le co pying the

particu lars o f all such bo o ks as treated o f th e afo resaid

reg i o n ; after wh ich departmental l ibraries o f the M useum

were lo o ked thro ugh. A sim i lar process was repeatedsubseq uently o n vario us occasi o ns at 8 0 shelves o f th e

l ibrary o f th e R oyal S ociety, 30 at the Ind ia O ffice, and

so o n,unti l I had v isited fo ur-an

d-twenty l ibraries.


A s a next step, I proceeded to search vario us l ibrary

Bri tish M useum : N atural H isto ry Museum

General L ibrary. M ineralog ical Department.

Department of Or iental M S S . Geo log ical do .

Department o f C o ins. Bo tanical do .

Zoo log ical Department. C ambridge University L ibrary.

E thno log ical do . IndiaOfi ee L ibn ry.

160 R U S S I A N C E N TR A L A S IA .

info rmation o r travel ; name o f ed ito r o r translato r ; name

o f ser ies o r period ical p lace and date o f publ icatio n. T he

titles were then classified under th e 9 heads o f 1 , C entral A sia

in g eneral 2,Bo khara 3, Khiva 4 , Kh o kand 5, Ku ldja ;

6, S iber ia (Western) 7 , T urk istan 8, T u rkmenia and 9,

Maps,— the only Map-ro om searched , however , being that o f

th e Geo g raph ical S ociety. A fter th is th e ti tles under eachhead ing were arranged chro no lo g ical ly,no t necessari ly acco rding to the year o f publicatio n, but with regard to the date

when Ike informati on was obtained. Each title was then num

bered from the co mmencement, and cro ss-references inser ted.

In th is manner has been comp i led what is, I ho pe, a

to lerably complete bibl io g raphy o f Eng l ish bo o k s on

R ussian C entral A sia, w ith th e additio n o f a sti l l larg er

number in French and German, and a few In R ussian

these last being fo r the mo st part tho se in my own po sses

sion, o r in the L o ndon l ibrar ies. Furth er info rmation con

cerning R ussian bo ok s is to be met wi th in th e exce llentbibl io g raphy o f M ejow,

wh ich g ives 1, 397 titles, no t only o f

bo o ks, but o f pamphlets, papers, and even newspaper articles

upon C entral A sia in g eneral, and T urk istan in particular.It wo u ld be ung racio us onmy part to o mi t the expressi o n

here o f my thanks fo r the unbo unded co urtesy, kindness,and attention shown to me by the L o ndo n l ibrarians and

thei r assistants ; and this appl ies no t only to l ibraries where

I had the ri ght o f entrance, but to l ibrarians upon whom I

had no claim whatever.

I was g ratified to learn from a R ussian acq uaintance in

Petersburg , wh o had o fficial ly v isited the pr incipal l ibraries

o f Euro pe, that he considered o urs in the Br itish M useum

the best, and I have met w i th the wri ting s o faFrench bibl io

g rapher, wh o Speaks h ig hly o f L o ndon l ibrar ians. Eng land,indeed , has reason to be pro ud o f its l ibraries and l ibrarians,but, by way o f practical conclusio n,

”I wish to po int o ut that

we are in one respect p itiably— I had almost said unpardon

ably— po o r, fo r, r ich as o u r l iteratu re is, we have no t a subj ect

catalo g ue thereto . If one asks a l ibrar ian, H ave yo u abo o k

by such an ant/to r“Yes

”o r N O

”i s speed i ly fo rthco m ing ;


but i f one asks, H ave yo u a bo o k on such a subj ect the

l ibrar ian is either dependent o n h is o wn reso u rces, o r on

reference to a number o f incomp lete biblio g raphical wo rks.

T he inq u i rer, therefo re, if h e be a carefu l wr i ter, must

make a bibl io g raphy fo r himself, and what that means, the

reader may judg e from what has preceded . T o co l lect the

70 0 ti tles in the fo l lowing l ist co st me abo ut 30 jo urneys toL o ndo n

,v isits (sometimes several) to 2 4 l ibrar ies, exam ining

th e bo o ks on a q uarter o f a m i le o f shelves, a search

thro ug h 1 0 l ibrary catalo g ues, 1 9 bibli o g raph ical wo rks, and8 indexes to publicatio ns some o f wh ich extended o ver halfacentury ! N ow i f th iswere requ isi te fo r a comparatively small

to pic like R ussian C entral A sia, let th e reader judg e whatamo unt o f labo u r wo u ld be needfu l fo r an o rd inary subject.What a bo o n, then, m ig ht be bestowed upon li terary men,

and thro ugh them , be i t remembered , o n thei r readers, and

what g lo ry added to o ur l i teratu re, if some g enero us patron

o f letters, assisted by enthusiasticvo lunteers, wo uld comp i le,

at fi rst, perhaps, a subject catalo g ue o f Eng l ish bo o ks.

T here is now in co urse o f preparation an Eng l ish d ictionarythat, when comp leted ,

w i ll be th e mo st tho ro ug h, by far,

in any lang uag e, in th e pro secution o f which th e ed i to r ialstaff is assisted by hundreds o f vo lunteers. C o uld no t a

like effo rt be set on fo o t in the interest o f bibl io g raphy ?C o u ld no t some benefacto rs be fo und to bear th e expense

o f the ed ito r ial staff ? Many a fo rtune has been beq ueathedo r g iven fo r a less wo rthy o bject, th e ti tle o f th e wo rkm ig ht perpetuate the name o f the do no r , and abundance o f

vo luntary help co uld he enl isted . Financial ly, such a wo rkm ight no t pro bably pay, because o f the l im i ted number o f

co pies that wo u ld be so ld, but its accompl ishment wo u ld bea crown to o ur l i terature to th e end o f all time.

N o t that such a bibl io g raphy, however, wo u ld leaveno th ing mo re to be desi red . T here wo u ld yet remain the

much-needed universal index to Eng l ish l i terature. T h e

T imes newspaper has, if I m istake no t, promulgated an

autocratic law,with which fo r o ne I hearti ly sympathi z e,

that it wi l l rev iew no bo o k that has no t on the title-pag e


h o nestly printed th e date o f publ icatio n. O ne co uld

almo st wish that the T inter , and every o th er publication,wo u ld decl ine to rev iew any bo o k (with in certain l im i ts) thathas no t an index ; fo r no autho r, speak ing g eneral ly, who

wri tes a th o usand pag es o f clo sely printed and perh aps valu

able matter, is justified in no t pro v id ing h is reader withcontents o f chapters that h e may see where he is g o ing ,

o r w ith an index to show whence he has come.

T h ing s are impro v ing , however, in th is respect, and

autho rs may be rel ieved o f much ted io us labo ur by p lacingtheir wo rk s in th e hands o f pro fessional index-makers.

T here has been fo rm ed also a society, cal led th e I ndex

S ociety , th e o bject o f wh ich is to make and publ ish indexes

to valuable bo o ks now w itho ut them . T h e soci ety has

already issued one o r two valuable wo rk s, no tably , A Gu ide

to the L iterature o f Bo tany,”and “A n Index to T itles o f

H o no ur, but fo r lack o f funds i t can do but l ittle.

I g lad ly mention th is in case any wh o read these l ines

sh o u ld be d ispo sed to send th e society help in m o ney, o r

th e o ffer o f hono rary assistance in mak ing indexes, o r do inganyth ing towards the sugg ested bibl io g raphy o f Eng l ishl i terature. C ommunications wi l l be thankfu l ly received byth e S ecretary , M r .W . T . R iseley, O ffices o f th e Index S ociety.8 , Jo hn S treet, A delphi , L o ndon, W .C .

M eanwh i le I append my bibliog raphy, ar rang ed clzrono


you r nal of th e R oyal Geog r aph ical S ociety.

Pr oceeding s of the R oyal Geog raph ical S ociety .

P .G .M Petermann’s Geog raph i rclzeM i ttlzei lang en .

I z vestia(i Zap isk i ) Kavkaz skag o o tdiela Imperato rskag o

R usskag o Geo g raph ich eskag o Obstch estva (N otes,Z [also M emo irs] o fth e C aucasian secti on o fth e Imperial

R ussian Geo g raph ical S oci ety) .T ranslated. Par .

E di ted.

V . Vo lumes.

L and. L ondon

sig nifies repeti tion o f preceding auth o r’s name.

Square brack ets enclo se th e known o r suppo sed dates o f travel.

o r wh en th e info rmation was acqu i red.

164 R US SA IN C E N TR A L A S IA .

17 0 0—18 0 0 .

33. Sh erefoddin Ali Zaadi . Zafer nameh (Boo k o fVicto ries). T r. into French byPoti s do laCro ix. Par is, 172 2

34 . Abul Ghaai . H isto o f the T urk s, M , and T atars. 1 730

35 Mi r Abdoul Kar im uk hary. T exte ersan. Par is, 1875H isto i re de l

’Asie C entrale, depuis les dem iéres années du régnede N adir

C hfih [1 740 T r . , Charles Bohofor . Pam , L ero ux, 1876

T he Geneal cal H isto ry o f the T atars.

S hedjre-i T ur i (T urk ish Genealogy) . Pub. by R omanz o fl'

. Kazan, 1825Bahadfir chfini sistoria M ong o lomm et T ataro rum (H isto ry o f the

Djagatai Language of the 18th century) , do 0 . Fr i ha. Cazani

40 . Defremery. H isto i re des Samanides. Pam , 184

4 1 . Btrahl onberg . Description o f N o rth and East o f E uro pe. L ondon, 1 73

4 2 . General H isto ry o f the T urks (H isto ry o f the T atars) and the E mpi res fo undedby them


111 T atary and L ower A sia. Bo o k 1 . L ondon, 1 759

43. Pallas, P . 8 . Voyag es en di fl'

erentes provinces de l’empire de R ussie. T r . ,

Poyi o ino . 5 T omes. 85-93Landres, Prey do . I I isto ire des déco uvertes de Pallas, Gmelin, etc. 1 78 1


4 5. M osh eim ,I1 . H isto riaT artaro rum E cclesiastica. H elm tadi , 1 79 1

46. Campbell, Donald. Jo urney o verland to India. 1 79547 . Abu-TaIeb-Khan. T ravels in A sia, etc. [1 799 T r. Stewart. 18 14

18 0 0 - 18 50 .

48 . A li -Bey. V oyage en A frique et en A sie [180 3 18 14

49. Eph remov, P . 8 . S transtvo vanie Ph i lippa p remo va v K irgh i z sk o i stepi ,Bukhariy, Kh ivu , etc. (T ravels o f P. E ph remo fi


m th e K irg h ese steppe,

Bo k hara, Kh iva, etc. ) Kazan, 18 1 1

50 . Pr ice. D. C h ro no logical retro spect o r mem o irs o f the princi pal events o f

M uhammadan h isto ry. 182 1

51 . Mi r Issut Ullah . Voyage dans I’A sie C entrale Klapro th

s Mag .

A siat. 1826

T ravels in C entral A sia in the years [18 1 2 T r . by C aptain

H enderson 1872

53. M urray . H . H isto rical account o fDisco veries and T ravels inAs ia. E din. , 1820

54 . Bi tter , Kar l . A llegemeine verg leichende Geo graph ic. Ber lin,182 2-59

55. Marsdon,W i ll iam. N um ismata O r ientalia Illustrata. T he O riental C o ins,

ancient and m odern, o f h is co llection descri bed, etc. L ondon, 1 823

56. M or i or . T he A dventures o f H aji Baba. 1824

57. Bonk ovsk'i, M . Joseph . S upplement sa l h isto i re g énérale des H uns, des

T urcs, et des M ong o ls, etc. S t. Petersbu rg , 1824

58 . Klaproth , Juli us. M émo i res relatifs a l’A sie. Par is, 182 4

59. M in A siatique, o u R evue Géo g raph i que et h isto r ique de l'

A sie

C entrae et S eptentrionale. Pam , 182 5N o tices sur les troubles survenus récemment dans l

A sie C entrale. N o uv .

To urn. A siatique, i . . pp. 1 4 7, 319 ; Jo urn. A siati que, x. , p. 31 0 . a 1 82 761 . Bémusat, J . P. A . M élanges A sianq ues. Par

62 . Praehni i , Ch . R ecensio numo rum \I 11hammedo rum . Academ iae Imp .

S cient. Petropo li tanae. Inter pr imaacadem iae Imp. saeculariaed ita.

PetrapoIi , 1826

63. L edebour , C . F. von. R eise durch die S oo ngarische Ki rg isen-step e (and

A tlas to h is travels) . ”In 182964 . Flo ra R o ssica, si ve enumeratio plantarum in to tius Impem R ossici.

6 . Davi s Bi r P . N o tices o fWesternT artary. T ransac. R .A siat. S oc. L ondon, 18296 . M i les, Th e. S hajout ul A trak ; o r, Genealo g ical T ree o f the T urks and T artars.

L ondon, 1830

67 . Bosenmi iller . Biblical Geo g raphy o f C entral A sia, 2 vo ls. L ondon, 1836

68. Levsh ine, A . J. O pissanie K irg i z-Kazach ikh o rd i stepei . (Description o f

the h o rdes and steppes of the Kirg hese Kazaks. ) S t. Peterranrg , 1832


69. Levahine,A . J. Description des h o rdes et des steppes des Kirgh i z

-Kaz aks.

T r. par Per ry do Prgny , revue at E . Charmin . Par is, 1 84 0

70 . Descr iz i one delle O rde dei{fih i z i-Kazak i . M i lan, 1 84 0

7 1 . H eeren, A . K. L . H isto rische erk e. H isto rical R esearches into the

Po litics, etc. , o f the Asiaticnations o fantiqu ity. Oxford, 1832-4072 . H elmet-son, G. van. R eise nach der K irg isen S teppe 184 1

73. C o qui lles marines tro uvées dans les sables de Karakum (German) ,2 -2

74 . Bear It. B. , andH olmersen, G. B. Bei tra‘

ge z ur Keuntniss des R ussisch en

R eiches und der ang ri nz enden L i nder Asiens. S t. Peters-bu rg , 184 1

75. Perovsk i , General. N arrati ve o f the R ussian M ili tary E xpedition to Kh iva

under General Pero vsk i T r. J. M ich ell. C alcutta, 1 867

76. Prichard, James Gev les. On th e E thnog raphyo f H ig h A sia. L o ndon, 1839

77. Hag emeistor , Jules do . E ssai sur les reso urces terr ito r iales et commerciales

de l’

A sie Occidentale, le caractere des habitans, leur industrie, et leur

o rganisation. Beitrage z ur Kenntniss (1. R uss. R eiches. S t. Peters-burg , 1839

78. new , raux. E xpo sé des guerres de T amerlan et de Schahro k h dans l'

A sie

Occidentale. Bru t e/lee, 1840

79. Wi lson, H . H . A rianaAntiqua: Antiqui ties and C o ins o fA fg hanistan. 184 1

80 . U rquhart. DiplomaticT ransactions in C entral Asia. 1 84 1

8 1 . Beer , K. B. von. Klimader K irg isen ste

pae. 1 84 0

82 . Zimmermann. Geog raph ische A nalyse der rte von Inner A sien. Ber li n, 184 1

83. M emo ir of the co untries abo ut the C aspian and A ral S eas. T r. oyCapt. M oria . L ondon, 1 840

84 . Leonhard, Gustav. H andwo rterbuch der t0pog raph ischen M ineralog ie.

H eidelberg , 1843Finn, James. T he O rphan C o lony o f Jews in C h ina.

L andon, Wertheim , 1843 ; N isbet, 1872

86. Brandt, J . P. Observations sur lo C ervus py rgnade Pallas [Lu lo 14 Ju in,Bull. Phys. Math . Acad. S t. Pet. , om i i i ., p 280 -1 .

Basiner , T . P. J. N aturw issenschaftlich e R eise dur die Ki rg isensteppe

und Kh iva. S t. Petersbu rg , 1848

88. Buchanan, Claudi us. C h ristian researches in Asia. W ith no tices o f th e

translation o f the Scr i tures into the O riental languag es. L ondon, 184989. Khani k ofl , I ., and T o toi , P,

L ist o f posi ti ons in S o uth-western parts o f

C entral A siadeterm ined astronom ically (in R uss) . 1850

90 . S piso k mest v S evero -z apadno i chasti S rednei A 511. (L ist o f

BPo si tions in no rth-western parts o f C entral Asia. ) S t. Petersburg , 1855ch ur in, J . S o branie S viedieni i o narodakh , obitavsh i k h v S rednei A si i v

drevni ia vremeni . (C o llection o f info rmati on concerning the peo ples

dwelling in C entral A sia in ancient times. ) S t. Peterrburg , 1851

I 8 5 0—l8 60 .

L olowel, Joach im. Géo g raph ie du moyen Ag e. e eller , 1 852Bung e. Bei trag z u r Kenntu iss der Flo ra R usslandsund der S teppen C entralA siens. Alexandr i Lehmann, R eliquiae bo tanicas. 1852

l obcldn, P. Ocherk i byta Kalmyk o v Kh oshouto vskag o ulusa. (S ketcheso f th e li fe o f the Kalmuks of the Kh oshout tribe. ) S t. Petersbu rg , 1852

A briss des R ussisch en H andels mi t dem mi ttleren A sien.

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po li tical relations wi th Kh i va, Bo k hara, and Ko kan : also descriptions o f

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l h e Pam i r and the S o urces o f th e A mu-Daria. T r . by J . Mich ell .

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ties and m iscellany, published in connectio n W i th

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169. Wood, John. Journey to the so urce o f the R iver Oxus. W ith essay on

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171 . E lv es, H . J. Geog raph ical distribution o f AsiaticBirds. Pro . o f Zo o log .

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12h) , October. 1873

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2 74. E dwards, H . Suth erland. T h e C entral A sian Questio n.

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NR ecounarssance

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ti on of the Darialyk (U z bo i ) andthecountry between eAmu-dariaand -Kamish (R uss) .vo l. v. , p. 24 1 . 877-8

630 . T urcom

fin S teppe in T r. from Jo ur . de S t. Pet. , N o . 55, 28 F


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i iti on. Markham'

s Geog . Mag . , pp. 262 , 264 . 1875633. Die R ussische Amu


tion. p . 361 . 1875634. Précisdes travauxpubli au aucase sur lagéo g raph iedece 875635. Do . do . depuis 1875. 88 1

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Ngossession of the R oyal Geo graph ical S ociety.

637. mo ires de lasection C aucasienne de laS oci été ImpBonvalct. See 258, 262 , 330 .

Capus. See 258, 330 .

638 Tletl e, Dr . Emi l. U eber einen kurz en A usflug nachlichen T urkestan. Jah rbuch der K.K . R eichsanstalt, Bd. 2 7, p. 1 . 1877

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697. E thno g ra

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700 . T he C aspian S ea, Kh iva, and the surro undin co untry.

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70 2 . Blacki e, W . 6 . C omprehensive A tlas and Geo graphy. L ondon, 1883

L I S T O F A U T H O R S ,



Abbo tt, J. , 3 2 Bo gdano ff, M . N ., 40 3A ber igh

-M ay, 195 Bo gdanowi tch , E ., 200

A bich , H ., 10 3, 60 2 Bonvalo t, G., 330

A bramof, General, 323 Bonyard, E . H . . 490

A bramo f, N ., 495, 496 Bo rsz cz o w , E l, 599-60 1

A bu T aleb Khan, 47 Bo ulger . D. C .. 24 7A bu ] Ghaz i, 34 Brandt, J . F 86A bulfeda, 509 Brauer, 534A damo li , J. , 540 Bretschneider, E . 161-63A la-eddin A taM elik Dju Brodowsky, M . , 20 7veini , 282 Bro o ke, S i r V .


A li Bey, 43 Buchanan, C laudius, 88A lpherak y. s. , 47r Bung e. 93Am i o t, 4 33 Bunnett, F. E . 1 26

A rrowsm ith , I ., 699, 70 0 Burnaby. F., 396Ascelin,

N . , 13 Burnand, F. C . , 399A ssemani , 2 Bu rnes, A . , 299, 30 0 .

A stley, T ., 10 Burslem , R o llo , 514A tk inson, Butak o fi


, A . , 350 , 351 , 675A tk inson, M rs , 44 5

C ahua, L eon, 230Baber , 24 -27 C ampbell, D. , 46

Beer , K . B . , 74-8 1 C ancri n, G . von, 484Baker, V .

, 2 23 C apus, G ., 258 261 , 330 ,Bak onlin, 665 431 , 580 82Balbi , A . 672 C hapman, E . F., 291Basiner , T J. 87 C harr iere, E . , 69Bates, C . E. 40 7 avanne,J. 689Behm , E . , 152 , 159 erkask i . Bek o vi tch ,Bell, E . , 154 C herkassofi


, A . , 497Benjam in. J . B.

, 1 1 7 C larke, F. C . H ., 189,Berez in, P. , 270 , 27 1 404 , 469Berg , E . , 1 15 C lavijo , R Gonz alez , 2 1

Berg ero n, P 13 C ono lly, A . , 345, 346

Bergmann, 437, 438 C ontar ini , Ambro ise, 13Btchurrn, 91 C o rdier, H ., 459, 460

Black ie, G ., 70 2 C o urtei lle, Pavet de,Blaremberg , Gen. von,372 . C oxe, W ., 4 79626, 62 7 Grenloch H . HH .

, 156

Daly, 568Daubrée,



8.Daukes, FDavies, 1 28Davis, S ir F 65Debelak , Julius, 199De Blocquevi lle, H ., 60 4De Bode. 30 3, 591Detremery, 40Degreg ie, J. , 631

De utgne, 43De H ell, xo gfi' 5959 596Delacro ix. Petit, 33. 4 74De Launay, J. B. , 1 2 1

De Mandev ille, J., 13

De Marny, N . P. B., 567De Pigny, Fevry, 69De Pise. R ustician, 19De R ubruquis, G . , 13, 20De T assy, G .

, 308Di lke, A sh ton, 461Dm i tro vsky, N . V.

, 32o rn, B. , 2 72 , 2 73mgendo rf, 583

Dresser, H E . , 566Drygalsk i , A . von. 572lat, M irza H aidar, 6

Duncan, 196

E bu Bek ir M ohammed binDjafarunN arshak h i , 283

Edwards, H . S . 2 74E lwes, H . J., 17 1E phremov, F. S ., 49E rsch o fl


, 534E rsk ine, 25E versman, Edouard, 294E vliya E fl


endi , 30

E r is , 333


Fauntho r

Q.. P. , 687

Fawoett, 235F221, U llah Khan, 7Fedchenk o,A . ,4 16

6w83o 68‘

Fedo ro w , , 487Feisalin, M ustava, 309Ferr ier , J . P. 17Fo rsyth , D. 1

Finn, James, 85Finsch ,Fischer,Fo rgues, E . D. 1 20

Feynes, S ieur, 31

Frii hn, de C . 39, 62Frost, T h omas, 257

Gaubi l, 432

Gavan i . M odesto , 318Gerstfeldt, 1 16

Gloukho vskoy, M ., 320Gobineau, C omte de, 142Go ldsm id, F. J. 180Go lovin, Ivan, 96Go lubef, A . , 520Go uld J


472 .Gowan, W473

Greenh o h , J . B., 694Grodek o N . J.,

Gro ver, 306, 30 7G i inther, A . , 178G i issefeld, F. L . , 671Guyard, M

H agemeister, J. de, 77H alton, 1

H ammer ,Joseph , 2 77, 2 78H auptmann, A ., 370H eeren, A . H . L ., 71l lellwald, F. von, 181-83H elmersen, G. von, 72-74 ,99. 30 1 . 657-660

H enderson, 52H envey, F.

, 4 20

H erder, F 450H io uen T hsan ,

H ochstetter ,H oninsk i

, 667H owo rth , H . H ., 2 24 , 397H umbo ldt.A . , 481-84 , 598H utton, J., 206

Ides, C . Ysbmnd, 476-78I tiefl


, General, 359I insh i , 24 , 26Imbault-H uart, C 256In nafl


, 3136

Ivano v, N . .P , 347Iwanow, D. , 572

erd. v. , 571

Karaz ine, 2 79, 280Katelin. 442 . 594Kazantsefl


, £ 112 , 31Keane. A . H . ,

Ker, D , 385, 386xc. 1 74 77. 534

Khani k ofl; N . , 89, 90 , 1 13,

;g9y “lo t 340 1

Kh o roshk h in, A . P., 573Kie H . 389 574Khmm

Ko enen, A . von, 40 1

Ko lo k o ltz o f, C o l. ,377Koner , W . , 540Kosch ku l, F.

Kostenko , 2 2 2 , 32 1 , 322,

534Kuh lewem , G 354Kuhn, A . von, 42 0

Kuropatk in, A . N .

473. 64 1 . 68:

Laharpe. 506La] , M o han.Landres, Frey de,Lansdell, H . , 50 7, 508Latham , R . G. , 2 36L edebo ur, C . F. , 63, 64L ees, W. N assau, 10 7L ehmann, A . , 93L e ean, G 28 1L e ewe] , Joach im , 92Lentz , P. B. , 251

L erche, P. 18 1 , 365, 366,S42 : S43

L evsh ine, A . JH


ifh tenstein, H

T heam

b tch 2

1mm, W . S . 3.41s 5

L omak in, 623L omonosso f, A ., 424

(L ong . James .) 193

Maas, A . , 670

MacGahaaA ., 387, 388McG illim y, W 48 1

MacLach lan, 534Maiefl


, N . A ., 168 , 2 1 4 ,

339. 54 59Maksheev, 518, 519Maloma, M ., 661

Markham , C .. 2 1

Markono fl'

, C o l, 609Marsden, W . , 16, 55Marshall, L . , 329Mu te“ . 534Martens, M . F., 238, 239Marthe F 137. 4 17. 52 4M

zn im C u 646-653

1 534M e mmed Salih , 338M ehemmed Yum f. 286M einers, C ., 480M ejow , 2 15eyendorfl

jBaron, 29 1-3

M eyer.


C . A . 490 . 49 !

Mi Ch env 160 751 130 1 l 3l o

I 33, 44 6 44 7. $ 30M ichell, R . , 157 ,3 3 3, 333 , 326. 337»351 14 15. 42 2 . 454. 533. $ 38.

592 , 614, 628M 1ddendo rf, A .. 255, 493M ielg unow, 60 5M iles, T he, 66M ilman, H . H ., 51 1M i



A bdoul Kerim'39

M i rAll

M i r q t U llah , 51M ira M ohammedKhan, 8

M i i llendo rfl'

, O . F 462M i i llendo rfl


, P. G 462M 0 00 7. C aptain. 453


t sgfi ’o rgan 4 1 31

M44 0

6464. 610

oner ,

M o rley, N67. [14

40610 7

M osheim , L . 4 5M o tcho ulsk i , V 458M o uchketo fl


. L , 22 7-29M o un vi efl


, M . N . 342M unsh i Sadik Mi na, 285M um yfi . 17.53


A khalOasisand India, 656

A lrmo linslro i oblasti O20 1 , 50 1

Amu-daria, 40 2Amu dariaE xpedi tion,632633


géDaryinsk omO tdielie,

5A ral. S eaof, 355A ralsee, N ivellement, 398A stralrhanaKh iva, 3A z i iatsk o i R ossii678

Balkhash, 456Bouk hane, A fl



Boulrhar ie, C aptivi t

335Bntish S ubject, 135

C aspian Sea. 693C auease, T ravaux publiésau , 634 , 635

C aucasienne,637

C ent

gal A s1a, A rt1cles on,

13C entralasien, N eueWerlte

fiber, 1 72

C entral Asian Question,l 43a l 73

C entral A sia, R ussians in,267

C entral Asian R outes, 106

C h iwa. 353

ug land and R ussia, 24 0

E ng land,”C entral A sian

Question, 2 75


M émo ires,

Geograph ischesausM i ttelas1en, 2 76

Geographische, N o ti z en,98


m. 45!

Kara-Kum, 575Kh ivaen Mars, 371Ko kan, A rticles on, 313Kokan, Jo urney to , 4 1 1

Manuscri ts, 489M ennoni tes, 331M erv £1 Samarcand, 60 3M eteo ro log ische Beo bach

tung en, 40

M ong o lia, ussian E x

plo rations 111 , 198

N aturalistes, Bull. S oc.

des, 266

N o tices géo graph iques sur

Kh o kand, 4 10

O ld Bed o f Oxus, 24 1 , 51 2O renburg nach C h iwa,

Oxus E xpedi tion, 625

Pall Mall Bud

gft, 551

Parliaments epo rts,23Po st Map o f ussia, 6


Po st-road Bo o k , 248

R ecuei l d’

i tinéraires. 233R ussiaand C entral AsianKhanates. 166

R ussiaand Dependencies,1 2 7

R ussia, E thnog raph icalMap o f. 697

R ussia, T eleg raph Map o f,677

R ussian C alendar, 245R ussian slaves, 249R ussi sche Fo rschungen, Wo rld,149


Sm i th -Dd. S37. S38. 673Satanic R eview, 550Semiparatinsk o i , 50 2S em iriechensk o i , 468

S ibi ri Za.

no i 504S redni i 184

Vsepoddanneisk iy o tchet,

E thnog ra 1021Map o f, 698


g en, 455T rans Caspian, Orgamanti on du, 63 640

T ravaux aph iques,147

T urcoman S teppe, 630 , 666

T urcomans Yomo uds, 616

T ureomane, Population,

593. 624T urcomanen, U nter den,66 6. 645


5 13 0 . 557. 584. 539»

Tu rki stan A nnual, Index

to , 553Tnu kes/an Gaz ette, 54 1T urkatan Gaz ette, Index

to . 569T urkestan, Klimavon, 559T urkestan, N ach rich ten6 118. 585

T urk istanT emperatur , 552T urk estanische Industrie

70 1T u rk estanskag o Zapish i ,578

T urk s, H tsto ry o fthe, 42

top related